PDF:Text:Dr. Paul 0:24
Good morning CHD Welcome to pediatric perspectives. This is where we are looking at children's health challenges from a different perspective. One that includes critical thinking, one that's not afraid to give you the honest truth. I'm your host, Dr. Pol. And I am welcoming back. Very special guests. Dr. Michelle burrow. Welcome. Michelle, it's great to have you back on the show. Paul, Michelle Perro M.D. 0:50 I'm just delighted to be here chatting with you, like one of my favorite pediatricians. Dr. Paul 0:54 Oh, and you're one of mine. In fact, I'm gonna pick your brain on who are all the other great pediatricians in this country. There's a growing number of US folks who have sort of woken up to the fact that the business as usual pediatric care, is not making a dent on the challenges that are facing our kids. In fact, that's what we're going to dive in a little bit today. You and I both had journeys where we were mainstream working in critical care working in general pediatrics, and we realized what we were doing wasn't even making much of a debt. Medicine sort of became a diagnose and treat and we were just treating symptoms sort of the end result of something going on that we weren't obviously identifying because we weren't getting these kids better. Maybe just briefly, what were some of the biggest Wake Up Calls for you as that kind of made you realize I'm on the wrong path here. I'm not helping my patients. I Michelle Perro M.D. 1:50 had several aha moments. Of course, it has many moms first one was my own son 30 years ago, when he had recurrent croup, you know, living a trip to Malaysia. You know, the kind only a pediatricians kid would get, like, you know, their light blue and not breathing. And I had a serendipitous encounter with a MD homeopath named Dr. Kinsey who still practices and she told me to give my son's a remedy. I gave my son the remedy, and he was better and five minutes, croup again, remedy, again, five minutes better. Now, I was a pediatric emergency physician, as we spoke about that we've shared that commonality. And I was so pissed off, and I say pissed off. I'm a New Yorker, but full disclosure, that there was this system of affordable sugar pills, my son suck those pills right down, that could reverse something and get to the root cause when you know, when we were talking things like injectable epinephrine and steroids and other toxic toxicities, things that I don't like to give children. I never liked giving kids steroids. And it took me I didn't need repeated exposures to that. And I went back studied homeopathy. And 25 years ago, I became my own homeopath. So that was one, then GMO pesticide issue was number two, which we talked about that was the other big, aha Broadway moment. And I think the third one was when I reversed my first case of autism. And I was told no, no treatment for autism, you know, it's, um, you know, we can do some counseling, ot P G, no, there is no treatment. And I and I reversed and I, you know, and I thought, Whoa, wait a minute. What do you mean this no reversal, this kid just reverse and that child was older. As kid gets older, it's often harder to hurt him. And this kid completely reversed. She was nine. And when I saw that, I thought, I just literally had to relearn everything. I didn't believe anything anymore. From cholesterol, to iodine to food, and to get off our pharmaceutical training. To become I think I literally trained myself to become a naturopathic physician is what happened over time. I Dr. Paul 4:01 went through the same path before I share my story of the same thing. I had a severely autistic kid. What woke me up was four years in a row, I had one of my own patients regress from normal at age one to severely nonverbal autistic by age two. And I was like, Okay, this is enough. I can't keep doing this nonsense. And I had, well, I'll just share mine and then you could share your story. I had already learned from attending certain conferences that are not the Academy of Pediatrics. These are really great conferences that look at real science. And I learned this thing about gluten and dairy and how you know, food sensitivities could affect things in the gut biome. And this one child at age four. I'd been working on them for about two years to go gluten free, dairy free. All was too hard. It was too hard. They finally did it. He comes back a month later. He had never spoken a word since age one. Hi, Dr. Thomas, my Thomas choo choo, a full sense. I got goosebumps. I couldn't believe it. Walk out to my partners, I was at a general pediatric practice at that point and said, You believe this? And they said, Oh, you've probably misdiagnosed him to be honest. Michelle Perro M.D. 5:08 What? How Dr. Paul 5:09 were you able to get a recovery? And now folks, if you've struggled with trying to