PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:00
Welcome to against the wind doctors in science under fire. I'm Dr. Paul, your host. I've got two amazing doctors on the show today Dr. Henry Ely. We've spoken to him before he's been our data guy when it comes to COVID. Today, we do a deep dive into what do we do now? Where do we go? How do we rebuild health? How do we manage the world we're living in, you're not going to want to miss it. I then interview Dr. Stella, Immanuel, I have been wanting to talk to her since we've been on stages together around the country. She has a story that starts in Africa, where I grew up, she's going to talk about Sunday, Sunday medicine. Listen for this, it is so important because it's what gave her the understanding of what to do with COVID. Right from the get go before any of us had figured out what to do. She has a very important message about moving from sick care, to wellness care, moving to a system where you're enhancing your own natural immunity, and also talks about how to prepare for a crisis that's looming ahead. You don't want to miss a word that she says because there is important information that you may need for your own actual survival down the road. So she has a website, visit her website, get the information that you will need to navigate what's coming. Enjoy the show. Dr. Paul, coming to you from the heart, what's been heavy, in my mind, is a massive assault from the medical board feeling personally attacked. And then I had to, you know, feel a little sorry for myself, I had to think now wait a minute. What do we do as parents when our children are feeling in need of love and support when they're just overwhelmed? What do we tell them? I've got you. And you know, I read a sign this morning when I was feeling a little down and stressed dealing with board issues. God is smiling. And I knew God's got me. And then I remembered as our kids get a little stronger, or someone you're supporting gets a little stronger. You tell them you've got this. And so many of you been there right there for me supporting me, basically telling me Dr. Paul, you've got this. So thank you, thank you for that love and support, it continues to be needed. Wanted, I appreciate you so much. And let's do something with what's coming up at the FDA in the next month or two as they start to target approving COVID jabs for six month olds to five year olds. This jab is unnecessary for them. The harms far exceed any potential slight benefit. And we've got to say no, we have got to somehow stand there for our children, our most vulnerable those who don't have a voice and say no, no more countries around the world are starting to shut down their vaccine programs realizing that it's been a total failure. And it's actually the highly vaccinated who are at greatest risk. Let's get the messaging straight. Share the word with those you love those you care about anybody who will listen, because we stand on the side of the facts, the information that really matters, the truth. And let's lead with love. Thank you for your time, your love your attention. I'm Dr. Paul. All right. Welcome. Dr. Ely, Dr. H, you are one of my favorite people to have on our show these actions and science under fire. I just love your energy that you always bring love and kindness even when you're in what seems to be a an amazing fight. I wanted to I know that you have personally become really involved in trying to help people who are suffering from COVID vaccine injury. So I thought maybe we could start there. What have you learned? Dr. Henry Ealy 3:49 We're learning a lot every day, Paul. And once again, thanks for having me on the show. And, you know, I think we have three missions as I see it, and they're all tied together. But we have three help the people who've been hurt, right? It's not their fault. They were we're seeing now every day with the FISA releases every month that they were lied to on an epic scale by the greatest liars who've ever lived. So I don't hold that against him. I've made plenty mistakes in my life. Thank God people didn't give up on me. Right. So I so I have thrust myself thankfully into this community they have accepted me in as somebody who's knowledgeable and help and I really appreciate the trust that we're building every day. Second mission, of course, let's put some bad guys in jail. would love that. And then third, we got to start making those steps to make sure that health freedom, in my opinion becomes a constitutional amendment that it's clear, we're done here. No more mandates no more. You get, you know, removed from society just because you say I don't want to participate in an ongoing genetic modification experiment, right. So, so with is with respect to what we've learned, though, it's been very interesting. We're going to detail this more at To beyond the con may 12, through May 14. But what we've learned first and foremost is there won't be a one size fits all protocol. So any doctor's thinking along that lines, I urge you to reconsider that thought it's a, it is a wasted time wasted thought. And for several reasons. Number one is going to be that we don't know which cell type the mRNA sequence uploaded to, you're going to have a very different experience, when it uploads into neuro nervous tissue versus the immune cells. Very different experience with patients. But what we can do and this is this is what I've been starting to teach behind the scenes is, what we can do is establish a starting point protocol for everybody and say, Hey, we have to make sure these things are going on, I heard that Dr. Merrick is doing a great job with establishing which labs are recommended, I want to look at that, because I have some thoughts and opinions about that, too. You know, I think you have to have an inflammatory marker panel, you know, fibrinogen, CRP, you know, some basic things, D dimer, some basic things for the people who've been injured. But we also have to really, Dr. Paul, start getting into assessing for D myelination, we have to understand that many of the neurologically or neurologic injuries are because of lesions to the myelin that mimic a multiple sclerosis, but in this case, not peripheral as much as central, which is it's, it's, it's we're seeing things we've never seen before. Right. And, and it's kind of it's kind of mind blowing on there. So I think when we start talking about starting points is you know, you want to do your basics, your you know, your CBC, CMP, cholesterol, you know, we want to we want to know what the building blocks there, I think it's important to know, am cortisol, these are standard things I've been doing for patients for decades, right? We want to know, you know, some basic stuff there. But what we really want to get into is something that I think everybody has to get into, and because I was sitting at dinner with a lot of the leaders and the React night team group, right. And it was really a privilege to be on stage in LA, representing, you know, their cause, right? We're sitting at dinner. And what was really shocking to me was that everybody is terrified of food. Each one of them that's been hurt, are terrified, because they don't know which foods are going to really exacerbate this inflammatory cascade that's going out of control. So every single every single