PDF:Text:Dr. Paul 0:00
Dr. Paul Welcome to against the wind doctors and science under fire. Today's show I interview attorney Ryan Heath, He is father to two kids. He is a civil rights activist and the founder of a nonprofit, the gavel project, fascinating work he's doing, you're going to want to learn everything you can about this. This is about fighting, unethical government and employer mandates. It's about protecting the freedoms of all Americans, and especially children. He even goes into teaching children about civil disobedience, for example, how to not wear a mask when you're being required by schools to wear a mask. He's basically standing for our human rights and deciding what enters into your body. That should be your decision, not the government, not the school, not the public health officials, not your doctor, your decision. We wrap this up with Bernadette who gives you some ideas for holiday gifts. Enjoy the show. Dr. Paul, coming to you from the heart, I wanted to touch on something that I've struggled with and that's consciousness, to really be able to see truthfully and fully. I actually needed the confidence that there was a love greater than myself. That's really key for me, to really be able to look inside. Actually, the more opportunities I've had to struggle, when I look at those struggles with humility and honesty, it's only then that I feel like I've had a chance to gain in wisdom, gain and humility and compassion. Darkness cannot overcome light. And so if each of us will be that light, and lead with love is going to be amazing, folks. I'm Dr. Paul. welcome Ryan Heath, you are the father of two young children, a civil rights activist and the founder of the gavel project. And we're gonna deep dive into that. Ryan Heath 2:09 I don't know a lot about what you're doing other than the fact that you're fighting for unethical government invasion into our lives, fighting employer mandates and trying to protect the freedoms of Americans, especially children. As a pediatrician, that means a lot to me. Tell our audience a little bit about yourself. I know you're an attorney in Arizona, I believe, and you have young children, but give us the overview. Yeah, so we actually connected through doctors, Tim and Mae Hindmarsh, who are good friends of mine and my wife, I'm I just turned 30. I'm an attorney from Arizona got a couple of kids, as you mentioned. But last year, when Gavin Newsom decided he was going to be requiring the COVID-19 vaccine as a contingent precedent for kids to get an education, California, I told my wife who was seven months pregnant time that I was quitting my job. And I was starting a nonprofit to go after quote, unquote, the bad guys, as I told my daughter as well, that's kind of how I define things. And basically, we're, we're an anti woke organization, we're here to restore normalcy in American society. I was a law student during January of 2020. And I had the blessed opportunity to actually go and sit in a class that was being taught by Justice Alito of the United States Supreme Court on constitutional interpretation, I was one of 16 students selected from my school to go be a part of that. And during that process, obviously COVID-19 was was kicking off over on the other side of the world. And it was just a unique set of circumstances that led me to this position. I have a troubled past when I was 17. I got in all sorts of trouble and was always a hard headed kid, one of those ADHD kids that never really paid attention or fit in and ended up getting sent away. Because I was so defiant. My parents and I lived in the woods for two months, went to therapeutic boarding school and I happen to be around a lot of people that today would be preyed upon, in many ways, by by physicians, unfortunately, and by practitioners of medicine who are trying to change these children from let's say, boys and girls and girls into boys. Those are the types of issues that our nonprofit takes on and basically, I'm an attorney, I'm a creative person, and I help come up with arguments and set up lawsuits even. Meaning I help teach kids to disobey unconstitutional mandates, and then fund lawsuits and fundraise for the those kids to have pro bono legal representation. So we actually pay attorneys to represent people. Wow. And that's sort of what you're doing with the gavel project. Exactly. Yeah. So we're an anti woke five oh, One C three public charity that is here to reestablish normalcy in America through strategic litigation. And much of what we did. Most of my time over the past year. It's been about a year since I started this it was October of 2021 is been spent going around and teaching kids how to disobey their schools mask mandates out in California actually, basically emptied my life savings and sold the vehicle and did all that fun stuff to be able to afford airfare and hotels to go around and meet with parents and kids. And we actually had a successful protests up in the Thomas the kids got to go back to school without masks on before Governor Newsom lifted his mandatory guidelines, as he called them. And we have a bunch of lawsuits that were based on that that, you know, weren't as successful. We had a kid up and Capistrano Unified School District, young, young, 16 year old boy that actually went so far as to protest three days in a row, he was suspended. He was quote, unquote, suspended by the district, he went back to class was actually sneaking into school, I was sitting outside the High School on the hill above the school and teaching him like, hey, sneak into school, go do this, go do that. Because we believe so strongly that these these mandates are unconstitutional. And in fact, he invited the police to arrest him each day that he was there when they showed up because he had been suspended. And he was refusing to leave campus. So he was trespassing. And they did nothing. ended up giving him a civil trespassing ticket on the third day at the behest and that the request of the school which is not a criminal issue, so we're fighting all of that now. We're, we've raised 10s and 10s of 1000s of dollars and spent 10s and 10s of 1000s of dollars on attorneys fees. And we've been on Fox News we've been on Newsmax we're all over the place, but we're still sort of lesser known and getting our name out there now. Dr. Paul 6:53 Yeah. Sending that kid into school and protesting and rebelling in that way, reminds me a little bit of my childhood. I grew up in Rhodesia, which is now Zimbabwe. And when I was the head boy of our elementary school, it was my role to raise the Rhodesian flag, which I my parents and I, we were freedom fighters. So we were against this illegal government, I refused to raise the flag, they, the school sort of put me