PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:00
Dr. Pol here welcome to against the wind doctors in science under fire. Today's show features an interview with Dr. Christiane Northrup, we had her once before, it was one of our most powerful interviews and it's this is another one you're not gonna want to miss one moment. She highlights what's going on with menstrual irregularities in women get this knot who've had the COVID Jab, but who've been around someone who's had the COVID, jab, incredible. And then the fact that there are bad batches. We've known this from other vaccine research in the past, but there are bad batches of COVID vaccines. And you can see where to go to figure out if you happen to have gotten a bad batch. There's an impact on fertility that we've never seen before with COVID vaccines. And we talk about where do we go as humanity? Where do we go in medicine, because of everything that's happened the last couple years. And finally, I stumbled on a course that she offers called dodging energy vampires, I could barely stop watching it. I just had to stop so we could do this show. So you'll learn about how to go get a hold of that course, her book of the same title. We then have an amazing discussion with I love their name, Mama Bear and power bear, Kimberly and Jonathan. They are a couple who faced vaccine injury and then had to face what do we do about the COVID jabs and because of Papa bears career, he was on a different place on a different page and how they finally came together. And it shows the love of just being with each other and honoring one another as you figure this out, it will be helpful in your journey if you've had a struggle with your spouse or somebody you care about. And Bernadette closes it out are in the news segment. This time is about self education. Where do you go to get good information? She highlights places like AIPAC, children's health defense, the defender, and others. Enjoy the show. Dr. Paul, from the heart, my topic for you today is love and truth. Now, about a year ago, I wrote a memo in my phone. I don't remember the exact day. But I wrote once in touch with my soul. I can't ignore my own truth. You see, I was lost in ego. I was day after day after day going into patient rooms having the answers needing to have the answers. And I guess at some point, I really started to think I was all that. And that wasn't a good place to be. Because I lost my soul. I really was not in touch with me and who I was and what I was about and my purpose here on this earth. So when love and truth was where I wanted to be. And I got my soul in line with that. My world's been so different what a year it's been. I had a recent donor here and against the wind, we have an option for an annual membership. So I just got this letter today and I was opening it up. There's a nice little check with this 4950 To be an annual member, and then an extra little bonus gift to support our work. But the note touched my heart. They wrote I shall pray a hedge of protection around you and all who seek and speak the truth. Wow, that's powerful. So you're going to see you later in today's episode my interview with Dr. Christiane Northrup, she is a light in a dark world. And I remember as she was closing the interview with me and I was asking her about the value and importance of love as we heal our world. And she added No, Paul, it's love and truth. That's my message folks. We don't want to lose the fact that truth is so important when there's so much misinformation out there. In fact, it's kind of ironic. Dr. Christiane Northrup is one of the disinformation 12. And yet she voluntarily gave up her license her medical license so that she could just speak the truth and not worry about them coming down on her for that. We're living at a time where truth is really being twisted all around. The truth is singular. Meaning in any given instance, there's one truth and everything else is some permutation of that that's probably got some twists and turns or downright falsehoods or lies. I urge you to stay with love. Stay with the truth. Find it, seek it and share it. I'm Dr. Paul welcome Dr. Christiane Northrup, what a treat it is to have you back on against the wind. So you're an OBGYN by background. You're a women's health expert. you've authored many books, and written extensively on women's health. So I wanted to go there. What are you seeing with regards to menstrual issues with women who've had COVID or the COVID shot Dr. Christiane Northrup 5:00 or have just been around someone who had the COVID shot. Dr. Paul 5:04 I've heard that too. So you can definitely touch on that as well. Dr. Christiane Northrup 5:07 This is where it all started. So in April of 2021, we were getting all these reports of women bleeding and children 18 month old babies, bleeding vaginally, just from being around recently vaccinated grandparents. And so we began, we said, we got to study this. And there was a Facebook group with 20,000 women, maybe more reporting on what was going on. They hadn't had the shot, but they were just having all this menstrual problem. Facebook removed it, of course. And then I was out in at Clay Clark's first save America tour thing in Tulsa, Oklahoma, sitting next to an engineer named Warren geek, I kid you not in Tulsa, Oklahoma at the clay Clark event. He has three three daughters, beautiful daughters, and he was getting concerned about their reproductive health with the shot and they weren't in school, they were homeschooled. And I talked to him about that we needed to study this. And he had the computer background to the database. And so he stepped forward to do that. And then we got, we set up a survey called My cycle story. And we had almost 10,000 people fill out the survey and we just published the results. We got Jim Thorpe involved in maternal fetal medicine guy out of Florida, we have children's health defense. So a whole group has finally gotten together to parse through this database. We decided for the first round to focus on one thing decidual cast, shedding to where the entire inside of the uterus just falls out. Can you see that? Yeah, yeah, yeah, so that's like the inside of the uterus, but it's, there's first days and days of cramping and pain. Now, in the whole world literature, there's only been 10 cases reported, because it seems to be associated with a really traumatic event. We had nearly 300 reported. Dr. Paul 