PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:00
Welcome to against the wind doctors in science under fire. This is a happy New Year episode it's 2022. And we're bringing you Dr. Christian Northrop's interview on edited the full thing. So powerful, so significant to everything that we're going through with regards to COVID. And all about that, right. We need to know what to think about this. And then we finish this out with Bernadette in the news, her segment this time, is how you can get involved in your state's upcoming legislative sessions. It's important that we be involved locally. That's how we make important change. Happy New Year, enjoy the show. Dr. Pol, from the heart and happy new year it is finally 2022. My goodness, this is a time I always love New Year's because for me, it's just a time to reflect on what I want that I want to do in my life. What can I do? What can I bring into my world that will perhaps make a positive difference in my life. And I hope you know that we are looking at our show, we're gonna do everything we can to make this a more important, powerful experience for you. But personally, I wish you freedom for 2022. I mean, this is really what this show is all about. And while we've been fighting now, for almost a year against the wind, doctors in science under fire, it's time to sort of turn it around and we're going to start going with the wind, we're going to embrace freedom, we're gonna lock arms together in every way possible. And let freedom ring. Now part of that is important to understand that we need to be aware of censorship. Censorship is still going on at such a massive level, that I think we respond to that by just refusing to partake of those institutions that are censoring us. So sometimes this may mean turning off certain news channels. This may mean using a different web browser. This may mean all sorts of ways that we engage in social media with those opportunities. And we're going to be sharing those with you right here on this channel for you to have censorship free experiences, and get the information that really is important that you get and you use your own mind and discernment to figure out what you want to do with your life and your future. So welcome to 2022 it's going to be a wonderful year. Well welcome Dr. Christiane Northrup, you have been a hero of mine for such a long time, and it's such a delight to have you on the show. Dr. Christiane Northrup 2:37 Oh, I feel the same about you. It's time that we talked, you know, we both went to Dartmouth Medical School. And so when you were there, was it still the Mary Hitchcock hospital in the middle of Hanover itself? Yeah, Dr. Paul 2:48 sure was. Yeah. And for you to? Yes. Yeah. Dr. Christiane Northrup 2:53 And now I had to go back there and it's unrecognizable and you can't find anything and but we have that in common that incredible golden moment where one could cross country ski in between lectures. Dr. Paul 3:08 Yeah, yeah. It was a beautiful place. If you had to be stuck in five or six months of snow. We were so busy anyway, right? Yeah, yeah. Well for our viewers, Dr. Christiane Northrup, she is a visionary pioneer in women's health. She's board certified and OB GYN has more than 30 years of clinical experience. She is the former assistant professor of OB GYN at the University of Vermont College of Medicine. She's a three time New York site New York Times best selling author, the books, women's bodies, women's wisdom, the wisdom of menopause, and goddesses never age. Love those titles. In 2013, Reader's Digest named you one of the 100 most trusted people in America, and in 2016, named one of Oprah Winfrey's Super Soul 100. My wife has totally followed all the Super Soul stuff, I'm just getting connected myself, a group of leaders who are using their voices and talent to awaken humanity. Thank you for that work, by the way. And then in 2020 2021, you were included in what can spiritual 100 A list of living people that make a unique and spiritual contribution on a global scale? Thank you for all that amazing work. It's it's just such an honor to have you on the show. You're also internationally known for your empowering approach, embracing medicine, but challenging the unity of mind, body emotions, and spirit. You teach women to create health by turning into their inner wisdom. So we're going to touch on some of that in this interview today, folks, after a decade spending of transforming women's understanding of their sacred bodies and processes, you now teach women to thrive at every stage of life. And so our viewers today's show is actually focused on pregnancy and anything you might Need to do preparing to become pregnant while you're pregnant? This, you know, this is probably your probably the best person on the planet to help our viewers understand the things that really matter. Maybe, maybe we just kick that off with Yeah, let's Dr. Christiane Northrup 5:16 do it. You know, I remember a, you remember slides. Okay, so I had a slide that said, the time to start feeding your baby, right? Is, is two years before it's born. Yep. And it was really, really good. And it was all about preconception nutrition. Yeah. And there were actually some programs have been, which I have reported on at where, when they got the zinc levels where they needed to be in vitamin D and you grounded you know, like, you're literally standing on the ground, and you got sunshine and fresh air. People who were unable to conceive, were able to conceive conception is interesting to me, because the other thing that any OB will tell you is, there are these women who never get pregnant, and then they divorce that guy and get the right guy, and they get pregnant right away. And that it's like, you're, well, well, you're not there. So let's just say there are more things. Horatio than that, you know, what do they say in Shakespeare, they're more things in your universe, and you can possibly understand and I also like the quantum physics thing, and I think this was Eddington that reality is stranger than you think it's stranger than we can think. And they're in, I think, lies the whole answer. We need to look at the the wisdom of the egg and the sperm coming together. The Yin and the Yang, the placenta, I mean, you know, how much did we study the placenta? In medical school? Like none? How much did we study vaccines in medical school? None. All you got was the download the brainwashing download, okay, which I saw when I testified. This is when this whole thing. It's like when when God called up and said, You're on. Okay, this is it. You're on. So I went and I testified against the vaccine mandates in our state in March of 2020. And I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It's like, what I am so disappointed. I mean, I get all that you know, the canceled culture. No, we're so disappointed in you, Dr. Northrup followed you for years. But what happened to you? It's like nothing happened to me, okay. happening to you, but you don't know it anyway. But we had three overflow rooms, of parents with vaccine injured children, you couldn't even find a place to park up at the Statehouse. I walked in. And I was like, this was really a turning point, I was suddenly a hero in my, in this area, with all the people at the food co ops, and the homeschoolers and all of that, so I get up there to testify. And my testifying, by the way, my testimony had been completely vetted out by them, the beloved in my life at that time, who since passed, but he worked with the World Health Organization, ran public health program at our university, worked all over the world and went to the Chan School of Public Health. So I would say that my testimony had some major street cred. Yeah, like, in there. I give it. It's as though and you and I both know, as clinicians, one of the things you do is you ask the patient, what's going on in their life? What happened here, you happen to know that the mother, every good pediatrician knows that the mother can tell you more about what's going on than any other person. You listened to her first? Absolutely. Guess what, whose body made those two eyes whose body made the liver and the pancreas whose body made the stomach? I mean, come on people. Okay. And so then the doctors would get up there. They do the programming vaccines are safe and effective. They are the most important public health thing ever done in humanity. They have saved millions of lives. And the Oh, and this is my favorite. And the adverse reaction is less than one in a million. Right? And it's like, then we'd have other people come on the scientists. They'd give all the science. And then we'd have like, you know, our friend, Lawrence Polewski. Pediatrician, he