PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:00
Welcome to against the wind doctors in science under fire. Dr. Paul here I am combining my from the heart with the intro to this show because this one is unique. We're featuring the United for freedom rally that we held right here in Portland, Oregon. You may recall my last from the heart I had a little trepidation about going to downtown Portland, Oregon. We've had a time here in Portland, Oregon, it doesn't feel safe downtown sometimes. And there's been a lot of clashes down there and we thought boy, a freedom rally is going to bring out the troops. As far as those antagonizing sides. Well, it was nothing like that it was a true celebration of freedom. We had there at this event, Amy bond, co founder and president of PARCC. This is an organization fighting for civil rights, parental rights and for freedom. Our own Dr. Henry Ely, man, Dr. Ely knows the fraud numbers. He does this research every day, he's encouraging us to stand up for truth stand up for freedom. And he shared about the filing of a grand jury petition using the language of fraud, crime and willful misconduct, speaking about the vaccine manufacturers who thought they were shielded, but they're not if they're committing a crime, using fraud or willful misconduct. Jonathan auto, investigative journalist, filmmaker and humanitarian reminds us that freedom and liberty of conscious has echoed through the ages, and we must choose what we put in our bodies at all costs. We hear from Maddie actually Maddies mom's Stephanie about what Maddie experienced. She was in the Pfizer trial and has now become wheelchair bound seizures and a host of medical conditions completely abandoned financially and medically by the system. Dell big tree closes out this show my friend Dell is the host of the high wire CEO of the informed consent Action Network, and he points out the hypocrisy of living in fear, but injecting unknown toxins into our bodies. He points out loud and clear fear is the disease and he asks us to now rise up as leaders for freedom enjoy the show Casey Rhymewave 2:11 mean some greener grass is lowing on an island in the sea. Fresh graffiti crop circles on the beach of Phoenix taking flight shining brighter than the beast. No draw the outline a piece in crumble sand castles as we channeled in the streams. I've got a reason in a rhyme. I'm setting grievances aside and being Amy Bohn 2:29 said, here's the thing, what we're all facing is global. It's actually not just in California, not just in Oregon is it? It's across the whole entire world. So what I want to tell you about is I want to tell you that perk is an organization, we have decided that we're not going to take this lying down, we came out swinging with a lot of punches. We filed six lawsuits in California. And the best part about that to protect children and to protect first responders, all these people that are impacted by the mandates. And I want to tell you something we are winning. Do not ever think we aren't I'm telling you we are winning across the world. We're winning in California, you're winning here in Oregon. Don't listen to anything different than that. Now, one of the big things here on the horizon, this thing called a vaccine passport. You heard of that? Yeah. Yes, that's right. That's right. They're calling a lot of different things, aren't they a green pass a health pass a digital pass. They're calling it a vaccine passport. In some places. You guys here in Oregon. I just saw that you are expected to have some kind of vaccine passport be initiated in March. So just in just a month. And what we're seeing across in California too, is to try to put it actually through the schools on the children as a health pass and a daily pass and a QR code. One of my expertise on my team, we really heavily researched the vaccine passport. So I'm going to tell you if you think she may not have heard before they think you need to know. First of all, the vaccine password has been banned in 19 states across this country. That is tremendous to see that type of that happening across the country. Now, has anybody heard of DARPA didn't even know what that is. Okay, man, you guys are so smart. Stephanie, you didn't tell me they're gonna be quick. You guys are amazing. So DARPA is an organization under the Department of Defense and they actually have initiated funding for a group called profuse, profuse that has created a bio sensor that can be injected under your skin. And that bio sensor can send signals to guess what? your smart phone and it can read your body temperatures, your oxygen levels, all kinds of things. In addition to that Microsoft has a patent. Do you know what they have a patent for? They have a patent for Korea. So currency that's connected to body activity. And that same cryptocurrency talks about body sensors and wearable, wearable sensors and wearable devices. K in addition to that you guys heard of this thing called the Commons project. Have you heard of that at all? Okay, at a global level, what happened when everything locked down is there is the Commons project was put together by the World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation. But guess when they did that, you guys, they did it in 2019 2019. And this