PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:24
Good morning, CH D. Welcome to paediatric perspectives. This is where we are looking at children's health challenges from a different perspective. One that includes critical thinking, one that's not afraid to go and tell you the truth. And today, I have a very special guest, Dr. Suzanne Humphries. And I just want to welcome you. You're somebody I've wanted to talk to an interview since, gosh, years and years ago when you wrote your incredible book dissolving illusions. So welcome to the show. Dr. Suzanne Humphries 0:52 Thank you, Paul. It's great to be here. Dr. Paul 0:54 That's a book actually, I still to this day recommend, because I think it does the best job I've seen anywhere of taking us through the history of vaccines. So I think we're going to talk a fair bit today about vaccines. I'm just interested for our viewers who may not have heard your story. You are, you know, traditionally trained MD, you were a medical specialist, and back Sinologists but you worked in internal medicine and nephrology, right. Dr. Suzanne Humphries 1:25 That's right. Dr. Paul 1:26 So how does a internal medicine nephrologist become interested in vaccines, Dr. Suzanne Humphries 1:32 just so everyone knows it was not a vaccinology just like vaccines with the farthest thing from my radar? Possible, I was just a nephrologist, internal medicine specialist 100% consultative when when this whole thing went down. Meaning that I was doing 100% consulting on kidneys in adults, although I would get the occasional childhood request because we didn't have a pediatric nephrologist in our hospital. So I was up in northern Maine in a very large teaching institution. And prior to that I was down in Philadelphia at another academic position. And so that was after spending many years between medical school, then three year residency, a two year fellowship, and then working. And then you know that then then I took on my career and it was about the, I'd say probably the eighth or ninth year of my career, that a few things at the same time happened. One of them was that I had a friend who had children that were never vaccinated. And I noticed that they were a bit different to any other child I'd ever met. And like they had never, ever had antibiotics. And I thought that's why they just said you must have really good genes and then come to find out they did not have really good genes. Neither one of those parents had a whole lot of bragging rights to pass on there. And so they were two children. And then I met their friends and the friends also were not jabbed. And so that kind of made me go, Okay, well, that's it. So I kind of put it in the back of my head. And then not that long after that, I saw one of these kids playing with a hammer and a nail. And I said to the mother, you know, that's really dangerous, because your kid isn't vaccinated, and they're playing with a hammer and a nail. And if they get tetanus, man, it's going to be really bad. And some one of the other parents said to me, Suzanne, what do you know about tetanus. And in my head, I thought, I don't really know very much about this, I know that there's this guy and a picture of it, about his head back and that it's you know, you just don't want that to happen and knew as much about tetanus, as I thought I knew about polio, which was almost nothing, because it's just simply only taught very if at all, taught in medical school. And outside, I said to my friends, I said, Well, I know you don't want to get it. And I know it can cause lock job. And kind of, you know, the air spins still in the room, and we all just moved on. Because, you know, they didn't want to challenge the authority figure. Meanwhile, the authority figure was totally clueless. So there was that. And again, I just kind of let it rest. I didn't, I didn't dwell on it and go digging into tetanus or anything like that. And then, around the same time, I'm working in the hospital, and one patient comes in, who's I'm telling you the long version, because I'm actually never told this long version before another. Dr. Paul 4:24 I've never heard some of those. So I'm very excited to hear that. And just for perspective, what years were you in med school? And what years are we talking about now? Dr. Suzanne Humphries 4:33 Oh, let's say medical school was 89 to 93. Residency 93 to 96. You don't forget the zeros do your pop news out. ls ship was 96 to 98. My academic job was until 2001. And then 2001 to 2011. It was the job up in northern Maine that I'm talking Dr. Paul 4:53 about. Okay. Thanks for sharing that. Dr. Suzanne Humphries 4:56 So somebody had been wheeled into the intent Some care unit with shingles all over their body. And they had just they were in the hospital down in Southern Maine. And while they were down there, they had a shingles vaccine. And so a bunch of us experts were sick because I was called us nephrologist the kidney. The kidneys were shutting down and a bunch of us experts are sitting around going, Oh, well, I remember we'd looked at each other someone said to me, Oh, this is shingles shot cause shingles and we'll go are probably not. And then we look it up and and we go oh, it actually get you what she desire me I will deal with that elephant in the room. And then a little while after that there was an employee that applied to the what they call it the kitchen of the of the hospital where they cook all the food, they made her get a measles vaccine. And shortly after the measles vaccine, she developed thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura fulminant kidney failure. And she actually never came off dialysis. And she's not afraid to tell that story. And she's like, I was perfectly healthy. I was perfectly fine French Canadian lady. And so that was really tragic. Because she was a healthy working woman. I saw another person that applied to the housekeeping physician in the hospital who they made her get a chickenpox vaccine because she didn't have any antibodies. And she also developed kidney failure. So these are the kidney failure cases that I'm seeing, here's where it really starts. Because I'm a little dense, you have to club me over the head about six times before I go, Oh, okay, that's all coming together. So then I come in after a long weekend, my other physicians were away. And there was a gentleman on dialysis. And I hadn't seen him before. But mind you, we're in a pretty much a holiday state people come holidaying up around, you know, Bar Harbor and those places, and it's a real destination beautiful place. So I just assumed that he was a traveler, because I had never seen him before. And I was like, Oh, where are you traveling from? He's like, I'm not traveling from anywhere. I live here. And I was like, oh, okay, well, how long have you been on dialysis? And he says, I've never been on dialysis before I was fine. Everything was fine. Like kidneys were perfect until I had that shot. I'm going, okay. All right, let's just give me a minute may get pen and paper. And and so he was telling me as if he had told 20 people and not one of them, believe them. And so I sat down and by now my brain was a little more fertile. And I took the information, and I started doing some research. And I didn't deny that he had that reaction to him. And because I found many, many cases in the medical literature, where there was kidney failure, followed by an influenza vaccine, and that was the year where there was the h one n one as well as the seasonal flu shot. And so we had his kidney function before the vaccine, we had the documentation of the two vaccines, the lot numbers, and the kidney failure after the vaccine. And so at that point, it didn't start recording reactions straightaway. But I did eventually report that one took me about a week to kind of figure out oh, this reporting system, and I can record it when you recorded none of the other ones that I told you about before. So, so there was that. And now the icing on the cake happens while I am in my office. And during lunchtime, I would walk over to the hospital. And I would see the patients that I had admitted, because because we did our own admissions for kidney biopsies. And so I have this elderly woman who had a protein losing nephropathy, pretty serious condition. It's inflammatory condition. And I went to do the history and physical examination. And when I opened up the chart, there's an order in there it was for a flu vaccine. It was and I thought, well, that's weird, because how can there be an order with my name on it? For signs, so I thought I must have had the wrong chart. So I queried the nurse who told me that now that's the new policy, that the pharmacist can go in and counsel the patient with a little page from the CDC one little pink piece of paper, and, and if the patient agrees that they will give the vaccine whether or not the physician has no input whatsoever, irrelevant and musician says we're just technicians, you know, apparently, so that she'd got it. Her throat Mary got worse. She ended up bleeding after that kidney biopsy, which can happen but it happened pretty severely. And you if you read view the changes in the blood that occur after flu shots that will make sense because coagulopathic changes do occur. So that was when I started going and canceling flu shots on my patients straight away like if I knew a patient was going to be admitted I would get there first I'd be like no flu shot, no flu so so that's when I went from being wonderful Dr. Humphreys, who, you know, the experts in the hospital would come to deal they deal with their vaccine injuries, their high blood pressure, etc. And, and then went to being a pariah, who was tracked and traced pretty much for two years until the They replaced me so that I can finally leave and be free. You were Dr. Paul 10:03 persecuted, if you will, and ultimately fired or replaced, as you said, Dr. Suzanne Humphries 10:08 now not fired. I was never fired. I so what happened was I wrote, I wrote a very long white paper with many medical references. And I submitted it to the CEO of the hospital to the director of nursing to all my colleagues, my colleagues got understood it I think most of them there was one that didn't, I think most of them they were like, Yeah, you know, and because one of them had young children, and the Gardasil vaccine was something that he was going, Yeah, that just doesn't make sense to me. But they were not strong enough to support me not strong enough to actually be vocal at all. And since they were cowards, they're still working, they're still making probably four or $500,000 a year now. So good for them. Right. I heard nothing back from the hospital administration. I thought they're gonna really want to talk about this, because this is a real thing. With all these medical references, nope, there was not a cricket heard. And then I got a letter from someone they had hired to answer me from Vermont. So he this guy was some something in the CDC, I don't know, can't remember I did a video called honesty versus policy, where I actually put his picture up his mugshots on