PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:00
Dr. Paul Welcome to against the wind doctors in science under fire. Today I am featuring special guest, Dr. Henry Ely. He is discussing in detail spike glycoprotein. Yes, it's not just spike protein, it's glycoprotein. And what that has resulted in is sticky blood, the accumulation and clotting of red blood cells together, reducing their ability for gas exchange. This actually targets the very foundation of life, oxygen, carbon dioxide exchange. It's a powerful presentation, and you can get more information by visiting his art of cellular healing at the energetic Institute. So go to the Energetic Health institute.org Learn more about this I'm actually taking his course is powerful. It's incredible. And enjoy the show Dr. Ball coming to you from the heart. While today's interview highlights some devastation that comes with COVID jabs. And I want parents not to let go the fact before warned 2023 is the year that given the fact that the CDC and the FDA have approved the COVID jabs, six months and up. It's up to us the parents to protect however, it's a new year, I want this year to be about love and new beginnings. Let's embrace change. Let's facilitating the sharing of important information. Information like you get here on this show information like you'll get it the Children's Health defense or the high wire and many other important outlets of truth of science have the information we really need. Let's all accept the fact that we Yes, you Yes, I we can make a difference. We need to step forward into this wonderful new year and do our part. I'm excited to see what can happen. When we go forward loving one another, we can change this world. Well, welcome back to against the wind. Dr. H, it is always a pleasure to have you on the show. Dr. Henry Ealy 2:07 It's always great to be here. And Dr. Paul, I appreciate you so much for having me again, Dr. Paul 2:11 for people who don't know this man. I mean, he combines love and kindness and a beautiful energy with a spirit of you know, fighting for the truth. And helping people figure out how to heal. Both, you know, physically but also mentally, emotionally, spiritually. So I love you, man, you still are the executive committee director of Energetic Health Institute, I imagine. And folks can find the information at the Energetic Health institute.org. But I just learned you're no longer in Oregon. What happened? Dr. Henry Ealy 2:44 Well, you know, family decisions, you know, my son wasn't really happy and wasn't thriving up in Oregon. I love Oregon, I love the people of Oregon, want to come back during the summers when it's a little bit more sunny. But, you know, my son comes first always. And so we moved a little bit closer to family and a place where you can go to school in person and pursue his dreams. And he's thriving again. And I just am grateful for Dr. Paul 3:08 all of that. Yeah, yeah. Well, it's always so important to be mindful of how our kids are doing and that you're willing to do whatever it takes. That's what we want parents to do. Amen. Oh, yeah. Good for you. You just forwarded an article to me this morning, I was going through my emails. And it was it was pretty enlightening. SARS cov to spike protein inducing hemoglobin nation. And I, I know you've just recently given a talk that has some really important information for folks. So lead us into this whole topic of, hey, the spike protein is not exactly just a protein. And it's causing this hemoglobin nation sticky blood, which affects gas exchange, and then a whole multitude of problems. Yeah, what? What is the best way to help people understand what's really going on? Dr. Henry Ealy 4:02 Well, you know, I think the best way is to start with, you know, just setting the stage. Why did they do this? Right? When we, you know, you're looking for population reduction. This is what the, you know, if I was looking for population reduction, how would I go about doing it? Well, you can't put out a product that just wipes out everybody the same way. You have to have a diversity of pathologies, a diversity of causes of death. So it looks like it's not the actual product that you put out, it looks like it so a whole bunch of other things. You could even call it climate change if you want it right. When it's really this bio weapon in the bio weapon is the shot. Now with the bio weapon, what it does, is it co ops normal cell function to produce spike protein. They admit that we know that when we go to the Lund University study, I'll show again a little bit later we know that it actually does more than that the mRNA reverse transcribed into DNA and if a person is a poor methylator, their DNA is going it'd be vulnerable and now the DNA sequence they have the spike protein DNA sequence can upload into their body. Now the chat problem with that is now that person is going to be producing spike protein incessantly. Now, the big thing I think we have to do in our in the in medicine is we have to change how we call this we keep saying spike protein, because we've just didn't that's what it is, right? It's a spike protein. And really, we need to start calling it Dr. Paul spike glyco protein, because that's what it is. Now. glyco may not mean anything to the your your audience right now. But let's educate them. Okay. glyco is a carbohydrate. So that means it's a sugar. And it's makes things very sticky. Okay, so when you say spike glyco protein and use the full nomenclature of what this actually is. Now, sugar makes things stick spike protein, Spike glycoprotein, makes red blood cells stick together. Hmm. That's the simplicity of that starts this what we're seeing with Dr. Ryan Cole's amazing work, what we're seeing what we're hearing about coming out of the morticians and the autopsies and things like that these elongated stuff, fibrous kind of spongy blood clots, and everything, right? Yes, starts with red blood cells being stuck together by the spike protein. So if your body is producing spike, glyco, protein incessantly, then your red blood cells are constantly being stuck together. In you have a blood sugar management issue, this process, which is known as glycosylation is already occurring without the spike glyco protein, the spike glyco protein just makes it worse. So that's how we get people, you know, developing these blood clots in different areas. Now, we got to keep in mind, the adult human body's going to have anywhere from about 60,000 to 100,000 miles of blood vessels. I mean, how amazing is that right? Now, when you plug up that tube, with a blood clot, whatever is dependent upon that tube for blood and oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide is going to suffer and ultimately fail, ultimately going to die right. Now, what that does is it creates a diversity of pathology. And what it does is creates a diversity of cause of death. So now you create a plausible deniability that this experimental prod product isn't the cause. And that's what they were looking for. So what they what they did was they attack the most sacred, the most foundational aspect of human existence, which is gas