PDF:Text:Dr. Paul 0:00
Could it be that our health freedom is truly under fire? Is it possible that our public health officials have been lying to us? How do we seek the truth when doctors have been led to believe in the marketing slogan, the vaccines are safe and effective. This show we'll highlight the importance of informed consent. I'm Dr. Paul Thomas, and welcome to against the wind, doctors and science under fire. Paul here, welcome to our next show. This show today features an interview I did with Greg Glaser. He's the legal counsel for pick, he covers some important legislative issues and the control group study, you're not gonna want to miss that. We then go to an interview I did this just heart wrenching from a dear friend Paula and her daughter faith. We're then going to have an interview with Brian hooker, who did the other vaccin back study that was just published this last year very similar findings to my own. And of course, you're not gonna want to miss the news update with Bernadette pays year. So on we go now to my interview with Greg Glaser. Dr. Paul 1:14 Welcome, folks, it's my privilege and honor to bring to you Greg Glazer, he is the attorney legal counsel for PPIC physicians for informed consent. It's an organization I was a part of at the very beginning, a few years ago, and he's going to bring to us some extremely important information about something that I would call the control group, but I'll let him explain more how that came about. And what that is. Go ahead and maybe give us a little bit of background, Greg, about how you got involved with the litigation that you're involved with in this control group data. Greg Glaser 1:45 Of course, thank you so much. It's this is great to be here. And I'm a huge supporter of your work, Paul and this show. So the control group is a survey of unvaccinated Americans. And the survey was prepared specifically for litigation and only for litigation. And we have filed a federal court case that seeks to obtain a court order to protect all Americans from mandatory vaccination, as well as any coercion, any discrimination based on vaccination status. And the reason why, other than, of course, the law and ethic of informed consent by itself a very good reason to support that that rule, but the reason why is because our findings, our survey findings are that the unvaccinated are the healthiest people on the planet. This, these individuals, they, they hardly have anything. And, and we asked for their their medical diagnoses, you know, their professional medical diagnoses. And what we found is that the rate of chronic illness, just having one chronic illness in a vaccine in an unvaccinated individual is about 5%. But it's even lower. If you take out all the individuals whose mothers were vaccinated during pregnancy, all the individuals who you know, got the K shot, then it goes down to about 2%. So if you compare 2% of the unvaccinated, so meaning that if so let's say hypothetically, you had 100 unvaccinated individuals, there'd only be two of them that have one chronic illness. Dr. Paul 3:28 Wow. And what's the rate in the goat in the rest of the population? It's over over 50%? Greg Glaser 3:33 Right. So could you imagine flipping a coin 100 times and it only comes up heads? Twice? Dr. Paul 3:40 Right? That doesn't happen by chance? Greg Glaser 3:44 Exactly. So So our court documents emphasize that the exact probability of that which is called the p value, the probability value, and what we found is that it is a number with so many zeros after it, that the likelihood that this could just be by random accident, that it that the logic is showing causation, meaning causation in a court of law, that vaccines are causing chronic illness. Dr. Paul 4:08 Yeah, I mean, you know, they always say Association doesn't mean causation. But when you get the power, a significant level that you're finding in your survey, which, as you know, is very similar to what I found in my published real world data from my practice. Yes. And so it's almost uncanny that these two things, these two major studies are coming out at the same time. And this is really, really important information for the world, folks. This is why against the wind, doctors and science under fire is here for you is to bring you this kind of data. I'm wondering, Greg, if you have it in front of you rattle off a few of the findings from that survey? Sure. It's quite impressive. Absolutely. Greg Glaser 4:48 Yeah. So in in our pilot survey here, what we found is that the the risk factor of being unvaccinated having one chronic illness is 5.2 97% and compared to chronic illness in children, you know that very high number. So that's one with 83, one and 84 with a three zeros after it. And then you also look at other things that really amazed us, for example, in the American population, 10% of people have diabetes. But in our control group survey, we found zero diabetes, right, that the likelihood that that could be by mere accident, is one in 64 with 68 zeros after it. I mean, we're talking about getting hit by lightning multiple times. That's the Dr. Paul 5:36 Yeah, yeah. Any books that there's Sorry to interrupt you there. There's a reason that vaccines may well be linked with things like diabetes, because diabetes type one in particular, we know is autoimmune, right? You have the immune system attacking your islet cells in your pancreas, you stop making insulin. And there's nothing that triggers autoimmunity more than aluminum in vaccines, for one reason, anyway, carry on with some of the other findings. I just, it's fascinating because it delves matches so well with what I found. Greg Glaser 6:06 Absolutely. And the very scientific point that you just highlighted about diabetes. We included in our court papers, where we show that diabetes is immune mediated. It's an immune mediated disorder. And so we submit that, that scientific evidence to the court and all of our scientific evidence that we present to the court is authoritative, so we're relying on the most authoritative citations, the top journals, the CDC, etc, because the court has to recognize the authoritativeness of that the evidence in addition to our then, of course, we have our pilot survey evidence. And you are right. One of our experts actually specifically cited your recent study call and goes into how it is useful and corroborates this pilot survey evidence and and the strength of it. And so that that sort of corroboration, the fact that independent doctors, independent physicians are going out and finding everyone's finding the same thing. The unvaccinated are the healthiest people and right not by a small bit by massive amounts, massive Dr. Paul 7:17 amounts. Greg, this is so important, and for our listeners, most of the world and at least in the United States, were vaccinated, most people are and so this control group that we're calling the control group, that group of unvaccinated people in fact, do you have a number, Greg, for what percentage of the US is unvaccinated? Do you know what that is? Greg Glaser 7:36 Yes, we what we did is we went in and did our best to estimate the exact number of people that that would be completely unvaccinated and we came to about it's about point 3% of the population. Yeah. Is the unvaccinated as three. Let's see, would that be three out of 1000? Yeah, Dr. Paul 7:59 yeah. So this guy, this is why folks, your regular doctors, your typical pediatricians, they have no experience whatsoever with the unvaccinated population. And this is a situation that I found myself in this real predicament, because most pediatricians are kicking families out of their practices who don't want to vaccinate, and they're coming to my practice, because we honor informed consent. And after that process, they may choose not to vaccinate. So then I found myself the data that I ended up publishing with over 500 unvaccinated children all followed, you know, over this is over a period we were open for 10 and a half years that data set, and nobody else has that kind of data. And when that was published, I think it was so shocking to the establishment and those who perhaps stand to lose a lot of money if we upset the applecart of vaccination is is safe and effective, which we're now clearly showing that not to be the case. Correct. And five days later, the medical board Yanks my license on an emergency basis. You know, there's a might be a connection there. But back, you're back to your your story. There's something happening in February 22, I believe. Can you let us Yes, going on? Greg Glaser 9:16 Yes, I will be in court with my co counsel, Ray Flores, in federal court in Sacramento, and we will be asking the judge for a court order to protect all Americans from mandatory vaccination to protect all Americans from coerced vaccination to require that all all governments federal government, state government, anyone who receives federal funding, nobody can discriminate against you based on your vaccination status. So it's really upholding the right and ethic of informed consent. Dr. Paul 9:48 This is so so important, Greg because, you know, state by state legislators, you know, funded by pharma money and this sort of initiative just to ran back Scenes down the