PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:04
Dr. Paul Welcome to against the wind doctors in science under fire. Today's show features an interview with our own Dr. Henry Ely. We're calling this the COVID. Special Report. The shots aren't working. We have breakthrough COVID 19 infections breakthrough hospitalizations, breakthrough deaths update on the Grand Jury petition that Dr. Ely filed. And then we're going to end with discussing how do you support your immune system? How do you treat COVID vaccine injury? It's tough, but it's being done. Bernadette closes us out with monkey pox. What's up with this vaccine or treatments for this thing they're calling monkey pox? And what can you do perhaps naturally for prevention? And should you end up somehow ending up with monkey pox? What can you do naturally to treat yourself? Enjoy the show? Dr. Paul, coming to you from the heart. Yesterday, I had an amazing experience. I was working with our body worker and wellness coach with a set of twins, they were three weeks old, and the pure innocence of these babies and the ability to just hold and feel just that piece that's within we lose that when we get older, don't we? I thought about this the first half of life and that first half? I mean, maybe it's 35 years. In my case, I think it's I would say it was 64 years, I was all about ego, finding my way making my way in the world, you know, economic survival, raising a family starting a career, all those things, but it kept me an ego. Now I was reading a book, the book was titled falling upward by Richard Rohr. And the secret of the soul as he points out, is this risking it all allowing yourself to be led. But then here's the thing. You have to have faith and trust, when things fall apart, and they do and they will. And then you can really discover a deeper love. He calls it falling upwards. So we all go through some failures, some pain, even tragedy. And it's necessary. It certainly was for me. When I had such a deep desire just for something deeper, more meaningful for God, a desire for everything good for truth, for everything that's beautiful. It was from that experience, that I was able to really connect with my own soul. So holding those babies, oh my goodness, feeling a soul to soul connection. That's what it's all about. I just wanted to share that with you from my heart to yours. I love you why welcome Dr. Henry Ely back to against the wind back to the science under fire. It is always a pleasure to have you on the show. It's so Dr. Henry Ealy 3:08 great to be here, Paul. Every time I love seeing your brother hope everything's well with you and everybody in your audience. Thank you so much for listening in. Dr. Paul 3:17 So for folks, if you're gonna stick with this interview all the way we are going to cover the shots, whether they're working or not the grand jury update that Dr. Ely has been so involved with lots of data. But then we go into actually what can you do to prime your immune system? What are the nutrients you can take how to do this. And then at the very end, we're actually going to touch on the state of our world, and how it seems to be so dualistic where you're either right or wrong, and how do we get from that to a both and where we are all included in this discussion? So let's kick it off. With regards to whether the shots are working or not. Maybe give us a little your thoughts on that and how many breakthrough confirmed COVID 19 infections. There are First things Dr. Henry Ealy 4:03 first is the CDC stop tracking all are publishing data on all vaccine breakthroughs in October of 2021. And so we have to go what is a breakthrough mean? A breakthrough means that these are people that are deemed fully vaccinated. They got both Jayenge STB both Pfizer both Maderna one j&j And it's been at least 14 days since their last shot that's deemed fully vaccinated. Now a lot of these people are now boosted triple triple shot, quadruple shot as well and we got some data on that. But what we're seeing is that you know, people that the shots don't work I mean if I if I can encapsulate this so a breakthrough means the shot didn't work the shot didn't prevent infection the shot didn't prevent a hospitalization or the shot didn't prevent death person got the shot. Still got sick with COVID Anyway, still got the infection and then there was some sick Well, a following. So far, so good. Yeah, absolutely. Now what Interesting about to qualify for evaluation for breakthrough, there are some interesting metrics you have to hit. Number one, you have to be symptomatic. You cannot be asymptomatic and submit a sample for breakthrough evaluation. That's pretty curious right there. The second thing is you have to have a PCR that registers positive below a cycle threshold of 28. What that means is that they have eliminated false positives from this evaluation, false positives are just for the unboxed. And that's to keep the case counts and the hospitalizations and all that nonsense higher than it really is. Okay, so Dr. Paul 5:35 can I ask you a question there, because I don't think people truly get the magnitude of what you just said about this drill down of 28 or less. I remember early on seeing some documents showing that, you know, if you did a cycle count of 13, to 20, some a positive was a positive, I mean, they were actually finding sequences of the virus. But when you get past about 3035, it's almost worthless, especially if they're asymptomatic. So my question though, is this, the labs I'm aware of are not doing 20 cycles or less, they're still doing 35 Plus cycles, Dr. Henry Ealy 6:16 right? Most labs are actually doing, Dr. Paul higher than 40 cycles, we found labs doing 42 to 47, which is you can find anything, you can call anything COVID. It's just dead nucleotides. You can't you couldn't take that sample, put it in a petri dish and culture and see the virus, you know, reanimate if there was a cell in there. So it's basically false positives, it's estimated that when a person's cycle threshold is above, I think it's 28 to 32. Somewhere in that range. If you're higher than let's just say be generous. If you're higher than 32. It's a 97% likelihood of a false positive. It's It's just It's garbage. You can't trust it. But Dr. Paul 7:00 that's what the news reports on and that's what keeps people in fear because they keep hearing, there's COVID around right. I mean, the more you test, the more you find if you're using a test that picks up nothing, basically and gives you a false positive. All right, so so we're not comparing apples to apples or oranges to oranges when right there the unvaccinated the VAX with regards to breakthrough infections, hospitalizations and deaths, because the VAX only get counted if they're using a good metric, and the unvaccinated get counted no matter what, Dr. Henry Ealy 7:34 right, so obviously, what that's going to do is that's going to make the with false positives gonna make the unvaccinated like a big problem. And with reducing and removing false positives and being very stringent on what the guidelines are for person qualifying for this evaluation, the fully Vax numbers are going to be low. And that was the intent to drive down the fully vast failures. We don't want this number to be high. So in addition to that, what they did was at the peak in February, there were 26, state