PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:04
Dr. Paul Welcome to against the wind doctors and science under fire. Today's show features an interview that I just loved. So Doug Holstad is a pediatrician of my same generation. I mean, we were one year behind each other. We went on almost the identical journey of waking up to what was going on with vaccines in our world and what we were seeing in our patients. It's a really special interview of the two of us back and forth on this whole topic of vaccines, children's health, wellness in general, you're going to enjoy it. This week's interview with Bernadette will be featured on CHD. TV on her show, every Friday. Enjoy that segment also. And then we round out the show with a very important interview with Jordan Grimm. She's a mom whose child suffered an injury. After this six month well visit paralyzed months in the hospital in the ICU. It's a story you need to hear. It's heartbreaking but important that we understand that we have to start looking at the magnitude of all health outcomes when you compare vaccinated children to unvaccinated children. Enjoy the show. Dr. Paul, coming to you from the heart, I have a confession to make. There's been a fair bit of turmoil in my world. I woke up this morning feeling inadequate and insecure. What was going on? I was getting into trying to control and be in charge of everything that's happening around me getting stuck in ego. That's never been a good place for me. And then I remembered, let go and let God I also use the tool that I fall back on all the time when I'm feeling stressed. We've talked about this before here. Breathe in love. And exhale stress. I just was reminded that when I'm in that space of love, I can have peace and serenity. Even when my own personal world is in turmoil or when the world at large is in chaos. I wish for you that same peace and serenity. Welcome Dr. Doug homestead what a privilege and honor it is to have you on against the Land Doctors in science under fire. I've been wanting to talk to you for the longest time and we've played kind of cat or cat and mouse or I don't know what we've been doing. But we got each other. You and I have a very similar background, I noticed that you finished residency in pediatrics in 1987. One year ahead of me. Yeah. board certified in 89. A couple years ahead of me is a little slower than you back then. Doug Hulstedt, MD 2:53 Was thought that about you? Dr. Paul 2:56 I was afraid you might have thought that. Yeah. You were damn Doctor back in 2002. That was the year I went to my first damn conference. Yeah, Doug Hulstedt, MD 3:04 yeah, I think that's when I started. Yeah, those of Dr. Paul 3:07 you watching who have not heard of Dan defeat, Autism NOW was an incredible organization of scientists, who were really delving into what was going on with the autism epidemic that we were seeing that pediatricians were just sort of going well, we don't know what it is. And we don't know what causes it. Good luck, right? That's what we were being taught to say. You've become a fellow of the American Association of ozone therapy, which is amazing. It feels to me. I mean, we're both pediatricians have been at this for 30. Some years. And younger pediatricians, doctors who are coming up, they don't have that perspective of a generation or two. You know, going back to when autism was what, we didn't see it at all, when we were in medical school. Doug Hulstedt, MD 3:54 Yeah, so I think in 2002, I actually started seeing autistic kids and attempting to do biomedical treatments in 2000. But I think 2002 was when I first started going to the damn conferences. In I think, San Diego, so maybe you were there, too. But yeah, so when I, when we first started going, they were really scared, they were afraid that they were going to see a huge increase in autism. And the reason they were afraid was because the incidence of autism was one out of 562. And I'm thinking, well, that's not so bad. But they said this is an extraordinary increase in the amount of autism that we've been seeing over the years. So we're very scared that we're going to continue to see extraordinary increases. So that was my first introduction to the actual numbers. So one out of 562 for me was like, well, that's not so bad. But this is what started rolling into me and two 1000 I started getting families first family came and say my child was walking. My child was talking, my child was doing everything appropriately. And then my child received vaccines lost eye contact loss speech, couldn't walk for four weeks started screaming like a maniac have sensory issues. Dr. Elsa, we think our child's autism is caused by the vaccines. And I because of my great training, I knew that vaccines couldn't hurt anybody. Number one, and number two, there had to be another reason. So I knew what the obvious reason was, and I was just that the family was crazy. But in the meantime, so I'm going to teach you something, Paul, when you meet a crazy family, you just kind of put them on the shelf, leave them alone, because they're crazy. Okay, so that's kind of what was going on my head is like, Okay, well, we can do this. So started working biomedical treatments. First Family not so good. I just continued to see that family and I don't know that we got a huge response from him. But a second family roll down. Guess what they told me my child was walking, talking, doing everything appropriately. I had a 10 word vocabulary, 15 months of age, which is good you and I know that's that's actually good. That's about an 18 month level, right? Then my child received vaccines lost eye contact loss speech, couldn't walk for four weeks started stimming like maniac has sensory issues, doctor, also we think our child's autism is caused by the vaccines. And because I was so well trained. I knew what was going on. It's obvious to anyone that has any modicum of medical education that vaccines can't hurt anybody. So obviously, what's going on here is there is an epidemic of crazy families. There you go. It's so obvious, you know, so, so I was worried because of the