populations throat basically, you know, you are in you're in California where basically they were already successful that, you know, you have to have a medical exemption is the only way to get around following the entire CDC schedule. Right. Right. Yeah. And I go to school to go to school for kids. And you know, if you're working parents, which most families these days, you've got two working parents, if their kids can't go to school, what are they going to do? So these mandatory vaccine laws are actually discriminatory on the poor, or the working class. You know, if you're wealthy, you can hire a nanny, you can homeschool you can take care of your kid no problem. So it's odd to me that in a in a society that is trying to uplift individuality and equality, that we will be discriminating particularly against those who are underprivileged. Greg Glaser 10:48 I completely agree. And I love the way that you put it. The one of the plaintiffs in my case, is an amazing child. This is a honor student, all American athlete, coaches love them receives awards, other children love them gets to play baseball in his court, just the kind of American that you would just be thrilled to see that this person exists. This boy, because of California law, is unable to attend either public school or private school, he's unable to go to he's a Christian, he cannot go to Christian school and have fellowship with other Christians. And yet, under California law, somebody can go to a strip club. So we let we're allowing people to go to strip clubs, but you can't fellowship as a Christian. I mean, to me, this is like persecution. Dr. Paul 11:36 Greg, you're trying to tell me that you can go to a strip club if you're not fully vaccinated. Yeah, yeah. Wow. I never thought of it quite that way. I'm having to laugh. It's so it's so obnoxious. It's so absurd, exactly. It's there. Yeah, this Greg Glaser 11:52 idea that we're that, that the system singles out these schoolchildren and prevents them from accessing an education. It's, it's just blatant coercion, to try to vaccinate as many people as possible. And one of the and that was actually a problem for our survey. We, we couldn't even find an unvaccinated person in West Virginia, not a single one. I'm sure they're there. But they didn't respond to our survey. And you know, and we were asking in our surveys a little bit different because it's prepared for court. So when we do our survey, we're saying will will you testify, we are going to submit your evidence to court. So in many ways, the survey participants are like witnesses. Whereas in your, in your work, Paul, these are, you know, these are patients, Dr. Paul 12:38 sure. And every single patient, we didn't exclude a single person, we took every person born into my practice. And then we just looked at the outcomes. And we found, we also did a unique thing that we looked at the severity of the conditions by looking at office visits, so the relative rate of office visits. And that's just an example, let's say you have ADHD, or you have asthma, and you want to see, well, oh, this child just came in once a year, not very severe. This child was in 12 times for their asthma or their ADHD, it just speaks to severity. And we found this direct correlation within almost anything we looked at, the more vaccines you had, the greater the severity of the conditions, which we were looking for. And we looked at everything. Greg Glaser 13:24 Absolutely. You know that that's a wonderful metric to look for severity. Another another key one is the the number of chronic diseases that an individual has. And what we found with them with our unvaccinated control group is that not only are they less likely to have even one disease, if they do have one disease, it's usually mild and just one. And so these, these are individuals whose immune systems work, and that's and so so what's amazing is what we're finding is that these unvaccinated Americans, even if they get a disease like measles, for example, they're actually more likely to live, they are more likely to thrive and live, right and that and that, so it's sort of up to her it overturns the applecart, it changes the whole way that we view infectious disease. There's, there's sort of this, this big push, I think, to sort of downplay these diseases say, Oh, well, the measles is isn't so bad. And on some level, that's true. But on another level, it kind of is difficult for the vaccinated but not the unvaccinated. They're doing amazing. In fact, when they get the measles, they have they have a different day of statistically a different outcome than the vaccinated. That's what I believe the data shows. Dr. Paul 14:40 Yeah. Well, it's been my experience, Greg, in my practice, I keep finding that my unvaccinated patients are never sick, which is, of course what the data showed. And so this narrative that you need your vaccines to protect others is actually totally wrong. Our unvaccinated patient are protecting society much greater than the vaccinated who carried all sorts of diseases. They're always sick. And so they're always sharing germs. Remember folks vaccines cover 14 conditions. That's it, there are hundreds of things that infect people. And so, so it's it's actually your unvaccinated populations. They're your heroes. They're the ones who are protecting society. And you don't get that until you understand this data and understand what you found Greg, and what I found in my work. It's just, it's so powerful. It's powerful data. Greg Glaser 15:35 It brings you to a place in your thinking and your logical thinking where you can almost look back in time, the the unvaccinated, it's, it's like they live in the 1950s when everyone was healthy, you know, it's like, imagine you're on a block with 100 people, there's 100 people on your street, and only two of them have a chronic illness. Could you imagine that? Dr. Paul 15:58 It's beautiful. That's how it was. That's how it was when I grew up. Greg, my entire childhood. I knew of one kid with an inhaler. One my whole childhood, never saw asthma, never saw ATD ADHD or autism, none. eczema, none. I mean, we had some infectious diseases back then measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox. And we by and large got over them. Yeah. So Greg Glaser 16:24 so. And I think that's that's the that's the compelling reason that a court can come in, in my case, and rule in our favor, because we're asking the judge to just bring us back to that beautiful time period in the 1950s, when we weren't injecting these children with all these vaccines. And I think for the first time, the the adults are starting to realize that the needle isn't pointed just at the children. The needle also points right back at them with COVID. Yeah, and so there's this awakening happening, Dr. Paul 16:56 right? Yeah. And and, folks, you can't wake up too soon. This COVID train is coming to a town near you in the next weeks or months for sure. And we've got you hear the swords rattling, that they want to mandate these in such a way that if you don't get vaccinated, maybe you don't travel, maybe you don't get to even go to work, what kind of restrictions so this is why your your lawsuit is so important. Greg, how can people support you? What what what should be the next step for folks? Sure. Greg Glaser 17:25 I've received just wonderful support online and great press from from folks, you know, who have reviewed the evidence, lots of offers to help them. I'm just so overwhelmed and grateful people can follow updates at informed consent. defense.org. Dr. Paul 17:42 Wonderful, informed consent defense.org? Greg Glaser 17:47 Yes, Dr. Paul 17:47 we will, we will definitely get a link for you for that. And, Greg, I can't thank you enough for bringing this important information to our audience. So you have any parting words of wisdom for our audience? Greg Glaser 17:59 Thank you for your work, Paul, because you've been a trailblazer in in this field, and you have successfully tapped into the thing that can help heal our nation, which is the unvaccinated natural immune systems, we can return to a brighter future. Dr. Paul 18:17 Thank you for your attention. And Greg, thanks for coming on and informing us about what you're doing. This sounds like the most important thing we can do is put a halt and an end to this mandatory vaccine crusade that is absolutely destroying health. Yes. Greg Glaser 18:33 Yes. I think James is on its way. Fantastic. Dr. Paul 18:36 I really appreciate appreciate you coming on the show. And let's talk again soon. Greg Glaser 18:41 Thank you. Dr. Paul 18:48 So welcome to our studio. I am honored and privileged today to have guest special guests. We've got a good friend Paula and her daughter faith. So I'm really grateful for you both being here today. You brought your mom along just for fun. Unknown Speaker 19:04 Yes, yes. Dr. Paul 19:05 I understand that. You have a special way of doing greetings. I forget what it's called. Okay, we can do soft cheeks. Unknown Speaker 19:16 Oh, Unknown Speaker 19:18 thank you. That is so sweet. That means you're okay. Dr. Paul 19:21 I'm okay today. All right. Well, you're definitely okay too. So what's your favorite thing to do? Faith Unknown Speaker 19:28 is whisper into