there, and the exact letter that he sent me is there as well. And he said, so nevermind, the actual thing that I discussed, which was kidney failure in my patient population from a flu shot, his evidence that it was safe to give to all people across the board, his his medical references were that HIV patients can receive flu shots, and they develop antibodies. That was his that was his proof that the landlord said, he basically basically said, sit down, shut up, because this is going to become a measure in all hospitals nationwide. And it wasn't until later that a friend of mine who works in the high level nursing job down in New Jersey, informed me that the hospital doesn't get paid at that point, unless there is either a flu shot within 24 hours of admission, or a valid excuse, why not, but obviously, those valid excuses are frowned upon. So that was the background that when I when I saw that I just said, I can't work here anymore. I don't want to work here anymore. This is not where I want to be. Because they were essentially telling me that I should do my own study to prove that my patients were being harmed. And I thought, why am I do I have to do the work of the vaccine industry, they should have done that study. And, and they just want to keep me busy. And of course, that's what the vaccine zealots want to do. They want to keep us busy, keep us defending ourselves all the time. So I just at that point, I just knew that's not what I wanted to do. And so I gave my notice. And I was never fired. I stayed on for two more years, and dealt with this nonsense for two more years before I was finally liberated in 2011. Dr. Paul 12:58 I like that liberated I, I was liberated of my license in 2022. So it's a whole new place and Dr. Suzanne Humphries 13:06 voluntary. That's the thing. It's like I it was voluntary for me. Yeah. Dr. Paul 13:11 So this is fascinating. I did not realize that adult medicine was doing the same thing in the hospital as pediatrics. So what we saw in pediatrics was the hep B shot for newborns, and it was standing orders. So my patients were the only ones who are refusing it because I would I would do prenatal visits. So I educated them big time, when you go into the hospital refuse. Don't ever let that baby out of your sight. But signs all over the bassinet. You know, you're gonna make sure you don't get a hep B if you don't need it, which they did 9.9% of moms that are negative, they don't, you don't need it, that babies aren't having sex and doing IV drug use with dirty needles anyway. But that's fascinated this was this has been going on in all ages. So then you were let's let's pivot to you wrote this book. I'm guessing that was somehow How did you get to that? So while Dr. Suzanne Humphries 14:03 I was still in the hospital, I was I just basically became obsessed with vaccines. And so I had no social life, I just would go home at night, and I would do research and then I will I would order books and articles from the library and back then we would get physical copies. So I would go into library to actually pick them up. And I would just do nothing by reading vaccine literature and vaccine books from both sides. And I just thought, Okay, well, I'm going to look at both sides equally. I've already been well indoctrinated into the pro vaccine side, but I'm going to carry on, you know, reading what they have to say and hearing what they have to say. And whatever side you know, the truth falls on. That's where I'm going to be. I don't care because I didn't have I didn't have a horse in the race. I didn't have children. I didn't have vaccine injured people. I wasn't I had nothing but things to lose at that point by being an anti vaccination list. Sure. Dr. Paul 14:52 So I'm guessing you you must have stumbled on some challenges or problems if you will with vaccines. As you You did your research Dr. Suzanne Humphries 15:00 with vaccines in what way? Do you mean? Well, Dr. Paul 15:06 you know, their safety, for example, their testing neuroradiol salutely. Dr. Suzanne Humphries 15:09 So so what I did is I just, I just took on one vaccine at a time. And what happened is anytime I would be in the hallway of the hospital because I became known as the loony anti Vaxxer, even during the hospital, and I wasn't Loony, I was pretty, like, I'm pretty level headed. Like, I'm a little bit less level headed and more mouthy that now than I used to be. But I was pretty demure and scientific and diplomatic back then. So yeah, so I would talk to people in the hospital. And some of them be like, Oh, that makes sense. Some of the doctors actually come up to me, one of them from Nigeria came up to me, and he said, I know where they put the with the order on the chart, it's because we would not give it because he said we they have to force it on people because we doctors know better. I had another doctor come up to me and say, Well, nobody's listening to you, Suzanne. But nobody ever listens to profits. And I was like, well, that's really an interesting thing, because I don't feel like she was on my side at all. But the biggest argument that came up when I would try to discuss a flu vaccine, aggravating or causing kidney failure and an adult was what about polio? Unbelievable how much that came up? What about polio? A second, only two? What about smallpox? And I thought, Okay, well, we're going to look at both smallpox and polio, but smallpox, I feel like that's at that point, I felt like smallpox was really a distant entity, whereas polio was still within our grasp. We still have people alive that