PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:00
Welcome to against the wind doctors in science under fire. I'm interviewing Dr. Scott Jenson in this episode. This is the doctor of the year in Minnesota, a former senator, he's running for governor, this guy knows everything inside out about how public health works, why it's not working. And I asked him some really tough questions, you're not going to want to miss it. We then have a segment where I'm talking with my son and we're discussing how do we talk to family and friends who just don't seem to get it or we're just seem to be on opposite ends of this discussion about COVID-19 The vaccine the illness what to do, you're not going to want to miss that. And finally, we have a really important story. A nurse Christa who herself suffered extensive injury from the vaccine itself, we need to hear about what is happening to real people who've been vaccinated and are having negative effects. Enjoy the show. Dr. Pol, from the heart, for this holiday special. It's really on my heart to reach out to those of you who are struggling. I think sometimes we overlook that there's all this joy and merriment going on in the holidays. But for some, this is a very difficult time, maybe there's been big changes in your life personally, or in your extended family. Maybe you've had a huge loss, perhaps it was around this time of the year. And this is just a difficult time. I want you to know that there's nothing more important than community, I hope you know that our community is with you. And I urge you to reach out to those in your sphere, your family, your friends, your loved ones, and get back in touch with physical contact. There's something so special when we hold hands when we hug. And when you can take those masks off, you know, we've covered in this show that really, it's not necessary. Obviously, if you're sick, be careful, especially if you're high risk. But otherwise, we need physical touch. We need love and actual embrace. And here's the hope for the future. Even if you're struggling, things will get better with love and hope. Always there's a bright rainbow at the end of any rainstorm, or whatever may be going through your life. So I send you love. And I would remind you this, I've done this so many times this past year it was taught to me by my personal health coach, and that is breathing. You can close your eyes. Breathe in light, breathe in love and through your mouth. Exhale, fear, exhale, stress, exhale, whatever it is you don't want in your life. And you know if you'll do that just a few times, deep breath through your nose, and exhale what you don't want through your mouth. Pretty soon you may have so much love that you've breathed in that you're now breathing out love, folks, it works. I wish you love and joy and happiness and freedom going forward through the holiday season and into the coming year. Welcome Dr. Scott Jenson to against the wind doctors in science under fire. It's such a privilege to have you on the show. I've heard about you. I've read about you. I've seen you in other interviews. You are a professor, you're a former Minnesota State Senator, not only are you the family doctor of the year there in Minnesota, you're probably the most investigated doctor as well. Tell me about that, because I'm under that same sort of scrutiny. What's your story, Ben with regards to that. Scott Jensen, MD 3:42 It's almost like a Twilight Zone episode. If someone had asked me two years ago, what my life was like I I think it would have been a reasonable comparison to say that I was a little bit like George Bailey, and it's a wonderful life. I have a wonderful family. I live in a wonderful community. And I've been very blessed. But with the advent of COVID my life really flipped that first week of April 2021. I sort of raised my hand and I said, this idea that we should change the way we're doing death certificates and go ahead and use COVID as the cause of death, even if it wasn't a part of the equation or a part of the sequence of events that led to a patient's demise. I said this was wrong and this was going to be problematic, and it's going to corrupt the data. I also said that because the CDC told us to not put well actually it was the Department of Health that told us to not put COVID-19 If it was felt to be a contributing condition. Don't put it as a contributing condition put it as a cause of death. But oh by the way, if other things were contributing conditions, such as asthma or emphysema, go ahead and put them where they belong. In the contributing condition, secondary box, I thought that someone would give me a call from the Department of Health. I was in the Senate at the time and say, Hey, thanks for the heads up, Scott. And we appreciate it. We didn't mean to distort the data, we'll fix this. That didn't happen. months later, I got my first notification ever, from the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice that my license is being investigated. And that hit hard that hit Yeah. It was really, unbeknownst to me. It was just the beginning. And so far, probably for over 18 months now. I mean, I don't dare say that sky is blue, because someone a fact check me and say, No, it's dark out. It's black tonight. But now my fifth investigation initiated about maybe a month or six weeks ago, and I'm waiting to hear from the Board of Medical Practice in that regard. Yes, in this time, Paul, regarding the complaints against me, was that we were able to find almost the exact same verbiage on a variety of tweets on social media. So as a part of my response to the Board of Medical Practice, I did go ahead and print off those and copy those tweets so that the Board of Medical Practice could recognize that this is truly politically motivated. It has nothing to do with the healthcare services I provide. Right? has everything to do with the Minnesota border medical practices being weaponized yet by people who aren't happy with my willingness to speak a narrative other than just the conventional narrative? Dr. Paul 6:43 Yeah, how? So I'm under the same sort of gun with I haven't even counted the number of complaints. They're probably in the 3040 range. But how do you think they've been weaponized? Who has the kind of power to control a medical board? Scott Jensen, MD 7:01 Well, that's a interesting question, because what we're dealing with is in odd combination of circumstances. The first one is in I was in a Senate and I worked with the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice on a variety of issues that came up, because I was Vice Chair of the Health and Human Services Committee. Okay. Well, the Board of Medical Practice is actually if you will, constrained as to how they can deal with complaints or issues by the statute itself. So we have to be fair to the board. They've got this statute that governs how they're supposed to do things. You piggyback that with the fact that all you need to do in Minnesota, to submit a complaint about a physician to the Board of Medical