PDF:Text:Dr. Paul 0:00
Breaking news. Dr. Paul here I wanted you to know that the Chairman of the Board of children's health Defense Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. himself, lead counsel for this organization is calling for a world wide walkout. massive numbers of people. Perhaps you perhaps your loved ones have lost their jobs because of vaccine mandates. It is time that we stand together and say no, no to vaccine mandates no to mask mandates, no to forced medical care that is harmful, hurtful does not make scientific sense. Even one day, if enough of us walk out of our jobs for one day, the message will be heard loud and clear. And I would encourage us to stay on this one until they get the message that governments around the world propped up and backed up by pharmaceutical companies who are making billions of dollars of profits and the public health officials who are in their pockets. The mandates that are forcing vaccination on the public, forcing vaccination on our children, and forcing us to social distance and wear masks removing our freedoms must stop. It's been done before we can do it again. We are uniting for freedom. And let's get our freedoms back. Dr. Paul, welcome to episode 23 of against the wind doctors and science under fire. Today's episode features a very great interview with Dr. Mark McDonald. He is a psychiatrist both child and adult. He was very involved in the Rome Declaration. This is over 1000 doctors around the world have signed on to this declaration about how we handle the COVID outbreak and what's going on. But we do a deep dive into masks and COVID vaccines and children and the impact of the vaccine program and quarantine and what this is doing to our children. You're not going to want to miss it. I then have a very interesting interview with kids first forever, co founder Didi Hoover interviewing a couple of college students about what it's like to be in college. If you're not toeing the party line of getting vaccinated and wearing masks in all situations. You then will hear from Bernadette pager in the news covering the latest update the FDA approval of the vaccine for five to 11 year olds. Enjoy the show. I'm Dr. Paul. Dr. Paul, coming to you from the heart. This week, I was in Nashville, Tennessee, at the truth about cancer 2021. I was presenting, there were 2000 live participants. It was a three day packed event. And the interesting thing that just got my attention was where we were 2000 people sometimes elbow to elbow, screaming, happy hugging. There were no masks. There was no fear. There was a sense of community and a sense of purpose and a ease that I had not been experiencing in my native state of Oregon, where we have mask mandates in all medical facilities. We have mask mandates when you're outdoors if you can't be six feet apart. And the contrast was so stark it had me thinking what's so different from one state to another, or one country to another. I'm reading the data out of Israel, for example, where the population is one of the most vaccinated in the world. And their rate of hospitalization is quite high and most are completely vaccinated. Neighboring Egypt, which has a vaccination rate I understand of about 10% has beaches full of people going about their lives and no devastating effect from this lack of being vaccinated if you will. So something is going on. That's more than just COVID 19 or SARS cov. Two or normal epidemiology or the medical progression of a infection, a viral infection if you will, there's something else going on. What's really troubling me today that just causes me to want to share with you from the heart is this new FDA recommendation It's just days away from being rubber stamped, as approved to vaccinate our five to 11 year olds with the COVID-19 vaccine. And here's why this is troubling. As a pediatrician, my role is to protect as a parent, your role is to protect those in your care. Your children, my patients, if there's a process coming down the road, that is clearly dangerous. What do we do? We protect, the last thing we would want to do is harm those who were charged with protecting. And yet I see it coming so quickly, that it's almost reckless. We already know that children in this age group, actually children zero to 18, are virtually unaffected by SARS cov to when they get COVID-19. If they even get that infection, it's a minimal cold at most, the death rates are so low, it's about one in a million. But we also know that the harm from the vaccine, if you will side effects, or actual effects of injecting a product hard to call it a vaccine because technically a vaccine reduces infection and reduces transmission, which this injection is not doing. And this injection is a brand new technology, whether it's mRNA, or DNA technology that is being inserted into your genetic code so that your cells manufacture spike protein, Spike protein is the toxin spike protein is the thing that's causing all the damage, we're talking about a protein that can be incorporated into any part of your body, and then your immune system attacks. Sadly, there's no doubt it will also attack normal body functions, normal body parts, that's called Auto immunity. We know in children the rate of myocarditis in boys is about one in 300. There will be a death rate that exceeds the death rate from the disease. So when the vaccine or the interventions, the injection, if you will causes more harm than good. Why would the FDA recommend that we go forward? They've clearly stated that we don't have any long term follow up. So we will have to see what happens. If you are agreeing to have your child injected with the COVID-19 vaccine, you're basically agreeing to enroll them in a grand experiment. What troubles me the most is this mRNA technology has never successfully been used in animals, certainly not in humans. We tried it for RSV a couple of decades ago. We tried it in the early 2000s for MERS and SARS, the other two Coronavirus infections that were similar to the SARS cov. Two and it didn't work in the phase three animal trials animals were dying when re exposed to the virus. What we're going to inject our children as if they're a phase three animal trial, and then just see what happens when they get reinfected. I'm sorry, I'm having trouble with this. And I hope you are having trouble with it. Also, parents step up to the plate. Do what you know in your heart and in your gut is the right thing to do. And at least wait. We should wait two three years and see what kind of outcomes we get before we jump on board to experimentally inject the children of our nation, the children of this world. Now I'm not giving medical advice. I am a licensed doctor in the state of Oregon. But I am not trying to tell you what to do. I'm merely providing information. We have covered this in great detail in episodes in the past and will continue to bring you the best information we can from experts