PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:00
Welcome to against the wind and doctors and science on your fire on Dr. Paul, your host. Today's show features an interview I had with Shane Riley. He's an expert on EMF, what is it? What is the bio initiative? What extent of research is out there when we're talking 1000s of articles, the specific vulnerability of children to EMF, we talk about 5g, and then most importantly, don't miss towards the end of the interview he discusses what can we do to protect ourselves and our children. I then have a great interview with Suzanne Gallagher. She's the director of parents rights and education. And their website, parents rates in ed.org is filled with information that will help you if you are a parent, and you're worried about what's going on in your child's school. Enjoy the show. Dr. Paul, coming to you from the heart, I have to tell you this week, folks recovering from COVID. And now walking through a storm on the Oregon coast, the oceans behind me I can't see it. It's not far you can probably hear it. But I have to tell you there is something very special about recognizing the importance of the storm and going through the storm that might be a part of perhaps what you're also experiencing. I think collectively, we have all experienced an incredible storm with COVID-19. And the response to it that our government agencies and public health officials etc, have put upon us. But we've joined together here at against the wind and been able to share a different narrative. And now on a personal level, I just wanted to share from my heart that my own personal storm that's been a result of this time, this last two, three years. While on the surface appearing to be horrendous has been the biggest gift of my life. I hope you too can find a gift in whatever storm you might be experiencing. I come to you with love. So much love had been freely shared with me. And I come to you and gratitude for so many of you who have actually extended love to me. Love support, encouragement, guidance, blessings, thank you. And I wish upon you Love and blessings, courage to persist, hang in there and endure if it's hard because there is a rainbow on the other end. And the lessons we can learn individually and collectively are what's going to make everything worth it. I'm Dr. Paul welcome Shane Riley man, I loved hearing your information. When we met at a presentation you were giving a little restaurant and Oregon City I think it was some months ago, you are the owner of optimal dwelling spaces. You're the president of 5g free, Oregon. Man, that sounds huge. You have an amazing website optimal dwelling spaces.com. And you really specialize in electromagnetic pollution inspection remediation and consultation. This is a whole field that I know is important. But I don't think very many of us are aware of the magnitude of what this really is and what it means. So thank you for being on against the wind. It's really an honor to have you on the show. Shane Reilly 3:29 Well, thank you for the opportunity, Dr. Thomas. And likewise, in Oregon City at that event, your presentation and the data and the slides you had prepared were really amazing, really eye opening. So I enjoyed your presentation. Dr. Paul 3:45 Oh, thank you. So just to kick this off, this is such a new area for me. Explain to our audience, first of all, you know how you got to where you are as far as your background? And why on earth did you decide to become a building biologist? Shane Reilly 4:00 Yeah, that's kind of a kind of a big one. I think a great way to do that is to just share this image. And this is really the why for me, once upon a time actually worked as a firefighter. And you can see that in the bottom right. And it was just amazing, an amazing world to be a part of. But shortly into it, I got really basically worn out emotionally, physically, mentally, was not good for me. It's a very demanding job, as you probably know, and you know, being up all night can catch up with the best of us. What was perplexing for me was we were working out all the time, nutrition, Paleo is just kind of coming online. So we were really into that I was young, and I was breaking down physically and emotionally and mentally like I said, and having a really tough time that so it just it wasn't making sense. To me, and eventually I had to walk away from it, which was really, really a tough decision for me and my family. When I did, I got better. And I started actually hearing a little bit more about this EMF business. And I listened to some podcasts and kind of started falling down the rabbit hole of electromagnetic fields. And then just not even three, four years later, my mother has in the middle contracted a very aggressive form of brain cancer, glioblastoma, and from timing for diagnosis to passing was about eight months. So it just, it happened so fast. And as the dust was settling, I knew a little bit more about EMF and how it played in with health at that point. And when my head cleared, I can kind of think about how my mom use technology, cell phone up to her head all the time, very social person, you know, new everybody in town sleeping with an iPad under her pillow and power lines outside of her second story townhome window, and some more pieces clicked for me about how EMF related and I believe it's a significant factor in her contracting that brain tumor and being taken so soon. And then the next piece here are my two daughters. And as they entered the public school system, I became really, really, really deeply concerned about the amount of tech and the wireless that goes with it, they were being exposed to day in and day out. So all of that coalesced for me into wanting to help people avoid some of the the hardship that I had experienced. And I said, There's got to be a way to be certified to do this. Google Search brought up this place called the building Biology Institute, which came over from Germany in the 80s. And it really is a discipline that focuses on the natural world and the built world. So the ways that we've become disconnected with with our homes and all the nice technologies and conveniences inside them. The way those have disconnected us from the natural world and from optimal true health. So we work with real estate professionals, contractors, builders, homeowners, practitioners, such as yourself, to sort of raise that awareness and to show ways to make your home a little bit healthier. Dr. Paul 