PDF:Dr. Paul 0:00
Dr. Pol here, can you believe it, it is show 20 against the wind doctors in science under fire. When I started this program, the beginning of this year, I had no idea we'd be already rolling into show 20 This is one you're not going to want to Miss Stephanie Senath who wrote toxic legacy, how the weed killer glyphosate is destroying our health and environment is talking to us about COVID. She is actually now one of the world's top researchers in the area of COVID Do not miss a thing she has to say it's gonna blow your mind. I then interview Neil Miller critical vaccine studies. This guy has researched and documented and well published himself multiple articles on vaccine safety. He knows the data, he's going to cover the vaccine, vaccine, issue, SIDS, and also touch on COVID in a way that you're going to want to hear. And of course, don't miss our roundup with Bernadette who brings us in the news, what you're not getting on social media. This is the information you need, that you're not getting on mainstream news, you're not getting in the usual social media channels. Enjoy the show. I'm Dr. Paul. Dr. Paul, coming to you from the heart. This week, I am challenged with a conflicted feeling I'm having within my own self and my spirit. On the one hand, I feel like I'm going through the absolute most important time in my life, where I'm opening up to the presence of love in my life presents the guidance like I've never had before, and the sense of fulfilling purpose in my life. But on the other hand, I'm under this incredible pressure in my career. And most of all, I just want to help my patients and I want to be able to be informative and educational for you, the viewers, and those who choose to access the information I have. So here are a couple things that have happened. You know, those of you who've been watching this show know I'm my license was taken last December, and emergency removal of my license that appeared to be in response retaliation to publishing an article, basically the largest vaccine and vac study the real world data from my practice. Well, the license was reinstated June 3, and I'm back in the clinic. So that felt wonderful. It was reinstated, I think, on legal technicalities, because they had not filed any charges against me when they removed my license. Long story short, I'm back in the trenches, I'm happy to be doing what I love taking care of patients. I'm a pediatrician, I love taking care of kids. I got a notice from my office manager that there was a complaint from a long standing patient. And the complaint was they didn't want to see me because I had had my license revoked and I was disciplined by the board. Secondly, I shared some information about what you could do if you got COVID. That was not what the mainstream is preaching on the television. And it was like, okay, big sigh. I felt this conflict within myself because I want to be informative. I want to be educational, I want to be informational. That's what this show is all about. But then I'm reminded, as I'm often reminded that we have to meet people where they're at, because if I'm coming across as preaching, for example, that's probably not going to be well received. So, lesson learned, once again, the flip side of that is I just got back from a conference where I was speaking to over 150 physicians at the International College of integrative medicine meeting. And it was so delightful to be in a room with in intelligent, educated, integrative physicians who totally understand what's going on. The conundrum for us is that we know what's going on. And we have the scientific data, we have the research to know with relative certainty that it is absolutely not what people are being told on television or on social media. And so we have this huge divide in what people know and therefore how people respond to this COVID epidemic that our world and our country is seeing. When I said epidemic, I am not implying that this is not a rough time for a lot of people, and that people have died and continue to die from SARS cov. Two, or some response or lack of treatment for SARS cov. Two, what's so clear and what we continue to provide for you on this show is the fact that we do have really good effective ways of reducing your risk minimizing the chance that you have any harm from this virus. And should you get very sick there are things you can do So that's what we focus on here. This is a show that's focused on the science and focused on bringing you real solutions. I'm glad to be a part of that. I hope you enjoy the show. I'm Dr. Paul. welcome Stephanie center to against the wind. And it's such an honor and privilege to have you on the show. So great to be here. Thank you. You are a senior research scientist at MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab. Since 2010. Your research has focused on the effects of drugs, toxic chemicals, and diet on human health and disease. And you've written and spoken extensively on these subjects. you've authored three dozen plus peer reviewed journal papers on topics related to human disease, nutritional deficiencies and toxic exposures. What I was so excited about was your new book, this one here, that I couldn't put it down. I've known that glyphosate was an issue. But you just outlined with the science, why we should all be concerned about glyphosate, having heard you speak, when we were together, just this past weekend, I became aware that you are really, really well versed and I've done a lot of research on the new vaccines for COVID. And I thought your information and knowledge would be important for our audience. You believe that the mRNA vaccines offer more risk than benefit to everybody who receives them, including the elderly. I know Peter McCullough has expressed the same thing as well. Can you explain why you take this position? Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 6:36 Yes, I've done a deep dive into the into the details of these messenger RNA vaccines, and I believe they are extremely toxic. And a lot of it has to do with all the manipulations that they made on the product. I mean, it's a completely not natural system. They've created this monster messenger RNA molecule that pretends to be human, by the by the changes that they made in the in the messenger RNA that normally would be a virus messenger RNA, they turn it into a human messenger RNA that's very important because it means it misses a signal, it's usually when the cell receives a viral message RNA, it knows its virus, and it reacts to it with appropriate responses. But this is super super stealth because it goes past the mucosal barriers past the blood barriers directly into the muscles. It's this strange messenger RNA that looks humanely gets taken up by the cells. It's been designed so well, not only to be able to make spike protein really quickly to they've manipulated it so as to do that. And also they've manipulated so it can't break down so they make it very sturdy. Normally, enzymes outside the cells would have completely disintegrated the messenger RNA before it ever got inside. So they have to put in this toxic synthetic cat ionic lipid, which is really toxic to the cells and causes them to get very upset and acts like aluminum. And many of the vaccines people are familiar with aluminum as an adjuvant, something that irritates us cells because it has to draw in immune cells to get that antibody response to work. So the muscle cells are really hit hard by this monstrous toxic stuff that is packaged up with this polyethylene glycol and chaotic lipids and crazy messenger RNA has been altered so that many of the nucleotides are not even natural nucleotides. I mean, it's really really mucked around with so as to make it very capable of making lots and lots of Spike protein in a hurry and resisting getting broken down. Dr. Paul 8:35 Yeah, so are you referring to what I've read about called nanoparticles as far as the way that it sort of stealth gets through the normal barriers? Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 8:44 That is correct. And in fact, it looks like it looks enough like an LDL particle, if you're familiar with LDL, that's classic lipid particle that oh gosh, you've got high LDL, you need to take a cholesterol lowering drug, right, they make this look like an LDL particle, they carefully design it to be like an LDL particle. And that means it gets taken up through natural mechanisms. By many cells. It's not even like the ACE cheer receptor, which the virus is specific to the h2 receptor. That's not the case here can just go right into natural endocytosis. And that it is designed with that catatonic lipid to open up like a flower and release those messenger RNA molecules ready to go, boom, boom, start making that spike protein, because the cell can't turn it off, doesn't have any mechanisms to turn it off. Because the whole thing has been designed in that way. It's very clever engineering, with the goal of producing extremely high antibody response to the spike protein which is succeeds royally and it does a very good job of making extremely high spike protein antibodies, which is not a good idea because high antibody levels leads to autoimmune disease. It's much much higher, in fact, 10 times higher than what you get from a natural infection. Dr. Paul 9:55 Yeah, it's so interesting. You know, being a pediatrician. I've been very Much in the vaccine world because that's so much of what we do. And we've always been taught, you know, the higher the antibody response, the better. But I sure notice that when I was doing measles, mumps, rubella titers that there were titers just off the wall and some kids, and it didn't seem to be a good thing. Right? So yeah, it feels like for COVID for this SARS, cov two virus, the the natural defense mechanisms aren't really antibody based, as much what what's your take on that? Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 10:32 Now, that's very interesting, in fact, because I've seen as there was a nice study that looked at the antibody response to different degrees of illness. So people who got COVID, that tested positive didn't have any symptoms, versus people who tested positive ended up in the hospital and died, you know, these sort of extreme cases, different people react very differently to the virus, they looked at the antibody response in those different degrees of disease. And they found systematically, the highest antibody response occurred in the most devastating disease, and the ones who had practically no reaction also got no antibodies. So the antibodies are an adaptive response that kicks in when the innate immune system fails. And the innate immune system fails when it's exposed to glyphosate. This is what I've been saying glyphosate in our country is wrecking our immune system. And that's why us is having so much trouble controlling COVID-19 We have a remarkably high death rate across the globe, our death rate from COVID is four times as high as the average. Wow. Yeah, we're not doing well. And that's because, you know, we're fat, we've got diabetes, those are conditions that are risk factors for COVID. And also caused by glyphosate. And I wrote about that in my book. Dr. Paul 11:43 Yeah, yeah. Interesting to make that connection. Now, vaccinology is have been warning about the possibility of antibody dependent enhancement, what they call a de, that this is showing up in vaccinated people once antibody levels start to fade. Can you explain what this is, and whether you see any evidence that this is actually happening with these mRNA vaccines? Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 12:06 Yes, this is a very serious concern, and many people are raising experts are raising the alarm about the possibility this is going to happen. And so far, most of the news has been good news. I mean, people have said, now they're saying, Well, you know, the vaccine doesn't really protect you from getting infected, they're seeing that they're admitting that you still get infected, you still spread disease, but the good news is your disease is mild, it's going to reduce your symptoms, that's what they're telling people now get the vaccine, because it's going to reduce your symptoms, not because it's going to stop the spread of COVID. They've weakened, you know, their their statement. And what we're seeing is that that's starting to, you're starting to see warts in that idea. And, and there are experts who have suspected this is going to happen. And there are studies that show that the vaccine based antibodies, they start out at sky high, really, really good antibodies, and you know, good meaning that it'll protect you from the disease, it'll cause autoimmune disease at the same time, but never mind that the antibodies level start falling very rapidly with the vaccine. Whereas when you get the disease in recover, your antibody level starts out much lower, but it's it fades very slowly. So after a certain amount of time, there's a crossover, this is going fat that's coming down. There's a crossover where you no longer have that protection. After maybe six months, it's way down in the vaccinated in the vaccinated population. So now okay, booster shot, everybody and every six months get a booster shot. And, and of course, there's also the problem of these resistant strains like the Delta strain. Yeah, it's now taken over the American, practically all the cases are delta now in America, that happened very quickly. And I Yeah, and so I think that so the antibody dependent enhancement is very, very interesting. Because as the antibodies fall, there's there's two kinds, there's basically two kinds of antibodies, you know, once that protect from disease, and once that enhanced disease. And what happens is the ones that protect fall faster than the ones that enhance and you reach a crossover point where if you've been vaccinated, all of a sudden, you're starting to see worse disease as a consequence of the vaccine, compared to no vaccine at all. Once there's been time that has elapsed, it's quite remarkable. And it's quite fascinating science because these, these antibodies, these non neutralizing antibodies, they're called, and they attach to the virus. And then they are the thing that hooks up to the receptor on the cell is fc FC gamma receptors. And so they facilitate viral entry. So a different pathway from the h2 receptor, and it comes in and multiplies them, right virus spreads. And they also form these conglomerates of viruses plus this antibody that induces a very strong immune response. And this is this sort of cytokine storm problem that we see where there's too many, you know, toxic things being released by the cells to try to kill the viruses, which actually does collateral damage on the tissues and so you get the lung damage that's associated with severe disease. So I am predicting and I hope I'm wrong, that we're gonna have a rough time in the fall as so many people have their levels way, and people going to be scrambling to get booster shots. And you can't just keep on keeping those antibodies really high, because you're going to end up with nasty autoimmune diseases. This virus, that protein has many sequences that are similar to sequences in human proteins that are associated with nasty autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, and lupus, and Hashimotos thyroiditis and celiac disease, I mean, all these diseases that are caused by the immune system attacking the human cells. This is what happens when the antibody levels are too high. I shared between a rock and a hard place because they're like, Oh, my God, I gotta get another vaccine, my antibodies are falling, and then they're just gonna get there all their autoimmune diseases. So it's really, really nasty, Dr. Paul 15:49 I think, yeah. So do we get antibody dependent enhancement with natural infection? Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 15:56 Well, it doesn't look that way. And a lot of it is because the natural infection has a much broader base of response, and many of it is not actually antibody. So I think the antibodies are a last resort, when the immune system has failed. And of course, with the virus in the vaccine, the cells are fooled into thinking that the immune system has failed because it's gotten past all those barriers, including the messenger RNA barrier, because normally you would have a reaction to the RNA of the virus, to say, Oh, this is viral RNA, I need to get busy setting up this immune response. That doesn't happen either because it looks like a human RNA. So it's really really deception. To the cells, the immune system thinks, Oh, my God, the innate immune system is completely shot to snower the immune system here, I've got to get all these antibodies. That's the only chance we have. Yeah, and they essentially knows it's gonna cause autoimmune disease, but that's the price you have to pay for having a broken immune system. Yeah. When some people have a broken immune system on top of it, those who have been exposed to glyphosate. It's pretty hideous, I think. Yeah, so it's gonna be it's gonna be rough. Right? I think in the fall, I really hope I'm wrong. Yeah. And you know, there's already evidence in Israel, Israel is a good place to watch because they got their vaccines very fast, very early. So they're getting a waiting situation much earlier than other folks are. And there was a really interesting article that I just read about a hospital in Israel. I don't know if you heard about this hospital in Israel, where they had had a break an outbreak of Delta hospital there like 96% vaccine coverage among the patients and the employees. It was the the the index case was a fully vaccinated person. And they came in with, you know, symptoms. Nobody thought it was COVID Because of course, they vaccinated their say, you know, so they're spreading it around, nobody's noticing that they've got COVID. And so by the time they recognize the index case, they had a big problem. A quarter of the P patients got COVID. Most of them were vaccinated. There were two patients who got COVID, who were unvaccinated, they had mild disease. Five patients die, who were fully vaccinated. So it was not like, oh, it's protecting you from you know, severe disease. It didn't happen. Yeah. So that's really worrisome. You know, it Dr. Paul 18:08 is that sounds almost like the Vietnam paper as well, where they had a Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 18:12 plan to Samara. Yeah. When you go situation where people in the hospital, I mean, they're probably pretty sick anyway. And then their vaccine, antibodies are fading, and they're in this opportunistic moment where delta can can do a good job on them. It's really sad. So yeah, Dr. Paul 18:27 so So the unvaccinated are being blamed for the emergence of resistant variants, but you believe it's actually the vaccinated who are causing this problem? Can you explain the science behind that? Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 18:38 Yeah, it's quite interesting there too, as well. And, you know, so I wrote a paper together with Dr. Greg Nye, we published over 40 pages, many, many references, analyzing our predictions about these vaccines. And we wrote that paper before it was at all clear that what was going to hear what was going on, because it was early, but we wrote a section where we propose that these vaccines, we predicted that they would cause the emergence of many different variants. And, and we argued it from the standpoint of a patient, there was a very interesting article from the UK, where there was a cancer patient, they were taking immune suppressing therapy, which people often do when they have cancer. So they had a weak immune system, they caught COVID, they were very sick, they were in the hospital for 101 days. Over the course of that time, they were they were infectious the whole time. So they had them in an isolation room. And they if this patient was treated twice with was basically serum from recovered patients with a hope that give them antibodies they had they didn't have a chance to make their own because their body's so sick, give them antibodies that somebody else made to help them fight disease it but it didn't work. They still died, but they were tracking the version of the virus in that patient's body over the whole time. And they saw the remarkable emergence of variants after they had administered the antibodies. The antibodies seem to treat trigger a response from the virus that allowed it to, to multiplate. To change into different forms quickly, it's kind of natural evolution because the antibodies are killing off the ones that are most susceptible to them. And the ones that are left behind are survive and flourish, you know, and so and they ended up with a particular strain, their dominant strain in their body at the end, who was one strain that had one out of all the others, it had 12 different mutations in the spike protein compared to the original, really shocking 12 mutations in one body over the 101 days. And so I think that people who have cancer who are immune compromised, they're encouraging though, yeah, get the vaccine, maybe get three because you know, you have such a weak immune system, that's giving the virus if they catch a disease, it gives them virus a tremendous opportunity to hone it skills against those particular antibodies that match the original spike protein. So it turned out in studies, they've shown that all of a sudden, all the variants start blossoming out, after a country starts initiating a vaccination program, it's very much looking that way, like, the vaccines are encouraging the virus to mutate into forms that are resistant to the vaccine antibodies, which then means that the person who has the antibodies to spy cast the antibodies to the wrong spike doesn't work. In fact, the Delta variant has rigged itself such that it binds less well, to the neutralizing antibodies, and it binds better to the enhancing antibodies than the original virus. And so really, really nasty situation going on there. Yeah, that I think is really scary. Dr. Paul 21:37 Yeah, no, absolutely. I mean, in hindsight, I mean, when this first hit us, we didn't know what we were dealing with. So you know, you sort of think, well, we'll, we'll give the public health officials and the vaccine manufacturers some leeway here. Maybe they've got a good product that'll help us. I think we no different now. Can we vaccinate ourselves out of this problem? Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 21:57 I don't think so. I think I can picture a really grim future in which we are, you're jumping up for antibodies every I mean for vaccines every six months, trying to keep those antibody levels high, people are scrambling to get the renewal of their vaccine. In fact, if they're going to keep these vaccine, passports are going to say, well, you know, you got your vaccine six months ago, that doesn't work anymore, you got to go renew your passport. And you can't renew it unless you get another booster shot. And people are going to get worse and worse reactions to the vaccines. I mean, the vaccines have incredible reactions being reported in the virus database over the top. You know, there's more deaths reported with the COVID vaccines than all the other vaccines over the history of the 30 years of collecting data. All of those combined have fewer deaths than than the deaths so far reported with the COVID-19 vaccines, and most people think that the virus database is grossly under, under represented or ever under representative of the chairs reported. Dr. Paul 22:55 It, it seems like when you get a natural based immunity, so you actually get COVID-19, or the SARS cov. To infection, your immune system responds to the entire sequence. And so when there are variants, I'm thinking, and I know you're a stronger scientist than I am on this, that your immunity will, you'll have a better chance against variants. If you're unvaccinated, Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 23:20 I can explain that actually, it's really, really cool, because a person who recovers from the disease, I told you, the antibodies fade much more slowly. But it's not just a spike protein, the virus consists of a lot of other things besides a spike protein. And there are many internal proteins that the virus produces that are very stable across different variants. And it's really fascinating that there are these T cells that can become memory T cells to remember the internal proteins of the virus. And so that's a much safer thing to remember, because it doesn't change between variants. So now you've got the Delta variant coming in, those T cells immediately recognize it, because it's got the same internal proteins, and they get busy trying to get the B cells to make fresh antibodies that are going to match the spike protein that has changed. So instead of having all these antibodies that are going to cause autoimmune disease, you have these very smart T cells that are watching out for the for the internal proteins, and as soon as they see them, boom, you get those B cells going with the antibodies. So it's a memory T cell can last 17 years, whereas the antibodies fade after six months. Very, very hardy long term memory. Dr. Paul 24:31 Yeah. Do you think that's part of the explanation of why children seem to be doing so? Well, that innate immunity? Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 24:38 i Yeah, I mean, there's the cold virus, you know, has many different strains, and this is a cold virus and, and kids catch colds a lot. And those internal proteins are probably working to help them have protection from the Coronavirus that we are stuck with right now. So I think so. Dr. Paul 24:56 Yeah. So these mRNA vaccines are causing human cells. to produce these abundant levels of Spike protein uncontrollably. evidence exists to show that the spike protein is the most toxic part of the virus. How might the spike protein produced from the vaccine cause myocarditis and young people who have little risk of harm from the virus? And what other conditions might this spike protein be causing? Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 25:20 Right? This spike protein is very, very interesting. And it's extremely toxic. And Multiple studies have shown with the spike protein alone. For example, it's neurotoxic. People have people have done experience experiments where they expose neurons to the spike protein and the neurons get sick the immune cells in the brain, the micro glial glia microglia, the immune cells of the brain, they respond to the spike protein by inducing an inflammatory response. So that gives you this sort of encephalopathy in the brain, which is can destroy the the neurons. And the the the muscle the the brain and the heart are really sensitive to this vaccine. There's been a lot of evidence from the from the reactions, and this myocarditis is really disturbing, because the kids are getting much higher rate of myocarditis, even just from the rars reports are getting a much higher rate of myocarditis immediately makes it clear that the vaccine risk versus benefit, risk wins, you do not want to get that vaccine if you're young, because you have almost zero chance of dying from COVID-19. Yeah, and that vaccine can really, really mess you up, it can give you permanent heart damage with that myocarditis. And it's really fascinating how it works. I love the biology of everything. And I've tell you these, these monster chemicals are causing me to do deep dives into the details of how biology works, and which is which is good as a motivating, you know, Dr. Paul 26:46 very not just because I'm just smiling, because you are a scientist, and you love biology, and the more toxic, the more dangerous, it excites you is sort of like as a pediatrician, I always get excited the sicker the patient is like, All right, let's figure this out. So more on the spike protein, though, why would we be I just don't understand why the vaccine ologists in this case, are creating a vaccine that allows our body to make more of something that apparently is so toxic. Can you explain that at all? Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 27:20 I don't, I cannot explain that. I cannot understand how these people, they have to know what I know. I mean, it didn't take me a whole lot of time they've been doing this research all their lives. You know, I only started researching these vaccines last December. And, and yet I see you know how dangerous this protein is this this fight protein is unique and its ability to chop itself in half. And it produces an S one and S two component. And that happens with this fear and cleavage site, which is a peculiar site that's got 12 nucleotides that are exact people know that if you're in cleavage site, they stuck in there, it makes it look like it's a synthetic virus, it gives you a lot of suspicion about it coming out of a lab virology Lab, which a lot of people are saying, but that fear and cleavage sites very, very dangerous. Because what happens is these muscle cells, you know, they get all this spike protein, they're overwhelmed with it, they stick it out on their membrane, they stick it all around the cell. And it's s one and S two then the fear and comes along and chops off S one S one gets released into the circulation as one goes over to the mouth to the heart. And it binds to h2 receptors in the heart and disables them this well known It's all very well established in the research literature. And when you disable these two, you get myocarditis. So it's very, very simple mechanism is how it works. And they've shown s one shows up in the in the blood a couple of days after vaccination, you've got s one circulating in your blood, and they've shown it can last for 28 days after the vaccine. And so that whole time that's one is sticking days to receptors and causing trouble probably both in the heart and in the in the brain. And I would argue that it goes to the heart and brain preferentially because it goes because the immune cells they they rush into the spleen. And we talked about this in our paper so fascinating. When they see this, oh my god, things are terrible. There's this crazy poison coming out of these muscle cells. We don't know how they got to make it, you know, and it rushes it into the spleen to say hey, B cells make your antibodies is this, you know, get these antibodies going. We got to get rid of this stuff. And tons of them right. And meanwhile, the immune cells are making spike protein in they're sticking it out and they're throwing it out into exosomes, and it's traveling exosomes travel very well along the vagus nerve. So the exosomes are being poured out of these immune cells in the spleen, struggling with all the spike protein that they're now making, because they've taken up messenger RNA as well. And that and those exosomes travel along the vagus nerve to the heart and to the brain. And in both places, they're extremely toxic. Mm hmm. And so those exosomes get taken up by the cells that are there. And then those guys are stuck with Spike protein that they can't handle. And yes, one disables h2 receptors in both places. It's really big trouble. For example, the substantial Niagra in the brain has lots of h2 receptors. And that's the place where when that gets in trouble, you've got Parkinson's disease. I think these vaccines are going to cause a tremendous increase in the number of people who have Parkinson's and people are going to be getting it younger and younger. I think, especially if we get booster shots every six months, we're going to have 35 year olds with Parkinson's disease. Dr. Paul 30:20 Wow, that might explain some of the videos we're seeing on YouTube where youngest, you know, younger, middle aged people are can barely walk, Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 30:29 right? There's a lot of evidence in bars, I've been looking through the virus database, it's just horrendous numbers of different reactions that are just shocking. And many of them have to do with their mobility. Dr. Paul 30:39 Yeah, is I've I've seen some read some things about that this, this vaccine is actually inserting this into our genetics, like permanently changing our genome. Is that happening? Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 30:52 I think it is. That's another one that I'm really fascinated with. And we wrote about that in our paper as well. I was particularly struck by a paper I found that was, I think it was maybe 2010, or something quite a long time before COVID had hit it was on sperm. And it talked about the sperm having the capability to take in messenger RNA form messenger RNA, which is what this is converted into DNA, wrap it up inside these plasmids, which are little particles, they little nano particles, really, these plasmids release the plasmids, and the sperm would release the plasmids at the time of fertilization and all the sperm, not just the one that fertilized the egg, you know, all of them, releasing these plasmids, the egg, the fertilized egg takes them up, and they become a permanent part, permanent thing inside that person's body. As soon as that fetus grows up, when it's born, it's got lots of these plasmids all over its body, it can pass them on to future generations, so that they'll stick around, those are external to the genome, independent cDNA circular DNA stuck inside these pathways, they're able to reproduce themselves, so they just keep on going. So that child is born, first of all, with the knowledge that the spike protein is a human protein. That's what they're going to think. So if they catch COVID, they're not going to react to it at all. So there'll be I don't know how they'll how sick they'll get, because a lot of the sickness has to do with this cytokine storm, so maybe they won't even get sick. But they'll spread the disease like crazy, because they won't be able to fight it off. Dr. Paul 32:19 Well, and I've been reading that spike protein has this tendency to go to the testes and ovaries for example. Yes, we just what's that going to mean for future fertility? And Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 32:31 I know I'm very worried about that. And in fact, there's lots and lots of cases of miscarriage. You know, people get stupidly getting it while they're pregnant. I mean, the government says, oh, yeah, sure, get it no problem. Shocking, because they never studied it in pregnancy. It goes to the ovaries. I was shown in the study in Japan, there was a FOIA request from Canadian doctors where they got this Pfizer study, because Japan requested that they find out where does the RNA go? Because they were saying, oh, yeah, just stays in the muscle, not true at all. And it went to the spleen with the highest highest levels went to the spleen. That's what I was talking about. It goes to sleep and make the antibodies. But then the second highest in the females was the ovary. So that was really, really shocking to me. And it makes sense because people are having, you know, they having menstrual cycle difficulties, heavy menstrual bleeding, irregular periods, people who never had irregular periods or whole life all of a sudden to get their period, you know, out of step. I mean, very scary with respect to reproduction, also Smolen testicles. I've seen that because I said I'm rummaging through the virus database. And this is all kinds of things you don't want to know about that are happening. Yeah, I think the reproductive system could be at great issue here. I think we could be causing a massive infertility crisis in the future generations. I definitely, especially when we start vaccinating five year old kids. I mean, I cannot believe that we're saying Fine, this is great. Let's roll it out for the kids. Let's make it obligatory for school. I mean, California has already decided, you know, Newsom if they, if they approve it, we're gonna make it required for school. I can't believe it. I just cannot believe it. I'm in such a state of shock about everything that's happened over these past few years. I'm just in a complete state of shock. I don't understand how people can be so stupid. I really don't. It just infuriates Dr. Paul 34:14 oh my gosh, folks, you are listening to MIT, world leading expert now on SARS, cov. Two and COVID. And what this vaccine does, Dr. Stephanie sent off, what are your parting words of advice to anybody who's listening who still has not yet taken this vaccine? Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 34:36 My advice is don't go to hear it. Don't ever take it. I mean, I'm at MIT. MIT requires it. And I'm among the very small percentage of the population that hasn't gotten the vaccine. I've showed them they will not go to work. So I work completely from home. I can't go to the office because I haven't been vaccinated. It's so crazy. So far, so good. They haven't they haven't said yes. They haven't said no. So I'm hoping that I can keep my job Right now, Dr. Paul 35:00 so many scientists who speak out on this as just you and I are speaking, sort of just sharing peer reviewed information, knowledge that's common to scientists and physicians around the world, but is for some reason, our medical societies or public health officials, our government officials don't want us talking about this. So we usually become targets. Have you yourself had any sort of censorship or career problems? Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 35:33 Well, I've gotten thrown off of Facebook, for too many posts against vaccines. I certainly have plenty of people who are making sure people know that I am a nutcase, you know that I'm not qualified. I mean, these kinds of things, they're certainly trying to discredit me, on the web. MIT has been wonderful. They have not tried to stop me at all. In fact, I would say my bosses even encouraged me to do this. And people who are funding me love my research, I feel it's very important. They're from Taiwan. It's a company computer company in Taiwan. They funded me for many, many years. Even before I was into glyphosate, they were funding me, I switched over to glyphosate and vaccines, human health, at background to that 1007 timeframe, I basically changed my career course. And it's been a really amazing experience. And I've learned so much about biology, I'm very excited about the knowledge I'm acquiring of how life works, and how it gets disrupted by toxic exposures. And we have to face up to that, because it's not just these vaccines. I mean, I never thought I would see something worse than glyphosate. But I think these vaccines are worse than glyphosate. My new passion. So man, it's a tough world out there right now. So you know, get your a certified organic diet, get out in the sunlight, no sunscreen, no sunglasses, sunlight exposure, very important. organic diet, Whole Foods, don't get the vaccine. That's all of my advice to people. And I think you can really get a huge improvement in your health if you make those changes. Dr. Paul 37:01 Thank you, Stephanie. This is simple advice, folks. It may be hard because of the pressures we're under to. You've got to get this vaccine to go to school or to work. But there's too much information now. And you've shared for our listeners exactly why this is so dangerous. So I thank you. Let's get you back on. Next time you have another massive revelation, which will Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. 37:27 be well, thank you so much for having me. It was my pleasure. Talking to you, so stay safe. And we'll see you Dr. Paul 37:37 you too. Thank you. Welcome to against the wind. Neil Miller, what a privilege and honor it is to have you on the show today. Thank you. I wanted to get your take on COVID. I mean, everybody's talking COVID. You dive into science. You're a scientist and a published author of not just books but scientific articles. What's your take on COVID? Neil Z. Miller 38:03 It's absolute nonsense to believe that veirs isn't an important safety vaccine safety assessment tool. Because the CDC and FDA use of the various database is evidence that theirs is a valid and credible resource. Okay, so now we're going to get into the actual various data over 752,000 reports. Any event, okay. Now, just to put that in perspective, in the last 30 years, there has not been over there has not been over 700,000 reports. In total, just since the COVID vaccine has been introduced. And we're talking about what about a little over a year and a half, there have already been 752,000 Total reports and over 15,000, almost 16,000 deaths that were reported. There's is a passive reporting system. So it's under reported by approximately 50 to 100 Dr. Paul 39:05 times. That's just amazing. That fact that we're seeing in just one season of COVID-19 vaccination, more adverse events from total reports to deaths, exceeding what we've had in 30 years of reporting. Have you ever seen anything like this Neil Z. Miller 39:21 buffet, these are very serious safety signals, and that this vaccine should have been halted immediately. Well, they investigated further, almost 37% of all of those hospitalizations took place within three days post vaccination, and nearly 50% of them took place within one week post vaccination. Again, this is a very significant safety signal. Now we're going to look at deaths 15,937 deaths, okay. And on the day of vaccination, 13% of them took place and 33 percent of all deaths reported to VAERS. After COVID-19 vaccination occurred within three days, and 45.9, almost 46% occurred within seven days. Again, very significant safety signal. If