PDF:Text:Dr. Paul 0:00
With the Wind science revealed, today's shows a little different folks. We are interviewing a family with three generations, kids, three moms and grandma. I'm actually having Didi Hoover do the interviewing Yours truly, I'm behind the camera. We did this while we were speaking in Utah. You're going to hear the perspective on vaccines and vaccine injury from all three generations, all three moms and their different perspectives. Enjoy the show. Dr. Paul, today, my topic is forgiveness. Now I'm basically a happy person and I feel blessed with lots of endorphins. I'm surrounded by loving people. I have plenty of passion in my life, of forgiveness, who that one I struggle with. I think the hardest part about forgiveness, the toughest person to forgive is yourself. Um, speaking of myself, you know how I raised my kids, how I responded to my partner in times of stress or distress within our world. The actions I took the words I spoke, at times, many times they were harmful. I don't always have the opportunity to work it out with them. And for some, I can't make amends. I struggle with that. I can't help them process what happened. I can't help them resolve their hurt. So I'm realizing I have to forgive myself. I've got to own what I said. I've got to own what happened. I can't change what happened in the past. Things like my parenting, how I vaccinated my kids before I knew better. You know, everything I did, how I handled marital stress, and so many relationships. I wished I had done better. You know and forgiving myself. I just have to remember also, when you know better you can do better. Tom, I wished I had done better. I really do. We all need love and forgiveness. This takes grace. It takes hope. No loves power, though. It's endless. I feel blessed by that. And I take great comfort in that. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 2:26 Hey, it's me, DD Hoover with kids first forever. And with the wind. I am here with two incredible kids. So Dr. Paul and I came to a conference called a better way at in St. George Utah, St. George Utah. So is this the only place you've lived? Leavitt Family 2:43 No. Moved in a lot of places Look, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 2:47 man. So um, I think but. So it's Harlow, and you're 10. Yes. And you're Paxton and you're 20. Not 21. After hanging out with this kid for a little bit, you would think he's 20. His favorite subject is chemistry. What kid likes chemistry? How old? Are you? 1313 Oh, got it. So he's a teenager. So I have questions. I was talking to your parents and your grandparents. And I heard that you have some different things in your life, just different supplements and kind of things you have to do differently than maybe the average kid. And that you your parents had. Now no. And I have learned that sometimes vaccines can change our body and make us need or have different things. Can you tell me a little bit about what your situation is and how your life is maybe a little different because of that. Leavitt Family 3:48 So when I saw I had eye problems, and I think it loosen the muscles on my eyes, so I had to do like exercises to get them better. Because I don't know why. But I used to see double. Whoa, yeah, that can be scary. And I think it was because of vaccines. Yeah. And that's what actually DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 4:07 so folks, what I want to share is that, you know, I hear a lot of people say who really believe that vaccines are safe and effective. There are times where a vaccine can affect something within a child and immune are different pieces. So this had happened with the parents and even that the eye doctor that saw Paxton said, you know, this happened after a vaccine. You know, we hear all the time that, oh, it could have happened, it would have happened anyway, whatever the case is, but it changed some things. It went from being a normal vision to having a vision issue. So tell me more about it, though. I heard that after a while you you saw somebody that helped you. Unknown Speaker 4:48 Yeah, so it was a doctor. And he's the one that told my parents about the exercises. Okay. And it basically made me better. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 4:56 Yeah. And so you wear glasses though, is that because of Unknown Speaker 5:00 that not just because my eyesight is bad. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 5:03 Okay, and you also have a younger sister that has glasses too. So yes. And what about you? No glasses for you? No, no. Did you have any vaccines? I forgot to ask your mom, do you know Unknown Speaker 5:19 that she did get some Yeah, I have ear problems. Okay, it's hard to get two surgeries, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 5:25 two surgeries on your ears? Oh, was that scary? Or were you? How old? Were you? When that happened? You know, um, last time I was nine, nine? I think. So I don't know, four or five. Okay. So, again, the point of sharing with sharing this with you and sharing these kids stories is, these are children who received vaccines. And I hear all the time well, my kids got vaccine, and now they get sick all the time. But they're not injured. They didn't have this or that. I guess for me, and what we're trying to share is that if the vaccines are causing our kids to get sick, if there's something that happens in their bodies, and whether it's the aluminum no matter what it is, if it affects our children, and makes it so that they have to have surgeries or have something happen in order for them to be able to see to be able to hear to be able to function like every other kid that's out there, that I think we have to think about that. So now I'm gonna ask a question. So this question is, your grandma especially, is all out to educate people on what vaccines do. What do you know about it? Like, what do you hear about vaccines, that they're very bad that they're bad? So what do you think? Yeah, I Unknown Speaker 6:45 think that they can be bad for you. And I think that there's like illegal stuff inside of them. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 6:51 Yeah, it's illegal, but it can be lethal. So it is not the thing is there's we don't know, like, when you get older, and you have kids, you have a choice of whether or not you're gonna vaccinate your children. I know you're really young, but you're handsome, and some girls gonna want you and you're gonna get married, and you're gonna have kids, are you gonna vaccinate them? Leavitt Family 7:14 All? It depends if they're good or not. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 7:16 Right. So that's something I want to talk about real quick. The idea of vaccines and talking to you about this show, you will hear so much as you were older. And you brought up a perfect point, Paxton, if they're good, if they could create what if the CDC could create a vaccine that was truly safe, but prevented you from getting a deadly disease? You'd be all in right? Yeah. So I want both of you to grow up since you like chemistry, and I want you to develop a vaccine that's safe and effective. Okay. Okay. So do you guys want to say anything that anybody out there watching? Don't take the vaccine? And especially when we talk about let's talk about the COVID vaccine real quick. So you have not had it? Do you? What do you think about it? Do you hear like all the things happening? Unknown Speaker 8:12 Um, yeah, I sometimes hear that it's like, it can take kind of bad for some people have just heard stories that after people get it to like, get sick or something, then they just don't know what happened. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 8:24 Right. And do you guys watch TV much like football or anything? I think and hear those stories. Unknown Speaker 8:32 My dad watches Supercross. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 8:35 Oh, what Supercross I need education. Yeah, and that's, that's the thing with the COVID vaccine, there are people that want that to be for kids. And at a certain point, you can even make your own choice to get a vaccine. You don't even have to have your parents permission. So when it comes to the COVID vaccine, do you feel like you have the knowledge to make a good decision? I probably Unknown Speaker 8:58 asked my parents first. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 9:00 Yeah, kids. Yes. You ask your parents first. You're not 18 You're 13 you're 12 And I'm hearing it 11 You can make those decisions. You don't know for sure. So listening to these kids. You check with your parents is I don't know that you're probably not going to go online and do research on vaccines, right? No, that's why you have parents. So do you have anything to say to everybody out there? Unknown Speaker 9:26 Just talk to your parents first. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 9:28 Yay. Thanks for joining me. Thanks for listening. I am here with two beautiful, incredible women were the same age by the way, and I am aging much faster. Just kidding. I'm old enough to be their mom. I have had an opportunity to meet your families. It was so cool and so wonderful. It has been incredible being here. So as you know, we travel a lot and we talk to lots of families. The reason for wanting to share your story is that There are moms that are out there that listen, and to know what you went through is helpful. And that's why we say, speak up, talk out, you know what you know. And so you need to share whether or not somebody wants to listen to you, or they want to think you're crazy. It doesn't matter. So getting going. Tell everybody who you are. Leavitt Family 10:27 My name is Brianna Breiner. I'm a mom of three. I'm 34. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 10:34 And you have two children that are vaccinated. Unknown Speaker 10:37 So I actually have I have three kids and my first two are full. Actually, my first is fully vaccinated. My second, we didn't do kindergarten. So we did up until kindergarten. And then my third, we did up to six months. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 10:55 Okay, so the question I have when you say that your that your first child is fully vaccinated, he's actually not fully vaccinated. You stopped at a certain point? Yes. Can you tell me why you stopped, Unknown Speaker 11:05 um, because I started having doubts. While I was doing. So he has he had a vision problems. It was called strabismus. Later I learned in some package inserts, it's, it's labeled as ocular palsy. It's where his eyes turned and cause double vision. And so we went to our diet, our eye doctor, because that's what you do, right? When there's a problem, you go to the doctor. And they said it was genetic, and it was muscle muscle issues. And a surgery would take care of it. Actually, like that was not really a big deal. But a surgery on the child's eyes like seems like a DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 11:47 big deal. That is a very big deal. Just for those that don't know, yes, it's Unknown Speaker 11:51 felt like a big deal. But we did it because that's what you do. When you there's a problem. You fix it. So we did it. And it was not successful. And it didn't help at all. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 12:03 So was he born with the with this? No. So this is the thing that I need for people to understand is there are so many times when someone will say, Well, how do you notice a vaccine? Or how do you know this? He was not born with this? This happened? After a vaccine, correct? Unknown Speaker 12:19 Yes. And I didn't I didn't put that together until a different doctor asked to be planted it yeah, yes. And then. And then it was like, the, my eyes were open. All of a sudden it was like I was just walking in the dark. And then that one sentence was said, and it was like, Oh, my gosh. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 12:43 And there were other. Were there other issues like eczema allergies? Did you notice? Were they still really healthy babies? Or did you notice that maybe they got sicker a little more often than some of us? We Unknown Speaker 12:58 did ear infections we had he's really prone to strep, strep throat. Um, I wouldn't say he was the healthiest child, I would say. My baby that didn't get as many vaccines is by far healthier. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 13:16 And she's Wilder. girl's eyes brighten open. Yes. Yeah. So like Unknown Speaker 13:23 back to him. We did a second surgery didn't help. So that's when I was like, we're gonna we're gonna do something different. Primary shoulders wanted to do a third and I took a step back. And I paused on that. And I started researching alternative things that we could try. And that neuro doctor is the one that said, Do you think it could have been a vaccine? And I was like, Oh, my gosh, I, I hope not. Because then I did this. Like I, I caused this, but not knowing that DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 13:58 meat. And that's the point is in for those of you that have heard my story before, mother's guilt is very real. But so to share with y'all. My son is 23 now, and there are still times when I talk or speak out. And one of the times I was out, and he came over to me again. And he told me one day he's like, You have to stop feeling guilty. And I said I never will. And he's like, Well, you do because guess what, Mom, you didn't do this to me. The vaccine did this to me. And you only knew what