PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:00
Dr. Paul Welcome to against the wind doctors and signs under fire. My guest today is Dr. Peter McCullough, one of my true living heroes. He's just published a new book The courage to face COVID. He's going to cover the recent challenges to his license from this medical specialty board. And we talk everything COVID asked him the question, What's worse, the COVID illness or the COVID? Vaccine injuries? How safe are these shots? What about safety? What about efficacy? Can we eliminate the spike protein? What's once it's been introduced into the body? And how do we help the COVID injured he's got information on all of that and more this is a science filled our fasten your seat belts. Bernadette closes it out with heroes in the news. This is kind of interesting, because she's taking us from Wakefield to big tree. Yours Truly and many others enjoy the show. Dr. Pol from the heart. Today I'm touching on a topic of compassion and judgment. I have historically been very challenged in this area of judgment. I just tended to be judgmental. I didn't mean to be. It's just I don't know how I was raised. Maybe I'm not sure but it was something I would fall back on and then realize later, Oh, this isn't good. It's not healthy for the individual. Compassion cannot coexist with judgment. And I want to be compassionate. Our world needs more compassion. It just is separating and distancing people and we can't be loving and compassionate. We have a guest on this show today. Dr. McCulloh, who Oh my goodness, this man exemplifies courage, honor and compassion. He's willing to share what ever the truth is, whatever the knowledge and wisdom he has from his position and the fact that he is one of the most published people in the world of COVID in the world of cardiology, immunology and how it relates to infections. And he puts his license at risk, great risk to his career and everything that he's built up to this point in time. That is something to be proud of, to encourage to uplift and to support. So we share here on against the wind. With love and compassion. We leave it up to you to be the one who judges this information determine for yourself if this is something important to you, because my heart goes out to you, you the viewers, and it's time we have to wake up for our children parents wake up we don't have much time. Welcome Dr. Peter McCullough to against the wind is so great to have you back on the show. Thanks for having me. You're gonna have to bear with me. I want our viewers to understand the magnitude of the man in front of me, folks, this guy is one of my true living life heroes. There's only a handful of them who are walking the earth who are doing such incredible work. Dr. McCall is an internist, a cardiologist and epidemiologist. He's managed cardiovascular complications of both viral infections injuries after the vaccines working from Dallas, Texas. Since the beginning, you jumped right in there as a leader in the medical response to COVID 19. And you published pathophysiological basis and rationale for early outpatient treatment. You synthesized a whole plan ambulatory plan for those infected with SARS cov. Two and published that in the American Journal of Medicine, subsequently in the reviews in cardiovascular medicine, and I know I've used that outline in that booklet, that guideline that you helped put together, it's been so helpful for the rest of us. You have dozens of peer reviewed publications on the infection. And you've commented extensively on the medical response to the COVID 19 crisis, the hill America out loud Fox News. And then you've done a bunch of testifying back in November of 2020. You are in front of the US Senate committee and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. The last couple years you testified at the Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services. Colorado General Assembly, New Hampshire Senate, Pennsylvania Senate, South Carolina said I don't know how you do all this. And you've really been leading the charge and trying to have people do common sense response here. You've co moderated and testified in the US Senate panel, the COVID-19 a second opinion chaired by Senator Ron Johnson, and you've reviewed 1000s of reports not to speak of those so many scientific papers you yourself have written and of course I'm really excited. I just ordered my copy your you've just published a book courage to face COVID-19 I see it behind you. That's exciting, preventing hospitalization and death while battling the biopharmaceutical complex. So my gosh, it's such a privilege to have you here. I would usually get to this later, but this book is just out. Maybe just tell us a little bit about this book. Dr. Peter McCullough 4:55 Well, thanks for that wonderful introduction. It's great to be back with him. Of course you and I have four We're live on stage together at programs. And it's it's a situation where I think every doctor who's asked to render an opinion and analyze data because it's a crisis should do. So everything that you mentioned, Paul was by invitation. I didn't ask for any of it. It's by invitation. Dr. McCulloh, can you help out? Well, let me tell you, the one thing I did do with John leak, True Crime author is we've worked for the last year quietly, to put together a narrative, a story that explains in a story format, with a beginning, a middle and an end, a complex reality that I think many across the world when they read it, it will fall into the understanding, in a sense, a sense of shock, and essentially a sense of alarm, that doctors yourself, myself or others, that in fact, we could treat the infection. We had innovated, we did the best we could with available sources of data. We publish the best we could, we certainly engaged in scientific discourse to try to find the right course, what shocked us is that we were suppressed, we are actually intentionally blocked from saving patients. And as a consequence, patients were hospitalized and sadly, some died. John League is a meticulous author is already a best seller. You know, he interviewed all the people he interviewed cases of survival where people survived and others who were family members didn't. He has gone all the way on this. I did the medical parts, that readers will recognize all these characters, these characters that really played a role in the last two years how the White House reached out to me and then the US Senate, all the various twists and turns. Paul, there's a chapter when my dad got COVID in a nursing home and I was faced with a decision. Do I follow the government guidelines and let the virus slaughter my dad? Or do I step into jumping into action and saving his life? I think everyone can understand there is a duty to treat, there's always been a duty to treat. John Lake uses the uses that they analogy. If a man falls overboard and high seas, there is a duty to throw out that life ring. You know, it may not have been tested in randomized trials. It may it may not work, it may not work. But in fact, you can we can't sit on the deck and say, you know, there's