PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:00
Dr. Paul Welcome to against the wind doctors and science under fire. Today's episode features talks given at the freedom rally in Portland, Oregon. Drew later an activist on behalf of free Oregon focuses on our civil liberties. The fact that Oregon is at the heart of the beast that is trampling our rights and our freedoms. We then hear from attorney Thomas RINs. He is nationally representing COVID-19 whistleblowers, and he brings important data, he is involved with the suit against DHHS, and they want to stop vaccinating children 15. And under. What he mentions is all we need is courage. Yours truly my presentation on my journey, some of my data that's presented as well. And then this is topped off with Kevin Jenkins, civil liberties giant. He is the CEO and founder of the Global Health Alliance, co producer of medical racism, the new apartheid, and standing in the gap for our children is his main motto along with find your god courage, and just say no to fear, and yes to love and hope. Enjoy the show. Dr. Paul here coming to you from the heart. I've been reflecting about why I became a pediatrician. I remember back in medical school thinking I'm going to be a family doc, I want to take care of as many people as possible. And then I did my internal medicine rotations and frankly, the frustration of taking care of adults who were drinking smoking, and would not make lifestyle changes to help their own health. It just felt futile. Then I had my pediatrics rotation, oh my goodness, it was a slam dunk. I knew this was my career choice. I love kids. And I even appreciated how sincere and genuine parents are when they're dealing with a child who's struggling with any sort of health condition. So it was like the perfect career for me. I will always be a pediatrician. I just love kids. I love families. I love focusing on wellness, I have this deep sadness about what's going on. In our world today. We've got the American Academy of Pediatrics, I got booted from the American Academy of Pediatrics, but I've been a part of this for 30 years. And they along with the CDC, the FDA, our government officials are all coming after our kids. It's like targeting them, we need our kids. They're saying to get the COVID-19 vaccine, you can see they're pushing it onto the childhood schedule. And this is just tragic. I mean, it makes me really sad. Because our kids, they're voiceless, they're powerless over this force that's coming at them. And they don't need that vaccine. We have the data, they just are at risk for harm. with virtually no benefit. It should always be about informed consent. Our parents need to be empowered need to have the ability and the right to make health care choices for their kids. That's all we want the best for our kids, the right for parents to make these decisions. So their kids can grow up with every opportunity they should be provided in a country like ours Casey Rhymewave 3:30 mean some greener grasses lowing on an island in the sea. Fresh graffiti crop circles on the beach, a Phoenix taking flight shining brighter than the beast. Now draw the outline a piece and crumble sand castles as we channeled in the streams. I've got a reason in a rhyme I'm setting grievances aside and being greeted. Drew Layda 3:48 As she said, my name is Drew Elena, I'm here for free Oregon. And our name inculcates our cars. We are here to free Oregon. I'm sorry, I gotta get a picture of this. Because when people ask me Drew, what keeps you motivated every day. If you guys could be having the view that I have from here, as I watched you Oregonians rising up joining hands with people without regard to what political party or affiliation they had or where they stood before this as long as we're standing hand in hand moving forward. It is the most beautiful thing in the world. We are currently engaged in self rescue. Look to the people to your right and to your left, that is who is coming to save us as everybody knows, it took a lot of fear and a lot of hate to get us where we're at here today. The antidote to this is the opposite of this. courage and love as you heard Dr. Ely so eloquently and enunciate. This is going to take courage. To fix, I see so much courage before me. You guys have inspired those around you, people who aren't even going to have a chance to be here today are watching what's going on in Portland, Oregon, the heart of the beast. The whole rest of the nation is watching what we're up to right now. As they wonder if socialism is gonna find a way to push its way outward. We're showing them that we are stopping it here. How long ago was it that we wouldn't have even considered coming together, meeting here and discussing things like medical freedom. And she's right, people have been fighting for medical freedom, somewhat in the trenches and somewhat alone starting in 2015, when the attacks against our medical rights actually began, if you remember a little bill called SB 442, that people were pushed back against because it would eliminate informed consent from the brochures handed out to parents, explaining to them the dangers of what can happen to our children. The next generation is the most important thing we have to protect. And I'm not talking about the youngest among us all day, they must be defended. I'm talking about those who haven't come yet. Because of freedom dies in America, that will be a tragedy. But the real tragedy begins when the first American is born without them. We must come together. Free Oregon, came together based on the idea of finding local activists already making a difference in their community and handing him a big microphone with our camera on it so they could show and inspire people throughout the rest of the state. What is possible when people come together in courage and love Oregon's first townhall virtual town hall, we had eight, eight