PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:05
Welcome to against the wind doctors in science under fire. Today's show I interview my good friend and co author for both those books behind me, Jennifer Margulis. She is an award winning journalist. She's an incredible author, an incredible human being. She left Ashland, Oregon, her dream town, we want to know why. So we talked about that what's going on in our country? What's going on with liberals? I mean, she and I were both very liberal Democrats, something has changed with what's this about all this fear? What happened to rational thinking, we kick this all around, there's an Africa advantage Did you know we're going to talk about that countries are compensating people for COVID vaccine injuries. And really, we talked about that. We talked about pollution, body burden, toxins, and what five things you can do to improve your health and wellness. The show ends with a bernadett segment about polio, you've probably heard about polio in the sewage in New York. Well, we're gonna kick that around and give you some resources. Enjoy the show. Dr. Paul, coming to you from the heart. Today, I wanted to talk about joy and unconditional love. This past weekend, I was at the Oregon coast, I had an incredible opportunity to watch a couple kids, two and five years old, while the parents took a lunch of much needed break. And we were right at the beach sand along one side. And a little stream was coming in creating a pool that was maybe Oh, size of a very tiny swimming pool about a foot deep at the deepest point. And then a wall of rocks on one side. And the joy of these kids getting wet, moving sand building rock piles, covering the rock piles with water, and then washing them off with buckets of water, and then smearing the rocks with sand and then washing the sand off the rocks. It was just incredible. And I was reminded about that childlike joy of just being in the moment. I think when we grow up, we become adults, we become so preoccupied with all the demands of life, we forget to do that. So just enjoy the moment every chance you get. Now I want to talk a little bit about unconditional love as well. Here's the thing. I know, I've let people down in the past. I know I'm going to let people down again in the future. Oh, if I could just love unconditionally all the time. Wouldn't that be nice? Or really only God has that kind of power, right? Who can do that never let you down. I need forgiveness daily. So if I can live that way, and choose to love and choose to forgive everything, and everybody. That's the way to live telling you. That's the world I want to live in. And I want to thank all of you, each and every one of you for the love and kindness. You've shown me through support, and everything else prayer that I know so many have given and sent my way. I want to send it back your way. Thank you. Welcome Dr. Jennifer Margulis. It is such a privilege to have you back on against the wind. Jennifer Margulis 3:07 So nice to be here. Thanks for having me. Dr. Paul 3:10 Well, people who don't know you should know that you are an award winning journalist, international speaker. And most importantly, for me, you are an author and amazing author. You've written multiple published lots of books, but the ones that I'm especially fond of are a couple that we wrote together the addiction spectrum, a compassionate, holistic approach to recovery. And then the famous or infamous, the vaccine friendly plan, Dr. Paul's safe and effective approach to immunity, and how from pregnancy through your child's teen years. You also authored a couple of really big books for the family's health, pregnancy and babies, your baby your way taking charge of your pregnancy, childbirth and parenting decisions for a happier, healthier family. That's a really great book folks. And your famous book, the business of baby that was sort of a shocker for the world, I think. And I know you've written many more. So it's a real privilege to have you on the show. Jennifer Margulis 4:08 I'm really glad to be here. Dr. Paul 4:10 I'm going to take our audience through a big journey because I'm going to pick your brain you're one of the smartest people I know. We're going to talk about why you left Oregon you had researched and found Ashland, Oregon as your dream town. And now you're gone. We're going to talk about what's going on with our Democratic Party or the liberal movement within our country that both you and I were a part of. What's the Africa advantage that that right there behind me? That's Zimbabwe. I grew up in Africa. So I'm curious you've got an interesting take on that. And then we Yeah, we're gonna hit some other topics as well. But let's start off with Why did you leave Ashland, Oregon, the town that you researched and decided was where you wanted to be and raise your family? Oh, Jennifer Margulis 4:53 god, that's a sad question. Um, you know, the whole West Coast has been really I'm having a lot of problems both physical, emotional and mental, I would say. So we moved to Ashland because it was such a healthy place to live. There's beautiful nature and a wonderful thriving Food Cooperative. And then two and a half years ago when COVID hit for some reason the people in Oregon in general, and an Ashton in particular, got so tremendously afraid. And the way that their fear manifested itself was to really be hateful to each other, in a way I'd never seen before Paul, and neighbors stopped talking to each other, they stopped socializing, they, you know, they stood six feet apart. There were these huge placards when you drove down the highway saying, Have you inadvertently killed someone today, they didn't use the word button, they said mistakenly killed someone today, there was a huge amount of shaming going on. There was this idea that if you didn't stay home, refuse to ever smile at a new one refuse to touch anyone refuse to hug that you were somehow an assassin. And that was literally the message that we were getting an eye it was really hard for me, I'm an extrovert. In an introverts job, you know, I spend my days, I interview people that I spend my days in front of a computer writing a lot of the time. And so to have the level of shaming going on in the state, and especially in our town, made it really, really hard for my mental and physical well being. And then, as you know, the West Coast has been on fire, or having a lot of the wildfires just started again in Ashland. And you know, we're just having a lot of trouble with climate change, or whatever you want to call it. So it means that, you know, the temperatures are getting up to 110 degrees and Ashland, and there's smoke in the air sort of choking and cleaning people. So the healthiest place that I had been able to find in America became the most unhealthy. So yeah, we have temporarily left. Dr. Paul 7:09 Yeah, interesting. Yeah, that shaming business. And what's happened, I've witnessed it as as a pediatrician with a large practice, I mean, have kids who won't take their masks off for anything. I mean, there that you'll hear this statement, I've heard kids say, Well, I don't want to kill my grandma. I mean, to put that in a little kid's mind that and that's some of the messaging that are unfortunately our children have been given so Jennifer Margulis 7:34 effective that you hear them repeating these little sound bites little, you know, pharmaceutical government sound bites, and it