PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:31
Dr. Paul, here your host for against the wind doctors in science under fire. In today's show, I'm interviewing Dr. Merrill NASS. She had a day long hearing with the Maine Medical Board. She's not alone, folks, doctors across the country are facing medical boards that are trying to take their licenses, because they're treating patients with COVID, who have been prescribed ivermectin, or hydroxychloroquine. Or they've spoken in a way about the COVID vaccine that is not positive. The Federation of medical boards has made a call and a ruling to all state medical boards that these doctors should lose their licenses. So she's not alone. But she is a giant and a pioneer. And she's facing her medical board right there in Maine. And then Josh gets Gao covers a leak from the Israeli Ministry of Health on COVID safety data, updates us on what's going on in the world of censorship. And then he does an analysis of the Pfizer trial data, powerful stuff. Enjoy the show. Dr. Paul, coming to you from the heart. My word for today is forgiveness. I think we've all done things at one time or another, where we kind of know we need forgiveness. I know I certainly have done plenty. And you know if there's someone I need to forgive, and I don't I keep myself in bondage. So I actually had this experience with the medical board, where I felt like I was so wrong. And I was so justified in how wrong they was that I just finally realized that I was not forgiving whatever it was that I needed to forgive so that I could be free. When it comes to forgiveness, I think the person I've had the hardest time forgiving as myself is beat yourself up sometimes that you've you could have done it better, or how could I have hurt that person in that way. But when you can forgive yourself when I can forgive myself, that's helping a lot of people also love if you want to call it God's love or light or just plain old good old love given freely in forgiveness of whatever you need to forgive. And you fill that space with love and light. It's a beautiful thing. And it's completely liberating. So I just wanted to share that and understand that. We're all on this journey together. We're on this earth, this life this experience. And we need more unity. We need more forgiveness and we need more love. Thank you. Welcome Dr. Merrill Nast two against the wind. It's so great to have you back on the show. Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 3:35 It's lovely to see you again. Pull. Dr. NASS Dr. Paul 3:38 is board certified in internal medicine. You have expertise in bioterrorism Gulf War Syndrome, vaccine safety vaccine mandates. You write amazing blogs on substack. Wow, once I found you you have a enormous wealth of information and knowledge. But I think today we're going to focus on what happened yesterday. Maybe you can give the viewers a little background into what led up to the fact that you spent a day being grilled by the Maine Medical Board yesterday. Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 4:06 Yes, so I had been a doctor with no complaints, no malpractice you know, I was flying high, feeling invulnerable. And then all of a sudden, in four months last year, between October and through December, January, I got four complaints from strangers to people who had never met me didn't know me and saw something I said on the internet decided it was misinformation and reported me to the board. A doctor I'd never met a midwife I'd never met who I had treated each of their patients one with hydroxychloroquine, one with ivermectin and they complained that I was using inappropriate medications. And then I had made a complaint to the board myself which they decided to turn into a complaint to get my license and that was I told them I that I had been forced to lie to a pharmacist about a diagnosis because the Medical Board and the pharmacy board had made it had frightened the pharmacists away from dispensing hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. So if you wrote a prescription for those drugs, the pharmacists had been instructed to ask you the reason. And if you said COVID, they shouldn't dispense it. But nobody had ever written that down and black and white as a rule of law and executive order anything else. It was all whispered. And so pharmacists, and doctors have been warned that these might be dangerous if given access doses. But if you write a prescription for the right dose, they're perfectly safe drugs. And that was the government fooled us and the FDA fooled us the FDA tried to make doctors and patients think that you couldn't prescribe hydroxychloroquine because they had issued and then withdrawn an emergency use authorization for it. What the FDA deliberately misconstrued was the fact that the EUA had nothing to do with any drug, traveling through drugstores, and doctors writing prescriptions and only related to some donated tablets that the federal government had put into the national strategic stockpile. And so it had no nothing whatsoever to do with doctors writing prescriptions. But doctors were made to think it did. And so they stopped writing the prescriptions and the pharmacist stopped dispensing. And patients were dying from COVID. So this was a disaster. And I did my best to bring it into the open, you know, I gave talks, wrote lots of articles about it. And about the malfeasance that was associated with this, I mean, fake fabricated articles in medical journals to try to stop the use of hydroxychloroquine. And other illegal activities were carried on to stop this and to keep the pandemic going. Anyway, as a result of this, I was at Target. Dr. Paul 7:11 Yeah, that whole history I lived it as well. I mean, here in Oregon, you could not write well, you could write it but most of the time, it would not be filled if you tried to write for those those drugs. And yet, you know, I grew up in Africa, and people who've practiced in Africa know that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine have been used for decades, have an incredible safety record, right. And doctors, almost a, you might know this statistic better than I but we prescribed quote off label. In other words, that drug gets, gets approved for one use, but you once it's approved, you can use it for other uses, that makes sense. Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 7:47 And 20 to 40% of all prescriptions are for off label uses. Well, the staff at my board apparently didn't know that. So they were first trying to get me on off label prescribing. They subsequently dropped that charge. They had me on a lot of charges for misinformation, they subsequently read the First Amendment dropped all those charges. They they were gonna get me on my speech against the vaccine. But then they found out it was all accurate. They dropped those charges. So then they were left, they still wanted to you know, they'd already taken my license. They'd already directed me that I had to go see a neuropsychologist and get testing for cognitive and mental illness. And they didn't let that go. Dr. Paul 8:34 Wow. Can you back up a little bit. I forgotten that they emergency took your license? Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 8:39 Yes, I was immediately suspended. The first time they heard about me officially, was on January 11. And they suspended me as an immediate danger to the public without a single patient complaint with no prior board actions with nothing because of misinformation. Dr. Paul 8:57 Wow. And so are you still without a license at this time? Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 9:02 Yes. And so yesterday, they had the opportunity because we filed the motion, saying well, you've dropped most of the charges against her. How about, you know, dismissing this whole case? And they said no. And we said, How about dismissing the order to have a neuro psych evaluation? They said no. And they're basing their whole case now on the fact that, you know, I didn't get assigned informed consent for writing a prescription. Do you get assigned informed consent to write a prescription? I don't think so. I've never Dr. Paul 9:35 heard of that. So, so it's gonna boil down to they can just at will make a charge that you're mentally impaired or a substance user with no evidence. I mean, Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 9:50 yes. Apparently in Maine, they think they can. And what the what the statute is in Maine is that the board does have the right to demand medical or psychological evaluation of a doctor at any time. So that is that we have a statute that says that. However, of course, it was assumed that they weren't going to be using that, right, and, you know, willy nilly. And the reason they had to order that exam was because they didn't have anything else to justify an immediate suspension. And they couldn't make an example of me, unless they did an immediate suspension. They couldn't the case had they not immediately suspended me. All of the records, the whole story would have been confidential. But they wanted it in the national news. I was in Newsweek, I was in the San Francisco Chronicle and the Miami Herald and every the hill, they all had articles about this terrible doctor who lost their license for spreading misinformation. Dr. Paul 10:49 Wow. Did they by chance, tell you that you had to use their person to do this? Yes. Mental health evaluation? Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 11:00 Well, you know, the thing about it is they pretend that this is a real, you know, that they present the case, they discuss it, and then they vote. But the nine page letter about all the terrible things I had done was already written before they had the meeting. And the appointment with the neuropsychologist had already been made. So at the end of their meeting, they voted and they handed me the appointment and and said, bring $2,100 with you when you go on, you know, and this was February 1, att, supposedly have an appointment for February 1, that they had made on John before January 11. And these are all the charges against you. So literally, you know, the board members didn't know much about my case, they had been told by the Board staff, and there's three attorneys on the board stuff who should have known better? No, so my attorneys told me no, you don't do this, because it's their person that you already know what the answer is going to be. And we had to file a lawsuit because of that main statute, giving them the right, we filed a lawsuit, and then it was arranged between the attorneys that until, you know the lawsuit was resolved, they would not demand that I go to a neuropsychologist and pay for it myself. Dr. Paul 12:19 That was a good strategy. So I was able to watch a little bit of your trial yesterday in between patient visits, and oh, my gosh, I mean, I've been there, I've been in that hot seat, you are so calm and collected. And, and you know, they just everything that you your attorney, and the two of you were trying to put on the table, they would try to silence you and move on to all they had was this well, mental impairment and substance use and you're able to say, I mean, your answers were amazing. I know they didn't quite finish. So where does this go from here? Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 12:51 Well, I have another date for an eight hour day on October 25. And then after that their next date for a hearing is the end of January, they decided to take three months. So I don't know why. I think they will roll over by then. And as far as I'm concerned, the only question is whether I'm going to get to sue them individually. For malfeasance. Obviously, these people are being paid members of the board and the board staff are paid by the state to conduct proper evaluations and they have one job and that is to keep the patients of Maine safe. And since there were no patient complaints are no allegations that I harmed anyone. This had nothing to do with what their sole mission is. And so I think it's important to challenge them individually and try to get some damn, my reputation was ruined. I had to close down my business. My patients have been without a doctor for nine months. And I think we should go after damages for that. Dr. Paul 14:04 We have a real problem with medical boards. What do you think is motivating medical boards to clearly target doctors like yourself who are trying to speak the truth about what's going on with the whole COVID thing? I mean, you have such expertise in bioterrorism, and and, you know, COVID and vaccines and mandates. What what's behind all this because you're not alone. There have been others in multiple states, others of us undergoing, you know, board attacks from the board that have no no patient complaints, they have no basis. Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 14:45 Okay, so you're asking me a really large question, which is basically what's going on in the world right now. And one of the many mechanics through which it can happen is the suppression of doctors, right? If you're going to try to basically take over the World using pandemics as a guise to do so, because we have emergency laws that can be pulled into play. And they can supersede our normal law and order. If you can designate a medical emergency, you know that medical emergencies are therefore the ideal means for people who want more power, control money, etc. More surveillance. Okay, so, in order to do that you need to gain control of the entire medical establishment. Now, you know, what we already know is that the kinds of personalities who go into these organizations, these nonprofit organizations like the American Board of Internal Medicine, the AMA, the Federation of State medical boards, if you get to the top of that organization, you earn about a million dollars a year, if you get to the top of the AMA, you're getting about $3 million a year, most doctors don't get the kind of money. So and how do they get it? They get it by essentially offering their services to pharmaceutical companies or other companies or foundations for services. And so, the Federation of State medical boards is a nonprofit, it can be sued. And the chairman of my medical board who slept through half the meeting yesterday, half the hearing, she ran for and what and one ad to become a member of the Board of Trustees of the Federation of State medical boards. Interesting, okay. And they presumably have a contract to push out this business about misinformation and speaking negatively about vaccines in public. So they since last summer, summer, a year ago, they have been telling their members of boards that it's their responsibility to go after doctors who use ivermectin hydroxychloroquine. You know, say anything negative about vaccines, spread misinformation and and to nonprofit organizations have sprung up. The question is who paid for this? One of them is called no license for disinformation. And its sole purpose is to take away the licenses of doctors like you and me who are trying to tell the truth and treat patients for COVID. Wow. Look, there's been a lot of money, a lot of thought a lot of time put into this. I think it cost many billions of dollars to put all the right chess pieces in place. The person who was the head of the AMA last year, making it making his money, as President, it was is a GP from South Carolina named Harmon, he was involved in pushing the anthrax vaccine mandates 20 years ago. So you see, we know who he is, we know that he made general in the National Guard as a flight surgeon, not as a pilot, you know, he made general because he got, you know, managed to punish so many people for refusing to take anthrax vaccine. So they got him in the AMA, you know, and they've got, you know, they've got these shills and these other organizations. And most of these organizations have foundations, and they can hide money coming in through the foundations. So anyway, that's the medical establishment now, in government. I think a lot of people were fooled, they were told initially, you know, they were told this is the science, you know, these drugs don't work, blah, blah, blah. Now, you can only do that if you control the major medical journals, and the major media, mainstream media. Well, the people who want more power and control gained control of all of those things they had to have at first. And so the message, you know, you It's only if you go to alternative media that you can find out about these drugs, even though there are over 300 studies on the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine for COVID. There's about 100 studies on ivermectin. So the information is there, but it's you have to know where to look. You're not going to find it. Any of the usual places. Yeah. Anyway, this is this is what happened. And I think people were told initially that these drugs were harmful and they believed it. And the NIH took over guidelines. NIH is not a guidelines agency. CDC is supposed to issue guidelines, not NIH. But I guess Fauci didn't trust anyone else to do it right. So that the NIH under Fauci his deputies took over they appointed a completely conflicted financially conflicted group of experts who would rubber stamp the guidelines? No ivermectin, no hydroxychloroquine remdesivir. vaccines. That's it. Anyway, that's those are the mechanisms by which it was done now who's doing it who put the money in? How is it all happening? The United States government admits on its own us gov.gov website, that it's already spent $3.95 trillion on the COVID. Response. Wow. 3.9 5 trillion. So if you want to know, where did the money come from? Unfortunately, it came from us. Dr. Paul 20:35 Wow. It's, it's highway robbery here. Wow. Well, I want to wish you the best in your ongoing battle and fight with the board, you should prevail. And that will be a message across the bow of medical boards to quit making things up and taking anonymous complaints that aren't patient complaints. Or getting good. We have a job on our hands to expose the truth. It feels like, you know, people like you who are writing really good content on substack. Is there. Is there other other sources you would recommend people go to for the truth? I mean, for the real information, the real science? Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 21:20 Sure, um, so if you go to my substack, which is Merrill nast.substack.com, there are probably 20 or 30. Other sub stacks that I recommend. There are many websites, I mean, Mercola, he was knocked offline recently, but he's back, but you have to look for him. There are many others, you know, children's health defense, of course, is trying to produce as much honest, this they fact check everything very carefully. So there are, you know, many sites, and we don't all conspire with each other. You know, I don't talk to Bobby Kennedy and Joe Mercola. So we get our story straight the way the government is doing with other governments and with state governments, but you'll often find we draw the same conclusions. Yeah. And I would say just, you know, read broadly, it's, um, you know, I just happen to be lucky, I lucked out that I had the right background to understand, you know, where the COVID came from, how it might have been developed. You know, I knew about bioterrorism I already thought the anthrax vaccine mandates, so I had a lot of experience with medical law. And I knew what the FDA had to do what they didn't do with these vaccines that they were required to do. You know, I understood what was illegal because I'd already been through it before. And I don't know, I was just put on the planet at this time to be able to pick through a lot of this stuff. And I'm, I'm grateful for everybody's support, and, and my readership, and I'm grateful for you and children's health defense for helping to spread the word as to what's going on. We can fix this. I mean, this is a small number of people trying to gain enormous power over us. But there's 8 billion people who don't want it. We don't want to be slaves. We like our Constitution, our Bill of Rights. We want to keep them I mean, we'd like to start using them again. Yeah. And Dr. Paul 23:20 so with that thought in mind, it may be your closing thoughts on how do we resist the inevitable next pandemic? Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 23:30 So, okay, so we've had, there are at least three that I think we're made in labs, so sorry, SARS, to the first COVID. I think Omicron, which didn't derive from any of the earlier variants also came from a lab. It might have been for good or bad, we don't know. And the monkey pox looks like it also was derived from a lab. So we've had three and right now basically, we're over all of them. They're not, they're killing very, very few people, very few people are getting very sick. And the reason for that is the biological warfare specialists don't know how anything any of these things are going to do in the real world, unless they test them in large populations, find out how they spread and find out how they mutate in a lab, you don't know what's going to be deadly or not. And so they've had really three duds the first one wasn't a complete dud, it killed a lot of people made a lot of people sick, but you know, now it's basically nothing, it's a flow and the other two were duds. I, the next one or the next to the next three are probably you know, likely to be duds again, plus, the other side is going to be very nervous about pushing out more lab grown organisms, because now we know what to look for. You know, if if they were grown up in a humanized mouse we're gonna that's the first thing we're looking for. Right if they have the human ace two receptor or if they have a fear and cleavage site If that, you know, that's so their options are limited. I think they're gonna go more for for this food, controlling food and trying to starve people out controlling oil and energy. I think that's the next thing. And I believe that they've caused a lot of people to be on their side using a fake narrative about climate change and the destruction of the natural world. So and the reason I believe that is because Fauci and Peter days, both use that narrative in their writings and in their speeches. So the way they've tried to frame this is the reason we're having pandemics is because people are living too close to nature, and people are caught and climate change is causing us to be closer to nature for some reason. And so it's all our fault. It's the fault of humans that we have pandemics. And if we had less humans, then the natural world could prosper. And so with the humans that are left now, where that's going, I don't know. But we've already had Ezekiel Emanuel, who the brother of Rahm Emanuel, who was the Chief of Staff of Obama. Rahm was, I think Mayor of Chicago, he ran he had been a congressman Zeke started out as a cancer doctor, but he became an ethical doctor, an ethicist. He pushed the mandates on colleges and on private healthcare businesses last year. That's been admitted. That's in my substack. Yesterday, there's two Washington Post articles about that. He is proud of having forced almost all the college students in America to have to get this dangerous vaccine. Anyway, Zeke published a paper saying that everybody should die, they should go for euthanasia at age 75. And not be a burden on the rest of the population. It's a very famous article. He wrote it about 10 years ago. Unfortunately, these people are you Genesis and self admitted. And we have to realize that the solutions they're providing us are not really solutions. It's just some crazy idea that they have, and they're trying to push it on the rest of the world. They got some very wealthy people backing them. Yeah. Dr. Paul 27:25 Well, I've been saying for a long time, people, we got to turn off the television, the mainstream media, because it's all complete, almost all propaganda, it and you've got to start looking for good sources of information. And if you're new to this, if you're watching going, what, then that's just listen to your heart and your gut. It's a signal, you need to get more information, and you have to go to good good sources. Dr. Merrill Nast, you are such a blessing to the planet to be here at this time, for such a time as this, stay strong. Folks, go read her substack. And I'll let you have the last word for our viewers. Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 28:06 You know, with everything falling apart, we can actually not using their terminology of build back better, but we can build something that works for people, and not for corporations, not for the oligarchs, you know that this, unfortunately, the people who are doing this to us now have downgraded the education systems, downgraded our legal systems, our judiciary, our police, you know, downgraded the culture of business and how you take care of your employees, which is why nobody wants to go back to work anymore. All of us and our food supply, they filled it with chemicals, and, and our air and water. Well, we can now the I mean, it's a time of turmoil, but we can make the changes that we need. We weren't living and we haven't been living in a good situation. And this is going to be it. It's time to start. You don't comply with these mandates. You don't go along, you start learning how to garden, you start learning how to treat people, as equals with great respect. And, you know, what do our kids need to learn? Let's teach them that. You know, we know how to do this better. They've been trying to drag us down. Let's build ourselves up. And it turns out to be an opportunity in the end, although a painful one as we go through it. Dr. Paul 29:34 Oh, so well put. Thank you for that, folks. We have an incredible natural immune system, and you boost it by doing exactly what Dr. Nasser was talking about. It's clean, filtered water, it's healthy organic food, you know, and it's avoiding toxins that are around us everywhere, and really taking back control of our lives on a small scale, but then as smaller communities develop. We don't We have to be a part of this massive entity that's destroying our health. Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 30:05 That's right. A little exercise and happy thoughts, good thoughts. Don't let the fear get you down. That's what they're trying to do. They're trying to make you fearful. And that's what the whole media thing is about. And just face it, you know, face it, there are people who are trying to basically take over all the important structures of the world, but they're not going to succeed. And you know, unless we hand it to them, and we don't have to. Yeah. So you face that you face How bad can get? And then you get over it. You realize, okay, this is what I have to do. I got to fight them. Yeah, I got to build a better world and a better life. Thank you. Dr. Paul 30:46 Yeah. Thank you so much, Dr. NASS, viewers, please start looking for the best information out there. And you can start with Dr. Merrill nases substack It was a pleasure to have you on we're gonna have to do this again, you threw a lot at our viewers today. So we're gonna have to come back and revisit some in the future, all the best. Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 31:05 Great, thank you. Bye, bye. Bye bye. Dr. Paul 31:14 Welcome back to against the wind. Josh gets Gao it's such a privilege and honor to have you back. Thank you, thank you. Some of our viewers may not know but you have a PhD, you have training in both sociology and criminology, you're teaching right now, at the Hebrew University. They're in Israel actually coming to us from Israel, folks. We're going to cover the Israeli leak, what it means the CDC and the analysis or lack of analysis of bears, and then you're ready to present a deep dive into the Pfizer data, you are also a prolific researcher and writer. So I'm really looking forward to this interview? Joshua Gertzkow 31:51 Well, you know, it's been a while since we talked, the first time that I ever came on to talk with you was about this analysis that I had done that eventually was published in late September of 2021. This was basically my analysis of the various data using the CDC is own methodology that they use in order to detect safety signals. Okay. And one of the key things that they use the is called the P R R, okay. It's a proportional reporting ratio. Dr. Paul 32:27 Okay. Is that what you Joshua Gertzkow 32:29 see on the screen here, what you see on the screen here is something it's kind of similar, but it's basically is similar idea, the PRR is, you have a new vaccine, and you want to know is there you get all these reports to various but how do you know, you know, Okay, anybody can report anything? So how do you know? Well, you look, you say, Okay, well, what proportion of the reports are for myocarditis compared to another vaccine that we believe to be safe, like flu vaccine, for example? Okay. And if you see that there's a larger proportion reported for this symptom than in other vaccines, then it's a safety signal, and then you it should prompt investigation. Okay, if nothing else, you need to look at it, right. And so this is called a safety signal. And this is standard pharmacovigilance. It's like, you know, it's like the most basic thing. Go ahead. What were you saying? Dr. Paul 33:27 This looks like a powerful signal. And this was back in September 2021. Those numbers in red are? How many times more frequent, right? Like if it was two times that would be 200%. Joshua Gertzkow 33:41 II? Well, yeah, actually, that's right. And here, it's the method I'm using. And this, this table is a little bit different. But basically, because in the with the other method, you don't control for the number of vaccine doses. But since we know pretty much how much vaccine doses are given out, we can normalize by vaccine dose and get a more precise Dr. Paul 34:02 signal. Yeah. Okay. I see what you mean. It does depend on how many are given. But I've seen something recently where the total number of vaccines given COVID vaccines in the world now matches the total number of all other vaccines given or was it just the flu given? Joshua Gertzkow 34:22 I don't know. I didn't, I didn't hear that. I'd be very surprised by that. Just because maybe in the in the in one year or two years, but if you I mean, I don't know how far back that statement is, is for. But it may be it may be equal to every other vaccine that's given in the same year. It might very well be that I would believe. Okay. Anyway. So I so so so I said this to children's health defense, I said, Why aren't they why I could not make this go away. Right? You can't if the data is shouting from the data. So I said, Let's, hey, let's do a Freedom of Information Act request. Because because they had published in January of 2021. They have published a via sorry, by the way, my analysis was confirmed by a paper that was published totally independently and frontiers in public health in February of 2022. Where if you looked at both FERS and the European system and found basically the same thing, just these huge safety signals, he doesn't use that term here. But they're, they're there. They're all over what he's showing. So to get back to this January 2021, the date the CDC has this document where they say exactly what they're going to do and or not exactly, but basically spell out what they're going to do to analyze or monitor sorry, monitor bears for safety signals. Okay, they lay this out. And so we said, Well, okay, let's see this. You guys said, every week, you're going to be producing tables for based on fares. Let's see what you got. One thing, it took us a while, but eventually we got the answer from them. And what was the answer? Oh, no, sorry. We're not doing this. Okay. And I wrote a series of articles about this on my substack. Okay. This blog that I have, where basically the CC comes back and says, we don't we didn't do this. Talk to the FDA. And then Senator Johnson wrote a letter to the CDC saying, Hey, you got some splaining. To do, right? What what, how is it that you said you were going to do this data monitoring and you never did it? And then they came back? And they said, well, first they said, well, actually, we have been doing it. We did do that. And that came from John Sue, right? He's the head of the affairs team at the CDC. He said we weren't doing it. And then they came back a few weeks later, this was all through a reporter at at Epoch Times, who was kind of got them into a kind of dialogue about this. And then later they reported saying, no, actually, we didn't do it. But we started doing it. On March 23. Okay, that was the first time that they said they get from late March until until late July. They did some so many prs? Yes. 20. No, 2022 this year? Dr. Paul 37:31 Yeah. Oh, they're finally getting around to it Joshua Gertzkow 37:33 this year, finally getting around to it, which by the way, it turns out that and I'm going to this is going to be okay. That was March 23. was the day after the legal person at the legal team at sea. Children's Health defense are amazing. Okay. And they nudge them. They wrote, Hey, what's up with our FOIA requests on March 22, she sent that email to them and it just lo and behold, they started their their safety monitoring the day after, and there was another email right around that same time, maybe even the same day from another researcher about this. So anyway. So Dr. Paul 38:15 have you I think we should pivot to what the data actually show him, you've actually done a deep dive into this, and this is good stuff. Joshua Gertzkow 38:22 Are we talking about the Pfizer or Dr. Paul 38:24 the the Pfizer data? Joshua Gertzkow 38:25 Let me just take two more words about this. Okay. Yeah. Okay. One is the Turks. So they said talk to this. Talk to the FDA. By the way, they're not they said, we were doing some analysis from March to July of this year. They didn't do it. Or no, I'm sorry. They didn't tell they haven't sent it to us. We don't know we've asked for it. And they're not sharing it. They promised that they would give it also to the epic times. So the epic Times did a series of articles about this, but I want to show you something. Okay. So they said they were doing safety analysis from end of March to end of July 2022. Now, Albert venovenous has been tracking the deletions, the extent to which there are reports to veirs that are being deleted, okay, on a weekly basis. And lo and behold, what did he find? There's this huge uptick in deletions of various reports, right at the