PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:00
Dr. Paul, welcome to another episode of against the wind doctors in science under fire. Today's episode features none other than Dr. Henry Ely, man, is this information important for you to get? We cover COVID We cover breakthrough infections and we're going to touch on what does this mean for society? What the heck is going on? We then have a very touching interview with Shiloh and her parents. And then finally Bernadette brings to you, as always informed descent, know, how do you participate in this informed era of COVID and our crazy world? Thanks for watching. Enjoy the show. Dr. Paul from the heart. Today, I wanted to touch on the topic of forgiveness, healing, and justice. How many of you seen those signs on a bar where it says free beer tomorrow? I always thought, Oh, I'm coming back tomorrow. But guess what, when you come back tomorrow, it's still the free beer is tomorrow? And doesn't it seem that way for our lives today, the angst and the fear that PR just is throughout our world. And we're waiting for tomorrow for it to get better. I feel like it is a new beginning in this new year for us to personally say, No, it's today. Today is the day I'm going to forgive that person that I need to forgive. Today's the day I'm going to start the healing for myself or my loved one for my family for my friends, I'm going to reach out that hand. And today is the day, I will start being a part of the movement that's going to allow justice for our world. These are big topics. But we can start small, just where you're planted. Because you just as every one of us have a role and a purpose in moving our world into a much better future. Thank you for your energy and your time and your love. I'm Dr. Paul. Welcome Dr. H. Dr. Henry Ely, you are one of my most favorite doctors on the planet. Welcome back to against the wind. The CDC stopped reporting breakthrough cases, gosh, back in April of 2021. But you've been tracking this, I believe for over a million breakthrough cases. But it's vaccine failure. Right? Dr. Henry Ealy 2:32 Correct. Vaccine breakthrough has always been called vaccine failure was called vaccine failure rates. But it's not a good way to say it when you're trying to get an experimental product distributed, you know, glow globally. So you call it breakthroughs, they returned at Breakthrough. And there's very specific criteria in the United States for what constitutes breakthrough. In order for a sample to be considered for breakthrough a person has to be considered fully vaccinated, or what Dr. Fauci is saying now up to date with their vaccination, right, so they have to be boosted. And then it has to be 14 days since at least 14 days since the last boost. They can't have had a positive PCR test 45 days prior to that. So you see how convoluted it starts getting right away. And then here's the kicker, if they do have a positive PCR and are classified as fully vaccinated or up to date, vaccinate vaccinated wherever that means, then the PCT the cycle threshold value has to be below 28 to eliminate any possible false positives. They only do this for the fully vaccinated, they don't do it for anybody else. Just that and it's specifically to drive down and deflate the possibility of vaccine breakthrough. Okay. So I hope that makes sense. It's one of the things that's really appalling to me is that they are still not publishing and transparency, everybody's Ct value. If you tested positive at 2930 30 to 35. You're probably a false positive. Right. And so it's there's a lot of smoke and mirrors being played. Let me bring it on screen for everybody to see what we got. And we can actually look at some data. We're all aware, we remember that the CDC stopped publishing breakthrough cases in April, April 30. Well, on October 30, of 2021, they stopped publishing breakthrough hospitalizations and deaths in favor of what they're terming. Now vaccine effectiveness, they're trying to drill into everybody that these are effective, they're safe and effective. So these were the final numbers in APR. 10,162 cases confirmed nationwide and then At the end of October, it was 30,270 breakthrough hospitalizations according to the CDC. And and then the following four deaths 10,857. Okay, so this is where the CDC left off. So when the CDC stopped report reporting that data said we gotta go down to the state health department level, and start looking at which state health departments are actually publishing data on breakthrough and actively tracking it. So that's what I did. I went down to every single state health department. And there's 51 When you include Washington, DC, and we cited over here on the far right, so you can people can get this document can go and just click on the link so you can verify what I'm saying. And what we did was we looked at it and said, Let's see if anything matches what the CDC did. So we started this in November. In November, Dr. Paul, we had basically depending upon the state about 11 months of breakthrough data collected, so far, so good. Okay, so in November, it was 1.4 million confirmed breakthrough cases, even with those crazy rules. Wow. That's how many times the inoculations failed to protect Americans 1.4 million times that we can prove. EFF it as a result of that 56,000 Americans had to go to the hospital and 16,000 Americans died. This is through November. Now this is a story the CDC doesn't want to come out. I'm now tracking this data every month. So I updated this in December. Right. And I do it about mid month every month. So I'll do it again in a week or so. In January. We'll look at this rise in December that 1.4 million had gone up in just one month from 1.4 million to over 2.5 million. Oh my goodness, that's a 78.8% increase. In just one month. It the number went up from 56,000 to over 90,000 hospitalizations that I suspect that's what's driving hospitalizations right now, because hospitalizations over the last week went up by over 21,000 in the United States, according to the CDC. So it's not the unvaccinated driving, just like we've seen in Germany, just like we've seen in the United Kingdom, just like we've seen in the Netherlands, it's the fully vaccinated who are driving the increase in hospitalizations. And interestingly enough, the demographics are the same over 60. And with multiple comorbidities. Alright, the same exact demographic is being hospitalized. Obesity plays a major role. So nutrient deficiency plays a major role in the severity of symptoms, duh. And then, sadly, in one month, November to December, the overall number went up from 16,000 breakthrough deaths to 24,000. That's a 54.6% increase. This is clear