7:30 So you're very much self taught. It sounds like there wasn't a university for EMF. Shane Reilly 7:38 Yes, it's really in its infant stages. There is an institute and some dozens of people go through the training every year. But yeah, a lot of this is new, and is figuring it out on your own in the field. And so I've been doing that since about 2017, working with clients inside their homes to identify how much EMF they have, where it's coming from, and then what they can do to lower that. Dr. Paul 8:06 Wow. Well, that's awesome. Let's start it off then. Because EMF is a term. I think it's electromagnetic frequencies. Right? But But what does that mean? Maybe you can help us out with kind of understanding the range of things that fall into what we call EMF. Shane Reilly 8:25 Yeah, absolutely. It's a topic. When I show this you might recall from physics in junior high or high school. But an EMF is just if you boil it down is the way energy gets from point A to point B in the universe. And there's a number of ways that it does that as far as the frequency and the amplitude and other components. But this is kind of a chart, a graphical representation of how we understand it today. And you can see some common items that you might have in your home or you might know about from all the way on the low end to like an am radio wavelength all the way up into cosmic, you know, nuclear gamma rays, radiation and everything in between. So that's really what we're talking about is energy going from point A to point B. Dr. Paul 9:17 Very interesting. So I'm curious. I mean, that's a huge range of wavelengths. And they meant I saw that rainbow in the middle of visible light. The rest of its invisible to us. And I mean, I hear about like, certainly, I read a lot about 5g and, and you're very involved with that. But how are these things affecting health? What should we be worried even? Shane Reilly 9:47 We absolutely should. And it is tricky. Like you said, you can't see these things. You can't taste them. You can't touch them. But the researchers and the scientists have been looking at Since the middle of the last century, actually, back in, you know, the 60s and 70s, NASA actually caught wind of a document and translated it from Russia from the 1930s, where they have looked at a variety of these EMFs and how they interacted with humans and animals. And you can see on the screen there's there's a lot to read here. But essentially, they found effects and impacts across a huge variety of body systems, different levels of radiation, low high. And they just documented hundreds and hundreds of effects from from this type of radiation. And you know, even more recently, and that research has continued a very good resource. If you're having that same question that you asked me to these effects you or maybe you're a little skeptical, or you know, a skeptic, or you just want to read up. Back in 2007, this report called Bio initiative came out 29 PhDs, researchers, doctors got together and said, Hey, we've seen enough, there's enough research out here that we should be doing some some things to protect people and to raise awareness. And so they compiled 1000s of studies. And there's some really nice color coded charts, as you can see here on the screen, that show a variety of effects at different radiation levels. And you might be surprised to know that most of these levels that they found effects are significantly underneath the government's exposure safety guidelines at this point. So yes, we should absolutely be concerned. Even more recently, there's a prestigious research program in the US called the National Toxicology Program. And they took a look at this and they spent $30 million over 14 years, they are actually looking at older generations of cell phones, remember 2g And 3g When When didn't have all the apps and the fancy things. So you know, lower capability, lower horsepower, and the phone, if you will, and the network, so overall lower radiation. And they found clear evidence of certain cancer types and heart damage and DNA damage in the study rats that they used. So very concerning there. And the same type of tumors that they found in this study. Were also found in some studies that looked at long term or 1010 years or more cellphone users. So definitely reason to be concerned here. Dr. Paul 12:32 My sense is that as the cell phone technology has become more and more advanced, you know, you go from like you pointed out 2g to 3g, and we're coming up on 5g Here, each evolution. Is it worse for us? Is it a more powerful environmental toxin? Shane Reilly 12:51 Most definitely, yeah. All it's a horsepower race, right. And when a new generation comes out, you know, 3g, and the 4g, a lot more power going into it, plus 3g is still around for some time, it doesn't go away right away. Same thing is gonna happen with 5g and the 4g or LTE that we have now. 5g is going to be additional and built on top of it. So it's just adding Dr. Paul 13:22 3g, 4g doesn't go away, they just add another technology, Shane Reilly 13:26 it takes some time, 3g is pretty much all phased out now. But you know, we're gonna have 4g with the developing 5g for, you know, a decade or more. And then you know, even when 4g is phased out, there will be as a six g on top of 5g. So the amount of precaution here is really nil. Wow, Dr. Paul 13:50 I wow, we're on that I have read something. And I just don't know what to make of it. I wonder if you've heard about this satellite, sort of some kind of way of getting your cell phone connected through satellites. So it'll just blanket a city, for example. And have you read about that is that like, the next level, Shane Reilly 14:11 that's, that's kind of a one a one b with this fifth generation evolution. There's a number of companies, including Tesla, SpaceX, who are putting these it's called Starlink, putting this mesh network of satellites up with the goal of covering essentially, every square inch of the globe with a wireless signal that you could then connect to, and there's, there's a number of other companies but at this point, there's, you know, some 10s of 1000s of satellites up there for this purpose. Dr. Paul 14:46 Interesting. So I'm a I'm a pediatrician, and so I take care of little people. And I know in in medicine, kids are not just miniature adults. I mean, And when you have take the take the womb where you got moms pregnant and you've got a developing baby, there's so many other