7:34 Wow. And these were in vaccinated women or Dr. Christiane Northrup 7:38 just unvaccinated who just been around round, my goodness and parents. And so we had to come up with this whole shedding thing. Like, what are people shedding and we know, you get the shot. It's 50,050 Billions by proteins. Not all shots are bad, by the way. So we'll go into that 50 billion spike proteins in a shot if you get one of the bad ones. And those don't stay in the muscle. We were told they do. Right? They go into the bloodstream, which means that they get into then all the humoral secretions, mucus, vaginal secretions, semen, sweat, exhaled air, all of it. Yeah. So that's, that's what happened. We've had reports of baby girls hemorrhaging vaginal. And we know we know that this stuff sheds, because we've seen reports from 2015. They knew they knew that this was happening. Dr. Paul 8:49 Wow. That is very concerning. Dr. Christiane Northrup 8:54 Yeah. And then there's Dr. Nick, AZ out of out of Canada, who talks about the genetics. So if you're a pregnant woman, and you get the shot and you give birth to a daughter, she may be okay. I mean, the pregnant woman may be okay, the daughter looks normal. But the spike protein gets in her ovaries and gives her premature ovarian failure would be the offspring of the woman who got the shot who suffer. Dr. Paul 9:29 Yeah, so we're gonna have a whole generation of massive infertility issues. Dr. Christiane Northrup 9:34 And we saw that with Gardasil, by the way. Yes, we did. Sure did. Given that with the COVID shot, you still don't have informed consent because we still don't know what's in it. Yeah, we know that sm 102 is in it luciferase. And then there's lipid nanoparticles. And those go they have 64 times more concentration in the ovaries than any other tissue. Wow. Which is why, by the way, I am starting a dating site for unvaccinated people. That is Dr. Paul 10:08 so smart. I was at a conference speaking, I think it was actually at one of the clay Clark events that I was speaking at, and met this beautiful family. And they had three daughters who were 1618 and 21. And yeah, they're not dating. They're wondering, no, we can't go there. And we're asking them well, you know, what is the prospects for how you move forward with this? And, and they were really clear headed young women, they just said, Oh, right up front. This is the number one issue. It's a different world we're in. I'm not going to date anybody who was vaccinated. Dr. Christiane Northrup 10:44 It's a beautiful thing, because this is going to save humanity. And talk about the Darwin Awards. I mean, the people who could see this, who didn't fall for it, who didn't get hypnotized are different. You and I have been different. For years. I Dr. Paul 11:00 mean, for some time. Dr. Christiane Northrup 11:03 Like, I didn't vaccinate my own kids, they might have had one or two. Dr. Paul 11:08 You were ahead of me on that one. I was brainwashed for a bit too long there as a pediatrician, but I thankfully finally figured out what was going on. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So I think you mentioned something about lots that there might be bad batches. Yeah, I've read something about that. But you might have more data or information for us. Dr. Christiane Northrup 11:30 If you want to know you can actually see your lot number. How bad is my badge.com? Wonderful. And so the thing to remember, though, is the boosters are going to be different. So just if you're listening to this, and you had one shot and you go and you check, you know, I missed it, but don't get any more of anything. When I tell people no shingles, no flu, no pneumonia. Just stop stuck. Dr. Paul 12:01 Yeah, yeah, that that is such good advice. I being under board review right now, I'm not allowed to give medical advice, certainly not to my patients. This is an informational show for folks, and you are listening to one of our world's experts, who is taking herself out of the board's jurisdiction so she can talk freely and openly the rest of us don't have that luxury without a massive penalty to pay. But I completely agree with you. It's it's not what what we saw happen with Gardasil. And then now this is the the the level of just dishonesty that's going on in our public health arena is unfathomable. I just don't understand. What what what do you think is going on with our suppose it peers who are in public health? Are they really that stupid or ignorant? What's going on? Dr. Christiane Northrup 12:54 No, they're being puppeted by higher up forces. Let me be very frank, if you go back Pfizer is a company founded in Nazi Germany. And it's the same people. We didn't win World War Two, we brought over all of these Nazi scientists with Operation Paperclip. As Dr. Kerry Maday says, look at the Codex Alimentarius. It is a plan for Big Pharma to take over the world and control everything. That's what this is. Yeah, and it's, it's very hard for people to believe it's the same cognitive dissonance right? Where you find out that this man of your dreams, has been having an affair or maybe has a whole other family that you never knew about. And you can't believe that he never loved you. You can't believe it, you've put in 30 years. So what do we have now? Basically, a gag order on all physicians, you are not allowed to say anything bad about the COVID shot, or probably any shot. In fact, one of my friends, a pediatric cardiologist here in Maine, has his license under scrutiny. Listen to this one. Now we know that the shot is associated with myocarditis. Even the mainstream knows that. So he has a 16 year old come into his practice. Mother brought her in chest pain. She had the shot. She wanted to go on a tour with a sports team. Wade says don't do that. Let's wait a month the shots associated with myocarditis. I don't want you to do any damage to yourself. The mother was so angry that he questioned the shot that she reported him and that's why his license is under suspicion. And they're telling him bureau of truth minute History of truth, to take a neuro psych test over $5,200 of his own money. Dr. Paul 15:08 Yeah, no, it's it's the relentless attack on anybody that questions the narrative that vaccines are safe and effective. And I mean, Dr. Christiane Northrup 15:18 you and I were able, we could question a lot of narratives. I mean, I questioned the narrative of immediate cord clamping