hole attendees on it. And look at what we've been able to accomplish since working with children's health, defense and all the other organizations that are looking to make sure that you own yourself. Looking around, I see a lot of love between us. I know we love ourselves. I don't think our government does, I think they have somehow lost sight of the fact that they exist to protect our lives, our liberty, our property and our prosperity. You guys, you guys, give me so much hope you recharge everybody that surround you in these actions. So please remember to get active in these groups, donate to the people who are taking care of these next generation of children who are so drastically affected by these measures that are pressed against us. You guys are wonderful. I love you. God bless you in Casey Rhymewave 8:12 ways that are measured in the harvest every last piece of it even if you feel the reason meaning in the reasoning. And even if you lack the seasoning, gotta find the flavor in the natural the P this thing Rhymewave 8:28 is as real as it seems. Thomas Renz 8:31 To see. Look at this. Look at this. Look at how many people are here. You know, I didn't know what to expect coming out to Portland. I've been here before, by the way. It's a beautiful place. Looks like we need to do a little bit of cleanup here and there. But, you know, what are you going to do? Oh I'm an older. I mean, my wife calls me Shrek. So by show of hands, anybody out here racist. How about sexist, bigots, homophobes, anti whatever, something? Okay. That's odd. That's Trudeau called us all all of that. And you're all being called that frequently? Because you you want freedom. Right? You know what I didn't ask. I didn't ask about your political affiliation, because I don't care. I didn't ask whether or not you believe in climate change or gun control or anything else because I don't care. What I'm here to talk to you about is something that should unite all of us. Freedom. One of the things that I was wondering about and I was a little bit confused by is, you know, during during the lockdowns in particular, I think it matters out here in Portland, right. So we had a lot of people who were out marching and doing other such things related to what they felt was oppression. Right. Right. I mean, we had, I'm a criminal justice reform guy, I believe in it. It needs done. Criminal justice is not, it's not fair to everybody. But while people were out there, and some people were supporting that other people were causing trouble and breaking things. But while they were doing that, it was interesting to me. Because they were out supporting things like criminal justice reform, saying that they were being oppressed. And then one put their masks on what could be more impressive than forcing you to take an injection? What can be more oppressive, been telling you that you can't breathe air? Because you have to wear one of these? It doesn't even make sense. You know, I had some when I walked into the hotel last night, I was walking through the lobby to the elevator to go to my room. Now, mind you, in the lobby, there's a bar with people sitting with no mask drinking. But they said you've got to wear a mask to walk through the lobby. COVID only affects people under four foot tall or, or over four foot tall. It's like, you know, if you're above this is idiocy. Okay, this is absolute idiocy. And I don't know what else to say about it. So we're fighting for justice. But I also wanted to especially here, I want to bring a message of unity. Right? We don't care what color you are, we don't care what your faith is. We don't care who you are. If you can't control what happens to your body, then you are enslaved. And it's the worst type of enslavement. It's absolutely the worst type, because then you have no control over anything. So we're fighting for that we're fighting for freedom. We're fighting for justice. Now, if anybody knows anything about my work, we've been working very hard to expose the truth of what's happening. We've been blessed to have a lot of people come forward and to trust us to trust us as whistleblowers to trust us to get their message out to trust us to use their data and their information. And there's more every, every, every day, the number of whistleblowers I have coming forth. Mind blowing, the data we have is incredible and indisputable. Now, here's the problem, though. We have people who, you know, are aware of this data, their politicians, you know, and they're either aware of should be aware. But they're ignoring it. They're ignoring it. I saw a sign over here and I said hi to the mother of a young lady, who unfortunately didn't survive the jab. We had Maddie come up here and speak. We have people all over the place. There's no shortage of testimonies to the number of people injured and killed by this. There is bears it shows 1000s of deaths. Maybe you think bears is not reliable. Okay. So I've got CMS whistleblowers, Social Security Administration, whistleblowers, whistleblowers on whistleblowers that say 1000s even more 1000s of deaths. Okay, you don't believe those either? Well, now I have a group of soldiers who have put their names on who have videotape themselves taking this data off of the computers. That shows that the government knows that there are 1000s and 1000s of people being killed, maimed and injured. When do they start believing? When do they start believing? The right thing is is it's not a matter of belief. Our elected officials in many cases, it's not a matter of them believing us. It's a matter of them trying to cover up the truth. They have people who have bought them off and who have done everything that they can to try and to try and get people to sell out and to ignore the truth of what's happening in people. We have got to do something about this. We right here. This is the solution right? So we've got lost It's and