variables, and they're so much more vulnerable. I think you've got cell division going on, you've got little brains developing brains networks are being established. I imagine, we have to be concerned with EMFs. And brain development. What are you finding there? Shane Reilly 15:26 Definitely, yeah, you really said that kids are not little adults. There's, there's some key differences in the way that these EMFs interact with them. You know, there's, there's some quotes here, I'll just read the one at the bottom. But this is from the American Academy of Pediatrics. And they said, it is essential any new standard for cell phones or other wireless devices be based on protecting the youngest and most vulnerable populations to ensure they are safeguarded throughout their lifetimes? And that's children in this case, and you know, why is that if we look at this graph, the skulls of children are thicker, and the relative proportion of their head to the rest of their body is different from an adult. And that all adds into more susceptibility, more exposure of radiation, for example, from a cell phone. And also, you know, their brains are not myelinated until mid 20s, from what I understand, so that that insulation around the wiring in the brain is not there to protect from this. And what's even more concerning, in my mind is this concept of a lifetime of exposure. You know, when you were born, when I was born, we didn't grow into a world with 5g and a home with 15 to 20, connected wireless devices, you know, technology was so much different 3040 50 years ago. So these kids are having longer exposure times longer, and more chances for the programming and their DNA and their RNA, to start having these errors that accumulate over time. And we know that that's kind of the the foundation of tumors and cancer as processes. So big concern here, you know, especially when you start thinking about schools, the kids spend so much time in, they're really, really susceptible to these EMFs. And their overall time of exposure is just through the roof. And it's really concerning, Dr. Paul 17:38 in my career. It's always about trying to first do no harm, right? I mean, that's an oath that doctors are supposed to live by, even though we didn't. The formal swearing of that oath was long gone, I think decades ago. But we were supposed to model that in anything we do. Here's something I just struggle with. So I'm in a world where I become aware that vaccines are a massive toxin, because you're bypassing the natural barrier by injecting through the skin pathogens, or whatever you will antigens don't go through the mucosal surfaces where they interact properly with the immune system. We know our environments loaded with pesticides, we've gotten glyphosate so disruptive to so many things. We've got the plastics and the endocrine disruptors. And now we've got this darn EMF is like, how do we? How do we put it all together? How, how important is this? And is our government doing anything to protect us? Shane Reilly 18:36 So the government is, is really turning a blind eye to this. And there's some, some of the usual suspects are behind that, you know, money and lobbying from the companies that make these products. But here's a chart about exposure limits for wireless type of radiation, and we're at the top of the heap, but not in a good way in the US, we're really way beyond significantly beyond what most other countries allow for their citizens. So this tells you something, we're Dr. Paul 19:11 seeing a term sorry to interrupt you, I'm seeing a term their power flux density. Can you explain that a little bit, Shane Reilly 19:18 that's a fancy term for the intensity of the radiation, the strength of the radiation, and how much we allow. So Dr. Paul 19:27 this graph is shocking. I mean, US Japan, I see an IRP as what, Shane Reilly 19:34 that's ignor, which is an international body for regulating this type of radiation. Dr. Paul 19:39 Got you and then Canada, then you just look at the difference between you know, these, these top ones compared to the rest. I mean, it's magnitudes. Shane Reilly 19:49 Part of the problem is the agency that's supposed to be regulating these companies that produce products that use this type of energy. It's essential Chile has a revolving door. So there's a great book here captured agency by norm Alster, which highlights a lot of these inconsistencies how people go from the FCC to the telecoms and back and vice versa. And that's Dr. Paul 20:17 sounds just like our FDA and CDC with pharma and vaccines. And Shane Reilly 20:22 absolutely, yeah, they really, I mean, there's, there's like one playbook here. And they're all Dr. Paul 20:28 they're all used to capture the agencies that regulate you pay them well, so they won't regulate you. And yeah, Shane Reilly 20:36 yes. Other things like buying science. Yeah, there's there's just a lot of a lot of things we've seen before with government protection from this. And I really wanted to point this out because it hits a little closer to home here in Oregon, but state bill or Senate Bill 283, from a few years back, Casio ha the Oregon Health Authority to review the available research on wireless, particularly as it related to schools to see, you know, are we harming our kids with all this wireless in schools, and the Oh ha produced a essentially a sham, have a report, not up to scientific snuff when it passed muster, you know, in a peer review type process, widely criticized on an international basis. And this is a great article here, this screenshot I encourage anybody who wants to know a little bit more about this continuing situation in Oregon from the Washington spectator. But essentially, the Oh Ha, went to a hearing and was basically pointed out that they didn't have the resources to actually do this report correctly, they broke a number of rules from the law. And the end result at this point is that the bill still stands saying, no wireless is of no concern in the schools. And the problem here is that other states are going to look at this other decision makers across the country are going to look at this report. Because it was really groundbreaking in a way, not a lot of other places have done this. So one of the one of the things I'm working on with the nonprofit that I work for, is to raise awareness about this and try and push to get this retracted and done, right, because if they did it right, and they actually reviewed all the science and they