PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:04
Dr. Paul, welcome to with the web science revealed. My guest today is Kelly Sutton. She's been a huge supporter of mine when I was going through everything I was going through, and she's just been going through the same thing. Now she was trained 55 years ago, one of only 10 women in her class. She's had the same board issues I had with no prior board complaints, hospital complaints, malpractice judgments. The Medical Board of California came after her and took her license, and then other boards from other states followed suit with no complaints whatsoever. Dr. Sutton is fighting not just to save her career, but to save the future of medicine itself. Don't miss the powerful ending where Didi talks to her about her life, the personal story of her journey, and then her from the soul. Enjoy the show. Dr. Paul, coming to you from the heart. I wanted to talk to you today about ego and fear. And the antidote to that, which is love and soulful living. I lived in ego a lot towards the end of my career, and I didn't even know it. So it was just this. I'm in charge. Everything's about me and, and I went there and I lived there and I stayed there. And it's funny, not funny at all, actually, how those two things often go together. Have you ever been fearful? Might you be a little in ego thinking that it all depends on you. The opposite is such a beautiful place to be when you let go. It's not all about me. It's not for me to fix. It's for me to love. It's for me to be honest. It's for me to do what I can to be loving and soulful with everybody I interact with. I am so blessed by those of you watching who send love I feel it, who sends support, and the guests I have the privilege and honor to work with so many of them are so deeply soulful and loving. That's what I get to be surrounded with. And I would encourage you to do the same thing. Live with love, lead with love and surround yourself with loving soulful people. It will nurture your soul, it will bring you joy and peace and happiness and serenity. And take away what everything that we were trying to avoid ego and fear. So I wish for you a very wonderful 2024 And that you fill your world with loving soulful people, and living a life filled with purpose and love. Welcome Dr. Kelly Sutton to with the wind science revealed it is such a pleasure to have you on the show. Dr. Kelly Sutton 2:54 Oh, I've always looked forward to hearing from you and about you. Because I think from the very beginning, you were doing things with a level of courage and acknowledgement of the truth that was hard for doctors to do. And but you did it anyhow. You did the research on Vax versus unvaccinated even though the big people that should have been doing it, CDC wouldn't. So I just have to thank you for that. And you've been challenged, chased, and you've continued to spread the truth. And I hope you're feeling freer than you were at a certain point when you were in the midst of that, being chased down by the Medical Board of Oregon. Dr. Paul 3:39 Oh, so much for your and your time will come to folks, you're gonna listen to one of my true heroes. Dr. Kelly Sutton is also going through a lot of the same things I've been through. We're both going to tell you right here and now everything we talk about is for educational purposes only. We're not diagnosing or treating. So just to have that stated, you actually trained I think more than 10 years before I did I was reading that you've been trained 55 years ago. Yes. Yeah. Wow. You don't look like it could be anywhere near that old. Dr. Kelly Sutton 4:13 I'm there. I'm there. Dr. Paul 4:16 God bless you for taking on this challenge. This fight that we have on our hands that really we didn't ask for. They brought it to us. We trained back when there was a real physical exam and basic science physiology. Patients were an exciting challenge, write and write a guideline it was creative. You write that it was such a creative and satisfying experience. Dr. Kelly Sutton 4:38 Yes. Dr. Paul 4:39 You wrote that I want to hear a Martin Luther King figure for the profession of medicine. Voicing I have a dream about the future of healing to characterize where we go next for the next five decades. Dr. Kelly Sutton 4:52 Dr. Sutton give us your I Have a Dream message my dream for the future of medicine. Thank You and I want to hear yours too. And a lot of people, because I think that's the point we're at is recreating what has not worked, because it was hijacked. The dream I have is it, we can have the real art of medicine with the observation, the use of skills like palpation, percussion, using the stethoscope, the otoscope, everything, instead of being machine focused, right? In the old days, the patient and the doctor sat across from one another. And then the patient was examined by the doctor hands on. And the writing of notes, or the ordering of lab tests, looking at the images was secondary. But now it's like the patient is a sidebar. And the real question is, how do I document this? And the thing I noticed in the notes today is the chief complaint as the only thing that's still alive. I would like to see, when the chief complaint is stated that we then also go further in our history and say, what makes it better? What makes it worse? What have you tried? Did it help? How long did it help and get the full picture from the patient, which is not reflected in today's electronic health records. And that we could have a real physical exam, because right now, I think a lot of doctors are documenting physical exams, with only putting the stethoscope over the shirt or blouse, and calling that the examination of the heart and lungs. So I think those skills before they get lost, I would love to see those recaptured in medicine or in whatever profession is going to carry true healing. I think healing is built into human nature of some humans, that it's just an automatic instinct to reach out to try to help and to use analysis of the situation. And of treatment options are what's available. To help the person in need. I would like to see that nurtured again, like it once was in medicine, where it really called to a person's idealism. And drew together, people who wanted to study science could handle reading the science, and could learn the arts that I just described, deep skills and physical exam and history taking, and could use creativity because they were trained. We were trained in physiology. We didn't have to get guidelines. They were there. They were helpful. But we could analyze from understanding how does an ulcer happen? What's the story I'm hearing for the patient that relates to the physiology I know, to guide my next question. But I suspect Medical School and Continuing Medical Education Today is all devoted to understanding the guidelines, the charting requirements, and the things that make your practice stable and saleable from the regulatory side. So I'm hoping for freedom and the restoration of a real art of medicine. Dr. Paul 8:26 While I'm hearing you say, I have a dream that the patient doctor relationship is restored? Yes, we have freedom to practice the art and science of medicine. Yes, I think we need to have the freedom to allow ethical decisions to be made by the physician in consultation and with the patient, and that we not be bound by arbitrary guidelines that come from above, we really have got to get back to putting the patient first. And following our ethical duty to be of service to our patients. It was always such an honor, wasn't it to be the physician for a patient who needs us what a privilege we've had. It Dr. Kelly Sutton 9:09 is we're given a level of intimacy and intimate information and exchange with the person that is based in trust. And that is a huge compliment. It's the highest compliment and that's where we do have that privilege of being in medicine. And I don't think trust is cultivated any longer. It's not needed. Because the binary questions do you have pain in your head? Patient denies it or Yes, pain in the head is not enough. Right? Dr. Paul 9:52 I was chatting with my roommate last evening. He's all three to four years post cancer diagnosis and He went in to see his oncologist this week, the oncologist asked him one or two questions. How are you feeling? Great. Your labs look great. Put a stethoscope as you mentioned, right on the we used to tease the orthopedic point where you could listen to heart, lungs and abdominal sounds all at once. And that was the physical exam, the whole thing took less than five minutes. And that was it. He was just looking over his bill $600 Just for that part. And it's like medicine is being destroyed. Yes, absolute sort of just protocol driven science, I dream of parents being able to make every decision for their children about what goes into their bodies. Yeah, that we get back to uplifting the natural healing hour of the human body. Dr. Kelly Sutton 10:46 Thank you. We are too narrow. Healing is beyond pharmaceuticals alone, we have to look at the immense power that's built into the human physical design. And take advantage of that and understand it before we rock the boat. So thank you, that's another strong leg for the dream to stand on is to expand it to natural treatments. Indeed. Dr. Paul 11:12 So I want to get into your story. You were one of only 10 Women in medical school in your class. I think by the time I came along, 10 years later, I was 5050. So you were really one of those pioneering women, and you're fighting not just to save your career, but to save the future of medicine and the health of patients everywhere. So tell us a little bit about your journey. How did you end up getting in the crosshairs of the medical board. Dr. Kelly Sutton 11:41 I have always had vaccines in my office. And my patients pretty much always got tetanus and polio. But as we got into more and more vaccines, I had patients who didn't know that they wanted to have the pneumococcal the HIV, the rotavirus, the hep B. And so I would sometimes have those available because there was enough demand, but sometimes I'd have to order them if a patient wanted them. And then I was in California when 2011 California made a switch in parents rights to make decisions about their children's vaccine schedule. And they said that each parent had to be educated by a school nurse practitioner or a doctor and the provider had to sign that the education had happened before the parents personal belief exemption from one or more vaccines was considered valid and could be submitted to the school. About four years later, California brought SB 277. Under greyed out cry from parents flocking to the capitol and staying there in hot sweaty holes for an entire summer by a few 1000 in numbers, but to no avail. I'm sure it influenced the wording of the bill because originally it said only contraindications would be allowed for medical exemptions and no other type of exemption would exist. It's interesting that the literature the legislation did not address religious exemption directly. But everybody was going to state a fear and assumed this means the religious exemption is gone also, because the word beliefs was plural. That was probably a mishap of the legislative process that it wasn't brought up that Dr. Paul 13:40 we needed to effectively remove both philosophical and religious didn't it effectively Dr. Kelly Sutton 13:46 in people's actions. But whether the law actually is written to say that, I think has to be tested in court. We don't know for sure. But it was it left a very broad for the doctor's discretion to be the foundation of medical exemptions. And in the legislative discussion, Senator Pan said, Of course that includes autoimmune disease, family history. You don't even have to be the child's doctor. And it could be for as long as as needed. Just write a note. He made it sound very simple and straightforward. But when the time came, there was a shift in the media's coverage. Senator Pan started saying doctors are greedy. There's doctors selling medical exemptions. This is a for profit, effort. It's against our children, as though there was a divide between the exempting doctors and the public. And from my experiences in exempting doctor, I was receiving patients who had damaged themselves damage in the family and whose own specialists or primary doctor refused to write exemptions. They sought a out a doctor who was willing to do that. I knew what I was writing exemptions that I might have