PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:00 Fall Welcome to with the wind science revealed. Today's episode is an interview with Danielle Baker. She is a hospice and palliative care nurse for the past 20 years, coerced to take the COVID Jab, and had resulting disability and suffering that is immense. We're going to discuss how she was treated after the injury as well. Didi Hoover talks to her mom to mom at the end. And wow, it's powerful. Enjoy the show. From the heart today is about God. It's about your higher power, our higher power. You know, we're not what we do. Life can be challenging. But your friends, your accomplishments, your popularity, that doesn't really define us, doesn't define me what people say about us. That shouldn't define us either. I've just need to remember that I'm a child of God, and allow the blessings to flow. You know, when I lost my licenses, I'm now putting a plural there. Oregon yanked my license, we're fighting that Washington just rubber stamp that and now I'm dealing with Hawaii. That took me pretty low. And I've been able, thankfully, to come out of that. It's been an opportunity to really get humble. Listen, and become aware that actually, all those things aren't what's important. There is such a bigger thing that we are all called to do to become a part of. And that's part of what this show is about. And that's part of this opportunity we have to converse together here. So join us, we can do this welcome Danielle Baker, you are an RN, you've been in the specialty that I admire more than anything and that's hospice and palliative care. I found that those of you who work in that field have the biggest hearts. Danielle Baker, RN 2:19 Thank you. I appreciate that. We have always said you don't stay in it unless you have the hospice heart. And when you do you don't want to leave it. Dr. Paul 2:37 Yeah, absolutely. And we might touch on that more you have a story to share. And I thank you so much for being willing to come on this show and share your story. But before we get into your story, which in a nutshell was in June of 2021, you took the Pfizer vaccine and within two and a half weeks your life changed. But before we get into that part, maybe share with us a little bit about your life and what it was like. You know prior to that, Danielle Baker, RN 3:08 I have seen the I had our family was so very active. I had meant the love of my life in 2009 teen I had lost around I think 160 pounds in a brace to active life style. We met at our work both of us contracted and brought a blended family together. I had this son and he had a daughter and we were always busy. Every weekend we were doing something whether it was hiking or primitive camping, we fished hunted kayak, it just always active because we wanted to instill that into our children, active life style. It we had them in rolled in sports and I was the soccer mom and my husband coached. So we were always doing some thing. Dr. Paul 4:48 Yeah, thank you for the pictures you sent. I saw that you were very active fishing, hunting, sports climbing. I mean hiking, beautiful family links I'm, by the way, what led you to go into hospice, Danielle Baker, RN 5:05 I worked, and now hospital on and women's oncology floor, I had always known I wanted to go into health care. And when I did my preceptorship on the oncology floor, I fell in love with it. But while I worked there, I noticed, so many people felt they didn't have a choice in their care. They were so far advanced and cancer and the only script that they heard was you need more and more chemo, more radiation. And I sat at the bedside of so many women just crying, not knowing what to do. I developed the the love in the idea of autonomy, and in having the options presented in a clear and transparent manner and letting them make a choice and how they wanted their care to go. So that's naturally led me into hospice care. Dr. Paul 6:42 Wow, well, no doubt, you've been a blessing to so many. I know a couple of hospitals, nurses, and they share how, at the end of life, there's nothing more genuine than the communication that goes on at that moment in your life. And you've been a part of that for I imagine hundreds of people, Danielle Baker, RN 7:03 it is such an honor to be involved at the end of life and to be able to take the time and sit down and present options. And I always say, my job is to give you options, it is not to steer your ship, I will help you and support whatever decisions that you make, because it is not my journey. It is their journey. Dr. Paul 7:50 Wow, that's beautiful. Dr. Joel Wallskog 7:55 So Dr. Paul 7:56 I I imagine your speech was a little different prior to June of 2021. Danielle Baker, RN 8:06 complete ly normal. Yeah, I didn't have any issues with word of finding I didn't stutter over myself. I was normal. Dr. Paul 8:24 Yeah. You're beautiful nonetheless. And you just see the beauty coming through. So let's talk about what led up to you having to get a COVID vaccine. Danielle Baker, RN 8:40 And Toine need money at