PDF:Text:Dr. Paul 0:00
Hi, I'm Dr. Paul, welcome to with the wind science revealed. Some of you remember it as against the wind doctors in science under fire. Today show features a couple of interviews with Stacia. And then a separate interview with Gracies. Dead Scott. They are sharing their very different stories. Tragic, difficult care in the hospital for loved ones with COVID. What you're going to learn is how do you advocate for the health of your loved one? How can you save your loved one's life? This is important. Enjoy the show. Dr. Paul, coming to you from the heart. I'm going to tackle a tough one today. Overcoming deception. It's felt to me like for the past two years, we have been inundated with deception from our government officials, the CDC, Fauci, you name it, the media. Everybody seems to be saying things that are absolutely counter to what I know, and I think many of our viewers know, not to be so. So when a person's intent is to deceive the listener while engaging their trust. Those are just simple conscious lies. That's deliberate deception. So what do we do? I've been baffled and have been baffled about that and been beating my head against the wall. But it's become clear. Only love, personal and collective will conquer deception. Don't fear loving without limits. I feel like we all despite all the deception around us, if we just move forward with our eyes wide open, reject the lies, they have no power. And let's move from fight to light. I feel like I have to lay down one resentment at a time because over the last couple years, I piled up a bunch. And it just sort of trapped me in my own resentment, for lack of a better word. So I need to release those one at a time and see the opportunities that crossed my path. I hope you'll join me in this opportunities that cross your path in the form of everyone you meet. everyone we meet is an opportunity for us to extend love and kindness. We're really blessed to be living in such a time as this. Welcome Stacia Buckholtz to against the wind doctors and signs under fire. It's a real honor to have you on the show. Stacia Buchholtz 2:50 Thank you for having me. I'm excited to share. Dr. Paul 2:53 Thank you. You are in Sioux Falls, South Dakota area, Stacia Buchholtz 2:58 right around that area. Yeah. Dr. Paul 3:00 Okay. Well, we're gonna, I'll have, let's see, I'm visiting you for a conference that you are very involved with putting on so I'm excited for that. But you're a mom of four kids, wife to an awesome man, as you put it, can't wait to meet him. President of the health freedom South Dakota organization. You told me that you love to learn you don't like being prepared, being unprepared or caught off guard. And you feel that education is your best defense against that. And yeah, I couldn't agree more. Your husband says you're stubborn. He does. That attribute probably saved his life when he was hospitalized with COVID, which is where I was wanting to kick our discussion off with just tell me the story. What happened with your husband? Stacia Buchholtz 3:48 Yeah. So in 2021, he and I both got sick with COVID. It was the the Delta variant, you know, and that was circulating at the time, and he got sick before I did. And he got a lot worse than I did. And he kind of spiraled and we were not prepared. And that's, that's one of my biggest. One of the biggest things I push with people is that you have to be prepared before the crisis is at your doorstep. And we were not in this instance. Anyone who had had their eyes open at that point and knew that ivermectin was important, and we didn't have any on hand, and I knew I should have. And so by the time we got ivermectin in our hands, my husband had been experiencing symptoms for about five or six days. It was just too long. He was down to 80% oxygen saturation, and he ended up going to the ER Yes. And things just got ripped out of our control at that point. And when the doctors realized he wasn't vaccinated, and he You was doing a natural protocol we were, we were taking the vitamin C, vitamin D, NAC, vitamin A zinc, you know, the whole lineup. And the ER doctor was not impressed. And she told me so. And then she proceeded to tell me that I'd probably signed my husband's death certificate while doing that so far. Wow. Yeah. And so normally, I'm a fighter, and I'll sling something, but I was I was weak, I was sick. And I was terribly frightened. And so it was, that was a hard thing to hear in that moment. They ended up I Dr. Paul 5:40 hear that from so many parents. If you are unvaccinated or less than fully vaccinated, and you go into the mainstream hospital system, you just get looked down upon like, you're inferior, like you're stupid. Like, don't you know, any better? Kind of almost dismissed? Right? Stacia Buchholtz 5:58 Right. Absolutely. And we were, and even when I talked to the doctor a second time, and I told her what we wanted we as far as our treatment, and I said the IV vitamin C high dose, we wanted to continue with the zinc and vitamin D. And we wanted to be destinated. nebulizer and just, you know, everything that the protocol says, Yeah, we used American frontline doctors for that. Dr. Paul 6:28 Yeah. Back then. Was that the math plus protocol? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that that was ingenious that they came out with that very early on, made it available, and yet countless story after story of doctors in ICUs, refusing to consider it. Stacia Buchholtz 6:45 Oh, absolutely. She didn't even let me finish my sentence before. She said, Yeah, we won't be doing that here. And they put him on dexamethasone right away in the ER, and then transferred him to Sioux Falls, which is about an hour away to a bigger hospital. And there's two big hospital systems in this area. And I chose the other one to send my husband to. And she told me that this was a huge inconvenience, and all the paperwork she would have to do. And it was just Shame, shame, shame. Because clearly, at this point, my number one concern was her paperwork. So I, I stuck to it because I knew which hospital system I preferred. And he got up there and we again, listed out the protocol we wanted. And they said, oh, we need to talk to somebody else. Before we do that. Until then we're going to start him on the remdesivir, the dreaded remdesivir, which at the time, I didn't know about right. And they did. They did they started him on it with azithromycin. dexamethasone and then a prophylactic blood thinner. And I have a couple Dr. Paul 8:04 things, right. Stacia Buchholtz 8:07 Yes, this is this