from around the world. Enjoy the show. I'm Dr. Paul. Welcome Dr. Mark McDonald boys it a pleasure to have you on the show against the wind. Thank you. You were born and raised in Los Angeles graduated from UC Berkeley before attending medical school at the medical school of Wisconsin. What's unique I love is that you trained in both adult and child and adolescent psychiatry at UCLA. And you now work primarily with children in a private practice there in West Los Angeles. I grew up in Africa and I'm really pleased to see you've traveled The world your yourself worked in Europe, Asia, Central America. I know you've had well versed opinions on topics like needing to reopen American schools, the pandemic of fear here in the United States. And you've been widely published in local and national news, including the Wall Street Journal, and the Federalists. So I am so excited to chat with you today. Mark McDonald, MD 10:21 Thank you. My book is coming out in a few weeks as well pandemic of fear, which is about specifically the fear driven ideology and mechanics of this pandemic. And I try to explain it in psychological psychiatric terms with evidence. And I hope that it will help inform people and maybe give them some hope for how to get out of this near pandemic, which I think is really much more important in a way than the medical pandemic is, because it's causing so much harm. Dr. Paul 10:47 Yeah, yeah, I just, I start off each of my shows with from the heart. And the from the heart that I just recorded for this upcoming show was about fear. It is so devastating, harmful, and I'm so worried about kids and you work with kids, I'm a pediatrician, I work with kids. Maybe let's just start there. What? What are you seeing in children? You work in adolescent and child psychiatry. What are you seeing these days? Mark McDonald, MD 11:13 Well, I have had a practice for about 1012 years, I've had the typical mixture of anxious and depressed children with some ADHD every now and then I get something really severe trauma, sexual abuse, something that really requires a big intervention with a whole team. But most of the time, it's just your garden variety anxiety, that wedding broke up with girlfriends sad that can't relocate to the town that he wanted. And it's quite treatable. What I've seen in the last year and a half, though, is this ratcheting up of severity and depth of symptomatology, of anxiety, and depression and kids, across the whole spectrum of ages, races, economic classes, it really hasn't spared anyone. And it's almost untreatable medications, therapy interventions are completely or nearly completely ineffective. And I believe the problem is environmental. I think these kids are swimming, and have been swimming for over a year and a half now, in a toxic, stressful, irrational, dysfunctional, disconnected environment, which kids must have, they must have the connections, they must have the facial expression, reciprocity, the ability to touch other kids and dirt and animals to play to go outside. All of that has been taken from them. And the result, in my opinion, has been a complete collapse of their psyche and arrest in their development. And the seeds which are now germinating and I'd say flowering really have a full blown trauma, which is likely I think, is going to last for decades, if not generations. Dr. Paul 12:53 Yeah, no, it I hear in Oregon, I know you're in California, you probably have mask requirements there as well. Oregon is requiring masking, even outdoors, and six feet distancing. So I'll drive by kids waiting for a school bus, and they are one to one at a time spaced six feet apart wearing their masks. There's no light in their eyes, I'm terrified about what we're doing to the children, Mark McDonald, MD 13:17 as am I it's really devastating. And it's so, so utterly unnecessary. It's really a projection of adult anxiety onto children. And it is in my view, it really is a form of child abuse. It's a form of abdication of parental adult responsibility. If you're a parent, it's a parent, if you're an educator or a teacher or a doctor, it's your adult responsibility. But either way, we have as as older, wiser caretakers and guardians of our children and the children of our society, a real responsibility to sacrifice to some degree our own interest for theirs. And we're not doing that we're really doing the opposite. We are pleasuring ourselves. We are wallowing in our own anxiety at their expense, and it's truly an abomination. Dr. Paul 14:00 Yeah, I, I've had that same feeling and it's growing stronger and stronger. This is plain old child abuse. And it's got to stop. We have to speak up. You're a child psychiatrist. I mean, this is your field. I'm seeing as a pediatrician, five and six year olds coming in with severe anxiety. I even had a school aged kid who's suicidal. We didn't see that before. Mark McDonald, MD 14:23 This is so new, the the level and infestation really have this psychological illness which which really is grounded in fear ultimately, although I think it's it's morphed and evolved into something far more sinister, which I think is social control, and corruption. But at its core, psychologically, it really is fear. I worked very briefly because most of the work was done by the filmmaker himself, but with a filmmaker here in LA last month called Larry Cook, who had been cancelled in Hollywood. because he a year and a half ago, dare to question the reigning orthodoxy of shut up and obey. And he, to his credit, put together a documentary, which is called unmask your child. And I'm featured in it Dr. Jeff BARCHI, who's one of the CO hosts of my podcast is in it his wife, Mary barky, who's on the Orange County Board of Education, where I got my start a year and a half ago, that's how I got into Wall Street Journal was speaking at that meeting, all of these people are in the movie in the documentary, it's 30 minutes long, and it's aimed at families, it's there to educate parents of children on why you do not need to put a mask on your child's face and why it is so beneficial to allow your child to roam and breathe freely. And I would encourage everybody to go to unmask your child.com. And watch this video and share it widely. And I think we can all unify around protecting children. And this is this is why it's such a good place to start rather than wading into these kinds of difficult gray areas. This is not a gray area, you take the mask off your child, there should be no debate on that. Dr. Paul 16:01 Yeah. So speak to then the parent or school board member who are public health official who says, Yeah, but there's COVID out there and it's dangerous speak to that they're afraid that if they unmask their child, they're putting their child in harm's way? Well, it's Mark McDonald, MD 16:19 unfortunate that so little accurate information about this virus has been disseminated by the sources of media that 99% of the