to defend each one in court or in summer, legal setting. But I was not supporting children going through college at that point, I was freer, because I'm older to do what I felt was the right thing to do. Dr. Paul 15:21 You had a sense that there was danger. Yes. Yeah. I remember that feeling when I wrote the vaccine friendly plan, or that fact my mom even was accusing my co author, you are putting my son's head on a platter. It was like you're doing something that is clearly not what the establishment has set out as what they want. Yeah. And that's what good science should be. Anyway, we should be questioning everything. Dr. Kelly Sutton 15:47 I think so and probably good education. And anything going should be questioning the status quo, because we're by design, always improving and evolving. Right? Dr. Paul 15:58 So back to your story. You didn't write hundreds or 1000s of exemptions, you just wrote, how many? Dr. Kelly Sutton 16:05 Oh, I wrote a number of exemptions, probably close to 1000. But I didn't keep track. But it was eight cases that were brought in front of the medical board. And parents were given the option of turning over the records immediately, but chose not to. And then they had to be subpoenaed. And I went through the process of a hearing and the question of a settlement that I was planning to move east to Massachusetts to be grandma. And it didn't make sense for me to accept a heavy duty probation and pay for a monitor, pay for charts being checked, keep an office in California where I'm living in Massachusetts. So I said, I don't want a settlement. And it went to a hearing in front of administrative law judge. And despite the fact that I had excellent witnesses, Dr. noin Shawanda, who's headed the maps program for years, Dr. Paul 17:05 and really founder and scientist. Yep, articulate Dr. Kelly Sutton 17:09 Yes, and powerful speaker. And he's been at the ASIC meeting, so he knows how the process of approval of vaccines works. And Dr. latrine Huang, who has taken care of children with Vaccine Injury through her work with homeopathy. And Dr. Andrew Zimmerman, whose incredible deep work in pediatric neurology has, with his colleagues documented that 30% of regressive autism is related to mitochondrial dysfunction. Dr. Paul 17:42 Yeah, he was the one that famously involved in the HANA Pauling case, right? Dr. Kelly Sutton 17:48 I think he was the co worker of the father of Hana, was it Dr. Paul 17:54 that might have been what it was, but it really showed clearly that vaccines can cause Yes. And in fact, that's what that case ended up proving they tried to save just because of mitochondrial dysfunction. I think many of us know that there are a lot of people walking around with mitochondrial dysfunction, like maybe all of us Dr. Kelly Sutton 18:15 were at some level it's acquired, taking Tylenol enough would probably give us all mitochondrial dysfunction. But the combination of some genetic vulnerability and then a few doses of Tylenol and a bunch of vaccines on a developing nervous system is a recipe for autism. Yeah. Dr. Paul 18:32 So back to your hearing, you actually went through one of these ordeals, right? Where your, your you got your attorney, and you've got your witnesses. Tell us a little more about how that went. Dr. Kelly Sutton 18:44 I was totally naive to the legal system. So I did not know what anybody's role was. The rules of the game were how to address or formulate a strategy. So I pretty much did, as I was told by the attorney, and then learned later that we should have asked for discovery, we should have asked for the opportunity to say who is the expert witness Deborah layman that you're bringing here and she's pediatric infectious disease. She doesn't deal with seeing vaccine injured children administering vaccines herself, writing medical exemptions. So essentially, she's not qualified. And yet, she was accepted by the players in the courtroom at that time. And it was this slam dunk. Everything, just trivialize what I was saying. And turned that whole outcome to be of course, you only use the ACF guidelines. And you only did that and anything other than that is an extreme deviation from the standard of care. So hyperbole about what was a protective action for children. and was not giving them a wrong treatment, but withholding treatment, which is part of the Hippocratic Oath, the first do no harm. And the decision was made to revoke my license. Dr. Paul 20:14 Wow. And that happened pretty quickly. I imagined it Dr. Kelly Sutton 20:18 did. And then I tried to petition for reconsideration, submitted the petition. And within less than one business day, 400 pages of documents were said to have been reviewed and rejected. So when they hadn't read it did an ex parte to the Superior Court in Sacramento. And the judge said, Look, this didn't happen, and called the Deputy Attorney General and myself for a brief hearing and asked him, What would the medical board do if it had the option to redo this? He said, we would out of fear. Rhys, consider this petition. So as my license was extended, probably an extra month or so due to my petition to reconsider. But ultimately, the same outcome was the revocation of my license in 2222. Dr. Paul 21:16 And so basically, you appealed it, they shot it down. And that's it for that case, is it done? Dr. Kelly Sutton 21:21 That's the administrative level. So I do have still pending two writs at the Superior Court in Sacramento. But I'm not actively pursuing those, because I want to work with the federal case with a group of doctors who are working with a civil rights attorney on that right now. Dr. Paul 21:45 I'm really excited to hear that before we get to that. One other thing you had happened to you exactly what happened to me I happen to have been licensed also in I was originally licensed and practicing in Oregon. I was licensed in Washington, my neighboring state, and I had some patients there, but they were driving to my office in Oregon. And then I had a license in Hawaii where I had never practiced, but I always thought, oh, I might retire there someday, and, and I can have a license, all those licenses fell like dominoes, and maybe tell us what happened to you. Because I know you had licenses in other states as well. Dr. Kelly Sutton 22:19 I did. And within 12 days of the first revocation by California, Massachusetts, sent me a letter saying, Oh, we're investigating you, please send such and such, or please just sign this document saying, you surrender your license, and you admit you're guilty. So I sent the documents and told them I was appealing. And for six months or so I didn't hear anything from them. And then they started getting revved up and began, what looked like was going to be a hearing process. But in fact, was a summary decision against my license and saying, based on reciprocal discipline, there is no need to reconsider anything. But the state of Massachusetts may duplicate the finding of guilt that the state of California found, and do what it chooses as discipline against me. At that time, I worked pro bono, with the help of attorney friend and other friends. And the battle was fierce, there was a lot of back and forth. And some amazing things happened in terms of just the way they conducted procedure. For instance, in my response to their motion for summary decision, I said, Please give me the points that you are saying are the reasons for this. Because in the Massachusetts law, it says that's required. And they said, that's if you're in superior court, but in administrative level, we don't have to do that. So I'm supposed to respond, been laid out for what I'm responding to. And that was my requirement. And at another point, I asked for something and the administrative master said, I will take that as a motion to reconsider. And here is the response. So he assumed that my asking was a motion to reconsider. He took the place of my attorney to call it that. And then he took the role that he had already as the administrative master to respond to it and deny it. It was an overtaking of rights. But what I'm learning is that's the way the administrative state works, that it doesn't have to be practicing real law with real orderly presentation of points, so that a person can respond or real roles defined, it can just say do this. And you can't do that. And here's the decision. So it's a tough part of our time to have this exercise of raw power in the management of regulating professionals. It's I'm not a professional. I'm more like parolee. And they're the wardens. It's no question that I've done something wrong. And they're watching really closely. What else am I going to do? Dr. Paul 25:21 When in fact, you haven't used simply did careful family histories, physical exams on your patients, and basically, you were saving kids who are at high risk for vaccine injury from vaccine injury. Wow. So that I had not known this term reciprocal discipline, but that's what I suffered through as well. So you lost your Massachusetts license. And I understand you have one in New York as well. Dr. Kelly Sutton 25:45 I had very briefly a New York license in 1982. I never activated it fully. I never practiced in New York, New York, like you not practicing in Hawaii. But nonetheless, New York said they chose to revoke my license to prevent the possibility that I should possibly consider at age 76. Starting to activate my license in New York and practicing there. They are preventing harm to the public, by revoking my license. Now, Dr. Paul 26:16 you You are such a threat of harm to the public. Dr. Kelly Sutton 26:19 Yeah, high priority in all of New York State. That's the worst criminal they've got. Wow. Dr. Paul 26:24 Wow. Tell me if you can, what did you learn about the Federation of State medical boards because I only became aware of that after I got entangled with this whole rigmarole with different states and all that. Dr. Kelly Sutton 26:38 I learned that there is a huge distribution of information about the status of my license and every doctor's license to the Federation to the national Practitioner Data Bank, to the IRS to the Attorney General's office, to many departments, and so we are under continual surveillance and didn't even know it. But as I have listened to Merrill nases case in which a member of the main medical board is on the Federation of State medical boards, even though Maine State law says, No person shall be on the Medical Board of Maine that has a conflict of interest. If you're serving the Medical Board of Maine, you should care about the health of patients in Maine. But if you are serving on the Federation of State medical boards, you have a different purpose that could conflict with what's going on. It may say that secondary, what happens to Maine public, I don't care about I want the profession of medicine to go a certain direction. But she would not recuse herself. So I now see the Federation as probably the linchpin behind the lockstep actions that medical boards across the country and around the world have taken in the last three years. And I've spoken recently with a friend who is a veterinarian, who does Holistic Veterinary work and is beloved by her patients, families, as you can imagine, because she gets good results. The pets live a long time and they're healthy, and cancers are reversed and there's less euthanasia, which is the automatic go to answer in veterinary medicine. And she her license is suspended in Massachusetts for two years. Awesome. Wow, I did not know that. Yeah. And there is an American Veterinary medicine board, American Association of Veterinary Medicine boards, that she contacted and said, Please tell me your sources of funding. And she's waiting to hear back from them. Dr. Paul 28:47 So that's my understanding is this federation of state medical boards. And indeed, there's the International Association of Medical regulatory authorities that you've written about. These organizations are not accountable to the public. They're not accountable to our government agencies or public health agencies. They're independently funded, I believe, to carry out what mission Dr. Kelly Sutton 29:11 I cannot say I've read their mission statement, but I have heard from Dr. Bruce Dooley, who now lives in practices in New Zealand, that in their meetings, they describe how to get the fringe doctors or the quacks and what policies should be introduced in their particular states. So the policies are written as a template. This is what you want