thought that goes around food for them is terrifying, because it could flip them back into an adverse in your React exacerbation of the adverse events, right. So this is where delayed food allergy panels come in beautifully. Right? I've been doing this in my practice for 20 years, I've always said that should be a standard practice, everybody should know which foods are going to be pro inflammatory from the immune perspective and which shouldn't. Yeah, so one of the things we're talking about with them is, for example, is okay, where do we start? Well, there's some basic labs that we do, but then there's some specialty labs. And those specialty labs really help us hone in on getting the diet in order so that the person is now not eating foods that are going to make things worse, and they can start eating with confidence. And what that starts doing is it starts taking down some of that, you know fight or flight stress response from just something as simple as it because they live in a marathon. Dr. Pol, every day, they live in a marathon every single day, especially the moderate to severe, the other ones that are a little more mild or like they'll come in flares and waves. But it's like, I know that if we apply the principles of naturopathic medicine and medicine in general, do no harm. Alright, remember that one? Remember that that was drilled into us? First do no harm if we just apply that we're going to be fine. But I think and I could talk specifically about some nutrients. But yeah, Dr. Paul 9:08 food panel you're talking about? Is this the food sensitivity? IgG Dr. Henry Ealy 9:11 it's IgG you have to go with a good company. And there's only a couple out there in my opinion, there's some that that do a decent job. But one of the keys for me is looking at companies that recalibrate their Eliza antibody, you know, equipment several times a day. Yeah. Right. Because I I went with this one company that will remain nameless for a while and we would ever start driving me crazy. Was every single person came back with blueberries. Right? And it was like That's impossible. Right? We never see that there's there's an incredible personalized individuality when when it comes to immune, how the immune system interacts with foods and that's and that's really pret and it changes about every four to seven years. Right? So it's great information if you get good information. So we work with a couple knew that I'm going to remain nameless as well, because I don't want to give them an an unofficial plug. But we work with a company that I've been using now for 1718 years. And we get that individuality. And then when we apply it, we see change within a one to two month timeframe, which is the length of the antibody half life when we talk about IgG antibodies. So we've known for years that yeah, when people were when they were freaking out saying well, of antibodies for SARS Cove to seem to weigh in, and it's like, yeah, they're supposed to the head of your body doesn't need them. They're supposed to go down after a couple of months, because we have the memory. So So anyway, Dr. Paul 10:40 yeah, unless there's ongoing exposure, right. And that's what we find, right? Right. food sensitivities, what you're calling the delayed food allergy. Boy, this this, this is fascinating. So I've been dealing with autism as sort of the most severe presentation of chronic illness in children. And it's the exact same thing, it has to be individualized, you have to start with healing the gut, and you can't heal the gut if you don't identify what foods are reactive actly. And so yes, this is a perfect place to start. And then I think you and I both have a love affair with vitamin D. So much. So I mean, everybody walking around in America is deficient. If they're not frankly, severely deficient, they're certainly not optimal, unless they're supplementing with adequate amounts of vitamin D, like to add k to so that you don't have too much calcium causing havoc in your bloodstream. Talk to me a little bit about vitamin D. Dr. Henry Ealy 11:40 What we've seen on preliminary labs with people who've been injured, still vitamin D levels are low, they're at 30 nanograms per milliliter or a little bit lower. But we know from all the research with COVID, that it's 50. The real marker, we're supposed to be the real floor you want to be at for vitamin D levels, is 50 nanograms per milliliter. So we know that what we just there was another study on vitamin D, this we were talking about off air, it was like how many studies we have to have vitamin D before we just agree it's a really good thing that is truly safe and truly effective. Well, the study came out showing that it was that 5000, I use international units of vitamin D a day, over a two week time period led to a significant stabilization and elevation of vitamin D levels at that 50 mark. We've seen other people like I've proposed that people should be taking 10 to 20,000 I use for the first week or so just to get a real good loading dose up. And then 5000 From there on out is cool, right? Especially now we're getting into the longer days and stuff like you Dr. Paul 12:43 know, we're in total agreement. Yeah. So I Dr. Henry Ealy 12:45 mean, it's, the thing is, this isn't hard, right? It's putting nutrients in the body because everybody's deficient, make sure that the what people are eating isn't inflaming their body, and that it's organic and plant based, please, right? It's doesn't mean you can't have meat, but meat should not be the focal point of your meal. And then the last thing is it this is really, really important. Get into auto phagocytosis. Everyday, how do you know you're getting an auto phagocytosis because you've allowed yourself to be hungry every day. This is the this is the gift of calorie restriction and intermittent fasting, in an in a person's lifestyle, especially a person trying to recover. This is the gift your body is designed to heal. But you've got to give it the situation, the environment of healing. So the whole thought process I get I can push this out, it's real simple. Put a bunch of nutrients in the system. And now put a person in a fasting state when they're when you there's nutrients in the system before. And then when a person gets into a fasting state, now their body gets to use all of those nutrients at the cell level to do what the cells do best kill. Dr. Paul 13:57 Right. And isn't it true? A fasting state will stimulate bone marrow release of stem cells? Dr. Henry Ealy 14:05 Yeah, absolutely true. So this is some of the cool stuff about auto phagocytosis and fasting. Number one is that it's going to help clean up what's in the cytosol and the water of the cell. So it's going to help heal up the organelles and everything mitochondria, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, stuff like that. It's basically going to encapsulate all the debris in the cell that's not supposed to be there, merge it with lysosomes which are basically the stomach acid for the cell and break everything down and then and then repurpose whatever can be used and whatever it can't be used. Push it out. Right yeah. Well, there's another process happening in the in the DNA that I'm learning about right now. Thanks to some great assistance by Judy Mike ovitz. She's really helping me out here. And