PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:00
Dr. Paul Welcome to against the wind doctors and science under fire. Today's show features an interview with Amy Bong, mother, wife, advocate for children, president of perk protection of the educational rights of kids. She reviews several bad bills that are in California, the PARCC lawsuits, vaccine passports and what you can do to take action. Next, you'll watch Diddy Hoover of kids first forever, interviewing three sisters from Wisconsin, talking about being unvaccinated unmasked and what it's like to navigate school and the social pressures. Bernadette have an informed life radio adds a punctuation mark to this mask issue, talking about what we need to do to be prepared, because we're getting a reprieve in most states and in most situations, but they certainly have a high risk of coming back. Enjoy the show. Dr. Paul, coming to you from the heart. I've been traveling the country sharing my data, the vaccine vaccine data not just my own, but the data from several other really good studies that are published in the peer reviewed literature. The information is so powerful, it is so impactful, it is so undeniable that our unvaccinated children are just doing so much better than those who are more heavily vaccinated. That's not the common narrative. But rather than talk more about that, and those studies, I want to share something that just tears in my heart. And this is an email I got today. Those of you who read the my book, The vaccine friendly plan may remember the story of Jack Jack was coming in for his two year visit in 2007. He was the fourth child in four years in my practice who was normal at age one, with eye contact babbling, socially connected happy, who by age two was nonverbal, no eye contact, completely disconnected. Jack's 16 Now, and he still is nonverbal, he bangs his head up to 1000 times a day, from the discomfort or whatever's going on in his head. This is what his mom wrote. They refuse to acknowledge or see the disability piece to autism. And honestly, that kind of thinking is scary for the society as a whole. They won't acknowledge severe autism. And if you don't see or acknowledge something, then you don't try to find treatments or cures and you won't generate funding. And I've heard parents say this, Johnny is fine the way he is, I don't want to cure him. Then they will list all the talents their mildly autistic autistic child has, who attends a regular school excels in certain areas. And they'll add I wouldn't change Johnny for the world. How dare I even mentioned severe, or any challenges my son Jack might have. This is what I'm told. It is a narrative that is prevalent in Portland along with the woke culture. I left the Portland autism moms group now called Portland artist and allied moms, because they became a political group with moderators who enforced their narrow view of autism. What the hell does any of that mean? autist has no meaning to Jack, or relevance to his world. I think we can accept and love those with autism. I love and accept Jack. But I'm not okay with what autism has taken from Jack. I hate censorship. And people telling me a parent who lives with autism every day. what to think? How dare they? I am so with you. I am so with all of you who are suffering vaccine injury. Or maybe you don't even know if it's vaccine injury but you have someone in your life, be it a child or another loved one who is not doing well. And there is a certain level of probability that it was caused by vaccines. We're certainly seeing it with the COVID vaccines that have been rolled out if you want to call those vaccines, that mRNA technology. The thing is, we are being driven by fear. And we're reacting and responding to that fear in ways that probably are not really healthy for us. So rather than being defensive, I invite you, let's respond to each other with compassion and with love. And my heart and gratitude goes out to each and every one of you. Thanks for being a part of our family. Welcome Amy. against the way that Duxton science under fire, we met recently at a freedom event. And wow, was I impressed with everything you are doing. You are a mom, a wife and advocate for children. And you're also the president of perk. That's an organization, protection of the educational rights of kids. Just to kick us off, you're there in California. And I recently saw some lineup of bills that are coming out in your state that are horrifying. Could you just touch on what's coming? What's the current legislation look like? Amy Bohn 5:34 Yeah, thank you for asking that. Yes, in California, I don't think people are quite aware yet. And we're trying to get the word out. But they actually formed a vaccine caucus a little over a month ago. And it they brought together about seven different legislators both than the from the Assembly and the Senate. And their whole intent and goal is to write vaccine legislation as much as possible, basically. And so what we're seeing as of today, is that there's at least a 10 bad bills that they're trying to push through from the Capitol, and what those bills look like, there's a variety of what areas that they're particularly targeting. So there's two, well, actually, there's three really, really horrible bills related to children. One of them, it's called AV or though it's SB 871. And that bill would require the COVID shot on children as young as daycare age, all the way through high school aged kids, and would cry required before they could go to school or go to daycare. And in that bill, they're trying to get around the EUA. So regardless of the the vaccine is under an EUA, that wouldn't matter with this bill. Dr. Paul 6:48 And there, the audience would EUA is Amy Bohn 6:51 okay, and EUA is an emergency use authorization. So currently, none of the vaccines are operating in full as full approved vaccines, especially the children's vaccine, that one is under emergency use authorization. So it's still experimental. It's still investigational, it's still in clinical trials. And we don't have any long term studies related to the you know how it could impact children long term. So with that, you know that there's caution when something is new, and the legislators that are in California are trying to push that through very, very quickly and require it for children. So in that bill, they also want to delegate the authority to the Health Department, the California Department of Public Health, to add any more vaccines to the schedule or any other doses at all without having to go through the legislators. So it's, it's actually it's a really, really, really bad bill. We're very, very concerned about it. And that's only one of 10. So yeah, that's one of the bad ones. And then they have another bill, it's called SB 866. And that one is all about the age of consent. So they're trying to lower the age of consent so that children as young as 12 years old, can consent to the COVID shot without their parents knowledge or consent at all. So those are two of the children bills that are just I mean, you're, you know, we can't I mean, we can't believe that it's happening, but we kind of can't, you know, like, how, why would they be doing this? Yeah, I Dr. Paul 8:28 saw that age of consent bill, and I just shook my head. This is the the insanity of thinking that it is okay. To ask a 12 year old to make a massive health decision with huge potential negative consequences without parental consultation, and hiding the fact that this was done from the parents. Amy Bohn 8:50 Oh, yeah, exactly. And what who's accountable? Right, you know, if something happens to that child, the child is sick or not feeling well, because they just got the COVID shot. And the parent doesn't even know what's going on. I mean, this is just a separate, it's separating parents from their children. It's just, it's too Dr. Paul 9:08 