point, though. I still didn't know anything about any of these medical medications. I wasn't educated on this at the time. Right. And I, however, knew what we wanted to do. And I kept pushing for it. And doctor after doctor conversation after conversation it was we were kind of humored at first and then patronized with Oh, we got to talk to our higher ups, and then just ignored and even lied to. Dr. Paul 8:38 Yeah. And how throughout all of that, how was he doing as far as his mental status? Was he always totally coherent? Stacia Buchholtz 8:50 He was always totally coherent. Yes. mentally, emotionally. It was absolute torture, the whole seven days isolation. I know. Others have gone longer. I don't know how he would have done had he had to go longer. He was and see him. No, no, I was not allowed to see him. Even the doctors 90% of the consultations were through an iPad that was mounted at the foot of his bed. My husband needed contact he needed. He needed just someone to hold his hand because he was scary. He was he was scared. He was lonely. Dr. Paul 9:30 And they're basically tell them you might die. Stacia Buchholtz 9:32 Right? And your basic human human needs are stripped from you right in that hospital. Dr. Paul 9:37 That's the other message folks is this isn't something you need to fear especially if you are armed with what we now know you can do to both prevent and if you happen to get sick to treat, folks if you did nothing but just adequate vitamin D. If you're an adult you should be on at least 5000 I use take it with K to add some magnesium add some zinc. If you get Sick. Definitely vitamin C, if you get sick question melatonin if you're an adult, and you get COVID helps not for that COVID. The SARS cov two virus doesn't do as well binding to your cells, the ACE receptor gets a bit blocked. There's so much information now that you can access but better to do this before, Stacia Buchholtz 10:22 right? And we get we get the feeling that we're not because we didn't go to medical school because we didn't study this for years and years of our life, that it's somehow above our understanding. And that's not the case. That's something that it may take us longer to understand. I always have a dictionary out, you know, what does this word mean? And what does this word mean? And but if you if you truly want to understand something you can, and it will help you from being bullied. When Dustin was in the ER or not the er the hospital, the doctor of infectious disease, and I went around at one point because of the remdesivir. And we were watching Dustin's body just shut down. He was retaining fluid, his glucose was going up his liver enzymes were spiking all over the place. And when I had done when I read the drug sheet on remdesivir, and what it could do, what the risks were, what the side effects were. And I confronted the Doctor of infectious disease with that information. And I said, this being said, I would like him put on ivermectin as soon as possible. And he said, Well, we won't do that, because the level he will need will probably cause kidney failure. And I said, he's experiencing that right now. remdesivir. And I said, Why aren't? Why won't you monitor his levels on ivermectin like you're doing on remdesivir. And that was where the conversation ended. He refused to talk with me any further. But you're able to keep yourself from being bullied in that situation. And, and that's the most valuable thing in that moment is to advocate for yourself and your loved ones in an informed way. Dr. Paul 12:12 Yeah. And I think in your situation, since he wasn't intubated, he was still eating and drinking. And that helps. So you know, hospitals have this strange policy that you can't bring anything from the outside. I mean, you can't even bring an Advil. They want to dispense it from their pharmacy and charge you $10 A pill. But bottom line is, it's your body, it's your loved one. And just march on in with your care package and take care of what you need to take care of. Stacia Buchholtz 12:46 Right? Yeah. Yeah, it's just the knowing that you can hospitals, put this atmosphere up that make you think that's not, that's not within your rights, and especially during COVID, it was definitely an Off Limits zone. And Dr. Paul 13:02 you just don't like you could write and we were made to be fearful. So you felt like you didn't even want to step through the doors of a hospital, you might die yourself. Right. And honestly, I mean, I remember early on when that when the hospitals were supposedly full, our hospitals were ghost towns. I mean, there was nothing going on. It was just a media blitz. And I'm not trying to minimize the fact I just got off of an interview with a lovely lady who lost her husband to COVID and went through horrendous battle with the hospitals trying to get them to do the right thing, which they wouldn't do. And this has happened to so many people's loved ones. But I think your message of being informed Don't be, don't be afraid to challenge even even doctors. So I'll confess true confession from yours truly, Dr. Paul, I, over the years have been afraid to confront doctors, my peers, because of how they would shame me even though I know I have so much more knowledge and data, then that they don't even know about, but they just take this air of superiority and they put you down like you're an idiot. And we have to learn not to accept that. Because we're actually more informed than they are. And they just don't know. Stacia Buchholtz 14:19 And it's, it extends past the boundary of COVID it extends when you're going in, if you take your kids in for an annual checkup, and how do you how do you inform yourself before that so that you don't get bullied in that context? Because that happens probably more frequently that my sister has had that I've had that it's very, very common, especially around the childhood vaccination schedule and even in the realm of antibiotics for an ear infection know your stuff know why you're choosing these things. And yeah, you won't you you'll be less likely to be bullied and intimidated. Dr. Paul 15:01 So one thing with your age group of kids that I've experienced with my patients here in Oregon is, I mean, twice, I had young ladies who were like 1516 years old, come in with very strange neurological symptoms. I mean, one could barely walk and they couldn't get up on the exam table. She had seen already a bunch of neurologists and specialists, nobody could figure anything out. And it just occurred to me to ask, did you have any vaccines in the recent