talked about the nanoparticles of aluminum and what they do and with a, you know, wonderful area dite approach. That was so sane, nobody could refute it. And then the mandates would pass anyway. Dr. Paul 9:57 Yep, they'd already decided behind closed doors. Yep. already decided Dr. Christiane Northrup 10:00 and that's the I was in that, that wonderful space in 2019, where I heard that Maine was thinking to do in this right. And I was I couldn't, I couldn't believe it. I should have known when we started with the measles cases in, you know, out in LA and Disney World. So what do I do? Oh, I see in the paper, this is going to be sponsored by Ralph Tucker of Brunswick. Okay, Ralph, will you come into my office? Please? Yes. So I gave him Tom Collins book. And I gave him you know, all of the stuff and JP Handley, and years, and all of that thinking like we do, oh, if they're just educated, then they'll they'll get it, he'll see that this is so reasonable. I have all the science, then you find out wrong. This has nothing to do with the science and then you at that time, I think we're very embattled out because all of us, right, all of us in the informed consent space, right? By the way, you want to go vaccinate your kid go for it. I don't absolutely. I just don't want you to force me and you know, and it needs to be individualized and all of that stuff. The the hatred that came toward me after that, I mean, the Facebook bashing this. This is like a giant, evil, dark force. Suddenly, after a 35 year career, you know, you gave my credentials, New York, Dr. Paul 11:34 I mean, you're decorated you you are about the the best example of a person doing everything for humanity. But you dare to touch on that sacred topic, didn't you? Dr. Christiane Northrup 11:45 Yeah. And then And then someone said to me, you know, there's, there's a woman who's got this big business in Portland, Maine. She suddenly the stuff that they're putting out there on Facebook of how horrible I was. Someone says, Well, that's canceled culture. And I'm thinking, what's canceled culture? Well, I did not know that I was having my baptism by fire culture. One of my favorites, though, I have to tell you is it was a graph of someone literally made this graph it was called conspiracy Galletti on the queue slope. And I thought, well, what is that? I don't know what that is. And it had an x axis and a Y axis. And I'm way up at the top, I beat out my friend Kelly Brogan, oh, my, and I was questioning the germ theory. But I was I don't know what my sin was. Then I found out there's a podcast by two yoga teachers, where they just take on people like me and KellyAnne and I'm thinking you clearly don't have enough going on in your life. That right now, the New York Times wants to do this feature on you know, and I'm like, No, I know what that is. That's called a teen. I don't need to. So think about this. Paul, how it's changed. There was a time when you really want it to be mentioned in the New York Times. No, I don't want to answer the Dr. Paul 13:13 I've had to insist on only live interviews, because if you give them yeah, if you give somebody editorial license, oh, they've butchered some of my stuff like incredibly. Dr. Christiane Northrup 13:25 Yeah, well, you know, after then we had the flu vaccine mandates in Maine, where they they under cover of darkness, the main CDC was going to do this. And then our our group of, you know, 100,000 people that got organized to continue with informed consent, and medical freedom, that group of 100,000 plus of us got wind of it. So they forced them to have a public hearing on Zoom, of course, and so we got 40 people to testify, only three were for it. And I had four doctors, and we were all against it. We found out it was illegal, what they were doing. But here's the point. We all testify, it's a Monday morning, Monday afternoon, it comes out on the NBC affiliate that and on their Facebook page that I testified that I was a big fan of vaccinations. And I thought this was a good one we just had about this. Dr. Paul 14:27 Flip the story. It just Dr. Christiane Northrup 14:29 flipped this. And so, you know, I had a couple of journalist friends say, you know, at the very least you must issue a retraction. I mean, do you have any journalistic standards left? And the answer to that is absolutely not. But you've been caught. So so here we are, and what I'd like to get across and hopefully, this will land on fertile soil. I don't know. Something happened in I'd say the early 2000s late 1990s where they began to inject pregnant women with flu shots and DPT. Mm hmm. And I heard about this and I said, this is insane. This young woman said, Well, you know, I'm going in for my routine. vaccinations. You're afraid tragic? Dr. Paul 15:18 Well, I had when I first learned of the DPT for pregnancy with all the aluminum that's in that vaccine and knowing what that does to immune activation and direct toxicity, I had a night where I couldn't sleep. I was so horrified. I mean, as an OBGYN, so thank you for bringing that up, because I was hoping you would touch on it. Prior to that, those years, we wouldn't have dreamed of injecting anything like that right? Women, Dr. Christiane Northrup 15:46 okay. Think about it, Paul. They are afraid to eat fish. They're afraid to eat fish. I've seen these people in their yoga pants, and they're so woke. And you know, and then it got the number of mercury in Canada tuna, but they're going in for the DPT and the flu shot because this is this is what we do. Dr. Paul 16:05 Yeah. It's Dr. Christiane Northrup 16:08 and then sad. Then there's the hep B shot for all the newborns with oh my gosh, dreams. And I'm saying to myself, and then, you know, don't get me started on Gardasil. I came out on the Oprah show in 2006. Sometimes God gives me the microphone, you know, with a big audience. Not so much these days, but well back then. And, you know, someone said, so what do you think about this HPV vaccine? I said, it's a big mistake. In my own profession. You remember when there was actually scientific debate? And so we had all of these all of these OBGYN saying, wait a minute, with the Pap smear. Nobody's dying of cervical cancer. I mean, we don't need this. And now this is funny. Because at the time, I was, I wrote a rebuttal in Pilates Style magazine, Pilates style technical journal, you know that I was against it. Well, wouldn't you know that one of the head researchers up at Dartmouth, also got Pilates style. So she, you know, she does the the rebuttal of what I'm saying years later, she comes out and says, that wasn't such a good idea. I mean, I had a quote of hers, that you better still get pap smears and I'm not sure about this. And you know, she was silenced. And she's probably still alive on like, Nick Gonzales and you know, a few of our other buddies, right. But I had at the Hartford Connecticut rally for vaccine choice. While Larry's in there testifying, I'm out, you know, with the microphone with the crowd. And beautiful 18 year old woman comes up to me and she said, I'm menopausal as a result of Gardasil, I'm sterile. Can you help me? And it's just like, Oh, God, I mean, ah, I mean, those of us who go into medicine, generally speaking, at least in the old days, when because we thought it was a good way to help people. Yeah. Now it's a good way to check off a box on an iPad and not make eye contact with anybody. Yeah, it's but anyway, sad to have this young woman, this beautiful young woman realize that she'd been duped into a Gardasil shot that now made her sterile, not to mention the deaths and the disabilities. I mean, didn't you talk about somebody in your practice? Her mother didn't know that she'd had the Gardasil shot? Yeah. Talk about that for a minute. Yeah, Dr. Paul 18:50 twice, two teenagers 15 or 16 years of age, came in, in the same years, a few years back with difficulty walking. I mean, these were former athletes, top students, and they were having clear neurological issues with gait and loss of control of, you know, muscle function. And I mean, we did the full workup, including, you know, Lyme disease, you name it, every specialist. Nobody could figure it out. It was a couple, two, three months into the first time I saw this, I thought to myself, hmm, so mom sitting there, this young lady is up on the exam table. I said, you didn't get any vaccines in the past year. Have you? The Mamma Mia says, oh, no, she hasn't gotten any vaccines and the girl goes, well, no, Mom, I got that one at school. The mom looks they're like What are you talking about? She had gotten the Gardasil at school in Oregon at age 15. You don't have to have any parental consent. You don't have to notify the