health department's reporting in on this only 26 out of 51. I include Washington, DC, in this evaluation. But from February to June, that number went down to 17. So nine states stopped reporting this information on how many times this is failing. Stop reporting between February and June. That's a problem right there. We're getting less information. So with only 17 State Health Department's reporting in, we are now at 11 Point 8 million confirmed breakthrough cases, a 11 point 8 million times this, people got both shots were deemed fully vaccinated, still contracted COVID Still got sick anyway. Right. That's the failure. Now, if we extrapolate that out, let's say all 51 were reporting and they were doing their due diligence and everything. It is easy for us to say that's well over 30 million Americans right now, it's easy for us to extrapolate that out. But we can't prove that because the data doesn't exist on purpose. So we can prove 11 point 8 million. Now, when we look at this from a hospitalization because what is what is the CDC and the Biden administration been saying, if you get this, if symptoms won't be severe, you won't have to be hospitalized. That's nonsense. All right. It's absolute nonsense. In this case, in February, there were 26 states reporting in our CB 25 states reporting it in by June, that had gone down to 16. So now you're seeing the same phenomenon. States are stopping reporting this information because it doesn't look good. We now with just 16 states reporting in have 276,000 reports of people who got the shots, got sick and had to be hospitalized because of COVID Now that comes with a cost, especially if we're looking at Medicare, Medicaid, the average cost around the country is $10,400 per day for people who are hospitalized. It's way more in California. It's way less than a place like North Dakota, obviously. Right? But it's about 10. Point $10,400. The average stay in the hospital is 14.3 days. Okay, so that means we're at at least $140,000 being billed to Medicare, Medicaid. And, and let me translate this who's Medicare Medicaid? We are. The American taxpayer is Medicare, Medicaid. So what we've done is when you take a when you take what it potentially could be like California, Dr. Paul, it's $400,000, on average, $400,000 per hospitalization. When you multiply that, by that that dollar amount by how many people got the shots, the shots failed to protect them, the shots failed to prevent hospitalization. We're talking in the neighborhood of 40 to $80 billion of American taxpayer money that we can confirm has now been spent to help these people been when the therapy or excuse me, the intervention failed. Okay. So now we see in the last bit of data, in February of 28, there were 28 states reporting it, but now there's only 16. So 12, states stopped reporting this metric between February and June. Still with that, there are 59,000 confirmed deaths, meaning people got fully vaccinated, still got sick, likely got hospitalized because of it, and then died. Yeah, so this is 59,000 times the shots are failed to prevent death. And again, that's with only a handful of states reporting it. Dr. Paul 12:01 It's way worse than that for two reasons. One that you just mentioned that not everybody's reporting. But secondly, when we go to various data, and I know you're all over this, it shows that that when the vaccine causes death or injury, that's usually in the first week after the vaccine, will all those people in the first couple of weeks are designated non faxed? Dr. Henry Ealy 12:26 Exactly. And this is the important, this is the important caveat, I'm gonna bring that on tabacky up Doctor, I'm gonna bring that that data on. So we have data from December 13 through July 1. Okay, so this is of course, these numbers are a few weeks old now at this point. Okay. Yeah. The interesting thing is that we've always deemed somebody after they've gotten the shot to be inoculated right? pediatric cases, right? Yeah. You're You're immunized, you're immunized. Now you can go play ball. Because when when our kids getting the shot to, you know, to go play sports and things like that, right. So you got the shot, you're good. This 14 day window is very interesting. Because when we had look at the Lund University study that shows that the mRNA, reverse transcribes and becomes DNA, it does so within six hours. So that means there is an upload and a genetic modification within six hours. Why do you need 14 days it doesn't take 14 days for the production of the spike protein to start and the immune system to react to it. And things like that. 14 is this arbitrary numbers, you have to ask why would they do that? 14 days from the last shot until you're deemed fully Vax isn't based upon any serologic studies of antibodies going up or anything like that. It's especially to do what you just said. It's to give create a window where a person is technically fully vaccine, but these 14 days they're considered unvalued. Still, so if they get hurt, or if they get hurt by the shot, they are now it's a problem. It's a pandemic of the unvaccinated. These are the people that you can still make that oh, they were unvaccinated hadn't been 14 days, so they don't qualify for breakthrough evaluation. That date of that person gets hospitalized or dies. They're counted as unvaccinated makes it looks like look like it's driving that the unvaccinated driving the problem with the unvaccinated actually saving the world right now. Okay, so tabacky up Dr. Pol. Look at this. In this column on the right, we have as of July 1, all deaths in every age range, we have 29,273 as of July 1, but here's the thing, go to one column to the right. 7953 of those deaths occurred within 48 hours. Now, now when I have more like I love when folks when you look at it on a week perspective, if you look at if I did it for seven days, it would be roughly about half of these deaths would occur within seven days. What I said, you know, people go, Well, correlation doesn't equal causation. You hear that crap all the time, right? So I say, Okay, now explain to me why 1000 people died in under 48 hours from getting the shot. You know, I mean, there's a certain point where it's like, folks, we have to use just common sense here. And that common sense is 8000, people should not be dying within 48 hours after getting an intervention that is worthy. It's a safety signal that it's worthy of shutting this program down, at the very least putting a major pause on it for full independent analysis of what's going on. If one kid dying in a car seat can launch an entire shutdown of that car seat in that manufacturer. Right. And we should have the same standard for the shots. Dr. Paul 15:53 Yeah. Do you have a image of the various data? I'm just curious, because that might sometimes it shows the the deaths or hospitalizations relative to when they got the vaccine in a graph. Dr. Henry Ealy 16:07 I don't have it in a graphical form. But we do have hospitalizations here how many people got the shot and had to be hospitalized after getting the shot? 165,000. Wow. So it's so people are going to the hospital from injuries from the shot and people are going to the hospital because the shot is failing to protect them from the infection. This is a massive failure and it's comes with severe economic costs. Were talking in the hundreds