PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:00
Welcome to against the wind doctors in science under fire. I'm Dr. Paul, your host I interviewed today Dr. Jain orient the executive director of AAPs, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. This is one of the oldest physicians organizations in our country. And they have always been about the doctor patient relationship. She also is the managing editor of their journal. We talk about not just the doctor patient relationship and what's going on with informed consent in this era of COVID mandates, but we also talk about the job itself. She has a very important perspective. I then interview Attorney Greg Glaser. This is not his first time on the show, but he's now bringing the update about the legal actions that are taking place. And he has a message of hope. Things are about to change, folks, our freedoms are about to be restored. This is exciting news for all of us who've been fighting for medical freedom. And finally Bernadette closes us out with be the news. Enjoy the show. Dr. Paul from the heart. I'm a pediatrician, and I love pediatrics. I went into pediatrics because I love kids. I love helping kids. And for the most part as a pediatrician, we're so blessed kids just get better. This was a rough week. So a little patient of mine, Emmett Monaco, some of you know him from my YouTube channel. That's Dr. Paul, or Paul Thomas, MD on YouTube, his story has been well outlined there. And that was born with a very rare genetic condition. And it's one of those conditions in the leukodystrophy group of conditions his was specifically called Crab based disease. Unfortunately, in Oregon, the state that I practice crab based disease has not been added to the newborn screening. Now, 2030 years ago, you could justify that because we really had no adequate treatment for it anyway. And so adding that expense to newborn screening could be, you know, one could justify and say, well, there's no treatment anyway. We now have treatment. Emmett family knows other families who have crabby patients who are doing perfectly fine, completely normal. That was not Emmett story. I believe he was here for a bigger purpose. And this is why I'm sharing this with you. This is truly from my heart to you. In that Emmetts life was here to instruct us. And God bless his amazing family. His parents are the most loving, tender giving family I've ever met. And they are combining with his life's mission to make sure this doesn't happen to anybody else. Because you see, you can add the testing for certain Luca dystrophies, including crab aids disease to the normal newborn screening that's done across America, for every newborn that's born in this in this country, basically, unless you're born at home, and add that testing, identify those kids. And it's not that rare. Luca dystrophies is about one in 5000, something like that. I mean, I have 10,000 patients, he was my first and I'm actually nervous, there may be a second on the way. So we need to add this to every newborn screening. And so there is a GoFundMe program that the family is using just and specifically to further Emirates ministry to make sure crab aids disease in the LUCA dystrophies for which we can test are added at every state in this nation. God bless you, Emmett for your amazing work. In this short lifetime of yours. He was just five years old. I was with the family two days ago when he passed, and we just held one another. We just held and wept for his life. But yet I had a sense of peace and joy because he's now free. That is not an easy life to live when your nerves completely shut down. He could just blink a yes or no at the end. That's all he had left for communication. And he had all sorts of I'm sure painful things that involves muscle spasms and just being completely stuck and rigid. But Emmet, thank you for your ministry. We're here with you. And God bless all of you for your attention today. Welcome Dr. Jain orient to against the wind doctors in science under fire. It is a such a privilege to have you on the show. You are the executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and the managing editor for their journal. That organization has been around for a very long time and has more importance I believe today than probably any other time in history. Maybe you could start there and give us a little bit of the background about AAPs and perhaps speak to physicians I'm always speaking to the public on this show, but I know physicians are watching sometimes and maybe you can speak to them a little bit. Dr. Jane Orient 4:59 EPS was started in 1943, when there was back even then a pitched battle to get socialized medicine, or government control of medicine in the United States, the AMA wasn't doing the job. But after APS was founded, the AMA at first was fighting it socialized medicine, but now is very much in favor of Obamacare has done nothing really, to oppose the corporate takeover of medicine, the destruction of independent practices, and dependent hospitals and putting everything under the control of managed care, and hospital cartels. So we have always stood for the importance of the patient physician relationship, that that physician should be working for the good of their patients, and not for some corporate bottom line or some government agenda. Or some supposedly public health objective that may very much subordinate the welfare of the individual. Dr. Paul 5:56 Yeah, you've been in clinical medicine, I believe you're an internal medicine doctor for a fair bit of time, how long have you been practicing? Dr. Jane Orient 6:03 Well, I was a VA doctor for about five years. And then since 1981, I have been in solo private practice. I don't have contracts with any managed care companies, or Medicare on just my patients are the only people to whom I am responsible. Dr. Paul 6:21 Yeah, that's such a wonderful model of care that is being lost, as you sort of pointed out at the beginning, because I remember when I first got out of training, I worked for a hospital. And I mean, back then it wasn't quite as as protocolized as it is today. But it seems like right now we've got almost AI Artificial Intelligence telling you this is the protocol and just do this. And you know, you fast forward to the protocols that are being used for our COVID patients who end up hospitalized. And it feels like they're just put in this narrow little protocol of remdesivir, and then intubation and, and high likelihood of death. Dr. Jane Orient 7:03 Do this or else you could be fired, and perhaps sham so that you can't get a job in your field. Anywhere, you might even be D licensed, although remdesivir has very little evidence of effectiveness, and probably causes acute renal failure. And as many as a third of the patients are taken, along with multi organ failure and lit the hospital gets paid by the government for giving it to people. And they made some hospitals will even throw the patients out if they declined permission to get this drug. And yet, the physicians are forbidden to use drugs that they have found to be effective, that have been used effectively 1000s of patients