PDF:Text:Dr. Paul 0:00
Dr. Paul, welcome to show 24 I interviewed Dr. David Brownstein. He's one of my heroes. He's one of the pioneers in treating COVID-19. From the beginning, this man's out in the snow in the winter of Michigan, doing treatments in people's cars, and he's going to do it again this year. But we discussed some very important science. He is one of the leading voices in the importance of understanding absolute risk versus relative risks, something that's misused in science all the time, and specifically has been misused for COVID. His new book is holistic approach to viruses. So we talk about some of the things you can do to fortify your immune system when you're fighting a viral infection. And we talk about the various therapies that he's promoting and having great success with, along with the FDA recommendations about COVID-19 shots for children. I next interview, Dr. Brian Hooker, one of my heroes, you may know him from the movie Vaxxed. He is a professor in California who also has a vaccine injured son, who's now in his early 20s. And we talk about the vaccine and vac science, and then everything that he went through trying to get the truth trying to get the data from the CDC, we close out with Bernadette for in the news, we talk about the recent hcip recommendations for COVID Vaccines for Children. And she brings you some novel information or at least important information about nitrous oxide. Enjoy the show. Dr. Pol here with from the heart. This month, the CDC, the Center for Disease Control. They're a CIP committee. This is the committee that makes recommendations about vaccines met and unanimously recommended that children five to 11 should get the COVID-19 vaccine. A lot of scientists around the world are up in arms about this recommendation. And I want to explain to you why I feel children and young people should not, I repeat should not get the COVID-19 vaccines. If you look at the science and you look at the data, here's what you find. Children have mild or no symptoms at all with COVID-19. In fact, in my practice of 10,000 children, we have not had a single one to my knowledge who has gone to the emergency room, or been hospitalized in the entire pandemic. That's without vaccination. The risk of death from COVID 19 is basically zero in children. It's something like point 000 2%. It's effectively one in a million and I've actually seen other analyses point out that it might be closer to one and a billion. It really is no more dangerous than the common cold, or a typical flu. adverse events from COVID-19. Vaccines are through the roof. You've all by now heard of myocarditis, or pericarditis. This is inflammation of the heart, or around the heart. It's been published in peer reviewed science data now that teenage boys are at significantly increased risk of this complication. We're talking permanent, lifelong heart problems and possible death. In fact, they publish that boys of the teenage years are at four to six times the risk of hospitalization than they would be from getting COVID illness itself. In fact, remember, I mentioned not a single patient out of 10,000 being hospitalized. Well, there was one exception, a teenage boy in my practice, got the vaccine at a pharmacy and was hospitalized for several days from myocarditis, his heart will never be the same. Another thing that you just by definition have to understand is that there is no long term safety data. This is an experimental shot. It is a genetic modifying procedure that tricks your body through mRNA being transcribed, and making the protein the spike protein that's actually the toxin if you will, turns your body into a manufacturing facility for spike protein. Now the hope is you'll make antibodies and indeed short term you can document that there's increased antibodies. And this is what the Paul office of the ACI P committee were touting is see it works. We get increased antibodies, what they weren't telling the world was the full story that those antibodies are not long lasting. In fact, you're lucky if you've got protection by six, seven months out. That's should be compared to what happens with natural infection, which gives you probably lifelong robust immune protection. So you decide for Your child, you've got an illness that's harmless, you've got an illness that builds natural immunity that probably will last for life and cover the other variants that are coming around or get a vaccine, if you want to call it that, that can absolutely kill your child caused permanent heart damage. And the untold long term problems with auto immunity will just start unfolding over the years to come. Children are just simply safer with natural immunity period. So parents, it is time to step up and be the protector of your children take the role that you were given in their lives. We don't let our children go play in the streets in the red light district where the drug dealers are dealing on the street corners. No, we protect, we don't let our kids go to parties where we know drinking and drugging is going on. Or at a very young age, they're going to be sexually active or put at risk for that we step in and we protect, there's never been a more important time as a parent, for you to step in, and do what you need to do to protect your children and allow their natural immunity to do what it's supposed to do and what it will do. When they get exposed to COVID. We should have from the beginning. Let our kids go to school without masks without social distancing. And they would have provided the herd immunity they would have protected those who are at higher risk. This is time to say no to a profit driven agenda. That is all risk and no benefit. I'm Dr. Paul. And that's what I have to say from the depths of my heart. Do the right thing. Welcome to against the wind doctors in science under fire. Dr. David Brownstein. What a pleasure to have you on the show. David Brownstein, MD 6:58 Oh, I'm so happy to be here, Dr. Paul. Dr. Paul 7:00 So you have written 16 books. You are a holistic medicine doctor for three decades, and you've lectured internationally. I know you're doing amazing work with COVID, which is an area that people just don't want to talk about. I am excited to ask you a few important questions. I don't think most people are really aware of this issue of relative versus absolute risk. Can you try to simplify that for folks so that they can grasp the science? David Brownstein, MD 7:32 You know, Paul, I was a conventionally trained doctor back in the day, didn't go to med school to be a holistic doctor. And I just went to med school to sort of be like my family doctor to model myself after him. And I started practicing conventional medicine and bought into everything I was taught. I didn't deviate one iota. And I at that time in my life, I never took a vitamin I never questioned anything. You know, I was raised in a household, we went to the doctor when we were sick, and we took whatever they told us to take, and we didn't second guess anything. And so, you know, my turning point is this will preface sort of that, that what you just asked me, my turning point came about six months into practicing conventional medicine, when my father was really sick with heart