past? Oh, oh, yeah. And the mom goes, No, you didn't honey, the schools were vaccinating these kids without parental knowledge, without my knowledge as their doctor. And so this was the HPV vaccine for teenagers and teenagers are being told, you know, you it's your right. And so just be aware folks out there, I don't know if you've experienced any of that with your kids where schools were trying to, if they've done that yet in South Dakota, but they're doing it along the west coast. Stacia Buchholtz 16:02 I know there have been pop up clinics that take place in school systems. And I know that I believe it's the WH o that has the protocol or not the protocol, but the statement saying that by your absent absence equals consent, consent. And so if you don't show up with your child or hold your child back, you are consenting to the authority that the school system has. I we homeschool all of our kids, so I personally haven't had that in regards to my children. But I remember when I was a kid, they would do flu shots, and we wouldn't get a note sent home. It was just you lined up in the hallway and you got your flu shot if your Dr. Paul 16:44 flu shot. Yeah, no, I did not know that was happening. Stacia Buchholtz 16:49 Yeah, yeah. I know it was happening when I was was a kid. So Dr. Paul 16:53 yeah. So there's such a massive push across the country across the world to get more injections into more arms, whether it's the routine childhood schedule, or now the COVID. And watch closely because they're declaring this triple pandemic of RSV, flu and COVID which is actually it's true, it's it is happening. It's not as scary as they're saying they're they play some tricks with hospitals that capacity. People don't realize it's just they don't have enough nurses. There's plenty of they got plenty of beds, but they they in Oregon, they sent away the nurses who wouldn't take the jab when they were right there, they've got a shortage, and then these people are getting sick, because there is actually more virus going around because we kept people in quarantine and stopped exercising their immune system. So all these factors lead to Yes, we have more illness right now, and we have definitely less capacity in the hospitals. So they're at capacity. Right and the fear mongering, so don't know, they're making an RSV vaccine, and they're going to try to do it on the same failed mRNA platform. It will be a disaster. Mark, my words don't go there. It's yeah, it's it's an interesting world we're living in. Well, I shouldn't be jabbering on I'd like to hear from you. What What would you like to tell the world at this point, from your experience with COVID and advocate being an advocacy there with the health freedom movement? Stacia Buchholtz 18:23 Right, I I believe it would just be restating what I had already said about making sure you're informed staying ahead of the game, we've we've kind of slumped into a passive role when it comes to not just health advocacy, a lot of our freedoms, knowing the Constitution, knowing your rights as a business owner, knowing your rights to your fundamental life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. We've kind of just slumped into a very, very passive role. And we can't do that we can't maintain that because there are people who are not passive, they're very active, and they want power. And they they will walk all over you. And we've seen that through COVID with with the executive orders and the mandates and it's time to wake up it's time to start learning about our freedoms, learning about our rights, and then how to utilize them in a way that will will be reclaim what was lost. Dr. Paul 19:35 So well put, what are your favorite sources of freedom information? Stacia Buchholtz 19:42 Oh, I have a My favorite speaker that I've been listening to and she's got a podcast Chrisann Hall, this her name? She's from Florida and she is a constitutional attorney. And oh my goodness, she's just dynamite. i She, I've learned so much from her more about history and the Constitution than I ever learned in school. I plan on using her curriculum with my kids. It's it's just mind blowing the stuff that you thought you knew. And she comes back with the documents and the actual history and says, No, you didn't know. Here's the truth. And she's actually going to be one of our speakers at hold summit, which you will be at as well, this coming weekend. Dr. Paul 20:31 Fantastic. And will that summit be available for people after the fact Stacia Buchholtz 20:37 we are working on recording and then producing that recording? Everything is kind of is there it's our first event, and we are a nonprofit, and completely volunteer run? And so everything we do depends on sponsors and donations and ticket sales, and so that the recording and the producing will depend on where we're sitting at the end of all this. Dr. Paul 21:06 super well. Let's hope we can make that happen. And I'm looking forward to being with you there. Yeah. Very, very, very soon. Stacia Buchholtz 21:15 Very soon. Yes. It should be better weather when you come. Sounds good. Dr. Paul 21:19 Thanks so much. Stay, sir. Stacia Buchholtz 21:21 All right. Thank you, Dr. Pol. Dr. Paul 21:23 Take care you too. Well, welcome back to against the wind. Scott Shara. It is just a privilege and honor to have you back. Unknown Speaker 21:35 Well, the honor is mine. Paul, thank you very much for having me again. Dr. Paul 21:39 Yeah. For those who who may not have seen your first interview. You went through a really horrendous tragedy with your 19 year old daughter Grace. Maybe just give us the cliff note version of what happened there. Scott Schara 21:54 So Grace was 19. She had Down syndrome we we took her to the the hospital because we were following the frontline doctors protocol. And part of that protocol said to get oxygen meter for your finger actually configured meter. And if it read consistently below 94%, you should admit to the hospital. Unfortunately, Grace went down into the high 80s. Grace was still fighting, she was breathing fine. It just was like she had a cold or flu. But we followed that advice and ended up checking into the hospital. If the hospital would have only followed what they told us, which was they were going to put grace on oxygen and steroid Grace would be alive today. And I know that with 100% certainty because I went into a different hospital three days after Greece died substantially worse, they just about died the first night. But they turned me around and 24 hours again. So it's it's it's quite a lesson what they