exchange, the ability to bring oxygen into the cells for energy production, and to to get carbon dioxide, which is very toxic to the system out there. So we can give it to the trees and the trees can can exchange with us like that's what they did here. And I got I got some pictures do you want to see but let's Dr. Paul 7:54 see them. And at some point, you can also address I believe, the spike glyco protein is also affecting mitochondria. Is that true? Dr. Henry Ealy 8:05 Absolutely. It is we and you know what's crazy about that? Dr. Pol? We've known that since April of 2021. We've known that right? And I was screaming about this. It was soon as this study came out from the American Health Association Journal of screaming about this because mitochondria are essential for energy production without them producing energy. We've got nothing right. And we're certainly going to die. Dr. Paul 8:29 Yeah, and I think it explains that piece explains well, lack of oxygen will explain it to us. You shut down mitochondria, you have no energy. And it was this extreme fatigue that people will have. Right I even had it with just the illness. I haven't had the jab. I won't do that. But when I had COVID Yeah, there's about a week I was really tired, Dr. Henry Ealy 8:52 right? And now what now what do we know as of the last couple of weeks, what do we know was really happening for you when you were experiencing that? Your red blood cells because of the spike protein? We're getting stuck together. So it didn't matter how much oxygen you were in or around or if you're taking a breathing mask or nasal cannula or somebody's trying to ventilate you, heaven forbid, right? It doesn't matter. The red blood cell can't grab that oxygen anyway so it's just like you're choking people with oxygen you know it's a terrible it's and that's exactly what's happened with all the ventilator call induced deaths is they asked and basically suffocated people with oxygen. Right. Dr. Paul 9:31 And it's so classic for this condition, the the illness itself to that oxygen deprivation, right? We're seeing pulse ox reading exactly like we've never seen before. I mean, people in their 70s pulse ox of 70. That's like what normally we would, we'd be intubating right? And so so we used our old thinking, Oh, we got to low ox you need to be intubated and given oxygen Dr. Henry Ealy 9:59 right now. But when it had actually nothing to do with that it had to be to do with the red blood cells were clumping together, they were stuck together. And they didn't matter how much ox. But I was having that same problem in 2020, working with patients, and I was like, why is this otoo? Set so low? Why can't we get this Oh, twos, because the red blood cells are stuck to get we found. Dr. Pol. And this is comes from the work I've been doing with all the severely injured people predominantly, right? What we found is that it's just this simple. It's this simple of red blood cells getting stuck together. And that's what the spike protein really is doing to the system to throw everything. Dr. Paul 10:39 So before you get into heavy science, because I know you're so good at that. And I want to I want people who want science to be able to kind of dive deeper. But before we go there, since we touched on this, what can people do? Because this is this is a big thing that you do for our world is through the Energetic Health Institute, and your research and in nutrition. Let's start here and then we'll go to the science. What can people got it right now, if they've got COVID, or they've had the jab and they're suffering from I guess we could say lack of oxygen. Dr. Henry Ealy 11:13 Right? What do people do, we got to bring hope into the world, you can't bring hope into the world by telling people who've gotten the shot that got it coerced against their will, they knew they didn't really want to get it, that they're screwed, you can't just tell them that they're screwed. There's nothing we can do. There's always a solution. Our bodies are designed to heal God built us to heal even from this. And that's what we that's what I based everything on. So when we look at that sticky blood, the key and I'll show some other images in a second. But it's key loss of surface area, right? That's what we're thinking about what things get stuck together, no oxygen, and what the result is, as you get carbon dioxide buildup that's very acidic, very toxic to the system, the cell is going to die, right? So when we look at this, what can we do? The first thing we there's really four things we have to think about when we're thinking about health with this new problem. And that's first we got to free the red blood blood cells freedom up, okay, what you're looking at the on the right is a live blood cell analysis image right here, what you're seeing are red blood cells all over the place, but you see how they're all stuck together. And so they've lost surface area, they've lost surface area, there now are not going to be able to bind as much oxygen or carbon dioxide, if really any effectively. And these ones that are real deep in here that you see all embedded in here, those are actually going to ultimately rupture and form fibrin threads. And that's where we start seeing the clot formation occurring. Okay, yeah. So how do we free them up? Dr. Paul 12:45 And of course, sticky clumps that size, even in this is microscopic, is they're not going to move through the capillary beds? Dr. Henry Ealy 12:53 Nope. And that's where we start seeing patients reporting that they're seeing necrosis in their, in their peripheral extremities, their distal extremities, you know, the fingers and the toes, things like that. It's because of that exactly what you're talking about micro clotting right there. And it's what Dr. Chetty in South Africa was pointing to with saying, we need to be checking D dimer levels, and it's all coming together. It's all starting to find you're Dr. Paul 13:16 gonna teach us how to get these things. unclamped. Dr. Henry Ealy 13:19 Let's get them on clump. So first thing let's free the red blood cells, right? So free, Dr. Paul 13:23 and how do we do it? Oxygen, Dr. Henry Ealy 13:25 this is why hyperbaric oxygen has been so effective in short spurts. It doesn't it's not showing a retention of effectiveness, but it can give quick, effective, especially somebody who's in a dire situation hyperbaric oxygen, but then that also goes into breathing practices meditation, right, this is going get your get your bloodstream, oxygenated, and these will start to separate. Now, not very fast, but it's effective. Next thing is fasting, fasting and intermittent fasting is going to support this. This is why these things are working. Dr. Paul 14:00 Rodian what is fasting, do that just a brief explanation. Sure Dr. Henry Ealy 14:04 what fasting is going to do is fasting is going to start making sure any resources especially sugars, are utilized. And when sugars are utilized, they're going to be taken off, enzymes are going to take them off of the red blood cells and it's going to start breaking things apart. See, this all gets broken apart. Ultimately, Dr. Pol due to enzyme