Practice, is go online. And there's a screen there that you can fill in, you don't have to demonstrate any due diligence having been done, you don't have to demonstrate that you tried to make contact with with whoever the physician is. You don't have to identify whether or not you've met the physician, talk with the physician or whatever. And you can do all of those things. And you get to remain anonymous, so that I don't get to know. So regardless of how spurious the accusation or allegation may be, the board is obligated to run it up the flagpole. The board is not given the discretion to dismiss it outright. So the board feels that they need to investigate these and be fair minded and operate in compliance with the Minnesota State statute. So I'm sitting here thinking well, I've not tried to say anything that wasn't true. I'm not an anti Vaxxer. I spend $150,000 A year buying vaccines for the patients. My children are fully vaccinated. Yep. But I've always felt like one of the, if you will, pillars of medicine is informed consent. And informed consent implies exactly what those two words mean. The patient has to be informed and the consent consent has to be voluntarily provided without being bullied or forced or, if you will, threatened with some sort of mandate or de facto mandate, whether the mandate comes from a person's position or the government or an insurance company. So this is really my situation is that I think people are after me and since I'm running for governor, I think it's almost a little bit of a a game for some of these folks. I mean, I've read some of the tweets and some of the posts swizzy we're going to go after Jensen, until he finally shuts up or gets out of politics. And so I feel very much like, I'm being censored. And, yes, people are trying to cancel me in. I'm optimistic that the Board of Medical Practice will continue to judiciously and in a measured fashion do their work and find these allegations to not warrant any kind of action at all and to be dismissed. Dr. Paul 10:27 Yeah. Why? I hope in your case, you're right. It's a it's an interesting beast. Indeed. So you also wrote a book, just as that book just came out, right? Scott Jensen, MD 10:39 Well, I wrote a book in 2015, called relationship matters. And that's about that's about informed consent. It's about the patient doctor relationship. And we're I'm also in the process right now of writing a book called, What the heck is going on? We're being played. That's the what I had heard about. Yep. No. And that book is unfortunately suffered some of the same impacts that other processes suffer the book, what the heck is going on? We're being played as being interrupted because of the supply chain delays, and the ability to get it pushed through, if you will, the hopper and then get it printed well Dr. Paul 11:20 as relates to things like medical freedom masks, parental rights, informed consent, vaccine passports. Do you deal with any of that? Because maybe you could tell us what the heck is going on? Scott Jensen, MD 11:36 Well, I deal with all of that. And what I'm seeing is that we've seen an absolute mishmash of political posturing, and public health policies that have flipped and turned upside down and been recanted and reversed more than I can ever remember, in the world of medicine. And I've been doing this for 40 years. We've seen representatives, physicians, PhDs from the World Health Organization, get absolutely embroiled because they said something that a couple of days later wasn't being accepted. So it had to be walked back. We're seeing the CDC flip flop, we're seeing Robert Redfield, the former head of the CDC, absolutely contradict things he said, when he was the CDC head, we're seeing Dr. Tony Fauci, and other epidemiologists reverse themselves. This isn't on me. And it's not on the public. We're not conspiracy theorists. We didn't create this mess. Public health officials have a real responsibility to work with physicians, and with elected officials, because most public health officials have not been elected. And it's on them that they've, if you will, promulgated such a messy narrative. And so folks are saying, we don't know what to believe, and they're not trusting. So they're looking to people like perhaps you and I, who they believe will that you and I would stand up and say, well, the narrative you're hearing isn't necessarily the end of the story. There are multiple ways to do things, just as you might have, in your practice tailored, how you would provide vaccines to your patients. I do that too. Some patients want to elongate the process. Others don't. Some people want every vaccine known to be available. Others say, I just want the required ones for school. But this is where we're at. And I think that I put it on the public health officials, the politicians, and I think there has been an absolute fracture in a division in America in the world like I've never seen before. And I don't know how we put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Dr. Paul 14:17 Wow. If you don't know cuz you've worked with legislature and you've been a professor top doctor, you're in family medicine. I mean, you understand the system. I keep asking myself and people ask me, how could so many public health officials have it so wrong? It defies reason and common sense. If you actually sit and look at the science, what do you say to that? Scott Jensen, MD 14:45 I think so it's important to look at human nature. And if you look at the human nature that goes on, in someone who works for the government, it's a lot different than the human nature of someone who works in the private sector. If I make a policy in my clinic, and three days later, it's apparent that it's not working. I don't sit there and try to defend it, or get arrogant about it, and tell whoever on my staff informed me that things aren't working the way we thought they might. I adjust the policy, I cancel the policy, we rewrite another one, I meet with my staff, I talk with my patients, and we try to figure something out, that's going to work better. Because if we don't, we may well not be in business very long. The public sector doesn't operate that way. If you put forth a policy in your in the public sector, particularly in government, and it begins to show cracks in the operations of it. There's an incredibly strong inclination to not be nimble, to not step back and look at it from a 30,000 foot view. But instead, you double down. Got it? My policy is nothing wrong with it, it's just fine. It's you're not doing it right, or you don't understand it. And there's almost a locking down of your mindset. And so it's totally different. We're seeing that, literally across the globe, we're seeing people get locked in to a message that they helped create. The last thing they want to do now is have to back off recant. Repent, they don't want to do that, you know, I need to be careful there, Paul, because I don't want I don't want to come across as a guy who says that I'm right, and they're wrong. I mean, I