PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:00
Dr. Paul Welcome to against the wind doctors in science under fire. This show today featuring Dr. Stephanie Senath, MIT Senior Research Scientist and author of the book toxic legacy, the most important book, I believe on glyphosate, but I'm really covering with her the detailed article she co wrote and published on the suppression of the innate immune system by the COVID-19 vaccines. This is super important. But don't miss the ending part of her interview where I asked her the question, everybody's been asking me and she answers it perfectly. What do I do? If I feel like I'm suffering from side effects of having gotten the jab? She answers it perfectly. Don't miss it. I then have this amazing interview with pilot Dave and flight attendant Debbie. And we show briefly they are on unpaid leave from United Airlines. And we highlight a video of theirs that shows their legal approach and how others from this industry can join. Dr. Paul, coming to you from the heart. I've had this sense that it's time to be vulnerable. Newsflash, I'm a pediatrician. Kids are not impressed by your accomplishments. They don't care that I've authored books. They don't care that I graduated from Dartmouth Medical School, that I have this huge, successful clinic. Heck, I have 1.6 million followers on YouTube. Actually, some of the kids do care about that one. But for the most part, when you're with kids, there's just a presence and a being connected. Are you being vulnerable? They know, they sense. They actually don't care that I lost my license. They don't care that I'm divorced. They don't care that the medical board is destroying my career. None of that really matters. So what do our kids need? They need us to just be there. Be present, be loving, be connected, and be there for them. No matter what it is. They're going through parents out there, get the masks off your kids, hug them touch them. We all need human touch skin to skin touch. Love your children, share yourself, share your love. It's working. It's amazing. And I wish it for you too. Welcome, Stephanie set up what a privilege it is to have you back on our show against the wind. Thanks for joining us. Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 2:32 I'm delighted to be here. Thank you for having me. Dr. Paul 2:35 You are still a senior research scientist at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT. Right? Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 2:42 That's correct. Dr. Paul 2:43 I mean, you're one of the smartest people on earth that I know and, and I think your your recent publication. I'm going to challenge you to try to explain it in ways that us less scientifically trained people so we can understand it like okay, so I think the maybe this is the title, innate immune suppression by SARS, cov to mRNA. vaccinations. The role of G quadruplex is something you'll need to define X homes, which you'll need to define and micro RNAs, which probably need to be defined for most people. I'll read a little bit of the abstract because this says a lot the mRNA SARS cov to utilize genetically modified mRNA and coding spike proteins. These alterations hide the mRNA from the sailor defences, promote a longer biological halflife for the proteins and provide higher overall spike protein production. However, there are very different immune responses to the vaccines compared to the response of an infection to SARS. cov to as we will show, just to put it simply, my conclusion is that the natural immune system that we're blessed with that you're calling very intricate, and I believe you and you're about to explain some of those intricacies. Our natural immune system is amazing. And I believe it may be superior to anything vaccine induced. And this paper I believe, might add a whole lot of weight as relates to the SARS cov to infections and the vaccines. Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 4:20 Absolutely. And I agree with you, I really I came to that conclusion. It was a slow process for me over many years, becoming aware that some of the vaccines were really problematic, like the MMR, I've been looking at vaccines long before COVID arrived, and writing papers on them actually, about my concerns and their relationship garters and all of that. And gradually, I would sort of say, Oh, you're smallpox and polio. sure those are good, you know? But then eventually I was like, No, those aren't good either. So I kind of reached a point before COVID I reached a point where they don't work. The vaccines do not work the way they're intended. And they cause more harm than good, pretty much all of them but these messenger RNA vaccines are way out there in front of all the Other vaccines really far more damaging, I am so concerned about the future of our species really, with this massive, you know, intoxicating injection into the huge numbers of the population is just really frightening to me. And so I'm going to do everything I can to get my message out and to do the science that I need to be able to understand what is going on. Because we're seeing the evidence. So clearly, you know, with respect to the reports in the various database are just overwhelming numbers of really nasty things happening in association with the mRNA vaccines. And I don't understand why the government is like, oh, yeah, that looks fine. Yeah, I can look at that and say, it looks fine. I don't understand it perfectly stated reason, safe and effective, safe and effective. That's the message we're hearing. It is such a such a lie. I mean, it's just really amazing. So the so the thing is, these these vaccines are extremely unusual. It's a technology that's been developed and refined over decades, you know, really, since the 1990s. And they've always had trouble getting it out, because they've tried to have offered various products that are messenger RNA vaccines against cancer, for example. And they've never been able to get them past the early phases of, of, you know, testing trials because of toxicity. Yeah, so it's always been a problem with toxicity. And the only way they could have gotten past it is to have a an emergency. You know, once you have a pandemic, declared emergency now you can sort of rush through the product and skip some steps, and get it out there and then force the population to take it, which is so amazing to me that they have the power to do that. So anyway, it's so it's just like this messenger RNA that they've designed is not at all normal. You know, people think, oh, vaccine, they're sort of used. Oh, yeah, just a vaccine. I know about vaccines, that's fine. Maybe a few, you know, side effects, but no big deal. That's not the case here. This is really, really extraordinary science, very sophisticated technology. But they have ignored the signals that they should have been seeing, as far as why this is not a good idea. And this messenger RNA did. So as people probably know, these, I'm talking about the messenger RNA vaccines, not the adenovirus ones, although they have their own issues. So this is modern and Pfizer. Yeah, messenger RNA, those who have a majority of the vaccines that are showing up in the virus database, something like, well, 93% of the of the events in rares, for 2021 93% are related to COVID-19 vaccines, and only 7%. All the other vaccines. This is sort of a signal that's there, it's so clear, it's huge. Yeah. And then in that 93%, there's only about eight or 9%, that is the adenovirus vaccine, the rest of it is the mRNA vaccine. So that's a huge signal of toxicity. Dr. Paul 7:44 So there's this differential response that you identified in your paper. Why do you think the genetic modifications induced by the vaccines are the likely source of this? Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 7:54 Yeah, well, so what it is, is that they've designed the messenger RNA, first of all, they made it the humanized it, they've stuck things on the end that make it look like a human messenger RNA molecule, rather than a viral part model molecule. So that's kind of a stealth entry. Because the cell doesn't realize it's been invaded by a virus, it's gonna make a protein. That is a toxic protein that a virus makes. But it's not a viral messenger RNA. So it misses that whole signal normally happens when a virus invades the cell immediately recognizes Oh, I've been invaded by a virus, and it sends out alarm signals and brings in the immune system to respond to that. But these guys don't look like viral they look like human. But worse than that they've modified it in big ways, they've actually changed the mRNA code. I think we've done code enhancement, which basically encourages it to make more of its product, which is a spike protein, make it in a hurry, make more of it. And then it basically has all these extra guanine. So it turns out, that's how you can do that is to put a lot of extra guanine in the RNA. So the RNA sequence that is in the vaccines, not at all the same as the RNA sequence that's in the virus, it codes for almost exactly the same protein, but it does have a genetic modification in there, where it has a pair of proteins next door to each other, which prevents the protein from going into the membrane makes it stick on to the h2 receptor, which means it disables the receptor so that so the virus, protein is much less able to disable the receptors than the vaccine protein is disabling the h2 receptors is how you get things like myocarditis in the heart. Dr. Paul 9:27 So that's why vaccine injury or symptoms induced by vaccines are so much more severe in some, in most cases, probably. Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 9:37 Yes, I mean, I think there's many symptoms that I think the vaccine induces, it's more likely to induce them the virus if you catch the virus versus you get the vaccine. The vaccine is worse in terms of doing these things. And it's and that's one reason is because it makes the wrong kind of Spike protein. The other reason is because it's the wrong kind of messenger RNA. Not only does it not generate those signals, but it messes up all the Other signaling, forcing the cell to drop everything else and just make tons of space by protein can't stop making it because it's turned off the normal regulatory elements that would allow you the cell to notice, oh, I've got to stop making this protein. I don't need any more of it. I have enough, you know, it doesn't see those signals. Dr. Paul 10:16 Okay, is that the type one interferon signaling that gets impaired? Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 10:20 You're absolutely and first of all, it doesn't respond with type one, because that's the response to the viral RNA, which isn't there. But not only does it not respond, it actually creates a whole process that ends up disabling it for everything else, it actually turns off, the ability of type one interferon to do its signaling properly, systemically, for everything else, tremendous power, to alter cell policy, to get the cell to do something very different from what it was doing before. Dr. Paul 10:49 I think your paper talks about, you know, this disturbance in regulatory control of protein synthesis, and then actually affecting our ability to surveil for cancer. Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 11:00 Absolutely. And that's the thing with this type one interferon because the, these micro RNAs that are packaged up with that, in the exosomes with that spike protein by these human cells that are forced to make it, those micro RNAs get taken up by immune cells. And then what it does to them is it makes them be unable to respond to type one interferon, and it makes them induce an inflammatory response, which is really bad an inflammatory response in the brain. You know, that's, that's damage, that's brain damage that's going to cause neurodegenerative diseases. Is your Dr. Paul 11:30 understanding, and did you look at or find that vaccinated individuals end up with a much higher load of Spike protein than a person who's naturally infected with SARS cov to Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 11:42 that's exactly what I think is happening. And the critical thing is that the people should, should appreciate this, when you catch the disease, you know, it comes into the nose that made to get down into the lungs. If you have a healthy immune system, it doesn't go beyond the lungs, or even beyond the nose, you know, if you've got a healthy immune system, now, we don't have a healthy immune system in this country, because we're all being poisoned by toxic chemicals. I particularly single out glyphosate, as you know, the virus comes into the lungs, you got a good immune system, you get rid of it, some people don't have a good immune cells get in the blood, and from the blood, it can get into the organs, you know, so there's like these stages. But it takes a really bad immune system to get to the point where the virus, Spike protein makes its way to the spleen, that's kind of an end stage disease. And in fact, they've shown they're very proud to announce that the that the vaccine produces a tremendous immune response, fantastic antibody levels to the spike protein, sky high, much higher than what you normally get from disease. And in fact, when studying the disease, you see that the people who have very severe COVID are the ones who produce really high levels of antibodies. So people who have a mild case, they might not produce any antibodies, despite like they don't need that, you know, they can tell their immune system perfectly fine to clear this without any help. Antibodies are problematic because they can cause autoimmune disease. And Greg Nye and I wrote an earlier paper that's been peer reviewed that where we talked about a lot of things, but one of them was this issue of autoimmune disease. As a consequence of the sky, high levels of antibodies that are produced to the spike protein by the vaccine vaccine works very, very well to generate high levels of antibodies, although they fall down very quickly, they degrade, you know, the levels drop over time. So after about six months, you don't really, I think it's pretty much a wash after about six months, you no longer have protection, so you got to keep on getting these booster shots. And worse than that it's disrupting your innate immune system. As I said, with this type one interferon response, it's messing that up. And that's going to prevent the production of the CDA plus T cells which are cytotoxic T cells, they can clear and infect itself. And that will stop the spread of infection. And they're not produced. In fact, another study that we talked about in our paper, a really lovely study that showed that the vaccine immune response is very different from the virus based immune response in the respect of two things insufficient type one interferon response, which is what our papers about mainly, and insufficient levels of CDA plus T cells, those are elevated in response to the virus, but not to the vaccine. And so this is really disturbing your immune system in a big way. Dr. Paul 14:19 Yeah. So, folks, all that CD stuff that you're hearing, I like to just boil it down to simple languages and this and you can correct me if I'm wrong, Stephanie, the innate immune system, innate means born within you haven't naturally, it's not something that you want to ignore. Okay, any way that we can boost that natural innate immunity really helps us fight all infections, whether it's SARS cov to or the next variant or any other virus for that matter, or cancer, or cancer. Exactly. And so this vaccination program that we have has Been harming our innate immune system all along. That's what you and I started this conversation talking about. But this particular jab hard to call it a vaccine, this COVID-19 mRNA technology is destroying our innate immune system like nothing we've ever seen. Right? And so this is where you're vaccinated individuals have now put themselves at greater risk of all other infections at greater risk for cancer. And then how does it equate to the myocarditis and thrombocytopenia? And some of the other things? Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 15:34 Yeah, that's really interesting, curious, and we have a section about that in our paper that the platelets, because I think what's happening is that the spikes of the spike proteins getting everywhere, you know, it's being poured out of the spleen, these these immune cells gathered in the spleen, they're trying to teach the B cells and T cells to produce the antibodies. But in the meantime, there's all the spike protein flowing, getting around everywhere. And so one of the places it gets to is the heart, and, and of course, all the vasculature. And so that's the and once the antibodies are produced, they then bind to the spike protein, but then they also bind to platelets. So they kind of allow the platelets to snag the the spike protein. And I think what's going on is that they're trying to use the platelets as a mechanism to clear the spike protein, you need to get rid of it. And so there are these receptors in the platelet that bind to these IgG antibodies that are produced in overabundance by the vaccine compared to the disease. And so those, those are the antibodies that will cause this trouble of the the platelets actually binding to the spike protein and the antibody, and then that binding causes, it activates the platelets. And when platelets are activated, then they start to do all this stuff of forming blood clots precipitating out making its blood clots. So there's like a systemic reaction of blood clots all over the body. And you see, and this happens after delay. And that's one thing that I noticed very clearly in the bears database. I did this only recently, there's a lot of information in bears the vaccine adverse event reporting system, and I looked at all these different there's all these different thrombosis things, deep vein thrombosis and cerebral fun samples, it's many, many different angles, like 70 different labels, Dr. Paul 17:20 versus being clotting. So for people who don't know that term, there's just clotting happening all over the place. Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 17:26 Yeah, all over the place all these different thrombosis events in various and what I did was I took the top nine or so ones that had the most counts, I added up those nine for the, for all the COVID-19 vaccine events in 21. And I compared that to the sum of those nine events for all the other vaccines in 2021. And what's happening is 99% of the cases are related to COVID-19, vaccines 1% to everything else that includes the flu, the MMR all the ones the kids get all those vaccines 1%. So this is a extremely strong signal. And what's interesting is that pulmonary embolism is also 99% COVID vaccine 1%. Everything else. And the when you look at the time I looked at the time between the vaccination and the and the event, you know, when the when do they get the thrombosis and there's a and there's a nice peak in this range of 15 to 30 days 15 to 30 days is when you get a peak in this sambals. This response? Well, the antibodies typically appear after 14 days. So it's very clear to me that it's the antibodies that are causing this thrombosis because they know the spike protein is going to the brain along the vagus nerve. So you've got the brain, the spleen, are picking up all the spike protein using the platelets to to clear it. And then that's what's causing the platelets to form these blood clots to clear that spike protein. It is a mess. It is really a mess. Dr. Paul 18:56 It's a scary mess. Can the spike protein from the vaccine be transmitted to a future generation? Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 19:05 I think so. And we found an amazing paper on sperm from 2010. So long before COVID The paper on sperm and it showed that sperm can take up foreign messenger RNA, which is what the spike proteins are. The with the vaccines contain foreign messenger RNA, the sperm can take that up. They have enzymes that can convert it into DNA. And they make circular DNA out of it and they put it inside plasmids, little little packets, lipid packets called plasmids. And then at the time of fertilization of the egg, all the sperm released those plasmids into this around the egg and the egg takes them up. And so the egg is taking up plasmids containing foreign messenger RNA, and those plasmids can survive. The egg will then you know, grow into a fetus and get born and grow into an adult and have kids and all of that. And over that entire time that person still has those plasmids, they can, they can reproduce themselves, they can make proteins, they can do everything, they're just not part of the they're not integrated into the nuclear DNA, they can also become integrated into the DNA with other kinds of things that can happen. So potentially, wow, they could become integrated into the human DNA and become permanent in our, in the human cell line. So really, really scary stuff. Yeah, if the child is exposed, at that point, you know, for the beginning of life, it's exposed to this protein, and it's gonna think it's an it's a normal human protein, it's not going to be able to build antibodies to the spike protein. And I don't know how it would respond to the to the virus, but it certainly would be able to shed spread disease, because I don't think it would be able to fight the virus if it can't. If it thinks that protein is a human protein, it's not going to be able to produce antibodies to spike. And I don't know what the consequences of that are. But it's interesting to think about. Dr. Paul 20:54 So just thinking hypothetically here, would you rather have no antibodies against SARS? cov, two or a low level of antibodies? And just rely on your innate immune system? Would that be a healthier state of affairs? Or what do you say to this whole antibody thing? Well, our public health people are infectious disease Folks are always putting antibodies as the goal, you know, we got to have antibodies. What do you say to that? Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 21:24 Absolutely, I think you're much, much better off to have a strong innate immune system than you are to have antibodies to spike. And in fact, when you catch the disease, is not just by protein, that that virus makes a lot of other proteins besides spike, and the proteins that it makes internal to the virus are much more stable across different coronaviruses. So in fact, that with the infection, the you can develop antibodies to all those other proteins as well. And those internal proteins are a much better bet, because they don't change by protein is highly variable, it keeps on changing all the time, can't keep up with it. Whereas those internal antibodies, antibodies to those internal proteins will stick around and work on all kinds of other coronaviruses, much more general solution to the problem. And of course, I don't think antibodies are needed, I think the body reluctantly makes antibodies to anything, I'd much rather be able to clear it on its own. And we have a very powerful innate immune system. I have a chapter in my book on glyphosate, about glyphosate, its effects on the immune system. And in fact, it hits hard on the innate immune system, disrupting critical proteins involved in in capturing those viruses. I've talked about it in other interviews as well, because there's these surfactant proteins in the lung, in the lungs that are that stick out, you know, on the lung surface, and they trap viruses. And those proteins specifically get disrupted by glyphosate. They don't, they don't end up out, they don't, they don't end up in the surfactants so they can't do their job. So that makes it much easier for the virus to grab hold in the lungs and cause severe disease. I think glyphosate is a major player in the in the reason why the United States has doing so much more miserably against COVID than most other countries because we're glyphosate King, we use more glyphosate per person than any other country in the world. And I think we're paying a price with respect to COVID. On that, they also want to say that I love Omicron I don't know how you feel about Aamir Khan, but I love it. Dr. Paul 23:17 It's so Alma crime. If you were vaccinated, you seem to have like no added protection against Omicron. In fact, you might