PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:05
Dr. Paul, welcome to against the wind doctors in science under fire. My guest today is Dr. Merrill NASS. I'm telling you I've never met anybody with this sort of background. She has a bioterrorism Gulf War Syndrome vaccine safety and vaccine mandate expert. She has consulted with the US director of national intelligence on chemical and biological warfare pandemics. And you guys know, I grew up in Zimbabwe, right. She published the seminal paper in 1992. This was about Zimbabwe and an anthrax outbreak that was determined to be biological warfare. The white Rhodesian government at the end of the war released anthrax into the herds of cattle of the indigenous African people. Documented published. We're going to talk about COVID COVID-19. Children. We're going to talk about what happened with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. We're going to talk about monkey pox. There's a vaccine they say there's treatments they say. And then I'm asking her for her recommendations going forward. What about all these emergency laws and emergency mandates? How about mandates in general? And what should we do about propaganda and censorship? Enjoy the show? Dr. Paul, coming to you from the heart. Next Monday is Labor Day, we celebrate the American worker, the labor movement and the achievements that American workers have made. Labor Day goes back over 100 years, in fact, Oregon, I'm from Oregon, I have to brag a little bit to Philly. But Oregon was the first to legally recognize Labor Day, that was an 1887. And then an 1894 became a national holiday. There's a book I read recently, it's entitled, oneness versus the 1%, shattering illusion, ceding freedom by Shiva. I could not put this book down. Here's sort of the synopsis of it. We've had 500 years of colonization, we've had 200 years of fossil fuel 20 plus years of corporate globalization, where the 1% and it's sometimes the point 1%. But the Uber Uber wealthy, powerful in our world, define by their destructive power, that they are superior. And they marginalize nature. They marginalize women, they marginalize indigenous people, and they marginalize regular farmers. Everything has to be huge corporate and global. And by manipulation and external control, we have all been feeling this coercion. And what happens when you allow monopolies its separation, the 1% dominate and they are destroying the earth itself. So we the 99%, or, if you will, the 99.9%. We're the ones who are celebrating Labor Day because it's the laborers, it's the workers, it's those who don't have all that luxury of that point 1% or 1%. It is your sacrifice that we're honoring. So workers, laborers, I honor your sacrifice, enjoy this day, Labor Day. Let's end with this though. We need to have gratitude. Because here's the thing, as rough as it may seem at times, we're still an amazing country. The US has an incredible Bill of Rights constitution. And while some of those freedoms appear to be eroding, they're not gone yet. I am grateful every time I'm out in nature. And I'm just by the ocean, I'm in a forest by a stream, a river or a lake. It's just you have this sense that you know life is good. And I'm also grateful for love. I appreciate your love. I appreciate the love of all those who are around me. So don't forget to hug your kids. Don't forget to tell your loved ones you love them and be grateful for what we do have as you enjoy Labor Day. Welcome Dr. Merrill Nast. My goodness, it's a privilege and an honor to have you on against the wind. Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 4:14 Well, thank you so much for having me. I've looked forward to meeting you. And I have one of your books, actually. Your book with Jennifer Margolies? Dr. Paul 4:23 Oh, well, thank you. For viewers who don't know you, you are board certified in internal medicine. You have expertise in bioterrorism, the Gulf War Syndrome vaccine safety vaccine mandates. You consulted the US director of national intelligence on chemical and biological warfare and pandemics. And then I got really excited when I read your 1992 article on anthrax in Zimbabwe because I grew up there and I from reading that I realized you are there for two three years probably. Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 4:56 Actually, I was only there for a couple of weeks but okay, maybe A week, but I had I spent over three years studying it. And I read everything I could get my hands on. That had been published or theses written, etc. So I really dived into Zimbabwe. And yes, I love and I spent six months traveling through Africa, you know, the entire continent. Dr. Paul 5:22 I saw that. Yeah, very, very brave, actually. Weren't you hitchhiking at about age? 20? Yes, folks, we're going to talk about all sorts of things. I mean, we're going to talk about vaccines, children and vaccines. bioterrorism, we're gonna go a little bit through some of the history and then we'll get on to COVID Monkey pox, and, and where do we go from here? So, to kick it off, though, I would just love to hear your story. I mean, you you obviously started out as a mainstream MD, kind of what led you into this world of vaccines, for example, that's not usually an internal medicine world. Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 5:59 Right. So yeah, I believe in vaccines, like all other doctors, and but I'd like to travel. And I was very interested in what was going on in the world, and felt like we didn't have enough information, you know, in our mass media, even back then. So I started college in 1968. And that was in the middle of the Vietnam War. So we were questioning everything that was what we were supposed to do as college students. And I dropped out of college and hitchhiked through Europe and then went back to college and then dropped out again and hitchhiked through Africa and then India and really got got a sense of what the rest of the world was like, at that point, you know, and I've been in over 40 countries. So I understood a lot about colonialism, the ending of colonialism and and what was going on in Africa and the promises and the and the failed promises of independence. I didn't know I was going to get into Zimbabwe, or its former name Rhodesia and Anthrax, but I happened to go to a physician for social responsibility meeting around the very end of 1988. And there was a professor at UMass who was doing research on anthrax vaccines. And the students were protesting and said, we shouldn't be doing germ warfare Research at the University of Massachusetts. And I said at the meeting, well, I don't think vaccine research is germ warfare research. And so some of the men at the meeting, thought I was just so naive. And that I said, Okay, you know, I'll read the contract, they said, report back to us on it. So I got the contract, read it, and it had nothing to do with vaccines. It was title, it was a contract with this professor and the bio defense section of the army at Fort Dietrich, titled The study of anthrax vaccines, but it actually had to do with some primitive genetic engineering of anthrax, and developing more different strains. Dr. Paul 8:24 So I was meeting, Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 8:26 so I was intrigued. I was like, why would they miss name it, you know, it was a half million dollar contract and had been renewed a few times. So I started studying it. And then I thought, well, if if Anthrax is considered of a biological warfare agent that the United States needs a better vaccine for and, and studying in these other and and developing new forms of anthrax, why don't I just look at all the epidemics that have occurred, and I, you know, just picked 15 years and went back and gathered together all the articles on all anthrax outbreaks in the world over the last 15 years, and read them. And they weren't, you know, there weren't that many, I don't know, 20 articles or something. And the one in Zimbabwe was completely different than all the others. And, you know, as soon as I read the article, and compared it with our Well, the others, it was clear that this had been an episode of biological warfare. And then it just took me three years to prove it. Dr. Paul 9:32 Interesting. Well, thank you for that work. I think the whole this whole bio weapons programs, I mean, we hear about it in Ukraine, right. And that this it's, it's a sad state of affairs. I think we're our world and that the US is so involved in it. I know you've written I've read a lot of your writing and you became aware of some of the facts that I think are may be forgotten. And I'd like to remind our viewers as relates to the pharmaceutical industry itself. For example, can you speak to their criminal nature at all? I mean, what have you found there? Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 10:14 Well, what I was told is that a number maybe 4050 years ago, pharmaceutical industry CEOs went to jail, if they committed a crime if they knowingly transported their drug or vaccine across state lines, knowing there was a problem they had not disclosed. They will, and they were, they had to, you know, go to court over it. And they were found guilty, they actually went to jail. And that apparently was, according to one former FDA official, that was a big deterrent for the industry to do things that, you know, the CEOs didn't want to go to jail. Yeah. What happened instead is that some change in our culture or some arrangement with the FDA took place. And, and as we know, that apartment of justice prefers now to settle all of these cases, and send nobody to jail and just charge a fine so that malfeasance by pharmaceutical companies that could result in criminal or civil charges would wind up in only a financial penalty, and nobody went to jail. And then that penalty became the potential cost of doing business. Dr. Paul 11:45 They just wrote it into the cost of doing business. Exactly. A couple examples that come to my mind were Vioxx, which is made by Merck, who also make vaccines, and then the big oxycontin thing with the opioid crisis. Those were pretty large settlements, weren't they? Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 12:02 Yes, they're still working on settlements with the opioids. So that isn't resolved. But yeah, there are so for the Vioxx. Merck had to pay about $5 billion for misrepresenting Vioxx. And Vioxx was a huge seller, because it was a it was a pain medicine. And Merck knew that it could cause heart attacks and strokes, sort of like the COVID vaccines may do well so and hit it. And in fact, they had quite an extensive program of corruption. So that Merck published a fake Journal, the Australasian journal have a bone and joints or something like that, so that they could publish an article that wasn't in a real jerk. Oh, and make it appear that Vioxx was wonderful. You know, they give prizes to their salesmen for pushing it, and doctors who started complaining about it, and potentially writing articles about problems with Vioxx. Merck would actually go if they were at an academic center, Merck would go after them, and II and in lead in a court case in Australia, and discovery, they actually came up with emails from Merck employees, saying, you know, we know where they live, we're gonna go after that we're going to destroy these people for telling the truth about Vioxx. So anyway, as a result of that sort of discovery, Merck, of course, lost their case and had to pay an enormous number of amount of fines. And it was, depending who does the estimating, there could have been somewhere between 30 and 100,000 excess deaths as a result of the use of Vioxx, which was on the market for about five years. Yeah. Dr. Paul 14:02 And of course, we're seeing, we'll get into it, but we're seeing some disasters with COVID. So called vaccines. Another interesting thing that really hit my world, I'm a pediatrician, and I kind of I went to Dartmouth I was taught vaccines are safe and effective. We weren't told what was in the vaccines, just how to give them pretty much all of these horrible diseases. We've got these amazing vaccines, here's what you do, and that's what you learned. And so it sadly took me over a decade to wake up. As I started seeing my patients weren't doing very well. It's like what is going on here? But one of the one of the big things that we saw in pediatrics was this rise of autism. I mean, now we know it's a rise of all sorts of neurological and autoimmune and allergy phenomenon related to vaccine issues. But I remember the testimony of Dr. Zimmerman could because the the industry to this day is still denying Well, there's no link between autism and vaccines. And I know Cheryl Atkinson covered it well on full measure, but can you just remind our viewers about the importance of that particular testimony? Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 15:13 Andrew Zimmerman was an expert hired by the government for an what was an omnibus called an omnibus autism case. So many hundreds, maybe 1000s of people who have families that had applied to the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program of the of the US were sort of put together as one class and they had to find their best cases. And those cases would be adjudicated, and then that adjudication, we reflect on everybody who had agreed to participate in this class of hundreds or 1000s of families with autism. And so Andrew Zimmerman was a professor, he's been at several universities. He was a professor at UMass when I met him. And so he had provided testimony. But then he also told the Department of Justice that there were certain people, certain children, who might have a predisposing condition who could in fact, after vaccination have autism triggered. And so once he told the Department of Justice that they fired him, and they basically went through his testimony and chose the parts they liked and omitted the parts they didn't like. And it was used in this Autism Omnibus autism case that affected so many families to defeat the the petitioners. So Zimmerman's testimony this about 10 years ago or more was was used to turn down all these cases. And all these families were told, No, there is no relationship between your child's autism and a vaccination and you get nothing. Yeah. And later, Only later, years later, you know, was Zimmerman apprised of what had happened, and was willing to come forward and tell his part of the story that he had actually provided testimony that was different, but it wasn't used. And his end, only a limited portion of his testimony was used in the case. And so one case was reopened last year, but unfortunately, it was adjudicated in another jurisdiction, but lost, unfortunately. Dr. Paul 17:57 Yeah. So this misdirection of Justice has affected pretty much all families who tried to get compensation for their injuries. You know, we have expert witnesses who are originally for the actual government side, saying vaccines can cause autism. Of course, we later had whistleblower William Thompson, right of the CDC themselves. I remember I think it was 2003. And the journal titled pediatrics, which is the main journal as pediatricians read this article about no link between MMR and autism, and then you probably can remember the story about William Thompson, the CDC whistleblower remind us what happened there. Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 18:42 William Thompson is a PhD, he still works at CDC, who had met Brian Hooker, who was the father of an adult child with autism, who had become autistic after vaccination. And they had met at conferences and they got into some phone conversations. And William Thompson said he had a crisis of conscience, and he felt very guilty about what he knew. And he told Brian Hooker, who Brian is our Chief Scientific Officer at Children's Health defense. He told Brian that, in fact, the CDC had found that in black boys of a certain age if if a younger age group if they got vaccinated with the MMR, they had about a three to four fold increase in autism. And anyway, Brian recorded the conversations. What William Thompson also told him was that he had been directed along with the people in his research group at CDC to get all of their paperwork all their data together, bring it into a conference room. And a large garbage can was moved into the conference room. And they had to throw away all the data that showed this that there were higher rates of autism in blood and young black males after vaccination, and CDC just covered up this information since 2003, a dozen too. And so anyway, Thompson didn't really want to come forward into the public, he was confessing to Brian, but Brian shared the information and eventually a transcript of their several phone conversations, was leaked out to the public and became a book and became part of the content for the movie Bakst. Dr. Paul 20:48 Yeah. And that's a documentary that is powerful folks, if you have not seen Bakst, I recommend you do so. And so here we have a couple of very clear instances of a link between vaccines and autism. But there's another study that came out that sort of should have shaken the foundation of any MD or any scientist and that was Peter Arby's data on the DPT use in Africa. So I remember as a regular pediatrician when back when I graduated from medical school 1985 And we would give the DPT that was the whole cell diphtheria, tetanus, Pertussis vaccine, high high fevers, I mean, kids just really didn't do well with that vaccine. I always remember just hoping that my kids wouldn't die. I mean, I really did not like that vaccine. Japan had gone to an a cellular seven years before the US did, and they were having much better outcomes. But anyway, more important than that, the fact that that was just such a harsh vaccine as far as side effects go. Peter abi, tell us about what he found in in Africa when he looked at infant mortality. Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 21:58 Peter AMI is a Danish scientist and physician who has for over 40 years been studying children in Africa and studying the effect of vaccines. And he's sponsored by the Serum Institute in Denmark, which is a vaccine manufacturer. And so he studied many vaccines, many parameters of children, his main center is in Guinea Bissau. But he has also collaborated with other researchers in other parts of Africa, to what he found over the last 20 years and a series of somewhere between five and 10 different published papers, maybe more than 10. At this point. What he found is that the DPT vaccine used in Africa increases mortality. So nonspecific, there is a nonspecific increase or an increase in overall all cause mortality, particularly in girls moreso in girls than in boys, after the DPT so if you take a group of kids who, who didn't get it for whatever reason, and often the ones who didn't get it, or the sicker ones, their parents didn't bring them in because they were chronically ill or or low weight or some for some other reason. You will find an increase in mortality depending on the way he studied that question of from two to 10 times more. So some huge vaccinated in the end, the DPT vaccinated, right. On the other hand, he finds that if then that's what's called a killed vaccine. If you give a live vaccine, he finds that you'll actually have a mortality benefit. So if you give a live measles vaccine or measles, mumps rubella that the children are more like or have a lower death rate than the unvaccinated with that vaccine. And he also suggests that the last vaccine you gave has a much more profound impact on more on the likelihood of more of dying or living than the vaccines that came before it. So it's very interesting, he has confirmed a lot of this data with others and yet, the implications are so so overwhelming, so striking and what would if acknowledged as true have such a big impact on vaccine programs worldwide? He has been thwarted and nobody else really wants to touch that kind of work because it is it is just a lightning rod and I b is, you know, in his 70s Now, and so he doesn't, he's able to say what he thinks he doesn't need a salary anymore. Dr. Paul 25:11 That's fascinating. Yeah, that sort of work is so important. And it actually led me to end up doing the study that I did a vaccine on Vax. But you know, we had Mawson's survey which showed on Vax doing so much better as far as chronic diseases compared to vaccinated. Brian Hooker and Neil Miller have published a couple of great studies comparing Vax to unvaccinated, I had my data that got published there, when you look at all causes all outcomes, not just how much Pertussis is happening if you give it Pertussis vaccine or how much measles if you give a measles vaccine, but look at all health outcomes, which is what we should care about. That data is very, very significant. And that's what obby found, I mean, to have up to 100% increase mortality. That's not a program you would want to continue to do. And I think Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 26:09 and and will in some of those. In one study, it was 1,000% increase mortality 10 times I mean, a remarkable amount of mortality. Now, I don't know that anyone has done those studies in the West. So there's African data, which is relevant to Africa, which has different causes of mortality and children, but very important. Nonetheless, he's no one has attacked him for his methodology, or the validity of of his numbers. As I say, it's been there. Over 40 years, he's been continuously funded by the scene manufacturer of Denmark. So he's he's certainly not an anti Vaxxer. Dr. Paul 26:54 No, not at all. And thank you for sharing the way you did because you clearly are not anti vaccine. And even though I'm called an anti Vaxxer, I'm not. Okay, well, let's pivot to COVID COVID woke a lot of us up because we're hit with this novel virus that, you know, I mean, I knew about Corona viruses prior to COVID-19. Some of my sickest Kids, let's say that they're gonna get hospitalized for an oxygen requirement. They might have RSV, they might have influenza A or B. They could have a bacterial infection, bacterial pneumonia, we would do a huge panel on the sickest kids and Coronavirus was in that panel as well. So, it's not that we have not seen Corona viruses before but this particular one was different. There was something about it that just seemed odd. What do you think? I mean, it feels like we have excess deaths from the COVID vaccines themselves. What are your thoughts on COVID? The illness COVID the vaccines are shots if you want to not call them a vaccine Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 28:00 COVID The illness clearly came out of a laboratory. So I think there's really if you're an honest scientist, there's no question about that. Even Jeffrey Sachs, who is a Nobel Prize winning economist, and who was the leader of the of the COVID investigation COVID, sort of COVID recommendations committee of the lancet has come out and said that it came from a lab he even said that it you know, we don't know whether it was an accident, whether it was deliberately released, we don't know who released it, we don't know which lab but it it has so many multiple features that are different than all the other betacoronavirus is from bats that have been found in nature. And they these are known features that you can develop through lab manipulations, and only through lab manipulations. Now, whether the disease was designed to cause harm to people or whether it was just, you know, an experiment gone awry, we don't know. But but because of this lab origin, the potential exists that certain features were actually built in deliberately to the virus that causes the disease. So it seems to cause more auto immunity, you know, more clotting, more damage to the inside of blood vessels, the vascular endothelium than other coronaviruses. Having said that, there are two other very deadly to human coronaviruses there was the first SARS which occurred there were very, very few cases maybe a handful of cases in the US that had more cases in Canada, but it mainly was found in China and Southeast Asia in 2002 and 