years and years ago. Yeah, that was heresy. Yep. No, it was heresy. But I Dr. Paul 15:34 think you won that battle. I think we at least partly, I did. Yeah. So thank you for that. So you're a physician who've you've completely been able to move away from the pharma driven health sick model of diagnose and treat this current health system that isn't about health. What is your advice to other physicians? Because most physicians were stuck in that system? Dr. Christiane Northrup 16:00 Yeah, you you are, but I, there is a way out. And it's going to happen? Because we're going to have to take down all of these. What is it called the Federation of State medical boards? Yeah, that's all. They're all run from the top. It's like, you know, the head of a dragon. Yeah. And I think when everyone gets together, Dr. Lee Merritt is working with another doctor. After this is over, I want to give you the name of a lawyer, who does really interesting tort work. So all we need is one state. That gets to discovery. Yeah, the whole scam goes away. And it's a tipping point. So in the meantime, do the best you can to stay in the system and gather data and take care of people. Dr. Paul 16:57 Yes, we have to create a health system with a wellness paradigm. And we probably need a whole parallel system because I don't think we can fix the current one. I think it's Dr. Christiane Northrup 17:06 the current one has to go as Larry Poleski said, We've never had a health care system. What we've had is Rockefeller petroleum based pharmakeia. And they started that, you know, with the Flexner Report and about 9010, where they closed down everything related to health. And you know, so you and I are insiders with MDS from one of the chief cabal places Darknets, which was wonderful, which I loved. Yeah. And now, I don't care if all of it goes away. In fact, when I've looked at Dr. By Maine Medical Center on the hill, that thing is spreading like cancer. Yeah, it gets bigger and bigger. In fact, you know, we trained at the Mary Hitchcock Hospital in Hanover. Now, when you go to Dartmouth Hitchcock, I don't know if you've been back, it is horrific. You can't even find the building you're looking for. You walk in, and there's an iPad. There's no human. There's yet. And you're supposed to be able to figure out where you're going or what from an iPad. The campus is insane. In the middle of the woods. Dr. Paul 18:20 Yeah. No, I was visiting William Parker at Duke University a few years ago. And he toured he toured the campus and it was new, massive research building after massive research building. He says, Paul, this is all pharma money. Yes, it is exploding, they're filling. And these are like 3456 Storey, maybe even taller, huge building says they've filled all these research facilities with doctors paid by pharma says this is not sustainable. Now, this will absolutely collapse, there isn't enough money in the world to sustain this sort of massive growth. It was it was Dr. Christiane Northrup 19:01 also as you know, I mean, the money system, the fiat currency system, and the Federal Reserve is going to collapse. Because it's not based on anything. You know, you read the Creature from Jekyll Island. And I mean, when you sit here, everything that we've been told is true is wrong. But luckily for me, you know, when I was 12, I read everything by Edgar Cayce. You know, I always knew there was something else going on. Dr. Paul 19:30 That's, that's amazing. So we can pivot from there a couple kind of deep questions. Where does humanity go from here? Dr. Christiane Northrup 19:40 Oh, humanity's going to a wonderful place. But what we have to do, you really we're going to create heaven on earth here. And it's exciting. The first thing you got to do. You have to be able to identify the energy vampires in your life so that you don't let them come in and wreck whatever groups you're starting. So let me get Be a very concrete example. So December 29 2020 20, when it was a crime to get together in person, I took Pam poppers advice. And I started a Thursday night group at my house. And we had 20 people. And we were all afraid that the cops were going to come and shut us down imagine, so I would peaceful protest, you know, going on in my house, so that, you know, we would be like BLM, and we would be a peaceful protest. And so we started, main stands up, and we now have about 14 communities 4000 members, and that's just starting from one person. But invariably, we had probably six different people come in and begin to split up the group. You're not doing it right, making people fight with each other. And because I had done so much work on personality disorder and splitting, because that's what they do. They split people apart. I mean, I had a so called Best Friend who tried to split me from my children. That's a bad move. Nobody, you know, Paul, in a primary care practice, 25% of our patients have personality disorders. It's this helped me you can't go from, you know, I mean, I had I know at least 30% of my practice for years. Were borderlines. Oh, thank God, I found you. No one else can help me. Of all people can help me I would impale myself on that. Oh, God, I think outside the box. I'm a little odd, but at least she likes me. Dr. Paul 21:51 Yeah. No, I, I have to tell you, I just stumbled on your course dodging energy vampires. And I, I paid for it readily and happily just reading the summary. It was like, this has been my life lately. You know, this year altruistic, you're optimistic. You're trusting you, you'll compromise yourself for others. And you see your relationships as investments. And of course, you know, you also talked about the agreeableness. Oh my gosh, I am agreeable to a fault. Like I did not want to rock the boat. Not some boats, I'll rock but in my relationships, you know what I mean? So being real empathic and being trusting you get in that wrong relationship that you're describing with personality disorder, folks are just people who are narcissists. boilie when we empaths get gobbled up, and I don't even feel like I have the right to call myself an empath, because I don't know. I don't know if I can self diagnose that. But anyway, Dr. Christiane Northrup 22:56 I will diagnose you, because that's what an empath would do. Oh, God, I don't want to claim a label that I haven't earned. Okay. What you the narcissists will never ever ask if they're a narcissist, but every Empath always