recover your your autistic kid, it's sometimes isn't that easy. It can be really challenging, but don't give up. What was your wake up moment, Michelle Perro M.D. 5:21 I have to recognize that. I thought 90% of the kids that I saw on the spectrum, and I started seeing a lot of them because I dealt with complex chronically ill kids had leaky gut, in which we in which from all the things that we've talked about the food and pesticides and other toxins, and concomitant dysbiosis, which is unknown microbiome, they all seem to have it after a while. I used to check their blood for antibodies to foods, gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, I mean, I could do it in my sleep. I saw so many it got to the point I didn't need to do testing, because they all had it and just started switching to organic whole foods diets. I removed gluten and dairy, occasionally egg occasionally. So I but at least gluten dairy and these kids, and I saw significant improvements, not just the autistic kid, but in the family. I had a mom who tell me her asthma cleared. And in my favorite story, a dad who just went organic without the gluten and dairy removal, reversed chronic renal failure, kidney failure that he had from living in a pesticide sprayed region of Modesto 80%. Kidney Failure to 20% He was on the dialysis list. And that was just going organic. But these kids reversed quickly. takes about four weeks. And when you have a kid has been autistic for years. That's a miracle. But the whole family gets better. So the main culprits are and it has to do with the way that these kids now have the leaky guts. Almost everyone I see has some degree of intestinal permeability. Paul. Yep. Dr. Paul 6:59 So hear this? Well, folks, parents, it's in your hands to make this transition for your family? No, it's not easy, but it's or should I say it's simple, but not easy. You know, you just got to get the pesticides and herbicides of the toxins out of the diet and remove the foods that the child is sensitive to. Sounds easy. It's hard, but but it's so worth it. Right. I mean, gosh. Michelle Perro M.D. 7:26 And you know, Paul, I mean, I give parents sources, books, websites on how to make the transition. And I talked to parents said it's not perfection, it's a journey. And getting people to change their belief in themselves and adults is one of the hardest things I've ever done. Because half of my practice, we're adults, but those autistic kids often have dishonors, or they don't sleep. So when you have chronically tired parents who are up all night, and the whole family is up all night, because the kid is awake all night, they are more motivated to make those changes. And when they do, it's just shocking. You have to teach people how to read shop, how to restock their pantry, how to use crock pot cooking, um, how to set up meals on weekends. Like that was one of my favorite tools when I was working. And my kids were little as I do all the prep on Sunday, and I made several meals at once. All these types of tips. And I actually have families in my community in Marin County, that I've grouped the families together so they would share. Yes, we had a bunch of kids who are gluten dairy sensitive, one mom, it seemed to be moms made the meal. And they were bringing trays over to the other family. So families only had to cook a few times a week. Imagine that you can be creative and work with your neighbors, especially if they eat the way you do. Dr. Paul 8:42 You know, last time I had you on that we ran out of time. And I forgot to ask you a really important question. So I'm going to just throw it in right here. Out of people get a hold of your information, because you just said you you give them resources, is there some place you can send people or they can find out how to get ahold of your resources? Michelle Perro M.D. 9:00 Absolutely. So I co founded and I am now the CEO of G mo science.org. And I used to have all kinds of websites I was running and I was making myself absolutely batty. So I've put them all together just recently under one. And I have a parent section with videos, articles, advice, and I'm working on his second book while making our children well. teaching people about food is medicine, being a solutionary on teaching nutrition and homeopathy. And I think if parents can learn nutrition and homeopathy back in the homes and even like even our parents or my grandparents did, we can bring healthy families back. That's all I'm really focused on right now is literally food is medicine. Dr. Paul 9:45 Wow. And there is nothing more important. I think I'm working on a book also that's going to come out this year, Vax fax and the subtitle isn't quite locked down but we've put the Vaccine Information together with the nutrition information And parents, you're all set. But you gotta get these books