disease, and he had his first heart attack at 40 a second heart attack at 42. And over the next 20 years or so, multiple angioplasties and two bypass surgeries and he was on 12 different medications at that point in my career. I just finished my residency it was in private practice practicing what I was taught in medical school, conventional medicine, nothing different. And my dad had suffered from congenital angina for 25 years. And he was popping nitroglycerin pills like there were little candies every day. He looks bad. He, you know, wasn't the best patient either. My dad was overweight, he smoked. He could eat like the best of them. But I was waiting for the phone call that he had died any moment we all were the whole family is waiting for the moment that he was dying. He looked terrible. So the short version of the story as a medic chiropractor who gave me a book, dealing with nutrition by Dr. Jonathan Wright, an allopathic physician, and Dr. Wright wrote that heart disease is not a not caused by high cholesterol. It's not caused by a deficiency of cholesterol lowering medications. It's caused from diet and lifestyle changes and hormonal imbalances. And so I took that book home when I got it and I read the chapter on heart disease and I called my dad in the office next day and I ordered two blood tests on him. I ordered his thyroid levels and his testosterone levels based on what I read in that book. And his thyroid levels came back in the reference range, but in the lower part, his testosterone levels were undetectable they were less than whatever the lower limit was from the lab. And from what I read in the book, I am those levels and I did a little more research I put my head on to things off about natural thyroid hormone and natural testosterone. And within seven days is 2520 plus year history of continuous angina went away, never to return, he never popped another nitrile bill. Wow, within 30 days, his cholesterol on the three hundreds fell below 200 without changing any of his bad habits, and and he started to lose weight on his own without exercising, you know, my dad was great at never exercising. And he looked better and acted better His face became pink again instead of gray. And he lived out the next nine years without angina. Without you know, we still had health problems. But way better lifestyle. Once I saw the changes in my dad, I knew that's what I want to do medicine. So here my dad was on all these medications, including cholesterol lowering medications, and I put him on to things that I wasn't really taught was related to cholesterol, even though they are you know, thyroid hormone, and testosterone, and cholesterol in the three hundreds falls below 200 without changing anything else that he's doing. And he looked better and acted better. So I started to delve into the research, How can everyone be told their cholesterol is high and cholesterol medications? And, and, you know, didn't work for my dad. So, you know, I, I started to get some cognitive dissonance in my practice of medicine, you know, how can I prescribe these drugs, and I'm now questioning whether they're working. And I started doing some research into everything I was taught in med school at that point, every drug I was prescribing every vaccine, I was prescribing. And anything related to you know, what I was writing for my patients. And when I looked at the numbers, I thought, well, how can high cholesterol be, you know, these numbers are 70 80% associated with heart attacks and strokes. And, you know, of course, they need to be on the medication to lower their cholesterol below 200. And yet, look what happened to my dad. So I just before statin drugs, he was on the pre statin medications. So I, you know, started practicing holistic medicine, every patient got a hormonal workup and a thyroid workup. And I was using natural therapies, natural hormones and vitamins and minerals and, you know, learning things and I was happy and I was, you know, medicine, I wasn't happy before that I was really thinking I wasn't doing the right thing for my patients, prescribing all these drugs, right, I became happy. And I really have enjoyed medicine, for close to three decades of doing this. It's been a joy, I have to Dr. Paul 12:30 pause right there and just point something out. You figure this out 2030 years ago, and you went from being disillusioned with what you were seeing in your career to being happy and excited because you're actually helping patients, which is what we all wanted to do for my peers out there. Our peers, I went through the same thing not quite as long ago. But once I discovered this whole new world. It's exciting. Alright, go on, I just had to point that out. David Brownstein, MD 12:59 Relative risk means you just you're just you're just comparing two population. So it's 2% in the in the treatment group and 3% in the control group people 2% over 3%, you get 66%. So you subtract one from that number, and that leaves 34%. I rounded the numbers a little bit. So they get the number. The 36% is a relative risk difference between the two groups. And it's a it is a true number. It's 36% relative risk difference. But what the hell does that mean? The FDA has stated that relative risk numbers should not be used for vaccine research that we should use absolute risk difference. New England Journal Medicine says the same thing for the drug studies for when deciding whether to use a drug or therapy. Relative risk numbers are useless. You should be using absolute risk numbers, right? Though the absolute risk difference between the study of Lipitor was 3% minus 2%. You just subtract them it's a 1% difference. That's the absolute difference 1% between those who got statin drugs, or Lipitor and those who didn't get the Petunia 3.3 year study. So really, what if the patient in front of me, I should tell them that when they asked me should I take Lipitor to prevent getting a heart attack? What I should have told them back in the day was? Well, you can do that. And after 3.3 years, you have 1% less chance of getting a non fatal stroke or heart attack. If you take that drug, right. Another way to interpret that number is you have a 99% chance there's not going to help you. So you know, that's a little different than 36%. So when I did that study the elephant in the room when I was trying the same parallel COVID vaccines, the numbers are the same. The Pfizer vaccine. In the initial studies they released in December of 2019. No 20 Right. There was 2020 showed a point 8% absolute risk difference yet the headlines were all 95% reduction in COVID-19. If you take that Pfizer vaccine from the initial state All right, no, the 90. So what does 95% mean? It's a relative risk number, it's a comparison between the two groups. That's it, using tiny numbers, it does not mean that you have a 95% less chance of getting COVID-19. If you take that vaccine, it does not mean that 5% of the people are going to get, you know, be at risk and 95% won't be at risk, doesn't mean you can't transmit. It doesn't mean you can't get it. It's a it's a useless number for talking clinically. And what do we want to do with this, right, and you figure out the absolute risk numbers, it's point 8%. So that