mom's ear canal. Dr. Paul 19:32 Oh, whistling into her ear canal. Unknown Speaker 19:35 whispering whispering into your ear canal. Unknown Speaker 19:39 Yes. Unknown Speaker 19:46 Thank you lovely to Oh, that's Dr. Paul 19:49 so sweet. Oh, I know something's happening special in your life. You've got a birthday coming up. Right. Yes. How You're going to be 21 and I'll go here in car worlds. You're gonna go to Harry Potter World. Yeah, that's wonderful. Anything else you wanted to tell me? Unknown Speaker 20:11 I want to go on Harry Potter slide. Dr. Paul 20:13 Oh, they have a slide. Harry Potter slide? Yeah. Is it like a water thing? Yeah, yeah. So if you wanted to go have some more snacks, that would be okay. More snack. Would you like that? Greg Glaser 20:27 Yeah. Okay, good. Dr. Paul 20:29 Let you go have some snacks. All right. Thank you for coming faith. Unknown Speaker 20:37 I come over here. Dr. Paul 20:42 Oh, she's such a sweet gal. Paula Bryant-Terise 20:44 She brings so much happiness. Dr. Paul 20:46 Yeah. She takes after her sweet Mama. Paula Bryant-Terise 20:49 Thank you. Dr. Paul 20:50 So folks, one of the I mean, you can see clearly see that faith is doing amazing, but is challenged. And I wanted a chance for mom for you, Paula to share her story but not in front of her because it's just kind of painful for the what people sometimes don't realize is that kids like faith are actually very aware of what's going on. She's Paula Bryant-Terise 21:12 very in tune with what's going on. And she often actually hears us talking about her from another room. She's listening in and reacts to it. And I don't like to talk right? say things that might be upsetting to her. Of course. Dr. Paul 21:30 Of course. He's Paula Bryant-Terise 21:30 come a long way. She's had a hard time. Yeah. And we like to focus on the positive. Dr. Paul 21:35 Yeah, absolutely. And you do a good job of that. You're, you're one of my hero, Mama. Thank you. So go ahead and share share with me maybe right from birth or even pregnancy, but when did you first start to have concerns? Paula Bryant-Terise 21:48 I had no concerns about her development, other than she repeatedly was sick. Okay, just ill all the time. And every time we go in for a vaccine appointment, we'd come back a week, two weeks later, and she would have RSV ear infections, just these cycling, respiratory viruses and your infections and multiple courses of antibiotics. Yeah. So, you know, I know that's a familiar story. Everybody's got Yeah, you know, that's probably like 75% of the people have the same story with multiple courses of antibiotics. And so she was no different than that. Pretty much the standard Dr. Paul 22:33 is what she developing normally for a while. Paula Bryant-Terise 22:36 Oh, totally normally, yeah. So what time until 18 months, okay. An 18 months actually. Okay. Um, at that appointment, the doctor, my doctor said, you know, we need to get her caught up. vaccines, okay, because now she's behind. She's been so sick. She's been sick, sick, sick. And that's true. She Dr. Paul 22:55 missed some along the way. Paula Bryant-Terise 22:57 And so at the what would have been 18 month appointment was at 19 months. And she got, I think, nine vaccines in that appointment? No, well, you know, some of our multiple MMR and DPT. Yeah, they have multiple vaccines. So it sounds like a lot. But really, it's kind of standard. Yeah. Yeah, maybe it was one or two more a little more than one called comebacks. And I don't think they even use that. Now. Those Dr. Paul 23:25 mixed ones were in my experience when I was with a practice prior to my own practice. When we went to combo Vax, we saw so many more side effects. Yeah. Paula Bryant-Terise 23:36 So within a couple of days, she went from just being sort of sick to checked out. Okay, and I was alarmed. Dr. Paul 23:46 Yeah. And when you say checked out, what do you mean? Paula Bryant-Terise 23:49 I mean, vacant? Yeah. Dr. Paul 23:51 No, icontact nobody does get emotional. Paula Bryant-Terise 23:55 You know? Yeah. Because, I mean, I can still feel that and still we live in. Um, I know, in our case, it was quite dramatic. And I know other parents, you know, report that this went on for a period of months, or something. Dr. Paul 24:10 years was pretty sad. It was very sad. Paula Bryant-Terise 24:12 And so she went from, you know, just sick, to growling to her clothes, salivating, howling. So she had she'd been saying words before, though. Yeah. Dr. Paul 24:27 Did those go away? Oh, yeah. She lost her speech. Paula Bryant-Terise 24:30 Totally. She lost her ability to use her hands. This all happened within like a week. Wow. And so I was calling the doctor, of course, I'm asking to get out. And she, you know, put me off and the nurse told me that brother was probably talking for her and she's been so Ill give her a chance and this sort of thing, which of course I've heard this a number of times from other parents. This is nothing unique to me. And so I really don't know why I didn't march in there with her, you know, or take her to the ER or something. But they were assuring me that she was fine. And so when I finally took her in, that I got an appointment. I think it was a, it seemed like everything was three weeks. We'll see you in three weeks for this and even three weeks for that. So I took her in and the doctors eyes went like huge like saucers. And she thought maybe she had a brain tumor and or hearing loss. Now we suspected hearing loss. And because she wasn't responding to anything for name, noises, we'd drop books, and she wouldn't look. And did she have hearing loss? She did have some hearing loss he did. And so that threw us off course for a bit and we thought I was just hearing loss and we'll get that corrected. And she'll be fine. And we got that corrected. And they they were able to confirm that she could hear because there's some kind of test they blow air or something into your eardrum. And they confirmed that she could hear normally, and yet her behavior didn't change. She still wasn't talking now. She was still growing, howling, terrified of everything. She couldn't hardly move. She was clinging to the floor. She seemed in pain. Yeah. Dr. Paul 26:31 Yeah. I hear that a lot. Probably abdominal pain brain on fire. Who knows? Paula Bryant-Terise 26:36 I know she had abdominal pain. Yeah. And her belly got bloated out like you know distended. Yeah. We did end up getting I guess it was during the pneumonia that they did a x ray and found she had I don't know if they? I can't remember. But I know we did. Separately did a cover Kay up Dr. Paul 26:59 just like she was impacted or full of stool completely impacted. It's a common thing also. Paula Bryant-Terise 27:05 So that happened, but she had liquid diarrhea, and then the distended belly and the whole thing. We knew she was in pain. But that didn't really explain the loss of use of her hands. inability of the growling her I think one eye drooped a bit and her her face just became a little bit asymmetrical. Wow. Dr. Paul 27:28 I know. That's huge. It was devastating. And you've been working to try to recover her ever since? Well, she's doing really good. I know. She's doing amazing. Paula Bryant-Terise 27:37 But you know, it took everything we had. Dr. Paul 27:40 Yeah, complete focus. No, I you've been on she's almost 21. So you've been on this journey for 20 years? Paula Bryant-Terise 27:47 Yeah. So I had kind of a showdown I'd say with that doctor, at some point. Not, not all doctors are like this. I mean, you're not like this. I've come to realize that if you don't have a doctor, that's like a collaborator with you and learning with you about your your child or your person, yourself. If that person is a top down, like I'm the doctor, I know this, you don't know anything, you have no right to ask these questions. That person is not on your team, that person is going to be a roadblock. Right. And I started to recognize that that doctor was impeding my progress with my daughter, right? And I don't know if that was because she, she felt guilty or knew in her heart that she'd done something or that she just didn't know what to do, didn't know what to do didn't know what to Dr. Paul 28:41 do and know what to do. I was one of those doctors who didn't know what to do. You know, I've been doing pediatrics for 35 years. And until I woke up to this reality that you're sharing, which was about 20 years ago. Yeah. Those first 15 years of my practice, I would have said, I'm so sorry. Good luck. Yeah. Which is basically what pediatricians still do today. Go see the specialists. There's a two year waiting list Exactly. See the specialist and good luck. Paula Bryant-Terise 29:08 That's exactly right. So she got us an appointment at the cdrc, eight months out. And I said eight months seems like a long way out. And she said, Well, this is not an emergency. And I said if it was your child, this would be an emergency. And she said, Well, you know, there's really nothing we can do at this point. And I'm thinking is that true? Are you just telling me that because you don't know what to do? So, you know, I guess I come from I don't know if I call it mistrust, but I the critical thinking skills Dr. Paul 29:45 