not enough evidence. It's just not enough. Notice, we'll just let him drowned. While we try to figure out if there's enough evidence you use the library. Doctors have always had the duty to Paul, and shockingly, so many doctors abrogated their duty. Dr. Paul 7:53 Yeah. Now I had a very close friend of mine hospitalized in March of 2020, is one of the first cases in Oregon almost died. He refused to be intubated. It was so difficult for me to I didn't have privileges. I'm a pediatrician. He's an older guy, to get those Doc's to even give him vitamins. I mean, it was just insane. He thankfully survived. And then we now know it's so treatable. You've experienced, I knew this was coming, buddy. You're such an amazing scientist, and you're just at the top of your game, but you're willing to speak the truth. And you know, I've been living in that world where as a pediatrician, vaccines is something I've had to deal with. And when I started seeing vaccine side effects, you know, DEC, two decades ago, I started waking up to the fact Well, there's a risk benefit here. And, you know, you hadn't been I don't think in your typical world having to worry about that. And then all of a sudden, you try to do the right thing and what have you experienced and how have you handled that as somebody who who was so at the top of like I said in your field, Dr. Peter McCullough 9:01 I can tell you through the course of my career, my personal life, I never questioned vaccines, you know, I assumed they were safe and effective. It wasn't my area of research. And, you know, when I was asked to support a vaccine, like the 13 valent pneumococcal vaccine and adult medicine, I did so, or when I was asked to take the influenza vaccine, I did so, but since all of this has happened, Paul, I've actually called to question even those vaccines. And I my Twitter feed p underscore McCullough MD, I just, I just, you know, present the data, the publication's the vaccine efficacy for the 13 valent pneumococcal vaccine in terms of protection against hospitalization and death is 9%. Paul nine. Dr. Paul 9:49 I am not surprised that the strains have changed anyway. Dr. Peter McCullough 9:53 Right. So 9% eat no that's even through the period of time when it should have covered they The vaccine efficacy for this year's influenza vaccine, which I took, which I took last year. Yeah. 16%. Paul? Yeah. Now, now standard conventional acceptance criteria is something that would be acceptable that you would actually, you know, consider would be at least 50% and vaccine efficacy and should last at least a year. Yeah. So these are nowhere close to being acceptable products in modern medicine. And those are, those are just two that people would consider uncontroversial. But you know, what? Doctors lives and our knowledge and our analyses of things change as the science changes, and based on those contemporary results, I'm dropping them they're no longer supportable to practice for myself. Yeah. Dr. Paul 10:52 And of course, you're aware of the call it a trick where you use relative risk reduction instead of absolute risk reduction. And we don't do true prospective long term all health outcome trials comparing vaccinated unvaccinated. So it's it, the data is so skewed towards trying to make the vaccine look like it's helpful when in matter of fact, so often it isn't. Dr. Peter McCullough 11:16 Well, there's a whole series of biases. Some of them use what's called negative controls, double negative controls, case control studies. They all work to inflate the treatment effect of vaccines, and also the, you know, the observation that, you know, a vaccinated person may behave differently than an unvaccinated person. You know, for instance, there may be other factors that influence the proclivity for hospitalizations, vaccines are such big business pop, we must demand large randomized trials that are conclusive. I mean, they have to be convincing before I would consider another vaccine for for anybody at this time. Dr. Paul 12:05 So if I remember correctly, you even got a COVID vaccine back in the beginning? Dr. Peter McCullough 12:11 No, you know, Paul, I never took one because I was a, you know, an early COVID-19 Casualty if you I was treating patients. And in 2020, I developed COVID-19. I had some pulmonary involvement. But I was, you know, I was on an FDA approved protocol, where I took some drugs and sequence combination I got through the illness, my wife did as well. And I'll never forget that when the vaccines rolled out, I'm at my office. I'm a big academic medical center. And, you know, I got text messages. You know, Dr. McCulloh, when when do you want to schedule your time to get a vaccine? And I didn't answer and then it kept going and going, he kept kept getting more messages. Finally, somebody said, Listen, are you going to take one of these vaccines? I said, No, I already had the virus, it's too late. The vaccines are only indicated for someone who has not had COVID in an attempt to prevent COVID. And even at that juncture in December of 2020, people were actually, you know, they were violating that that clinical indication, all medical products have to be medically necessary and clinically indicated whether their emergency use authorized or not medically necessary means that there is some impending danger where the doctor really thinks is necessary to take it. And then clinically indicated means it has to fall into the clinical indications that the randomized trials used to include patients in the trials that would only be at that time adults, who, again, didn't have COVID. And, you know, had a desire to prevent COVID it strictly excluded pregnant women, women of childbearing potential COVID recovered and suspected COVID recovered. So for my Well, at that time, sure, children weren't study. So I can tell you at product release, already, and you know, within the first week of release, a poll, you know, the what happened, there were actually 1000s of pregnant women who took the vaccine, they're actually encouraged to do so. Historians will we will record this in history, we have never taken an emergency use product that was not clinically indicated not medically necessary, and just violated that line of inclusion exclusion for clinical trials and gave a completely experimental injection with no assurances on safety at all. None. To a pregnant woman and the innocent fetus and newborn never. Yeah. And when we think about that, that was an immediate, that was an immediate violation of right Kotori science and law regulations say strictly along the lines of clinical trials, they were they were thrown out the day that they COVID-19 vaccines were released. Dr. Paul 15:10 And I imagine you've been following what's just been happening with the regulatory agencies approving this for kids now down to six months. Dr. Peter McCullough 15:18 We have a situation let's take Pfizer, for example. The FDA just approved Pfizer, six months to age five years. Meantime, Pfizer has court ordered documents revealing 1223 deaths after release of their vaccine within 90 days. So the FDA instead of asking