did to her. Outside of put just using oxygen and a steroid is they put her on a sedation medical precedents for four and a half days, the package insert for that drug says to only use it for 24 hours. And if you use it for longer than 24 hours, it causes acute respiratory failure. Acute Respiratory failure is the first cause of death listed on Grace's death certificate. So if that's true, and they caused it worse than that the second cause of death is COVID-19 pneumonia. Of course, that's a flat out lie. What they did is they took precedents and combined it with Lorazepam and morphine in 29 minutes. So that combination is contraindicated, as Dr. Paul 23:32 you know, shut down your breathing response. And it did it killed her. Scott Schara 23:37 And that combination of meds is ultimately where I got to the point where I saw the sequence of events they had to do to execute that order. Got me to realize that they murdered her. That's the second cause of death. And then the the the worst piece of it of all isn't even that is that when it came time to now Grace's Grace started the day her last day where the doctor had told us she had she had such a good day yesterday. Let's work on nutrition. Let's get her out of bed. All that stuff was in motion. But then when it came time to finally after they gave her that med combination where they couldn't revive her, my wife and I were on a FaceTime call with my daughter Jessica screaming to the nurses to save her daughter. They refuse to even come in the room. They hollered back instead she's DNR Do Not Resuscitate. Oh my gosh, they would not revive her. So anyway, that's the cliff note version of what happened with Dr. Paul 24:36 great effect. Wow, I am so sorry. In fact, you had to watch your daughter die on Facebook. FaceTime, FaceTime? Wow. That That must have been horrific for you. Scott Schara 24:50 It's there's a lot of events in your life that you relive. You know that was that's one you know the one that I relive more than that is you I mentioned my daughter, Jessica was with her well, three days earlier, I was taken out by an armed guard, because I was the advocate before that. And, you know, that's what I really relive because I should have taken grace with me in. Dr. Paul 25:14 Wow, it's, you know, Scott Schara 25:16 we'd never left grace alone. She was alone for 44 hours when I left because the hospital wouldn't let us get a replacement advocate. And so we had to hire an attorney. And ultimately, my daughter, Jessica became the replacement. You know, during that 44 hour window, what they did with that sedation drug called precedents is they increased the dose seven different times. So they sedated Grace instead of taking care of her. You know, all this is going to shake out legally. I can't go into those details here. You know, the legal team doesn't want me to talk on air. That's fine. I'll get shaken. Oh, Dr. Paul 25:50 wow. I'm so sorry. What was she intubated? Scott Schara 25:55 No, in fact, that's the reason I believe they killed her on her last day, which was October 13 of 2021. Because I say that because after the fact, you know, I, you know, I've got 1000s Dr. Paul 26:08 Well, not why would you sedate somebody who's not intubated? Well, Scott Schara 26:12 they do it for three reasons. Number one, is they do it to set up intubation. So the patient has to be sedated. So they they attempted to convince my wife and I five different times to to put grace on a ventilator. And they would say, you know, it was it was just in case. So they wanted a pre authorization. And so they never convinced us to do that. And ultimately, because they didn't convince us to do that, which that's about a $300,000 payday to the hospital. I believe that's why they chose to take her out that day. But so I said three reasons they do it. So one is the setup intubation. Number two is the room gets classified as ICU. So in Grace's case, she never changed rooms, nor did the care change, but the amount of money the hospital received change. And then three and probably most important, is that if you want to remove a patient from the hospital, because you you finally are on to them where you had it with their care, whatever. It's called against medical advice once they're on a sedation med. So it's it's a fairly big deal. Wow, Dr. Paul 27:17 I had missed that detail. Last time we talked. I mean, I remember hearing about sedation, but I just assumed she was intubated because there'd be no rational reason to sedate her. I agree that's gonna lower your oxygen if you take somebody who's breathing, but their their SATs are low because of their illness, the COVID or anything, the worst thing you want to do is sedate them so they have less of a respiratory drive. Just makes no sense. It's Scott Schara 27:43 obvious. I mean, it's so plainly obvious that the medical malpractice nurse who reviewed Grace's record said that they chemically restrained grace. That's how they set up her death. That that was the terminology she used. Dr. Paul 27:58 So yeah, the interview that I just did, was a mom whose husband got pretty close to death. But you know, luckily, in their case, they survived this, but I think the bigger difference was he could still advocate for himself. I mean, you're dealing with somebody, though she's 19. She has Down syndrome, and she she, she really couldn't advocate for herself. Scott Schara 28:22 Well, that's 100% True. And that is that's a huge deal. And what we have found, since Grace died, you know, Grace's story has gone international. I've been on well over 300 interviews. And so people are reaching out to us all the time. I just talked with a lady who lost her down syndrome sister this last week, we're going to do a joint interview tomorrow. But one of the most egregious cases was a lady in Connecticut who lost her down syndrome daughter. And in that case, they used a, they use the similar situation to Greece, but it was substantially worse, I estimated the hospital received about $750,000 In that case, because they put her on remdesivir and a ventilator. And instead of using so the, the med combination that was used with Grace was pressing X Lorazepam, morphine, those are used in somebody's last day in hospice. And what they did with this, this young lady in Connecticut was the US Death Row meds. And this mom helped me uncover another really evil piece of this whole COVID agenda. So you know, if we want to dive into that right now, Paul, I'll just hit that quick. Dr. Paul 29:41 Yeah, sure. I'm real curious to what you've been up to, actually since our