time when they said they were started their safety signal monitoring analysis. Right now, it could be a coincidence. Right? It could be a coincidence, but it's quite a coincidence. All right. Yeah, so yeah, you want to talk about the Pfizer stuff. Dr. Paul 39:42 Vaccine Injury is the biggest coincidence in the world. Yes, let's look at you've done a deep dive into the Pfizer data and I think it's worthy of going through and showing what you found because this is data that they obviously had there. Hands On since Joshua Gertzkow 40:00 the beginning. Right since the beginning, and okay, so just to make sure we're all on the same page here, um, the Pfizer data that you speak of is all of the clinical trial data and the documents that were submitted by Pfizer to the FDA, over the course of the regulatory process for eventually getting their vaccine approved. So it includes a period includes phase one, phase two, three, it will Dr. Paul 40:41 take us up to about the end of 2021. How far out does this data go? Do you think? Joshua Gertzkow 40:47 March, it goes out to march 13 2021. And then the reason that it goes out to march 13, is because that was the cutoff date, where they said, Okay, now we're going to submit our final materials and analyses to the FDA to get this thing finally approved, actually approved not just as a emergency youth authorization. Okay. So after some point and run your analysis, but it didn't matter, because the the the, the experiment ended long before that. Okay, that's what I'm going to show you first. All right, so we here we've heard that the placebo subjects, right, the people who didn't get the vaccine eventually got the actual vaccine, right? Because they said, well, it's not ethical, we see that it's working after the emergency use authorization. So it's not ethical, that withhold it from them. And so we're going to offer it to, okay, so that began on December 14, about three days after the emergency youth authorization. Okay. So basically what that means is that once once somebody is unblinded from the trial, they're no longer really a participant in the trial. Dr. Paul 42:06 Anything. So you're saying that happened started happening in December of 2020? Yes, December 2020. So folks, remember that you're nine months into this COVID epidemic, pandemic, whatever you will, and they're already starting to destroy the control group carry on. Joshua Gertzkow 42:22 Yeah, exactly. There was a NH they started on they enrolled the first subjects and gave them the first dose on July 27. Those were the first subject but you know, there's on there's a rolling enrollment, so people were being enrolled at different times all through the party. So now we can, we can look at sort of just get a sense of how quickly did this happen? This unblinding. Okay, and you can see you compare the vaccine group and the treatment group now. So if we just look at, well, what how, what was the average number of days that people were in the we're in this study before they were unblinded, what we see is that they, on average, they were there for 137 days on average, okay, which about four and a half months, but but we actually need to go back to December 14. And the reason we need to go back to December 14 is not just how long was it before you got unblinded. But on December 14, you know, what the one of the key things that study like this requires is randomization, you need to have random people randomly assigned to placebo and treatment group. But if you look at the age breakdown of the people that were being unblinded, okay. You okay, you see these two different age groups here, right, that 16 to 55 and 55 plus, so you can see that they pretty quickly started on blinding the older group. You know, they weren't on blinding them equally. Okay. So there was no random, they broke the randomization on the day that they started on blind. That's the key point, right. And once you break the randomization, all of your you can't make any comparisons because everybody that's hasn't been on blinded yet and presumably, is still in the study. You can't compare them because now you're suddenly comparing apples and oranges. Okay. Dr. Paul 44:19 So Josh, I got a question for you. You've you've looked at this data in detail, just based on this graph, keep the graph up just for a moment longer. The lines cross right around before January 4, which if this started December 14, that's six, eight weeks around that time. That would be would that not be when people were getting their second shot? And most of the side effects we knew started happening around that time. Or am I looking at that wrong? Maybe. Joshua Gertzkow 44:50 You're you're kind of right. I mean, Dr. Paul 44:53 like if I'm an adult, I'm an older person, and I get my second shot and they start to have problems and I'm convinced that I don't want to be a placebo anymore. Just give me the shot. You know, I'm getting worse. Just give me the shot. Joshua Gertzkow 45:07 No, no, no, they were so they were these people were in the in the, in the trial before that and then on then then beginning on December 14, they would get a phone call and saying you are in X group, and they were doing it for both the placebo and the treatment group. Okay, the unblinding Dr. Paul 45:24 wasn't patient initiated? No. Joshua Gertzkow 45:27 I mean, I think they had a choice. I think they were called up and then they were, they were probably given a choice, but it wasn't patient initiated. It was initiated by bio Entech. Or Pfizer, as part of this, they because they so you know, they want to get shots into people's arms. Right? They like he said, they want to erase the placebo group, right? Yeah. It looks like they accomplished it charitable, they want them to be protected. Let's say they want them to be protected, whatever the motivations are, I can't speak to the motivation. But when they start to unblind, and then once you've been unblinded, you get your first dose, usually within a week, okay. So if we look at this December 4 date, and we look at, you know, how long were people on average in the in this study until that it's, it's 97 days. Okay, so just over three months, so we can say that on average, like basically, this trial lasted for three months. Okay. That's basically what we can say. All right. Yeah. Which is, which is which is absurd? Dr. Paul 46:32 Yeah, this is the age old trick they've done for most vaccines, the follow up is minimal. Weeks, to months, sometimes days in the case of the hep B. And the other piece of it is they don't look at all health outcomes. They just look at a few narrow things. Anyway, carry on. This is fascinating. Joshua Gertzkow 46:54 Okay, so that this is just getting warmed up. Okay, this is getting warmed up, folks. This is getting warmed up. Okay. It's gonna get Okay. So let's take, okay, so a lot of people focus on adverse events, right, when they're looking at these data, you hear a lot about adverse events. I haven't done as much with that. But I want to bring your attention and I'll show I'll tell you why this is relevant in a minute. Okay. So so this guy, Gustavo, Rue, he was in the trial site in Argentina. Okay. Now, the the Argentina trial site was the largest trial site by far, they had about 20% of all of the trial subjects. We, you know, in the noggin numbering in the 1000s of subjects, okay, so they single handedly had the power to make or break this trial. Okay. And, and it's important to realize that these trials are outsourced it isn't Pfizer or bio Entech. That's running the trial. They, they hire a company that hires other companies to run the trials locally. Like Brooke Jackson worked for Vin Tavita. Right, the whistleblower that blew the whistle on all of the problems that those three sites that have been Tabia was managing. And it's important to realize that because these people that run the trials at this level, have a strong incentive to make sure that the outcomes turn out, okay? Because imagine you're running a business that is trying to make money running clinical trials, and you're the one throwing a monkey wrench in these drugs or devices or whatever, getting, you know, approved, that'd be the US really bad for business. And this guy who ran this trial site, the Argentina trial had as a company, he's the director of the company I trials. They'd have, you know, they make a lot of money on this stuff. Okay. So this guy, a Gousto guru. I've talked with him, he's amazing. So he was in that he was a trial subject and about right after he got a second dose. He was on the way home and attacks he feeling terrible, yada, yada, yada. He ended up in the hospital two days later, and he was diagnosed basically with pericarditis, right? Inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart. He called up the trial site from the hospital. They by the way, they did a PCR test when he came to the hospital and he was negative. And nobody at the hospital said he had COVID. So they called him up. And they said that he called up the trials. I told them what happened and he has all of the records from all of this, okay? He's a lawyer, and he's subpoenaed all of this. And he can see that in their in his record, they write it down as like pneumonia. Basically, they had pneumonia. He never told them he had pneumonia. He told them what he had. They wrote down pneumonia. But now here's the here's the real trick. A couple of weeks later, it's written that the trial sponsor which was bioenergetic called the site and asked them to change his diagnosis from pneumonia to suspected COVID 19 suspected COVID-19 Even though his PCR test was negative, why would they do that? Okay, I'm going to tell you why they would do. Because that, okay, that's not the right. Because there was a in the in the trial protocol, if you were counted if your adverse event or whatever happened to you was counted as being something similar to the efficacy endpoint, meaning if it was considered to be some COVID-19, or suspected COVID-19. You were not to be counted as an adverse event. So by we kept re categorizing people as suspected COVID-19, they could just completely sweep their adverse event under the carpet. Dr. Paul 51:03 That could probably also be counted as a Unvanquished, because you had to be 14 days post second dose, yes, to be fully vaccinated. I Joshua Gertzkow 51:14 mean, if he had gotten it, they probably would have you know, so this will, they do? Okay, in the final, they do have sub analysis in their reports and in their publications of any COVID-19 from dose one from the day of dose one. However, they also have another thing in their protocol saying, if the if the adverse event within the first week of each dose, if the adverse event is considered to be related to reactogenicity from the vaccine, okay, then you didn't have to follow the protocol of having the person get a COVID test. So if you got COVID, right, after you got the first dose, and you call them up, they can say, Oh, don't worry, take it and take some aspirin, you'll feel better or take some Tylenol, and they wouldn't have to follow the other part of the protocol saying if somebody calls up with some symptoms, they have a list of symptoms, you need to make sure they get a tab. Okay, so there's always there's all kinds of loopholes here for them to be extremely sneaky, right? And now, but he couldn't pop but but we would have to assume if they're if they're trying to tweak the results in favor of the vaccine, they would need to know who was vaccinated and who wasn't, or at least to have some indication. Okay. And so the question is, what was the trial? double blind? And the answer is no, the Pfizer trial was not double, but it was never billed as being double blind. It was billed as being what's called observer blinded, and you can go through the protocols and other things to kind of glean what this looked like. But here's a summary slide, saying kind of lists who was blinded and who was unblinded in the study. And they basically have two excuses for unblinding people who would normally be blind. One is, if you were in charge of administering the vaccine, you knew who was getting the who was getting the real vaccine and who wasn't? Because the real vaccine was this ultra cold, you know, special new technology, they required all this special preparation. So you would know, presumably, you wouldn't share that information with the person being given the vaccinate vaccine, but Oh, well. And the second excuse they have is, well, we we needed to do the analysis while we were running this study, so we had to have some people at the you know, at the upper levels, who knew who was getting vaccinated and who wasn't. So they could do those those efficacy analysis? Dr. Paul 53:50 Yeah. It doesn't look like it's just upper level, you've got Study Manager and clinical research associate clinicians reviewing. I mean, that's everybody. Joshua Gertzkow 54:00 They have the hearing, they have their excuse, and then they have what this you know, I call this the Qi, the Swiss cheese method of blinding, right? It's so totally porous. It's like what how do you distinguish between a study coordinator and his study manager like, what is that he does the title? Yep, the most, one of the most important, unblinded personnel here is the study level, the medical monitor for adverse events, they had somebody monitoring adverse event reports who was not blinded. Okay, and that justification that they gave for this was we're worried about vaccine dependent enhancement, right, where you get the vaccine and makes the disease worse if you actually catch So presumably, this person was supposed to be scouring through the adverse events reports to see possible cases of this ad E. Right. And, or, you know, antibody dependent enhancement or whatever you want to call it. Yeah. You know, first For safety, right? Dr. Paul 55:01 So despite all of this unblinding that therefore meant that Pfizer had total ability to basically manipulate this however they wanted. Joshua Gertzkow 55:11 Yes. And I have to wonder, I have to wonder if this medical monitor was the person that called the Argentina site and ask them to change a Gousto ruse Adverse Event Report, from pneumonia to suspected COVID-19. If you had one of nine different symptoms, okay, you called up the site, they said, if you're not feeling well call up the site. And if you reported one of nine, what they refer to as COVID related symptoms, they would tell you go have a PCR test, or even if you had another symptom, they might tell you go have a PCR test. Okay. And if you had a positive PCR and reported one of those nine symptoms, then you would be considered you should have been considered a COVID. Case. Okay, here's a list of those symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath. Dr. Paul 56:05 I would think the problem you've seen here, let me I would think a problem with that is that those who got the vaccine are going to have symptoms. Joshua Gertzkow 56:14 Well, they might have symptoms, and also if they called up in the first week after they got the dose and said, I have one of these symptoms, that the investigator could say, oh, don't worry about it. It's just from the vaccine, they didn't have to go make them go and get a PCR test. But also, this is a limited list of symptoms, we know that COVID can present in other ways, right? We have all of these PCR test results, and we know who was counted as a case and who wasn't counted as a case. And we can look across the placebo arm and the vaccine arm, and we can look at positive tests and when they occurred, okay, and what percentage of them were counted as a COVID case and what percentage weren't. And what you can see if you look at the policy, I know there's a lot of data, let me just focus your mind you're on the placebo side, you say what percentage were not counted as cases, these are positive PCR tests, okay, that are driven by symptoms, I call them with a symptom except for the dose to visit where everybody got tested it those two. So if I call them with a center beef between doses wanting to only 24% of the people in the placebo group were not counted as a COVID. Case, then I go over to the vaccine side and say that 43% of the vaccine, people who did the same thing, were not counted as a COVID. Case, oh, my go down it every step of the way. Every step of the way, the only difference. And you see the every point, you're significantly less likely to be counted as a COVID case, if you were in the vaccine group, I mean, Dr. Paul 57:57 right to the one to six days after the second dose for the treatment group. percent not counted as cases 100% compared to zero, you're working up at this high level of digging into data that's dripping out one month at a time, right? This is sort of yeah, this is a huge project of basically unraveling, you've got enough to know that something is very wrong. Joshua Gertzkow 58:22 I've got enough to say that something looks very, very fishy. Dr. Paul 58:26 What's the take home for for now, I know that it can change because you're going to get more information, more data, Joshua Gertzkow 58:32 the take home for now is that there is a very suspicious anomaly. Okay. And then anomaly is that there are a bunch of people in the trial, that should have been counted as a COVID case, where they were