to get introduced into law. So they're very politically active. And there is a real intention to get rid of doctors like us who are fringe, and in the old days, we were quacks because we use natural things to treat patients the least toxic thing for first. So that's anti competitive for sure. In a business sense, it's not fair practice. In an our free speech is restricted. So I think there's a lot of illegality going on. And we need discovery and deposition of people to understand where does the money come from? Because that's probably why those sample laws are being distributed to all the Federation of State Medical Board representations. And I think they're probably have a reach into every state medical board. Dr. Paul 30:35 Yeah, I think you're right. That brings us to the topic I'm really excited to talk to you about that is this, you've chosen to engage in what I think is probably, I know, you've stated it the most important civil rights fight of our time. And tell us a little more about what's going on. And then also how we can support you and give more information. Thank you, Dr. Kelly Sutton 30:57 physicians and patients reclaiming medicine as a new 501 C three, that is a legal defense fund, and a membership organization to collect interested patients, physicians, attorneys, and other providers who are being attacked, or who have seen the importance of this attack. As one of these things, it pulls the rug out from under all kinds of rights. If a doctor and a patient cannot work together freely, for the good of the patient, certainly parents rights are gone, the patient's rights are gone, those physicians rights are gone. And if we don't have bodily autonomy, we are under the state. There is no other control over us. If we don't have it ourselves. I'm glad to see that is happening. And we have had speakers. And we're still very tiny and new as an organization. But getting in contact with other organizations and other individuals who are gaining experience so that we can find one another and work together. Dr. Paul 32:04 Now that's super exciting. What COVID taught us what Tova taught us now, you and I were aware that there were problems with the childhood vaccine schedule, right way before most of our peers or the population at large, had any notion that there was any issue with vaccines and then come along this COVID fiasco, and people seem to be waking up. I Dr. Kelly Sutton 32:27 heard Steve Kirsch last night. MIT finally allowed him to speak in the university where he's donated money for a building. He was refused until November 30 of 2023. And he spoke about what his mastery of Statistics has shown that there's no question that the COVID vaccine has caused deaths. He says there's no question that autism causes is from vaccines. He said, There is no single instance of any case of autism, two weeks before a vaccine happens. But there's large numbers of cases of autism to within the two weeks after a vaccine. And he says that's enough statistically, and he discussed the Poisson distribution, which I don't know what it is. But I think it's the coming together of people with different skills like Steve Kirsch and Edward Dowd with their mastery of mathematics have really shown us a mathematical fact of what's happened that we know from our environment and the neighbors, and friends and what we read in the media, in spite of suppression. And that has to take a next step, once we've got mathematic approved to go towards things like lawsuits. Dr. Paul 33:48 Yeah, it's that same clustering of autism after vaccines that Steve Kirsch was talking about last night. We've seen the same thing with SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome, never being properly attributed to the actual culprit, and that's vaccines. Almost large majority of SIDS happen in the first week after vaccines, not the week before vaccines as high in one data set as 97%. But in all data sets and there's several of them. Yeah, well over 50% are in the first week after vaccines, sometimes three days after a vaccine. Wow. Dr. Kelly Sutton 34:24 And as bad as vaccines are. The worst thing is behind that. And that's the principle that's being established that you and I could not take care of a patient and give the patient with the patient needed. That freedom to function as a trained, ethical, responsible professional, does not exist. And so if that's taken away, then we really have big issues in how to conduct a human culture together? Yeah. When Dr. Paul 35:03 you were opening with me, you talked about trust, and how important that trust is between the patient and doctor, that relationship. And you and I have had that privilege of having trusting relationships with our patients for decades. And that has been completely eroded when, just for example, the COVID, that's most obvious to people who are watching doctors get paid reimbursed for vaccinating. And there are bonuses and incentives. And then of course, the public has been incentivized by or threatened, you're going to lose your job where you can't go to this event or that event, or you can't travel, or here's a doughnut or a lottery card, just ridiculously unethical practices. In any time prior to this. We would have been brought before a medical board if we coerced a patient to take a medical procedure. Yes, Dr. Kelly Sutton 35:59 these are bribes, there should be no detailers from with gifts from pharmaceutical companies to medical students and doctors, there should be no financial incentives for doctors for certain treatments, or lab tests or anything else. Those interfere with medical judgment. There's no way for it not to. Dr. Paul 36:21 So I'm curious, you've been at this even longer than I have? What happened? What happened to our profession? Where are our peers, we've got in my field pediatrics, almost all pediatricians will just follow the basic guidelines without questioning without looking at any other data. They just start told this is what you do, and they do it. Where do we go from here? What happened Dr. Kelly Sutton 36:44 to different questions, but so important, I think we got lazy and greedy. And when insurance came in, and it paid anything, we were happy to charge high prices, we lost our moral footing. And we didn't charge fair prices. So then there had to be clamps put back on us. And the family practice doctor became the secretary for the system, filling out all the referral authorizations and so that the lab could make money, the X ray department could make money, the referral specialist could make money, but the referral had to come from the primary in that in those days family practice, doctor and we didn't complain. And then I think one thing I've heard Richard emerling say is the workload got so big, that doctors did not any longer want to work alone. So we put ourselves on the employment role of a hospital and became their doctor. And we've had fewer and fewer doctors in private practice. His assessment of what's gone wrong with medicine is very insightful. He said, In the 90s, there was, or maybe it was part of, I don't know if it was Clinton's medical plan, or Obama's probably Obama's, there was a plan to say, medical visits could only be paid through insurance, you could not pay out of pocket. And he said, that's a key point of control. Because if a person is free to pay out of their own pocket, they have freedom to choose a different provider than that easy, covered, cheap provider. But so he said, we have to have things put back so that people are paying and choosing their provider with their finances. And the private practice of medicine has to be restored as one answer to your second question. And it has to be strong. And we have to have fewer physician employees and more physician self employed, because then we have the chance to use our own values. The doctors in Kaiser and setter were not free to write medical exemptions. And they were told that and so there are patients who are deprived of that option on as a mass as a block. Dr. Paul 39:19 And that might be how some of them ended up at your doorstep? I think so. Yeah. I had that same experience in pediatrics in general that patients were kicked out of other practices. If they weren't following the CDC schedule. They would show up at my office and we take all comers and monitor informed consent. And so I had this growing population of under or unvaccinated patients, which you would think would be a disaster given the common knowledge or the thought anyway, that vaccines are safe and effective in this wonderful Naisha and cure all. The funny thing was the unvaccinated are the ones who are so healthy. And I got to see that firsthand, which was like whoa, what's going on here? Yeah, That's very insightful of you. So with your efforts with PP RM, how do people get information from that organization? We're joined to support you. Dr. Kelly Sutton 40:11 Thank you. The website is reclaiming med dot o RG. If people want to go there, they can see what the Saturday meetings are. Like, we have a forum. And you can sign up for the newsletter for free, you can get notices of when we have a guest speaker. And then as a member, you get access to the recordings of prior guest speakers, and the forum and a section of the website that isn't available to the public. And we love having the experience of doctors who are dealing with medical board issues, because we think in the combined experience and insights, we're going to have a chance to understand how to approach the issues we're dealing with, and also have the talent collected to help write articles to reach out to people through social media. And see if there's ways that there's more awareness, we would like to make everybody more legally literate, because doctors are not legally literate. Parents are not legally literate. The things I've seen happen with parents who had exemptions in California, and are then told me you now have to register this in this thing. And the schools will routinely say you just sign up for it and you'll get put in your exemption there. But putting your exemption in to the system means two things, your tract and your exemption will be denied. I've never heard of a single exemption put into the care system that was accepted. Except for one. And that was a doctor who is still being investigated. And it was a 12 month exemption. Dr. Paul 42:01 Effectively medical exemptions are gone, aren't they? Dr. Kelly Sutton 42:04 Yes, yes. And they're really one person pointed out they are not medical. They are administrative. So it's a bureaucratic exemption that the parents are getting. And that's so hard to get in California. Dr. Paul 42:19 Yeah. I'm often asked if I live in California or New York, or Maine or Philadelphia or West Virginia, I think those are the states Pennsylvania sorry. I think those are the states currently that do not have a philosophical or religious exemption. Oh, and parents will say what can I do? And what would you tell them? Dr. Kelly Sutton 42:39 It's I hear occasionally, about this doctor will give exemptions, or this school will work with the parents to get the child educated. But I think those are like, rare as hen's teeth very difficult to find those that can with the answer seems to be to go on with creating the new world to start your own school, which is easier at the preschool level than other times you just share with other parents find a church that welcomes its congregation and work together, you make a private Educational Association, so that it is a contract between parent and student and teacher. That is doesn't include the government. It's not taking government money. It's not licensed. Because it's when we allow the government access through a medical license, a school being licensed, that we then have to comply with. We have they have access to us, and then we have to comply with the laws, whether it's giving vaccines or receiving vaccines. So a person can homeschool or move. Those are the two hard realities. Yeah. Dr. Paul 44:01 If you're a parent listening and you are faced with my child is now going to be forced to get less heaven forbid, but they've added the COVID jab to the childhood vaccine schedule starting at six months of age. I just can't even fathom the insanity of that right decision that was made almost unanimously by this committee that supposedly is looking out for our children's health. Clearly our organizations are captured, right? Yes, the very institutions that are supposed to protect us are now right