Pfizer to explain how did these people die? And how can we protect more Americans from dying more people worldwide? Instead be this is the FDA, the FDA is it turns a blind eye to court ordered safety documents and approves the Vaccines for Children, you know, historically that historians will record what's what's really malfeasance This is wrongdoing by those imposition of authority, John Leake in our book, courage to face COVID-19 John Lake calls it mass negligent homicide. Dr. Paul 16:19 Yeah, it's incredible. So what's your guests or thought about this? Do you think the COVID illness at this point or the COVID vaccines are the bigger problem? Dr. Peter McCullough 16:30 The COVID vaccine vaccines for sure. And you know, especially in children, paper by house and colleagues published in MWR, December 31. Issue 2021 recorded the side effects in children taking the vaccine. And importantly, as the parents do the VINCI safe system, and I was astonished to find out how the parents were reporting children incapacitated after receiving the vaccine for several days mean literally, they couldn't go to school, they're very sick. And then in the registrational trials published in New England Journal of Medicine by Frank and Walther ages 12 to 17, and ages five to 12, for look in the safety data, and the figures, that kids get far more sick with taking the vaccine than they ever would with COVID. And in those papers, there was no hospitalizations and deaths, so there's no protection for those outcomes. And very importantly, there's no mention of reducing spread to anyone. So by vaccinating the child, it doesn't influence the family unit up doesn't influence the classroom doesn't influence safety of teachers. You know, some in some ways, I thought maybe those encouraging vaccination of children were using the children as human shields. Now, that's a diabolical thought, like an attempt to use a child and innocent child as a shield to protect others. But even that type of gruesome aim, if that, indeed is the case, is not fulfilled, because the data doesn't support Dr. Paul 18:01 it. Yeah. It's it's just all risk and no benefit. Dr. Peter McCullough 18:07 It's true. And, you know, in a recent paper, about COVID, 19, in children that I want to quote for your listeners, and you'll notice, we're gonna get to the board sanction letter that I got, Paul, one of the problems that board is going to have is with my meticulous citation of the data you are, you are the best, we will review that together. Shine and colleagues published in JAMA, a series from 66, pediatric intensive care units pump, and it was just giving a description of the type of children who get hospitalized for a respiratory illness. So 2018 to 2020 1561 children were hospitalized with influenza, influenza, I think the average age was 2.8 years, and the mortality rate was 4.5%. About 12% of the kids went on ventilators. To give you an idea. The majority had heart or lung disease or other illnesses at baseline malignancies, about 5% of kids were on tracheostomy tubes to give you an idea, so that's before COVID. That's just before COVID That that's basically telling you, it happens in this subset of kids across the United States. And you as a pediatrician, I'm sure well aware. Now COVID Paul 2020 to 2021 1959 kids admitted roughly the same time period for COVID 5.4% died and again 12% intubated about the same 5% on you know, on a tracheostomy at baseline. And so what I'm telling you in the shine paper, is that it It's possible for children to be hospitalized even in the ICU 86% of the time, 88% of the time, they don't go on the ventilator. They're simply given some supportive oxygen nebulizers and go home. Those who go on the ventilator, potentially half of them already have a tracheostomy tube. So for a variety of reasons, some actually have to do with neurologic problems from birth, congenital heart disease, etc. It exists. But it's not any different than influenza. It's obviously a terrible thing. And it's not something remember, Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor, in a gross over exaggeration of the Supreme Court said there were scores of children in the ICU and ventilators. She gave a gross over exaggeration. And so the other update I have is, there's already been some real world papers on vaccination of children. There's already been some malware papers, and they're in JAMA recent issues, ones by Dora, but Willa in from New York State database and the other ones by Fleming Dutra, both have shown vaccine efficacy far less than 50%. And basically failure after one or two months, it goes down to 0% protection, so completely useless. So my summary for this children is that it's not medically necessary. That's number one. Number two, not clinically indicated. Number three, no randomised trials demonstrating a clinical benefit. Number four failed Real World Studies Dorabella and Fleming Bucha. Number five, unacceptable side effect profile, even in the short term in the registrational trials and in the CDC safety study. And then I think the big one, a pile number six, no assurances and children none, that this is going to be safe, long term. None. And everything we're learning about these vaccines on the spike protein is bad news. Yeah, Dr. Paul 22:05 I I know you do a deep dive into the science. What do you think about spike protein and possible shedding? I hear stories, but I don't follow the science quite as well as you do. Is that Is that real? Dr. Peter McCullough 22:19 There's only one paper published claiming that they observe shedding and it's it's very, it's very abstract. I don't think as conclusive suggesting immunoglobulin A, which is in the the mucus secretions potentially could have been stimulated by Spike protein from another patient. I don't think it's conclusive. We do know in a paper by Bansal and colleagues at the Spike protein does travel in exosomes, it's actually quickly packaged in the phospholipid layer is interesting, because that may deliver the spike protein to tissues and organs where it causes damage. But it may actually immunologically cloak the spike protein, and explain why the immunity if the antibodies drop off so quickly in those who've taken the vaccine, and then there's a paper by Stephanie sent off a theoretical paper that goes through all the pathophysiology of why shedding could occur. But I think it's almost immaterial. Now our CDC tells us that 82% of Americans have taken a vaccine. They've also they also tell us far more than 50% of Americans have had COVID. So the number of people who either haven't had the vaccine or haven't had COVID are very few out there. And that that corresponds with the zero prevalence studies, zero prevalence studies show when you actually measure really, really good research, great antibody studies. Firstly, everybody has some form of antibody. So if someone came down the street, you know, tomorrow and coughed on on somebody, and some exosomes traveled, I think it's immaterial. At this stage, I don't think shedding is is where we should be focusing our efforts where we should be focusing our efforts