have had suppose had polio. And we know people who know people that have had polio, or smallpox, not so much. So I really focus heavily on polio. And what I found turned my world upside down, because all I knew was that there was the prophet, the Savior and Jonas Salk who had created the vaccine in the 1950s. And then there was the second savior, Albert Saab, and who had made the oral polio vaccine, and that we don't have people with shrunken legs anymore, and we don't have polio anymore. And that's all I knew. So when I started to dig into that, and found out the lies and the cheating and the skullduggery that happened around that to trials on that vaccine. And when I found out how many doctors were absolutely dead set against it, how many were critical about it, how it took two years for them to even give the data on the Francis trial to the physicians who were basically mandated to start giving it. Yeah, that was really fascinating to me when I saw the Public Health Service reports showing the amount of vaccine associated paralytic poliomyelitis. Yeah, that was riveting. And I just couldn't get enough of it. So I started talking publicly about it at that point. And I went on the Gary Noll show, and Roman histrionic, who is now my co author heard the show and he had was knee deep in research because his children had been vaccine injured because his wife did not agree with him. So he contacted my office, I was still working in my job when I was doing interviews like that when I was still working, or think back on it. Now that's pretty funny. So So I go into work one day, and there's, you know, this guy with a funny name is asking me to write a book with him. And I thought I was just another nutcase. I'm not going to answer that. So after the third request, I finally called him back in is this amazing person, is amazing person, really smart really had done his research. And, and I, at that point, just agreed to do the polio chapter. And so that was the agreement, it would be, you know, a book by Roman histrionic with the polio chapter by Dr. Suzanne Humphreys. And then when I started reading what he had done, which is that he had taken the world's vital statistics that nobody can really argue I mean, I guess somebody could argue with but they did seem to not argue with that. And he had created charts of the death rate decline. And then he put the arrows in where the either antibiotics or toxoid vaccines or regular vaccines had come into the scene. And he showed that in most cases between 96 and 100%, of the death rate decline had occurred before any medical interventions had happened at all. And so he started looking into what had changed in society to incite that change. And once I started reading what he had done, I wanted to get on board with all of that. So I became co author of the whole book and you know, him not being a physician, he would understand any mistakes that he made at that point in describing the the disease entity, so So that's kind of where I came in. pertussis, he had a lot written on pertussis, and then I wrote a lot more around that. So we basically just kept tossing the book back and forth to each other. And it was the most symbiotic relationship you could ever imagine. And we worked so well together. It just it was meant to be. Yep. And so Dr. Paul 19:56 illusions is the name of that masterpiece book and I have to say tell you, when I saw those graphs that you're talking about where you have most of the disease goes from way high almost to non existent. And then the vaccine is introduced. Yeah, that was an eye opener, because when we read about the benefits of vaccines, they're always quoting the numbers from way, way pre vaccine era, right? So this disease used to kill so many people. And now thanks to the vaccines, give me the vaccines, the credit when what did you all find as the most important factors for reducing mortality from all these diseases for which we have vaccines? Dr. Suzanne Humphries 20:33 I will answer that. But I first want to say that the all those graphs that we're talking about, you can look at for nothing by going to the website dissolving illusions.com. They're in color. We're in the book, the first book, they're they're in black and white, a little bit hard to read, but they're all what they've always been available on the website. We have free chapters on the website, we have free information on the website, we have where to order the old book, where to order, the new edition of the book that's coming out this year. So go have a look at that. But in terms of the graphs, what we find a way see people like Paul Offit talking about the myths, you'll have that you'll have the curve that's going down like this, right? Right. And so what they'll do is they'll, they'll, they'll, they'll take some of my hands up backwards, they'll take some data from up here. And then we'll take some data from down here. Yep. But they don't show you what happened in between. And that's really been a key factor. So when you and it's not just us there, there is a school, there is a book that is read by every medical student at Johns Hopkins, it is an infectious disease book. And I think we quoted that in dissolving illusions. And I continue to quote it, because we are not the only people discussing this, we've never been the only people discussing this ever, for 225 years, there have been people discussing how humans become healthy so that they don't get sick and infected with these these various microbes. Or I should say, don't get disease from these various microbes, because