commons, this Commons project is something that's a whole global initiative, where they have a commons pass, that's part of the Commons project. And in that common pass, they have a partnership with Microsoft, who has created a smart card app, okay. It's basically a smart health app. That is what your vaccine passport looks like across the world. And it's in 52 countries, everyone, 52 countries, they're working on a coalition across the world to get this initiated. So when you see and hear about vaccine passports, I want you to know what's happening at a global level so that you can make sure that you find it here locally, it's in California, they are actually using the smart health app in California and making it so that you have to get a QR code and show proof of the COVID vaccine through this very app. So basically, it goes like this, you have the vaccine password coming from the World Economic Forum forum, who created the global, this Commons project and the common pass all connected to Microsoft with wearable sensors, biosensors, all underneath your skin with perfusate, the Department of Defense, and that doesn't make anybody feel like oh, my gosh, how can we defeat this? Is anybody here feeling a little bit? Like truly wondering, I go crap, how in the world? Can we find something like this at a global level? Do you guys sometimes feel like, tired. It's been two years, it was supposed to be two weeks, right? To slow the spread. But instead, here we are two years into this lockdown. And we're facing a global vaccine passport, that they're trying to initiate a whole infrastructure for New York, other countries, you know, Hawaii, and they're trying to make it so that you can't even cross the border into another country. Without this. If this whole thing does take hold, it will impact everything. Want it you guys, it'll impact your finances, your schools, your right to travel, your right to work, everything. So I want to tell you something. This is one of those things that you all with all of us, we have to give it everything, we've got to stop this, we cannot. We cannot let this take hold in our country. And I call on every single one of you. I don't care if you're liberal, if you're a Democrat, if you're Republican, whatever you want to identify with, because that stuff doesn't matter right now. Those are the things that divide us. So what matters right now is that you all are unified in a way that maybe we haven't been before. And we take on together in unity, something that it's going to take all of us to fight in order to protect our children in order to protect our homes, our schools, our work our jobs, our life, our freedoms. We have to lay everything on the line right now and give us everything we've got. Did anybody bring wine because it's like kind of heavy rain? Maybe a little bit of chocolate. Chocolate, actually was speaking one time and I literally somebody I said that. And they were like, and they literally brought me chocolate. So it's okay to have to really give me chocolate. Maybe the wine No. So, but I do want to tell you something to this. This is what was on my heart related to you guys. Yes, this vaccine passport. They're trying to put it in 52 countries. But what do you want to know what's greater than that? Greater than 52 countries? What's greater than that? Is there is a global movement happening in every part of this world. every continent except for Antarctica because it's too cold. And here's the thing Australia, Austria, France, Israel, Oregon, California, New York. Have you guys seen the protests happening? It's not just a few people is it? That's why they won't cover it on the news. You can only see it on the high wire there. The issue is that you have millions of people everyone that you are united with across the whole entire world. So if you ever feel alone and wonder if you can do this, know that you are not alone, you are a part of a global movement that is not going to stop. I've seen this movement years ago where it was a few, a few 1000 10s Out 10s of 1000. And now it's millions of my friends. And that is something that we can take hold of and be anchored in. We are not alone. The other thing is, you all here have the heart of a warrior. I have a heart of a warrior, my husband, the people out here with you leading fighting, we have the hearts of a warrior. We are not afraid. I'm not afraid. There are so many times are like Dude, do you need a bodyguard, I got my husband. He's amazing. But I'm not afraid, because I'm gonna tell you this. And I mean this with all of my heart, we are being divided. We are being divinely LED. We have the divine in us and with us in everything that we're doing inspiration, stamina, strength, lawsuits, you name it, and there is something moving in us to help us to help us defeat this to help us fight this to give us energy and strength beyond our own. Do you know how I know this? Have you seen who is a part of this movement with us now, it's the firefighters and the nurses and the doctors and the parents and the military. And even some of the politicians don't do. We have people everywhere in every industry that is has joined us in this movement. That is what you call the divine that is a movement that has an energy beyond just you are just me, it is