PDF:Text:Dr. Paul 0:00
Could it be that our health freedom is truly under fire? Is it possible that our public health officials have been lying to us? How do we seek the truth when doctors have been led to believe in the marketing slogan, the vaccines are safe and effective. This show we'll highlight the importance of informed consent. I'm Dr. Paul Thomas, and welcome to against the wind, doctors and science under fire. Welcome to our third show of against the wind, doctors and science under fire. Today's show features a colleague of mine Bose Ravenel, he is a Board Certified pediatrician who just retired and has dedicated the past year since retirement into full on research about COVID-19. And we're going to highlight COVID-19 in this show today. Why not? Everybody's hearing about it right all the time. We then have a very, very powerful interview with Karen Kane. She's written a book she's sharing about her daughter and the tragic, tragic injury she suffered after vaccines. That's one of the things we do on this show is just highlight vaccine injuries. So you get to see that side of the story as well. And you're not going to want to miss an amazing interview. In fact, I was blown away with the power of this interview with a functional nutritionist and a friend of mine by the name of Luke Yamaguchi. He really boiled down what's going on with COVID, and the vaccines and the decisions that need to be made by you the consumer. And then of course, don't miss in the news with Bernadette pager, she's going to wrap it up for us. As always, I will start it off with my segment from the heart. Dr. Paul 1:58 Dr. Paul here with another episode of from the heart. What I'm thinking today is that balance, not denial, is what's key to well being. I've been feeling a sense of calm recently that I've never felt before. And this is in the midst of what I would call the most chaotic time I've ever experienced in my life. When you go on television today, are you left with a sense of peace and calm? Or do you end up having fear, I'm talking to my loved ones, my friends, my colleagues, my parents. And because they spend enough time on mainstream television, they really truly are in a space of fear. Fear is actually so devastating to your immune system. It's devastating to your psyche, to your heart to your soul, that's not a good place to be this new show against the wind. Doctors in science under fire was born out of the need to give the world the other side of the story or a different piece of information. So you could perhaps move away from fear move away from this pervasive sense that we're in trouble, when really we aren't. If you can live in a place where you don't have fear, light flux different, be open to perhaps exploring how to get there. And that's a piece that I think against the when doctors and science under fire can offer you. Everybody's talking. We're following the science, right? Sure they are. But science is so easy to manipulate. I've talked in the past about tobacco science, you smoke a pack a day, I'll smoke two packs a day, let's see which one of us die in a week, neither of us died. tobacco is safe. That's an example of tobacco science. And unfortunately, so much that's presented in the mainstream media is of that nature. It's still science. The facts are their true, but out of context, it makes no sense. I just come humbly and say enjoy this show, open your heart to the fact that there may be other ways of looking at things. And I think we're going to have a really long journey of dialogue and discourse and back and forth. We're going to provide opportunities. If you join the member section, you can support this show. And we'll actually have monthly q&a sessions where I'll be live with you. And there's a whole host of other benefits that I'll cover later. For those who choose to be members. I want to thank you for your attention to your time today. I'm Dr. Paul. Dr. Paul 4:39 Dr. Paul here it is a privilege and an honor to introduce to you Bose Ravenel he is a colleague of mine fellow board certified pediatrician and I think we've had similar journeys in our sort of evolution in pediatrics. Both Can you share with our viewers sort of your journey from mainstream aap board certified pediatrician to kind of how you became aware of some of the integrative medicine things that were so passionate about. Bose Ravenel 5:07 Sure. Private Practice and pediatric for total of 31 years with an 11 year period in the middle of that of academic pediatrics, a social good social class for pediatrics, UNC Chapel Hill for life changes. And then I discovered anybody world after co authoring the book on Add a non medical approach with john Roseman in 2008. From that point on, I resolved never to use again a pharmaceutical product to try to alter cognition or behavior. Wow, Dr. Paul 5:39 you really went all in? Yeah. Bose Ravenel 5:41 For the time 2000 2013 came at age 75. Then I had this impelled desire to run, just start a new career in integrative medicine, and ended up in a joint a first pediatrician and all kind of doing this to do anybody pediatrics. And Crash Course when you said you five, you want to learn fast. So I went through all the comments, I could read all the books. And then I started taking care of kids. I've never deal with before chronic Lyme, autism. So for so long. Dr. Paul 6:11 Yeah. And I had a similar journey. And we woke up around the same time actually. so fascinating. Because back before we were aware that there were other approaches, you probably recall this, if a child came in with chronic Lyme and fatigue, or they came in with autism, we sort of just sent them off to the specialists. You know, we didn't know what to do. Right. And often the specialist didn't know what to do either. Neither do they? Yeah, so it was it felt so just wrong, that we the pediatricians who should be the caretakers of the sickest kids had nothing to offer. Yeah, yeah. So I know that since retirement, because you share so much with me, and I appreciate that. You've become an expert, really about COVID and all things COVID. Like, how many hours have you put into studying this? Bose Ravenel 7:01 knows, I'm guessing 600 hours? Wow, I happen to walk out the office on the day that they closed the community comic community down on March 16. Yeah. And then I just naturally transferred all my 5070 hours a week researching from mainstream, I mean, from integrating things to COVID Dr. Paul 7:21 Wow. Well, folks, there you go, you're gonna want to hear what Bose has to say. Because I don't know of anybody that's put more time into it in this past year. Bose Ravenel 7:30 First of all, the diagnosis is a clog Mar, PCR szenario, caramella, sukumvit, invented it discovered it said it should never be used for diagnosis anything period. The so the case numbers are wildly inflated exponentially because of that and other things. Coding you, you you code what you pay for that's that's what we've been told for years and years. And then the the matter of not only diagnosis but treatment is it's a crime against humanity. Effective, early, safe, inexpensive treatment, rather chloroquine or ivermectin, plus zinc plus, Zuko type things, the integrated approach vitamin C, vitamin D, all of these together, early treatment, first three to five day symptoms, can reduce hospitalizations, and deaths by 60 to 90%, period. Number three, the mandate of wearing a mask mask there are hundreds of studies have a slide with about nine sources, collectively, hundreds and hundreds of studies, some appear or claim to show benefit don't when you really just take them down, look at the analysis about it. And then the the there's no need for a vaccine number one, treatment, the death rates are wildly inflated as our case numbers. We're conflating cases with what's really positive PCR test people. And then finally, the the vaccine area is one where I think the we've we've jumped started path right past animal research. So people are becoming the subject of the research, experimental vaccines. Hopefully, I hope I'm wrong. I hope that you want to be the best vaccine ever created. I just don't think the odds are very good that happening on the one effectiveness and on the other side of the risk. Dr. Paul 9:23 Excellent. Could you share with our viewers? Let's take those points one by one. Let's talk a little bit about PCR. Sure, Bose Ravenel 9:32 well, PCR. I could talk for two hours on that. However, it was discovered by Kary mullis. In 1993, he got a Nobel Prize for it. And he warned before his death about few months before the pandemic ironically, that that it was a multiplication technique. We're taking tiny strands of RNA or DNA material to multiply exponentially. And he warned that it could and should never be used for diagnosis anything period. It does not detect the presence of Bible virus. It depicts fragments. It could be fragments of similar as friends of RNA from other viruses, other coronaviruses nobody knows. But we know that even down to Fauci In a July video that I referenced in my slides, has a segment where he says that, given the usual amplification numbers or cycle numbers of running the exponential doubling and quit quadrupling and all that other material and this technique, the an average of 97% of positive tests with a PCR in asymptomatic people think of all the schools are screening all the students are false positive, they do not have valuable material. They're not in fact, that Dr. Paul 10:42 97% Bose Ravenel 10:45 the front the basis for the whole shutdown, which are another ultimate disaster, far more damage, including deaths than the COVID itself, so far documented by many people, including donta, Atlas, and Leonardo's. And all the others, wrote America, the Great Barrington declaration, so on all that's based on a flawed four, which is the PCR Dr. Paul 11:09 Yep. And that's led to this case, epidemic. Right. Exactly. Bose Ravenel 11:14 It's the case dammit. Dr. Paul 11:15 Yeah, yeah. We we make false positive diagnoses. And we call those cases when maybe at most 3% are actually Bose Ravenel 11:26 that's correct. Dr. Paul 11:27 Yeah, I agree with you on that. How about the so what does that do to our death rate, then? Because that's what you hear on the news, right? We've got all these cases, we've got all these deaths. Bose Ravenel 11:36 Yeah. Well, Deborah Burks said point blank, back in March or April, I have a slide of that as well. And one of the early slides, she actually said that we are, we are counting as deaths from COVID. Anyone who dies, who has quote COVID. And keep in mind, she's referring to people who die from whatever they died, could have been automated, accurate. We've heard all these stories, someone dies with terminal cancer, whatever. If a positive PCR was present, they then say they had they died from COVID, even though they probably died from another condition. So we have that factor. And then the documented reimbursement funds prove the COVID relief funds that incentivize er, hospitals to code COVID. So we have that that's there. The forces that create that. Dr. Paul 12:29 Yeah. I mean, it just makes sense. If you're running a hospital, and they've shut it down to make room for COVID. And then there's nobody in the hospital which throughout the height of this in my town, I don't know what was like in yours. I would go through the hospital, see