I was on that regulatory agency, I would have called for an immediate halt. And we end and investigation. Here's the pattern, very low numbers in the in the 12 to 17 year group, very low numbers in the 18 to 44. Age Group, very low numbers in a 45 to 64 year age group. And then they jump when we get to the senior citizens. And then they jumped significantly when we get to the to the elderly, above 75 years of age at 9.4% of all reports ended in the death or report of a death. Okay, so I'm going to summarize what this really means. Although the elderly are most at risk of serious harm from a COVID infection, the vaccine appears to be especially dangerous in elderly age groups. That's the significant thing that we're really looking at here. It turns out that the vaccine is especially dangerous for these elderly age groups. But we're gonna look at something here that I find to be incredible that this is permitted. So here's the official definition. People are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after their second dose in a two dose series, or two weeks after their first dose when only one dose is required. What are they labeling these other periods prior to that two week period, if you get the Pfizer vaccine or modernity, during a vaccine, you're going to get dosed one, you're gonna have to wait one to 14 days in that one to 14 days, the day the CDC, and the FDA, and health authorities are actually labeling if there's an adverse event, or if there is a breakthrough case of COVID, that takes place in this one to 14 day period. It's actually getting reported. In the unvaccinated column. It's only until the 15 to 28 days, big period begins that that if any, an adverse event or a breakthrough case takes place, somebody actually catches COVID where they're they're labeled as as that individual was partially vaccinated. And it's only happy you get the second dose and wait two weeks that you considered fully vaccinated. But I was curious as to what's going on in this two week period, and I did some additional research. And I found out that if you get an if you have an adverse reaction, or if you die in this two week period, if you got that first dose, they're reporting that adverse reaction and or that death in the unvaccinated column. Now that is scientific fraud. That's morphine. Yeah, I mean, don't you agree with me that this is nonsense? Dr. Paul 43:02 Absolutely. And so when we hear on the news, the reporting about all these events happening in the unvaccinated people are not aware, as you and I are, and especially as your data that you've just shown us makes very clear, since most of the adverse events happen in the first few days or the first week. That's a period at which people are being classified as unboxed. Neil Z. Miller 43:23 That is just astounding to me that this is permitted to occur. Yeah. So now I'm going to show you some more fraud, some more scientific fraud. Okay, so the CDC recommended that all pregnant women of all trimesters receive the COVID vaccine. And they did this before they had any safety, safety data. Okay, they waited until pregnant, millions of pregnant women around around the country received the COVID vaccine. And then they decided they were going to actually investigate whether or not the vaccine is safe, they're actually going to do the actual science. Now this is backwards science to the CDC and FDA construct conducted a safety study of 827 pregnant women who received the COVID vaccine. Here's their conclusions. Preliminary findings did not show obvious safety signals among pregnant persons who receive the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. So they're giving it their stamp of approval. Dr. Paul 44:26 I love their use of the word obvious. It was it was obvious to anybody with a pair of eyes and a brain. Neil Z. Miller 44:33 Well, also, in the way they buried the actual facts in the study, which I'm about to show, which I'm about to reveal. They they be obvious, the obvious safety signals. They tried to bury it and then they tried to, to gaslight, the entire world population. You know it by publishing it in the New England Journal of Medicine. Okay, so the CDC FDA study on COVID 19 vaccination during pregnancy was deceptive. Table four tells the full story. Okay, so here's table four in that study. And what we want to look at is right here where I've got the arrow, spontaneous abortion, there were 104, spontaneous abortions out of 827, vaccinated pregnant women, that comes to 12.6%. Look at the bottom, where they snuck in at the bottom of table four, and they let us know, surreptitiously that a total of 700 participants. 84.6% of those 827 pregnant women receive their first eligible dose of the COVID vaccine in the third trimester. What does that mean? That means that those women were unable to have a spontaneous abortion, that it was just not possible because they had the vaccine after the outcome period that's being studied. Okay, so you can't count those 700 people in the denominator out of 127 women that that were had that were eligible to have a spontaneous abortion, actually 82% 81.9% of the women in this study that got a COVID vaccine within the within that first early second trimester had a spontaneous abortion and that is a huge safety signal. And once again, this should have been we should have been doubly cautious and they should have immediately called for a suspension. If not in all trimesters of of pregnancy. At the very least, they should have said you know what? This is a safety signal in the first and second trimesters, and so Pregnant women should not receive a COVID vaccine during those those trimesters. Dr. Paul 46:54 But yeah, it's such massive harm. And there's no reason to think that if it's this dangerous in the first trimester, that it's going to suddenly become safe in the later part of pregnancy. I mean, yes, it's less dangerous. But absolutely, this is hands down. This should be all over the news do not step near this vaccine if you're pregnant, or might even be becoming pregnant in the near future. Neil Z. Miller 47:15 The CDC, FDA and the World Health Organization control all of the data we need, the people must have access to all of the data. independent researchers and scientists must demand complete transparency and access to all safety and efficacy data. Dr. Paul 47:33 You covered SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome relating to vaccines in such a scientifically clear way that I wanted you to touch quickly on that for our audience. Because parents who have a newborn and infant Sudden Infant Death is death within the first 12 months. And there's nothing more tragic. I mean, you've got your special baby home and there's your love them, and they just die. They stop breathing and they don't come back. Tell us what you found. Neil Z. Miller 48:04 Okay, so I wanted to investigate facts, vaccines and their potential relationship to sudden infant death. This is a paper that was just recently published a couple of months ago in toxicology reports. So of 20 605 infant deaths reported to varies from 1990 to 2019 58%, clustered within three days post vaccination. 