even be I've seen studies where you're, you're in a little worse position, compared to an unvaccinated person who perhaps has a more robust, innate immune system. But the other nice thing about Omicron is that the pandemics over I mean, I am a busy pediatrician with about 10,000 patients, and we haven't had a single kid end up in the hospital, but as to we do COVID testing because our patients want it done. And sometimes it has value. If you've got a high risk family member, you want to know whether or not you need to stay away from them. So we do testing. Up until January 1, we had about a 5% positive rate, almost to the day has the year switch to 2022. Positivity has just skyrocketed. It went to 20%, the first week of January where we're at over 50% right now. That's fascinating. I didn't realize and it's interesting. Some of my families have chosen to go out and get the vaccine because you can get it anywhere. Now you go to the pharmacy or all these other sites. I mean, Oregon prides itself at all these locations, you can get your vaccine for COVID. So a lot of my parents have chosen to get it. And it's very interesting to see that it doesn't really matter whether you were vaccinated or not. You're getting Omicron. So it's actually this gift because the pandemics essentially over in the next month or two everybody who can get sick will have gotten sick. And a lot of us I'm sure have had it our innate immune system knocked it out. Probably before we can make antibodies. What do you think? Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 24:59 I absolutely think So, I mean, I suspect that I haven't had COVID. I haven't been vaccinated, but I suspect that I could have been exposed along the way. And I could already be completely protected because of those exposures. You know, I don't know. But I'm guessing that those people who have a strong innate immune system don't need to worry even about COVID. That's my opinion, I think your key thing to do is to eat your certified organic food, eat whole foods, get out in the sunlight, you know, get your Vitamin D up. That's pretty much it eat healthy, nutritious, nutrient dense foods to get your vitamins and your minerals and get out in the sunlight. It's very simple, you know? Dr. Paul 25:34 Yep, that is perfect. I was gonna tell you, what would be your advice for the world. And I think you just gave it. Avoid glyphosate, eat organic, and make sure your vitamin D levels are optimal. I liked in your part of your assessment here, your article says we believe a comprehensive risk benefit assessment of the mRNA vaccines, excludes them as positive contributors to public health, even in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic. So what does that mean? In actual fact? Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 26:08 I think they're useless. I think they're worse than useless. And of course, it's extremely obvious for kids, it breaks my heart that they're about to roll these vaccines out for six months old, two year old. I mean, that is just That's criminal. In my opinion. I think it's so awful. And I cannot understand how they can look at the same data I'm looking at and reach such a different conclusion because kids don't get sick from COVID They rarely die. Yeah, very rarely die. That's been these vaccines are so damaging. I worry too, about immune about reproduction. I think they're gonna hurt the immune system. And there's certainly evidence in the bears database, you know, miscarriages and, and our periods, you know, all of a sudden getting out your period too early, because you got your vaccine this kind of, and possible infertility. Right? Absolutely. I think it's going to be infertility down the road increased. We already have a pretty big problem with infertility, it's going to be worse. Dr. Paul 26:59 Yeah. So this destruction of your innate immune system, it's undoubtably going to lead to well, and also, it's undoubtedly going to lead to things like increased cancer, we're already seeing those signals, right. But a host of autoimmune conditions, is it possible? Like I'm wondering if you might speculate, you've done a lot of research in this area, what percentage of individuals who've gotten the vaccines may still have problems in the future that relate to autoimmunity? Because that can take time to develop? Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 27:30 Yes, I know that is the issue the both the neurodegenerative diseases and the autoimmune diseases take time. And so you're not going to see an immediate effect within a month or two of your vaccine, it's going to be a slow process. And I've been concerned that we're going to see arise, you know, in all these things like lupus and multiple sclerosis, and of course, Alzheimer's, and CJD, Creutzfeldt Jakob disease, all these neurodegenerative diseases, these are nasty diseases, we're going to see people getting them at a younger age, and they would have gotten in without the vaccine. And I think if we start doing booster shots every few months, I mean, that's just gonna be her and this, there's no way we'll miss that signal. I think the government's not looking for it, they're certainly looking the other way, which will make it harder to find, you know, Dr. Paul 28:17 so I'm going to ask you the hardest question as we wrap things up, people asked me this question, and I'm, I haven't figured it out. So maybe you can enlighten us. I've gotten the vaccine. Okay. I'm just hypothetically speaking. And now I'm worried I'm hearing, you know, interviews like this one that I'm going, Oh, my goodness, I kind of wish maybe I hadn't gotten it, or I don't think I'm going to get any more. But what can I do? Now? I've already done it. I've already taken the job. And and I'm becoming aware that there is risk and what I did, there might have been a little benefit in the beginning. But going forward, it seems like I did something that puts me at greater risk. Is there anything I can do? Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 28:57 Yeah, well, I think it's for me, for me, it would be the very same thing that I recommend in general, which is to boost your innate immune system. And I mentioned you know, eating certified organic food, eating whole foods, eating nutrient dense foods getting on the sunlight. Also, if you're going to try to push it harder, because you've got this toxic chemical you're trying to get rid of, I would suggest Epsom salt baths, you know, so the sulfur sulfate in my opinion, sulfate deficiency is a systemic problem in our society. And so boosting your sulfate levels is really, really important for the immune system. And so one way to do that is to soak in Epsom salt baths because that's magnesium sulfate that gets you sulfate directly into your body. Also eating sulfur rich foods like garlic and onions and cruciferous vegetables and seafood and eggs, organic eggs, grass fed beef, those are all good sources of sulfur, possibly even taking supplements sulfur containing supplements. And you know there's liposomal glutathione that people recommend. Glutathione is super, super important for maintaining health and especially in the liver. The liver is probably going to be cast It's trying to get rid of this toxin because livers do that sort of thing. So I think your livers being highly stressed by these spike proteins, you want to make your liver as healthy as possible so that glutathione would be good or even cysteine and acetylcysteine, or acid, Denis or Muthoni, those are two sulfur containing amino acids even taurine is a sulfur containing amino acid taking all of those. And I would say take glycine as well, Glycine if you're into the supplement thing, and because of your vaccine, you might want to do that just to make it even better than eating healthy food. I always advocate eating healthy food, but in a situation like this, you might want to supplement as well. And then there's Zinc, of course, you know, certain minerals, maybe taking a complex of minerals that are balanced, especially for example, bone broth will get you bone broth will get you both glycine, and a nice balance of various minerals, because the minerals are really important to help those enzymes to work properly. So it's all those kinds of nutritional boosting of your health. And, and then the and eating probiotic foods would also be very helpful to maintain healthy gut microbiome. All of that is going to work towards boosting your immune function. And in particular, boosting your ability to clear this fight protein you need to be able to clear it. And the other thing I've heard recommended, which I find interesting is intermittent fasting. When you fast you turn on the light liposomal lysosomes that that are digesting broken it molecules into a particular spike protein needs to be broken down. And you can break it down better when you're fasting because your body's more inclined to be clearing out toxic debris. Because it's trying to get this energy from from that source instead of from the food that's coming in. So when you fast, you turn on the system that can break down toxic elements in your body and that spike protein is right there. The top of that list. Dr. Paul 31:50 Dr. Center Wow. Agreed. Thank you so much. Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 31:54 Thank you, God bless. Unknown Speaker 32:04 And August 6, CEO Scott Kirby's draconian vaccine mandate forced 2000 United Airlines employees to defend their medical autonomy and religious liberty. By the way, they're gonna be very few people that get through the medical and religious exemption. Refusing to concede their faith or the rights Captain Sherry Walker and Laura Cox joined pilot wife and attorney Danielle Runyan, drew a line in the sand organizing airline employees for health freedom. I spoke this morning to the airline employees for health freedom. With the downfall of the OSHA mandate, the war is redefined. Through our lawsuit and legislative efforts, we can stop the madness. Ae four h f welcomes you to the war for our liberty for our children and for our nation. Join us today Dr. Paul 33:01 JP Morgan Welcome to against the wind doctors in science under fire. It is such an honor and a privilege to have you here on the show. Dave Morgan 33:08 Thank you, Doc is pleasure to be here. I'm privileged as well. You are Dr. Paul 33:12 a pilot for United Airlines placed on indefinite unpaid leave as an accommodation for your religious exemption from the company's vaccine mandate. I really want to have a chat with you about what's going on in the airline industry. And then specifically for you all you you're a part of. Let's see, I think it's airline employees for health, right? Airline employees for health, freedom for health freedom. Yes. And yeah, tell me your story. What's what's happened? Dave Morgan 33:44 Well, as you mentioned, my name is Dave Morgan. I'm a pilot for United Airlines for 24 years now I fly the 787 Dreamliner. And I've been placed on indefinite unpaid leave with no benefits as an accommodation for my religious exemption under Title Seven of this Civil Rights Act of 64. There it goes. So we flew through the pandemic. We got we kept the airline flying. And then last spring, Scott Kirby, our CEO and management started floating out pushing the dam. And at first it wasn't a mandate, but soon it became a deadline. People were coerced, pressured, incentivized, with large depending on what part what group of employees you are in. But as pilots are making up over four grand to get the job. Dr. Paul 34:37 They were paying people to get it. They were Dave Morgan 34:39 paying people to get it. Wow. And that as I mentioned, it became a deadline August 31. Basically there have to be fully inoculated or be terminated unless you filed a religious or medical exemption. And our in our CEO stood up publicly saying in a town hall that Very, very few would be accommodated, and you're putting your career on the line. So we organized as airline employees for health freedom. It's a group of over 2000 United Airlines employees. And it's everyone in the group that makes an airline tick from airline pilots in the cockpit, all the way down, you know, agents, ticket agents, customer service agents, schedulers, dispatchers all the way down mechanics to the guy who gently places your bag, in the belly, they are playing for you to collect at your destination, Dr. Paul 35:34 always gently, I know. Absolutely. Dave Morgan 35:38 Days of luggage being footballs and thrown away around is over. Anyways, so we organized and we are we filed a lawsuit in federal court against United Airlines for a reasonable accommodation under Title Seven for the religious exemptions, or under the ADEA for the medical exemptions, because we fail. And you may agree with me that indefinite unpaid leave with no benefits. And there's more attached to that is not a reasonable accommodation. That's not what the intent of Title Seven is supposed to be. Dr. Paul 36:17 Yeah, I mean, the contrast of here you get $4,000 bonus to get this job, or you don't have a source of income anymore. How how do you call that fair, Dave Morgan 36:29 you can't call that fair, because as an airline pilot, this is a career. Right? You start at a young age or military or however you're you fall in love with flying because you got to love flying, to do what needs to be done and persevere. To get to the place where I'm at, I'm at the apex, the top of my, you know, flying a Dreamliner is, is as good as it gets, right? For a major airline, you don't decide step out of that into another airline, and pick up where you left off. It's not like a CEO or corporate executive who can bounce from one company to another and carry on. And, you know, other employer employees may not be in the same category. But for many of us, especially pilots, I can speak to pilots. It's a career thing. And so just to start, you know, if I were to go choose to fly for another carrier, I would start at the bottom, most junior guy, the most junior pay the most junior domicile the most junior everything. But we're leaving out an important component. If you sidestep out of this, I'm turning my back on my children. I have three boys. This is about when you really peel off the layers. Doc is Yeah, it's a fight for United airline employees. But ultimately, it's a fight for our religious liberties and medical autonomy in our country. Yeah, I mean, if we cave to this, what will our children do when they are mandated to do something unthinkable? Yeah, and that's where America needs to wake up. Because most people I talked to if it doesn't rock their boat, they don't care. They don't care about some dude is losing an airline pilot Damn. Yeah. But Americans need to wake up and realize this fight is for our freedoms in our country, and it's being ripped away from us right before our eyes. Yeah, Dr. Paul 38:29 this is the civil rights fight of our time. And it's probably bigger than almost anything we've ever had to fight for. Because once we lose bodily autonomy, I mean, when we say the government can tell you what you will inject into your body. There's no telling what's coming, right? I mean, just you just see the writing on the wall with a well, I'm worried about the airline industry in particular, because of the passport idea, right? So you're not gonna be able to travel first. It's unless you're wearing your mask. Right. So that's pretty well entrenched, especially in the airlines. You know, in some of my travels, I would see boards with just cancellations across the board. And I imagine you kind of have an inside scoop on why that was what what's your take on that? Dave Morgan 39:19 Well, we all know the job is safe and effective. Now is it and if you get the job you won't get COVID Oh, real. Christmas season, sir. proved otherwise, didn't it? Yeah. So what was put out there and in the interest of safety, get get inoculated? It's safe and effective. Do it for your love for somebody else? Well, there's 355 United airline pilots who are sidelined because we will not comply with that based on religious beliefs or medical situations that weren't accommodated. And we saw what the Fallout was they have It was reported that united canceled over 3000 flights in one in a perfect couple of days don't quote me on that