parents. This is happening all over the country. I had a second case just like that. We've had, you know, cases of Gardasil, damage in Oregon, all over the place. It's it's one of my least favorite vaccines. until perhaps we need to talk about the COVID vaccine. Now, Dr. Christiane Northrup 20:03 although this is not a vaccine, we can talk about this. My friend Kevin Jenkins of the urban Global Health Alliance, pretty much calls it a murder weapon. Larry Polewski does the same. We had some interesting Intel, you know, and I can't confirm this, except I'm sure that it's true. My gut tells me we had a brain trust with Tom Cowen and Andy Kaufman. And these are two guys who have really done a deep dive on the germ theory of disease and all the rest of it. And somebody in an emergency room who works in an emergency room told one of them that they were told in the emergency room, do not, do not report any injuries you see from this thing to the ver system, the vaccine adverse events, reporting system, don't do it. They were also told that about a third of the shots are saline. And so we were going to have to investigate that. So that would mean I think about that as a psyop. Right? Well, nothing happened to me, I'm fine. You get a sore arm. Meanwhile, the 39 year old mother from Utah, goes into total organ failure and dies four days later. But you and I both know, because we're trained medical professionals. Those are all coincidences. Like your baby dying of SIDS the day after they got six shots, right? That's a coincidence. Yeah, the one in 32 cases of autism now total coincidence, all coincidences? It's all coincidence. So here's the thing. I have a good friend who's very grounded guy. And he's, and I'm, you know, I'm like, people aren't, you know, they're gonna, what do I do? And he goes, Listen, don't let yourself get trampled by the lemmings heading for the cliff. Yeah, Danny said, this is going to be like thalidomide. We need a bunch more babies born with no arms before people wake up. Yeah, as a women's health doctor. That's a very hard pill for me to swallow, however, so think about what's happened to both of us, right? Our credibility, no matter how decorated you were, we're like Linus Pauling. He wins Nobel Prizes, but then he gets into vitamin C, and he's a demented old man. Okay, go to my Wikipedia profile. All of our profiles were changed. The week of February 14. I'm now a woke gynecologist with strange ideas about the vagina. Q anon conspirator. What else? You know, it's like, okay, so she was okay. But now she's gone around the bend. The same thing happened with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Sherry Tenpenny. Everybody in this space. So what happens is, you come out and you say this thing. People actually believe that Wikipedia is accurate. It's not someone told me it's controlled by the CIA. What do I know? Snopes is the same. It's just completely garbage. So they go to the trusted sources that they have been brainwashed into thinking are the trusted sources like the spread and CDC and the FDA. Yeah. And news. Oh, well, that, you know, she's she's a nutbag. Yeah. I mean, how clever. Yeah, incredibly clever of them. Dr. Paul 23:36 Right. I was at I was asking a wise professor at Duke University. We were working on a project together, and I was frustrated. This was a few years ago. Why can't I get people to listen? And I mean, the science is so sound, the vaccine injury science, that it's real, right? Yeah. And he got in, he goes, Paul, you're you're only going to be able to help those who are willing to listen. And the rest of them are going to have to suffer the consequences of their ignorance and their inability or unwillingness to listen. So I'd like to ask you to tell these moms who are about to have a baby or who are pregnant, what should they do about vaccines since we were kind of whirling around that vaccine topic as a as a very informed and wise OBGYN with a wealth of experience and knowledge? What would you do if you your child or your grandchild was pregnant? What would you tell them to do? Dr. Christiane Northrup 24:32 So I'll tell you what I did. Now, I know I'm not supposed to tell people what I did, except that I will tell you what I did. Dr. Paul 24:38 Well, this isn't medical advice, folks. That's no just share. We're just sharing information. Dr. Christiane Northrup 24:43 Yeah. And we are two unlicensed physicians here who have a huge amount of clinical experience in the real world. And then we woke up to what was going on. Okay, way back way, way back. It's a matter of fact, hang on a minute. I want to get the thing just okay. All right okay, so I happen to have from the Randolph society, the dangers of immunizations. I have not read that one. What I haven't read that one. Well see, this is old stuff like this is this is the stuff this is 1985, the Randolph society, Quakertown, PA, vaccinations and immune malfunction. Then we've got how to legally avoid vaccinations of all all kinds. Which you can't do any more. Know, you're onto it. So anyway, I had I had all this stuff. And I had listened to a doctor named Keith block. Who was in the macrobiotic community. Yeah, he's showed all the graphs. The graphs are interesting, the epidemiology, where you see that Measles is up here, and polio is up here. And then it's almost gone. And then bam, they put in the vaccine here. Yeah, and everyone thinks that it was the vaccine that wiped out measles and mumps and polio and all the rest of it, when in fact, it's something else and we all need to talk about the something else. Why are we getting poisoned? You know, by the air the food the water as Zack Bush said, Wuhan is the most polluted place on planet Earth, and polluted air, polluted water, polluted air, you know, all of that. Gleicher is fake life assayed and the GMO crops and the chem trails and the fluoride in the water to calcify your pine needles, you know, but everyone believes 5g and 5g. Yeah, this is funny, I was just on a on a zoom with a group from the UN and I was told you are not allowed to mention 5g here. I'm thinking okay, that tells that tells me something anyway. So I knew already. When I had my children, okay, I did one DPT in my firstborn, and she was little. And when she was born, she was full term, 38.5 weeks, but five and a half pounds, took her in for a DPT. Whoa, she still has a chunk missing in the glute muscle. And she screamed for two days. And I said, Okay, that's it. We're not doing this. Dr. Paul 27:49 We're not doing that. Thank goodness, you were smart enough and wise enough to put make the connection? Because what I yeah, what I see in my practice still today? Well, I'm not practicing for the last few months. But you know, I still have a big practice. His kids are coming from other practices with, you know, severely damaged kids, chronic neurodevelopmental issues, for example, lots of allergies and autoimmunity. And you could see the progression. I mean, they started to have reactions, just like what you described. Yeah. But the pediatricians would say, oh, it's vaccines have been proven safe and effective. Yep, that's a coincidence. So they just keep on hammering that poor body until they're gone. I know then, and then the parents wake up and they bring the kids to our practice, because now they have another baby. And they're not willing to make that same mistake. Again. It goes back to your your, you know, sort of trust your maternal intuition. So So you know, taking that back to what to do if you're pregnant, would you do a flu shot? Would you do a DPT they're now recommending, I mean, not recommended COVID Dr. Christiane Northrup 28:53 It is the dumbest thing. Oh, there they are actually giving the Johnson and Johnson by the way, Johnson and Johnson is a serial felon, everyone needs to know that these companies are serial felons. Alright, they are doing a clinical trial on newborns. I read that I you know, I just I don't know what to say. I do think you know, oh, there was an interesting article, Paul was hilarious. Okay, do anti vaxxers Think differently, and it's one psychology journal. No, we're gonna we're gonna try to figure out how brain damaged you are that you have vaccine hesitancy What's wrong with you? Right. And so, Richard Moskowitz just puts in our in our little group, he goes, Okay, the vaccines injured their children. Now they don't you know, now they're there. They're not so sure. That's all that happened. Yeah, they think differently. I mean, because they have a kid who got injured. At this point. I don't think you and I could ever have imagined that we would get to 69 to 72 mandated Vaccines by the age of 18. Now, that's just the standard ones. This new thing is not a