should be there for that doctor to tell me maybe there is something we can do. Folks, this makes my blood boil. I hear this story too many times. hundreds of times I've heard your story, Paula Bryant-Terise 29:59 but I felt like I knew something to do. And she did end up being the roadblock. Yeah, I had started. You know, this is pre internet, really? I mean, the internet was baby, right? We had email plenty, a little couple of websites or something, but there wasn't much. Yeah. And so I got on the phone, I couldn't leave the house because she was screaming and howling and clinging to me. So I was basically a prisoner in my house, plus the diarrhea and inability to walk the whole thing was, like, like I said, like being a prisoner. Dr. Paul 30:32 So maybe, for our viewers to sort of Captain capsulize, 20 years of learning that you've had, what things can you tell our viewers? These are the key things you should at least consider based on your journey? consider us treatment wise. You mean? Yeah. What to do? Paula Bryant-Terise 30:52 Okay. Well, the first what not to do, the first thing we did was I just stopped listening to people who said there was nothing you could do. Period. What's, what's the downside to trying things if they can't hurt, right? So I had started calling parents and people and just random. Like, we're talking cold calling people. My daughter's having the severe neurological disorder. I don't know what it is. Do you know anybody that knows anything about it? Just calling people two hours a day at spent on the phone? Yeah, one person saved? No, I don't. But someone so no. So and so the day you would send people where today you just get on a Facebook group? Yeah. and say, you know, because there's a lot of help now. But right away, I put her on the special diet. Which one? I Well, at first, it was gluten free, dairy free. Dr. Paul 31:45 Did you see a benefit immediately? Folks pay attention to this. I hear this story of immediate benefit. Paula Bryant-Terise 31:52 When I say immediate it was one week. Dr. Paul 31:54 Yeah. All right, or two or three, but you will see improvement in mood behavior Paula Bryant-Terise 32:00 right away. I try right away. Yeah, all of that. And so, but at first, we thought, oh, maybe we're just this wishful thinking, you know, so I'm but I'm taking data. I'm writing it down. second week, she was looking at us and smiling. That was first time she looked at us or smiled in the year. Dr. Paul 32:19 Don't miss this, folks. Paula Bryant-Terise 32:20 third week, she starts imitating sounds, ba Ba, da da da. And she'd repeat it like she's imitating something I couldn't believe it, we were in shock. And that's when I went into this doctor and said, I want to get this baseline blood draw, to see if she's having a, like an autoimmune reaction to like celiac or, yeah, I want to get a baseline, I want to do this and get another blood draw in six months and see, you know, if we see it, physiologically, as well as behaviorally, sure. And that's when she said, No, I'm just, you know, I'm the doctor. And I basically cut cords with her right then in there instead of you. You will pay for it out of pocket, you'll never have to see me in your office. Again, I'll call for my results. And you won't have to deal with me anymore. And she goes great. Dr. Paul 33:10 Well, the key there folks is you do get to pick who your doctor is going to be for yourself and for your children. If you've got a doctor that's not paying attention, it might be time to find a new doctor. Paula Bryant-Terise 33:20 Well, that's the point. So find somebody that will work with you, not against you. Find somebody who believes in you, and your intelligence. And who doesn't dismiss you and your questions, right, who's willing to work with you and seek the answers? If they don't know the answers? Find somebody who's willing to find it together with you. Sure, at least look at your research. Yeah, Dr. Paul 33:43 you know, so I imagine your regular doctors would tell you of course, this was just a coincidence, even though it happened to us that standard phrase, you know, so she would probably want I know you want to find something to blame. Usually you should probably continue vaccinating because we know vaccines are safe and effective. And there's they've been probed by this time Paula Bryant-Terise 34:01 I was done with her. Okay, and so I just moved on and somebody recommended you and I said no, he's way too mainstream. I'm not going with him. And so we just stopped doing all vaccines and I just started trusting my gut. And I started listening to what other parents said, and I everything that parents that had been before me told me to do or what to trust or what to seek. Turned out to be the best advice and including I started doing a brushing protocol with her where I you know, did my own at home occupational therapy. And before you know what she's she had what they call tactile defensiveness, gravitational insecurity, all these words that nobody's ever Dr. Paul 34:42 heard it's related issues that we now call sensory integration issues, Paula Bryant-Terise 34:45 who would ever hear a gravitational insecurity that means you're afraid to move? And she was Yeah. And so we had to relearn everything, how to pick up an object, how to be touched. All of it. We had to go back to where it was like she was a brand new infant, like a newborn where she had to relearn. motion, touch everything. Yeah. So it's been a long journey. But I just I think that people should trust themselves more. We are intelligent. We don't have to ask permission to, to seek answers. We don't have to. People are afraid to cut their own hair, let alone You know, diagnose something or treat something. But we have to stop giving up our power and start realizing that we're intelligent, that it's your body, you have to listen to yourself. Absolutely no. Dr. Paul 35:43 So two people who say that vaccines are safe and effective, what's your response to that? Paula Bryant-Terise 35:52 I don't know what to say to that. where's where's the evidence? Right, what has never been tested against a placebo? Has it ever had long term safety studies? Which one if it if they have been? Show me the studies? Where's the evidence? Dr. Paul 36:09 So you certainly have living evidence of the opposite? Paula Bryant-Terise 36:13 Well, certainly I do. Yeah. And it's not just the vaccines. It's the antibiotics. Yeah. And I think in my daughter's case, there's no question that that the cyclical antibiotics, but that were kind of brought on by the the illnesses that she got from being vaccinated. So it's kind of a cycle. Dr. Paul 36:32 It's a vicious cycle. My own kids the saying I had the same story of multiple infections. I just was fortunate enough, we didn't have a severe event like yours. Paula Bryant-Terise 36:40 Yeah. Well, the severe event taught me something. The people that don't have a severe event, I think don't learn as quickly. Dr. Paul 36:48 That's true. That's true. So parting words to the world? What would you say? Paula Bryant-Terise 36:55 Well, learn what health is. Health is not just an absence of colds, or flus. Health is vitality. If you see your, your health declining, you have to really look at it and say, what, what is health? I mean, we don't even know. And who's offering health? Is it coming from pills? Is it coming from food? I mean, we have health within us ready to spring forward if we stop poisoning ourselves. So look at what you're poisoning yourself with, and ask the hard questions and who has responsibility for their health? You do? It's not you don't abdicate that over to a doctor. We've given up our, our what's the word our agency, I guess? for health, my parents knew more about how to keep us healthy. They never took us to doctors for this and that, you know, giving us Tylenol and antibiotics and things like this. And I think, you know, it's amazing that we're surviving with all the the drugs that we're using and the poisons in our foods. So once you stop harming yourself, health, just kind of springs forward. And my daughter's is extremely healthy now. She's she she can out hike my husband. Well, you can hike 10 miles. Yeah, she's never sick. Her gut function is now great. Dr. Paul 38:27 You've healed it. Paula Bryant-Terise 38:28 We've healed that now. You know, Dr. Paul 38:30 the brain is harder to heal, but you're working on it. Paula Bryant-Terise 38:33 Oh, she's come a long way. She can read ride bikes sing. She can do basic math. She has a lot of deficits, but she brings us a lot of joy. Dr. Paul 38:43 Yeah. Well, thank you for coming on our show for sharing your very difficult story. With heart and folks. Your health is in your hands. That's what this show is about against the wind. We want you to know that it is up to you to say this wind that's blowing us over with this mandated vaccines and big food Big Pharma big, you know, pesticides everywhere, toxins everywhere. Take charge of your own health, what it takes to be healthy as a healthy immune system, getting your nutrients and avoiding toxins pretty much. I mean, a little bit of rest, sleep restoration exercise. These things help right avoids an undue stress, but pay attention to this vaccine thing. We're