babies and the hospitals were like ghost towns. So I'm thinking, how are they surviving? Well, the only way was to make a lot of COVID diagnoses, because then you get massive reimbursement relative to what you would have get from others. Did you see a similar thing where you are? Bose Ravenel 12:55 Yeah. And the other thing that is compelling to me about the whole book convinced me that this idea that at first, all this is as hard even imagine could be true. That is that the number of COVID desk was artificially inflated. Now, I'm not saying I did it intentionally, but it happened. Right and proof of the pudding is in the Johns Hopkins newsletter that was supposedly retracted after political pressure. But the newsletter, they took CDC data and ran the numbers, and showed that during the times when COVID exploded, we had this magical, apparent, illusionary in my view, dramatic drop almost flu, influenza deaths and cases almost disappeared, compared with number of years. So they concluded that the most obvious likely thing was they were shifting diagnosis from other things to COVID. Dr. Paul 13:47 Right. You can go now to the CDC, I just did it this past week, and you have maps of the USA with the influenza rates. And they're normally where we're at the time of the year, which should be at its peak, you should have orange and red all over the country. It's green, there's no influenza, folks, this COVID diagnosis has cured us of influenza, it's like magic. So this is just diagnosis substitution, right. Bose Ravenel 14:12 Equally important within that context is that looking at all cause mortality, the number of total number of deaths is a more objective number written alive or dead. And the data that the Hopkins newsletter showed that coincident with the dramatic increase in deaths from alleged deaths from COVID not only was a dramatic decrease in deaths from influenza and other infections, but all the other cause of mortality, cancer, heart disease, and bear in mind was going to shut down which is another subject. But because of the shutdowns, all the collateral damage, the increased the number of cardiovascular and cancer deaths should have shot up but they went markedly down, people getting less care and less testing less treatment. So the whole thing doesn't make a bit of sense unless you read phenomenon or substitution? Yep. Dr. Paul 15:04 Well put, you have a graph that we're gonna put up that shows the infection fatality rate. Could you just review that for our viewers? Because I think so many people, they're just listening to the news. And it doesn't matter what channel you're on, everybody's dying. It's so scary. So people are living in fear. But when you look at actual infection fatality rates, what did you find? Bose Ravenel 15:27 Yeah, well, that's the famous conflating of case fatality rate CFR and infection fatality rate, far, early on, Dr. falchi, within one week, was quoted as saying that the fatality, the case fatality rate, he said, if it didn't, then the mortality rate of COVID was, quote, 10 times that for influenza. But it turned out that he was conflating and other than and the same thing that we're using, in case the tower right for one, comparing with infection photography for the other infection Battalion, right, obviously means the number of deaths per so many actual infections, including those sick people, and also people who have evidence of positive test mean they have the virus with and that sick, case fatality rates are only people who are sick. So when you come, it's like comparing apples and oranges and say that was 10 pounds the other. Dr. Paul 16:27 So then if I have a positive COVID tests, and granted, we've already illustrated that, probably it's not even COVID. But given that imperfect data, if I have a positive COVID tests, and I'm a kid under the age of 20, what's my risk of dying? Bose Ravenel 16:45 No, the figure the CDC figures in Africa, pull subscribe here real quick. I've got in front of me. If you take those numbers, and you look at the flip side, which is what is ABA survival, right? It's quite interesting. And the let's see, oh point C. For those poor 00 to 19. Zero Point survival is 99.997%. He goes, why don't down the age group successively? 99.98% 99.5%, for those 50 to 60. And even in my age group, 70, up 94.6% survival likelihood. And these figures, bear in mind that's absent, early effective treatment, which can reduce the risk of death by 95%. Dr. Paul 17:39 Yeah, absolutely. So we're both pediatricians given this knowledge. I mean, these are CDC data points. How afraid should parents be for their children? Going back to school? And we're going to talk about masks in a moment as well. But with or without masks? Should we be afraid? Bose Ravenel 17:57 Absolutely not. No? Well, you can that we all we know, people who died from COVID from COVID. I believe that? Yep. Whatever I do to it is no different. Fundamentally, it's essentially a maybe an average, a little above average flu season as far as actual deaths from the disease and the risk of dying from it. Yeah. You just last year more heavily among my generation, but with effective treatment, you could bring the risk down to it's negligible. Dr. Paul 18:26 Yeah, I completely agree. So let's shift over to the response that our country has had, in fact, most of the world this shut down quarantine response. What is your take on that? Bose Ravenel 18:40 Yeah, well, the data once they've looked at it all the collateral damage, unintended, obviously, but it's really all their their book written about it. Now. Pam popper, I'm reading one now fabulous, but from suicide. Number one, you have the number of people who die from COVID. But the number who have died from the collateral damage from the measures to try to reduce the deaths from COVID far exceed death, suicides, drug addiction, economic disruption, loss of jobs, psychological psychiatric children, is an endless series of things. Dr. Paul 19:19 Yeah. It's horrifying to me to think of children. I mean, we're both pediatricians to think of children being behind glass at school, having to wear masks not seeing facial, you know, I mean, we read faces to understand love and compassion. And we're turning our kids into these little robots. You and I know we've been teaching for over a decade or two about reducing screen time the Academy of Pediatrics has been all over that. Except now let's just keep kids at home and put them on screens 24 seven, Bose Ravenel 19:49 and then you have the worst part of it is that the shutdowns and all what you're done all this don't work. They they don't. They don't cut down the deaths at all. They increase 701 because all the collateral damage, what they do is is spread out in the initial phase or something it does. You know, we went from flatten the curve for a few weeks to is it gonna be a few years? Dr. Paul 20:11 Yeah, it's been it's they've gone insane with the power of being able to just tell people what to do. Well, what are your thoughts about masks? This is the other, you know, between treatment and masks and quarantine. These are the big questions. What What does your research show about the effectiveness of Bose Ravenel 20:28 food it has about nine sources that collectively cover hundreds and hundreds of studies, hundreds with real data, the majority of studies that the CDC will cite, to claim to support the effects on the mask are theoretical. They're like these projections mathematical things, particle size, they're not real data on transmission. When you look at that, if repeatedly shown that they do not do any good to purchase bread period. And although sad, they're about nine different detrimental effects on the wearer's that have been documented. Dr. Paul 21:07 Amazing. And we've all sort of bought into the fact that we need to walk around with masks, I see people even driving cars in their own car by themselves wearing a mask, like what are they doing? Or outside jogging? How can you exercise effectively? And it just bothered Bose Ravenel 21:23 about where two of them five? Oh, Dr. Paul 21:25 yeah, now we're gonna do two Bose Ravenel 21:27 camo if they weren't so serious, it's a really about it. But there's no research on that. No, Dr. Paul 21:32 yeah. So let's, let's pivot over to treatments. So from the very beginning, there was this obvious attempt by our public health officials to really deny access to treatments you and I work in integrative medicine. And we know we have tools in our kit, simple things like vitamin D, but there are others that have really been shown to be quite effective. I think I just wonder your thoughts on this. Like, if there's no effective treatments, then they can have their emergency mandate, right? And so they've worked very hard to make sure that they squash any ability for people to actually do things that would help themselves. And that's criminal. What what are your What have you found about treatments? which things are most effective? In your opinion, from all your research? Bose Ravenel 22:18 Yeah, from reading extensively, the great American, the Great Barrington declaration, 1000s of doctors, epidemiologists across the world, from the American frontlines doctors actually have in my closet right behind me back there a bag, and I have hydroxychloroquine ivermectin, zinc, quercetin. And with that combination of things, you absolutely can nip in the bud. Without even worried about a test the test is irrelevant. The false negative rates if you're sick with COVID, a 30%, average false positive rates, who knows what they are in sick people, they're 97%. And well, people, so you need to treat as soon as it's an old concept, all of our life, we're taught in infectious illness for which you have treatment, your treat early, you don't say don't go to the hospital, don't go to a doctor, right. Dr. Paul 23:11 It drove me insane in the early phases. You know, as as pediatricians as we've been, we went through winter after winter of respiratory virus infections, and some of the sickest kids would come in with fever and cough and sometimes low oxygen. And we went through a differential diagnosis right of you know, this could be from anything from pertussis or a young kid RSV, or, you know, mycoplasma more prominent in school aged kids. But there's a whole long list right? Well, it towards the last few years you were able to get it. They might have been PCR but you were able to get panels and Retroviruses and I would do this sometimes in my sickest kids or that it would be done at the hospital. And we'd find, oh, there's a Coronavirus. There it represents 2% of the findings are the flu is five to 10% at the height of the flu season, meaning there were all these other things causing those symptoms, right. Yeah, exactly. And that's no different now with COVID. But back to treatments. So you would if you had a kid or or actually, you know your age person with cough, fever, sore throat, body aches, anything that could be COVID. What would you do? Just maybe, since you're retired, you can say this and it won't be it won't be considered medical advice. This is just information folks. We are not giving medical advice on this show. Bose Ravenel 24:28 From what I have read what people who report having used it, and people who have traded and those have been treated, including doctors themselves have been sick. What I keep