trying to decide what the efficacy or calculate the efficacy of this vaccine, they should have been counted in that analysis. And they weren't. That's number one. Number two, you were much, you're much less likely to be counted in the analysis when you should have been if you were in the group that got the vaccine, and not the placebo, okay. So it basically means that they're tilting the results, or it looks like they're tilting the results of the trial in favor of higher efficacy for the vaccine. Because if they if they had more of the people in the treatment group, who would have ended up as quote counted as COVID cases that would drive down the efficacy calculation of the vaccine. So I had a lot of indications that there was unblinding that many people were known who if they were in the placebo group or not. So it opens up enormous opportunities for fiddling with the data and and they have a lot of motivation to Dr. Paul 59:55 do so. Yep. Perfect. I think I think you nailed it. That's what I got from it as well, but I couldn't articulate it quite that clearly. I'm gonna let you have the final word, we're gonna have to wrap it up. What's your final message to people that this time? What should people be aware of? Joshua Gertzkow 1:00:14 What should people be aware of? I think people need to be aware of their own power. It can be it can feel very powerless to be in a situation like this. And people say, Well, what can I do? I don't know how to analyze this data. I don't know how to do this, but everybody has. But you know, we're a team. And in a team, it's a team effort and a team, everybody does something different. We're not all you know, quarterbacks or whatever, everybody plays their role. So you need to find your strength. Think about what you're good at. And and just do something, do something. And don't just let them take your power away from Dr. Paul 1:00:51 Wow, thank you for that message. Because you're so right. I can't do what you do. I don't have that. I don't know technical analysis skill. I'm not that organized. A lot of people can't do what we're doing, which is talking out loud, and just being bold in that way. But you know, I wasn't the first one to walk through stores without a mask. Because here in Oregon, you boy, you couldn't go into a store, basically. But some people were they were bold. And yeah, if you can do that, you can be bold enough to talk to your neighbor or your loved one. And yes, yeah, Joshua Gertzkow 1:01:26 I'm terrible at that. I'm terrible at confrontation. Right? Yeah. You know, but there are people who are really good at it. So my feeling is, well, I'm going to get getting the information and analyzing stuff. So I maybe I can give, you know, if I can give people information that they can share with others, then, you know, you know, we're working as a team. Dr. Paul 1:01:45 You are good at it. Thank you so much for coming back on the show. Thank you for having me. We'll get you back when you have your next level of analysis. Thank you Dr. Paul, thanks for watching the show. Please visit doctors and science.com There you can access our members only section. This show is member supported. We don't have to take sponsors. We don't have to have anybody controlling the content of our show. This is a huge perk. Most people aren't aware of your membership gives you access to my eBooks, transcripts of every show PowerPoints from talks I'm giving around the country and live bonus peeks at behind the scenes work. We're doing my off the cuff thoughts and reviews on current events. Your support makes all this possible. Thank you. Help me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors in science.com. I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. And let's make this the weekly show the nation has been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Transcribed by https://otter.ai PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:00
Dr. Paul Welcome to against the wind doctors in science under fire. This segment I interview, Dr. Zenga, he is a former president of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Now, as you might wonder, we may not agree on everything. But I wanted you to hear from somebody as prominent as Dr. Sangha. Every opinion is important. And I think what's interesting is COVID has done something. I mean, even the most prominent mainstream doctors, some of them are going something's not right here with COVID. So we discussed that we discuss a history of Pediatrics. It's going to be a fun interview, just to kind of see what we can do with this. You're not gonna want to miss it. Enjoy the show. Dr. Paul, coming to you from the heart. My topic for today is love and compassion. What can we do when someone's hurting? I see homelessness all around Portland, when I'm driving around, there seems to be suffering everywhere. There's refugees, we have war vets, people are medically injured. I'm in medicine, we're dealing with illness injury. I had a major shoulder surgery where they took the tendon that was right here to come off two inches and got drilled into this bone with plastic anchors. And I'd never been in so much pain in my life. This was physical pain. And I know it can. It's nothing compared to so many things that people endure. But for me, it was the worst pain of my life. And it lasted a few months. It seemed unbearable. I had a cat named Luna. Luna stayed with me. Day and night, I had the move from the bed to the couch, and I couldn't do much else. And it was so comforting just to feel that other being there, there with me. And I think as I always reflect back to that I realized when someone is suffering, they need us to be there with them. If you can just be present, get physical contact, if you can appropriate physical contact, hold hands just touch the person. It is so comforting. And people need love. People need comfort. So reach out. When you see suffering, be compassionate. I think we're all called to this and it is just such a beautiful world we live in when we can live in that way. Welcome, Dr. Joseph Sangha, to against the wind doctors in science under fire. Dr. Joseph Zanga 2:48 Nice to be here. Thank you for allowing me to participate in this. Dr. Paul 2:53 Thank you, Joe. I am going to let our audience know your background because my goodness, you are a past president of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Folks, if you don't understand what that means, let me explain. So I've been a pediatrician for 35 years, I was board certified for 30 of those years. That is just achieving board certification means you've gone through extensive training, and you've reached a level of competency we have to take tests, you are old enough that you are grandfathered in. You didn't have to keep taking those darn tests. But I missed that by a year. So every 10 years, I would take the test but anyway, you were the president and the Academy of Pediatrics is a very prestigious organization, representing pediatricians across the country. But you've held many other posts. You were the Founding Chair of the section on school health Chair of the section on Bioethics founding president, the American College of Pediatricians, retired Chief of pediatrics at Columbus Regional Health and Georgia. Chair and assistant dean in primary care at Brody School of Medicine Chair of Pediatrics at Loyola vice chair at Louisiana State, and Professor of Pediatrics, emergency medicine at LSU, and Tulane. You've co authored over 30 articles, 15, aap publications, 20 book chapters, your reviewer of multiple pediatric journals, all the top journals, and you've had a lot of involvement with the board of the Medical Institute for Sexual Health. You've served on the National Advisory Council of the National Center for primary care at Morehouse medical school, and the National Council of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development at NIH. So during your tenure, I know you've cuz I read your bio. I mean, you focus on so many important issues, pre professional education, the workforce child abuse, I too did a lot of work in child abuse, violence prevention, violence prevention, substance abuse, access of health care for all children. You've always been a real promoter of family health, and for that being important for the well being of kids and then Yeah, you've been a board member for the directors for the Academy. Actually, you were elected to that position in 1989. I was just barely out of training. Wow. So welcome. And thank you for bringing this expertise to us. I thought for fun, because you preceded me by a number of years. So you've, you've got a background in pediatrics that's about what 50 years of being in the field. Unknown Speaker 5:27 Yes. And even though my career was is was academically based medical schools and doing teaching, and that was a, that was a real big joy. But in retirement, the thing I have missed most is interacting with children, particularly the little ones. And one of the things that O rings in my head all the time, is that I would go into a room with a mama and a baby. And I would certainly talk to mother. But then I talked to the baby. I would talk baby talk. I think a lot of pediatricians do that. Yep. And the interns and residents and medical students would look at me strangely. You know, what are you? Not? What are you doing? You can't be talking to the baby. I said, Of course I am. And we talk about this afterward. And I would go back in and we discuss things with a family. And I would tell them, I'm gonna go talk to the baby. After I finish talking to mother, watch how the baby responds. And by this time, I'd become a little familiar to the baby. And he or she would talk back to me in baby talk. And as you know, that's the way babies develop speech and language. They start out with sounds, and we can help them learn those sounds by talking to them, talking to them in plain English, or Spanish or French or whatever. But also talk to them in baby talk. Sounds. Dr. Paul 7:27 Yeah, oh, I'm just smiling, because that's exactly what I do. And I'm sure you had this same process when you've got a sick child who might be very ill that ability to connect. I mean, that's a that's an art and a skill as a pediatrician, then you kind of can assess, you know, are they are they really okay? Or is this a kid who might have meningitis and be in real trouble, for example, Unknown Speaker 7:49 pediatrics, and the interaction of with the doctor with the child, and the family is what made me there's a joyful kind of, of career experience. I tell people, because I taught a family medicine program for a time. Pediatricians in orig original family physicians, because we cared for children in the context of their families, and provided a lot of advice to the adults in the household as well. Yeah. Yeah, Dr. Paul 8:28 absolutely. So just for fun, because I get to talk to somebody of of your stature and wealth of knowledge and depth of experience. I grew up in Africa. My parents were missionaries. I left Africa when I was 18. Went to college, Dartmouth, and then on to being a pediatrician. But when I started in pediatrics, well, first of all, going back to Africa growing up, mostly what we were dealing with in pediatrics felt like it was infectious diseases. We weren't seeing chronic conditions like we do today. I was wondering if you could share with what your experience has been in sort of the change in what pediatrics used to deal with when you first started to what's now happening. Unknown Speaker 9:12 Now, Paul, yes, and my experience is different than yours. I grew up in New York City. I live I've lived my whole career really in the south section of Chicago for a time. And I say that I'm from the south. Now that's the South Bronx, of course, but it rings true to some people. Pediatrics. When I started, we were still giving smallpox inoculations that stopped. Because we had eradicated smallpox. Dr. Paul 9:47 Smallpox preceded me. I never gave that one. Is it true that that one sometimes had some rough side effects? Unknown Speaker 9:55 It did. But fortunately, I never saw them all. On the the children that I vaccinated seem to do quite well. And for that, I'm grateful. We also spent a lot of time talking to families about the vaccines we were given, and then the number of vaccines as they increased, and the complexity of the vaccination schedule. So yes, in those days, we were still very much concerned about infectious diseases, we transition to behavioral and emotional problems of children. And I can remember one of our physicians, physicians, who was first a mentor of mine, and then a colleague of mine at the Medical College of Virginia, a pediatric neurologist, who was very, very interested in something called add attention deficit disorder. And some of the medications that we use, which were strange, but no, sometimes they were, and then add became ADHD. And even that, over time, into the late 90s, early 2000s, evolved into a much more complex thing than we were first imagining it to be. For example, one of the things that was discussed by a sleep medicine physician pediatrician was, you know, be careful of this diagnosis. If a child isn't sleeping, well, when they get to school, what might happen? Well, they might fall asleep. Well, then their attention deficit disorder. Dr. Paul 11:57 Yeah, or, Unknown Speaker 11:58 or in order to stay awake, they would jostle the kid next to them, or get up and walk around the room. And then their attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, when their real problem was that they were sleep deprived. And so you need to ask those kinds of questions. Absolutely. And then we got into other things as well. Drug alcohol use and abuse, smoking. And lately, now vaping. All of these things were new to pediatricians. And our tendency was to refer these people, children and their families, to mental health professionals, psychiatrists, pediatric psychiatrists. And pretty soon, they were so overwhelmed, because of the paucity of pediatric mental health professionals. And the fact that we were referring so many patients to them, that they wanted us to do that kind of care. And so we were providing a lot of advice, counseling to children and their families on a whole host of diseases, conditions. So that's, that's how things changed. Telemedicine was a more recent advance, perhaps in advance. It seems like it works. But, yeah, I think that's, I mean, I, we could go on for an hour about the changes in pediatrics. But yeah, there are other things to talk about today. Dr. Paul 13:43 No, absolutely. And I want to reassure our viewers, I wanted to get a little history there. I experienced what you experienced with regards to chronic disease, the ATD, ADHD, autism, you know, it was so rare when I started my career back in the 80s. And by the 2000s, it was so common that all the sub specialists were overwhelmed and we were actually managing. I mean, I at one point in my career, I had over 15,000 patients, active patients in my practice, obviously, I had helpers, it wasn't me alone. And we had 1000 with ADD ADHD out of those 15,000. It's like, wow, there weren't enough pediatric sub specialists to do that. And I'm just one practice out of many. I'm concerned. And then I'll be interested in your take on this, that they introduced a new technology, this mRNA platform, they've tried to they tried to do this before back with MERS and SARS. And they were unsuccessful at having this platform be be safe. I mean, when they did full testing, it was disastrous. And yet, you know, at warp speed, we rolled out a brand new Well, not that new but eight, a technology with potential danger and sort of Just went full steam ahead, without safety studies studies that they did, to me seem to have been very poorly designed. The control group was allowed to vaccinate. So essentially, they've erased the control group. Pfizer did that. I think Maderna probably did as well. And now we have reports of so much harm. And yet the CDC still is promoting it a year, you come from a background where, you know, vaccines, save the world. I mean, you're all in. But what's going on now, with COVID? Unknown Speaker 15:38 More than most of the general public knows, or perhaps more than the general public wants to know, generally speaking, it takes years to bring a vaccine from thought to market. I think the fastest one in my memory was mumps. And that was six or seven years from start to actual beginning of use. This came very fast. This COVID biological, the American Academy of Pediatrics. I was there, I was supporter. We fought a battle over the Pertussis vaccine. A friend colleague of mine was sued for Oh $2 million because a child who got the whole cell Pertussis vaccine developed intractable seizures. What were our alternatives? Well, in I believe Japan, maybe a couple of other countries, they were using an a cellular Pertussis vaccine. And the question that some of us raised was we, we proved a lot of very good studies proved that the Pertussis vaccine in and of itself, the whole cell vaccine did not cause intractable seizures, a febrile seizure now and then, but not this chronic problem. And yet, we still decided we were going to go with the ASLR vaccine. Some of us expressed concern that it might not be long