something greater than all of us. And that is why I can tell you with confidence that we are going to defeat those vaccine passports, we are going to take back our country, we are going to fight with everything we've got because that's what it's going to take and not a single one of us are willing to pass this on to our children. My great aunt was in Budapest, Hungary during the time of World War Two. My family comes from Europe during that time. And Turner knew what she did. While people were hiding in a cave, there were families who were Jewish, who were hiding in a cave to be protected. She was begging on the streets dressed up like a beggar a boy. And she did that in order to get extra food for them. She would then take it back to the cave. And she would she would cook for them. And she would give it to them. That is an example of the type of courage that you and me and all of us need to have, that we are not filled with fear. But we're filled with faith, we're filled with hope. And we're willing to do whatever it is, even if it looks hard, or even if we're not sure how it's gonna turn out. We're willing to be that brave. And that courageous. This is exactly the time in history, that you are all meant to be here. Because you're here. You are meant to be here. So even if you think we're against the odds, I'm telling you that we're not we are meant to be you're meant to fight meant to take the leadership stage here and meant to do everything we can. I have to tell you one of my favorites. Absolutely favorite people in history right now is Winston Churchill. Do you like yes, I know. Right? There's like one person that clapped. Okay. Sorry, Winston, wherever you're at, we still appreciate you. But the last thing I want to share with you is something that has resonated with me to my core. It's something that he said during his darkest times, when he was faced with war all around him. He said this, and I'm going to change it just a little bit for us. He said, We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in California. We shall fight in Oregon. We shall fight in Israel. We shall fight in France and in Canada. We shall fight in Australia. We shall fight on the seas and the oceans we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air. We shall defend our land, our children, our lives, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the cold we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills we shall never, ever surrender. Thank you so much. Casey Rhymewave 15:20 Petitioner ways that are measured the harvest every last piece of it, even if you feel the Risen meaning in the reasoning, and even if you lack the seasoning gotta find the flavor, the natural the be this thing Rhymewave 15:38 is as real as it seems. Dr. Henry Ealy 15:41 Do you agree that we should live in a society that discriminates? Do you believe we should live in a society that segregates? How many of you believe we should live free like we were born it's like a came to the right place. I'm gonna be talking with you a lot later in the show today, we're gonna give you a chance to participate. That's very important to me. We've got these people who've been elected, thinking that they we elected them to be our parents. A lot is it? We've got these people out there that think we elected them to be dictators. So what do we say to people who think like that? Let's do it together. 123. Just like we got to train a puppy sometimes. Bad dog. Bad. Don't do that. Bad dog. Well, if you followed any of my work, you know, I'm heavy into the numbers. Did you know that you could be fully vaccinated and still counted as unvaccinated? They're ridiculous. It's so ridiculous. We have a name for that. It's called fraud. And just like Amy was saying, it's time for us to start calling things what they are. That takes courage. That takes courage each of you possess. How many of you here today have the courage to speak truth? How many of you have the courage to take no offense when people say stupid things to you? Here's the challenge. How many of you have courage? Many of you have courage to remain humble. You see, my message is a little different. There are no victory laps here. But there is a glorious fight in front of us. How many of you are ready to fight? Because I'm going to fight with you every single day. Will you fight with me? Well, we got some good news coming later today. Some happened yesterday. That was incredible. We actually filed a grand jury petition in that Federal Court building right over yonder and we called it what it was fraud. We called it what it was crime. And we called it what it was willful misconduct. Now why is that phrase willful misconduct so important? Because how many of you know that these Del Bigtree 19:21 fraud stirs? Dr. Henry Ealy 19:25 Find Xur and Maderna and all those places? They hide behind the protections of civil immunity. How do you know that you can't sue them? Does that seem right or wrong? You can't sue them unless you can prove willful mis conduct. We're gonna prove it. Can I get an amen? I love you all. Do you know that? Can you feel it? I'm not the only one that loves you. There's people on this tent that have love in their hearts, love for freedom, but more importantly love for you love for each other. How