last interview and, and I know you're you've been really investigating this what you call hospital murders? Grand. Yeah. Tell me what you're what you're discovering. Scott Schara 29:54 Yeah. So I mean, what I've been up to just very quickly, I mean, I told you I've been over an over 300 interviews and Oh, we've got the legal case going I started my own podcast. But you know, the research continues because I see this. Yeah, there's not very many people representing the hospital killing lane. Everybody's focused on the vaccine, which I get that. I mean, it's where most of our efforts should be. But these hospitals are literally killing fields, not every one of them. But when you have, you have the shroud of secrecy, because hardly any family members are ever with the loved one when they die. You have immunity from liability under the prep Act, which I'm gonna cover after this one, because it's still going on. And then you have government bonuses to follow protocols that kill I mean, it's the perfect crime. So I mean, this this one, so the eyes had sent you this. So if you want to put it up? Well, while I'm talking about it, the title of the article that I want to start with it says, the white coat avail for state killing. So that could be the title of a lot of the presentations I do. But this was written August 17, of 2014. And this was written by a doctor by the name of Joel xibit. And he had gone to a state prison system witnessed lethal injection, as part of the man sentence, and he wrote this article. Well, he learned quite a bit while he was there. So remember, August of 2014, he wrote this article, the news got a hold of what he did on April 6 of 2020. The news got a hold of it on April 14, so now we're about a month or so in the COVID. So April 6 of 2020, about a month into COVID. He gets a bunch of other doctors together and writes a letter to all the state correctional facilities that use lethal injections to end people's life. And he writes a letter asking for specifically fentanyl, medazepam and draconian bromide in the news got a hold of this and reported it, he said, We need this for a treat for our COVID treatments. So anyway, this this mom in Connecticut turned me on to this. And then she sent me the the billing records from her daughter who was murdered in the hospital in Connecticut, and she was in for 22 days. She died December 8 of 2021. On December 7, which your audience will see this if you put it in the notes. She was given medazepam, fentanyl and for conium bromide, that's exactly what they give death row inmates as a lethal injection. I mean, you can't make this stuff up. This lady on top of it, this Down Syndrome lady had a DNR order on her against the family's wishes, same as Grace. And to make matters worse, I mean, now they've already given her these Death Row meds, but they need to make an extra $1,400. So they they give her feeding through her TPN line TPN food through her central line, when they've already given her the dose to kill her. And then one of the interesting things about this one is in the records. When Grace was in the hospital, the doctor wanted to put her on a drug called Tax Alyssa Ma'am, I have done the research on tax lists and may have found out that this it's no good. The blind PLACEBO study from the New England Journal of Medicine showed that the placebo group did better than the the drug group and the drug has umpteen side effects. Well, then they put this lady in Connecticut on tax Alyssa Mab. And now I found that I find out why the doctor was trying to push this with grace because one dose of tax Alyssa Mab is $22,000 per adult, one dose. What? So anyway, that's that's just an example of one of the many stories that have come our way because of your racist story being out there. So go ahead, Paul. Dr. Paul 34:01 It sounds like this is leading into what you've learned about the cause of Grace's death or murder. It to me, it sounds like there's a lot of financial incentives for hospitals to do things that are not in the best interest of the patient. Scott Schara 34:20 Well, there's huge financial incentives. And but the financial incentives really are the grease. So I just want to explain to people that this is still going on roughly 1000 people a day in the United States are still being murdered. And so what how I dug into this was on September 19, President Biden announced that the pandemic is over. So people are accumulating statistics, it's phenomenal some of the information you can get so I looked online for the week ending September 28. What happened for that week because he just announced it so what about the the day after for the the weekend and the 20th The day after he announced the pandemic is over, that you United States had 28,833 New COVID hospitalizations for that week. So that means nothing until you frame it. So I picked Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands and Israel. Because they're developed countries, their combined populations are about 12 million more than the United States. same week, they had 17,000 Less hospitalizations. So now you go out two to three weeks, those people now in the hospital would have gotten the doses, whatever. And 1085 people died October 5, after they were hospitalized. And that graph just continues. The United States is number one in the entire world, with COVID hospital deaths 1.1 million COVID hospital deaths still happening today. So why is it still happening today, because the public health emergency has to be re upped every 90 days, and October 13 of 2022, which is the one year anniversary of Grace's death, President Biden re upped the public health emergency through the through through a secretary. So now that's re up for another 90 days. So the same thing is going on. So now the United States number one in the world with with COVID deaths. Well, again, frame frame that number two is India, and India has less than half of the destiny of the United States. So then, and their population is greater. Their population is literally four times that of the United States and their footprint on the planet is only 1/3. So what's going on, we're the only country on the planet that is has the NIH protocol with remdesivir and ventilators. remdesivir has a 75% kill rate at three doses and more, which the protocol is five doses. And ventilators have a 90% kill rate. So it's pretty obvious. So I mean, you said you What's the cause of Grace's death, you know, ultimately, money isn't the cause of it. Money is the tool. And so the causes way, way more evil than that. I mean, I believe