you know, the rest of the world didn't respond this way. I mean, people say like, oh, it happened everywhere. But it's really interesting how places where people still had family gatherings and still had weddings and held each other's hands when they were sick. Didn't have worse outcomes than places like Oregon that, you know, shot down in, in the most draconian ways. Dr. Paul 8:04 Yeah. So that was certainly my experience. I know you've traveled the country speaking as well, we've, we've been the other states. Even during the pandemic, when Oregon and California and Washington, the west coast was just shut down. There was a lot of freedom and other places. What's it like where you live now, just to contrast where you came from, and where you are now. I see you look healthy. You're smiling. You seem happy? Jennifer Margulis 8:28 Thanks. Well, so we moved to the Carolinas, I don't want to say specifically where because I feel like we should keep the well kept secrets. But I like you, I had looked at a lot of places North Dakota, South Dakota, I had been in the Carolinas, I also went to Florida. And it was really interesting to see how like you said things were different other places, especially Florida, you know, was really open, especially in the more conservative areas, which is so interesting and kind of ironic, in some ways, right? But where we are now Pete, there's a culture of kindness and friendliness, and people have much more of the attitude like you do you and I'll do me, I'll support you, you support me or we won't talk about it. So you know, there's a because I'm in the south now our families on a on a temporary move. We don't know if this is going to be permanent full disclosure, because we're not all on the same page about it, Dr. Paul, but you know, but because we're in the Carolinas and there's this culture of friendliness, you always say How y'all doing? Thank you, ma'am. Thank you, sir. No, ma'am. No, sir. Like, it's just a different idea. And interestingly, I know that underneath the surface, there's some tension. But what's really wonderful about where we live is you can't actually drive down the highway without seeing a billboard that tells you about someone who's promoting medical freedom, a politician perhaps or the latest various data. That's the vaccine adverse events. Reporting System, and the number of total deaths being reported post COVID vaccination. So I am definitely in a place where people care about each other and care about medical freedom. Dr. Paul 10:11 Oh, that that's got to be exciting and refreshing compared to where we are here in Oregon. What do you think's going on? I just I know you come from that liberal background as I did, my parents were missionaries. And we always were fighting for the underdogs and the people who are disadvantaged. And it felt back when you and I were younger, or just even three years ago that the Democratic Party and liberals in general, we're most open minded to helping others and not selling out to big business, if you will. Yeah, nothing changed. What What the heck is going on? What's your take on it? Jennifer Margulis 10:48 Well, that's absolutely no longer the case, because liberals still consider themselves open minded and wanting to defend the underdog unless the underdog doesn't follow the Biden democratic narrative. So remember, when Joseph Biden said, if you don't vote for me, you're not black? Do you remember him saying that? Basically, he said, all black people will only vote for Biden, I'm the party of you know, African Americans, which is absolutely untrue. Because if you're African American, and you choose not to get the COVID vaccine, all of a sudden, you are ostracized, vilified, and, you know, considered a horrible person. And that is true. If you are disabled, and you can't wear a mask, then all of a sudden, you're canceled from society. And I have to tell you, Paul, the people doing the canceling are the so called open minded liberals, not people who are more conservative who value family and tradition who tend to be more of a religious bent. Why this is happening is kind of astounding to me that the theoretical narrative is that we have to care about each other and each other's health. And I, you know, how much I believe that is true. And I, you know, I spend a lot of time promoting the best health practices and trying to inspire people to be more vibrant and more active and take control of their health. And, you know, but the idea that the Democrats had, that the only way to be healthy was to stay apart, stay masked, and then to get vaccinated with an experimental vaccine that has been such an unbelievable boon to the pharmaceutical industry is, is simply I want to say it's crazy, but it's, you know, it's so completely misguided. So what we have now is we have a Democratic Party that basically is in the pocket of the pharmaceutical industry, and everything that comes out of people's mouths these days, tends to be a PR talking point, it's very well framed, it's very articulate, it's very well put, it sounds so convincing, and when you actually unpack it, you realize that what they're saying is pure propaganda, to help big business make big money. Dr. Paul 13:02 How did we and I'm saying we, the Liberal Democrats get so duped What the heck, Jennifer Margulis 13:08 I don't know. But I will say that I've been in a lot of situations I just gave a talk last last Saturday in Ashland, Oregon, and I was sitting at a table with 10 other people, several of whom are the speakers, including Naomi Wolf, who was always identified as a Democrat, a progressive, liberal Democrat. And every single one of us sort of raised our hands and said, Yeah, we used to be Democrats. So you know, it's not true. I mean, you can have progressive values, you can care deeply about the environment, you can care deeply about people's health and you can realize that not the Democrats are no longer your party. I think that maybe we have to do things ala carte kind of pick and choose. But I will say that I am so much more aligned with more conservative thinkers. And part of the reason why I think is because they really understand that freedom is a fundamental American value. And it's just like freedom of speech, you have to be willing to defend speech you disagree with, because the idea is that it's more important to have freedom of speech than to have everybody in an echo chamber everybody doing groupthink. And that is the case with medical freedom as well. So if you are going to, you know, if you're gonna say my body my choice that has to also pertain to whether or not you accept vaccines to whether or not you accept other pharmaceutical products. Dr. Paul 14:27 Yeah, it's, it's so baffling to me. We are born if you live in this country, at least it used to be that you're born free. I mean, you know, there's the Iron Curtain, for example, how it used to be, I mean, barbed wire. You know, in closures, I mean, it. There was such a lack of freedom in some communist countries, for example, in the US always represented this incredible freedom and it feels like all of a sudden In over COVID were just, well, somehow public health authorities have, through this emergency mandate process taking become all powerful like dictators. Jennifer Margulis 15:12 It's terrible and it's so pernicious. And it's so it's so wrong. And it's and what has happened is it has led to the unnecessary death of 10s of 1000s, if not hundreds