of billions of dollars right now for the American taxpayer Dr. Paul 16:37 out of frustration, you you did something that few have done and that's a grand jury petition. Can you give us a little history on that and then an update? Dr. Henry Ealy 16:47 Sure. Well, we we first published a paper showing that the death certificates had been manipulated. We did a peer reviewed paper. It was published by AIPAC journal Dr. James Lyons Wyler in October of 2020. got picked up by the USA Today they tried to discredit it they weren't able to. So it even withstood that attempt at Kancil culture. I personally paid for our paper and a synopsis of what was going on to go out to every US Attorney in the United States. I sent it out myself. Wow. We spent there was 10s of 1000s of dollars do all this right? We sent out hard copies. We sent out electric copies. We got zero responses. So I went okay. This is deeply troubling now. I got in touch with a couple senators, great folks, Dr. Senator Dennis Linthicum and Senator Kim Thatcher, who backed us and said, Well, let let us write something to the US Attorney here, Scott as fog. And let's see if if we can get some movement that way. Scott as fog in Oregon, instead of taking that information and sending it to a grand jury as he should have. He sent it to the Department of Justice. The Department of Justice basically got in the way and said, You know what, we don't have to tell you senators anything. And we're not going to tell you whether we are or whether we aren't launching an investigation, but the feeling was we're not moving forward with any investigation. So we said we can't let this stand. We wrote a 63 page Grand Jury petition filed in federal court with 1000 over 1000 pages of exhibit evidence. And we asked to the court and we named five names Rochelle walensky, Xavier Becerra, Robert Redfield, Alex Azar, and Brian Moyer. These are all heads of the the EFF the House Health and Human Services Department, the CDC, or the National Vital Statistics System. These were all the major players and erecting what we have deemed a system of fraud of criminal fraud. And what they did was they modified on March 24, the death certificates so that if you had a comorbid condition, and you were tested positive for COVID, or even not tested pas, you could have just been presumed COVID I remember that, right? You could, if you died, you could be counted as COVID, only COVID was the cause of death, the comorbidities would be moved down to a different part of the death certificate. It was the it's the only thing we've ever done this for comorbidities have always been the cause of death. So Dr. Paul 19:30 that resulted in people having a car accident and dying from that beat exactly as a death from COVID, for example. Dr. Henry Ealy 19:36 Exactly. And then two days later, so this happens on March 24 2022 days later, we get the Health and Human Services Department erecting a structure of Medicare Medicaid fraud, so that if you go along with this hospital, if you go along with this hospital administrator, we're going to make sure you get more money than you would have for a similar and fraction, right at treating a similar infection, we're gonna get you that $39,000 on a ventilator, we're gonna get you that extra time in the hospital, we're gonna get you anything you need to go along with this lies. So now we're into almost like a RICO kind of situation right? Now, what's very interesting is recently, Deborah Birx has published a book. And in her book, she openly says that they lied to then President Trump, about this the efficacy, the potential efficacy of the warp speed intervention. And therefore, in lying, they created they come she committed a fella, she admits to committing a felony, a federal felony right now in her book, which is shocking to me that a lawyer would allow her to do that. Dr. Paul 20:45 But my dear viewers, who Deborah Birx Dr. Henry Ealy 20:47 is, Deborah Birx, was the handpicked appointee as in front woman for the COVID interaction between the White House and the people of this country. And she was handpicked and worked hand in hand with Fauci. So we're starting to see this incredible collusion and and they're, they're bragging on themselves that they knew that they were lying to a sitting president, and that their lies influenced it. That's criminal fraud. But what it does is it brings up another important concept, legally, Dr. Pol, and that is willful misconduct, that a person willfully did what was wrong, and in doing so defrauded the American people. Now, the why willful misconduct is so important is because willful misconduct is the only legal principle that breaches the protections for the pharmaceutical industry. It breaches the protections on the shots. So now, once willful misconduct is proven in a court of law, any American who's been injured by the shots or lied to by the shot, has a legal basis to go after in civil court, the pharmaceutical industry and recoup money if their kids were hurt by the shot. I've worked with parents every day where their kids are I just got a message this morning of somebody who's like I, I have lost 40 pounds, and I'm scared because my body is wasting away after I've gotten the Pfizer shot. You know, I get these calls, I get these texts. I get these emails every day. And it's like, These people haven't been paid a penny for their injury. No one is really helping them outside of a few Doc's like me or like, I'll take on the challenge. I don't know if I'm going to be able to help but I'll try. No, there aren't. They're just getting no help. And what comes of this is you look at who's making all this money, Pfizer, moderna NIH Fauci, right. They're making all this money hand over fist. And who's suffering the American people, the American people who paid for all of this, and we don't own any of it, which is just unconscionable to me. Dr. Paul 22:50 Yeah. And the world. In fact, this is a worldwide operation. Dr. Henry Ealy 22:55 It is it's a global, it's a global operation. Just go on to beyond the con.com. And you go to the grand jury page, and you can actually download for free the grand jury petition. It's still in process, we are anticipating they're finally going to file a motion to dismiss, of course they will in August, and we are already preparing our response to their anticipated motion to dismiss, we're imploring the court to send all of our information to a grand jury and let the grand jury do what they're supposed to do investigate it. If they find that there's nothing has been done wrong. Okay. So be it. I don't know how that's possible, but so be it. But we deserve an investigation. And that's what we're pursuing. Dr. Paul 23:42 I seem to recall reading that the individual you initially submitted to who sent it to the DOJ, rather than to the proper authorities ended up being reassigned to Dr. Henry Ealy 23:54 that true. Scott Asfa. Yes, was originally we originally appealed to him. The me give proper title. The Honorable Scott as fog is an appointed US Attorney. We originally through the senators, Senator Dennis Linthicum and Senator Kim Thatcher. We appealed to him to launch a grand jury investigation. He sent it to the Department of Justice. This is an August of 21. I think they thought we were gonna go away. When we filed the grand jury petition in federal court in