PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:24
Good morning CHD Welcome to pediatric perspectives, where we are looking at children's health challenges from a different perspective. One that includes critical thinking, one that's not afraid to give you the honest truth. I'm your host, Dr. Paul. Today, my guest is someone very special to me personally. And some of you may know her. Well. It's Dr. Christiane Northrup, so good to have you on the show. It's Dr. Christiane Northrup 0:48 so good to see you, Paul. You know, I always think you and I graduated from the same medical school. And at the time, I loved it there it was, you know, wonderful and how things have changed. But here we are circling back to bring our knowledge to a new generation, which Yeah, priceless. So thank you, CHD, for making this possible. And Dr. Paul 1:10 yes, thank you. For folks who don't know this incredible woman, you are truly a visionary pioneer in women's health, having been board certified and OB GYN, former Clinical Professor of OB GYN at the University of Vermont, College of Medicine, and three times New York Times bestseller, women's bodies, women's wisdom, the wisdom of menopause, and goddesses never age. Boy, I think a lot of women gonna want to read that one. I was looking over your your bio, and I had forgotten that you've written so many other books. I mean, just so many powerful books, my own journey. I remember last time we were together, I was interviewing you for my show with the wind. And you made some comment where you were seeing something within me that I hadn't even seen myself. And I felt very uplifted by you. And then I see that you're, you've got this book about making life easy how the divine inside can heal your body and your life. I've started listening to it, I'm getting my own copy. And this is right in line with, you know where I'm at in my journey. So thank you for that as well. Dr. Christiane Northrup 2:16 Wonderful, I think that we are in the middle of this kind of revival. It's not religious, but a revival of connecting with the divine with God. Because if you don't have that, and you don't get it, then your life I like to say it's kind of a booze cruise on steroids and rough weather. But once you know that we can be divinely guided, it changes everything, ya Dr. Paul 2:40 know, and your approach is clearly of unity of mind, body emotions and spirit and you're teaching men and women, you know how to create health by turning into their inner wisdom. So I just love that. I thought what we might do to tap into your knowledge as a as an OBGYN, who's also written so extensively on these issues. CHD has just released a parent's guide to healthy children from preconception to early childhood, we might touch on some of the topics that they've addressed there because folks, this is a great resource. Of course, you yourself, have so many great resources in this area. But how about if we started with preconception planning, I mean, what should expectant or want to be parents be thinking about? Okay, Dr. Christiane Northrup 3:28 I remember a slide that I used to use in the olden days. And and it said, The time to start feeding your baby, right, is two years before it's born. And I always love that because what you need to be thinking about when you are wanting to conceive, and it's never too early to start this is you want to fertilize that garden, you want to re mineralize you want to put in the nutrients that you need, so that the minute conception happens, all the building blocks for a healthy human being are already in place. Now, in the past 50% of pregnancies have been unwanted and unplanned. That doesn't mean that they won't be wanted later on once the woman gets adjusted to it. But what I would see is people who skipped some birth control pills or they were out drinking and then they realize, oh, wow, I'm pregnant. I would much prefer that. Women be very, very on purpose about their fertility, and their ability to conceive. fertility is a gift. It's not a curse. It's a gift. So we know for instance, that women who are on birth control pills have decreased levels of at least 50 different nutrients from the pill itself and the birth control pill is synthetic hormones, they're not native to the female human body because you cannot patent a naturally occurring hormone. So what that means is your body requires extra B vitamins just to metabolize the synthetic hormones that are in the pill. That's why we say to women be off the pill for three to six months before you conceive. However, there are women who conceive move, they stopped the pill, and they didn't use an alternative method of conception. And so they've gotten pregnant. Now the beauty of nature is, despite all that, most babies are born perfectly healthy, but you want you don't want us. Okay? We want optimal. We want to give children everything they need. So that what happens in the womb, sets them up for life. And you and I both know, Dr. Paul, that what happens in the womb, affects you your whole life. So there's a few other things that I would say we just have. Now it's finally making the rounds. But we have just gotten in the data sphere, the fact that fluoride in the water lowers the IQ of babies in utero. Even one point is a big deal. So in this county in North Carolina, they've finally passed a law that they will no longer add fluoride to the drinking water. Oh, well done is Yeah. And that took them years, you know, yeah. So you want to have pure water. You don't want to run around scared all the time. But on the other hand, you want to be replete