stayed away from the industry funded bits, it would paint a much different picture, there's essentially four main categories of EMF that we see in the modern home. And artificial lighting is first that was that tiny little sliver on the electromagnetic spectrum from earlier. But light is such a powerful biological signal to us. And the type of lighting we have, it really doesn't match the sun. It's so different from the sun. And so that's Dr. Paul 23:04 which is better. If you had I know there's different types of lighting, what what's what's safer. Shane Reilly 23:09 Yeah, nothing replaces sunlight. So you have to, you know, work that into your day to get out and actually see the sun at different times of the day and see the natural light. But the best of the worst, essentially, is the good old fashioned incandescent, which you can still get at, you can't walk into Ace Hardware necessarily and get one but you can still get them they're much much safer in terms of EMF then led or fluorescent. So yeah, that's that's the first main type of EMF the second and this is really the big one gets a lot of the attention, but it's the radio frequency or the microwaves or wireless, anything that sends and receives a signal wirelessly. So your cell phone, your Bluetooth, air pod headphones, you know, the Wi Fi system, in your home, on your laptop, there's there's many others, the average home has 15 to 20 of these devices using some type of this wireless energy. So this is a huge one. And I want to touch on 5g Here here in a second because that's really important too. But the other two that kind of get swept under the rug and are a little less known they have to do with the power delivery into your home. Right that's that's energy going from one place to another in the universe. So that is an EMF and our homes, consume power wiring in the walls, the appliances, the blender, the hairdryer, the light bulbs, and as a result of that energy consumption. There are just natural byproducts, kind of electro magnetic wastes that come out into the room. And that's really what we're, we're concerned about at homes is how do we how do we use this technology? A little Bit more intelligently a little more differently, to reduce the burden and to reduce the presence of this artificial energy. And there are many ways to do that. But the wireless part of this gets so much for the talk, but I just want people to know, there's there's actually four main types. And so if you're kind of focusing in on just the wireless part, you're really missing the broader picture. So let me just touch on 5g, Dr. Paul 25:30 and the elephant in the room, it looks like Shane Reilly 25:33 it is the elephant in the room. And if you believe the hype, you're gonna think it's the greatest thing that's ever come to civilization. I put this slide together to show just how much concern and just how much downside there is to it. As I said earlier, it's additional frequencies, additional radiation on top of what we already have in the skies these days. And they're deploying that radiation in new different ways. Things like phased arrays, and beamforming. Where, you know, you can think of that that scene from Star Wars where the the Death Star is powering up, and the little beams focus in and then the beam shoots out the main concentrated beam, it's a lot like that, where with with 4g, it's it's just sort of the antennas are emitting in a wide swath all day around the clock. 5g is very intelligent precision, and it focuses of beam. So if you have a 5g device, and you're walking down the street, you're gonna get a lot of attention from this, these new antenna arrays. And even if you don't have one, if you're sitting at the cafe, and you're in between someone with the 5g device, let's say in their pocket, and a 5g antenna, you know, that beam is going to come at you and through you a very focused, coherent beam of radiation. So very concerning. We don't know how that's going to affect a cell and organism, human and animal would be, we don't know. Yeah, wow, we haven't added this all together into some kind of experiment yet. So very concerning, and there's really no precaution here. Dr. Paul 27:21 So big. So you just brought something to my mind, I didn't realize this, that just how ignorant I am on this technology. So I have a phone that's a couple 234 years old. I'm pretty sure it's a 4g phone. I don't think I have 5g. Because I've had friends who have upgraded to a 5g phone, and they have different problems with connectivity than I do. What you said was, if I'm walking down the street with a 5g phone, I'm attracting this energy. Shane Reilly 27:52 Yeah, that is a nuance here between 4g and LTE and the 5g where, whereas LTE is just shoot, it's kind of like a shotgun just spraying out everywhere around the clock. Whereas 5g is much more surgical and it's precision more much more focused. And it's only looking for devices that can take its signal. Dr. Paul 28:15 Hmm. So let's delve into the I know you wanted to end the presentation with how we can lower our EMF exposure, protect our families. Tell us what our options are here. Shane Reilly 28:29 Yeah, I've got a couple here that I think are really useful to get started on are good bang for the buck items. The first one, this might surprise some people, but there's actually natural, healthy, good EMFs. And this picture shows some of them, right. And we probably know about all these things. But if we're not working them into our daily routine, we are not able to offset this artificial EMF that's so prevalent these days all around us. So getting outside getting natural, full spectrum sunlight, on your skin in your eyes, touching the earth connecting to water, which is a very powerful grounding and shielding mechanism. Being with other humans, right, this is a picture of my partner and my daughter on the beach in Mexico and just interacting with that human to human energy. This is such a powerful one, four for protecting yourself and offsetting the effects of artificially EMF. Number two, this is called the inverse square law. And this can really inform us when we're trying to lower our exposure from EMF because the the intensity of radiation falls off on an exponential basis as you move away from the source of radiation so even a little distance away, drops the amount of radiation that's hitting your body significantly. So, you know, moving your monitor on your desktop, a foot back can really lower some of