failure of these experimental shots. Now, when you couple that with the vaccine adverse events reporting system data, where you see that there's over 20,000 deaths, post inoculation, and 6200 of those have been within 48 hours. This says that these aren't safe. These numbers 2.5 million 90,000 24,000 deaths, almost 25,000 deaths breakthrough. This is only with 31 out of 51 US health departments reporting on this. All right, we are not getting surprisingly well. Not surprisingly, the Public Health Department in Florida has been fighting Governor DeSantis from the start. We aren't getting any data from Florida. We aren't getting really significant case data from Illinois. We're not getting any data from Iowa or Kansas or Louisiana. We are not getting any updated data from even from Texas, Texas didn't update their last data from month to month. They haven't updated this since October 1. You see what I'm saying? So Dr. Paul 9:20 So I mean, these numbers are so ridiculously out of control high. Yes, that it just I can't even wrap my head around how the public health people, those who are messaging our population. Get away with the narrative that they're sharing. His hospitals are full of the unvaccinated and vaccines are safe and effective and go get your vaccine and isn't it wonderful and there's billboards I mean, I was driving just yesterday back from the Oregon coast and there's a billboard vaccine safe Given the fact of no cost to you, right? In the face of this sort of data, this seems like a massive attempt to do something what what's going on here? Dr. Henry Ealy 10:11 Well, it's a massive attempt to cover up that these experimental inoculations not only are injuring people at unprecedented rates, but failing at unprecedented rates. These are the first medical products in American history that have remained on the market with a track record in only a year of failing over 1 million times. And probably in the neighborhood of about four to 5 million, at least by the strict definitions. Imagine, Dr. Pol with the failure rate would be if we considered partially vaccinated people in these calculations, right? Imagine what the numbers would be if we kept the PCR cycle threshold value at 40. For this, just like it is for everything else, you see what I'm saying. So they've driven down the numbers, they're still staggering. And then you consider the safety signals that are showing that over a million people now have been injured. So what you're looking at are the first medical products in American history that have remained on the market with over a million injuries, and well over a million points of failure to protect. We know they don't work against Omicron. We know they don't they didn't work against Delta, we know the efficacy of the spike protein is supposedly based upon the initial version of the virus and not these mutations, which, and it's just the spike protein. It's just one small aspect of the entire viral seek to this, what we're seeing is this is exactly why you don't develop a gene therapy vaccine based upon one little small segment. This is why you don't use gene therapy period. Number one, but we're just seeing rapid failure. And so for me what this becomes because this is obviously a cover up here. That's why the CDC stopped publishing the data. That's an act of willful misconduct, you know, you are you are attempting to defraud the American people and coerce and force them into an experiment in violation of the Nuremberg Code and in violation of 45 Code of Federal Regulations 46, which governs informed consent for medical experimentation. And make no mistake, these products are still in phase three clinical trial and will be in phase three clinical trial until 22. Until this year, later this year for some and then 23. For others in coordinator Nadi doesn't even complete its clinical trials until May 31 of 2027. So, these are experiments and we are seeing these experiments fail Dr. Paul 12:40 experiments, have they not with allowing the unpacked arms of some of these drives, you get the vaccines? Dr. Henry Ealy 12:47 There is no the the control group now, Dr. Paul, are people like me, and I don't want to speak for you, but people like me, who are on vaccinated and I saw a terminate, I really liked somebody coined said, who are vaccine free. And we're the control group, you know, and, you know, I find it staggering these numbers, number one, these, the thing that I want to educate the public on in your audience on his clinic, most clinical trials fail. Okay, this is a sure sign that a clinical trial is failed. All right, it's not safe. And these are not effective. Because you have to remember the initial EUA is that the emergency use authorizations that were applied for and given granted, were based not upon reduction of symptom, it was based upon reduction of effective spread, that was the 95% reduction, relative risk reduction of effective spread for the Pfizer, right? We know that that was garbage, because they should have measured based upon absolute risk reduction, which is under really about 1%. It was came out at like 1.2% or something at the at the highest. But what it tells us, I think point blank is that these have failed like most clinical trials do it's just most clinical trials are in a small group of people. So society is protected from the experiment in case it fails. In this case now, society is the lab rat. And everybody who's received this they're going to keep pushing more and more boosters, because on for some people I know it's, they really believe in this. And I think for some people that are pushing for it, they are trying to save face. We some some members of my team have put together a wonderful Economic Review, and I'm going to drop something right now that's about to come out very soon, but I'm gonna share it with your audience first, okay. Sure. In this country, we annually spend federal allocate allocation of taxpayer dollars and on average about $11 billion for dealing with the flu from a public health perspective, it's been as high as 25 billion, but it's generally it averages out to be about $11 billion. Okay? Annually right now we are averaging in response to COVID $1.7 trillion. And the flu is on par with COVID. In terms of outcomes. If we were had, if we had tested the for the flu and the way we are testing for COVID, it would be we would see the exact same stats. In fact, we see the exact same stats, kids have the lowest death rate the elderly and the infirmed. And the people who are unhealthy have the highest death rate, it's always, the curve always looks like the most people who die are towards the end stage of their life, it goes up as you get