not giving medical advice here. But we are bringing information to you that you should probably be paying attention to. So thanks for your attention. I'm Dr. Paul. And thank you, Paula, for coming on our show. Paula Bryant-Terise 39:39 You're welcome. I think we all have to care for ourselves more. Dr. Paul 39:43 Agreed. Thank you. Dr. Paul 39:51 Dr. Paul here we're gonna call this segment from the heart. If you watched the first show, I imagine you're aware that the medical board in Oregon has suspended my license on an emergency basis. Now, the short story behind that I wrote the book The vaccine friendly plan in 2016, that led to a cascade of events of the medical board. It felt to me like they were kind of after me with complaint after complaint after complaint. January of last year, January of 2019. The complaint that came that time was proved that the CDC skit no prove that the vaccine friendly plan that's the plan I've outlined in my book is as safe as the CDC schedule. thinking to myself, well, this is odd, the CDC has never proven that their schedule is as safe as doing nothing, for example. But I took up the challenge because I thought, No, this is this is a good question. Because really, if I'm causing harm with the recommendations in my book, I need to know that and my families in my practice should know that. So I commissioned the fellow doctor to come in who's an informatics expert, former pediatrician neonatologist to just do a deep dive into the data, it showed conclusively with a high level of significance that the unvaccinated are doing amazing, in contrast to the more vaccinated kids in my practice, well, five days after the publication of that article, the medical board in Oregon, issued this emergency suspension. So those details we shared last show. And I was struggling with having a resentment I imagine we've all had things, people situations that perhaps if we could forgive it, we'd be free. I had not forgiven the board, or what I perceived to be what they had done to me. And I had a washing I was reading a book and just it became clear that that was what needed to happen, because actually, they were helping me have a greater level of awareness. And I truly believe that I mean, I get goosebumps thinking about it, that this is actually a good thing. So I am grateful now to the board. And then several family members and a wise friend shared with me another thought at a deeper level. And this was that perhaps you do have some patients who perceived a sense of pressure, you know, I'm so excited about my data. I mean, I'm passionate about it, I want the world to know, because we all want healthy kids. We all want Safe Kids, we want our kids not to be harmed, and every pediatrician on this planet. I know in their heart, I'm what we all want to help children. We just didn't have good information when it came to vaccines and what dangers there might be. So I was passionate, because I'm seeing this every day in my practice. Well, we got the data published. And it's powerful. But in my excitement to share this data and this information, and this knowledge, and the all these things that I've become aware of, I think I've inadvertently had some parents feel some pressure, it was brought to my attention that that was a possibility. And so for the board, I want you to know that I'm grateful, because you also have helped me realize that that was a possibility. And I can do better. Now, I can go to my patients and make it crystal clear that this is just information. And it is always your choice. That's the whole, that's the whole thing about informed consent. I want every doctor you go to, to give you the option to do what they're recommending or not, once you've been given the pros and the cons. So that's what's on my heart. If you're struggling with forgiveness, if you're struggling with resentment, trust me, if you can find a way to let it go, you're free. I am just goosebumps free. I am so so happy to be where I'm at now a different level of understanding. So what happens on March 4, which is the other part of the update, that's when I go in front of the board. I'm going to leave that up to God and leave it up to you know what it's supposed to be. But I'll know I've done my part to go in front of that board and be honest and thankful and grateful. Rather than going in there like fighting I tend to take on that role more often than I should I think so I hope I can come to you with greater humility as well. Thank you for watching And now on to our show. Dr. Paul 44:13 So welcome, Brian, you are a champion in the world that I'm in which is this world of trying to get a handle on Vaccine Injury, vaccine risk awareness. I know you come from a background of having your son having had issues in that area, I kind of got to know you through Vax the movie. And of course, we're colleagues now in this quest to get data on vaccine versus unvaccinated because those are the studies that really needed to be done. And I know you just got one published the analysis of health outcomes and vaccinated and unvaccinated children developmental delays as my ear infections and gastrointestinal disorders. So I wanted to give you a chance to share your journey into how you got that data and What you found? Brian Hooker 45:01 Dr. Paul, thank you so much, you know, we're chipping away at this edifice these studies that that the powers that be have told us couldn't be done or weren't ethical to do, you know, thank God, this information is starting to get out. So I'm really, really excited about the interview today. Dr. Paul 45:17 I'm excited by the fact that these papers are getting published. And we do have publishers who are willing to go out on a limb and actually show you know, what is happening what what are the health outcomes, when we look at children who have been fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated, and then those children who are completely unvaccinated? Yep, absolutely. And for viewers who are skeptical about this, you know, you'll always hear this comment. Well, Association does not mean causation, right? But it doesn't mean it's not causation. And so when you can show that in the case of studies like yours and mine, that the vaccines preceded the health outcomes that we're looking at, then there's a chance it might be causation. Obviously, you need randomized control studies to have, quote, proof gold standard, but when the totality of the information starts pointing to a causation, and it's coming from various sources, and there's a plausible mechanism, which we clearly have now, I think we're onto something. What's your take on that? Brian Hooker 46:21 Well, definitely correlation does does not always necessarily equal causation, but I don't want to throw out the baby with the bathwater either. And I think that when you look at the constellation of information that's out there, and and I've been challenged to look at studies where vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations were compared. And I've seen over 50 different peer review publications in some way, shape or form, where you would call them a Vax versus on back study. And so we're not talking about just a few data points. And we're not talking about just my paper and your paper. Dr. Paul, we're talking about a body of literature, that is showing adverse health outcomes for children who are being exposed to the vaccination schedule, either partially or in its entirety. And so you know, one of the things that we're not saying, and neither one of us has recommended that, oh, CDC needs to change its vaccination schedule, we need to throw out all vaccines all together, we're completely anti vaccine, all we're suggesting is that more research needs to be done, and randomized controlled trials do need to be done, I dare say that you would be able to get individuals to enroll in such a trial, and you would be able to do prospective studies. It may not be completely blinded, but at least you could do prospective studies. And then you could really get to the basis for this. And and I, you know, the information that I have published myself, the information that I've compiled with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. With children's health defense, it all points to a body of literature that shows Yes, there are health adverse health outcomes associated with vaccination. And we need to not ignore the elephant in the living room anymore, we really need to look at that. And we need to tie together these mechanistic studies that show how things like cytokine storm can lead to neurological damage can lead to organ failure and things like that. And and we need to tie all this literature together. And that's, you know, one of the things that I'm hoping that over the next two years that I can personally wrap my arms around. Yeah, well Dr. Paul 48:35 put, I totally agree, we are not saying don't do anything, we're not giving medical advice. We're merely adding to the body of knowledge that clearly vaccines can cause harm. And so we need to look at this more, we need more data. Let's dig into your study. What Where did you get your data? Just in general, you don't need to be specific. And then how did you analyze it? What did you find? Brian