March, March, I think seventh March 6 or seventh of this year. It gets assigned to judge Marco Hernandez, the Honorable Marco Hernandez, and then it's just kind of sitting there. Well, the people that we told Scott asked Fogg he needed to investigate. He has now been assigned to defend which is very interesting, right? So he's defending them. I think they figured out that wasn't going to work because of the previous interaction. So on July 14, he gets reassigned. He gets reassigned. As an end sent to Nairobi, Kenya, for bought on on July 17. just thrilled. So there they want him out of here. Just three days later, say your goodbyes, you're in Nairobi, Kenya for the next two years, buddy, we want you nowhere near this case. That's how I interpret. Yeah, happened. That was just coincidental. Dr. Paul 25:20 This too much of a coincidence. Right? Interesting. Well, we're gonna follow this with great interest. This is a work, a labor of love. I know. And it's for the American people in the world. So folks, pay attention to this. And thank you, Dr. Ely, for all this work. I know you've been tireless on this one. Let's pivot to speaking about what people can do. I mean, there's still COVID going around, right, this virus mutates and sometimes becomes more contagious because less less harmful, but nevertheless, people are afraid. And they want to know, how can they? What can they do themselves to boost their immunity to you know, add a layer of protection, perhaps, with their own natural immune system? And I might add, and you know, this, you're dealing with this? What do people do who've not who are now experiencing symptoms or harm after having gotten the shot? Dr. Henry Ealy 26:21 Right? Well, a couple things, we got to make sure we always go back to our basics, right? We there's so much overwhelming evidence about the efficacy of vitamin D getting your bloodstream above 50 nanograms per milliliter. So what I've started doing Dr. Pol is taking people back to that, like, look, we knew this in April of 2020. Right, but it's only been confirmed hundreds of times since in terms in the peer reviewed literature. So I've got away from talking about it. And then I was like, You know what, no, that's so important. We got to keep talking about that. So number one, get your vitamin D levels checked, make sure you're above 50 nanograms per milliliter. If you're not 5000, I use a vitamin d3. Some people like it with k two as well. Whatever, it's fine, but just make sure you're above 50 nanograms, because we know we know that only 90 that we know that people above 50 nanograms per milliliter have a 99.9% recovery rate, regardless of age regardless of comorbidity, regardless of any of the high risk factors, it's still 99.9%. We also know that Dr. Paul 27:28 right there, sorry, folks, if you wanted a vaccine, that would give you 99 point percent protection, this vaccine would be spread around the entire world. Vitamin D is about as inexpensive a supplement as you can find. And if you don't even have access to supplements, you live in a part of the world where there's sunshine, get out in the sun. That's I mean, this is the most important thing a person can do. Can you speak to vitamin E, C, A and zinc? Dr. Henry Ealy 28:01 Absolutely. The CDC has known since I think it was the first studies were done in 2005. They were called the enhanced studies and they do them regularly. They've known that Americans are vastly division and these key immunological nutrients. So vitamin C, we know is not only going to support the immune system, but it's also going to kill infections. Vitamin E, we know is going to be very important for cell replication. And when we're talking about the immune system, your immune cells, you're talking about rapid replication. Same thing with vitamin A and vitamin A and zinc kind of work hand in hand, in that vitamin A, it is going to activate certain enzymes within the cell that help the cell utilize zinc more efficiently to produce enzymes that are anti viral, right. And that's, that's really where these nutrients come in, they help the cell do what it's supposed to do, which is stay very protected. And when something's not there, kill it, you know, if we just keep things really simple. So if you're deficient in these nutrients, that means now you are susceptible, you're susceptible to infection, you're in susceptible to severe outcome from that type of infection. It's see if something if we have a cell, and if the virus is on the outside of the cell, that's an exposure, it doesn't become an infection until the virus gets into the cell. And if the virus gets into the cell and there are in in the cell is nutrient deficient, that virus is going to take over that cell and start producing copies of itself like crazy and then it's the cell is going to pop in now that virus is going to spread everywhere and you're going to be very symptomatic. But imagine this imagine you get exposed and you know somebody coughed or you some route you and you got freaked out and the virus gets in. If there's all kinds of nutrients out here, and if this cell is ready to go, if that virus should find its way in then you are going to be exposed but never infected. And so that's why we say it's not just about exposure exposure doesn't really mean anything. It's also about susceptibility. And what makes a person susceptible to infection, nutrient deficiencies and severe stress. And you put those two things together. And now you have a recipe for a person being infected, no matter what's going on with them. So what we've been encouraging and will continue to do and this doesn't just apply to SARS, cov. Two, it applies to everything applies to everything in your life, is make sure that you are taking, there's never been a more important time or a better time to learn how to take care of yourself with nutrition. And specifically with therapeutic amounts of specific nutrients, whether we're getting them in foods, if we can, or the sunlight in the case of vitamin D, or whether we're getting them in supplemental form, it doesn't really matter. It matters that we're putting them in our body every day to give ourselves everything they need to produce health and our body. Because I'm tired of us producing disease, we're great at producing disease, let's start producing health and see what happens in our world and how much more love comes then and how much more how much less of a tolerance we have for liars, as well, because those things go hand in hand. Dr. Paul 31:18 That's beautiful. You have the Energetic Health Institute where people can go and study nutrition with your team. And it's an incredible resource. There's there's information there that's free. But there's also the ability to tap into your your course, which is just incredible. I wanted to just put one little caveat on vitamin A. And maybe you can add to this, in my experience, that's the only vitamin that you do have to be somewhat careful with because it's fat soluble. If you overdose on vitamin A, you can have symptoms and even neurological problems. What's your experience with dosing of vitamin A, what do you recommend? Dr. Henry Ealy 32:02 Well, we recommend the beta carotene form Dr. Pol, not the retinol form, beta carotene is inactive, it's a storage form completely safe by zinc, if with the presence of zinc will activate beta carotene