of 1000s of people because remember very early on any doctor who wanted to treat COVID, whether with repurposed drugs, which is what we do when we have something novel come into the into circulation or with natural remedies, they were actually witch hunted by the Department of Justice, and each different state and Department of Health witch hunts against these doctors. I have an article that you might remember that's on my website about natural treatments for Coronavirus that actually work well, that article was co written by three doctors, different kinds of providers who were seeing wonderful outcomes with early intervention with natural treatments. When they told their patients about it just in private emails that weren't even going onto websites. They were actually sent cease and desist letters by the Department of Health. So we had a situation that Peter McCullough testified in front, Dr. Peter McCullough, the renowned, internationally renowned, well published cardiologist testified in front of the Texas Senate and he said, quote, we have lost compassion in medicine, we must treat people we can't tell people that if they have COVID, this is a death sentence. And, you know, all of this was done, because I believe, if we had shown that these early treatments were highly effective, which of course, they were, if we had shown that COVID was only going to be really, really troublesome for people who like who had coexisting, you know, for the vast majority not that's not true for everyone. But for people who had comorbidities we call them, right. Yeah, existing, you know, problems with their health. And if we showed that for the very, very vast majority of everyone else COVID was, it could have been difficult, but you were going to recover from it without having long term Sequoia, all of that if we had shown that at the beginning, we would not have been able to get emergency use Austin authorization for the vaccines. And we wouldn't have minted all of these billionaires. I mean, if you go look on Forbes, we have so many new billionaires, thanks to this whole, you know, COVID crisis that was largely manmade and fabricated. But so many people have gotten so rich off of other people's terror about their health. Dr. Paul 17:46 Yeah, and so many people unfortunately harmed by this so called vaccine that's not working at all like a vaccine. It's it's genetic modification. It's gene manipulation. That technology that mRNA technology showed a lot of promise for, say, cancers, where you could maybe go in and fix something that needed to be fixed, but this mass rollout of this technology the way they did, I mean, it's been a disaster, hasn't it? Jennifer Margulis 18:15 It's been a complete and total disaster. So I spent the morning on the phone with a 6869 year old man who's based in Minnesota, so he was a dentist in the health care profession. He was very eager to get his Pfizer vaccines, he got two of them, he encouraged his staff to do the same. Didn't seem to have any trouble with it got his third Pfizer vaccine meaning so they're calling those boosters, right. So the thing is not working once, twice, not working three times are now telling everybody they need to get four shots. So the two boosters when you hear the word booster, what you really mean is try again because it failed. So he went and he got his third Pfizer vaccine, and after that vaccine, he got the worst cough he had ever had in his life and he had terrible chest pain. And he ended up going to urgent care. He of course landed in the hospital. It turned out he had a pulmonary embolism. And, you know, he was a healthy guy going hiking, he loved to dance. He was a very successful dentist with a thriving practice. Well, he has had so many problems post COVID vaccine, the third shot, he's also had COVID twice that he had to sell his practice he can no longer do any physical activity and he is basically beside himself because he's had two major surgeries. Now he had a pulmonary embolism that was so bad. He's lucky he didn't die, but he broke several of his ribs from the coughing. They went in to fix the broken ribs. And then now he has a hernia in his lung like, you know, in his chest cavity. And so he's just having problem after problem after problem. And I said to him, you know, was it a question for you to get the vaccine and he said no, you know, he had his someone in his family had died from COVID, which likely they died from medical Well mismanagement of COVID which is a whole other conversation, but he felt like as a health care professional as a dentist he had to do to get the vaccine but he reached out to me because he wanted to talk about vit vaccine induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia, which is now which I was writing an article about. So his timing was perfect. And I have now looked at the current medical literature. Dr. Pol, we have almost 12 articles that show without a shadow of a doubt that this, these pulmonary embolisms are connected to the COVID-19 vaccines. This man is 68. But we are seeing people drop dead from pulmonary embolisms, after the vaccines who are in their 20s and 30s and 40s. These are absolutely not age appropriate deaths. And yes, these vaccines are a disaster. Dr. Paul 20:56 Yeah. Wow. So what's the Africa advantage? Jennifer Margulis 21:02 Well, so I wrote an article, I worked for the epic times, and I write health articles. And I'm co writing articles now with a molecular geneticist named Joe Wang. So Dr. Wang is actually someone who has worked on the development of SARS vaccines. Interestingly, he was a lead developer, figured out that we could not get a safe and effective vaccine against SARS, this was in the early 2000s. And he himself, Dr. Weighing had felt that he had no choice. And he did get the first two COVID shots. And so he's somebody who's very interesting to be co authoring things with because he's got that really detailed understanding of the biochemistry. But anyway, Joe Wang and I wrote an article called The Africa advantage, because it's fascinating. If you look at the maps from the World Health Organization, you know, you see all of these countries with a long lines with, you know, deaths and cases of COVID vaccination. And then you got Africa down here with just a little teeny tiny, and I interviewed a translator whose name is Ilya Tsui Brahim, who said, he just started laughing. And he said, we don't have COVID. In Niger. Obviously, Africa is a huge continent, right? Like about continents, but in Niger and West Africa, he said, we consider it like a small, cold. So the question is, in a country that is a continent, right, that's besieged with all sorts of difficult health problems, as you and I both know, and as we both experienced, probably firsthand, I don't know if you've had like Schistosomiasis or amoebas. Or, you know, giardia, I mean, there's all sorts of wonderful illnesses you can pick up in Africa, right. But you would expect the opposite you would expect in a, in a place where there's a lot of impoverished people where they might not be getting enough adequate nutrition, you would expect that they would have been devastated by COVID, we would have seen huge infection rates and huge numbers of deaths. That is absolutely not what we have seen, basically, throughout the entire continent of Africa. Dr. Paul 23:04 So why, what's your what's your hypothesis? I have a few of my own. But I'm curious. You've done the