do you defeat evil? How do you defeat evil? Live? And what does love do that defeats evil? It never gives up. Do you understand that said with me Never give up. The only way that evil wins is when we surrender hope, when we surrender our passion to it when we give up. Will you promise me today that no matter what you will never give up? Yes, just like Winston Churchill said, I will fight you anywhere. I'll fight you over here, I'll fight you over there, we'll fight you on a plane, I'll fight you on a train. We didn't turn it to the doctor says. And I love God with his Rhymewave 21:21 mama is as real as it seems. So be yourself with Jonathan Otto 21:30 authenticity. I know this many of you have suffered greatly through your stands. And I want to thank you for that. And I'm sorry for the things that many of us have had to face, the kind of marginalization and persecution even from our own friends and family. It's there's a lot of trauma here. And so the ability just to stand in a place of love and say I love you. I'm with you. And I'm suffering with you. I'm crying with you. I'm laughing with you I'm I feel what you feel, is one of the most powerful things. So I just encourage each one of you to take in the moment really take in each other and hold each other, look at each other and see each other's hearts and experiences and know that you are the heroes. You are the heroes. It's not a hero doctor, that has some great wisdom to share with the world. It's you Yes, without you. This is nothing. And I think about the stand of people in my life. My mother grew up in Malaysia. How many people know this story. She was She grew up in a Muslim culture that was legislated by government that she could not in any way change any aspect of your faith. And so after her coming to Australia, seeing certain values inside of Christianity that she thought was important to her, that then caused her arrest, and to have to stand before a judge and face a possible death sentence simply for her belief. This is 2530 years ago, sorry, 35 years ago. And so this, this issue of freedom, and liberty of conscience that we are fighting for is something that has echoed through the ages. And without us having the ability to choose the beliefs that we have the things that we choose to put in our bodies, we have nothing and that is why it brave people from history, pasts. You look at the Protestant Reformation, you see what was fought in the 1500s with Martin Luther King, a Catholic monk that stood before the Diet of ones in Germany, and said, I cannot go against my conscience for Christian it is unsafe. Here I stand I can do no other. So help me God. Is that is that your prayer? Is that your statement? Yeah. And you are standing with on the backs of giants that had stood and were victorious. And it was because of this Stan, we have lived a lot of our lives in a state of freedom that we haven't enjoyed and appreciated, but it has crept up on us. And many of us had lost sight and this was a reminder to us of digging deep inside of the values that are the things that we need to move forward and step into a greater reality that requires us all changing transforming going deeper learning to love connecting more deeply with one another and looking at what was left behind. We're gonna bring up some amazing people here and Dr. Ely, myself on the filmmaker I've been sharing and films have been reaching millions of people around the world. I feel like that's just my area where I could do my part. In Australia. I was awarded young Citizen of the Year and international ambassador of the year for humanitarian work that I've done throughout my life. Thank you. Thank you for, for responding to crisis and seeing starvation, the Horn of Africa having founded in the early 2017. And the response that me and others made in those areas, this was something that I felt called to and as these issues have have come about, I've seen that this is a humanitarian issue. And this is why you see firefighters being the ones that stand for it. You see, people that are frontline people, you see doctors that have committed themselves, like people like Dr. Ely, from the age of a child, they decide that they want to help people. And then they can't give up that they can't give up that calling. And so they hold to it. And it's because of these great people, we see so much great things in this world that are worth standing for and continuing to fight Amanda Damian 25:51 for. I am a 37 year old mom, I have a little beautiful little boy max here with me. And I was injured by the Maderna COVID vaccine on March 11. I've almost reached one year. My injury consists of severe autonomic dysfunction, pots. When I stand up, I pass out. The list goes on and on and on. I have severe neurological problems in my legs that makes it feel like I'm being electrocuted 24/7 many days I can't stand today the sun is out. It's beautiful. And I can use my legs today. So I'm really excited about that. Just to give you an A glance into life of an injured person, this is what it takes to keep me alive every day. I started with two medications before this just regular medication supplements and this is what it takes today. We are the dirty little secret that government doesn't want you to know about. And I'm here today