Dr. Paul 40:09 was massive I when I was traveling, because I remember seeing the board just lit up. Dave Morgan 40:12 They made the news. And well, we're never safe. And, you know, pilots who are pure blooded like me ready to go to work, but they won't call us back. Dr. Paul 40:23 And I mean, a lot of have you had COVID? Out of curiosity, you don't have to answer that's personal health information. But I'm just curious, because then if you did, you'd be immune anyway. Dave Morgan 40:33 Well, tell me Doc, how do you know if you've had COVID? Because the tests are not reliable? Dr. Paul 40:39 Well, that's a really good answer, because I think I've had it a couple times, maybe. And I've tested a couple times, and I haven't, it's not been positive, right. Dave Morgan 40:48 My whole family, we believe has had it. My wife had a positive test. This was a year and a half ago, we already knew about ivermectin. So you know, it's not a bad. Dr. Paul 40:58 Yeah. No big deal. And thank you for sharing that piece of that story. Because people need to know you don't need to be afraid. Oh, yeah, this, you know, this, this is now a big nothing. So you had 350 pilots out? What about the pilots who've taken the jab? How are they faring? Dave Morgan 41:17 Well, I would like to directly address that. But I've got to be careful what I say because we are litigants in a court case. And everything I say can be held against me in a court of law. Absolutely. I can tell you anecdotally. Big word for a pilot. I have friends in other places other airlines in our airline. And I can tell you from for the people are dying. Pilots are having heart attacks. One airline, a buddy of mine. He texted me over Christmas. From a Hawaiian destinations that Dave one of our guys just dropped dead of a heart attack walking back to the hotel. Wow. Then a few days after Christmas, the same Captain called Text me again. So Dave, we just lost another guy in Houston. And the day after that his best friend all three cardiac events. Yeah. Dead. Yeah. Now they're covering this up. You won't read about this in mainstream, you know, the mainstream fear mongers. Yeah, I don't want you to know that. But that's something you should be concerned about. Because we all know, we call it the clock shot. And there are severe adverse reactions going on to this, you can address them better than I can. Dr. Paul 42:35 Well, you know, we both read about him. But I like to hear firsthand stories because it validates what I'm seeing when you get into the VAERS reports. I'm a pediatrician, so kids do great with COVID. We haven't had a single kid to my knowledge hospitalized for COVID. In the entire pandemic. I have over 10,000 active patients. I did have a kid hospitalized for myocarditis, he got the jab. So you know, if kids with really healthy hearts, get hospitalized for heart issues, you can imagine older folks, you know, not even battle but you know, heart narrowing of your arteries starts happening when you're in your teens. So by the time you're a pilot, there's some risk to your heart. And so then you take this jab that has a lot of mischief with what it happens with your clotting system and your coagulation and all of that. Yeah. Dave Morgan 43:30 I mean, you know, it's sea level, it's a clock shot. Put yourself up at a pressurized cabin altitude of it, depending on what airplane you're on. Just call it 7000 feet, so maybe Denver, and then you're in a pressurized vessel going across the Pacific Ocean to Singapore for 17 hours, and you're sitting in your seat and you can't really get up move around a lot. And you're messed up so you can't breathe. Well. It's a recipe for disaster in my opinion. Dr. Paul 43:59 Yeah. Yeah. Hopefully the pilots don't have to wear masks in the cockpit. Dave Morgan 44:04 Well, they don't. For the most part. Yeah, I haven't flown. You know, I haven't flown now for quite some time. I've been on the street. But typically, no, I haven't flown with anyone who, who insisted on being masked in the cockpit. Because it impedes communication. Yeah, rapidly done an oxygen mask in the event of emergency you need to be able to communicate right through and clear clearly. So Dr. Paul 44:29 I don't imagine you have any income right now. Zero, and you could go get the job and get your job back tomorrow. It sounds like that's not something you want to do. Dave Morgan 44:40 That's a crisis of conscience. I believe one of our judges called it Yeah, make a choice between compliance and submission to your employer's mandate. At the cost of who knows we don't have long term studies on this. Do we know we don't know if we if we go So it's a, it's a crisis of conscience. I believe judge folk called it. And no man should be struggling with this. But I, I will not compromise. I love the Lord Jesus, I have deeply held religious beliefs. And I will not compromise that for anyone or anything. I yeah, I love my family as we've, the Lord teaches us to live well within our means. So thanks, thank the Lord, I'm able to last for a certain amount of time in this fight. But no one can indefinitely go at my age. I'm mid career, I got 10 years ago. Dr. Paul 45:35 And now it's I think you're the first person I've spoken to. I get it, you get it. Like, I'm a doctor. That's what I do. Before I became a doctor, I wash dishes in a restaurant once I wiped butts in a nursing home as an aide. That's about it. Right? So if I'm not doctoring, what am I going to do? And if you're not piloting, what are you going to do there? Yeah, they're really putting that gun to your head, like you said, but you're standing firm, and thank you, for that example, I have so many people who are caving just because they need their job or because they want to travel or, you know, just various reasons that you compromise your own health. And, yeah, Dave Morgan 46:19 well, think about it, Doc, can you all the billboards out today saying safe and effective, safe and effective, safe and effective? COVID kills you COVID Kids, so the fear mongering, but when you take this up? Can you guarantee me that I'll be alive in 10 years? Or even in three years? No, but six months, there's no informed consent, right? So we Dr. Paul 46:40 don't have that information. They rushed us to market without animal testing, without any long term testing of a brand new technology that alters your DNA. So you might actually be affecting your kids or your kids, kids. It's the insanity of this whole thing defies common sense, or any sort of reason. Dave Morgan 47:01 Absolutely. And the more time that goes by more and more is coming out if you're aware enough to start listening to some of these other doctors who are bold enough to stand up like Dr. Malone. Yeah, no. And Peter makalah. Yeah, I mean, they're, they've got nothing to lose really, by, except their reputation. But you know, my wife and I talked about that this ingest is, like, if I were to take the shot, we don't know what the outcome is going to be. Currently, not that I ever would. But there's no guarantee that I won't be drooling out of my mouth and paralyzed or heart attack, or myocarditis, we don't know where it might lead, right? Well, life is just in order. So when you say I got the shot in order to fill in the blank, right, there's no guarantee you're gonna be able to do fill in the blank. Exactly. Dr. Paul 47:51 And you can't take it out, what message would you like to impart to the viewers? And also, can we is there anything we can do to help your airline employees for health freedom movement, Dave Morgan 48:01 the message I have is stay calm, trust the Lord. But don't comply. If you feel like this is something that is being forced upon you. Stand up, don't comply, get off the couch, get engaged. And if you're not a bold kind of person, find someone who is and and attach yourself to yours. Because we the people are the only ones who are going to take this back. If we allow our bosses to be able to dictate medical procedures on our bodies. Who knows where it's going to end? Dr. Paul 48:37 You need to now stand up, do not comply. And there's the link. What does that take us to? Dave Morgan 48:44 This is airline