is on this new syndrome. And it just happened to the daughter of the US Representative caston. And it's called sudden adult Death Syndrome or you considered, you know, sudden teenager death syndrome and that's death in sleep among those who are vaccinated. Yeah, we had Dr. Paul 24:20 SIDS in pediatrics after vaccine introduction or the after the schedule was expanded in the early to mid 80s. Then, I remember because I was just just coming out of medical school and I was in residency and SIDS was happening all over the place and no explanation. Of course, we now know if you look at the data that most of the SIDS deaths happen within a few days of a vaccine. Very few happen a few days before a vaccine. There's a real correlation with this COVID jab. We're seeing a host of never before seen things. I mean little kids or young adults having heart attacks axon strokes. myocarditis like I've never seen before. I had never seen a case of myocarditis in my 35 years of Pediatrics. I've had a kid hospitalized already, who went and got the jab at a pharmacy. And wow, what what do you think about this disease of rare, this epidemic of rare diseases? Dr. Peter McCullough 25:19 You know, the Pfizer dossier released under court order, I think is still one of the most important documents out there because that's what Pfizer was recording. When they released when they released their vaccine in the market. People are calling up and Pfizer actually had pharmacovigilance professionals taking down the vignettes taken down out of the data, not only to Pfizer record, a shocking number 1223 deaths, it should have been pulled off the market at no more than 50 Yes. In fact, the other products are pulled off the market with a handful of deaths. Not only was not pulled off the market, but Pfizer dutifully recorded 1291 new special adverse events of interest, basically new diseases, Paul, and that's exactly what you're describing the diseases that are caused by the distribution of lipid nanoparticles laced with messenger RNA that codes for the potentially lethal spike protein that was devised in a biosecurity lab in Wuhan. China is extraordinary, that destruction and, and damage that does to the body in such an unpredictable manner. You know, I'm working with some basic scientists, Paul, and I've learned a lot about an important question, a question that Joe Rogan asked me the toughest question I got from Joe Rogan in my record setting interview, you know, when Joe and I sat down, we still we set the all time for the Joe Rogan experience. We even beat Elon Musk. I've told people you know, Elon Musk, Kevin may have a lot of money. But I'm more interesting. Yes, you are. And but there, Joe, here's the question. He said, Dr. McCarthy's vaccines are so bad. how come everybody doesn't get damaged and inside effects? Maybe you know, I wasn't so prepared for that. I said while Joe, it is a side effect, which is hope it shouldn't happen to everybody. It should be relatively rare. But you know what the basic scientists that I'm working with, in a lot of, you know, work groups working every day. Basically, they believe that the messenger RNA is not man if manufactured in a standardized way at all, if they think it's impossible for the messenger RNA to come out of the factory, if you will, the same strand. In fact, that just the physically making of it must have a lot of different base pair substitutions and changes. Number one, it must have humanized segments has been theorized that Pfizer Maderna, have made even up to 120 humanized segments, because the human ribosome would not read a straight foreign messenger RNA. So is certain segments had to be humanized. Number one, that's actually was part of the trick to get the body to read it. But we've been told from the very beginning that messenger RNA is very unstable, is loaded on lipid nanoparticles that had to be super cooled, and then a buffer was changed. It went from almost certainly single use vials in the clinical trials, we ever clinical trials, always one patient per vial, they open it, it's either placebo or, or the active substance. We went from single use files, which is the standard and randomized trials to multi use files in practice. Well, what happens with multi use vials is that they're in and out of the refrigerator, right? So nurses use it, they are putting needles in it. And needles introduce air that can be oxidation, sulfation. And there are many products that actually go bad in multi use files. There wasn't enough time to even test whether or not multi use files was going to be an adequate way to handle such a delicate substance. So the experts are telling me now the answer to the Joe Rogan question is that many people get basically a dud, they get lipid nanoparticles that are broken, the messenger RNA is crumpled, not much gets installed into the body, they may get a sore arm, but they don't get much else. They don't get actually a good genetic installation of the code. But those who do those are the ones that just rip for a case of myocarditis, and recently, in really another shocking paper that I have to a quote, This hit Jama in this week's issue, Paul is really stunning by burled and colleagues burled and colleagues reported on 1700 And I'm sorry, reported on 7750 People who have had intracranial hemorrhage or stroke just in three small Scandinave between countries, three countries 7700 disastrous neurologic events within 28 days of receiving the vaccine, and they carefully censored the data for anybody when they got COVID. So the virus is not implicated. That's up on my Twitter feed. This is stunning. That's an entire legion of people, Paul now who are neurologically devastated. So what we're seeing is these injuries fall into the pattern of FDA recognized problems. So there's cardiovascular which is myocarditis, but there's also an abstract the American Heart Association, using a complex, very valid multi marker assessment called pulse that showed that the vaccines actually trigger heart attacks, they actually trigger after sclerotic heart attacks and strokes and sudden death. In addition to myocarditis, blood clots, so the FDA agrees that the vaccines cause blood clots, all different types of blood clots, all the vaccines do, which, obviously can be devastated when they're in the brain that could be fatal pulmonary emboli. In my clinical practice, Paul, I've seen blood clots in the same arm that the vaccine has received, and the blood clots actually occlude, there's no inflow or outflow to the to the arm would actually have to remove the red. This has happened in two women, we will remove the rib and dig up the blood clot and the arm is never the same afterwards. This is now reported in the literature, Paul, it happens in actually more athletic, younger women. That's what it was in my practice. And the setup for this is actually Thoracic Outlet obstruction. A lot of athletes actually have a narrowed space under the first rib. And it sounds like that's almost certainly what the second best female golfer in the world head Nelly Korda, so this is a disaster. So blood clots is that second carrier