PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:04
Dr. Paul, welcome to with the wind science revealed. My guest today is Dr. Christina Parkes, we are covering mechanisms of vaccine injury. She is an expert, this is in her wheelhouse and it is so informative, we're going to cover inflammation, we're going to cover the problems with immune activation, both prenatal and after babies are born aluminum, chronic reactivation of viral infections, auto immunity, and she covers specifics on COVID injury. Enjoy the show. Dr. Paul, coming to you from the heart. Today, I want to just touch on the topic of simplicity, and how it can actually lead to freedom. Oh, how my life seems so complicated for so long. And I was always seeking and looking ahead and not living in the moment. And it's just become more apparent to me that if I can simplify, not be always seeking for a reward seeking something in the future. Be in the moment, there's a freedom in that. There's no threat of loss or what I didn't gain. You know, I had a trip with my family a few years ago back to Zimbabwe, where I grew up. And one of the most profound things that hit me and it hit my kids too, was that we were in a village where there's no running water, there's no electricity. People basically owned nothing but the clothes on their back. Life was incredibly simple. And yet they were happy. Incredibly joyous, that internal sense of just being at peace being in joy and happiness. I remember I was sitting with Bishop Abel, Missouri, who has a fancy home in the city in Harare, which is the capital of Zimbabwe. And we're sitting in the village. And I said, where do you like to spend your time? Oh, I'm in the village, every moment I can get. That's where I find peace. And it just touched my heart because I felt that also the city is hustle and bustle and you're always striving and doing and reaching and trying to protect what's yours that somebody else might get. I mean, the way the homes were in the cities in Zimbabwe at this point, they're all surrounded by massive walls with barbed wire or broken glass across the top, or they have a guarded community. The more you have, the more you have to protect was a great reminder to simplify. Those of us who have kids at home. Wow, simplify and just be with your kids. There's freedom and simplicity. I'm Dr. Paul. Welcome Dr. Kristina parks. I am so excited to have you on this show. We have I've wanted to talk to you for a really long time. So welcome. Yeah, the thought is definitely mutual. Yours is definitely a book that I keep dragging back out. I have little stacks of books around my house and yours is right on the top. Actually, I think I gave it away. I think I've given away like four copies of your book. And I can't keep it in stock. Because when someone needs it, I just am like, here, just take mine, I cannot thank you. There's going to be a new book coming out in a few months. And it's going to really answer the question for people because the vaccine friendly plan you're talking about is a bit dated. There's a lot more information since that came out. So I'm really excited for the new book. It's going to be Vax facts. That's the main title. Anyway, on to you, though, you are my guest today. And wow, your background is incredible. You graduated in 1992, a double major in biochemistry, which was hard for me and molecular biology is over my head, then a PhD in cellular and molecular biology, with graduate research in the field of cytokine signaling. I'm really curious to pick your brain about all this because cytokines, as you've pointed out are the chemicals that the immune system uses to communicate. And vaccines have an effect on the immune system. And I've heard a couple of years talks and your testimonies on the Michigan House Bill 4471. You're so well spoken on this whole topic. And you're challenging the assumption that the DPT the flu, the COVID vaccines prevent transmission. Actually, there's quite a few I think that don't really do that. But you're also an expert on vaccine spike protein induced injury. worry we've got so much to talk about before we get into the science and folks, buckle up. We're gonna have some great science today. I'd like to know a little bit more about you. How did you get to this point where first Stovall, you chose those majors, and then now to where you're clearly vaccine risk aware, and you're really out on the forefront of helping people understand this. Yeah, I wanted to be a dancer, a ballerina, an actress. Dr. Christina Parks PHD 5:16 And I was actually at a one act play that did very well during high school and I kept missing biology class, and I came in after two weeks of not being there. What are we doing there? Like we were, we're doing genetics, we're actually doing DNA, DNA and RNA and and I was like, didn't we already take a test on that? And they're like, Yeah, but everybody failed it. So we're redoing it. And as the my, my friend was saying that the teacher came by and gave me my tests, because I hadn't been there. And I have an 82% on it, or something. And all I had done was read the chapter. And I was like, Maybe I'm good at this. I decided science was more practical and fascinated with it. So I did, I went to school, and I like to make my life hard. So I took the hardest major, it was new, that was a new major, we actually had to take like biophysical chemistry. And but as I came into graduate school, I was really interested in doing research, right, we're going to solve all the world's problems. But the problem is we lacked context. Right? So now I'm coming at it from a different perspective of having a question to answer. It's totally different. So many things, I learned that now I'm like, Oh, my gosh, I didn't know where to put that. I didn't know where to put this. But as I was in graduate school and studying cytokine signaling, there wasn't this new, like vaccines are all safe and effective. We were all like, I remember talking with a colleague and saying, Why are they giving vaccines to children under to the immune system isn't developed enough? We haven't even cloned all of the risk factors. Like we all know what this is doing, that were assigned to school at that point, where were you at University of Michigan, okay. Because my sense and maybe speak to this is that most of the universities that are engaged in research get their funding from pharma. And so there's so it wasn't so much like that than Okay, now I don't, I'm not in it anymore. That wasn't the case, my cytokine signaling and maybe as a doctor, you know, that there's so many Jak inhibitors out there. Because the Janus kinase family jak one, a Jak two, there are tyrosine kinase that was found to be the signaling molecule that was really important for the cytokines. And so we were central and identifying that and all the downstream signaling. And so it's really wild for me to actually now see all of the Jak inhibitors. And I thought, if that's not just inhibiting that one pathway that's causing your auto immunity, that's inhibiting all of your immune signaling. And so I gotta slow you down, you're way over my head. So you must be over a lot of our listeners heads already, like Jak inhibitors, what are we? I've heard of them, of course. But do I understand them? Can you put this in layman's terms, so everybody can understand what you're talking about? Yeah, there's these receptors that help your immune system to signal, but they have to send a signal from your cell to the nucleus. And so there's a whole bunch of molecules in between. And that was my job of figuring out what those were one of the most important molecules is the starting one. And in this case, it was called a Jak kinase, it's not important. But many of the drugs I think, like Xeljanz, and all of many of these drugs that you see advertised on TV are actually Jak inhibitors, and they shut down Thinglink. Now we, both of us know that there's many inflammatory cytokines. And so when you have inflammation, it's usually mediated by it's usually caused by activation of those cytokines. So if you shut down the signaling, you shut down the inflammation, which is great. If you're going septic and about to die, it's great if you're really having an acute reaction. But when you give people that chronically, it's shutting down all kinds of things that you don't know about, because it's used so by so many