will. The Empath will go oh, God, am I acting like that? And of course, the the narcissist will always claim to be an empath. Always. Dr. Paul 23:26 Yeah. Interesting. That course is I highly recommend it. I started it yesterday, and I had a super busy day, or I would have just finished the whole thing in one sitting, I just was spellbound. You present the information. So well. Thank you for putting that out. You have a little backstory on that course. I thought it was brand new, because I just stumbled on it. Dr. Christiane Northrup 23:48 I know what no backstory on that? We did that course I think in 2018, or around in there. Wow. First of all, I was let me just show you the cover of the book I wrote on this dodging energy vampires. And I didn't think that Hay House would publish it because you know, was a little kind of negative, right? And they're more like butterflies and all that. However, I realized this thing had the thing had to be Dr. Paul 24:18 told, and people can purchase that book where? Dr. Christiane Northrup 24:21 Yeah, Amazon and also, it's on Audible. I can read it to you. Oh, wonderful. A much better voice recently got over what we used to call a cold. Itis you know, right, by the way I've ever used that test for anything since it's complete, idiotic tests that's got the whole world up and change anyway. So I did this in 2018. And we did the course. Shortly thereafter with the world experts on personality disorder. We all got together and California created the As online course, which is fantastic. And there's Thank you 2020 happen. And suddenly, I have fallen from grace. You know, I'm called a white supremacist a racist a Q anon conspirator, a dangerous, but one of the 12 people responsible for all the disinformation, Dr. Paul 25:23 you're, you're up there on the disinformation 12 list, which folks if if you're not familiar with that term, these are the people you should be listening to their information is so spot on, that it shines a light on what's actually happening. And that terrifies those who are trying to keep the wool over our eyes. Dr. Christiane Northrup 25:45 Yeah, exactly. So what happened was, we could no longer promote the course even though think about it. It is the exact time when people need to understand the dynamics, because they're being gas lit. Everywhere they turn. Yeah, think about the splitting the splitting in families. This is like psychopaths running the planet. That's what's going on. Yeah. They're not going to win, we're going to be fine. We're but let me be very honest, a lot of people are not going to go with us. A lot of people. And the way I deal with it, is because I read all that. Edgar Casey and all the angel stuff and all that. It's a soul choice. So let's all remember, it's a soul choice. You can't rescue people who are Choate are choosing this as their path. But anyhow, so what happened with Hay House? Were still on great terms. But they, I could not promote the course. Because they would get such a rational shit from the woke left, that it was you too painful for the, for the company people? Yeah. So even though we're still on really good terms, they can't promote any of my work. And they're the publishers of goddesses never age, a whole number of online courses that I've done to do this one, flash sale. And that's why you saw it. Dr. Paul 27:21 Okay. So folks that the flash sale is on, is it not? Yep, yep. All right. Where do people go to get access to your course? Dr. Christiane Northrup 27:28 Yes, go to Dr. northrup.com. Dr. Paul 27:31 There you go. Yeah, Dr. northrup.com, I want you to end on a positive note of love. Cuz I do think love wins in the end. And I think you are tapped into it in a very, very meaningful way. Or, in addition to that, share whatever's on your heart. Dr. Christiane Northrup 27:49 Yes. Yeah, love wins. And love is a very high frequency. But love also involves truth. So the truth is a high frequency and a lot of empaths. Have this idea that if you tell the truth about how bad it is, you're being a downer. No, no, the truth has a high frequency. And so you keep your frequency high. Do not watch the mainstream media. I don't even watch truth or videos that are negative. I go for the high vibe that contains the truth. And I go for things that make me cry. So a lot of worship music. I've discovered worship music. And I just love it like, tribal, the maverick group. All kinds of great stuff on YouTube. I've found an incredible church where I walk in and the Holy Spirit is just there. But I'll never be a fundamentalist anything. Yeah. Yeah. Dr. Paul 28:54 Wonderful. Thank you for highlighting the importance of truth. You're a bright light in this dark world. Dr. Christiane Northrup 29:01 Thank you. And as are you, Paul, and you have been for a long time. They said to Pierre Cory, I said, Pierre, I have such respect for a doctor like you. But in all my career doctors, like you never had much respect for me. So you have healed me. You've healed me. Wow. Dr. Paul 29:21 Well, you certainly are healing me with your course. It's been a journey I've been on specifically this last couple of years. And so it's very personal. Thank you so much. Dr. Christiane Northrup 29:35 You are so welcome. Dr. Paul 29:43 Welcome to against the wind. It is a privilege and an honor to have my Iowa mama and papa bear. I love that. Kimberly and Jonathan. Thanks for coming on the show. Jonathan and Kimberly 29:55 Yes, thank you for having us. I'm so excited. Dr. Paul 29:58 Oh my goodness. You guys apparently have a story. I only heard a glimpse of it. Is it true? You have seven kids? Yeah. Jonathan and Kimberly 30:06 The story? Dr. Paul 30:10 Well, I have nine but only three were bio birth kids that a lot of adopted kids. And I. So I'm interested in maybe start off just with how this all started. I understand you. You started off vaccinating your kids and then something happened. Jonathan and Kimberly 30:27 Actually, we did start vaccinating with our kids. The first five were either fully or partially Vax the first three were fully. The first three are from a different marriage between him and I. So those are his stepchildren, and I was a young mom 19 Did what the doctor said, you know, didn't think anything of it. Baby number five happened. And I ended up getting a tetanus shot because I worked at a veterinarian clinic and I had fallen, they gave me a tetanus shot. I didn't realize that