epidemic of crazy families. So after about so I was seeing a lot of TRICARE patients, TRICARE has the highest incidence of autism of any people group in the United States. So I was Dr. Paul 7:01 seeing TRICARE is the insurance of the military. Yeah, the military are the most aggressive Doug Hulstedt, MD 7:07 vacuum. Yeah, yeah. So by the 10th family, the very dim light bulb over my head, started screwing in. In the meantime, I had been going to the dad conferences attempting to figure out, you know, things to do with these families, getting some pretty extraordinary successes. And some of the kids I just like, they just went nowhere. But by the TED family, that very dim light bulb finally screwed in. It's like, oh, Houston, we got a problem. So that was 2003. And I got very excited. There's a there's a group of people you probably haven't heard of, and none of your listeners have heard of us called the CDC. They they publish or they actually made an advanced announcement. Usually it's with trumpets. And there's a procession and they say we're going to look at the administration of MMR vaccine and subsequent autism. I was so excited. Yeah, cuz I knew the paradigm of ethics virtue, the CDC was going to tell me the truth and tell me what in the world was going on. So it's a study called the DiStefano study, everybody needs to look it up. Because that was a turning point for me. Because of the results. Yeah. So the study showed that there was absolutely no correlation whatsoever with the administration of MMR and subsequent towards autism. With that, that was kind of a lynchpin for the discussion in the CDC saying, vaccines have no correlation, no causation with autism. And I'm looking at this I've already got my 10 families telling me exactly opposite of what the CDC is telling me and I'm thinking okay, so is it I know, because I've so been so well trained, obviously. Is it possible that there's a Kabbalah parents outside my inner on there, so Okay, so when you see hosted, you're going to tell them this story? That yeah, yeah, that's possible. That's like me winning Lotto four straight weeks running. And, by the way, I don't play lotto. So it's like, Well, okay, what's the other possibility? Other possibility is that there's a fatal flaw with the CDC study. So this is me trying to work out what in the heck is going on? Right. I've had experiences with fatal flaws with studies in the past. So you're a pediatrician, right? Yep. Yeah. Have you ever heard of something called chickenpox? Sure. Oh, good. Good. All right. I was afraid maybe we're off off track or something? Dr. Paul 9:37 No, I just got in trouble with the medical board for putting up a video about chickenpox. Doug Hulstedt, MD 9:42 Oh, man, you you rebel. You Yeah. So Dr. Paul 9:45 trying to educate the my audience about the vaccine and shingles and all that. And yeah, I got a letter right away. Yeah. Doug Hulstedt, MD 9:53 Right. That's important. All right. It's important to get letters. So this was my experience with chickenpox. Back in the olden days, the textbook said, you can get chickenpox one time. at all, okay, all right. You know, it's one and done, right? Except I had a family that came in I was with Kaiser. I'd worked with Kaiser for 10 years. And I had an entire family come in, I think was three kids. And the mom turns to me and said, you see these children? I said, Yeah, what do you think I am blind? Yeah, I see these kids. And she said, Yeah, every one of these kids has had chickenpox three times. Hmm. And I'm looking at I'm thinking, Well, I know what's going on here. There were two stupid doctors. And then one smart doctor that made the actual diagnosis of chickenpox, because I got my textbook that says you can only get chickenpox one time. Yeah, that's what's going on. Yeah, there was one smart doctor out there and to dopes, right. So when all the kids came in with their fourth case of Dr. Paul 10:57 chicken, then you would have had to have been one of the dumb doctors. No, no, Doug Hulstedt, MD 11:01 I made the fourth diagnosis of chickenpox and all three of these kids. So the the Oh, no. And you've got to know chickenpox is one of the easier diagnoses in the planet to make. Right. Right. So I'm looking thing, ah, you know what, I think my textbooks wrong, I will see a total of maybe 15,000 patients in my lifetime as a pediatrician. So I just blew out the no vaccine or no repeat thing with my one diagnosis of three kids. Then there was a study that came out right after that. And it said, no, no, you can get one out of 10,000 cases of chickenpox where you'll get a second time. And I didn't believe that study, either because it didn't fit my data. Finally, there was a third study or second study that came out indicating that no, you could get chickenpox a second time, maybe one in 100 cases. And that actually fits the data that I was seeing. Dr. Paul 12:00 So So Dr. Doug, are you trying to tell me that real world data is important? Doug Hulstedt, MD 12:07 I think real world data is extraordinarily important. It's amazing what you can learn if you're actually listening. But the joke is, if you're not careful, you'll learn something new every day. I've been careful today. I haven't learned anything new. So I just wanted to encourage you with that. But if you're not careful, it could happen. It could even happen to you even though I know you started you're behind me. Dr. Paul 12:31 Yeah, I've been looking to you ever since. And I know. You've taught me everything you know, and I still don't know anything. Doug Hulstedt, MD 12:40 Oh, that's a little sad. Okay, so this is the to Stefanos study this, I finally decided two things. To show my brilliance, I figured out there's a fatal flaw with this study. And I will probably never figure out what was wrong with it. And I just had to live with that. Um, so fast forward 10 years, I've two things happen. One is I found out what was wrong with this study. And so that blew away the idea that I was never going to find out. And there truly was a fatal flaw. So I was only right on one out of the two ideas Dr. Paul 13:20 that I