you knew. And there's a part of me, it's like, well, I was vaccine injured as a child. Shouldn't I have known better? I trusted people who told me that this was important to do to protect my child when you hear that? Yeah, you do that you do that. So you do have to let go of that go. And it's not something you can ever do. You didn't do it to him the vaccine did. Now what you did do is you figured it out. And you stopped and your kid is amazing. And that's the thing. I think that that Dr. Paul when he does his talk talks about is once you stop, your child gets healthier. And by seeing the doctor that you did and even Paxton himself, if you haven't seen the Paxton DD and Harlow interview, you need to watch it. He even said, you know, I did these exercises? Yes. Oh my god, he did exercises, and you got healthy or about him healthiest from what I understand started eating different things. Yeah, Unknown Speaker 15:22 diet played a role into it. And it was brain therapy like brain exercises. You know how, when a child is developed, developing, they should crawl, they should crawl and then walk. We had to learn certain steps again. And the surgeries so with his eyes turning, he was a 29. That's what they labeled, it was a 29. The surgeries got him to about a 26. So they didn't really do anything. After we completed the Leavitt Family 15:56 protocol, the protocol. He's DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 16:02 he has a for it. In the interview, I asked him because you haven't seen it yet. I asked him for? No, no, I'm gonna say it for but I said, Well, you're wearing glasses. And he goes, Yeah, that's because I have an eye problem. Point is that vision, our vision? I mean, I know people who are unvaccinated who have vision issues, there are things that happen and and I said, Yeah, and Rowan, your six year old, wears glasses. She does. And so I think it's something that we there's never the intention to blame everything on a vaccine, Leavitt Family 16:38 and both her and her husband have utilized to speak. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 16:44 And that's and that's part of it to understand that nothing is affiliated, but at the same time, you notice that there's a health issue with vaccinations, and so you're stopped. So you're gonna have a fourth child, Unknown Speaker 16:56 I am not okay. I was gonna say, but you're not gonna vaccinate. But if I was I was not going to vaccinate and, and that's why I tried to share my story. Because a lot of times it takes something really hard. You have to go through something really hard to learn the lessons. And I just don't want to ever say I didn't share my story. If I could even help one person. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 17:24 And that's the point. I know, it's not easy to talk to other people. And last night, when I was talking to you personally off camera, you know, you can see the emotion. And that's the thing is people need to understand, if someone has holding this tiny baby, and they're listening to your stories, it's whether or not they choose to do anything about it. You did everything you could. And that's what speaking out is why it's so important. Because it's very real. And a lot of people don't understand that. And that's that is the hard part. But it is important. And you're raising kids that are going to speak out. So I asked him if so one thing that's happening in Oregon, I don't know if it's here is that children can choose to get the GO COVID vaccine at school without parent permission at 11 or 12. I'm not sure. So I don't know what it is here. So I asked Paxton. It's like what are you going to do? If that comes? Are you gonna go on Google and research it? He's like, they both said I'd asked my parents. So talking to them about certain things at certain points we, I wish we didn't have to. But if your child is in the public school system, you have to make sure that you educate them on when you go to school and somebody asks you to make a decision that's on your mom, that's on your dad, that's your parents choice. But I'm finding that if you don't tell them that then the kids don't know that. And then they go to school, and they're asked to do something and they're told, I've heard of more than one story where a 12 year old was told, you know, there was the HPV shot, and the schools was giving them and the daughter knew that the mom did not want to have vaccinations done at school. But she chose because once she got a $50 gift certificate for getting the shot, and this is HPV, and she was told that her parents obviously doesn't care enough about her that she wouldn't want to get the shot when she's 12. So there are things that are being said and done. So unfortunately at some point, we do have to talk with kids about things like that. And you've done a great job. Okay. You have 20 children. Yes, when you have twins, it's like 12 times. Unknown Speaker 19:32 Yes. Especially in the early years. I felt like way more than DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 19:36 so did you did you tell everybody who you are yet? Unknown Speaker 19:39 No, let's Oh, sorry. I am Caitlin Winningham. I'm Brianna sister. And I have had I'm sorry. I'm 31 years old. I have three kids a 10 year old and then twins who are will be seven next week. Unknown Speaker 19:57 So oh yay. No DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 20:00 So, folks, there's a motion. Because when you don't know when you do something again, we just talked about Mother's guilt. So I want you to breathe and take your time. You can use my shirt I, like Unknown Speaker 20:15 I haven't talked about it for a long time. Unknown Speaker 20:20 Because he is doing really well. And it's just got exhausting, like, Leavitt Family 20:28 because I was talking about it back in late 2016. And so like, for years, I was talking about it and like, I've watched so many people. So many friends who just crazy, like, I don't know how they feel now, like now that COVID has come out like I'm sure they feel different. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 20:50 So remember, say you were talking about it in 2016. That was when? What's the new Sorry, I'm forget all Nixon. Nixon was born in? Unknown Speaker 21:02 No, he was born in 2012. Okay. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 21:05 So in 2012? Yes, you then did all the vaccines. Okay. When did you realize something was going on? Unknown Speaker 21:13 So when he was vaccinated for the MMR at 15 months, he broke out in the measles. And I was like, Wait, is this like the exact reason that I vaccinated him? Like, what is this? And so we took him to an instacare because it was a Saturday. And I was like, so DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 21:35 like, How long after the actual vaccine? Did he get measles? Unknown Speaker 21:39 I have the reports. Like I went back to the insecure and got all the reports. I think it was like a week to 10 days later. And I actually didn't know what the rash was like, I didn't recognize it, but it scared me enough to take him in. And the insecure doctor said, was he recently vaccinated? And I said, yeah, he just got the MMR like a week ago. And he was like, Oh, that is why it's a live virus. And it's, he basically has the measles, and he goes, but it's nothing to worry about. It's normal. And that's just what like, it just means that he's going to be very protected against the measles now, and I was just like, okay, like, and so when we went back to my pediatrician, like a few months later, I was like, so he broke out in the measles. And he just basically said that it was fine. And that that's what happens sometimes. And we just kept doing it. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 22:33 So how so he's got the measles. Was he super sick? No, nope. Okay, Unknown Speaker 22:38 just basically bad rash and a cold. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 22:41 And then and he was vaccinated before that, though, also, right. So then you get that vaccine, and he gets the measles, and then any more vaccines? And so what what point did you realize that these vaccines are affecting your child? Unknown Speaker 22:56 Um, so I, like he ended up regressing and losing his speech and become what age he lost to like he was talking till then, like 15 months, and then he slowly by two, he wasn't saying anything. Like, he had no words. And he didn't talk again until he was four. So it was like, very significant speech delay. And once we got him diagnosed, like with ADHD and autism, and like, I had, honestly, it was a friend of mine who came over to my house one day, and she goes, so do like, do you think it could be the vaccines? And honestly, like, I was like, Maybe I have no idea like I, I was, I didn't hear stuff like that. Like when people would talk about they don't want to vaccinate their kids. I literally thought it was because they didn't want to poke them. Like I literally thought that that was why people said that. That's why DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 23:59 your mom didn't want to actually like know that Unknown Speaker 24:01 no one was talking about it. No one was talking about on social media. As far as like, none of my friends were I had never heard I thought that was the reason people were hesitant was because they just didn't want their babies to cry. I didn't know that there was like, crazy ingredients like, No, I had no idea. And so when she said that I was like, I will I'm literally grasping at straws, or I will look into anything at this point. Because I'm drowning. I had little twins and a three year old who was so hard. So I was like, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 24:32 I'll literally do anything, literally anything. Unknown Speaker 24:37 And it's like divine intervention, because like two days after my friend had said that to me, I didn't tell anyone. And my mom was at a hair appointment and her hair stylist said something to hurt. Like, do you think it could be the vaccines? And so she was like me, she had the same reaction was me like maybe I don't know. Unknown Speaker 24:57 It's still an answer. Unknown Speaker 24:59 Thank you. My mom came to me was like, Do you think it can be the vaccines? And I was like, What are you asking? For just said this two days ago, like, why are you seeing that? She was like, my friend told me that today. It was just like, like a message from God that yeah, it's that's it. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 25:20 There's something that doing this because yeah, other children don't necessarily have this. Yeah, yeah. So and you're the older sister. Yeah. And you're witnessing this. And you've already had your own experience with wondering and thinking and hearing about that maybe a vaccine did that to affected your child in that way? What? What was your reaction? Did you come to your sister? Unknown Speaker 25:42 See, I didn't I don't know, when her son was dealing with that we still didn't we all all we ever heard was vaccines cause autism vaccines, cause they don't cause anything else is what our family was dealing with. So it wasn't until that doctor said that to her, that we realized it can cause other things too. And Unknown Speaker 26:01 I was in for a little bit I was in denial for for a little bit. Because as moms, I really believe in, like, your mother's intuition. And I was in denial that I had ignored mine so much. I just I didn't want the vaccines to be the reason, like I wanted an answer. But I didn't like that answer. Because I had done what I had been taught to do to be a good mom. And then you and then yeah, you're sitting in the waiting room, and you have like this pit in your stomach. And you're like, I don't want to be here. Like, what is this feeling that I'm here, but I know I need to be here. But my intuition is like, screaming at you to not be but then I still did it like, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 27:03 because and I'm gonna interrupt this preciousness, because education. And let's just say government, CDC, everything that's out there that can trump intuition. You like you just said, you're there and you're feeling something. But if you're feeling doesn't have some education, yeah. If you don't have the knowledge, if you don't have the experience, now we have it. So the fact that we keep allowing it is not okay. But when you know something, then you know better than you do better. But that's the thing is when people I hear that all the time, and like I said, I felt it. Why? Why did I Why did I not know why didn't I listen to that gut feeling? And it's because we were told something else that overruled that? Well, we that's why you're speaking. Yeah, that's why you're sharing as you're gonna tell these people, they need to listen to that little piece of intuition. And remember that it is your child. So it's your choice and your decision, not the doctor, the doctor does not go home with you and continue to care. And nobody loves your baby more than you do. Yeah, I have to remember that when you're in a doctor's office, and they're telling you something else. Unknown Speaker 28:16 Yeah. Yeah, we I feel like all of these things happened at about the same time. And still, I had my reservations until I watched Bakst. And my mom had told me watch this, watch this. Watch this. And I didn't want to. But we did that. She gave it to us as a Christmas Christmas present. I can't remember how I got it. But I watched it. And I was like, Oh my gosh, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 28:43 and what about you? Did you before Unknown Speaker 28:47 that, like I obviously knew, but watching I was like it was so much deeper than what I thought and that's what, like really made my husband angry too. Like he obviously knew, too. He knew what I knew. And he saw what I saw with our son. But like it was that that he was it made him so angry. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 29:08 Because you're not the only one yes, that's Unknown Speaker 29:10 what was so angry was these items is happening to other people. It's not just the cover up Unknown Speaker 29:15 to like, like it's so much more than that was the day I stopped DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 29:22 was the movie. You're done. So can I ask you and again, please take your time. So after your your son, and you said you had you had the twins just four years after so you're going through all this but you said three years after three years after Okay, so did you vaccinate the twins? Unknown Speaker 29:40 Till like nine months? Leavitt Family 29:42 Okay, what made you stop? Was it the movie? Um, Unknown Speaker 29:45 it was. It was probably Nixon's diagnosis. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 29:53 When you realize something was happening Gnosis is that when he was diagnosed with autism, yeah, it was He was four. Okay, he's four. And then so I one thing that's really important if you can share is once you know what you know, and you realize that, what do you do differently? Besides just stopping the vaccines, everything is different. Your whole life Unknown Speaker 30:19 is different. Literally everything is different. I tell him, our diets are completely different. Okay? Everything about our diets are different. Like Nixon has gluten and dairy and egg free. I'm actually we have garden chickens. And so I've been introducing their eggs and they don't bother him. And I have a raw milk supplier that I get in raw milk doesn't bother him. And so it's just like, we've just kind of gone back to the basics like chickens from the backyard and milk straight from the cow and cheese straight from the cow. And everything is organic, like no dyes, and like literally everything is different about that. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 30:59 So we get asked a lot and Dr. Pol, it gets this question asked a lot. And as as nutritional and wellness coaches, we get asked a lot, okay, well, I've vaccinated my child, there's toxins in my child, what do I do to detox? So there's all kinds of resources, Dr. Paul Thomas is a major resource. But the point is, is it is about cleaning up. That's why I asked you, how's your life different because you stopped vaccinating. So now it's not going in, but you realize that something happened, and it caused those things. And so once you made those changes, like all those real things, what did you see differently? What happened, Unknown Speaker 31:40 um, diet was a big game changer for us, his speech started getting better. And we also have dealt with like primitive reflexes to like getting his reflexes. Does that make sense? Like the reflexes on a child like when they're born, you touch their mouth and their head turns. He had almost all of his reflexes still, like they hadn't disappeared. And so we did months, and hours of exercises that he would do to get rid of those. And then we've seen like functional medicine, doctors and damn doctors and maps, doctors, and a big issue with Nixon was his gut. He was like, I could show you pictures. He looked like a child from Ethiopia, like his belly was so uncomfortably distended all the time, like it was like he was just Unknown Speaker 32:35 eating. And so we saw Unknown Speaker 32:40 a doctor and gastroenterologist, just like three years ago, I think, right before the pandemic, we saw him and he was able to swallow a pill camera. He had an endoscopy and colonoscopy. And so we've been doing this protocol for three years now. And his belly is. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 33:01 Yeah, slept. He's gorgeous. And I didn't see any pain. I saw a really happy, bubbly, wonderful child. Yeah. So what are you to want to say to everybody out there, go ahead, can't look at the camera. Or each other or me. Unknown Speaker 33:18 My biggest thing is now I question everything. I asked hard questions. Even doctors when, like, for example, I had to take my my baby to the hospital for stitches. And they wanted to give her a tetanus shot. And I held my ground. And I told him why I was declining that I told him tetanus is not in my my bedroom on my foot board. And four years ago, I probably could have been manipulated into into that. But not now. Because I know what I know. And I've been through experiences that have shaped me into the mom that I am today. And I'm the mom that my kids deserve. Because I asked hard questions, Unknown Speaker 34:08 honestly, like, just start like, just Unknown Speaker 34:13 look online, like you just type in online, like the D tap, insert. And it brings it up, you just read it, like go into with an open mind and just read it. Like it's so easy to do. Even if you're so like so against this idea. Like just watch his power. Just try it. Like just watch that it's two hours of your life and like just go into it with an open mind and then decide for yourself. Like if you still want to vaccinate after that then okay, at least you have the knowledge and like, at least you've seen part of the other side as well. I was gonna say like, it's not hard. It's not hard. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 34:52 So thank you both very much. Thank you for sharing your story and know that it makes a difference, no matter how hard it is. I Um, but it's that compassion that you have. And you both have an incredible mom. Just keep, keep learning and following and helping others do the same. Yeah. So as you've probably already figured out today's episode is talking to this amazing family about their vaccine story. And I have an opportunity now to talk to the younger sister of the love it is that how originally or love it, of the love of family. We're in the Lubbock family's home right now in St. George, automating anyway, so I talked to your sisters earlier. And the both with their kids being affected by the vaccines and talked about that and what that was like, so you're younger than them. You haven't had your babies yet. And you're watching what your sisters go through what's happening for you inside. Unknown Speaker 35:59 Um, so I felt like with everything in my life being the younger sister, I always watched my sisters do these bigger milestones like graduating high school dating boys. I watched them very closely, because I wanted to either emulate them or learn from them. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 36:15 That was smart. Yeah, you are very bright. Do we got to do? Yeah. My sister didn't figure that out. Unknown Speaker 36:29 I didn't figure it out all the way up there. So don't get me wrong. Anyways, yeah. So with having their babies I, I didn't we didn't know at first what had been happening with Nixon. So Nixon was the catalyst to be able to see like, everything else like with Paxton. And with Harlow. We didn't know what was going on at first. We it's interesting, because growing up with vaccines, we didn't really like we weren't one way or the other. It was mostly just like, it is what it is. This is what you do. Like we weren't super solid, like you should not get it, obviously. But we weren't super Gung home like anybody who doesn't get it is bad. It was just right down the middle. But we were the people who would go to like the flu shot, shoot out and stick our arms out the car window and get our flu shots. You know, like, that's just how it was. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 37:18 Hold your arm out, Unknown Speaker 37:19 hold it, stick it out the window. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 37:20 Don't ask any questions. no history, no. History. And when you didn't question it didn't question it. It Unknown Speaker 37:27 was just what you do. Okay. And so, um, what I was really thankful that Caitlin had a like, acquaintance. I'm sure you are have already talked to her about this. But she had an acquaintance who was like, Hey, have you ever thought about looking into vaccines? She was very kind, very, like soft spoken girl. She wasn't harsh. She wasn't saying that we were stupid, because obviously that wouldn't have gone well. But I just I really liked the way that she approached it in a very, like, caring, loving way. And that planted a seed. And it was interesting, because that day that that girl told Caitlin about it, or like asked her. My mom had a friend who also and I'm like, wow, like that's a coincidence. I don't really believe in coincidences. But it was just very interesting how we had like several people talking to us about it. So that's, so then we looked into it. And it's interesting, too, because I watched the truth about vaccines with Dr. Pol. And while I was pregnant with my first baby, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 38:22 and I will stop you from doing anything, right? Yeah, Unknown Speaker 38:25 no, for real. And I really resonated I really resonated with all of the doctors, like the health Ranger was really great, too. But I just I really, really loved to Dr. Paul. And I remember I posted on Facebook, which was not a good idea at the time. But I was like you're young. Yeah, I was like, Hey, I've watched this great documentary. If anyone else wants to watch it, like it's very interesting. And I got so much hate and flack on it from like, really close friends of mine. And I was just so confused that people were so like, angry about this. You know what I'm trying to say? Like DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 38:58 I do, I didn't know. Well, I don't have to wonder like, where's the anger coming from? Right? How is it that you're and it's just like with COVID? If you didn't get the COVID vaccine, then you're gonna kill somebody else. Yeah, how is it and that's being pushed on our children? Yeah, if you don't get the COVID vaccine, you can kill your grandma. That is insane. Unknown Speaker 39:13 Insanity. So at the time, I was just like, oh, like I was just quit. I just thought that there might be something fishy going on. That's all like, I'm just kind of looking into it. Because I'm pregnant, and I just want to do what's right for my baby. And then they would come back like this is what's right for your baby, like you are crazy. And so I feel like obviously friends are important. But all throughout my life. I've had a very strong like sense of who I am and my direction. And so it's not really necessarily that people could like sway me one way or the other. It was just what I felt was the right thing. And I felt like it was the right thing to not vaccinate. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 39:50 I can do you wonder if having two older sisters that had to go through some of this. If that helps, because when we spoke earlier with Briana had mentioned that she wished she felt the intuition, she felt something and she is upset with herself and feels guilty like all of us do when we make a decision that we wish we wouldn't have as a mom, because we're supposed to know, right? or something's supposed to tell us what's best for our babies. Somebody else a higher power, meaning this doctor, they're supposed to know more than you tells you something or even your friends saying, What are you know, what are you doing? But it sounds like after watching them, do you think that strengthened your intuition? Or was that just No, I'm gonna listen to myself Unknown Speaker 40:32 both. I feel like it completely strengthened, like having a first hand example was really strengthening and that, like, We're all family, we all share the same genes. You know what I'm trying to say? People have reactions to different medications all the time. And because like, so many people in my family have had reactions, and I should probably really be aware of what's going on Pay attention. Yeah, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 40:55 cuz you've made decisions. You're not going to vaccinate. Yeah, so what happens in the doctor's office? Unknown Speaker 40:59 So I'm with our the pediatrician, I went to him while I was still pregnant. And I told him, I am not comfortable with vaccinating. I just wanted to talk to you about that, and to see if he was going to kick me out. Because I wasn't sure. Because, you know, that happens that I know that this happens. I had I had been like talking to people and getting stories from people and knowing that that is like a possibility. And so I talked to him before I was still pregnant. And I was just like, I just don't feel comfortable with this. And he asked me why I didn't feel comfortable. So he was more open minded. He was actually a very kind listening. Yes, very kind like gentle person. And so, um, I just explained to him, like, I don't have the ingredients, you know, all the things. And so he was like, okay, like, that's fine. And we can even just, like, do it later. And I was like, okay, like, I'll meet you in middle. And like, we're not gonna do it later. But like, I'll meet you in the middle, you know, so I was like, okay, cool. Anyways, we go. We go afterwards. And I just felt weird going to this doctor, I