receptors in the body. Okay, so I want to do a deeper dive into inflammation. But before we go there, so let's take you back to graduate school. And you're starting to understand all this and really doing the deep dive into some of the research. How did you end up not working for pharma, that's where the money is. Dr. Paul 9:19 Where did you work for Pharma? Where did you ever get the idea that money? I spent two years developing a website on my own with all my own money? Did you give her the idea that I was motivated by money or like poor in church mice or whatever? And that's what I'm just figuring most people get trapped into your career, your expertise leads you to this golden opportunity. Financially, obviously, I don't know you real? Well, I might have guessed that you weren't motivated by money, but clearly, you're not. Dr. Christina Parks PHD 9:52 Yes, again, I really I lack context. And actually academia. Research burned me out. And I think it's because well on just the environment there is pretty toxic. But also I didn't like I really didn't have the question I wanted to answer. And to go through that sort of rigor, you really have to be passionate about the question you're answering. And so I had these questions I like remember when the Andy Wakefield thing happened, and then he was destroyed. Now, we can't back them. There wasn't social media, so you couldn't go back and find things. So I didn't know what he looked like. I just thought, why are they trashing this core scientists, there are other papers that are supportive of what he's saying in terms of there's a link and there may be a chronic measles infection in the gut of the vaccine because of vaccines, a live virus. So these were interesting scientific questions. And I was like, why are they trying to destroy this person? And when the CDC said at the time, we've seen no evidence that vaccines cause autism, like I'm a scientist, you qualify what you say. So I knew they were saying, we haven't looked, and we don't intend to. And look, they didn't like what they found. So they this was like back in 9394 95. And so I always had this question, why are they giving the chickenpox vaccine for my mild illness when we don't know what we're doing to the immune system. So then, as I got into school, actually, I actually I got out of research because I really wanted to make a difference. And I thought the hearts and minds I was, actually while I was in graduate school, we had a program going to the Ypsilanti public schools, working with kids trying to get them interested in science. And during that, I realized I really had a heart for teaching. So I went out of graduate school and into teaching. And I saw so many kids with neurological injury, I could just spot them. I had one young lady that was diagnosed with ei emotional impairment, I'm like, she's got Asperger's right away. I was like, I couldn't been following the study have been following vitamin D. And as I saw all of these kids with neurological disorders, I remember probably, in the early 2000s, I told my students, I said, this is going to be the issue of our day vaccination is going to be an issue of our day, because we are not really looking at it seriously. I had no horse in the race. I didn't have a vaccine injured children at the time, I didn't have any children. And and I, oh, my gosh, I had no idea. Paul, I know, you're just gonna come by Go ahead. I'm on the clinical side as a pediatrician, seeing exactly what you're describing these this massive wave of increasing numbers of kids who, neurologically neuro developmentally, something's off, and sometimes severe. In the case of severe autism, for example, I would have, I had four, actually four years in a row kids who are normal at one becoming severely nonverbal, autistic by two, it was like what the heck is going on? So I'm seeing something. And over the years I've since some of my research and data I've since seems pretty clear that vaccines are a big part of the problem. But what we need to be able to truly confirm that is under there needs to be a mechanism that makes sense. And this is where we're going to go today. Because I've seen the numbers I've seen healthy kid regressed into severe autism over and over again, I've heard hundreds of stories of the same thing. So clearly, there's an association. And Association doesn't mean causation unless it happens over and over again. We have multiple papers or documents showing that this is a real thing. And then we need to have a valid mechanism. So that's my challenge to you is for today, help us understand the mechanisms by which vaccines might be causing us problems. And that was I had all these parents coming to me. And for the longest time the MMR story was one of the first to really break and I just did not see mechanism. I just did not see it, I believe to the parents. That's what I was different. My job to figure out what's going on because I know the complex science with many of the other vaccines, many people don't realize the MMR did not contain aluminum. Right, right. So we know that aluminum is extremely inflammatory. So I would say some of the best mechanistic data we have is from many of the aluminum labs, Dr. Romaine, Gerardi, Ema Crapo, all of these people unite you how to Schoenfeld, all these people that have shown how inflammatory aluminum is to the body, that's why it's put in the vaccines so that it stimulates a hyper and hyper immune response. So that we know is creating a lot of inflammation. And there was a white paper put out and I think you can find it at the high wires website I can or you can just go vaccine papers.org or whatever. So that is a lot of mechanism. As what I believe that this chronic immune activation is actually and I've been researching this for about seven years. Now. The Chronic immune activation is really in most cases, the root cause. So now what you have to figure out and explain that in a second is what in each individual is causing the chronic immune activation. Right? Is it the aluminum Is it previous toxicity with heavy metals is that genetic susceptibility, like their vitamin D receptors mutated, or they have several genetic susceptibilities that don't help them to shut down inflammation is that that they're because of so much inflammation that their body's natural antioxidants have been completely depleted. So some things can be really simple lack of antioxidants, you give that kid some vitamin C, you detox a little bit, and they take off, and they're much better. Yeah. For folks listening, who this might be new territory, inflammation is important in healing. If you have a wound, there's inflammation, you get blood flow, and the healing process is important, you don't heal well without it. But when it becomes chronic, as you're pointing out, now, it's harming you. And chronic is what like a few weeks, probably, you're now venturing into chronic. And I would say most people's bodies can tolerate it for a few months, I would say however, when I looked at some of the various reports, that's right, within a few days of vaccination, like three days, maybe at the most, then you see it at three to four weeks. And I would suggest that it's likely in those later deaths, that they actually just depleted their body of antioxidants. And a few doses of vitamin C, could have potentially kept those kids alive, because they their body was not shutting down the inflammation. And anecdotally, you'll hear in those stories that the child picked a fever, and then it would get better. And then it would pick a fever, again, maybe larger period few days, and then they get better. And then eventually their body just ran out of steam to fight this chronic inflammation, especially in children. I've interviewed Dr. Paul Merrick and he was known for the intensive care unit work with vitamin IV vitamin C for sepsis, which is sepsis is an overwhelming infection in the body, it's in your bloodstream, it's everywhere, and very high death rate from that, but just with high dose vitamin C, massive recovery rates for his those patients who are likely to die. I imagine it's the same mechanism you're talking about, right? Yeah, once you just deplete the body to a certain extent. And I think that it's just mopping up inflammation globally, right. And vitamin C is great, because you can infuse it in an IV. And during a critical we're talking