closer and over 75 years of age, which is normal life expectancy. So that curve is maintained here, when we look at CDC data. And this is through December 28. Again, I got to do an update this week. But we can see that here, you can see that, you know, if you're under seven, if you're under 18. You know, your recovery is 99.98%. If you're under 50, your recovery rate is 99.80%. That's right on par with the flu. But we're spending American taxpayer dollars $1.7 trillion annually. On this when for the flu with the same same basic stats, we're spending, on average 11 billion. So we're we're on a path one, of course, to bankrupt our country right now. And likely, very quickly. And it's hard to debate whether that's by I mean, it's hard to deny that that may be by design, you know, globally. So it's really a sad, sad state. It's a very dire state that we're in right now. And one of the the newest control mechanism are variants. And we found some significant fraud in there, how the CDC has been practicing genomic sequencing as well. So we're, we're on top of this, but the now the heavy lifting becomes organizing what we're on top of so that we can share it with the public in a way the public can understand Dr. Paul 17:31 whenever I turn on the TV, which I rarely do. But if I just want to check the weather, I look at the news. What I'm hearing is a narrative that is completely out of sync with everything you've just shared. Yep. It's like they're talking the opposite. Dr. Henry Ealy 17:51 There is an incredible machine that is well funded beyond any scope of anyone's imagination, and well coordinated beyond what any one should be. And it's going to require people taking an objective step back, I think, Dr. Paul, and going into a more bird's eye view of everything, and asking very simple questions. Why can't people who disagree speak? Why are elected officials being removed and censored off of social media platforms? And then ultimately, the most important question, who is benefiting financially from doing this? Because every when you ask that question, it all keeps pointing back to the same group. You know, and Forbes did an expose on this in 2020, where the top what five billionaires in the world had doubled their net worth in just like six months, I would love to see where it is now, as we're entering our third year, but what we're seeing is the largest redistribution of of income, and to the upper zero point, really 0.001% of the world. And that looks to be by design. I mean, at a certain point. We have to accept that we've been lied to. At a certain point, we have to challenge the lies that are being told and demand proof of these lies. And a certain point, I am sad to say to everyone, we are going to have to accept that we are at war. Right now. It's just a war unlike anything we've ever seen. It's a blitzkrieg of weaponized data. And the shots that are being fired are in needles and syringes and not coming out of guns, but they're still shots. So I would encourage one of the things I do every night almost now Dr. Paul is I go and listen to with Winston Churchill and go back into World War Two in the build up to World War Two. And I start, I do as much studying as I can there for not only how did you know Winston Churchill is this epic figure during World War Two, right? This this just brilliant mind and but what was brilliant about him was his resolve. And the thing that he was able to do was to speak straight to the British people and let them know, we are in for dark days. But we in he said something after Dunkirk when they were able to save over 345,000 Soldiers stranded on that beach, British and French. They're the greatest, organized, quickly organized. evac in the history of mankind, right. And if you haven't studied Dunkirk, you owe it to yourself to go study Dunkirk cuz the world looks very differently if Winston Churchill doesn't pull off Dunkirk. But what most people don't realize about Winston Churchill is that he was not well liked. At the start of the war, when he first ascended to the prime ministry. And there were a lot of people that doubted his ability to lead them through and they actually tried to subvert him. It was John Kennedy's father and Halifax, who tried to broker a deal through Mussolini to get a ceasefire with Hitler. Behind Churchill's back. Meanwhile, he's saving 35 345,000. He's saving the army saving the last army of the allied forces, right, and this is all going on. Well, after Churchill saves, organizes the safe, the safety of all those troops, Britain is happy. And Churchill goes on national address, and he says, Look, we're grateful that we still have an army and we're still in this fight. But make no mistake, this is not a victory, you don't win wars by running away. And he said, if this is going to be the end of Great Britain, as we know it, let it be us fighting to the bitter end, drowning the pools of our own blood. Alright. And in saying that it gave everyone in Britain and really the world a clearer picture of what was going on, it's undeniable, the Blitzkrieg had already worked effectively, right. But it gave a very clear message to the world of the resolve that you have to have in the face of unbridled evil. And we are at that point, right now, where we are in the face of unbridled evil, it just is looks different than it did in the build up in 1940, when all this was going down. So I think we have to be honest with ourselves here. And the thing I'm attempting to convince people of is to accept that we are at war. And with that in mind, to steal yourself and find that God courage that lives within you to do with those who bravely came before us did to provide freedom for future generations. And I'm not saying to pick up grab a gun, I got faith in our Supreme Court on Friday and Saturday and Sunday, and whenever they rule is going to be in our favor. But I'm saying steel yourself to the realities, because the Nazi party comes into power by pitting two groups against themselves and making one group. The scapegoat for all the problems in that group, of course, was the Jewish people in Nazi Germany. It's the same thing that Joseph Biden is attempting to do right now and making in France is attempting to do right now by blaming people who are vaccine free, for all for all the problems of the world. The difference numerically is that the Jewish people in Nazi Germany made up approximately 1% of that population, as I understand it, so they weren't a significant minority to be able to withstand the onslaught of terror and insanity, really. We in this country make up roughly 50% and growing. And we have to hold our ground and not give in to the Joseph Goebbels level