your EMF exposure or putting the Wi Fi router in a different room of the house, or moving your bed off the wall that has the electrical panel on the other side. Just a little distance can make a huge drop in your personal exposure. Dr. Paul 30:29 Interesting. So practically speaking, I'm thinking, so many of us sleep with our cell phones nearby, because we want to be able to just grab it more, maybe what do you think of these Alexa's and smart devices that they they listen to you? And then they answer whatever question you want people have. I've been to homes where they have all over the house. Shane Reilly 30:51 Yeah, yeah, those are really concerning privacy, number one, but they're part of this ecosystem of wireless radiation. And part of this and you'll see it on a subsequent slide is to try and eliminate as many of those wireless points as you can, if you're a person, let's say you're on call or something, you have to be by your phone. You know, if you can get it from your bedside table to your master bath, you know, 1012 feet away, whatever it might be, that's a significant drop in your exposure. And you can probably still hear the sound the phone if it rings to get it. So yeah, little little things like that can make a very big difference. Dr. Paul 31:33 And this, this takes me back, I just wanted to highlight for our listeners, because you made that comment. There's this lifetime exposure in our kids today. You know, I'm old enough that I grew up in a village in Africa with no electricity, no running water. The only exposure I had was sunshine, and we have lanterns and fireplace. And I mean, uh, you know, that very little exposure to move to now where screentime is everywhere, right? I mean, kids in school nowadays, especially with COVID, hitting the last couple years, everything became even more intense. We have no idea what we're doing to people do, we, Shane Reilly 32:15 we we really don't, and we're gonna find out the hard way and some 1015 20 years, you know, and we're already seeing some of that, then some of the epidemiological studies and long term studies on exposures. So it's a big concern. If you want to do anything to improve your home health and lower EMF, it really should start with wireless. And the minimum starting point there is to put things on power strips, put things on timers that omit wireless, like your Wi Fi router, your TV, your Alexa smart devices, whatever it might be, and they should all go off at night, you really you don't need them. And it's just essentially cooking your body in microwave radiation, the gold standard and what I work with a lot of my clients on is to transition to that corded Ethernet network system. That you know was that was the only way you could connect some years ago. But it's it's a great way to do it, it's actually really simple. It's plug and play with a few different components. And you get some adapters for your devices. And they work terrific. And it's much, much faster actually than Wi Fi. So moving to Ethernet is one of the best things you can do. Regarding wireless and microwave radiation, don't be that early adopter of new gadgets, you know, these things, like we talked about the horsepower is just ever increasing on them. So you would be wise to just pump the brakes a little bit and don't get that 5g phone, buy a new to you 4g phone, you know, keep that as long as you can. Actually, when you use your cell phone, do it on speakerphone, or get some air tube headsets that have a section of plastic tubing right here that keep that signal that radiation away from your brain. So yeah, wireless is such a huge one. And then you know, a lot of people don't understand airplane mode, they don't understand that their phone has multiple antennas on it. And your phone can actually show you the airplane icon, but your Wi Fi antenna could still be on. So this is a screen I put up I put it out on social media and other places but just to help people understand how do you truly get your phone into airplane mode because that's important. We're carrying these things around with us and you don't you want to really control as much of the time you're being exposed to radiation as you can. So airplane mode, sleeping. This is so huge this image From a reading, I took on a client on their daughter's bed. And I think she was eight or nine years old, but been having a lot of behavioral issues in school. And as you can see the color coded chart on the right, the magnetic field exposure on her bed was off the charts. Dr. Paul 35:20 Swearing a healthy level, those numbers don't mean anything to me. Shane Reilly 35:24 Yeah, so down, you know, point two or less down in the green there, guys once you want to be. So essentially, this was just way out of balance. And it was coming from a circuit from a baseboard heater in their home. And so when we disabled that circuit at night, this field went away, the child started sleeping better, improved behavior in school, you know, and it's, it's such an easy thing, flipping a circuit off at night. So creating that sleep sanctuary, the lighting, you see, after the sun goes down, should not be a bright blue tech screen, you know, you should use light filtering software on your laptop and your phone, maybe get some blue blocking glasses, maybe use more candles, or more red or orange bulbs, which don't have that blue daytime component in them. And then also, you know, tech and social media, very invigorating and not in the best way. So looking at your your social media right before bed, is not going to not going to condone itself to really quality sleep. So wireless and sleep are to two huge ones. And then the final thing you can think about to really get to the root of the problem to really fast forward, there's a lot of information, a lot of noise on the internet about EMF is to go with some professional services, either remote consulting, or having someone like me come into your home to identify all the types of EMF and the levels and then build a custom plan. Here's what you need to do in this room, you need an electrician in this room, etc, to really help you march down that list to improve the health of your home the health of your family. And to go from there. So Dr. Paul 37:14 and this is what you do, right? That is what I do. Yeah, that's, Shane Reilly 37:17 that's one of my favorite things about my work is actually going into someone's home, hearing what's going on for them, and then covering all of the