about we need something now it's not like we can add some supplements of vitamin C of a small amount of vitamin C every day, we need a lot of it, because the body is in a state of massive inflammation. And then there is that there's sometimes the acute inflammation that can cause that within hours or days of a vaccine injury. And then there's the chronic inflammation, and both have to be dealt with. But obviously the acute inflammation is acutely life threatening. Yep. So when we first started, you were talking about all these new pharmaceuticals coming out, that are messing with inflammation, right? They're basically trying to shut down inflammation with these beat the group. So you have vaccines triggering massive inflammation and auto immunity, I think you can address that. And then the pharmaceutical industry just wants to shut down all inflammation. And it's basically shutting down the immune system, is it not? And then what are the side effects of that? Yeah, it's setting down the immune system, and even growth hormone, which you need to grow and elongate your long bones, that same cytokine signaling pathway. So you're shutting down your immune system, and many other hugely important functions, growth being one of them by shutting down the cytokine cytokine signaling, yeah, it's having a global effect on your body. It's not just shutting down that particular pathway that's leading to autoimmunity, it's shutting down everything. And so now you have no resistance to infection, but shutting down your interferon signaling, which is your antiviral defenses. So it's shutting down everything. That's what you need to know, we don't even know, right? They don't even know. They're just like, Oh, it worked for this. So great. So we want to reduce inflammation without shutting down your body's natural processes. And we want to do it naturally instead of masking because something is causing the inflammation if we're not dealing with that, you stopped taking it and the inflammation is right back. Right and auto immunity. So here's what I think is happening with the auto immunity. It's caused by that chronic immune activation. When we look at our T cells, your T cells scan your body for cancer and destroy it, and they scan your body for pathogens and destroy cells that are infected with viruses or bacteria or whatever. And when you have chronic immune activation, your T cells go wonky. They're just like, I don't know what to do. I'm freaked out. I feel like I'm attacking everybody. So the body says yeah, you don't know what you're doing. You're out there with a sword just hacking away them down because you're killing the good guy. Just stand down and so the T cells go okay, I'm just not going to do anything. Of your T cells aren't doing anything. They're not killing viruses, they're not killing pathogens. And they're not killing cancer cells. So you're at greater risk, likely actions greater risk for cancer. And then if you continue to stimulate past the point where the T cells are like I'm not doing anything, you continue to to stimulate them, it's like do something. They're like, No do something fine. They do something, but they get it wrong. And what they do is they stimulate your body to start making antibodies to itself. They're so freaked out, they send the wrong signals, they tell your body to start sending antibodies to yourself. So once your body has that chronic immune activation, you keep going, you first are more susceptible to disease and to cancer, and then you're going to develop autoimmunity and not just one autoimmune disease, probably several because your body has been told it to make antibodies to itself or they're not being cold. It's not doing it right. The good news is because autoimmunity is likely in many people caused by this chronic immune activation. If you bring back that chronic immune activation, your auto immune issues may go into remission. So clarify, I'm not following. So let's say that you have an autoimmune disease. Okay, what's my chronic immune activation, what's causing that chronic immune activation, could be aluminum. It could be a reactivated viral infection like Epstein Barr or herpes virus, right? It could be a toxic load, it could be leaky gut, like leaky gut, every time you eat, you're activating your immune system because of his leaking through activating your immune system. Okay. So that means that sometimes we try to make it too complicated. That means if you have an autoimmune disease, if you address leaky gut and start healing your gut, your autoimmune disease is gonna get better. I have a friend her daughter had lupus vaccine induced. And they couldn't figure out she couldn't even go out in the sun because she had an allergic reaction to the sun. They finally figured it out. They did some tests and finally figured out she had a herpes virus that was reactivated not the general ones. This was one like herpes virus six or something, not one of the normal ones that we see. And they actually targeted with a pharmaceutical in this case with an antiviral, and they shut down that virus and she went into complete remission. Wow. Because her system was not being chronically activated. With that reactivated virus. I have an anecdote personal one, I, for whatever reason, the last few years, I started getting pretty severe eczema, very itchy. And mainstream had no answer for that. And just the last few months, I've gotten almost completely organic. And it's gone away. And so I'm guessing glyphosate, creating gut, leaky gut situation, no matter what I'm doing now, I'm chronically activated. And just allowing the gut to heal with that simple intervention of really paying attention to my food, which parents you can do this, no matter what chronic condition your child is having. I agree with you, Dr. Parks, we got to start with the gut. Yeah, and so you probably weren't vaccinating yourself, right? No, no, that's not what your eczema, right, but you did have chronic immune activation. And so that's why I'm saying it can be many things or combination. It can be toxins, it can be leaky gut, it can be glyphosate. But the good news is, again, it's the complicated part, sometimes with people who tried everything crowd can be like, identify what is causing that chronic immune activation. But for many of us, we take small steps, we start eating organic, we start healing the gut. And we detox from aluminum, we slowly detox from heavy metals, we reduce we stop eating sugar. So as we reduce inflammation, we stop activating the immune system over and over again, then it really improves our chances of walking back that autoimmune condition. And I say that because even Eczema is the beginning of that, right? Yeah, absolutely. And so other people are down the road. For some people, they feel like they've tried everything. But if you have a virus, it's been reactivated. That can be really tough. Yeah, to find out what it is and to know that we're shutting it down. Yeah, but I will say think like, fasting helps your body to shut down viral reactivation, and even like insertional, mutagenesis, all of that things that are caused by viruses and even the reformatting of the DNA, like your DNA gets screwed up by chronic immune activation, it can help your go back to the baseline of what your gene expression should be. So that could be a whole another show about fasting, you need guidance, if you're pregnant, you probably aren't going to be fasting. Or if you're a young child, you're probably not going to be fasting but there are still things one can do under the guidance of somebody who knows what they're doing. I want to go back and understand something because it still puzzles me. I am aware based on what we're seeing that there's chronic immune activation Speaker 1 25:01 What's the mechanism? Because, okay, more than half the vaccines have way too much aluminum. That's an easy one to understand. But what's the mechanism and the measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, those live viruses that have no aluminum. And yet when I would draw titers, so draw the blood for a child who had maybe had one MMR, and years later, 234 years later draw titers and they were through the roof for measles. That tells me that measles strain of the vaccine must somehow be alive and well in the body, I'm guessing what is the mechanism? How does a live virus vaccine create