hearing over and over is they got sick, they started taking hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin, the two main prescription ones, along with zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D, etc. And within days, they are markedly better. I know of about four different integrative practices, including Dr. Brownstein. And others who've written about it and written their data. They have had 100 100 patients all go to integrative practice. So they all have a chronic health problem. They wouldn't be one. They're in their 60s 70s, some in the 80s. And not a single hospitalization or death. And these are all sick people. Dr. Paul 25:19 There you go, folks that Bose Ravenel 25:21 have been, yeah, the slides I included does have, they do have and there have been a lot of observational and control studies, for hydroxychloroquine. And for ivermectin, wonderful, the data is out there. They don't Dr. Paul 25:36 worry about to hear it. Correct. Well, we're bringing it to you here on against the wind doctors in science under fire. I've got a question for you. Because this one's come up a few times, these mRNA vaccines? Are they possibly affecting our DNA? So could this somehow cause ongoing harm? Bose Ravenel 25:55 It's a great question. One of my slides I put in there. I just read I read it this last week, because that read that it could and it's certainly could. It does it. We don't know, first of all, but according to one of the articles I posted there, the individual who wrote it talked about the rationale. And there's a plausible scientific reason why it might, because when you put RNA into the cell, which this vaccine, the mRNA does bind design, normally, absent some kind of thing to protect the RNA, it gets degraded and is quickly taken care of. However, in this situation, the RNA and the VA, including the virus is the messenger RNA is encapsulated. And it involves artificially changing to protect it from degradation so that it persists in the sales, which then means it can then go on an ongoing, and there's no off switch that I can find where you can turn it off, which is what the worry about autoimmune disease, six months, nine months, a year, two years later, not two months later. So the point is yes. And there's there's already report that this author I talked about, showed that there has been a documentation published of a natural infection with COVID. Actually, apparently getting into the sales and also the DNA. Dr. Paul 27:21 Yeah, very concerning. What are your thoughts about genetic variants I'm reading, we're finding more and more genetic variants to the COVID-19, the sashco v2. Bose Ravenel 27:32 Yeah. And in the last set number year, we're studying vaccines and Immunology and all that. What I've learned is that variants are among viruses are universal, always expected and inevitable, always with regard to Coronavirus by May of 2020 have an article, there were 40 variants identified by sequencing by an island alone 40. And I've read another place where there are 149. And some stage there are 1000s. So it's almost beyond my comprehension to hear with a serious face. People saying, Oh, we got very this and very bad, and there's gonna explode. And this is Dr. Paul 28:14 this stuff. So So what does that how does that inform us on the decision about using the vaccine? Bose Ravenel 28:21 Yeah, well, first of all, it makes it highly likely that what are they already talking about making a now a third a booster already within months now the first vaccine within weeks, you're talking about developing a booster for one of the variants. So if you have 40 variants, you're gonna have 40 boosters. How ridiculous some point? Yeah. Dr. Paul 28:43 I mean, you and I saw this happen with pertussis vaccines with we saw it happen with the Prevnar. Right. So there are many different strains. And initially, we had a Prevnar what was it seven, then we went to 13. And we now know that that vaccine is covering way less than half the strains out there that makes up the tuition of spraying to get you sick, right organisms know how to adapt. We live in a community with our biome. So So, again, we're not giving medical advice. I'm just curious to have someone who's really, really read up on this and you're in the age group of high risk. Are you getting the vaccine? Absolutely not. Bose Ravenel 29:21 No, I'm very comfortable for myself. And my wife is also that we have on hand hydroxychloroquine ivermectin, you know, the Glencoe stuff. Very comfortable and confident that if I get sick, I will start taking those things immediately. And I absolutely feel more comfortable doing that, and taking the vaccine, which has been rushed through the process, no animal testing, and so forth and so on. Dr. Paul 29:47 Right. You probably have already a robust vitamin D level. Oh, yeah. There you go. I keep mine around 80. Now, folks, the normal range they'll tell you is 30 to 100 and Almost everyone I've tested is well below 30. Bose Ravenel 30:03 Unless you're supplementing with vitamin DS in my integrative practice and never saw one that was normal meaning right, Bowsher normal at 90. Yeah, Dr. Paul 30:13 exactly. So maybe you can share with our viewers, I'm imagining they're going well, where am I going to get a prescription for ivermectin? Bose Ravenel 30:22 Great question. I called and got an appointment with miracle frontline doctors. They're very accommodating had a telephone conference. He was I was very impressed. Very serious. Pay $90 a head negative appointment on it, they do a telephone or videos, like we're doing for about 2530 minutes, right conversation doctor in Florida, they pursued a prescription for hydroxychloroquine to a pharmacy in North Carolina. By the way, she told me North Carolina is a second most difficult state to get a pharmacist to fill a drop of the core United States behind for me behind New York. But it has to do with political Dr. Paul 31:03 breaks. Bose Ravenel 31:04 So you get it through America's frontline doctors, Dr. Paul 31:06 already? Well, folks, I would highly recommend, particularly if you're elderly or have underlying health conditions. So you might be at higher risk, you know, start taking vitamin D if you're not, I'd use vitamin D three with K two. Do you do that as well? Bose Ravenel 31:21 Yeah. If everybody in America would be prepared if they got sick, to have vitamin D and K two, along with hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and these these things we're talking about? We would start with to solve the problem. Dr. Paul 31:37 Yeah. Without a vaccine. Exactly. Absolutely. Well, folks, there you have it both. Thank you so much for coming on this show. We're going to give you a couple recommended reading RX suggestions that Bose has put together for you here. And I hope you realize you just got everything you need to know about COVID in this one short talk. Bose, thank you so much. I really appreciate you coming on the show. Bose Ravenel 32:00 Okay, thank you, Paul. Dr. Paul 32:07 So this is your show. This is your show where the information we bring you is Uncensored, adulterated, unfiltered, straight from the sources. I wanted you guys to have an opportunity to meet the team, the team that puts together against the wind, doctors in science under fire, there is no way absolutely no way I could do a production of this magnitude without each and every one of these team members put up two shows already. We're working on the third. And we have already just with these 14 members, not counting myself put in over 200 hours of work. It's a major major undertaking. So to my right. And this is my son tidy. tidy, is our marketing director. Yeah, Todd is a is a marketing expert college graduated in the business and marketing arena. And he also helps with filming. So very, very, very important to this team. I'm going to pan over this away. And Kathy bless her heart, says Dr. Paul want to help you put together this show. And she comes with such a wealth of knowledge and organization, set up the interviews, call the people interview people keep us all on track. And so far, this has been on a pure voluntary basis, folks. But let's move over now to the guy that was running the whole thing. He likes to sit in the back on the corner Peter is he's the guy that says cuck action cameras. Smile reminds us to smile. But actually Peter is pulling all this together and making it all happen. The other fellow who happens to also be a son of mine, Noah, and he's our main editor. So that was really the expertise you brought to the table that we couldn't do without. So thank you, folks, this team needs your support. This is a show that is completely funded by you, the viewers, we have no major sponsors. Oh, if you want it to be a major sponsor, give us a big donation. That would be awesome. But really, we want grassroots funding of this show, so that we can continue to bring you this vital information that you know you want and need right now or every other week. When the funds are there. We will go to weekly, and so become a member Join Now we have a special 199 a month. That's less than a cup of coffee a month to get a whole slew of benefits. You're going to get for free. My book that covers all the references in the vaccine friendly plan. This is a massive undertaking. They're there for you. It's a very well done ebook. We've got another ebook. That's a massive undertaking called everyday health. We're also going to start this next month, a live q&a members only and we're going to Throw in a few other Benny's, so you're gonna want to participate in that before the price goes up to 499, which is still what a fancy latte or something once a month, so you can make this show a reality on an ongoing basis forevermore. We're here for you. And our team says thank you for your support. I'm Dr. Paul. Dr. Paul 35:18 Dr. Paul here, welcome to our studio. It is a real privilege to have Karen Kain with me today. You are one of what I would call our real heroes in this whole world of Vaccine Injury. And I say that from the depth of my heart, you know, soldiers go off to war and we lose lives and wars and we call them heroes. You lost your daughter's life in this fight to fight infectious diseases, right. So thank you for being willing to share your story. I know it's not an easy thing to do. Can you take us back? right from the get go? Maybe when your daughter was born and just what happened? Karen Kain 36:04 My daughter Lauren was born in March 1994. And she was absolutely beautiful. The nurses all came in said your daughter so beautiful. We're getting other people from other floors. happiest day of my life. It was the thing that I thought that I always wanted to be as a mother have a family, not very boring, normal stuff. Did all the right things to research the doctor went you know, interview different people did you know took care of myself. And I never question vaccines to her in six weeks of age. She had one shot she had the DPT live vaccine, the wholesale the wholesale, which is really important because at that point, they said that was totally fine. That was recommended. They have the new vaccine that had come out but they were still giving the live vaccine thought nothing of it and to receive that vaccine and two hours later, she had a five minute seizure. Unknown 37:05 Lauren Kane seizures began two hours