there's a satanic agenda. And it's codified in, in agenda 2030. And it's a satanic agenda to reduce the world population. And the hospitals have become from killing fields in order to do that. Dr. Paul 37:19 I mean, as a physician who wants us to work in a hospital, you know, we have these protocols were given that are considered standard of care. And unless you do your own research, you generally accepted the protocols coming down from the experts are the best standard of care for the moment. And so this is our new novel infection. This is how we're gonna manage it. Although, I mean, it's so obvious that it's not working. Scott Schara 37:48 Well, you know, so is that true? So I think that was true, maybe for the first 3060, maybe even 90 days of COVID. But now we're, you know, we're 3435 months into it, and they're still still doing the same thing. So I mean, you can't use that excuse anymore. If you're one of the doctors, I mean, just your own curiosity would get you to start looking other places. And, and they're doing it. I mean, this, this really becomes egregious when I tell you this story, we did our first hospital rescue. I never thought I'd do a hospital rescue, but it was November 5, so just a month ago. Locally, you know, we're, we have 17 billboards up. So pretty much everybody knows Grace's story here locally, and in a lady reached out to us that I didn't know. But she called me on November 3, and said, Scott, my, my brother just went into the hospital with COVID. And he's disabled. And I said her her name is Heather. And I said, Heather, I'm going to tell you something, because this is an emergency. See, and I don't care what you think of me, but they are going to try to kill him. And surprisingly, she had an open mind. And so she said, What do I do? I said, Well, you've got to advocate for him. And advocate does not mean stay there just so that he doesn't get lonely. It means protect his life. So no remdesivir No ventilator. And I said, Are you strong enough to do this? And she said, Yes, I am. Well, then, unbelievably. So that was a Thursday, Friday about 11pm. I was already in bed. She texted me, Scott, they already gave him remdesivir. So I got a hold of her first thing Saturday morning. He said, Heather, this is an emergency. And so I ended up going to the hospital. So this was in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Night. His disability is so severe, he's 44 years old. He's very intelligent, but he only weighs 40 pounds. Whoa, he has spinal muscular atrophy. So he's the perfect candidate for them to kill them. And the doctor in this case and you're asked me the question about you, are they just blindly following these protocols? And we recorded him because I thought he was going to die. That's how bad he was. And he told me, he said, Scott, the doctor told me you have COVID. But the good news is we have an antiviral, and you'll be fine. In three days, a lot of my patients are fine. After two, that antiviral was remdesivir. By the time I got there, he'd already been given three doses. So remember, three doses is a 75% kill rate. And the dose they gave him for his body rate, for his body weight was twice what the protocol was. So they overdosed him two times. And I mean, he was so bad. You know, Paul, what is amazing, you know, guys like you, I can't even believe the people I've met. So I mean, I had never done a hospital rescue. I got a hold of Laura Bartlett. Dr. Bartlett sister. Greta from protocol kills Nicole from truth for health, because they've all done hospital rescues. I know them and they helped me. They go, how do Dr. Paul 41:08 you do it? And this is news to me, actually. I mean, I can envision it but what what what do you do what you do so Scott Schara 41:15 Laura Bartlett, she was just getting on a plane. She emailed me said, Scott, you gotta get this Advanced Directive form, signed by the patient or is power of attorney and Roberts power of attorney was the sister. So I did you know, she's she emailed me that while I'm driving. So I'm talking with her. I said, Do I need to literally get this printed before I get there? Now, this is a Saturday morning. So I said, she said yes. And so I do. You know, I've got iPhone. So I said, Siri, find copy and print near me. So I swing into a strip mall, the copy and print place had gone out of business. There's a credit union next door. So I walk into the credit union, I went right into an officer's office. I said, Listen, I've got an emergency. Can I send you this email and you print this document for me? And she did it. I go to the hospital, we start going through go first of all, when you know, I was not prepared for what I saw, you know, 40 pound men, man in bed that is barely alive. I knelt down to with him, I hugged him, I prayed with him. And he looked me in the eye. And this was really, I mean, it was so heartbreaking. He said, Scott, please don't leave me. And I said I won't. And so then we we walked through the directors form with him. He agreed to each point, which basically they had said, We're stopping everything that you have going. So then I texted Peter McCullough, because I met him in June, and he gave me his cell phone number and I told them what's going on? Can you give me the protocol that we should follow it to revive this guy? And he said, I don't have time right now call Paul Merrick who I've also met I said, So I text back I don't have follow Merrick cell numbers. So he sends it to me. Paul Merritt calls five minutes later, I put him on speakerphone in the hospital room. While he walks through the dose we need for ivermectin view, das and I NAC all you know, bam, bam, bam. So I transcribe it all. Now we get the doctor in tell him what we want. Tell him we're stopping all this stuff. He won't do anything that we asked other than he did order the view destinate so that I call my wife I said, Listen, bring in my NAC my Avermectin she's a How can we do that? I said, you know, when Grace was in the hospital was like on lockdown here we had complete freedom. So she brings the stuff in, we get him sitting up. We start he gets fed through a tube in his stomach, a direct tube, that's because he can't swallow because of his his disability. So we start giving him the meds. He gets a treatment with the desk tonight. And you know, we walk he starts reviving. We taped that conversation with him. Just because I you know, at the beginning, I thought he was going to die. And I wanted it on tape with his voice that what the doctor told them about remdesivir is going to save his life. So now he's