you can still become colonized with them. Dr. Paul 21:57 With all the research you've done on vaccines are vaccines helping people become healthy. Dr. Suzanne Humphries 22:03 It's the complete opposite. In fact, we're seeing now a decline in the in the lifespan of humanity. We're seeing more infant deaths, we're seeing people in their 20s dying, we're seeing people in their 80s and 90s, that are perfectly healthy being taken out by vaccines. And we saw that even before the COVID shot. So it's not just the COVID shot, but with the COVID shot, it's been markedly enhanced. And now we don't have I don't believe we put any charts and because I just because Roman wanted to write about COVID at one point, and I was like, Oh really, this is a history. But let's not bring that in. It's just going to be such a mess. We could do something separate on COVID. But we do touch on it a little bit here and there. So one of the things that really startled me in my research was that for 292, because vaccines have been around for about 225 to under 26 years now. And for about 224 years, there have been many, many, many doctors, where vaccines are given, crying out in disgust and horror and regret that they had given vaccines to anyone. And because what they saw was healthy people declining into morbid sickness or mortal sickness and dying. So there have been doctors just like you and I Paul that long. And from the very beginning, those doctors were shunned. They were ostracized, they were bullied. And they were given many reasons to keep quiet. So the ones that did pop through the woodwork and we hear about and we read about those were the ones that really took on the system and really had sought saw something that they thought was worth risking everything for. And it's not it's not changed since then. It's the same story whether you're talking about the smallpox vaccines, the theory of toxoid vaccines that were introduced shortly after that, the scarlet fever toxoid vaccines that were you know, see, see, oh, Carell. Oh, okay. Er, I ll, I believe was his name. He was a doctor on it, who on his deathbed, basically, he died of premature death because he allowed live experimentation on himself. Good for him, though, right. But he basically said that, that he regretted that vaccines had ever been a thing and that if the public ever knew the truth, if they would demand an inquest, and we it's better to just let vaccination die silent that Well, that didn't happen. This was published in The Lancet by the way. And in a column called grains and scribbles. It's fantastic little art. So this guy, but he wasn't alone. They were many doctors since the inception, that were just the same as you and I. And so they were seeing this this health decline in smallpox and we saw an actual 50% increase in the death rate. When smallpox vaccines were introduced in the UK, so and Roman put that data into the book and information around that. So So we've we've always seen worsening health, overall health and people who are vaccinate doesn't matter what the vaccine is. Now, does that mean that the vaccines don't work? In the case of smallpox? Yes, the vaccine doesn't work. It's not even the smallpox, it's it. Hopefully have time to get into that you can get into it later. The polio vaccine, polio vaccine did not work. The only vaccine that I can say works, I still wouldn't give it I still wouldn't accept it. Right, is the measles vaccine. And maybe you could say chickenpox vaccine too, but when they were never needed, and the horror and suffering that has happened as a result of those vaccines is certainly not worth the elimination of the disease. And even the person who was the public health official at the time of the measles vaccine being brought out Alexander Langmuir said, we don't need to get rid of measles. It's an inconvenience. And so when someone asked me why I want to get rid of it, I answered the way Sir Edmund Hillary answers when people asked him why he climbed Mount Everest, because it's there, and it can get done. It was never because scores of people were dying. He said it was a stable disease, of low morbidity, low mortality that circulates freely without causing much trouble. But you know, what, it's keeping children home from school. And it's keeping parents from being able to go to work, and we can get rid of it in just one year with just one shot. And see, that's another recurring theme in every vaccine, including the smallpox vaccine, the polio vaccine, the COVID vaccine, it's always been just one shot. And then six months later, we're here now, it wasn't originally just one shot heart of the population, you all have to get it forever and ever and ever, and we're never going to take it off the schedule. And that's the that's pretty much the recurring nightmare story that we're Wow. Dr. Paul 26:39 Well, you and I could talk vaccines for a day. I think we're gonna have to wrap up this segment, unfortunately. So I think in wrapping it up, if you could just summarize, I'm going to just say two things. First of all, is today's childhood vaccine scheduled dangerous. And the flip of that is, well, what do we do if we don't do vaccines? Dr. Suzanne Humphries 26:59 Yes, today's vaccine schedule, in my opinion, is very dangerous, especially at birth. As he said, you know, look, they know it's dangerous. Paul, what do they have ready and waiting in the NICU when they're giving premature babies Hepatitis B vaccines? are they standing aside with a with a crash cart and caffeine? Yes, they are. So they know it's dangerous. The