EMF, which is one very important piece of the health puzzle. You know, everybody's a complicated equation, so many different variables. But I do believe and I've seen it, I've experienced it, that the EMF puzzle piece is very important to pay attention to. Dr. Paul 37:43 So I'm seeing in your image here some gadgets, these would be the things I'm guessing if you're here in Oregon, so I gotta have you come into my home or my place of business, you're gonna use your gadgets to figure things out. Yeah, make some recommendations. But how does one help someone remotely? Shane Reilly 38:04 Yeah, there are a number of things I've done from just putting out information on social media tips, that short videos on YouTube, things you should be aware of in a neighborhood or in a home ebooks on how to understand and detect EMFs. And we can actually do like our focus in on one area of the home remotely. And the client fills out a questionnaire beforehand. And then we look at the room on zoom just like we're doing now. And we can go around and I can tell them some things to improve upon to make to make that exposure lower in that area. Dr. Paul 38:45 Interesting. And are any of the devices you use to detect EMFs? Are any of them affordable enough for people to do this on their own? Maybe with your guidance remotely? Shane Reilly 38:56 The devices I use are really high end so no, they're not. There are some very good consumer level meters out there that I recommend to people that can allow them to you know, if if you're in your home trying to improve your office or if you're traveling, if you check into an Airbnb, for example, and you want to know what's going on in there. Or you wonder why you slept terribly in the Airbnb that night. You know, you can scan the bed and see what's going on and make some changes. So yeah, there's there's very good tools for professionals and for consumers. Dr. Paul 39:32 So Shay, this is fascinating. I, I like to be practical. So as a pediatrician, for example, and I've gotten into integrative and holistic sort of approaches, sometimes. The list of things we might ask people to do to have optimal wellness. It's overwhelming, like either cost wise, it's overwhelming or it's just too many things to do. If you were to prioritize, let's just say you You're calm coming to you, but I don't have a lot of money. But I am really concerned about this issue. Could you prioritize for me and for our viewers maybe what are the the most important things we should do? Absolutely, if possible, do these things. Shane Reilly 40:15 Yeah, there's three that come to mind, the first is going to be to eliminate wireless as much as possible in your home. And the second is going to be to get outside with the natural light and connection to the earth. And then the third is going to be to watch the artificial light that you get. So the screens and the bulbs, especially after sunset, so you know that can, if you're seeing bulbs that tell your brain, it's solar noon, it's gonna impact your sleep, how fast you can fall asleep, your sleep quality. So then to counter that block light, block the bad light inside, you get outside during the day, and you tune into what the sun's doing. And that really helps your circadian timing your circadian rhythm. So if you do those three things, I guess two of them are kind of around light, but the wireless piece, and lighting is extremely impactful. And switching Ethernet is not not terribly expensive. And it's it's not very hard to get outside. So that's pretty, pretty economical to Dr. Paul 41:33 Yeah, I understand the importance of good sleep. It's it's restorative for health and so much more. What about the what about this? I'll just play devil's advocate, Shane, I sleep fine. I don't see why I need to change my screen exposure and where my cell phones at. I fall asleep pretty well. And I'm old enough have to get up and use the bathroom once or twice. But beyond that, I sleep pretty good. How are your suggestions going to make my life any better? Shane Reilly 42:03 Yeah, it's a good question. And I do get that from time to time. I like to relay the the anecdote about the frog in the boiling pot of water. With this, you know, you get used to a certain status quo, a certain environmental condition around you. So you might just be be used to a certain level and a certain quality of sleep. And you've forgotten about, you know, how much how much on the top? Could I improve here? I think that's very, very applicable to EMF and asleep. So yeah, Dr. Paul 42:38 that's a good point. For folks who remember camping. There's something about the sleep you get when you're on the ground in a tent. It was special. I remember that. Shane Reilly 42:51 Yeah, absolutely. That's another good one, too. Yeah. Dr. Paul 42:55 So final thoughts. Just share it share with my audience share with the world. What's what's burning on your heart? Shane Reilly 43:05 Yeah, this is this EMF issue is the the cigarette of the digital age, I really think that's going to coalesce and become concrete. In a decade or two, there's going to be a price to pay. And I want as many people to be aware of the impact of EMF and to start making changes now in their life. And there's a lot of really low hanging fruit that anybody can take action on. I'm a terrific resource with questions and how to do that there's, there's some good information on on the internet. But I just want to really encourage people to look into this issue. It can feel a little overwhelming, but myself and other colleagues, other building biologists have done a lot of work to try and make it simple, make it accessible, and to help you on that on that journey to optimal health. So please don't ignore EMF, please really tune in, do some reading, do some due diligence, ask some questions, and kind of kind of go down that path to change what's going on in your home. And to really impact all the people that are in it in a positive way. Dr. Paul 44:17 Fantastic. I know you have a website optimal dwelling spaces.com Is there any other way that people can get a hold of you? Shane Reilly 44:24 That's a great one. They can search that same name on social media as well. I'm, I'm on the usual suspects there. So yeah, I'd love to hear from people and I'm happy to answer your questions and be a resource in any way I can. Dr. Paul 44:39 Fantastic. God bless, man. Thank you very much. Shane Reilly 44:43 Yeah. Thanks, Dr. Thomas. Dr. Paul 44:51 Welcome Suzanne