in lockdown in a separate room and got some other kids to raise the flag. So that's just a little, we have a lot of similarities. In our past, I got kicked out of high school. I'm not undiagnosed, but for sure, ADHD, I got a lot of energy. We need to put this energy to use. I'm curious, give, give our viewers more detail on, you know, what does that look like? When I mean, you, you, you went to California, this wasn't your hometown? How do you organize a protest like that? I mean, this this is civil rights sort of stuff. And, and the current government is certainly infringing on our civil rights. Yeah, it Ryan Heath 8:07 certainly is. And so I guess what you're asking is how the strategy worked into application when it came to the civil rights protests. So as someone who went to Regent University School of Law, I was blessed to have a very focused education on constitutional law, it's one of the only law schools in the country that has an entire year dedicated to constitutional law, not just one semester, you focus for an entire year on that subject. And we also have a number of, of elective courses that focus on that as well. And that's because the person who runs that school is named Pat Robertson, if you're familiar with Pat, he runs the Christian Broadcasting Network. And defending civil liberties. Defending Freedom of religion in particular is his bread and butter. That's what he cares about most. And so that's why I have this this background in constitutional law. And I realized from my training and from my studies in law school, I was actually a newer attorney. Obviously, I graduated in 2020. I took the COVID bar with a with a mask on unfortunately, I didn't really have any other options. But because of my background in this, I realized that refusing to wear a mask is actually protected as free speech under the United States Constitution. And that's the case for a number of reasons. First, the Supreme Court going back to all these cases from from Johnson v. Texas, dispense v. Washington, and there are a number of others as well, including West Virginia V. Barnett, et cetera. But these cases basically stayed and it's very clear, you as a citizen have the right to engage in what's called expressive conduct. And it's not just that the First Amendment free speech clause protects your words they actually protect your actions as well under certain circumstances. And the Supreme Court said back in the use cases, this line of cases, basically, so long as anyone looking at a citizen who is taking an action would understand that action to be inherently communicative, then the action is actually protected as free speech. That's why you can go to a park and burn an American flag and there can't be an ordinance preventing you from doing so as compared to, let's say, burning just a standard white flag in the park, you actually could be criminally prosecuted for doing that. And the reason is, because if you see someone burning an American flag, you have certain connotations tied to that action, people looking at you taking the action of burning a flag, we're going to understand that you're engaged in an act of protest, you don't agree with the values that are, let's say, inherent in the flag, whereas if you were burning a white flag, no one would understand that to have any inherent meaning. And so that we see this today in the phrase COVID theater, people are very familiar with this, if you say, Oh, this is COVID theater, usually the idea comes to your head is you have someone in airport wearing to, you know, surgical masks going through, let's say TSA security, and you know that there's nothing effective or useless. It's just, there's no point of that, it doesn't make any sense. And so in the inverse, the same is true by removing your mask when you're told you're required to do so you are sending a very clear message, you're sending a message of protest, you are sending a message of let's go brand. And for example, I'm not going to agree with what it is that you are trying to compel me to accept. And that actually is protected as well. And there are a number of cases saying that you can't have your conscience violated by the government, your decisions, when it comes to your bodily autonomy are very profound decisions, let's say like political decisions can't be compelled, the government can give you all the characters in the world to point you in the right direction, but they can't use a stick. And so my idea basically was to teach these kids to do what Rosa Parks did sit in, class take off their masks refuse to leave, and call their bluff. And we did that a number of times from Coronado Island all the way up to Sacramento. And now we're funding lawsuits all over that state. And in addition to another number of other matters, as well, we're getting into child sex trafficking cases where the government has been engaged in basically eviscerating parental rights, because children don't want to have or let's say, be called a certain pronoun that's actually happening here in the United States. And we're jumping into that battle as well, because you shouldn't have your kids taken away from you for calling them by their legal sex, which is what's on their birth certificate. And the fact that some people seem to think that's child abuse means that those people are engaged in what I believe to be nefarious activities and then need to be punished. Dr. Paul 12:55 This is really exciting. Actually, I am dead set against masks for the way they're being used, you know, to, quote protect you from a virus, when we know the size of the virus particle is so much smaller than the air spaces between the fabric. It just is nonsensical. And it's very harmful I believe to children, I'm, I'm all about putting kids first I'm a pediatrician. I did protest I, I didn't know all the legal stuff you've just shared. So now I'm going to be much more bold about you know, this is going to come again, this this first wave of COVID masking and isolation and quarantine was was a way to see if we can get people to do that. Okay, so it sort of worked is my sense. They instilled a lot of fear. And we have to fight back. And I think you've just presented the legal grounds by which it's, as you put it, freedom of expression is an extension of freedom of speech. And so we can encourage our kids to go into classrooms without their mask, even if the school is requiring it. And we can turn to you to back us up legally. I imagined. Ryan Heath 14:10 Exactly. We're actually we filed a lawsuit on these grounds in San Diego Superior Court. We have a young girl there who is 16 years old who is barred from attending class for something like I believe it was six weeks and you can check the actual filing on our