vaccine. It does not decrease transmission. It does not decrease hospitalization. It doesn't. You still have to wear a mask. All it does is make people think that they're going to be safe. And as our good friend Larry Zalewski says, we are worshipping false idols, the vaccine means you will be safe, you don't need to worry, you can go back to work, you can fly, you can go to concerts. If you're dead, that's a lot of concerts to miss. Yeah, that's like, you know, so this thing, and then Sherry Tenpenny. Within a wonderful podcast that everyone should listen to when it's on bitchute, because obviously, it gets taken off of YouTube right away. By the way, everybody, if you want to know where the truth is, it's the stuff you can't even post on on social media. That's all Dr. Joe Mercola stuff. His it's so well vetted out scientifically, you can't even put it on Twitter. Okay, now, so just know about that. But what what Sherry points out is this thing has a, it has a Trojan horse aspect to it, where on the first round, you might be okay. And then your body's pumping out the antibody to the spike protein, right? Which cross reacts with 22 different human tissues. So your body's pumping this out. So you get all this cross reaction. So she said then the next time you see a Coronavirus, and they're all over. There's hundreds of them. It's it's kind of like the human papilloma virus, right. Yeah, I mean, we got 100 of those, they're just trying to, you know, give you the shot to whatever. And so then the next time you see it, the first type of macrophage, macrophage, a we'll call it comes in creates cytokines and inflammation and all of that, and then the second tier, the macrophages supposed to come in and clean it up. So you know, we have the right we're gonna burn the house down, but then we're going to call, you know, whoever it is, and they're going to come in and clean it up. Well, this particular shot disables the second kind of macrophage, so they will not come in and in the ferret experiments, yep, the ferrets got a good antibody response. And then next time, they saw the corona, whatever it was, they all got this cytokine storms called pathogenic priming, or antibody dependent inflammation. And that's what and that, you know, Vernon Johnson, the MD from, from England, you know, he calls himself the old man in the chair, you talks about what we're creating here is the situation where not right now, but later, you're going to see a lot of people getting into a total body inflammation. And here's the thing, here's what they're gonna say at that time. I hope that virus, they're gonna say it's a new Virus. Virus Aryan. Yeah. And, you know, I was listening to Richard Fleming talking about this sign up. Of, it's this, it's this the same people who brought you Ebola, Zika, AIDS, same people, they're doing it again, and again, and again. But I believe, I absolutely know, this is when humanity wakes up and says, yeah, Dr. Paul 33:34 oh, so that's where I wanted you to go. Anyway. How is it that humanity's gonna wake up? Because I feel the same thing. There's something big going on here. Yeah, I felt it. I'm waking up myself in a way I'd never understood before. Yeah, talk a little more to that. Dr. Christiane Northrup 33:53 Well, you know, when this whole thing started, I knew that there was a big Pluto transit astrologically coming up. And we are affected by the planets. I mean, they the entire menstrual cycle is connected to the moon and the cycles of creativity are connected to the moon and the moon is connected to the tides and that's, you know, my whole work, women's bodies, women's wisdom were aligned with the planet. Well, it's not just the moon. It's all of the other things. So the Pluto transit is hasn't come around since the United States was born. So we're in that like the 200 year. Dig it up, clean it up, transform it, Pluto, ice takes it down to the studs. So now we're dealing with all this stuff that we missed the first time around with the Bill of Rights. And the Constitution, or the Constitution is a divinely orchestrated document. It truly is. Yeah, incredible. Yeah, but we missed the racial equality. We've missed women. And so we just have to end with Miss Native Americans. So that's being upgraded. And also, if you listen to some of the guys who know astronomy, the earth is moving into a Photon belt. Now it's moving into a place that it hasn't been in the galaxy of Heaven six. We don't know anything. I don't know anything about that. I don't follow that. But I do follow. Like the sidereal astrology Joni Patry is really good everyone Vedic Astrology. She's got a YouTube channel. And when she gives you the transits of this month, March, she said there's going to be all kinds of things revealed. You're going to you know, secrets long hidden. So you and I, we've heard about the, you know, the child sex trafficking to 2 million people. Kids go missing every year. And Tim Ballard, of course, with his operation underground railroad has been doing this rescue for years and Jim Covey's Oh, who played Jesus, in Mel Gibson's book is as playing Tim Ballard, in a movie called The sound of freedom. And I can't wait for that to come out literally about Tim Ballard's work, think I Dr. Paul 36:16 get chills thinking of freedom, medical freedom, where we're headed. I mean, I've just just covered up with goosebumps when you told me about that. It's Yes, it's there's his power. Dr. Christiane Northrup 36:27 We're going, yes. Here's what people don't realize. I remember this way back, there was a publication called the sun. I don't know if you remember it, but it would have poetry and it was kind of wonderful, you know, one of those 70s Publications 80s. And someone wrote a letter to the editor, about her ritual, satanic abuse. And I remember reading it, thinking, Okay, I hope that's wrong. I can't even look at that. Yeah. But I believe that that's been going on on the planet, for centuries. And that's all now coming up. I'm also a big fan of Barbara Marciniak, who rode Bringers of the dawn. And that's, you know, all the people like you and me who came down as starseeds. And said, Alright, we're going to be here at the time of the birth of a new earth, the birth of a new earth. And it's kind of a great awakening situation. So I've always talked about the Great Awakening, as a great awakening of humanity, and an astrological thing that was sort of the Age of Enlightenment. I follow leet Carroll, who channels Kryon. And he said, if we didn't wipe ourselves out in 2012, remember, December 21 2012, that was, you know, the end of the Mayan calendar. And Gregg Braden would talk about all those cycles. But if we didn't have the fifth grade extinction, then we would, in fact, move into this ascension cycle. But what it's doing is it's bringing up everybody's darkness. So people are, you know, weeping, and relationships are being torn apart, you kind of know who your real friends are. And who were just the hangers on. I mean, it's like separating the wheat from the chaff in a huge way. And I had no idea that it would be like this, but I remember hearing this being predicted now on the ground, you know, so we, we have, you know, the right wing versus left wing, and we got Trump versus Biden, and, but it's so much, it's so much bigger than that. I don't get caught up in that at all. To me, it's about truly understanding that your health is a birthright that comes from your connection with the earth herself. If we don't buy health in a needle, and as Sherry Tenpenny said, it's taken her 20 years to move the gauge from here to here. So people look at what's in a vaccine, this COVID thing is not a vaccine. It's gene manipulation. Now, I can't Okay, this is funny. So I listened to Sherry talk about what what the actual sciences with the ribosomes and the mRNA and how does it get back into the DNA? And last night, I went out to dinner with a friend who's a pediatric cardiologist and he says, No, Sherry's got that wrong. This is how it translates I got a friend Fred, who works in the Nano techniques like, I can't, I can't keep it straight. Here's what I know. I know that I saw the patent for Lucifer race 060606 that can Next human biometric data, when you're having sex, what you're eating what you're drinking what you're thinking because of the stress hormones, and connects your biometric data to cryptocurrency. I also watched once again, the movie The Matrix, which to be is a documentary. And so you know, I and I listen to Carrie midday, you know, where she worked with all these guys like, you know the singularity right Kurt swelled and all of that, I believe and I also follow Oracle girl, you can see that I have a very esoteric approach. And