employees for health freedom. We are a self funded group of unemployed airline employees. And we are fighting Goliath in court. So every penny we collect every single penny goes to our legal funds. And this, like I said earlier in our podcast, this isn't just about a bunch of employees. It's about our children, and our future in America and the liberties we have. When we win this in court, it sets precedents for every employee, every American Dr. Paul 49:18 Yep. Folks, the airline employees health freedom. Movement is the tip of the spear when it comes to trying to stand up against wrongful mandates that are being tried to imposed on you by your employer, support this organization and these brave individuals who are sacrificing everything basically no income, willing to speak out, which has its risks, and we need to stand with you so thank you again, Dave Morgan 49:43 sir. Thank you so much. And thank you for what you're doing. Dr. Paul 49:47 You're welcome welcome Debbie to against the wind doctors and signs under fire. We got to meet recently at a big conference and And I am so excited to have you on the show because you are representing the airline industry. You've been very involved with the airline employees for health movement, right. And so you've been with United for how long? Debbie Gillespie 50:14 35 years. I started with continental in 86. Dr. Paul 50:17 In our industry in the health industry, we hear the public health messaging that the hospitals are at capacity. And I kind of laugh because when this pandemic COVID, things started, the news was flashing, the hospitals were overflowing, and I would go to the hospitals see newborns and they were ghost towns. There was absolutely nobody in the hospital. The emergency rooms were erecting these huge white tents to handle the overflow. Never once was ever a patient in any of these white tents in my town. And I saw the messaging about you know, the flights are overloaded right there. And I feel like it's a similar scenario. I was actually traveling one time and I saw the board that has all the flights and like two thirds were canceled. And and we heard later on the news, it was weather and I'm thinking I saw the US weather report. There were no weather issues. So my hunch, and then you can give me the real scoop because you work in the industry. But my hunch is with vaccination and employees getting sick from vaccinations and then other employees being excluded because they haven't been vaccinated. You just didn't have the staff. So it was sort of like the hospitals being at capacity, they had a similar situation. Nurses were calling in sick doctors are calling in sick getting sick being quarantined. Tell me what you saw what happened. And then let's get into what's going on with your fight and your organization. Spot Debbie Gillespie 51:48 on spot on. So they put select groups. And so when united says that we're 100% vaccinated right now it is a it's misleading. So interestingly enough, they gave different accommodations for the different work groups. So the customer facing accommodations for pilots, flight attendants, AND gate agents, were the indefinite unpaid leave that I'm on myself. So it was interesting over the holidays, when we had over 3000 crew members that were out sick at one time. In my 35 years, I've never seen that many people out sick at one time for the same virus. And I think it's interesting that they were the vaccinated crew members that were out. Dr. Paul 52:29 Interesting. So you had what what numbers of people are in your group where you're being excluded, because you're trying to stand for your rights and your freedoms? Debbie Gillespie 52:39 I know the pilots, they had an exact number of 355. I think the flight attendants were over 800. I don't have exactly but I know it's over 800, there's 2000 of us left that have not taken this route where we're being given reasonable and unreasonable accommodations. Dr. Paul 52:58 Wow. So you've got a couple 1000 who are having to be given these accommodations, and so you can't work because you're not taking the job. And then you had in your example, a couple 1000 out sick from the supposedly the virus or maybe they got sick from the job, and they probably would never tell us the difference. Debbie Gillespie 53:18 Right. I think at one point, we had two thirds of our staffing out in the newer face. Two thirds of the staffing were out in the New York base. Dr. Paul 53:28 That would explain all those cancellations. Debbie Gillespie 53:31 Exactly, exactly. Dr. Paul 53:33 So tell me now more about your organization. The airlines employees for health. I think you guys are real pioneers here. Because when enough people stand up against unjust rules, then we have a chance hopefully to get those rules changed. But But tell me how this came about and what's going on? Debbie Gillespie 53:56 Well, Sherry Walker and Laura Cox, who came, built this group from the ground up, because when we were told in August, that we were going to be mandated or lose our jobs, we had to start scrambling and figure out what to do. And so we got partnered up with the legal team. It's been a lifesaver for many because many didn't know what they were going to do. And to have that support system has been tremendous. We are we were given accommodations to our religious and medical exemptions. And it's interesting because some of the people who filed for medical exemptions they might have had an autoimmune disease like lupus or they had allergies for eggs and penicillin. So between them and their doctor, he was legitimately dangerous for them to get this shot. And they were given the same accommodations that we were given. So I think that's a little bit, you know, unfair. I do believe that it should be a medical autonomy. It should be decided between the doctor and the patient. They know each other's health best, rather than the government coming on down and telling us What needs to be done to the patient? Dr. Paul 55:01 So what do you see going forward for your organization and in the fight that you're in? Debbie Gillespie 55:08 Well, currently we are in suit. We have a preliminary injunction that is being heard in Texas, the merits of the case have not been heard yet. So we are waiting for that to be heard. There's been a couple of Senate hearings with Ted Cruz that were very positive and pointing out some of the the ways that our CEO has been handling the accommodations, the people who have in Scott Kirby's boarding, have all of a sudden found their religion. It was very degrading. So we are positive, we're gonna keep moving forward. We feel like we're the spearhead. It's like the David and Goliath story right now. And what happens in the United is going to trickle down to the other airlines. Dr. Paul 55:53 Very good. And how can we help you in your fight? Debbie Gillespie 55:57 I think just getting the word out, because the public doesn't understand. They see, okay, the Supreme Court, although that wasn't a win, that was like a half win. Okay, so the Supreme Court has ruled against this as unconstitutional. You see OSHA backing down, but the individual companies themselves are still going after their employees. So I think the public needs to understand that there are people still fighting this and fighting for our freedoms, and it goes down to our kids, as you, you will know, if we don't stand up for it. Now, what kind of future do our kids have? Dr. Paul 56:31 Right? And so what would your advice be the parents just talk, you know, Parent to Parent, what? What would you tell others? Debbie Gillespie 56:39 Well, as a homeschooling mom, I would say homeschool. My kids have all been homeschooled. And what it helped with them is they're independent thinkers, instead of group thinkers. And when they meet people, they're able to engage whether they are young, middle aged or older. Ages, not a number, they don't see people that are older them as the talking heads, they see them as being someone that can help them that can mentor them. So homeschooling was huge for us. And I also think get informed. I had several of the vaccinated crew members that have reached out to me