website. That's the gavel project.com You can see the lawsuit. It's up there if you want to take a look. But I mean, it was so cold outside every day. They basically their policy was because she didn't want to wear a mask just to kick her out and put her out in the cold. It should wear a battery operated jacket to school each day to stay warm. They just stuck her outside. They put her on Zoom and said this is good enough. They their policy was to exclude her which is illegal. And yes the gavel project is that organization that actually went out took a stand. I don't believe there are any other organ as Asians in the nation, someone can correct me if I'm wrong on that, that actually went out and led free speech protests for the purpose of setting up strategic litigation. And we have the capacity right now based on that lawsuit alone, to set a precedent nationally based on the First Amendment. So that masking never happens again, and we've got four or five those cases. Dr. Paul 15:20 Well, folks, just based on that alone, we need to support your work. I mean, this is secure, you set a precedent, and that starts changing everything. And so you're already in the process of doing that. How can people support you? Ryan Heath 15:39 Yeah, so if you want to support the work we're doing, please go to our website, the gavel projects.com. We are a public charity 501 C three, we are tax exempt and you can get make tax deductible donations right there on our website. If you want to to fund anything in particular, though, I would encourage you to reach out to me at inquiries at the gavel project.com. We have all sorts of issues from the trans transition of children to to medical freedom for masking to employees being terminated wrongfully for for vaccination status, things like that, and as well as the prep act. So if there's anything that is on someone's heart in particular that they want to see change in society, please feel free to reach out to me we do have a process for application on our website, as well. So if there's anyone out there that feels they have a strong case that they want considered for representation, I would encourage you to go to the gavel project.com/contact. But we definitely need support. My wife and I have been the primary funders of this movement since the inception in last October. Dr. Paul 16:46 Wow. Well, thank you for starting the gavel project. If you haven't the time, I want to pick your brain a little bit. I don't get to talk to brilliant 30 year olds very much what's going on in the world? What's your take on this? Ryan Heath 17:00 Well, it's it's money. Follow the money. So one of the things that I discovered that I wrote about early on this was in December of last year was that there is a an apparent issue with the way that our university endowment funds are set up in this nation. And so if you rewind a little bit back to like 2007 2008, there was this shift in the way that our loan structure for college education was happening, they went from providing loans to those in need, and based on merit to everyone gets a college loan now. And they're non dischargeable in bankruptcy. All right around that same time, these these universities all adopted this Yale Model. And what that means is that they created nonprofit affiliate organizations, even the public schools did this, that were to manage their university endowment funds. And for people who don't know what an endowment fund is, I'll give you a brief definition, basically, think of a giant pile of money that is put together for the purpose of investing it and then using the revenues from that investment to fund certain activities. And so, around that time, all of these these universities set up these endowment funds, and I'll use the University of Virginia as an example. They set up what's called the University of Virginia investment management company, or UVM. CO for short. And this is a standard practice, basically, across all colleges now. And so what we had and I found this out accidentally, I want to sue UVA for dis unrolling the 253 students or so, a week before school started last year for their vaccination status. And I was doing research on on the university and I found out basically they have this organization that is run by BlackRock, Deutsche Bank, Bain Capital, and all bad guys on Wall Street are sitting on the board of this university endowment fund, along with high level University executives, which is the issue because if you think about the way that our medical structure in the United States is set up, those are the bosses of all of the medical professionals in the country. And if you have bosses of all the medical professionals in the country sitting on the board with a bunch of Wall Street bankers, what do you think was going to happen when COVID came? They have a fiduciary duty to grow the principal of the Endowment Fund, and you control all of the people who can make your investments if you were to shift things pay off without question, and that appears to be what happened. If you look at the return on investments for these, these nonprofit affiliate institutions for all eight Ivy League schools, they all between 2019 2020 fiscal year had average returns three and a half percent or less around that number. Funny thing is the next year Are they all have multibillion dollar returns, every single one of the eight Ivy League institutions, you can check this it's legit. You Venco went from a $9.9 billion endowment fund to I believe it was $14.5 billion in one year. And they you can see because the the principal the the actual way they invest their money, even though they're a public institution that is controlling this nonprofit affiliate organization, it's technically public money, they claim that the way they're investing is proprietary information, you can't get your can't get access to the exact way that these funds are invested. But that's the problem right there is you have a conflict of interest, you have university executives that control all of the public health experts and actually employ them sitting on the board with Wall Street bankers all across the nation. I mean, this is not just the Ivy League schools, it's happened everywhere. And it's the biggest story no one's ever talking about and they, what the pure appears to me took active steps to stoke fear porn and utilize that that control of the medical sector to make sure their investments paid off. Dr. Paul 21:17 Take me into a boardroom. So I'm a little dense i It all makes sense vaguely to me. But think of me as a, I don't know, 10 year old and explain what what's happening in the boardroom that makes this all flow like that? Ryan Heath 21:33 Well, the boardroom, if you think about this, they're