research. What Why do you think that that's the case? Jennifer Margulis 23:14 Well, I would love to hear yours as well, because obviously, these are open questions that we have to continue looking at. So I mean, what I can tell you, it's just so interesting. There's so many reasons, right? But But while we there, the obvious one is that that doesn't explain the advantage, but is that people aren't giving aren't keeping as good statistics in these countries, right? So people who want to dismiss it say, Oh, well, it's just because they're not counting them? Well, we would see if we were having excess deaths from COVID. So I don't actually think that that argument is very valid. But one of the things that we know is that a diverse microbiome is incredibly helpful to human health. And so two things, diverse microbiome and access to vitamin D. Now you and I argue about this, because I believe that it's better to get vitamin D through sunlight. And I know that it's very hard to do when you're in a northern latitude, like Portland, Oregon. And so I know that you recommend vitamin D supplementation, which is something we write about in our book, right. But the fact of the matter is that when we look at the COVID statistics about people who aren't doing well, one of the things that we see is that if you have sub optimal vitamin D levels, you tend to have a worse infection. We also know and there's been several fascinating articles about this, Dr. Paul, I don't know if you've had a chance to look at them. But we know that people in Africa who are in who have very, very, what's the word sort of complicated, diverse, you teaming microbiomes, meaning that they're cohabitating with microbes, beneficial bacteria, but also cohabitating with helmets, which are beneficial worms, and I know this is a stretch for some people But we know that they tend to have less reactive immune systems. And what's interesting about this whole COVID virus is that what seems to cause severe COVID is not necessarily the virus, but you're very overblown reaction to the virus, right? So it's your immune system. It's what we've heard of people talking about the cytokine. Storm. So I have another article on the epic times asking the question, Why is COVID so severe? And it looks like it's severe because your immune system kind of goes crazy out of whack? So one theory about what's going on in Africa is that people have immune systems that aren't going to sort of go crazy like that. So they're not necessarily which and then their microbiome is the diversity of their microbiomes may be protecting them from getting it even in the first place or having a symptomatic case. There are a lot more reasons. But why don't you say some of what you think is going on? Dr. Paul 25:56 Well, no, I think what you bring up is super important. We because we know the natural immune system, the innate immune system, you the T cell arm of it, which is not your antibody production, it's just this other arm of immunity for COVID For novel viruses for something new that your body's never seen. That's the arm of the immune system that keeps you safe, and you only kick into antibodies as a last resort. And I think, you know, Africans who have like you said, they're, they're having Gosh, you go to village life where I grew up, I mean, you know, we're just eating with the flies and in the dirt. And you know, that that movie babies that showed baby sitting in the dirt in I think it was Africa and Mongolia and and those babies did as well or better than the yuppie San Francisco baby in the highchair with all the, you know, highly processed and sterilized food. The other thing I've wondered about, though, is many countries in Africa are are using prophylactically, either hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin. And that actually, I mean, there's plenty of research showing that that's protective. Jennifer Margulis 27:10 So that was something else that we mentioned. It's interesting. You mentioned ivermectin in the article that I wrote the Africa advantage, because so ivermectin I'm sure that your viewers already know this, but it's a it's a drug that's been used. It was the reason why people got a Nobel Prize in in 2015. But it's been used to treat river blindness. And it's interesting because the mainstream media in America has called it horse paste, and said that it's absolutely dangerous and you shouldn't use it. But we actually know when Donald Trump got COVID. Before there was a vaccine, right, he used ivermectin as one of his treatments. And we know that people who get early intervention with ivermectin tend to do really well. So people are often taking it as an anti parasitic, right. So that is interesting. And then that, and then the hydroxychloroquine. I actually didn't we didn't include that in the article. But I had looked a little bit at that data. There's more research to do there. But it's interesting, because I did have a lot of readers get in touch with me afterwards and say, Why didn't you talk about the anti malarial as well, those are quinine drugs. The fact is that we have in the tonic water, people have quinine, and then I correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that hydroxychloroquine is also what Chloroquine it's, it's another quinine derived drug. And it seems like so those are used as anti malarial drugs, right? And it seems like those are also maybe helpful and protective. There's something else which I really should have said at first, which is that most places except in the in the very modernized cities in Africa, people did not mask they did not social distance, they did not stop being in society and community and with their loved ones. And I have to say that I believe that that is one of the reasons why Africa has had a better outcome than Europe and America. And I say that because now all of the research is coming out. You can hear it on National Public Radio about how if you are depressed, if you are alone, if you are suffering mentally, if you have a huge amount of stress in your life, you're one of the people who always says stress is a toxin that you're actually your body is not going to be able to fight off disease as well. So you know, no one. In these African countries people weren't being terrified. They weren't being accused of being murderers. They weren't being told that they couldn't love each other hug grandma. They weren't, you know, being put in masks and dehumanized. And I actually believe, Paul, and you tell me what you think that ironically, those the fact that they did not do that kind of draconian public health is actually was a huge benefit to the African countries? Dr. Paul 30:02 Yeah, I absolutely agree with you fear is a liar. Fear is the killer. Because it messes with your immune system, when you're in a fearful state, you're in fight or flight, this is not where your immune system is, is at its optimum. In fact, it really harms the immune system. So nothing worse than create this excess of fear, and then lock people down and isolate them, we need community. I wonder, have you looked into one other thought that occurs to me, and that is, I would suspect that the continent of Africa is less vaccinated than, for example, the Americas and Europe. And what we've certainly come to find out now is that the COVID jabs, I don't like to even call them vaccines do harm the immune system, so actually end up making you more vulnerable to infection from