we're gonna have more I'm suing everybody and we're gonna sue everybody similar I just noticed this, I see the greatest sign ever it says Bill Gates is a turd so that means that the Biden dropped the gates in his pants at the Vatican. Okay, that's so wrong. Oh, my wife's gonna scold me again. You should be better than that. I know. That's too easy. Okay, so I'm gonna use that from now on Biden dropped the gates in his pants that somehow needs to go viral. Can we make that go viral on Twitter? Cut that spot. Yeah, I'm childish. And, you know, what can I do? So we're gonna keep fighting, we're gonna keep suing people, we got a whole bunch of suits in the works, a whole bunch of new things coming. But I want to stress that message, a unity that I started with, right. And the reason that that's more important than ever is that is the truth continues to come out. And believe me, we will make sure it comes out. There is nothing that anyone can do to intimidate, scare, push, or quiet us, the truth will come out. Jessica, Maddie, and 1000s of other people who have emailed me and sent me their pictures or texts or messages that have burned us just a hole in my soul. deserve that will stop never, there will be justice for these people. But with justice, we also have to find healing. Because there's going to be millions of people who are mad because they've been lied to and couldn't believe it. There's going to be millions of people who are permanently injured, disabled. Suffering from what's happened from a lie that they didn't know better than right. We're gonna have to heal, we're gonna have to come together, we're gonna have to say listen, I'm sorry, you got like to work, let's come together as a country, let's come together as a people let's Let's heal, we're gonna have to support we're gonna have to find ways to support people like Maddie. As opposed to some scumbag piece of trash doctor telling her she's nuts. We're gonna have to find a support system, we're gonna have to stand behind people like this who've been injured, we're going to have to stand behind. And for the people who right now, I've asked us a few different rallies, if any of you have ran across and if you know any sick 45 year old people who just dropped out for no apparent reason. cancer, heart attacks, strokes, things that are unusual for people that age group right? Or you go to a doctor down here telling us 30 year olds with brain tumors within six months of getting the jab, which fits with our demand data that showed a 300% increase in cancer. Right? Oh, by the way, here's your response. Because a lot of doctors have said to me, they said, and I really want you guys to hear this. So let doctors have said to me, they say, Well, that doesn't make sense cancers very slow to develop. So my first response is why is it that we follow the data when the data is what you want it to be? But when it shows something else, you don't, don't don't look at that. Right? Follow the data. So they have Tony Fauci until the day that didn't show what he wanted to say. But the other thing that I'd point out is remember, this is a new category of drugs. This is new. Pfizer and moderna have told us these are gene therapies, right? Brand new gene therapies. So what's your comparable when you say that it can't develop that fast? What I mean, the other gene therapies that they forced millions of people to take or trick them into taking. It's absurd. It's absurd. And now after after all this is it? Is it these forced vaccines is if all the seven isn't enough right now, our President is trying to start a war speaking and I hear some drums in the background. And, you know, they're beating the war drums with Biden, I guess, right. Let's go start a war with it. Let's poison our soldiers. Watch them get sick, throw the healthy ones out. And then let's start a war with Ukraine. In Russia, in over the Ukraine because, I don't know, maybe hunters got some long lost feelings for some, some busy women of the night that he worked with over there. That's wrong again, Michael. Ladies and gentlemen, my friend, my good friend, Dr. Henry Ely. He he's been working real hard. And he put this this beautiful document together that he filed last night, asking for grand jury investigation into siblings. He did a wonderful job on this document. And I was so proud to come out here and watch him file it. Now that is one of the most important things to happen in a while and let me tell you why. Henry is a novel. He's not a lawyer. And despite that, he found something that he could do. He used his he leveraged his talents. He did the homework, he put something together and he filed a wonderful document. Every one of you has the ability to do something. You know, people like to say, Well, I'm not a big lawyer. I'm big. I'm not a big lawyer though. Shrek thing? Listen, I'm the master dad jokes. Don't Don't Don't judge me. You don't have to be important. You don't have to be famous. You don't have to be rich. You have to have the courage to do this. You know, many people said to me, you're gonna go to Portland. Yeah, no, why not? Name for me a place that needs someone to go speak and to demonstrate they're not afraid to do it more than Portland. They mean, your governor is so stupid that she's still pushing masks. She didn't even get the DNC memo that you're gonna lose the election. If you continue to push us. You know, you guys see that the DNC put that out? Even Biden is getting the memo that you gotta back off some of this politically. I mean, and again, I don't care if you're a Democrat. I don't care if you're a Republican. Frankly, both parties have supported this nonsense way more than they should. What I care about a senior for freedom. Before we leave Jessica's family, Mandy's family. I want you guys to look around, see who you need to support back each other, love each other. We stand against their violence