controlling, almost like a hedge fund, the private hedge fund for the university, and they have all these investments, and they're picking and choosing how the investments are going to be held. The way that those investments are going out into the world is proprietary information. So we as taxpayers don't have access to how they're actually putting this money into the into capital investments. And they their job, I mean, that's all they do is to grow the principle. And so if you have a fiduciary duty, meaning that you have a heightened legal duty above what you would have as a normal person, because you're talking about a nonprofit organization, and that's your job, as a board member of a nonprofit is to act as a fiduciary for the nonprofit, you of course, are going to do whatever you can to grow the value of the principal, the money yours. That's That's your job. That's what your duty is. And go ahead. Dr. Paul 22:30 So are you suggesting then they would channel funds into, let's say, Pfizer and moderna and then also roll out? You know, vaccine mandates so that, you know, we're propping up the the profit profitability of those pharmaceutical cuts. Exactly. Ryan Heath 22:47 Correct. Yes, that's exactly what I'm sort of suggesting happened. And I believe it's the biggest story in in America that no one's talking about right now. Dr. Paul 22:55 Yeah, I thought that's what you were saying. And you just hadn't quite put it in those words. Yeah, I have nieces and nephews who are in college. And the pressure to to get the vaccine is I mean, they all succumbed. It was it was like they wouldn't be able to enroll in school, and they've put their whole dreams into, you know, this is where I want to go kind of thing. It's tragic. Ryan Heath 23:20 Yeah. And in, people don't realize as well, you can refuse to comply with a vaccine mandate on the grounds of free speech also. And the reason for that is the same reason that the government can't compel you to stand up for the Pledge of Allegiance. You as a student have the right this was actually a Supreme Court case decided in 1943, called West Virginia V. Barnett. And if you think about the context, there were, you know, right around World War Two, national nationalism is a huge issue in America, we want to make sure as a nation that we're promoting nationalism, patriotism, all of these ideals. And in that case, the Supreme Court analyzed the situation for these kids that were Jehovah's Witnesses that didn't want to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. And they sat in an act of protest and were punished because of it. There was actually an ordinance requiring participation put in place by the school board. And the Supreme Court analyzed the situation they said, look, the United States flag has certain inherent meanings and connotations tied to it, ideals of patriotism, love for country, not all of these ideals that come to mind immediately. And by requiring a student to stand up and participate in the Pledge of Allegiance, you would, in effect, put that student in a position where their actions to any reasonable observer, this is a free speech issue again, would would show that they are accepting by participating the ideals underlying are inherent in the flag. And the same can be true for a vaccination ceremony. I have the right as a citizen if I'm, let's say attending a state institution, not a private institution because we're talking about constitutional issues here and only He applies to state institutions. As a citizen, I have the right to refuse to participate in that useless ceremony, which we know I mean, there's in the last few weeks alone, the entire narrative for the reason behind vaccinating the public and vaccine mandates has fallen completely apart. And in this case, now, it becomes even stronger, because if there is no efficacy, if there is no reason to require this, they're basically requiring you to participate in a religious ceremony. It's a dogmatic ceremony the same as the Pledge of Allegiance. And therefore you actually have the right to refuse to comply with a vaccine mandate. I outlined this argument, it's on my website as well. I attempted to intervene in the bent key ventures. That's the daily wire case, when they sued OSHA last year as an amicus curiae, I in the Sixth Circuit. And my my brief as, as amicus curiae, was actually denied by the Sixth Circuit without explanation. And as someone who had just quit his job and was relatively new and into this world didn't really have any, any help or guidance, I let it go. And I kind of regret that now. I wish I had pushed back and actually asserted myself and made the argument on behalf of that institution. Because I believe wholeheartedly now, that is a winning argument. And that's where we have to rest our hat as citizens of a free country, because if we don't, freedom is lost, Liberty is dead, if you don't have the right to make a conscientious objection to a vaccine mandate, as a citizen, meaning that they are permanently changing your body. What is free, you don't have bodily autonomy, you have nothing. Absolutely agree. Dr. Paul 26:47 This is this is a line in the sand that, you know, we have to draw this line, you have to maintain bodily integrity. The government can't just at will inject whatever they want. And you have no choice. But that's where we're headed, isn't it? Ryan Heath 27:01 Yeah, I mean, we're already somewhat there. It's a death by 1000 cuts with the way that the Reagan administration adopted the first vaccine liability shields for the pharmaceutical industrial complex back in the 80s. Until now, it's just they've been rolling, step by step. You know, little step here a little step there to take away your rights, the point where they could argue in today's day and age, well, we've mandated vaccines for X, Y, and Z. So why can't we mandate this vaccine? Well, the difference is you changed the definition of the word vaccine back in November of 2021. Because this isn't a vaccine, it doesn't provide immunity never did. We knew that now. And Pfizer admitted it the other day. They never tested this on on stopping transmission. It was all I Dr. Paul 27:50 Yeah, so we have that are the COVID. But let's go to the childhood vaccination schedule that 1986 the childhood immunization act that you referred to. You're an attorney, why can't we get that thrown out? Ryan Heath 28:05 Well, I think the biggest issue right now is the prep act. And that's what I would say how we have the strongest argument from a constitutional perspective to challenge as far as the the lowest hanging fruit. I think that is it. And I'm not going to go into into the details of that yet. I have been drafting an argument for the prep act for quite a while. And