third category is hematologic problems. Well described vaccine induced thrombocytopenic purpura, these horrific syndromes and develop a couple of weeks afterwards nosebleeds bleeding, there's clotting and bleeding the same time often fatal. Patients have to spend over a month in the hospital with plasma exchange, steroids, etc. And then immunologic The worst is multi system inflammatory disorder, and then a paper in Lancet describing what happens typically young people, Paul, it puts him on the ventilator. They have injury to the lungs, the heart to kidneys, the brain. I recently spoke at a symposium in Nashville, a young medical system, mother of three, had this syndrome had this syndrome. Now about six months ago, she can barely walk with assistance of canes. She still has a tracheostomy in place, Paul, and she's been ravaged by one dose of Maderna with multi system inflammatory disorder. Overall, we have over 1000 Peer Reviewed papers on fatal and non fatal vaccine injuries. And when my Joe Rogan interview blew up, it went everywhere and went all the way up to the White House. Neil Young Prince Harry Spotify executives, everyone said Dr. McCulloh was spreading misinformation. While there was a communication back and forth between me and the White House, Jen Psaki and you know, I said, Listen, there's 1000 papers, I'll come to Washington, there's 200 on myocarditis. We'll sit down and go over the data, we'll go over the papers one by one, bring the Surgeon General, bring the NA ID director, White House task force people will go over to go. Oh, no, no, the problem wasn't you Dr. McCall. You weren't spreading information. It was really Joe Rogan said the N word a few years ago, we wanted to hit Joe Rogan. So Paul, I can tell you, it is all about the data. We've been precise with our utilization of the data. And you know, it just is not going to stop within an hour from now actually half an hour from now. I'm going to be on Fox News, Dan bungee, no. And Dan's going to ask me questions. And I'm gonna give the answers. And I will cite several papers. And I always do because people can go read the papers themselves. And if there's disagreement, or if I've interpreted something incorrectly, we we can help we can discuss it and, and help settle a common view. That's how it works. You know, Dr. Paul 34:27 you're one of the most rigorous scientists I've ever met. And you can quote, verse chapter and the whole thing. Despite that meticulous nature of yours, you're being challenged by your own medical board, aren't you? Dr. Peter McCullough 34:40 I was shocked to receive this letter, dated May 26, from the American Board of Internal Medicine. And, like you I finished my my primary care internal medicine training in 1991. We are the first year to actually be under continuous maintenance of certification. have actually taken the internal medicine boards now four times I launched my fourth decade of this. I've taken the cardiology boards three times, and I maintain them. Only 4% of cardiologists maintain their medicine boards. But I always did fall because I practiced as an internist. Before I went back into cardiology, and I always maintained my my my scope of practice being very broad, like a pediatrician or a family doctor. And I'm glad I did, because when COVID-19 hit, I was not unfamiliar with dealing with respiratory illnesses with dealing with, you know, working with steroids and antibiotics and a variety of drugs. Even though I you know, I had this cardiology practice, I always broadly take care of the medical problems. So I was ready to rock and roll. And now you know, two years of hard work in the pandemic I've seen more patients ever seen in my entire life. I've published 56 papers on COVID-19 in the peer reviewed literature, then I've published in numerous papers in you know, as a regular contributor by invitation in the hill, American America blog talk radio McCullough report, I've put my thoughts down, both written and in podcast, talk radio format. I mean, I am wide open, people can actually review everything I've said. And you listed by invitation, what I've done for state and federal governmental bodies that have asked for my opinion. I'm going back to the Texas Senate on June 27. In fact, tomorrow when I got to prepare my statement, people are asking me to help this country. And the American Board of Internal Medicine says, Dear Dr. McCulloh, that we have determined that there's a notice of potential disciplinary action, in that, that I have made numerous widely reported disseminated public statements about the purported dangers of or the lack of justification for COVID 19. Vaccines, this seems to be the issue the vaccines, almost as if they shouldn't be questioned Paul, almost as if they are presumed to be safe and effective. And no one can actually review any data. The first five points that they point out, that I've said, was under sworn testimony, where I held up my hand, Paul, and I actually gave my opinion under oath. So this is the first time that I'm aware of that statements under oath now are subject of reprisal by a medical board that maybe has happened before, but under oath. Now they go on to take on other things either in print or in public. And so I have created they sent me this letter. That was it was three pages long Richard Barron, MD, who's a primary care doctor presents to you, someone who does not profess to have any expertise in COVID-19. The members of the this CCC committee which will review things, they in this letter, there is no mention that they have any expertise or medical authority in COVID-19. And they, in this three page letter, he got a response from me that's 22 pages with references and citations, a letter asking them specifically to dismiss it. And then the following day, Senator Ron Johnson sent Richard Baron, a letter from the US Senate, calling him out to meet with me meet with other doctors who want to meet with him, and whoever he wants to bring. And we'll have an open roundtable discussion on the data regarding COVID 19 pandemic response in the vaccines. What do you Dr. Paul 38:57 wish you the best on that? I can almost guarantee they will not be taking you up on your offer. Dr. Peter McCullough 39:03 What well, let me let me tell you what, how Baron has already responded by Twitter, not to me or not to Johnson, but by Twitter. He tweeted that now the American Medical Association is joining forces with the ABIM to root out sources of misinformation. Remember, the individuals in the ABIM letter, they don't seem qualified to actually make any determinations on scientific validity. They wouldn't have a wall in quote, determining information and misinformation. So that's the you know, that's how it goes. So I tweeted out today in a little bit of fun, Paul, I tweeted out, you know, what this sequence of events, and I said, Listen, ama, why don't you go ahead and bring in the American College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology american college of Pediatrics man College of Physicians. Bring them all in. And the little video that went with my tweet was Neo, in the second