NICU nurses know it's dangerous. You and I know it's dangerous. You and I have seen the backs then the unbox, we've seen the movie. I've traveled on the bus, you've probably spent some time on the bus with Polly we see for me, it's the I wasn't a child pediatric person. So that didn't hit me until I joined the backs team for a short period of time. And I started seeing more unvaccinated children and more terribly vaccine injured children. And yes, are there some people out there that get vaccines and seem okay, yes, there are. But is it worth brain damage and physical damage that occurs to these kids for diseases that have a relatively low morbidity and mortality? No, it's not worth it. And when you see the difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated children, I don't believe any parent if they actually lined them up, you know, 100 on each side would ever choose to do it. And that's the problem was they say, But what will I do instead? So they all try to rationalize with themselves they try to pick two vaccines, they'll IV and it's always two different vaccines are the two homeopathic vaccines, which in my opinion, probably not doing very much at all. So what can we do? There are some vaccines that can be stopped immediately without affecting the herd at all. Okay, we could stop all the toxoid vaccines. That's the theory of vaccine, that's your tetanus vaccine, we could stop the hepatitis B vaccine at birth without causing any ill effects upon according to them, okay, I'm just talking and talking to the pro vaccine without causing any ill effect, we could stop the chickenpox vaccine without causing any ill effects on the population. It's a it's a disease that if you know how to handle and treat the skin, you're not going to end up with staphylococcus or any kind of serious trouble in an immune competent child. And there are seven Gardasil can be stopped straightaway. I'd say the only one we would probably really have a significant problem with would be the measles vaccine. And we would have to be very controlled and careful about how that was stopped because measles would recirculate and because of the vaccine, the more the more the people that would be susceptible are the ones that don't handle the disease as well. So back in the beginning, you know, children around two to nine would get measles and they would handle it perfectly fine. Because at that age, that's that's really when it's, I guess nature designed it to happen because the pregnant mother would have been breastfeeding and partying immunity, and then the children would have their immunity and they would grow up well because of the vaccine. That's why we have to be careful and stopping it. That's the only reason it's because what the vaccine has done to the population is we would have to have special hospitals isolation and family controlled infections actually, if we wanted to bring measles back, and that's a whole other country. stage for a holiday. But I think most of the vaccines could be stopped right now. And all we would see would be people improving and health and getting better. Dr. Paul 30:06 Yep. Well, there you have it, folks, from my hero in this space of understanding the history of vaccines, and being willing to share the truth, as you discovered it. So the new books coming out this next year, this year, right. This week, this week. Dr. Suzanne Humphries 30:27 Yeah, as a full. Yeah. So yeah, out only but actually, by the end, what is today, it'll be out by the at the at the minimum, I should say at the latest. It'll be out by the end of next week. But it probably will be advertised on the website. Even before that, it's that it's basically we have the proof copies, we just have pressed the button, then it's going to be available both on Amazon, and a private printer as well. So we'll have two places for people that don't like Amazon, they can get it at another printer and we have different editions of it. There's going to be ones with like color photos of us in traveling on the road. And it's 200 extra pages so that anyone who has already had dissolving illusions can now get the new one and still learn some more. It's because basically another book attached to it. So there's 200 extra pages of things that Robin and I both learned in the past 10 years. Dr. Paul 31:12 While this is a resource for us all dissolving illusions.com Is that right? Correct. Okay, well, I'm gonna have you back on the show because we have some unfinished business for sure. Thank you, Dr. Suzanne Humphries, for your work, and for sharing everything that you know, at a certain amount of risk add to your career added to your life, but I'm so grateful to you. Thank you so much. Dr. Suzanne Humphries 31:38 Thank you, Dr. Paul 31:39 you can check out my other show with the wind at doctors and science.com. You can also reach me directly even book a coaching session if you wish at kids first reber.com The number for both these links are in the show notes. Thank you for joining us today, and we'll see you next week. I look forward to running together with the wind at our backs, revealing the science that gives clarity in our world that's full of propaganda and misinformation. Visit our website, doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. Your support makes a difference. And let's make this the weekly show the world has been waiting for. Thanks for watching. I'm Dr. Paul. 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Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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