propaganda that's being pushed in the media and we keep calling it narratives and I think we're doing ourselves a disservice when we do that. I've been doing that a lot, and I'm not calling it narratives anymore. It's open propaganda because it's always and lies that we can disprove, there is a two prong path to winning this war. Making sure we shore up all nutrient deficiencies in our people. vitamin D, vitamin A vitamin C, zinc, you want to arm yourself, arm yourself with nutrients every day. And then number two, expose the fraud so that we can get to a grand jury investigation and hold this evil accountable. It is evil. And these are lies. And we have to have the courage to call them what they are even in the face of great opposition. I teach my students this, the greatest energy always prevails. And what that means is that you can be one person in a group of a billion and have more energy than everyone in that group, if you have the courage to have it. So it's not necessarily about numbers. It's about what you believe in your heart to be right. And going and following that directive. So for me, I'm in it to win it, you know that? And there's nothing I can do to dissuade. Right? So there's a little history lesson in there. I like I like bringing those lessons in because I think, I think our history is what educates us in situations like right now. And I think Winston Churchill, FDR, the man at Iwo Jima, the men and women in Midway. Winston Churchill, the RAF, I think you see what resolve does once you get your feet under you, it ultimately is enough to become the greatest energy and overcome great, great evil that is upon us. Yeah. Dr. Paul 27:09 Thank you for that. Folks. If you're listening to this, and it's overwhelming, I want you to pause and dig deep into your heart and soul and ask yourself this question. Does it feel right? Everything that's been happening? Does it feel right to you? Because if it doesn't, there's a good reason. And Dr. Ely, you just laid it out for us. They have used the tactic of fear to get and then the isolation of people. When you're isolated and fearful. You're looking for a savior. And then they come charging through we've got the solution for you. It's the vaccine with a multitude of lies as you have laid out for us right here. But now, that narrative has to be maintained, and you get groupthink, and then the unwaxed we who are saying no to this absolute nonsense, become that Jewish group, if you will, or that enemy, and then you have the large group has a joint enemy. And we're in the process, folks, it's time to stand up with courage. It's time to speak out. And we don't need to be fearful. You're so right, we aren't 1% I mean, we're probably what 30% Completely unvaccinated over 50% are not up to date anymore. And those numbers just keep growing. Dr. Henry Ealy 28:37 100% You know, the thing I say to folks, is, if you're looking for someone to come and save you go and look in the mirror. That's where you'll find the person who's gonna save you. Right there. Yeah, no, this isn't about, uh, you know, you know, Peter McCullough is doing phenomenal work. I don't know how he's keeping this pace going right now. But as great as Peter is, he's not going to be able to save us unless we come together and support him. And these other great, really brave scientists and these brave attorneys, and these, these brave business owners, and really anyone who saying, No, you know, we know that concentration camps are being built right now as we speak in the United States. If that doesn't wake you up, I don't know, what can I've seen the pictures in Washington state of seeing the pictures in New York. We know this is happening. You know, and we know that the intention is for those to be reeducation reassignment camps for the people who are vaccine free. You know, we we've heard making from the French president come out today and say, I'm going to make this as difficult for the unboxing needed as possible. And he said to the bitter end, so you know what that told me there, Paul, that told me he expects to lose. Alright, the only people that talk about bitter ends are people that expect to lose. Alright. So, you know, we're going to see where our Supreme Court is on this. My hope and expectation is that they do not give the president tyrannical power to be able to create his own laws and set that precedent. I think that if I'm reading the terrain, they're going to kick this back to the states and have states decide which states want to do, which is a whole nother mess. But at least it'll bias more time. It's that this this Friday, this evening, the arguments open on the federal mandates, this could be our Dunkirk, the Supreme Court can give us our Dunkirk on this war, and give us that time to stay in the fight doesn't mean we won anything. We haven't. But it does mean we're still in the fight. And if the Supreme Court makes a horrific decision, well, the variables have changed. And I'm going to take a page out of Churchill's book, and say, the same thing. He said, I'm going to fight you, I'm going to fight you with love in my heart and peacefully as long as I can be peaceful about it. But there's no body. There's no government that I've ever given permission to tell me what has to go into my body and into my children's bodies. And we cannot give and surrender that to anyone for any reason. So I want to work as diligently as I can, peacefully to expose the fraud. We've gotten some good news out of Ohio, I met an attorney out of Ohio who settled the case with Cleveland Clinic. Interesting. Cleveland Clinic last year, netted $1 billion netted so he correctly research through Medicare Medicaid reimbursement through fraud by saying everybody was COVID who wasn't. And then you get an increased reimbursement. It's the same thing, Dr. Paul that they're doing now with red remdesivir, which we just found out. This This will drop your audience's jaw a little bit. We've been wondering why aren't more hospitals just simply Breaking Ranks? Right? And giving to the patients what works ivermectin works, right hydroxychloroquine works, particularly when it's augmented with great nutritional strategies, right? I mean, Dr. Pierre Correa has been all over this. You know, from the very beginning, America, frontline doctors have been all over this from the very beginning. And they're still working. It's you know, it's it's still work. So this came to my attention last week, which was very concerning. CMS hikes payments for COVID-19 inpatients treating with new drugs, links it to a 20% bonus. Okay? So just like they incentivize diagnosing every patient is COVID. And you get a bigger reimbursement through