activity. So bringing in more oxygen is going to support enzyme activity fasting and using these sugars in here is going to increase energy production for enzymes. It said that's this hierarchy, you produce energy. Enzymes are going to increase enzymes break all this stuff down. And now you're you're lower your blood sugars in here you lower the other factors that lead to glycosylation. And now these start to separate. Okay, interesting. Now, this is why proteolytic enzymes have been working serrapeptase natto kinase things that we've been taking as long as people are taking it away from Food. Those enzymes get into the bloodstream. And guess what? They start breaking down the spike glyco proteins that hold all this stuff together, pretty man Dr. Paul 15:08 and are those enzymes requiring a prescription? Dr. Henry Ealy 15:11 Those enzymes are not requiring a prescription there. They are easily accessible by everybody. I love using Dr. Michael Murray's line called Informatica or excuse me, enzyme medica. And he's got something in there called repair gold, which has serrapeptase in it and therapeutic amounts. And so I I usually use that one with my patients. But that's not an endorsement of there. There's great companies out there. But if you really like I really liked what Dr. Michael Murray does. He's a nature path. So yeah, I'm kind of lean in that direction. We make sure we get all the mitochondrial nutrients in and that's going to produce energy energy produces enzymes, enzymes break this apart. But here's something that keeps dawned on me. We go and we look at these other cultures and what do they do every morning. They don't drink coffee, per se. They drink herbal tea with no sweeteners, no sweeteners, they're gonna stay in auto phagocytosis with some intermittent fasting, but they're also bringing in antioxidants that help to separate red blood cells. That's where Nettle Leaf tea and green tea especially come in that when you're drinking green tea every morning, you are bringing in antioxidants that help break these apart as well. Okay, pretty cool stuff, right? Dr. Paul 16:27 Yeah, I remember learning about green tea, helping you with aging and helping boost your immune system. And yet I'm still drinking coffee in the morning. Oh, dear. Dr. Henry Ealy 16:38 Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Well, here's the thing. Just for everybody out there. Coffee is actually an herb, the coffee bean is actually an or it's when you add in the creamers and the sweeteners that it becomes a you know a caloric beverage and therefore shuts off auto phagocytosis. But if you're just drinking black coffee or even better espresso, right, then what you're actually doing and has been proven by Dr. Ronald Pryor and his work with antioxidants, which are actually doing is increasing your antioxidant profile tremendously. And espresso is actually way better than just a cup of coffee. There's one other thing though, that will free the red blood cells. Remember, there's four things we got to do. But so recovering just the first one. This this study just came out on December 7. So just a couple of days ago. What we got here is a study that showing what we're talking about sticky blood, I'm saying sticky blood for the public. Technically it would be called hemoglobin nation. Yeah. All right. And what they found here, which was really interesting, was that when you read the abstract, they showed that ivermectin there we go ivermectin blocked heme agglutination. That's what ha stands for. It's right here. In this, so, ivermectin, why was it really working? Well, we know a few of the mechanisms of action thanks to Dr. Pierre quarry. FLCC. Doctor Drs. Lengow. Right. We know a few of the mechanism action. But this is the first time we've had confirmation that ivermectin actually breaks up red blood cells. Well, it doesn't break them apart, breaks them apart from being sticky. It unstick defies the red blood cells. Yeah, Dr. Paul 18:18 well, that's there you go. So, so not leave home without it. Dr. Henry Ealy 18:24 We it should be in every person's medicine chest at this point, right. You should have some ivermectin in your home. So we would add a sixth thing on here. ivermectin. Yeah. All right. Now, a little side note here for your audience. Yeah, one of the things I do when I work with patients is I look at the medications they're on and we go when we look at half lives, we go and look at the how long does it take for half of a substance to get out of the bloodstream? Right? Right. The longer it takes for half of the substance to get out of the bloodstream, the more likelihood that you're going to have bio accumulation of those medicinal compounds, right. The longer that those bio, accumulate, the greater likelihood of adverse events, okay. Now, ivermectin is only going to be in a bloodstream HalfLife. I think of a couple of days. I gotta go and look that up, but it's not very long. It's a little longer than I liked, but not very long. Compare that with hydroxychloroquine. hydroxychloroquine has a half life of 40 to 50 days. Oh, okay. I know that. I just put a warning out to a bunch of doctors a few weeks ago that it should not be used in anything other than acute circumstances. It should definitely not be used as a prophylactic. Because what can happen with hydroxychloroquine we have confirmation of this happening in some patients, people who are taking it even a couple times a week. What is happening is it prolongs Qt waves in the heart, so it leads to heart arrhythmias, and we have confirmation not a good thing. So anybody out there listening who's taking hydroxychloroquine as a prophylactic, please stop ivermectin is fine, but I Dropsy chloric. And please do not use anything other than confirmed cases of and where you have acute symptomatology Other Dr. Paul 20:09 than that, and even then you would use it short term, not long term, short Dr. Henry Ealy 20:13 term, very short term, okay. And only because you really couldn't get ivermectin and some of the other things that we know work, all right, it's it should not be in a list of our primary go twos, in my opinion, because of that. Now, there's three other things we got to consider here too, because we got to get, we got to change this sticky situation over here. The next thing we got to do is we got to lower the blood viscosity, you remember those old castor oil GTX commercials where the engine would be rabid. And then, you know, lower your oils, viscosity, right, we got to lower the viscosity, we got to lower the thickness of the blood. And that's where things like turmeric, you know, in the in the allopathic side, typically they'll go for warfarin and things in that pass. Right. But yeah, you want a little bit if you want a lot less, a lot lower side effect profile. That's where we go with turmeric, Curcuma longa and vitamin E, which we know is deficient in most Americans, right, the CDC has confirmed that up to 84% of Americans are deficient in the minimal amounts of vitamin E. Dr. Paul 21:13 Yeah, I remind remind our listeners, if you if you have it on the tip of your brain, what if what foods are high in vitamin