I don't wish to share that with the world. But there is a constitutional basis. And you have to think about it this way. And I'll just kind of make an analogous argument. You have a right to control your property. And your body in many ways it is property. In fact, we recognize children as property. And in many respects, when you're talking about legal disputes, custody disputes between parents, you're talking about property rights to control the health safety upbringing of your child, those are interests that you have a right to, they're called choosers of action. In some some respects. Basically, if someone breaches your interest as the opposing parent, you can bring a cause of action against that person for let's say, damages, or for injunctive relief. And so there is inherently a property interest in some way in your body. And that's where we're going to catch her argument. And I believe that there are a lot of ways to take on the prep act. And I would love for other attorneys as well to reach out to me if they are interested in filing this lawsuit. I don't need the glory. I don't need to be first chair. That's not my role. Anyway, I've tried two cases in my entire life because I'm just a second year attorney. And I know my limitations. What I'm really good at is coming up with unique new arguments to help take on these issues. And I'd be happy to work in the background with any group on these types of cases. Dr. Paul 29:51 That sounds really important for our viewers just remind them what in the prep act is so problematic for us. Ryan Heath 29:58 Yeah, so the Um, the prep Act was passed following the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Centers. And it was a continuation of the Patriot Act, a lot of people don't seem to understand the way that this works. The prep Act basically states that the the Secretary of Health and Human Services has the capacity to declare based on whatever he wants, essentially, or she wants, that there is an emergency situation. And based on that emergency situation, if that is the case, they can grant liability protections to manufacturers of certain emergency use authorized products, to quell the emergency, so long as the products might have a tendency to reduce the threat. Basically, that's sort of this is a paraphrasing, but that's the standard. And this this act provides complete liability protection to basically anyone within the chain of distribution from the manufacturer to the pharmacy down the street that actually gives out the shot, such that if you are injured by an emergency use authorized vaccine, like the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, you cannot recover in monetary damages against any of those entities. And so this is a this is a federal statute. And the only way to overcome a federal statute is to go to a superior law, which is the United States Constitution. And that's why it's important to support organizations like mine, the gavel project, which is a constitutional law firm. Well, I guess we're not a law firm. We're a public charity that hires attorneys for the benefit of our applicants. And so yeah, I mean, that's, that's where you have to go. It's all constitutional. You can't fight this any other way. Dr. Paul 31:56 Yeah. Thank you for that clarification, folks. If if they declared an emergency, which they can do it at whim, you know, for no reason, or pre planned reason, then the pharmaceutical companies have zero liability, which is true for the childhood vaccines. And it's true for the COVID jabs. If you get injured, you are really on your own. And this is why people who are watching who've had an injury. You all know you get shunned you all of a sudden, nobody wants to talk to you. It's like, You're the problem. But wait a minute, you took one for the team. It's a crazy system. If I'm a pharmaceutical company, and I can get a vaccine, whatever definition you want to use, but get it called to be a vaccine and get it on the childhood immunization schedule, you got guaranteed profit with zero liability. I mean, what a goldmine, right. So this is the big rush, and why I think the vaccine schedule has gotten so compressed. Brian, what do you what do you think about the regular childhood schedule prior to the COVID? Ryan Heath 33:01 Well, it's an interesting question coming from you, my wife has read your book, and we actually read it before our first daughter going through and actually followed your method of spacing out the vaccinations for her, you know, I'm not educated enough on this topic to really comment on it. I've been vaccinated, my oldest daughter has been, I know that what we were sold when it came to the mRNA technology is a huge leap from these attenuated non attenuated type vaccines of trying to stimulate immunity and actually provide immunity for the subject disease or for the the target disease, which is not the case here, you're simply trying to provide or stimulating response that might provide immunity in these these new technologies. So I would say that I don't really have a whole lot to comment on the specifics of the prior vaccines, but um, you know, I think people should have the capacity to make whatever decisions they want with their bodies. I'm 100%. Pro choice when it comes to bodily autonomy. And I believe that the government has no interest despite the a large a large body of case law to the contrary, that I believe is unconstitutional and invalid. saying the opposite. You know, the one of the cases that I take issue with is Washington, the glucksberg, which is basically the case saying that the state has an interest in keeping individuals alive despite their own decisions. I'm an absolutist when it comes to this determination. So if your bodily autonomy and if someone is in an old someone is is very old and in a terrible position, and they're in pain every day, that person should be able to make the choice to take their life with the right precautions in place to make sure that that physicians aren't going around practicing eugenics on hopeless people. In this case decided by the supreme court basically said, no, no, you as a citizen don't have absolute bodily autonomy. In fact, the state's interest in your potential, even productivity or potential benefit to the state outweighs your capacity as a citizen to make ultimate decisions like that. I think it's gross, I think it's a FAR Deviation from from what is true liberty. And I think we need to take a step back and really think about, even if the the ideas are a bit ugly, sometimes the concept of what is true about about freedom and what sort of society we want to live in, because some of these decisions, like glucksberg have a slippery slope. And we can see that coming out today, we