2003. And that SARS appeared sort of out of nowhere, and then died out. And there were 8000 diagnosed cases to get all together in the whole world over a period of months, and then it escaped, then labs kept studying it and escaped from different labs, all of them that we know about being in Asia over the next few years, and then we don't know about any lab escapes. There was also something called Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, which is also outside the US has occurred on the Arabian Peninsula, mostly mostly in camels and people are supposed to have gotten it from the camels. And that these these two diseases have a much higher death rate than the current SARS cov. Two. So the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome virus is alleged to have killed 30% of the people who got it now. Now we have treatments for MERS and SARS that have been identified repurposed drugs, as well as these new treatments that may or may not work like remdesivir. But I assume people in the Arabian Peninsula are now getting hydroxychloroquine, Chloroquine, or ivermectin. And it probably isn't as big of a problem. But that had a 30% mortality rate initially, the first SARS SARS one had a 10% mortality rate. All right, so then we got we got a SARS cov to vaccine now, how did it come to be? The powers that be and I can't identify who they are but powers in Washington, this is probably some combination of federal regulatory and research agencies like Tony Fauci and Francis Collins, and officials that the FDA and CDC were looking at, they have been looking for new vaccine, what they call platforms of vaccines, they don't want to make vaccines and eggs, it takes a long time, it's expensive. They want something faster. And messenger RNA or DNA vaccines is another platform. So the DNA vaccine in the US was the Johnson and Johnson vaccine that used an adenovirus that had been genetically engineered with again, a gene for the spike protein. And you infect somebody with the adenovirus and that then that there, the adenovirus DNA enters the nucleus, then you make your own messenger RNA, and then the messenger RNA makes a spike protein, then you have spike protein, and you develop hopefully an immune response to it. So there was that vaccine, but the for some reason, the mRNA platform was extremely delicious. For our regulators and for industry. So there were, you know, many startups that and Maderna being one of them. modernos whole reason for being is to develop messenger RNA gene therapy products, either for for cancer or for genetic diseases, or later, when those didn't work out for them, they turned to vaccines. And they and these companies, you know, bio Entech is another one have gotten huge grants from governments, as well as from thing, entities like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. So the Gates Foundation in 2019, the year before the pandemic invested $50 million in biotech. And, you know, Tony Fauci has been working with the Maderna company on messenger RNA vaccines for quite a while so. So these were platforms waiting for an excuse to make a product. Dr. Paul 34:14 I even saw a patent or a series of patents that were way before SARS cov to hit the world with the almost identical sequence for making I think vaccines. Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 34:30 Yes. So Maderna had actually patented a sequence a few years ago that is found in SARS cov. Two, which is another clue that it came from a lab. There was something I don't know 19 Or something long string of nucleotides that Maderna had patented. So when when you build an organism that then contains a known nucleotide threat Ed, if somebody spent, you know, cost a lot of money to patent something at least $100,000. So somebody thought enough of that thread to patent that they thought they could do something with it, they thought it affected, you know, a physiologic change. And that's all very curious that the CEO of Maderna admitted this when he was asked on camera about Yeah, we were trying to find out why that sequences. Dr. Paul 35:34 Right? A mystery, total mystery. So then they roll out the well COVID hits, we have the PCR testing fiasco, where only the CDC is allowed to test and they have this cycles of amplification that are so many cycles that the test is virtually meaningless, certainly in in asymptomatic people, it's almost all false positives. So we have an epidemic of positive test results, that then gets translated into well, this is the epidemic of the infection, which is not the case, what what's your take on the testing? And then we'll move into the vaccine response or the jabs? I don't they're not really they're their genetic modification, right? I mean, we kind of it's a stretch to call it a vaccine, it's not preventing infection, it's, it's really not helping. Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 36:30 Right. So for the first two months of the pandemic, the CDC only offered little over two months, the CDC offered its test. And it knew very early on that its test didn't work that it was told that by the State Health Department's that it had issued that test to and yet it didn't allow anyone else to offer a test. So the SARS cov, two infection spread throughout the United States during January, February and early March of 2020, when CDC only allowed a few 100 people, maybe 1000 people during that period of time to be tested with their tests. And they all had to have a clinical picture that almost proved that they had COVID. Now, after that the whole country was really frustrated with this. FDA did something did two remarkable things. So at the beginning of March, Stephen Hahn, the FDA commissioner said, Okay, we're going to now allow other entities, universities, labs, anybody who has developed or can develop a test for COVID, do so and send us the paperwork. And we'll really will work very fast to get get it done, and allow your tests to get out there. But the paperwork still had to be so complicated. And apparently it took a week for a company