chronic immune activation? There's a couple of mechanisms. And one remember many times they're given with the other vaccines, so they're given enough highly inflammatory state that can cause the body to and the live viral vaccines have human cell debris in them, when you're giving them with other vaccines that can cause the body to form antibodies against human tissue. You're like forcing it to make antibodies against human tissue because you put in human cell debris, which human DNA, human RNA, human tissue, that's a contaminant in those vaccines, because they're grown in tissue from aborted human fetuses. Dr. Christina Parks PHD 26:20 Right? Yeah, secondarily, and so that could be part of it. Secondarily, they contain a large amount of, of human genetic material because of that cell debris. And that human genetic material, the DNA, and RNA actually activates your immune receptors, so that DNA and RNA can activate. And so this would be acutely can activate your immune system. And that can actually cause all sorts of dysregulation is in the immune system, because it's not something your body's used to seeing. Remember, if you're pregnant, it's actually the DNA from the body, getting into your bloodstream, and activating those types of receptors in a natural way than induces labor. So your body actually has receptors for DNA and RNA, but when you put it in, and it's not supposed to be there, it causes a mess. But you're talking about long term that what you're seeing is chronic virus, but so let's go back to you've gotten all of these injections and what did we say happens? Your T cells are overstimulated, so they stand down, they stop attacking, what do they stop attacking virally infected cells infected with this vaccine strain MMR virus? Does the vaccine strain MMR virus measles, mumps, rubella virus remain in the body chronically infecting you? Well, I think that's what happens and people who are immunocompromised because they have chronic immune activation. And that may be from previous vaccines that they've had, where we properites their immune system, or it might be because of other maybe toxic load from heavy metals or too much glyphosate or whatever it is. So in susceptible individuals, they're not able to clear that virus, most likely because they have their immune system is whacked out. And so the question is, why was their immune system whacked out that it's not attacking these virally infected cells? Why is measles and some people able to set up this chronic infection? And there's some indication that it may be because their gut health isn't good as well, because many times they're when they measure it, they're measuring it and like in the pool, when they're seeing that they do have a chronic measles infection of the gut. And we know that many people who regress after MMR have all kinds of gut dysbiosis. They have all kinds of problems with their gut. So it really is or can be a chronic infection. Yes. And there was there were other labs showing that at the time, that Andrew Wakefield, right went public with it. Yeah. And his data was reproduced we Yes, it he was sharing some very important information. But the world didn't want that not the world. But the powers that be didn't want that information out because it implicated the vaccine. And obviously, and that's where we all have to work together where I work with you and saying, Here are five potential mechanisms scientifically. But what are you seeing is it most of the time we really think that this is a chronic measles infection, because then that's what we have to shut down? Or do we do we think it's another mechanism whereby the body's making antibodies to the cell debris that was injected with the MMR and so it's an autoimmune risk autoimmune, right? So let's talk about those two things. If it was a chronic infection, with measles, for example, what would we do? I think we would need to look at my math. I'm not like a clinical immunologist at the child or whoever's immune system and see how their immune system is signaling. And again, generally speaking, though, the goal is to reduce inflammation Asian because remember, generally, that compromised immune system is compromised because of chronic immune activation. Right? But also that now we're finding that many if not most of the subunit vaccines are causing that. Peter ABI data in Africa show that girls are like 12 times more likely to die when they're given the DTP vaccine alone. Because it screws up their immune system there are dying of diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis they're dying of everything else because their immune system has been screwed up. So we know that all these subunit vaccines and many of them are ones that our children are getting, are screwing up the immune system. And is that the cause of it now their their immune system is messed up and then they get because the MMR is a vaccine that's given rather late in the schedule, is their immune system screwed up by all these other vaccines than we get MMR and they just don't have an immune system to fight this live virus anymore. Yeah, that you bring up a really good point I've for parents who just want to get measles, mumps, rubella protection in this country, you can only do the combo vaccine. My suggestion just going on my gut Common Sense was well, if you weren't vaccinating up until the point you gave the MMR and you wait till at least age three, when their brain is well wired and connected. And it probably they would probably tolerate it pretty well. It's when you've been loaded with all this aluminum. And then you give it at a young age that it's creating this massive inflammatory response that leads to big problems in neurodevelopment. And secondarily, and people of African descent, there are these are all RNA viruses. And there was worked out at the Mayo Clinic by I think it's Gregory Poland, that showed that people of African descent are much more sensitive to RNA viruses, these are live viruses, and they don't have this RNA enzyme that will break them down in the body. And so it's like getting a much higher dose for them a much higher dose of virus, which causes acute inflammation. And we know I actually two years, a year ago, I met two mothers, black women who each had two sons that had regressed after the MMR, yeah, all had two sons. So this tells you there's a genetic component, right, a strong genetic component. And there are some glaring things in people of African descent. And that might be going on. And it's probably a complicated intermix of many things, many predisposing factors coming down, but in these families is clearly genetic. But again, many people of African descent and so that's why we see much higher rates in in people of African descent, specifically boys. So I think that there is a lot to be teased out there. But they're not breaking down that RNA virus, the way that people that are Caucasian will be able to break it down. So they're getting a much higher dose of virus and causing a lot more inflammation for sure. That sure explains the data that was William Thompson whistleblower from the CDC for that famous study published, I think it was in 2004. in the journal that pediatricians read called pediatrics, where they said there was no link between MMR and autism when in fact, Thompson whistleblower says we hid the data we trashed the data with they actually found that what was it 330% increase in African American boys for autism, if they got it before age three, their data showed a lot of other stuff that was very worrisome. What would you therefore knowing that knowing what you know about all these mechanisms, and what would you tell families of African descent, to do with regards to vaccines, I would say, definitely don't get the MMR before the age of three, the risk is too high. And we know that one in 10 males of African descent has glucose six phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, they have a mutation in a medic major metabolic enzyme, that when their body is super stressed, their blood cells basically blow up. But like nobody I know that's of African descent. African Americans actually knows if they've been tested or knows that they have it. And we know Sheila E. Lee, her son temple, had that genetic defect or predisposition, and he was given to MMR shot, and became severely autistic as a result. So we're not being