had on it. Yeah. Tell our audience what what you found out? Doug Hulstedt, MD 13:23 Yeah. So there's a guy named William Thompson. So there were five principal investigators on this study. And then he was the statistician on the study. And he was feeling guilty for 10 years. Well, quiz question, William, why are you feeling guilty for 10 years? Oh, because we all got together in a circle. You know, those blue waste bins that are recycling bins, we all had one or at our station, and we all throughout our raw data, indicating a 336% increase in the amount of autism and black infant males. So I want to recap that a little bit for you, Paul, I know you've heard this before. But the recap is this, when you take out raw data you are doing you probably haven't heard of this word before, just like you hadn't heard of CDC. What you're doing is you're lying. This is called fraud, fraud. This is the CDC the paradigm of ethics and virtue. So in 2014, I was not a real happy camper. Because I don't know about you, but I been taught to actually trust the CDC and the stuff that they put out. I've since come to a conclusion that, you know, they may be a group of bad eggs. As a pediatrician, I will just say they're bad eggs. Dr. Paul 14:35 No, I share that with you. We were trained to have such respect for the CDC. I mean, it looked like they were accumulating mountains of good data. They were you know, that was our go to resource. I mean, they were certainly well funded. But what certainly transpired especially now as we morphed into this COVID disaster, yeah, yeah, the CDC is is anything but a A source for good information, especially when it comes to vaccines. Doug Hulstedt, MD 15:04 Yeah, there is that minor, practically insignificant detail. Dr. Paul 15:09 So we've got the CDC lying to us and destroying data and committing fraud and getting rid of the association between the MMR and autism. That was your first big wake up as it was mine, actually, other than the fact that we both saw these patients regressed into autism and heard that story. Yeah, 10 or nine or 10 cases in three or four years. I got four cases in four years that it took me that long to wake up. And then once you wake up, and you really start listening, how many more stories do you hear 100? Doug Hulstedt, MD 15:39 Yeah, well, I don't have hundreds. I do have at present I've seen 146 autistic kids in my practice over the years. Of those 72 of them are specifically vaccine damage, meaning they were neurotypicals. Here, they walk through the vaccine during become newly printed Autistics. Yeah. So I'm running. About 48% of my Autistics got there because of the vaccines. I suspect that a number of them. I can't trace because the moms got vaccines during pregnancy. And I can't You can't tell with a hep B vaccine, if the kids slipped because of the hep B vaccine, because you don't know what the before was like. Right? So Dr. Paul 16:21 getting that at birth. And so the vaccines during pregnancy that have been at birth, if they get nothing else, even you we don't know if that was all it took, because certainly the hep B is a really bad actor and injecting aluminum while you're pregnant. Well, that seems like Insanity. Doug Hulstedt, MD 16:36 Yeah, Paul, tell me what did you think of the de Stefano study when it came out? Because you and I literally paralleled each other in regards to what we were seeing? Dr. Paul 16:45 Yeah. Well, that came out when I was deep diving into what is causing autism, what the heck is going on? We're at damn conferences, we're learning the science. We're seeing the fact that mercury, aluminum, immune activation, I mean, we got better data later. But we were starting to wake up to all these things that can be triggered, or within the vaccines that are probably a big player, like you said, we don't know that it's the only player. I mean, glyphosate is terrible. There's lots of bad things out there. But it was clearly something environmental. And in medical school, we had that thing called paternalism, we had that thing called first do no harm we, we had that term called atherogenic. When we see something unusual in our patients, we should look at what we're doing first. Is it possible that it's something weird doing? And I think you and I have now collected a lot more data since then that we're, it's beyond a theory, we know what's going on? Doug Hulstedt, MD 17:45 Yeah. Yeah. What did you think, though, then, when you saw the de Stefano study, because it had, Dr. Paul 17:52 I was just disgusted? Because I would like you, I couldn't figure out what was wrong with it. They don't give you the raw data. So this is one of the one of the tricks of research that people do is they they get to have the access to the raw data, and they give you these those summaries. And what we've learned was they were excluding certain datasets. Doug Hulstedt, MD 18:15 Yeah, that's, that's evil. I have other words for it. I'm a Christian. So I have other words for it. But yeah, so but that was 2014. By then I have a mutual friend of ours. I believe we're mutual friends. I was I had been doing Bob Sears stretched out vaccine schedule. Yeah. With some modifications of my own and thinking that was safer. And I think it was safer. I just don't think it was safe. But 2017 was also kind of a cascade year because there were two studies that came out then that made an impression on me. And they're the things that I'm unfortunately for my patient population. I'm telling them about him. There's once the Maassen study. And the Maassen study actually took a fully unvaccinated population of kids to look at a vaccinated population of kids. So this is, this is exactly the way you're supposed to do a study you're supposed to have either a true control group, or a true placebo, which we really never had. But Mawson showed a 420% increase in autism 500% increase amount of add ADHD 700% increase in the amount of ear tubes PE tubes 700% increase amount of hospitalizations for pneumonia 3,000% increased amount of allergic rhinitis. 