Medicare, Medicaid, right? They're doing that with the use of remdesivir as well. So long story short, I won't take you through the whole thing on this. But long story short, is that if a hospital uses remdesivir on a patient, they get $600 Bonus right off the bat each time they do. But that's not the big deal. The big deal is going to be right here. Once they do it, this case must qualify for the 20% Medicare add on bonus. All right. So what is that this just got put into place with little fanfare during the election cycle last year, we didn't even know this was going on. So let's say that, let's say that a patient had developed $100,000 Bill and they're on Medicare, Medicaid. Alright. Normally, what happens is the first $30,000 of that would not be reimbursed. And then what the hospital would get back is 70% of $70,000. Well, if you give that patient remdesivir. What they are now do is that initial $30,000 that was originally not on the table, they will give 65% of that to the hospital now. So that becomes a substantial bonus on top of the of the $600. So I'll give you this link so you can share it with your audience and everything and they can read through and understand this. But this is exactly why hospitals are not issuing ivermectin and then you get the additional willful misconduct of the CDC confiscating inner national purchases. Have ivermectin, the willful misconduct of the government authorizing pharmacists to not fill prescriptions for ivermectin we've never heard of that before. And, and now you get another layer of willful misconduct. So if I can have a second here, willful misconduct, everyone is very important for a couple of reasons. willful misconduct was first really codified in 45. It will it through the Belmont Report. So in the 1970s, the Tuskegee experiment comes to light thanks to a whistleblower. With the Associated Press. Well, thanks to a whistleblower at the CDC, who then leaked it to the Associated Press. America goes into uproar as we should. Congress finally holds investigations on Tuskegee and finds that the CDC and the American Medical Association colluded to prevent the 399 syphilis positive subjects in the study from even knowing they had syphilis, let alone being told that penicillin cured it, okay, this Dr. Paul 36:16 treatment and just allow these people to develop neurosyphilis and die and die and a treatable condition and transmit it to their family members, right, and others. Dr. Henry Ealy 36:27 So this was termed an act of willful misconduct, withholding evidence based treatments from people in need is an act of willful misconduct. The Belmont Report was written following the Congressional investigation, and it was intended that this would become the framework for our laws on informed consent, but it didn't. They stripped down the Belmont Report, and what did become our codified laws were 45 CFR 46, which governs really informed consent in the use of experimental products, okay, or, or in for people participating in the use of experimental products, which is happening globally right now. And what comes out of that is, are two laws in 1986, there's the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which gives civil immunity to all vaccine manufacturers in in the event that a child is injured postinoculation. Well, the only thing that breaches that protection of civil liability is willful misconduct if the vaccine manufacturer and the government participated in an act of willful misconduct, misled the public of safety and efficacy data and all that stuff. Well, during this so called pandemic, there's a second layer of protection that these companies cuz you might be asking, why are they just approving these right? Because they if as long as they're not approved, and just under EUA, there's a second layer of protection from civil immunity, that's called the prep act. And the prep act can only be breached again, by willful misconduct, proof of willful misconduct. So it's very important for us to pierce through this illusion by showing where willful misconduct is occurring. And we can prove willful misconduct is occurring, whether they agree or not, I don't care, but we can prove it. Because there has been data fraud with death certificates from day one, with case counts, hospitalizations, PCR testing throughout. And now with the data fraud going on for genomic sequencing, which we've confirmed with some PCR experts and some genomic sequencing experts that our preliminary investigation is right. So when we know that there's willful misconduct on the data side of it, that's why we say they're weaponizing data. And we know that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are being withheld, that treatments are being withheld. These all constitute acts of willful misconduct. And what it does is when proven Once proven, it breaches the protections of the civil immunity, immunity from civil litigation, and it gives every person who has been wronged for in there, everybody in the world has been wronged, at this point, an opportunity to sue for restitution for their losses. So to me, this is the most important thing that we can do right now is to engage our God courage, find our resolve, go look in the mirror, I know this is a lot. Go look in the mirror and get square with who you are and what you're going to be about and say, Okay, this isn't going to be easy, right? It wasn't easy to defeat Hitler. This isn't going to be easy. But it's something that has to happen if we are going to pass freedom on to our children and future generations. And I promise you I'm not going to be in the generation that gave up freedom for good. So that's where we're at. Dr. Paul 40:05 Wonderful. Well, I stand with you on that. Absolutely. I love I heard you say that at a talk, folks, we need to get addicted to doing what's right. Dr. Henry Ealy 40:16 Did I say that? Dr. Paul 40:19 You said that it was like, all right. You know, it's, it's time, folks, I get goosebumps when I think about the point we are in society, in our civilization, and in this country, but it's in the world. And for a loving heart and spirit, such as yours, because I feel it every time I'm with you, I can feel it even through the internet. For you to have such passion and resolve and calling out to mankind, that we've got to look in the mirror folks, it is our time to stand up. You might just be one. But listen, you're not alone. Dr. H and I are with you 100% till the bitter end, if necessary. And let's link arms and make this the year that this charade that they're perpetrating on the world comes to an end. Dr. Henry Ealy 41:11 Amen. Can I say can I tell a story real quick? Definitely do. Okay. I had one of