Stefan incentive. And Greg and I just published a beautiful paper on the theoretical, the likely theoretical pathway for long term injury. Rep. It's not it's what's the best way or long term? Why are people who've gotten the shots experiencing long term injuries and that they can't seem to get over? It's because of this would Stephanie Seneff and Greg Knight termed micro RNA, and exosomes, and so exosomes are basically little vesicles that the cell is going to push out. And what it does is it throws off the cells communication, right with itself and with other cells. So it's like, okay, well guess what happens when you get into auto phagocytosis, you are allowing for a healing of that communication. And then when you get into the actual DNA, this is where Judy Mike ovitz comes in, you're actually allowing for repair of the of the app through epigenetic show allowing for a repair of the chromosomes of the body, right? Because there's something beyond even our DNA where we where it knows what should be there and should be not. But the only way we get to that is through fasting. And to eat to specifically answer your question, all I've seen in research, is it takes time, like so intermittent fasting won't get you into those advanced levels, but it will accumulate over a period of time, it's just very slow, is three days of water fasting, this comes all the way back to Valter. Longo is research at the University of Southern California. He's one of the foremost authorities in the world on auto phagocytosis and fasting, and and what you find is that you can even heal the chromosomes, our chromosomes, right for that have been genetically modified. Well, then you go one step further. And what you were alluding to is, you start to at the tail end of 72 hours of continuous water fasting, get the production of stem cells, because at 72 hours, what happens is the immune cells start to drop off. So we start to see a depletion of white blood count right at the 72 hour mark. But that's for a reason. It's for a reason so that the body can go into production of stem cells. Right? So the body knows how to heal itself. And this is where I've been saying to people, just conceptually, let's, let's understand this, people think, Oh, I haven't eaten, stay in a couple hours, I'm starving. No, you're not. Okay, that's not starvation, you're hungry. And when you're hungry, your body is entering into auto phagocytosis. So hunger is healing. And you need to be hungry a little bit every day, especially if you're dealing with anything significant any type of injury. So we're figuring out Dr. Paul to long answer is we're figuring out how to sequence these therapies so that they synergize properly. And I today I'm going to be talking with Dr. Ted Fogarty about hyperbaric oxygen and how to sequence that in, I was talking with Dr. Tim Pease, a couple of weeks ago about when the when the when stem cells should be used, like if we're going to use stem cell as a therapy and on it. And I was talking a few weeks ago with Dr. Sabine Hayes and one of the world's foremost authorities on the microbiome, about the incredible importance of Bifidobacterium. And, and, and how it's really absent in the microbiome of people who are showing injury. So there's a lot of factors to it. And that's why I say we probably are going to be able to figure out a starting point protocol with testing and supplementation and lifestyle augmentation, we're probably going to be able to figure out a starting point. But from that point, it becomes a very personalized healing journey as it should be, because that's the way the body works. Dr. Paul 18:25 Well, I am delighted to hear that you're gonna work on putting together a starting point protocol. I know people hate to use the word protocol. But without some sort of framework of you know, these are some key things that should be addressed. Most of us who aren't deeply into this, as you are, are left just sort of grasping at straws and guessing and trying this and trying that there is you know, trial and error. I've learned it with working with autistic kids. And when you have the immune system dysregulated whether it's autoimmunity or whatever, right. There's this whole process. You've got a conference coming up beyond the con. The website is beyond the con.com. I'm excited about this. It's made 12 to 14 people can go it's in California, right people can go live if they wish, but they can also access this virtually Dr. Henry Ealy 19:21 100% Yeah, we we were contacted by Pastor Dave and the good people down at the church Glad Tidings where we had COVID con The Solution Summit last year. And they said, Hey, do you guys want to run it back? And I said, Well, yeah, I mean, we can run it back. But you know, I don't want to rehash the old crap. We know this. I tell you if I would never ask somebody to pay and say, Hey, let me tell you about vitamin D. Again, right? That'd be ridiculous. It's we have to talk about where what's the next steps? What are we doing? So what we said was, let's make sure day one is going to be a recap of all the criminal lawsuits that are out there. The grand jury petition at me Senator Dennis Linthicum and Senator Kim Thatcher filed in federal court. The work that Dr. David Martin is doing in making sure this can not be classified as a vaccine, these gene modification shots, and the work that Tom Rennes is doing as well. So we're going to on the first day, we're going to be really getting into just giving everybody hears updates. And if that's all you want, you can actually sign up for a free first day and will actually give you my chapter out of my book called The Art of eating healthy, where we give you 16 principles for eating healthy is a good starting point for you to start understanding what you're up against from your cookware from pesticides from GM, you get a good understanding what you're up against and what you can do about it. Dr. Paul 20:44 Yeah, I gotta put in a plug for you right there. Folks, if you don't know this man, He is the Executive Committee director of Energetic Health Institute, and his life has been nutrition and natural healing, and he's giving you this access. Wow. I'm signing up for sure. today. Yeah, Beyonds will, con.com. It's it's a must attend Summit. Dr. Henry Ealy 21:08 And let me just say, too, if you use promo code, Dr. Paul, Dr. pul all caps, you get a discount off, and we get to spend some money, Dr. Paul's way so we can help more kids. Right. This is what this is all about folks, learning how we can engage each other as a community and make sure that we are helping each other and that the money that's being generated I you know, me, Dr. Ron Paul, it's all volunteer work that I've done in the last few years, and we'll keep doing on this. But we have to develop pools of money to help people in need and to help put these bad guys in jail. And that's what beyond the con goes to fund. So thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about that. I hope to see you get beyond the con. Dr. Paul 21:50 Tell me what happens day Is it three days, three days, May 12, may 13. What happens on day two and three briefly. Dr. Henry Ealy 21:58 Day to day two, we get into health, right? We're going to be talking we have people coming in to talk with you can do today to make sure that you're