and courts have sometimes granted the patient's the right to ask for this prescribed by an outside physician. But hospitals been fighting this tooth and nail there seems to be a lockstep top down protocol infecting just about every hospital in the United States. Yeah, in addition to that, they are excluding patient advocates or family members from the patient's through. I mean, just this is the ultimate quality control mechanism. To have someone who loves the patient, be in the patient's room, can can see when things are being neglected can feed the patient can help take care of the patient can calm the patient down, if the patient is upset and can just tell them the trash is overflowing, making sure that the patient is getting the right medicine. It just to exclude the family from the patient's room. I think it's devastating not only psychologically devastating, to separate and isolate these patients from their family when they're in dire straits. But even from a medical standpoint, call it a control standpoint is just horrible. Dr. Paul 9:01 Yeah, I couldn't agree more. I had a good friend early on in the pandemic, hospitalized, isolated away from everybody. Nobody could go visit him. He thankfully made it. Close call. But uh yeah, what's going on in our hospitals today is tragic. I'm interested in you sharing with the world. I've been sharing it on this show and every chance I get you have a home treatment guide protocol that I know you've been updating regularly. There are so many ways that people can arm their immune systems to prepare for a possible infection. And then if they get an infection, things they can do. Maybe you could touch on some of the things you found to be most helpful that people really need to know about. Dr. Jane Orient 9:45 But you can download free our patient guide which is on the AAP s website. That's a PS on line.org. If you don't leave out the online, and it's right there on the homepage, it is it Apart not just for COVID, but for all kinds of infectious diseases that patients have adequate vitamin D. If you draw blood levels, most patients are vitamin D deficient, even if they get some sunlight, but especially if they live in the cold north. And it's been said that flu seasons really vitamin D deficiency season. So we recommend 3000 to 5000 international units of vitamin d3 a day, even if you do get some sun. But for older patients and nursing homes that don't get any sun, it's even more important. You need to have some zinc, you need to have something to help the zinc get into your cells. So it can do its job of preventing viral replication Chrisitan nuts to your ERC T iron, green tea and there are a number of things that that serve that purpose that you can get from the health food store, from the grocery store. So people need that they also need to protect their their nasal passages, especially with this Omicron variant, which is proliferating wildly in your nasal passages with something that's very effective and very cheap, which is povidone iodine or beta dilute solution that's brown stuff 10% Beta Dine, you can get over the counter at the drugstore. And you can delete that and either squirt some in your nose or dot something with a Q tip, rinse your mouth with a diluted you don't use the beta die, maybe a half a teaspoon and a shot glass with with distilled water. And then I mean there is considerable experimental evidence that this helps to prevent both infection transmission, and also to help you if you're starting to come down with this disease. And there's no reason why it shouldn't affect other viruses as well. So why public health people are not telling people about this? They say wash your hands, which is obviously a good idea. But what about what about the place where the viruses are, which is in your nose? Dr. Paul 11:56 Yeah. Know that I learned about that recently. And I struggled with chronic sinus infections. I hadn't had one in a couple years. But recently I had a doozy. I added a little bit of this iodine, just as you talked about in my nasal rinse. I flushed daily when I have problems. And boy did that clear things up quick. It was absolutely powerful. Absolutely. Dr. Jane Orient 12:18 No, we're not. We're not telling people to drink disinfectant. Dr. Paul 12:21 Choose to do No, no, just very diluted. Dr. Jane Orient 12:25 And diluted amount that's applied to the places with the viruses are just makes such good sense. And we also have experimental evidence for it. Well, I think you should know that there are different stages of the disease, the viral proliferation stage. But once you get past that, there's inflammation, and there's blood clotting. And maybe everybody should take an aspirin a day for at least a month when they're around us. But certainly, if you have the disease, the doctor shouldn't be checking you for signs of blood clots, and the use of steroids to combat the inflammation. A number of doctors found a lot of success with using a nebulised b destinate, which is an inhaled corticosteroid, or to help Dr. Paul 13:09 Yes, highlight that for sure. Mainstream Doc's are comfortable prescribing new destinate. We use it for asthma, we use it for other conditions where you have lung inflammation. And that's not even mentioning things like ivermectin, which I think those are mentioned in your protocols, are they not? Dr. Jane Orient 13:27 Oh, absolutely. I mean, they these are prescription drugs, but they've been approved for safety for decades, and they've been used by hundreds of millions or billions of people worldwide. With good results. All medications can have some side effects. These are among the safest medications, we have even better than a lot of things you can get over the counter. Yeah. Over the counter in many places in the world. Dr. Paul 13:53 Have you taken care of COVID patients yourself? Oh, yes. And what kind of results have you had? Dr. Jane Orient 14:00 Oh, good. When patients do respond, if they're treated early, yeah, tell them I'll go away and stay in your room until you can't breathe. And then it's very could be a very, very serious disease. And most people will get very sick have comorbidities but it is sort of unpredictable, young, unhealthy people can get sick, too. And so I say why wait, why not use the same principles we use in every other disease? And that is treat early? Dr. Paul 14:29 Yes. And your home guide is just a treasure trove of things for things you can do at home, folks, if you don't have a doctor that that's able to take care of you and you happen to get COVID but also it will guide your physician when the time comes perhaps that you need that help. So jump on it early, get this resource absolutely essential. And one of the best resources out there for us moving forward. I'm curious On your perspective, back to arienne. With regards to the COVID Jab, what are your thoughts? Dr. Jane Orient 15:08 Well, I think that the COVID Jab has been touted by the government as the only only solution to the exclusion of, of these early, safe, long established treatments, it's been done on warp speed, which means that that there is a warp speed on the testing, we have no