to tell you that we're real. This is happening every single day in an alarming rate. My son, he's nine years old, he's been traumatized by seeing his mom go through something like this watching me get carted away, not knowing if I'm going to come back going to the hospital, he can't visit me because of COVID precautions not knowing when I'm going to return home and if I'm going to return to the normal mom, I was before. You know the insurance companies, they see people like us and they just close their eyes and stick their fingers in their ears. They don't want to hear anything about us. But the truth is, is they are there making choices for us that are completely unresponsible I completely rely on a wheelchair when I'm at home and I requested through my insurance to get an electric scooter to help me go grocery shopping and to get through my life and get on and they decided for me in a peer review that because my arms work that I don't require an electric wheelchair. Because my arms stonework, you try having a child and doing grocery shopping and getting in the car when your legs don't work. And someone else decided that for me. So those are some of my struggles and I want stuff to share some of them about Nattie because this little girl has become my guiding light and I will do anything to help save her and others Maddie & Stephanie De Garay 28:37 so I'm gonna look at my phone so I stay on track because I have a really hard time doing this. I'm not a speaker. I absolutely hate speaking in front of people. So that tells you so I'm Stephanie and my daughter Madeline, she's gonna get mad at me for crying. She's gonna laugh at me. So on January 20, Maddie received your second dose of the Pfizer COVID vaccine she was participant in the Pfizer COVID vaccine trial at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. Before that Maddie would be up here standing on her hands. During cartwheels straight A student honors had lots of friends always busy. Before that day, I trusted the government in the medical community I let all three of my children be in the backseat. I do not trust them at all in my life. People so after receiving the second shot Maddie, the one thing she said her arm immediately hurt. And it was different than the first one she was fine with the first one. And then over the next 24 hours she had severe abdominal pain and just being she actually said on the phone I have Big homie felt like I was being ripped out through her neck. She had people electric shocks up and down her spine. She was walking hunched over, she had pain in her fingers and toes. And they were white. If you touched them they were like ice cold that still happens. So over the next two and a half months or abdominal muscle your pain became unbearable. They wouldn't give her a wheelchair they forced her to scoot around on her bottom. In the other house. We ended up getting us wheelchair for her. She developed additional symptoms, gastroparesis, nausea, vomiting, she has rotted blood pressure and heart rate. Her cholesterol is high. She's on. She's on formula 900 calories a day. And her much. She's had memory loss mixed upwards, she had fainted. He had seizures, drastic changes in vision or urinary retention. I could go on. So eventually In April she needed an engine tube for nutrition. All these things are here today. She's still in a wheelchair. All the doctors did was medicate her, which made her worse. And they did this all while she was in the hospital so I had no control are we the past 13 months, Mandy's been to your 10 times. The last time was in December. She's been hospitalized four times for a total of two months. The last time was in December. We're running a little options. We have been abandoned financially and medically by the drop by Pfizer and the medical community the ones that are insurance pays for not people like Dr. Ely and others. My daughter's case obviously was hidden from the very beginning. She still being hidden and ignored in declining because of it. The FDA has never called us visors never called us nobody's ever called us. Speaker Q 32:11 Shame, shame. Shame on these people. We need to let them know Shame on them. How dare they do this to our children and our families to not allow it to stand. Maddie & Stephanie De Garay 32:25 So because they lied during the trial, healthy kids just like Maddie are dying and suffering from similar injuries every day. It's not right and it could have been avoided. I have too many new parents who have been your kids were considered good. needs to stop. Amanda Damian 32:46 Right so we're here to show you this is we're a product of what has happened with no help No, no nothing. Children are at a point 003 risk of dying from COVID and we cannot let more kids wind up like Maddie we need to get Maddie help. And we cannot let anything like this happen to more people. Just in the last week Steph was talking about our new friends. We've had a 10 year old suffered a massive heart attack. We have a 10 year old little girl had a full hysterectomy. And I now support a little six year old boy who's on life support from receiving one COVID vaccine because his mom was told it was safe and effective. I will never never put this product in my child and I will never give up fighting for my