and hatred with love. We stand against it with unity. We stand against us in in the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jesus, Mahatma Gandhi, the other leaders that have came before us and shown us that through peaceful resistance we can win and will when we change hearts and minds through peaceful but forceful resistance. We don't care. We won't be intimidated. When Bull Connor decided to unleash the dogs and hoses on people. They stood their ground and look at what happened. We have a better country because of it. We have a better country and a better world. We must do the same now. We're going to be attacked more. We're going to be well we might be drunk. We're gonna be drugged to the streets in the proverbial sense. We're going to be drugged through the wringer. But we have to stand this is our time our children deserve better our families deserve better. I pray for the City of Portland. I pray for the state of Oregon and I pray for every one of you that are here. Thank you so much. God bless you. Rhymewave 24:21 is as real as it seems. If you reinvent the wheel Casey Rhymewave 24:29 to be yourself with authenticity, Dr. Paul 24:31 what a glorious snack these speakers for us. I'm this is my hometown. I was born at Good Samaritan Hospital 65 years ago right up the street. I grew up in Africa, and then came back for college Dartmouth Medical School pediatric training in California and I landed right back here in Portland, Oregon in 1988. I had no idea when I was a starting out pediatrician. Brian I'm gonna Go save these kids. Right? Then I would be standing here 34 years later with the number one concern being how do we help our parents make good choices for their children? That's what we're facing, is it not? I also learned in medical school that there's something called androgenic problems. These are the problems that we the doctors, we the hospitals create. This is chronic disease. This is hospitalizations. This is deaths caused by us. I want to take you through a very brief history. So in 1999 23 years ago, a guy by the name of Andrew Wakefield published a paper. You guys heard of him? All right. I've got a t shirt on that says Wakefield was right. All right. He just published his findings, right. And that's what we're taught in medical school, we're supposed to look at outcomes. And what he published was that the autistic kids in his practice, he was a pediatric gi specialist had something different going on in their guts. And he concluded we need to look at this. There might be an association between vaccines, the MMR in this case, and autism. That's all he did. They pursued him for 10 years and got his license for doing nothing but sharing the truth and the data. He's one of our heroes, absolutely one of our heroes. So a couple years later, 2001 right here in Oregon, and across the country, the CDC that makes vaccine recommendations moved the hepatitis B vaccine from teenagers to newborns. You catch up Boo is right, you catch Hepatitis B from sex and IV drug use, how many of our newborns are doing that? Zero, how many American mothers who are having babies or hepatitis B positive? Less than 1%. So we're gonna poison 99% of the babies in America, we're still doing it today to possibly help less than 1%. But we know who that 1% is, anyway, because the OBGYN test. That's when I thought we've got a problem. This handful of experts at the CDC every year gathered behind a closed door and they tell us what to do. And pediatricians and family practice doctors across the land. I was one of them. We follow those orders as if it's the right thing to do. Well, what about the outcomes? Let's look at that. So in 2004, at the direction of the CDC, they published a study in the main pediatric journal called pediatrics. William Thompson was the lead author, and they concluded there's no link between MMR and autism. End of story. We should not look at this anymore. Well, a decade later, what happened? William Thompson came out as the whistleblower, Dell big tree joined forces with Andrew Wakefield and they produce the movie Vax, the documentary that shows what really happened. That was just the beginning, folks, we were now on the journey to do the real research that needed to happen that's comparing vaccinated kids to unvaccinated kids. Some of you know I published the book in 2016. The vaccine friendly plan. It's not friendly enough, by the way, but it was a start. And that was the same year that the vaccine came out. Within a couple years. The medical board says prove that the vaccine friendly plan is as safe as the CDC schedule. So I hired an independent expert. We got the data. Every baby born into my practice at integrated pediatrics was tallied, we looked at all health outcomes. It was published in a peer reviewed journal, November of 2025 days after it was published. The Oregon medical board took my license. It's okay folks. It was the best thing that happened, although it was a rough time. Because it's it just created this situation where we know what we've got to do. Right. So we are in this fight together. I was reinstated with a couple of stipulations. Interesting stipulations, by the way, I am not to talk to my patients about vaccines, and I'm not to do medical research. Why would the Medical Board want to stop you from informing your patients informed consent? And from getting more data? It's a it's a complete puzzle. It's okay. Mine was not the only study I've been traveling around the country presenting other studies of vaccine unvaccinated data. Now folks, we're not even talking COVID Here we're talking the childhood vaccine schedule that we've always thought was safe and effective. So the next study that come out was Boston study. Actually, his was before mine. And what he found was compared to unvaccinated children, six to 12 year olds done by survey, there was a four to five times increase in developmental delays AD D and ADHD and autism. There was a 20 time increase sorry, 30 times I'm increasing allergies. 