the end and gin new area 21 They rolled out the shot for health care workers and facility patients. I knew at that time with my rudimentary understanding of how medicine passes through the DEA that the speed and the lack of study was extremely scary to me. So I didn't want to take it. I felt I would take the watch and wait approach. As the year 2021 went forward. i i Not just me, but our whole company started receiving e mails and encouraging the shocked they continued to become More aggressive, coming more often always talking about the safety and effective ness of it. And May, I believe, April or May of 2021, we got an email from my former and employer that stayed did that we had to have the shot series started or completed by July, in order to retain our benefit of what I refer to as the COVID. Safety Net, is we were working and we contracted COVID. Or if we got the shot and had ill effects from it, then they covered our time off for recovery. If you didn't have it done by July, that was no longer of benefit that would be offered to you. In addition to that, they begin segregating and Vaxxed in the an evac, so it was quite clear, who took it and who didn't offering incentives up to $20,000 to take the shot. In addition to it, we knew that in July, it would be man dated in order to continue our career at a Haas this. I had a long conversation with my husband. I carry the insurance for our family and we need did my N Come and we have to hire auctioning special needs children who needed support as well. So I opted to move forward with it under the premise that if some thing happened, I would be supported by my employer. Dr. Paul 13:08 That is a huge coercive force 20,000 Bonus. You got your job on the line, you're trying to support your family. I completely understand. I've had many friends and patients in my practice when I was still practicing, who made the same tough choice because they were they didn't see how they could move forward to support their families, etc. Right. Dr. Joel Wallskog 13:38 Wow. Well go ahead and tell us what happened. Danielle Baker, RN 13:46 I began the series and my first one was June the fourth of the 2021. And my second was June the 26th of 2008. When we won on the second in Junction, I had a fall that same day, within 12 hours of getting it I had to paint and the same arm I was in jected and that went up and to my face and down my arm. I knew something was wrong. I didn't go to seek help until the next day when So the symptoms continued to get worse. By the time I went in to the ER, I was screaming in pain just to get on the GRE need to be examined. That was the first time that I thought it could be related to the and objection. Just not in the way it turned out to be. I thought it was injected into the wrong area. And that's what caused it. None the last I asked that physician assistant in the ER, if it could be related to the in subjection, and I for Scott and mediate? No, I was sent to X ray. And I was discharged within 30 minutes without any answers of what was going on. Dr. Paul 16:30 Wow. Whereabouts in your body was the pain. Danielle Baker, RN 16:34 It started in my upper arm, but it went into my shoulder up into my face. And down in to my arm. I had the sensory issues with that as well as well. We did go my husband's a OT and occupational therapist. And he tried to work on my arm after the discharge from the ER and he could didn't because it was so much pain. So he took me to an ortho clinic the next day. The ortho doctor came and pulled my X ray from the ER and show does that I actually had a separation and my AC joint. But my son dumbs we're still not equal to normal presentation. They were so severe he sent us back to the ER to have a neck CT scan that came back. Clear. So we thought we were just dealing with the separation of my joint. Dr. Paul 18:31 Yeah, so that was your shoulder joint that had a separation kind of like a dislocation I Danielle Baker, RN 18:36 suppose. They Exactly. And the Dr. Paul 18:40 ortho were they able to put your shoulder back in place? Danielle Baker, RN 18:44 I didn't need that the separation wasn't that is the Veer. I randomly when he pulled up the X ray from the previous ER visit there was a huge arrow pointing to the separation. And that ER doctor from the first visit still told us nothing was wrong. Dr. Paul 19:21 Probably picked up when it was officially read by the radiologists. I'm guessing Danielle Baker, RN 19:28 I I don't know. I wish that he would have listened to me. I don't know that it would have changed that out come but I just can't help but feel because I asked about the shot that I was brushed off. Dr. Paul 19:59 Maybe If that happens way too often. So you had the fall, and I suppose there was this thought that well, maybe it was just the fall and you hurt your shoulder. So maybe it was just related in the fall. But things clearly progressed, what, what then happened Danielle Baker, RN 20:18 and I wasn't getting better. I was having an increase and the numbness, tingling and pain in my arm. It