healthy not to be afraid of being sick, but to make sure the immune system kicks in. But day three, we get into hope. So we start talking about economic health we start talking about and that's where I'm going to give the big lecture, Dr. Paul on what we've learned to date about helping people injured by the gene modification shots heal. That's that's where it all comes out on Saturday. Dr. Paul 22:27 Fantastic hope, health and freedom. Thank you Dr. Ely. God bless. Welcome Dr. Stella Immanuel to against the wind doctors and scientists under fire. It is been a privilege and I'm so happy to finally get you on the show. I have been wanting to talk to you for a very long time. So welcome. Dr. Stella Immanuel 22:52 Yeah, the privilege of mine. We have a little Dr. Paul 22:55 bit of a similar background, I've realized we both grew up in Africa. I went there at age four and finished high school there. I lived in a village speaking the Shona language dreaming and showing up for a while. And then we both ended up pediatricians at least in our initial training. Yeah. So, you know, to really recognize and know who you were when you were in the, at the Capitol there on the steps with the frontline doctors like, wow, who is this woman I've cut to know who she is. But maybe before we go there, can you share a little bit about your story of you know, growing up in Africa, and how maybe that prepared you for this time in our world? Dr. Stella Immanuel 23:34 Yeah, um, I think God actually prepared my whole life. If you read my book, let America leave. I give you a copy. Dr. Paul 23:41 Yes, I have been reading it. It's a wonderful book, you realize Dr. Stella Immanuel 23:45 that my whole life was prepared to do what I do now. I grew up in in Cameroon, Central Africa. I went to medical school in Nigeria, of course, you know, we did general medicine back home. We don't do specialties. Right. Specialized but most doctors are general practitioners. Even when people go and specialize they continue practice or general practitioners because their initial training was as a general practitioner. So guys, we were trained. So when I came to this country, the first restaurants and God was pediatrics, you know, when your phone graduate, they give you you can get so that's I mean, I grew to love pediatrics. And then but when I finished pediatrics, residency, I moved to Louisiana started a practice a pediatric practice. And then as they're working in the emergency room in Asia, working working clinics, and as they work in general ers lowvolume ears like, who usually will need a doctor. So I work like that for a while. Stop, build my practice, raise my children. Once my children went to college, or when they grow up, I'm going to college. So I now wonder, and I went back to the emergency room and got my tech tax license in September of that year. And thank God because I had like over 5000 era hours So I was able to submit my license as pediatrics and er, and they verified on my ERP earnings. And then they gave me the credit to be able to listen me on the exact board as a pediatrician, pediatrics. And so on the emergency room emergency medicine, I actually acquired a working claim from a physician that passed away in urgent care type setting. So with this experience I had, I basically had an urgent care type setting, doing a lot of the things that I could do here and get away with it without any major equipment. So with all that, eventually, this whole thing about COVID started, you know, the, the physician that saw the practice the physicians assignments to the practice to me was from Japan. So I had like, at least 20% 15 20% of my patients came from Asia, China, Japan. So you can imagine us in February, they're talking about a pandemic coming out of China, and a whole bunch of Chinese patients in my clinic. So that was very scary. To figure COVID out, I had no choice, I had to figure it out. I'm sitting there, and we had all kinds of PPE. I mean, we ordered PT early, because like I said, I had a lot of Chinese patients. So very early in February, I had a lot of PPE. By March, when there was no PV around the country, I was basically shipping out maybe two or three, you know, masks, you know, n95 masks to doctors all over the country. And sometimes, if the mask we had gloves masks, we had we had everything we had. That makes sense we had we even had enough sanitizer to last us to maybe August meant I mean, I was only had because we bought these things and bought, you know, when this thing just started. You Dr. Paul 26:36 like like no one else I think he has, we're so Dr. Stella Immanuel 26:39 prepared that at some point, I had over 1095 masks. And I didn't need all that. So I just would give each of my MPs give them five each. So you use them rotate them and put them in, you know, rotate the master right? And then let's send the mass there's no need for to using it and throwing it out there doctors or places in the country that are wearing diapers on their face to see patients so interesting. The mask all over the country. We shipped out easily 600 mass to doctors all over the country for free. I didn't charge them anything. They'll actually pay. I said no, no, no, this is my contribution to the work that you're doing out in the ear. So it was a very, very interesting time. And then a pharmacist came and told me that they were using hydroxychloroquine in, in Europe and in China. I was like wow, I grew up in Nigeria. I trained in Nigeria and grew up in Cameroon taking hydroxychloroquine taking like camo clean mefloquine, you know, taking all the screens, you know, not waiting there are pre Moscow Sunday, Sunday medicine because you took it every Sunday for malaria prevention our parents gave us was that when you were a child? Yes. When was a child we took never been Flavorpill we took it Sunday, Sunday medicine against malaria and something we grew up doing things like when you get malaria, they you know, they boil quinine and added, you know, an added leaves in it and everything uncovered, you will not block it, and you inhaled it, and you are better. So do I think that this I think that you know we can we used to. So I I just decided to start taking care of patients. Initially I just use a malaria tool. So I was just giving them malaria to doing their work. And then eventually I increase it to five days a week, I will do a five day dose. When we started we could not even get hydroxychloroquine. All we got was mefloquine. And guess what we use mefloquine. And it did just as well. So made basically all the work. I went to I went and did some research found an article that was written on the Anthony Fauci in the NIH in 2005, that says coping was a potent inhibitor of SaaS, COVID. One, and it was not just a potent inhibitor, he was also could work as a prophylaxis or as a vaccine, even because if they put it in a petri dish, and they put the virus, it will not replicate. So it stopped replication. It stopped uptake into the cells. And you know, it was also it opens in channels. So to me, this makes sense for me to use it as prevention. So with my mindset growing up in a malaria endemic zone, we put me and my staff on hydroxychloroquine Weekly. I'm one of the doctors that throughout this pandemic, I never got sick. Dr. Paul 29:16 Wow, I have to repeat something you