friends in for what is right. So I hope you will support us. We've given some flyers in the crowd you can get out your phones right now and text the word react. ar e AC t to the number 50155 and make a donation 100% of that money are going to injured people like that. Yeah, the number in text the word react ar e AC t to the number 50155 Thanks everybody well, it's a beautiful day Del Bigtree 34:29 here in Oregon. I have to say, I don't think I've ever seen so many hippies for medical freedom. Since I was hanging with my mom and dad years ago, you know, I think about that a lot. I grew up in Boulder, Colorado, which I think is sort of like sister to Oregon. And my parents are just saying to some guy that was trying to cost me there with a beard down here and hair down his back that said we were getting him killed in hospitals. And I said Hey brother, you seem like a guy that I used to believe in freedom. And he's like, Well, I do. But you know, this isn't free. He was like, What are you talking about? I said, Isn't the freedom to decide? You know, I said, my parents marched in Chicago in the 60s. My mother didn't vaccinate me because she was macrobiotic. And we were eating organic food and drinking fresh, clean water and fighting for freedom and the right to an education that we wanted. And to end wars. He's like, Well, I mean, I went running off. I understand. And I know, I know, you're all sitting here, you're living in the middle of it. And it's just got to be so shocking to think the value system that Oregon used to stand for, which is a pure, clean living life with exercise and vibrance is now a pro pharma, industry driven jail, prison. It's really, really hard to watch. It's hard when I visit Boulder, Colorado, the same thing. I mean, we're all scratching our heads. How is it? I mean, how is it that all of the you know, yoga teachers, and the people that are like professionally riding their mountain bikes, and rock climbing all of those things, which I still do, and now they're doing with masks on? I mean, it's absolutely mind blowing. You know, and to be honest, you know, when we travel around and Jimmy and I, who Jimmy grew up in Boulder, Colorado to are there, Jimmy couldn't do without him. He gets all the stuff off my plate. I hate doing like booking flights and hotels and things like that. But neither one of us was vaccinated. We grew up in Boulder, his mom's a hippie too. And I have to say, just inside because you know, so often we I don't get to sort of speak to really my people where I come from, but just an inside sort of joke with us as we get to meet some of the most dynamic human beings in the world, whether it's just an evening hanging out with Bobby Kennedy, and he's telling his own personal stories or, you know, meeting other dynamic individuals like Peter McCullough, great politicians, and, you know, sort of pinch ourselves and will always say, just a couple of hippies from Boulder, Colorado, liquid happened to our lives. And that really is how this goes, you know, so many of you walked up to me and say, you know, what is it I'm supposed to do? I don't know. I don't know what you're supposed to do. Only you know, what you're being told to do. And I truly believe inside all of us. We are being guided, there's something so much bigger than us. That is calling to us. All I did was start saying yes, I put aside my dreams and my goals that I thought of where I was going to get to they realize was clouding my vision. And I finally really started asking in my prayers, let me just be open to what I'm supposed to do, instead of being held hostage by my 18 year old image of who I was supposed to be. And the moment I made that transition, my life came alive. And I really want to say that so many people come up to me, and they'll say thank you for your sacrifice. And I really want to correct that. I think anyone in this world would be blessed to be living the life that I'm getting to experience right now. There's nothing that is a sacrifice to what I'm doing. And for those of you standing out here today, I know that I'm really preaching to the choir right now. But I just want to raise you up and thank you for not being afraid of all the languaging and Tifa might be there all of this stuff. Thank you for being heroes and not letting that darkness cloud your minds and your souls. And we really need to get out of that drama. We need to stop being the Kardashians of the world needing drama in our lives need to be talking about Antifa afraid of being attacked, or the doctors really being killed by pharma that tell the truth, none of that is happening. It's not happening. We need to shut that story down because all this doing is making us afraid and fear is the disease. I'm not worried about my life, God decides how long I'm here. I only get to decide the quality with which I am going to walk on this planet. And for that we really need to concentrate now. If you're watching the high wire, you know all the data all the details and giving it to you all the time. For anyone out there if there's a camera listening, there's eavesdropping on us today. Welcome. Welcome to the party. The biggest I told you so party that's ever going to happen in the history of the night. States of America and the world. Your vaccine is a