all came to head about July the seventh teeth that about 28 to 20 days after we were writing and the car, and I had a tremendous amount of back pain between my shoulder blades. And it was something that felt like a kid needs them but higher up from that, I began to have progression of my symptoms over the next four days. It moved from my arm, into my right leg, over to the left leg and up in to my left arm. sensory issues the pain and it affected my coordination, my ability to walk and by day four. I was basic, clean wheel chair about Wow. Dr. Paul 22:24 Well, clearly that's not related to the fall. At this point, it's pretty clear something happened. How did the doctors in the hospital deal with this was Was anybody willing to say that this was related to the vaccine? Danielle Baker, RN 22:45 Yes. So I being stubborn, I kept telling my husband like it was her real. Like, why am I making this up in my mind, how could this be happening? And I refuse, I used to go to the ER again. I waited for an outpatient appointment with my ortho though. He sent me to a spine doctor. They ordered an out patient MRI A week later, when I got it, I it showed D myelination and C three through C seven. I talked with my cousin's wife who was a neuro nurse practitioner and she and he took me to the ER for mission under her practice. In the ER visit. We had a doctor, the ER doctor came in and sat down with us and you could just tell he himself was just dressed and he told us that I had what he thought was trans verse myelitis. From the shots he felt the shot caused my body to attack my spinal cord similarly to M S, one of the interesting things that he told us was his sister was in evolved years ago developing the mRNA technology. And he said that he had conversations with her prior to us, and that he was sorry, because it was never meant to be used in this manner. Dr. Paul 25:44 Wow. That's powerful information direct from a physician who had a direct connection. Wow. Danielle Baker, RN 25:51 Absolutely. And he's the first one that documented clearly the connection. Dr. Paul 26:01 Yeah, I believe, and you've probably researched this and may know, but I think transverse myelitis is listed as one of the potential side effects from that Pfizer shot in there. I think they had that in their information, right? Danielle Baker, RN 26:19 Yes, I believe they did. When I was hospitalized, I went down the Google rabbit hole. And I didn't find much about it, except for the initial advisor trials were stopped because of this exact reason. And they found a reason to dis miss any one that came down with transverse myelitis as a different cough. I don't think that it is officially recognized by the FDA, though as a expected side effect. Dr. Paul 27:21 Yeah, it's tragic that the very people who are doing these trials, and supposed to report what they find, will play games with the data and discard people who aren't going to help their cause for bringing this product to market. And then I remember early on when we started seeing people having, you know, a lot of shaking and obviously obvious neurological things. And then people would would discredit that and make fun of it. And it's like, Okay, now we have people dropping dead on the playing fields, you know, and you can't say they're faking death. I mean, it's just ludicrous. For folks who don't understand transverse myelitis. And what you were talking about D myelination? Myelin is the sheath around the nerve, and without it, it the nerves don't connect, they don't transmit efficiently. And this is affected. It seems a lot of your body, right. Danielle Baker, RN 28:27 Yes, I am constant Lee fans. I mean, I have the signals are in or erupted and with my walking bounced a corded nation. We don't necessarily know that my speech is related to that. But they believe it's related to the vaccine vaccination and in some manner, we just don't know what. Dr. Paul 29:20 Yeah, well, if nerves aren't connecting efficiently, processing is going to be difficult and God bless you, you work so hard to communicate and you do it so beautifully. And I know this must be such a huge effort. So thank you for that. Now, I'm just curious, the proper process in medicine when we have a clear cause and effect. I mean, you took this shot and you had a bad outcome. And so what we're supposed to do as doctors is report that to there's the vaccine adverse events reporting system Done. What was your experience with that? Danielle Baker, RN 30:04 It was never reported. I, after I think the day after I was discharged from the hospital, I kind of thought through the whole hospitalization, and I realized that nobody asked what that fascination I was given what my lot numbers or any thing. So that clued me and that it was never reported. And I had no idea of the various reporting system and until I was hospitalized, it's not something they teach in nursing school. And I would give flu shots and to my hospice patients, but never had a reason to know about it. So when I did find out about it, I did look and