Dr. Henry Ealy 21:19 E, sunflower seeds, highest wildflower seeds, sunflower seeds, great way to get vitamin E. in you, and but also, if you just were taking a little extra, you know, 400 I use of vitamin D for an adult is is therapeutic amount and it's totally safe. So, you know, I really that's something I do on a regular basis. So you know, it's just it's a safe, good habit to be in. And if anybody for your audience, Dr. Paul, that's concerned about maybe overdosing some nutrients. The simple thing we do is we have at least one maybe two washout days a week, two days a week where you don't take any supplementation, anything just eat food and let your body rebalance itself. It's an old school, an old school trick taught to me by Dr. Bill Mitchell. really famous nature path back in the day. All right, thanks for sharing that tip. Yeah, it's a good one. Right? And it works. I remember sitting in the lecture when he told me that it was just like, lightbulb, you know, here we go. Remember that? Dr. Paul 22:19 Yeah, well, and And my experience has been the fat soluble vitamins you particularly need to be careful not to go too high. Especially just vitamin A, Dr. Henry Ealy 22:29 vitamin A of all the vitamins A, D, E, and K are going to be our fat soluble vitamins, right? Of those class. It's vitamin A, and it's specifically vitamin A in the retinol form, right, vitamin D. Americans. Okay, carotene. We're not worried about that retinol? Yes, you have to be concerned about a prolonged use of retinol because it can lead to liver toxicity. And we it's it doesn't happen often. And it doesn't happen frequently at all. But it's something certainly everybody needs to be aware of. Yeah, right. Right. And then the last thing would be mineral salts. So something I do pretty frequently as I'll take some potassium by bicarbonate, basically baking soda, but instead of it being sodium, it's a potassium form of it. And that's put together by Dr. Robert Young, who's done great work with pH and things of that nature. So I would highly encourage people to check that out where we put together a course Dr. Paul at the school called The Art of cellular healing, we put together a kind of a do it yourself course, we're going to turn it into a certification course next in January, we're working with the Canadian COVID Care Alliance, to put that course together. And what we're really excited about is I put together about 30 videos that we're adding a couple more to now. But we have 30 videos that explain everything that I'm talking about here and a lot more and help you go from knowing nothing about your body, to how to taking care of it beautifully and that we have a roadmap for you. So check that out, go to energetic health institute.org And check out The Art of cellular healing. All right, Dr. Paul 24:03 fantastic. You know, we're made up of cells. And if your cells are healthy, you're healthy. So nothing could be more important. Dr. Henry Ealy 24:11 Simple. It's like simple basic logic, right? Yeah. So we've addressed we got to free the red blood cells, we got to thin out the thickness right? Now. Look at this. Look what happens when we do this. Do you see the difference here? This is how the live blood cell analysis is supposed to look, this happened for a patient of mine within 18 days, really? 18 days they went from this to this. This is actually the same patient. Wow. Okay, wow. Now, what we can do to accentuate this a little bit more is we can improve vasodilation we can make those blood vessels open up a little bit more. So there's more room for these, maybe some of these clumps to flow through while they're being broken apart. That's where we get into L arginine. I'm a big fan. on what John heel it's done with cardio miracle. Yes, it's a brilliant Lee designed formulation. It's got organic, a lot of organic ingredients. And he's got therapeutic amounts of L arginine and l citrulline. In there, as well as a lot of herbs to support vasodilation. And he has, he has independent lab analysis showing that his product works and works for 24. It's a beautiful product, definitely something worth checking out. I know we offer a discount at the school. So check it out at the school and we can get you set up and I don't know if Dr. Pol, you have it are offering it through your clinic. But if you want Dr. Paul 25:39 I clinic is closed, but I do have a link, I just have to make sure I put it up on the new good new website. I don't I don't think I've done that yet. But yeah, free to fill out feel free folks to visit the Energetic Health Institute and take advantage of everything that that you're offering there. It's incredible. I I support the use of that product fact I have it myself. Dr. Henry Ealy 26:01 Amen. Me too. I use it myself I had and I don't endorse anything that I don't use myself. And I don't see success with patients. Right? It's got to work above all right, yep. So then the last thing, so that's the third thing, right? So we separate those red blood cells, we make sure that we've lowered the thickness of the blood, the viscosity, we now improve vasodilation and open up those blood cells of the the blood vessels. And then the last thing is we improve oxygen binding, we improve how red blood cells actually grab on to oxygen and how they get rid of carbon dioxide. The two things that really influence that are going to be chlorophyll. I like taking chlorella, you know, so we get a green superfood and into the system. And then lastly, Courtice EPS, which is a medicinal mushroom, it's a medicinal mushroom that long distance runners used to actually improve oxygen binding capacity of the red blood cells. Pretty neat, right? Yeah. And now we have a formula. Now we understand the mechanism of action. We understand when somebody gets sick, what we need to do, but we also understand what we need to do to help people who are injured by the shots and who have been genetically modified. And not everybody who's gotten the shots have been has been genetically modified. But we have to have a plan to get people who are severely injured stable. And this is this is step one. Right? Yeah. Dr. Paul 27:25 And, and to speak just a little bit to that term genetically modified. It's kind of horrifying, that they have put a product on the market that has the ability to incorporate into your genome right into your DNA. Yep. And what worries me about that, and probably what you just went through of how to heal the at the cellular level, if it's in your DNA, because you've taken the jab and got transcribed, reverse transcribed into your DNA, which I don't know if it's, it's probably not 100%? Or is it? Do you know, do we know if it's, Dr. Henry Ealy 28:03 it's definitely not 100%? All right, and one of the big factors is, what I'm seeing right now is that people who have an MTHFR reductase, you know, methyl tetrahydrofolate, reductase disorder, these are the people that don't methylate very well. And if you don't methylate methyl, if you don't methylate very well, a lot of big college words here, then what ends up happening is your DNA are now vulnerable, and you're more susceptible to a genetic