means it's a 99.2% failure rate, or a 40% benefit rate from taking the drug. Dr. Paul 15:40 We know now with COVID, that it's the innate immune system, the T cell are not the antibody part of the immune system. That is what's keeping kids safe. And that's why kids do so well. David Brownstein, MD 15:52 And that's why he got gamma globulin, anemic patients do well to right over from the illness for the same reason. It's been known since 19, in the 1950s, that that hypothesis of checking antibody levels is false yet, yep. Checking the antibody levels. We're spending all this money where or just just so Dr. Paul 16:10 so let's pivot to another question. I wanted to ask you while we're here. There are studies showing that natural immunity to COVID-19 is robust and probably superior to vaccines. Would you agree and why David Brownstein, MD 16:23 would I agree? Yes. Why? Because I have a thinking brain. That's why and I went to medical school and I, you know, this topic should be the sky is blue. This topic should be water is wet. You know, that's that's the way it is. We've known I don't know, for hundreds of years, hundreds, maybe 1000s of years that, you know, you get certain illnesses, you have lifelong immune to that illness. And we've noticed for measles we've known for chickenpox we we've known for, you know, other illnesses as well. And so why wouldn't you expect natural immunity to give you a lifelong immunity, and a more robust immunity than a vaccine, since there's not a vaccinated illness that has ever been shown that the vaccine is better than natural immunity? Ever? There's not one out there right now. So why should this be any difference? Dr. Paul 17:14 Oh, this is why I'm so horrified that they're about to give this vaccine to young children, half of whom are probably already immune. It's putting them at greater risk. It's just horrifying. You just talked about something I think you just published a new book, did you not about the nutritional and oxidative therapies, treatment. David Brownstein, MD 17:34 So during COVID, I wrote a peer reviewed paper about our first 107 patients. And then I published a book called a holistic approach to viruses. And, you know, I wrote about our success and why I was using these particular therapies, which was high dose vitamin A, C, D, and iodine orally, then using nebulized, hydrogen peroxide and iodine. And I've used the same therapy for 25 years for people with viral and bacterial illnesses and lung problems and COPD, and lung cancer, and you know, whatever. And it's a safe, effective protocol and people are sick. And then if they need a little more therapy, or a little more help, we gave them IVs of vitamin C and hydrogen peroxide and ozone chats and meeting with the staff. And the first question came to me at that time, we closed in the office. I said, holes in the office, why would we close the office, I said, patients are going to need us more than ever. I said we have a therapy actually, we could do a nice swing to him every flu season, we do this same therapy I just outlined to you. And I said our patients get better from flu and influenza like illnesses. And we've done it for adults, we've done it for kids, we dose down for kids. And our patients don't get hospitalized. Our patients don't die at anywhere near the rates every flu season. You know, I'm sure that 20 to 100,000 Americans die every year from flu and flu like illness, as it's reported, leads to this, you know, CDC reports and numbers every year, you know, 20 to 100,000 people, let's just take the meeting of that 60,000 a year. I've been practicing close to 30 years. That's a lot of people. It's 1.8 million. And I got two other partners. Now we got five practitioners, you know, we're all these hospitalizations and death is occurring in our practice, we should be seeing them. And none of us can recall a patient dying from flu or flu like illness. None of us recall patients hospitalized from flu and flu like illnesses over the years. I'm sure maybe I'm sure it's happened, but I don't know. I can't recall what. Dr. Paul 19:38 Yeah, well. So you have a simple therapeutic approach that people can actually access from the local health food store. David Brownstein, MD 19:47 They can do it at home, the majority of it at home the only thing they can do at home or the IVs. Right. They can do it at home and early treatment with any flu and flu like illness is always better than later treatment. Yeah, and why wouldn't COVID be any different from there? Dr. Paul 20:03 No. And you've proven that it's not you've had amazing success. Where can people get your book or get this information? David Brownstein, MD 20:10 So the books on my website, Dr. brownstein.com, Dr. Brownstein Bureau, WNS, t.com. It's all spelled out in there. Dr. Paul 20:17 So I imagine your staff, they're just all in hazmat suits and making sure that they're safe. David Brownstein, MD 20:22 Well, you know, we didn't let COVID patient we didn't get sick patients in the office. So we were wearing hazmat suits in the office. When we went out to the parking lot we did. And we started doing the therapy. And look, I was as scared as anyone at the beginning. I didn't sleep that first week to 10 days. I literally, I recall a couple of those nights because I had to work the next day around 3am. You know, I was just nervous. Yeah, we didn't know what we were dealing with. I was nervous, I was worried about getting sick myself at first, really, within seven days of starting that whole thing. We got our mojo, we got our momentum, and, you know, the anxiety went down. And, you know, we were still worried about getting sick. But I mean, we had a therapy that could work. And look, I'm not a good patient for this. I have no immunoglobulin A which 1% of the population has, so I could, I used to get viral infections all the time, I was in the wrong profession. Once I wanted the wrong profession for too heavy, no immunoglobulin A, because I don't have any mucosal immunity. So I get all these viruses all the time. And that was until I cleaned up my diet and got sugar out of my diet, got dairy out of my diet, and took iodine and that then I became normal, I get a call once a year, maybe instead of, you know, every month that I was getting out, you know, as a physician, so I have no IgA, I have a 65 degree scoliotic curve with lung involvement. So I got I only got half a lung on one side. And I have severe asthma. I'm not the best one to get this. I was as scared as anyone out there. Yeah. You know, I ended up I did end up getting COVID 18 months Dr. Paul 21:55 of doing this, you guys are all you all have natural immunity now? Are you handling it the same way? Do you still go out to the cars? How are you going to handle this next winter? David Brownstein, MD 22:04 We have not done anything different. I get there's one thing different wherever people do Epsom salt baths. The only thing I would add to my book is taking Epsom salt baths when you're sick. Dr. Paul 22:13 That's amazing. Well, thank you for your work. Thank you for sharing this information with the world. Folks, this is treatable, and largely you can prevent or significantly reduced the severity of your course of COVID by following Dr. Brown's