lived. Turns out, it wasn't within probably 10 years of the start of using it, we were seeing an increase in the number of Unknown Speaker 17:53 pertussis cases. And we finally decided we had to give boosters and then more boosters. And then more boosters. We also helped were instrumental in gave our stamp of approval to the adverse events reporting system COVID was developed very quickly COVID In biological Unknown Speaker 18:25 and the companies reported the success of the vaccine. But in relative terms, not absolute terms. And that's an important distinction, which sometimes it's hard for me to understand. But the scientists with whom ideal Unknown Speaker 18:49 say it's a critically important thing. And when you're talking about absolute potential protection, the vaccines fail miserably. Dr. Paul 19:00 Yeah, by Pfizer, they all over the news 95% protection, that was a relative risk reduction. But if you looked at absolute risk reduction, it was less than 1%. Right now, would you line up for a vaccine that hasn't been tested properly, that might have unknown dangers for a less than 1% risk reduction? And by the way, they were just testing? I think it was reduction of symptoms. They weren't even they weren't even testing reduce eliminating hospitalizations or deaths. Unknown Speaker 19:32 No, but the this reporting system is, first of all, it's a flawed system. It requires pages of information. And a lot of physicians are reluctant to spend the time making these reports. Yet there are 1000s of reports of X adverse effects, at least temporarily related to getting the biological, Dr. Paul 20:10 yeah, over a million now, and I think deaths are over 30,000. It's incredible. Unknown Speaker 20:15 And the CDC has very recently said, even under the Freedom of Information Act, they will not will not release even redacted versions of the autopsy reports on the deaths, which are being attributed in the reporting system to the COVID. Biological, then, there are some other things too, that that word, me and others from the start, how do we know somebody has COVID? They're all there are certainly symptoms. And in September of 2020, I, I lost my tensive sense of smell. I had low grade fever, shaking chills, I was a very sick puppy for a day or two, and I finally got in touch with my doctor. And I said, you know, Dr. Dre, you know, I think I might have COVID. What should I do? Come in, we'll test you. Although symptoms I tested negative, I've tested negative about, oh, six times. Now, this past summer, I was on vacation on a cruise. And I felt a little bit achy, a little bit feverish. So I tested, tested myself when I was home kids. I tested positive. So I went to the ship's doctor, and I said, I'm sick, I may have COVID. And the doctor said, well, let's test you. Unknown Speaker 22:01 And he took out a similar test kit, and said your negative was a false negative, or was that a false positive? And then I go back to what my doctor did, she did PCR testing. Unknown Speaker 22:21 Now that's polymerase chain reaction, as you know, it's a cyclical thing. You run many cycles. And if it turns positive, after X number of cycles, you have the disease. Well, the recommendation internationally, was 28 cycles. If you didn't test positive, after 28 psi or by 28 cycles, you were negative. What do we do in this country? We test it through 40 cycles 35 to 40. All right. And at that cycle number you were testing for testing positive for dead virus, no virus, some other virus. It so all of these minions can cases of COVID. And all these deaths from COVID. Were people who tested positive, not that they had the disease. Correct. And so many of these admissions and deaths were not deaths from COVID, or admissions from COVID. They were admissions and deaths with COVID. CDC finally admitted this a year or so ago. And yet they still kept touting as if a positive PCR at 40 cycles, prove that you had the disease. So, you know, all of this was was was strange. And then people had the opinion that two doses of Pfizer or Maderna, or a dose of the j&j would not provide long term protection. All Yes, it would send the pundits, those people who are following the science. And as it turns out, it didn't they need a booster and then another booster. And now we may need another booster because the Omicron variant may not be effectively the vaccines may not be effectively put active against the Omicron variant, or the next variant, or the next variant. And people who most of the people I know today October the sixth of 2022, who in the last month or two have been tested positive for COVID have had the vaccine and the boosters. Mr. Biden, and his wife have tested positive, though they've had the vaccines and the boosters. And then after being treated, tested positive again. Is this a good biologic, biological, or not? And now, I come to the question of we're going to immunize children with this biological, and you have to ask the question, how badly affected, infected diseased? Have children been through this whole pandemic? If that's what it is? And the answer is very few. And if they've tested positive, they've tested positive with PCR. So we know that that's not necessarily the right thing. But the younger they are, the less they test positive. The fewer symptoms they have, the less sick they get. The fewer are hospitalized, the less care is needed in the hospital. Why are we why are we so insistent that they get this vaccine? Why illogical? I haven't got the answer to that question. And I don't know if anybody does. And yet, we are insisting that that happens. At follow the science. Well, I have two sisters. Neither of them are medical people. Unknown Speaker 27:18 My sister in New York, got COVID. tested positive. Her husband tested positive. He got sick enough to be hospitalized for 24 hours. Got treated remdesivir. Went home, did fine. When the boosters arrived, my sister went to her doctor and said had COVID I got the vaccine, both doses, do I need to get a booster? And he said, Well, considering that you had the disease, you got the vaccine? No, you don't need the booster. Her husband has the same doctor. He goes in a week or two later and says I had the disease. I got sick enough with it. I had to be hospitalized treated. I got the vaccine, two doses. Do I need the booster? And he said, why? Of course you need the booster. So he said, Well, I think about this, he went home and hit his wife. And so she calls me and says, Joe Do I need a booster? And she gave me this story. I said, you know, it depends on which scientists you read. On which day in which journal? And has it been vetted or pre printed? And so the answer to that question is my firm believes is you do not need a booster. Nor does John, your husband need a booster? Dr. Paul 29:11 And how about their kids and grandkids? So we're pediatricians. We have had a long career yours longer than mine we're supposed to represent. We're supposed to stand in the gap for kids. They can't speak for themselves. They're they're being targeted. It appears to me by a powerful industry that's making billions of dollars. What can we do? What would you say? Unknown Speaker 29:36 What, what I say is this is what I know. And I give the abbreviated version of what I just told you and you have to make the decision. These are your children or your child. I have recommended to you As the parents, of my grandchildren, to the parents of my sister's children, that the vaccine is probably not necessary. And that's the that's the best, most honest answer I can give. If these were, if my children were still toddlers or young children, I would not be giving them this vaccine. Dr. Paul 30:34 So that is Anga helped me understand, you know, as a former president of the Academy of Pediatrics. How is it that the AAP the CDC, the public health officials in almost every state are really it seems pushing this COVID Jab, this biologic on the population, including kids, and you and I as pediatricians who really have looked at a lot of research? It doesn't make sense. What do you think's going on? Unknown Speaker 31:09 I don't know. And I wish I did. I've asked this question a number of times. And I really don't get an answer. Sometimes it feels like we pediatricians are can be pediatrics. They may AMA, AFP, the family practice physicians are all fearful of bucking the establishment. And that worries me because it's our it's our responsibility to buck the establishment when we think that things are not being that the science, isn't there. One of the things that people have commented on is what about natural immunity? My suspicion is that, especially for pediatricians, who have been exposed for years and years, to the three common upper respiratory, Uri, cold viruses, one of which is Coronavirus. We probably have some natural immunity to this new novel Coronavirus. My suspicion is that other people who've had frequent upper respiratory infections probably have some natural immunity. We're not testing for that. I don't know why not. The there are other things that troubled me. When I was on a National Advisory Council for the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development at the NIH. We were approving grants for a number of different things. And in in the millions of dollars, sometimes to people in other countries, researchers and other countries. And the question I asked was, if they develop this thing, whatever it happened to be, and it was being used then by the population sold. Do we get the money from that? Does the US Treasury does NIH get their money back? And the answer was? No, of course not. And I asked why not? And there was no answer to that question. So you're right in what you said before Pfizer Maderna. To some lesser extent, j&j, Johnson and Johnson are making multi multi millions of dollars from these biologicals, maybe billions. Dr. Paul 34:45 Billions. Pfizer's increase was $30 billion. They're up from 30. Unknown Speaker 34:52 Just from just just from the COVID. Dr. Paul 34:55 All right. You remember the days like when Hepatitis B was rolled out and it got added to the childhood schedule. I think it was one to 2 billion, that that was a touching for the manufacturer. So if a pharmaceutical company can get a vaccine on the childhood schedule, that's at least a billion. Well, this is a whole new thing, because the entire world we're rolling this out to everybody has to get it. They've got to get boosters. It's insane amount of money. Unknown Speaker 35:22 Well, we, the US government, you and I, the taxpayers, paid to develop this, Dr. Paul 35:31 and paid to buy these to distribute for free. Unknown Speaker 35:36 Yes. And it boggles the mind. We're not business people. Pediatricians are certainly not business people. But it turns out the federal government isn't business people either. So you know, it's a it's a puzzle, this whole thing is a puzzle. And I don't have an answer. I just know that. Because I had already paid for a vacation, and I couldn't get my money back. I had to get a vaccine. So I chose the j&j, one shot, and I was done. I survived. But I'm not getting any boosters. And, you know, I've passed on a couple of vacations, because they have said, Oh, Auntie's come to our hotel, or get on our cruise ship, or get on our airplane, you need to have not only the vaccine, but a booster, you know, not going to do it. Dr. Paul 36:48 So you're a living example of coercion, right? The lack of informed consent. This has been something I've been fighting for most of my career. I don't have a problem with anybody choosing to do whatever they want to do for themselves. I have a bigger problem, though. And it's involving children. And I know there's real danger, and you're targeting, you know, voiceless helpless people with incredible marketing and massive budgets to manipulate. But what about our peers? How can we wake them up? Unknown Speaker 37:27 I don't know. I wish I did. I have spoken to community groups about this, and I get some say, you're right. And I get others who pull their mask up tighter. And say that I'm crazy, I'm wrong. Unknown Speaker 37:49 I'm going to die and I'm going to kill other people. Unknown Speaker 37:59 It's a if you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth. And people believe it. And if you and I, and our pediatric colleagues are surrounded, every day, all day with somewhat conflicting, but generally in the direction of this is a deadly disease is killing millions of people around the world. We must put on masks, we must isolate. We must close the schools and the churches and everything else in order to protect everybody. And now we have vaccines and boosters. And we all were obligated to get them. If this is what you hear all the time. And you'll hear it from not only the media, but from your professional organizations. Unknown Speaker 39:14 Pretty soon you believe it. Or even if you don't believe it, you don't want to lose your license. You don't want to be ostracized by your peers. You don't want to be dismissed from the hospital. Unknown Speaker 39:34 If you're in the military, medical or not. You don't want to be dismissed from your job. From the Army, the Air Force The Navy whatever. Interesting article recently. A Mr. Biden sent a cold letter of congratulations, whatever, to a Coast Guard. Corman who was rescuing people in Florida from the from the hurricane visuals of him hoisting people up into the helicopter holding onto them for dear life, their lives. He has been dismissed from the Coast Guard, because for religious reasons, he won't take the vaccine. Now, how can you be a hero to the President and anathema to the military organization, to which you just performed heroic service? Craziness? Yeah, Dr. Paul 40:41 it's absolute craziness. And I feel like I became vaccine risk aware. Like I said, back at the Hepatitis B level, that vaccine has 250 micrograms of aluminum, little newborns there per weight, kilo amount of aluminum, it just didn't make sense, toxicology wise. And Hepatitis B was just such a low risk for that age group. I understand your explanation earlier. That's the standard sort of explanation. But when you fast forward to COVID Oh, my goodness. All right, the wall has to come off your eyes, folks, our peers, we've got to find a way to reach people. And I know exactly what you said is so true. People are fearful for their jobs. I've spoken to so many pediatricians who have now taken a stand and they've lost their jobs. You know, it's it's happening the the the pressure, I mean, that law in California where doctors can't even talk about COVID in anything other than the approved government wording. I mean, this is just turning doctors into robots, you can't even have a doctor patient relationship. They're ruining it. They're going to destroy medicine, if we don't take a stand. Unknown Speaker 41:53 We're not just destroying medicine. But we're setting an example for how we can indoctrinate people to do what the leaders say we need to do 1984 And brave new world. authors who were passionate about this kind of thing. I recently came across a a speech that Khrushchev gave the United Nations about how the Soviet Union was going to bury us. Not with arms, but with ideas make us subservient to beliefs that where we're going, we're going to be indoctrinated with. There are many examples in certainly my parents, in your parents lifetimes of nations, where that is exactly what happened. And yeah, I'm, I'm not just fearful for our profession. I am fearful for us as a society. But it starts somewhere and it's really starting with us, we we used to be able to sit and discuss things. We'd argue sometimes pounding on the desk arguments, and then we go out and have lunch together and chat about our kids and going fishing or whatever. We don't do that anymore. You know, if if you don't believe what I'm telling you to believe you're my enemy. And I won't associate with you. I you know, I have a great difficulty with that. I'm fearful about that. Yeah, so it's beyond it's beyond just COVID I'm waiting for for monkeypox. You know, the next thing that we have to vaccinate the world for? Right? I'm worried. Yeah. Dr. Paul 44:27 I'm suspicious that the monkey pox thing is just going to fade away. I don't think people are buying it. They're gonna happen. Unknown Speaker 44:36 There is one article that has been published that says it is fading. I haven't seen a sequel to that article. So yeah, but I think you're right. Dr. Paul 44:46 I don't think they're gonna be able to sell that one but I am not putting it past them. There will be another pandemic. And because it's so effective, my goodness, you can put that baffles my mind And that governors all of a sudden have more power than the President of the United States, because they can declare a state of emergency. And they can institute quarantines and shut down your businesses. I mean, their public health and governors put those two agencies together. Add to that the medical boards that are controlling the physicians, and they've got total control. That's a scary situation. And the emergencies, they never turn them off. Right. You declare emergency as they did back in what was it March of 2020. For COVID. And they're, they haven't let up. Unknown Speaker 45:39 They've only let up a little bit. Fortunately, the