when they come out. And then in the meantime, you've got that website to get the information that you're providing. I wanted to talk to you today about something that's just distressing me to no end. And I imagine you also and that is, okay, we've just gone through COVID. And how has in your opinion, how has that changed? Pediatrics and how we should look at pediatrics? Majan you have some thoughts about this? Michelle Perro M.D. 10:31 Oh, indeed, I do. It's hard to be married to me, Paul. Let me tell you My poor husband. Um, so yeah. What I think the biggest issue that is driving me to just literally to the edge now is that the debt our children's health has changed because of the coma vaccine. Let me be frank, during COVID During the first year COVID, and I was seeing Sick Kids recovered, I was doing acute care for a practice. And I saw lots of COVID kids, they sail through it, parents might have been sick for a while but kids handled COVID really well. And out of four practitioners, and lots of COVID cases, especially in that first year call. I think we had one sick kid who had underlying autoimmune disease. That was it. Everybody else sailthru incomes, the vaccine June of 20 Oh 21. We started seeing right away case of myocarditis. And I know now, because of the high backs right and kids, we differs over 12 and a five to 11. Now the over six months that because of psychopathy spike protein, itis and all the other problems with the COVID vaccine, that the practice of Pediatrics has changed because kids health have changed. Let me give you an example. Pre COVID Let's say you have 11 year old with chest pain. Most common costochondritis right? Well, TT syndrome may be some they've pulled their ribs and they have some local tenderness. Kids with cardiac disease. Almost never now there's never never, almost never we weren't doing troponin and D dimers. And kids 11 year old now who's had three vaccines and has chest pain. I'm telling I'm thinking okay, I need to troponin I need to D dimer. I need a you know, my echocardiogram make sure we get an EKG. troponin measures a cardiac infarction, which is a heart attack. And it's they have a high sensitivity troponin level now, which looks at if there's been cardiac injury. D dimer is a test which looks at products of coagulation, because we know that the vaccine can cause some coagulation issues. And the D dimer can measure something called fibrinogen. And whether there's been damaged in this coagulation system, that cardiac echo could look at echocardiogram can look at the actual function of the heart in 3d in real time, an EKG would measure the electro physiologic changes in the heart, and to see if there's been any injury, like a heart attack on an infarct. And so that's what we want to look at. We also want to do something called a high sensitivity CRP, C reactive protein, which is a very sensitive measure of inflammation. I am seeing these numbers to be abnormal. Now, Paul, for impose closure, I don't see as many patients as I used to, because I'm teaching and writing more. And not as much in the saddle of practice as I used to be. But I'm still I still have some vaccine injured kids that I'm caring for a younger actually young adults too, because these young boys 2025 30 years old, are particularly at risk. And so looking at these cardiac markers, that was unheard of before, there'll be one thing. The second thing would be stroke. When I saw a I think was in 2022, that they were promoting a new pediatric stroke drug. I thought, oh, yeah, they're covering their butts, because we know that the COVID vaccine can cause thrombotic events. Yes, cocoate coagulopathies of sort. I don't know exactly if we call them coagulopathies or abnormal protein formations. And so, stroking a kid, maybe cerebral palsy married Peri natal anoxia, maybe an a premature baby, maybe one to 200,000. And now, we're seeing kids with strokes. Unheard of. So this is what I'm meaning now. So when I have a kid now, a family member has a painful vein right now. So thrombophlebitis and a young person I'm thinking now back, okay. thrombophlebitis, a young person. I'm thinking Oh, is there endothelial injury from the COVID vaccine. See, so my thinking has shifted 100% Because I don't believe that COVID vaccine is benign. Oh, so there That's my position on it. This is my opinion. And that's what I'm sharing with you. Dr. Paul 14:49 Yeah. So I had a similar I was still practicing. I'm retired now. And by the way, folks, nothing we say on this program is meant to be diagnostic or medical advice, run it by your A trusted health care provider. We're just two pediatricians sharing our experience here. I was at a busy practice with 10,000 patients, five providers. More a few years before that, but not a single child your experience exactly not a single child had a significant