population actually use, and they get it unfortunately, off their phones, they get it in the lobbies of the gyms and the airports. And it really isn't accurate. Most of it is either skewed or it's exaggerated, or it's just simply falsified in order to continue this statement of fear and anxiety in our in our country. But the truth is, and you can get this from the CDC, if you even want to go to the website, is that there have been at most 10 or 12 children in the entire country, without any serious pre existing conditions under the age of 18 that have died of this virus. And Dr. Marty mCherry, who's a physician at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, published a report over a month ago, looking at 40,000 cases of infection and underage Americans children and found that those 40,000, about three to 400 had died presumably of Coronavirus, although it turned out to be with it. And not a single one of those children, not a single one had actually been well before that child got infected leukemia, serious cancers, morbid obesity with uncontrolled diabetes, very, very serious childhood illnesses had predominated in that group. So if you have a child who is reasonably healthy, your child's risk of dying from any of the Coronavirus variants is statistically zero. And if you say well, gosh, you know, that may be true. I mean, it's not my child I'm worried about it's my child getting sick and passing it to someone else. All of the evidence shows that that's false. We've known since April of a whole year ago, based on very large reports and studies out of Germany, that children who are in schools do not spread this infection to their teachers, they don't spread it to their parents. In fact, even now in the US, we're seeing data that's showing that most of the time when children do get sick and are symptomatic, and it's mild. They're catching it from adults. They're catching it from parents, they're not going out and spreading this disease to other children or other adults. The German report at the lower Lower Saxony Medical Center set over a year ago and their conclusion after studying this in schools and tracking it, children actually act as barriers to infection. They're like insulation. So the virus goes to the child it gets some in their lungs, it gets killed and drowned, like fly trap, and it does not go out. It's like the roach motel children are like the roach motel for the virus. They cannot spread the roaches they get in and they don't go out right. You know, this is this is so obvious and so clear, but not so many people are just not aware of it. Dr. Paul 18:54 Yeah, no, I have about 10,000 patients at this point. I've not had a single child end up in the ER or the hospital, other than one teenager who was vaccinated and had myocarditis. So, wow, just today, I walked into an office room saw kid for a sore throat and fever, low grade fever in the ear ear infection. And their whole family had had COVID this past month. The parents were mildly ill the kids they said was less than a typical cold. And that's that's been the story. So we know this you and I know this somehow our public health officials if they know it, they're not being honest, or do they simply not know. But all we need to do is unmask kids, take away all the barriers, let them become the herd immunity if you will, natural immunity. And they'll be the ones protecting those who are at risk. Mark McDonald, MD 19:44 I would even say to parents, that the fact that you are so called Protecting your child by masking and hyper sanitizing and distancing is actually not only not helping prevent a spread of infection, you're actually encouraging infection because you're suppressing the natural immune system which grows and develops in the child through exposure through challenge, and then presenting your child to far more serious opportunistic infections. The one that's really just skyrocketed across the country in the last three months is respiratory syncytial virus or RSV. All these hospitalized children with Coronavirus. Well, they may actually have a Coronavirus positive test, but they're in the hospital because of RSV. And RSV typically does not occur in the summer. It doesn't occur in older kids. And it is in both cases happening and massively higher levels than ever before. And the belief, and I think it's scientifically backed up of why that's happening is that these kids have had their immune systems suppressed for so long, that once they get re exposed to the world, their bodies don't know what to do. It's like being in a wheelchair for six months and saying, Okay, go run, and then they collapse and break their knee because their muscles are atrophied. This is harming your children. Dr. Paul 20:54 No, you're absolutely right about RSV. I've already had numerous positives. Here we are in October. We don't usually start seeing RSV till December and it peaks January, February. It's a winter. We're at 4% positives already in the Portland, Oregon area. It is crazy. I never seen anything like it. Yeah. So So let's pivot. All right, we were crystal clear folks. Get rid of the masks. What about the vaccine now for kids? Mark McDonald, MD 21:20 There is no reason for any child to be receiving this vaccine. The data are abundantly clear. As I just said earlier, children are not getting seriously ill not getting hospitalized and not dying of this disease. Therefore, the first rule of medicine do no harm is violated when you provide an intervention which has absolutely no benefit, zero benefit to the child. On the other hand, the harm is at this point, it's immeasurable which suit we simply don't know to what degree the harm will accrue over the years to these children. But we do know is as you mentioned, myocarditis has already infected hundreds of children in this in this country seriously, it's a chronic illness, it's not my all that causes permanent damage to the heart tissue. And if we were to vaccinate to the percentage that they have in Israel, all of the American children, the expectation is we have over 100 250,000 cases of myocarditis in this country. Given that no children are dead. They're not on the gurneys in the in the in the pathology suites. Why on earth would we subject our children to something like this, we don't know what the reproductive effects are. We don't know what the effects are. On the brain long term, early dementia, the immune system as particularly women get older, they can develop all kinds of autoimmune reactions when they're in their 40s or 50s or older, we have no idea. There is no benefit to vaccinating a child, even if you believe the vaccine is highly effective and really works to shut down this disease, which I believe the data are proving is not the case. But even if you believe that your child would not benefit from it would only be causing your child harm. But we're giving out injections from two years ago, a product that was designed