300% increase in the amount of let's see asthma and then 300% increase in eczema. Almost as if we were doing damage to the kids. Dr. Paul 19:51 Yeah, let's pivot to avi study. Tell me about that. Because I remember reading it, it's important. Doug Hulstedt, MD 19:57 You say A B, I say RB Peter, he was the godfather of vaccinations in a place called Guiana, Brousseau and he was giving DPT to three month olds and then five months olds to essentially get them covered for diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, the P is the whooping cough pertussis. And so the kids were supposed to have a total two vaccinations. If they came in too early, he would wait until five months of age to give them a first vaccine or an only vaccine. Well, then he asked the million dollar question the million dollar question was did any of the children either in the one vaccine group or the two vaccine group die from diphtheria tetanus or whooping cough? Answer? No. So that's great news. We can all go home and do a happy dance because none of the kids died from diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough, unfortunately, is the $2 million question. And the $2 million question was, if we look at all cause death, is there a difference between the one vaccine group and the two vaccine group? And the answer is there is a distinct difference between the two groups, the one vaccine group was actually dying 500% less frequently than the two vaccine group. That's not good. In fact, it's actually worse than that, because he also had a no vaccine group of kids that got no vaccines whatsoever. And the girls in the no vaccine group were actually dying 1,000% less frequently than the two vaccine girl group girls. Now Peter AB actually spoke at the World Health Organization vaccine safety conference. So this is a world conference that he's talking to. And he told him, You all do realize that with our data set, we are actually killing more children than we are predicting from disease. Right. And I think he was met with a chorus of crickets and that's not good. That's not good. Dr. Paul 21:48 Luck. Good. So so it turns out that now we've got the Moston data. Oh, well, we've got the the William Thompson CDC fiasco where we now realize oh, my gosh, the CDC has been fabricating data. And so we can't really trust what they're saying. And then you have Moston study where you go, oh, there's a whole lot of other conditions that might be caused by vaccines. And now I get this Peter, Abby study, and it's like, oh, my gosh, even death, we are killing people with vaccines, because nobody in the vaccine industry looks at all cause mortality. And they also never looked for these other conditions, because they're just assumed not to be associated. Doug Hulstedt, MD 22:31 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. really comforting. So then, in 2020, there was some guy named Paul Thomas. And I believe James Lyons that put together a study out of Thomas's own work. Wait a minute. Oh, that's me here. Paul Thomas, off the barn. Oh, dang. They talk to me about that study you guys did in 2020. Talk to me, man. All right, the horse's mouth. I don't want to be rude. But here's the horse's mouth Tell me. Dr. Paul 23:01 The funny thing is how I got about to doing that study. So in February of 2019, the Oregon medical board that's been on my back since I wrote the vaccine friendly plan book in 2016. sends me a letter prove that the vaccine friendly plan is as safe as the CDC schedule. Well, it's like, how do you prove that the CDC has proven anything that they do is safe. In fact, they changed the recommendations without any study. Anyway, somebody smarter than me said, why don't you do a QA analysis? Just look at your data. That way, you don't have to go get an IRB right away. You can answer the board quickly. So I hired an independent expert to come in. He's happened to be a pediatrician neonatologist who needs to remain anonymous for his safety. But he came in he says, Paul, why? Why is that? Yeah, why is that? He says Paul, I need I need to let you know I am a data nerd. I don't know what we're gonna find. And I stick to whatever we find it. I'm not on an agenda here. I said great. I'm Norm. I just want to know what we're going to find out here. I had a hunch I have a sick in a while waiting room. And as the years have gone by, and my sick waiting room gets emptier and emptier. And my Well, room is packed, something I'm doing is working. But I didn't have the data. So we took every single patient born into my practice from the day I opened my doors, which was June 1 2008, till we close the dataset 10 and a half years later, and we had him look at every single condition, billable diagnosis and stratified them according to whether they had no vaccines and however many vaccines they had. So we basically had this massive data set that ended up being published in a peer reviewed journal. Here you go board. What we found was as you've read it, I mean, there was massive increases in allergy things. severe eczema, you're allergic rhinitis, those same things that Mohsen was finding. There was massive increases in developmental issues, the add even a bit in autism or autism data, we didn't have enough for it to be as robust. But it was the signal was there. And then the interesting thing, Wow, so many more infections, whether we looked at ear infections or sinusitis, lung infections, it didn't matter, any kind of infection, Doug Hulstedt, MD 25:28 the control group study, do you mind if I go into it? Dr. Paul 25:31 Please? Do I speak about it all the time when I'm traveling around the country? Yeah. Doug Hulstedt, MD 25:35 So the control group study actually got the world's largest group of fully unvaccinated kids. And they did one other thing that really opened my eyes. And that was also absence of vitamin K administration. Yes. That just that really shocked me because, you know, I love that vitamins, right. So I was not real happy when I heard about the vitamin K having aluminum in it. So the control group study pulled that apart. And I'm going to under quote some of the things and I found this out when I talked to joy Garner, I was