complete and total failure. It is a disgrace of science and a disgrace against this nation, it cannot stop infection, it cannot stop transmission, it does nothing to achieve herd immunity. In fact, it is only blocked us from getting to herd immunity because it keeps the virus alive in people that cannot neutralize it because they took this stupid vaccine. And now we are seeing death rates, right death rates mysteriously rising all over the world with no explanation. It started with one insurance company in Indiana, saying we're seeing a 40% rise in deaths in 18 to 49 year olds. And it's not all COVID. Now, multiple insurance companies all stating the same thing. And yesterday, we broke the story that in Germany, one of the biggest health insurers life insurers in Germany just came out and told the government, we decided to do in query inside of our insurance company looking at all the ICD codes of hospitalized people in our insurance system. It's about 10 or 11 million people. And they found that over 250,000, were being treated with ICD codes representing vaccine injury. They said that is 10 times any amount any government has ever admitted to do you realize what's happening, the wheels are coming off of their ship. This thing is all been over now. Because guess what? It's all about money in the end. And these greedy bastards are really worried about losing money. So what happens when all the other insurance companies in the world recognize what that insurance company just did? And they said, You know what, I don't want to be paying out for injuries caused by a mandate put on us by the, you know, the governor of Oregon or the leaders or President Biden, why should we as an insurance company have to pay for something being caused by a government mandate? And so I'm saying this to the insurance companies sue the United States of America, you should get your money back. You shouldn't be paying for it. They lied to you as they lied to the world. Let's see what happens when all the insurers recognize that the healthiest among them are truly the unvaccinated. This is all happening. It's all changing. Do you realize this had to happen? How many of us were not vaccinated or not vaccinating our children being quiet about it. Going around silently saying, as long as they don't bother me, I'm not going to bother them. Well, we let that ship sailed, we let this thing get too far down the road. And I will be honest with you. I mean, I've been working hard. I've been traveling all over this country. 150 flights almost every year since Baxter came out in 2016. And there's other great speakers out there, Robert Kennedy, Jr. Of course, and children's health defense that is sponsoring this today. Sherry Tenpenny. And Dr. Paul Thomas, I could go on and on. So I'm not even going to try. But I will tell you this when I was standing in Washington, DC just a few weeks ago, and I marched from the monument down to the Lincoln Memorial and I got up the stairs and I looked out. And I saw every single sidewalk like a river coming from the monument pouring into those stairs, 1000s and 1000s. And it just didn't stop. For me, I realized, we have finally close the chapter of this book, which is it's time to build a movement. We are here We are a movement. It's really exciting. And none of that. None of that would have happened. Bobby Kennedy, me everybody else. We could have been speaking on stages for the next 20 years. And we would never see the enrollment that we're seeing all around the world. 27 attorney general sue the President of the United States demanding medical freedom saying things like in our state, our body, our choice, whoever dreamed that was going to happen. I'm not surprised by it. Because as I said, I have a very blessed life. I jumped off with facts and all I can say is it's been a miracle every single day. Things are happening that should never have happened. This movement is growing in ways that should have never happened. Getting kicked out of Tribeca Film Festival with my film was the greatest event that ever happened, I couldn't have planned that. To just be the biggest PR agency in the world. Thank you COVID had to happen. This is a blessing. I feel bad. I pray and my heart goes out for all those that are injured, and that are dying, because the decisions that they made, but they also are a gift. We're all just cells of the body here. And we're trying to keep this body alive. And we need to recognize what's happening in who we are. And that is all a part of this process. So I want to get hard for a second. I want to talk about the insane mask laws that you have here in Oregon. I mean, the science is actually settled here. Masks do not work. I mean, Johnny NiNis, in the study out of his USC I believe what Stanford sorry, stand for You're right. Other part of California. Point 2%. That was the entire value of all the lockdown measures point. 