out there harming us left and right yes. So homeschooling has to start becoming a real reality for any thinking caring parent Yeah. Or like you said move. I'm gonna wrap up and have Didi join you for to function I gotta miss this D always gets to the fun personal stuff. Okay. But as I depart, I want you to have a final say about if the audience could listen or remember one thing. Dr. Kelly Sutton 44:56 What do you want them to know? It's you And one thing I forgot, and that is to go to school board meetings. And I'm volunteering now in my grandson's library at his little kindergarten school, public school. So I get to see what are the books like that are there? What are the people like? How much computer use a lot of things. And I go to the school board meetings once a month, and I'm thinking about going to the school to the town council meetings. I think it's that local involvement. That's the other leg. It doesn't educate our children. But it's something maybe for the grandparents who carry while the parents are figuring out whether to homeschool or vaccinate or move, because the parents are carrying the biggest load on their shoulders. I think maybe that's the last thing I should say is that tremendous admiration I have for the parents who are going through this experience. They have born the child love the child obeyed the doctor suffered from all of those virtues, and now deal with a chronically ill child that they are continuing to be devoted to and to raise. And the things I'm going through are nothing compared to that. So it's Dr. Paul 46:18 I second, third, fourth and quadruple that. That's why we do what we do. And thank you, Dr. Kelly, satin, you are an angel on this planet on this earth. And thank you for being on the show with me. Here's DD. Dr. Kelly Sutton 46:30 Thank you very much, Paul. Hey, everyone, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 46:33 it's me DD and I am here with Dr. Sutton V. Dr. Sutton, you just saw a wonderful interview with her and Dr. Pol. And I was cleaning to every word and everything you said. And when you were talking about exemptions and different things, I have found myself starting to tear up because as a mom, I did some exemptions, not exemptions. But I did refuse some vaccines for my son when he was younger, because he was sick. I did the initial one. So my heart as a mom is so appreciative of you and but very sad that you have to go through what you are going through and what you did, because you were doing what's best for children. That hurts my heart as a mom. But thank you for everything that you do. So my first question is, are you just mentioned your grandchildren? So talk to me about how many kids you have? How many grandkids you have? I see that brings a smile to your face your Dr. Kelly Sutton 47:32 it's a real connection point, whether it's a doctor and patient or meeting someone is how do you have children because it changes your life once you have that experience? So I have two wonderful sons, who are around 40 years old now. And one of them has two children. And I get to babysit them twice a week and I'm delighted. Oh, yeah. I love that. Yeah. And how old are they? five and three? Okay, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 48:02 so is it the five year old that's in school that you were talking about going to the library? Yes. And for your children for 40 years ago? Did you vaccinate your kids? Dr. Kelly Sutton 48:13 I did. Okay, I learned conventional medicine first. Okay. And so I did what I learned. But then, in my practice, my patients started teaching me and some of them had problems, a man with dramatic myositis. I have to thank for his story and his asking for help. And I searched for a research program to put him in. That was conventional medication. Couldn't find one. So I asked a friend who said she had helped her rheumatic fever, with nutrition. And then she wrote out the nutritional program because I couldn't at that point, and he got better. He still looked like he had dermatomyositis. But he was functioning. He was swallowing he was doing his gardening and he was no longer depressed. So I knew the power of other types of healing from what my patients told me. And that was just the beginning of opening everything. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 49:19 How many years would you say you were in practice when that happened? And maybe turned around how you felt? Dr. Kelly Sutton 49:24 That happened? Pretty quick. Tucker, I started practice in New Mexico in 1970. And that's about the time that the American Holistic Medical Association was founded with Norm Shealy and Gladys McGarry. Okay, I knew them way back then. The early days of Jeffrey bland. There was a lot of famous figures in just beginning things at that point. And then I met anthroposophic medicine, the work of Rudolf Steiner, which kind of brought everything together. It has a big picture cosmology behind it Just like are you Vedic and Chinese medicine? Do ya? What's it the context of the human being the local, the family, the community, the cosmos. In that framework, I could put everything I was learning from patients, whether it was nutrition, detox with colonics, homeopathy, homeopathic remedies, herbal remedies. Some people had experienced faith healing, healing with radionics. All of those could be grasped and formed into useful tools. Through the work of anthroposophic. Medicine. I didn't use all of them. But I think that the whole difference was being able to say, what is the human being? And have an answer that you could count on? This is deep, this is real. Because that question wasn't really answered explicitly. In medical school, it was more implied that the eye is a camera, the brain is a computer, the heart is a pump. So we're just a big inch machine. We're a big Incredible Machine, we're broken, we fix it. But with anthroposophic medicine, there was a picture of the person having a spiritual nature, which was eternal and unique. And soul or emotional makeup, a body of life forces, which was called the etheric body, and then a physical body. So with that complexity, there was many angles of understanding the sickness of the person, and of helping to treat. So it's just been a very rich learning experience for all these years. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 51:36 That's awesome in that you can embrace that because a lot of medical doctors, like after I've helped I do body work, and through the past 30 something years, sometimes some of my patients back pains or different things would get better. And they'd go to the doctor, and they're like, oh, it's that's nice. Go ahead, but you should probably still have surgery. And it's, it just always surprised me that it was just put off, and that's changed in itself. So you just said Gladys McGarry? Yes. Name. I had an opportunity at a massage conference. Actually, she did a speech and I got to talk to her. And she's amazing. Do you feel like that's did you learn much from her? Because he just mentioned her name. But did you ever have an opportunity to because she went through the same thing with her past, and how she chose to step right into doing things more holistically. Dr. Kelly Sutton 52:25 I knew her so long ago and have not kept touch that I probably had more discussions about her work in the 1970s than since then. But I know she did amazing things with the Association for Research and enlightenment, the ARV healing centers in Arizona. Yeah. And I imagine there would be parallels if I spoke with her. Yeah, I've DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 52:51 been trying to get her on the show. Talking to her she is she's amazing. And that's what I see in you, though, is that you're not afraid to fight. And I think in some of the email conversation, you said that if push comes to shove, it's more important to you to have an effect on helping families and kids and people receive the best medical care and health care. And I think that's something that you'd said that I've noticed is sometimes we think of it as just medicine versus a well, wellness, health and wellness. When you think of health wellness, I don't think we always think of medical doctors. But I see that in you. And I think that's why they're coming after you is because that's not allowed. Yes. So did your kids ever have any issues with vaccines? Dr. Kelly Sutton 53:36 I'm sure there's levels of injury in them and myself. I don't think there's any contribution to achieving full human potential that vaccines provide for I think they are a burden on our system and probably diminish by bits, our IQ or coordination or relatability, some of those finer functions, but because we're such an amazing, we've been given this human design, we have a lot of reserve and over eons, humans have been through a lot. And now we're going through this. I think we're going to survive and be stronger because of this. It's mostly my patients because I was practicing still when DPT was a vaccine. And there were a number of people in disabled homes because of the DPT vaccine from an early age. Oh, wow. Yeah, I DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 54:31 didn't even think of that. That's, and that's the thing, something like that. When you see that even back then and now seeing what we see with the COVID shot. To me, it's so clear that wow, this is harmful. We should stop but are you did you were your grandkids vaccinated? Yes. Dr. Kelly Sutton 54:48 And my daughter in law is a NICU nurse and she believes in vaccines, but she did spread them out. She didn't give the whole aid of one visit. I I think I want to mention one other thing from my early training. That besides seeing what happened with DPT, I also saw the sense of hesitation about too many vaccines that was truly the prevailing medical opinion in the early 70s, because I did a CME course that was on hepatitis and the gastroenterologist preventing presenting it said, there is coming investigation on a hepatitis B vaccine, but we won't need that for everybody. We'll just need it for those who have active Hepatitis B to prevent it from becoming cancer, and possibly people who are of Asian descent because they're more prone to that. And now we give it to babies in the first 24 hours. The shift the medical thinking that's happened. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 55:51 And even to infants, I just read an article on a set of twins that was born three weeks early in the shot was given to them. And now they're saying, June well, so I just I think, all of that's nonsense. So I have I think I know the answer to this. But if you could go back and do it differently, would you if you knew what you knew now that they were going to take your license or challenge you this much, would you have written those exemptions? Dr. Kelly Sutton 56:17 I would write them, I would probably be more aware of telling parents what they needed to do. Because I think in a sense, doctors writing exemptions made the parents think the problem was solved. We took the parents load on but that was a false answer. Because it was so temporary. It was undone in the next several years. And that little bit of tide helps because kids get more maturity, and there have more solid neurodevelopment to withstand other assaults. But still, I would have told parents, you need to do this, you need to do that. And I think all of us as a culture need to be involved in the government, whether most importantly, we do it locally, school board, and so forth. And we need to be legally literate. I knew nothing about law. And so I was just Paddy, in the hands of medical board attorneys. And sadly, the ones in California were not very strong defenders of doctors, they just felt we have to do what the medical board wants. And so that's what happened. And I know of no doctor in California, who was not disciplined. If they were in the situation I was in everybody's case it was last universally. So we need to have stronger self defense and legal defense. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 57:56 I agree very much so on that. So we have I don't know. But Dr. Paul and I have we co founded a program called Kids First the number four ever, and it's physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our life. So if everything that's happened to you, what kind of effect would you say has happened to each of those areas with you? Do you feel like you have been affected negatively based on everything going on? Dr. Kelly Sutton 58:22 I know I've got wear and tear on my on all the parts except the spiritual probably yay, because it's just a lot to endure. And there's the stress of carrying the load of work to deal with the onslaught of tasks required. And then now the tasks are how do I pass on what I know. So it's not lost? So it's a very joyful, constructive building effort, but it's still I'm not gonna live forever, I better do this. Right. And then I think a lot of rebuilding can happen when there's some space and rest, but that time is not now. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 59:09 And I appreciate that you said that because that's the thing is, and it's just like with Dr. Paul, when he was going through this, it was affecting his health, his physical health, and mentally and emotionally and luckily, same thing, that beautiful, soulful, spiritual side of him, which I see in you, is still strong, and they can't take that they can do all the other things, they can take licenses, they can do all that but they can never take who you are. So thank you for that and how much work you put into it. So I know I'm running out of time. So okay, what, what's most important and can you say to other grandparents out there because you're in a situation where if it was your baby, you probably wouldn't vaccinate knowing what but there's this fine walk we have to do a fine dance we have to do with our children on that issue. What would you say to other grandparents Dr. Kelly Sutton 59:57 about vaccinating or God? DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 59:59 Yeah, about being having your children vaccinate your grandchildren, or how to how can grandparents get involved? Because you mentioned you're going to the school board meetings, you're going to school? Yeah, I think a lot of grandparents don't feel like that's maybe their place. And same thing a lot of grandparents don't feel like they can say anything to their kids about what they know about vaccination. Now, how did you do that dance? I Dr. Kelly Sutton 1:00:25 think we have to let our parents let our children be the parents of the grandchildren. We are not the grandchildren's parents, no question about that. So there's going to be things we see whether it's toilet training, how you brush your teeth, diet, vaccines, bedtimes that they're going to do differently than what I did, or what I learned from not doing it right the first place. So I would just play with the family and enjoy them. And then stop waiting for permission to go to school board meetings and town council meetings and volunteer in the school environment. Just go and look at a group like moms for liberty, who are very aware of issues that happen in school boards, and find your voice because you can do something your children cannot do because they're way too busy. With prayer as grandparents, we have to use our time in a constructive way. This is not a time to retire. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 1:01:23 Thank you so much for saying that. And,man, I agree with that. If that's the one thing that anybody takes from this is an especially I think sometimes parents are put in a different situation. If they speak up too much or say anything, then sometimes how their children are treated like a school. Yes, my son was treated negatively based on me speaking up. So as a grandparent, it's like a parent can go hey, that's her opinion now coughing. So thank you. Thank you so much Dr. Sutton for agreeing to interview with us. And please know if you ever need any support that you can reach out to us. Thank Dr. Kelly Sutton 1:01:59 you Didi for asking beautiful questions and for the encouragement because that lets the healing begin after everybody going through things. So thank you for that. Oh, you're welcome. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 1:02:12 Thank you. Hey, everybody, it's me DD and I'm coming to you from my soul. Today and my interview with Dr. Satin. It really made my soul shine, because she had mentioned her in her early career in education and training. She had the opportunity to meet Gladys McGarry. She wrote the well lived life. She's 102 years old. Actually, I think she's 103 now and she is still practicing medicine. She they call her the mother of holistic medicine. And boy, are they true? That is so true. But what lit up my soul was what Gladys McGarry has passed on to everybody. She lives a life of love. If you read her book or you have a chance to listen to her, it will light up your soul. It did the same thing for Dr. Sutton and Dr. Sutton lit up my soul today because she's she's not letting everything that's happening to her. slow her down. She is pushing through. She's making a difference. And when I asked her, you would you go back and do things differently? Yes, you know, you might think about things differently. But no, she would always put Kate patient care first. And that's what doctors are supposed to do. That's what medicine is supposed to do. And that's what our soul is supposed to do. We're supposed to put our health, our energy who we are our life, our love first. So thanks for listening, and have a great day. Dr. Paul 1:03:55 I look forward to running together with the wind at our backs, revealing the science that gives clarity in our world that's full of propaganda and misinformation. Visit our website, doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. Your support makes a difference. And let's make this the weekly show the world has been waiting for. Thanks for watching. I'm Dr. Paul. Transcribed by https://otter.ai PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:04
Dr. Paul, welcome to with the winds science revealed. Today's show, we interview Mary Holland lawyer who was faculty at New York University School of Law for 17 years and is now President and General Counsel for children's health defense. She has co authored or CO edited several important books, including HPV on trial, vaccine epidemic, and turtles all the way down. I have all those books and have read them they are powerful. Did he interviews her about the experience at Children's Health defense conference in Savannah, Georgia, and of course wraps it up with from the soul. Dr. Paul, coming to you from the heart. I'm feeling called just to share a little bit about fear and prayer. You know, can we live confidently, no matter what's happening, I sometimes stumble and find myself getting a little fearful. And then I'm reminded, prayer doesn't have to be this one moment in time, where I maybe get on my knees, nothing. Nothing is anything wrong with any style of prayer. But prayer when it's an openness, a listening, a connecting, and an asking a trust in God, a trust in your Lord in the higher power in love in spirit, whatever you use to connect. And when you have that trust, and it's a dialogue and you're open, it can be a living, powerful force in our lives. And when you're in that faith space, I found fear just disappears. Our world is giving us endless opportunities to connect, and to stay in a place of love. That's what I wish for all of us. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 2:07 Here, everybody, it's me, Didi, and I am here with the Mary Holland from CHD. TV. And you all know that our show is on CCTV. And so some of you that are watching this watch us on CHD TV, or they watch it through when we send it out or on doctors and science.com. But we just did the conference rise and resist. And Dr. Paul and I spoke at it. And Doc also spoke on his own about what's happened to him. And many of you know that we travel and we're part of this amazing freedom groups medical freedom against medical tyranny. And Dr. Paul and I both have this passion for preventing harm and increasing children's health and wellness and vaccine. What's happening vaccines is something that we talked about and we're passionate about. We'll see each D does that and so much more. So we decided I should just come on. This is live. I'm in Alabama. So the background is a little different. But I just invited Mary to come and talk to me and talk about so my first question is, first, if you can explain just briefly for those that are on our show. And I've heard about people who've watched doc show and CHD. But they don't even really know about how CHD came in into reality, how it got started and what your position is. So if you could explain that, that'd be Mary Holland J.D. 3:26 great. Sure, happy to pleased to be here. Children's Health defense took over from a group called the World Mercury Project. It was started in 2007. And it was really focused on Mercury and very laser focus on so Marisol Mercury containing adjuvant that was used in vaccines pervasively, is now used in trace. And they made the film trace amounts, which is a great sell. Bobby Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. got on the board, a world war three project and helped to promote the film trace amount. And then basically that organization, Bobby became the Chair of that organization. And then we changed the name to children's health event. So I came on to the board of children's health defense in 2018. I'm a lawyer by profession. And then I came on to the staff at Children's Health defense in 2019 as the General Counsel. And then in 2021, I became the president and general counsel. And then this year, I took a leave of absence to work on Bobby Kennedy's political campaign, but then came back and I come back just as president and we have an acting general counsel for which I'm very grateful. Oh, that's DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 4:37 awesome. Okay, so that's your role now? Is that something that you plan to continue? Do Is this something so I guess the next question is, what's your personal involvement? Like why even in the beginning, why did you come on What? What happened personally on your lungs? Mary Holland J.D. 4:56 Yes, I came from a very medical family. Both my parents were physicians, I considered going into medicine and two uncles were doctors while blocked. I have a 26 year old son and he was vaccine injured. So that's what got me involved. And you know, first I focused on of course, biomedical interventions. And then I realized, Oh, my God, this has happened to every planet virtually, I the only way we're going to change this is to do it collectively. And so I got very involved in advocacy and worked in a variety of different groups. Autism, one, went to Dan defeat Autism NOW meetings and got to know many of the people that you and I both know, in the medical and legal side. And then when I had the opportunity to come to children's health defense and do this as a as my work, not as a volunteer, I jumped at the chance. Oh, that's DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 5:48 awesome kit. So can I do you mind sharing more about your son? Like, how old was he when he was affected? Like, what would it do? Ya Mary Holland J.D. 5:57 know, he's not one of those cases where he got the shot. And immediately at 105 fever and high pitch reading his his case is different. His was more sort of gradual in retrospect, he was a first child for me. So I didn't see all the signs in the way I would have if I'd had a child developing normally. So, you know, in retrospect, I see that he was developing some sensitivities. He was developing some repetitive behaviors, his language a little bit slow, but there were different ways that I could rationalize that to myself, and the doctors didn't pick up on anything they and I, we had actually some pretty good pediatricians. But then fortunately, a little bit late in the schedule, he got the MMR and measles, mumps, rubella. And now in retrospect, you know, he'd been getting all these thimerosal containing shots and Mercury containing shots, preservatives, and you know, so his immune system was probably already pretty, pretty impaired. And then he got three viral live viruses in his vaccine. And he basically fell off a cliff, he didn't have an immediate, immediate reaction. But he over the course of a couple of months, lost his language, lost his sleep, started doing all the repetitive things, like, you know, fans and whirly gigs and, and then started Splinter skills. Like when he did have a little bit of language, it was like, you know, to recite a book of 60 pages by heart, I mean, really, really? Yeah, he was on the what would be called Autism Spectrum Disorder, for sure. And fortunately, I learned about defeat