COVID? What's your take on that? Jennifer Margulis 30:58 Yeah, no, I mean, we have quite a bit of new data that's coming out right now. And it's buried in the scientific literature, it's very hard to understand, but it's showing just that it's showing that the more vaccinated you are, the more likely you are to get and spread COVID, whether you're going to have you know, as as difficult a case with it is still an open question. So a lot of times in these articles, it says, but it's mild, you know, although then they talk about people being hospitalized and people being on ventilators. And, in fact, the man that I was talking about this morning, who I interviewed for an article about vaccine induced thrombocytopenia, he was telling me that he's COVID positive as we speak, he's actually had COVID twice. So he's had three vaccines, and now he's had two COVID infections. And the people that I spoke with who I interviewed who live in an asiair, told me that they wouldn't be interested in having a vaccine because it just seems like it's profit for the pharmaceutical industry. You know, that said, there are these huge vaccination campaigns in West Africa and elsewhere, of course, but every country is different. And whether or not people are actually getting vaccines against all of the childhood illnesses, or the adult illnesses, or whatever it is a question, but I do think that ironically, vaccines are supposed to help us. They're supposed to be beneficial, you and I wrote a book called The vaccine friendly plan. You know, I chose to vaccinate my kids and you used to, or maybe you still do give vaccines in your office every day. But that doesn't mean that just because something works, in some instances that you need to keep doing it and doing it and doing it. And like you said, these, you're not even calling them vaccines, because they're using a whole different kind of technique and a whole different technology. And it seems that the COVID vaccines have actually made things worse. So if we could rewind history, and go back two and a half years ago, and not shut down society and not rush to develop vaccines, but actually figure out what drugs would work and what natural remedies would work, I put it to you that we would have seen. We would have seen maybe millions fewer people get sick and die. Dr. Paul 33:13 Yeah, absolutely no, no question about it. The data is coming in strong that this has been a disaster. And yet this is the baffling I mean, it just blows my mind. Most of our captured agencies, the CDC, the NIH, the Academy of Pediatrics, the AAP, the AMA, the American Medical Association, they're still beating the drum of get more vaccines, get more vaccines, and get people prepared for the next big thing. It's going to be monkey pox. It looks like he's going to be there next tactic, which is, oh, we don't have time to get into that one today. I would like to have us before I let you go, because there's so many good things we can talk about. You've written about saving the original organic humans, and I think it kind of you can dovetail between fertility and fertility and that topic of you know, what's happening to our human race? Jennifer Margulis 34:10 Yeah, well, I mean, if you want to save the original organic humans, you have to make judicious choices about vaccines. And one of the most judicious choices I would say is to delay vaccination. And if you choose to delay vaccination indefinitely, then you may have made the most judicious choice of all so I Dr. Paul 34:31 just came out of your mouth. Jennifer Margulis 34:35 I was on I knew I was on a panel with Naomi Wolf I mentioned before public scholar and I read her stuff when I was in college. She wrote a wonderful book called The beauty myth and she wrote a book about pregnancy and childbirth called misconceptions are both excellent books and, and she, my son came afterwards so there was about 150 people came to this talk and there were three medical Have two MDS who spoke and then a naturopath. And then Dr. Stephanie Senath, who you know, who is an MIT senior scientist, and Naomi and I were all in this in this conference together, which is when we were talking about saving the original organic humans. But anyway, afterwards Dr. Weil got a chance to meet my son, and she came up to me and she said, Oh, my God, Jennifer, I'm not trying to be creepy or anything. But isn't that what an unvaccinated healthy young man looks like in this world, and my son has actually had vaccines. So I didn't want to like Buster Bella was she's never thought about these issues. Before. She hasn't. She's been very vocal against the current COVID vaccines. But, you know, she just saw a well spoken, obviously glowing with good health, almost organic human. And she was very impressed. But more to the point is, I actually talked about you and your research and your practice, because what I asked the, what I said to the people at this conference was, we have these pediatric practices where people are integrating integrative doctors are taking the best of Western medicine and the best of other modalities and having these wonderful outcomes in their practices. So you would think that every regulatory agency on the planet, every medical doctor, every health care practitioner, would be flocking to people like you Dr. Paul and to Dr. Cami Benton, who's based in North Carolina and Dr. Cornelia Franz, who's based in Florida, and James Neuenschwander, who is based in Michigan like these, Larry Polewski, who's based in New York, you would think that they would be flocking to these places to find out what are you doing? What are you recommending? Why do you have such good outcomes among your children and your practices. And instead, of course, the medical boards are trying to shut down every doctor who has better outcomes. So instead of actually looking at it, and researching it, and thinking about it, and analyzing it, they're trying to shut us all up, and the we're not going away, they can't shut us up. And we are going to be shouting it from the rooftops about the kinds of things you can do to really, really, really help your health. And there are so many, the only problem is they're not very monetizable. They don't usually come in the form of a pill or a syringe or a bottle. So the kinds of things that we have to do to save the natural organic humans are, avoid the toxins and embrace the healthy lifestyle, you know, components? And do you want to talk more about that? Or? Dr. Paul 37:41 Yeah, your let's segue right into that. Because folks, we always end most of these shows, I want to leave you with something that you can take home and go yes, this, I'm going to implement this thing, this one thing, Jennifer is probably going to give you four or five or six or seven things. But yeah, you and I have talked a lot about this. I I'd like to hear from your lips, you do this amazing research, one of the folks who don't know, Jennifer, as my co author, she was so meticulous on fact checking. And then you actually hired an outside expert to go and look at all our references to make sure that they were appropriately used. I mean, you are meticulous researcher so but let's just hit the nitty gritty, what are the key things we can do to help ourselves? live a healthy life become a more organic human, as you put it? Jennifer Margulis 38:34 Okay, well, so the first one, and it's so obvious, but it's actually the hardest is that we have to eat real