I was pregnant at the time. So they gave me the Top Shot. With that pregnancy. I got HG, I have never had a shoot before and that's hyperemesis governor, let some people who don't know, I ended up with two PICC lines put into my arms. Wow, I ended up getting a staph infection because of the first PICC line. It got infected it got it gave me a blood clot. So then they put it in my other arm that lasted for what like couple of weeks, I think and then they had to take that one out. So that way, it kind of started getting me thinking like, Why did I get so sick with this pregnancy, and none of the other ones like, this is baby number five. And I've been so sick before. And so I didn't think anything of it. Until like something in my gut just said that when I was pregnant with baby number six, don't vaccinate. And when I did that, I started looking into vaccines. And when I looked into the details of vaccine, I realized that's the only thing that I did different than any other pregnancy I've had. And I realized, holy cow, this be a link to why I got so sick. I got your book for is one of the first ones I got because my husband is he's on the medical side. So we were always vaccinating, you know, we didn't think anything of it with our kids. And so he's like, Oh, it's nothing. It's nothing. They're safe. They're effective, whatever. So then I started digging into them. So I pulled all my kids medical records, every one of them from the time they were born to the time they were, like, however old they were a couple years ago. And when I started going through their medical history, I realized the pattern, I realized that within a week to two to three weeks after the vaccines, every single one of my kids was back into the doctor's office with either ear infection, sore throat a couple of times my kids ended up in the hospital with RSV. My son got mumps after his MMR vaccine. And so I started pointing that out to him. And then he started like, and I still don't quite buy it yet. And so it took us a long time. And then Mike we really butted heads about this and I said up to him, baby number six will not get anything. We're done. vaccinating from here on out. We're done. And unfortunately, we still were butting heads when we had her so he did end up getting her the vitamin K and hit the shot. Dr. Paul 33:37 So that you were talking about child six getting the vitamin K and hep B, I believe. What do you do for child seven? Jonathan and Kimberly 33:43 Nothing. Dr. Paul 33:45 Are you on board with that, Jonathan? Jonathan and Kimberly 33:47 I am now yes, she was a night and day difference with our other kids because like I said, Baby number six got the hep B in the vitamin K shot. And what by time she was two and a half months old. She was in the hospital with RSV and croup. So I said to him, then I said, I knew that this is gonna happen. I'm like, she's gotta get sick. This is what's going to happen. Like we gave her those shots and why they give a hep B shot to a newborn baby is beyond me. Unless the mom is herself is positive. It's a sexually transmitted disease. Like seriously people. And the vitamin K shot is not really a vaccine. It is and it's only a has a blackbox warning, which means it says Death on the thing. So that was another thing while I'm like I can give her vitamin K, and droplets if we need to. So when she got sick, that's when he's really started to turn around and start looking into a lot of stuff. So when we had baby number seven, she was a perfectly healthy baby slept through the night from day one was perfect. And I said to him, I'm like, holy cow. Like she never had an ear infection. She's never had strep. Throw she's never had anything wrong with her. All my other kids all had to their adenoids. And to put it, I had noticed taken out and tubes put in their ears by the age of two, every single one of them did. Wow. So when we felt like when baby number seven came along, and we didn't vaccinate, she has not been to the doctor, but one time, and that's because she has eczema. So then COVID hit, and that brought on a whole new fight. Dr. Paul 35:27 Jonathan, with your line of work, I'm sure you had to get that vaccine. Jonathan and Kimberly 35:32 So I'm pending a religious exemption as we speak with the COVID vaccine as well as I pushed a religious exemption on the influenza vaccine as well. I'm waiting to hear whether I have a job or don't have a job. So Dr. Paul 35:51 So you feel strong enough about it now that if you had to, you'd walk away from your job? Yes, they would literally essing you love your job. Hi, I've Jonathan and Kimberly 35:59 been in my position for 17 years, 17 and a half years I've, I've been with it for a very, very long time, placed a lot of service for this country, and continue to, and always will serve the greater good for this country. Dr. Paul 36:16 Wow, your story took me back. So I wasn't always enlightened to the fact that vaccines have a lot of downside. I was raised in that same World, Jonathan, that you were that they're safe and effective. And this is the right thing to do. And in my old practice, your first five kids sounds just like what we were doing. I mean, we were just doing the CDC schedule, kids were always sick. And we made no connection, like no connection with the fact that these Sick Kids had anything to do with the vaccines, because of course, we're told they're wet, safe and effective. But when you do the research, like I published at the request of my medical board actually prove that the vaccine friendly plan is as safe as the CDC schedule. And we did the data, every baby born into my practice, lo and behold, oh, my goodness, things like you were pointing out the rotavirus and the RSV and the ear infections and the eczema in the ear tubes. And so much of that is actually much more prevalent, the more vaccinated you are. So there is an actual, highly significant cause and effect. Most people still don't know that. Jonathan and Kimberly 37:25 Well, and the question is, why? Why is why if they can see this, and they understand that, do they still keep pushing the same piece. And I don't think it's the greater good by any way, shape or form. But everything to me points, the fiscal game. Dr. Paul 37:42 So here's what I think's happening, Jonathan, because I was one of those doctors who was in the dark, so to speak. When somebody comes out like myself, you know, Dr. Pol, in Portland, Oregon