way of knowing what the long term effects will be. And even the short term effects if we look at the safety signals coming out of the vaccine adverse event reporting system, there are real reasons for concern. I mean, there are more deaths occurring after this vaccine, then the accumulated total over decades of every other vaccine put together. And then there are these cases of myocarditis, more common in young men, but also occurring in young women. We didn't used to see athletes dropping dead on the athletic field, or at least collapsing and having to go to the hospital. And we don't know how frequent assistant said to be rare and mild. Some cardiologists say myocarditis is never mild, it always requires treatment, the treatment may mean three to six months of exercise restriction. And we don't know how many asymptomatic cases there are. Because we never did a study where we checked people afterwards for their cardiac enzymes for an ultrasound of their heart for other inflammatory markers. And if I were going to get recommend this vaccine for patients, I would like to know the results of those studies so that patients could give informed consent, especially in younger age groups, when the the chance of getting a severe case of COVID are very limited. And there are some Nordic countries in Scandinavia, for example, that have restricted the use of these vaccines, and anybody under the age of 30. So like every other medical product, you need to look at the risks, and the benefits, and the benefits will be more in people who are at higher risk from the disease. And the risk benefit ratio will be upside down for people who are not at high risk for the disease. Dr. Paul 17:13 Yep, oh, I couldn't agree more. They seem to be coming after our kids now. And to me, having been aware of what's going on with the Children's vaccine program, and how it was freed of liability by the act of 1986. You know, pharmaceutical companies, if they can get their vaccine on the childhood schedule, then they get freed from liability. And it feels to me like that's part of the big push? Dr. Jane Orient 17:39 Well, I think it is, and this, unlike any other pharmaceutical product, and the drugs have to go through much more rigorous testing to begin with. And then if it turns out to have an unanticipated side effect, people get compensated for it. And especially if the drug companies are covering up side effects that they knew about, then as punitive damages as billions of dollars worth of damages that can be can be levied. And now we're finally getting from Pfizer. Some of the information about their early trials, they at first wanted to have like 55 years to release the results and a few pages a month. But I think the judge finally squats. That's I mean, we see some results coming out from Pfizer about their clinical trials. Why should Why should this not be a transparent? Why should the public not be able to know this, but I can make an informed decision? How many people are lining up and clamoring for their vaccines, but other people are hesitant? Why should people not have the right to choose? Dr. Paul 18:38 Absolutely, absolutely. So as the managing editor of a major journal, you must see a lot of research come across your desktop, so to speak, I have been forbidden by the medical board when they yanked my license for publishing my vaccine vaccine data that they asked for. But my my agreement with them so I could get back to practice and try to save my practice was they asked me not to do research of all things. And they also asked me not to speak about vaccines. So I'm gonna have you speak to parents, and what do you say they should do about the pressure to get this COVID vaccine for their children? Dr. Jane Orient 19:19 Well, I personally would not recommend a vaccine for children unless there was a specific reason for the child. There are just too many cases coming out. There are too many things that we just don't know. So obviously, what's the hurry? Well, what's what's the rush, especially when we're finding out that the vaccines seem to be losing their effectiveness, that they may not be effective against the new variants? Some people think EBV encouraged the variants. I don't pretend to know the answer to these questions, but I'm saying there are questions and there are not good sound scientific answers. So I'd like every other medical intervention, I tend to be slow adopt a slow adopter and say, well, let's some guts look into all of the evidence. Let's wait a little while and see. I thought of having little children's lab rats is just absolutely deplorable. Dr. Paul 20:14 Yeah, it's horrifying. I have 10,000 patients pediatric practice, not a single child has ended up in the hospital, the entire pandemic, and Demick, whatever we want to call it. I also in my career had never seen a case of myocarditis. Until this year, one of my teens preteens went and got the vaccine at a pharmacy, a young man ended up in the hospital myocarditis, so I haven't had that many patients get the job. And I've already had a case of myocarditis, I am very concerned for children, that were going to cause way more damage than the miniscule if any benefit? Dr. Jane Orient 20:53 Well, it's true. And I think it's it's just appalling that the NIH is not funding studies, to find out to what extent this occurs, and even even the autopsy studies in people who have died are extremely limited. So I mean, why are we so adamant to do something when we are not paying attention to the results? Yeah. Dr. Paul 21:20 That leads me to sort of a big philosophical question, I'd like to ask you because of your wisdom and status and knowledge, what's going on with our peers? Why is it that it seems they don't seem to get they don't get this? They're, they're missing something? Dr. Jane Orient 21:43 Well, what's going on with our peers? is a good question. I have never seen anything like this, where doctors are so vicious, and angry with with their peers who are doing something that they don't, that they don't agree with, and that the doctors will not look into the evidence themselves. Like there are more than 200 studies on compiled at sea 90s study.com, about hydroxychloroquine, showing early benefits, even benefits later on, and a very good safety profile. And it's we've had been around since 1955, approved of the dozens of studies about ivermectin, there's also a very long list of other interventions that have been studied, at least to some extent, and showing benefits. Doctors will not look at that. I don't know who put these studies together. So I don't trust any of them, even though you can, you can get the original file of all these studies and read it yourself. And when we're supposed to learn how to read the scientific literature, when we're in medical school, we're not just supposed to quote what what Anthony Fauci says, and more and more is coming out about his pervasive conflicts of interest. So you know, one doctor can do harm to his patients, but somebody like Fauci can harm millions of people, if doctors do not exercise their own discretion, about patients, but But doctors are so willing to contend their patients