actually see glucksberg being referenced in to as far as the degradation of parental rights now, it is one of the primary cases that is cited in California, in a case called Palmdale, up something I forget the name of the individual is the early 2000s case, that basically said that parents have zero interests in the upbringing of their children. And this is a Ninth Circuit decision. So it's it's crazy, and glucksberg, I believe, was the start of all of that. Dr. Paul 36:18 So well, you touched on something that I wanted to ask you about. And that's the parental rights. And I was trying to get there with my question about the childhood vaccine schedule, I didn't know that you had read my book, I wasn't trying to plant Ryan Heath 36:31 that side. And personally, my wife has, and and so I can't claim Dr. Paul 36:35 what I was getting at was, you know, if parents don't have a right to decide what's done to their children with regards to their health care, and in this specific example, vaccines, then they've lost the right to bodily integrity, which you're fighting for so hard. And I think it's so important. If parental rights are slipping, which I feel like they are, we have these situations that come up where the child protective services will rush in and take a kid from the parent, because they're not doing what the state wants them to do what the state deems as the right medical decision. And that's even happened in some states and in parents who choose not to vaccinate, and they get their kids taken away. Where do we go with that legally? Ryan Heath 37:25 Yeah, the solution in many respects is legislative, there is a legislative solution to that. To pass laws at the local and state level, allowing you to bring claims for causes of action against individual state actors that take away your your your property interests and your children. As well as the fact that we as a society just need to stand up and say no more. There are plenty of ways to take on those issues. In fact, our organization is stepping into that role right now with a case where a young girl was taken away from from her legal guardian, because the legal guardian did not use the proper pronouns. And there were school counselors that came out and testified, claiming that this was child abuse. And then the defense attorney as well, basically stating this, this is child abuse, you can't give this this child this young girl who happens to have assisted by the way, which which is the vast majority of children with early onset gender dysphoria, end up going back to their original sex, because that's just the way that this plays out over time. And we have evidence to back that it's between 60 and 90%, based on every single study that's ever been done on the issue. So, you know, in the same way, I would say that there is a dark interest in the medical field a financial stake in all of these issues from vaccine vaccinations being required to allowing individuals to brainwash children into believing they are the opposite sex and based on that termination, making decisions and giving children the capacity to make decisions at a age before they have the full understanding of the situation so that they have permanent damage to their bodies. I tweeted the other day, and I would encourage folks to follow me on Twitter. I'm at Ryan underscore, l underscore Heath, and at the gavel project as well. But you know, a patient cured as a customer lost a child broken as a customer gained. And there was a report from the AMA president the other day that went up on their website, talking about the dangers of disinformation and the need for individuals to step in the from the government to crack down on disinformation, particularly when it comes to people like yourself speaking out against these issues, and that the president of the AMA went so far as to say basically make the comparison between the dangers of misinformation with respect to COVID-19. And the vaccination has didn't see. And now the same is true with children who need gender affirming care. And I see a correlation right there actually believe that proves a point that I've been saying for a long time, which is these interests, the LGBTQ plus gender affirmation crowd, the Trans activist crowd and the COVID-19 vaccination. Let's call them the COVID regime crowd, all have the same objective in mind. And that's why when I go around speaking at school board meetings all over the country, and different board of supervisors meetings for local county levels, I see the same people advocating for both policies, and its special interest dark money under the surface funding individuals to go around and make these arguments and try to create a facade of support for something that is not widely supported by the general public. And it's it's effective. i There's I started a podcast recently, it's on rumble. I would encourage folks check it out as well. We are at the gavel project, all one word. And I expose the connections between the World Economic Forum and BlackRock to local school districts in Orange County. This is real. This is not a joke. These people are connected and they are pulling strings to try and harm folks for their own financial benefit. And they're using straw organizations like nonprofits to do it. Dr. Paul 41:29 Ryan explain that connection a little more clearly. So I get it. You're talking about a local school board and something as big as BlackRock and how, how is how are they pulling those strings? Ryan Heath 41:43 Yeah. So there's an individual in Placentia Yorba Linda Unified School District, her name is Carrie Buck, and she is the president of the school board there. And back in January of this year, she unilaterally adopted a a mesh mask policy for the district. And she was appointed to the president position by the way over the winter break. So during the Christmas break, she becomes president the first thing she does when she opens the the very first school board meeting she governs is she reads this statement, excuse me into the record, stating basically that mesh masks are no longer permitted within the district. And as a result of that, she says it. We have to enforce this policy here today in the school board meeting. And within two minutes of opening the meeting, She Bangs her gavel and unilaterally Jordans. Next meeting, this is January 11, January 19. Same exact thing happens. She unilaterally cancels the school board meeting claiming basically that per the order of a local health person named Dr. Chow and he's with the Orange County Department of Health Services, I believe. He's required to put this new mesh mask policy in place. The problem is that Dr. Chow has since refuted that he ever stated anything to that effect. So