in B vitamins, which you can get from liver, brewers yeast or with a supplement. And we also know that if the mother has adequate levels of methylated, folic acid, she has a vastly decreased risk of neural tube defects like spina bifida. And I can remember seeing that initial data in the early 80s. And so I would start to make sure that all of my women who are going to conceive, were taking folic acid. And it took the American College of OB GYN and the American Academy of Pediatrics about 17 years to say, Oh, that's a good idea. So I want everyone to know this, generally speaking, from the time we find something that's perfectly safe, to the time that it gets incorporated into mainstream medicine is generally 17 years. So the other thing that women need preconception, and during pregnancy is enough iodine. There is a term that you don't hear anymore. But it's cretin. cretin, a cretin is a baby born with inadequate iodine. And so that creates a child who's mentally not up to snuff at all. Now, we don't see that so much anymore, but generally speaking, and there's controversy about how much iron or iodine you need. But in general, what my colleague Dr. Lee Merritt points out is that in Japan, people get 12 milligrams a day. You can get this through seaweed, kelp in Japan, they're eating a lot of seaweed. And so you can do it that way. You can take Lou galls solution. And now here's one thing I want women to know this is important, because so many people do not have enough iodine in their diet when they first take it even a little even a drop of floogals a day. And by the way, Lu galls is a combination of potassium iodide and molecular iodine. It's those two things together. When you start it takes the other halogens off your cells. So it competes iodine competes with bromide, chlorine, fluoride, the halogens, when you start to take iodine, it will push those other things which are toxic off your cells. And you can get a rash or you can feel sick or whatever. And then you say, Oh, I'm allergic to iodine. That's not it. You are literally detoxing those other halogens. So you'd want to start really, really slow Dr. Paul 9:32 with it. That would be a perfect one to start before you get pregnant. Right. Dr. Christiane Northrup 9:36 Oh, absolutely. And then the other thing is the omega three fats, particularly D H. A. Yep. And we know that the heart, the brain, the immune system, the eye is literally made out of this very specific type of Omega three, you find it in wild sockeye salmon, sardines. marine algae, there's a supplement that I used to use all the time called neuro mins made from marine algae. That is a lot of D H. A. And when that's on board, prior to conceiving, then you are you literally have the building blocks for a healthy immune system healthy heart, healthy brain, healthy nervous system. And those are nutrients that because we wait too many seed oils, you know safflower seeds, sesame seed corn oil, what's that other one? Grapeseed oil, these are not good. Mommy needs the Omega three. So those are the things that I would tell people, make sure that you are replete in these things before you conceive. And then it's kind of a spiritual thing to Dr. Paul, I feel that what women can do is meditate as Dr. Paul 10:57 we've been discussing your preconception planning. It's all about minimizing toxins. And we've touched on that, and then making sure you get the key nutrients that often are lacking in the diet, I would just add and ask your opinion about this two things. One is so many toxins, like glyphosate come through the food. And so cleaning up our diet and really, truly going real organic eating and Whole Foods, not stuff that you're buying in boxes, is a very important would you agree? Dr. Christiane Northrup 11:28 I would agree. And the other thing I would say, though, is we can't be too paranoid about this, because we know with geoengineering, they are spraying people with all kinds of different toxins, there might be parasites, there might be various chemicals, the geoengineering sites have these listed, also, because they have been spraying glyphosate and so on everywhere, and even organic food, has glyphosate in it. And then there's another thing and that's microplastics. We in a recent study I saw of the placenta, there wasn't a single placenta that didn't have microplastics in it, from, you know, putting water in plastic bottles and all that. So what I want to say to people, do the best you can. And your body is what they say in the Bible, fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. So I want you to keep your focus on God so that you're not so paranoid about Oh, my God, you know what, I just had a glass of wine, and I just found out I was pregnant. Well, generally speaking, your body can override all kinds of things. I was always amazed. You know, back in the day, when I was delivering babies, the vast majority of them were healthy and fine. Now what we did to them afterward, with all kinds of things, that's a different story. But I've always been amazed that healthy babies, it seems to be nature's plan, to not make mistakes, because we know in the past anyway, about one in six pregnancies end in miscarriage. And often in the past, when they studied that there would be some genetic problem with the baby. And it was nature's way of just making sure that the gestations that made it we're healthier now in the era of COVID, with all kinds of different injections, pregnant women have been getting, that's not the case now, but I'm going to assume that those of you watching are what we would call vaccine