now they're starting to have their eyes open, and they're fearful of this booster and if this Booster will get mandated, and so I directed them to, to your podcast, I direct them to the Senator Ron Johnson just did a Senate hearing, that was another good piece. And so help them to get informed because once you're informed, you're not as fearful and you're stronger, you can stand up for these things. Dr. Paul 57:33 Yeah. Now, we sometimes hear reports, and I don't have any way of validating them, of you know, pilots passing out during the flight or, you know, these sort of weird athletes are dropping on the field. And sometimes they'll you'll see actual video of these things happening. Have you been witnessed to or had very close experience to any negative effects from people in the industry who've been vaccinated. Debbie Gillespie 58:01 So we cannot prove that that's why some of our crew members have deceased So Scott Kirby had made an announcement that there was eight weeks without any COVID deaths, and he was thinking it was because of the unvaccinated we're no longer in the airline. So I would just challenge him to do some to graph and research how many of the pilots have gone a long term disability, and also look at how many of our crew members or our co workers have passed away recently for unexplained reasons, like, you know, heart attacks and strokes and those things. I will guarantee you that those numbers have skyrocketed, although we cannot say exactly, it's coming from the shot. We do know that in the last couple of weeks, there have been a couple of pilots that have passed away and flight attendants. Yeah, on layovers? Dr. Paul 58:50 Yeah, there was the report of insurance agencies. Commenting on the massive increase, you know, I forget the 100%, hundreds of percent increase in deaths and younger people. And so these numbers are going to come out, folks. We do need to have honest disclosure of what's going on. But in the meantime, open your eyes, listen to your heart, that gut instinct that you have that something's not right here. And because something is not right. And so it's brave people like you, Debbie, who are, you know, it's It can't be easy. Are you you were still working? And now you're not? You were getting a paycheck. I imagine now you're not. Right, correct. Right. And I even think I read that you could I mean, you could retire potentially, you've been doing this for 35 years, but apparently you cannot Debbie Gillespie 59:45 know exactly they have we are not legally separated from the company. So the wording that we said is that our 401k has been blocked. And Charles Schwab has come out said well, it's not really blocked. However, you can't take a loan against it or take it because you can't prove that you can pay back that loan. So it's a lot of words salad going on our benefits my Yeah, my health benefits. I was paying 500 a month for my health insurance. Well, they put us on COBRA. So it was a $2,800 a month, Dr. Paul 1:00:16 build in case you're on leave, but they're forced to cobra. Debbie Gillespie 1:00:20 Right, exactly. And the beautiful part about that, though, is now many people are opening their eyes to integrative doctors, doctors that are not getting their funding from the government. And so we're finding a better source of medical care. And I'll be honest with you, I don't think I'll ever go back to that kind of insurance again, I am very, very happy with the doctor who knows about supplements and nutrition and the roles that it plays. Yeah, Dr. Paul 1:00:43 health and wellness folks is not coming from pharma, they are in the business of treating symptoms. Or when it comes to the whole vaccine, program and mess, you just have to wonder what their motivation is because I go around the country speaking about the vaccine vaccine data, and it's not looking good for vaccines, folks. I mean, we just, if you get the data, you're going to have to question whether you want any vaccine in your body, I'm not giving medical advice, I just share the information. Informed Consent allows you to make a decision there you've Wow, what you've come through is amazing. And you seem to have a pretty good attitude about it. Has this been a rough year? Debbie Gillespie 1:01:26 No, it's been an exciting year, because I'm learning so many things I would have never thought about before. And also being able to stand up, there's a sense of, you know, I, I'm at the point now that I'm looking at 2000 people, and their jobs are on the line. And I get to help them Usher through getting the boys out. I've got women that are single moms, I've got other women that are part of my little group, that their marriages are falling apart, because one is demanding to get the vaccine. The other one isn't a single moms, you know, and to be able to take their hand and say, Listen, inform yourself and not be afraid. It's great. It's like what you could put out into the world comes back to you. So it has been? Yes, it's been a challenging year, but it's been a year of growth. Dr. Paul 1:02:14 Wonderful. I love your attitude and your heart, your spirit. To wrap up, you've got the stage, what would you like my audience to know and think about going forward? Debbie Gillespie 1:02:27 Oh, gosh, I would have to say from one things stick with Dr. Paul, because he's got your best interest in mind. One of the great things that I noticed about you is that with all the noise and the hubbub that was going on where we met, your focus was solely on the person in front of the you. So it was like nobody else was in the room and you had complete attention, which I think as a child who's nervous when they're coming to their their doctor, that would be very soothing and comforting. As far as the airline's we're going to get through this, we are going to get through this we are going to fight and we are going to get our jobs back. There is no reason to worry about the crew members. Because I think a lot of them are waking up. And they're going to seek out integrative medicine, and correct with a can I understand with the heart complications, there may not be a correction, but there's there's other things that we'll be able to correct. And we're gonna all get through this. Dr. Paul 1:03:22 That is such great advice, Debbie, thank you for your wisdom and your courage. And I wish you all the best. You You are pioneers, and you're you're charging ahead in a very important battle. This, this really is the civil rights movement of our time, we cannot give up our freedoms anymore, or we will be like you was sharing about China. I mean, we're they're just going to control every aspect of our lives. And if that's what you want, folks, maybe just move to China. Debbie Gillespie 1:03:53 Exactly. Well, we are put on Earth at the same time with people like you that are willing to lead the charge and to speak out against what's happening. And so we are grateful for you. Dr. Paul 1:04:06 Thank you so much for those kind words. God bless. Debbie Gillespie 1:04:09 Thank you Dr. Paul. Dr. Paul 1:04:16 Dr. Pol here, doctors in science.com is where you go to get access to my exclusive members only section. This is how you the viewers support our work. We have no sponsors. We are fully supported by you, our viewers, what do you get in the member section? It's quite a list, you get access to a couple of my eBooks. The first one is the authoritative reference list for my vaccine friendly plan book. I also have written a book very extensive called everyday health that covers pretty much what I think you should be doing if you want to live a healthy life in this world today. But there's so much more. We have a live q&a Every week after the show with yours truly Really Dr. Pol answering your questions, submit your questions online, and I will tackle as many of them as I possibly can and try to answer to the best of my ability, whatever burning questions you have. In addition to this, you get transcripts of every show. We have other bonus content. 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Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
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