DNS, simple suggestions, your closing remarks for the viewers, what do you suggest people do? David Brownstein, MD 22:36 Well, I mean, number one, let's drop the fear level down. I mean, you know, look, the brown skin protocols being done out there. But most people aren't doing anything. I mean, most doctors to call the doctor at home, stay home to camp or even go to the emergency room. And what the hell kind of advice is that? Over 99% of people who get COVID are never hospitalized. You know, only a small percent, I think it's it's point 3% die from COVID. Very similar to flu numbers. I mean, it's the same death rate as flu. And, you know, and now, doctors are better conventional doctors are better. We're all better at treating this because we've had experience with it. So, you know, do your research plan ahead, have whatever therapy you're going to do. Ready for yourself. I mean, look, if if you've read about ivermectin, there there's there's a couple dozen ivermectin studies that are pretty good studies out there for helping sick people helping maybe prevent this illness, as well as helping sick people get better from the illness. Now, these holistic things work. I mean, you know, I just think that you need to do your research, you need to become educated, you need to take your healthcare into your own hands, the vaccine is flight is failing, it's failing, this delta strain is going to fail. The strains that come after Delta, probably the main thing is dropped the fear level down. And this is a treatable illness once you have it. Dr. Paul 24:00 And their advice for parents, because this vaccine looks like it's going to be coming at them with their five to 11 year olds, what would you tell them? David Brownstein, MD 24:06 But you know, look, if there's any group that we need to be less fearful for this vaccine, it's kids, the flu kills more per capita, and then COVID. So we haven't been that fearful of the flu over these years, even though some kids die from the flu. So I think we need to bring the fear level down, and then we can make more rational decisions instead of you know, acting on fear. Dr. Paul 24:23 Thank you Dr. Brownstein. I love your parting message of no fear. This is not a vaccine. Sorry, this is not a virus, we need to fear any longer. You've got a protocol that's simple, it's available. You can get it yourself if you're watching this, remind our viewers one more time where they can get your protocol. David Brownstein, MD 24:42 So go to my website, Dr. brownstein.com. The best thing is we need to educate ourselves and work with a holistic doctor. If your doctor is not on board with what you're thinking and what you want to do, then find one that is and there's enough of us out there and That's what's gonna change things when we start to, you know, demanding we want, we want a different health care because current healthcare we're getting isn't working. You know, it's, there's no, that's not a question at the end of that it's just not working we spent 20, almost 20% of our GDP on health care and we finished last, or next to last, every single health indicator, compared to every Western country out there. It's a absolute disaster. What's happened here? Dr. Paul 25:25 Yeah, diagnose and treat. And using exclusive pharmaceutical treatments is just not working folks. So you can find this type of doctor by typing in holistic, functional, integrative, that's where you may find the type of doctor who's going to treat you from a symptom base root cause and really focus on wellness and health. David Brownstein, MD 25:45 Absolutely. And just you know, it sometimes it takes some some elbow grease and some legwork to do it. But if you find the right person who can work with you, I think it's worth it in the long run. Dr. Paul 25:56 Well, thank you Dr. Brownstein. It was really a pleasure having you on this show. Let's talk again soon. David Brownstein, MD 26:03 Thanks, Dr. Thomas. I appreciate it. Dr. Paul 26:11 Welcome to against the wind boxes and science under fire. It is a privilege to introduce to you a hero of mine, Brian Hooker, this man has stood toe to toe with the authorities who kind of safe keep all the data that they don't want us to have. And if you haven't heard of Brian Hooker, you at least need to watch the movie Vax. He was really instrumental in getting us information that was being hidden. And actually I want to the other thing about you, I mean, you're a professor at the college level, you're a scientist, you're a researcher, you're an author, you've written many significant studies that are, you know, really, really, really important for our world to get a grasp of what's going on with vaccines so that you compare vaccinated unvaccinated and I know you and Neil Miller have done a lot in that area. But I wanted to, because of just who you are, and and you're so uniquely positioned to tell the world your story. I mean, first of all, if you wouldn't mind, I know this is hard to talk about, but you have a son who is vaccine injured. I mean, you're one of the real vaccine injury at the level that you've had to live with. I think I've heard it described as being at ground zero. And the problem is, you're always at ground zero. This is 24/7. Tell me just briefly, that story of what happened to your son, Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E. 27:41 approaching his 15 months of vaccines, he had an activator infection. And we knew that because the same day he was vaccinated, he had an appointment with the ear, nose, throat doctor. But he received that day with his ear infection, the HIV vaccine, mufflers, influenza B, the D tap vaccine, and the oral polio live virus vaccine, all at the same time. After a period of time, he spiked a fever 102 103. And then neurologically what happened over the past three months was a meltdown. Up to that point, he had about 10 words he had started talking. He was walking, he had progressed, he was very interactive. And then all of a sudden, all that left, all of that left of the interactions of the language. And he was in his own little world. He didn't acknowledge my wife or I, if we came into the room, he was much more interested in preserving preservation in terms of his activities, you know, scooting on the carpet with his head down on the carpet, so he could feel the texture of the carpet, not looking at us. We pick him up, he would hang limp. And then add over that period of time, at 18 months of age, he was diagnosed with full blown autism. Dr. Paul 29:09 Wow. And I believe he still struggles quite a bit, doesn't he? Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E. 29:15 He does. He does to this day. He has no language. We've we've talked with him. He's got utterances sort of grunts and groans, he can tell us his needs by pointing. And we're having now a lot of success with a modality called spelling to communicate where uses a spelling board to point to the letters, and he can actually spell out words with that. And we're very, very excited about that. But in terms of medically, it has been ground zero of a nuclear explosion every day, all the way through 23 years. Dr. Paul 29:52 I don't know how you do it. I just don't know how you do it, but you do on top of taking care of your son and your family. You one of the reasons you're such a hero of mine is you pursued information. until ultimately, William Thompson reached out to you can can you share that story? Because I think it's so important for people to hear. Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E. 30:17 Absolutely. I started to engage the CDC in 2001. And that was when they were doing seminal research on the connection between the Marisol the mercury containing preservative and autism. And I really, really focused on that at the very, very beginning, it just seemed so obvious that you do not put mercury in a developing child. You do not do that. It's you know, it's like a like a big Captain Obvious moment. But it seemed like everything that was tumbling out of the CDC was saying that there was no harm. You know, at first they said there was well, there might be some level of harm. Well, you know, to Marisol might be connected with neurodevelopmental disabilities. But with each iteration, they would come out with one paper a next paper that with dubious statistics, that would absolve the Marisol from the autism epidemic. And it seemed like they were hell bent on indemnifying the Marisol at all costs. So I started calling them up. And I called up a public liaison for the CDC. And she connected me back in 2003, with one Dr. William Thompson. And so we had started having phone conversations. And it was it became very evident that whenever I was on the phone with Bill Thompson, his job was to get me off the phone. He'd say anything and everything possible in order to counter my arguments. I knew I was absolutely correct. And so I was dogged, and pursued him via email and phone over 2003. In 2004, Intel, I received a cease and desist letter from a CDC attorney in 2004. Her name was Deborah tress, and she said that I could no longer contact the CDC directly via individuals in the CDC via phone or via email, because I was participating in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and thereby suing the CDC. Well, nothing could be more preposterous than that I wasn't suing the CDC. That's a no fault program. So I gave the letter to my attorney. He laughed. And he said, he sent back a letter that said, Brian Hooker, as a public citizen, can reach out and contact any individual in the CDC that he wants to at any point in time. That's his right as, as a citizen or resident of the United States. And she emailed back and she said, Yeah, that's true, but we just won't return his calls or emails. So my only recourse was the Freedom of Information Act. So I started submitting FOIA requests to get to the bottom of the epidemic of neurological disabilities and children. Now both because of the Marisol containing vaccines, the vaccine schedule and also the measles, mumps rubella vaccine, and over the period of time between 2004 until 2013. The maximum you can submit is one FOIA requests per month. So I just didn't miss a month. I just submitted FOIA requests after FOIA requests after FOIA requests. And then information started to tumble back, I accumulated about a quarter of a million pages worth of documents and information. And then on November in November 2013, I don't remember the exact day. Then all of a sudden, I received a phone call from one Dr. William Thompson. And that's so that's how it all started. Dr. Paul 33:56 Wow. So and the details of that phone call are well presented in the movie Vax. So folks, you you should watch that movie, but just in a couple few sentences. What did he say to you? Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E. 34:11 He said to me on these phone conversation that I was correct, that the CDC had colluded to commit fraud, not my word, his word fraud in order to cover up the link between vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders. Neurological disorders like tips, he saw a strong strong relationship between the Marisol exposure in tics especially in boys and boys seem to bear the brunt of the neurological disorders. It can including the autism epidemic. And then he also intimated the details where they saw a strong relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism in African Americans and especially African American boys. Dr. Paul 35:02 Yeah. Wow. So folks, this is one of my heroes. And here's why. Not only was his child injured, not only was he shunned by the CDC, he kept after them for decades, like over a decade, Brian, I don't know how you do it. I don't know how you did it, and you continue to work on behalf of humanity. This is the thing, your son's injured, you're trying to pick up the pieces of what you're having to deal with. You are doing this and not for money. You don't get paid when you file FOIA request, do you? Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E. 35:38 No, no, no, actually, it's quite the opposite. Dr. Paul 35:41 What was the most startling thing that you found? In those documents? Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E. 35:48 The most startling thing was actually involved a researcher from Denmark, who received over $10 million from the CDC in order to indemnify vaccines against the epidemic of autism and neurodevelopmental disabilities, not only in the United States, but also in Denmark, where he was from, Dr. Paul 36:10 you found some information about autism and a link to I believe it was the MMR in their data, is that not right? Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E. 36:18 That is correct. So Thompson helped me get data from the CDC. And I reanalyzed the data. And what I saw, was it African American males that receive the MMR vaccine on time, were three and a half times more likely to be diagnosed with autism than those that received the MMR vaccine after three years of age. Thompson found that in 2001, and if they would have come forward and reported that transparently, they would have saved over 200,000 cases of autism in African American males diagnosed between 2001 and 2014. Dr. Paul 37:01 Wow, that's just horrendous. And, you know, if you're seeing that signal in one pocket, one segment of the population of children, that doesn't mean that everybody else is scot free. I mean, autism is just a level of severity. But those of us who work with this population are fairly certain that it's a spectrum. And so while your son is on the more severe and there are other children who may only present with learning disabilities, or add ADHD, but they still also may have been affected. Let's fast forward to your most current research, because I think this is another reason I just admire you. So the biggest challenge we've had, we've all been calling those of us who care about children and their health and what's causing that chronic disease epidemic that we're seeing in the United States and the highly VOCs vaccinated populations is we are all calling for the vaccine vaccine studies. And the CDC won't do them. The NIH won't do them. The public health plans that are sitting on Massive Datasets won't do them. All they'd have to do is go in and query age match the unvaccinated a VAX a vaccinated kid of the same age and see all health outcomes and see what you find. You and Neil Miller have actually done this twice