version of matrix where he He's fighting one, one bad guy after another and they start piling on, he's fighting more and more and more and more, and he's going on. And that's what I feel like right now. I just feel like, you know, why don't you bring it on, but I will fight all of them. You know, this type of thing, Paul does have to be taken to the highest level, and it has to be done very visibly, right? Because this idea that doctors are going to live in this kind of quiet, foreboding censorship and reprisal and be professionally damaged by these societies that, you know, we've paid 1000s of dollars, we've spent, you know, logged hundreds, if not 1000s of hours on their examinations taken their examinations, you know, we they benefit a lot more from board certification than we do. Because they actually have their, you know, their agency associated with our high quality practices. Dr. Paul 40:56 Yeah. Well, good for you. And I'm glad you're still smiling, because man, I would be like, boom, boom, boom. Dr. Peter McCullough 41:04 You would be like, Neo, you'd be fighting off these guys. See my Twitter feed? People love it. Dr. Paul 41:09 Yeah, I've got to take a note out of your pay a page out of your book, for sure. Actually, you should publish your huge 22 page document as an ebook and make it available for free. Because we could all use it. I mean, you're just so well written and you've got all the resources before I lose you, because I know you've got a big other interview to get to. Is there a way for people? So you've got people who have had COVID and are suffering from the illness? But I'm more worried today about the people who are injured by the vaccine. And is there a way to help these folks either to help them get rid of Spike protein or their immune system? What? What do you suggest Dr. Peter McCullough 41:45 there? Well, we can have probably a three day seminar on that. But in short, go to the World Council for health. They have some suggested vaccine injury recovery protocols, and recently the frontline Critical Care Network FLCC dotnet. Dr. America's device when there are no randomised trials, the government is not recognizing and these vaccine injuries we don't have NIH funding. I previously was an NIH funded researcher. None of that's available now to the vaccine injured, so most of its empirical empirical in nature. I am seeing these patients like you are Paul, I had a patient today 38 where I got the MRI back and it lit up like a Christmas tree. She had myocarditis, so I had to call her on a Saturday. You know, I can tell you, I am dealing with these big time syndromes, blood clots in both legs, blood clots in the arms, heart damage, severe neurologic damage, I mean, severe cerebral palsy syndrome, cerebellar syndromes, I saw a gambler, a patient recovering in my office last week, and it may just be that they're seeking me out. So I think these serious syndromes need diagnoses and they need conventional treatments along those lines. But what a lot of people are asking for is, is, you know, they they've had some vaccine injury, but it doesn't fall into a big league category of diagnosis, but they're struggling. You know, common ones are headache, tendonitis, painful neuropathy, these fatigue, hair falling out, you know, there's a horrendous rash that people develop. And it is an urticarial rash. And there was a paper published in JAMA on how to manage, enhance manage, is actually managed with Alma lism AB, which is a monoclonal antibody. So you take a vaccine, and now you have to be committed to monthly monoclonal antibodies to try to imagine afterwards. It's a nightmare. Do you know my co author on my book, John leak on courage to face COVID-19, one of his former girlfriends in the UK took a vaccine, Paul, and she developed another one of these 1200 91 syndromes, which is a lymphomatous reaction in the axilla and in the shoulder, the supraclavicular lymph nodes and then the curricular, cervical lymph nodes, and it became this immense reaction. Many have seen this, I've seen this in my practice, but it became so severe it crushed her carotid artery and she had a stroke as a young woman, Paul, this is a disaster. It is a it is nothing short of a disaster. And each person who takes one is in a sense taking their life and their future into their hands. You know, the issues are injuries, disabilities, which are Korean large numbers and deaths. And then June 11 of 2022. Last week World Council for health which represents over 70 individual organizations all over the world in different countries, World Council for health are based on a pharmacovigilance report, called for a worldwide recall of the vaccines pull them all off the market. 3.5 million Injured 45 40,000 deaths that are certified to the vaccines. That's what the countries are owning up to is 40,000 deaths or could be scores more Panthers adverse and settlement from Columbia. They had the US number at 287,000 Americans upper limit a confidence interval Paul died. And that's concordant with what we're seeing in life insurance. Just yesterday, Lincoln national reported a 63% Excess rate of death claims for employed people in their plans. This is astronomical. The only new thing that happened in 2021 is the COVID-19 vaccine. Dr. Paul 45:39 Yep. That's astounding. One last question. And I'll let you go after I also get you to share your final thoughts. But do you have people in your world whether they're colleagues, family members, friends, who just don't get it? And if so, how do you? How do you communicate with them? Dr. Peter McCullough 46:01 The New York Times two weeks ago, had a piece front page, they claimed that 35% of Americans have not taken a COVID 19 vaccine, or they're not going to take a booster. The CDC is telling us that 18% of Americans who haven't taken a vaccine that I'm in that category didn't take the vaccine. So that's 18 and 17%, respectively. Those numbers The New York Times feels as very solid. That's 35% of America, they're done with these vaccines, they're done. I think there's another third of America. That is they just don't know, they don't things are not looking good. They're listening to information. And listen, you turn on mainstream TV, you'll see me tonight, you know, in about 17 minutes, you'll see my mainstream TV, and you'll hear my analysis, according to dance questions. And Dan, somebody who took three of the vaccines and, and you know, he's asked me about spike protein damage, and I'm reporting to him the news. So, you know, he's he's obviously concerned, he has the spike protein in his body after vaccination. And then there's another third that's in the trance. And you know, how you can tell when someone is deep into a trance or mass formation? How when Yeah, it's when they've taken the vaccines, you know, sometimes triple or quadruple jabbed, and they get COVID. And they actually thank the vaccine. They say, Gosh, it's so good. I took the vaccine. It could have been worse. How much worse it would have been? Yeah, there's a famous meme where this guy has COVID. He dies. And he says, Thank goodness, I had the vaccine that