publishes this data. And sure, it was published in an obscure, but peer reviewed journal. I mean, actually, it's not that obscure, it was a pretty good International Journal of Public Health. But you may know, they came after that journal, and they ended up getting it retracted. And you may know that three days after that was available online, they took my license. So what the system does is discredit the author and try to get the thing retracted. And then everybody can say, Oh, well see he was discredited. He's a quack, blah, blah, blah. And so they never even bothered to read it. They certainly don't take the data seriously. There's nothing wrong with the data. That was real world data in my practice. That's what I'm seeing. unvaccinated kids are just crazy healthy, like your seventh child. Who by the way, when you have a huge family, the youngest child is always the sickest, because they're around all the other kids. Were bringing stuff home from school. Yeah, you've had the opposite experience, Jonathan and Kimberly 38:53 sickness wise. She hasn't had anything. I mean, she's, I think she's maybe had one cold. And then it lasted a few days. And then it was it was gone. Yeah. So that's, like I said, that's where our journey with that started. But then, like COVID hit and the whole mass thing came about, and that's sort of their whole issue. Because once again, I was said, No, we're not putting a mask on our kids. This is not right. This is not what we're going to be doing. And of course, you know, he here's the other side. Yes, it's good, blah, blah. But then when our own daughter, baby number five. She started kindergarten last year, ended up getting a staph infection on her face for different times because of these mask. It started sending red flags to both of us. So Doug told me some What are you trained for body substance isolation, BSI. You're in PPE that's required for BSI? Dr. Paul 39:51 Yeah, well, I mean, the masks surgical masks were for surgical field protection, so that you know if I sneeze or Have a drippy nose. It's not going into the surgical site. It was never intended to prevent particles as tiny as a nanoparticle or a virus or COVID-19 sized particle, which is miniscule. I mean, those particles are have been shown in studies to be the equivalent of mosquito getting through a chain link fence. I mean, it's just not going to provide that protection. Is it 100% Useless? Probably not. But your example of staph infections is common. I have a nurse. Yeah, one of my front office, not nurse suffering terribly with staph infections, because we're in Oregon, where they're still mandated in the medical setting. And it's just horrendous. Now, Jim, Meaghan and people can go to me, Han, M, D, M, ehanmd.com, and the offices all sorts of things, including his mask book for free. He does the studies, and actually I bought the equipment that he uses, and I stuck a mask on and I stuck the co2 meter underneath the mask, and immediately within 510 seconds, I was at way toxic levels, I mean, surpassing OSHA standards. So we are forcing children to be hypoxic, and hypercapnic, which is too much co2. That's not healthy. Not to mention the fact that you're breeding viruses and bacteria and trapping them and reusing and the whole thing is just insanity. Jonathan and Kimberly 41:26 Yeah, well, and on top of that, when you were referred to the surgical mask, that's a level three mask literally prevents liquids and fluids to be disseminated through the mask itself. What everybody wears, though, as a level one mask, which a level one mask literally does nothing, it's to isolate the cough coming out to the best of its ability, but it doesn't prevent anything. And people don't understand that. And what we see all the time is level one. So if you actually look at the masks themselves, they're not preventing anything by this because they're not going to hand out level three masks, and they're not going to put on and 95 masks, and n95 Masks on top of that have to be tested and mask fitted to work appropriately. So everybody you see that wears an N 95 Mask, I guarantee you 99% of them, I'm going to give 1% less than 1% has now gone in and actually been tested to make sure that that bits that it actually preventing anything, and that's the only thing that they present, but actually we would protect you in some way, shape or form. Dr. Paul 42:33 Yeah, well, I think with kids, since they do not suffer greatly from the COVID illness. It's really a minor cold if that. I mean, I have a practice of almost 10,000 patients, not a single child hospitalized with COVID. I mean, you know, some of the parents and grandparents get pretty sick, but kids do great. So why would you put them put a harmful procedure for something that's harmless, we actually want them to just get their immunity and they can be the kind of the shield if you will human shield for the elderly in the high risk, because they'll have natural immunity, which is so far superior to the injected, you know, response, which is very short lived. Jonathan and Kimberly 43:14 Right? Right. And that's what we presented to our governor, we presented her all of this information that we just talked about. And that's how we ended up helping get the law passed here in the state of Iowa to get mass kick off kids K through 12. Dr. Paul 43:27 So the FDA is in the next month or two probably going to approve this vaccine down to six months of age, because they work for the pharmaceutical industry and not for us. You probably have a kid or two that are under five, you're gonna rush out and get your kids the jab. Jonathan and Kimberly 43:46 No, no, I know, the reason why they need that on the childhood vaccine schedule, because then they fall under the umbrella of not being sued. Dr. Paul 43:57 Because it's all about liability protection, get it on the childhood immunization schedule. And then you participate in the luxury of the 1986 Act. And all the Yeah, free pass that pharmaceutical companies have gotten for Biologics for vaccines. We've got a real problem on our hands in this country. So in wrapping up you two amazing people. I just love the fact that you're sharing how hard it was and he almost got a divorce several times. This is hard stuff for people. How maybe you can wrap it up I just sort of make touch on the humaneness side of you know, marriage and dealing with this challenge of not always seeing eye to