starting to revive. I said, Robert, his name was Robert, I said, I think we should get you out of here. And he wisely says, well, let's get the second rim does or the second beaut SNA treatment just in case the doctor won't prescribe what we need. And so we do that. So then we announced that we're leaving, so they have a big fit, the doctor says through an interpreter because he won't even come in and do an evaluation. He says he's got to stay overnight. You can't let him go. If you do, it's going to be against medical advice. So we said we don't care we're leaving. And I had bought an oxygen generator. When I had COVID for home use so we use that my wife got the the nebulizer treatments so we didn't have any The prescriptions, the doctor wouldn't do anything. And so then we worked with Nicole from truth for health to detox him. And he's, he's doing fantastic. He made it. Dr. Paul 45:09 Wow. So So basically, folks, I've had just a handful of situations where I, I can't say I encouraged but I didn't discourage patients leaving against medical advice. You know, they they would need it out. They weren't in danger, if they took matters into their own hands. It's, it's, you're right. I mean, you you are not a prisoner. So while it's steamed against medical advice, which removes some liability, I think, to the hospital. Beyond that, just remember, it's your body, it's your life, and it's your choice where you are. Scott Schara 45:45 Well, that is, that is that's absolutely right on. I mean, it's, as Robert says, there should never be a time where your choice is taken away from you. And, you know, that's that, of course, is that sound. I mean, we have that right, just as a basic human right. So when they do this against medical advice thing. You know, it's a fear tactic. Dr. Paul 46:14 Yeah. Yeah. Do we have permission to distribute your directive to physicians and medical power of attorney? Unknown Speaker 46:24 Absolutely, yes, I sent that to you as a PDF document. Dr. Paul 46:28 Thank you, I will, I will make that available on against the wind. And, you know, it's doctors in science.com, folks, but I love how simple this was, I do not consent to the use of remdesivir. Under any circumstances, I do not consent to receiving any vaccine or booster for COVID-19. I do not consent to receiving a seasonal flu shot. I do not consent. And it has a few more of those. And the bottom line is you're making it really explicitly clear that they may not should not do those procedures. In a, I guess it's a legally binding document. I mean, it's a directive. Scott Schara 47:04 That's right. I mean, it's the patient's choice. I mean, medical directives have been around for 50 years and estate planning. So this is no different than that. But it's just it's very pointed. And it's an emergency directive. In this case, you can't even make this up. So I mean, remember, they already gave him three doses of remdesivir. Right. But we gave this doctor the directive was probably about 11 o'clock in the morning. Then at 1145, the nurse comes in with COVID flu vaccine to give this guy, it's, you know, we tell her we're not doing any of that we just went through the directive. I mean, just think I mean, so that really tried to kill him. Dr. Paul 47:49 That brings up a very important point, what you just said there, despite having just gone over the death directive, they were about to do something that you had explicitly forbidden on your directive. That means folks, and I cannot emphasize this enough. And I'll be interested in your take on this. We cannot leave our loved ones alone in the hospital ever. You have to insist on being with them. What do you say to that? Scott Schara 48:16 It's, it's even more pointed than that. So that's the starting point. And people often ask me, what is the single most important thing you can do relative to, you know, staying with your loved ones? And the answer I always give is change your belief. Because if you believe hospitals are like they were the last time you were in the hospital three, four years ago, they are not. And if you don't believe that, you will fail as an advocate. So you are there to protect your loved one. And you specifically have to make sure that every single thing that they are administering that you have approved, they explain it to you, you research it on your own laptop, make sure it's okay. And if they will not follow what your directive is, you will immediately leave and go to another facility. That's how intense this this is. Your I was an advocate for Grace ball and my daughter Jessica was there. But we still missed all of this because we didn't we didn't realize what was happening. I mean, I know what's happening now and so I can't do enough interviews. That's why I'm sharing all that. Dr. Paul 49:29 Yeah. I I just spoke at a conference where I do a little skit with my partner and I play the doctor who's the typical doctor, you know, you're gonna do these vaccines, or I'll sorry, you're gonna have to leave our practice I mean, all the nonsense right? And first get we've got a mom with a baby and she's trying to get her point across but she's not firm and convinced and convicted. And then of course, I get my way is the doctor. Yeah, we're going to do this The second time around is like, right from the get go, she advocates with attitude with certainty. And it's interesting, I plan the doctoral, I'm realizing, Oh, wow, I'm not gonna get to do what I want to do here. And so I mean, that's the whole point you have to go in knowing your rights. But beyond that, you've got to be passionate and very convicted, and very clear, right from the get go. Nothing happens here without my permission. Scott Schara 50:28 So I want to just, it's all when this happened with grace, I was clear, but remember, I didn't I didn't have the right perspective yet, because I didn't realize what their goal was. And so I was taken up by an armed guard on October 10, the evening before so the eenheid of our pair for that? Well, here's the issue, how you prepare is I should have taken grace with me if I would have known what was going on with taking Greece with me. But what what set that up as I was advocating, just like you said in the second skit, so I told the nurses, so they would not feed grace. And I said, Listen, we can feed grace, all we have to do we remove the BiPAP? Because they kept saying, Well, her accidental drop if you remove the BiPAP. I said, That's not true. I watched the nurses come in and swab her mouth, and they just put a low flow cannula on and her oxygen stays fine. So