78% of deaths reported the various closer to seven days post vaccination, if there's no connection, if there's no relationship between the vaccines and the deaths, then you would expect a random distribution of these reports, but you're not finding that you're finding a clustering of these deaths in the early post vaccination period. Here's a study that I looked at. That was this was a confidential report issued by Glaxo SmithKline. Glaxo is a vaccine manufacturer based in Europe, they produce a hexavalent vaccine, a single injection that contains six, six vaccines in that one shot, okay, and they've given us two babies. It's doing a number on these babies, lots of adverse reaction, serious adverse reactions. Well GlaxoSmithKline put together their own their own reports, and they tried to hide this and very district courts, but the Italian court made them release it so that it became public, and I gained access to this report. But if you look at the data quite simply divided into 210 day periods 97% of sudden infant deaths occurred in the first 10 days and just 3% occurred in the next 10 days. About 1/4 of all studies show that that infant deaths take place about 120 5% or about 1/4 take place within one day. Post vaccination, about 50% take place within three days and about three quarters take place within within seven days. Dr. Paul 50:00 Well, you're going to present next for me because you did this last weekend at the conference. And what everybody wants is show us the vaccinated and unvaccinated studies. Because the CDC, the NIH, the big health plans that have this data refused to do this study. I know you've been involved in a couple of them. I was involved in one of them. Can you summarize those for us? Neil Z. Miller 50:22 Oh, yeah, absolutely. We're going to look over for peer review vaccinated versus unvaccinated studies. Now, here's the title page of my my recent study with Brian, just a couple of things. We're going to go through these very, very quickly. The main findings are in Table five. And what we looked at were allergies for autism, gastrointestinal disorders, asthma, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and ear infections. And what we found were that vaccinated children were significantly more likely than non vaccinated children to develop adverse health conditions. You know, as a scientist, you're going to look at, you know, as a statistician, you're going to look at the odds ratio, you're going to look at confidence intervals, and you're going to look at the P values. And all of them show that these that the vaccinated children were statistically less likely to develop all of these adverse health outcomes when compared to the vaccinated children. Table nine is my favorite. If you vaccinate your child, and don't breastfeed, feed your child, they are very much more likely to end up with an adverse health outcome. And especially then, when you compare to children that are unvaccinated and breastfed, and, and a consistent linear increase was observed for allergies, autism, asthma, and your infection. We also had had information about whether or not the women with pregnant women had a vaginal delivery or whether they delivered the babies via C section. Okay. And again, children who were vaccinated for the A C section had the worst health outcomes. Now why might that happen? Why would that occur? What could be going on? Well, that well, in the paper, we offer at least two possible biologically plausible explanations. One of those biologically plausible explanations is that when that baby comes down that birth canal, they're picking up the microbiome from the from the from the, from the mother from the mom, and that is getting those babies off to a great start. And babies that are born of the C section, don't have that advantage don't get get that they're bypassing that advantage. A second reason is a lot of women that go through a C section, I think a higher percentage of those reason those those babies, those mothers in those babies have a different more difficult time breastfeeding. And it's possible that it's possible that breastfeeding, breastfeeding that that they're less of these babies are actually getting getting colostrum and all the all the good good, good nutrients from from breastfeeding, which, which is reflected in all of these high odds ratios. And once again, we have a consistent linear increase, which is observed for allergies, autism and gastrointestinal disorders. Here's here's the previous study, Brian and I conducted back in 2020. We looked at developmental delays, asthma, ear infections. And if we looked over at this column of odds ratios we had we had that children vaccinated children were over two times more likely to be diagnosed with a developmental delay when compared to children that were unvaccinated, and four times more likely to be diagnosed with asthma, and again, two times more likely to be diagnosed with ear infections. Table seven is a quartile analysis where we divided the groups into into vaccines. This analysis gives some evidence of a dose response relationship. So again, it's just another way to confirm the findings that vaccinated children are more likely to have adverse reactions and have worse health outcomes when compared to unvaccinated children. Now, here's your paper and I do just a brief summary with this. This is a James slides filer and Paul Thomas, using data from Paul Thomas's practice. In this study, vaccinated versus unvaccinated children were assessed for build office visits per adverse health outcome. Overall unvaccinated children were found to be healthier than unvaccinated and unvaccinated children were found to be healthier than vaccinated children. And this paper contains important findings. But your paper got retracted. And we all know that, you know they were gunning for you, you know, and they they they wanted to punish you bad. Well, Dr. Paul 54:47 we showed in real world data everybody born into my practice was included in this data set over a period of over 10 years. And the findings were dramatic and significant, highly significant. I mean, just the same thing you found in your research, the the the difference in health outcomes in so many different variables, were just tremendous in both infections, allergies, neurodevelopment, especially all those three categories. And Vax just did so well. And I've known that by working with so many unboxed families, those kids are just hands down, alert, healthy developing, so well. But we use this build rate of cumulative rates of diagnosis was what they objected to they it was peer reviewed and accepted. But this one complaint were well, that's not the right metric. You're supposed to just do a yes, no analysis. And in our case, here, we were trying to make is it's actually more sensitive, you get more robust data by looking at the severity of the condition, right. So if you look at how many people how many times a person comes in for a given condition gives you an idea of how serious their condition is. That was always we also did it the old fashioned way as well. It's all in that paper. Anyway, thank you for summarizing all that data. Yeah, as a scientist who really knows how to interpret studies, what do you think is the most important thing people need to know you've been doing this for a long time, Neil Z. Miller 56:12 why there's that many studies are unreliable, and cannot be trusted. The second thing I want to point out for everyone to remember, there are multiple ways to manipulate data. And this happens more often than most people realize. And the third thing I want to point out is, regulatory agencies have been captured by the industry that they have been commissioned to oversee. This is a study that was shows that top scientists in the United States regularly engage in scientific misconduct, that frenzy integrity. So these are researchers over 3000 researchers that they surveyed. These were scientists funded by the National Institutes of Health, and 33% of them admitted that they engage in questionable scientific behavior during the previous three years. This is direct quote from the study authors. Our findings reveal a range of questionable practices are striking in their breadth and prevalence. US scientists engage in a range of behaviors extending far beyond fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, that can damage the integrity of science. Dr. Paul 57:11 That's crazy. And this is the thing. So maybe that sort of leads you in, I wanted to ask you about your final thoughts for viewers who are hearing everyday in the news that these experts in public health and in the government that they're following the science? Neil Z. Miller 57:26 Well, I just want to say that experts are not following the best science and are not being transparent with the data. For example, more than 100 studies now have already been published to show that vitamin D supplementation is protected against cases hospitalizations, and deaths associated with COVID. Yet health authorities are not recommending or providing vitamin D. Okay, so we must fight for transparency and accountability. Also, vaccine manufacturers are not being held liable for their products and the media has shirk the responsibility as investigative journalists. Instead, they become mouthpieces for the industry. As a nation in distress, we can and must do much, much better. Dr. Paul 58:13 Amen to that. Thank you, Neil. I mean, this was a speedy course in science for our viewers. But folks, this is