to take their license away from this information when doctors are just quoting from the scientific literature, or just quoting scientific principles, or just quoting cautions about not push people to do something when you don't have enough evidence, especially about long term effects. So I don't know I think that medical school these days are, are promoting the managed care model, that they're learned to follow the guidelines? Look at the drop down menus, on the electronic health records? These are the experts who are telling you this Who are you to be an uppity medical student or young physician to question the wisdom of these, of these, these so called experts, but you know, experts can be wrong and certainly for an individual patient. They haven't they know nothing about your individual patient, and they're not responsible for that patient. Dr. Paul 24:06 Yeah. And experts can be bought. I remember as a young pediatrician thinking exactly what you just verbalize there. Who was I as a young pediatrician to question the CDC, thinking that, you know, the CDC Almighty, we learned in medical school mm WR I mean, they came out with all this data, and they seem to be so knowledgeable. But it turns out, there's it's morphed into this agenda where the vaccine program itself is more important than human health. And that's come up for me so many times that I've realized, as you pointed out, we can all go in and look at the literature ourselves. Dr. Jane Orient 24:44 Well, I think it's pretty horrible to think that these government agencies, that which we have put so much trust for the diagnosis of emerging diseases and for giving us advice, are permeated by conflicts of interest like the CDC Foundation. which is it? I mean, it can be confused maybe with the CDC, which is a government agency, CDC Foundation is founded by private, private entities and a lot of people to CDC. They're making profits, from royalties on patents or from from vaccine. I mean, I think that if we took a careful look at the CDC, we would find a lot of reasons to be concerned. And all of this should be transparent to people. I mean, there's probably a lot of the articles in the medical literature and we've known this from even editors of the most prestigious journals, maybe ghostwritten by pharmaceutical companies, and they just don't some prominent academic to put his name on. And if you want to get more grants, then you have to go along with the agenda. Dr. Paul 25:50 Yeah, absolutely. Follow the money, it seems. Well, first closing advice for our viewers, be they other physicians, or the public at large. What can you tell us this point in time in history? What should we be paying attention to? Dr. Jane Orient 26:09 I think patients need to understand the importance of and support independent physicians. A lot of them are old fashioned times of practice, types of practice. There's some direct primary care practice. And so they need to be supported. Dr. Paul 26:29 Fantastic, really appreciate your time. And hopefully, we can get you back. Dr. Jane Orient 26:33 Okay, my pleasure. Dr. Paul 26:39 Welcome, Greg Glazier, to against the wind doctors and science under fire. What a privilege to have you back on the show. Greg Glaser 26:46 Likewise, thank you so much. You know, I especially like to be with you, Paul, because you have two things that the world absolutely needs right now. Which is one, the ability to prove that the unvaccinated are exponentially healthier, and to healing vaccine injury to things the world absolutely needs right now. Dr. Paul 27:07 Well, thank you for that you. You have something the world needs to hear about. And that's why I have you on the show. You are a vaccines. Right attorney, I know you're a champion for informed consent, you've been very involved in trying to stop vaccine mandates. I think for a large part of your career. I think what what I'd like to have you just start with is go right to the heart of the matter, people. So many parents, in my practice, friends, people I know around the country, are faced with their employers, basically. I mean, I, I'm talking to people daily, who have been terminated, essentially, in one form or another. They have lost their jobs because they're unwilling to roll up their sleeves and take this experimental jab for COVID. I know you've been doing some work on this, bring us up to date. And what can you tell these folks about what their rights are and what they can do? Greg Glaser 28:02 Sure, yeah, I'll start right with this solution. So the solution is a religious exemption letter, which is a one page document that says that a person has a religious belief that's opposed to vaccination, for several reasons, you know, my body is a temple. The vaccinations were manufactured and tested with aborted fetal cell lines, things like that. There are several templates online that can be customized. Employers will accept a well written religious exemption letter, so that the employee can continue to work. However, there are some letters that are inadequately written or the employer is just really strict and is just denying letters left and right. So in those situations, it can help to bring in a lawyer to advocate for the employee or alternatively, the employee can go to a new job, the job openings are off the charts everywhere is hiring unvaccinated people. So it's, maybe that's an exaggeration. But the point that I'm trying to get across is that there's tremendous opportunity for the unvaccinated to go to where their people are, where people are welcoming, welcoming them with open arms, including things like bonuses. So So that's I would say, the silver lining on the solution to the current immediately pressing problem. While we deal with these mandates across the country. I'm happy to talk about where the where the court cases are. Dr. Paul 29:29 Sure. I do have folks saying but I know there's example letters out there, but where do I actually go? Do you have any specific recommendations of, you know, a template that that's reasonable and likely to work? Greg Glaser 29:44 Yeah, sure. I have my own template, which I think is quite good. People who are interested in getting in touch with me can do so through physicians for informed consent.org Another great organization leading in this area is the Pacific cippic Justice Institute, I like their like their work. Fantastic. You know, these are exemptions prepared by lawyers. The key to a religious exemption is to keep it focused on religion and not get into the traps or pitfalls associated with a personal belief exemption, which is not allowed. For example, if someone's talking about the the risk of injury in a religious exemption letter that gets into personal belief exemption. And so that would be a trap or a pitfall in writing it. So a lawyer can help avoid those, avoid those traps, which is, unfortunately, a sort of like a game that's played with these religious exemption letters, because a person in their full religious experience should be able to cite things like the risks of vaccination, you know, and other scientific matters. However, the way the system is set up in the confines of