for a virus that came out two years ago that no longer exists, it's mutated so much that this vaccine is of no value for it. And we're now shooting up children with it. No safety data, no long term, children were excluded from all of the clinical trials of this vaccine, as were pregnant women, the most serious, significantly compromised groups in the country that could really be harmed by this excluded from the trials for safety reasons. And here we are giving it to them. It doesn't make any sense. It's irrational. Your child is more at risk of dying in a car accident on the way to school or dying of seasonal influenza based on CDC data, not mine. There's no reason to be giving Vaccines for Children for this disease. None. Dr. Paul 23:33 Yeah, we're in agreement. Now I'm going to ask you as the child psychiatrist, the tough question. So your child comes home, they're under enormous peer pressure, they can now make their own decision. Thanks to our the laws of our land in certain states, you know, a 15 year old they're trying to get it so the 12 year olds can make a decision without their parents knowledge. So your child comes home and says, Dad, I want to get this vaccine. I'm gonna get it tomorrow, because I'm allowed to make that decision, and everybody else is getting it. What do you say? Mark McDonald, MD 24:06 I would tell the parents to say the same thing that they say when their child says I'm going to go drinking, I'm going to go smoking pot, I'm going to go get a tattoo. You say to your child, I don't support that because I know that it's harmful. And right now, as your parent, I prohibit you from taking that action. When you're 18. If you want to go and get this shot, be my guest, but you will not be doing that right now. Under my house under my rules, period. Stand firm, tell your child now when your child starts kicking and screaming, but that all my friends are getting it. I don't want to be left out of the party. You bring it back to that same conversation. If all of your friends are using Coke or taking Molly or injecting themselves at that same party. Would you allow your child to go there? Absolutely not. He would say you're gonna miss out on that so called fun because it's not safe. This is the way that we do things in our house. It's my obligation to protect From your own stupid, bad decisions that are irrevocable and I'm going to do that right now. That's what I would tell the parents don't dilly dally don't pussyfoot around it. Be firm, be strong act as a parent, not as a friend, and then just tolerate the tantrums that come just like you did when your baby was 1234. Daddy, I want pizza. All my friends are eating it. You don't say Yeah, sure. How about it, have all the pizza you want get sick, get fat, get acne, it diabetic? No, you feed them vegetables. And then if they get older, if they want to get fat and obese and die early, that's sad, but it's on them. You've done your job, you can step away. Dr. Paul 25:34 Wow, thank you for that is very well put. Now I'm going to make it a little harder for you. Now it's your best friend. It's the adult who I'm going to lose my job. I can't support my family. What do I do doc? Mark McDonald, MD 25:51 This is a really challenging question. Because obviously, as adults, we have agency we have the right to make choices and decisions that may not even be in our best interest. And I do believe that firmly. I think that as soon as you start to question, the right, and I mean, right in a true citizen, legal constitutional sense, the right of an adult to make bad decisions. As soon as you start to take that away, it then has to be given over to someone else, usually the state. And I think that's a very slippery slope. Because once the state starts taking over your right to make bad decisions, it will never end. And that's why we see the removal of plastic straws, the removal of plastic bags, the enforcement of special lightbulbs, the elimination of fossil fuels, the small sizing of sodas in New York City by Bill DeBlasio. We don't need a government to micromanage our lives, even though drinking a smaller soda is actually beneficial. But the way to go about that is to educate and inform your citizenry so that they can make better decisions for themselves and learn. Just like with children, we don't try to micromanage our children's lives, when the decisions that they take will in some cases lead them to have a short term, modest harm that they will then learn from so that they don't make those mistakes in the future. So it's difficult to say we can't allow adults to make bad mistakes and say take the shots, I actually think they should be allowed to take these injections, even though I don't personally support them or as a physician. But I do think we need to inform them. And one of the reasons why adults are actually choosing to take these vaccinations and that they are poorly informed. Those who want to take them. And they're informed, by all means go do it. Many of the times though, now people who are informed and don't want them are being told if they don't take it, then they're going to lose their jobs, they're going to be ostracized, which is a form of coercion, which is illegal. It's against the Nuremberg Code of Ethics, and yet it's happening, which is another whole disgrace unto itself. What I usually tell parents or adults who are in this situation is you need to look inside yourself and ask yourself this question, there is going to be a risk for me and taking this vaccine a medical risk to myself which I cannot in any way really fully, truly know. I need to be at peace with the potential that I may permanently harm myself in accepting this injection. If I am at peace with that risk, then that person can go ahead and get the shot. However, if you are not, if you are not at peace with that, then you need to be at peace with the consequence of refusing it, which is short term and is fixable, such as having to move, such as losing your job or suffering a financial duress and then having to find a new one. These are painful experiences, but they are livable and survivable. We can all move, we can all find new jobs, if we have to leave our profession, we can retrain. If we have our health, and we have our virtue and we have our sense of integrity of our values, we can survive that. And then I leave it up to the adult and I say now go and make up your mind and be at peace with your decision. Make sure you're informed. Make sure you know what you're getting into. I think that's the best and only approach that really can be done. I don't think we should be trying to browbeat people into doing the right thing because in the end, they're going to wind up doing something later it's going to harm them anyway. They have to really be accountable for their own decisions. Wow. If you are interested in learning more about this pandemic in general and everything Coronavirus, I also host a podcast