she says these negative high frequency beings are dying off and they're trying to stay alive through connecting humans and our our wonderful humanity made in the image of God to artificial life forms, cyborgs as in work. And this has been going on for centuries. And so this, this COVID shot is to me part of the plan. And then of course, there's agenda 21 and agenda 2030. And then there's the Georgia Guidestones, that show you how many people they would like left on Earth, they'll get all the farmland, they'll get all the resorts in Hawaii, they'll get all of that, and the rest of us will be stacked in track and trace cities to be slaves, okay, because these life forms live on what's called loose human anger, human fear, human emotion. So we think about Adrenochrome by the way, the Chrome browser comes from Adrena Chrome. So I don't use a Chrome browser. I use DuckDuckGo or brave. We all should. You'll see, by the way, if you use Google as a search engine, and then lock it, they're completely different. They're completely different. You will never get the truth. The truth is getting wiped out. We're in a networking area. Yeah, absolutely. Anyway, we know that when you when you torture a child, and again, I saw the this was somewhere a woman who was reporting on it underneath Trump Tower. They literally had the the name of the child, the quality of the Adrenochrome from the child and then the extinction date of that child. And it was it was, you know, it's the kind of thing that you wish you had never seen. Yeah. I believe that there's a lot of darkness that's coming up and how I explained it is this. You're a surgeon, you see that that? You know, it looks like an abscess has come to a head right? So you and size it. And then you put your fingers in there to break up the lock elations and before you know it, you're up to your elbow. That's how deep this is. Deep. And so I think what we're doing we it has to come up, you know, how healing by secondary intention, absolutely for wounds, and it has to come up from the inside. So I think that what we're seeing now is horrifying. It will be when this starts to come out. I mean, I I follow some sources that that tell you, you know, all the helicopters going over all the planes, all the you know, the warships, all of that. A lot of that is rescuing women and children. Again, I don't know, I don't know that for sure. But I know that Tim Ballard has been doing this work for a long time. And I'm hoping that this full length feature film, The Sound of freedom is going to wake people up. But right now, what I would say about this COVID shot is to me, it's terrifying. It's terrifying, and what they're doing, as you know, in an even Maderna on their website, so this is a platform, it's a genetic platform. So we give you the thing. So now you've got the mRNA and what it does, and it's artificial, by the way, it's artificial mRNA. Now, that way they can patent it. You got it. So we're now GMO crops. Yep. Like you can sue the organic farmer if you find that your GMO corn got in his or her field. So what are we know you can be patented? And airy midday talked about that she was at a meeting where they actually talked about patenting human beings, then this is why for you and I in our medical profession, anything you couldn't patent is as Linus Pauling says what we're not up on we tend to be down on and so you know, vitamin C, folic acid for pregnant women, vitamin D, you know ivermectin hydroxychloroquine that's only been used for 60 years. I just had a friend go into the house. fiddle for a little a fib. So he had to be cardio verted they took his hydroxychloroquine that he was just taking, you know, once a week as prevention, and they wouldn't give it back to him and he put it in the pharmacy. These things are crazy. They're crazy. Dr. Paul 45:16 So I've got a question for you. Yeah. Um, if I was listening, I was listening to all of this, I might be thinking, We're doomed. And yet on the other hand, you and I have a sense of real peace and calm in the midst of this storm. Yes, but But how can we help the viewers, I imagine there's going to be hundreds of 1000s of viewers, hopefully, millions eventually, who are in fear, because they're, they're getting all their information from the news and their friends who are getting all their information from the news. So when you live in fear, and what's being called sciences, basically pseudo junk science. How can Why would you tell these folks, how can we give them some hope? Dr. Christiane Northrup 46:01 Okay. So here's the thing, there's going to be, if we look at, you know, a normal curve of mean curve, there's going to be two standard deviations over here, no matter what you tell them, they are frozen in fear, I call those that's going to be the mummified bodies in the closet in New York City, who never came out. They were so afraid of dying, that they stopped living. So that's one group, we won't be able to reach them. And you can and you can feel it. And I'll bet you you know who that is. Because, as a physician, you had to meet all kinds of people and you would know, the people who were not even going to have the vaccine discussion. They weren't going to have it. Okay, good. Okay. Just give it a shot. Whatever. In my practice, it was okay. So you just, you know, you want a hysterectomy, we'll schedule it. I can do that. Alright, then. You've got the movable middle. That's the group we work with in millions against medical mandates. That's my group. Ma'am. dot org. Yep. Yep. And yep, yep. So you got the group, that group. So that group if they're not in total fight or flight, so think about it if they are in total fighter flight, which, by the way is addictive. So when you're in fight or flight, you keep tuning into the news, to find out, is it safe to come out? Is it safe to come out and the news is intent on keeping you in fear? Because then you'll buy whatever they're selling? Yep. Okay. So first thing I would say to people is just you know, and I've been saying this for years, because I've been on all those new shows, NBC, Oprah, CBS, I've been all over their PBS all of it. Yep. I know how they operate. So I've said to people for years, turn off the mainstream media. Yep. Folks. You can also, by the way, turn off if you're a doctor Medscape and all the rest of it. Can you believe what's happened to our literature? It's Dr. Paul 48:10 just, it's just junk. Yeah, Dr. Christiane Northrup 48:13 I think I was even mentioned on Medscape. You know, I think it was that some kind of SLAM job. I hope so. I mean, at this point, you know, keep them away. So you got to turn off the news. I remember a meme at the very beginning of last year. They said the cure for Coronavirus, and they showed someone throwing the TV out the window. Perfect. So so that's what that's the first thing. The second thing is you must be around people like us. And what what have they done? Solitary confinement? That's what you do to prisoners. There. I was just listening. Tucker Carlson talked about an experiment where prisoners would rather have the death penalty than solitary confinement. We humans need each other. So we need contact. Yeah, they made it so that we six foot distance. There's no science for that whatsoever. Dr. Paul 49:12 Oh, I couldn't hug my mom for a year. Where she was she was too afraid. I had to wear a mask and stay six feet apart. Dr. Christiane Northrup 49:20 That's what I'm like. What? Yeah, right. So so what is the most radical thing you can do? Get together with friends in person? Yeah, so I made sure that I did that all last year, I had the biggest Thanksgiving of you know, we just called it a super spreader event. I think I had 16 People here. And then I had a solstice circle. You know, the winter solstice. We had 33 people here. I was a little worried about the neighbors, you know, but no one said anything Dr. Paul 49:52 off you call it a protest. It was back then it was okay. Well, that's Dr. Christiane Northrup 49:55 what I do now. Every time I have anyone over we just say peaceful protest. You know is going on right now in session peaceful protest, which is actually true. So and what that does our sense of safety and security and therefore our immunity in wired in by being around other people and knowing it's going to be okay. Not being in fear with other people instantly, you have an immunity booster. Remember those studies they did at University of Pittsburgh on cold viruses, so they'd spray cold viruses into everybody's nose and throat, and then they would follow them, according to how many different social interactions they had. And the people with the most social interactions, like a tango group, a church group, the family group, had the least were the least likely to actually catch called, even though everyone had been universally exposed. They spray stuff in everybody's nose. And they weren't wearing masks either. And they weren't wearing masks. And by the way, I've always said, if this thing is that contagious, no one needs to stick a swab up to the cribriform plate, right? I mean, and then, you know, you find out what's in the frickin swabs. Like, no, I'm not doing that. All right. I heard though there's this spit test you can order if you really need think about it, an entire industry has grown up around a test that carry melons who invented it was never meant to do anything but magnify some dead nucleotides. Hello. Dr. Paul 51:35 Yep. Okay. So you're talking about the PCR test? For those that are in the audience. were wondering what we're talking about. Yeah, they do so many amplifications that you can't grow a virus in 97% of those positives. Dr. Christiane Northrup 51:47 That is exactly right. Exactly. Right. And the cycle threshold here in my state was 45. Dr. Paul 51:54 Oh, goodness. 