this small box, it does not allow that kind of discussion in a religious exemption letter. So a lawyer knows that can help achieve the goal. Dr. Paul 31:08 Okay. I mean, it's sort of bizarre is that that we live in a country where we think we are one of the most free countries in the world, and the right to bodily integrity? I mean, the fact that I have to actually write something to protect my own bodily integrity, that should just be a given. Greg Glaser 31:26 Oh, yeah, I completely agree. But I've been trying to write exactly what you just said, in legal language for court so that they will not only understand it, but implement it, you know, writing about the right to bodily integrity, how these are absolutely viable rights, how they cannot be separated from a natural person without destroying that person. For example, do you know why the government cannot make it a crime to have blue eyes? I brought blue eyes because you have blue eyes? Oh, Taiwan. The reason why is because there's no way for you to avoid the rule. It's impossible. You're born with blue eyes, to require you to have different color eyes requiring you to change with same with being natural or unvaccinated. The government cannot punish someone for their mere existence. So that's it's a fundamental principle of law. And so I've been trying to articulate that to courts so that they will appreciate it. One of the consistent problems that I've had is that I will bring up a very valid legal point in court, and the judge will not want to address the point and will instead focus on other points, like, for example, legal standing, or deference to public health authorities. And so there's sort of a disconnect. Sure. You know, a lot of people can understand this. If you're in a conversation, maybe you're at a dinner party, and people are talking and you bring up a subject, and then someone just changes the subject instantly. You go. Okay, that's just how the flow of the conversation goes. And we're used to just moving on and not being like, Hold on one second. I just brought up something, right. Yes, it's like that, but much more formally in court. Dr. Paul 33:08 Yeah. No, that's interesting. So bring us up to speed. You've been personally involved, I believe in litigation to try to protect our freedoms. Maybe just give us a quick overview of where you started, and then bring us up to speed. I know, there's something that's been going on just this week, with the Supreme Court. Greg Glaser 33:26 Yes. Yeah, the Supreme Court rulings are on everyone's mind. So my focus is the control group. And one of the first and foremost items of evidence that I have cited is your incredible study with Dr. James Lyons Wheeler, on the health of the unvaccinated, it's based on your your clinic data. I cannot emphasize enough how important that study is, and how reliable it is. The methods used to look at the charts of these individuals, is is thorough, and it's reliable. And so evidence is cited in in court in my control group case, as well as other unvaccinated studies, surveys. And all of the results come to the same conclusion. In each independent method. The Brian Hooker study comes to the same conclusion that your study comes to my study comes to the same conclusion. Even looking at across the sea in Africa, the Abbe Mogensen study looks at the same looks, it looks at different data, but comes to the same conclusion. How is it that all of these different studies all come to the same conclusion with different methods? That's science that suggests that there's something incredibly valuable to look at and that we need to continue looking at that so that we can define the exact numbers behind the chronic illness epidemic, and specifically how vaccination is causing it. So that's what matters I'm suing the Office of the President on behalf of an unvaccinated control group. And the case is currently in litigation. It was dismissed by the trial court. The trial court said you gotta to someone other than the President, you can't sue the press. And I, I take the position that the President is all roads lead to POTUS that the President's vaccine program was the president who signed the vaccination program into existence in 1960s. The President is the one who pays the pays, pays out on it, monitors it. litigates it publishes on it just I have about 100 Nexus points for how it all comes back to the President. I can't sue individual parties, it'd be like, imagine that there's an executive who issues in order to go needle a million people? Do I have a claim against the executive who wishes it? Or do I have to go sue a million individuals who are needling, it's so so that's, that's the point that's currently being litigated in the courts. And I have a appointment to be in court, a court hearing date on February 8, before the Ninth Circuit. And why that's important is that only about 10% of cases are even chosen for oral argument. But my case is so good that it was chosen to have oral argument meaning I get to go before three judges, three appellate judges at the Ninth Circuit just like Oregon, California, Washington, and argue these points that the unvaccinated are exponentially healthier. In order to do science, we have to respect control groups. And I really want to get this point across to conservative judges. And when I say conservative, I don't mean political sort of like right and left. I mean, judges tend to not want to do it, they want to maintain the status quo. So what I need to get across to them is the importance of control groups. And this is something that's often overlooked. As a health freedom lawyer, and one who is strongly opposed to mandatory vaccination, it is quite clear which side I am on, I am on the side of respecting individual's natural health, I believe vaccination to be incredibly risky and harmful for individuals. However, the beauty of a control group is that even if I'm wrong, I'm still right. Because respecting a control group, just promote science either way, if you want to show the vaccines are the healthiest thing on the planet, you need a control group. If you want to show they're harming society, you need to control group, there's no substitute to this. It is yeah, it's like, it's like trying to bake a cake without flour. You need it? Yeah, I need a better analogy than that. Because all the all the vegans listening, we're like to bake a cake without flour. Um, Dr. Paul 37:45 no, it's a great analogy. You know, tobacco science was fraught with problems of you know, manipulated, lack of control group, etc. Until Framingham Study showed quite definitively because they had an a large enough sample, and they had some a large enough number of non smokers. That was the control group, if you're going to look at the effects of tobacco, well, we have to have unvaccinated patients, clients citizens, so we can see the difference. So it's a it's a very important point. And these are just the COVID mandates are in an in a way going to destroy the control group, if you four bid people from remaining in the control group. I mean, we should not be forced to take a medical product. Exactly. Greg Glaser 38:31 You