after her shot. Unknown 37:13 The US vaccine court said the vaccine was the cause. Unknown 37:20 her injuries were profound and eventually claimed her life. Unknown 37:25 Come on you Okay, come on. Unknown 37:27 Let's preserve parental choice for vaccination. Karen Kain 37:30 Freedom. Come on, come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. And I had never seen anything like that her body she was I went and gave her Tylenol because I was instructed to do that like a good mom. Yes. Back in the day when there's Dr. Paul 37:43 no internet. There's a little too. Karen Kain 37:45 Oh my gosh, yeah, there's just no information except being a good parent and following orders. And she woke up. She went fast asleep. And she woke up screaming and shaking her little body and I just held her out in front of me. And I was just looking at her. And my my friend I was at my friend. She just was yelling. That's right. That's not right. And she actually was going to babysit my daughter when I went back to work. And that was the plan. And I just got sick to my stomach. And I went back to the doctor that was really close down the street in Huntington Beach, California. And I was waiting we she took us in right away. She laid Lauren out. She was still sleeping. Dr. Paul 38:25 And right after the seizure is right. Karen Kain 38:27 This is two hours after the first seizure. Okay, so she had the shot two hours, she had the seizure. And then two hours after that she had another very long seizure. Okay. At that point, I'm flipping out just screaming at the doctor. And she's very calm and said you need to drive her to the hospital. And she has she's having a seizure. But when she stopped you know, should I just always think looking back like I can't even believe I was driving her because I'm definitely afraid of this kitten out right. I just flipping out. And so I just kind of you go into shock when you see something like that. And I went to the hospital, they kept her for a couple days did all this CT did the spinal. Yeah, Dr. Paul 39:08 ruled out sepsis. We Karen Kain 39:10 ruled out everything. And I'll never forget that hospital stay. My husband was out of town, her father was out of town and they wake you up at like five, six in the morning, and to do blood draws. And then she's like our little tiny body and I'm holding her and, you know, this is the right thing to do. And I just never knew on that day that it would become my life, you know, holding her down for so many different procedures. She didn't have another seizure for 14 days. Okay. And she had another one at home. Her father was there. We called 911. And she had long seizures. She had like five minute seizures and sometimes longer and she's just still really tiny. Went and at that point, I think we started around vitamin B because they said you can have a Vitamin B deficiency sometimes sometimes Yes, that was an issue. But we did blood work again. And then Labor Day weekend, June, I think, right may last weekend in May. She had nine, five minute seizures in one day. And I was flipping out when I was calling the doctor, because you know, at that point everyone kept saying, sometimes babies have seizures and they get over it. You know, there, there was no club, there was no reaching out. There was no talking to anybody then. And a couple things happened on that event on that, that admission and the doctor came in and just said to me, Lauren was laying there still seizing and doing all kinds of stuff. And we had started around died Latin and Faena BB. So now I have like a barely four month old baby on two different anti seizure medications. She was a quadriplegic, she couldn't use her arms, her her legs, well, she had a feeding tube, she had a breathing tube, she had an extreme surgery where we severed her her note pouch, her nose and her mouth and her airway. And she only breed out of her trike, which made her medically fragile, because if you fall forward, you're gonna suffocate. She had a vehicle implant, I can go on and she had her hips replaced, she had my goodness, Rob put her spine to me so much she was a train wreck, physically, spiritually, each was very, very powerful. But what and there's, that's the whole part of it, isn't it? We our kids come in, and they're vaccine injured, and we're isolated. And, you know, my whole life was torn apart. My marriage was quickly over. Dr. Paul 41:27 coping, sorry, that's a common story. Karen Kain 41:30 Very common, very common. And it was just a mess. And I was living in the hospital and she was three, we lived in ICU 171 days in ICU. And again, in the beginning, you that was back in the day, there's no internet, there's no connecting, and there was no talking. We ended up finding out when she was just three, four months old about the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, right, which was really unlikely. But I'm super grateful for the doctor who like pulled me aside and told me in a closet about it. And we ended up applying for that when she was a year old. And the government immediately agreed that Lauren was vaccine injured. Yeah. And which never happens. No. So Dr. Paul 42:13 you're one of the rare ones. I mean, folks, you know, if you haven't heard of the Vaccine Injury program, it was set up to sort of compensate vaccine injured families. The hope was that it would make the process less onerous and more streamlined. But in effect for most people, it's made it almost impossible to get compensation. But yours was one of those classic that wholesale DPT was just a we knew it was a bad vaccine. And and I mean, Japan had been giving the a seller one for seven years before we switched in the US. They had already figured it out. So I'm sorry, that happened. That's just so tragic. I, I think to pivot to what you touched on, which was the spiritual aspect for Lauren, and how that's helped you. Right? Karen Kain 42:59 Absolutely. Dr. Paul 43:00 What a What a beautiful way to to take this tragedy and make good of it. Right, what what what, what would you suggest we we let people who are watching this? I mean, Vaccine Injury? Of course, you've you've made that amply clear. It happens. It can be tragic. Tragic. Probably, if you were to do it over again, whether it was with regards to vaccines, what would you do? Karen Kain 43:27 I, I would not vaccinate, and I certainly wouldn't vaccinate at six weeks. I certainly wouldn't vaccinate for the DPT and the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was created because of the DPT. Right. And we were very, very lucky. Lauren had a classic table injury, meaning this is the type of injury that happens from this vaccine. I would be healthy, and I would keep my child at home and do the things that healthy people do. And right. It's just one of those things. And today, thank God for you and a lot of other people that are sharing their stories, because people need to really listen. I mean, I know, with my little girl sitting in the wheelchair, you know, and she's all messed up, you know, arizer krijgen beautiful. Lauren was beautiful. She got away with a lot. But she was a train wreck physically. And people would just look at her and I say, Well, she was vaccine injured. And we settled with the government. And they paid her medical bills for the rest of their her life. And they just earned the, you know, for her life at that point that she was to live. And people just look and just like, oh, that's not gonna happen to me. Like, and I feel that really profoundly now, especially with a COVID vaccine. People just don't think it's going to happen to them. And, you know, you know how we're attacked as parents. We're crazy people, Dr. Paul 44:44 right? Well, the thing is, you have nothing personally to gain by trying to share your story with the world. I mean, you're even working for the good of the world. Tell me briefly what you're involved with the vaccine The system in the country that oversees vaccines. Right You Karen Kain 45:04 were there. The 1986 Act created a board called the Advisory Commission on childhood vaccines, right. So from the act, they were support, and it's a mandatory board by law from the act. And so there was nine members on the board. Right now there's only three, so they need new members. But two of those positions are parents who have settled with the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. And Dr. Paul 45:26 you're one of those two, Karen Kain 45:27 I'm one of those two, Dr. Paul 45:28 I'm asking you for your service. Karen Kain 45:30 Absolutely. Dr. Paul 45:31 It's a little out of work. And it's Karen Kain 45:33 a lot of work I read a lot of it's very intimidating. And we report to the Secretary of HHS and the Secretary, a czar just resigned. I've been on the board for a year and a half. I'm actually Vice Chair, which I just think it's a Lauren thing, me being vice chair of this board because I was very much bullied in the beginning because it's a very pro vaccine. You know, there's lawyers and there's, you know, the NIH ID, the CS, TCS, HHS, everybody's involved. So we report the meetings with a ton of government, people who are pro vaccine, and then I by law, I have to, I get to share my opinion, my my voice, and we get to vote. And so I'm excited for what's coming. I'm trying, I've sent them your bags, I'm back study, I'm hoping in March or June to be talking about doing a vaccine back study using the vaccine safety data link, which is huge. It's very intimidating. But I just every time now in the beginning, I didn't say this. But every time now when I speak, I just say I'm a parent of a child who was vaccine injured, who settled with compensation program. And my child died from Vaccine Injury. And so that's kind of helping, but it's definitely I have to do a lot of research so I can be on there. I'm not a Dr. Paul 46:54 scientist, I'm even I'm a pediatrician. 