and turn it into the retinol form as needed. So it's completely safe form usually gets stored in fat tissue, like you said, it's fat soluble liver, predominantly. But when people are taking the retinol form, if they're taking high doses of retinol form, you know, you start talking about, I'd say 1520 30 50,000 I use regularly, now you're gonna get accumulation of an activated form. And yes, I agree with you that now starts entering into toxicology, we do have concerns about potential of transgenic effects, meaning like fully expecting mom is taking it, we don't want them taking it. So what I do to keep it simple, is say let's just stay away from retinol form, we don't need it. Let's go ahead and give you the beta carotene form. And one of the best places to get beta carotene are going to be through our fruits and our vegetables, organic plant based nutrition, especially things like organic carrot juice. It's like an organic glass of organic carrot juice as it has on average eight ounce glass has on average over 100,000 I use of beta carotene, you got plenty right there, your body will store it and you don't have to worry about it causing any problems from a physiologic or biochemical standpoint. Dr. Paul 33:28 Thank you for that. That's, that's awesome, solves the problem. So folks watch out for that retinol form of vitamin A. Before we move away from nutrients, can you speak to glutathione and what other nutrients might be important for immune imprinting or priming? Sorry, Dr. Henry Ealy 33:45 amen. Yeah, we have we have several layers of protection. So think of your adrenal glands and your thyroid and maybe even the the chromosomes within the cell think of them as a core kind of thing. Outside of that protecting that core is we have our body makes enzymes we you know our body is going to make things and excuse me antioxidants that are going to be protecting think think of antioxidants as stopping damage before they gets before it gets started. It's kind of like you know, if you have a pin if you have a glass house and there's a pinball flying around in it like a free that would be a free radical, it's start breaking down the house right? A antioxidants would be like a sponge, they would catch that pinball before it hits the glass or it starts causing damage. So our body makes these melatonin actually acts in this capacity. But one of the ones that a body makes is glutathione. Now glutathione is notoriously low in people who are nutrient deficient. So if you're deficient in vitamin D, you're deficient in vitamin A. A Thorne research did a great study on this and in the early 2000s. I remember reading where it was like they chested everybody's antioxidant levels vitamin A vitamin C by Amun II. And then they tested this the antioxidants that the body makes and glutathione was one of them. They found in every single person, that if you're low in your antioxidants that you get from your foods, then your antioxidants that your body makes are going to be low as well. Right? It's just a total correlation. So glutathione is a antioxidant that catches those pinballs, those free radicals and stops the damage before it starts. The rate limiting step is a is a amino acid called in the form of N acetyl, cysteine cystine. But it's in an N acetyl form. So that's where you see you might have seen NAC out there in AC. Yeah, when you're when you're taking that 600 milligrams, 1200 milligrams a day, what it does is it boosts your glutathione level, if you have your vitamin D levels up, and if you have your vitamin A levels up, and so forth, right, it boosts everything up. So what glutathione does that's incredibly protective, as glutathione has a really great help with the nervous system. So what we've seen in like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's is confirmed that the glutathione levels have flatlined in those patients. So when we get those up, we are now helping protect the nervous system and protect the fat around the nervous system of fat that brings up the brain. So what I've been playing with actually, Dr. Paul, in the last couple weeks is saying is I've had a thought that maybe I'm really, really missing the mark of omega three fatty acids too, though, glutathione and omega three fatty acids really worked well together. I said, we know what we can do with glutathione. And I've seen it work for for patients who have an active COVID infection going right. But what I started thinking about was I go, you know, we're seeing a lot of neurologic issues in people right now, you know, as a shocking number of neurologic and it's in a lot of it is in people who've gotten the shots for whatever reasons, and I'm not here to judge anybody. But what I've been seeing that's been concerning is is something that's very akin to a multiple sclerosis, like, you know, pathophysiology going on, it seems like to me the melanin X and melanin, the myelin around the nerve is being broken down, kind of like we saw. So what do we do for MS patients, we boost antioxidants like crazy in there. But we also give them tons of omega three fatty acids, not only for the anti inflammatory effect, but also to help repair the damaged fat, right, the damage fat around the nerves. So what I've been playing with now is I'm actually dosing omega threes and myself eight to 10 times with the recommended doses. Dr. Paul 37:45 So I know I've read studies on omega three fatty acids for depression or cardiac protection, about 2000 milligrams a day, sometimes three or four. What kind of dosing are you looking at? Dr. Henry Ealy 38:00 In terms of dosing? We're looking at roughly about 10,000. Wow, milligrams per day, are Dr. Paul 38:06 there any side effects from taking that much Omega three? Dr. Henry Ealy 38:09 I don't know yet. If there's potential with any kind of fat consumption, if there's a gallbladder issue, you could activate that or you could bring it more into the awareness. There is the potential of some some potential bowel disorder, you know, maybe a little loose stool, something similar like vitamin C. But in terms of like, what I'm feeling like I always do this, I'll have a theory and I put my body through it first. Let's feel it and then we'll go test it. And then we'll see with some patients who it seems like it's relevant, you know, you start that process, right. I gotta tell you, man, I've been doing this for about a week. And I feel amazing. It's like, Dr. Paul 38:48 I look like you feel amazing. I Dr. Henry Ealy 38:51 feel great. I've had I've been so exhausted. You know, if with all the incessant mental work, we've been all been doing right with this, right? This has been the first time in a while I've I just had a vacation a couple of weeks ago. I didn't feel rested after it or anything. This has been the first time that I've actually started feeling like, oh, okay, I can think and think quickly and sharply. Again, I think we are all severely deplete. I mean, I knew we were already severely depleted in omega three fatty acids. Well, I do think we are under dosing that substantially with our with ourselves and our patients. Dr. Paul 39:26 Gotcha. So folks, I would add the caveat Don't try this at home because yes, he here is is a research nut. He's experimenting on himself. But it's fascinating and interesting. And I'm gonna want an update on on this as time goes by finally