COVID illness when COVID hit for that whole first year. And the parents, some of them got a little sicker. Grandparents, a few of them ended up in the hospital. As soon as that vaccine was rolled out, I had a child hospitalized for myocarditis. My first I mean, we weren't giving the vaccine, my office, this was just they go to the pharmacy once they were 11 years old, they could go get it. Got the got the shot ended up in the hospital with severe myocarditis first case I've ever seen in my career. Sounds like you've had a lot of firsts, since that vaccine has been rolled out. What do you suppose I'm just thinking of the younger pediatricians who don't have our perspective, you know, we've practiced for 3040 years. While 40 I think is we're probably both at 40. Plus at this point, although I'm retired. We've seen a lot but we weren't seeing anything like the kind of conditions we're seeing with this COVID job. That is definitely clearly causing harm. Michelle Perro M.D. 16:10 When I think back in my career meet mine too. I spent a decade in pediatric emergency medicine. I think I've saw one case of myocarditis. I have many cases of myocarditis and not even compared to what someone like Dr. McCulloh or Malhotra, what other cardiologists are now seeing as, as we refer these kids to pediatric cardiologist. The problem is we send them off to see the specialist, either the cardiologist or you know, which remember, we're looking for help. And they're not looking at the vaccine as a cause. And they're just treating the symptoms and they don't even understand why the kids have gotten into a problem. I have one pediatrician colleague, who when I said why are you offering the PD, the COVID vaccine? What are you seeing biokinetics? Because yeah, we're seeing myocarditis. And I said, Well, I mean, what's your thoughts on that? And he said to me, a love pediatrician, well, someone has to take one for the team, to have that, that stuck with me like forever. And then this was like this was during COVID. This was like during, like, toward the end of COVID. So I understood he was still in that fear and mode. But I never heard of anything so awful, that we should protect adults and hurt children. Right? That was a negative grandma, although we know that was all fictitious anyway, that the common vaccine never stopped transmission when that's pretty clear. So, no, I've never I'm not seeing these type of issues. And what we're also seeing are these very weird, atypical issues, bizarre neurologic symptoms, lots of things related to something called pots, postural orthostatic. tachycardia is lots of changes in people's nervous systems that regulate things like breathing and heart rate. It's called the autonomic nervous system. And these types of disorders are very rare in kids, he ain't Baray not common cerebellar, where your motor system sits disorders, kids with bizarre motor function things, kids in wheelchairs, we've seen it all kids with bizarre rashes. I've seen every type of issue that I can attribute to the vaccine because I've done the research. And it's out there. And it's in there's the vaccine adverse event reporting system, it's in bears every type of issue that can develop myalgias muscle aches total body fatigue, total body. Pain, I had one kid with just pain from head to toe, but took five. So and the symptoms are bizarre. And what the so if that's not bad enough, so now how we view children has changed. But the system is not set up, or even acknowledges the issues that our kids are facing. So we have kids with new issues, and a system that is ill prepared or unprepared or denies the issues and cannot take care of them. So these parents, I feel so sorry for parents with a vaccine injured child, which we even know from the previous vaccines, even though the COVID vaccine is not really a vaccine, it's a genetic immunomodulating therapy, injection, injection. And so parents are struggling, and I get it. I absolutely feel for parents now. Because parents are trying to do the right thing or courage to get the vaccines and demanded get the vaccines to go to school in California. The kids had to take the COVID shot. And you know, a lot of parents can keep their kids at home because they work full of parents were put in an awful position. Absolutely Dr. Paul 19:38 horrendous, horrendous. Yeah, this this seems to be the most harmful shot that's ever been put on the market. How the heck did the CDC and then the AAP go along with this and it's now on the childhood schedule starting at six months of age and in states where you can't get an exemption? Like you said like California parents are in this spot where they have to give the shot or basically homeschool their kid or leave the state. What's your advice? I mean, you okay? You've seen enough harm now that you can passionately talk to the