35 years I've been doing this, I've been a busy pediatrician in the trenches became vaccine risk aware about 20 years ago, when more and more kids in my practice, were not doing well. And then actually several in a row slipped into autism being normal at one two severely autistic by two. But okay, this is this, we need to look into this. But what we were missing was data, right? So and that's been the problem, we now have the data folks, so you can go and you know, this show is going to be one of our goals is to get the data to you that you're otherwise not seeing. And that's what you're doing on a national level. So thank you for that huge effort. And I think you're right, I mean, I would be intimidated in that environment. And I know a fair bit. So for you as a parent, I can't even imagine, but you know, what they need is your voice and your story, because Vaccine Injury is real. And yet we hear from the news anchors to the public health officials to the doctors in almost every office vaccines are safe and effective. Well, that's a marketing slogan. That's not in fact, there is no such thing as a safe pharmaceutical, they all have some risk. It's all a matter of risk and benefit. And because they've never studied the vaccine program as a whole, to see what the risks are. They simply don't know, which is why it's so important that you know, my data gets out there. Thank you for taking it to that committee. You know, our our desire here, I know we share the same goal here is to educate and inform Karen Kain 48:27 people need parents and adults, if they're vaccinating themselves, they need to have an informed information, they need to be informed so they can make an informed decision. Because we know vaccines are unavoidably unsafe. I'm really passionate right now. My My passion is for the parents. I mean, I none of us parents do anything except get attacked for having a voice in this arena. But I, I it is so painful to my soul. When I see families going through Vaccine Injury and they're they're surviving under unbearable circumstances, emotionally, financially, spiritually, it just bankrupts you, right? And it's devastating to watch, and I've been there and so it's easy for people to dislike, oh, it's not gonna happen to me turn their head or they're crazy, or however it is. But at this point, everyone is going to be affected by Vaccine Injury in some way. The cost, I love Toby Rogers. But what it's important for people to understand that we're obviously being censored. I mean, I learned this. I'm so cynical. I learned this 26 years ago, people would want to interview me. And then the first time I I don't even remember who it was. They said, we're gonna send a limo we want to interview this was a long time ago. And then they call back and they say, if I have you on my show, I will get 100 lawsuits tomorrow. And so that was it. Dr. Paul 49:52 And then I didn't even share the information back then. No, it's so much worse today. Karen Kain 49:57 Oh my gosh, I've been misquoted recently this interview. I've been misquoted reporters investigative from Portland reporter interviewed me she got fired. I have spectrum the stadia interview and they pulled me out with RFK Jr. and Senator Pan, and they got my desk Lauren's death certificate, you know, they did thorough investigative reporting, but when it comes to it, they don't want a parent Whose child is injured and compensated and died, talking at all any platform, right? My everything's, you know, this censorship you, you're a victim to it. But I really want to encourage parents to stand up and to share the story. I get this all the time in a private message, you're so brave, and I don't feel brave. And this isn't for everybody. I'm sure everybody needs to do what I did parenting or advocating. But I just think that we all need to pick something that we're good at and do what we're good at, you know, writing, speaking, copying, going to Congress, you know, we just all need to find our place because it's for the children and their children or future. Dr. Paul 51:01 Right. I just look Thank you for everything you're doing. You as you are, you are doing important work. And folks, I guess the take home message here is, you know, do your homework, pay attention to this issue vaccine injuries real soon? And what other closing message would you want our viewers to hear? I, Karen Kain 51:21 I want to remind parents, as we talked about this a little earlier, I want to really remind parents that the best thing they can do for their child is to take care of themselves. I think being a spiritual orphan is really, really difficult. I'm not telling you what to believe, or how to believe I just think people need to get connected. But I, I really believe that when I took care of myself, and I was healthier, Lauren always did better. And I think it's hard. I think from the one to five, you know, parents, women, mothers were so guilty of just like being martyrs. And I did the same anything for you give up everything, I'm almost dying over here. But look at my kid, you know, I totally did that. And it was around the age of three, that I just literally told Lauren, I was meditating a lot, I was doing alternative methods, because mainstream medical wasn't helping. And so I was really digging deep spiritually. And when we had to put her in a coma to stop her seizures, we put her in a coma twice, I just sat by her bed. And I just said to her, and I was just praying, and I just said, I just got this aha moment I write about it in my book. It's like a pinky swear. And I just said to her, you need to do your soul agreement. And I need to let you do that. And I need to do my soul agreement. And they're going to be different. But you need to do that with you when you're God. So you be responsible for getting well, or whatever agenda you want to do, and I'm going to take care of you. But I'm not going to feel sorry for you anymore. I'm just going to let you do you. And I'm going to do my best to support whatever healing that is. And I think at that point, I just became such a better parent, because not every kid is going to recover, which is a horrible thing to think about or for being normal, whatever that means these days, right. But to ignore the existence of that soul, and to not appreciate and enjoy and have as much fun as you can, I think is a real tragedy, because all of our kids are different. But there's a lot of joy to be received and shared and help Dr. Paul 53:23 them. That's a powerful message. Thank you so much for that. I'm reminded when you fly and the oxygen comes down, and they always tell you put your oxygen mask on first. Because you you need to be able to help your child or whatever next. And that's sort of what you're speaking to parents. Don't forget your self care. And right now, especially with the COVID mandates coming like a freight train, you need to do self care in the sense of educate yourself about whether or not this is really the right move for you. When there's so little information. Well, there's no information about long term safety testing, because there has been no long term safety testing. So you just have to put things in perspective. And watch out for the reports that are coming across from public health and the news media as if they are facts when they're really just sort of statements that are not backed up by facts. But I thank you for coming on our show. You've got a very important message and an amazing story here. One of my heroes, and thanks for being on the show. Thank Karen Kain 54:24 you so much. They I just so appreciate you. You're saving lives. Dr. Paul 54:34 Dr. Paul here Welcome to our science segment of against the wind doctors in science on fire though we're under fire. Luke Yamaguchi, good friend of mine, thank you for coming. You are a scientist and a functional nutritionist. And I know you're really deep researcher. We've had lots of discussions in the past and even though we may not always agree on things I Like how you pursue things in great depth. So you knew I was tackling the topic of COVID, this time going go round. Luke Yamaguchi 55:08 Let's start with the informed consent arena, as pertains to COVID. And the COVID-19 vaccines? What are your thoughts about that? We talked about making informed medical decision, we need to know the risks, benefits and alternatives to any given treatment or intervention, whether that's prescription drugs, or chemotherapy or surgery or vaccines. Right. And so in the context of COVID-19, I think it helps to start with an understanding of the baseline risk of the disease itself. In other words, what would be the risk if you decide to not get the vaccine and take on the risk of the disease itself. And so the interesting thing about COVID is that the risk is highly stratified by age. And that is to say that as we get older, the risk of dying from COVID increases. Okay, so to give you the numbers zero to 17 years old, in the United States, in 2020, there were 177 deaths involving influenza, this is the CDC zone data now for COVID-19. Almost the same number 179 deaths involving COVID-19, in the United States in 2020, for all children, zero to 17. Right. So that means that basically, for this age group, children in the US, influenza, and COVID-19, they're just as deadly. And so the reason why I started off with saying that mentioning that is because I think there probably some children out there, and parents who have children, and maybe these kids are like actually legitimately terrified and wondering, like if I get COVID-19, am I gonna die, right? And I just want them and their parents to know that at least last year in the US, if your kids aren't afraid of dying of influenza, they shouldn't be any more afraid of dying of COVID-19. Because the desktop basically the same. Dr. Paul 56:44 I like, where are you going with that. And I would add one more caveat to that. And that is that almost all those deaths, both influenza and COVID, were actually deaths from something else. So these were kids who had underlying heart conditions, multiple comorbidities, as well, as we know, is a big factor with getting immune compromised. Dr. Paul 57:03 And it's no different with COVID, as it has been in the past for influenza. Luke Yamaguchi 57:09 Yes. So that's the case with children. Now, if we go to the other age extreme, and look at say, older people, 70 years and up, then the disease is much more serious. And we see an estimated infection fatality rate of about 5.4%. For the elderly. And this is similar to the infection fatality rate of another infectious disease called C difficile infection, or C diff for short. It's also infectious but fecal oral route, it's a life threatening kind of diarrhea, and abdominal hospitals a lot. Yeah, typically after taking antibiotics, people can get it. And it predominantly affects older people much more severely, just like COVID-19. So that's kind of like the one extreme and the other extreme in terms of the risk of the disease itself. And if we look at the overall infection fatality rate for all age groups for COVID-19, it's actually less than 1%. Yeah, so less than 1% overall infection fatality rate. And we can compare that to say other historical infectious diseases of the past, like, say, smallpox, which is said to have had a 30% fatality rate. So maybe, like 30 times more deadly than a COVID. And so I don't want to trivialize the severity of COVID. Because obviously, for older people with multiple comorbidities, it is a serious, yes. And potentially very deadly disease. Right. But I also don't want to blow it out of proportion, either. Yeah, to the extent where now, like little children who were very little risk from the disease, the same risk of babies dying from influenza are not afraid that oh, my God, if I get COVID-19, I might die. Dr. Paul 58:33 So I just wanted to thank you for saying that. I think you know, it's a point I've been trying to make to our audience, that it's this fear that it's pervasive, right? You turn on the TVs, and it's all just fear, fear, fear. That's not good for our immune systems. It's not good for our brains. It's not good for our social well being we need to be in connection with others. But we're so afraid that we're isolating and quarantining. And that's another whole story. But I love your emphasis on how to rationally Look at this. Yeah, that's a good point, knowing that risk. Now, when we look at our options, I know because you're a functional nutritionist. Before you get out of here, I'm going to ask you about what we can do in terms in terms of nutritional and other things. But when you turn on the news, it's all about the vaccine. Right? Right. So so give us your thoughts about that there. There certainly must be risks and benefits. Luke Yamaguchi 59:26 Right. So let's start with the benefits or the purported benefits of the COVID-19 vaccines. And