my team members at the Energetic Health Institute that works for me. We hadn't talked in a while we got on a call yesterday zoom call yesterday and she was so kind she gave me so much prayer. I mean, I was like, so embarrassed, you know, you know, she's like, I'm seeing you're doing this. And this. I'm just so proud of you and everything else, like, thank you very much. And she said, I know you're high on the totem pole. And I'm just way down here. And I was like, Whoa, the good thing about this help this this freedom movement that we're on, this is a civil rights issue. Now at this point. There is no totem pole. Right. Peter? Paul Alexander? Gear VandenBosch. You know, Joe Rogan. Aaron Rodgers? Yeah, these are these are now divorce, I don't know how to pronounce his name, the tennis player who's now being held in. In Australia divorce kick, the Australian Open winner. There's some crazy stuff going on today for him. We got to stop thinking of this situation as hierarchy. And we have to think of this situation as doing our part. So she had told me about she wears T shirts about freedom and with messages on them when she goes into stores. She won't go and shop in places where they're being masked Nazis. She is never wears masks or anywhere she goes and everything. And I said, Do you know how awesome what you're doing is? That simple act of defiance, is giving everyone else permission to do it. I'm a doctor in a crazy state. I can't go into a building without having some little face, you know, illusion on my on my face, right? I can't I can't do it without covering, right. So I that's not my hill. But I love walking into places where I see people not wearing masks. And if I especially if I see people behind the counter, not wearing masks, we went in a restaurant last night nobody's wearing I was like, Oh, great. We don't have to pretend, you know, I won't put one on. But that the people that are in those places of business, not wearing them, the people working people though the the patrons not wearing them. They give me permission to not wear one. And this is the thing we have to do for each other. You know, so I plotted her I was like you actually are doing more than I'm doing right now. Because you are setting the example for society that you don't need someone's permission to be healthy. You don't need someone's permission to decide what you're going to wear on your body. You don't need somebody's permission to decide what goes into your body. And not this is this is a predatory act going on. This is like you might as well have a ice cream truck driving around the street trying to get kids lured in for you know, for some really nefarious purposes. Right? Don't ever think that there is a such thing as an act of doing right that's too small. Or that because you're not on a radio show or, you know, an interview or, or something like that, that you are not doing just as much as all of us. We are grateful for you that you have our backs out there and are taking off a mask and showing civil disobedience and doing it respectfully and peacefully and showing that we have a constitution in this country for a reason. And that constitution is here because people died for a belief system a belief system that all people should be free. Now of course early on, it didn't apply to all people and And in many ways, if you want to talk to me long enough, what's going on now is an extension of slavery, okay? But what I'm suggesting to you is this people died because they believed that freedom was worth dying for. And if you don't believe it's worth dying for, I can respect that. But at least agree with us that it's worth fighting for in your own unique ways. It's all of us doing a little bit, that makes the big difference. So I applaud everybody out there fighting, and I'm grateful for you. And I just think that we're gonna win, because of all of these little things coming together. And as doing simply what's right, getting addicted to doing what's right. Dr. Paul 45:47 Amen, brother. Those of you who are watching, I know you've been supporting this show, you can support Dr. Ely and his work where tell tell our listeners where they can go to get more information about the dietary things you recommend, and how they can support your Dr. Henry Ealy 46:02 work. If you're interested in really learning how to take control of your health, go to Energetic Health institute.org. And we'll help you take control of your health. So you can say bye bye to the modern medical system. If you are interested for information, especially about mandates, immune priming, early treatment, you know, and and grant the grand jury petition that we have, and you want to learn how you can sign in support it, go to COVID con 20 one.com. And you can learn a lot there and please share it. Our goal is to get more than a million people to sign that petition within the next couple months. So we're going to be making some massive pushes in in January and February, to not only release information, but also to bring people together. And I think that's where where it's at right now. Dr. Paul 46:57 That's it, folks, go check these resources out. Thank you for your attention. And Dr. Ely. Wow. God bless you. Dr. Henry Ealy 47:06 Thank you, brother. I appreciate you so much. Thank you. Dr. Paul 47:09 I appreciate you. So welcome to against the wind doctors and science under fire. I'm Dr. Paul. And we have amazing guests. We've got a mom who's an only child and her mother who has a grandmother of three. And they're going to share with us their story what's gone on for them since in their family. Since they got the COVID vaccines, your household is your parents, your mom and your dad who are both from Japan. They met here in the US. Yes. And then you're an only child I heard. Right. And you have your three kids with you in that home. Unknown Speaker 47:51 Right. Okay. SHIHO 47:53 My, my eldest daughter, she her dad lives nearby, but she goes in between houses. So that that was another concern, too, is that there's almost like two families that you know, are closely knit together. So Dr. Paul 48:09 yeah, end up getting the COVID vaccine. SHIHO 48:12 They did. So they got their first dose initially. What was your reaction just saw? Unknown Speaker 48:19 Yeah, first vaccination. It was just not bad at all. Just a little bit hurt here on my arms. SHIHO 48:27 So they got their second dose on February 19, which was a Friday. I think Unknown Speaker 48:33 it hurt more than the first vaccine. Second one. And then I didn't feel good somehow, you know, it's just very tired, sluggish. SHIHO 48:44 Yeah. And you were definitely out of sorts the whole weekend. I remember. She