there wasn't anything reported on my B half. So I did submit a report, in addition to reporting to Med Watch it from the F dA. Later, I didn't follow up on any thing. But I was asked just a couple months ago, to look for some follow up. And my report is gone. From there. This appeared nowhere to be found. I reached out to one of the nurses that was so caring on the floor that took care of me. And I asked her about theirs and the administration and the reporting system. And she told me she knew nothing of theirs, that they never gave them any directive. And nothing was reported on my behalf that she knew of. So I clarified and collaborated my suspicion that that it did not take place from the hospital. Dr. Paul 33:33 Yeah. What you point out is the perfect explanation for why there's under reports to a magnitude we have no idea. I mean, we get estimates that it's, you know, 40 times under reported or 100 times under reported, the Harvard Pilgrim study showed that only 1% of things were being reported. But doctors, one don't know about it, too. It's so cumbersome, it takes so long that most won't. If they've tried once they usually realize well, I'm not gonna do that, again. Sometimes it can take two three hours to get a report in. But the even worse than that, is the fact that you actually reported it, and it disappeared. And I've heard this many many times. So we have a real problem in our system that is specifically making sure things are not reported. And even when they are that they can disappear. We have a very broken system. You are living proof of extreme harm from this shot. And other than your willingness to share it. It would go unnoticed. Danielle Baker, RN 34:56 In and All platforms like yours are the only reason that we don't go on notice. Main this streaming media has no desire to bring for word, what is happening, despite hundreds of 1000s if not more people that have bravely come forward and said, I am injured too, or I lost a loved one. It just goes on noticed we're invisible. Dr. Paul 35:53 Yeah, it's tragic. I'm so sorry. So are you still basically in a wheelchair or how's your walking coming along? Danielle Baker, RN 36:04 The first three months after my injury, I did have intense physical therapy, which is still going and I have really gained some function. I don't walk in me were in their normal, I have to utilize Walker cane in the house I furniture walk which is not safe. But I when I go out, I have a transport wheelchair and scooter that I utilize, I have foot drop. So I drag my feet. And I have a hard time coordinating the step being. So I did have some gain back. But I am at what they consider a maximum medically and prove. So they don't expect me to gain any more back. Oh, boy. Dr. Paul 37:45 Mile and regeneration is a real challenge. And I know you've probably researched this you work in this field. But don't give up. I always feel like there, there's hope that the recovery may be excruciatingly painfully slow. But I would never give up hope. So as a pediatrician, some of the sickest kids I saw were, for example, at least as far as chronic illness goes was severe autism, right? And, tragically, our profession kind of goes, Well, you got autism, we don't know what to do. Good luck. And I'm wondering, you know, you, you experienced real severe consequences. I mean, you didn't die, but wow, the things you're going through and continue to go through. I would think the medical profession would be all in to help you what has been your experience in the kind of help you've gotten. Danielle Baker, RN 38:50 My core set of doctors that I saw at the beginning, are supportive of me. That being said, if it wasn't them who saw me in the hospital, then it was a different story. It was we don't believe you. I had a hospitalization last year because I had in crease in my symptoms. And my neurologist asked for me to go. I went but he was out of town. So I had a set of notes neurologists in doctors, I didn't know. Despite the heavy documentation and my chart of my diagnoses, I had them come in to my room with me and my husband. And they looked at me and said, What do you want us to do? And make up a dike? nooses? You are fine. And they wrote that I needed a psych concept. Oh, boy, Dr. Paul 40:56 you are intentionally causing foot drop. I mean, the absurdity of that Danielle Baker, RN 41:03 I have either nomic dysfunction, foot drop beer of baristas. I have so many things. They, on my am G, were able to insert needles into my legs far down into the joint junctions, and I didn't feel it. I can't make that up me better. But they seem to think I did. That makes me just plain old mad. That's crazy. Us too, because now it's a part of my permanent record. And even though my primary neurologist put a note in disputing what they said it's still there. So now I have a worker's comp case open. And my former and employer, the doctor they hired has latched on to that. Dr. Paul 42:26 Oh, wow. That this is so ridiculously wrong and evil that hopefully a good attorney can help you because oh