know, that was a key point that I made in my legal papers and is also currently before the ninth circuit. So I hope that the Ninth Circuit judges come to the same conclusion that you just came to. And we actually made that claim before vaccination was mandated. for the obvious reason that we knew the direction it was going when we knew that the President was going to mandate these vaccinations was clear, set it and then right when we were filing, the attorney general for 27, states came out and actually said, We're gonna sue the President over the vaccine mandates. So it's kind of like a little feather in my cap to be able to say, Who told you the President was going to do so. But now here we are on the on the cusp of the Supreme Court ruling where the Supreme Court actually address this issue of what is it like when the President mandates a vaccination specifically here, the President directed to departments to bureaucracies to federal bureaucracies to mandate vaccination upon Americans? The first was the called the OSHA mandate, which is OSHA is a bureaucracy that governs the federal workforce, sorry, it governs the American workforce federally. So for example, if you work at a local lumberyard, you work at a restaurant, the OSHA will have all sorts of rules for how restaurants around or safety requirements For lumberyards. So Biden issued a rule that applies to 84 million Americans who work at employer with more than up work at an employment location with more than 100 employees. So, and that was a vaccine in the the OSHA mandate was that you either have to get vaccinated or you have to get tested, and weekly. And so this went up on to through the appellate courts, and it went all the way to the Supreme Court. And it was a, it was addressed on procedural grounds, meaning that the Court, the Supreme Court specifically said, we're not a public health authority here, we're just going to decide who has the power. Can OSHA do this? Or can't they do this? And so although there was a lot of attention given to the case, right, and rightly so it was decided on narrow grounds. That's how courts tend to be. And so what the court said, is that, and I'll just summarize it quick, but the court ruled in favor of freedom. They said that OSHA cannot mandate vaccination on 84 million Americans for the reason that OSHA has never done that before. Congress has not given OSHA, that authority, and it would wreak havoc on the economy. The reason why it would start with a third one, the reason why it would wreak havoc on the economy, it's obvious, because everyone who wanted the COVID vaccine already got it. And people who haven't gotten it after two years, clearly are not getting, they clearly don't want it, which means that any mandate, the only thing it does is it pushes people out of the job. They're not gonna get the vaccines like a hard stuff, they're gonna leave the workforce. And so really what this they're saying it's a mandate to get vaccinated. It's not really it's a mandate to leave your job to go somewhere else, which is going to wreak havoc on the work for our wood. So the Supreme Court identified that and said no, and put stop to this right here. And so they did. And in the process of doing so, the, the ruling was, was interesting. One of the distinctions made is that the Supreme Court said, Look, vaccinations different than like, things like a fire regulation or sanitation regulation, because once you take a vaccine, you can't undo it. Is that right? Paul? You can't? Is there a way to unvaccinated? Dr. Paul 42:21 No, and especially with the COVID Jab, because of the way this spike protein gets into your body and your cells are actually programmed to make more spike protein, it really creates a very, very high likelihood of severe autoimmune problems and autoimmune problems for doctors. That's the biggest nightmare of all to treat, because it's where your own immune system is attacking your own body. I mean, people are aware of diabetes where your you know, pancreas, the islet cells of the pancreas are being attacked. If it's Ms. It's, you know, the neuron Sheaths of your of your nervous system, and on and on, right? myocarditis that we're hearing a lot about is probably autoimmune in nature. And it's so hard to stop it. Mm hmm. Exactly. Yeah, you can't unvaccinated I mean, you've, you've put it in the body, and it's going to cause the mischief it's going to cause I think with prior vaccines, there was a if the problem was, say, we feel like a lot of the health problems were due to aluminum. Well, that too, can cause autoimmunity. But if it's direct toxicity, at least over time, you sort of detox which is why generally kids get better, even if their vaccine injured. But the autoimmune piece is a real nightmare to try to undo. Greg Glaser 43:41 No, my dream is to get a nice, amicus brief, a good brief that highlights scientific points like this to the United States Supreme Court, because what you just highlighted the eloquence of what you just highlighted, is the type of analysis that should be done at the Supreme Court. Unfortunately, they did not discuss anything, they just said you can't vaccinate. So I'm glad they made this. I'm glad the Supreme Court made that point. But the Supreme Court did not take the extra step of analyzing why that is the specific harm. Now this is a lifelong issue. And then vaccine risk and and the Supreme Court even during oral argument made it very clear, they did not want to touch that. They they understand that this is a hot button issue, and that doctors will will disagree on on the topic. Dr. Paul 44:27 Back to those folks who are losing their jobs. I mean, people in the military are being discharged. You know, the airline industry is struggling with this, as we know. And just about doesn't matter where you are. Well, health care workers in particular, were not protected right by the other ruling that came through. Can you describe that a little bit? Greg Glaser 44:49 Sure. The healthcare worker mandate was traveling through the appellate courts at the same parallel time. Basically what happened is Biden and I the Medicare system, Medicaid decided that they wanted to mandate vaccination on every health care worker in the country that works at a place that accepts Medicaid. So that would be 10 million health care workers, doctors, nurses, etc. And so, on the same day as the OSHA case I just described, the Supreme Court also decided health care worker mandate, and surprisingly, came to the opposite conclusion as the OSHA. So the Supreme Court said they were going to mandate 10 million Americans get vaccinated. Now a lot of those health care workers already had gotten vaccinated. So again, it just came down to the holdouts, the resistors. And the Supreme Court, the reason why they upheld vaccination mandate for healthcare workers is that states already do a lot of vaccine mandates for healthcare workers, they have hep B influenza, even MMR is mandated at some locations. And so this was, so that was a key point. And then they also said, you know, it's a pandemic. And these are, you know, exigent circumstances. And the dissent, by contrast, said