30 times is 3,000%, folks. Okay, now we've got a couple studies. That's not all. Miller and hooker have published two studies now comparing unvaccinated vaccines, they found the same exact thing. massive increases in developmental delays in are vaccinated kids, but that's not all. Then comes the control group, you can go to the Control group.org and you will be shocked. Looking at the results from 48 states. They found massive increases. Actually the unvaccinated is only point two 4% of our population less than a quarter percent of America is completely unboxed. The rest of us have been touched by vaccines. Those unvaccinated people had zero cancer zero heart disease, zero diabetes. What? That's that's insane, absolutely insane. And everything else that we found in these other studies. So folks, we got a problem, right. And this is you've been hearing this data, Dell does a good job on his movie, children's health defense is do an incredible job get their daily online journal, the defender, watch the shows I've got mine is on Wednesdays on against the wind doctors in science.com. What we need to understand is that the choices we make today, parents the choices we make today can affect our kids lives for the rest of their lives. You cannot take these things out. Right? So we stand united for what's best for our families, we've got to put kids first. It's shocking to me that we have to fight for the right to do what's best for our own children. We should not be in that position. But no matter what your gender, your race, your sexual orientation, where you come from what you believe in political parties, whether you're Baxter unboxed, it's time to unite. We have one common enemy. The oppressor will not give us our freedom. We have to fight for it. We're battling for our children. And I'll tell you this, as a pediatrician, what I'm seeing is a lot of anxiety and depression, a lot of anxiety and depression. Kids are coming in masked in our state here. I asked them to pull off their masks, they're afraid to take their masks off when given permission. Okay, so what are we going to do as families as parents, when we are home with these kids, we need to love them. We need to embrace them, we need to touch them, we need to kiss them, we need to talk to them. And we need to teach them how to breathe. If you're feeling stressed. Has anybody here felt stressed at all? I do too, in the middle of the night sometimes. And what I've learned is you can take a very deep breath in through your nose. Try it and exhale through your mouth. Okay, you breathe in love. And you exhale, fear. It works, folks. We have the love within us. We have the love around us. We are in love. Folks, I'm just gonna go off script here for a minute. I think I've got a couple. I've got a couple of minutes left. Didi Would you come up here? He's just gonna have to jump that barrier and walk around. Okay, go under the barrier. Didi works in my office. She also helps me with my schedule. So she keeps me going. We travel and we talk at conferences and one of her expert areas where she really excels is communication. I struggle with trying to communicate to people I love about this topic of these vaccines, or the COVID vaccine. Right? How many of you struggles talking to people who don't see it the way you see it? All right. So almost everybody. So here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna roleplay and we're both parents. We have kids at school, and we just meet after a meeting or US ballgame. Here we go. So DD, I'm really excited. I just learned that we can now my son's about to be five years old, so I'm gonna be able to give him the COVID vaccine. dee 34:08 Hey, I'm actually I was hoping to talk to you about that, because I heard that you were considering it. And I wanted to let you know, stopping for a second y'all. What I want to share is there's three approaches that I teach. There's the advocate, the expert, and the personal story. So that's what you're gonna see right now. And I said I'm wrong is the expert, the advocate and the personal story. So I just wanted to talk to you I have been I got a vaccine first came out, I was thinking to myself, you know, personally, I didn't want to get it how would how are we going to make choices for our kids? I have a lot of information that I can share you with you and I'd like to show you that before you make a decision. These are experts on this topic. Dr. Paul 34:49 Well DD I don't know that I can trust your information because you're Don't you do massage therapy or something like that? I mean, come on. I've been talking to A lot of doctors and everybody knows this is the thing to do. Yeah. And you know, dee 35:05 I think that's what's hard is in the very beginning, we heard all this information. And we were scared, and we were fearful. And yes, I do massage and I work in a Pediatric Clinic, and I'm seeing the devastation of what's happening with the shots. So that's all I'm doing is I'm asking you, I'm gonna give you the expert information for you to look at. Dr. Paul 35:23 These shots have been tested, the CDC has made it clear they are safe and effective. dee 35:33 Well, they're not. And that's the part that I think you have to look at. If you were at the rally that I was out today. And you saw a young woman in a wheelchair that was injured, that were there safe, safe and effective. It's not, maybe maybe your child will get the vaccine compete just fine. Like some are maybe. But we don't know that. And to be putting that in our child and for you not to at least listen to the expert advice. So I'm gonna advocate for you. I'm going to ask you, I'm going to call you I'm going to be there for you. But all I'm asking is that you? Listen, you do some of the research on your own before you make a