children are back in school, my grandchildren or school school age. And it's very clear. And they say it, they've lost a year. And they'll never get it back. I'm sure out where you live. And certainly where I live. There's not a business that doesn't have a sign out, saying Help Wanted and offering actually, mega mega employment bonuses, and yet, people aren't taking the jobs. What are they doing? Unemployment is down. Because people aren't even looking for jobs anymore. They don't register. Yeah. And all this was generated by a, a virus, which likely was not as bad as we were all led to believe. Dr. Paul 46:41 Yeah, that's, that's for sure. I haven't I have a busy practice. Several providers, not a single child hospitalized the entire pandemic, except for one who went and got the COVID jab and got myocarditis. Yes. So it's it's, it's just a non issue for most kids. And yeah, thank you for your, you know, with with your length of a career. And you're I mean, I guess, would it be safe to say you're a very pro vaccine doctor? I mean, that's been your, your legacy with being the President of the AAP. And even you have said for this COVID thing, enough's enough. Unknown Speaker 47:22 Well, it's not just the AP, the American College of Pediatricians, we are pro vaccine. In general, we have some concerns. And what we want is what something you brought up earlier, we want informed consent. Yep. We want people to know, when we're saying to them, your children need these vaccines. Why I can make a case for most of the vaccines have difficulty with the HPV vaccine. And I have difficulty with the COVID vaccine. For all the reasons that we've talked about. Dr. Paul 48:06 Yep, those, those are the two that I have the most difficulty with. Then comes Hepatitis B for newborns. If you're a teenager and you're out there being sexually active, or you're sharing dirty needles, yeah, you better get it, buddy. But I know my newborns in my practice aren't having sex or sharing needles and they're being loved by their parents. And, yeah, the problem I have with the full vaccine schedule, and you can choose to address this or not, is just that the whole schedule was never tested for safety. We don't have a vaccine unvaccinated. Really good study. Certainly nothing prospective. And I know this is it's unethical to do. But think about it every time you introduce a new vaccine, like when they had introduced this COVID vaccine. Nobody had been vaccinated. So you obviously had a huge group of unvaccinated uncovered vaccine people. We just had to compare, but they never do that. Unknown Speaker 49:00 They never do that. And now we're into the flu season where we have a lot of children getting sick with the flu, hospitalized. And now we're saying to parents, the media is saying the parents the CDC is saying to parents of Pfizer moderna saying to parents, you know, now's a perfect time for you to get your flu vaccine, and either your COVID vaccine or your COVID vaccine booster. Yep. And you're right, there's not a single study that says, If you mix these two vaccines, one on one arm and one on the other. Now the body is is is a miraculous thing. You know, you can swallow a handful of different pills for all conditions that you have. And nobody knows where to send each one of those medicines to is going to do the same thing. But it gets the flu vaccine and the COVID biologic at the same time? I don't know. Dr. Paul 50:14 Yeah. Well, we know the COVID by itself is a problem. So I can't imagine adding other things on top of that is going to be good. Unknown Speaker 50:23 It is, it is unlikely to be good. And maybe the worst fear is what's good and what's not good is will it inhibit the protectiveness of both of those vaccines? flu vaccine is never more than about now. It's always less than 50%. Protective. Yeah. And we know that the COVID vaccine is probably considerably less than that. If you look at absolute protection, right. So, you know, are we going to, are we going to know, walk around, say, I'm protected from both COVID and Dr. Paul 51:10 the flu, the experience I've had, and I've actually published some data vaccine vaccine, the less vaccinated you are actually the less sick you get. And think of what's happened with this COVID situation. We know that to be true. Kids who have a lot of innate natural immunity have done wonderful with COVID. But you start vaccinating people. Yeah, you get an antibody response that lasts for a few months, maybe even up to seven months. But then you go into the negative, and you're actually worse off than you were before. And that's just antibodies, you're also hindering their natural immunity with these with these jabs. Unknown Speaker 51:48 Why? Only grandson, chorus of my grandchildren for girls only grandson about two weeks after he got his because his father wouldn't listen to me. Got his COVID Booster. He developed myocarditis. He recovered. He's he's running cross country now and doing fine. But, you know, I don't know what's going to happen 20 years from now, and somebody's going to say, Oh, you have a heart problem. And it's probably the result of that myocarditis that you had. After you got the COVID. Immunization. Yep. I worry. Dr. Paul 52:33 Yeah, I don't blame you the natural history of myocarditis. Even though pediatricians rarely saw it, pre COVID. You know, as a general pediatrician, I don't even think I remember a case of myocarditis. I know, they happen rarely, but after COVID It's very frequent. Unknown Speaker 52:50 Yeah. And, again, a lot of it reported to the reporting system. And very little, if any analysis has been done, have any of that information? And, you know, that was set up intentionally. So that if vaccines, the immunizations of people, children and others, how had some temporarily related problem? The government, CDC, FDA would all go in and investigate and see if it was related to the vaccine. And in this case, they they haven't touched that. Dr. Paul 53:36 They don't even look at it. We you and I remember when they pulled rotavirus for what, less than 50 deaths? Yes. And that they don't do that anymore. Unknown Speaker 53:48 The rotavirus vaccine disappeared. Because there were there were a few deaths that seemed to be related to vaccine. Dr. Paul 53:57 Right. So there was a there was a system of caution back then. And that's all been overrun by some powerful interests as all I can say. Unknown Speaker 54:09 And, and following somebody's science. Yeah. Lord knows whose science Dr. Paul 54:17 Yeah, tobacco science really. Unknown Speaker 54:20 Oh, please. That's a whole nother subject. Dr. Paul 54:24 Let me give you the last words, speak to parents and grandparents about COVID vaccines or whatever your final thoughts might be to them. Unknown Speaker 54:35 We have between the two of us presented the information that we know, I know to be true about this is biologic preparation. I hope that your audience will spread this information to others who may be questioning or just in the course of conversation about what's going on in the world, people need to review everything that we have said, and everything that they can read carefully and ask questions carefully. I suspect that if they did that, and came to their pediatrician or other health professional, and asked the kinds of questions that were urging them to ask, they may get a different story from their pediatrician, or other health professional than if they failed to ask those questions. If all we've done is to give people enough information, so they can ask intelligent questions, then we've done a very good thing for children and society. Dr. Paul 55:57 Very well put Dr. Sangha. I appreciate your being on the show and for your depth of wisdom and knowledge and you're so articulate folks, ask questions, don't stop ask asking questions. And if you're unsure, just pause. Don't rush into something that you don't have all the information for. Thank you very much. Unknown Speaker 56:19 Thank you, and have a good day, week, month and year. Dr. Paul 56:31 Dr. Paul, thanks for watching the show. Please visit doctors and science.com There you can access our members only section. This show is member supported. We don't have to take sponsors. We don't have to have anybody controlling the content of our show. This is a huge perk most people aren't aware of your membership gives you access to my eBooks, transcripts of every show PowerPoints from talks I'm giving around the country and live bonus peeks at behind the scenes work. We're doing my off the cuff thoughts and reviews on current events. Your support makes all this possible. Thank you. Help me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors in science.com. I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. And let's make this the weekly show the nation has been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Transcribed by https://otter.ai PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:00
Dr. Paul Welcome to against the wind doctors in science under fire. Today's lead interview is with pediatrician, Dr. Kam li Euro, she lived half her life in the Soviet Union, we are discussing, first of all her being terminated from her position over the COVID issue. Secondly, the evolution of her thinking as a pediatrician since the beginning of the COVID, pandemic, parents, grandparents, custodians of children, you know, or you've heard, they're recommending COVID jabs for children. There's a lot of information that should have you questioning that recommendation, we're gonna discuss a lot of this, the issue of asymptomatic spread use of vitamins, masking, natural immunity, mental health, and then she closes out with her hopes for the future and a message for you, the parents and grandparents, Bernadette and I discuss something that wow, this is powerful. Don't miss this at the end of this show. There are captured agencies way more than I realized, who influence our public health officials, our legislators, and the medical boards. This is powerful information that will wake you up to what's actually going on behind the scenes that's driving some of the insanity that we're experiencing in our world since the COVID pandemic began. Enjoy the show. Dr. Paul, coming to you from the heart, I have a daily reminder on my calendar that says this, If I wasn't afraid I would. And then I'm supposed to start my day by filling in the blank. I had the hardest time with this, it was just something I've been trying this past month, because I didn't want to be focusing on fear, like being afraid. While I was taking a walk in the woods recently, and this came to me and it really helped me embrace all things that helped me reach my purpose and potential and reject those things that are hindering my progress. Now that opened up my world for me to be able to really do that. I mean, we all have things we know we should be doing, we ought to embrace those. And if there's things that are hindering our progress, we should be avoiding those things, right. This isn't a moment for true confessions. But if I found it really helpful, the other thing I've been really trying to do is to ask myself three questions. Regarding my thoughts, my words, and my actions, is what I'm doing loving and kind. Because if it's not, I'm probably acting from ego or from fear. I hope you have someone in your life that can call you on it. If you're drifting into ego and fear. I'm blessed to have such a person today in my life, and it's made a world of difference. Because I think I lived in ego a lot unaware, not even aware that that's what I was doing. Second question, again, regarding your thoughts, words and actions. Is it true? Now truth, I tend to think is singular. But you know, your truth might be different than my truth. And so we do need to meet each other somewhere, and allow ourselves to disagree. We can just agree to disagree. But there's so much misinformation, Disinformation and Propaganda out there these days, that it is imperative that we listen to your heart and soul, feel what resonates? Does it feel true? Does it feel right to you? Because if it's not feeling right, if you're if you're listening carefully, and it doesn't feel right, dig a little deeper, there's probably a deeper truth that you need to discover. The third question I like to ask is, Is it helpful? Now? Is it helpful to your physical health, your mental health, your emotional health and your spiritual health? If it's helpful, embrace it, right? And if it's not, maybe take a second look at that. Folks, it's about faith over fear. And while that may be a saying that we say too often, it's so true if I'm living in fear, I'm an ego. I'm not open. I'm not in the spirit. I'm not living in love. Have a blessed week. Welcome Dr. Jura, you are a pediatrician. We have something in common we have both lived a large portion of our lives outside of the United States. Maybe share with our viewers, your background, and when you came to the United States, I'd be interested in learning that. Dr. Kamli Jura, MD 4:31 Well, hello, everyone. Yes, my name is Dr. Euro and I grew up in Soviet Union. And it was kinda end of Soviet Union empire. But now as I look back, it really you know, to go to school you had to wear uniforms. You had to clear pine You know, and then you had to have those passports, you know, and you had to have Komsomol passport. So you can imagine, here, you're a kid, you kind of look around, and you're trying to figure out the world. And I always was very introverted kid. So kinda was looking what's happening. And really what affected me the most growing up in Soviet Union was this inability to speak freely, and an ability to travel freely. And my grandfather was a lawyer in independent living. And so he saved five Jews in the basement, why I grew up as a child. And then he kinda didn't want to leave if he knew. And Soviets put him in prison. And so I was as a small child, looking at this very intellectual man, kind of broken by the system, you know, because he believed in humanity, he believed in human kindness. And being idealistic. I fought, okay, it's clear, I cannot be a lawyer. I wrote quite good. But then as I was writing the articles, for the newspapers, we will not publish because, for example, I reviewed the book of writer and he emigrated, and they said, No, you cannot be published, okay. It was like, okay, that's how lawyers is. So what is in and I thought, you know, as a medical profession, I can be free of COVID. Ball. It's tore through as we know right now, but that was really, why I want to study medicine, because I thought I can be American heal people. Dr. Paul 7:01 So how old were you when you immigrated to the United States? Dr. Kamli Jura, MD 7:07 So I finished high school stone Soviet Union, okay. And that calls for, you know, and start studying really, very, you know, how you study in medical school, seven to seven, you know, and then I remember I was sitting at my forensic medicine exam. And I knew all the answers, and that's what I was caring about. And the, our professor came in and said, no exam, you have to stand in front of towns. I was like, What do you mean? You know, so it's kinda like, so we weren't all of us weren't on, I was standing in front of, you know, Parliament, and some of my classmates were standing in front of TV station. So we were like, I think it was 50 of medical school, because in Lithuania, and then medical universities, we had six years, and all suddenly collapsed. It collapsed. They kinda in front of our eyes, when looking back, you could see signs coming. In, then people start inviting medical students to America, because before that it was caused you couldn't travel. So in Madison, Wisconsin, people were sitting in front of map and said, Let's invite five medical students to see from this empire to see if we can help them to solve the world. And that's how I came first time I still flew from Soviet Union, the Soviet passport, as an exchange student to Madison, Wisconsin, met very beautiful people of America. And as soon as I saw medical students here said, I want to do this. I want to be free. I'll do anything to be a doctor in America. Yeah, so that happened. Dr. Paul 9:01 Wow. That's That's an incredible story. I will finish high school in Swaziland so I grew up in Africa. I was in Rhodesia when I was in Bob way went to high school in Swaziland came to the states for college and medical school and your journey was a little longer because of you know, I know how it is when you come to the States, you have to start all over with your education. So you get a double education. Dr. Kamli Jura, MD 9:30 And you know, I was really idealistic, I fought, I will own you know, whatever beaten us in university who taught me and then I will learn everything that people are teaching me here now be this best doctor ever be. And I realized, actually, as I was going for these processes, how much similarity was between United States and Soviet Union? And that actually was kind of shocking for me. And you know, even like this multiple choice exam how much it was eliminated and critical thinking in a way that in Soviet system, I had to know how to answer the questions depending who was asking a question. But again, in this multi choice system, you also you eliminate the critical thinking, because