parent that's watching who's in that position, where they're saying, I don't know what to do I have to work. What, what what are what would you do if you were in that position, knowing what you know now, knowing Michelle Perro M.D. 20:25 what I know now, this is what I would do. As a parent this I love children. And like, Mike, you've parents out there and you'd love your kids. I would homeschool them. You say you homeschool I need to go into go to work. Can you create a community whose homeschool with other parents in your area where you only maybe have to have the kids one day a week or one evening a week or one weekend day? If you work during the week? Can you create communities around homeschooling. So that will be my first priority is you have to get them on the school system. Because the school system, let's say here in California, we have almost 40 million people here lots of kids. So the school system is a problem. If they're mandating vaccines, and they still are, particularly the covered vaccines, if you can't do homeschooling, I would leave. I would leave California, there's what I would do, personally, Michelle, Michelle would head on out with if my kids were small. I like to leave California during COVID. And and for various reasons where I'm not going. We do a podcast also called the new MDS. And we just had the wonderful Dr. MCIS on and he's a Canadian oncologist. And I've personally asked Dr. MCIS yesterday, it seems that that third shot is the worst. And he said and he was talking about with each shot, you have increasing developing antibody, particularly one called IgG for and with and you can develop antibodies out something called antibody dependent enhancement. And with each of these shots, your immune system literally gets taken out and no longer recognizes pathogens and malignant cells. And we were talking in terms of turbo cancers. But it also is particularly important in terms of prevention of immune dysfunction, autoimmunity, and cancers in our children because it's sometimes cancers can drop later as kids get older. And that's what Dr. Maca said some of the cancers he seemed really now in the late teens. And I've pet practices here have informed me pediatricians that their practices are starting to see leukemias, which is the most common pediatric cancers still followed by brain tumors. So we were talking about cancers yesterday, Turbo, Kansas, Paul, let's just be clear. But I'm also sitting now I have quite a few parents reaching out to me, their kids immune systems are not working, the kids are picking up every illness, young and old in school and not whether they're in pre school or college. And the illnesses are lasting a long time. And they're more virulent than they used to be. And the kids are getting sick with every illness. And mostly all those kids were vaccinated with at least one and most of them at least three shots. Yeah. Dr. Paul 23:00 And that's been my experience. And back when I was in practice, my sick waiting room was empty. Most of the time, my well waiting room was packed. That speaks to the health of children who have a natural robust immune system whose immune system has not been shifted towards allergy, autoimmunity. And just in the case of the COVID Jab being totally just shut down. It's it's got to stop and parents, it's up to you, because the system is apparently unwilling or incapable or so captured, that our medical system is in trouble. And, Paul, Michelle Perro M.D. 23:40 what's your sense, it seems to me that practices are still dismissing families that are asking for no vaccines or delayed vaccine schedule. And this is what I'm hearing in California. Okay, in my Northern California region. I don't know if this is a national phenomenon, where parents are still getting abandoned by practices and be asked to exit. Is it your experience that that is still happening? Dr. Paul 24:02 Yep. It's still happening. I travel speaking around the country. And I hear that same story. It's happening everywhere. Parents are in this dilemma where in many community, there's nowhere to go. Every pediatrician insists on following the CDC schedule or you can't attend their practice. My old practice has continued under a different ownership and a different name. And so I've inquired, how are you guys busy? Because I thought maybe with my exit, they would sort of dwindle and disappear. They're busier than ever, because they're the only clinic in town that honors informed consent that will allow parents to do what they want to do once they've had all the information shared. And I mean, they go and they say, This is what the CDC says you're supposed to do. But then here's the risks and benefits. And yeah, those are rare. It's hard to find. So our our pediatric specialty is in trouble. Michelle Perro M.D. 24:55 It's absolutely I would agree and