and not finally, but moving forward with other places people can find information if they're dealing with a COVID vaccine or COVID Shot injury. Where can people find protocols and guidance for this? Dr. Henry Ealy 40:00 We have put some information on the immune priming page on beyond the con. So you can go to beyond the con.com. Go to the immune priming page, and you will you'll scroll way down, but you'll learn a lot of information on there. But you'll get the feel it's all of that that builds into our dealing with long haul syndrome and an injuries. I want to tell everybody, we are still figuring this out everybody around the world, I haven't found anybody that I can say definitively has figured everything out. Now the long haul a lot easier to treat, in my opinion, we've been treating it just the same way as a nutrient severe nutrient deficiency and approaching it as a person, we just, we just have to really increase their l arginine to build up their nitric oxide, we got to increase their glutathione in addition to the vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin A vitamin E zinc, you know, and then that you have concerns about microbiome, Dr. Sabine Hasan does a great job with this, we have to make sure we're getting Bifidobacterium in as well. But we do that over a period of time. I've seen long haul resolve. Now, when we're talking about the injuries, that's a very different thing. If it's a mild injury, I've seen auto phagocytosis fasting, knock it out. And people stay well after a couple fasting periods a couple of three day fasting periods no problem. For the folks that have moderate to severe and I'm working with a lot of folks that have very severe and by it's usually neurologic at that point that the shots of likely lipid nanoparticle melded with a nerve nerve or something. When those situations we are still figuring it out, we can get we've I can confidently say we've figured out how to get people stable using IV, vitamin C and high dose nutrients and a little bit of auto phagocytosis, some some intermittent fasting, things like that we've we've figured that part out, but moving people to the next step of getting into recovery. I'm about to publish on that pretty soon. And we're getting I think we're getting close. I hope we're getting close. But I want I don't want to misrepresent the work that we're doing. And I know there's a lot of people working on this. I think Dr. Pierre and and Dr. Pol from the NFL CCC are doing a lot of work on this. Dr. Christina parks is doing a lot of work on this we and we're all collaborating and talking which is nice. But I'm sharing information. Dr. Ted Fogarty with hyperbaric oxygen therapy doing great work. But I think what we're we haven't figured out yet is sequencing. So I'm actually about to publish a paper on something on fasting and a phenomenon that occurs within the nucleus of the cell called base excision repair. Because there is a peer reviewed and confirmed pathway for healing to occur and to help undo the genetic modifications people are experiencing. But it's not it's not an easy process. So I don't want to I don't want to I want to provide hope, but also not misrepresented. Yes, a lot of fasting that people have to do and in between fasting periods, a lot of nutrients. It's, but it's it appears possible right now, if you ask me appears possible. Dr. Paul 43:14 Wow. That is the best news I've heard in a long time. I think folks who have experienced severe injury from the shots can feel pretty hopeless, and the injuries can be so devastating. So this is great news. Indeed. We're gonna get you back on the show when you've got this thing a little further down the road, and you're published. But thank you for sharing that. That hope. Folks, you can go to the Energetic Health institute.org and get a lot of this information you can go to beyond the con.com. And so much of Dr. Lee's work is there before we wrap it up, or as we wrap it up, rather, I wanted to just I love your spirit. I love that you you approach everything with a loving spirit. The state of our world just seems so polarized everything's dualistic. It's good or bad. It's it's, we're right. You're wrong. And, you know, it feels like even everything we've just shared here. It's just jam packed with facts. We're not reaching people's hearts sometimes. How do we move from that? dualistic right wrong world into a both and world where we're inclusive? What are your thoughts on that? Dr. Ely? Dr. Henry Ealy 44:30 Oh, we had a we talked about this yesterday and I definitely want to talk about Socratic method. But let me just tell a quick story about it. One of my students is also studying at a university and she wants to write up her thesis statement on this entire thing and especially on the suppose of vaccines and what's what they really are doing. So she's she was concerned about how our professor might receive it, right because it's a thesis statement. And I said, you know, one of the things we have to strive to be as objective. Okay, and and this is where the Socratic method comes in. Because the first tenet of the Socratic method is a simple question. Is that accurate? Is the information I'm being presented with? Or that I'm presenting? Is it accurate? Can I prove it? And I think that's what we've gotten away from. And then we get into this weird world where subjective and objective become kind of the same thing for people, my opinion becomes a fact. Right. And that's, that's the world we got to get away from. So, you know, I was talking to her and I said, Listen, the first thing that I think would be really helpful is for you to write what you believe in whether somebody receives it well or not, you can't be creative in that way, if you're concerned about ramifications. So you have to have that courage, just write it. But I think one of the things you can do is you can start by asking anyone reading it, to admit their own biases. Just say, Hey, before you read this, I'm going to ask you whether you are pro this solution, or anti this solution, or somewhere in the middle, to just admit what your biases are, before you read. So that now in reading this, you can come in with an open mind to what I'm presenting and decide based upon the merits. I present them on whether it's accurate, because that's what the Socratic method is, or is it accurate. But there were two other components to the Socratic method that allow for subjectivity. See, the first question is all about objectivity. But the two others ask for our allow for subjectivity, because we are emotional creatures. And we need to appreciate that. And what he followed with this, is it accurate. But the second question is, is it kind? Think that's a very important question to ask ourselves right now, is what I'm doing what I'm saying what I'm approaching how I'm seeing this is a kind is it kind to tell a kid that needs a kidney transplant, and they haven't gotten the shots that they're not going to get the kidney that they've been waiting for? It's not quite right. And then the last question, is it necessary? Right, we've never had a problem, for example, and this is maybe going to be a polarizing one for people. We never have a problem understanding that a man and a man and a woman is a woman. Is it necessary to have this discussion? Right? Is it necessary to to look at the world in a way and create problems? No. Is it okay for a person to identify in any direction? They want to? Of course, that's an expression of your freedom. And I want that same freedom for myself? Of course it is. I agree. 