with Dr. Jeff BARCHI. We have wonderful guests on Dr. Peter McCullough was interviewed recently Dr. Aaron curiosity out of UCI and Dr. Chris rake out of UCLA fired for their stance on choice in vaccines. That is at informed dissent. media.com. The podcast is called informed dissent. And I'm also coming out with a book which should be published within the first couple weeks of November, which is called pandemic of fear. And I try to in a narrative form explain my thoughts and my understanding of how we got to where we are, which is really a state of paralysis and the inability to use our minds and to reason and to actually start attacking other people. polling people that we used to care about out of a form of real sadistic sickness. I think it's well written, and I hope it's informative and in a good read. So any of those would be good Dr. Paul 30:10 in leave preorder this book. Mark McDonald, MD 30:12 It is not yet available for pre order, it should be by the end of the month. So if you make a mental note or write down on your bedside table pandemic, or fear check in a couple of weeks on Amazon, you should be able to see it pulled up under my name. Dr. Paul 30:24 Wonderful. Dr. Mark McDonald, thank you so much you put into words so clearly what parents need to hear. And I think what every adult who's still wrestling with this decision about whether or not to do this vaccine, to really take into consideration how the magnitude of that decision that it's huge, and it is your choice. I hope we can talk again in the near future. Mark McDonald, MD 30:47 Thank you. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 30:54 Hi, everyone, my name is DD Hoover, and we are here on the set of against the wind. And we're introducing tonight, my segment Kids First, we're going to be going out in the world, sometimes bringing the world in here to bring you information of what's happening out there during COVID-19, and the vaccines and the math and the mandates and all the crazy stuff. But right now we're going to talk about what it's like to be a college student right now in the world that we're living in. So we have Sophie and Alyssa. And they are students at George Fox University. Correct? Yes. Okay. So what year are you guys in our sophomore? Okay. And last year, freshmen, obviously, tell me what it was like on campus Unknown Speaker 31:44 was really just weird, because you weren't really allowed to live normally as like a human being. There were a lot of rules. And we got really accustomed to doing things that did not, that should not be normal. There was masking in everywhere, indoors and even outdoor like organized events. Unknown Speaker 32:06 We became very used to a lot of the rules and like, for example, the mask mandate. And so yeah, just having to wear them everywhere, even outside. Especially if there were people around. And I remember that became something I was aware of like, oh, people around, I guess I'll wear one even if I didn't personally feel like threatened health wise. Unknown Speaker 32:25 There was a lot of hostility between students and judgment if you weren't wearing a mask, or if you weren't as concerned about COVID. There were a lot of just voices. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 32:38 Yeah. Did you feel like their fear was being placed on you? Unknown Speaker 32:41 Yeah, yeah, people wanted everyone else to be scared to and wanted, like, felt very strongly that if you weren't concerned about COVID, you were a bad person, or were unkind or not showing love to your fellow students. And I mean, at a Christian college, we would like to be able to trust that things will work out, okay, and that God has it in his hands. But a lot of people were way more invested in what the news and media was saying about it and concerned about the danger, which is valid, but really living in fear near, Unknown Speaker 33:27 we felt also like or I feel also like, a lot of people assumed like that I agreed with them. When it came to masking and different stuff, people assume that the general popular perspective is just true. And so like people, you know, often in conversations like criticizing people who don't wear masks or the anti maskers, not knowing that like inside I am an Oscar are torn about it more so last year. And that, like back home life was very different. And I just remember that being so strange, and especially at the beginning of school is really hard because George Fox has been known promise, and it's all about being known. And part of the beautiful thing about going to new school and a big school is the opportunity to meet new people. And I remember making that really hard because I didn't feel known a lot at the beginning. I remember calling home to my people back home who know my heart and being like, I feel like if I mentioned these things that are true about me, people jump to these conclusions because they don't actually know my heart. And they're going to assume the things that they associate with these with these things, if that makes sense. But DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 34:34 just so you're going to be seen for something that you're not Yeah, like having associations Unknown Speaker 34:37 with anyone who doesn't want to wear a mask as like a terrible person or this or that or not not intelligent. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 34:44 That was last year was masked and now we're getting ready to go to school. And vaccines are out there and tons of mandates everywhere. What happened with George Fox, what did you I heard you got an email or something? Unknown Speaker 34:56 Yes. So we got a very, we had a lot of strings of email. They were pushing the vaccination issue very hard at the beginning of the school and still saying, we're still going to do mass and everything but please, everyone get vaccinated. It's wait keep us all safe. Like please, please, please, every email DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 35:17 so there were incentives to to get it. Yeah, Unknown Speaker 35:20 they had so they did like, several different things. They, they even had like chalk art. And just like, we were annoyed because it was beautiful. And like, gosh, dang it. This is the perfect explanation or like depiction of propaganda. Like it's beautiful and yet terrible. But like chalk heart telling you to get vaccinated posters around campus. Unknown Speaker 35:41 Yeah, yeah, money gives you a giveaway. So like if you there's like a raffle for like Fred Meyer gift cards, if you got vaccinating, you could like, enter that and win $100. Unknown Speaker 35:54 And then recently, they did a free donut giveaway where they had a donut food truck come to campus that they paid for. And it was through, they had some specific like group on campus that was like, hosting this, I guess. But basically, it was if you're vaccinated, you'd get a free bag of doughnuts of like