food. And as much as people can roll their eyes now and be like, Yeah, of course, I eat food, the vast majority of Americans are not eating food. We are eating edible food like substances, Paul, and we're not eating them the way we should be meaning sitting down with a friend or with a partner or with your family and actually taking your time and enjoying your meal. So, you know, we have to eat organic food. And I know I'm living in the South. Now I know how hard it is to find it. And I know how hard it is to afford and you have lots and lots of people in your practice who are not elite people who are not high income people. And we have this idea that organic food is only for people with a lot of money. Well, the good news is, is that almost every supermarket chain in America is now providing affordable organic foods so you can actually find it. And you know, the other good news is that it doesn't have to be certified organic. If you go right to a grower if you go to the farmers market and your town and I live in a teeny tiny town now we have a wonderful farmers market. You can go and ask those farmers. are you spraying your crops? Are you using glyphosate and if they say no but we can't afford to be certified organic you just buy up that stuff. Dr. Paul 39:53 The other on the on that food sorry to interrupt you. I wish I had a dad in my practice this past week I spent an hour We're talking to him. I just was fascinated. I mean, he's got she's got two young babies. So he must be in his late 20s, early 30s. He is starting has already started to small organic farms. And he is his goal and mission is to teach others how to farm. I mean, it's a lost art. And we've been reading about Bill Gates buying up farmland, folks, we're gonna have to learn ourselves how to, you know, initially, maybe it's a tiny garden. That's all I have right now. But eventually, we have to learn how to produce our own food. Jennifer Margulis 40:35 Absolutely. And if we do that, in communities and neighborhoods, I encourage everyone to look up Zen Honeycutt, because she's got this wonderful idea about you know, how you have neighborhood CrimeWatch. She wants to have neighborhood food availability, basically. So she's, you know, she was inspired by one person who has a lemon tree can feed What do you know, 2535 families, but they can't eat all those lemons themselves. So her idea is that we get different people to grow different things. And then we share. I mean, that goes back to the community aspect of life, which is so important for humans, which is part of why the Africans had the advantage. But it's funny, because honestly, Dr. Sid Baker is the one who said this to me that it's harder to get people to change their eating habits than it is to get them to change their religion. And I think that's true. You know, it was hard. I was very resistant to the idea of buying organic. I had a, you know, parents who said, Oh, it doesn't matter, why would you waste your money on that? And it was actually thanks to my husband who said, Wait a second, you know, if you're going to be if you can afford to go out to eat, you can afford to buy organic food, or if you, you know, how about you don't buy yourself that, you know, new outfit you wanted and instead you eat right? Because if you don't pay for it now, you will pay for it later. And that's something well put hard to hear. You know? Yeah. So, Dr. Paul 41:59 yeah. Okay, so we started with number one, folks, we're going to eat real food. Jennifer Margulis 42:04 Number two, let's just keep going on that theme is that we talked earlier about a diverse microbiome, and I'm actually surprised to how many people don't know that word microbiome. I know that your listeners and viewers are very sophisticated. But people don't realize that we cohabitate with beneficial bacteria, right? And we actually have all sorts of other things on us that are not even microscopic. So some people call it the biome, not the microbiome, because there's certain things like, at night, more than 90% of people have dust have faced mites that come out, and they eat your, the oil on your face. Mm hmm. But you know, we think that that might be some, we think, Oh, God, that's so gross. It's so horrible. But it turns out that we actually cohabitate with these critters. So also on your eyes, in your eyebrows, and in your eyelashes. And so what can you do to diversify your microbiome, one of the things you have to do is not be so clean. So I said it, you know, another thing that they did not have in Africa was hand sanitizer, nobody was sanitizing their hands. And when we use things that kill microbes, we also kill all of the beneficial, you know, hitchhikers on our bodies. So you don't want to use hand sanitizer. If you need to wash your hands, do it with old fashioned soap and water, you do want to play in the dirt you want to pot those plants and you want to get dirty and you want to not be so clean. And then you also all the vegetables that you eat, I'm big on vegetables there was one of the doctors who is presenting is really super into meat and it's not you eat whatever you want. I will not tell you what diet I think you should just pay attention to your body and see what feels good for me. Eating lots of vegetables feels good. Maybe for you. It's eating, you know, meat three times a day. I don't care what you eat as long as it's real food. But there are certain vegetables that are really probiotic. And so that means that they really help you or beneficial bacteria seed themselves in your gut and those include sauerkraut, fermented sauerkraut, right, which you can get almost anywhere. I think these days especially good ones are in Oregon. Kimchi, which is you know what kimchi is? It's a it's a Korean sour sauerkraut, like Korean products. It's very spicy. And it's usually made with cabbage or sometimes radishes. From yogurt, milk yogurt that doesn't have sweetener aspartame in it is really, really good. So as kefir, so you can have a lot of what am I forgetting? Kombucha is another one. You can have a lot of fun with these products. And in our book, The vaccine friendly plan, we recommend that you have a forkful of some kind of good probiotic every day, every meal. I mean, especially when you're pregnant because it's really good for you. But that's another way to help you be organic and then on the subject of From protecting your microbiome, we actually know that people who do exercise so people who move throughout the day are actually juvenile. We've done some research on rats, for example. They're actually helping their beneficial bacteria. So we should write an article called exercise for your bacteria and not for yourself, right? So is, is that, you know, all the movement that you do throughout the day, it doesn't have to be I know you love CrossFit, it doesn't have to be going to the gym, you don't have to become a power lifter, you don't have to become an Olympic athlete, you don't even have to be good at it. But the idea is, you take the stairs instead of the elevator, you know, you you park and you walk half a mile away, and you walk to your destination, or you just start off by walking and biking in the first place. And of course, yes, you can go to the gym. It also really benefits if you are walking or running or playing basketball, which is what I love to do. If you're doing it with other people, then you're getting that community aspect of it. But the thing about