horrific. I actually had two teenage girls in my practice the last few years, who came to me with severe neurological problems. They had problems with gait. These were former star athletes. One was a soccer player on varsity, and the other was Gymnast I believe, and they could barely walk. And, you know, we were trying to figure this out, send them to all the specialists. I finally said, Have you had any vaccines? And in each both cases, the girl went, Well, yeah, I did. And the mother goes, No, you didn't hurry. They had gotten the HPV the Gardasil vaccine, at school without parental knowledge, consent information, whatever. You know, that's the kind of challenge if parents don't know that something was done, they can't give proper history to the doctor. And so I mean, right there. I mean, that right there should be plenty for them to just mix this bill. Amy Bohn 10:02 Oh, I completely agree. And in California, especially over the past year, they've actually done something else that I think ties into these two bills. One, they've been setting up vaccination clinics across the entire state. So at the schools at the gyms at the high school or the, you know, the junior High's, they're actually setting up vaccine clinics and specifically for the COVID shot. So these are these mobile clinics going around the entire state to all the schools. So the thing that's very concerning for any of us who are watching this and fighting it is, you know, if they lower the age of consent, they try to force or they try to require it for children as young as of course, you know, six month old babies, and then there's no parental knowledge, and they have vaccination clinics going around to all the schools across the state, you know, they're setting up a whole entire infrastructure, and it's just, you know, I, I, we're gonna do everything we can to fight it. And I genuinely believe that we're going to win, whether it's in the courts or, you know, public pressure on the legislators to show them that this is the wrong decision to be making. But regardless, they're setting up these vaccination clinics to across the state. So I think it's really, I think it's tied in, I think it's very concerning. Dr. Paul 11:17 Yeah. I mean, the COVID vaccine is, obviously, you know, we've chatted, it just is so dangerous for children and children have basically zero risk of harm, and certainly death or even hospitalization from the infection itself. So it just is completely illogical, non scientific, and you'll hear we're following the science and all that nonsense. Thank you for fighting hard, this is a very important fight, because I'm an Oregon just north of you all. And it's very frequently that what happens in California just sort of floats up the West Coast. Amy Bohn 11:54 Right? What well, that's the thing is what happens in California impacts the entire country. So we're, we're certain that we've got to do everything we can to fight these bills. And those are just the kid bills they have another bill I want to share with you. That is they're going to try to require testing in the schools long term. So for children to go to public schools, they would have to be tested for COVID. Like with no end in sight, and that's something they're trying to pass through a bill. So that's another one. And that's not, you know, I mean, that's bad, too. But then they have a bill where they were trying to basically force the law enforcement and Sheriff Department and all of those types of departments to enforce the health department's health orders. So that's a whole nother bill where they're trying to, you know, because, you know, they would put out the health orders throughout the state, but they weren't always being followed or enforced by the law enforcement for good reason. Right, because they're, they were, you know, trampling on our constitutional rights, and the sheriff's knew that, but they're trying to pass a bill to get around that. And, you know, we that's one, the separation of power and authority needs to stay separate, so that we have someone who's looking after our best interest, and that would be hopefully the sheriff. So that's another bill that they have on the table, too. Dr. Paul 13:18 Wow, that almost harkens back to Nazi Germany, you know, you're experimenting on on the people, and then you have the law enforcement enforcing it. Amy Bohn 13:28 Right, right. Exactly. See, it's, it seems to me that this whole packet of bills, they're trying to get around any hurdle, or anything that stopped them from doing everything they wanted this past year, past two years. So that's another bill. They also I wish, I feel like an infomercial, there's more doctor, Dr. Paul 13:48 unbelievable. Quickly rattle off two or three more that you're worried about. Amy Bohn 13:54 Okay, so another one, it's called av 1993. And that bill would require the COVID shot for all employees all contract workers across the entire state, and they would have to show proof of vaccination. So that would completely impact the entire labor force and work across the entire state. So I mean, really, that would be the other really big concerning bill, and the one you would probably be interested to interested in, there's a couple of bills related to doctors as well. So they're trying to pass a bill where basically any doctors that are speaking up speaking out against the narrative that the government is putting out or the health department that will be considered as an information and the doctors can be disciplined, and our medical records can be seized. So yeah, those are two separate bills. So those are those are probably the other ones that I would say would be worth mentioning, but I can't even believe it. I mean, Dr. Paul 14:53 I mean in one state to hammer at every possible angle every way you can get the kids and force them to be vaccinated for so dogs to be vaccinated, prevent law enforcement from doing their job. And then of course, get the doctors so that they can share the information, right. They do not want us to share facts of anything that might be determined as challenging the status quo or creating vaccine hesitancy that has become more important than the truth. You know, we can't have any vaccine hesitancy Well, that's insanity. We have science is always asking questions. And science is only as good as the questions we ask. And the ability to have free dialogue. Amy Bohn 15:38 I heard a really great quote just a couple of weeks ago, and it was this it was, if you want to follow the silent, the science follow the silenced. So you want to follow the science follow the silenced, right. So those that are, you know, being censored, there's a reason and we should be paying attention to that. But I mean, really just sum it up about those bills. The bottom line is these are anti education bills, they kick children out of school, they're anti family bills, they're anti children, they're anti parent, you know, they're anti workforce. And they're, they're anti faith in religion and freedom and free and free speech. So you that's what these bills really are. They're a combination of all of those things, trying to really stop us from just living in society. Dr. Paul 16:25 The the incredible twist is they're also anti public health, public health departments that are rolling out and going to implement a lot of these terrible ideas that are coming forth as bills, and they are creating such a disaster in our health. It has nothing to do with public health folks, we these agencies have all been captured. So let's pivot from there. Your group perk has, I think, filed a lawsuit or more than one. Amy Bohn 16:57 Yes, we've actually filed a six lawsuits in the state of California. So with all the things that have happened over the past year, we do a lot of advocacy work across the entire state, we've been pushing out letters and helping people one on one and