said for our listeners in case they missed it. Anthony Fauci in 2005. was running the NIH still at that time, and was part of the publication that found hydroxychloroquine helped prevent SARS. cov one, Dr. Stella Immanuel 29:34 right. Yes, it was you can access to Google the article. Yeah, Dr. Paul 29:39 I've seen the article, but I'm just thinking for our listeners who have been watching the news and realizing that for the last two years, this is the same doctor who's been on the news telling us there's nothing but a vaccine Dr. Stella Immanuel 29:50 lying to us. And you know what I'm doing Fauci knows hydroxychloroquine works. In his emails that were leaked. He actually showed he was telling his family members to take hydroxychloroquine and friends Something so he knows. So this is just a total evil agenda. And then to make things worse, he not only did not agree to he started bashing it, you know, so for somebody that was somebody that to bash something that helps people is evil is an extreme level of evil. So when people start realizing this guy is an extremely evil person, if he's a person at all, you know, so, again, if you open the box of medicine, you know, we all used it in, you know, in medicine edition, has an ad has a passage there to honor Chloroquine use for coronaviruses. Dr. Paul 30:43 Wow. Yes. So if you're listening to this, Harrison's is the Bible for internal medicine, used that Texas Medical School, and right there it's written, it's referenced. Dr. Stella Immanuel 30:58 Yes, it's referenced and Anthony Fauci actually wrote in that edition, I don't know what I don't know editions. So this is so to me, the I this was documentation. And I didn't need to go talk to anybody to start using this medication. Most times when we try most times in medicine, how a lot of medications get used is that we try them and see that they work. The reason why to date it cannot stop me from prescribing hydrocyclone ivermectin is because using a medication awful label is allowed in America, if they're sick of off label use, then 90% of the medicines that we use will be will be banned, or something. So just like think about you know, I mean, just you can name it medications or you know, just look like antihistamines that were produced for antihistamines, some another use of antiemetics, you know, using primary action for children to stimulate your appetite while using promethazine to for anti message for using extra block so many medications that were created and not being used for what they were meant to be useful. So we all use medications off label, this is a normal way that physicians practice we talk to each other and then we use it yet something so come to think about it, nobody will use Viagra don't have noted Viagra of the market. And they'll be crazy because Viagra was never was not initially done for to be used as it's used now. Pressure medicine, so this is discipline of the thing. So we know that these things are done and they know so just like when the NIH came out, or I don't know what it was everybody and I came out and said they were using hospital medicine. For for that, you know, as I mentioned myself was a horse medicine. That to me was the height of deception. That's what they call real fake news because there is human ivermectin and this animal as a matter of just like the animals are also given amoxicillin and augmentin, or whatever medications they need to take, you know, so it was it was really really a bad thing that they were doing and so by sometime around May or 2020 I was done. You know, playing Mr. Nice Guy, you know, I decided that you know, this is not science. This is evil. This is something demonic going on. I started telling people a long time ago was something demonic going on. The people just thought well Dr. Mana, you intense. Your pastor, so please keep your religion out of it. So they just attacked me. They oh my god, it was horrible. These doctors attacked me. They kicked me off Dr. Ruth Dickerson to report me to the boards. They came after me they just it was crazy. People were attacking me everywhere. But I then were on May I realized this was not science. If you were to tell a doctor that I've taken care of 10 patients with hydroxychloroquine. And he works. Look at the study that was done. It was an individual study. Yes. But look at the study that was done in 2005. It works. And I've tried it because of the study works. No, no, no. I'll do a randomized double blinded study. First of all, that is not ethical to do a randomized double blinded study when people are dying. It's not even ethical and Dr. Paul 34:07 compassionate use. Dr. Stella Immanuel 34:08 Yeah, yes. About the randomized double blinded study for the VAX. They haven't told us. And apart from that hydroxychloroquine is a very safe medication. It's been used for years and yes, I will make it so yes, it is very safe. All of a sudden, I Josipovic could stop your heart. It could kill you. All of a sudden we have people neuroscientists like Sanjay Gupta on TV saying hydroxychloroquine can kill you. What does he know about hydroxychloroquine? What does he know about COVID as he ever chicken COVID patients know when is the last time to refer to places such as the one a patient's chest never probably never. You have something out here here. Patients are crying. People are coming to the hospital, they can't breathe. We'll give them meds and I will give them my toxic cloak and give them as a maximum give them IV fluids and the cover of my clinic like 500% better You know, Dr. Paul 35:00 Doctor says, I think you are probably more qualified than almost any other doctor in this country to treat severe COVID. How many patients have you treated? And what kind of outcomes have you had? Dr. Stella Immanuel 35:11 We've had a, I would say, probably over 120,000 patients, and maybe over 40,000 sick patients, and we've lost a few in the last days, like when delta heat was coming to us very, very sick. You know, I mean, we probably from chilled to Delta heat will probably have had maybe three deaths in about in over 40,000 patients, nine, I don't think we've had maybe 2030 that in our for the translations. So our numbers are better than just everybody. Because people come to people practically, you can practically run away from the hospital, they checked us out of the hospital come to my clinic, we've had people come into the clinic with oxygen of 3040 60 hour telling them go home, they're not gonna go back to the ER, and we're like, we don't we call we have to call the ambulance to the clinic all the time. So when they show up with a low oxygen like that, and they are refusing to go to the emergency room, what do we do we have oxygen in the clinic, we have we give them breathing treatment, sometimes, right? They will come bring up their oxygen from 4050 to 6070. And the thing about it is our COVID Patients can tolerate very low oxygen, because I think it's a from I think it's more of a toxin than it actually is a respiratory disease. Something is is not it's more of a toxemia than it is to respiratory disease, you know, so they, I'm sure that that the oxygen concentration is not like, it's not the one we're picking up on the pulse oximeter, it's not actually the level in the lungs is an oxygen exchange of the issue. So we we give them oxygen in