Hooker 48:59 Well, the data for the study that I completed this, this came out in May of 2020, and the journal Sage open medicine. The data for that particular study came from three pediatric practices across the nation. And in different demographic areas. These were This is more of what we would call a convenient sample sample because we didn't pick these practices at random. We pick the practices, because the practitioners were willing to have their data mined in this particular fashion. And so we ended up looking only at children who were followed from birth. So they were born into these practices. And they were at a minimum of three years old when we started to assess different diagnoses. We looked at vaccinations exclusively, between zero and one years of age. You of age because we want to establish a temporal relationship. So the vaccines would happen between zero and one years of age. And then the diagnoses that we looked at, we would only consider valid if they happened after the first birthday. And beyond Intel, you know, the end of follow up for each particular child. And so by doing this, we were able to establish a temporal relationship. We never want an instance where we had a diagnosis before a vaccine, we always want the vaccine first, and then the diagnosis. So we did this in and in that particular Pat fashion. And when we did that, we found and these were practices that were friendly to non vaccinating, and partially vaccinating families. And so we found fully in this in this particular convenient sample, about 630 individuals that did not receive any vaccines during their first year of life. So that was our unvaccinated portion of the study. And in the balance of them about 1400 or so individuals did receive at least one vaccine in their first year of life. And we didn't in the initial study, we didn't try to differentiate between the number of vaccines, we just said, Look, if you've got one vaccine, if you've got 21 vaccines during that first interval, then we considered you a part of the vaccinated portion of the cohort. And when we did the comparisons, we saw that vaccinated children were more likely to be diagnosed later with developmental delays with asthma, with ear infections. And then in some instances, this was this was more of a partially significant relationship with gastrointestinal disorders. And so that piqued our curiosity, it was working with my co author Neil Miller, that piqued our curiosity, and we did different permutations of the study. And we looked at more vaccines in the first year of life. And then also vaccines being given earlier, say before six months of age. And when we did that, we saw all these relationships strengthen. In addition to that, then the relationship with gastrointestinal disorders then became highly statistically significant, especially among those children that were the most vaccinated, received between 13 and 21 vaccines during their first year of life, and also those children who were vaccinated before their six month birthday. And so all of these became significant, especially when we looked at children who were highly vaccinated, versus those children that received no vaccines before their first birthday. So this was a stark result. We wanted to make sure that the result was based on good medical information and not healthcare at what we call healthcare seeking behavior. Yeah, you know, Dr. Paul, I know you've tackled that in your own paper. And and it's important to correct for the fact that unvaccinated children and families who are who are less less prone to vaccinate may go to the doctor last. And so what we did is we included a control diagnosis of head injury. And we were to use use the difference between non vaccinating families and vaccinating families and how often they would show up with a diagnosis of head injury. And we found virtually no difference. With our control diagnosis, which was not associated with vaccination, it was more of an injury based diagnosis. We never saw relationship, but yet with these other things that have been tied to vaccines, definitely developmental delays, definitely asthma, definitely ear infections, and then gastrointestinal issues, which is a comorbidity a lot of times excuse me, with developmental delays. And we saw these relationships. Dr. Paul 54:00 Yeah, well, well done with your study, this cannot be ignored anymore. And and I think we're both calling for the CDC, the NIH and actually every major health plan that has a huge data set. Simply look, you go in and find your unvaccinated kids age, match them appropriately, socioeconomically match them however you wish, and just look at the data, look at all health outcomes and see what you find this information needs to be shared, we may need to reconsider. We're not saying abandon vaccines completely. We just may need to reconsider what we're doing. How many How often is is there too many too soon? Are there certain edge events like we're worried about aluminum just as we used to be worried about mercury? You know, might there be better ways to do this? You know, we can nobody's against a safe, effective vaccine. We just need to look at what we're doing because it's apparent to me in my practice, I'm in the trenches pediatrician that our kids are not doing well. And and Brian, I know you've published on this data kids today are just in trouble health as far as chronic health conditions. Brian Hooker 55:04 Yes, you know when you consider it when you lump in obesity, the latest statistic that I know of which is now old is 2012 54% of us schoolchildren had some type of chronic health disorder, chronic health disorder. And that's up from the 1980s, where about 12%, were diagnosed with some type of chronic health disorder. So we are in an epidemic of chronic disease conditions in our children, and nobody wants to see children suffer. One of the things that has has stuck out to me is the overwhelming response that I've had by publishing this paper, the paper has been downloaded off of the website over 160,000 times. So I know that and this is a medical journal. So practitioners are looking at this information. Practitioners care about their patients, they're not just randomly vaccinating children. And they're, they're interested in the paradigm shifting, and the more pressure that we can put on the CDC on the FDA on the NIH, to do this study. And, and I know, you know, the gold standard for the CDC is what's called the vaccine safety data link. I've actually been in the vaccine safety data link, I was one of the few researchers that was approved to go in before they then took rescinded access to all independent researchers, and 2017. And I know that there are unvaccinated children in that database. So they they have the data at hand. They could do this study tomorrow, if they wanted to. It's just applying the pressure to get them to do this study, and to look at what paradigms what helped what what health care delivery paradigms are the best for children are the best for children's health. You know, we don't want to see children suffer. Dr. Paul 56:53 So in closing, I know we don't get medical advice here. But your personal opinion, if you will, or what, what closing tips would you have for viewers who are watching this and go What do I do with this information, Brian Hooker 57:07 I would tell any viewer that you need to have a practitioner that will work with you that will look at the research and and help and support your informed decisions. As you are making these health care decisions for your children, for your, for your elderly parents, now that we're talking about things like the COVID-19 vaccine and the flu shot, and the T gap shot and the pneumonia shot and things that are recommended for seniors, that you need a practitioner that will listen to you and listen to your concerns. And then not just follow, you know, CDC edicts or iidx that are coming down from the state's public health department or following incentives by pharmaceutical manufacturers to prescribe specific vaccines and specific medicines. There are practitioners out there and that are very, very willing to listen to parents to talk to families, and to come up with things like alternative vaccination schedules. And And certainly, the parent is the person who is spending the most time with the child. Okay, so parents know their children, I get it, it's very rare that you find a parent that doesn't really know what's going right in their own child sack. And so if your practitioner is not following your intuition, is not listening to you as the expert on your particular child, then it's time to find a new practitioner. Dr. Paul 58:43 Well put Brian I am 100% behind informed consent, you know, parents have the right to choose this one size fits all medicine is archaic. It's just flat out wrong. We know too much today about individual variances and our, you know, genetic polymorphisms and what have you how we respond to various chemicals. And we need to individualize vaccines as we should any pharmaceutical. So that I think is a great take home tip from the both of us who are, you know, the fellows who publish the data that speaks loud and clear that there is a possible very real possibility that vaccines at least