mini doughnuts, or if you signed up for this vaccination conversation thing. And it was just which I was personally really frustrated about, like they, it wouldn't be okay in any other like, divisive type thing. But for some reason, it's okay to offer free doughnuts to vaccination in vaccinated individuals only. And they've done a lot of through Instagram and social media advertising, really pushing this and really like trying to hit at the like, emotional appeals and like posting pictures of students with signs and like, interviews of this is why I get vaccinated, I do it for my community, you should do it for yours, like join me in this fight, get vaccinated. And so even though like Alyssa said, even though it's technically a choice, she's really pushing and showing that the right choice, like there is a choice, but the right choice is to be vaccinated. Unknown Speaker 37:09 Another thing that changed this year is they sent out a new like policy, about following the COVID guidelines. But the difference, the big difference this year, is that they're really severe consequences if you don't, and if you don't, if you don't follow those guidelines, Unknown Speaker 37:32 okay, they we have to constantly sign a health addendum, I think, is that what it's called, like a, basically like a health agreement that they added last year about COVID. And agreeing to follow COVID guidelines. But this year, they said that they were adding that if you don't follow these COVID guidelines, they can send you home and not refund you any of your money. Like they can kick you out of school and not give you any of your tuition money or anything back. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 37:55 That is not okay. Yeah. Yeah. Unknown Speaker 37:57 So So that goes back to the form that we were required to fill out because I was concerned that if I didn't, or if I disclose that I was choosing not to get vaccinated that they would be able to remove me from the student body. And that was something that I was asking my mom and dad about, like, do I say that? I don't haven't decided, even though I have decided to I just be upfront about it and say I'm not but and also trying to decide and navigate how much I was going to let these COVID restrictions ruin my life like, am I going to follow them super carefully, for fear of being kicked off campus and risking the tuition that are paying for college? And yes, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 38:54 if you because you're in the minority, that if you share that you don't like mask, or you don't want to wear masks where you really don't think they're doing any good. And they're affecting your health in a negative way. If you try and share that, whether there's science behind it or not, you're going to be treated differently. And if you share that you don't want to get the vaccine and maybe what some of your reasons are, that you're so far off of what everybody else believes that you're going to be treated differently. And that what I'm hearing is that you feel like you're being discriminated against. Unknown Speaker 39:25 Oh, yeah, yeah. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 39:28 Yeah. And is that fair? It's like as a college student, as you're growing up, and this is your world that you're going to be entering What the heck, Unknown Speaker 39:38 it really depends on the day because we have been DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 39:41 so it's been so on Monday, it's different than Wednesday. Unknown Speaker 39:45 A mental breakdown on Monday we're like it was Unknown Speaker 39:48 absolutely hammered into our brain since last year that this is okay and that this is normal to have these restrictions and to feel like so scared about this illness and to like be so disgusted by others. Human beings like wanting to stay away from them. And so some days it just feels minor because I've lived in this state for so long. And then other days I look around like, this is absolutely ridiculous. Everything is illogical. Nobody is using their brain. And it's really weird with professors because I look at my professors and I'm like, I truly believe that you were an intelligent individual. Doctor, you three doctor, Professor, you were coaching me. How do you not see the lack of logic in this reasoning? And it's really Unknown Speaker 40:33 bizarre. I, I feel like yeah, I've texted Alyssa before, like, I was in class. And I, I mean, this after class, I don't know. But I texted, listen, I was like, sometimes it just hits me. We're all sitting here with cloth over a face, like what the heck? Like, why are we suffocating ourselves? Like, just breathe? Like, just, why don't we just like live and I remember, like, even last year, like having the strongest desire to just walk into a building without a mask and just like live my life, and see what would happen. And I try to do that when I can now. Now I'm like, This is not okay. And it's something that's like, important to me. Because I believe that we should have a personal like freedom and choice over our own health, and how we handle our own health. I think it should be that like, if you want to wear a mask, if that makes you more comfortable in class, you can wear a mask to class. If you want to be vaccinated, you can be vaccinated. But also like if you feel healthy and fine, and you're taking vitamins and drinking water or whatever else like, and you don't want to come to class with a mask, because like, that's not you don't like believe that's good for you, in your own personal health that you should be allowed to do that. Unknown Speaker 41:35 I wanted to posit the question like I understand that rule, following rules was important to you. But what happens when we stop thinking critically about the things that are forced upon us, and at what point like right now, maybe you don't believe that this removal of freedom is is not going to be like this specific way that they have taken away your freedom is not an issue, but what happens when they have the power to take away more, and just throwing it out there that maybe this is something to be concerned about? DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 42:08 Yeah, I think we have to remember, though, that when having conversations with these other people, there's, there's three approaches you're gonna have, you start off with that expert part, here's some information that I've been given, you know, whether it's websites, or a handout, or something that this is what I'm reading, and I'm questioning this. So, you know, you're my, my college peers, and I want to know, your opinion. Yeah. Don't make them wrong, that soon as somebody like they're making you wrong, and what do you do you get defensive, you're gonna upset so you're, you're, you're not going to make them wrong. You're not going to tell them that you're right. And they're wrong, because they're going to put up