45. Yeah, nice point. Dr. Christiane Northrup 51:58 There is no point, which actually, there's been no point to any of this, except that humanity is. We're an interesting species. Sometimes we need to be put under heat and pressure to turn carbon into a diamond. And that's what's happening. I've finally met you, I've wanted to meet you forever. Oh, that's so sweet of you. But it's true. Because there were, there have been very few of us willing to step out and risk our careers and our reputation. And so we have been in the crucible for decades, decades. And now is our time because at this point, I don't want to be part of, you know, the American College of OB GYN. I mean, did you see what the American Academy of Pediatrics just came out with? They rewrote the Bill of Rights. If you're vaccinated, you can go to school, if you're vaccinated, you can get together with mom. And then it's like, you guys have rewritten the Bill of Rights. Dr. Paul 53:03 Sure. And ethically, it's fine to discharge patients who won't do all the vaccines. Yeah, they've published that statement. So they've endorsed kick people out. This is paternalism at its worst, we were going to Dartmouth, that that is the worst kind of medicine. Dr. Christiane Northrup 53:18 Yeah. And that's what's now standard standard. So what you want to do, at first, you're going to, if you're the only one and many of the people listening are going to be the only one in their families who feel this way. You know, so what you hear instead is, you know, have you had your vaccine? I mean, you know, I my brother is he is like Jimmy Stewart, and it's a wonderful life. So he said, people are scared. So they say, have you had your vaccine, he smiles and he goes, I'm all set. Great answer. Dr. Paul 53:54 I've had all the vaccines I need. Dr. Christiane Northrup 53:57 I'm all set. I'm all set. And you know, because he said, I'm a bystander in this. You know, he has a construction company. This is not his battle. Right? It is mine. It is yours. Yeah. And so, you know, the other thing that you can do when someone asks you that, turn it around, because you have more power if you're the one asking questions. Okay. Have you had your vaccine? Why would you ask? That's personal medical information? Uh huh. You wouldn't I wouldn't ask you if you had your colonoscopy would I? Or what your what was the result of your last pap smear? Or have you been tested for sexually transmitted diseases? Or what are your parents look like naked? Or what's your favorite sexual position? I mean, turn it around and get the power back because what our profession has done to us, I mean, what kind of a type of tightrope have you and I've been walking on for 30 years? Right. You know, I always wanted to sort of okay, I want to keep my licensed, but I know that this is wrong what we're doing here, but this is good. I mean, I love our profession. I love the things we can do when someone's really hurt or really sick. I love it. But right now, what it's come down to, frankly, I think the whole profession needs to just fall apart. It's all bought Dr. Paul 55:20 in. It's a it's a broken system. It's Dr. Christiane Northrup 55:23 a broken system, and it's bought and sold to Big Pharma. And, you know, the Flexner Report, John D. Rockefeller in 1920s. Hired a whole bunch of people to go around and discredit all of the homeopathic medicine was the naturopathic medicals. Well, they're the same people running it. Yeah, Dr. Paul 55:41 today. Yeah. So for that, maybe as we started wrapping up here for that big movable middle, the folks who, maybe they don't totally get it, but they're, you know, they're starting to wonder if things don't feel right, something's wrong here. What would be your best advice for that large group of our population? Dr. Christiane Northrup 56:03 What I want you to do is get educated, that's the first thing, get some information, go to mam.org. Look at some of the things that we've all created a whole bunch of us volunteers on the PCR test. On the on the COVID thing, we have a beautiful panel COVID vaccine, if you only knew, and we have me and Larry Poleski and Sherry Tenpenny. And we've got Tom Cowan. So just listen to it, just listen to it, so that you're fully informed. And then if you decide to go ahead, that's fine. But don't do it. Just because you're afraid. Or you can do what my friend Kevin Jenkins does with the black community. He says, Oh, we remember Tuskegee and all of the rest of it. So I'll tell you what, here's what they say to the public health officials. You you get it first and we'll we'll follow you for about a year and we'll just we'll just see what happens when you go first. The other thing I would say to people is, please understand there's nothing to be afraid of. There never was no one needed to die from this. So please look up the protocol of the frontline doctors Simone gold, they have a telemedicine situation you can call they will send hydroxychloroquine to you if you want to take it as a preventive. But you don't really need that. Quercetin is a zinc ion and for 200 to 500 milligrams a day vitamin D. Everybody needs to be having a vitamin D that's optimal. You're out there in Portland, Oregon, you don't have much sun in Maine don't have much sun. So get your Vitamin D and you can get it checked. By the way you can do all this just from the comfort of your own home, grassroots health.net. And this is a group of people who long ago said we don't want to wait the 17 years it takes for something good to get into the medical literature. Let's do it. So grassroots health dotnet vitamin C. Andrew Saul's work is amazing. I once watched him in an interview and they said if vitamin C works so well, and it clearly does. Why isn't it like standard? He looks at the camera and he goes, Satan couldn't believe it was like okay, Andrew. Yeah, probably true. But who knows? Anyway, all these things. There's this Alenko protocol. No one needed to die. Yep. Absolutely. Yeah, no one needed to die. And more than that, they trumped up all the death rates. You know, Scott Jenson out there, doctor of the year in Minneapolis says, You've been played, you've been played. And not that many people have died to this folks. Not that many. Dr. Paul 58:47 I mean, we know the disease is real. And if you've suffered a real loss, whether it was actual COVID, or with COVID, our hearts go out to you. You know it pain, pain and loss is real. But thank you for what you just shared because it is for the most part completely unnecessary. I have a practice of over 10,000 Kids, we've had four kids in the entire year get mild, COVID illness that was COVID positive, meaning maybe one of those four was actually COVID. Who knows. But nobody ended up in the ER, nobody ended up in the hospital. So the only thing that I'm really, really good at is making sure my patients get enough vitamin D. And maybe just that is highly superior to any vaccine that they're going to come out with because I mean, look at the results. Dr. Christiane Northrup 59:34 Exactly. And then also everybody look at the data. They have good data on our F Kennedy Jr. Children's Health defense go to that website. They will give you the data on the number of people who've been injured, the number of people who have died, as Sherry Tenpenny says, what industry do you know of where you can get 500 deaths and 10,000 adverse reactions in the first month that the thing is out there but Let's continue. Right? You were a car seat manufacturer Come on. Dr. Paul 1:00:05 Yeah, it is absolute insanity. We already know this vaccine is so dangerous, more dangerous than almost anything we've ever