felt weird going in this office. Every time that we would go there, we would sign like an electric electronic form. And it was basically like, I didn't know what all it said like it was so small. Do you want to kind of say, so I asked for like a paper, a paper printout. This was this was after I had coast. So I had been seeing coast to coast is my second. He's the second Yeah. So I went to him. And I was just like, I would like a paper printout. I would like to know exactly what I'm doing. Like, I want to cross things out. And they told me no, they were like, No, you just have to sign like for everything. And I was like, this is weird. I don't want to do that. And so I just don't go to that pediatrician anymore. And I found a new one that my midwife recommended. And he's great. He has been to several like he went to Dell big tree seeing like, he's just, oh, we need DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 42:47 to know his I know. He's Mr. Roy, and I just realized something. So of course, I'm not a professional interview person. I don't think we introduced you in the very beginning. Did we? Unknown Speaker 42:58 Oh, yeah. Who are you? Kelsey Gonzalez. That is my name. And DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 43:03 you have three beautiful children. I do have three boys and their ages. So my Unknown Speaker 43:07 oldest is five. My middle is TWO and then my youngest is almost 11 months. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 43:13 Yeah, absolutely beautiful. Thank you. And I think that's the thing, knowing what you know now, even if you have five more, which probably sounds like a lot right now. Yeah, and do you so I'm gonna we're gonna get down and dirty here. Yeah. So Does it scare you. If somebody like says to you, Well, if your child gets measles, they could die. And then and then you're in the wrong because you could have gotten a vaccine. Unknown Speaker 43:40 That doesn't scare me because I know, I know what the measles is. And I know how to help, like, boost up their immunity. And I know, like I have more tools, right? Do you know what I'm trying to say? I have more information, I have more people in my corner to help me and to actually help promote healing rather than just being fearful. I feel like being fearful is such like a low vibrational state to be in that I don't want to do that. I want to DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 44:09 be empowered, right? Because you made a decision that was best for you and your child. Exactly. And when you do that, you don't have any reason to fear. And that's part of it is understanding those diseases. Your sisters were brilliant earlier to understanding the disease and how to treat it. And even like with COVID, being ahead of the game, you know that these things are possible you hear that chicken pox is going on. You make your decisions and how you're gonna do. The thing. I think that's tough for some people, is it's hard for some people to believe that truly unvaccinated children are healthier. So when they do get some of these things, they just don't get as sick and they get over things faster. So that's tough. And I wonder sometimes if that's just because people have made a decision to vaccinate. So that's something they have to stand by. And they feel that protection that they think they're good thing. Do you ever wonder? Like you said, You know what to do and how to do it or how you're going to handle things? Was it ever a question? Like when? Even before when you're younger and used to because your mom has been part of this, hasn't she for a while this medical freedom and understanding your body is your choice? Yes. Unknown Speaker 45:19 Um, so like with different diseases like I got chickenpox when I was little, and I'm really thankful that I did. She's a lie. You know what I'm saying? Like I had it when I was a little baby. And it's so funny. It's a funny story. So I got chickenpox as they as my parents were taking us to Disney World. So they didn't know. Early years. Yeah, there's, like an infant in Disney World. Can you imagine nowadays? It'll be so bad. I know, like, lifelong immunity and DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 45:50 everybody that was in Disney World at that time. Also. You're well known. What was so funny is I remember his Briana who was telling it that they're talking about chickenpox. And I said, Yeah, you got it. Yeah, as you were going, and she put she pointed out, we didn't know. She was gonna get ill. So I want to thank you, first of all, for letting me be in your life. It's amazing. And thanks for sharing your story. And it's funny, because, you know, it's harder when somebody shares a story and watching, Caitlin, the emotion and the intensity. It's so hard, so hard, but I think that's the thing. And you three are obviously so connected. And it's, it's so awesome to see that and that you share those stories. So you knowing what you know, and made decisions, what do you tell the people out there that are watching and listening are going to have a baby, and they've been told that vaccinating their children is honestly the best thing that I can do to save their lives. Unknown Speaker 46:51 You don't have to be afraid. You don't have to do things just because someone else tells you to. And I my biggest thing that I suggest is to be prayerful, and every single decision that you make for your child, because if you are prayerful, then you will never go wrong. And yeah, you are the best mother for this baby. And you have specific stewardship over your children. And, yeah, you're gonna do great. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 47:20 As you've probably already seen, I talk to two of this beautiful woman's grandchildren earlier. And then two of her daughters, and then another daughter. And now we're going to wrap it up with the wealth of knowledge, and all of the beauty in the soul. So I've made her be my friend for life. Being here has been incredible. First of all, we have loved having you. Thank you. So let's talk about you. I heard you mentioned that when you had your first child, which was 28 years ago, Unknown Speaker 47:50 it was in 1988. So 30 DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 47:54 Oh, no nor age 35. And so you'd said that when you first had her and you were told to get the vaccines, your first tell me about that? Unknown Speaker 48:03 Well, I was a young mom and knew nothing about you know, any of the the issues that were were talking to. And I was just doting mother and I loved my little baby girl. And I took her to the doctor because I thought that was a thing I was supposed to do. To make sure that I was doing a fine job. In there, I thought he was going to weigh her, you know, take a measurement or two and ask me some questions. And then we would be on our way. And then that happened. But then he also wanted to vaccinate her. And my gut Natural Instincts was like, There's no way I'm going to let you hurt my baby today. No way. And so I did. I got I gathered her up. And I said, we're not going to do that today. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 48:50 What was it? What do you think was inside of you? Is that when he said vaccine and why did you automatically think hurt? Unknown Speaker 48:55 Well, obviously because of the middle, obviously, the needle. Yeah, I had no idea. I had no idea. There were any issues otherwise. And then I did. I took her home. I went home and I told them I'll I'll bring her back, you know, and I did. I did take her back. When you were supposed to write I was doing the right thing. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 49:17 And so even when you answer that question, and you say that to me that you took her back, I can feel what you feel inside and that hurt and you. You do look back and think Do you wish that someone would have said something to you? Was there's anything that could have made you realize, Unknown Speaker 49:37 yeah, that's my only regret in life. Honestly, my only regret I wish I would have known. And as I learned later, much later, after my grandchildren were born. I had no idea until then. And then I started asking people did you know and some of them admitted to me that they didn't know. And I said why didn't you tell me what Like, why is this a taboo topic? You know? And so once I realized the truth, I couldn't, I couldn't keep my circle of friends from knowing I would have to share that with everybody that I know. Especially somebody that might be having a baby, you know, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 50:18 right. And then so now, you are seeing the injuries within your own family. Right? And, and then in the process as being part of your life now and being in it and watching today, seeing everything you do, you are eating healthy, you are raising your huge part of these children being raised this way. That's kind of feeling. Unknown Speaker 50:39 Yeah, I know that I'm like the crazy grandma with a truth track. So if you haven't seen my truck, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 50:47 um, yeah, I've seen pictures of it. We have I had some friends that lived here and just chill recently. And she sent me a picture of it. She's now back near as Dr. Paula is her doctors like, Oh, my God. But yeah, we saw pictures of the truck and Dr. Seuss saw the truck. Leavitt Family 51:02 So why the truck lid, just for the reason we talked about, I don't want anybody to, to not be aware. And again, decisions are their own personal decisions. But it's more of an avenue because of all the censorship because of, you know, all the taboo feelings around it. And the older you get, the less concerned you are with with the way other people perceive you or the way, you know, I don't care what anybody thinks about me. So you know, so it's I've just gotten to the point where this is, I feel like I'm being a missionary, I'm spreading truth and light. And everybody can take that for what it's worth or not take it. That's their own prerogative. But they can't say they didn't know. Or they can't say that they but that nobody told them DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 51:51 right? Or at least given that opportunity. Right. So have you looked at the camera? Is there anything else that you want to leave people watching today? Whether they're part of freedom, or freedom group or not? What do you want to say to a mom out there earlier, I asked her daughter's to what do you want to say to a mom out there that's pregnant that keeps hearing all these stories, but also his doctor is telling her she needs to vaccinate her child? Unknown Speaker 52:15 Well, I guess I would, I wouldn't ask the motives, you know, for me, it is what does somebody like me or DD Dr. Powell have to gain by trying to share this knowledge when the other side has so much money and complete immunity from any liability? If their products were really so safe, then why couldn't they have liability on them? So it kind of comes back to just simplicity. We know what they've done with the opioid epidemic. We know what they've done. I mean, we've all familiar with the Sadler's and dope sick and what they the the extent that they were willing to lie, and manipulate the data and manipulate the doctors. The I don't think doctors are bad people. I think a lot of them just don't know, don't know. And when they're being manipulated, and there is some financial gain and or a financial loss, depending on where they stand. And you just have to ask yourself who has something to gain and who doesn't? There's so much information out there. I would just beg before you do anything, do your research. You can always vaccinate that baby later, but you can't take them out. And that is my number one biggest regret. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 53:37 Especially when they're young. That's the thing about it. What about mom mother's intuition your daughter's talked about earlier? And listening to that man, Unknown Speaker 53:45 Mother, You always go with your gut instinct and instill today there will be times when they will call and say Mom, what do you think? And I will just say you know, yeah, you trust yourself. I trust you. You know what's best for for your kids. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 53:59 So thank you for sharing your home and bringing us here and your family. Unknown Speaker 54:04 Love you guys. You're always welcome. You have family in heaven. Okay, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 54:07 so she said that and all of you 1000s And millions. I'm welcome back. Thanks for watching everyone. Today's episode has meant a lot. And my my producer my photographer today is Dr. Paul Thomas himself. And he's back back behind that camera doing all the hard work today. It's doctors and people like who him who are willing to stand up for the truth. That's why he had us out here right Unknown Speaker 54:35 100% DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 54:36 Thanks for watching. Dr. Paul 54:44 I look forward to running together with the wind at our backs, revealing the science that gives clarity in our world that's full of propaganda and misinformation. Visit our website, doctors and science.com Sign up donate if you can Your support makes a difference and let's make this the weekly show the world has been waiting for thanks for watching I'm Dr Paul Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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