the clinic, we give them BSIV This is very good because it opens the airways. It's a breathing treatment is right there. You know and one of the things that we found out is that many people go down because they're dehydrated, they get COVID they have so you know no smell, they have anosmia they don't eat, they don't drink so they get dehydrated. So when they come in with that kind of low oxygen and they are terrified. Number one, we pray for them, we reassure them that is going to be fine. And that fear just to fear lifting of them make them feel better. Number two, we give them fluids and we give them breathing mints we give them oxygen in the clinic. We start them on their dose of hydroxychloroquine and as I mentioned in the clinic, and then we send them to the magician. One dose I will give them usually will protect them. Sometimes some people have literally refuse to go we had a guy that came to came on telemedicine his oxygen was 50 he refused to go to the emergency room refused to go to the hospital, we manage him at home. He got oxygen at home and we come to give him and he lived you know most of these people some of them walk into the into the lesson because they are scared they're terrified I was terrified they can't breathe they walk into the hospital with their own two feet and then know their their family never hear from them again because they just they put them on remdesivir And this is very toxic. So we just took care of patients so by the time I was going to the Supreme Court that better we got to the July I was done being Miss nice guy I got I was just laughing I was telling the doctors I said you guys continue being cute doctors. I'm going to be the attack dog. I'm gonna you can keep coming into streetfighter as soon as I throw off my suit. So I was ready to fight. I was ready to box a lot when I was looking for. Dr. Paul 38:20 Viewers may not realize that you're also a spiritual leader. You're a preacher. And Dr. Stella Immanuel 38:26 yes, yes. I'm a deliverance Minister, you know, I'm a spiritual, we actually do spiritual warfare. We are like chopping wood trains, which are snipers. So when I was going to DCR to my family members, I said if I go to DC, If I perish, I perish. I'm gonna bust this up if they want to kill me they didn't kill me, my life you know, I died to my own life on my own purpose and my own distinct so long ago, I live to fulfill God's purpose on this earth. So the devil can you cannot kill a dead person I was at that level. That's why I say this is a hero I get killed on this hill I get killed and I'm not gonna let the American people die. Or you know, the good thing about it is that when you decide that you perish, perish, you don't perish. That is when you are ready to give everything and that is when you're ready to fight. My My question to people right now is that you should not be so afraid to die, that you're scared to leave. The reason why they were able to get us is because we are afraid to die. So a lot people are so afraid to die that even Christians that are supposed to have faith and also believe God, trust God as their provider, trust God as a healer, and not unwell, who's come to shove if they if they die, they get to the heavenly home. If Christians and pastors and ministers can be the first to run and go, they're genetically modified we're in serious trouble. So that's a sad it's really sad. You know, so when we left from DC a few things happened. I came back home after we came out that that it was a weird day. Well, you was just a regular day. We didn't even have that much audience listening to us. It was being streamed by Brian Breitbart and everything. So I finished talking and I went back to my hotel room and they called me and said, Oh, they've cut just yours. And it's going all over the place. And it's a millions of users like 4 million, 8 million 10 million. Oh, the president tweeted you, when the president tweeted me all hell broke loose. The whole left lost their mind, they brought down the theory that they use against President Trump on me, he was crazy. And how I was like, Whoa, it was it was just something else. They attacked me with everything, everything that they had. And I'm suing CNN, and because I don't think that they should have bullied me. But by God's grace, when God raises you up, nobody can put you down. But I do believe that, instead of me being regarded as a hero and a renowned doctor, worldwide, the left and many other people that don't know, took me like some crazy witch doctor from an Africa that was that was not cool at all. So, but we came back home and I'm a practical person. We started a telehealth services. On our telehealth, that's it, we've seen over 100,000 patients. We were definitely American people on a daily basis that when delta hit the peak of it, we're seeing seven 800 patients who were barely sleeping. My whole staff were barely sleeping were like, we were working around the clock, basically just keeping people out of the hospital keeping people alive. And we also started, I wrote my book, and then I started, we started, the greatest shift that I've had is going from medicine, as sick care, to prevention, to look at it as wellness. So one of the things we started recommending vitamin CDs in compositing for our patients. And then we started producing the supplements. So we produce vitamin CDs in cosseting. And then of course, we are having a lot of complaint for patients with COVID long so we produce this formula. That is I think the best thing that we'll put together for people that have COVID long, he has a proprietary blend for focus, a proprietary blend for cardio and for energy. So it has things like ginseng, black cumin seed he has, he has a prominent Gannett, he has gingko biloba Tareen, he just asked a lot of stuff. And we found that a lot of people that are taking it are able to focus and have that whoo feeling that they get after they get COVID. So it's really been that. So right now my brain has moved to wellness, my brain has moved to preparedness and America, we have to be prepared, we have to be prepared. So if you go on our website, Dr. Stella md.com, you're gonna see a lot of stuff that was done a lot of things that we've done, to be able to make sure that people are prepared. So that's what you know. Dr. Paul 42:45 And one of the unique things I noticed about your program is that those who are on auto ship actually can get free consultations, medical consultations. Yes, yes. Yeah, that's brilliant, because there are so many people who don't know where to turn. Dr. Stella Immanuel 43:00 Yeah, that is one of the things that we tried to do is in fact, the auto ship program is actually interesting because it's almost like half the cost of what it is. Okay, our, our, our doctor visits, our tele care visit is $150. Just as supplements like coffee like coffee, vide COVID sleep we have coffee sneakers listening to was really good because a lot of people are having like, you know, where people are like, unconsciously by not sleeping insomnia. So we cricket COVID Sleep that has like a ashwagandha Ashwagandha is a natural antibiotic. And then he has melatonin, which is a natural sleep aid and some calcium for bone health. So we we created that. And then we have other things. One of the things we're putting together right