want to be the person who says, Hey, I made a mistake here, too. I'll tell you, Paul, here's one that I was wrong on, is, in those first three or four months of the pandemic in early 2020, I felt pretty strongly that the COVID-19 virus, most likely was a natural reassortment of viral RNA involving different species not occurring in the lab. Today, I don't hold that belief anymore. I honestly believe that we don't know for sure where it came from. But there's a very good likelihood that this indeed actually was created in a lab. And I think Robert Redfield with the CDC is now saying that same thing. So I didn't have a spot on Correct. months ago, I want to be the person who says, hey, if I said something that's spot on luck, tell me and I'll back off. But don't tell me that you choosing to wear a mask that's got pore sizes of five microns, is going to eliminate your possibility of getting COVID-19. Because Paul, you and I both know that's not true. Right? Dr. Paul 18:04 Yeah. So what would your solution be? I mean, you you really have a unique balance of being in family practice clinical practice for so long. And you've worked within the government. So you understand the public health system? I know you're running for governor, I sure hope. I mean, you're you're so level headed. We need somebody like you in in that seat, because I think what I've learned from this pandemic, if you will, is I had no idea how powerful governors were. And so if and we hope that you do prevail, because we need some somebody with wisdom and perspective such as yours, what would you do? Scott Jensen, MD 18:47 First thing I would do is I would remind people that we do indeed have a rationale for having, if you will, a three legged stool for our government. That means we have an executive branch, the legislative branch and the judiciary branch. There's a reason for that. And when we let someone put that out of balance, like we have with the governor's, literally, we're seeing the executive branch usurp the authority of the legislative branches. That can't happen. We need to rewrite the emergency powers and make certain that never again, does this imbalance occur. The fact of the matter is, when you write legislation, the judiciary branch weighs in along the along the way along the process, so that when you get done with a piece of legislation, and you send it to the governor's office, that the governor isn't signing, something that within the next few months is going to be found unconstitutional. So the three branches really do matter. So we have to rewrite the emergency powers that has to be done right away. But I think there's something a little bit more insidious going on here. And nobody's gonna like it that I'm saying this, but I think that Americans are being forced To wake up to the fact that there's a new set of lenses through which we need to view the world. And that lens is, if you will, it's a triangular lens with three points to it. And those three points are big pharma, big tech, and big government. Big Pharma in big tech intersect a lot. People don't realize how often they are even starting to invest in each other's sector, you're seeing literally, big tech companies start to think about, should we be getting more involved in the pharma world, big pharmacy and the same thing. But both of those big pharma and big tech are always, always conducting this incestuous relationship with big government. The dollars flow freely, are usually one of the largest lobbyist donor sectors in Washington, is the amount of money that goes from big pharma, to the elected officials. We have got to wake up and recognize that we're under attack. When we see three sectors like Big Pharma, big tech and big government being able to control so much of our lives. And if someone speaks up, they have the potential to be absolutely cancelled, and if you will, blacked out. So if people are frightened, I think that's reasonable. From my end, I think that, as governor, we have to take a hard look at what does Corporate Responsibility look like? How does corporate responsibility really live out transparency, ethical principles, and if you will, hold a real commitment towards consumer protection. We saw that a little bit, Paul, with the whole process whereby agile health got approved at $60,000 a year for people with dementia. This was a split vote with the FDA, this was a big deal. We have to wonder, a drug was approved. And I can't remember a drug getting approval in the way this one did. And then watching literally, countries around the globe say we're not using it. We're not doing this. We refuse to buy into what the FDA said that this is an approved drug that's going to be safe and efficacious in terms of treating dementia. If we needed an example, on top of what's happened with COVID-19, and the vaccines we're seeing right there, with what happened with Ajin. Hell, Dr. Paul 22:42 wow. That's a That's great insight. Thank you so much. So to pivot to patients and the public who are watching this show, we've got this COVID vaccine that's like a freight train just running through our lives. It's approved down to age five, I'm pretty sure they're gonna shoot for all the way down to infancy. You're a family practice, Doc, what what are you telling your patients, I'm not allowed to give medical advice because of my medical board situation? So if you're willing to, to, to put it on a show, what what do you tell people? Scott Jensen, MD 23:19 Well, a couple of things. First, I'm also up until last year, I was a professor at the Medical School. And when your professor I think, you know, this, medical students and residents don't necessarily accept the conventional wisdom, whether you're talking to old time Doc's, or whether you're talking about how we see the world of pharmacology or biochemistry. They have fresh minds. They're asking questions. And for me as a as a family, Doc, that's been a powerful experience throughout my career, that they're never letting me rest on the information as I understood it yesterday, I have got to find out, how should I understand it today. So I have a pretty strong appetite for if you will, continue to educate myself. I read every morning for two hours to make certain that I'm seeing around the globe, what's happening in the world of COVID. Now, I'm no microbiologist and I'm no biologist, I get all that. But the way I understand it, is what we had been told what happened with the mRNA vaccines is that we would see these instruction codes get into the cells and in the cytoplasm, the instruction codes would be if you will translate it, and in so doing, we would have spike protein generated in the cytoplasm, then that spike protein would be if you will just sort of present it on the outside of the cell so that the immune system could recognize it as a foreign invader and create both antibodies as well as trained T cells, that this is the enemy that has to be attacked. That was what we had hoped would happen. And that if you will, simulates what we do in other vaccine