that there was another way to do something like this First off, Congress did not give the power to for the for Medicare to do this. And secondly, if they did, you would expect clear language. And that was a dissent from from Thomas. So basically, the question is, again, not whether vaccines are good or bad, but rather who has the power to do this, that that was the decision. And so it was a close call, close decision. And it all came down to one justice, which is justice Cavanaugh, who voted for the vaccine mandate, which surprised everyone. Yeah. So. So now, future health Dr. Paul 46:55 care workers are they don't have a way to go? Do they accept the religious exemption like you started off with? Greg Glaser 47:02 Exactly the religious exemption is the silver lining here. And so and there are many healthcare employers that will welcome him health care workers with open arms, including things like bonuses, so it's just a matter of getting to the right right place, so that your rights can be respected? Dr. Paul 47:21 Yeah. I've talked to so many health care workers who are leaving their jobs being forced out. And folks, that the pain that the healthcare industry is, is enduring, just because they're so understaffed, it's, it's very similar to what's going on with the airline industry. So you'll hear stories, well, hospitals are at capacity or beyond capacity, that capacity is just they don't have employees, because they've pushed out. So many people who won't take the jab. And people who have had the jab are sick. So you don't have enough doctors, you don't have enough nurses, you just don't have enough. Doesn't matter what, you know, part of the industry, you can't reduce the workforce that much. So get your release exemption, write it up carefully, and they'll take you back because they desperately need you. They need you. They desperately need you. Greg Glaser 48:19 Yeah, that's a good point. I hadn't thought of that actually applying back to the same employer. But yeah, I mean, if you get forced out, you actually could apply back with a fresh religious exemption. Dr. Paul 48:29 Yeah. Yeah. Well, give us our viewers some parting words of wisdom. Greg, what, what? Where are we at in this point in history, this point in time? What advice do you give to our viewers, Greg Glaser 48:43 I've never been more optimistic about the future of health freedom. We are ultimately winning. This, this Supreme Court decision was round one, round two and round three are going to have much more specific briefing on vaccine risk, the world is waking up. The Tipping Point is people who don't want the booster. All those people who got the experience of the first couple of shots and now are realizing they don't want they didn't sign up to be lifelong customers of Pfizer. Those people are the tipping point that's going to change everything. Omicron appears to be a big nothing burger. And so there's a shift. It's, it's clear. And the censorship is the last ditch effort of tyrants, they are not going to people are coming to shows like this to get clear and vivid information. And that's going to continue that's going to that's going to grow and you find as well that the when the information is more thorough, and independent outside of the legacy media, then people will naturally gravitate toward that and so primarily the legacy media is being used only for citation purposes. At this point, you know, I'm just going to refer him in a site but people are getting their substance their information Independent Media. So that's going to continue to grow. And in that process, we will take our country back. So I'm very optimistic. Dr. Paul 50:07 That is great news. And you just the way you highlighted that made me think of something. I mean, I don't watch the news anymore. Because when I do, I'll periodically check in to see if anything's changed. And it's the same nonsense. It's actual lies and complete propaganda and who needs that? And as more and more people wake up to that, it's going to marginalize marginalized mainstream to the point where they now are, we're mainstream, because we are bringing people the real facts, the real data, they have little, you know, follow the science, but it's very narrow tobacco science without control groups. And yeah, we've got the the whole the whole picture. Greg Glaser 50:49 Yeah. Yeah. And, and that picture is going to continue to grow. And I look forward to a future where you can continue doing control group studies, because it is essential. It's something that I highlighted at the beginning of this video call. And I really can't emphasize enough you have the world needs right now after Paul. And I, I know what I want to see that grow. Dr. Paul 51:12 And Greg, I want to point our viewers to your data, the control group.org, correct. Greg Glaser 51:19 Yes, yeah, Dr. Paul 51:21 I speak around the country and I show the graphs from your your work, it's absolutely impressive, folks, you've got to go check this out, and remind people again, where they can get in touch with you, Greg? Greg Glaser 51:33 Sure. They can follow my control group case at informed consent. defense.org. And, also, I am the General Counsel for physicians for informed consent. So when people have questions about exemptions and so forth, go to physicians for informed consent.org Dr. Paul 51:51 Fantastic, thank you, Greg. Thank you, bless, have a great day. God bless. Welcome back for that against Windex and signs under fire. You are everything about what's in the news. Today, you're going to give us an update, I understand on a bill tracker, website or or tool, Bernadette Pajer 52:15 it's called Bill track. 50. So you just go to Bill track fifty.com You can sign up for free, you can look at bills, legislators, committees, and you know, you can search for your in your state, and you can get a whole list of bills and keep track of them. And let me show you what it looks like we're doing this for people in Washington State. So if you look over here, this is from Bill track 50, this watch list. And these are the bills that we are watching that we fully support, or we're just watching or we oppose. And there's so many, there's some really fantastic legislation being dropped in some of the states, you know, and I'm so excited, but I just wanted people to know that they could go themselves to, to build track 50 and explore it. So I won't spend too much time here. You know, giving a lesson on it. But, you know, there's so many tools out there and things are changing. Dr. Paul 53:19 Right so the news this week is like mind blowing, you know, for so long. All we've had is frustration, it seems but Yeah, something's happening with explain what you're finding in the news this week. Bernadette Pajer 53:35 Yeah, what we're all finding in the news and I know that your savvy viewers have probably seen a lot of it. The highwire has covered it well. COVID and coffee. Jeff Childers is attorney in Florida. He covers it. Well. We've got some countries like the UK. Yeah. Who have said they're dropping all vaccine and mask mandates. Just gone. And UK as soon as it there's like a couple of days to go. I don't