eye. Jonathan and Kimberly 44:38 So she was telling about the fight before this that fight. I literally turned to her that night and said you're not making difference and you're not changing anything. That was the night that she went and stood next to the Governor to sign the bill. It was well before she signed the bill of course but I I have apologia as my wife, multiple times, because it took me a lot to see that she was making a difference. And I was not the one that was very supportive in this process. And I can tell all of the everybody that watches you a doc that it's difficult on the family, the nuclear family is under attack, it's under nuclear attack. And the belief system of having a mother and father in a household with a large family or even a small family is being removed. And if you guys don't stick through the thick and thin and make it through the toughest of times, you don't see how great your relationship will become. So I pray that all of you, that's listening, you guys, it may be difficult, you may not see eye to eye. But if you keep moving forward and trying to work together and loving each other, because no matter if you don't see an eye that does not take the love factor out of it, no matter what. And I think that's where we need to get back to we need to get back to connecting with one another, we really needed like, get out there. And like my husband said, you have to put your differences aside and come together and realize that your love is stronger than anything and you can overcome almost everything. Because I mean, like I said, there's been several times that we were like borderline divorce. But through all this we found God and our love for one another has just grown grown so dramatically that like wow, honestly, I I'm glad this kind of happened. Because I don't think we'd be here today. We weren't thinking and during the process. We're definitely not glad that boy. Dr. Paul 46:42 Oh my goodness, you two are so adorable, so loving, so kind to share this journey with everyone. People need a support system. And I think I feel like this mama bear Papa Bear organization that you're pulling together here. This is big. And Mama bears and polar bears out there Stand Your Ground, your kids need you. They don't have a voice in this fight. Right? The farmer has a big dollar sign just aiming right at them. And the only one that can protect them as you mama bears and polar bears out there. So join Kimberly and Jonathan. And let's stand up for our kids. What was that website one more time? Jonathan and Kimberly 47:26 Iowa mama bears Ma Ma Ba RS here. I think it's over here. There you go. Mama bears.com. Yeah, or, or whatever you call it, Moto Moto is freedom over fear. Because you know, we have to have freedom over fear. Because if you don't, we're gonna lose everything. And we're just, we're right on that line where it can go one way or another. And I want to make sure our kids have a better future than what we have had. And I just want to ensure that our logo is freedom over fear. Our motto is get up, get out and get loud. Dr. Paul 48:10 All right. Freedom over fear. Get up. Get out. Get Loud, out loud, fantastic. YouTube are such a joy, a breath of fresh air. Thank you so much for all you're doing. Thank Jonathan and Kimberly 48:24 you, Doc, and appreciate your time. And thank you for everything you're doing. Dr. Paul 48:33 Welcome back, Bernadette, you cover are important be the news segment. You're also the host of an informed life radio, which is a great resource. Thank you for all the work you're doing. I'm excited to hear what you're going to share today, because you've decided to tell us about how you can actually get educated. So let's let's roll with that. Bernadette Pajer 48:52 All right, we'll just roll with it. Thank you, Dr. Paul. So yeah, you know, I want to encourage people to be the news. And part of that means you've got to be educated. And there's there's been some great people through all of history who have talked about the importance of education. So GK Chesterton, he was a philosopher, and a writer. He said, Without education, we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people. Seriously. I love that because you know, I mean, if you if you're just listening to the so called experts and trusting what they say, because you don't know enough about the subject to think critically about what they're saying. Not a good place to be. And that Dr. Paul 49:41 takes me that takes me back. That thought takes me back to you know, the old church right before people could read Bibles for themselves. And the priests had the total authority, and you couldn't have your own direct connection with with that word of God if you will. You More. And it's true for anything, right? If we're just stuck listening to experts talking heads, which seems to be the direction things have gotten more and more, it's even more important now in this world with so much information that we get informed, get educated. Bernadette Pajer 50:16 Exactly. So you can make those own decisions yourself. And Nelson Mandela said that education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world. Yeah. So you know, he did great things. He sacrificed a lot. He stood in His truths, even when that meant he was sitting in his truth without food. Yeah, you know, prison Dr. Paul 50:40 for decades. I went to high school with his daughters. Oh, my Bernadette Pajer 50:44 goodness, wow. He's a true hero, a true hero. Yeah, so much so. And then a Greek philosopher said a long time ago, only the educated are free. So with that said, I'm going to tell I have Dr. Paul 51:01 one caveat. Yeah. school systems might be training people for specific agendas. And so there is a difference between real personal education and information and being indoctrinated in a system Bernadette Pajer 51:20 right. And that's, you know, learning to trust yourself, learning to read broadly so that you can sense what you believe to be the truth in that moment. And sciences never settle this. we well know or settle this topic. But so I want to recommend a fabulous organization by a mutual friend of ours. Dr. James Lyons, Wyler, Yep, he's got AIPAC, research organization for the people by the people, you know, grassroots funding have excellent science. And he started this aipac.ed or dash edu.org. And the amazing things that you can learn this is education for the people, it's very