projects. But this new technology, I think several things have happened. One is the shutdown of the instruction code hasn't necessarily occurred in the way we thought it would. It hasn't necessarily stayed in the location, we thought it would, it seems like there's enough spike protein being generated, that we may be running into a problem. And then the spike protein isn't simply being presented on the surface of the cell. It appears in multiple studies, that the spike protein is getting into the free circulation. And as such, it's had the opportunity to be deposited in different organs around our bodies. This is problematic. I don't know for certain, but I've certainly read many articles, that the gonads that the testes and the ovaries have both been sources where spike protein has been identified. For that group of people in our world between zero and perhaps 45, who might be actively fathering or mothering children biologically, this could be problematic for me for the 70 year old population and up with multiple underlying conditions. I think the vaccines a game changer. It certainly does seem to reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. Does it eliminate it? No. Does it prevent you from getting the disease? No. Does it prevent you from transmitting the disease? No. Does it cause you to have a lower or lesser viral load if you happen to get it, then the person who's unvaccinated yet to be determined? So if we look at all of those pieces of the puzzle, I think that the vaccine has value. But it isn't, as President Biden had said this summer where we beat this thing, go get vaccinated, take your masks off, live your life normally. It hasn't happened that way. President Biden told us that he would never do a mandate. But he's been absolutely clear. He's doing a mandate. If you say you're not going to do something, and you do it, isn't that by writes the definition of a lie? If you're not going to call it a lie, then don't you have to at least acknowledge Mia culpa, I was wrong. I'm sorry. I didn't know then what I know. Now. Doesn't there need to be something forthcoming? From, quote, our leaders? I didn't see that happen. That's problematic for me. And I think it's problematic for Americans around the globe. Because when that around the work is when that happens, if a person's willing to lie once and not recant, wouldn't they be willing to do it again? Because the first time, aren't you sort of trained that you got away with it? You can, again and again. So to answer your question, Paul, I think that we can acknowledge that the vaccine hasn't worked out exactly the way we want. I think it has value to be sure in the vulnerable population, but it has risks, risks, like we've not seen with other vaccines, never in my life anyway. And if we look at a population of people like those under the age of 40, who have a miniscule risk of lethality, front COVID-19 and significant risk from the vaccine, if the virus program run by the CDC is to be believed, which we always have before for the last 29 years. If those facts are true, then I think we can certainly say we should draw the line, we should look at what some of the countries in Europe are doing. When they said stop. We're not going to vaccinate those under 30. We're not going to vaccinate those under 18. The risk of myocarditis and pericarditis and many other problems is real. I think we can say that. So what I would tell people, especially young people, is you're not too young to go ahead and strengthen your immune system. If you're obese, get off the couch, start cutting your calories, start cutting your carbs. walk every day for 20 minutes. Get on vitamin C, get on vitamin D, get on zinc, I think the flavanoid quer. Seaton or quesiton qu ERC ti n, it's not going to hurt you. It functions as a sink. I own a four. What that means is it helps zinc get through the membrane so that it can help interrupt the activities of the virus. That's what we want to do. It will help potentially interrupt the activity of the mRNA strand of instructions. I think there's value to doing those things. Paul, I'm sorry, I was such a long winded answer. Dr. Paul 29:52 It's beautiful. You have a way of telling people what to do without specifically Saying something that the board will come after you for. Scott Jensen, MD 30:05 Just because I'm Norwegian doesn't mean I'm stupid. Dr. Paul 30:09 I mean, I need to take notes that was just brilliant. Folks, you know, we've got here, a real leader, both in medicine and an understanding what's going on with the COVID pandemic. And then I'm just so grateful that you're willing to stick your neck out and try to go into our legal system. Governor chasing the governorship. Right? It's, we need more people like you who really have that deep understanding. So I wish you all the best on that, how can people find your information and support you? Scott Jensen, MD 30:43 Thanks. Well, my website is Dr. Dr. Scott johnson.com, Dr. SC, Ott, J. E. N scn.com. Paul, I believe firmly that an ideal campaign season for Americans or any country is where we use this time to be as transparent as we can let the folks know, this is who the candidate is, build a relationship. If we don't intersect Well, then I'm probably not your person. But if we intersect on 80% of the big issues, then I'm not your 20% enemy. I'm your ally. We need to understand that sometimes science has to be allowed to breathe. And I want to offer one last thought of hope, Paul, there are physicians out there who feel terrible about the fact that they have been put in positions where they appear to be abandoning, and even betraying their patient doctor relationships that they've worked so hard to their careers to have. Those physicians are out there. Many of them have written checks to our campaign, oftentimes in closing a note with the the comment, Doc Jensen, Thanks for standing strong, I wish I could be there right next to you, as soon as not possible, considering the circumstances I'm in. But I'd like to help financially, please keep speaking up. There are more of us than you might know. And if we do this, right, and I mean, all of us on both sides of this division, if we commit ourselves to building bridges, and instead of starting the conversation with here, let me tell you why I'm right. The question with I'm sorry, I don't see it the way you do. Can you help me understand where you're coming from? If we do that, we've got a chance. But I would love Paul, if somehow, before I die, the fracturing division that has occurred, because of COVID-19. And in many situations, the mismanagement of it. If we can repair those bridges, and those relationships before I die, I will be immensely grateful to my god. Yep. Dr. Paul 32:59 Thank you, Scott. What a powerful closing statement, folks, we need to meet each other where we're at, clearly meet each other with love, kindness, compassion, and you give us hope for this world. Thank you so much for your time. Thanks, Mom. Folks, this is my son, Noah. He's our main editor for