as soon as you think too much, you're wrong. Yeah. And so that was really I had to learn. So, you know, I passed all these exams, I passed all these American Pediatric board exams and finally fought, I can kind of practice how I want it within, you know, the corporation system. And I come back to similar like you write in your book, I would ask patients what to do they want to enable, give them informed concerned. But my first big question, you start to start to when they start doing hepatitis B vaccine, and I start creating my own protocols. I was like, and I told my patients I said, I don't see why you would get. So you know, the questions that happening even before this two years, but I really didn't see all of this coming. I didn't think it will be as as dangerous to kids as it is right, mom? Dr. Paul 11:34 Yeah. So why did you choose pediatrics? Dr. Kamli Jura, MD 11:41 In that, I always wanted to heal kids. You know, I, my childhood was, you know, my parents are post war, trauma factor. grandparents, my grandmother actually witness World War first and World War second, I always felt that we can kinda help kids to be happy and look at their trauma, help them to heal and be happy adults. I was really very hesitant between, you know, child psychiatry and pediatrics. Now, my question to the way we wanted to teach medical doctors to be child psychiatrist, I still question that now, even now with a shortage of child psychiatrist, because, you know, you have to go to transitional neonatal transitional year, then you have to do three years of, you know, adult psychiatry and then go to child psychiatry. So, so and then I can't afford I talk to a lot of people and they said, you know, it's easier to do infection in 10 minutes when depression have no better because by the time I was still practicing in 10 minutes, I had to do infection and depression, Dr. Paul 13:04 both. There's no enough child psychiatrists, not even close. So pediatricians, by default, we take care of so many mental health issues. Dr. Kamli Jura, MD 13:16 You know, I, my reader always had this holistic approach, you cannot just address broken finger, you know, even if somebody broke a finger, there was a reason why this kid put their fist in the school. So I always kind of tried to address everything. And I really like kids, you know, how it is, you know, not too many men went for pediatric residency, not being, you know, like, like, we had people they came into pediatric residents, and they left, you know, after months, because not, and like, as soon as I see screaming kid, I know what to do. It's like one of those mirrors, you know, you and I never fought, I'll be in this position where, you know, I had twins, and somebody was not checked in. And I know you talked about when's your last podcast, somebody was not checked in and it was like 10 years ago, it was bad flu epidemic, which you know, we had epidemic, whatever you call it, and one tear towards needed oxygen and they looked in the back and I said they want to be both need to be transported. And we didn't have enough beds, and they had to put one kid in one hospital and another and another hospital. You know, so no, so pediatric is my near it. It's just very unfortunate that I don't know how to live it now. Dr. Paul 14:41 Yeah. Okay. So we both have a love for kids and pediatrics. And we come with this background of, I think when you've lived overseas for a large portion of your childhood, you get a perspective that's a little more holistic, you know, thinking of that healing of the whole person, not just the body or the body Heart, but the whole person and there's there's just physical, there's emotional, there's mental, even spiritual. Something happened now. So we're gonna fast forward now we've been doing pediatrics for you've been doing this for a couple decades, I think. Dr. Kamli Jura, MD 15:16 So I sin my high school need to six, and then Soviet Union broke and nine to one. And when I came here, and I did, you know, transitional year, and I did three years in pediatric residents, and then I had to work five years in rural area to get my green card. And then I finally moved where I wanted to live and so on. I've been 17 years here in Arizona. Dr. Paul 15:50 More than 20 years, 20 years. Yep. Dr. Kamli Jura, MD 15:53 Yeah. But after, you know, seeing kids, day in and day out. Dr. Paul 15:59 And and so you, you, you were in northern Arizona, maybe you still live there, working for a corporation, and then in December of 2021. So COVID Hit early in 2021. Tell us what happened. Dr. Kamli Jura, MD 16:14 You know, so I was suppose actually to go to Australia, to do like a conference about zinc deficiency, and systemic constellations, which is like, energetic healing, you know, for answers to trauma. And then certainly the conference was canceled. So I didn't go and I have like two weeks, kind of to look what's happening because I had vacation. You know, because I was supposed to go. So I came back to practice after those two weeks. In a way those two weeks helped me prepare, because I had time to look, you know. And then I start talking with my patients, which usually what I do and with their families, and I realized, the kids don't get sick. And so I fought blessed, I fought okay, this is so lucky for us, let's count our blessings. Kids don't get sick, so much this virus, let's see what we can do to help families. So I actually prepared even the presentation from mental health crisis about mental health crisis, because that's what I was seeing. I was seeing overweight, I was seeing anxiety, I will see Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, the kids kept being born, I was seeing trauma that was induced on kids and their families and delivery rooms. You know, so I kind of was like, as soon as you would go into the room, you kinda knew where family was because we would be masked or not masked? Yes. And then, so I kinda was like, Okay, let's see, how can I help people to integrate all these experiences? And initially, I had those thoughts. Okay, what about making a map? What about putting schools outside? What about vitamin D, and zinc? And suddenly, you know, all this controlled information start coming get heavier than ever. And I think my first red flags were, you know, I don't know if you have the same system, like the immunizations that we record in this state. And I start seeing that COVID vaccine, which was not officially yet approved for kids already was in that, you know, I was like, they are preparing this, Dr. Paul 18:50 wow. We have that system here. But I don't participate anymore. They knocked me out of it a couple years ago. Interesting. Dr. Kamli Jura, MD 19:00 So I saw that when I got American Academy of Pediatrics, which was like, you know, how many exams I took, you know, how many money we paid. You know, how we all know that that's not making you better pediatrician. And they say, if you don't promote COVID vaccine, you will lose your American Academy of board certification. I actually went around, you know, my whole area, showing it to everybody feels like family practitioners because I think at that letter it was if I remember that right, internal medicine board, ob obstetric board and and pediatric ward, and that's when I kinda start feeling that Justice going and not right reaction, and I really didn't know what I wanted to do. And so actually, the managers and Intel initially said you have to fill the paperwork for Mandy Because the patients, and you know, your primary care provider you carry, like, several 1000s of people. So I initially asked if natural immunity would be accepted, which I had I checked my natural immunity because usually that's what I do for my patients. They say no, unless you're dead, or you have a mental lactic reaction, and even then, you could take another one that will not be approved. I was like, Okay, do I really even want to go towards the religious route? Because in a way that shouldn't be private. You know, what is informed? concerned? What is religion exemption? I right revision exemption, what is it believe? But I feel that people work in the denial and the action, they actually fired three of us. And they said, that doesn't matter as a provider, what religious belief you have, what scientific belief you have, you're out next day. And I was like, What do you think happens to my kids? You know, like my practice, it will be post traumatic stress disorder for them. We have a plan. The plan was facing me for one day, and they didn't tell my patients why. Dr. Paul 21:18 Wow. So you and two others, were given your termination papers, basically. And that's been over a year now, a year and a half? Dr. Kamli Jura, MD 21:31 No, that's actually so maybe that's been December 2021, Dr. Paul 21:37 or 21. So yeah, just a half a little over half a year, set, eight, nine months. What have you done since then? Dr. Kamli Jura, MD 21:48 So I looked for people that kinda think similar, like, you know, I start, I want to to conferences, you know, American freedom conference, and I want to, like toxicity conference, Environmental Conference, you know, like, I kind of was looking how I can connect with people that think the same. And, you know, ideally, I would like to create the center for kids with like minded people. So then I joined the freedom doctors with some gold, and we're trying to create telemedicine platform. And by fate, she's now in prison. So that kind of postponed the opening of our telemedicine platform. So I really, I don't want to go to practice in the home, and to create venue that requires same minded people and also requires risk taking, and requires kind of us to unite together. And zoom helps, but I really would like no physical samples. looking, looking, Okay, who wants to come to Northern Arizona and create the center? And how can we use you know, healing money is out there, you know, the money is given to help kids? Because that money is going and how can we access that? And give kids what they need? You know, what helps them heal? Dr. Paul 23:30 Yeah. I mean, it feels like our mainstream medical system in this country is broken. Dr. Kamli Jura, MD 23:38 It's, it's broken. See, I like social medicine too. So partly may stay in can take a concert dances, you know, kids could see me and I could see that. How does she hear? Because they had access? And I would do everything right, who do I figure out? Like, how I can get biofeedback for them, labs for them, consultants for them. But now the system is broken. So how do we get the kids good services and use the money? Or, you know, get the money to get get the best for? Dr. Paul 24:13 Right? Oh, that is that is the huge dilemma. People with plenty of money can access services outside of the mainstream. But for the majority of people who rely on their insurance, that's going to be a big challenge. We have to figure out, you know, what do you think of how COVID rolled out here with public health being so powerful, all powerful to the point where they dictate what the institutions do, they dictate what the hospitals do, and then the hospitals follow suit, or the health care systems do doing things like what happened to you, I mean, actually losing your profession. That has to be devastating. What are your thoughts about that and comparing it to where you came from in the Soviet Union? Dr. Kamli Jura, MD 25:00 It's really. So think about, I did six years of medical school than I did five years of residency is, then I pass this board exam first every 10 years, when every seven years, then I complied. You know, with every rule they had, which granted, were more and more rules and the flu shot, I start questioning because I could feel my body not responding to. And like tetanus, I check my own natural immunity. So there were like more and more systems than they somehow start really like controlling us and not letting us to be practicing the medicine. And I think EMR was the one of the biggest changes, and I always dictated, and you know, if you could write the infection and give or not give amoxicillin three minutes, and suddenly, you enter all that data, in three pages for the kid to feel better the cold, then I start questioning, really what is like the became kind of a money creating system instead of healing system, and the system was getting more and more complex. And this final step worthy kind of with the mandate of don't mandate that you need that you can get religious exemption, you don't get religious exemption. That's not healing for anybody. And that, really, you know, maybe I am finally at a point of my career, because if I would be now in residency, if I would be in medical school, if I would be needing to go and get the scissors, I could not do what I'm doing right now. And even for me, it's now it's difficult to do this, to risk everything. You know, like my friends, I have a lot of professional friends. And they work in big centers, and they are so intelligent people, and their families weren't for what my family is wonderful. And they are getting fair boosters. And, and, you know, so it does remind me a word what happened to me, but it also has this worldwide effect. You know, it affects countries worldwide, and it affects civilizations worldwide. And, you know, and then that's a question what is happening behind the scenes? And how can I contribute, at this time of my life to prevent? And really, like, what is the fight here? Sometimes I don't even get it because like, why are we giving immunizations for kids in America? And we're not giving them in Sweden? What is different? The body is the same, right? So why political dictators? And why cannot those three we? And, you know, Europe is affected by it so much, and I'm happy to be in America. But why by giving it to kids in America? I never thought this will happen here. Dr. Paul 28:25 Yeah. I share your feelings. Exactly. You know, I read about the some of the Scandinavian countries, they're banning it. Nobody under the age of 18 can get that vaccine. What do they know? Well, they know what you and I know. Yeah. But our public health officials in this country, this and the CDC. My only analysis is they're corrupt, whether they're corrupted by power, or money, or both, I don't know. But it's certainly not about the health of our children. You and I as pediatricians we have to uphold our oath to take care of our patients take care of the kids putting kids first. And we've been forced to make tough decisions. I mean, you're you must be suffering, having to, you know, put everything you put into making your career and you're kind of reaching the top of your career and then this happens. Dr. Kamli Jura, MD 29:24 You know, I really did not see this coming. And I really thought I can just practice and be happy. But I don't think you've seen things coming to your life the way they are, you know, because we just want to do what's the best and then they've you know, like we did for auto vitals and there was what less than 100 deaths, not even deaths. It was interceptions. So why we're not pulling something that's carrying Oh, and why? Why nobody's talking that ran out. Seven Canadian doctors that are dead. You know, it's like, do you want really? Like, it's kinda like, who can hide deaths? And I never, you know, it's, it's like, it's undescribable on so many levels. Yeah. And then I'm glad not to be part of a system actually right now. Because because you know, they can sue me, they can sue you anytime they cannot sue Pfizer. And guess what, in Austria, what happened? Doctors were said not to, you know, dressed in immunizations. And then now we say go for the doctors because we still needed to know that. So, so I kinda like non Candlewick thinking, and you know, from pediatricians, they took our power away my patients can do even though I gave him for I'm concerned that families can feel. So we knew, because if they would ask me, I said, you know, we didn't study this vaccine. We don't know long term effects. Let's talk about it. Let's see what risk factors do have bits, then I start seeing that we get those vaccines and pharmacists. And you know, what pharmacists would send me that record? And I would be like, they didn't come to talk with me. They didn't get informed. Consent? What happens if they get side effects? Who is guilty? Or it was your patient? You should have probably called that pharmacy and tell them not to give it to you. There is no winning or Dr. Paul 31:40 losing it's it's insane. What? What's your so I agree with you 100%. Kids don't get sick from this, these SARS cov to viruses. And in fact, as it mutates along it seems like while it might get more contagious, it's less and less dangerous to the point where it's it's for children, especially it's it's a nothing. Why would we ever want to inject kids with a mRNA technology that is not, it's clearly not safe, we have no long term outcome, and won't get it because they they allowed Pfizer and you know, all the companies to vaccinate the unvaccinated arm of their study. So they've eliminated the potential for long term data period. Where do we go? What do you think? Dr. Kamli Jura, MD 32:30 You know, I really think we should get Pfizer back where they should be, they should be responsible. I think responsibility is one of those films, we