could have been worse. But recently just put this on a, you know, in front of the camera. Anderson Cooper, CNN CORRESPONDENT triple jabbed Bill Gates, Gates Foundation, big vaccine proponent, you know, one of the co founders, financially for Cepi, the Center for epidemic preparedness and innovation with the World Economic Forum, and they are basically a vaccine business plan. Group. Bill Gates takes for these vaccines, they both get COVID. And they're recovering. And Anderson Cooper, of course, bad move, ask Bill Gates for medical advice. Bill Gates is not a doctor, he doesn't have the authority that I have. And Bill Gates thinks about and goes, you know, even though we've had the vaccines, and we had COVID, we should continue taking these shots. So when you see absurdity, that's actually indicative of the false narrative. They're part of this false narrative, whether it's very intentional, whether or not they're in some type of, of mass formation or trance. I mean, it's hard to, you know, understand motives, but they're in the formation. So people who take the vaccines and get COVID and take more vaccines are people that take vaccines, and they actually get serious side effects and they take more vaccines, you can tell that they're not thinking correctly, that actually could be a third of the country. So but with with 1/3 over 1/3 Duggan now saying, Listen, it's not happening. The vaccine program is essentially over with right now, a third of the country is saying it's not happening. And there's no level of threat that matters B but people have already lost their job, Paul, they've they're already fed up with this, there are vaccine rallies. Because of so many people in the working age range dying there are so many jobs open people could just change jobs. So while I'm gonna lose my job, I'm gonna take a vaccine find find and find a better job. Same thing with kids in school, they can transfer to other schools. So you're gonna see market forces gravitate, so many companies have dropped the vaccine mandates Paul, you know, Starbucks, United Airlines, American Airlines. IBM, you know, FedEx you can go on and on an odd just dropping on like, like, like hot potatoes, Amazon MGN dropped it just dropped it. Because, you know, the bottom line is people don't want them. I don't know anybody wants a vaccine. You know, people are holding freedom. allies, you and I have spoken at Freedom rallies, people actually want data on COVID-19. They actually, they want to cheer for how freedom. There's no vaccine rallies going on. There's no vaccine gala events. No one's celebrating these things. It's a really dark, horrible time. And recently, Stefan ban Zell CEO of Maderna, which should grin he told the viewers, millions of doses are now going to be wasted because no one wants the vaccines Pfizer Maderna together. Yes. So the bottom line, it's all going for waste. You know, at this point in time anyway, it doesn't matter if they approved it for children or not. Paul doesn't matter. You know, we have a guaranteed constitutional right of free speech. And in fact, many places under case of law, this would be considered a slab a strategic lawsuit, if you will, for participation on a public topic. We are actually entitled to speak in public on a topic of importance to the nation, we are seeing a loss of personal freedom censorship is a signal that freedoms are being taken away, like my freedom, for instance, to speak freely, and speak freely and responsibly on a topic where, you know, I cite the data. I'm not talking about people's personal lives or things of this nature. You know, it's a very professional discussion in a public forum as you and I have done across the nation. You can follow me at my Twitter feed P I. First of all, I have a link tree now which is Peter McCullough. md.com. And that will take you to all the social media to the book, America out loud talk radio, Twitter, gutter, Rumble all the different things so link trees are really useful Peter McCullough MD, my Twitter feed is hot p underscore McCullough MD, I put out papers every day, as well as original videos, largely of you know my activities, people want to follow me. And then of course, people do want to listen to America out loud talk radio McCullough report that comes out every Saturday and Sunday. It's very hot. It goes it has encore twice on each day. Then it hits the apple I heart iPad platform on Tuesdays. I give an interview at least one or two people every show all over the world. And I always have a music segment that Eric Clapton helped me start. I know you're a Clapton fan. He's a great guy. He reached out to me in Dallas, and he said, Why don't you have some music? And and why should I say why should I do this? It's a scientific he was because music tells people of what's going on in the contemporary, you know, the contemporary milieu that we're in, and he was so right. So here's his first song. He has a couple songs where he said, You know, we've had enough you know, that great song. So that was the first song for the McCullough report. Dr. Paul 52:53 Wonderful. Thank you, Dr. McCulloh, folks, check out all his resources and stay connected. This is where you get the best science right? On your computer. Right to your eyes, right to your heart. Have a great one. All right, Bobby. Good. You too. Welcome, Bernadette. So great to have you back in our be the new segment. You have an interesting idea for what you wanted to talk about today. And I'm gonna let you present that idea. Bernadette Pajer 53:26 Okay. Yeah. Well, I want to have a conversation with you Dr. Pollan, very, very important one. So this whole vaccine safety reform movement, medical freedom, informed consent movement has been going on for decades. And there are some amazing individuals who you and I consider heroes. In fact, I consider you to be one of those heroes. Thank you. Individuals who saw truth, saw problems saw injustice. And despite facing huge obstacles and facing things that, you know, threatened their career, and reputations, they stood up and spoke anyway. So I'm talking about Dr. Andrew Wakefield, you know, just he was my Dr. Paul 54:11 first I was a board certified, you know, American Dartmouth Medical School trained pediatrician. And it was that article he wrote in 1999. I think I read it in 2000, or even 2001. And I just wasn't keeping up with the literature that he just did a case series of, I don't know about 10 kids who are in his pediatric gastroenterology practice, who are showing these incredible, horrific GI symptoms. So he recorded it, he did it. He designed a study, they researched it, they published it. And for me, it was like, oh, vaccines might be causing autism. So we were just starting to see this uptick in autism. And nobody knew what it was about why it was happening. We're all throwing up our hands. It's just coincidence. Maybe it's environmental. Maybe it's genetic and And, and the perseverance of that man to just present what he knew to be the case, the facts, the science, and to the point of about a decade of of horrific. After him non stop, they took away his license. In