in the last couple years. What tell us about those two studies and what you found. We published Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E. 38:21 two papers. The first one is in sage open medicine. It was published in May 2020. And then the second one is in the Journal of translational science in June 2021. Each one of them involve three pediatric practices, three different for to the two papers, pediatric practices where we had medical data to go through and we had completely unvaccinated populations and completely vaccinated populations that we did comparisons together. These data exists, there are large pockets of unvaccinated individuals. We saw in the first study that 30% of about 2000 were completely unvaccinated. And in the second study, around 60% of 1500 individuals were completely unvaccinated and to cut to the chase, they were healthier. We saw much less ear infections. We saw much less diagnosis of delt developmental disabilities, asthma, gastrointestinal issues, autism, ATD, ADHD. Allergies are severe enough that they have to carry around an epi pen. And it wasn't a slight effect. It was a strong, strong statistically significant effect. In asthma. Alone, we were seeing results that showed that the vaccinated children had a 13 times more likely a diagnosis of asthma than those that were completely unvaccinated in ear infections, chronic ear infections. 27 times more times, not percent times more likely ear infections in the vaccinated versus young vaccinated. And the healthiest children that we saw in the cohort. Were the unvaccinated breastfed children. In the unvaccinated that were born with a normal vaginal delivery. It was a real wake up call for me. You know, I've been doing this for 20 years, but again, unimaginable the results that I saw how healthy these children are. Dr. Paul 40:31 Yeah. Now your data was so powerful. So I'm gonna have to ask this question, because we both get hit with this all the time when we present data that suggests that vaccines might be linked with worse health outcomes. And people will say, Yeah, well, Paul, Hey, Brian, you know, causation doesn't mean Association doesn't mean causation. What do you say to those people? Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E. 40:55 I point them to the open literature that shows the biological mechanisms that make these things feasible. That shows how a when a child is vaccinated in the modulation of the immune system due to vaccination can cause autoimmunity, which is linked to disorders like asthma, which is linked disorders to disorders like gastrointestinal issues, which is linked autoimmunity is linked to autism and add ADHD, and how important it is in these especially in these neurological disorders to preserve the gut. And so that's one of the reasons why we'll get gastrointestinal disorders. So the mechanistic data showing how it is possible to happen when you have a biological mechanism. And you have a strong statistical correlation. That's where you where you lower the threshold, and you get to causation. I firmly believe that these correlations do have the underlying science in order to affirm causation in each one of the cases. Dr. Paul 41:59 Yeah, no, I would agree we. And in addition to those two factors, you mentioned, you've got the clinical explanation of how it can happen. The fact that it's not just a single study anymore, there are hundreds of studies that either are showing the clinical what's going on biochemically, or actual studies, like the ones you've just talked about, where the power you know, those p values, if you will, are so significant that you really can no longer say it's there's there's just no way as chance. Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E. 42:32 Exactly, exactly. And if it was a correlation and not causation, why don't we see more random results. Instead, we see affirming the results that unvaccinated unvaccinated children have less diagnoses, vaccinated children have more diagnoses? If you think Vaccine Injury is no big deal come to my house. Dr. Paul 42:52 Yes, yes. That thank you for that. It's it's, it's real. And it's it's no no joke, guys. No joke. Devastating. We've got COVID vaccine coming at our five to 11 year olds like a freight train. Let's end with that. What are your What are your closing thoughts wisdom about that issue? Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E. 43:19 Right now I'm losing sleep over that. I cannot believe that that's actually happened. And the even one of the FDA officials, one of the individuals on the committee called Virbac, that made the decision that the vaccine was safe for five to 11 year olds, basically came out and said an open interview. Well, we're never going to know how safe it is until we get it out there. And we actually we actually put it tested in children. So this is not FDA approved. This is not even FDA affirmed. This is a flimsy loosey goosey emergency use authorization for the Pfizer vaccine and our children get to be the experiment. I fear what is going to happen deathly fear what is going to happen to five to 11 year olds, when we've seen the incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis in teenage boys since the vaccine was introduced in that population, it skyrocketed. Okay, it's one in 300 of those have received the vaccine. And I've checked those numbers directly as an epidemiologist to ensure the veracity of the data. They came out from an analyst His name is Steven Kirsch. And I worked with him actually to go through his information. And it is correct. So, you know, what are we going to do with these children, poisoning them with the most toxic part of the COVID-19 virus to spike protein, which actually does Franke tissue damage, and causes what's called a Type three auto immune reaction around the endothelium of the organs. Okay, so it's not just the heart. It's the kidneys, it's the lung, it's the spleen. It's the liver. It's the brain. Okay, why do we have more and more neurological insults on our children? Haven't they been through enough? And so I'm very, very fearful in a word. And I've looked through the clinical data, it's wholly incomplete. They have not, they have not released the actual clinical trial results on children. And they they're not they've tested this on babies as young as six months old. And yet they're not approving it not releasing that data for babies. So one wonders what's happened to these children? Dr. Paul 45:34 Yeah, I guess in a nutshell, you would say, Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E. 45:39 please do not. I do not give medical advice. But as a parent that started through vaccine injury, this is a disaster, Dr. Paul 45:47 the harm will far exceed the minuscule possible benefit. Because kids are fine with COVID, they are absolutely fine out of 10,000 patients with not a one hospitalized not a death, to my knowledge, not even an ER visit, except for the one who got the heart inflammation. So and that was post vaccine. So folks, it's time if you are a parent, do your job and protect, you know, there's no rush, kids are doing fine with this illness. And frankly, I think those who don't get vaccinated, their natural immunity will serve them better and better as time goes on, than those who get the vaccinated get the vaccine and end up disrupting their natural immunity and get in this cycle of never ending boosters to somehow hopefully, maybe protect yourself when really it's not working. Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E. 46:38 No, when it's not working. And you know, you're looking at when you get shots, the first shot, the second shot, now the booster now the next booster, then you're looking at vaccine injuries actually going up exponentially as you challenge the immune system over and over and over again. And so what I would expect and what I saw from the original clinical data, is that as you got more shots, you saw an increase in magnitude of the injuries. Dr. Paul 47:08 Yeah, amazing. Well, my hero Brian Hooker, how can people see more of you or learn more about what's what's in your future now? Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E. 47:17 Well, I'm I am working on a new book that's supposed to come out in I would say March or April of next year. It's called vaccine Vax. We don't have a subtitle yet. But the working title is vaccine vaccine. And I've identified over 100 studies where they look at vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations, some with single vaccines, some with a vaccine schedule, some are looking at specific vaccine components like aluminum, and I am writing the book. My co author is one Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Whoa, how did I do that? Oh, my goodness. So we are working together furiously on the first draft of the book. And hopefully it will be out in March and April, it's going to be published by skywars publishers. I also have my own show that's on the same lineup with Dr. Thomas misos called doctors and scientists. You can catch us this week, where I'm interviewing one Dr. Paul Thomas, and very, very excited about that. And I'm currently working full time for children's health defense. Dr. Paul 48:28 Wonderful. Well, thank you for all the amazing work you're doing. God bless you and keep on the hard work. You're definitely one of my heroes. I appreciate you so much for everything you've done for humanity. Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E. 48:40 Thank you so much for the honor is all mine. Dr. Paul 48:49 Welcome Bernadette pager. You are the Public Policy Director of informed choice Washington, the host of uninformed life radio, and you're now coming to us in this important segment of in the news for against the wind from Tennessee. What's been big in the news this week. Bernadette Pajer 49:03 Dr. Paul, I'm really devastated. And I want to hear your thoughts on what happened with the CDCs a CIP Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. Despite the lack of evidence of safety or necessity or effectiveness, they recommended the COVID shots for five to 11 year olds. What are your thoughts? Dr. Paul 49:26 Oh my goodness. So this is the committee that each year meets and makes a new vaccine schedule recommendation that basically gets rubber stamped and we the pediatricians family practice doctors. We just follow it and this has been going on for 30 years. Now they have met and decided unanimously I believe, which is just unbelievable that this COVID shot that is a gene therapy really it's such a novel treatment the messenger RNA if you're if you're talking about The the Maderna and the Pfizer or the DNA, which basically triggers messenger RNA to produce spike protein, both are doing the same thing and creating into your cellular machinery of your body, inserting that capability to make spike protein. And then of course, the hope is your immune system jumps into action, and makes antibodies against the spike protein. And everything turns out great. And you know, in theory, it sounds wonderful. But we now know and we've been hammering on this on this show, and it's available. So so many other places, all around the world. It's not going well, folks. The vaccine is causing such a large amount of harm. I mean, in children, especially who are almost zero risk of death from COVID illness. I mean, they can, I was just in a school in Florida, the center center, speaking to the staff there, and the and the teachers and the parents, and that school has stayed open without masks without vaccines, and nobody's having any ill effects. I mean, life goes on as normal. In my own practice with 10,000 patients, we've had not one child end up in the hospital, or to my knowledge, the ER from COVID illness, we have had a child hospitalized for myocarditis, a side effect of the shot. The data has been published the risk of myocarditis hospitalization in children, teenage boys was four to six times greater than the risk of hospitalization from having the infection. I mean, that the data just goes on and on. So yes, I am really disappointed sorry, I went on a bit there. Kids should not be sacrificed for a potential benefit to the at risk adults. This, we've never done this before to sacrifice the future of our nation, the future of the world, which is our children on an experimental shot. That really, we already have enough information, that program should have been halted already. So I'm very, very sad. And the other news you might or might not be aware of here in Oregon, they they've already of course, passed as soon as it was approved, boom, our governor says we're going to start doing it. And now the pharmacies can give the COVID vaccine down to age five. So we've bypassed the need for your pediatrician. Parents can be marketed to directly by pharma who profit and they're just going to take their kids into a pharmacist, there's no informed consent process going on with this. It's it's a real sad time. In our medical system, where pharma now completely rules what goes on. And there's no checks and balances. Exactly. Doctors, your your physicians been cut out of the process. So I guess my recommendation to anybody watching is please talk to your physician before you make a decision to go to a pharmacy, especially with your child. And I would also say this is just informational. This is not medical advice, pause, we have too much information that there's danger, there's no urgency for your children right now. Just pause, wait another year, then this next year, it will become amply clear what happened. And I hope I'm wrong, but I think it's gonna be a we're gonna look back and think what a medical disaster that we bought into pharma marketing. Anyway, I Bernadette Pajer 53:18 agreed. And I want to add one more point there during this pause, go out and shop for a health care provider that is aligned with your approach to health and wellness and illness. Because not all doctors will advise you for your best interest. Many of them, they're just going to tell you what the CDC says. So you need to shop for a health care provider to to help guide you and your family and health decisions just as thoroughly as you would shop for a spouse. I mean, it's that important. You're putting your life in in their hands. So you want to make sure they're aligned with you know, what you believe in as well. Dr. Paul 54:04 Yeah. And I'll use the line trusted healthcare provider that trusted is