100% support you. But the first thing we have to go back to his original question, is it accurate? And if we can't agree on an objective, things that are accurate, then we're always going to be arguing about things that don't make sense. And this takes me back to this final point. I think it was in 2003. It might have been in 2007, that the CDC removed the statistical definition for what constitutes a pandemic, when you remove that you remove objectivity, because now anything could be a pandemic. It's a pandemic, because I said, So we've seen that same thing happen with the shots, they're supposed to be minimal thresholds for safety and efficacy that have to be proven, before anything can go through any type of approval process. Well, they removed those, they don't care about it, we also have to look at necessity. If children under the age 17 have a recovery rate from this bio weapon of 99.99%. According to C, D. C data, then there is no rationale, for necessity of this to be approved for them. We don't need to talk about anything else. It's not needed. You cannot do better than 99.99% recovery rates in any kind of medical situation. So what's happened, Dr. Paul, in my opinion, is that we've gotten away from Is it accurate? Is it kind is it necessary? And in doing so, we've blurred these lines between subjective how I feel and objective what we all agree on. My opinion is now a fact. And until we have the courage to hold a line in the sand and say, You know what, if you're going to tell me that you've read a study, if you're going to tell me that scientists say or doctors say something. I it is my duty now to call you on it and say prove it. Prove It, CDC prove it. Epidemiologists prove it. State Health Department, prove what you're saying. The burden of proof isn't on me to prove that these shots don't work. The burden of proof is on you to prove that they do, and to prove that they're safe, and you have failed miserably in those. And it's our duty now to continue to hold people accountable to make sure that these shots are stopped. And this program is shut down because the cleanup is already generational. And what we have to do, right, we are this, it's not overselling this, Dr. Paul, to say that the fate of humanity is at stake. Right now, in this moment. It is a biologic certainty that there are people who continue to get injected are putting themselves in peril. And there will be an I don't know what the estimates are going to be. But it's going to be very high. We're in the 10s to hundreds of millions, at least, of people who are going to fall, their systems are going to fail, because their bodies have been genetically modified by the shots if we don't start taking everything we know. And figuring out how to work with the body to undo the damage that has been caused. And that's what I'm fighting for every single day, justice. Making sure that people who are hurt can heal, and doing everything I can to make sure that this never happens again. We can't survive another one of these. The best thing I think we can do with each other right now, Dr. Paul, and you do such a beautiful job of this. Why I love you so much, man. Just hug each other with your words. It's the easiest thing to do. It costs us nothing. Right? And again, it gains us everything. Just hug people with your words. Dr. Paul 51:40 Yeah. And when you can hug him with Dr. Henry Ealy 51:43 a gun with your arms too. Yeah. Dr. Paul 51:46 That's a great close. Thank you so much, folks. The truth always does come out. In the end. We are living in a moment of truth, a time of truth. And it's also a very perilous time because of everything that we're trying to break through. That's what Dr. E Lee's life is about. That's what this show is about. Thank you so much for coming back to against the wind. I love you, brother. Dr. Henry Ealy 52:07 I love you too. Man. Thank you so much. Dr. Paul 52:14 Welcome Bernadette, two against the wind doctors in science. This is our be the news section. You are so great at bringing us important things in the news. Right now. Just recently, the World Health Organization made this declaration of monkeypox being a public health emergency of international concern made by none other than the WHO Director General Tedros. Give Bray assists whatever his Bernadette Pajer 52:41 name is, without the support of his advisory team. He it's so appalling. He broke the tie that did not exist. The vote was like what was nine, Dr. Paul 52:53 nine against six against it being a public health emergency. He's a man without medical training. He's just appointed to do their bidding, I guess, to get their policies just push through no matter what. So that being said, tell us about monkey pox. What is Monkey pox? How many cases have there been? Bernadette Pajer 53:14 Well, I don't have all the phone numbers right now, Dr. Paul, but and this is just going to be a brief overview. There's so much more to come per the CDC and there's the link to their website. It's it's a rare disease. It's part of the family of viruses that Smallpox is in, but it's rarely fatal. It's very mild, discovered in 1958 at a research facility with monkeys 1970 was the first case in humans prior to 2022 and Dr. Merrill Nast care covers this very well I'm glad you told me a bit earlier that you're going to be interviewing her to get the the details of this but it didn't use to spread human to human it was people eating infected animals or touching you know the skins or the first something from an infected animal but now it is spreading human to human. Um, and you know, so there it is. And then there's the numbers per the CDC and it's really interesting to look at. As the vaccine rolls out there go the numbers up. It's really interesting and that's about you know, I don't want to say things that is misinformation, but there's an awful lot to monitor and look at and a lot more to come. So this is the FTAs insert to the Gini O's. It's a smallpox and monkey pox vaccine came out 2019 under really unusual circumstances that litter on your doctor mask will explain um, in it for effectiveness it was there are no human trials for effectiveness. Monkey pox is so rare, they could not test it to see if it actually worked. So when you hear the CDC say, you know, oh, if you take it within so many days of exposure, it will work or within 14 days, everything they're telling you about how well it works is pure speculation. It's important to note that on the insert in they did it some small safety trials. They did have cardiac adverse events of special interest that were quite high in individuals who had never received a smallpox vaccine in their life. The cardiac events. After getting this Jennie o shot was 1.3%. Dr. Paul 55:55 Wow, that we know I remember from medical school days that the smallpox vaccine had a lot of problems with cardiac issues as well. Bernadette Pajer 56:03 Yes, yeah. And then for the people in this study, the few who had had smallpox vaccination earlier in life, their cardiac incidents were 2.1. Wow. And it was highest in individuals with H i, v, and atopic dermatitis. Dr. Paul 56:24 Right. It's so it's