I'll be speaking specifically about the mRNA one. So this is Pfizer and maternal mRNA COVID vaccines. And if we look at the clinical trials, I think everyone has probably seen on the news and media like 94% or 95% effective and it sounds, it sounds really great. Yeah. And my understanding of that is that in the clinical trials, the people who received the COVID vaccine had a 95% reduced risk of developing symptomatic COVID compared to the placebo group at the time that that was made. That was based off of actually less than 200 total infections of COVID, even though there was like maybe 30 or 40,000 people in the clinical trials, correct on the whole, but we don't know yet that. So it does seem that the vaccine is effective at preventing symptomatic COVID. But we don't know if the vaccine can prevent people from being infected with the SARS COVID two virus, that's the virus that causes covid 19, right, and then perhaps be able to then go on to spread that virus to other people, even though they don't know if it'll Dr. Paul 1:00:29 protect that either. Luke Yamaguchi 1:00:31 And so this is why Tony Fauci has been saying in you know that, well, even after you get your vaccine, you still need to practice social distancing, you still need to wear a face mask or to face masks or whatever it is, right? Because we don't know if it will prevent infection, and then being contagious and spreading that to other people. And we've actually seen this with another vaccine on the market, which I'm sure you're aware of the a cellular pertussis vaccine has this precise problem. Yeah, where it may prevent the symptoms of whooping cough. But you can still reduce them or reduce them, right? Because it doesn't really prevent them, right. In some cases, not all cases, right. But it doesn't necessarily prevent you from being colonized by the bacteria that causes Dr. Paul 1:01:12 transmitted Luke Yamaguchi 1:01:13 still transmit to others, maybe even as an asymptomatic carrier. And actually, this is straight from the CDC website. So I'm going to read it off to you. I want to I want to quote it, so I do it. Justice. So the CDC website says public health experts cannot rely on herd immunity to protect people from pertussis. Since a cellular pertussis vaccines may not prevent colonization, carrying the bacteria in your body without getting sick or spread of the bacteria and quote. So that may be the case as well with the COVID vaccines, we don't know yet. It may not be the case, but we just don't know for certain one way or the other at this point. So we also don't know about the vaccine. How long is the duration of protection, right, because the clinical trials have only been going on for however many months, a few months or so. And we don't know how effective the vaccine will be at preventing the different variants and mutations of the Coronavirus. Now as well as in the future, it appears that these vaccines may actually be less efficacious against certain strains of the COVID vaccine, a COVID virus like maybe the South American strain or other strains. Another thing that we don't know is whether or not we'll need to get another COVID vaccine booster shot every year for the rest of our lives in order to be protected from this disease that even protects us. It protects us now the see to spoiler alert, but the CEO of Pfizer, I think came out and said that's exactly what we're gonna have to do is there's going to be an annual of COVID vaccine booster shot just like we have with the annual flu shot nowadays. And and that's kind of what we're looking at in the future. Dr. Paul 1:02:43 Yeah. Right. Back to your data, though. So let's take the vaccine trial that had 30,000 patients, okay. And they picked the healthiest of healthiest, they screened out all the high risk people, right. And in those healthiest of healthiest once they had less than 200. positives. They said, let's look at what number were in the CBOE group. And what number were in the vaccinated group? Oh, most of the ones with mild symptoms were in the placebo. So the vaccine is effective at reducing mild symptoms, right? Well, out of 15,000 placebo group patients if there were 100, which is approximately the number actually who had mild COVID symptoms. There were 14,900, who did not. So that placebo is highly effective at preventing any disease, is it not? Luke Yamaguchi 1:03:48 So I think you're pointing to the difference between maybe like the difference in a relative risk reduction of 95% and an absolute risk reduction. So the absolute risk of getting COVID in that short two month duration is very low was very low. Right. Dr. Paul 1:04:00 Right. So you know, so So what they played with was a relative risk using really low numbers correct. Which, you know, that that what that really represents? Who knows? We also know it didn't prevent hospitalization or death. They just didn't have any data for that. Luke Yamaguchi 1:04:17 Yeah. So I Peter Doshi wrote, he's an associate editor in the BMJ, the British Medical Journal, and he published something in October, I believe, of last year where he was saying the clinical trials for the COVID vaccines were not set up to, we're not designed to actually to assess the difference in severe outcomes like hospitalization, intensive care, use and death. Right. Dr. Paul 1:04:35 So so by design, they were not going to answer the question we really need statistical power, I guess is the problem. Well, they weren't set up long enough to get the answers that we need. Yes. Would you agree? Luke Yamaguchi 1:04:49 Yeah. But yes, Luke Yamaguchi 1:04:51 yes, for that point in time, but I think as time moves forward, we'll get more data and we'll be able to answer those questions a little bit better moving forward would be my my hope. Hopefully, Dr. Paul 1:04:59 there's one problem I'm reading I don't know if it's happened yet, that the both the materna and the Pfizer group are planning to vaccinate the control group, right? Because it's unethical not to. Right. That ends the trial. Yeah. So then we won't ever get the data. Right. So that's a problem, then we're going to rely on veirs vaccine. It's a passive surveillance system. You're gonna get Okay, I'll let you get to that. Yeah, that was fun. Thank you for letting me spar with you a little bit. I want good data, folks. And you know, we're having fun like this just sparring. If there's no right or wrong here, it's just data. But let's look at it carefully and understand what it really means. And I know you're a hardcore scientist. Luke Yamaguchi 1:05:48 I mean, and, you know, Luke Yamaguchi 1:05:49 I think that we, it's important to beat to debate these issues, like Good, good, rigorous science encourages debate, it welcomes it. It says, you know, like, yeah, we, you know, we know, we're solid, like, hit us with whatever you got, yeah, we'll defend the science because it's so strong, right. And so when we see censorship, and just, you know, shutting down any kind of conversation, or any kind of criticism is really unscientific. And it just is not the proper way to do things. We should be able to have open debate and conversation and ask hard questions, absolutely able to bounce ideas off one another and talk about these things is so important. Yeah. So getting now to the risks, some of the risks of the vaccines, and I'll be speaking specifically about majorna and Pfizer's mRNA COVID. vaccines. So this technology, this messenger RNA technology is a first of its kind in technology. It's never ever been deployed and mass vaccination campaign in the history of the world ever, right? It's not actually even formally approved by the FDA, it's just been given an authorization for emergency use. So in a very real way, it is an experimental vaccine, because we just as you pointed out earlier, don't have the long term safety data for it just doesn't exist. Dr. Paul 1:06:56 So are you saying that anybody who rolls up their sleeve for one of these vaccines is volunteering for an experiment? Luke Yamaguchi 1:07:03 I would say, yeah, I mean, just because we don't have the long term safety data. We can't say for sure, like, Oh, you know, this isn't gonna affect your fertility, right, five or 10 years down the road? We don't know. We don't know, the data just isn't Dr. Paul 1:07:14 there, your auto your auto immunity, right. We just don't know. We don't Luke Yamaguchi 1:07:17 have the answer. We don't have the data to answer that question. So that's Yeah. And so to highlight that point, there is actually a slide that was put out during a presentation in October, I think it was last year was in a suit meeting. So aisa busy. helped me out here, Dr. Paul, he said the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices that Yeah, so and and on this slide. They were listing like the different possible adverse events following vaccination that they wanted to keep an eye on with their surveillance systems moving forward. And it lists things like heart attack, stroke, convulsions, seizures, thrombocytopenia, which is low blood platelets, autoimmune disease, vaccine enhanced disease. And some of these things we've actually seen, like there was the one story that made the news of the pediatrician Florida was very sad. He got the vaccine developed ITP idiopathic thrombocytopenia had a blood, platelet count of zero, and then died two weeks of a hemorrhagic stroke later, two weeks after that, so Dr. Paul 1:08:16 and the stories are coming fast and furious now, right of all of those things. Luke Yamaguchi 1:08:21 Yeah. And they're being they're being censored on social media, which is very sad. Yes. So that was just a list of the possible adverse events that they were going to keep an eye out on. But if we look at the reported adverse events following vaccination that had been reported to the system, you mentioned various the vaccine adverse events reporting system, we see that there's been over 1000 reported deaths, there's been hundreds of life threatening adverse events, hundreds of cases of permanent disability, and 1000s of hospitalizations and emergency room visits following COVID vaccination reported to this this system bears right and bears, as you mentioned, is a passive surveillance system. Historically, it's been accused of having like really under reported the vast number like maybe just 1% of all total vaccine adverse events reported to the system for things like deaths with the COVID vaccine because it's mandatory. Now I think that number is probably much higher, but we don't really know. And the thing to note about bears is that the problem one of its weaknesses is it can't prove causation. It can only show the temporal correlation, meaning they got the vaccine and then after this amount of time they have this adverse event. But if we were to look at the clinical trial data of say modernise vaccine, it actually shows a pretty serious adverse reactions profile, or I say a high percentage of adverse reactions. And so this is from the fact sheet of Madonna's on factsheet they say that 92% of participants who received earnings vaccine experienced pain at the injection site 70% have fatigue 65% had headache 62% had muscle pain. 46% had joint pain. 45% had chills 23% had nausea, vomiting, 16% had fever and 15% have swelling at the injection site. And that's not even all of them. I didn't list all of them. Dr. Paul 1:10:09 Those are