in groups, but we decided that it's gone so far. We also need to file lawsuits and try to hold the different people accountable for the things we're doing because they just wouldn't stop. So we have two lawsuits that are against schools, and we're co plaintiffs with children's health defense California Chapter. And we filed a lawsuit against LAUSD and we filed a lawsuit against Piedmont school district. So those are our two school suits. And of those the thing that's pretty amazing is we actually have had victories. So I know we talked about the problems, there are a lot to talk about. But we've had some incredible things happening with the lawsuits and the work we're doing. So in the case of LAUSD, they were trying to force children to get the COVID shot and in order for them to go to school. And if they didn't, they were going to kick out more than 34,000 children out of in person education. That was going to happen January 10, just a few months ago. So we had filed a lawsuit in October, and we were in one of our court hearings in December. And within two days of that court hearing, the judge did not make a final ruling that day. But within 48 hours, LAUSD sent out a big robo call. And they suspended and delayed the vaccination deadline for those kids. So in other words, we save 34,000 children are being forced to take the COVID shot and be kicked out of school. And so that was pushed their deadline was pushed to the fall. So that was a huge, huge deal. And then we had another lawsuit, and that was in Piedmont school district in California. And that one, they completely the school district completely dropped the mandate, because the judge was ruling in our favor. So that I mean, those are just it's California. So when you win anything, you're just like, Dr. Paul 19:05 absolutely. Well keep up your good work, because with all those bills coming down the pike if any of them get passed, you have to immediately file I'm sure you guys are preparing for that. Tell me your thoughts about vaccine passports. And where are you at in the state of California with regards to vaccine passports? Amy Bohn 19:22 That's a great question. So vaccine passports that's been something that our team has researched extensively because ironically, it actually started with the schools. So again, you know, the schools seem to be a pilot program place for some of these initiatives to be tested and pushed forward. So back last year in LAUSD again and in Long Beach, a couple of the local school districts here in California, we saw these health passes that they were trying to force on the kids to come back to school, and one of them in LAUSD was a health pass. It was a Like Daly passed with a QR code, and that was really kind of the beginning that tipped us off that we got to look into this. And what we found is these are vaccine passports they are, they are literally everything that we would think of as a vaccine passport, we're just calling it a different name, they're just saying it's a daily pass or a health pass. But that's, that's not what these are, these are vaccine passports, where essentially, you have to sign up for this digital digital code that then gets scanned and allows you to enter into learning, you know, into this school. So that was the beginning. And then what we found or discovered is there's so much more happening with these vaccine passports. And in California, we started looking into what was called the Smart health card. And that led us down a huge rabbit hole to see what's really happening. So here's what's going on. You have, you have the global, I would say the Global Agenda happening right now simultaneously with the lockdown. And you've got this working group that was created by the WHO the World Health Organization last year at the beginning in January, and it was called the vaccination credential initiative. And their whole goal was to set up digital verification systems for vaccines, specifically, the COVID shot. And when they did this, they have this working group, they have Microsoft involved, they have you know, or they have a lot of big players that people may or may not know about. And that's where we first started to see this smart health card or smart health app for people to kind of understand conceptually what it is. And it was presented by Microsoft. And so then we started looking into it even more. And besides just this working group that the who had established, you also have the the I don't know, I'm sure your viewers are familiar with the World Economic Forum, and some of those other big groups that are global. And so what we saw is that the World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation, were actually setting up and sponsoring and supporting what was called the the commons pass. Okay, so the commons pass was coming from the Commons project, which is was established in partnership with the World Economic Forum. And so this Commons pass again, you hear these names, you're like, Well, how's this all connected? Well, the commons pass uses the smart health card, and that's the only one they use as their digital. You know, it's their vaccine passport. And they were setting up this entire infrastructure in 2019. So not even just last year, right, repre COVID, Cree COVID, you have this, you know, this Commons pass and the Commons project, and the Commons project, it created essentially a big, huge global coalition. And that coalition has been pushing the vaccine passport in the form of the smart health card across the entire world. So we were you know, when we last checked, there were more than 52 countries that were basically bringing on the smart health card. And then in the United States, what we're seeing, and this is a little more recent, is that more than 20 states are actually setting up the smart health card. And we're trying to say you don't realize they're saying, Oh, it's not a vaccine passport, we're telling you it is it is the vaccine passport, they're just calling it a different name. And that that particular app is a part of a larger part of Microsoft called ashore, AZ U. R E ashore. Okay. And that's part of the Internet of Things. And what people don't realize is that app has the ability to sense whether people are wearing a mask or not, and to even sent body temperatures through the Azure platform. So this is this is the vaccine passport. It's right there, like right in front of us Dr. Paul 24:13 highly invasive into privacy and all those things. Amy Bohn 24:17 Right, exactly. And the other thing that people probably don't realize as well, is that the Department of Defense so in our in in America, we have the Department of Defense, the DOD, and under the Department of Defense, there's a group a while an organization called Pro few set that was established, and the Department of Defense is funding perfusate And so is the NIH, the National Institute of Health and profuse has actually created a biosensor that's you know, smaller than the piece of grain so very small, but it actually can be injected under your skin, and it it can emit fluorescent signals these light signals and guess what it connects to? It connects to your smartphone. So you've got this bio sensor inside that can be that can be inserted into your skin connected to your smartphone. And then we discovered as well that Microsoft actually has a pattern for cryptocurrency that connects to biosensors and wearable sensors. So I know right? So I think based upon the research that we've seen that this is all entirely connected, I mean, how do you go from a bio sensor that can go into your skin, measuring your temperature, your, you know, your everything related to your body, and then it's connected to a smartphone, which is also that same smartphone has a smart health app that's connected to the global, you know, initiatives that's also connected across entire country and across entire