the show. And he was asking me a question after one of our shoots, and it was so well posed that I thought, why don't you ask me because if I paraphrase, I'm going to it just won't be as powerful. So thank you know, for that, and firewall. Noah Thomas 33:37 So we know that the decision to get vaccinated or not, has been politicized at this point. It's a polarizing topic. And it's a controversial one at that. Sometimes needlessly, the question that was brought up to me, in a way that left me with pause is like, shoot, what is the thoughtful and mindful way to respond to this was, why aren't you getting the COVID vaccine? Don't you want to help protect other people? So I guess I'm wondering how do you respond to someone in a way that might give them the opportunity to at least see things from a different perspective, without making yourself at least in their eyes with this emotionally charged topic, look insensitive to high risk people? Or look like you don't care about the well being of your fellow man? Dr. Paul 34:18 Yeah. Yeah. It's a really good question. And a very tough topic to address with people. It is because people are so how can I put it? I think the problem is so so often people have already made up their mind, right. And so now, in the case where they're really asking you and they really genuinely want your opinion, that's an opportunity. It is right. So you know, those of you are watching the show. Many of you already are aware that vaccines have risks. Sure, they have benefits, but they have risks. Right? And how do you balance those and then when you put this moral sort of social duty Yeah, it's it's your responsibility to to care for the The poor people who are at high risk, right? That, unfortunately, is, from my understanding, having studied vaccines and pediatric vaccines for my entire career for 35 years, that same sort of Greater Good thinking, and marketing and marketing. It's a marketing tactic. Because here's what we know about COVID The vaccine if you, I'm gonna call it a vaccine, but there are some people who even say it's actually not a vaccine. It's a, you know, genetic modification. We're like GMO humans now. But let's just call it a vaccine for simplicity. Sure. It does not prevent the transmission of COVID-19. The SARS cov. Two, that's why the CDC to this day, I mean, we've been at this for over a year, right. And they still say you need to wear a mask if you've been vaccinated and maintain social distance. Right? Right. And they know the studies have been published. That's because it does not protect the other person. Okay. Okay. So if you're doing it out of this sort of greater good, I want to protect my aunt or my grandpa. What's going to protect your aunt or your grandpa is for themselves? If they're truly high risk, they should isolate? You know, they need to stay away from vaccinated and unvaccinated. Right, because it's probably the vaccinated and this is we need more data. But it's probably the vaccinated who are more likely to be less symptomatic or asymptomatic, not have symptoms, right, and still be able to transmit the disease. Right. So getting the vaccine, I mean, time will tell if you're actually less of a threat, or possibly more of a threat, interesting. unvaccinated people who don't have symptoms may actually be the safest people to be around. If you think through it, logically, right disease is not transmitted. You know, since the beginning of time, you catch respiratory illnesses from people who are sick with a respiratory illness, right. Every winter in pediatrics, our offices fill up with sick kids, because they're in school coughing and sneezing on each other. Right. And so that really hasn't changed. We know with COVID kids are not transmitting it in a significant way, in the school system, even if they're not vaccinated. So you don't need to be afraid of an unvaccinated person who's healthy. Okay. I think that's probably actually your best person to be around. If I was a high risk individual myself, I would prefer to have people come visit me who have not been vaccinated who are healthy. I just don't know yet. What to think about vaccinated individuals, because we don't even have a year's worth of data. Noah Thomas 37:40 Okay. How do you say sort of what you were just saying in a way that's relatively concise? And gosh, I Dr. Paul 37:46 rambled? Well, you didn't stumble, you just I dove? I would say we want to meet people where they're at. Right. So what I would say is, you know, I know you've taken the vaccine, because you share that with me. And I'm really glad that you seem to be doing well with it. Because I have heard stories of people who have not done so well. So I'm really happy for that. And I hope it really works out that it's, it's a been a real positive thing for you. I am just waiting for more information. That's, as I'm reading things that just raised my little antenna of, you know, I'm not sure I'm ready to take that leap, of risking my own health, for benefits that are at this point, still a little unknown. Right? Right. There are reports that this might be helpful. So what you did, might be a really great thing. But there's reports that make it unclear. So you know, I commend you for doing what you did. And I hope it works out really well for everybody. And hopefully, you'll be willing to honor the fact that I just need more information. Noah Thomas 38:42 You know, that's a really, really easy way to not get into this study that study. Here's the link, just saying you want more information, and you're waiting to see more long term studies which haven't been done. Right. I have a question for you just to piggyback that. Do all previous vaccines that have been released have long term studies prior to being released? Dr. Paul 39:03 No, no. So that is a perfect question. There are no long term studies on any any vaccine. Oh, my goodness. So most people aren't aware of that vaccines will come to market with sometimes in the case of the Hepatitis B It was like a week, a week follow up. Wow, done on adults. And then we ended up recommending for infants. The insanity of when you when you when you grasp that. It's like wow. So that's why the data that I published, you're aware I published my study, which was real world data from my practice, right? That is so important because it's real world data, tracking kids over a 10 year period of time comparing unvaccinated to vaccinated now it was a retrospective look. So it's not the perfect prospect of meaning looking forward. And you can't randomize studies with vaccines because it would be unethical, okay, at least for the ones that are standard, and probably already is too late to randomize As for COVID, I mean, the original studies have been done by pharma, right? They're short term. They're short term. They're like two, three months. And then it I'm hearing now they're supposed to go out for another two, three years. But I'm hearing that they may be cut short because of this concept that it's unethical to leave these other people unvaccinated. I