modification. Okay, but if you methylate fine, there's a great likelihood that if you got the shot, you didn't get genetically modified. Interesting. Dr. Paul 28:38 So some people are are aware of their MTHFR status. I am actually a carrier of the C 6771, which is the more powerful glitch, if you will. I have sort of educated in the past my patients, I don't do patients, I don't do health care anymore. I'm just a I'm like, I'm like Dr. Ely in the sense that I'm mostly teaching now. But what I what I've taught is take methyl folate and avoid regular folate or folic acid, because that's gonna make me wasted even worse. Dr. Henry Ealy 29:15 Exactly. It's your 100% right over target with that. And we actually saw an instance where we had a little girl who was severely injured by the shots. She was unknown, and this is what clued me into this was a bigger deal. We I gave her some multivitamin to start getting her energy production up. And the form that the folate was in was just the full folate form. It wasn't in THF, the five in THF form. So what ended up happening was we had immediate cognitive regression, and her mom sent me a video that freaked me out and I don't know why I honed in on oh my god, this might be an MTHFR because I've never really dealt with that a lot in my practice. But I got lucky. I'm sure that was God touching me on the shoulder saying hey, you And let me let me help you out here. And so we got her off that formula put her on another one. And she's actually one of our patients that today is fully recovered from the modificar. From the injuries due to the shot. Dr. Paul 30:13 Wow, I've read that as much as 50% of the population is at least a carrier have an MTHFR glitch. I mean, it's not that your enzyme doesn't work at all, but it is not working at capacity. So I just tell everybody, make sure your folate is in the form of methyl folate, Dr. Henry Ealy 30:32 right. And for you, knowing what you know about the mutation that you hold, you should not be eligible for the shots, you are the person that would be likely to be genetically modified by the shots because of that. Right? So it's something and this is the questions we've all had, why didn't you Why weren't there a list of things that qualified people if these were really tested, and really actually safe? And effective? Why didn't we have a detailed list of who is definitively not qualified for these and for what reasons? You know what I mean, again, it can't be a needle in every arm and whoever dies dies, that's a murder for profit Ponzi scheme, we cannot abide by that, you know, that's the first do no harm, right? I mean, yeah, Dr. Paul 31:12 that's absolutely, absolutely. So all right, well, now you can take us back to the hardcore science. Okay, here we go science time, I know what to do. But for those of you who love science, we're gonna get, you're gonna get schooled here. I'm gonna get schooled. Dr. Henry Ealy 31:30 So this is a talk, I'm not going to give the whole thing. But this is a talk I did in Puerto Rico yesterday. So nice to invite me down there and share some of this. So basically, we have our stem cells that will ultimately become a red blood cell and platelets and things like that simple kind of stuff. And the bone marrow comes out of the bone marrow. And what we want is we want to have a situation where red blood cells have have space, right? Where there's space, there's movement, where there's movement, there's energy, and where there's energy disease cannot exist. Well, this is how we want it to look. But imagine if this red blood cell here gets stuck to this red blood cell and this and they get stuck to this one and this one, and you get this clumping. Now what happens is you get a loss of surface area. So here's one red blood cell and some interesting factoids about it. Red blood cells will be viable in the bloodstream for about 120 days. We make about our bodies in the bone marrow make about 2.5 million red blood cells every second right away. That's that's what's estimated right now, how crazy is that? Right? We have roughly 3020 to 30 trillion red blood cells circulating in our body, right, and they all need to be separate from each other and be able to flow around each other and unstuck. Now, when we look at the red blood cell, we have 250 to 280 million hemoglobin units in there. So what's hemoglobin, hemoglobin, the globin is the protein. So all that little purple stuff you're seeing right there, that's the protein lattice that the heme units are held within. Now you see those little red dots right there? Well, there's a red.on, this side and a red.on. The other side, that's where gas gets bound to, so oxygen and carbon dioxide are gonna get bound to those spots. So for every hemoglobin sub unit in this red blood cell, there are eight molecules of gas that can be bound. Okay. So these, they gotta carry a lot of oxygen. Because oxygen has a definitive endpoint, they gotta carry a lot of carbon dioxide because they got to get rid of that waste. So heme looks like this. And the center molecule is iron. So when we said take some chlorophyll, let's build these red blood cells up, right? Look at this. Chlorophyll is almost identical to him. Almost biochemically, identical. The major difference is that in chlorophyll, there's a magnesium as a center molecule. And in heme, it's iron. Alright, so when you're taking chlorophyll in, you are building your heme, and that's building your red blood cells, you're making them really, really healthy. Now, these red blood cells are going to travel around through 60,000 to 100,000 miles with blood vessels in your body if you're an adult blows your mind, right? That's two and a half to four times around the earth and it may traverse this in one minute from heart back to the heart takes about a minute. You want to talk about a crazy good design. How do you improve on that? Right? Oh, God, God, God hooked it up. Right? This is this is pretty cool. It's cool. So when we look at this process, what's happening with gas exchange, right, what's happening with the at those with all those heme units, where there's a process called the chloride shift that goes on. And so if this is a red blood cell right here, and this red blood cell is carrying oxygen, it has to be able to offload that oxygen so that it can be delivered to the cell. So the cell at the mitochondria up in here can produce energy with it. That's what oxygen is for. It's used to produce energy. And what the cell does is it gives off its primary gaseous waste, which is carbon dioxide. So there's an exchange that happens here. oxygen gets offloaded, carbon dioxide gets uploaded. And the exchange is this right here, Dr. Paul, carbon, excuse me, bicarbonate. So we get a little alkalizing effect every time this process occurs. And then when we get to the lungs to get rid of that carbon dioxide, we go through a reverse chloride shift where chloride ion will now go outside of the red blood cell, and Ock and carbon dioxide will be released and oxygen brought in and the red blood cell will take in a little bit of bicarbonate, right? So it's a constant. This is this is the most fundamental process