basically what happened is this woman unilaterally put this policy in place in between the start of the school year in January until February, mid February. There's absolute anarchy happening in her district. I'm talking about kids being kicked out of school by the hundreds each day. School like little work stoppages principals calling into the administration administrative office saying we can't function as a school because we have so much chaos and anarchy on campus. What was happening was that the teachers were kicking kids out based on their political affiliations. Allegedly, that's what it seemed like, they were any kid that didn't like even though for the past year, those kids were allowed to wear these mesh masks without issue all of a sudden they weren't allowed to do it. And so she basically unilaterally adopted this policy and perpetuated the state of chaos from early January, all the way through February. Dr. Paul 43:56 And and what's her motivation for doing that? Ryan Heath 44:00 That's a good question. So she she is an individual, she works for an organization called encore.org. She she's a relatively sketchy person, I would invite everyone to go do check out my podcast to get the very particulars on all of this because I break it down. I provide examples and everything. But on corp.org is an organization that purportedly exists to try and close the gap between people who are becoming older in years and younger folks, so trying to create this the social cohesion between those two age groups. And she's in the nonprofit industry. She has been for a long time she runs an organization called his house OC which was basically bought up or subsumed by the parent encore. Well, turns out the president of encore this is her employer is a guy named Mark Freeman. And Mark has been recognized by the World Economic Forum as the social entrepreneur of the year. He's been he's A repeated person who appears in The Wall Street Journal. And he happens to have a bunch of people on the board that are related directly to Blackrock to the Omidyar Network to all of these folks. So, in essence, even Ashoka, the Ashoka network, which is one of the, I believe, Bill and Hillary Clinton Foundation, offshoots. So, because of that, I mean, you have literally people's tangled web, isn't it, sitting on the board from these really dark money, interest organizations, and even you know, that employee school board members who appear to be acting in a way to perpetuate chaos perpetuate all, as I mentioned in the college level, to to try and torture children into creating lifetime customers for certain interests. And then that happens to be the interest that these folks are invested in. And so it means, Dr. Paul 45:52 yeah, Ryan, you know, this healthy kids healthy individuals make farmer no money. And, you know, naively, I used to think that, you know, well, for the most part, farmers doing good for the world, they're bringing all these drugs that help us. And that was a very naive perspective, because when you dig real deep as you obviously have, while I'm not saying all pharma products, are we useless? I mean, if if you need insulin to survive, and you have type one diabetes, you need insulin. Yeah. But what created the type one diabetes to begin with? That's another whole slippery slope, which we won't go into on this discussion. But autoimmunity is often triggered by aluminum by vaccines, and other toxins as well. Let's wrap it up, I want to give you sort of the last word and bring it back to a viewer who's just a mom or a dad, grandparent whose wants to do the best for their kids. And everything, frankly, that you've shared is a little like, this is wow, it's a lot, right. Yeah. This is your world and you understand it, but but it's a lot. What can what can a mom or a dad or grandpa aunt or uncle that's really worried about their kids? What would you like them to do? Ryan Heath 47:17 I would like them to follow me on social media and go to my website as well. So we are at the gavel project pretty much everywhere on Facebook, on Instagram, on Twitter, and into go to my website, the gavel project.com. And there are two calls to action that I'll put forth here. One is to educate yourself, follow me so that I can help educate you on your constitutional rights teach you what it means, in certain circumstances to stand up and draw a line and say, You know what, I know my rights, and I'm not going to allow you to infringe upon those. And to go to our website, the gavel project.com, we need your support, that there are people out there that are busting their bottoms to be able to take on these issues. And I would ask that you please consider making a tax deductible donation on our website, and even recurring donations as well so that we can continue to operate and continue to go out and fight on behalf of these kids because they really need it, Dr. Paul 48:15 folks. Knowing our constitutional rights. I grew up in Africa, so I was never trained in the US Constitution. But when you feel like the world is a little out of control, we got to go back to basics. Ryan and the gavel project, what you're doing is incredible. Thank you. Keep fighting brother. And we'll get you back on the show. Ryan Heath 48:37 Thank you, Doc Thomas. I appreciate being here. Dr. Paul 48:45 Welcome Bernadette back against the wind. Doctors in science under fire. It's always great to have you on the show, you know, Thanksgivings just behind us. And you've got to have a really nice idea about how to celebrate the holidays here. Bernadette Pajer 48:58 I do, you know, um, what we really need everybody to do is share the love, share the information about health, and freedom and so much and so I've got some gift ideas for everybody out there. There are three publications in print, as well as the versions that you could consider giving to those on your list. The one in the middle is epic times or Epoch Times. It's pronounced differently depending on who you're talking to. And it's a great one too. For those people kind of middle the road. It's very it's written in traditional journalism style, so it's not inflammatory. They've got a great health section. I really love it. And it's great to get sometimes a real physical print newspaper in your hands. We're also sick of looking at the screen. My own Senator here in Tennessee, when you'd walk into his office, there would be a copy of the The Epoch Times on his desk so it's great have for those in the United States. And if you've got somebody who is ready to hear information that is a bit more hard hitting in a more opinion style, we've got the flame. And you can subscribe to that one. It's all sorts of information about freedom and what's going on in this nation. So check