that's all we have to do. You remove the BiPAP. You put the cannula on, and they do it every time they're there, moistening her mouth. Well, we can't do that. Because the doctor won't let us as I said bluntly, I said, Listen, I am the one in charge of my daughter's care, not the doctor. And that is the specific thing that motivated the nurse to say you got to leave with an armed guard the next morning. So I mean, if I would have been wise to all of this, that would have been the moment, you know, Grace would have left with me and Grace would be alive today. Yeah, this is a big, big deal. Dr. Paul 51:55 Now it's a huge deal. Thank you for sharing that story. Yeah, so yeah, you know, kind of in your in your final thoughts for people, because it just amazes me that this is still ongoing. When, when in effect. For the most part, this epidemic of COVID is over. I mean, there's still people being hospitalized because people are still getting sick, but we know how to treat it. Now we know what not to do we know what to do, the hospitals don't seem to know what to do. Scott Schara 52:28 The thing that is is still happening is that they're testing in order, because the incentives are still there. So their motivation is to test until the test is positive. In the case with Robert, he had tested with a home test that morning, and it was negative a half hour later, after he gets to the hospital, it's positive. You know, I don't think he ever had COVID. But there is such a financial incentive to get the patient classified as COVID, that, you know, it just it's going to keep continuing. And whether it's COVID or not, it doesn't matter because as long as they have a public health emergency, so this next public health emergency, if they don't re up, well, then it stops the the bonus payments. So then now we have a legitimate chance, but I mean, they've already been trained to do a do things a certain way the hospitals are relying on this money. So I don't see the public health emergency ever ending. At the the last time it was re upped on October 13, they had three reasons to do it. One is, you know, for COVID for the the bonus money, the COVID in the hospital, you know, the the prep act immunity, and then third was immunity for the vaccine. But now the vaccines got it on the childhood vaccination schedule, so they don't need that purpose of the public health emergency anymore. But now that, you know, RSV has come up, you know, it seems like this is going to be a never ending thing to me. I you know, I'm not a prophet. So I don't know that for sure. But, you know, there is there's an evil agenda. And so I just don't see this just automatically being lifted and it stops. Dr. Paul 54:09 Yeah. What what are you? What's your understanding of what alternatives exist out there for people? Like, you know, if you could have done this differently? Say you were going through this today? How would you have handled it differently? Scott Schara 54:25 Yeah, that's a great question. The first thing I would do, which I just did today, I had a doctor's appointment today at a brand new doctor, one that is off grid. They have they started their own practice. It's been established for well over a year, they have multiple nurses and doctors in it now but they're not. They're not conventional. So get a relationship with a doctor who is not bought as part of the system. So you got to do that ahead of time. You can't be doing this when the emergency comes up. So I mean, I didn't have any reason to go to the doctor today whatsoever. Then I want had to establish that relationship. So that's what I would do. And there's other ones that are set up, we have some links on Grace's website on the resources tab, where you can put in your state and then find doctors that have checked out of the system. And in our part of, you know, a nation wide, loose system where they're basically saying, we know this is corrupt, and we're not participating anymore. So that's what I would encourage people to do Dr. Paul 55:30 get tastic. So So do people go to our amazing grace.net? Scott Schara 55:34 Yes. And you there's a resource tab there. And you'll see there's, there's a number of resources, but the one that I'm talking about is, there's a couple of them. And there's going to be some directly for Wisconsin, but this is nationwide, the ones that are on there, when you see it on the website. Dr. Paul 55:51 Thank you for building that resource. I get asked that all the time. And I will add this to a place that people can go to try to find a doctor who's going to be on their team. Well, thanks, Paul. Well, I'll give you closing remarks. Sadly, I need to run but your thank you so much for sharing what you've been through. And I know this is hard stuff, but you're a warrior. And I'm just so in admiration of you for all the hard work you're doing to help mankind really Grace's death won't be in vain. Your her ministry lives on through all this work that you're doing and I'm sure she's a big resource of strength for you. Scott Schara 56:34 She has a new just the perfect segue to Hall close. So I'm going to read Genesis 5020. So Grace's death is not in vain. We're Genesis 5020 says you intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done the saving of many lives. You have Grace grace, had a love for our Lord that was second to none. She called me earthly dad, she called my wife earthly mom, you know, and she, she was she's the best kid you can ever have. Nobody deserves a kid like that. She was wonderful. And so she's easy motivation to do this. And I'm just I'm thankful I'm able to be used. Dr. Paul 57:15 God bless you, Scott. That is so so precious. I have a hunch. I'm just gonna throw it out there. That through this heartbreak, your soul has been opened wide open. And you are you are living love now. And and yeah, she lives through you. You know, love is all powerful. And God is amazing. And thank you for being faithful. Scott Schara 57:45 But God's doing it. Well, that's all I can say. Because that it isn't something I ever thought I would do. I mean, this is what I'm doing full time now. And it's, it's wonderful to be used. Dr. Paul 57:57 Yeah. Amen. Brother. Thank you. You're welcome. Help me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors and science.com. I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website, doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. And let's make this the weekly show the nation has been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
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