of the human body, that without this process, nothing that we understand to be as life can occur. Right. So if you disrupt this process, by getting red blood cells to stick together, then you are interrupting the very fundamental foundational aspect of what we are you're interrupting gas exchange, okay? So with these red blood cells need to be able to maximize this is when you look up here, that surface area for the red blood cells notice it's not just this flat disc, there's a concave it's a biconcave disc to get a little Dr. Paul 36:29 bit more almost Dr. Henry Ealy 36:30 exam don't are a cherry Lifesaver is up, right? It's right. And it's got this just this beautiful shape to it to maximize surface area so that there can be uploading of oxygen and offloading of carbon dioxide. So now imagine this gets covered up, and then the underside gets covered up and everything stuck together. Now you've reduced surface area for gas exchange to occur for this process to occur. And now when a person can't bind oxygen when they're at their lungs, and they can't pick up carbon dioxide that the cells are giving off, cells die. And that's where people start feeling like they're suffocating. And we see those Oh, two sets that are dropping ridiculously low and we can't seem to get them up until a person would take ivermectin right, because what is ivermectin do it separates the red blood cells so that they can start you can start binding the oxygen and the gases again, right? Pretty cool stuff, Dr. Paul 37:31 right? So I imagine for a layman explanation of why people would have those low oxygens. You just don't have enough functional red blood cells to carry any more oxygen. So other than hyperbaric where you're increasing pressure with oxygen. Yeah, Dr. Henry Ealy 37:48 it's it's a done deal. If they're stuck together, you cannot perform gas exchange. It's just it's just that's it's it's brilliantly simple what they've done with this bio weapon. And the only thing that surpasses the brilliance of it is the evil of what it is. Right? That's the horror is the only thing that exceeds my admiration for them doing it is the horror of what it really does, you know, when you get down to it, yeah, but But it gives them the plausible deniability. It gives them that, hey, there's people died by 1000. What did they say in the Pfizer report thing was over 1200 Different pathologies, people died by over 12 200 different ways. It couldn't have been the shot, right, please. The root of root cause is what we just saw. So basically, it's this no oxygen, no energy, no energy, no life. And that's what we find to be sudden death. Okay. So when we look at this, we have when we look at this cell, we have little mitoq organelles, and they're called mitochondria. Mitochondria are energy producing powerhouses. And what do you see here? In order to produce ATP as the endpoint that's our energy molecule, we need, we need protons. That's what the H pluses to proton. Okay, so these are proton pumps. And that's why I tell people don't take proton pump inhibitors at all because you can inhibit these proton pumps to now, I should say, these are actually the proton pumps right here. But look where oxygen is used. It's used as a primary part of the final stages of energy production to make protons. Right? Pretty cool stuff, right? So our body needs oxygen to produce energy and then energy drives the production of all the enzymes production drive, the production of all the activity and the cells are very happy and everything works. That's pretty much how it goes. So we talked about this here with the with all the sticky blood, all the red blood cells getting stuck together, all the surface area being taken up and now they can't bind. They're just all clumped together. And then we go into what they should look like, right? How everything should be tons of space all over the place, right? This is what we want. And what ends up happening is we makes the blood sticky. And this is that American Health Association Journal AHA journal right here. This is the study front. This is the, the April 30. Issue 2021. This was actually published on March 31, of 2021. But what does it show? This was a study done by University of California, San Diego and the Salk Institute, our data reveals that s protein spike glyco protein alone can damage endothelial nets, the inner lining of the blood vessels manifested by impaired mitochondrial function and a impaired nitric oxide system activity. So nitric oxide is what l arginine activates to dilate the blood vessels, right? So we knew we've known this for over a year and a half, that that's what the spike glycoprotein does. We didn't know until recently, this and I don't know if you're gonna be tell me if you can see I just switch screens. Can you still see did it switch over? Dr. Paul 41:01 Spike glycoproteins? Dr. Henry Ealy 41:03 Yeah, it's here. Let me stop sharing reshare. My, my Zoom does that all the time. Now it doesn't move over. But look at this. That's this study that we just came out a couple of days ago showing that the spike glyco protein leads to heme agglutination. Otherwise, for late terms leads to sticky blood. Right? So what we were looking at with this is some really important key research. This is one of those key research articles. And then we get into can your body make spike glycoproteins indefinitely if you've gotten the shots? And the answer to that is definitively Yes, this came out earlier this year. And I've pointed to it I think on your show before, which is intercellular reverse transcription of the Pfizer shots into the human liver cell line. This is by Alden, and folks from Lund University. And look what we see here. Our results, our results indicate a fast uptake of the Pfizer into the human liver cell line, the HU h seven point O line, leading to changes in line when expression and distribution. We also show that these Pfizer mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly within the cell into DNA in as fast as six hours upon a person getting exposed to the mRNA sequence that's outraised the six hours. That's all it takes for your body to be effectively GMOs. Dr. Paul 42:32 I've got a question for you. Sure. Is it possible to have the same phenomenon happen just by getting COVID? The illness? Dr. Henry Ealy 42:40 No, thankfully not from anything that we've seen. COVID from the illness is going to have the spike protein but the virus is in please, let's stop this ridiculous debate of whether or not viruses exist. I was talking with Dr. Judy Mike ovitz about this. And she was like, I'm so tired of this argument. Yes, viruses exist. So there's a nucleo capsid, around the virus. And then we have the core protein, and then we have a nucleo capsid around it. And then we have the spike proteins on the surface. So what you will experience like when you get sick is spike protein in the blood binding, you know, viruses in the blood with a spike protein binding the red blood cells getting everything sticky. But there is no ability for that to reverse transcribe, because it's just the spike protein. It's not an mRNA sequence. Okay. All right. Now, can