in the way they're being done today are a big part of the problem for chronic health in our country. Brian Hooker 59:30 Exactly, exactly. Well put Dr. Pol. I support you 100%. as a practitioner, you're on the front lines. And you know, you're working with the pediatric population every day. And my hat is off to you for providing that type of safe environment for children and for families to be able to make the best decisions individually for their children. Dr. Paul 59:57 Thank you, Brian. And you're a hero of mine because You've gone through the fire with your own vaccine injured son. And I know it's it's just tough. And so you've persevered. And you know, you could just stay home and take care of your child. But you have gone on this mission to help educate the world. So thank you for all the work you're doing. And folks, we're not giving medical advice, just information, get these studies. And we'll give links to these studies in the show here. And you know, Dr. Brian hooker, thank you so much for being on against the wind. And one of my first scientific guests who you've been under plenty of fire Our show is against the wind doctors and science under fire. You definitely qualify. So I just want to thank you so much for being on this show. Brian Hooker 1:00:42 It was truly my pleasure. Thank you so much. Dr. Paul 1:00:45 Yeah, you're very welcome. Dr. Paul 1:00:51 So welcome to our news in the new segment of against the wind. And Bernadette pager is the Public Policy Director of informed choice Washington. This is a nonprofit dedicated to scientific integrity and public health policy, medical freedom and informed consent. She hosts an informed life radio interviews, Dr. Scientists, attorneys, and she brings information about vaccination concerns, health, immunity, everything the public needs to know that they may not be getting in your other mainstream sources. So against the wind is privileged to have her on our show as our regular source for this segment of in the news. Thank you for joining us, Bernadette. Bernadette Pajer 1:01:31 Oh, you're welcome. Thank you for having me. And for doing this show. It's It's so important. Well, Dr. Paul 1:01:36 I appreciate your willingness to be a regular feature of the show, because you are so in the know and keep informed. You're keeping up better than most. So let's kick it off with I know you've been scouring the news and a couple things that have been in the news lately. Let's start off with what have you found about COVID vaccines and children? Well, Bernadette Pajer 1:01:58 that's very concerning, because as you know, the risk of covermate to to children is very, very low. You know, we know most of the time, they get note a very low symptoms, they recover very quickly, if they do get ill. There's some very rare circumstances where children have been, you know, hospitalized and had some poor outcomes. But those are very rare. And so now they're moving into the trial studies in children. And I find that very concerning. Dr. Paul 1:02:34 Yeah. So as a pediatrician, if I can cut in that is extremely concerning to me, I have a big practice of 10,000 patients, we've not had a single child hospitalized. In fact, we haven't had a single child walk through our doors sick with COVID. We know for kids who came down with mild COVID symptoms tested either in the parking lot of our building, and then sent home after a brief evaluation outside, or a couple of them were at urgent cares. So we are not seeing severe COVID illness in children. One of the problems with the data and the news reporting on COVID is that because the PCR testing that's so often used, creates so many false positives, that we will get these cases of devastated even deaths, we had a recent report, just this week, the last 24 hours in Portland of an infant death, supposedly from COVID. Now, I don't know the details. But if you have a positive test, it doesn't necessarily mean that that's what caused the death, you know, this, this association being just assumed to be cause and effect has not really been worked out. But Sorry, I interrupted, you carry on? Bernadette Pajer 1:03:36 No, that's, that's I want your input, because you are the pediatrician. And I heard that story as well. And they're very careful and how they word it. They said that the child tested positive for COVID. But the child had many underlying health issues. Yeah. So we don't know. And they said they did not know the cause of death. And yet it makes headline news to frighten people. You know, it's Dr. Paul 1:03:58 my wife told me about it. She said, oh, there's been an infant who died of COVID. I mean, that's the interpretation from the news report is COVID killed this infant? And and we're seeing this with, you know, across the country with all these reports. Bernadette Pajer 1:04:11 Yeah. And you know, and if you're going to be jumping into automatically assume a positive PCR test means anybody died of that disease. How about we apply that same standard to vaccination? If a person was vaccinated within the last 48 hours and passed away, why can't we make that same extrapolation? Right, they are just, you know, it's very fun. Dr. Paul 1:04:34 I know, you're gonna get into the side effects and deaths that were already reported, which we know is just a fraction of what's actually going on. So I think we can sum it up right, the children are really not at risk. I mean, the Academy of Pediatrics published an article recently in the journal Pediatrics, showing that you should open up the schools there's very little transmission from kid to kid or even kid to teacher Bernadette Pajer 1:04:59 right now. So, you know, isn't isn't that a violation of your medical ethics when something is not indicated? When a medical intervention is not indicated? You're not supposed to prescribe it. And Dr. Paul 1:05:11 they're not mandated. Right? Bernadette Pajer 1:05:13 Right. And the ethics, you know, when you hear them write about it, they they're trying to like get vaccinate the children to protect other people, right, and the ethics of exposing a child to the risk of a medical intervention for disease, they are not at risk of themselves. Dr. Paul 1:05:32 Right that and really, it's it's very problematic, very concerning to me. And on top of that, we really don't know whether the children who are unvaccinated but getting coronaviruses naturally, which has been happening for you know, decades. They probably we don't know, but they might or probably are providing a greater shield to the population than those who ended up getting vaccinating have their immune system just sort of tweaked towards one particular strain, because the rapid mutations that are happening with these mRNA viruses, this Coronavirus, it's not at all clear that vaccination is going to be protective. Bernadette Pajer 1:06:12 No, not at all. Yeah. You know, and then that brings us, you know, from children, which has got a huge ethical concerns to pregnant women. Yeah. And I want to bring your attention to a post social media post by the CDC. And it says, Is it safe for me to get a COVID-19 vaccine if I would like to have a baby one day? And then they answer their own question. Yes, people who are trying to become pregnant now or who plan to in the future may receive a COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available to them. There is no evidence that fertility problems are a side effect of any vaccine, including a COVID-19 vaccine. There is no routine recommendation for taking a pregnancy test before you get a COVID-19 vaccine. Even if you're already pregnant, you may choose to be vaccinated when it's available to you. There is currently no evidence that antibodies formed from COVID-19 vaccination cause any problem with pregnancy. This is Dr. Paul 1:07:11 so there's no testing either. So this is all presumptions, if all vaccines are safe and effective, which is the mantra of the media. It's the mantra of the pharmaceutical industry that's making billions on people's suffering. If we can just call it all safe and effective, then we can just grant that same immunity to the COVID vaccine, which is completely new technology, totally untested for safety, zero testing and pregnancy or children will just say it's safe. It's insanity. Bernadette Pajer 1:07:41 It is. And that's that is such deceptive language. It's actually breaking laws here in Washington State our fraud laws. And I'm looking into seeing if we can take some legal action to stop this sort of marketing message. It's so deceptive. And then all you have to do is go over to the National Institute of Health. The NIH is telling you the truth that the manufacturers of currently available vaccines excluded pregnant women and lactating people from the clinical trials. And they say that pregnant people and their clinicians must make real time decisions now about the vaccine based on little or no scientific evidence that applies specifically to them. So I don't know it's it's so infuriating to see this public health messaging that is putting our most precious, like, goodness, Dr. Paul 1:08:29 on moms, moms, if you're pregnant, you know, you're you're carrying the future. And you know, from common sense, your gut instinct is to protect and not eat