hope they don't do that. I hope they'll just let the unvaccinated ride out to three years because then we've got some data there. We've got some really matters, but until then we really don't. Okay. Yeah. Noah Thomas 40:28 Okay. So I imagine that a quick answer would be you're just waiting for more information, but you validate their experience, and you let them know that your experience has nothing to do with how you see them and or it's not a reflection of what they're doing. And you ask for the same grace and kindness. Yeah. And then perhaps for those that are willing to have an even further conversation, you can start digging into information from your show, link them to some articles talked about the potential for the continued spread of COVID As per the CDC recommendations anyway, for masking and distancing, despite vaccination, some of the side effects for those that have already had COVID, you can kind of broach those topics openly. If they're open to it. Based on the you're waiting for more information for your own sense of personal safety. Yeah, Dr. Paul 41:14 no, you know, we're in the same family. Right. My your grandparents, my parents have had the COVID vaccine, right. And they've done okay, so I'm like, Who? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I was totally fine with them doing it, or so I've shared with them. Some of my concerns. At their age, they're both almost 90, right? If they were to have some side effects, you know, they've lived a good life they have I worry more now this push to vaccinate little kids who, who honestly don't need it right, right. Now, let's wait two, three years, let's get some long term follow up on the adults who have been getting this vaccine, see how they're doing and see how they're doing? Because right now, there's the vaccine adverse events reporting system that's set up by our government is overwhelmed with severe side effects from COVID. Right, the vaccine, right. More reports than all other vaccines combined, and we're very soon will surpass all reports of negative outcomes for the duration of the whole program since the 80s. Wow, this is a massive wave of something's going on. Right. I don't know what it is. Right. Right. But I suspect it's related either to COVID the disease or COVID-19 vaccines, right? Or both? Probably both. Yeah. So we just need more information, more information that something this new, when we first had this virus hit the world. We were all scared. We didn't know what we were dealing with. Yeah. Now we know at least that kids are fine. Yeah, healthy adults are fine. And those who are super high risk can remain safe by self quarantine. That's probably the safest thing still. And so then on the vaccine, we've just, let's get more information. Okay. Great topic, though. Nice, great. Drago with it myself. Yeah. And it's so hard. Also, when people are they've already made the decision. They've already had the vaccine or they're about to but you they're not going to change their mind. Right. So I don't like in that instance, to pour on anything that increases fear, right? Fear is bad for our immune system. Noah Thomas 43:17 Good point. I know, it's important for me to check my motivations and my intentions, when being questioned about personal stuff, like my vaccine status, if I'm ever doing it, because I'm insecure, if I'm doing it to try to secure myself or go in attack mode on someone else. It's not worth that motivation. It's the wrong motivation. If it's genuinely to share information, potentially lead people to open up their line of thinking for the right reasons. I think that's probably something I have to ask myself before even responding anyway. Yeah, Dr. Paul 43:46 I'm a part of a number of online forums, like minded people who are vaccine risk aware. And that's been a huge topic the last couple of weeks is what are we doing wrong? Because we are not reaching the people we love and care about right with the message, right? It's not coming through though. And the problem is, folks, we are facing a blanket censorship on mainstream media. So 24/7 all the major channels are blasting about the get the vaccine and all this marketing messaging credible. Mark? Yes. And it's successful, Noah Thomas 44:20 so successful. You see celebrities, detailed themselves in there. And they're being heralded as heroes on social media. They get Dr. Paul 44:31 paid and they get made into a hero. Yeah. Now of course, when they die, it's a coincident, right. There have been some of those. Yeah. So so, you know, folks, how confusing it is hard. It is really, really hard. Yeah, Noah Thomas 44:44 one of my biggest takeaways is to meet people where they're at as well. Remember, it's not my job to convince anyone of anything. Yeah. And to stand true to my values stand calm and my values and not personalize people's fear response Yeah, to decisions that I'm going to make for my own reasons. Dr. Paul 44:59 I'm learning that in everything. I struggled past elections with Democrat Republican issues, because I saw some things I liked in both parties. But when somebody comes from a different perspective than my own, I just needed to meet them where they were at. Yeah. When the Black Lives Matter thing rolled through, you know, we have a family that's mixed with all sorts of races, and ethnic backgrounds and adopted kids and bio kids and dynamics happened. And I failed in some respects, not to meet people with where they were at Sure. Because it's just their truth, whatever that was. Right. And so, you know, that's kindness. That's love for us to do that for everybody on every issue. Yeah. And I'm hoping that, you know, thank you for bringing it up, highlighting that this channel wants to be about that about meeting you where you're at about love and expanding our awareness of each other, and get really to the important issues in a way that we can hear them. So thank you for your attention. Welcome to against the wind. My guest today is Christa and you are a registered nurse. And you have been very active in your own life with your health fitness, I think you would share that you you were a runner, you were training for a marathon, you ran a half marathon. You're active at work here. You're busy with good self care. And then you took the COVID vaccine, probably given the environment you worked and you felt you needed to. Christa 46:34 Yeah, at the time, they weren't mandating it. And I was the medical leader of our building. They felt the internal pressure of maybe having some leadership in the community that I should just go for it. So I did and January got the first one Pfizer. And I went out that night, my son hits practice and I ran nine miles, Dr. Paul 46:54 like went out and ran nine miles. Christa 46:58 I'm like, Okay, I'm not sick. It's not affecting me in any way. And I was super happy. Then February 16, was the second round my arm, my arm immediately went on fire, like after the injection. So all the way to my fingertips. It's just like fire. It was significant enough for