it, there's so many benefits to exercise, but one of them is that we sweat out the toxins, all the things that we don't want in our body, and then we're feeding our good bacteria. And we're also really elevating our hormones, all the good ones, the serotonin and the adrenaline, like we're getting the good feelings in our body. So that's why after you've exercised as long as you haven't overdone it, which you shouldn't do, you know, you feel so much better because you are and then it helps you sleep better, which helps you have a better mood for the next day. So that would be another one on my list. Dr. Paul 46:36 Fantastic. We're going to eat real food, we're going to mind our biome not be so clean, play in the dirt and take some fermented products as part of our eating habits, and then we're going to get some exercise and sleep better. That sounds good. Sounds kind of like basics. Grandma was right. after all. Jennifer Margulis 46:56 I know that's the saddest thing is that grandma was right. And nothing that I'm talking about is rocket science. And on the subject of Grandma, it's really important to breastfeed your baby, there is no substitute for human breast milk. None, none. None, none. None. And I want to encourage any people who are trying to conceive who are new parents to stick with it one drop at a time. It's not like it's easy to do. It's not easy to exercise. It's not easy to eat food. All this stuff is so natural. It all seems like such no brainers but it's actually not so easy. So you have to stick with it even when it's hard, and then it will get easier. Dr. Paul 47:30 I'm gonna let you have the closing words, Jennifer, what would you like the world to know? Jennifer Margulis 47:35 Health doesn't come from a syringe or a bottle or a pill and that you actually have to be in community with other people. It's not enough to text and be on the computer you have to get together in real life. Dr. Paul 47:51 Awesome. Well, folks, there you have it. Do it now. Call somebody and set up a get together. Sounds good. Thank you, Jennifer. Jennifer Margulis 48:02 Thank you Dr. Powell. Dr. Paul 48:09 Welcome Bernadette pager to against the wind. It is so good to have you back. We missed you for a couple of weeks here. We're going to talk about something that I'm getting a lot of questions about ever since they released that darn report about finding polio in the sewer system in New York. Yeah, and, you know, a bunch of fear mongering around that. So I thought we should kind of kick polio around a little bit. Bernadette Pajer 48:34 Yeah, I think getting Oh, go ahead. And well, it's gonna say I've been getting a lot of questions as well. People just want to know what's up. It's been a long time since polio has been in the news in the United States. Dr. Paul 48:47 Yeah. So polio, as a pediatrician, it's been on the vaccine schedule for the last 30, some, maybe 40 years. And we still have been giving it some point in my career, we transitioned from the oral polio, you know, the little sugar tablets or drops in the mouth. That was a live virus polio vaccine, it's still being used in many places of the world, it's supposed to be better immunity or, you know, gives better lasting immunity than the injection that we've been using in the States for quite some time, more than a decade. So it's interesting that you can share some information about this. I want our viewers to know where they can get good information about polio. And I've got a little story to share too, when you get to one of those sources. So I know you've done your research, what are good places to get information? I just have to ask before you jumped into that. Yeah. If we searched the sewer systems in any major city, and use PCR testing, I imagine for a virus we will find it. Yes. Okay, well, we will find it. Yeah, especially the enteroviruses Polio is an enterovirus entro meaning intestinal. You know, internal through your GI system. I mean, it's excreted through the sewer, you know, your your toilet, wash it. Bernadette Pajer 50:09 So you hit the nail on the head right there. And it's you know, it, we don't really want to know everything that's in our sewer water because we would all be so afraid of everything. The important thing is that live by vaccine that used to be given here still given in very few parts of the world today, they stopped using it because it's so reactive genic, it can cause polio paralysis, and a percentage of individuals who take it. So when more cases of paralysis began to be happening and people from the vaccine than from the wild type virus, they switched to the inactive. The the live virus, though did a better job of preventing infection and colonization in in the in the garden in the digestive intestinal system, I'm probably not using the right language there, I apologize. But the inactivated really does not prevent that happening. But in a fairly wealthy country, by comparison, where we all have flushable toilets, and we hope everybody washes their hands, if anybody has been exposed who was vaccinated, they will have reduced to minimal to no symptoms, they won't even know it, but it will still come out in their feces, but you know, they'll flush it away and nobody will know. But it will be in the sewer water, right? So there likely has been polio in the sewer water throughout the United States forever. They just were either not looking for it or not promoting it. But I my right now what we have is because of COVID. So many parents saw several things going on their eyes were open to a lot of things. And a lot of people are now questioning and looking more closely at the schedule. They're spacing things out, they're looking at necessity, they're looking at historical data. And so there is this slowing and backing off of the uptake of vaccines and public health doesn't want that. So I think that there is some fear mongering going around. So I wanted to share with you a post that I put together on informed choice wall.org In order to provide some information. So you know, basically, Should we be worried? No, we need to be informed always facts over fear. And so I put some fast steps there, I mean, up to 70% of cases have no symptoms of all of polio 25%. Additionally, on top of that meet might have mild symptoms. And that leads to lifelong immunity if you experience it. So it was really only 5% of cases or less that had maybe some serious disease situation emerge that many overcame come and less than 1% had a situation where they had potential polio paralysis occur. As you and I know, and I'll, I'll wait till we get to that other resource. Well, we'll move on to the history of the definition of polio and paralysis because of it. So I provided some places here that I recommend you look, some of them go right to the CDC to give their their data. They have a frequently asked question page stuff about the inactivated polio virus. So I've included that there I found a really neat, older study that says, quote, before the introduction of modern sanitation, polio infection was acquired during infancy at which time that seldom cause paralysis, but provided lifelong immunity against polio infection, and paralysis later in life. So as with all mass vaccination campaigns, one of the dark sides unintended consequences that seems never to be taken into account by public health, is the fact we disrupt natural immunity, and we end up creating a mess later down the road. And that's exactly what's