to complete it. And so now you get to the middle of March 2020. And still, there's only about three available tests in the United States. So then Stephen Hahn did something else. And he said, Okay, anybody who has a test for COVID, you start using it, put it out there, you can start testing people, your lab can start testing, you send us the paperwork in a few weeks. So here FDA free for all up its hands. And tests started, you know, entering the country from overseas, many tests from China, you know, to us from Germany there. Eventually, we're now at a point or last time I looked, which was two weeks ago, the FDA had emergency authorized 281 Different PCR tests for cocoa and hadn't approved or licensed a single one. Which means under emergency use authorization, you can't sue the manufacturer, if your test is no good. So then that means FDA doesn't have to stand by any of those authorizations. You know, no, I mean, no one's responsible. So that's a disaster. They've also authorized, I don't know about 50, antibody tests and other rapid tests. So we have a testing mess. Having said we've always had a testing mess, and another odd thing that CDC did was to define it created an odd set of case definitions for COVID and basically turned a positive test into a positive diagnosis even if you didn't have symptoms. Now that the case definitions were very complicated, required Do read several pages required you to look at whether the whether the case was occurring in an area where COVID was currently present, you know, whether this person had had an exposure to, to unknown COVID case. And then it had some list of symptoms that you could have that would, you know, help to formulate the case definition. But despite all that a positive PCR test was labeled a probable case, that's all you really needed. And then CDC would then basically relabeled probable cases as cases. So as everybody else has noticed, that meant we had a case of Damak, we didn't exactly have an epidemic, I mean, yes, we have people with COVID, there have been, you know, hundreds of millions of people with COVID. By now, we're two and a half years into this. But at the beginning, the number of cases the number of people who died with COVID, who were then everybody who died with COVID, was called COVID. caused death. Right. And, and that was, again, due to CDC playing with their their definitions, and hand coding all of the COVID deaths, and requiring doctors, even if you if you went into the hospital with a heart attack, and then they tested you in the hospital, you're asymptomatic, but you had a positive test, you would wind up being labeled a COVID death if you died from your heart attack. Yeah. And there were lots of stories of people with gunshot wounds and car accidents and whatnot, you know, died of something and they somebody did a test on them. And because hospitals were financially incentivized to up the number of COVID cases, because they got paid more if their patients had a COVID diagnosis. And they were told by the CDC that they didn't need to even need a positive test. If this looked like a cosy, you could call it a COVID case, and then you can up your your reimbursement. So anyway, we were all stuck with that kind of shenanigans. And it's hard to know now, who were the COVID cases, you know, and who were the COVID deaths? Dr. Paul 42:24 Yeah, no, it's a total mess. And it was created and done on purpose to to create fear in the population. So they would be willing to accept this novel technology that we started talking about this mRNA jab that now what are we now learning about the efficacy of this of these jabs? And this technology? And frankly, I think it's becoming clear, it's fairly dangerous. Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 42:53 Yeah. So okay, so the COVID bet, let me confine myself to the mRNA COVID vaccines in the US. After you get a shot. For about two or three weeks, you your immune system is not as strong as it was and viruses that are in your body can come out like the chickenpox virus can come out and give you shingles that that happens more often after a shot, then, and you're also more susceptible to COVID, for the first couple of weeks after a shot, then your immune system kicks in does provide something of an immune response to the spike protein that you're making. And for a period, if you're an adult for a period of a few months, you have immunity, some level of immunity to COVID. So your immunity, starts out low, comes up and then slowly goes down. On average, after about six months, you have very little immunity left. And then if you continue to go out longer, you get negative immunity, which means you're more susceptible to COVID. And unfortunately now we're seeing data not from the US but from some other several other countries, that you're more susceptible to dying of any cause all cause mortality goes up in the vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated. They're not groups that you can you would not ordinarily compare because they haven't been matched, you know. So it's not a real clinical trial. It's just observational data. But it is of interest that the mortality rate goes up in the vaccinated over time in children. So it in the 12 to 1412 to 18 year olds get the same dose of vaccine as adults. And their immunity also seems to go like that, you know, drops over months and after about six months to nine months. They don't have much immunity and but the younger kids, the five to 11 year olds get only 1/3 the dose of adults, which is appropriate, that's an age appropriate dose. But their immunity drops off very quickly. So, in the largest study that's been published and published in the Jama from New York State, they had 1.3 million children in this five to 11 age group and about a third. Not quite a third, about 25 to 30% of them got vaccinated, the rest didn't. And they found that a month after they were deemed fully vaccinated, which was two weeks after the second dose, a month later, the vaccine had 50% efficacy, it had higher efficacy. So 