risk aware. And so you're probably avoiding those things. So Dr. Paul 13:46 since you mentioned it, COVID era, and then of course, the shot that was introduced, even though it was not studied, per se, initially in the trials and pregnant women, they were excluded. They do have data and from what I can tell the miscarriage or if you put it another way, though, the rate of loss of pregnancy was sky highs. Is that your take on the data? That Dr. Christiane Northrup 14:09 is exactly my take on the data. And my colleague, Dr. James Thorpe, was so horrified by all of this that he sued the American College of OB GYN and the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and they are still recommending the COVID shot for pregnant women. And you know, you would think you want any things Okay, so my whole career pregnant women were told, don't eat tuna. You really should worry about mercury in the fish, and then telling a pregnant woman that she should get a DPT shot and a flu shot in the second trimester. This started in the 90s and I was horrified. Yeah, Dr. Paul 14:56 you and I both Whoa. Dr. Christiane Northrup 14:59 Yeah. So in general, you want to avoid inoculations of any kind. I mean, here we are telling women don't eat tuna fish. And then but come in for your routine injections in the second trimester when the brain is being formed. And you know, the whole body is being formed. This makes absolutely no sense. Dr. Paul 15:24 No sense at all. So we have sort of transitioned into chapter two of A Parent's Guide to Healthy Children, which is what to do during pregnancy. And we'll talk a little more about that. But I wanted to ask you a question. You know, that 17 years it took for the OBGYN and pediatricians to recommend folate during pregnancy, I still think they're not making it clear that it needs to be methyl folate, because up to 50% of us are walking around with the MTHFR glitch. And when you have that regular folate is actually harmful or could be, Dr. Christiane Northrup 15:58 you know, isn't that an interesting question? I obviously, I got that tested my own methylation thing way, way back by one of my doctor friends. And there's no question that there's a whole group of people that just can't methylate very, very well. So in any supplement that you take, make sure that the folate and the B 12 are methylated. And then you'll be using the right stuff. Now. It's interesting, Dr. Pol, that back when I was giving folate to my pregnant patients, we didn't know that. So we were given at least I was saying, okay, dark green leafy vegetables. You know, like nature knows how to methylate the folate, but in general, because so many people are not eating that stuff. They need the supplement. So yes, make sure that it is methylated Yep. Dr. Paul 16:57 So folks, if your supplement bottle your prenatal says folate or folic acid, that's not the right one. It should actually say methyl folate. That's right. So we're let's move on to pregnancy. So you've got a couple there pregnant moms pregnant, what are the most important things I know that you're understanding of mind, body and spirit. And it's mentioned in the in the book as well, the parents Guide to Healthy Children elaborate a little bit on that, it just seems so important. Dr. Christiane Northrup 17:25 Well, first of all, you want to eliminate your babies made from three things, your connection with spirit, your connection with your body, and then the food that you nourish your body with. So there's a few things you want to pay attention to make sure you are grounded. you ground yourself, when you ground yourself, what are you actually doing, you are decreasing cellular inflammation. What's a great way to do it, probably the best way for a woman to ground herself is to walk in running water. That means on the beach with bare feet out on your lawn, whenever you can. It literally within 20 minutes, you can decrease cellular inflammation, which is the root cause of all chronic degenerative disease, including preeclampsia, by the way, we don't call preeclampsia, a chronic degenerative disease, but it actually is. And so if you, you got to keep your stress level, at a minimum when you are creating the atmosphere for this newborn baby. Now I want to tell you how important this is. There is a classic book by Thomas Verni, who was a psychiatrist working with the pre and Perinatal Psychology Association and he wrote a book called The Secret Life of the unborn child. And he gives the story of Boris brought, I believe was his name. Who knew the cello line, he became a cellist. And when he would start to practice certain orchestral pieces, he would just know the cello line like how do I know the cello line? And he would he knew it. And then he talked to his mother about that, who was also a cellist. And she said, Oh, those were the pieces that I was playing. When I was pregnant with you. We need to remember that babies remember what goes on in the womb. They know their father's voice. They know their mother's voice, and they are profoundly in influenced by the environment. So what you want to do when at all possible, is beautiful music, uplifting stories. You want to put yourself in a bubble as much as you possibly can, and which is why, you know, we've had so many laws to protect pregnant women. Now, we've repealed a lot of those laws now. But the truth of the matter, we should be helping you know it politically, right? We're hearing all this stuff about pro life. Well, my feeling is this, you want, you don't want to just be pro birth, you want to be pro life, which means that you want