like, for three days when I was lying in bed in the middle of the night. If I wanted to turn I had to lift my arm up and kind of turn my arm. And then I had joint pain. And I had it was very unusual though. It was elbow, knee and ankle bilateral. I knew it was the vaccine. I didn't have any discomfort or any joint pain before. Dr. Paul 47:38 Yeah, I never had joint pain in the in your past. Christa 47:40 No, no, I just ran Dr. Paul 47:43 nine miles. Christa 47:44 Yeah, I felt great. I felt so good. And I miss it so much. I just miss feeling good. And then I couldn't squat and get up. Literally I had a whole I had a grab Tate like table or my desk or something to pull myself up. So from a squatting position I could not physically get up. I did have some year cloudy urine, a little bit of weirdness where I thought I might have had a UTI and went and got checked and nothing showed up. But I did have blood in my urine. Thankfully, I'm thankful that that went away and subsided. I'm glad that I don't have any kidney issues because I do know some people who have inflammation on their kidneys, I did have some discoloration like circulatory, visible circulatory issues on my thighs after a run. It would be this webbing, but it was an unusual webbing and I knew it wasn't normal. Had that gone away, I would have just chopped it off and been on my way. This continued for months. And then in June, I started having stabbing pains like shooting pains in my calf in my thighs. And then I started having this stabbing pain across my chest and my back in and so they start having all this pain across here in my back. But also on my lower extremities and all my arms, I'd have a shooting pain. So I go to an urgent care in the middle middle a gym. I say do I want to D dimer I want you check my heart EKG, give me check because I know I'm not right with this vaccine. Everything looked great. So I said okay. So then at the end of June, I go on vacation. And I'm still having this pain. But this was going on for a month before before the end of June. Yeah. Fast forward. We end up part of our trip. We're in South Carolina now. And that Monday, Tuesday I get the massage. Wednesday evening I start getting a little rash. Next thing you know Friday I go to the urgent care I've got shingles. Yeah. Dr. Paul 49:57 Well, I'm hearing more and more stories about shingles. even heard an ad on TV and I don't even watch TV I was just at a friend's house to to get dinner and they had the TV on there saying Did you know shingles is now one in three people have shingles going? When? Exactly since I've seen this many cases of shingles in my career. But now one in three people have shingles is that kind of normalize all the side effects from the vaccine as if it was always like that? Christa 50:23 Absolutely. That's what I'm seeing. And so, of course, I look up COVID shingles. Oh, wow. You know, so I knew it was the vaccine still. Yeah. So I'm lying in bed recovering from shingles. And I wake up and my neck is like stiff, and I'm like, achy, stiff, and I'm like, this is weird. And then my boyfriend's like, Oh, he's probably slept on it wrong. And I'm like, Well, I don't know, because it's coming and going throughout the day, and my shoulder starts hurting. And then I start noticing all these little cherry angiomas all over my skin. Beep, beep beep and I know my body. I know my body. Like, no one's gonna tell me different. I look up COVID skin conditions. Oh, there's a correlation. There's an there was a correlation in some, some document where cherry angiomas and COVID back COVID 19. So here we go. And this, it's just been a plethora, a multifaceted array of symptoms. Wow, that's what's happened to me. So the shingles set me off into this other playing field of just sickness. I lost my health doctor, and when you lose your health it's been devastating for me, because of my lifestyle and what I what my lifestyle was. I was not taking any medications. I was feeling fabulous. And I thought about it. I thought, gosh, if this vaccine does something to me, and I don't think I jinxed myself, but I thought I feel so good. I feel so great. And I was like, I just hope that I continue to feel good. Um, but yeah, that the shingles was the beginning of the end for me. And so people I don't know, I think maybe this vaccine may lie dormant and you don't know and it may come out later, and you may experience what I've experienced. Dr. Paul 52:26 Yeah, cuz you started having your major symptoms sounds like several months after your vaccine. Christa 52:33 Yes, yes. I took a two weeks off with the shingles recovery. And then I went back to work. And I did I got about two weeks into work and I just I couldn't do it anymore. I had the neck pain, the back pain I had at the time I actually was my last day August 3 I said I can't do it anymore. My grips for off. These fingers bilaterally. were weak. My grips were off I had shooting pains and throbbing in my my hands. My speech was off. My words weren't coming out. Right. Wow. And so I was just spent Dr. Paul 53:13 tell us and our viewers what you did because I'm really excited to hear it. I don't know what you did. But I know you did something because you are recovering. Christa 53:24 Yeah, I don't know what I mean. We're all still trying to know what's recovery what's not what you're not 100% yet and no none of us are we know what goes all the way back to a year when none of us are fully recovered faithfully I found I found a doctor who was accepting what was going on that's what that was my first thing I wasn't and I had called tons of doctors like trying to find a primary referrals even and I'm like, This is what's going on and they just they just blew over. They just they just blew over the vaccine injury part like and so I knew it wasn't a good fit. So I found him and he immediately put me on just long haulers COVID patient protocol and I had to put my glasses on one of the one of the downsides is vision to blurred vision that I have since the since the vaccine Yes Yeah, yeah, that's another another eye we can go over my symptoms are so many but immune enhancing I take 15,000 units of vitamin A. I take 20,000 units of vitamin D, take 100 milligrams of zinc 9000 units of vitamin C a day. Now for inflammation reducers I take a probiotic, a really good probiotic 250 billion. I take quercetin. 