should get back where everybody's responsible patient, doctor, and pharmaceuticals. And we should have like, not somewhere where people get rich, you know, like, meaning like, they have we all from abundance, start discussing, these are the damages these? What do we do now? Because, you know, I was thinking I'm attracting like a lot of complex patients. And then after all this happened, I read Kennedy's Jr's book. And in other chronic illness in kids is staggering. We will not have we soon will not have pediatrics, so we'll have to take care of sick kids adults, because, you know, when I start practicing, I don't know how it was for you. But it had back pain in six year old who didn't have headaches and four year old, I wasn't diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. I had myocarditis maybe once in my career that they diagnosed, and now you know, they come they're like, adults Dr. Paul 33:52 anxiety, to see anxiety and now you have it in grade school. Dr. Kamli Jura, MD 33:56 I know it's like, in you kinda like, so what do we do? So we really, I think, part of that everybody has to go back, parents have to be responsible. You know, doctors have to be responsible pharmaceutical companies have to be responsible. And then we have to go from there. You know, because this iniquitous victim kind of mentality and a lot of that is everywhere, you know, and really, I think like I always said, Okay, freedom is responsibility to be free. You have to be responsible. Sometimes I'm over responsible. I know that too. But oh, my, I think one of that is when was that act and Congress when they said pharmaceutical companies cannot be sued? Dr. Paul 34:43 That 1886 Dr. Kamli Jura, MD 34:44 Right, and that's why I kinda saw this, this. This really turned around because that's such a good business model. No, perfect. It's like profitable, guaranteed profits. And then another thing really have to Do not have these emergency situations, unless they are really emergency. And even if it's an emergency, everybody can take responsibility of how they take care of cells and their loved ones. Because this fact of this emergency, now we can do anything we want to, you know, now, even if it's emergency, you can decide what you do know, home, not state, and I can decide what I do. And we can help each other. Right in the hospitals. You know, I think that profit in especially in pediatrics never was profitable. But so that's why actually, we don't even have pediatric unit here. We got donations to build it, they didn't build it, because it wasn't profitable. They built OB. So how we can say, you know, the kids, it shouldn't be profitable, they should be healthy, we should make them healthy. And that's it. Dr. Paul 35:57 Yeah, I have to highlight something you said for our viewers, because I don't want you to miss this. You were talking about everybody taking responsibility, pharmaceutical industry, doctors and parents. Well, parents, I'm speaking to you for this moment, the pharmaceutical industry and the doctors will not take responsibility, that act in 1986, has shielded them and will continue to shield them. So until that gets reversed by the attorneys, those folks who know how to deal with the law. And it's very hard for that to happen. But we know it can happen. But until such a time you the parents absolutely your it, your kids need you to protect them because you're it they otherwise they are completely defenseless, if you will just accept what the authorities tell you to do. And I'm talking here to Dr. Jura, another fellow pediatrician who's lived overseas trained overseas and here, and we're telling you the same thing. It's absolutely critical. Touching briefly. Dr. Kamli Jura, MD 37:04 Yeah, and you know, really question everything. You know, actually, I liked it here. Then I came here, people question residents, people question doctors. And then slowly, slowly, it kind of started being really more like it used to be in Soviet Union where you don't question you just listen, you know, we have all to question and there is no answer. That's good for every child. That's good for every parent. It's like we, you know, individualized, we intellect we kinda like how can everything be good for everybody? It's now a tool. We all are differ. Dr. Paul 37:47 Absolutely. So individualizing, the care of children is so important, and adults for that matter. Thank you question, everything. That should be our final point. But I'm not gonna let you loose just yet. Because I'm enjoying this conversation. speak briefly to people are still getting their information about COVID from mainstream news. And you and I know these are just reporters reading a teleprompter. You know, you're a pediatrician with extensive knowledge and experience that spans the globe. Talk briefly for people about what the state of COVID is. Now, as far as how scary and dangerous it is for kids, and even for adults, asymptomatic spread vitamins, masking natural immunity, give us your overview of what we now know, from your perspective. Dr. Kamli Jura, MD 38:35 So when I grew up, you know, we knew that when we watch TV, it doesn't tell us to. And that kind of, I think, is backbone of me looking for information that I know that whatever the people tell you, especially if they tell you not to question, you should look for some other information, which luckily, in these days, parents can find. And then they really should look at, you know, our sources. And if somebody tells you, it's all safe and effective, and they never really look no evil, like now the CDC even like two days ago, they are saying things that we set for two years, and there's no explanation, they just turned it around. So if anybody really has time to question that, they should. And so looking for information in these days, I would find actually good, like make America free again in your area, or go to children's health defense, or look at your state and look at you know, pediatric groups and just kind of talk them out of appearance. Fine. them on signal groups on telegram groups, and really not be afraid to reach out. For another information, I probably especially want to talk with people that made it doesn't have time to seek phone for information. You know, whatever you can do now, it's still not late to do you know, you can still look at that. And still question Do I need another booster? What do I do for sport physical for my kid? You know, that's actually be a question two, how do I let them exercise or not let them exercise? And that all this was a question you know, even before. So try to look for people that you trust that trust you cannot by, you know, you just know, deep down do you trust us or not. And then COVID is not pandemic, it never was, the numbers were inflamed. The PCR test, which I used to use, even before they start using get all these have to be used in context of your sickness. And it's not definite. And you always have to see, it's an art from what I use sick and from what you're dying from what you live. So live your life as an art. Don't listen to, you know, people that try to simplify. It's not simple. You know, in right now, if you get sick, do what you always do, do chicken soup, vitamin D. Zinc, stay at home and call somebody that you trust. Dr. Paul 41:48 So I've got the tough question for you here. I agree with you. But who do we trust? So you have the beginning of our talk, you mentioned you have lots of friends in medicine, some of them are still working in the system. They still trust the narrative, I'm guessing that the COVID vaccine is the right way to go. They're not pushing back anyway. So if we send people to their pediatricians, you and I know that 95% of the pediatricians out there are under a spell, I think. Dr. Kamli Jura, MD 42:26 And I talked, you know, I have a friend who who also is practicing as a locum tenens right now. And she says how difficult it is because she gives him form concerned, as patients come to her, then some people actually complain that they form concerned. You know, I feel we have to start building up really like parallel system where people can go. And that's really why I reached out to Americans freedom doctors, and I think children's health defense have their news where people can look for that. Dr. Paul 43:12 I couldn't agree more. Dr. Kamli Jura, MD 43:14 I would just go really like. And I have like I have grandmother with folders. They found us on signal group that is pediatric freedom Summit. We actually even did a declaration we were trying to prevent FDA, you know, so what we do so somebody has a question, it comes to our signal, which is called pediatric freedom doctors and then we see in that state, who can practice telemedicine or physical who can advise their family. You know, like, because right now, the question is, how do you do that sport, physical? How do you get that exemption? So So to answer your question, I think we have to create safe and trustworthy system within every state. And hopefully, we'll have national wide state. And we're still working on it. It's not so easy. No. Yeah, right now, I'm not practicing for that reason, and people reach out. Because I'm still thinking, I don't want to go back to malpractice insurance. I am looking how to do PMAs. And I still would like to get physical center where people can come because know how much easier it is when you see somebody? Dr. Paul 44:35 Yeah, I'm exactly where you are. I want to have a physical center. I like seeing kids being able to interact directly eye to eye. So yes, we're going to need physical centers have a parallel system in every State of the Union, and the pediatric freedom Summit, folks, this is a new upcoming impressive organization. We're In a play for you a brief video, just introducing what they're about. And so I hope you enjoy that. And then a doctor Jura, we're going to cross paths, I'm sure in many, many ways, because we're on the same mission. Give us closing thoughts, some hope for the future. Dr. Kamli Jura, MD 45:21 I feel human kindness will, you know, and I feel, really, the kids have to smile and their kids our future, I hope. I hope really, that we will not continue to do lip service for kids and start actually helping them grow and flower and the, you know, this human race that we need on this earth. Dr. Paul 45:55 That's well said, natural immunity is powerful folks. You raise your children in the most natural way possible, and there's going to be a parallel system coming that will support you in that journey. Thank you, Dr. Shara, for your time today. Dr. Kamli Jura, MD 46:10 Thank you. Dr. Paul 46:18 Welcome Bernadette pager, you are a staple of our show against the wind. Thank you for being here. You're the Public Policy Director of informed choice Washington, you hosted informed life radio, and most importantly, you bring us really, really important new information that's not being covered in any of the mainstream outlets. I'm excited for today's show your segment because I know you're bringing some information that some of this was totally new to me about various Federation's and boards that are directing things in our entire world with related with relation to vaccines. So yeah, jump into it. Bernadette Pajer 46:57 Okay, thank you so much, Dr. Pol. So I want to start by just taking people in a very quick journey, a sampling of how our state legislatures, our elected officials and our public health agencies, are completely captured and working in partnership with the pharmaceutical industry. Here is one, the National Conference of State Legislatures. Most people have never heard of this. They have a big influence. They do a lot of educational presentations. Their members are, you know, are part of state legislatures, and their stance on vaccination and COVID vaccines in particular, all aligned with the CDC. So you're not going to find anything about vaccine injury vaccine dangers vaccine effectiveness, at a place like this encourage you to go down the rabbit hole of this organization. Next I want to show you an organization called the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials. This is another organization that heads say like the Secretary of Health of Washington State, the probably the Commissioner of Public Health here in Tennessee, they all belong to this association. And they have a very strong stance and they have for many years where they oppose any non medical exemption to vaccination mandates. And they they support the ever tightening of medical exemptions. It's very concerning because they are running our State Health Response to communicable infections. Again, a place you're not going to find anything about vaccine failure and vaccine dangers from these individuals. Next, we move to another organization called the National Academy for State Health Policy. And this is another one in which various state employees belong to this and they talk about health issues. But the approach to anything that has a vaccine targeting it is of course very pro vaccine. And you will see that their strategic partners, I do encourage you to go down the rabbit hole of all of these of who funds them and who they partner with. Their partners are Amazon Blue Cross Blue Shield, CVS Health, Kaiser Permanente Permanente, all those right. So no interesting. Dr. Paul 49:33 bernadett that yeah, all these associations and agencies that are public health officials are a part of where our public health officials perhaps get a lot of their information are captured agencies by big business and pharma. Bernadette Pajer 49:50 Yeah, exactly. And then one of my favorites, is ame, the Association of immunization managers, so in every state entity territory, the United States, whoever's running the immunization department belongs to this association. They have a memo of understanding that allows meetings, phone calls, sharing of policy information back and forth with the pharmaceutical reps. They have a policy where they do oppose non medical exemptions as well. And look at their corporate alliances. Dr. Pol, their corporate Alliance includes at the platinum level, Merck, Pfizer, Sanofi Pfizer, AstraZeneca factures. Yeah, you go to the gold Alliance, and you're gonna get Maderna they're new to the board here and your silver, you go down the road, they are all there. It is really unnerving. And informed truss Washington several years ago. Challenge the state about the member are the membership of our immunization director. And we got a meeting with the Secretary of Health. And after presenting all this conflict of information, information to him, he says, No, I don't see it that way. I fully support belonging to this. So what can you do? When? Yeah, so. So the next thing, though, that I want to go to, and I want to spend a little bit more time is an organization that directly impacts doctors. So we're going to move next to the Federation of State medical boards. So this is a massive entity that's been around for a very long time, Dr. Paul 51:32 I believe, rather, was founded in 19 919 13, I believe, I believe Bernadette Pajer 51:37 that's what it is. And, you know, we have to private organization, private organization, Rockefeller involved Carnegie, we have to remember, in the early 1900s, there were hundreds, maybe even over 1000, homeopathic and naturopathic type universities in the United States. It was a thriving type of medicine that did not feed medical industry, even on those early years. And Rockefeller being very powerful, you know, wanted the allopathic kind of money model of medicine to survive. And he systematically shut down, squeezed out all of those healing modality and they're just now in the 1970s, we slowly began coming back. So this has been around a very long time. And this board has huge, powerful impact on what state medical boards are doing. And during this COVID Chaos, they sent out a news release. And they sent it to anybody who licenses anyone in medicine, that if a physician or a nurse or any entity is spreading what they consider to be misinformation. Even if later on it was proved to be absolutely true, which everything so far has been proven to be true, what our side of the issue is saying their license is being threatened. And so what I've just given you just the skimming, of showing how everything in medicine in the US today, from the political agencies are elected agencies, to those agencies that run their health systems, completely owned, captured, influenced by the pharmaceutical industry. Dr. Paul 53:39 Well, thank you, Bernadette. That is such powerful information about all these agencies. I think we need to pursue this more and hopefully in a future episode, we can dig a little deeper, and I can share my story about what's actually going on with the medical board with myself. And because it's it's very fitting with exactly what you've presented. So thank you. Bernadette Pajer 54:02 You're welcome. And I would love to do that. You want to do a deep dive. Let's go. Dr. Paul 54:12 Dr. Paul, thanks for watching the show. Please visit doctors and science.com There you can access our members only section. This show is member supported. We don't have to take sponsors. We don't have to have anybody controlling the content of our show. This is a huge perk. 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