now is coming in next week is potassium iodine. And I believe everybody needs to have it in their house. Why? If there's a nuclear attack, you need to have iodine in your house. You stand 130 milligrams once a day for 14 days to protect yourself. So we're putting that together. We also did the Kavita spray, this one is a spray can sweetening your multiple Industria and viruses in your mouth. So we're doing a lot of things here. A lot of people are complaining of hair loss of COVID. So we did COVID hair rights. And we're putting together a lot of things doc, one of we even you know, in the peak of COVID people could not even get a breathing machine cannot get an equaliser Dr. Paul 44:27 I'll tell you a funny story about that. I know you offer both a pulse ox and a nebulizer as well as spirometry. Yes, yes, yeah. But the brilliance of that I was taking care of a pediatric patient last winter from let's see Italy. And the lady was so cute. And she said every respectful family in Italy has a nebulizer and a pulse oximeter. I just thought that was so adorable. They you know if you're a parent out there or anybody in the world we now live in you should have those tools in your Home. Dr. Stella Immanuel 45:00 Yes, so yeah, that is why we have a respiratory care kit. Yes, a nipple is a pulse oximeter and incentives biometric that helps to expand your lungs to exercise your lungs. And if people go on our website, Dr. Paul, for your for your viewers, if they use promo code Dr. Pol, Dr. Paul as one word, you'll get 5% off. So we usually give that, let me explain that a week, Bob, by the way, we put together the auto ship. A lot of people right now are having their doctors want to reveal their medications and do like real simple things to them. So we're starting the acute care services. But we don't want to be like, we're not trying to like take over the care for many people, we just want to be there for people when they need us. You know, so we did autoship for $99. Most of our vitamins three of them, if you get any of our vitamins is $99. But most of our vitamins by athletes about 121 30, our doctor visit is $150 for WellCare visit and if you're six $285, you get three visits. So what we did is that we said if you log in for auto ship that way, we know that this because our problem has been too big the ability to be able to keep inventory, we don't know how much people are gonna order when. So if you're looking for auto ship, it gives us an idea of how to work our inventory and make sure that we have enough people that need it. And what it does for you is that it gives you almost half of what we're doing. But you get three Attica visits, complimentary, that means we don't charge you, you also get a premium, like if you call we take care of our auto ship patients first. You can you can reach us, we're going to have a specialist and wait for them to reach us. Not only that, I now have network with another company that is able to bring oxygen to the house. Wow. Over in all 50 states. Yes. So our job right now is to make sure that we we are able to keep our people alive. But for people that want to. So we have we've contacted a company network where a company will be able to bring oxygen to the house or 50 They'll come and give it because oxygen concentrator and wait. I think the rent is about $150 a month and you keep it and then you use it and then when you get better to come pick it up. We also have We also actually working to get our own oxygen concentrator where you can actually buy your own oxygen concentrator and keep it in your house. Keeping in your house for those that can afford it but then things are expensive. Within your house, you have your oxygen your house you have your nebulizer you have pulse oximeter enough everything you have your high toxic Lupien ivermectin in your medicine cabinet, don't wait to the winter, and then you start calling me to come get you out of the hospital is not I'm not gonna be able to get you out of the hospital. Right now they are hearing about the b2b variant, please, guys, I told everybody stay on Sunday, Sunday medicine, we live in a time where COVID is endemic, they will continue releasing one or different variants after variants, they're gonna continue doing this to the manage to get humanity the way they want to. So we have to be prepared, we have to be prepared in every way. Not only that, we should also be prepared in the fact that look at the supply chain so that the war in Russia and gas prices and everything makes sure you have food, water, and everything that you need in your house. They have to stock up food grains, rice and you know, beef jerky, you know, and stuff like that, and some beans and you know, everything that you need, sanitary towels, diapers, everything that you need. Each time you go to the market, the prices are going up. I have lived in Nigeria when there was an economic crisis and the Nigerian Naira was devalued. I mean, I'm talking about in went from a bottle of soda being 30 cobalt a bottle of soda, right as about 70 naira. So just think about it if your bottle of soda goes from 30 cents to several $100 is how crazy you get when you read in the book of Revelation in Revelation when they talk about the four house revelation six, the third house of the apocalypse is famine. They say a quart of wheat is going to be a dinner which is a day's wages. So imagine if a loaf of bread is $100 for a loaf of bread is and base wages will be $200 contract can people survive. So the time is now to be prepared. Get hydroxychloroquine as I mentioned in your medicine cabinet, get your respiratory kit in your medicine cabinet. Get iodine in your medicine cabinet, get your vitamins or as much put it in your medicine cabinet. Stock up food and water get flashlights because if they take down the power grid right now all your flashlight will work. Learn how to cook get back a Curzon stove. get like a charcoal grill or something things that don't need any kind of electronics. You know I grew up in Africa we could survive without electronics. And this is going to be hard to get a satellite phone Just get an am FM radio we prepare like I tell people have grown to become a totally become a prepper Dr. Paul 50:09 Yeah. Dr. Stella This is such great information. I'd like to have you touch on one other point before we wrap it up in America people get so polarized on oh well your far left or far right this is republican or democrat and because you have your extensive background outside of the US what's going on here it's not just happening here is it? Dr. Stella Immanuel 50:36 The devil knows how to divide and conquer. We are all the prey whether you're far right far left, lower right lower left or whatever. black white, green, yellow, men female and order. We are all the prey we're all the prey not just here all over the world. This is America as the last man standing. Australia has been taken down Canada was almost destroyed recharges in Stanhope people places like New Zealand. You know, Indonesia, you can be very Kamara your house if you don't if you're not Vax and boosted because I'm saying Philippines is getting crazier in the islands you cannot come out of yours. We're sending money right now to to for food to Trinidad and Tobago, because we have a pastor friend there and they are sending