actually on a video with her but so from an ABS. So there are two words that doctors almost never say, their absolute and causation. In fact, you probably start stuttering when you see absolute, or causation, or either any combination thereof. But from an absolute causation standpoint, from a statistical standpoint, that control group study showed 1,000% increase in learning disability speech delays, developmental delays, Autism Spectrum Disorder, ATD, ADHD stress most type two diabetes, epilepsy and adults, seeing children cancer and adults cancer and children, multiple chronic diseases 660% increase in the amount of sudden infant death syndrome. These are absolute causation meaning we we doctors, if we're doing this stuff are causing these things, that's, that's your sick room group. That's the entire sick room group. What I've noticed in my practice, because I had a moral crisis about 2017. And I really had to stop doing any vaccines whatsoever in my practice. But and I, you know, I finally got rid of all my vaccines by 2018, I'm seeing fewer and fewer kids and the kids I do see are the Healthy Kids, they're happy, and they're very intelligent, it's a lot of fun to do that with them. It's a really different experience than when I was with Kaiser back in the 90s. Where, you know, I was seeing these kids with their pus coming out of their ears all the time, their asthma, where you'd have to wheel them off in in an ambulance to get them to the hospital. So they wouldn't croak on you and get a minor details like that. So in my practice, you know, obviously retrospect is sometimes 2020. I've I personally have created two autistic kids. I created a kid with type one diabetes. And then also in retrospect, I realized that I was probably the instrument to cause a sudden infant death syndrome, I saw a beautiful child, beautiful baby, and said, Oh, yeah, we can give some vaccines. And we can blame Bob Sears on this, I think, you know, I'd given him a couple injections, and then found out three weeks later that he had died two weeks before. So we doctors are, are causing death, whether we know it or not. So anyway, that's been my experience. Dr. Paul 28:38 Pediatricians here listening to two pediatricians who have had the exact same experience. We have been on the front lines, and this is exactly what we're seeing. But you don't see it. If you're a pediatrician, and you cannot fathom the idea. You can go there for whatever reason that what you're doing is not just killing kids, but it's also causing so much if not most of the chronic things we take care of. We've got the data, right. I mean, you and I sit on this data and we see it in our practice. Our unvaccinated kids are incredibly healthy. They're incredibly sharp as far as their brain function is if they're the lights are on in their eyes. Yeah. In comparison to exactly what you're seeing in my old practice. It was just ear infection after infection, antibiotics after antibiotics, six, six sick it's time to do things differently. Absolutely. Doug Hulstedt, MD 29:34 Yeah, you know, obviously, you know, for you and me as pediatricians, we start, the lights start coming on, we realize we've really not done anybody any favors. But we've had such an extraordinarily strong group from CDC AP and ASAP all saying, This is good for you. Well, there's there's this thing called lying that we really need to deal with it It's it's a huge paradigm shift. Also, one book I would recommend for any of the pediatricians that might be listening, you need to read the Structure of Scientific Revolutions. It's by Thomas Kuhn. It's a, it's a book that is extraordinarily important for just understanding how we think as human beings. It doesn't matter if you're a human being as a pediatrician or another physician, you need to read that book. So anyway, but that's the noise. Dr. Paul 30:29 It's such an important message. As we wrap up for our little time together here, what do you see as the most important thing going forward? What would you like people to to understand or to do? Doug Hulstedt, MD 30:47 You can't vaccinate, you know, you got to realize that God made our children so that they didn't have a slot for a vaccination, when when you're jacking up an immune system, which is exactly what you're doing. You can do exquisite harm you and I now know because of our training, there's this gut connection to the brain. Well, not only is there a gut connection to the brain, there's also an A an immunologic connection to the brain through the gut. But the immunologic system is about the most complex system in the entire universe next to its buddy in crime, the neurological system, and we're affecting neurological systems with with the vaccine program. And we you and I don't think I had any clue that that was happening. Yeah, Dr. Paul 31:34 no, we didn't. So I happen to agree with you. Did you guys hear that? Do not vaccinate. Oh, my God. Two pediatricians just said that on the same show. Doug Hulstedt, MD 31:47 It's kind of scary. That is that is Dr. Paul 31:49 sacrilegious. We will be kicked off of our academy of pediatrics. Oh, that's right. They already kicked me off. I heard you're still. Oh, yeah. Doug Hulstedt, MD 31:57 I just stopped paying dues. And they're still sending me stuff. I haven't told them. So Dr. Paul 32:02 I tried. I tried to renew they've ousted me. Oh, so I should have quit a long time ago. But I just wanted to keep an eye on um, you know, see what they were doing. Doug Hulstedt, MD 32:14 Yeah, Paul, I have a question for you is, so in the state account? We're in the state of California, you're in the other state of Oblivion called Oregon. Is there a felony rule against the practice of medicine without a license? Dr. Paul 32:30 That's a really good question. My understanding is that if you are prescribing, actually, if you're even just diagnosing and treating that you're going to be in big trouble. But I don't know the specific legal answer to the felony part of it, do you? Doug Hulstedt, MD 32:52 It's just it's a felony in the state of California. So we literally got an entire legislator that's