decision for your child. That's all I'm asking. Dr. Paul 36:19 Okay. All right. I'll take a look at your information. Usually, I push her a little harder, but I don't want her bawling her eyes. Should I push harder? dee 36:28 No. But I do want to share something that happened earlier. Someone remembers Deller who made a comment about we have to share our stories, all of my life. Up until the last few years, I didn't tell people about my own vaccine injury because I didn't want to be made fun of I had open heart surgery when I was five years old. Because I was given the smallpox shot, and my heart stopped. My 22 year old mother didn't know what to do. Luckily, this was before the 1986 Act. So we have the care, we have the coverage, you would have thought that I have all people would have known not to vaccinate my child and listened and I was careful. But when my child was 12, and the pediatrician said, Now that be safe for your child, let him get the vaccine. I lost my kid for a couple of years, he was suicidal gets depressed. I allowed that. And that killed the stay with me forever. Healthy now isn't doing great now. But I'll speak up now because I'm not gonna let any other children with at least telling any of you that think is safe. Dr. Paul 37:36 Thank you. Thank you. So listen, what we're being sold as a vaccine in this COVID thing is not a vaccine vaccines prevent transmission, cramped vaccines prevent infection, this does neither of those things. And in fact, it's causing much more harm than good as the data starts coming out. The problem with that particular vaccine or any vaccine for that matter is you can't take it out once you've put it in. So parents, it is on us. They're coming for our six month olds next. Right, that's what's next so that from six months on, everybody gets these vaccines. And of course, now they're realizing, Oh, it doesn't even give protection that lasts more than three or four months, you're gonna have to get boosters for the rest of your life. This is a failed policy that destroys your immune system turns your body into a spike protein manufacturing factory. What a brilliant idea. So please stand strong stand in unity. And don't forget to love your kids get the masks off their faces. And let's unite in this program Casey Rhymewave 38:36 with authenticity, this is the prescription through efficiency the missing pieces flowing through the body's electricity conditioned to forget some now remember, we're infinite beings connected through the innovation. Kevin Jenkins 38:50 Reason why you're here is because we are all prepared to what wage war for love. Wage war for family wage war for children. Wage war for the very essence to breathe in love. Am I right? Now, I gotta tell you, I don't like polite crowds. So if you want to be polite, go back in with the drones. Because see, this is a serious time for serious people to have a vision for the world. Do you have a vision for the world? Please keep those hands up. Because when I heard those drums, I didn't think of fear. I didn't think of people that were against us. I said those are the drums that we're going to use to clean out freedom you know the drums of Justice, the drums of hope. The drums of love the drums of freedom. Come on now I'm getting off the stage. He really, this is a beautiful day. Beautiful people. The world is on fire. And guess what? It's not about winning. It's about never allowing to happen again. Come close and lock arms with each other. Come on, we got to show the power of we got to show the power off we like I told you I'm in charge would always tell you now have you been turning on your TVs I know you've been sneaking and doing and I know. You still want to hear all that bad news every day. But the reason why I asked you to lock arms, because see, when we lock arms, the energy is powerful. You see how the drums just got solid back then you see that? I normally don't pay that any attention. But I'm gonna take advantage of the drums today. Now listen. Our children need us to stand in the gap for them. This country needs us to find out God courage. This country needs us to elevate our consciousness. So anybody that's seeking to do anything evil on the planet, they just disappear. They just disappear. And that's what I'm feeling. Everybody's all happy. They're taking the mask of our kids shame on you. You know why? Because guess guess what? We should have never allowed it to have you put the mask of shame on your kids because you were living in fear. And no more fear. fears over today. No more. No more fear. All the love and hope. Now will you leave for the day you got a lot of work to do. Because I know some of you were afraid to come down to Portland. Oh my god, that just got destroyed. When I heard that, I said Catherine, they gotta go reclaim Portland. They gotta go reclaim their territory, reclaiming land. Now you have to understand something. This water is beautiful to you. But this water reminded me of the ancestors whack come from my ancestors. They came from they came across the Atlantic at the bottom of the ship. And when it came from underneath that ship, there was not a son of love. There was not a son of hope. It was a son of horrible. But you know what they did? They move past their fears. And you know what else they did? They ran is sort of freedom. So they had to run across another pot of water, another pot of what a lake or whatever. But you know what they did? They came back. They came back for the people that they left behind. And we should never leave anybody behind. Never leave anybody behind. So now guess what? The unvaccinated the vaccinated it doesn't mean anything. 60 some odd years ago, I could not go into a diner because they said I was unclean. 60 years ago, they said I could not go to schools when your kids went because they said I was not intelligent enough. And guess what I was not I was a disease. And it dawned it all over again to all of us as Americans. And we cannot ever let that happen. 