that is sort of the code key word for exactly what you're talking about Bernadette, we can no longer just go to somebody because they have credentials behind their name and think that you're safe. Sadly, even the physicians are also under the influence of the marketing power of pharma, and the CDC, which is basically a marketing arm for pharma in this realm of vaccines, which most doctors don't know that. Bernadette Pajer 54:37 So I'm going to talk about nitric oxide today. Have you ever heard of that? Dr. Paul, Dr. Paul 54:42 I have and I was actually just at a conference where I learned a whole lot more about it. It is a in an incredible, incredibly important ingredient for the health of our cells and blood flow and oxygen to the tissue all the things We need to be healthy and to have a robust immune system and to fight infections. So yeah, tell us a little more. Bernadette Pajer 55:06 So this is a quote from a study that was done on a nasal spray. And it said that a rapid reduction of 95% in the SARS cov to viral load was observed within 24 hours with a 99% reduction observed within 72 hours with an ons which is the nitric oxide nasal spray treatment. And there's the the PubMed number for this. So that is just incredible numbers of just from applying in the nasal cavity, this nitric acid product. So, you know, let's go on and talk about what exactly is nitric oxide? Dr. Paul 55:51 Let me interrupt just briefly. Yeah, I did look at that PubMed study. And it is impressive, although the the numbers were such that the level of significance is not one that you can like shout at the mountaintops from so you know, it's one study, folks. But the power of nitric oxide that you're covering right here is very important. So we look into this. Bernadette Pajer 56:13 Yeah, that study was a randomized controlled study of clinically ill patients. So yeah, it was small but very significant. What I love about so many of the therapies that these brilliant MDS and Andy's have been coming up with over the past two years is they generally reflect back on real health. And what the body generates is on its own to create real health. And that's exactly what nitric oxide is, it turns out, it's a colorless gas that is produced by almost every cell in your body. It's produced when you give it what it needs to make it right, which is, again, the building blocks of, of health, that we've been talking about, that everybody talks about, that we don't do enough of eating your leafy green vegetables, and beets are really, really high. And athletes know this, because athletes will do beat supplement, you know, beat powder supplement. And we've got that Dr. Ted vulgarities formula that he came up with a cares that grant that includes a beat powder, we've got that informed choice Washington website, it's fantastic. So it's been found to lower blood pressure, decrease the likelihood of clots and aids in the immune system. And even the three scientists who discovered that it is a key molecule in the cardiovascular system they won in 1998 Nobel Prize, you know, you don't hear about this, because, you know, up until fairly recently, there really has not been products to market to make money on this because it's basically eating and living well, the website healthy immunity now.org is one that I add information to and I just now added some information about sources and in the study on nitric acid, if you want to check that out, go to this website, and you can look for the information on that. And you know, I just want to say that the whole idea of using gargles and and the nasal flushes is new. And it's very exciting because there's a lot of natural products that can be used, you know, like the silver and the hydrogen peroxide, they're things that your body needs anyway, or makes anyway, but there hasn't been a lot of studies yet on long term use of them, like what it may do to your biome because you have a biome in your in your mouth in your nasal cavity. So I just you know, you might want to refer to your trusted practitioner, and they might not be something that you do every day for the rest of your life. Those type of things, you know, as studies come out to know their impact long term on on your biome, but they certainly are things you can do if you've know you've been exposed, you know, or occasionally for that health and cleanliness. And then otherwise, eating those rich foods, I think is best to keep your body healthy and making your own nitric X oxide. Dr. Paul 59:23 Yeah, absolutely. I'll be posting on doctors and science.com. The website for this show a link to a product that has been studied with over 20 published scientific articles showing that it'll give 24 hour increase significant increase in your nitrous oxide at the cellular level. So this is all a food based organic food product. You can obviously try to attempt to eat all of these amazing healthy foods, but it's almost impossible so it's it may be time to consider an actual supplement. And we just want to share information that can assist you in being healthy, staying healthy, and your natural immunity is key. Bernadette Pajer 1:00:06 Exactly. And as usual, I'd like to wrap up with four of the many fantastic organizations that we encourage people to go to to support. You know, in this in this crazy times, we've got some great people making real change toward the sort of medicine that this this nation needs. Dr. Paul 1:00:28 Absolutely. Well, thanks again, Bernard, that good luck with your getting settled in there in Tennessee. Bernadette Pajer 1:00:34 Thank you. Thank you so much. It's always a pleasure to be here. Take care, Dr. Paul, Dr. Paul 1:00:38 you too. Dr. Paul, here, doctors and science.com is where you go to get access to my exclusive members only section. This is how you the viewers support our work. We have no sponsors. We are fully supported by you, our viewers, what do you get in the Members section? It's quite a list, you get access to a couple of my eBooks. The first one is the authoritative reference list for my vaccine friendly plan book. I also have written a book very extensive called everyday health that covers pretty much what I think you should be doing if you want to live a healthy life in this world today. But there's so much more. We have a live q&a Every week after the show with yours truly, Dr. Paul answering your questions, submit your questions online, and I will tackle as many of them as I possibly can. And try to answer to the best of my ability, whatever burning questions you have. In addition to this, you get transcripts of every show, we have other bonus content. And I think one of the huge bonus content pieces is the PowerPoints of the talks I'm giving as I travel around the country. People are always asking me how can we get those PowerPoints? This is how you do it. Head on over to doctors in science comm and become a member and join the team of against the wind helped me spread the truth and share this on social media and with their friends at doctors in science.com. I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. Let's make this the weekly show the nation's been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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