went out to walk the dogs. Yes. And we live in a hilly area. And she came back Unknown Speaker 48:58 looks like my legs or feet is kind of a little bit funny. It's not normal. Something is wrong. Yeah. And SHIHO 49:06 then she said that my legs aren't listening to me and I just feel really weak. And then she went outside and my husband was outside with her. And she she said she felt dizzy. So he brought her back in and to lie down and we took her blood pressure at home. And it was I wrote it down. It was 180 over 122 Oh, wow, very high. But they did a bunch of tests. And I don't know at what point but you know, I received a call from my husband that they found some hemorrhaging in on the left side. intracranial Unknown Speaker 49:43 I thought I was just physically I mean mentally normal. But still my right side is not normal. SHIHO 49:54 Yeah, so so her blood pressure went up to I was looking earlier it went up to two Oh, seven over 177 Dr. Paul 50:03 Oh my goodness, yeah. What was their explanation for that? SHIHO 50:07 You know, it noted that she had had the vaccine, but obviously there's no, you know, connection to Dr. Paul 50:14 that, obviously. SHIHO 50:15 Yeah. Obviously, I, I am sorry, I'm a little bit disillusioned at this point. But because I, um, I got to go after to, I guess a, a follow up visit where she had to go back to get another scan that with the neurologist, and at that time I was able to go, so I went with her. And I remember distinctly mentioning it several times, that that she had just gotten the second dose and she wasn't feeling well, all the way up to leading up to it. And we always joke we always, you know, laugh amongst ourselves that she's, even though she's old, older, old, all this dinner, not all this, but you know, besides my dad, that she's the healthiest one of all of us. She had taken her regular medication that day. You know, and it obviously didn't prevent anything from happening. So for us, knowing her, you know, she does Tai Chi, she does yoga, she calls, you know, super active for her age. Knowing that, you know, we definitely knew the connection because it was bam, out of nowhere. Dr. Paul 51:27 And it was they tell you that she did have a stroke where they will they tell you that? SHIHO 51:31 Yeah. So after can after doing more different scans and everything? They did say? Unknown Speaker 51:36 Yeah, they showed me that picture of, you know, when left side, the brain one part is like a white, you know, part is, which is breathing. Dr. Paul 51:48 Are you doing now? Unknown Speaker 51:50 Oh, I have no problem. Dr. Paul 51:53 That's wonderful. Unknown Speaker 51:55 I can do most everything. SHIHO 51:57 She's pretty much back to normal, except that we can tell that you're not quite you're not quite there. She had Tai Chi today. And she was like, I'm all wobbly, you know. So it's not to say she's not the same. But she is a lot better than what we were initially scared of. Because when she got home, she had a walker, she hadn't come over. And I was about to give birth. And this was like the, you know, just a Sideswipe. I explained that, you know, this happened for my mom after her second dose and that I believe that it was caused by it. And you know, I immediately got a note No, definitely this is just not not connected. Dr. Paul 52:41 It's so sad. All this pressure and coercion and what happened to free choice and informed consent and the ability of parents to make their own decisions on how they want to raise their kids and treat their kids medically. Yeah, I do this show because it's important that we continue to fight for informed consent. I think parents need to be able to make those decisions. With teenagers it is it is difficult. But I had on a at a child psychiatrist or psychologist on my show recently, a couple shows ago, Dr. McDonald and he put it this way. Yeah, he did you watch that one. Watch it. Okay. He came across real strong. I mean, you just parents, you got to be a parent. And you just step up and say, you know, in our family, this is what we're doing. You're originally from Japan. I know. The Japanese were always way ahead of the United States in making sure that vaccines were safe. Do you know how is Japan handling the COVID vaccines? Are they mandating like the United States? No, no Unknown Speaker 53:51 mandate? SHIHO 53:53 How heavier Unknown Speaker 53:54 I brothers my mother's day presumably vaccinated because they were told better to have it there. Also, I mentioned my brother's like I have this problem. But I think they get it. We got it. I don't know. Second one offers one but yeah, I don't know. But the booster shot that I supposed to get now, but I'm sorry. I don't want it. Dr. Paul 54:27 And you know what? It should be your choice. The information out of Israel for example, Israel is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world. And they vaccinated I think it was five and a half million people got the the one two shots so both, you know, the Pfizer, the first one and then the second one. And only three and a half million got the booster, which means 2 million people said no to the booster. Now they're already starting to recommend another booster the fourth shot Oh, no. And then it's the same, the it's the same vaccine that's not working. They're gonna tell you well, it's not working. So we need more. It's, it doesn't make sense. Well, I want to thank you so much for coming on the show. And you guys are delightful. And I really appreciate you being on the show. Do you have any final words of advice you'd like to tell the world? Unknown Speaker 55:30 I think if you don't really need to have the vaccination. Don't get it. From my experience. Dr. Paul 55:40 Okay. That's perfect. Thank you for that advice. Wonderful words of caution. Don't do it if you don't feel like you need to and use your intuition. You know, we're all guided with a be a spiritual guidance, my my intuition, if you will, as you were saying, that you should listen to don't just take the authorities word for things. That's what we're sharing with you on this show that you need to do more research for yourself. And remember, this is still experimental products. So thanks again, for so much for being on our show. You too, are so delightful. I appreciate you very much. Welcome to against the wind. Bernadette, what a pleasure to have you back in this new year. I like the title of what you want to present today informed dissent SHIHO 56:31 informed dissent. It's, it's what you do when informed consent is not enough, right. So when medical requests are reasonable when your doctor suggests you get laser treatment for kidney stones, for example, he provides you with