fact, to this day, there's no a verb, the urban dictionary to be Wakefield ID is to have the system that supports the status quo. Go after you and remove your license, your ability to practice your trade, because you stood up for what was known, truthful, Bernadette Pajer 55:35 it's happening now it's happening to Dr. Peter McCullough, it's happening to a doctor right here in Tennessee that I know it's happening to many, many doctors. And so we look at Barbara loe, Fisher, Dr. Suzanne Humphreys. Why I'm kind of going blank, there was another name that was right there at the tip of my tongue. Dr. Paul 56:00 So Barbara loe Fisher was in IVC, right, the National Vaccine Information Center Vaccine Information Center, which to this day is one of the best resources to go state by state and find out what the rules the laws, you know, where you can get involved. And she's a powerful speaker. I've heard her speak many, many times. Now she speaks about how early on, they were trying to support the act of 1986 that granted immunity to the insurance companies. I'm sorry, the vaccine manufacturers, because people who didn't have money couldn't get any compensation so that well, at least they'll get some compensation. But of course, we now know. And she now says, That was a huge mistake, because it removed liability from pharmaceutical companies for all vaccines, basically, certainly ones that make it onto the childhood schedule. Fast forward to COVID. And this massive push to get it on the childhood schedule, which we're seeing happen. And it's just a license to kill because they don't have to make safe products. They don't have to prove that they're safe. And they don't have any liability if someone's harmed. Bernadette Pajer 57:07 Yeah. And then Dr. Suzanne Humphreys years ago jumped into the ring. Dr. Paul 57:14 were bullied dissolving illusions. When I read that it was like, Oh, my goodness, even things like polio. So my mom, one of my early on one of the older nurses that worked for me, well, you have to give the polio vaccine Dr. Pol, I mean, that saved the world. But when you read that book dissolving illusions, and you see that what really happened was the flush toilet that solved the polio dilemma. And some some trickery that the system public health officials did with just sort of nomenclature and changing definitions and things like that. Bernadette Pajer 57:47 Right. Yeah. And then Dr. Sherry Tenpenny. I know a lot of parents, you know, they got true information to make informed decisions. And that saved a lot of kids who are totally vaccine free because they learned the facts. I mean, if you go back, really everything, the advertisement of vaccines being safe, effective, unnecessary is a marketing message. And it completely excludes the benefits of natural immunity. And it neglects the fact that early treatment protocols, save lives, and gives you the benefit of naturally acquired immunity, which is always more broad, more durable, more protective, and safer. So we've got these great heroes and then enter with COVID. We have this groundswell of heroes, we've got all the FLCC doctors, they nfld as doctors, in every community, we have doctors who are putting their licenses on the line, to stand up and speak the truth. And we're we, we honor them, we we go see them, we send them money to support them. And that's all well and good. But Dr. Paul, the most important thing that I want to talk to you about today. If each of us as individuals in our lives, does not also stand up and speak to the people in our immediate lives, all of their sacrifice will be in vain. Because they cannot do it alone. Yes, we need the inspiration of the leaders and and if they've got an MD or a PhD after their name, it helps give this legitimacy to the messaging it helps escalated up, it helps bring it to the point where we're going to be able to really make change. But if we're still too afraid in our own lives, to talk to have the conversation with our own mothers, with our siblings, with our friends, with our fellow our co workers, if we're not out there living the truth in our own little world Thought, then what are they sacrificing for? So I it takes a lot of moral moral courage, I understand it is as emotionally challenging to approach somebody you know, who you know is on the opposite side of this issue. And to try to have open dialogue, as it is for you to stand up in front of a crowd of 1000. With your career on the line, it feels the same. Dr. Paul 1:00:26 Yeah, it is so challenging folks. And we need to band together, we can no longer let fear and fear mongering and lies, rule our lives. When we have all the information we need. We know what's right, we know what's true, we know what we need to do. And it's now time for us to band together, Bernadette Pajer 1:00:47 it is time to band together and and study your favorite heroes in this journey. You know, let's go back to Wakefield. Because I have seen Dr. Wakefield, have people hurl all sorts of things at him. He is so classy, he stays calm. He stays peaceful, he stays in his truth. And he does not let that anger show. He's passionate. But he stands in his truth. And he will step back, you know, and that's what we need to do find the people in this movement that you really respect and find courage to model their behavior. So that you've got those, those tools with you when you go to confront that relative, you know, with your truth with the information and ask for open dialogue. Dr. Paul 1:01:36 And as Andy Wakefield was say, he's a good friend of mine now. When I questioned him about how do you keep your composure and you just seem so at peace, when you're just being attacked is this Paul and I feel the same way when I when I share this. What we're going through is nothing, nothing compared to these parents who have severely damaged children, autism that just triggered immediately, sometimes by a vaccine, or a series of vaccines. And they've got life long 24/7 care of a child who's in pain, who's suffering, it's for the children. And I say that to all of you listening. We have to do this for the children. And we have to do it now. Bernadette Pajer 1:02:16 Yes, exactly. Thank you, Dr. Paul. Thanks, Bernadette. Dr. Paul 1:02:19 Dr. Paul, thanks for watching the show. Please visit doctors and science.com There you can access our members only section. This show is member supported. We don't have to take sponsors. We don't have to have anybody controlling the content of our show. This is a huge perk most people aren't aware of your membership gives you access to my eBooks, transcripts of every show PowerPoints from talks I'm giving around the country and live bonus peeks at behind the scenes work. We're doing my off the cuff thoughts and reviews on current events. Your support makes all this possible. Thank you. Help me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors and science.com. I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. And let's make this the weekly show the nation has been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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