this they are able to send food out to other islands because people are lining up to eat this founder in Peru and everywhere. America has survived is still surviving right now. But how long are we going to survive? We need to stop all these factions. We are all the prey humanity has to stand up unite us one and fight this globalist they are not many, the loft programmers, they love to say crazy stuff to us. Their whole agenda is to turn every human being to human 2.0 If you listened to not Harare, I don't know what I've listened to my array. This guy is not hiding it again. If you listen to Klaus Schwab, the founder of The Great World Economic Forum, he said that in the fourth industrial revolution is going to be you that will change if you take gene editing the CEO of modern assets that they are hacking the software of life, this people are out there people, I think that they are demons, or they are natural. And so you know, Dr. Paul 52:16 they talk about getting rid of the useless eaters. Dr. Stella Immanuel 52:19 Yes, you saw that right? They want to call you and I useless eaters. What is wrong with him, you said Jesus is fake news, and that they've gone beyond God and think about it. God is showing me this thing in 2011, that, that we're going to have genetically modified human beings. And this is what they are saying that said they don't know how they're going to produce humans that are not going to be organic. What is God, these are demons. Dr. Paul 52:45 So you know, this fella there right, white out in the open is not a conspiracy. They're doing this. Dr. Stella Immanuel 52:53 When we said it before, they say what's a conspiracy? Right? I got fleeced by technology. You have the platypus Institute, enhancing human human beings. And guess what? A lot of these studies are being done in DARPA, our own defense department. He was DARPA that created the vaccines will Medina if you listen to it by itself, the CEO of Medina, he worked with the government. He said, Oh, they just brought the the sequencing and within a few days, boom, they had this thing. And then the government gave them the money and everything. You see, it is so crazy, because they take our tax dollars, they give it to us to Medina to create these cyborgs, these genetic modification jobs. And then they now sell it back to the government, and then use up trillions of dollars to buy it and then give it to people for free. People don't even understand what nothing is free. It's crazy, though. Dr. Paul 53:46 So Dr. Stella, I know your mission is to bring goodness and light into the world. What would your parting message B. And then at the very end, I want you to remind people how they can get in touch with you and, but but parting words of wisdom to our audience. Dr. Stella Immanuel 54:05 Number one, be prepared. Be prepared, even spiritually, pray, decrease Psalm 91 over your home, your family. When people are talking about they're going to programmers, every one of us is veiled to an extent. You have to pray for that video to get off your mind so that you can actually see the truth. Even the Patriots, there's a level of feeling that they're waking up to the truth of the devil is bad, but they have not woken up to the need Jesus need a master. So we have to be prepared spiritually. We have to be prepared physically, by making sure we stock up food, water, everything. We have to be prepared medically, by making sure that we have even the medications you take on a daily basis. Make sure you stock up. Make sure you have ivermectin hydroxychloroquine on your medicine cabinet. Go on our website, Dr. Stella md.com. We have all that if you've taken the vaccine, you can still repent it's a pray on our website for those that have been vaccinated. You can repent and ask God to recreate your DNA. Bible says in Titus that he is He, salvation is regeneration. So God can regenerate you again. So be prepared in every way, get tired and get busy. So you go on our website, we want to make sure that the American people are prepared. Your respiratory care can get everything and free like never before, repent on behalf of this craziness that has been done in our land, and ask God for mercy, because it's only God that can deliver us from where we are right now. And I'm gonna pray, just pray for everybody listening to the sound of my voice, at any veil of darkness that has been upon your mind with Tony the name of Jesus, I pray that God will show us mercy as a nation as a people as a generation, in the name of Jesus Father, not you hear what you are not saying he's calling you fake news, or rise of God and judge them as you judge this, this power in Egypt and bring your people out in the name of Jesus. Thank You, Lord, for everyone that is fighting in this battle, Dr. Pol, and all the other patrons or the rising up doctors who have lost their licenses doctors and have lost their mode of income, those that have been arrested for that every single one of them, Lord, you will protect them. You keep them strong and you strengthen them in Jesus name, King of Glory. And thank you, Lord, just help us have mercy on us. And don't let the enemy destroy us in Jesus name. Amen. Dr. Paul, is that we have a ranch here in Texas, people can call me and pray when you guys fight retreat. People come here the retreat here to pray and get revived. You know, people are coming like we have a program this month. We have programs once a month, people come from all over the country. And it's free to everybody. We can pass about 120 people, but and it's first come first served basis, people can stay for free and just get involved. So we thank God for everything that we're doing. God bless you and go to Dr. Stella md.com. If you use promo code, Dr. Paul, Dr. Paul, Dr. Paul, you're going to get 5% off that we will help your people sign up for the auto ship going sign up for the ship, you become our preferred member you can get you get three vitamins monthly shipped to you, but you also get acute care visits which include COVID care once a year. So three times a year. You can see us for free once you're part of our auto ship, and we'll be able today to answer you and take care of you. Dr. Paul 57:17 God bless you Dr. Stella Manuel, you are shining light on the hill and I am so grateful that you have come on this show. Keep doing your amazing work. Dr. Stella Immanuel 57:26 Amen. Amen. Thank you for bringing me here. Bless you Dr. Paul 57:35 Dr. Paul, thanks for watching the show. Please visit doctors and science.com There you can access our members only section. This show is member supported. We don't have to take sponsors. We don't have to have anybody controlling the content of our show. This is a huge perk most people aren't aware of your membership gives you access to my eBooks, transcripts of every show PowerPoints from talks I'm giving around the country and live bonus peeks at behind the scenes work we're doing my off the cuff thoughts and reviews on current events. Your support makes all this possible. Thank you. Help me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors and science.com. I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. And let's make this the weekly show the nation has been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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