happened. So go to the informed choice. wall.org look for the polio post, you'll find that and then another place of excellent up to date and information is the defender had on August 15. The Fabulous article polio why vaccines are to blame for rising number of cases. This is actually a reprint of an epic Times article. And this gives the science in the history of the use of the two types of the vaccines and how it could not help but do What it did, which is cause vaccine derived polio to begin to circulate? And that's definitely what we're seeing and what's on the rise. So you'll get all of the data. They're very fascinating article to read. And then my Yeah, they're my final Dr. Paul 55:20 suggestion, illusions. Yeah, Bernadette Pajer 55:22 the wonderful Suzanne Humphries and Roman, I apologize, I can't say his last name by smokes. Dr. Paul 55:30 He to get and read it, especially if I would say if you're really a scientist or an MD, and you're thinking that this discussion of manipulation of data is nonsense, well read this book, it is so well referenced. It reminds me because she really in this book, I love this book. I love Suzanne Humphries. She left a very lucrative career when she realized that vaccines were a problem. And she just couldn't live with herself ethically and morally just go on making money while she was actually harming patients, rather than helping them. And she was an adult medicine person, but she really dove into this. It was it was a masterpiece. So a couple of decades ago, I don't know 10 to 20 years ago, I remember getting an article out of India, India had just so polio had been declared eradicated from the world, basically, I mean, a few little spots, couple countries here and there, India, Pakistan, a couple countries in Africa, they would have little, you know, little outbreaks, but it was basically eradicated, right? And then India has this big outbreak 50,000 cases in India and the World Health Organization. And I believe Bill Gates Foundation was behind this push in India, they did a massive campaign and vaccinated every infant in the country. I mean, they just did this massive campaign. And the next year, guess how many cases of polio they had? I see row, it went from 50,000 cases of polio to zero in one year. But the author of the article pointed out, they had changed the definition of what it took to diagnose polio. So that next year after the vaccine campaign to diagnose polio, you had to submit a sample to the state lab and prove that it was polio. But the lab wasn't set up to do that. So what they had the subsequent year was 53,000 cases of transverse myelitis. So they just basically renamed polio. And they had even more cases after the vaccine campaign than they did before. But the story that was the public was told was we eradicated polio. Yeah, I think Suzanne Humphreys book does a very good job of explaining how that actually happened here in the US. Bernadette Pajer 57:52 Yes, it happened here in the US, too. As soon as the vaccine was about to be launched, they sent out new instructions to all the medical providers about how to properly diagnose. And if it didn't fit this exact parameters, which used to be what they call polio, then they would say, No, this is a spiral or spinal meningitis, or they had several different things that it could be classified as, and the numbers just plummeted. But also in the US, it wasn't always that polio was a problem, the polio virus itself, there's tended to be and you'll see in Suzanne's brilliant book dissolving illusions that there was certain times in period like exposure to what was the name of that DDT, and some other things that environmental factors that were going on, at the time, a great book. So bottom line, you're hearing about polio, don't fear it, go learn about what the virus is learn how to support your immune system. And I'll tell you what, the all of the protocols, I've been talking with various medical providers, people who are on the frontlines of treating COVID Talk to them about some of the COVID protocols, because many of them work for many a broad range of viruses. And many of those wonderful prevention and treatment protocols that work for COVID also worked for polio, and they also work for monkey pox. So Dr. Paul 59:29 we can real truth to this folks gassing and supporting your natural immune system is actually key. It's lifestyle factors. Take your own health into your own hands. Right, Bernadette, we've been preaching this from the beginning. And just you don't need to fear polio, period, end of story. They're trying to get people to get back into the doctor's offices to get back on their childhood immunization schedules. I'm not giving immunization advice. I'm merely saying you don't need to be fearful of this one app. All, end of story. Bernadette Pajer 1:00:02 Exactly. Know the risks and benefits, I want to put make this really important point. When you a lot of times when a doctor does a risk benefit consultation on a vaccination, they tell you the risks of the disease and the benefits of the vaccine. They are supposed to tell you the risks of the disease the benefits of the disease like it later in in adulthood, you might have reduced incidence of cancer if you experience measles as a six year old. The the benefits of naturally acquired immunity, that sort of thing they're supposed to explain and any alternatives available, which would be treatment in case of measles, that would be vitamin A right and any virus, as you well know all those nutrients, vitamin A D zinc glutathione, although those are helpful in supporting the immune system, and if they're supposed to tell you that. And they're supposed to also tell you not just the benefits of the vaccine product, but the risks of the product. How long does any protection last? Right? They're supposed to what are the unintended consequences? fully informed consent does not happen in this nation or anywhere in the world in the realm of vaccinations. So just keep that in mind. You have to provide your own information, full profile, to decide how you want to protect yourself and your children. What your health approach and then most importantly, what Dr. Pol, go find a health care provider, aligned with your approach to health and wellness so that you've got a professional partner on your journey that you can turn to at times when it can be a little scary. Dr. Paul 1:01:47 well stated. And just remember, you don't need to be afraid of polio. Thanks, Bernadette. Bernadette Pajer 1:01:53 Thank you, Doctor PA. Dr. Paul 1:02:00 Dr. Paul, thanks for watching the show. Please visit doctors and science.com There you can access our members only section. This show is member supported. We don't have to take sponsors. We don't have to have anybody controlling the content of our show. This is a huge perk most people aren't aware of your membership gives you access to my eBooks, transcripts of every show PowerPoints from talks I'm giving around the country and live bonus peeks at behind the scenes work. We're doing my off the cuff thoughts and reviews on current events. Your support makes all this possible. Thank you. Help me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors and science.com. I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. And let's make this the weekly show the nation has been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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