defensiveness. But if you give them that expert information first, so that they have some information. And then second, it's advocating advocating for them, as well as you, I understand why you're making the decisions you're making, you're being given a lot of information. That's just one sided. So when you look at this other information, I want to advocate for both sides. I want to advocate for us being able to make decisions and enrolling them. And then that personal story, why are you making the choice that you're making? And for me, for every single person that's different? Share your story? Why do you not want to get the vaccine? What's happening for you, you talk Sophie about your spirit, and what how that affects that. And I know you have your beliefs, and your trust in your faith. So I think sharing that allows other people to see and that's they're gonna go home and think about that. Even if they disagree with you to your face. They're gonna be able to go, wow, I saw something. And even if you make them think for one second, yeah, that's what they need to do. We've got to get people thinking that there is another way. Yeah. So I want to thank you guys for being here. You're amazing. And if anybody believes you, you call me. I'm going to be on campus. Talking about vaccinated better. Thanks for watching Kids. First, it's really important that we reach out to our kids and that we, we do what's best for them. Some of these kids are really struggling, they're being discriminated against, they're being bullied against and if we want to be able to raise them to be healthy, strong, self thinking individuals, we have to support them. We can't be making people feel bad about the choices that they're making. Let's help these kids. Thank you. I'm Didi Hoover. Dr. Paul 44:46 Welcome back. Bernadette Paige here to the in the news segment that is so vital for this show. You are the Public Policy Director of informed choice Washington, the host of uninformed life, radio and so much more and you've come to mean so much to those have us here at against the wind. So today we're going to focus on an FDA panels endorsement of COVID shots for kids five to 11. Bernadette Pajer 45:09 The Defender is reporting and this is a great place to go to get the details and then hear the medical and scientific experts who are critical of what's happening. So I love this article breaking FDA panel endorses Pfizer shots for five to 11 year olds. And experts say the vaccine for kids is unnecessary, premature, and will do more harm than good. So within that article, a couple of key points there a lack of safety and efficacy data presented by Pfizer, one of their studies went two months, the other went two weeks. And there were too few children in the study for serious adverse events to really show up. Dr. Paul 45:53 This is so typical of vaccine research. They don't do long term studies. So then by the time they endorse it, and what was flabbergasting to me. I mean, I just couldn't believe it. 17 out of 18 people voted that this should be recommended than the one who didn't abstained. In other words, not a single voice with all the information in the science that we have not a single voice stood up for kids safety, and to protect our children from a vaccine they absolutely do not need. It shows Bernadette Pajer 46:23 how the entire public health system needs to be completely dismantled, brought down to the ground, and rebuilt from scratch outside of government control. Our government has proved itself unworthy, unable to ethically handle the question of vaccines. And we need to take it their power to just become giant marketing arms of pharma, out of control. So within that safety and efficacy data, they once again did not use all of the children who participated in the trial. They did this for the older age children. They eliminate why Who are these couple 100 children that they didn't even include in their final data. We know with the older children, there was a 12 year old girl whose mother's been very vocal and that Senator Ron Johnson, I believe, you know, she was at this interview with other people injured, that little girl was still in a wheelchair, just really bad health issues. And she was in the clinical trial. And Pfizer did not include her information. It's yeah, and so there's increasing safety signals, as we will know. And of course, all of the serious adverse events were considered by Pfizer by Pfizer people unrelated to the vaccine. So another huge problem being spotlighted right now is the fact that if you create a drug or a vaccine, you hire your scientists, you go out and do the safety studies, you decide what data to hand to the government, and then the government rules on what you told them. And we're talking about liability free trillion dollar product, and pharmaceutical companies with a history of fraud. And basically, you know, killing compute putting people in harm's way by hiding danger information, this is so absurd that this is happening. And then of course, we've got all that various data and what's called you RF under reporting factor which is not being considered. Dr. Paul 48:23 So in the face of Burnett in the face of this massive risks that we've been seeing reported on there's open bears, and you know, all the various people who are now coming forward saying we've been injured. Now we're going to compare that to the infection fatality rate that you've so clearly shown to be Yeah, yeah, I think Bernadette Pajer 48:45 exactly. Now, this is from Dr. Josh, I can't pronounce his name. I apologize, goats, cows, something like that. Dr. Paul 48:52 We've had him on the show. Oh, you have Bernadette Pajer 48:55 a fabulous. So if I'm understanding this, the defender article correctly, this slide was what he presented his public comment to the verbeck. COMMITTEE showing that yes, so we've got infection fatality rate. Now, a case fatality rate is people that were tested, and found to be infected, and you know, and be a case of COVID. But that doesn't include all the people who got sick. And were either asymptomatic or have really low symptoms that nobody reported it, nobody knew about it. To really understand the impact of COVID, you have to include all of those cases, and there's a way they can figure out, you know, about how many of those people are, that's your infection fatality rate, and for the zero to 17 age group, the infection fatality rate is 0.0002. And if you look at just five to 11 year olds, it's even lower. Dr. Paul 49:51 Oh, that's 100,000 Yeah. 400,000, which is about one in a billion. Bernadette Pajer 49:57 Yeah. Yeah, it's just it's It's insane that you would have them take a risk work for a product that the CDC has acknowledged causes. Heart swelling, the myocarditis, the Para carditis blood clotting. They've admitted to a Boolean bar a syndrome, they've admitted to a lot of it. You know, there's way more they haven't admitted