world? So, you know, that's our vaccine passport, it's right there in front of us. And, you know, we, Dr. Paul 26:07 I have been reading some of what you've been reading, and I do share your concerns, it's just a lot more than just the vaccine issue. They're, they're tracking and it's that whole surveillance or society. China's ahead of us in implementing the surveillance society I interviewed pilot and airline worker who travelled to China and yeah, it's it's in place you, you do the wrong thing, and you get playing right to your cell phone. And in one case on a billboard, a person's face comes up, you have lost a social credit score, and you get to a low enough score, they cut you off from your bank from everything, can't you can't engage in commerce, you are a non entity. Amy Bohn 26:53 Right, exactly. And you know, that as your program I was telling you about, we did some more research into that one as well. And it's connected to real time surveillance thing. So exactly what you're talking about, you know, and that's connected to the testing platforms that are actually genomic testing platforms, there's, you know, they're across the world. And that's a whole nother conversation as well, there, they have connections to China. So I totally agree with you that this is way bigger. This is not just scanning, whether you have received the COVID shot or not, this is not just one app, it is an entire infrastructure that they are trying to set up. And I think you nailed it with to cut off every to control really to control every movement and part of our being in society. Dr. Paul 27:43 Yeah, when things don't make sense. It's got to be about control power, or money or all of the above. So in wrapping up, Amy, what can we do if people are watching this show? And sometimes when we start talking about these sorts of things, you just like, want to turn it off? Because it's just too I can't go there. Right? It's like, my thought is I can't go there. This is too overwhelming. But you know, you're just a citizen, mom, wife, advocate for kids. We got to put our kids first, how does a person get involved? What can someone do? Amy Bohn 28:15 Yeah, you know, everybody can do something. So first of all, when people start to feel overwhelmed, just remember that we're part of a global movement. It's not just a few of us, it's not just a few 1000. It is there's millions, maybe even billions, at least millions of people across the entire world, who see the same things we're seeing and know something's wrong and are pushing back. So first of all, we're part of a huge, huge, entire global movement. Second of all, all of the things we just talked about the lawsuits, the legislation and the vaccine passport. And each of those categories, the things that we've been doing are working, and we are winning. So with the legislation just by people pushing back with letters, phone calls, emails, just those three things directly to the committees that are hearing these bills, we've already we already have several of those bills that haven't even be able to make it, make it past the first committee or even be brought to committee because there's so much pushback. So every person pushing back there, we're already seeing results. The second one with lawsuits on those, we're seeing results there too. We filed other lawsuits with against the LA County, Beverly Hills City, San Diego city and Granada Hills Charter School. And those lawsuits have been holding the line as well. And it's a combination of that with just everyday people who are not complying. So those 34,000 Children that were able to help with our lawsuits. The thing is, those are 34,000 families, you know, who actually have not been complying. So every single one of them made it possible for us to do what we're doing as well. So people can you know, they can write letters they can get involved, you know, get organized form coalition's. And I would say to with the vaccine passports, we need to keep exposing what this is and what's happening. So take the information that we're talking about, and take it to your decision makers, your legislators, your friends, your family, the more of us that are awake and activated, it's just going to be for the better for us to keep winning, and to keep pushing back. And I think that, you know, maybe you agree with me, but I think the more we're seeing the government or the schools doubling down, I think they're doing that because we are pushing back so well and with so much energy, and I think that's the sign that we're winning, I really do. So people will keep doing what they're doing. Dr. Paul 30:49 Absolutely every person who does not comply with a mandate that makes no sense, does not comply with getting a vaccine that they know is doesn't balance out on the risk benefit. I'm not saying you should or shouldn't, that's not my role in this format. But you as an individual, especially a parent, you're charged with protecting your child. And until there's long term data, I mean, we're talking that decade or two, this is brand new technology, when you're talking about this mRNA stuff. We have no business putting this in anybody's body, who's of reproductive age, frankly. So if you're under the age of 50, there's no reason anybody maybe super high risk people if they want to go down that road road, fine. But nobody should be taking that kind of risk. When you really start looking at the risk benefit. Amy Bohn 31:42 I completely agree with you. What are your Dr. Paul 31:45 closing thoughts? We've covered a lot of big topics here. The platform's yours. Amy Bohn 31:51 Yeah, I think my I think my last thoughts are this. Two of them, actually, first, I wanted to thank you for all the work that you've done. Because doctors like you, you actually personally blessed my family, my nieces and nephews who also live in the same state of you. And they, as you and you, you literally change their life with the work that you do. And literally my, you know, my nephew, and my family was in a situation where nobody was helping them, they couldn't get answers, and then they met you and everything changed, and you literally helped heal their son. So I just, you know, I'm so thankful for the work that you're doing as well. And you're such a great example of what everybody can do. If you're, you know, clearly you follow your heart. We're passionate, we're educated, and we can look at all these things happening right now. And don't, don't be silent, you know, don't think someone else is going to do that work or do that thing. It's meant for all of us to show up and all of us to be holding the line with something that we cannot pass on to our children. You know, we cannot pass on this problem of potential tyranny and totalitarianism and everything that we're seeing happening, we can't give this to our kids. And the next generation, I think it's here with us right now, so that we do something so you know, people can donate or they can donate to perk, and our we have a lot of laughs We have a lot of legal fees. So please donate. But get involved, write letters get organized, you know, find your local groups that are pushing back and figure out what's the most effective way to do that, you know, I don't, sometimes we want to just yell and scream, and we're so upset and angry. And that's understandable, we're warranted for that. But let's take that energy and passion and the knowledge we have about things we've talked about. And let's do something with it. Let's channel it into productive pushback, right? And just be solid and sure of that, so everybody can do something. Dr. Paul 33:54 Totally agree. I'm just gonna highlight the one thing that you said that resonated big for me, and that is, when we're witnessing wrongdoing, and we remain silent, then we are part of the problem. And I think too many people have says, Well, I had to get the job because I needed to travel or I needed to work or I needed my kids go to school or, you know, a litany of reasons. But really, what they probably wanted to do is take a stand, and it is time now we have to unite like you said there are millions and millions of people in this country alone, and probably billions around the world who are waking up to what's actually happening. And, you know, you get you get a force that big. They can't carry on with their agenda. We just have to expose it. Thank you so much, Amy. My goodness and blessing to our audience. God bless. And we're going to do this again. Amy Bohn 34:48 Thank you so much, doctor. Thank you so great to see you. Dr. Paul 34:52 Great to see you too. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 34:59 Hey, everybody, it's me DD Hoover, as you know, from kids first forever. I had this amazing opportunity to come to Wisconsin to talk at events con conference. And one of the greatest things about being at these conference one is to hear all the speakers and the amazing information that we get. The other great part is being able to meet incredible, I should say, one of my hair, all women, but to me, these young ladies, these girls, I just had this opportunity to start talking to him. So just to clarify for everybody watching. The three of you are have not received the COVID shot correct. And totally plan and receive it. Unknown Speaker 35:41 Absolutely. No. They can't swear but I can. College, Unknown Speaker 35:50 yeah, the same college different. Very similar. Like I go to the cross, and he goes to a player. Yeah. Um, for me, we had a mandate to start last year. So I'm a sophomore now. But freshman year, I didn't have one person class. So everything was completely online. We couldn't even go to different dorm rooms. So you had to stay in your dorm Hall could go anywhere, always masked. I've been chased around the library before been chased around buildings this year for like having my mask like blow my nose, or just even not even wearing one. And I'm like exiting the building like I've literally been chased. Our mask, like, requirement just ended March 11. So like right before spring break, and I did. So when I go back to school, like, we'll be fine. But every single teacher and every professor that I've had is highly recommended. I still wear them. So and most of my classmates are all like, if they ask I'll still do it, but I won't. And I know a few friends that won't. But that's what it looks like now. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 36:45 Good for you. So I have to ask, Is it scary? As far as you know, you want to stand up for yourself, but I'm gonna guess being data. Yeah, Unknown Speaker 36:54 I mean, I'm outspoken with the people I know. But on campus, I mean, I've done like, I've written about stuff. And I've actually like literally been, like downgraded. And I've had conversations with professors, I was rated an F and I talked about censorship last year, I talked to me about it came up after just because of the content of my information. So it is scary, like talking about it. And even like with classmates, like I'm like, either way, I don't even want to speak with my friends. But it is scary. Just being thought of in that way. I don't want to be thought of in that way. But I want to be thought of as a good person that's trying to help here really labeled Yes, this or that. It's like a fire or killer or so. Yeah, that's how it's been at my school and any sort of pretty similar experience to I think the university settings as like a whole is very, it's very, what's the word to describe hostile right now, for that topic. It's so inflammatory now, like with the politics getting involved, it's just become very much a partisan issue. And so being on college campuses, it has been hard when you stand in opposition to the mainstream narrative. And so it is hard to play stand your ground and to fight. No, you try to do things like early on, I'd written a man or a petition against best mask mandates went nowhere. You know, you try speaking to someone minutes, like administrators, and it doesn't really, you know, take off. So it is hard, but I do find I think there's a lot of hope. And it's getting better, you know, like the mandates are going away. We were thankful to not ever have the vaccine mandate at either one of our schools. Yeah, so I know some universities have that we didn't have to do, thankfully, which is so sad for people did, but they still have programs like we had Vax games, which was an incentivized program through the university to get people vaccinated. And they would like give people $1,000 Like rewards, essentially, or they put their name in to get $1,000 award. So certain coercion tactics that were really dangerous and sad to see DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 38:58 about that being of course being I just Unknown Speaker 39:01 think people that follow it's just understanding that like, literally, at that point, it's like we're so dumb just to listen just for $1,000 like and it says they make it something that's like, it's not even a big deal ticket was just like the one and only chance you even get that money anyway, but Unknown Speaker 39:19 for the people that like because that's scholarship money, we're like house kids have to pay for their college fully. It's like, now you're just here to segregate basically, these kids on vaccine vaccine and if you're unvaccinated you don't get the scholarship but if you're vaccinated just from getting the COVID shot, you get much emphasis on people Unknown Speaker 39:39 on a really desperate position because we're young, broke college get so you know, dangling that carrot, because it's using opposition and we're in pretty much do anything for $1,000 Let's be real at our age, given our financial you know, situation it's really sad because so many people fall you know, victims So that devious plan when I don't think they really know what's going on. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 40:05 So how do you feel in high school? As far as like your friends and the same thing is where their incentives where you guys offer the vaccine at school? Unknown Speaker 40:14 Yeah, so we were actually offered the vaccine at school. And it was like one of the scariest things I remember calling my mom on my way out of school. And I'm like, I am running to my car right now, this is like, so scary I saw. So I actually that day had to go to the office to pick something up. And like right there, there was a line. And I am pretty sure they had have parents if you're 60, or there were some I think it's a team older, you didn't have to have your parent there. But any under you had to like meet your parent to get it. But it was these older ladies wearing their masks, like their n95 something and all of these at that point, we all had to wear masks. And they had their vaccine card. Some already had their first shot. And they were just like turning it in. They're like you're doing a great job doing this, like those with the with the older woman were saying and I remember being disgusted. I'm like, why first of all, are you even offering vaccines at school? We've never done that we never offered the flu shot at school. Why are we starting now this isn't like, we're not supposed to this is about education. It's not about like, getting a shot. That's never what it's supposed to be about. And there were just moments last year that like, I was called, and one of my classes or was me and another guy that didn't have a vaccine. And we were all we were called killers like in front of my class. And um, my teachers right there didn't do anything. They were like you're killing our grandmas. You're so selfish for doing this. And I remember being like, How is this not bullying? I mean, we talked about this all the time like that there's such a bullying like problem at school, but this is a bully and you're not going to do anything to like stand up for us. Like it's just was last year is not fun with school. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 41:50 No, and I have a tough one. How can we expect our kids to be able to even you three are extremely intelligent, but the frontal lobe of the brain can't completely understand and process and when you're being bullied, the things that must be happening to you and going through your mind is not okay. It's unfair in so many ways from the fact that one that something that even if supposedly, healthcare was being offered in a high school, and even non elementaries, it's not okay, that for these kids to have to process everything I can imagine. And it makes me very sad, and heartbroken that it is something you have to deal with. Luckily, from what I've seen, you three, have amazing support at home and parents at home and have had some bad experiences that give you that information. Not everybody does. And I know just personal experience when you have a child, and they go to school, and they get bullied for that as a parent, you're even thinking, wow, I'm doing what's best for my kid. And my kid has to deal with this. It's not okay. So a little bit. So you're too young for this question. But, Davey, let's talk about 22 year old and you know, you can't go out, you can't do anything or uncovered shutdowns. You know, when writers are having only just school at home, like your freshman year, you didn't get that experience of being able to be on campus and go to parties and games and all those things. So a lot of y'all but a lot of young people even now have to go to dating apps and go online in order to meet people. And I heard that one of the first questions is whether or not you're in your life. Unknown Speaker 43:55 Yeah, it's like this little egg. I'm like well, there's certain assets different. Bad when you don't want us, like you swipe right. It's like you match. So DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 44:13 yes, yeah. So just so tell me if you meet somebody, and you're dating, like what point like we heard today on stage, they're talking about, you know, two weeks into it. Couple sometimes you're talking about whether or not you want to have kids. So what point you do ask somebody to WHO ARE YOU vaccinated? And are you planning on vaccinating your children? Because if you are I'm not I wouldn't do that conversation. Unknown Speaker 44:40 You know, I don't come from an extensive dating experience. So but in the future, I do think it is going to be an interesting conversation to have because it is something that to me is so like important, and even not even just for him, but also for like the The future of like your family, because I can't imagine having a relationship with someone who was very differently opinionated than me and vaccines. And so, you know, in terms of time, I mean, for me, I'm kind of, I don't mince words, I don't waste time. So the first time in COVID, I think we've all gotten very outspoken. So I've known to just immediately to the point, and that's unfortunate, you know, I hate that it is such a, like, forefront issue, like it has to be addressed at the beginning of every conversation. And the same for everyone. But when you talk about dating is like, like, that's where my values align right now. And I think we are like, you know, for future like childbearing women like, it is like a question because we don't know the reproductive damage that this vaccine pseudo vaccine could potentially cause. And so you know, when you are entering into a relationship with someone, it is something that has to be discussed, because you want healthy, beautiful children in the future. Yeah. So yeah, that's kind of an interesting one. I would agree. 100%, but I feel like even for me, like, I don't have a very heavy dating, like experience either. But from even like, trying to, like, find that person on a college setting is almost impossible. Because it is like, I don't even really worry about it anymore. Like I remember freshman year, I was like, I'm gonna meet the man of my dreams. And like when they say, college, and like, just Yeah, did not happen at all, like barely met, like men. Like I met DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 46:39 your life, right? Unknown Speaker 46:40 Yes. Yes, yeah. And yeah, yeah. So I didn't even meet people in classes. So I wasn't I like the only people that I could meet were in my dorms. And then we had the front door shots all the time. If you opened we had were masking your room. So it was like no one was even like, like, no one was even open that in typical college, so it was just so different. And yeah, I feel like the biggest issue especially is like, from where we are, we want the manly men. And I feel like that's really hard to find on a college campus now, especially with very similar viewpoints that align with vaccination and everything else. So because unfortunately, has become now this partisan issue, you know, and like it shouldn't be about that, like science and politics should not be married to each other. But unfortunately, like that's the political and cultural climate we live in right now. And so it's really sad that it has become such a like political debate like it should never have been about that. But that being on a college campus definitely company changes it a little bit, but DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 47:41 not living it right now. I'm guessing you probably watch these two and, and watch kind of like what they're doing. Do you have any thoughts? Like when you get ready to go to college? And are you what are you thinking? Unknown Speaker 47:58 I'm like, relationship wise, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 48:01 relationship wise, even friendships. Yeah. Being on campus. And is it still exciting? Because I know normally, you know, you reshot senior year yeah, Junior, I'm a junior. Yeah, you could do that senior route here. And it's supposed to be exciting, and you're gonna go off to college. And but after hearing this, what's your thoughts? Unknown Speaker 48:18 I don't know. I'm very confused right now. Like, I mean, my sisters both said they regret even going to college. And if they had to, if they're in my spot, now, they wouldn't go to college and they do something else. So like, That, to me is really tough because I don't even know if that's my path, but I don't know what to do after high school, I guess so. I'm a little confused. But I guess relationship wise, like, even in the high school setting, like my I guess, friends at school, they're like, nowhere close my sisters like friendship wise. Like I would say my best friends are my sisters, my cousins, maybe like parents even like my grandparents. Like they're all way closer to me. So I guess I'm not really too concerned about like, meeting new like, always want to meet new people but like me meeting people that I guess don't align with me because I don't need that right now in my life. It's like an extra drama, I guess to say I like boys too. I've yet to met someone that like I'm just like, oh, yeah, you're so cool. Like you just aligned totally with me. Now. I have not so I really have no pressure right now to I guess even college unless I find someone that's really interesting. I have no yes. It will Unknown Speaker 49:31 say to you though, the whole dissent like the opposition we love like we're not Oh, yeah, I don't know. But yeah, dogmatic. It's more so like when you have those conversations, and it's no conversation, or you Unknown Speaker 49:43 can talk about what you're super passionate about. No, it's gonna end in like bickering Unknown Speaker 49:52 on anti Vaxxer I Unknown Speaker 49:53 just get away or whatever. Unknown Speaker 49:55 So that's what's challenging is it's so