tested, the doctors will say, Oh, we test for that we test for that nobody I know either knows they've been tested or what the results were or know they have it. And so we really need to know if we have a genetic predisposition, and wait until we're sure and I would say in general, and I'm sure you can appreciate this. As a pediatrician, you've got that narrow window of brain development from zero to two or zero to three years old, and where your child might get eczema or have problems physically with toxins beyond three years. vaccines given in that critical window Dr. Paul 35:00 are more likely to cause neurological dysfunction because you're in a critical window of brain development. So any vaccine that you can push outside that window if you're talking about polio or flu or whatever it is, is going to be beneficial in terms of if you start to notice eczema when the child six, this is Aiden's eczema, not autism. Right, right. You bring up a super good point. And the new data that I have between vaccin unboxed. We haven't even used the term yet in our discussion here. But there is something called a natural immune system or the innate immune system, and it works really well. If you don't mess it up with vaccines. I imagine there are other toxins that can mess it up as well. But there's nothing more powerful to disrupt your natural innate immune system than vaccines. My discovery with my data was that the Unvanquished were way healthier, a lot less chronic, everything. Everything we looked at, from asthma, to eczema to sort of the allergic and autoimmune conditions to the neurodevelopmental stuff she DD, ADHD, autism, all that significantly less in unvaccinated. So I'm interested in your perspective, the comeback that pediatricians will have to your suggestion will wait till three is they're going to say these diseases that were vaccinated against are most deadly in infancy. So you're going to put your child at grave risk if you don't vaccinate according to the CDC schedule. What do you say to that? Dr. Christina Parks PHD 36:34 Breast milk is extremely effective at reducing risk of many different things including risk for autism and or disease, I guess I would say it this is a problem because of the vaccine schedule. I'm not going to act like we haven't created a problem. We know that Measles is going to be most severe before the age of one. But the vaccine doesn't really take really well until the children are almost two. And they lie to you. They said there's a measles outbreak it of it at six months. And they don't tell you that's not taking that's not providing your child with protection. First of all, most of these vaccines aren't protecting, they aren't protecting one more time they are not protecting, maybe they're protecting for a few months, right? Maybe they're not protecting it all because their child's immune system has been messed up. So there is a narrative that if you give the vaccine, your child is protected. First of all parents think of this as a blanket thing, my child vaccinated, oh, I don't have to worry about a thing. And that's just not true. There are so many illnesses and diseases that are not vaccine preventable. Secondly, many of them are subunit vaccines and may only protect for a few months, or a year or two. We need to get beyond this idea or you got the MMR but your child's immune system was either messed up or it was too young. And it didn't take that's why you get a second one before school. So from my perspective, my heart and with my website, which we'll talk about is that and I what I loved in your book is what's the science behind how we can support our systems better. Right, that we can make sure that we're vitamin D sufficient that we're making sure we're zinc sufficient. I'll give a story. I had a relative, beautiful young woman who I was watching on Facebook and her daughter kept getting in and out of she right after two months, her daughter was in and out in and out of the ER. And she kept saying it's another respiratory infection. It's another respiratory infection. How many respiratory infections can you have? So about the fifth time like, literally she'd be home for two or three days, right back in the hospital and I said, this little baby, this little girl's not going to make it her body's under so much stress. So finally I reached out and I said, What do you breastfeed? And she said, Yes. And I said, I think you need to repeat your body, get some vitamin C, get some vitamin D. I said it this way, I don't even care what brand it is just go get some and take it because your body is going to take what it needs and give it to that baby through your breast milk. You're not trying to give the baby some weird supplementation, you're just repeating your body with what it needs. And it will give it to the baby. That baby never went back in the hospital. Wow. Because it's antioxidants. Her antioxidants had just been completely depleted. And we know from COVID that when your immune cells don't have enough of these antioxidants, they fall apart and release all these inflammatory cytokines which makes it look like you have a respiratory infection. when really it's a depletion of your body's glutathione. Its master antioxidant. Wow. I agree. I've come to appreciate the power of proper nutritional supplementation and ideally through your diet, organic real food that's nutrient dense. But yeah, that's a great story. You folks, stay tuned because Didi is about to come out and do you are going to have Have a blast just talking about being real. But I know you have a website that's just chock a block full of information, maybe you can share that with our viewers. So they know how they can find you. And incredibly, you're helping people on so many levels. So I think that would be good to share with folks. Sure. Can you see that? Yep. All right. So it is Vita the I das t a.org, Vita vi dash ta.org. And hopefully, we'll be putting up a QR code for that in a minute. But we have some pages that are completely free. And I spent two years developing this content, because I want to take the complex science and give it to you. So there's an hour and 20 minute, talk about the child vaccine schedule. And I've shown clips of that. And everyone's like, Where can I see the rest of that. So for those of you who just want to watch the video, that's fine. But here you can see I have each different type of vaccine. And I go through like the conjugate vaccines, how are they may? What are the pros and cons, right? Understanding bacterial meningitis. I was like, oh, I'll just do a summary for each of these. Yeah, it ended up being quite long. And then of course, everything is fully referenced. I love that. And so there are short videos throughout it. And so all of this information, a lot of times we see things and then it disappears. It's censored. And so this is censored. Actually, I had a gentleman and I kept putting it in. I'm like, I don't know why it's not going there. And I said, Oh, you're using you're using Google. Like you need to go to duck duck go. He's Are you serious? I put your website and Google and we'll come up. Yeah, I'm serious. So interesting that we have all of the men here we have. There we go. What's that? Oh, my goodness, I had that. I had that. Scroll down to see my book on there. We'll have a new one for you soon. There is a great video right here on the back versus ENMAX. Right there. And definitely Dr. Brian Hooker is one, there's information on exemptions. There's a list of organizations per state that you can find so you can connect locally. And then there's information and this is what other people have not done on mechanism of injury. I love that I went through all of those. And again, you have all the references right there. So your website is like a most important book, you've got it all there. Yes. And I also have a huge page on let me move this little thing here. I use, I also have a huge page that is on the COVID-19 vaccine, and with all the mechanisms throughout about on understanding this technology, and I tried to make it as layperson friendly as I could fully represent. And again, all of the mechanisms of injury and no, okay, I began to put mechanisms of injury because this goes on and on. But so I have a lot of free read pages, and I have useful resources. So you guys are gonna love this because this is like all your links. I