that change in the future? If new information comes out? Yes, my opinion can change on that. But right now today, not from what we're seeing, it's a traditional virus and it doesn't have reverse transcription capability similar to HIV. And and we are not concerned about it being a DNA virus is my understanding today of being able to do something like herpes would be able to do which would be able to, you know, as a DNA virus effectively in ENCODE itself into your genome, right, so we don't see that with this thankfully, thank right. Thankfully, we don't Dr. Paul 44:12 like itself can have some longevity? I think. Didn't they do some mischief with the amino acid sequence of that spike protein? Pseudo uracil I think was in there. Dr. Henry Ealy 44:24 Right? Yeah, there's the ability to for the system to degrade it is challenged. And that's why you need some assistance typically degrading it. That's where proteolytic enzymes come in to accentuate that, and that's where your body having the nutrients needed to produce energy so that it can produce its own proteolytic enzymes comes in as well. It takes time to break that that spike glyco protein effectively down so you know, it's it's pretty cool. I mean, we are finally at this point, I think Dr. Paul where I feel really confident we understand you mechanism of action and what's happening here and in this chemo agglutination I've been working on for the last couple of weeks, it was so nice to see the confirmation of that this week in a peer reviewed literature, and it's to me the big key because it explains this phenomenon. And this is something else that would I talked about in the Sedona presentation I gave where we were talking about the MTHFR issue, right? When you have trouble methylating in a CH three group as a methyl group, we have trouble methylating your DNA, your your, your chromosomes can't do this, they can't coil up to protect themselves. Right, they just don't do it very well. So that leaves them in this state, which is more exposed and more susceptible to genetic modification. That's what we were talking about there. So when you when you methylated actually protect your own you that's how you protect your DNA, one of the things methylation does. So what I what I wanted to get to is this for everybody. So what happens if your if your blood stays sticky for too long with this spike glycoprotein? Well, this is what we're seeing in the world. What happens is those red blood cells that are all stuck together, they'll start to rupture. And when they rupture, they formed fibrin threads. And it's these vibrant threads that have a mechanism of action similar to a fisherman's net, they catch everything. So they'll catch platelets and other red blood cells, and now you start to form a clot, right? That's what we're seeing being pulled out of people. All of these clots. Dr. Paul 46:29 Yes, surgeons are seeing it in live people when they're undergoing surgery and getting into blood vessels. And I've seen autopsy images just like that. Dr. Henry Ealy 46:39 Exactly. It's why they were burning bodies early. Right. It's why every there was no autopsies performed because of COVID. And it's dangerous, because we don't want anybody see this. This is what's going on. And ultimately, when you have blood clot forming blood clots forming particularly around major organ systems, like like the heart, or in somewhere or the central nervous system, what do you get system failure and sudden adult death? Yeah, and they knew this, right. They knew this there was a 1289 reported adverse events associated with the shots that the Fed that Pfizer, the Pfizer files revealed that they didn't want us Dr. Paul 47:18 to know about right ones they wanted to keep hidden for 75 years or 75 Dr. Henry Ealy 47:22 years. Why would you want to keep that hidden? Because it does not point a picture plan, it does not paint a picture of a safe product. This is not a safe product, you can't say that it can do this. It can injure in this many ways, and be safe, but why is it injuring in that many ways? It's injuring in that many ways because of the phenomenon of sticky blood. Dr. Paul 47:44 Yeah, right. You can injure almost any tissue. And that's some of that's what's on that list, I believe is auto immune mediated. Can you speak to that? Because I'm not sure that's a sticky blood issue. That's it's not a pretty issue. Dr. Henry Ealy 47:58 No, it's not. And thanks for bringing that up. There are more mechanisms of action and just sticky blood sticky blood, in my opinion, today is the predominant one. But we also know based upon the work that Dr. James Lyons Wyler has done with antibody dependent enhancement and what Dr. Paul Alexander has been talking about and in Doctor geared VandenBosch, with vaccine pressure and forcing all these new, these new variants and so to speak, what we know is happened with this whole process. Dr. Kristina Parkes is found some really interesting stuff on this as well. What we found is that there is a lot of injury to cell communication, all right, and the cells, particularly the immune cells will use interleukins and cytokines to really communicate and kind of know what's going on and orchestrate all of their, their actions together. Well, we know there's dysregulation of that process. And that mechanism, that exact mechanism action, I think is still being explored. There are some folks that have been honing in on T helper 17 cells and interleukin 17 cells. But really, it comes down to simplicity, the immune system has been dysregulated communication among the immune cells has been dysregulated. And when the immune system is dysregulated, what is going to ultimately end up happening is that cancer is going to grow because the immune system isn't checking and engulfing and killing cancer cells before they can really spread and take hold. So that's a little different process. But I can tell you this Dr. Pol of the sticky blood phenomenon is not helping that at all, either. Right? Right. And that's what we that's what we have going on. It's in the blood. All of this is my one of my mentors used to say to us all the time, you know, way back in the day, it'd be like look a hon hon, it's in the blood. And you know, it's just, it's the blood, right? We got to clean the blood up and when you clean the blood up and get the red blood cells correctly, you start giving creating the opportunity for the self correcting system, which is the homeo the body to enter into homeostasis. sis and start correcting things. And then we can start working on the dysregulation of the immune system as well, in those situations, but you know, it's still coming down to the same process that I've been designing over this whole year, which is let's get the system stable, let's get nutrients into the system, let's get this red blood cells broken apart, that sets us up to detoxify the cellular environment in stage two. And that sets us up for stage three, auto phagocytosis and fasting. And if we honor that step by step, stage by stage process, what we ultimately get to experience this something pretty cool. We get to experience stage four. Now stage four is