all acute reactions. We haven't even looked at the chronic. Luke Yamaguchi 1:10:11 Right. So those are those are adverse reactions. So they're they're admitting that the vaccine caused, right, those adverse reactions. Dr. Paul 1:10:21 Wow. Oh, one Luke Yamaguchi 1:10:21 thing I forgot to mention when I was talking about various is the cases of anaphylaxis. Right. So open various calm is reported that there's been a couple 100 cases of anaphylaxis, and also 200 or so cases of Bell's palsy. So Bell's Palsy is like this facial paralysis, you kind of have to droop or something. And we actually saw a little bit of that signal. Even in the clinical trial data itself, there was only one case of Bell's Palsy amongst the placebo group on both if you can find all the data for Madonna and Pfizer together, right, there was I think around seven actually, for the combined trials. And so it may be the case that there's like 3.5 to seven times increase in the amount of Bell's Palsy for the people who are receiving the vaccine. But Dr. Paul 1:11:02 yeah, it's not an insignificant amount, right of adverse events. And we know social media is being compromised. I had a patient of mine actually got the vaccine. And this is the parent got the vaccine recently had pretty severe side effects posted on social media. Now, this is a not an anti vaccine person, just a person who, you know, is aware that vaccines may have risks and is aware they should be reported. She's in the medical field. And immediately they wouldn't put it up without putting a disclaimer from the pharmaceutical industry that these vaccines are known to be safe and effective. Luke Yamaguchi 1:11:40 Yeah, and they say like approved Coronavirus vaccines, you know, have been extensively tested for safety and efficacy, which is even more insulting because it's they haven't been approved right now in the United States. They've just been authorized for emergency use. So it's like they're, you know, just putting out blatant disinformation. Yeah, and totally gaslighting people's personal experiences. Dr. Paul 1:11:59 Exactly. Thank you. That was very deep dive into the data. And I appreciate it because you were so clear and succinct. But you come from a functional nutrition background. And I'm aware that there are things one can do to I'll just use the term boost your immune system. I mean, it's a robust immune system that helps you fight infection, right? And this covid 19 virus, especially with underlying conditions, or if you're very old, it's a real deal. You want to optimize your immune system. So you have a fighting chance, right? What What thoughts can you share with our viewers about what they can do? Luke Yamaguchi 1:12:37 Yeah, great question. So this is kind of like the alternatives, right? So if you decide I'm not going to get the vaccine for whatever reason, well, what else am I going to have in my toolkit that can help me support my health and immune system overall. And I think in your last show, Bernadette mentioned that the frontline COVID-19, Critical Care Alliance had put out a protocol where they were recommending ivermectin Yeah. And I've also written a blog post about that, where I mentioned that as well. And, in addition, ivermectin, they also recommend a handful of nutrients or nutritional supplements in addition of that, and so as you mentioned before, and as even today, vitamin d3 is critically important, we see that people who are deficient in vitamin D, are more likely to have a poor outcome if they get COVID-19 and vice versa. So vitamin d3 is key. Also vitamin C, and zinc. Yep. And they also recommend quercetin, which as I understand is the zinc ion afford help sink get into the cell to help stop our replication inside the cell. And melatonin, which is something that I think that you've mentioned. So those five so vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc course it's in and melatonin are all things that you can think about considering. And in addition to that, I have one more that I want to mention. I've written a blog post on my website, which is got resolution calm, it's iodine. So and this is something that I haven't heard many people talk about, actually. Right. And so it's really interesting. So they've done laboratory test tube studies or laboratory studies. And they found that even at a low concentration, iodine will inactivate the SARS Coby to virus and as little as 15 seconds, you could probably just go and find an iodine mouthwash like a mouthwash that contains iodine. And if you feel like you have a little bit of a sore throat coming on, maybe you came into contact with someone who's COVID positive, and you want to like do something proactive. You could just kind of gargle this iodine, rinse for maybe 30 seconds and then spit it out. Dr. Paul 1:14:15 And then we use iodine to sterilize water right if you're camping and hiking. Exactly. Put some iodine tablets or drops. Yeah, yeah, it's it's a sanitizer. Yeah. And our bodies need a certain amount of iodine. How do you know how the safety profile looks for use of iodine Luke Yamaguchi 1:14:30 is really, really tricky with iodine. So yeah, iodine is an essential nutrient you need to need iodine, the recommended daily amount is is actually very small, right? I think it's like it's less than 200 micrograms per day. That's what's recommended to people. But so, you know, within my scope of practice, as a nutritionist, I don't really feel comfortable recommending people take more than the recommended tab or upper limit for things and some people recommend taking Like 25 milligrams a day, but if you have certain thyroid conditions, you really do need to be careful about the dosage. So it's the dosage of iodine. That's really, really important. Too much iodine can be harmful. Yeah, even if you did it as like a hand sanitizer, I heard that they used to use iodine hand sanitizers, but then they were getting too high iodine levels, and so they they cut that out. So yeah, dosage is very important with with iodine, I would say work with your trusted healthcare practitioner to determine what dose of iodine is right for you. But as far as like using iodine as a gargle or mouthrinse, or maybe even like a nasal spray, or nasal rinse, you know, you don't have to worry about that. As long as you're not making your own drops. And like, you know, doing it too much. So that's just one one little tip that I want to leave people with. Dr. Paul 1:15:39 That's wonderful. Well, this has just been amazing information. I'm thrilled you came on our show. Luke Yamaguchi 1:15:48 Thank you for having me. Dr. Paul 1:15:49 You've done an amazing job. That camera is your audience. If you have any parting words, feel free to address them. Luke Yamaguchi 1:15:56 Sure. Yeah. So if you'd like to follow any of my work regarding health related information, you go to my website, gut resolution, calm. And I also created a free online course on vaccines called the dark side of vaccines, the less publicized story of vaccine safety and efficacy before all of this COVID stuff happens. So you can go to my website Darkside vaccines.com, click on the Courses tab. And it's a free online course, it goes over the historical vaccine safety concerns of the past, which I think are good to know about as we move forward. And with this whole new vaccine rollout with the COVID situation because it's important to know this isn't our first time facing, I suppose that respiratory epidemic where we had a mass immunization campaign and in the past, it didn't work out so well. So it's good to know history. So I'll just yeah, if you want to follow my work, they can do it that way. That's awesome. Dr. Paul 1:16:39 Thank you so much. Really good to have you on the show. Thank you. Dr. Paul 1:16:49 Well, welcome to our in the news segment. Bernadette pager is the Public Policy Director of informed choice Washington, a nonprofit dedicated to scientific integrity and public health policy, medical freedom and informed consent. As a host of an informed life radio, she's interviewing doctors, scientists and attorneys and bring information about vaccine concerns and healthy immunity to the public. So we're honored here at against the wind and privileged to have her on our show as a regular guest and source of What's New in the news that perhaps you're missing. If all you're getting is mainstream news. Thanks for being on our show. Bernadette Pajer 1:17:25 You're welcome. Thank you for having me here. It's really an honor to be part of this new stage of your life. Dr. Paul, educating the world. Oh, Dr. Paul 1:17:33 thank you, Bernadette. I think what's missing sometimes in the news, we're hearing about the tragedies, right? The deaths and there are tragedies. And folks, if you've had a loss from COVID, or any other medical condition, or tragedy of any kind, our heart goes out to you. It's life is tough enough, right? Honestly, a lot of times, that's all you're getting is case counts, death counts, and you're not being given hope. It's just all you get is enough information to keep you scared. And what I'm finding is that the data on the problems with vaccines is being minimized. And you're not hearing that data. I have a doctor friend, very close friend who was getting ready to travel overseas. So he took the COVID vaccines, Pfizer's brand, twice after the second vaccine, he was so fatigued brain fog, muscle aches, he could not function for several days. Now being a physician, he felt that it was his duty to report this to theirs. And believe it or not, after hours of trying, he was unable to make his report, basically was getting error messages and being told that, you know, he couldn't make a report on himself. Which, that's not how there's supposed to work. We're gonna get the latest veirs data from you. I think you've looked at this Bernadette, what are you finding? Yeah, Bernadette Pajer 1:18:53 well, we're finding that there has been a lot reported. And in fact, I believe there's a New York Times article on how the surveillance system which was woefully inadequate to begin with has been completely overwhelmed. So it doesn't surprise me to hear that the doctor couldn't get through. There's so many reports being filed. And yet those reports do not represent all of the injuries because so many people are being told public health messaging is going out there saying, whatever you're feeling that's good. It's your immune system working. And for the first time in the history of vaccination. Second, doses are packing a bigger wallet. And again, everybody is being told, oh, that just means your immune system working. But I've got somebody working on an article now that looks at the immune reaction immediately following vaccination. And these responses you're getting are not to your immune system fighting infection. It's not a reaction to the antibodies that can't happen yet. That's later stage. you're reacting to the injection of the vaccine of the lipid nanoparticle. Have the part of it that your body considers to be a poison. And the fact that the second dose is escalating your response. That's very concerning. So the information bears is releasing is up to February 19. So they're due to release our new one very soon. There were 1095 deaths reported to vaers. Again, versus not causation, or you can't so you can't determine causation or even frequency. You just look for red flags and safety signals, right. 