my god, it just is beyond how can people do this? I am so so so so so sorry. I know you're gonna fight on and I hope there's victory for you at least in getting compensated. There's no compensation monetarily for what you've gone through. I mean, what you've lost is just about everything. As far as your function, right? Yeah. Wow. Danielle Baker, RN 43:11 Go ahead. I don't even have a proper bowel and bladder function. Dr. Paul 43:19 And that makes license just traveling is hard. Right without that. What would you man? What, what would you like others to know? Based on what you've gone through now? Danielle Baker, RN 43:39 What would you like people to know? Oh, that's such a hard question. Because there's so so much. I think the main thing that I want to ensure people know is that if you are going through anything that you think might be related to the shop or reach out, you don't have to be a silent and we have such a huge support system there. They're my extended family. They know what we're going through. And it is okay to speak up and acknowledge what's going on. There are people out there that are cruel, but we have that support. that we can help. We have a lot of connections and there are things that can help. I recently started a detox from root brand. I wasn't able to do other detoxes because I needed micro dosing and I'm already seeing such positive results. So, there is always hope, let us help you. Dr. Paul 45:44 And do you have any specific places you would point people to to start that search? Danielle Baker, RN 45:52 Again, we talk about it is a good resource. React night team is a good resource. If l Z Z Z is a good resource, and if you're on face book, just look up Vaccine Injury support, and you will find many, many support groups. And I am always willing to help connect people if they want to get a hold of me. Just Google not to go but look me on Facebook. Danielle, they Garan I am always happy to help connect people. Dr. Paul 46:56 God bless you. That is so so amazing. Despite everything you're going through, you're trying to do what you can to help others. I know this is a crazy question. But I'm just wondering, there's still people out there who are maybe maybe they took one or they took two and there they somehow are okayish or okay. And there's still a sub some percentage of people who haven't taken any of these COVID jabs. What would you say to them? Were anybody actually as far as getting any more Danielle Baker, RN 47:38 stuff. I never thought I would be in this position and will happen to you. It's just a matter of time. Your symptoms may not be as severe as mine. But they have shown that the more you get, the more sense that the boy you are to have the problems and they might be silent right now, but it's doing damage that you just are not aware of. And by the time you're aware, it'll be too late. Dr. Paul 48:49 Thank you for that. That's one fact that you allude to is you cannot take it out. Once you get it it's in you you can't take it out do you have any closing thoughts you want to leave with people? Oh just Danielle Baker, RN 49:17 list isn't a political problem. It's not so many people want to make it up I would call issue and it's a humanitarian crisis. We don't come forward to speak up Dr. Paul 49:51 because Danielle Baker, RN 49:54 we want to end Durrer the abuse by those who don't believe us? We come forward in hopes of helping people from not be coming. What we are and our fate but only way that that's gonna happen is if you stop we're in financial ruin we are life completely changed and I don't want to see anybody else experience but we have Dr. Paul 50:48 I thank you so much for being on with the wind science revealed you are actually doing exactly what the most you possibly could. I am so grateful. Danielle Baker, RN 51:03 I really appreciate you having me on. It means the world to me and our fee agree. Well, thank you. Hi, Danielle. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 51:22 Hi. So I just want to ask you if you're willing to share what was the what do you think is been the biggest? The hardest part for you as a mom? Is it your kids having to watch you go through what you go through? Is it not being able to do certain things, just share what that's like Dr. Paul 51:49 take your time, sweetie. Danielle Baker, RN 51:56 That's the hardest part of this is my family. They are so use to me being on the go and be the the mom that works in comes and fixes dinner and helps with homework and helps transport to their ACH tivity. And now it all falls on my husband and our parents and our friend. My son in particular has had to grow up and he's lost his innocence. He is so afraid that I'm gonna fall and he's always hollering for somebody to be around me in case something happened. That's not fair. I can't drive. I don't know if I can tolerate going to any of his they lost everything that they had in me. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 54:14 Still have you? I think that's the thing and whether it's you know, that's the hardest part is our children are affected by us and who we are and our well being and whether it's a vaccine injury in your case. Tragic injury and or whether, you know, families, I coach some kids on wellness, who've lost their parents and especially moms to cancer. It's you're used to having that person there for you. That's who we are and who we want to be as a mom. Danielle Baker, RN 54:45 It's not fair to them. You know, I took it thinking that I was doing what was best for my family and in the end would be the worst thing for my if you DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 55:06 know, what's hard to, and thanks for sharing that is that the intention and what we move forward with. And I think that's why your story is so important in talking to these moms, any moms and dads, anyone listening to this as a parent, you are a parent first. And if there's anything, any doubts, listen to that intuition. Listen to what your heart and your soul is testing, or is telling you. And that I think is, is probably the most important thing. And I know, that's what you're saying now. What would you say to that mom? That's maybe hearing this but as like, yeah, I, I, how do I protect my family? Danielle Baker, RN 55:51 Now, we are seeing a movement of agencies that are focusing more on a holistic approach, and more opportunities for positions that you don't have to take the sock in order to retain your job or get a new one. There's a new company of women, nursing, who is taking that approach their private membership, they're not governed by Medicare or in surance. And I would encourage people, if it comes down to a choice, don't do it. Because if you do, I wholly believe every buddy is affected by it in some manner, you just don't know what that is. And it's not worth any loss to take it. There are so many opportunities now that there are different career paths. And in addition to that, apply for an exemption apply for a religious exemption, because you don't have to belong to an organized religion in order to be granted. That. Just, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 58:15 that's what you offer. And thanks for saying that, because that's the piece is there's a lot out there. I think what is so tragic is that you and so many people have had to suffer what you have. And whether it's you know, people want to look at bears or whatever it is, is hearing this, we don't know when you take that shot, like you said, maybe it'll affect you down the road, maybe it's going to affect just your immune system. Who knows, maybe some people aren't affected by it all, but you don't know. And, again, if us as parents or younger, you're so young, there's so much still ahead. And I honestly I tell so many young people all the time, it's like and even if you have taken some shots, you can stop. There's no reason to doing another booster. There's tons of help out there. There's tons of support out there. And the more and more that someone like yourself continues to speak up. So again, if a mom's listening to this or a dad's listening and says you know I just I love my job I want my job. Speak up, share Danielle story, share all of you know reach out to info at Dr. Paula proved.com Then we can share lots of resources with you and just going on with with of the wind and seeing all the different stories and things share that with your boss, not just these extensions, but just say, this is what I'm feeling and you know, thanks for maybe a safety net or thanks for all these different things but that's not gonna help me if something happens to me, and it's not going to help your children. Danielle Baker, RN 59:55 It's it's not so many Do people want to fear monger? Those who ought to not get their children shots? And that's all it is. It's a fear mongering our children will be okay. But if you get them vaccinated, you can't reverse that damage that's done. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 1:00:34 No, and especially now there's so much proof of the damage and the and the death toll and I just why somebody and I, it's very upsetting to me as a mom and I bet to you to to know that schools even are going to mandate a COVID vaccine to a sentence for when there is so much proof that it is not killing our children. And it's just so sad to see. So I want to thank you, I know that it takes a lot for you, with your health now to be able to even talk to people. So thank you for giving your time to us. Danielle Baker, RN 1:01:14 I truly appreciate you taking the time to talk to me, especially about our children, because we have to protect them with every thing that we have. I am injured and I have my issues but I am still Mama Bear and I will fiercely protect my children and I want to help protect everybody's children. They shouldn't lose their innocence because of this. Alright sweetie, take care. Okay. Thank you very much. I'm not going to let you go. I hate that. Thank you Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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