hard to communicate with People, yeah. What do you do if you DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 50:02 get labeled? Has anybody come to your face or said something to you, Unknown Speaker 50:08 like, call me a lot of times anti Vaxxer? And I just say, you're right, I am. Unknown Speaker 50:16 I think that me, I've had the humble experience of really learning to pick your battles. I think that for me. But I think for me, you know, I got, I became so passionate after COVID. And like, I just wanted to tell everyone, but so many people weren't hearing me. And they weren't ready to hear me. And it wasn't fair for me to just like, push my very strong beliefs on them. And so I've had to learn to you know, start small and start, like, if someone's curious, which I've had some of my friends who they know, my opinions, I make it very loud and clear. But like, they've come to me individually, and I'm like, any, what do you think about this, and then I like, that's my invitation to, like, communicate, and then I'll, you know, go to like, the fax or, you know, show them Dell and the other doctors that we've been exposed to. So for me, that's kind of been my strategy. And like, when my I've never been like, accused, like, no one's ever, like, very aggressively come up to me, thankfully, I don't think having done. So that's been amazing. But when I have had conversations where people do like, all you're just like me to back surgery, like, somehow, like, just Trump supporter or whatever it is, like, I just I do, I try to go back to like, the facts of like, the double blind PLACEBO studies, like how there have never been those studies administered for like any vaccine given and like, just kind of bring it down, bring it down to the basics. But yeah, I don't know, I haven't been accused in an aggressive way. No, I, there was Unknown Speaker 51:51 one moment, like, beginning of, like, 2020, that July, it was like, kind of, like, my friends finally, were able to even like, go near me. But um, we were at like this, like, just like birthday party, and someone was like, well, you're just an anti Vaxxer, you're not gonna get the COVID shot. And I'm like, You're right, I'm not gonna get the COVID shot. And he's like, why, like, they're safe and effective. I mean, what we hear all the time. And I'm like, Well, what does that even mean? Like, do you know what's in them? And they're like, No, I don't know what's in a vaccine. And I was like, they're like, a mean, I cut up cells. And I'm like, like, you're like, cut up, whatever the viruses like. It's just stuff like that. I'm like, that is just not true at all. And I was like, well, there's like aluminum. There's traces of mercury aboard a baby tissues and stuff like that, like, someone like responding? Well, that's a healthy amount of aluminum. I was like, What is a healthy amount of aluminum? No, it's not, there's no such thing as a healthy amount of aluminum. So I had that kind of conversation, but nothing too, like. I guess, like aggressive, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 52:55 well, being called a killer. Just can't even believe that. This is the world we live in. But what's amazing is that you do have the support and you have the strength. I would like to offer a little something, maybe something to share with you. I know, we all heard the talk earlier about communication. One thing I tell the kids that I work with, when somebody says oh, if you're not going to get the vaccine, then you're you're an anti Vaxxer. Now you're pro health, you're pro living was an immune system that's gonna fight these things. Naturally, you're pro doing what's best for each of you, yourselves. And I think when you can come back with something like that, we try and see. And if it doesn't work, call me, let me know. Yeah, I think that's hopefully what I can't, I hope comes out of sharing all of you and your opinions and things to everybody is that these kids are going through things that they just shouldn't have to go through. Oh, I have one more question. So you are you're in this environment now. And you're in the positive side of the movement? What would you like to say? What would you say when you think about the like today, seeing the toddlers run around and the kids are being labeled COVID Kids and raising the COVID generation? What are your thoughts on that? Unknown Speaker 54:22 So like for the future, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 54:23 for these kids that are three, four or five? Are they going to have to deal with this? Unknown Speaker 54:29 You know, I think that for me, growing up, it's so easy to get caught up in like, what everyone else is doing, you know, and like the popular belief, you know, but I think my parents always raised us to not be afraid of being different and standing in opposition to you know, mainstream. And so I guess for me like to that kid in the future who is looking at the world and saying this just doesn't seem right. Trust that because it's not right. Like we are called to Like to be connected and to love each other and to listen to each other to welcome to set. And and I just think that it's okay to be different and we should completely embrace that. And that would be my my hope and prayer for the future. Yes, thank DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 55:19 you. This is what the future we all are, are the future, then I feel pretty darn good about this. So again, as you guys know, on against the wind, watch the show, go to kids first forever.com kind of join this positive movement of even sticking together and sharing with other people. And when someone looks like they're lost, and don't know what to do, I have total confidence that the three of you are going to help them be able to figure that out. So do you have any of you have anything to say to all the people out there? Unknown Speaker 55:58 Be brave? Yeah. It's gonna happen today is a perfect example of that, like this is just going to take off or the future or the right side of history. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 56:12 Or on the right side when you start populating the world beautifulness I'm really excited about that. vaccinate your great thanks for joining us, y'all. Dr. Paul 56:36 Welcome back to against the wind Bernadette pager, Public Policy Director of informed choice Washington and you are the host of an informed life radio. You are our key to the news. And I love what you do for us. I understand we're gonna dive a little bit into masks today. Bernadette Pajer 56:53 Yeah. So, you know, I know people are sick of hearing about masks and I know that in a lot of states, they're letting up. They're letting you be free. But Dr. Pol, it is so absolutely essential that we are never put imprisoned behind masks ever again. So take a deep breath, wherever you are, take a little rest. But then you need to be the news. You need to bring the news you need to bring the science, the information start local, in your your local community, your local officials, your local public health and let's ripple up the chain until the CDC no longer fraudulently perpetuates the myth that masks are safe and effective. They absolutely are not. And I love the brown stone Institute, the brown stone.org. Go to their website, just search for masks and you're going to find several really good articles all hyperlinked to studies that explain the harms of mask wearing explain how they were ineffective at stopping the spread of a virus. And even worse, how much harm they have done especially to children. So we cannot let this go. We've talked about the fact that masks are placeholders for vaccination placeholders for putting into society, that checkpoint that says, if you have this, you may enter. Right. And this is a controlled society and it begins with masks. And it's just absolutely unacceptable. That in