to support that pregnant woman, at least through the fourth trimester. And no one understands about the fourth trimester. So let me just tell you about that, because you got to plan for it. In the pregnancy. The fourth trimester is the baby is born. But that child's breathing, heart rate sleeping, all of their bio rhythms are set by the mother's body. So they go from the internal environment with the placenta to the external environment where the mother's body is the placenta. And Dr. Paul, you might remember those studies they did during the world wars, and one that I found particularly amazing was, they had no capacity in the hospitals in World War Two for the women who delivered prematurely. So what they did is that they told the women to just wear the baby, which we came to call kangaroo care. But it turned out that the women who stayed home but wore their premature baby on their skin, those babies did infinitely better than the babies in the hospital, in the isolettes. And then, of course, we have all of the work of John kennel and Marshall Klaus, from the 70s and 80s, John kennel started the first neonatal intensive care unit at Rainbow babies and Children's Hospital in Cleveland. And he pointed out and this was early on, that they would bring, they would be able to keep a premature baby alive in an isolette. And they got really good at it. And that's your field, you know that. But then, they reported on the fact that a very large percentage of those babies weigh more than should be, we're coming back later to the emergency room battered, and they couldn't figure it out, they're given so much energy to bringing this little preemie up to full weight and then sending them home. Well, that's how we learned about the bonding studies. And that there's this sensitive period, where you are meant to bond with your baby to fall in love with your baby. And a lot of stuff that I learned as a young OBGYN, was disrupting all of that bonding. It's like we really screwed it up. So therefore, with that new science that Klaus and Kendall put forth in their classic mother infant bonding, and then Parent Infant bonding. Finally, the hospitals would start to leave the baby with the mother because I remember this as a med student at Dartmouth, we would drape the patient and the baby would be born they'd clamp the cord, immediately run it off to the right to clean it up to clean, right. Mother would be you know, so realize that was stupid. So there's a couple things one, you want to plan to have delayed cord clamping went Now obviously there are times when the coordinates to be clamped, if it's wrapped around the neck four times, all right, sure. Sure. The general keeping the baby attached to the umbilical cord until it stops pulsating. Is a resuscitation it helps the baby come around. And my colleague, Dr. Larry Polewski, would talk about how they would many times in his training, they'd hand the baby off, and if the baby was obtunded and not doing so well. Larry would put his hands underneath the back of the baby's head and neck and just give the baby positive energy and he said and then the baby would finally realize, okay, I'm out in the air now and the baby would go trying to give birth to itself. So as you know, as a beautiful story, yeah, there's a lot of traumatic things that are done to mothers that my gosh, absolutely, that you and I know about. So therefore, it's interesting. Dr. Kelly Brogan, my colleague, who's a holistic psychiatrist, was an MIT graduate in neuroscience. And she had her babies at home, because she did all of the research. In Dr. Paul 25:27 closing this episode, just for our viewers to know how they can get a hold of your information, what's the best place they can go? Dr. Christiane Northrup 25:34 Dr. northrup.com, D, R n or THR up.com. We got everything there on my social media, all the books, you know, I have a substack we've got an E News and a blog, you know, anything that you would want to know. So? Absolutely. Dr. Paul 25:50 I was on there this morning in anticipation of this talk. And wow, it's all there, folks. You got to check this out. You are a gift to our world. Thank you so much for being on the show. And we're gonna get you back again. Dr. Christiane Northrup 26:04 Great, great Dr. Pol. My pleasure. You can check Dr. Paul 26:06 out my other show with the wind at doctors in science.com. You can also reach me directly, you can book a coaching session if you wish at kids first forever.com. The number for both these links are in the show notes. Thank you for joining us today, and we'll see you next week. Children's Announcer 26:23 Health defense is proud to present a parent's guide to healthy children. This brand new ebook guides those seeking to be parents from preparing to conceive through the early years of life. Learn about the factors that affect fertility, how to plan and prepare for childbirth, how to best care for children in the early years, and how to do it all while avoiding the trappings of pharmaceutical company influence. Download this incredible reference for free only at Children's hd.org/ebooks. Dr. Paul 27:19 I look forward to running together with the wind at our backs, revealing the science that gives clarity in our world that's full of propaganda and misinformation. Visit our website, doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. Your support makes a difference. And let's make this the weekly show the world has been waiting for. Thanks for watching. I'm Dr. Paul. Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
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