60 years ago, 60 some odd years ago, I had to sit in the back of the bus because they said I was unclean. Now they're telling me I can't come into restaurants because I'm unclean. Now they're telling me I can't travel because I'm unclean. Now they're telling me guess what, if you say anything that represents freedom, we're going to take your money from you. Now, here's the deal. Are you ready to boycott that? Uh, what? Are you ready to boycott that? Now, I don't know what's happening in this country. All of a sudden, all the politicians, they got smart. Well, we don't need to mask anymore. Know what they're feeling. What they're feeling is they're feeling the fact that God is in the midst of all of this right now. See, all of you. All of you are chosen for this moment. All of you are day by God for this moment. All of you understand deep in your soul, that this is the right place to be on the planet. Because I know what because this is my new tribe. I have friends tell me all the time. Well, Kevin, what you're doing all those white people have said well, you know what I'm doing those white people. I'm fighting for God. I'm paying for my children, for your church. Is that interesting? These are the same black people are talking about systemic racism telling me what I'm doing. And I want you to be I want you to be comfortable with the fact that it is a right to disagree with each other. It's a right not to always understand everything. But guess what? Don't you fill it in the air? Don't you fill a mystic with a Bob Marley says the mystic natural. Did you go? There you go. Now I gotta tell you something. Don't you feel it? I know I do. I just feel it every day I get up in the morning. Every day I look at my children every day I look at my wife every day I look at your children. Every day I look at you something just magical happens to me. I just feel it right here my soul. See my grandmother Lily Mae Chica. So if you want to find God, you go inward. You want to find God, you listen to his voice. You want to find God, you look at another human being and see what I love you. I love you. I love all of you. People say Kevin, how do you travel so much? I say well, you didn't ask Jesus Jesus died for us. I'm sure if he traveled everywhere I'm traveling. You understand that? I want to say something to you. I think you're important. You've been too nice. I came into dams like Mount it's a beautiful day, but not so much. I heard your drums I did like this. Like what are these people going to do? Those are lost souls. Find a way back home. God whispering in the middle of the night and tell them it's wrong. You need to be working with those people. You need to be loving those people. You need to be telling those people and so right if I don't know something, please tell me what I need to know to save my child to save my life to save my job. And all of you people that have lost your jobs. You've lost your jobs because you stood up for what was right. It's our job to stand up for you. That is what I'm prepared to do with the rest of my life stand up for you not because of white not because you're black. Not because you're Jewish. Not because you agree with us, you still abide in nonsense, are you We are one people. We have to stop using their language. You are not my black friend. You're not my boyfriend, you all my friends. We have to stop it. Because we are the ones that are feeding it. Stop feeding hate will start sharing love. When I was when I was traveling the country, I've traveled shorter than 50,000 Miles something is wrong with me. Some of them is wrong. But you know what? When I talked to them woman in a diner holding her child, I didn't talk to her because she was a white woman. I talked to her because she was a concerned parent about how she was going to feed her child. How she was going to protect her child from the tyrannical people that were attempting to wipe the very existence of who she wasn't her child away from this planet. I got five minutes for fun. Now, you know, I get up every morning and ask God to give me the ability to communicate with people in an open way that they would understand what this is really all about. This is about saving the planet. This is about saving the species, the species of the species that God has created. Do you guys understand that? Do you really understand that? Now are you prepared to fight for it? That's right. God so loved the world. You know, isn't it funny? As I stand up here, after we have gone through this Hara, the last two years it all boiled down to loving God. Yeah, I really gotta tell you one day it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was on the state all radicalized. And I looked down into the crowd. I said what would Martin Luther King do? What would Malcolm X to? What would it be Wales to Paul Robeson to what will my grandmother Do you know what we would do you know what they would do? They will be standing right in the middle of this and saying we're going to fight for every human being to be free. So all of these people talking about racism, and talking about we should hate each other. This is not about race, folks. This is not about race. This is not about class. It is about power and control and money. Lot those doors, go home, raise those shades, go home, hugged your neighbor, go home speak the truth to power. Go home. and stand in the middle of your block and say we will not tolerate it anymore. Never again. So now what they tried to do is put you to sleep. I gotta leave you with this because some of you are went back to sleep already, when he took the mask off, everything's getting better. They are just getting started. They are just getting started. And you know what they're saying about Americans? Yeah, they talk about freedom, but they don't believe