Gallagher to against the wind Luxton science under fire. Suzanne Gallagher 44:54 Awesome. Thank you. Thanks for having me today. Dr. Paul 44:57 Looking at the background behind you that answers one Other questions I had you are the director of Parents Rights in Education. I know you have an event coming up in Oregon this coming week. Yeah, you got started and what's going on with? Suzanne Gallagher 45:10 Well, Laurie Porter, this teacher, she contacted me, she said, I'm gonna start an organization, would you come to a meeting, we're going to be talking about, you know, how to set it up, et cetera. And so I went to the meeting. And they were talking about names, usually, that's the first thing you do, what are we going to call it, and they had some names that they were suggesting. And I said, well, um, can't call it that can't use the name, or, again, that's going to limit you, you don't know what's going to happen. And you need to name it for the issue. Not concerned, you know, citizens for good schools, or something like that has to be serious, because we're talking about the law here, right. That's what we that's what we're protecting is our individual freedom based on the law. I said, you have to name it Parents Rights in Education, because everybody else was claiming their rights actually rights that they don't even have. And yet we do have natural rights as parents. And the Supreme Court has upheld us rights in relation to the school system, that parents do have the right to direct the education of their children. So I said, that's what you got to call it, because that is the mission. And it is the issue. Later, when Laurie wasn't able to continue running the organization. They asked me if I would take over. So that was just about five years ago. And since then, it grew to what you see behind me why, because of the name of our organization. It's about their rights. And And We have certainly more than parents in our organization, we have a lot of concerned citizens, grandparents, just people, teachers, ex teachers who care about the system that is under attack. And it comes down to the rights that parents are losing. So that's that's the story. That's the background I am and here's all your all these states. And it's exciting. Dr. Paul 47:11 So I looked at your website briefly before we got on together. And I know that some of the issues you're dealing with have to do with Student Health. I know you know, I'm a pediatrician, and I've been fighting for medical freedom and informed consent, and where we oversexed one another I think, you know, in our lap, and what we're trying to do here is, you know, parents should have the right to determine what happens to their children when it comes to health. And obviously, all these other educational areas that we can cover. And the vaccine issue has been the way that the system has sort of gotten around parent authority by mandating vaccines for you to go to school. And even though we're in Oregon, you and I, and we have the ability in Oregon parents can just go watch a video and sign their exemption. And they don't have to go to these great lengths of getting all these vaccines. But the schools don't tell parents this, they just line these kids up, basically. Suzanne Gallagher 48:07 Yeah. Yeah. And they don't, you know, they don't make a big effort to tell the parents what their rights are. Right? Yes, there's an agenda. Within the public school system, there are things that they want you to do. And they believe that students can make up their minds, you know, about their gender identity when they're in kindergarten, this is very traumatizing. And I know as a pediatrician, you're concerned not only about the, the, the physical health of these young kids, but their mental health in a lot of what they're doing, I believe, and they is under the banner of mental health, a lot of the things that are happening in the public school. And that is a huge concern of our organization. Because basically, they're talking behind the parents backs, telling students, minor children, other people's minor children, talking to them about things that have nothing to do with academics. And the parents should be part of the discussion. They should know what what their kids are discussing with with another adult. Dr. Paul 49:16 Sure. Yeah, sex education, gender identity education, a lot of things that are now being done in the schools used to be something parents would do at home, right. And then you would send your kid to school for education more in the terms of, you know, academics and obviously to have healthy social interaction, although that now seems to be an oxymoron in the school system for for a lot of things. Yeah. What I know for parents, for example, when the laws are such that you are being mandated to do something or the school system curriculum is such that it's exposing your kids to things perhaps that you may not be comfortable with. One option is Is homeschooling is that is that an area that your organization? Suzanne Gallagher 50:02 Oh, yeah, thank you for allowing me to, to address that we do support choice because we're about parents rights. So parents should have the the right to choose whatever education they want for their child. Part of that may be within the public school system, about what you want your child to be taught or not. There, they've lost a lot of ground in the public schools. Like, as I mentioned earlier, I got involved in the early 90s and 9090, that was the year when school choice was first put on the ballot, there was an initiative, and unfortunately was voted down, we wouldn't be talking about any of this probably, if it had passed. But at that time, the situation within the walls of the schools was not nearly as dire as it is now. And so to a degree, all of these things that have happened, and since then, to, to catapult us into this situation, or and maybe has been a good thing big because in 1990, I said, Okay, I've been doing this for six years, I'm gonna start my business, then, you know, I'm done. I'm worn out, you know, this activists, you know, trying to try to make a difference. Nobody believed me now, oh, yeah, they believe it, and then some. So sometimes, you know, it's got to get worse before it gets better. Just like, you know, marital counseling. You look into, it's like, oh, my gosh, and we have a tab on our site about homeschooling. In fact, we're concerned that home schoolers and listen, they know it. I know a