that one out. And then if you're up in Canada, there's one called druthers that you can get. And it's it's similar, it's great hard hitting, you know, pretty well, opinion yet fact, you know, those sorts of things. So I just encourage you to check it out yourself to see if who you're going to send it to, is ready to hear information as presented in these great publications. And then the other thing is give the gift of books and two of my very favorite publishers are sky horse. And Chelsea green. Sky horse actually now has there's a children's health defense imprint, so you can check out their imprint. What I've got here is just a screenshot of their homepage right now, some of the titles and you can see they're all over the place. But a couple that jumped out at me are of course, the real Anthony Fauci underestimated by JB and Jamison handily. You know, we've got ending plague, but you should be able to find in their books that may appeal to just somebody you know, and love that you want to share information, be able to talk about share these insights is for individuals who really want to learn more about healthy living, and sustainable living and all those great new regenerative farming and things. Chelsea Green has got great cookbooks, farming books, health books. And it's really great information to check out. And that could be really good for somebody who doesn't really want to get political with you, but is willing to learn more about how to live a healthy life. So those are great gifts. And I also recommend, maybe putting together one of those just in case kits, that's recommended by the F L CCC, the frontline COVID-19, Critical Care Alliance. I gave one of these last year to my in laws, and they used it, it was fantastic. And I was able, you know to call them up when when they were unwell and guide them on the latest protocols, and doses and amounts that is in a kit. So I encourage your viewers to go to the FLCC and look up the most current recommendation because if things change and they learn, they update, and you can put together a gift basket that's got you know, the best quality vitamin D and C and zinc and other things. Even if you want to take it up a notch, give them a nebulizer so they can do that hydrogen peroxide nebulize, that sort of thing. And then my final Dr. Paul 53:04 year, so you're so spot on with the gift basket from FLCC. I was just at their inaugural conference. What an what an amazing team of doctors that have, you know, brought together protocols and approaches for not just long COVID But vaccine injury. And just this morning, I had a conversation with my dad. And he says there's three elderly people in our community who have come down with COVID. And they seem to be sicker than we expected with yes, no, what we're being told about subsequent iterations of COVID seem to be more infectious but less dangerous. And we just don't know. So if you want to be prepared you want when your loved one calls, what are you going to do? Well get prepared. This is a great example. Bernadette Pajer 53:46 Yeah, thank you. Thank you. Yeah, I agree to it's a great thing. Make sure you've got one for yourself as well. And then finally, other gift ideas. So of course you can get merchandise from your favorite freedom organizations get people T shirts and hats and magnets for their car, you know, these make great gifts, something they might not want to be buying a lot for themselves. But how fun to open it up and get that great CHD t shirt or something. Give them access to some of the wonderful health and freedom video documentaries that are out there some of them after like a period of time of being free that you got to pay for access to them. And so you can provide those documentary access gift certificates to your local massage therapists acupuncturist herbalist, maybe a hyperbaric oxygen treatment clinic for them to experience that they've got some health issues natural food store, nutritional supplement store, I mean the list goes on. If you help provide them ways to try and test some of these modalities of healing. You might just find help lead them on the path of have some really good health and wellness to celebrate the holidays, and then bring them into the new A year. So those are my ideas for gifts. Dr. Paul 55:05 I like them, I think, you know, you and I are in this space of health freedom all the time. So we read a lot, but a lot of our family members and friends and those of you who are listening you, you may also find this to be the case. They're still tuned in to CNN or they're, they're reading the New York Times or, you know, where they get their information greatly affects what they're reading and hearing. And so I like this presentation of here, here are other resources that we should be sharing, and just share it as a launch point for discussion. Bernadette Pajer 55:39 Mm hmm. Exactly. Yeah. Tie it all up with a ribbon and give it from your heart with love and, and do do read your friends and loved ones carefully. You don't want to push too hard. It's the holidays. It's supposed to be a gift. So you want to choose carefully what that individual might really like and be open to as opposed to like, You got to read this kind of Dr. Paul 56:03 No, that's a very good point. One of those journals i I was sharing it at my office and it happened to have an add in. I mean, the articles were I thought were spot on. But there was an ad for guns now. Showing a semi automatic and this was right at the time. They were another round of shootings, you know, and yeah, and one of my nurses goes, we can't put this out. Because it depends on your audience. Right. So your audience, love them. And we both wish you all a very wonderful holiday season. Bernadette Pajer 56:35 We sure do. Dr. Paul 56:37 Thanks, Bernadette. Bernadette Pajer 56:38 Thank you Dr. Pop. Dr. Paul 56:45 Dr. Paul, thanks for watching the show. Please visit doctors and science.com There you can access our members only section. This show is member support it we don't have to take sponsors. We don't have to have anybody controlling the content of our show. This is a huge perk most people aren't aware of your membership gives you access to my eBooks, transcripts of every show PowerPoints from talks I'm giving around the country and live bonus peeks at behind the scenes work. We're doing my off the cuff thoughts and reviews on current events. Your support makes all this possible. Thank you. Help me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors in science.com. I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. And let's make this the weekly show the nation has been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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