know why they didn't whip off their mask the moment he announced it. But there we go. And other nations are following suit companies are starting to drop the mandates. It's really very interesting. And yet you've got some other countries like Australia and Austria, and the United States with our leadership, as it were, that is, is still saying get your booster, which makes no sense. It's not based on science. They're beginning to admit, in many places, the very things that got people banned from social media if they attempted to say six months ago, Dr. Paul 54:33 right. Or yesterday, and just today, I think it was reported the CDC made the comment somewhere that natural immunity is superior to vaccine induced immunity. Yeah, I haven't verified that myself. But I heard about it. Bernadette Pajer 54:48 Yes. And I have seen it. I apologize. I don't have that with me. But yes, I have seen it directly from the CDC. They are admitting natural immunity is superior that it lasts longer. that is more protective, especially for the new variant coming along, I imagine the next step will be or they're going to admit that it if you've gotten the boost or you're at increased risk of catching, Dr. Paul 55:12 it is already coming through fairly solid, you might get a little protection for two, three months at the most. And then it's a negative Bernadette Pajer 55:18 than it's a negative. Yeah. So So here's the thing, Dr. Pol, a lot of minds are looking at this. And they saw through all of this, a lot of things happen. A lot of economy devastated middle class and lower class America. I mean, as far as businesses and devastated businesses closed, shuttered. Yeah, hospital systems ruined by kicking people out because they chose not to get the ineffective shot. So I just want your viewers to understand that eventually, as Biden backs up, it's predicted by March 1, he's going to claim victory over COVID and will be set free as well. That the use of COVID. To do all this devastation is just the beginning. We should not be complacent, what we need to do is continue that fire continue pushing for these great bills that are out there to prevent this ever happening again, because you've got to believe that waiting in the wings is the next step of what they want to do to move toward this great reset this build back better. Yep, this new world that the World Economic Forum says that you will own nothing and be happy that you will rent everything who you rent in from right? Somebody is getting rich off of this. Somebody is in control, and it will be yes. So. Dr. Paul 56:45 So I couldn't agree more. This is the most important wake up call the whole world has had at once. And so when you realize that all this messaging about COVID was completely false. I mean, absolutely. Opposite to the truth, which is what I've been seeing when I watch the news, I can't watch it anymore. It is like lie after lie after lie after lie. But people who don't know that, and if you're listening to this show, and that's like, What's he talking about? We're just trying to break it to you as gently as possible that we we were tuck folks, we this was a planned event to scare the world into submission, as you call it, plowing the fields to prepare people for the next thing they're going to bring on us. And and it remains to be seen exactly what that is. But it is it is coming that they're not done. Bernadette Pajer 57:42 No, we're not done yet. Dr. Paul 57:45 So what we need to now do is double down our efforts on freedom on medical freedom is sort of at the heart of my passion. And I think yours, too, but I know you're you're much broader in your pursuit of you know, we have to save our country. Bernadette Pajer 58:02 Yes, we have to save our country, we have to save the world, we have to save the children. Yeah. And I do want viewers to completely understand that people are still getting sick and dying unnecessarily from this virus, or whatever it is. And they need early treatment, and you need to be prepared from day one. Because even though this illness was created and used to destroy us, it's real. Right? It's Dr. Paul 58:31 real. The beauty is you're absolutely right. But there are things we can do. I mean, from as simple as adequate vitamin D and vitamin C and N acetyl, cysteine and zinc and quercetin and ivermectin. And for those of you who are watching who've had the COVID shot, the jab as we say, It's okay. I mean, it's done. Just know that your body's ability to heal is absolutely amazing. But step one is no more. Right? You have to if you've been taking something that you know, you then learn was harmful, you stop taking it. That's the first step. And then you get into detox, which is basically doing a lot of the things that we've been doing to treat COVID Yes, this the same things we're talking about. You can take to prepare yourself, even if you've been vaccinated or had the shot, to prepare yourself and protect yourself because as we're learning, natural immunity appears to have been better, but don't despair. If you took the jab, you can still turn things around. Yeah, give your immune system every benefit possible by doing all the right things now. So anyway, on the on the heels of this amazing week of news. What are your parting thoughts for our viewers? Bernadette Pajer 59:45 Just stay positive, stay active, stay vigilant. And let's we've only just begun, but it's going to get better here because they've been exposed as far as the corruption in the capture. So let's Go get them. Let's tap this country back. Dr. Paul 1:00:02 Absolutely. Thank you Bernadette. Dr. Paul here doctors in science.com is where you go to get access to my exclusive members only section. This is how you the viewers support our work. We have no sponsors. We are fully supported by you, our viewers, what do you get in the Members section, it's quite a list, you get access to a couple of my eBooks. The first one is the authoritative reference list for my vaccine friendly plan book. I also have written a book very extensive called everyday health that covers pretty much what I think you should be doing if you want to live a healthy life in this world today. But there's so much more. We have a live q&a Every week after the show with yours truly, Dr. Pol answering your questions, submit your questions online, and I will tackle as many of them as I possibly can. And try to answer to the best of my ability, whatever burning questions you have. In addition to this, you get transcripts of every show, we have other bonus content. And I think one of the huge bonus content pieces is the PowerPoints of the talks I'm giving as I travel around the country. People are always asking me how can we get those PowerPoints? This is how you do it. Head on over to doctors in science comm and become a member and join the team of against the wind helped me spread the truth is share this on social media and with their friends at doctors in science.com. I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. Let's make this the weekly show the nation's been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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