123 weeks after that two week period after the second dose, it had higher efficacy, but it fell rapidly. So in about a month that had dropped to 50%. By two months, it dropped to 11%. And after two months, the kids became more susceptible to getting COVID. So the five tip, so the five to 11 year olds, it makes no sense whatsoever to vaccinate them there. You get this very short benefit just a few weeks, and then you get you get this negative response. And it may make you more susceptible for we don't know how long possibly forever, Dr. Paul 46:30 and that's ignoring the harm that might be caused by the vaccine during those first six weeks. Actually, we know most are later or later. Yeah, most of the deaths that happen that are recorded are in that first week. And those all get called unvaccinated deaths by the way, even though the vaccine caused it by the isn't that true? The way they've sort of outlined how we define Vax versus unvaccinated? Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 46:56 Yeah. So as I said, the CDC came up with a definition of fully vaccinated which starts two weeks after your second dose. Yeah, so if you die of any cause prior to that, two weeks after the second dose, which for Maderna is six weeks after your start. And for Pfizer as five weeks after you start the series or longer, you will be considered in the CDC the way CDC you know, runs its data as an unvaccinated person. Yeah. There are other reasons why people will be called unvaccinated CDC instructed last year in May of 2021, CDC instructed the states that they did not want to hear about breakthrough cases unless they required hospitalization. They had a positive PCR using us with a cycle threshold of 28 or less. And, or if they died, those were the only breakthrough cases they wanted to be notified of. and by so doing, by changing the number of cases that that they collected, they were able to say there were not that many breakthrough cases. So Dr. Paul 48:13 it was a total manipulation of the data. You don't need to be afraid anymore about COVID. So it's time for a new scare. I would think I want to hear your thoughts about monkey pox, because you've written more about it than I ever could begin to know. Where did it come from? What's going on? Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 48:31 Monkey pox was first discovered in monkeys that were brought to Denmark, again in 1970. Or was it 58? It I think it was 58. Actually, there, it has been an extraordinarily rare condition. There have only been about 10 cases in the West in the last five years diagnosed of monkey pox anywhere. So Singapore, UK, Israel, you know, us had a had to that came from Nigeria, and they didn't affect anyone, they did not infect anyone else. So it was considered a you know, basically an animal condition with very rare animal to person spread, and then it stopped. And suddenly now we have a new version of monkey pox that hasn't been seen before, where people are transmitting it to each other. And who said some of the earliest cases had no connection to Africa that they were able to identify. So we don't know exactly where it came from, you know, it's been, but anyway, there are a lot of cases there's over 20,000 cases until last Friday. There were no reported deaths in the west from this disease. And then suddenly, over the last few days, they've reported four deaths, only one of whom I've seen any information about preexisting conditions. From what I've heard for the vast man jority of people this is a small few lesions. And you can have a flu like illness with it or not. And, and like chickenpox. It can spread from the lesions. So if you have shingles, for example, your doctor will tell if your doctors doing the right thing they will tell you to cover your lesions with with bandages, because the fluid from those lesions contains virus. So then you can spread and give somebody chickenpox from the shingles lesions. So, CDC is telling people who have monkey pox Legion, stay home, don't spread it. And that's that ought to have been the end of it. But instead, we had two smallpox vaccines. The US government had purchased large quantities he buying vaccines and drugs for potential biological warfare agents has provided startup companies, you know, a tremendous amount of money, and probably some of that money has found its way back to politicians, you know, campaign chests, or God knows where. So the United States government has spent probably about $150 billion on bioterrorism and pandemic preparedness since 2001. And one of the things the US did with that money was to buy 300 million doses of a km 2000 vaccine. But now they don't want to use it except on gay people with monkey pox because it turns out and CDC says this right on its website, and informed its Advisory Committee of this one in 175. People who got a cam 2000 Develop myocarditis, that's huge. That's huge for like, four times as much money as much myocarditis as from the COVID vaccines. I mean, there's a huge amount of heart injury 175 The old old smallpox vaccine when the US destroyed its stockpile was made by the New York Department of Health that cause myocarditis, one in 100 people who got it. All right, now there's a second vaccine and the US government bought 30 million doses of frozen bulk vaccine, which they are now calling generics or Genoese from the Bavarian Nordic Company, which was a startup and that vaccine was stored. And the government is not admitting that they have it or what they did with it. But now they're buying lots more for monkey pox for some strange reason, even though the US has only ever seen 49 cases of monkey pox in its history, up until now, in 2019, the company went for a license because the US government gave him contracts to do so. So we paid to have the smallpox Geneious vaccine licensed in 2019. And then FDA said to the company, how about licensing it for monkey pucks also? Dr. Paul 53:21 Interesting. So my common sense thinker here is going, how will you ever know if this vaccine is going to be doing anything worthwhile, other than we already know the harm that can cause when we have an illness that's relatively harmless and not very prevalent. Okay, you can't even test it. It's all theory. Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 53:41 Right? So it's not so neither of these vaccines has been tested for monkey pox or smallpox in humans before. So, you know, the FDA and CDC are very happy to have people line up to be tested. Here's and they're and they're collecting data. And they've told them, you know, we need you need to fill in these questionnaires and tell us all about your experience, and we'll be following you to see how the vaccine does. Dr. Paul 54:10 Hmm. Yeah, I'm not signing up for that program. Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 54:15 It doesn't make any sense. I mean, no sense at all. But there are there are plenty of Americans who who think it makes sense for them. Yeah, there's the fear factor. It's Dr. Paul 54:26 fear. Yep. The big picture here. We've got this fear mongering media, public health, it's sort of captured pharma that's gone crazy with ability to make billions of dollars selling poorly tested, dangerous products. And they're all getting by getting, they're able to access us the public. Because of this emergency mandates, vaccine mandates. We've given away our freedom to public health, what how do we? How do we get out of this? What's your recommendation moving forward? Something's got to change the all the Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 55:07 products that were issued under emergency use authorizations have no liability, and no liability for the for government, people who recommend them, not none for the manufacturer. And there hasn't been a single claim that has been adjudicated regarding injuries from the COVID vaccines. So what we have to do is some is re redo the emergency laws in the United States. And I've suggested a pledge that we can ask people and candidates to take that will cause legislatures to review emergency rule. So when an emergency is declared, you only get it for two weeks if you're a governor or Secretary of Health or the president. And by the end of two weeks, the legislature or the Congress has to convene and hold hearings on whether they're still in emergency and whether you've done the right things for that emergency. The Pledge also asks for mandates to be lifted that actually it's it's against US law to mandate experimental products and everything under EUA is an investigational experimental product. I'm happy for anyone to be vaccinated or wear masks who wants to, but there should be no mandates for those products. Finally, what the pledge asks is that the censorship, the restriction of communication between people, the propagandizing by government and private enterprises, the collusion between government and social media, the payments by you know, the spending, government was spending one and a half billion dollars a year on propaganda just for overseas before the pandemic Voice of America and its other outlets for end. In 2013. Due to amendments to the Smith–Mundt Act, the US government was allowed to then turn its propaganda on Americans, as well as people overseas and you know that that needs to change. We have to stop spending taxpayer money to be misinformed or dis inform. Dr. Paul 57:31 Amen to that. How can people get a hold of this document of yours? I like it. Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 57:38 Thank you. So we are still working on the wording and there are a number of organizations that are interested in pushing it. It hopefully will be shown on the Children's Health defense website we have an organization called Pay physicians and patients who are responsible for reclaiming medicine and that organization will be featuring it. Christiane Northrop's organization against medical mandates, we'll feature it and so hopefully everybody will be easy to find once we've got up final version. Dr. Paul 58:17 Perfect, folks, we're gonna feature it here as well it against the wind, doctors in science under fire, we want to revoke emergency laws. We want to get rid of medical mandates, and we've got to stop the censorship and propaganda that is keeping people in fear and causing them to be basically willingly giving up their freedom that was so hard to get. And you know, we have one of the freest countries where we used to be, and we're just watching, watching that washed away. Your final thoughts for our audience? Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 58:48 No, I think you just summed it up. That's exactly what the founders paid, you know, in blood for the freedoms we have. And we we don't even know what freedoms we have. And we have a lot of freedoms enshrined in law, but they've been taken from us and you know, under the guise of a pandemic, and now we have to fight with everything. We've got to get them back before they're gone forever. Dr. Paul 59:15 Amen. Thank you, Dr. Merrill NASS, what a privilege to spend to have you on this show. You're such a wealth of information. And, again, thank you. Dr. Meryl Nass, MD 59:25 Thank you Dr. Paul 59:32 Dr. Paul, thanks for watching the show. Please visit doctors and science.com There you can access our members only section. This show is member supported. We don't have to take sponsors. We don't have to have anybody controlling the content of our show. This is a huge perk. Most people aren't aware of your membership gives you access to my eBooks, transcripts of every show PowerPoints from talks I'm giving around the country and live bonus peeks at behind the Scenes work we're doing my off the cuff thoughts and reviews on current events. Your support makes all this possible. Thank you. Help me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors and science.com. I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. And let's make this the weekly show the nation has been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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