so bizarre. They're making a vaccine before there's a disease. Yeah, almost reminds me of something that was going on with Cobra. Anyway, yeah. Now there is a medication to treat as well as their Well, I got Bernadette Pajer 56:39 a little bit more here on that Jenny knows vaccine because it is licensed, they are required to have a vaccine information sheet. So here's the CDs Vaccine Information Sheet. It does not mention cardiac incidents anywhere. So you're not being informed of that people are not being told. And look at number six. Point number six, it is under the counter measures Injury Compensation Program. You cannot sue the manufacturer for this. It's liability Dr. Paul 57:08 theory unity written in right you're Bernadette Pajer 57:11 so that shocked me when I learned that this weekend. That's licensed there is no emergency declared in the United States. It's not under the prep act, anything like that. And yet there it is countermeasures, which means you cannot sue. People don't and do not understand bullet point six unless they're in our community. So so far, there have been 31 cases of adverse events reported to VAERS, the vaccine adverse event reporting system, most of them were because they're getting really big nodules and itchy, painful lumps at the injection site. Dr. Paul 57:46 And this vaccine burned at the you know, Bernadette Pajer 57:50 most are individuals in the gay LGBTQ T community who are getting it, mostly it's men, but there's quite a few women who reported adverse reactions. And in there, I provide the link there and this will be on your website if people want to go see what type of reactions being reported. There's a couple people reported like some sort of sores or lesions, but one didn't know if it was from the vaccine or from actually having been exposed to monkey pox. We don't know what's going to happen. Dr. Paul 58:23 So the question, the question was, apparently there's a drug now that's promoted as a treatment for monkey pox. That didn't really exist in the United States until recently. All right, and what do we know about this drug, Bernadette Pajer 58:39 we know that it was a drug developed for smallpox, it's licensed for smallpox, it is not licensed for monkey pox. And the CDC has no studies for it in monkey pox, and they are allowing its use in one of their special programs, it's sort of like a compassionate use. And it really has to be considered only under that situation, so individuals who are prescribed it are required to sign it's a five page informed consent form, and to tell them that there are no studies. This is basically a clinical trial you are entering by getting this drug and they have to sign they acknowledge all this, and it tells them about countermeasures program. To me, it's still a lot of obfuscation. If you read it, you still don't fully understand what's happening here. At the concerns, Dr. Paul 59:47 this whole monkey pox thing sounds a little bit like fear mongering, what what do you have in terms of facts versus fear? What where are we at now? Bernadette Pajer 59:56 Oh, then we go to the wonderful truth for Health Foundation. I highly recommend you go to this website, explore all their information on so many issues. And if you can do it, click on the support button and help them out. Dr. Peter McCullough is associated with this great organization. And they have put together a monkey pox virus facts sheet. Now, you need to just put your email address in there, and it gives you instant access to this fabulous information. I just love them. And to give you a snippet, because I did it on and I got the information it's going to give you there's like, there's multiple pages, I forget how many it is. And it explains the disease, the shots, the drug, and then it goes on and explain some practical common sense things. And it's, they even explain that the same thing that you were doing for COVID will help you with and these are doctors, you know, and experienced individuals giving me advice here. So please go read what they say. At truth for health.org. So yeah, we want facts over fear. Absolutely, definitely. Dr. Paul 1:01:12 Absolutely. So there you have it, folks. You know, the antidote to fear is being informed. And the antidote, or rather, the way to avoid infection is to support your natural immune system. Bernadette, you just outlined a nice list that we have, we have been supporting people for COVID, both prevention and management of COVID, once you get it are finding phenomenal benefits from that same sort of regimen of nutritional supplementation. So I my hands, Bernadette Pajer 1:01:47 power is in your hands. But I my last word is this. This is, to me the most blatant abuse of a targeted group, like the gay and LGBTQ T community, by the government and pharmaceutical industry to use them as guinea pigs, they don't they're not giving informed consent, they do not understand the experimental nature of the shot, or of the drugs being pushed at them. And what's happening is they're going to be pushing out more and more, there's phases of as more and more goes to all the states. And they're trying to gather data, so that eventually they're going to push it out to the entire community. And this, this is just like Tuskegee, and all those other experiments where they're not being given fully informed consent, that they're entering trials, they just don't understand what it is. So I encourage individuals, you know, it's very difficult situation, because it's just like with HIV. There's a lot of stigma going around with the community that this disease is found in. But everybody, whether you support certain behaviors or not, everybody deserves to be told the truth by our government, by the pharmaceutical industry. And we show love and compassion and kindness by making sure that everybody, no matter who they are, is given full information. So we need to act, we need to spread this out to those who are being targeted now Dr. Paul 1:03:26 that the targeting is happening, and it's going to be expanded to everyone folks, you can kind of see this thing coming, like a freight train, become informed and then you don't have to be fearful at all. I mean, I'm not fearful of COVID and monkey pox hack. That's like a nothing. So yeah, no fear, become informed and then just support your natural immune system, you will be just fine. Thank you, Bernadette for this very informative session. Bernadette Pajer 1:03:55 You're welcome. Dr. Paul 1:04:02 Dr. Paul, thanks for watching the show. Please visit doctors and science.com There you can access our members only section. This show is member supported. We don't have to take sponsors. We don't have to have anybody controlling the content of our show. This is a huge perk most people aren't aware of your membership gives you access to my eBooks, transcripts of every show, PowerPoints from talks I'm giving around the country and live bonus peeks at behind the scenes work. We're doing my off the cuff thoughts and reviews on current events. Your support makes all this possible. Thank you. Help me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors and science.com. I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. And let's make this the weekly show the nation has been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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