in it. Yeah, they talk about the flag, but they don't believe in it. Yeah, they talk about what a lovely country they live in. But they don't believe that it is time to start sending a message to the world and say what we believe what we believe in what we believe in what you believe in what now, doubt is what you should be selling to your kids. Today, grab your child sitting down and say, let me explain to you why I'm fighting for you. Let me explain to you why I love you. Let me explain to you that the only person or anything you should be listened to is what God says to you and your heart. It's just a wonderful time. It's our time, it's our time to rebirth the world. It's our time to make it what we always wanted it to be a place where we can live and thrive and be human. And that is the thing that motivates me every day. Now get closer, I gotta put you to work. And we'll put in the work. I'm gonna put in the work. I love those drums. Before I finish, I want the drums to go without the sound of freedom. So you ready one, three, I want you to scream freedom. So allow yourself where we know that 1233 Magical drums go with that. We should actually buy the daily to play the drums right here. And then you'll find God and find truth and find love. And then you'll see black and white getting together right? Because we choose freedom right? We love God right? We love that you keep playing those drugs back and going wonderfully with this. Now, I want you to look at each other. And you know what we have to do we have to send this message to the world. Hold each other now while we're here, don't be afraid. See show the world that we are unified the power of reason that the word they they masked my kids. They took my jobs. They they they they that slave narrative. And guess what? Where my ancestors came across that Atlantic, they didn't say they they say we're going to fight for our freedom. We're going to run and then we're going to go back and get the people that we love. Now I want you to look at each other you go hey, you're not holding hands up there. Now there you go. There you go. Don't worry about the drums need to see the thing going away. Now I want you to look at each other. And I want to hear it across this water and say I love you look at each other no, we're not talking to love each other like a friend. One more time I got is the power off. We don't forget that word. Go home and write it on your legal pads. Go home and put it on your refrigerator door. The second thing I want you to do is I want you to inhale God Unknown Speaker 54:26 and exhale fear. Kevin Jenkins 54:28 And every time you think something out there is trying to take your freedom away from you. And you feel a little angst and you feel a little anxiety. What you do is you inhale God Unknown Speaker 54:39 and you exhale, fear and you grab it and you just push it to the side Kevin Jenkins 54:44 and you go out there and you fight for your family. You fight for your faith. You fight for this country. You fight for this these children. You fight for the very essence of what it means to be a human being are human beings. We are not animals. Oh, animals and guess what, stop worrying about your government they abandoned you. Take back your government, take back your power. Stop wondering if somebody's going to come out of the sky and rescue you. You have to rescue yourself. You have to do the work. Now God did all of this magnificent stuff. You guys are afraid. The third thing I want you to do Unknown Speaker 55:34 is I want you to hug each other Kevin Jenkins 55:37 right now. I mean, I mean really hug each other. Hug each other. Oh, y'all are afraid to hug each other. I love it. This is beautiful. Now isn't a great that you guys have reclaimed your territory will never be the same after today. Because all of you should be marching down the streets. All of you should be fine and your God courage, all of you to be inhaling. Inhaling and exhaling fear. All of you have to do it. You have to go out there and reclaim your territory. This is your state right? This is your home right? Unknown Speaker 56:32 Take it back. Rhymewave 56:36 You don't need to sell your soul to live your dreams. This comment is as real as it seems. You don't need to dig a hole the plan to see you can reinvent the wheel if you believe you don't even sell your dreams is common is as real as it seems. You don't need to dig a hole. You can reinvent the wheel. Dr. Paul 57:03 Dr. Pol here doctors and science.com is where you go to get access to my exclusive members only section. This is how you the viewers support our work. We have no sponsors. We are fully supported by you, our viewers, what do you get in the Members section? It's quite a list, you get access to a couple of my eBooks. The first one is the authoritative reference list for my vaccine friendly plan book. I also have written a book very extensive called everyday health that covers pretty much what I think you should be doing if you want to live a healthy life in this world today. But there's so much more. Join me monthly for a live q&a. Submit your questions online, make sure you get them answered. That is my intention for you. It's time for us to interact. In addition to this, you get transcripts of every show. We have other bonus content. And I think one of the huge bonus content pieces is the PowerPoints of the talks I'm giving as I travel around the country. People are always asking me how can we get those PowerPoints? This is how you do it. Head on over to doctors and science.com and become a member and join the team of against the wind. Help me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors and science.com I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. And let's make this the weekly show the nation has been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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