can Syrian glamsquad children's health defense, AIPAC FLCC, about desoldered Knowmia. If you have pots or something like that, how bad is my batch? So I tried to put a lot of things. So you could find what you need ra right at your fingertips. But then once you join our website, and it's super, super inexpensive, because I'm not about charging these mothers of vaccine injured children, right. So once you join our website, what you're going to find is a whole bunch of information like healing, where do I begin, and we had Holly Nesbitt, who's a health coach go through and she does these short videos that you can go back to again and again, that tell you how to detox, how to reduce your toxic load, how to look through everything in your medicine cabinet in your kitchen. And just step by step not overwhelming, because she's a mom, and she knows what it's like to be sick and to have sick kids. And to just do it step by step. And you can go through and these are short videos, because if you've got kids, you don't have an hour, you've got 10 minutes, maybe right before they start tearing something up. And stick. Yeah, so she's got all of these videos, simple wellness routines that you can do at home, that are all just really great, like sinus drainage, all of that. But also, under our protocol sections. Here we have spike recovery protocols that I'm going to launch as soon as we get a bunch of people signed up because I want everybody to be there for that respiratory illness protocols. And these healthy family protocols. We have just simple everyday solutions to everything from wards to athletes, but to immune boosting. And I love this because it's things that most of Ms. Some people say alternative but I'll just say traditional ways of treating stuff. And we got over 50 pages of that information. Yeah. And so and included to that is product length, so that you know what to buy and where so we have a lot of PDs with all of this information. I just want to touch on two more things. We also have I've put on here oh there it is, okay. Like people don't know what tests to ask your doctor for. And so this is an educational resources that basically tell As you if you want to get tested for gene variants, here's some labs you can go to, if you need to be tested for immune activation, what are tests that they would do? So you can actually learn this information, go back to your practitioner and be like, Should we be testing for this? You'll know more than your practitioner, you might, and but I want you to know, what is each test. And so it's just a resource for you to keep educating yourself because this can be really complex and overwhelming. So if you think you have celiac, what do you need a what does each test mean? So I did all of that is on there. And then we also and this is a section that is my heart that I'm going to continue. And this is why we need a membership for you to support. Why am I sick understanding key genetic and environmental susceptibility. So I've started this section with some great videos by Dr. Anu on understanding the methylation cycle your gut, but and then I have a section on susceptibilities for people of African descent, because that's my heart. But I want to actually go and read all these technologies to explain to you how hyperbaric works to explain to you how ozone works, what therapy is best for what situation and to really put it on there to really help you understand the genetic susceptibility to just basically take everything I know, as much as I can turn it into laypersons, in short segments, so that you can digest it, and put it all up there. That's my heart. And so that's what I launched his website, and your support is going to enable me to continue to produce this information and get it to you. And that is really just what kind of turns me on. Yeah. Wow. Dr. Kristina parks, PhD in cellular and molecular biology. And yet you bring the information in a readable, easy to understand format. Thank you, for all that's clearly a massive amount of work you've put into this information and website and made accessible to anyone, folks, you got to take a look at this and start educating yourselves. We neither Dr. Parks or I are diagnosing or treating anything, we are simply sharing information that you can then take to your trusted healthcare provider to start the journey. And most of the things that you're suggesting, and this is what I do to coach kids first forever, are things that people can do on their own. You don't need a doctor to start guiding your health journey towards the right direction. And that's what we really wanted to do. I bring the complex science. And then Holly comes back with these really simple things like the science is complex, but a lot of times the solutions aren't gonna walk on the beach. You're earthing, the nose down from the water, all of these things that there's a lot of science behind it, but you don't need to know that. And just feeling good is probably the best science there actually is. Yep, I'm so glad we brought you on. I want to have Diddy, spend a few minutes with you. You guys can just have a mom to mom talk. And I'm sure it'll be very enlightening to the viewers to just get to know you a little bit. Thank you. Thank you, Dr. Parks, which I'm going to call you, Christina, because I've met you personally and I adore you. Oh, thank you. You are amazing. We got to have dinner one night in Savannah. And it was amazing. So Ashley, I've met you a couple of times in person. Now. Can you tell me I was listening, but I don't remember you mentioning you are a mom. Correct? Yes, ma'am. I have two children. They're both adopted. Okay, and you said two children? Yes. Okay. What ages? My daughter is 15 and my son is 22. Okay, they move out. I'm like, if you're allowed to adopt children at 12 you there's no way that you're oh my god, there's no way you're over 3738 When I adopted my children, what? Yes, yes, ma'am. My son was seven and a half at the time. When you two plus 38. That means you're 53 Wow, that's Yeah, that's amazing. Now I'm just John, do you look beautiful? Obviously, you're not aging the way you should be? If I'm gonna, I'll have you. I'm aging the way God intended us to? Yes, I know. That's one of my passions. Is it helping us recover our body I've suffered with chronic illness my whole life. Again, I feel healthier now at 53 than I did previously. Now that I have I understand how to bring our body back into balance. No, it does. You're very right on that. So with the with your kids, how old were they when you adopted them? So my son was seven and a half. And my daughter was seven months and she was in the hospital with a brain abscess that actually ate up about half of her brain. So she has severe special needs. And my brother had Down syndrome. Okay, and so I, as one of the second oldest, I spent many years caring for him. And then literally I just went through 10 years of living hell with my daughter. And one of the worst things was that she was just dysregulated emotionally I knew it was biochemical. She was oppositional didn't want to do anything. And we said no, and I knew it wasn't her spirit. She's very sweet and she just spiraled out of control. And she also had PTSD from having an IV put in her in Ethiopia. And they had to change it every two days for seven months. Oh, wow. And or for five months, and all her veins collapse and they'd be like an hour sticking her and every arm every leg neck had trying to get that IV and to keep her alive with the antibiotics. So she had severe PTSD. And the reason I say this is, because I found that magnesium and B six, changed our lives, from literally living hell to very normal, she still has severe cognitive challenges and hemiplegia paralysis and seizures. That's nothing compared to emotional dysregulation, I'm telling you, like, really, wait eight years, oh, my God, there's already going on. And she wouldn't sleep and but she was never calm and to find something that supported the body in a way that brought the body back into balance was just so life changing. And it was so simple. We give her a little bit of magnesium and B six twice a day, and it's changed our lives. And I really believe our intuition also leads us, right, because you're like, how would you know, to find that? That's we're just gonna ask was, how did you find it? How did you figure it out? Was that