in a felonious state. And then of course, the medical board that you probably had no experience with whatsoever. They are also in a felonious state. So for the medical or the legal people out there. These are true felonies, when you're causing damage by the material that you're prescribing, or injecting. That's a felony in the state of California, and I betting it is in Oregon, and I haven't looked it up because I can barely spare spell Oregon. Dr. Paul 33:25 So just briefly on the COVID experience, how has that changed your? Doug Hulstedt, MD 33:31 Oh, yeah. So right now, so yeah, we hadn't even gotten to COVID. We're just talking about the childhood vaccine. Yeah. Anyway, so let's talk about COVID for a micro sec. I think the vaccine the childhood vaccines are really bad. I think the COVID jabs for kids are really bad to the second power. Yeah, I think they're just horrible. You know, sometimes, actually, family experience doesn't hurt. It's hurting my family, but it doesn't hurt to at least kind of have some aid in your own mind. So I've got five family members that I believe all got exquisitely damaged by the vaccine program for COVID. The latest was a cousin on the East Coast that developed a an ocular stroke that I think came directly from the jabs. The second latest is a woman in Arizona, one of my family members who developed a brain tumor behind her left eye and she just got this, this surgery to take that out and she's out of ICU today. My daughter's mother in law developed Gyan brace syndrome. And so she was on a ventilator for two months and she's now relearning how to walk in a rehab facility. My my sister in law developed minimal change go Maryland. Brightest, which doesn't sound bad, because it's minimal change, but it will kill you if you don't have the right nephrologist. Yeah. And then there's one more. Oh, yeah. So my niece's husband, in a place called Portland, Oregon, developed myocarditis after his two jabs. So that's that, and I don't have a huge family. Yeah. So I'm looking around thinking, well, this ain't good. This ain't good. Dr. Paul 35:24 Right? Yeah. So, so you know, you and I know they're downplaying the negative effects of the jab. But they're, it's just, it makes. This is where I will never ever, ever, ever again, trust the CDC, public health officials. How can they look at the devastating data in bears? And just pretend like it's not their Doug Hulstedt, MD 35:48 weed? Isn't it? We did before? Yeah, the one of the things that drove me crazy as I read through medical journals, not that I do it very often, because there are a lot of big words in there, I just want you to know, but typically, the conclusion they would make always was, well, further studies need to be made, you know, or we see no correlation. And of course, there's correlation. When you're looking at their databases. It's like, come on, you guys wake. Oh, Dr. Paul 36:16 yeah. That conclusion will say something that's friendly to Pharma. When the data is the opposite. Doug Hulstedt, MD 36:23 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They have to say something really friendly to the group of people that has the largest group of lobbyists in the entire world. Dr. Paul 36:33 Yep. Well, just to get published, you got to act like you're in that camp. So So final thoughts, platforms, yours. Tell, tell the world what what you want them to know. Doug Hulstedt, MD 36:45 Wow, I have total control over your life right now. I can actually tweak the dials. I would say that this is a spiritual warfare. It really looks like what we've seen is depopulation. And that comes from the pit of hell. If you haven't accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you need to start reading your Bible because anybody else will lie to you. And we've seen it with the CDC, the FDA, FDA that there was the newest thing about FDA. It was MMR administration, and varicella put them together and there's a 60% increase in sudden our side effects. They've kept that data safe and away from actual pediatricians like you and me for 25 years, and that the only way it was released, I think it was children's health defense, that through a FOIA request. They got that data out. There are a bunch of liars, there is a problem when they're lying to you about this stuff, or to me, but I would say is since I have I'm tweaking the dials, start reading your Bible. Dr. Paul 37:49 Amen, brother. Thank you, Dr. homestead. A blessing. Blessings to you man. Yeah, God bless. Bye bye. Welcome Jordan grim Nash's mom. And that's Nash on your lap, I'm guessing. Jordan and Nash 38:08 Yes, it is. He's turned into his show. But yes. Dr. Paul 38:11 Thank you, Nash for joining us. You have a story that I think the world needs to hear too often. I'm a pediatrician, as you know. And too often we're just taught to say that vaccines are safe and effective. Injuries are one in a million don't worry about it. And unfortunately, injuries do happen. And I think you have a story that I'd love to hear Nash's almost two, yep. And tell me about his birth and his early development how things were going and then what happened. Jordan and Nash 38:43 So he was born July 20 2020, middle of COVID and everything and we could you know, only have us at the hospital. Everything was fine. My entire pregnancy we there was no issues. It was a scheduled C section because my previous pregnancies were sections also. He was a healthy seven pounds, six ounces ahead on all of his milestones up until six months when his injury happened. So he was a perfectly healthy, happy baby up until everything happened. Dr. Paul 39:19 So were you vaccinating him all along until he was six months? Jordan and Nash 39:25 So I was following a delayed schedule it if you Google 1986 versus 2019 vaccine schedule and click images up pops right up. So at two months and four months, he only had polio and D tap. And it wasn't that combined when they were two separate shots and then six months he only had the chat. Dr. Paul 39:49 Okay. And something happened how soon after his six month visit and shots. Jordan and Nash 39:56 It was 13 