1000 milligrams a day. Melatonin I take 60 milligrams and I still am up at night. insomnia. Insomnia is another one Mareeba which is just it's this Brand Marie vie read was most clinically studied curcumin extract, so it's curcumin we go to the blood thinners At first he he had me on fiber Enza and many heavy on 325 milligrams of aspirin. I'm currently just on 81 milligrams, my D dimer. Everything looks great. He did a lab and I think I sent this to you. It's called. It's for the five and T. Dr. Paul 55:26 IV MTHFR. Yes. Were you positive? Christa 55:29 Yeah, I was, yeah, I was positive for two copies. For two copies of the C Dr. Paul 55:34 six 770 E, yes, you have that defect, you are unable or largely unable to take regular folate and add a methyl group to it. And it's the methyl folate that you need for your neurotransmitters. So dopamine and norepinephrine for focus and feel good serotonin, which we think of which helps with mood, right, and depression and anxiety. And also you need five methyl tetrahydrofolate to run your methylation cycle, which is so important for detox. So the real key to that, and you probably already figured this out is avoid folate, enriched flour, which is most junk food, right? It's okay, if you get your folate from green leafy vegetables, and make sure whenever you're supplementing folate, that it's methyl folate, Christa 56:19 right? I was on this protocol for about six weeks. We've got it under control to some degree, right? I went I went to him. I said I'm on the I feel like I'm on the brink of having a seizure, or a brink of having the tremors or Brink on the brink of of having the involuntary jerking, which I've seen all over the world, people were treating inflammation, obviously. So I said, Well, it's good, but it's not good enough for me. And so I brought to his attention, Dr. Patterson and Dr. Bean, I saw a video on them with the FLCC. And that recover program. I was also an addition to the supplements, I had me immediately go on hydroxychloroquine. I was taking that twice a day. Dr. Paul 57:13 You know, I'm so glad you shared exactly what you're doing because people just need somewhere to start. And as I heard your whole list, I wholeheartedly think you're on the right track. And just double check with your team. Whether you can stay long term on that level of vitamin A, that's my only little thought because vitamin A being fat soluble. It's one of those. It's one of the few vitamins, probably the only vitamin really, that you can get toxic on if you take too much. Christa 57:41 So then with the other with the FLCC program, you you basically are on supplements. And then you introduce ivermectin, you say twice, I was doing it twice a week. And with that, I I believe that it does have a calming effect. I don't know. I mean, I know it sounds crazy, but that's just me and my body. That's what I feel with it. But I figured at this point, I had nothing to lose, right. And so I introduced the prednisone. Dr. Paul 58:12 How long did you stay at high dose prednisone. Christa 58:14 I only did 60 for three days. Okay, then I went down to 40 for three days. Then I went down to 20 433 days. And then he had me 10 on 10 for a week. Okay, I just think overall, I can't say oh, it made this go away or this go away. I just think overall, I'm keeping things at bay. I'm keeping the inflammation at bay. That's the only thing I can say. Dr. Paul 58:44 And and true. We don't know that, you know, if the spike protein is in there triggering your inflammatory response of your immune system. We don't know how long it's going to carry on right. I mean, that's what we're trying to figure out. Christa 59:00 Yeah, there's different beliefs on that too. Yeah. So the prednisone and then addition to the prednisone was the Lipitor. Okay, 40 milligrams of that. The Lipitor reduces blood vessel inflammation. And then they also in this program, the food locks me. I am back to work. Okay. Dr. Paul 59:26 I was that bad. Christa 59:28 It's been terrible. Yeah. I'm, I have a very demanding job. And what I found is any kind of taxing on your body, whether it be physical or mental. Mm hmm. It brings out more inflammation. Yep. And I think say probably Dr. Paul 59:47 not running anymore. Christa 59:50 I'm not at all. Well, you've Dr. Paul 59:51 got a lot going on. Krista. I am so proud of you for the way you've sort of just grabbed hold of what you've been given in life and you're making really heroic effort. So Christa 1:00:03 thank you, doctor, it's the hardest thing that I've had to do. So far, Dr. Paul 1:00:07 you've followed the rules, you followed the medical guidance, you took the vaccine, and the moment you get injured, you're the problem, they don't want anything to do with you. They, you know, shun you almost, it's just what you're going through is hard. It's serious. This is affecting your health at the physical level, but clearly also at a at a mind, body, spirit level, the whole thing. And you're fighting through, and that's why I'm just so so proud of you. You're gonna you're giving others hope. And I really appreciate the detailed explanation of what you've done, because this is what people desperately need. Because I do see healing coming your way, you're not going to give up? Christa 1:00:53 No, I'm not gonna give up, um, that I hope that with what I'm experiencing that it has meaning and purpose. And then ultimately, I just hope that, that I can be used in mighty ways and help others, you know, but also, I just want to stop this mandate. I want to stop this mandate madness. And so I'm ready. I'm ready to fight. It's not safe. And it's causing a lot of harm. Dr. Paul 1:01:19 Yep. No, thank you. I think your your, your message, folks is, think for yourselves. Don't do this, if you don't want to write. I mean, if somebody is telling you, you have to No, you don't have to share the consequences for some as they lose their job. They have to move out of state, they start over. It's probably better than Russian roulette. Christa 1:01:44 Absolutely. So thank you very much for having me. It was a pleasure. Thank you. Dr. Paul 1:01:55 Dr. Paul, here, doctors in science.com is where you go to get access to my exclusive members only section. This is how you the viewers support our work. We have no sponsors. We are fully supported by you, our viewers, what do you get in the Members section? It's quite a list, you get access to a couple of my eBooks. The first one is the authoritative reference list for my vaccine friendly plan book. I also have written a book very extensive called everyday health that covers pretty much what I think you should be doing if you want to live a healthy life in this world today. But there's so much more. We have a live q&a Every week after the show with yours truly, Dr. Paul answering your questions, submit your questions online, and I will tackle as many of them as I possibly can. And try to answer to the best of my ability, whatever burning questions you have. In addition to this, you get transcripts of every show. We have other bonus content. And I think one of the huge bonus content pieces is the PowerPoints of the talks I'm giving as I travel around the country. People are always asking me how can we get those PowerPoints? This is how you do it. Head on over to doctors and science comm and become a member and join the team of against the wind helped me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors in science.com. I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors in science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. Let's make this the weekly show the nation's been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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