affordably priced. And it's presented in a way to make so that the average person can attend and understand fairly complicated subjects readily. And to give you an idea of what they have, here's their table of contents for the summer 2022 courses and then going into the fall in the spring. So in Analytics, you can learn about the math of vaccine studies. How exciting is that? So when they're trying to tell you that, you know, something, and they're giving you relative risk versus absolute risk, you understand how they're trying to pull the wool over your eyes, you know, bioinformatics, microbiome masterclass, I'm actually teaching with Dr. James Lance Weiler the medical ethics and informed consent class. I'm really excited about that. Stick. Yeah. And look at that biology, chemistry, psychology, analytics, health studies, law. You know, just it's just designed and this vaccine course in depth historical and and all the science on. It's the most complete, amazing course that you can imagine it took years for Andre, angler Tony to put together this with an army of people putting the information together. Yes. So the fabulous courses that Dr. James Lyons Weiler continues to add, and the excellent instructors he pulls on, like, you will be leading a class in the future. There are PhD scientists, doctors, just amazing people presenting these courses, and you take them online, and they're recorded. So if you can't make that class, you can go watch the recording later on. So it's really easy to participate. AIPAC. Edu is just one. And then we've got the Energetic Health Medicine Institute, where they teach holistic healing, Eastern energetics and Western science all sorts of combined, so you understand it from all these levels. A lot of their courses are are aimed at if you want to go into the natural healing field. But you do not have to be a professional to take the courses you can take them for self edification. And the same with the gaita Institute, Dr. Michael gaita. His courses are mostly on natural functional medicine. And you can get certificates through his organization. But again, anybody can take them and there are some free classes that you can check out and there's some courses aimed specifically at the general public. Dr. Paul 54:49 Excellent, excellent. Yeah, there's that whole thing where you can indoctrinate and therefore actually enslaved people the Mark Twain thing. But true education You own it. And thank you for those resources. Bernadette, I think the world we're in these last few years with COVID coming down and then all the, quote mitigation and response to COVID with quarantines and masking and social distancing and, and just bizarre social manipulation of the world should be a wake up call to each and every one of us that something's not right. And, you know, if your gut your heart, your soul tells you something's off, pay attention to that. And when people show you who they are, I mean, the CDC, Fauci, Bill Gates on and on World Health Organization, it just these huge institutions, and some bad actors are just creating chaos. And so it's, it's upon us the population, to inform ourselves and get true education, not just take sound bites from them, and think that that's fact, the truth does matter. I like I like to make a point of pointing people towards children's health defense, I know you, you have a show on that on their TV platform CHD. TV as as do I, against the wind, which is this show. Their daily defender magazine, it's one of the most read online magazines in the world. It always has great resources, information you don't typically get from mainstream. And then of course, I just have to put a plug in for high wire, Dell big tree, his weekly show, it's It's powerful. It's journalism, as it's supposed to be done, where you're really getting to the real issues, you're not shying away from certain issues that are taboo and mainstream. Bernadette Pajer 56:41 Yeah, and one of the things I love about the high wire is when you subscribe to them for free, you get follow up emails, and they send you the link to the sources of every thing that they talked about. So you can go read for yourself, they just don't, you know, it's not just trust me, you can go a follow up. And we need individuals to be critical thinkers, I love to read an article at the defender. And then you go over and you go to like, say National Public Radio or some other and you read about the same topic from their point of view. When you do that, you begin to see the bias and the twisting, and then you you try to find where they overlap. Okay, where's the fact and it can be really fascinating to then come to your own stance and what you believe about a topic. Dr. Paul 57:30 Yeah, that was so true. And politics gets tangled into it all. I mean, I remember the last election, you would go to a one channel say Fox, which tends to lean more Republican and the others tend to lean more Democrat. And they will report the same story as if you're on different planets. Yes. So So you know, what happened happened, there was a factual event, but the way it gets reported, and so that should be a clue, folks. You've got to start learning and thinking for yourselves. Thank you, Bernadette. This was very helpful. I will definitely myself be taking some of these courses. I've audited a couple of them on AIPAC. And I think folks, this is a real opportunity for you bookmark this. And, you know, make sure you have this resource at your fingertips. Bernadette Pajer 58:16 Thank you, Dr. Paul. Dr. Paul 58:23 Dr. Paul, thanks for watching the show. Please visit doctors and science.com There you can access our members only section. This show is member supported. We don't have to take sponsors. We don't have to have anybody controlling the content of our show. This is a huge perk. Most people aren't aware of your membership gives you access to my eBooks, transcripts of every show, PowerPoints from talks I'm giving around the country and live bonus peeks at behind the scenes work. We're doing my off the cuff thoughts and reviews on current events. Your support makes all this possible. Thank you. Help me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors and science.com. I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. And let's make this the weekly show the nation has been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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