done. HPV gives it a bit of a competition, I would agree. Dr. Christiane Northrup 1:00:16 Yeah, but this will be reversed. That's the thing. You know, you can do key elation and all that for the heavy metals. This is different once it's in, it's in every cell of your body. You can't you can't Dr. Paul 1:00:28 take it out. Yeah, next show, folks. I've got an interview with a immunologist, MD highly qualified, who's going to talk to you about this issue of if you've already had COVID disease, and then get the vaccine, you can have this very thing, that immune activation issue that you were talking about. Christianne. So you should not get this vaccine if you've had COVID. At least get yourself tested. And if you're COVID, positive, don't get this vaccine. Yeah, right. I think a lot of the tragic deaths are that situation. And so for a lot of people will be that second shot, that creates almost the same thing. You know, that do they do okay with the first one, but the second one can be tragic. That's right. Yeah. So I'm on the spiritual side of things. How maybe some parting words to give someone who's watching this a little bit of peace? Dr. Christiane Northrup 1:01:18 Yes. Okay. Well, here's the thing. By about July, we're going to have a lot of stuff that's going to come out a lot of stuff that's been hidden, you and I know that there have been cures and treatments and all kinds of wonderful things that have been hidden from us, those are going to start coming out. And also people are going to be waking up to what how much we've been manipulated. And so find your group, find your high vibe, Soul tribe, because we're everywhere. And look for the person in the grocery store without a mask, go over to them. That's your that's your group. We are rising like yeast all over the planet, the light is getting lighter. So if you have stuff, we're getting embodied, we're in our bodies. So we're healing our past, were healing our childhood trauma, it's coming up. When that happens. You say you're doing great. You congratulate yourself. Thank you. I'm feeling horrible. I'm feeling like I can't go on and maybe I don't want to go on and go, Oh, my God, you're doing so well, that's alkalizing the darkness into light. That's what this time is. It's dark into light. And we're almost I think, by Easter, let us celebrate that we're going to be coming toward the end of this, this tunnel. Dr. Paul 1:02:40 That's beautiful. I got goosebumps again. Thank you twice already in one interview, folks, you know, the healing is is there for you. It's there for all of us. We're all connected. And you do need to find someone to help you on that journey. And I like your idea of finding those people where without wearing masks, but sometimes your energy will just be drawn to the right person. And, you know, find somebody who can be your coach who can be your guide who can help you on this journey. And in the meantime, I'd say we're probably not too keen on taking risks with vaccines that are totally experimental, and have such an unknown for the long term future. Right? There's, there's no way it can we can know because it hasn't been around long enough to know. Dr. Christiane Northrup 1:03:28 Yeah, that's exactly right. And you know, so you can, we should not be celebrating and victory signaling virtue signaling all over social media. Ooh, I got my shot. That's like saying, Oh, congratulations for being a lab rat. Dr. Paul 1:03:43 Yeah, it's, uh, I heard a quote, There was go something like this. Getting a COVID vaccine is like playing with a hungry rattlesnake. You know, it's, it's highly likely you're going to get bit. Dr. Christiane Northrup 1:03:58 Yeah, yeah, exactly. So trust your own immunity. And then each and every person who does this changes the morphogenic field. Remember Rupert Sheldrake, that that we learn because there's a morphogenic field around us of those who have come before. And the one person who breaks through it changes it for everyone like Roger Bannister running the four minute mile, the minute he did that, and they thought it was impossible, suddenly, everyone's breaking the record. So the more you transform your fear, and another way to do it is just with your breath, you take a deep breath in through your nose, all the way down to the lower lobes of the lungs and the vagus nerve goes through the diaphragm and then out through the nose. You do five of those slowly, you'll be instantly back in parasympathetic, rest, digest, restore, then you can hear some information. If you're in fear, you won't be able to hear a thing. Dr. Paul 1:04:54 Absolutely, folks, when you breathe in that deep breath. Just breathe in love When exhale fear and do that deep and slow five breaths, you will feel it and you'll feel your own life energy. I'm just so so happy you came on this show, Christiane, thank you so much, you've really blessed me and I'm sure your blessing countless people who are gonna watch this show. Beautiful. Thank you. Thank you so much. It was my pleasure. Hopefully we'll do this again sometime. Good. Robert Malone, MD 1:05:31 My name is Robert Malone. I'm a physician and a scientist. But more importantly, I'm a father and a grandfather. I don't usually read from a prepared speech. But this is so important that I wanted to make sure that I got every single word, in fact, scientific fact. Correct. I stand by this statement with a career dedicated to Vaccine Research and Development. I'm vaccinated for COVID and I'm generally pro vaccination. I've devoted my entire career to developing safe and effective ways to prevent and treat infectious diseases. After this, I'll be posting the text of this statement so that you can share it with your friends and family. Here's the thing. Before you inject your child, a decision that is irreversible. I wanted to let you know the scientific facts about this genetic vaccine, which is based on the RNA vaccine technology I created. There are three main issues that parents need to understand before they take this irrevocable decision. The first is that a viral gene will be injected into your parents cells. This gene forces your child's body to make toxic spike proteins. These proteins often cause permanent damage in children's critical organs. These organs include their brain and nervous system, their heart and blood vessels, including blood clots their reproductive system. And most importantly, this vaccine can trigger fundamental changes to their immune system. The most alarming point about this is that once these damages have occurred, they are irrepairable they cannot be reversed. You can't fix the lesions within their brains. You cannot prepare heart tissue scarring. You cannot repair a genetically reset immune system. And this vaccine can cause reproductive damage that could affect future generations of your family. The second thing you need to know is about the fact that this novel technology has not been adequately tested. We need at least five years of testing and research before we can really understand the risks associated with this new technology. The harms and risks from new medicines often become revealed many years later. I asked you to ask yourself as a fellow parent, if you want your child to be part of the most radical experiment in human history. One final point, the reason they're giving you to vaccinate your child is a lie. Your children represent no danger to their parents or grandparents. It's actually the opposite. Their immunity after getting COVID is critical to save your family, if not the world from this disease. Finally, in summary, there's no benefit for your children or your family to be vaccinating your children against the small risks of the virus. Given the known health risks of the vaccine that as a parent you and your children may have to live with for the rest of your lives. The risk benefit benefit analysis is not even close with this vaccine for children. As a parent and grandparent my strong recommendation to you is to resist and fight right to protect your children Dr. Paul 1:10:07 well, happy New Year Bernadette. Welcome back to against the wind doctors and science under fire. Bernadette Pajer 1:10:12 Yeah, happy New Year Happy New Year to everyone. I'm excited about us really taking charge this New Year. Dr. Paul 1:10:19 I feel like with 2022 This is our year to reclaim our freedom in this country. I think this is our year to say no to oppressive policies and misinformation. We can't let a powerful industry that's profiting on our backs, be in charge of what information people are getting. Bernadette Pajer 1:10:43 So, you know, in many states, the new legislative session starts in January, it's coming up really quick. And this is a new opportunity