part of your education? Because I heard part of my mom education. Okay, let me because I think a lot of moms are gonna relate to this. She was very attached to her dad, and he had left to go on a trip for about a week. And I knew she was going to be a hot mess. And so I gave her some more vitamin D is anti inflammatory, and she got worse. And I was like, Oh, my gosh, I think she's worse. And I didn't know what to do. And in fact, when he came back, she didn't get better. She cried for entire week, we held her she cried on the couch, and was like, What is going on. And then later, I learned that vitamin D needs magnesium as a cofactor. So if you add vitamin D, and you're magnesium deficient, it's going to make you more magnesium deficient. And magnesium is what allows you not to spiral out of control emotionally. That's why you crave chocolate, when, when you're stressed. It allows you not to slap that person that you're thinking of slapping up. And so it's more than chocolate for me. And so she would spiral out of control. So one day after this, and I was thinking about this, why is she getting worse than me you have that I've done something wrong as a mom, and you think maybe I should just not do anything. And so you get your call back and forth. But a little bit later, her dad was out in the yard and he was putting some hay up in the barn. And he was right there. And you would think he would have been drawn and quartered the way she was screaming hysterically. I'm like, what is it honey? Why are you completely dysregulated and I thought, Okay, I've got to do something to break this hysteria. And so I drew a bath. I put some Epsom salts in it, which is magnesium sulfate. But on my swimsuit, and I thought I'll just get a polar in the water. Maybe the warm water will just change her mood, or break. And I pulled her in. Within 20 minutes. She could self regulate, walk and actually take no for an answer from hysterical screaming, to being able to take no for an answer and 20 minutes and it was like, what just happened? Yep, that's it. So I knew magnesium was in there. So I started giving her magnesium. And she stopped spiraling out of control. Wow. And then she was oppositional. She wanted something. And so she'd be like, can I go to McDonald's? When your child is that upset, I'm, I'm not any better than the rest of you. I'm like, I don't care what you want to Let's go do it. But she doesn't she wouldn't get in the car. They wouldn't get out of the car, she would know. And it was a nurse from her neurologist. She said, you know, what? Do you know that her seizure meds deplete the six? And I'm like, No, I didn't know that. I'd asked the doctor a million in one question. Call me back. So we got her on a relatively high dose of B six. And her oppositional behavior went away within 24 hours. So the magnesium worked within 20 minutes. The B sex within 24 hours when I forget it, she started become oppositional again. Speaker 2 54:08 And I was like, Are you kidding? Like it was easy. So I give her both and she very normal. So the B six is what worked with the oppositional yes for her. Okay, I need to write that down quickly because I'm extremely oppositional. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 54:27 Middle help for me. I get Yeah, I'm not kidding. It would be awesome. Okay, so, a couple more questions. And so one of them is if you could do it all over again, I love this question. But if you could do it all over again, would you do the dancing thing and the acting so that was the route I was gonna go to. So when I was listening to you talk to Dr. Paul. I was like, Oh, I knew I loved you for a reason. So would you do anything differently? Dr. Christina Parks PHD 54:58 Oh, it's so hard to say. because like my life, I think has been pretty difficult. But like, it also makes you who you are. So I actually I skydive for 20 years. So I did that as a hobby. So I didn't like replaced, I wouldn't replace the skydiving with dancing. But I just also feel that sometimes we think we have to make a commitment to one thing. And I would say that, whatever we do, it's hard for us, especially me as an overachiever to give myself time to just express myself. So when I watch people, like they'll paint for hours, in my mind, I'd be like, That's a waste of time, I could be doing something productive. But expressing the contents of your soul is never a waste of time, I have to tell myself that over and over again, right? I'm a work in progress. But whether you're dancing or and right now, I'm like many people, I had chronic issues. That's why I have a heart for this, like pain, fibromyalgia, metabolic disorder, like all of these different things. And I'm healthier now than I've ever been. And I just think that allowing ourselves to slowly and you're a little bit older, get back into those things that allow you to express yourself, whether it's dancing, or singing, or writing or coloring. I like the color. So when you said painting, I'm like, but I need my coloring. Yeah, whatever allows you to express your soul. And I don't know, because the The truth is, if you wanted to the establishment of dancing, a lot of times that sucks your soul out to write because there's all these rules, and you're competing with other people. And so it's not necessarily like doing something as a career is going to feed your soul. Right? You do it, because it expresses who you are. So I would say that's always a worthwhile endeavor, whether it is under the guise of a career or a hobby, or just you honest, I guess it sounds like for you to with knowing the mind that you have, and especially knowing what you know, now, I guess my next question would be yes, you probably wouldn't choose to be a dancer as a career or dress or whatever, because of your brilliant mind. But now knowing what you know, and say you had all that information, and you're really young, you could still become a pediatrician. I think that you should go back, we were going to go back 30 years, I think you should have become a pediatrician. So do you have you ever thought about that? Would you have wanted to be a medical doctor or does I don't know, I don't want to be in the system. I think I'm very much about educating. I'm an educator. And it was funny, because when I was an undergrad, they have these scholarships for teachers. I'm like, I never want to be a teacher, you. And that's it. I love being a teacher, because affecting hearts and minds is where it's at. So I think I really am at heart, a teacher explaining things. And I think there are so few people that can take the really complicated stuff and break it down step by step. And unfortunately, sometimes in an interview like this, that has to go so fast that my my goal on my is always to step by step like when I would teach a class scaffold use, and you understand this first, and now this right? That's really my heart. And when I realize people don't realize something, I go back, like, how can I explain that better? And that's what I did, because I taught high school and middle school. Okay, and I taught them complex science too. But I scaffolded it step by step. So that's really my heart as a teacher. So no, I don't think I'd want to be a pediatrician. And I don't I've never really had that. Although, since it took me eight years to get a PhD. It's an award, which is what I thought it was going to take. I could have gotten an MD PhD in that. I know that yeah, I might have gone back because then I could do clinical research, those thing that does interest me. And but apparently, I guess I feel if it was had been God's plan that probably would have happened. Right now I just figure I think I've seen a lot of people without degrees that put forth some amazing information, because they really educated themselves. So I think that whatever God's plan for us is in our lives shall open that door. We don't need a certificate or a piece of paper. It certainly does help for some things like I do testify in court and things like that, to give you that stamp. And as I'm explaining COVID stuff, you realize this is super complicated science. And yeah, most people doctors don't know, most people in the world don't know it. And so that's where having the few of us who can come and say here is the problem with with this technology, and explain it is really important. So I with the contamination of the COVID