what you get here. This is what you need. Pay attention to the actual science, and to a man who's done more for science than almost anyone I know, in a short period of time, so you've really pushed the needle in the right direction. And I think, Neil Z. Miller 58:36 thank you very much. I really appreciate you giving me this opportunity to share this important information. Dr. Paul 58:42 Yeah, thanks again. And all the best to welcome to our favorite section in the news brand at pager, Public Policy Director of informed choice Washington and the host of uninformed life radio, and so much more. So glad to have you back this week. And welcome. Bernadette Pajer 59:06 Thank you, Dr. Paul. It's good to be here. There's an awful lot going on and a lot we need our viewers to do. Dr. Paul 59:12 There sure is. I think you were gonna highlight for us something from a person I hold dear to my heart. Jeremy Hammond who wrote that book that's over my shoulder. The the attack on informed consent, which was my story, he's done a lot of amazing work right now. Something on natural immunity. Maybe you can share that with our audience. Bernadette Pajer 59:33 Yes, yes. Yeah. Hopefully you can see that there. Jeremy are Hamman go to Jeremy r hammond.com. He is doing a deep dive investigation into the science and politics of natural immunity to SARS Coby to you in short, natural immunity is very strong, broad and long lasting. And the politics is silencing that we need to share the information so good Find this series of articles that Jeremy R Hammond has done. And that will help you educate your legislators, your doctors, your teachers educate everybody about the power of that. And of course, we know the silence of the early treatment protocols is what also is driving what they are trying to do with these vaccine products. Dr. Paul 1:00:24 Oh, absolutely. When I was with Dr. McCulloh at a recent conference, he is so pro natural immunity. Of course, he had the infection himself and he has tried to get himself reinfected. He cannot. And he feels that natural immunity will probably be lifelong, or it certainly many, many years, it is the way out as opposed to the vaccine program that is clearly failing. I thought today, we might focus on myocarditis. This is sort of a relatively new finding of massive significance, especially in the younger folks. And what have you found on that? Bernadette Pajer 1:01:01 Yeah, myocarditis is really huge. I'm going to play for you. A little bit of this video from Steve Kirche. This is in regarding to CDC information. What they are telling us and they're trying to downplay something extremely important. Unknown Speaker 1:01:20 They did say that on May 22, a few young vaccine recipients had been affected by myocarditis they had gotten reports in from a few young vaccine recipients. Well, in reality, they got reports in from 615. affected people, boys in that age range, and 1000 in May. Now that's that's not a few. And what's interesting is that the five year rate, or these events is zero. For over five years, you look at previous vaccines, you get zero counts. And here you're looking at 1000 events in a month. Bernadette Pajer 1:01:59 Yeah, report on myocarditis adverse events, not only does it show high rates of myocarditis in young people following vaccination that there appears to be elevated what's called troponin levels, which is a marker of myocarditis in many people, but they are there's no follow up. There's no routine follow up of these troponin levels to see and what can happen is you get subclinical inflammation, undiagnosed, which could be leading to a whole lot of very dangerous heart issues. In the future. The rates of injury to the children are much higher from the shots than to the natural infection, which we know would provide them very long lasting and the unity where's the risk benefit? conversation happening? Dr. Paul? Dr. Paul 1:02:47 Yeah, no, it's interesting. Both Dr. McCulloh who treats a lot of COVID patients, and I as a pediatrician don't see very many cases, we don't have the vaccine in my office. It wasn't until very recently that teenagers could even get the vaccines for for COVID-19. But I've had a patient of my own a teenager in his mid teens, hospitalized with Sky High troponin levels in the 1000s. Wow. You know, in serious medical situation he lived, but he will likely have lifelong heart issues, as is the case for Dr. McCullers patient who's still just barely out of the hospital. It's it's a rough road. And both makalah and I and you're saying it to Bernadette, if we don't test people after they've had the vaccine to see what's happening to their hearts, we don't know if 100% or 50% of those who get this vaccine are taking a hit to their heart. They're not testing so we simply don't know. But the numbers of just the hospitalizations for heart myocarditis issues is astonishing. One in 300, and something for that younger age group. I mean, that is horrific. Exactly. And Bernadette Pajer 1:04:01 that's just one medical issue. Viewers, all of us parents, you are the heroes, we are the heroes. And we can do this. And in so many states. Children without parental consent, at fairly young ages can go get these dangerous shots, we have got to stop. This Dr. Paul 1:04:19 is absolutely shocking. Even in my own clinic where people are very aware of informed consent, the number of teenagers who have already gone on their own to a pharmacy somewhere and gotten this shot. The peer pressure is immense. People are not aware of the information that we have. And so when all you hear is the sound bites on television, the sky is falling the solution is the vaccine. And you take that as fact when it's actual total propaganda and misinformation and we're wringing our hands, how do we help reach our friends? And so I agree with you Bernadette, people go to those organizations that Bernadette just highlighted on that final slide there, and put on your cape, put on your boots and stand for your own right to medical freedom and bodily integrity. We now know this is a failed vaccine program. It's a dangerous vaccine program. And I am in danger for saying that because I happen to be a licensed physician, at least for now. But a lot of us are speaking up because we cannot remain silent any longer. We have no long term data. So until we do Precautionary Principle, protect yourselves. Bernadette Pajer 1:05:31 Exactly. And this pertains to every brand of the product. It's not just the mRNA the DNA and any potential coming along. Yeah, Dr. Paul 1:05:40 absolutely. Well, thank you, Bernadette, and all the best in your move. I know you've got big things ahead for yourself, and we'll chat again soon. Bernadette Pajer 1:05:48 Thank you, Dr. Pal. Take care. Dr. Paul 1:05:49 You too. Dr. Paul, here, doctors in science.com is where you go to get access to my exclusive members only section. This is how you the viewers support our work. We have no sponsors. We are fully supported by you, our viewers, what do you get in the member section, it's quite a list, you get access to a couple of my eBooks. The first one is the authoritative reference list for my vaccine friendly plan book. I also have written a book very extensive called everyday health that covers pretty much what I think you should be doing if you want to live a healthy life in this world today. But there's so much more. We have a live q&a Every week after the show with yours truly, Dr. Pol answering your questions, submit your questions online, and I will tackle as many of them as I possibly can. And try to answer to the best of my ability, whatever burning questions you have. In addition to this, you get transcripts of every show. We have other bonus content. And I think one of the huge bonus content pieces is the PowerPoints of the talks I'm giving as I travel around the country. People are always asking me how can we get those PowerPoints? This is how you do it. Head on over to doctors in science comm and become a member and join the team of against the wind helped me spread the truth and share this on social media and with their friends at doctors in science.com. I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. Let's make this the weekly show the nation's been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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