you know what I've been counseling folks to do is. So as we have an insurance issue as well which sick kids a system, ill prepared to care for them. And then parents whose insurance cover the system that's ill prepared to care for the kids. So what I've been counseling people do, if possible when possible, some can do it some can, is can you get just some kind of emergency coverage for emergencies and then up for some holistic coverage, and there are some like Good Samaritan and there are others that they can look into, or, you know, create your own fund with a family. I had a family with 25 family members that created their own insurance, where they all funded this one, this one would count and they used it for their, you know, their integrative practitioners. Most integrative practitioners do not take insurance, whether you're seeing your acupuncturist, your chiropractor, your do your naturopathic doctor, an integrative pediatricians like God is whomever. And so we don't take insurance. Why? Because our visits take so long. And I feel for regular pediatricians who are in the system, the model, the HMO model, where they're seeing three, four or five kids in our interview. Now you can't do the kind of chair we're talking about when a pediatrician seeing four or five kids and our impossible. It's literally just writing a script and getting the family out the door. It's awful. It's just awful. So that system is not working. So parents have to be creative with their health insurance. Yeah, no, I Dr. Paul 26:29 agree, absolutely get catastrophic coverage. For those rare things. God forbid that you end up with a severe severe accident or cancer or something horrible, but then put your money where you want it to in a place where you're promoting wellness. I mean, that is the key you're spot on. And so I think I'll let you close out with what are the most important keys to wellness care, because you've got a book coming. And so you can give us a little tease about about what you think is most important. So Michelle Perro M.D. 27:02 what I think is most partners food is medicine and yellow kitchen, let your kitchen your pantry, be your medicine chez la casino's Damascena, the kitchen is your medicine, right? They're teaching homeopathy at home. And that's coming how every family can get their home homeopathic kit and learn to use those remedies when their kids are sick. And I would be remiss, we talked about so many things that love your bugs in your gut, love your microbiome, because what we saw is that COVID vaccine took out the microbes. And when I went took a look at look at that on other vaccines, I didn't see any data regarding other shots and other therapies on the microbiome effects. So could this be happening to all the vaccines to all the medications? Possibly, yes. So you want to love that microbiome, protect those kids bugs, and here's a little tip, as you make these transitions, remember there while you're doing all these wonderful things, a little bit of apple cider vinegar, organic, please, that you give your child every day on their salad dressing and their water just like a small kid is a teaspoon a big kid, it might be a tablespoon breaks down glyphosate. Yeah. Acetic factor. So included apple cider vinegar, lemon in the water. alkalinizing. Decrease sugar, no sugar, decrease sugar and berries are fine fruits. Arkaid no extra sugar. They don't need it. And you'll be that soccer mom or dad who brings the oranges or tangerines to soccer practice and not the cupcakes. Yes, we'd be that parent, and as well as sleepovers and other events. Be the model parent for all the other families and in your community. You'll be the change. Dr. Paul 28:34 Wow. Let's pull it up. How people can get a hold of you because I know you do have a website GMO science.org That is just great resource. Thank you for putting that up. And I'm sure when your books available, they can get access to it at that website as well. I can't thank you enough. Michelle. Thank you once again for joining paediatric perspectives. Well, a pleasure. Anytime, you can check out my other show with the wind at doctors and science.com. You can also reach me directly even book a coaching session if you wish at kids first forever.com The number for both these links are in the show notes. Thank you for joining us today, and we'll see you next week. I look forward to running together with the wind at our backs, revealing the science that gives clarity in our world that's full of propaganda and misinformation. Visit our website, doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. Your support makes a difference. And let's make this the weekly show the world has been waiting for. Thanks for watching. I'm Dr. Paul. Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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