vaccine. I was looking at this plasmid map, which you probably don't even know what a plasmid is, it's something about molecular biology, and I never thought I would be doing this again. So to actually take what I learned and be able to apply it to a real world problem, and actually have an impact is hugely gratifying for me. So it sounds like it's a passion to we were taught doc and I were talking earlier about passions and how important that is and that you still like with I'm guessing, working with sharing with other parents and when you speak what you're about Speaker 2 1:00:00 passionate about what you would do. And I think it's important to share all that. But then at the same time, there's some of these moms and families are in situations where they can't make all the choices and decisions that you and I can do. So it's learning that space of neutrality or compromise or a space where people can be as healthy as you can. And You've obviously done that yourself to one thing I want, I would like for you to share via closing moment because I know we have to end soon is, and you said it yourself, you're coming along with your own health and your own healing. I've always felt like, and I had my child later in life, too. And part of it is I wanted to make sure I was as healthy as I could be. And I'm still working on myself. But putting yourself first is really important as a mom, but yet, as a mom, like I remember the first time I heard, put, you put your own mask on your face on an airplane, and then your child, I was like, screw that my child's getting a mask period, because you think about it. And then I learned why you're supposed to do that. And it's the same thing. If we're gonna give the best care to our children and be an example, we have to take care of ourselves. So what can you speak to on that and talk to all these moms that are out there that are struggling? And not just moms, dads, parents, anybody who's taken care of a child, it's easy to just put them first and not pay attention to yourself. But that has consequences. I want to address something you said before first, about the neutrality. Yeah, absolutely. I know people who have kids out of the foster care system, they didn't absolutely have to vaccinate them. And so they can argue for a different schedule or whatever. But and some people, they're not there yet with their mind frame. So I'm not about being perfect, and there is no perfect, right, because life is complex. And so I'm there to give you the information and that you need for your situation that can help you make informed consent. Because what's right for you might not be right for me. And if you for some, the mind is very powerful. If you force someone to do something they don't believe Dr. Christina Parks PHD 1:02:08 their own belief. And in fact, how the body responds to that. So it's it is very complex. And so my goal is to support you in getting to the healthiest person you can be given your circumstances. It's as I said, I went through living hell with my daughter, when I was only sleeping to for six hours a night, maybe she her adrenals kicked in, she was back bouncing off the walls, it was horrific. If you are surviving, give yourself grace to survive. I used to see the people that brought their bags to the grocery store. And it floored me like someone has the presence of mind to bring a bag to put the groceries in them. I'm like, I'm just surviving here. Surviving. And then those parents are like, eat organic. Are you kidding me? And I have seen what mothers will do they the lengths that they will go to for their children. But again, and again, I have to say, you'll do this for your child. What about yourself. So first of all, if you're surviving, don't add more guilt on top of it, whether it's about what you're doing for your child, or for yourself, right season, this is a season, if all you're doing is surviving, then just survive. Knowing that one day you'll have a little bit more energy to take that next step. Now I'm flying all over before I was surviving, and I wasn't dying, or organic food, I didn't have any money because I couldn't get another job because I'm taking care of this baby, who was a tenant one point, but once you can, I think our self love is really actually being present for ourselves. One of the hardest things to do, we distract ourselves, we distract ourselves. And occasionally that can be okay with TV, friends, whatever it is, being in a quiet space with yourself, allowing yourself to grieve allowing yourself to let go of what's been of all of the ways that life did not work out the way you thought it would. Because you cannot find that part of yourself that wants to express itself that wants to truly live and not survive until you start processing through all of that and letting it go. And that is the big first step to self care. Because once you start finding yourself, you're going to start finding more energy, more enthusiasm, and you cannot really heal until you find some of that because you don't have any motivation. Right. And so I know when I finished graduate school, I'd never smile again. I felt like I could cry for years. And it was terrible. And but knowing that intellectually you will but allowing yourself to agree to purge to allow God in and trusting that when you go Through that, God will come in whether whatever you call that spirit of love, that spirit of restoration, that even though after the emptiness after the for after the grief, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 1:05:16 there is a deeper place where God is waiting to meet you. I think that's my favorite thing in the world is faith over fear and living love lead first. And I think that's the thing that you're speaking to that is so important. And that you do so well, is sharing with people and because of all the information that you have, and the websites and all that stuff, I that allows people because we can have faith, but we also have to have the knowledge to make the changes and people like you, who are providing those things for us. And in a way that the I call myself just a mom in this in the freedom and in the health thing, because I don't have any degrees. I don't have any of those things. I'm just a mom first. That's the most important thing. And although my child is grown, I'm still a mom first. And it is honestly people like you that allow us just moms that don't have any of that education and all that information, and are willing to give it to us in a place where we can understand is so important. So I want to thank you for that. I'm so glad we had time I can't wait to we're in person again. We're going to have to go dancing together. Yes, ma'am. Yes, we will. Thanks for joining us. Everybody, it's me DD coming to you from my soul. Strength. What does strength mean? What does it mean to have a strong soul? Well, today, what really hit me in the interview with Dr. Parks was, how strong she is, how she went through everything that she went through with her child and all that she had to move through and process and do in order to do what's best for her child. And whether you're a mom or a dad, or who you are, but that strength, I believe comes from our soul. I believe it's what's deep inside of us that lets us know that. You know something's not right right now. And so I'm gonna have to dig deep. I'm gonna have to look outside of the box and not think about what everybody else is telling me is right or wrong. And we face that a lot in medical freedom. And that's why I encourage you to go deep in that place for you. Whatever that meditative, spiritual soulful state is go in there and know that you have the strength for anything, just like Dr. Park said, just like Dr. Paul did. Just like all the people who have lost so much did for others because they were able to reach down deep and find the strength to do so. Thanks for watching. Dr. Paul 1:08:13 I look forward to running together with the wind at our backs, revealing the science that gives clarity in our world that's full of propaganda and misinformation. Visit our website, doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. Your support makes a difference. And let's make this the weekly show the world has been waiting for. Thanks for watching. I'm Dr. Paul. Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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