days after he woke up up from nap, daycare, not breathing correctly. I was already on my way over to my daycares house to pick him and his brother up because I was off work for the day. And I was probably two blocks away. And she texts me she said something is wrong. I was in her door within two minutes. And I immediately said call 911 Just because of the way he looked. He had started to turn blue and purple in the mouth on the chest area. So I picked him up out of her lap and kind of held him out in front of me to open up his airway a little bit, I do have somewhat of a nursing background. And his color did come back. And at that point, his arms and everything were still moving, but he was not breathing, right. And you could tell he was having a hard time. And he was struggling within a few minutes, so his arms went limp and fell back behind him. And that was just kind of the end of his arms and everything just kind of transpired from there. Dr. Paul 40:53 So all right, so you must have had my mom came, took him to the hospital. And then what happened? Jordan and Nash 41:00 Yes, so we were transported to our local er, they ran bloodwork, they did an EKG, they he was still struggling to breed though, and they wanted to do a CT. So they did end up intubating him and doing the CT, everything came back normal. There was nothing out of the ordinary, nothing seemed wrong on any of the tests. And so they were like you you need to get to Children's Hospital. This is neurological because he's not moving. So they did call for children's lifeline because we're about two and a half hours from our Children's Hospital. And so we waited for lifeflight to get there I they wouldn't let us fly with him. So my husband and I drove we actually beat the helicopter there. And they got us checked into the pediatric ICU right away and immediately took him back for an MRI. You could honestly tell when we got there that just the demeanor of the doctor on call that night you she knew what was going on. She knew what was happening, because our hospital has seen it multiple times. And I didn't know that then but I obviously know that now. And so after his MRI, she sat us both down. And she her first words out of her mouth were this can be caused by a vaccine. This can be caused by a virus but his spinal cord is inflamed from the very top down to the T seven vertebrae. So it was his entire top half of his spinal cord was inflamed, which initially paralyzed from the neck down. Dr. Paul 42:37 Wow. It sounds like it came on pretty sudden. Jordan and Nash 42:41 It did it did there were zero warning signs. And so actually earlier that day, at about 11 o'clock, my daycare texted me and she was like Nash just seems really, really tired. It's like he's trying to cry, but he can't. Well, at the time, we just thought we just chalked it up to him being overly tired because he had been up with me since 430. Because I get up that early for work, right? Well, now, we believe that's when I started. He was in pain at that time. And yeah, so so we Dr. Paul 43:14 started about 11 o'clock. You went in for as well, six months visit got the T gap. Hadn't been sick that whole two weeks leading up to suddenly he's not feeling well. And then he's what by the time you saw him was he basically was already paralyzed from the neck down. Jordan and Nash 43:32 Pretty much. I mean, he was still moving somewhat, but not like he normally would be. I mean, within five minutes of me being in the door, he his arms went limp completely. And by Dr. Paul 43:42 the time you're in the ICU few hours later, is he still basically limp? Jordan and Nash 43:47 Oh, yeah, he's Yeah, he's completely paralyzed from the neck down at that point. Within six hours, it was it hit hard and fast. It wasted no time. Wow. And he was perfectly fine that morning when he woke up. He was bouncing his little bouncer. I took the boys to daycare. It was a it was a typical morning, and everything was fine. There was zero. Slides. Dr. Paul 44:11 They tell you it could have been the vaccine or it could have been a virus. Would did they look for the virus? Yes. Virus? Jordan and Nash 44:19 Yes. So this is where it gets tricky. So his diagnosis is technically Well, they've been calling it acute flaccid myelitis. And supposedly enterovirus D 68 is what causes this. So they ran a full viral panel. That was one of the first tests they did in the ICU. And that came back now on that viral panel line. There's a rhinovirus slash enterovirus. There's two viruses on the same line that came up positive and I was like, that's not right. My child was not sick. He had, he was not there was no cold. There was no runny nose. There was no cough, no fever, and the child had never or even had Tylenol in his entire life. And so they ran a blood test for enterovirus specifically that was negative. They then ran a test on his cerebral spinal fluid for enterovirus specifically, that also came back negative. Dr. Paul 45:17 Was his cerebral spinal fluid, otherwise normal. Yep. Jordan and Nash 45:21 Okay. Yeah, his mog antibodies and all of that all came back negative and Dr. Paul 45:26 and then how about stool studies? Jordan and Nash 45:28 So this is where it gets funny. They did do a stool sample, and it never came back. And I asked them probably a week and a half, two weeks later what happened and why we haven't gotten that back yet. And they contacted the CDC and the CDC supposedly lost it. So we never would have. I mean, we'll never we'll never know officially, but Right. Yeah. Dr. Paul 45:53 Wow. So so how, how is Nash doing now Jordan and Nash 45:58 he you know, he's he's honestly come a long way. So we were in the hospital for two months. And then we were transferred to inpatient rehab, about 45 minutes to an hour away for under four months. And, you know, during those four months, he didn't, he didn't seem to gain a whole lot of movement back. He's actually gained more movement back since we've been home. Okay. His legs move quite a bit. But they're, they're really spastic and stiff. His arms are His arms are pretty flaccid, but they move it started