2% is how much it restricted the spread of COVID. And I still I got to the airport yesterday, and I walked in, I was like, Oh, snap. You guys are still doing this thing. Which I know you guys don't mean, it's got to be impossible for me to know what it's like to be here in Texas. We haven't been wearing masks like it's just not happening. We're walking around free. I said to the guy as I checked into the hotel here, you know, he said, Where's your mouse? He said, Oh, you guys are still doing that here. He's like, Yeah, I think he realized like, you're the only ones left still doing that, right? But it's not a joke. And I really want to sort of bring some attention to all of us that are putting up with it. Especially when it comes to your children. You cannot allow yourself to send your child to a school or anywhere where they are putting masks on their faces. There is no excuse for that. What could they possibly learn in that school? That's more important than understanding their right to breathe the air. It is so critical right now that we lead. Our children are watching us our future is watching us. When we say we're afraid to go to a rally because of Antifa we're afraid we might get arrested for standing for freedom in the United States of America. Our children are listening to us. They need to lead us out of this. They are our future. A couple of thoughts coming from this hippie from Boulder, Colorado. You know, in Boulder, we grew up with ideals. My family were environmentalists, my mom would drag me out and from as early as I can remember, like five years old to march on Rocky Flats and try and shut down the nuclear waste plant that was happening there. And we went out and stood for clean rivers and fresh air. And it's amazing to think that all of these people, these leaders in Oregon that say they care about those things are contaminating the rivers of their own bodies right now as we speak. But I really want to talk to the politics of this for a second, I'm still an environmentalist, I still want to be able to fish out of this river and eat the fish and not worry about mercury poisoning. I want to be able to breathe the air. I want to make sure that there are no toxic chemicals in our food. I don't want any exhaust if we can make cars that don't cause exhaust and don't feed systems. I want that for our future. So for all the hypocrites in office here in Oregon, and in Colorado and in California that talked about being environmentalist, I have a question for you. Why will our children ever fight for our environment if they never got to breathe the air Why will they ever stand up for racial equality? If they never get to see the color of each other's faces? How will they ever learn to love or to be loved, that they never feel the warmth of another person smile? And when will they ever stand for freedom, if all they were taught by their teachers was how to comply. Children are our future. And there is a disease that is threatening them. Every teacher out there saying you will not step into a school unless your kids are wearing masks because you are so afraid of dying, you're destroying their lives and they have a 0% risk of dying from this disease are the disease every one of you politicians, that is masking our children, that is so afraid of losing control, you're acting like God, you will surely fall You are the disease. So I have a request, quarantine yourselves. Our lives, get out of our world, and lead our children alone. Are the three people of the greatest Republic in the world, the United States of America. We lead the world. When it comes to freedom. We lead the world when it comes to race. We lead the world when it comes to environment. We cannot do that. If all we do is bow down to follow. We are not followers. We are leaders. We are God's people. And we will be asked to rise up now. To be the best of ourselves. This is our time. This is our challenge. And we Rhymewave 52:39 need to sell your soul to live your dreams. This comment is as real as it seems you don't need to take a hold of you can reinvent the wheel if you believe you don't need to sell your soul to live your dreams. It's common. It's as real as it seems you don't need to dig a hole. Dr. Paul 53:05 Dr. Paul here doctors in science.com is where you go to get access to my exclusive members only section. This is how you the viewers support our work. We have no sponsors. We are fully supported by you, our viewers, what do you get in the Members section? It's quite a list, you get access to a couple of my eBooks. The first one is the authoritative reference list for my vaccine friendly plan book. I also have written a book very extensive called everyday health that covers pretty much what I think you should be doing if you want to live a healthy life in this world today. But there's so much more. Join me monthly for a live q&a. Submit your questions online, make sure you get them answered. That is my intention for you. It's time for us to interact. In addition to this, you get transcripts of every show. We have other bonus content. And I think one of the huge bonus content pieces is the PowerPoints of the talks I'm giving as I travel around the country. People are always asking me how can we get those PowerPoints? This is how you do it. Head on over to doctors in science.com and become a member and join the team of against the wind. Help me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors in science.com. I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. And let's make this the weekly show the nation's been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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