autism Now very quickly, after, you know, very quickly after he regressed and started doing biomedical protocols to help him and I found down doctors and he's substantially recovered, but not completely, you know, his his life, my life, the all of all of our family's lives have been completely changed by that experience. And in today's world, DD on some level, I feel like we were the lucky ones because look at all the devastation and death from the COVID shots, and we were never gonna go need DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 8:03 you. I know. I know. And that so How old was he when he got the MMR? Mary Holland J.D. 8:09 He was two and a half. He was one was recommended, which is probably a thing in disguise, but he fell off DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 8:16 the cliff at that point. Okay, so he was really young. Because that's what I always you know, I'm fascinated by a lot of times, it's like for my son, it was when he was older than all of the, you know, the more of the damage and things that took place. So I'm always curious, like, when and we have so many people who watch ours. I mean, all of you all have seen HDTV, but especially with our show, we have a lot of people who watch it and want to know like, when did you notice it? And how did you notice it? And like you said it was the first child? And we do not every child develops? Normally not every child has a fever reaction. But like with Dr. Paul's research, and it sounds like a lot of what you've done too, is that it? It's health, and that's why I love when I heard about children's health defense. I'm like, wow, I that's the whole point is we're trying to help have a healthy society. How do you do that, too? I work with children is preventative. So you, you mentioned you have other children? I don't have Mary Holland J.D. 9:19 other children. No, I just have one child and he's now not a child. He's a man. But he's doing well and I'm grateful for that. But you know, the injuries are lifelong. I mean, his injuries are lifelong injuries. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 9:32 Yeah, they're and I have just one two are not a multitasker people like why did you have more children? Oh, don't ask. So, in your work, what do you find the most rewarding for you? Mary Holland J.D. 9:46 Well, I always find it rewarding DD when people have avoided harming their children, you know, when I parents who say I read one of your books or I learned you know what you said and I decide not to vaccinate my children. I always see that as a triumph. Really, that's, you know, that's one child who was spared any possibility of the severe injuries that are possible. I also find it really rewarding as a lawyer, we won some important victories. We had the minor consent law turned around, you know what we got an injunction. We've seen the mandates drop because of litigation. We've got important litigation going on right now related to censorship. So that's exciting. Just seeing, you know, I've been in this movement for over 20 years. So to see we had a conference is, you know, over 1000 people were there. We have millions of people who watch the HGTV who read our daily newsletter, Defender, I have the satisfaction I we have friends around the world, we have a chapter in Africa, we have a chapter in Europe, we have a chapter in Latin America, we have a chapter in Australia, we are part of a global powerful movement that's gaining steam. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 10:56 Wow, I didn't realize it was all over the world. I knew it was some but so how many chapters? Would you say there are in general? Do you have a count? Yeah, Mary Holland J.D. 11:07 I am not the minute we're forming new chapters, we have chapters in about 20 Odd US states. And we have groups that we work with health freedom groups in other states. And as I say, we have chapters in other continents. So we're about 30, all together, but we, you know, these different groups do different things, depending on what the issues are in their territory are in their state. But really, there's just fantastic grassroots action going on around the world. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 11:37 It is do you think, how do you feel because this was going on before? COVID? What do you feel was the biggest impact with COVID? Like, how did how did it affect children's health events? The pandemic, the lockdown, Mary Holland J.D. 11:50 I mean, the pandemic, the lock downs, the mass, the shots, the testing, it woke up a lot of people that there's clearly a coordinated global campaign going on that relates to control of populations through the vector of health, right. So essentially, our constitution was suspended. Churches were shut down. Around the world constitutions and fundamental rights were suspended, economies basically stopped. So I think all of those things brought people to children's health defense. I think, you know, the vaccines, we still haven't seen the end of the damage from these shots. I think the masks were incredibly harmful, especially to young children and to people with special needs, who have sensory issues. And I think the lockdowns killed people, I mean, the lockdowns clearly caused, you know, millions of children to move into poverty. Girls were sold off and marriage at very young ages, I mean, the pan the pandemic was a disaster. And the notion that we should now put the World Health Organization which declared the pandemic in charge of global health is absolutely literally insane. DD, it is insane. And one of the things that we must do is to stop that from happening and 2020 for the first half of the year, there will be a lot of efforts to have the World Health Organization literally become the the sort of the centerpiece of a kind of a new world order. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 13:23 I know, it really hurts my soul. I pray on it all the time. But it's just I mean, even hearing it when you say it, again, deeply disturbed, because when I think about all the children, like you said, how the pandemic affected them in itself. And I work in pediatrics, and I'm working with these children who've been affected by it in so many different ways, and we had some suicide in our area. And I'm work with those families. And I just when they think about that, I don't understand why nobody's like catching on to that and how that's even become a thing. And so my question for you is, how I know what I'm going to do to, you know, to make the changes and help but what do you say to somebody else who's hearing this? What do you say to them about? What what can they do? What do we have to do as a collective, but what can people do individually? Right? Mary Holland J.D. 14:19 There are so many things, Diddy. First step, of course, is awareness. The first step is to realize that we're not in the world. Certainly, I realized now I'm not in the world I thought I was in I thought I was in a very different world than I'm really in. I really do believe that. We're looking at a kind of global takeover of governments for the people by corporations, and this is really all for money. And it's really for the corporations and people are not high on the list, right? These are corporate interest and make money and to control people to subjugate people to to make people more malleable, so that They can be easily controlled. So there's lots of things to do. One is to be aware. So sign up for the free defender, watch the HDTV, sign up for your local CHD chapter in your state. If you go onto our website, you can find the chapters in the left hand hamburger menu. If you don't have a CHG chapter, join a different health freedom group use that National Vaccine Information Center portal, you can find out about what are the bills in your state, or you know, find out about what's going on in your country get active join other people in your personal life there, you know, use cash is one of the things that Catherine Austin Fitz, who's on our shows, Thursday mornings tells us use cash, it's anonymous, you may you know, if you in your pension account or in any way, if you're invested in pharma get out of pharma, they're not our friends. We don't want to be investing in Pfizer, but probably you know, the fortune 500. The s&p 500 is gonna have fun. So if you don't want to be building the prison, as Kathryn Austin Fitz would say, you know, make sure you're getting out of those investments. Those are some of the things DD that people can do. Outside of being devout. Sorry, my weakness. There was a local election here. But next November, you know, is another election for state and federal officials, vote for people that you believe are going to support your rights, especially your rights to health freedom, don't you know, go to local school board meetings go to local county official meaning stand up against this tide of tyranny? DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 16:38 Right. And I always tell like, when I talked to some moms that just say they're very fearful of talking to others, or sharing or whatever, and I said, the bare the bare minimum should be stand up for yourself and your child. Just choose not to comply. So after we spoke, and did our two month visit, we came out, just walked out the doors, this woman followed us out. And she said, Well, the easiest way to do what you did to sum up what you did is just when you go to the doctor, just say no, thank you, and keep saying no, thank you. And no, thank you. What I explained to her and the reason I don't coach that way, is yes, that's how you stand up for yourself. You just say no, thank you, and you're welcome to walk out the door. Where I find that to be an issue is for someone who is weak. And that's why I say bring somebody with you and make sure that person is on board with your decisions. That's also important, which I didn't point out, that person is on board with you then when they tell you, you know, well, this is what you need to your child. And you say no, thank you. Doctors are mean. And again, I'm they're supposed to do no harm. But I don't always know that they feel like they're doing harm. And so they'll push and the greater good and the money and whatever it is that they try and use just by saying no, thank you. I don't believe that changes anything. And that puts you on defense. And so for me, I always say, you know, learn everything and do everything. And when you make your decision stand behind your decision, say, this is why I'm choosing not to vaccinate, not just no thank you. But I don't think we're going to change pediatricians or people around us. If we just say, Oh, no thank you and walk away. Do you kind of feel the same way? Mary Holland J.D. 18:16 Well, a couple things. I really liked your idea of bringing somebody who's aligned with you to a pediatric office, it's too easy for a mom to be intimidated by somebody in a white coat. It's just tragic, but it's real. And we see that all the time. So I love the idea of if you have to go to a doctor's office and avoiding it altogether is another strategy. Go to a pediatrician who is open to your viewpoint. You don't want to go to somebody who's a doctor, who you're not aligned with. So you want to first of all, find pediatricians that are open to not vaccinating but should have to go for some reason to someone who's not on your team, though is somebody else. I also just recently edited a book called turtles all the way down vaccine science and myth. This is a great book that has questions for your doctors and I would encourage you to buy a copy. It's actually self published on Amazon but buy a copy and give it to your pediatrician or, you know, open questions for your doctor and ask your doctor all those questions. The doctor can't answer your questions, doesn't want to deal with you and will kick you out of the practice and then you'll find a better meeting trician or nurse practitioner or naturopath or whatever you can do in your state but you don't want to go to a doctor that you believe is bullying you that's just a bad idea. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 19:42 Yep. And, and for many, many reasons I feel like and that's what we try and show in that visit is that if they're not willing to listen or respect where you are, and we included in this last one I've been called just a moment I actually embrace that because I believe that has power people like you're not just a mom, no, I am. And what just a mom means is that I am fully on board with making sure that my child gets the best care. I didn't do it before. But I'm damn well gonna do it now. And I'm for sure gonna make sure that other parents at least have what they need to do that. And I believe that's what you and ch D does with the standing up to people and the, Mary Holland J.D. 20:27 you know, we don't need fancy degrees and we don't need somebody else's, you know, stamp of approval. I say, you know, we're animals and as animals, we're mammals, we're kind of failing our young right and the job, especially mothers in the animal kingdom is to fiercely protect their young and we are not protecting young people against what are toxic injections. And the science now is so clear Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Brian hugger just came out with the book Baxton Vax turtles all the way down is truly a really helpful book. It's pretty clear, you know, these these, I just read a story today Didi have a baby that you know, toddler that went to her 15 month visit and two days after getting three shots, she's dead. You know, these are not harmless exposures. And they're, you know, the the media, the health establishment, sadly, they lie to people. These are very toxic exposure. Some people do fine. You know, some people can smoke two packs a day for 70 years and be fine. Other people die and 50 have lung cancer. You know, some kids won't get autism, some kids will become paraplegic. Some kids will get add some kids will have depression, some kids will have other complications, autoimmune disorder, some kids will get asthma, and some kids will do fine. But now many more than half of American children have some kind of chronic health condition, be it obesity, asthma, allergies, ATD, ADHD, autism or cancer. So, clearly, these products are not helping overall public health, which is what they're designed to do. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 22:11 So you know, right. That's what, that's the thought process, right? Because when somebody called me an anti Vaxxer, I'm like, No, I'm pro health. Give me a shot. That's going to protect me but not harm me. Mary Holland J.D. 22:23 I'm all in Yeah, but they don't have those. Unfortunately, they you know, that's in there so severe that the industry in 1986 had to get indemnity from the government National Vaccine Information, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Act, or react and VI A, which basically indemnified industry, and then it became a gold rush, right, then there was lots of money in it, and there was no liability costs, and you can mandate the products. There's nothing like being able to mandate your widget, your market affect liability. I mean, that's what this is. It's an incredible scheme that violates every notion of markets. It violates every notion of you know, responsibility. It's insane, right, toxic products that are mandated on children. That's what this is about. And it's crazy. And it's gonna just die. Ed, we're getting we're getting very close to the tipping point here. 24. I just saw a poll from Rasmussen from early November 24% of Americans believe they know somebody who died from a COVID shot. People are we not have the level of legislation trying to protect people to make their own choices. More and more people are trying to opt out of routine childhood vaccinations. The science is really clear at this point. Didi is the science I mean, just getting clear every day, science is really clear that this there's these products were inadequately tested. And they have a huge array of side effects as DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 23:53 well. And it's, it's very sad. You know, I feel like it's a bitter the COVID shots a bittersweet thing in reality of, it's very sad what it's doing. And my own family, I still just, I can't even talk about it without bawling, but just the buy in knowing and sharing and their own friends. My I have my aunts all in this older group of women and two of them have already died of cancer, one of them died just recently, you know, and there was all within a couple of weeks at the COVID shot and the woman is still getting boosters. So my I just it's a struggle on that in. But you just mentioned What did you say there was a study Rasmussen, Mary Holland J.D. 24:30 there was there's a poll, there's a polling organization called Rasmussen polls, and they just did a poll early this month, November of how do you think that you know, anybody who died of a COVID vaccine 24% of Americans say yes, they do. And what's really impressive is that that number is about the same for Democrats and Republicans. There was a lot of differences between Democrats and Republicans about all the COVID measures. There's now prints between Democrats and Republicans and recognizing that they believe somebody who was you know, died from their exposure to a vaccine, the whole idea of a vaccine is supposed to protect you from deaths D. And we know that, you know, COVID was not as severe I would predict it to be. So the notion that people are dying from these vaccines is horrific. It's just terrific. You see, I DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 25:19 think that's the thing, the fear mongering, is it setting it over? Can you just in a legal aspect to share your opinion and the importance of bears? But when I was bringing up bears to one of my friends, she's like, Oh, that's just false reporting. So what do you say to somebody like that, that says that, oh, people just go on and claim stuff? Ah, Mary Holland J.D. 25:45 so two things, you know, the vaccine adverse event reporting system was created by statute by law and the 1986, National Childhood Vaccine Injury act, it was required, because if you take away litigation, as a way to impose liability, we have to have some way to find out if these products work or not. And then there were supposed to be Reports to Congress to make vaccines safer. They've never been made safer. They've only gotten more dangerous over time. But the truth is, is that there's is only probably catching 1% of adverse events. How do we know that? Because the Centers for Disease Control itself in 2010, commissioned a study by a gentleman named Phil I believe Solomon, and he was working for the Harvard Pilgrim Health Association, and they were doing machine learning. And so they looked at in a child maintenance organization at who was vaccinated. And then when did they come back to the health service? And what did they come back for? What they found a co DD? What is that? It's a staggering number. It's about two and a half percent. So a really high percentage of people get adverse events from vaccines. And when the CDC found that out in 2010, they literally didn't pick up the phone anymore. So they want to know, but we do have the VCA data. So in COVID, the government promised us that they would be rigorous and they would be tracking all injuries. And they created an app called the D safe vaccine safety app. And Aaron Siri and attorney for ICANN had to FOIA Freedom of Information Act asked for the information. And when that was exposed, it showed that there was over a 10% injury rate. These are unacceptable injury rates, and you have every diverse data is the government's data. The V save data is the government's data, if anything, it's underreported. So DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 27:44 can we change that? Because like Dr. Pol said, not every book not and most doctors don't even know how to use it. They're not even reporting it. Well, I don't even know about it until COVID. Mary Holland J.D. 27:57 I wish that I thought that were true DD I think that what we've heard a lot during the pandemic is that people were in hospitals told not to report so there's lots of disincentives to report it. First of all, it takes time, time is money. Second of all, the hospitals are the ones who are giving the shots, they don't really want to have a high injury rate from their hospitals. But all you have to do is look at the versi. It's open. And the the easiest way to find veirs is there's a link called Med alerts like medical alerts, meds, med alerts.or, and go to that, and you can look at it yourself. And there's just a staggering number of injury and death reports. And we've just got to stop this and the good news is DD is that people aren't going to get the boosters. The good news is it's about two to 3% of people who are getting the COVID boosters, they're still pushing them, but people aren't taking them people are wising up. And we have to be really happy about that. And we have to take some credit for that. That's because of the work we've done because the government and media have been pushing the same narrative since 2019. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 29:02 And I think that's the other part that I find so insane is that they know that there's harm so okay, fine, don't take them off the market, but to bribe people to do it. To tell kids that they can't go to college or go to classes or do things if they aren't vaccinated to childhood scheduled putting it on for a six month old. Mary Holland J.D. 29:21 And that's crib I mean, truly DD This is criminal stuff. You know, this, this is criminal stuff. There's no, you know, these most recent boosters were never even tested and children, they are literally expecting people to basically sign up as lab rats. And kudos to the people who say no, I'm not a lab rat. Right. I DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 29:42 think that's the most important thing and I wish like when we go to the conferences and things I tell I told Dr. Paul, I feel like we're preaching to the choir. And that's why I feel like our part when we talk is the communication piece and sharing with other people. You're the people that are hearing it knowing it and have exposure variants the damage. So this is how you talk to other people, because the only way that most people in society you're gonna get the information is one of us is willing to share and talk and make ourselves vulnerable. And you know what I mean? Yeah. Mary Holland J.D. 30:14 I mean, this is the question Didi, how do we reach people? It's not easy. You know, the advice that Robert Kennedy always gives, and I think it's the right advice is not to preach not to try to educate people is to ask questions, you know, why do you think that? What makes you think that who did you hear that from? You know, it's it's getting them to open their own minds? Oh, gee, I heard that from the CDC. Well, how did that work out last time? You know, you know, oh, you're from the who? Well, aren't they the ones that sort of had to backtrack? And, you know, have you heard about, you know, anyway, it's asking questions, to open people's minds. And it's, you can't change somebody's mind in one conversation. That's rare. It takes time. No, it takes time. But we're all working at that Diddy and recognize that we are all being censored, right? In social media. In print media and broadcast media, anybody who is going against the government narrative, and the government narrative, let's not forget is the unvaccinated are the ones who are the problem, you know, they're gonna get sick and die. That's not the reality. But that's the narrative. So and DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 31:19 now. And so. And I know you saw our presentation, that's one of the first things that my dues list and when I coach families is to ask questions. And I think the other thing that I tell people is that every person, even those that are, that are asleep, and following the CDC, or what the government says, everyone has something inside of themselves that want to help other people, we're helpers. So when I'm talking to somebody, I'll always ask, Can you help me understand why so it's a question, but if I asked them for help, you know, help me can I, you know, if I say help me with something, it seems like then people, you know, especially men, they want to help, they want to be the fixers, the the, you know, let me tell you, what's right. They want to help. And I think that's when people start to question their their selves, is when they're trying to help you understand, and they realize they don't even understand. So that's one of the things I share anyway, who knows if it works, but so what do you see in the next year? What do you see for everybody? Mary Holland J.D. 32:29 Well, I'm already looking a lot towards 2024 to 2020. Fours. I mean, we've got, you know, two wars going on in the world right now. We've got a lot of really frail leadership, globally. 