1095 2298 hospitalizations, and a total of 19,907 reports all together. Right. So yeah, this is very much Dr. Paul 1:20:43 a concern that's substantial. And folks, well, of course, this doesn't mean for sure it happened. But this is our best signal of post marketing surveillance, as they call it. And they've pulled vaccines for lesser amounts of side effects than this. Yes. Yeah. Far lesser. And it's very concerning. Everything is being whitewashed and excused. All right, immune reaction, and I've just had countless reports of people who've had terrible side effects, and they're not able to report them. Everybody just calls them a coincidence. Oh, it wasn't the vaccine, it was a coincidence. So we have a system that's really not doing its job, to get the truth out to you about what's actually happening for people who are being vaccinated. So, you know, if you've had a vaccine, and you're having new things happen in your body, it's probably not a coincidence. That's all I would tell you. There's a new vaccine that's come on the scene. Yeah, Johnson and Johnson. They they're very excited because I'm reading. I'm sorry, I have to laugh. But I'm reading that it's 100% effective at preventing serious illness and death. And tell me what your thoughts are, what's your reading? What are you seeing in the news about the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, Bernadette Pajer 1:21:59 I'm seeing numbers all over the place, it depends on where you look who's doing the reporting, where they're pulling the numbers from? It's really kind of crazy. I think, on average, I'm seeing 66% effective against preventing moderate to severe COVID-19. Um, but I heard that in, like the trials, and I'm in the United States, the the span was from negative efficacy, meaning it increased your risk of COVID-19 to some positive depending on the group and the situation. So Johnson and Johnson claimed that there were no fetal DNA fragments in their product. And yet you actually go look at the information that they have to give to people perspective, you know, the ingredients, and it shows their flat line saying that it's not in the vaccine, it appears very much to be in the vaccine, which is a moral concern. It's that it's a scientific medical concern, because it's it's human fragments. And Dr. Teresa deicers, work shows that there is the potential for auto immune reactions and different things. We don't know about this particular ad, no virus vector, but other ones in the past us increased, at least in men the risk of acquiring HIV. And it they believe that it was because of people who already had antibodies to that strain of add no virus. So what about people who already have antibodies to the Edna virus strain being used in the COVID vaccine, Dr. Paul 1:23:30 right? Bernadette Pajer 1:23:31 There's just so much unknown, so much unknown. You can't tell this in 60 days, and just a, you know, a relatively small group of writebol. One of the final concerns is that there was an adverse reaction in the clinical trial that shut down the trial for a while Dr. Paul 1:23:45 they paused remember reading about that. Bernadette Pajer 1:23:46 And when all the information was brought to the tip, they were asked five times to reveal what that adverse reaction was, and they refused. Dr. Paul 1:23:57 One of the things you're not hearing on the mainstream media is natural ways of boosting your immune system. It's almost like this is forbidden to talk about. And, you know, I'm fearless about COVID. Frankly, I, you know, I just have no reason to fear. And part of that is I know what to do to boost my immune system so that I can fend off this virus. And if I happen to get it, there's steps I can take actually to recover pretty quickly without this fear of ending up in the hospital or dying. What's the latest that you're learning about? approaches that people can take? Yeah, Bernadette Pajer 1:24:33 well, you know, it's the same old thing. Everything old is new again, we just have to keep repeating to listeners, vitamin d3 plus K to a whole range of nutrients are available, and you've talked about them before. In fact, you wrote a book, and I think that might be a good source. Do you happen to have a copy of that somewhere? I don't have my copy. Dr. Paul 1:24:53 Well, I do. Oh, yeah. Okay. COVID-19 life saving strategies. The news media will never tell you you In that book I talk a lot about vitamin D is probably the number one most important nutrient. And it's, you know, at relatively high levels, it's completely harmless. And so check with your trusted health care provider who understands vitamin D. Most doctors MDS do not they, they they think you're okay at very low levels. And what you want is an optimal level. So, get get first on this, it's really important. It's so easy to do. The K two is important as well. So d3 with K two, and a lot of other nutrients are covered in that. Now, I think you have some more information we've touched on ivermectin in the past what's what's the new information? Bernadette Pajer 1:25:36 Well, study after study around the world, keeps showing how strong and effective ivermectin is for preventing infection. The data just shows that gets introduced into a community and the numbers plummet, the the case numbers, the hospitalization and the fatality numbers just plummet. It's really amazing. And the COVID-19 critical care group, the FL CCC, they're called, they've got all the data on their website. They are fantastic. So I want to get a lot of time here. You can go explore the science. But Dr. Paul just like you, they those doctors and the science is under attack. It's really it's really amazing the parallels what we're seeing that there have been studies put out there trying to say that ivermectin doesn't work in the face of all this other strength, you know, and this is your frontline doctors, right? The frontline critical care care. Let's see, there's two groups of doctors that have frontline in their name. And these are the ones that and they're both fantastic. This particular group is made up of Dr. Peter Corey, Dr. Paul Merrick. They were the ones that came up with the treatment for sepsis years ago with IV vitamin C. Dr. Paul 1:26:55 Yeah, these are not anti Vax doctors. No, not at all. We have mainstream doctors coming together across this country with solutions to COVID. I mean, ways to actually recover without ever needing to end up in the hospital. But even if you do end up in the hospital, I mean, these are critical care doctors who know how to take care of you so that you can survive this infection if you happen to be unfortunate enough to get a serious one. Yeah, you need to look these folks up, we'll put a link at the bottom of this show so that you can have access to these folks. It's it's absolutely imperative that you understand it does matter where you get your information. So that's one of the real big reasons you need to subscribe to against the wind, doctors and science under fire. And, you know, if you're hearing new information, and you're skeptical, do your research, absolutely. Do your research, because you might be amazed at what you find. Yes, Bernadette Pajer 1:27:50 exactly. Well said. Dr. Paul 1:27:52 So, do you have any final words in closing Bernadette? Bernadette Pajer 1:27:56 just you know, I guess I would say, trust yourself. Trust your common sense and your gut instinct, and trust your immune system. Trust nature, Dr. Paul 1:28:08 you should absolutely take your life and your immune system into your own hands. And we'll see you outside without a mask having a really find wonderful free life. I love it. Bernadette Pajer 1:28:21 Amen to that. Dr. Paul 1:28:23 Thanks, Bernadette. Thanks, Dr. Paul, always appreciate having you on this show. And we'll look forward to your next report. Bernadette Pajer 1:28:29 Sounds good. Dr. Paul 1:28:30 Bye. Bye. Bye. Dr. Paul 1:28:37 Bye, folks. Wasn't that an amazing show? I'm telling you, it just keeps getting better and better here at against the wind doctors in science under fire. Thank you, Bose for that amazing summary of what's going on with COVID-19 and Karen Kane, sharing your heart Oh my goodness, what a powerful story. And you just bless us all with your willingness to share your journey. Luke Yamaguchi, man, you're the man coming through with just such a clear headed approach to what we have on our hands with COVID-19 the incidence and various age groups, and then what's going on pros and cons informed consent with regards to the vaccine, and some tips on what you can do to minimize your chances of having severe COVID. So share this with your friends. You're not gonna want to miss anybody you care about watching this episode. And Bernadette, of course, bringing us the latest in the news. It's such an important piece to all of this, I want to let you know this is the last month we're going to have our members only site available at $1.99 a month. So for less than a cup of coffee, you can get a ton of free things from being a member and supporting this show. Thank you for supporting this show. I'll just let you know I'm giving away two of my free books. As for you becoming a member everyday health is what I think we should all be doing to have robust healthy lives. You're also going to get the complete references, abstracts and articles from my vaccine friendly plan book. This is an E book that's quite extensive. So you can go and read the original research that backed up that plan and those recommendations, I'm going to do exclusive monthly q&a. That will be posted on our website. But you can get me live, it'll likely be right around the time of our show on every Tuesday, but we'll get that detailed to you specifically. And we're going to create monthly transcripts of all of our shows. And you're also going to have a whole lot of references that we're just going to pour in there. I'm going to also add for you another free bonus that I don't know where you would get this, but I have this incessant desire to read the literature. It's something I start my day with every day, I will after I do a little bit of my own meditation and important reading to for my spirit. But I do get into the literature and I'm going to start providing video clips of my thoughts with the actual article up there for you weekly for sure if I can get to it. I'll try to do it as often as several times a week. So you'll have the latest literature that's being published, assessed by yours truly, Dr. Pol, all in this membership, that will be 499. But for the rest of March, it is $1.99 Dr. Paul 1:31:25 Thanks for watching. I pledged you to bring to you honest and vital content that's gonna help you first do no harm to yourself or to your children. help me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors in science comm this is gonna be a show every other week. And as soon as we get adequate funding, we're going to bring this to you weekly. We stand together for medical freedom and informed consent, only you should decide what's injected into your body. So I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website, doctors in science comm sign up, donate if you can. Let's make this the weekly show the nation's been waiting for it. I'm Dr. Paul. Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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