the face of all this science, our public health agencies are still perpetuating the myth that dangerous misinformation that masks are safe and effective. Yeah, go ahead. Dr. Paul 58:53 As a pediatrician, there's nothing more horrific than this move that they made by actually it here in Oregon at least I think it's nationwide pouring billions of dollars into the schools only if they institute and put in place these mask policies like this. The kids were hit first the the the enforcement was severe. And it lasted the longest. I mean here in Oregon, we just got that lifted a week or two ago. And I know that's true of some other states. But the the devastating effects I see as a pediatrician is massive increases in anxiety, suicidal thoughts, like just life isn't worth living. It's not normal to for anybody, but especially for children to have their mask their face covered with a mask. So you can't read facial expressions. It's so hard to know that that person is sending you a loving smile when they're masks. So I've got kids now who even though they can take their masks off, they won't they've become it's It's almost like they feel safer, they can hide. Yeah. And that's not even touching on what it's doing to, you know, increase carbon dioxide exposure and lack of oxygen. It's horrendous. Bernadette Pajer 1:00:09 Yeah, and developmental disabilities beginning dropping IQs. The studies go on and on, showing the harm of covering the face, psychological, neurological, physical, it's all there. I had the honor of interviewing recently on my program and informed life radio, a chiropractor out in Washington State, and I wanted to share with you some of the medical insights that he has on this. So I've got it queued up to just this little segment here, and I'm gonna go ahead and play. Unknown Speaker 1:00:43 And so then the question is, well, how do you quantify this negative health consequence? You're not that bad? Okay, well, how bad is not that bad. And what we realize is a lot of the things that we're seeing within our patients was because not because of oxygen deprivation, although that is a factor was because of this tension pattern that the facial coverings put on the face, the jaw and the upper cervical spine, which then leads to segmental and somatic dysfunction in the cervical spine, which is a dye that again, a little more slowly, segmental, in somatic dysfunction of the cervical spine. And also the chronic stimulation of the face causes downregulation within the facial nerve, and trigeminal nerve, which then causes downward regulation within the base. And this is all measurable with surface EMG with thermography, with heart rate variability, and shoot, even with pulse oximetry, we have patients with decreased oxygen levels that when you adjust them, their oxygen levels increase. Bernadette Pajer 1:01:40 So explain the word downregulation. Unknown Speaker 1:01:44 So downregulation, or inhibition is another term. So for example, if you have a thorn stuck in your sign, and when that foreign Peru first happens, you feel it very intensely. And then if you can't get that foreign out what your brain does down regulates that signal and says, okay, don't really pay attention to that too much. So when you have, and so then that foreign is still there, it's still having a negative health consequence, but you don't necessarily notice it too much. And so when you have something that directly is stimulating the facial facial nerve, then that is a sensory input to your brain, which is causes what's called neurological fog. And so this, this brain is processing a lot of signals. So this input from the facial covering is excessive to the point where the brain says, Okay, we don't really need to regulate that signal. So downregulated problem with that is that vagus nerve is directly integrated with those nerves. Also, the vagus nerve is again, what controls that fight or flight response, which is so fascinating that you understand that bit of neurology, you understand that the vagus nerve controls digestion calls close controls blood flow, but it also controls to muscles and muscle that controls drainage of the ear, and also one of the muscles in your throat. So when you hear of somebody putting a facial covering on and they say it feels like someone's choking me around my neck, that what they're feeling is that vagus nerve than being downregulated. So I'll Bernadette Pajer 1:03:10 go ahead and stop there. And I encourage people to go to CHD TV, the March 18 2022 interview, to hear my full interview of that chiropractor. That's just absolutely appalling to think that this is happening. What he says is after six weeks of experiencing this, the downregulation is permanent. And the health effects because of the vagus nerve effect for the rest of your life. What does that mean? What are the health implications? It's very, very concerning. Dr. Paul 1:03:46 Yeah, no, I share that we are doing harm that we don't even realize when we do something as drastic as face covering kids. Anybody really, but it's tragic. Thank you for bringing that information, Brad, that Bernadette Pajer 1:04:01 you're welcome. Yeah. Dr. Paul 1:04:03 So folks, go bone up on this mask issue, it is absolutely essential that we draw a line in the sand when they come at us again, which is highly probable. I certainly know in Oregon, where I am right now they're planning it, there's no question about it. So be prepared. Sometimes we reach a point in our lives or in our society where the only thing left is to resist bed policies, right, that are harmful, we have to say, No, we have to just stand in the gap and say, No, we won't comply. Bernadette Pajer 1:04:38 And if if there is the evidence that they have been informed apart, they've been shown the studies they've been shown the data, they've been shown the information from these medical providers, and they continue to implement these policies while we've got what willful disregard for human health. Surely there's legal action there. So let's make sure that they have the information so that we We can hold them accountable for the harm they are doing. We can't let this ever happen again. Dr. Paul 1:05:05 No, absolutely. In fact, we should get our legal minds busy right now. Because yeah, this is an important line in the sand we need to draw. Thank you Bernadette for bringing this to our attention. And always look forward to your segment on this show. Thank you Dr. Pol here, doctors and science.com is where you go to get access to my exclusive members only section. This is how you the viewers support our work. We have no sponsors. We are fully supported by you, our viewers, what do you get in the Members section, it's quite a list, you get access to a couple of my eBooks. The first one is the authoritative reference list for my vaccine friendly plan book. I also have written a book, very extensive called everyday health that covers pretty much what I think you should be doing if you want to live a healthy life in this world today. But there's so much more, join me monthly for a live q&a. Submit your questions online, make sure you get them answered. That is my intention for you. It's time for us to interact. In addition to this, you get transcripts of every show. We have other bonus content. And I think one of the huge bonus content pieces is the PowerPoints of the talks I'm giving as I travel around the country. People are always asking me how can we get those PowerPoints? This is how you do it. Head on over to doctors and science.com and become a member and join the team of against the wind helped me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors and science.com. I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. And let's make this the weekly show the nation has been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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