lot of people who homeschool, and they're concerned that regulations will begin to encroach from the state into what they're doing at that homeschooling level. And pretty soon, they won't be able to do it, they'll be requiring them to have master's degrees or crazy things like that, you know, for six year old, teaching a six year old, you have to have a masters that would destroy homeschooling. So we all want that. Dr. Paul 52:14 So, you know, as I think back historically, I'm remembering that education, in the very beginning was about getting subsistence farmers kids trained for industry, and then it has morphed into something rather quickly. It feels like in the last decade or two, it's a whole different sort of programming, it feels like what's driving this, and what do you want parents to know? Suzanne Gallagher 52:42 Well, okay, so what our website we have on, we have our we had a great seminar summit last year. And they're all all of those speeches are on the website, so people could watch those from last year. And among them is a presentation by our leader in Texas, and she talks about the money. How is the money being funneled into the local school districts? And why don't we have any local control, because there are outside interests that have an agenda. And they are controlling literally, from, you know, a national level, in fact, they're even working in coalition with state legislators, leaders, you know, governments Departments of Education, to to pass laws at the state level, talking about mandates, mandating certain things be taught. And as a result, that's why we see a lot of programs that have nothing to do with academics. They're all about changing what people think. Dr. Paul 54:02 Yeah, that's fascinating. I, I have on my show, I interviewed someone who had been following the money with regards to the masking of our children in schools, and these massive amount of incentive dollars that were going to each local school in Oregon in our in our situation, if they would enforce the masking policies, otherwise, they lost. I mean, the amount of money was obscene. I mean, yes, it was like beyond their total budget that they would ever have imagined. Suzanne Gallagher 54:33 So yeah, sounds like blackmail money, isn't it? Dr. Paul 54:36 Absolutely. Yeah. So So you and I have become aware of these things. I mean, you're way ahead of my understanding of what's going on in the schools. What do you suggest? The listener here who's a parent? Perhaps they're not really aware of the extent to which things have become what they are. This happens so quickly. What What should parents do? Suzanne Gallagher 54:59 It's So I encourage anyone to take a look at this before they put their kids in school. Okay, number one. And the easiest way to do that, well right now is to come to our event, spend a day, they're not going to get everything, you know, we can't cover it all in one day. It's unbelievable. But visit our website, on just under the main banner, there is an icon, our summit is coming up. It's on Saturday, the sixth of August. Come and listen. And that's a great way to get an introduction on sometimes we just need to be sat down and you know, have to pay attention. Dr. Paul 55:40 Your events is here in Oregon, is there an option for people to attend? Virtually? Suzanne Gallagher 55:47 No, we need him to be there. But afterward, we will, you know, we will, we are going to video, record all of the speakers. And we'll make that available at our website. So we usually do do that. Fantastic. They can watch the videos from last year, get started with that they're all there right there. Watch them with some other parents. It's a great, you know, it's a great way to learn. And I also do a podcast. I'm just ready to launch one for tomorrow. And it's great for parents, it's great for me, because you don't have to, you can be doing several things at once, which most people do nowadays anyway. And then we'll give you an overview. So we touch on Gosh, I've done almost 150 podcasts now on all these different subjects. And they're not more than 20 minutes long. Dr. Paul 56:40 Fantastic. And your podcasts are available at parents rights and ed.org. Suzanne Gallagher 56:44 Yep, you can just click on the link and then or listen to it on. Let's see, I think it's on Apple and Spotify and you know, the main platforms for podcasts? Dr. Paul 56:54 Fantastic. Yeah. Well, this is just so important that you were able to get on the show here and parents, please, just as I've been trying to bring you information about health freedom and informed consent, become informed about what's going on in your kids schools. If you just sort of assume that everything's okay. You may experience what I went through. When my kids graduated from college, local Portland State College, I realized that I had actually lost the heart and soul of my kids to some extent, sorry, that they had become very clearly a part of a system that was nothing like the family unity that they came from. Wow, Suzanne Gallagher 57:43 I'm sorry to hear that. It's, Dr. Paul 57:46 you know, we're all we're all in this incredible world trying to work it out. After somewhere that there are forces out there that are not looking out for our best interests, either as family units or as social, socially connected, loving individuals. There are some big money interests that are sort of behind the scenes, messing with things and so this is a great opportunity to become aware. Suzanne Gallagher 58:12 Absolutely. Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me on today. Dr. Paul 58:22 Dr. Paul, thanks for watching the show. Please visit doctors and science.com There you can access our members only section. This show is member supported. We don't have to take sponsors. We don't have to have anybody controlling the content of our show. This is a huge perk. Most people aren't aware of your membership gives you access to my eBooks, transcripts of every show PowerPoints from talks I'm giving around the country and live bonus peeks at behind the scenes work. We're doing my off the cuff thoughts and reviews on current events. Your support makes all this possible. Thank you. Help me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors in science.com. I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. And let's make this the weekly show the nation has been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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