usually referred to as cancer right? And set and death, right? Well, I'm going to propose a new stage for for all of us with this, this art of Cellular Healing model that I've put together, stage four, now Dr. Paul is living Dr. Paul 50:57 to life to its fullest, the god of baby lift his cellular function, including brain cells, all of your organs. I'm just gonna guess something. But tell me if I'm right or wrong here. If you are watching this show, and you've started to be concerned about the fact that aren't at all, I got that jab. I wished I hadn't I have talked to plenty of people who, who? Well, we know from the data, very few people are going back for a second booster. Right? They may have gotten one booster, but most people have woke up to the fact that no more, right more. But so a lot of individuals who've taken the jab, whether it was just the primary series, or they've even gotten boosts, when you reach that level of understanding that I want to heal, I want to get into this stage for that you're talking about. But they're worried because it's in their DNA, or might be my guess from what you're telling me is they should probably continue this process indefinitely. Dr. Henry Ealy 52:00 You know, what's really cool about fasting, and what we've learned this year, something amazing is happening. And during fasting, when you do not just not intermittent fasting, it doesn't really occur that much during intermittent fasting. But it occurs during peak auto phagocytosis, which means that you've been fasting for a few days. When we shift into ketosis, and the body starts to really use ketone bodies as an energy source, we're at a reaching peak levels of audit phagocytosis. And within the DNA of the cell, what's happening is DNA repair. And DNA repair allows the body in those time periods to go in and cut out the segments of genetic modification and put back in you, because there's something even greater than the DNA that knows exactly what is you from a DNA level and what is not you and knows how to heal it if you give it the opportunity to do so. And that's why I say that level of auto phagocytosis is stage three, we prepare the body for that level of it. Because too many people are doing a shotgun approach to everything out there. And we can't take a shotgun approach to this, it has to be a very systematic, very sequential, very logical thought process. And we have to have definitive symptomatic signs of improvement, where we know this person is ready for the next stage. And that's what we're seeing in the severely injured people that I'm working with. We have a great story that's going to be coming out in January on one of my patients, who is crushing it right now. She went from literally dying to she is looking good right now. And we've only been at this for a couple of weeks. I'm really excited for her. And I'm really excited about what her case is going to be able to forgive me bring to the world which is open. Dr. Paul 53:48 Yeah. So folks, if you're not hopeful now, I don't know what's gonna get you hopeful, because this is really the kind of information we needed. We understand what's happened, what's happening in our bodies if we've taken that jab, but we now have a path for how to heal. My recollection on fasting and going into ketosis was I think it starts around 18 hours. Dr. Henry Ealy 54:17 It does, it peaks at about 48 to 54 hour mark for most people, Dr. Paul 54:21 right? So you know, if you're pregnant or you're a young child, you're not going to fast for three days. But if you're a healthy individual, obviously, check with your trusted health care provider if it's safe for you to do so. But generally healthy people can fast for three or four days. No problem. I did a 10 day fast once and the only issue with for me though, was I wasn't supplementing electrolytes and I got a little shaky. Dr. Henry Ealy 54:47 Right, right. And there's and that's when we teach people how to do this as well. The thing that's really nice about the work that Dr. Valter Longo has done on cancer and fasting is that he's really advocating for 72 Our fasting periods and then you repeat them, right that it becomes a repeated cyclic thing. So you're doing two or three fasting cycles a month. I think I just sent you something proof of concept from one of my my graduates, who is working in Israel, right? If you take a look at those pictures I did, those are going to be coming out really soon, too, because she's done some amazing work using the thought process that I'm laying out. See, it's, this is what's cool about it. It's not a product that we're talking about here. It's a thought process and understanding of how the human body is designed and what we can do to work with that design to potentiate healing, because the body knows how to do all of this, if we just give it the opportunity to do that. Dr. Paul 55:42 Yeah. So you do have your amazing course that's available online, and people can actually take it in January and get certification. Dr. Henry Ealy 55:49 It's open right now for people who want to just jump in and start doing the do it yourself. We're going to have a participation component that we bring in in January. But we encourage everybody to check out the artist cellular healing at the Energetic Health Institute. We have other great curriculum there as well. I think above all, we have just good people who really care at the seven Dr. Paul 56:06 wonderful people. They're bringing you're bringing healing to this earth. Thank you so much. Yeah, just keep doing your great work. And hopefully we get more and more people tuning into how to take control of their own healing. Dr. Henry Ealy 56:20 Amen. Brother, I love you so much. And thank you so much. And I'm so happy for you embarking on this next journey, this next part of your journey in life and I wish God to bless you for everything that you've given us. You've given us so many incredible tools. And I know you're not done or out of this fight, but you've done such incredible work throughout this and it's just an honor to know you and to be here and to call you a dear friend. Dr. Paul 56:42 Well. The feeling's mutual you are you are shaking up the world with really important information and making it available. So thank you. Amen. Dr. Paul, thanks for watching the show. Please visit doctors and science.com There you can access our members only section. This show is member supported. We don't have to take sponsors we don't have to have anybody controlling the content of our show. This is a huge perk most people aren't aware of your membership gives you access to my eBooks, transcripts of every show PowerPoints from talks I'm giving around the country and live bonus peeks at behind the scenes work. We're doing my off the cuff thoughts and reviews on current events. Your support makes all this possible. Thank you. Help me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors and science.com. I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. And let's make this the weekly show the nation has been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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