to yet, but they've acknowledged the risk. And it's very, the younger you are, the higher the risk of myocarditis in particular. Dr. Paul 50:26 And this this shot, folks is clearly now hijacking the immune system, and creating auto immunity at unprecedented levels. And also, because the immune system is not as robust as it could be. We're now seeing massive increases in cancer and, and shingles. I happen to be watching TV the other day, I meant to say this before, I couldn't believe it. I rarely watch TV and outcomes of commercial and it says, Did you know one in three people have shingles? I thought, what, in my career, 30 plus years as a pediatrician, I can count the times I've seen shingles and kids on maybe one hand, but for sure on two hands. It is so rare, and they're now reporting one in three. In fact, when we introduced the chickenpox vaccine, it was there were only 50 deaths a year from chickenpox in the entire country. And a few more cases of shingles. And when that vaccine was introduced, the the shingles rate went up. I think it was more than 100. cases, one in three. Do you suppose they know something's happening? Or is coming? And they want to get ahead of it so that they can just once everybody's getting shingles, they can say, well, you know, one in three people get shingles. Bernadette Pajer 51:44 Oh, yeah, the marketing messages are getting ahead of the data. And the data is showing in theirs, that the shot triggers you to, you know, the shingles, if you've got a latent virus going on, it seems to be reactivating them so people are getting different herpes outbreaks and that shingles is in that family. So many things if they were late, and they were triggering, they're finding there's a signal there for diabetes. If you were borderline pre diabetic, you know, it may be triggering people to diabetes. So there was a good case study on a gentleman that it happened to. This is from a Forbes article in 2020. And it says in 1966, renowned medical ethicist Henry cay Beecher published an article titled ethics and clinical research, which elicited Willowbrook, as an example of an unethical clinical experiment concluded that quote, There is no right to risk an injury to one person for the benefit of others. And we know that we're being told you got to vaccinate the children to stop transmission to adults. Right? That's what we're being told is the main reason, although they keep harping on the news that you know, children are at risk and the cases are going up. Even Paul Offit, in that same article, said, I don't think you're ever justified to inoculate a child with an infectious virus that might kill them. But what's the difference between inoculating a child infectious virus or injecting a child with an mRNA vaccine that makes the body make a spike protein that might kill them? Right? I mean, same principle, Dr. Paul 53:29 exactly the same principle exactly the Bernadette Pajer 53:31 same principle. And so what what we really have evidence are since children do not need the shots since safe and effective treatments exist, since we know that underlying health issues for children are also what put them at risk and that you know, vitamin D, tending to underlying issues, reducing weight, all of those things improve outcomes. What is the reason being used? Well, they're saying it's false and unethical. Reason is to protect adults by vaccinating children but they admit that the shots do not prevent infection or transmission. So where's their logic? Where's their critical thinking? But the underlying reason Dr. Pol is even more hideous. The under reason underlying on non stated reason is the government wants to be able to move these products from underneath the emergency preparedness act where they're shielded from liability to the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury act shield, but they can only put them under that act today. If it's recommended to children and and pregnant women and their unborn children. I'm not I know for sure that they have to recommend to children but I know that pregnant women and their unborn children are included under that shield as well. So if they recommend it to those that means anybody who gets these products cannot sue you know, it places the product Under the shield, not the individual, if that makes sense. So the real, the real, unethical, immoral, just hideous reason. His children are being used as human financial shields for Pfizer and Maderna, in Johnson and Johnson. Dr. Paul 55:18 That, well, there it is, folks, if you want to protect the pharmaceutical industry and their massive profits, like profits we've never seen before, then you go along with this, and you sacrifice potentially sacrifice your health or your child's health, so they can have their profits. What should we do? Bernadette Pajer 55:39 There's some great stuff going on. There's some great lawsuits being filed. There's some great legislators taking action. I feel like the tide isn't really turning, but now's not the time to relax, now is the time to redouble our efforts and really stand up for what's right. Yep. Dr. Paul 55:57 And, folks, if you're watching, if you have a child who's in this age group who's now being targeted, you the parent, you The Guardian, it is absolutely up to you to do what you were put on this earth to do for your children. And that is to protect. And right now your child is being targeted for profit, Bernadette Pajer 56:18 targeted for profit. And, again, these are just four of many outstanding organizations that have your back that are fighting for you fighting for medical freedom, fighting to make sure that if you get COVID, you recover from COVID safely. So we've got the FLCC, Alliance, physicians for Informed Consent Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and America's frontline doctors. And like I said, there's many more, but these are for the core groups that I encourage you to support to visit to share their information. And if you've got it within your means to financially support them in any way that you can. Thanks, Bernadette. Dr. Paul 56:59 It's always a pleasure to get your reports. And we'll look forward to talking next week. Okay, thank Bernadette Pajer 57:05 you take care. You do. Dr. Pol. Dr. Paul 57:09 Here, doctors and science.com is where you go to get access to my exclusive members only section. This is how you the viewers support our work. We have no sponsors. 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Head on over to doctors and science comm and become a member and join the team of against the wind helped me spread the truth and share this on social media and with their friends at doctors in science.com. I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. Let's make this the weekly show the nation's been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Transcribed by https://otter.ai |
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