to rein in public health. Because as we talked about last time, public health num enemy number one is the corporate captured public health system. We've got Department of Health overreach in every single state that is obstructing use of life saving treatments, and, and gagging doctors from telling true information about the COVID-19 shots. We've got licensing boards that are in the game to threatening pharmacists and doctors, obstructing the use of life saving treatments, as well as obstructing them from giving fully informed consent. So what can the average person do about it? Well, as I explained before, you can't have a regulation without enabling legislation per our Patty Finn attorney who's doing such great work and having some really good wins. So you need to look at what your State Department of Health and licensing agencies are doing to see where they are breaking all the rules and regulations. They cannot go beyond their authority. And so there's some research to do here and I and if you saw it last time, or if this is all new to you, this time, in seeing the IDS put here. I want to give your viewers the place to go find support. So where they can build a team Dr. Paul 1:12:18 in order, where do we go? Where do we go to go? Bernadette Pajer 1:12:20 So the solution as I look we can get past this is to gather a team, medical professionals and yourselves to look into all of this and then bring it to your legislators. So where do you go, you find a local chapter or affiliate of a national organization, I find this is the easiest way. And they include children's health, defense help choice and viic and Stanford health freedom. So I'll show you where those are. If you go to children's health defense.org backslash about Dash chapters, you will find chapters and they keep bringing more on so they have chapters in Arizona, California, Canada, Europe, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, New York, Ohio, and Oregon. So that is a place to begin. You can if your state is mentioned there, you can go ahead and join. And even if your state isn't mentioned there, please join as a general member of children's health defense so that you get all their amazing newsletters and sign up for the defense magazine. Dr. Paul 1:13:28 Yeah, absolutely. And then if your state doesn't have this going on, be that change. Start a chapter Bernadette Pajer 1:13:34 started chapter. And first look, though at Health Choice and national organization, because they have taken under their fiscal wing. A lot of organizations including informed choice Washington and the Tennessee Coalition for vaccine choice, which I'm a member of a leader in both. So if you live in Maine, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Maryland, Louisiana, Tennessee, Minnesota, Michigan, Georgia, Oklahoma, Colorado, South Carolina, Washington, Texas, Idaho, Utah, Minnesota, New Hampshire. Oops, I've got a typo. I don't know what Vernon is Connecticut, Massachusetts. Oh, it must be Vermont, Vermont. And Missouri, the darn spellcheck just auto check. They're all of those states. You can find a group when you go to help choice.org backslash affiliate affiliates and sign up with them. And then I also encourage people, although they don't per se have national groups, they have our state groups. They have state representatives and tell you about action in every state. So I do encourage individuals to also join the NBI see the National Vaccine Information Center that was founded in what was it the 1980s Dr. Paul Dr. Paul 1:14:56 Ravello Fisher has done amazing work here and you can get so much information, you should be aware of this resource. Bernadette Pajer 1:15:03 Yeah, when you register, you'll get connected with NBC activists in your area and with legislation happening in your area to support or oppose. So that's an addition to finding your State group. And then Stanford health freedom is also doing such amazing work. And so I encourage you to join those as well. The way they work is they they have in many states, a medical freedom group, that is that is partnering with them. So in Washington state, it's informed choice Washington, and in Tennessee, it's the Tennessee Coalition for vaccine choice. We are the Stanford health freedom group. You know, I love the way we're all becoming. United, interactive. Yes. Because each has such beautiful campaigns and information to share. And pushing it out in this age of censorship. Is, is proving difficult, but not impossible. Dr. Paul 1:16:01 Yeah, no, I know, the leaders of all these organizations, I've met with them personally sat side by side with all these leaders. These are amazing organizations, folks, and we need to support them and become involved. This is 2022. This is our time to link arms, and move forward in sharing what people need to know. So thank you for highlighting those amazing organizations. Bernadette, Bernadette Pajer 1:16:26 you're welcome. You're welcome. And just everybody we can do this. This is the great land of the United States of America, the home of the free because of the brave. This just the generations of people alive today, most of them, unless they grew up like in a communist country or socialist country or country, they had a lot of tyranny. They don't have that cultural memory, of having to stand up and potentially lose something in order to protect their freedom. So it's a huge learning curve for us now, but I think we're ready. I think Americans after two years of tyranny are ready, and have learned that it's time to stand up and be brave. Dr. Paul 1:17:07 Yeah, no, absolutely, folks. And I really urge people not to think of this as a necessarily a political party fight. This is an absolute independent, no party, each and every one of us needs to stand for freedom, health, freedom is paramount. I mean, when you give up the freedom of what happens to your body, you really have no freedom at all, you are a slave of the state doesn't matter what party is in control of that state. So this is all of us banding together, regardless of party affiliation, to become free once again, as we need to be in shed any of this tyranny that's been suppressing us. And that has captured our public health system. I mean, public health has become more powerful than the President. That's ridiculous. Bernadette Pajer 1:17:50 Yeah. Yeah, that is ridiculous. And they don't have the authority to do so. Right? So you know, we have the laws in place to change this. We just need to, you know, have the political will that the grassroots will to make it happen, and we can do it. Dr. Paul 1:18:08 Absolutely. So everybody, I got a little passionate there. Happy New Year. This is a year of hope. This is a year where we're going to embrace one another with love and hope and move forward together to make this country in the world, a place that our children will want to grow up in, and where will will be proud of what we've done to make this place so livable, so wonderful, and embracing our natural immune system that really is what keeps us healthy to begin with. Dr. Paul here, doctors in science.com is where you go to get access to my exclusive members only section. This is how you the viewers support our work. We have no sponsors. We are fully supported by you, our viewers, what do you get in the Members section, it's quite a list, you get access to a couple of my eBooks. The first one is the authoritative reference list for my vaccine friendly plan book. I also have written a book very extensive called everyday health that covers pretty much what I think you should be doing if you want to live a healthy life in this world today. But there's so much more. We have a live q&a Every week after the show with yours truly, Dr. Pol answering your questions, submit your questions online, and I will tackle as many of them as I possibly can. And try to answer to the best of my ability, whatever burning questions you have. In addition to this, you get transcripts of every show. We have other bonus content. And I think one of the huge bonus content pieces is the PowerPoints of the talks I'm giving as I travel around the country. People are always asking me how can we get those PowerPoints? This is how you do it. Head on over to doctors and science comm and become a member and join the team of against the wind help Spread the Truth and share this on social media and with their friends at doctors in science.com. I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors in science.com. Sign up, donate if you can. Let's make this the weekly show the nation's been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul. Transcribed by https://otter.ai |
February 2025
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