risks and benefits and alternatives. And then says okay, what do you think, right? That's, that's somebody giving you a reasonable opportunity to provide informed consent or informed decline. When your child's doctor suggests your child get a flu vaccine and provides you with risks and benefits and alternatives. And then ask you what you would like to do that is also a reasonable informed consent experience. But when the medical requests are unreasonable, such as such as what you're seeing, when it's your employer, saying that you have to get a shot in order to either keep your job, and or in order to avoid being treated differently at your workplace than people who got the shot. That's unreasonable. When your child's doctor says your child must get every shot on the CDC schedule, or your entire family will be kicked out of the practice. That is not reasonable. And informed consent or informed decline, allowing yourself to be kicked out of their office, first of all, they work for you, you fire them, they don't fire you, right. It's not enough, it's not enough because this overreach into your personal medical decisions and punishing you for making an informed decision is unacceptable in the United States of America Dr. Paul 58:12 couldn't agree more Bernadette, it feels like our society is attempting to make a second class citizen out of people who try to make a good medical decision for themselves. Using that process that is our right of informed consent. SHIHO 58:29 The essential meaning of dissent is to publicly I stress publicly disagree with an official opinion, decision or set of beliefs. Right now we have a whole lot of Americans living and working in a situation they absolutely disagree with but they're disagreeing in private. They are not standing up to the employer. Right and saying, No, I don't agree with this and actively opposing it. So how do you engage and inform dissent? First of all, you got to inform yourself, gather that information so that you really know what you're talking about. And then you present that information, you know, in a nice, neat way to the people in your life who are making the unreasonable request educate them. And who should descend? Well, everybody at all levels, right? You have to stand up and you have to speak up, you can do it politely, respectfully, peacefully, but you have to do it persistently, and accurately. And then the businesses, you know, the businesses are saying, Oh, the state's going to find me if I don't. Many of the businesses don't want to be doing this. But they have not yet because they are being financially pressured and pressured with all sorts of fines and you know, things coming down from above. But until some of these businesses really begin to push back and dissent in a very formal way You know, we're not going to get out of this mess. So businesses have got to and if their employees are behind them, you know, all the better. We live in a free society that works with checks and balances. If you are afraid to question and you do not question what's being told to you, checks and balances are gone, freedom is gone, democracy is gone. Freedom cannot thrive, when the hierarchy of political power is upside down. And when nobody dissents, unjust and unreasonable requests, we just hand ourselves over to those entities that want to take over our lives. And we can go right to the Declaration of Independence. What they're saying basically is Get informed and then inform whoever you're protesting. Whoever you're dissenting, why, explain to them why you dissent, you know, and why you're willing to be fired, and keep on informing them. We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. So what we have right now is the governed are not giving their consent, but they're also not giving their dissent. They are not standing up and saying, No, Dr. Paul 1:01:39 couldn't agree more Bernadette, we are at a time in history, where the masses have fallen under a spell. And this spell was created by generating so much fear. And then so much isolation, that most people were desperate to cling to anything that offered them hope. And then of course, big business comes with their solution. This is our solution, which in fact, was what was going to actually imprison us further. SHIHO 1:02:09 Yeah, exactly. So that's, you know, that's my words of encouragement to all your viewers out there today. Join the informed descent movement. Take baby steps, but begin today. Dr. Paul 1:02:23 Absolutely. Bernadette, thank you, you bring a message of hope for this new year. And folks, every day is a new day, we get to start over. And if you'll reach out, humans need human contact, we need each other. And so yes, we meet here online, but you've got people in your life right here right now where you are, who need your touch, they need your love. And they need to know that you're there with them. And for them, no matter what choices they've made. We're going to start banding together and taking back our freedom and it's going to feel amazing. So join us. Thank you, Bernadette. Thank you Dr. Pol, here, doctors and science.com is where you go to get access to my exclusive members only section. This is how you the viewers support our work. We have no sponsors. We are fully supported by you, our viewers, what do you get in the Members section? It's quite a list, you get access to a couple of my eBooks. The first one is the authoritative reference list for my vaccine friendly plan book. I also have written a book very extensive called everyday health that covers pretty much what I think you should be doing if you want to live a healthy life in this world today. But there's so much more. We have a live q&a Every week after the show with yours truly, Dr. Paul answering your questions, submit your questions online, and I will tackle as many of them as I possibly can. And try to answer to the best of my ability, whatever burning questions you have. In addition to this, you get transcripts of every show. We have other bonus content. And I think one of the huge bonus content pieces is the PowerPoints of the talks I'm giving as I travel around the country. People are always asking me how can we get those PowerPoints? This is how you do it. Head on over to doctors in science comm and become a member and join the team of against the wind helped me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors in science.com. I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors in science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. Let's make this the weekly show the nation's been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
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