in his shoulders, and it just kind of worked has worked its way down. Biceps 100% work so he he can bend his arms and everything like that. But it's it's minimal and very weak still. Yeah, we're Dr. Paul 46:42 getting there. Is he hearing you and following commands? Jordan and Nash 46:46 Sometimes. So I mean, he's going to be delayed, obviously, because he's, he can't move to learn like normal children would. But like, Yes. and now he'll shake his head. Yes and no. So he's in there. It's I think it's smart in his own way. It's just, it's gonna take him some time to figure it all out. Dr. Paul 47:03 Sounds like it'd be a very long recovery. I hope it continues. Thank you. All the way. Yeah, all the way. So So Mama bears like you who had to stand there. For your child? Generally, you do a lot of research, what do you think happened? Jordan and Nash 47:20 Um, I think the has the top vaccine caused a hyper immune response, which caused his own body to attack his spinal cord. That's what I that's what I've just come to find. Now, when this all first happened, keep in mind this was before everything was censored. On the internet. When it came to vaccines. There were still Facebook groups out there, there was still you could still find everything with Dell, big tree and Sherry Tenpenny. And all of them, you know, you can't find any of that anymore. So yeah, I saved some of it. I do have some things, you know, printed off for my own, because I had a feeling it was coming with COVID and all that stuff. So it's, it's, it is what it is, I guess, you know, there's a lot of people out there who disagree, but, you know, it's I just I know, in my heart that that's what happened to him. And I just, I can't I can't stay silent about it. Dr. Paul 48:11 Ya know? Well, thank you so much for sharing your story. Vaccine injuries, folks are much more common than this one in a million nonsense that were fed. You can go to verigin go to open bears.org. You can see, well go to open bears.org. And you can see the COVID nightmare that's happening. Yeah, with more deaths and injuries from just that one vaccine than we've had from all other vaccines combined in the last 30 years. And yet, they are just pushing it still trying to get it approved for little babies, six months. Jordan and Nash 48:50 What's your thought about that? Sad? It makes me very sad. And there's there's a lot of people out there who are still just so brainwashed and don't see it. And you know, so Nash's initial I, a friend of mine posted him on Tik Tok. And he ended up going viral. So his story has reached millions on that platform. But there the amount of other people on there who have vaccinated your kids like I didn't know. That was until this happened to Nash. You know, I I wasn't aware. I was one of those people who thought everybody those anti vaxxers were crazy. I was going to vaccinate kids because that's what you're supposed to do. That's what you're conditioned to believe that it's good for you and but I get it. I was that person 16 months ago, you know, that was me until it happened to me and you just you never think it's gonna happen to you until it does. Oh, it does. So it makes me sad that there's so many people out there that who will experience this and it breaks my heart. Dr. Paul 49:53 So in wrapping it up your advice for other parents. Jordan and Nash 49:58 don't vaccinate your kid Children, they don't need it. God made them perfectly happy and healthy the way they're supposed to. How he didn't make them to he didn't give them to you to inject them with toxins and formaldehyde and heavy metals, and it's just do your research, the little bit you can find out there anymore. Just just research start with the vaccine answers. They don't even give you those at your Wilczek appointments. They don't even give you those like they should they don't go over adverse reactions. You know, ask your doctor, name five ingredients and name five serious adverse reactions. I bet you they can't do it. I bet you they can't. But as a pediatrician, were you guys taught any of that in school? know just what to do? Yep. Yeah. See? So it's not all the pediatricians fault? Because they don't know either? Dr. Paul 50:51 Yeah, they they truly, I being one and one who has had his eyes opened, right. So I came out of training, believing the most important thing I could do is vaccinate according to the CDC schedule, and you simply followed those directions. And then we start seeing kids are not doing well. And when you look at chronic disease in general, there's a huge increase in the vaccinated when compared to the unbox. So that data needs to get out your story needs to get out more stories, folks. It's time for this paradigm to be not just shifted, but shut down. And as you said, so beautifully trust your child's God given immune system. Yeah, it's so amazing, so powerful, even against COVID. So I think that was the most important information you shared. I thank you for that. Jordan and Nash 51:42 Yes, no. Thank you for having us. We really appreciate it. Dr. Paul 51:45 God bless. Stay in touch. And I can't thank you enough for coming on the show. Jordan and Nash 51:52 Thank you so much. It's great to meet you. Dr. Paul 52:00 Dr. Paul, thanks for watching the show. Please visit doctors and science.com There you can access our members only section. This show is member supported. We don't have to take sponsors. We don't have to have anybody controlling the content of our show. This is a huge perk most people aren't aware of your membership gives you access to my eBooks, transcripts of every show PowerPoints from talks I'm giving around the country and live bonus peeks at behind the scenes work. We're doing my off the cuff thoughts and reviews on current events. Your support makes all this possible. Thank you. Help me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors and science.com. I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. And let's make this the weekly show the nation has been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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