toxic food or ingest medications. And you definitely wouldn't want to vaccinate with a completely experimental vaccine, if you can even call it that. Yeah, it's it's insane. What what are you learning about the side effects from the vaccines because we hear reports, but you know, despite reports of side effects, they all seem to be just sort of getting washed as it's safe, because look at the numbers of people who've gotten the vaccine, so it must be safe. Bernadette Pajer 1:09:05 Yeah, it is being whitewashed. And I looked at, you know, back at in 1976, when they rushed a swine flu vaccine to market. This is prior to the 1986 Act that gave liability protection to vaccine makers. This is pre prep act, although I think that they had some sort of liability coverage there. But it only took 500 cases of going on bar a and around 25 deaths before they shut it down. They said we're pulling this vaccine, it's too dangerous. But here in 2021, we've had more than 12,000 adverse reactions reported to vaers many of them serious. We've had 653 deaths report reported affairs 653. Although the CDC says more, the CDC is now saying there's been 1170 deaths reported to bears. They updated their numbers to say well, only 900 And 34 of those in the US. So the the rest were outside of the US. But they go on to say that they've already looked into each and every one of those, and none of them were linked to the vaccine. Dr. Paul 1:10:12 And yeah, how could that be? How could they? Yeah, I know that the various is the, you know, the Harvard Pilgrim study showed that it's really only picking up about 1%, if that of the actual side effects that are happening, because when it comes to vaccine injuries, they're just not recognized as such. So yeah, we've got a big problem on our hands. As far as that goes. I'm curious what you found out about anaphylaxis. So this is where you have this severe allergic reaction. And, yeah, there have been a couple of reports of different types of anaphylaxis. Bernadette Pajer 1:10:45 Yeah, that was, this is really exciting to me, as far as I'm a science geek. So I love learning about this. But there's two types of anaphylaxis. They're the ones we're familiar with IGA net requires prior prior exposure, you were sensitized the first time exposed to something, then you get exposed again, and you have these life threatening reactions happen. But there's another one that's called compliment, which I'd never heard of before. A compliment is part of the innate immune system reaction. It does not require prior exposure. So anybody can have this compliment reaction. You know, if you're unlucky enough to have all the little, you know, ducks in a row, it can happen to you. And if you go to informed choice squad.org website, there we have a an article that explains this and explains how and why these mRNA lipid nanoparticle vaccines. Dr. Paul 1:11:44 There's that biological plausibility that the second type is also happening not just the first time and that would explain why a person could actually die of anaphylaxis, even though they've never had this vaccine before. And we are hearing that the second vaccine is causing a much higher rate of bad side effects. Yeah, but people are dying after the first vaccine. Yeah. And that's one mechanism by which that can happen. Bernadette Pajer 1:12:08 Yeah, yeah. And then there's another mechanism of death that can come into play within hours or days of getting these mRNA vaccines. And it has been posed by Dr. Sinha Langley, who's been writing to the FDA, formally petitioning them with his grave concerns. And he's a pathologist with 40 years experience. He knows what he's talking about. And he's been consulting with other scientists and MDS. But basically he says that the nanoparticles in the mRNA vaccines have the self aggravating property. And they can activate certain toll like receptors to initiate a series of innate immune responses that are strong and long lasting. And they cause something called TNF a tumor necrosis factor. They knew in the clinical trials that this could be happening and some of the some of this type of response was going to end up in the lymph nodes, and you're going to end up with swollen lymph nodes, they saw that in the clinical trials, and even now, women are being told, if you're going to get a breast exam, get one before we get the vaccine, or wait quite a while after the vaccine, because so many women are ending up with swollen breasts, lymph nodes, Dr. Paul 1:13:27 and due to necrosis factor is one of those really potent inflammatory mediators. And so we know that COVID disease is triggering a lot of inflammation. And it appears the vaccine is as well. Bernadette Pajer 1:13:40 Yeah. So So this cannot can travel to the heart is what Dr. Lee is saying. If this travels to the heart, you could die in your sleep, which has been have if you go look at the various report, people are getting a shot not feeling well going home, they don't show up for work the next day. And when they go investigate, the person died at home alone. Yeah, many reports of that. And then heart attack within 24 to 48 hours going people going into cardiac arrest. We lost a woman here 58 year old woman, it happened that same day, and they're not doing the proper investigation, because what's really frustrating about Vaccine Injury because it's an immune stimulant. It doesn't leave a footprint or a fingerprint somewhere to say, Aha, it was the vaccine. Dr. Paul 1:14:28 Yeah, you know, you just have to understand the mechanisms and thank you for sharing that other mechanism. Massive inflammation. There are a lot of mechanisms anaphylaxis, as you mentioned, by which the vaccine can literally kill you. Certainly, we're going to be seeing a lot of autoimmunity and that may take months or years to develop. The problem with treatment of autoimmune conditions is it is very difficult once the body is attacking itself, you know, finding and making antibodies against itself. It is really hard to turn that off. So, you know I, I just feel like those when we talked about at the beginning of your conversation, kids and pregnancy. These are people who don't. I mean, the risk of triggering anaphylaxis or triggering autoimmunity is just crazy given how mild illness is for children if they get ill at all, and given love excrete extreme potential risk of your unborn child being harmed if you're pregnant. So, folks, this is just information, please go to informed choice wa. And check out that website. We'll put a link for that in the show here, show notes. And Brian D, I think you had one last thing you had found that you wanted to share about ivermectin. Bernadette Pajer 1:15:51 Well, I just encourage people to check out ivermectin as an option, a prevention option, and a treatment option. Globally, it is making case numbers, hospitalizations, and deaths plummet wherever it is uptake in the science is very strong. It's relatively new in the past few months at all this has been seen. So I encourage people to go to COVID-19 critical care comm or go to our website and find the links there and go research it, you know, I went to my doctor, and he was able to give me a prescription to have on hand just to have doctors can do that. You can have it if you need it. And so there there are options. This need not be fatal. Dr. Pierre Corey, is just, you know, on fire, we can shut this down. Really the information the studies on ivermectin are so strong, we can end the pandemic today. If everybody embraces ivermectin. Dr. Paul 1:16:50 I also think if you're not taking extra vitamin D, absolutely do it, I highly recommend adding getting a vitamin D that has k two. The reason for that is the K two will usher the added calcium that you absorb into your bone where it's stored, like a bank account, and instead of the calcium circulating and causing mischief, which is why for people who aren't aware of this, so many studies on vitamin D are mixed, because they're taking either tiny doses, they're irrelevant, or they're taking vitamin D without k two and it might be actually causing some harm. So vitamin D with K to 1000. I use for infants 5000. for teens and adults. You can start there, check your levels, see where you're at, and want to thank you for bringing us another impressive overview of the news. Bernadette Pajer 1:17:34 Oh, you're welcome. Dr. Paul, thanks for all you're doing. Thank you. Dr. Paul 1:17:38 Well, we'll see you again next show. Dr. Paul 1:17:45 Thanks for watching. I pledged you to bring to you honest and vital content that's going to help you first do no harm to yourself or to your children. help me spread the truth and share this on social media and with their friends at doctors in science.com. This is going to be a show every other week. And as soon as we get adequate funding. We're going to bring this to you weekly. We stand together for medical freedom and informed consent. Only you should decide what's injected into your body. So I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors in science.com sign up. Donate if you can. Let's make this the weekly show the nation's been waiting for. ime doctor Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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