2024, we've got elections in this country, we've got elections in Russia, we've got elections in China, there's a lot that's likely to happen in Europe, they've just basically embraced the digital ID for the European Union this past week. So there's a lot that's going on. I do think people have to be prepared that there could be some new crisis in the world. And being mentally prepared for that it I do believe makes a big difference. So I do think we're going to have a rough year to be honest with you, dd, I don't think 2024 is going to be smooth. I think it's gonna be a rough year. But I think we've got some really fantastic institutions and groups and people, and we can strengthen one another. I can't overstate how important it is to find your tribe, to make friends in the health freedom movement, if this matters to you, and if you want to keep your kids unvaccinated, it makes a huge difference to have people to support you in that and to reinforce in you why you come to that conclusion. So reach out. You know, I do our show with Polly Tommy each week, you know, pray big, don't settle. You know, never settle. You know, just stay strong. Stand firm, stand firm, don't settle, never settle. I guess she says down firm. Never Settle. Pray big. That's that's what we do. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 34:12 And lead with love. I always tell people that it's like, no matter how much you're against something, if you lead with love, it seems to be the most powerful weapon that we have. So I do my best to share that. So, question I love asking everybody whenever I do the interview, is if you could go back, say 30 years or actually back like even before you made a decision to be a lawyer. Would you do anything differently? You know, knowing what you know now, Mary Holland J.D. 34:43 would you want to be a doctor? No, definitely not. No. I consider being a doctor and I'm so grateful because I would not use I think I would be in the shoes of you know, I? I can't really think about going back Diddy. I mean, I wouldn't undo I love my life. I love what I I'm doing I think what I'm doing is meaningful. But you know, like everybody else, my son has suffered terribly I've suffered. That's part of the human condition, I don't think I would go back and do anything differently. You know, and I'm not quite sure what the future holds, but But I look forward to continuing to live the life I've lived. I mean, I look back. And I think that a lot of the experiences that I've had very much contributed to who I am and what I'm doing today, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 35:31 right. And I have to tell you how much I love that marriage, because that's one of the things again, when I'm coaching parents make the decision, and moms have so much guilt, and people have asked me the same thing, would you? Would you have stood your ground firmer with your son when it came time to make decisions and things? Or would you, you know, if you knew what you knew, now, of course, she wouldn't vaccinate if you knew that. But I think one of the things that I admire you so much is that you have taken what's happened to you. And you're living in the way that you're living in a way that it's happened for you what you've gone through, and I think that's the, you know, I always try and tell people, things happen to us, but we can choose to see them, they happened for us, and you're doing so much with what happened for you. And you're sharing in the way you do it is so beautiful and respectful. And, again, I know how overwhelmed you are, that you but it's really important to have, for me, especially to have people that I can look up to and see what you're doing, and how you're doing it. And I don't know, maybe you get told all the time, how great what you're doing is and the difference it's made. But if you don't, then I'm here to tell you that so I hope you never stop. And if you ever need a cheerleader, I am your girl, I am right there with you, I will follow you around, hire me and I'll be your assistant, because what you're doing is so powerful. So thank you for joining, do you have any closing messages you'd like to share with everybody out there? Mary Holland J.D. 37:01 I just you know, I know that many parents struggle with guilt. I don't DD I didn't know better. And I did the best that I could at that moment. And guilt is not a constructive emotion in this, it's just not constructive. So is you I just want to if anybody feels guilty, like, you know, I should have known better, you didn't know better you were lied to you were lied to every day by people in authority, you didn't have reason to know better. But now you do. And so there's really I get like the the guilt and that the sadness. But both of those are emotions that really you can channel to the change that you want to see. So that this really does never happen to another child. And we haven't succeeded in that. But we are gaining we are gaining we if I look back over 20 years, I like Gosh, Didi, the scale of where we are now in our movement is just extraordinary. People are just not taking the boosters or not taking their kids, we've got bills in every state in the country, over 700 Positive bills for more choice when it comes to vaccines. There was not a single COVID mandate in a public school ever, despite three years of effort, there was not a single new mandate passed in any state in 2023. We are making a difference. And you can take your personal tragedy and your sorrow. And I don't mean to I don't mean to under estimate the tragedy of all this and then the horror and the sorrow. But when you're ready, and only when you're ready when you're ready. There are lots of us who would benefit from you participating and helping us to get over the finish line and that is to end any medical coercion. It's absolutely unethical, and it shouldn't be unlawful. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 38:59 And I agree with that something that we are always trying to say like if somebody does the guilt thing is that when you know better, you do better. And I think that's what we're all learning. Everything you just said is to that note that when we know better we do better. The other thing is my when my son was 16 years old, and I was going through everything due to the heartbeat shot at 12. I remember falling on the floor and crying with guilt. And he walked up to me and he looks down he goes, What are you doing? I can't even use the explicative that he said to me at the time. But he I said, I just feel so guilty. I did this to you. And he looked at me and he actually popped me upside the head and goes, the vaccine did this to me. You didn't do this to me and you didn't know. And I always tell parents that whenever we're talking is that we have to think we have to put the people hold the people accountable for doing it. And if it's not your parents, if you don't know how are you supposed to do any better? Mary Holland J.D. 39:57 There are people and As you know, DD not every physician knows they should, but not every physician really understand how toxic the shots are they were taught that they're safe and effective. So yes, there are people who are culpable, and they need to be held accountable. But many people are just doing the best they know how to do. And that's how a system works. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 40:21 It does. So thank you so much, I can't talk to you forever, I'm going to have to come and visit you and just sit in your living room and half a million questions. Thank you for joining me, and thank you for everything that you do, and not very much appreciated. Mary Holland J.D. 40:37 Thank you. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 40:38 I really enjoyed my interview today with Mary Holland. I got to meet her at the conference that we talked about during our interview in Savannah. And the importance of those conferences, like she mentioned, is being able to be around people who are like minded, but also very diverse. There were doctors, there were lawyers, there were parents that were people who were questioning things, there were people who are supporting things, so many different people talking about so many different things that are very important to our children's health, and our well being for medical freedom. So in the interview, when we talk, one of the things that I realized was how involved people like Mary Holland are in CHD. TV, and in their program. It's not it's international, and it's so exciting. And I pay a lot of people asked me, How do I get involved? How do I do what Mary Hollins doing? I want to speak up, I want to talk more, I want to ask more questions. The conferences like the one at CH, D are everywhere. There's all kinds of opportunities. Most states have medical freedom groups. Most states have conferences, a lot of different programs. And here on our show, we'll put up some of those sites and links so that you can go and check them out, find something near you. You can always reach out to us at our show, and ask more questions. And we'll always do our best to link you to opportunities in your area. But the biggest thing is knowing that you're not alone. And that's something that's really important is that there are ways to get involved. There's ways to show your support. But there's also ways to learn more. The thing that I enjoyed the most talking about Mary, talking with Mary Holland, was her passion for what she does, and that she hasn't given up. And most of these people like her have their own stories about their own children who have been affected by vaccines, on know so many people with COVID that have lost their lives due to the vaccine. When they're in that world. It's hard. It's hard to stay on top of it. It's hard to stay positive and integrated into what they're doing. But she does and she does it fantastically. Being at the CHD conference in Savannah, this last year in November was really important to me. And it showed me a lot. Dr. Paul, and I speak at these conferences, and being able to do so and share with other people what we know, share the things we've learned. It's really important. And I also want to say thank you for watching our show. Thank you for sharing our show, we got to watch what we did at the conference on a CHD. TV episode that just recently aired. And it was incredible. We'll also put the link up for that. When you see what we do and how we talk and why it's important to stand up for what you believe in. I think it makes it a little easier for us to go Yeah, I can do that. I can join in, I can speak I can start a moms group. I can start something in my community. Don't ever worry about stepping up and stepping out. Sometimes standing up for yourself and standing up for others. Sometimes it means standing alone. And that's okay, because you're never really alone. Thanks for watching everybody, it's me Diddy coming to you from my soul. Today I want to share how I feel about connection, spiritual connection to be exact. So when we talk to people and we interact with people, we have sometimes we're emotional. Sometimes it's educational. Sometimes it's just hanging out with friends. But no matter what, whoever we're with whatever we're doing, there's a way we connect to each other. The way we bond the way we interact spiritually. That's when we're interacting, being talking From a place from love. So for me spiritual connection is really taking a deep breath sometimes and listening to the other person, not waiting to speak, not waiting to just tell them how you feel, but really listening, seeing how is it that they feel and being spiritually connected and for me means that I really take the time to look inside of myself and see how I'm feeling. What can I offer? How can I be the most loving person that I can? That to me is being spiritually connected. Thanks for watching. Dr. Paul 45:45 I look forward to running together with the wind at our backs, revealing the science that gives clarity in our world. It's full of propaganda and misinformation. Visit our website, doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. Your support makes a difference. And let's make this the weekly show the world has been waiting for. Thanks for watching. I'm Dr. Paul. Transcribed by https://otter.ai |
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