TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:05
Dr. Paul Welcome to with the wind science revealed. My guest today is Mayor Brandon and his wife Joey, we discuss his journey after COVID vaccine injury. And what he did with becoming a mayor and his wife's role in his recovery from the vaccine effects. And the whole journey of becoming a mayor, this is a fascinating episode, Didi gets us to know them as a couple and what it was like for them going through this, enjoy the show. Dr. Paul, coming to you from the heart, it's on my heart to talk about community. I feel so blessed to have this community, those of you who support the show, those of you who watch. And I feel blessed to have people in my life, who are loving, nurturing, supportive, no matter what, who are able to give me unconditional love. And I wish for all of us that we really make an effort to unite and be a community, be a community that puts love, first be a community that's not judging one another for different views, different opinions. And then locally, whether it's start in your home, but start in your town, we need to be involved, we need to know our neighbors, and regardless of differences extend that, you know, I grew up in a village. And we knew everybody in that village. And if one family was having dinner, and somebody else walked by, guarantee they were invited in to eat. Sometimes they didn't come in, they were just on their way by to their family to make their own dinner or whatever it was, but nobody would go hungry. There was such a sense of community, kids could run free play until dark with the parents didn't have to worry because every adult in that community was looking out for everybody's child. They were all one community, we need to get back to that we need to get out of our silos. And so from my heart to yours, let's do something some little thing to enhance our sense of belonging to a community that's greater than what we have today. Welcome, Brandon and Joey, it is so great to have you on the show. Brandon Weiberg 2:33 Oh, thank you, Dr. Paul, Jolene Weiberg 2:36 so much for having us. That's Dr. Paul 2:38 enough, though. Where our viewers, you're gonna hear quite a story. And so don't click off too soon. Because what you all have done with the situation you were dealt is quite remarkable. As background, I know you share that you've been married for 16 years, you live in a small town in Minnesota, Taylor falls, you have three children, 10, eight and six. Let's just start off maybe Brandon, tell me about your life. And Joey, you can do the same sort of what got you to the point where we have a story that relates to COVID. I believe in the COVID vaccine. Brandon Weiberg 3:13 Absolutely pretty normal life, we moved up to where we are after we had our first kid we were like, where do we want to settle down and raise our family and create a safe loving environment, learning environments. And we moved up to Taylor's falls when we had one and one on the way. And now we have street life was just normal going about things never really worried about anything, continue to work and join was taking care of the kids and keeping me in line. And and it was probably one of the best careers I've had. And all of a sudden things changed. And it felt weird. It was at the small town field that we thought it was going to be interesting. Dr. Paul 3:52 What were you doing at the time when you say best time of your career. I'm Brandon Weiberg 3:56 still working in the same line. I work in sales for a food manufacturer so that we just everything was just rolling. And we had a really great year. Got to celebrate a travel a little and you felt the change in 2019. Yeah, towards the end of 2019. Just maybe the beginning of 2020 rumblings or coming through that something wasn't right traveling was gonna stop. I had my last trip was February of 2020. And then pretty much was told, Don't go anywhere. It was it was a culture shock. It was like What do you mean? I go everywhere all the time. Dr. Paul 4:32 So you were told this before the news of COVID hit mainstream media. Brandon Weiberg 4:37 Yeah, it was probably maybe a week before maybe. But before that I knew I could see other manufacturers pulling out a trade shows that I was at. It was very interesting to see him just disappeared. I was sitting there by myself. I was like, Oh, I'm still here. That Dr. Paul 4:52 is very interesting. You're the first person I've talked to that was in that field that that line of work. So that's fascinating. So carry on what happened when COVID hit? Brandon Weiberg 5:03 Ya know, I was at a trade show and I left that trade show and got told to go home and stay in my house. And more would follow. We had weekly meetings. I, my employer was really transparent about what they were hearing. And they shared with us weekly on how they were monitoring the situation, we had teams calls to let us know that we're okay, we're not losing our job. At the time, they were just going to follow what the CDC says. And then some other medical advice they were getting from other partners that the employer wanted to follow. And it was very interesting, I got to hear everything I don't watch mainstream media actually turned it off. Completely. COVID really started getting because it was just so much doom and gloom. The first six, seven months, it was amazing to be told to stay home, you get a full paycheck. We did for a while. But then we started going camping and we enjoyed our kids. It was like, Wow, this must be what retirement feels like. And I'll tell you about six months into that it just did not feel right. The stuff was just not liking anymore. I didn't like the decisions that necessarily were being made. Federally, my company was still wonderful. But then the vaccines started rumbling, or whatever they call them work speed or whatnot. And I was I just chuckled at it. So this isn't normal. This is right. We're being told all this. And I had a gut instinct about that. I did I did. I'd never seen anything like it. It was like a movie really was it wasn't normal. But what is normal. And that's where I started questioning things. We're very fortunate to live really close to Wisconsin and they didn't shut down, we can still enjoy some of the things as a family. But it just wasn't right. And then they started opening up vaccination clinics or camps is what I always call them. And they use weird locations. The Mall of America parking lot was a weird one. That's where my mother went and got both of her vaccines. I told her, I wouldn't go there. And Todd, and I waited. And I just kept on saying no, wait, I'm gonna wait, I'm not going to do this. And then the mandate started coming out. And it was you were, we were told that they really want us to get this so we can get back out and see customers. And so I waited and I was watching all these clinics open up, but nothing about what I ended up getting was the Johnson and you could not find a place of soda, it seemed like to get it. And they said I'm only going to do one and done. If I have to do this. I'm not going to do it anymore. This is weird. And so I finally got the opportunity. I guess you could say, six coats on to the Minneapolis Convention Center on April 1, and 2020. And it was only 21. Probably. Oh yeah. Yeah. 2021. Yep. So it was very strange. I had the worst feeling standing in line, they gave me a card asked me what I wanted, and made me stand in the line to go on to how to torium. And this line was just for people that want to Johnson and Johnson. The other lines were for the others. People were crying and giving each other hugs and saying they're saved. And it was very weird. I didn't want anything to do with it. But I knew if I did it, I might not be able to continue the career that I've been in although that was never said that we were going to be fired. I just my gut was like everybody else seems to be thinking we're not going to have jobs if we don't do this. And so I did it. And I was almost in tears while I was sitting there getting the shot and the waiting 15 minutes before I could leave. And a single row. Everybody staring at you. It was just not it to this day. It still feels very strange. Dr. Paul 8:46 Yeah, talk about that feeling. Brandon Weiberg 8:49 I'm scared. Just this isn't right. It feels like history's repeating itself. I've never thought I'd be marched in I mean to mass vaccination of a bunch of people. It really does. Now I look back at it. It looks like history is starting to repeat itself. Hopefully not. But who else would marched people in? It's just strange. We did. We repeated and I hate to bring it up. But we repeated what Hitler did. He marched people into place. That's exactly what now I look at. And I'm like, This isn't right. This is of what freedom is. And that's where it started. where I'm at now, I watched. I watched our local legislation. I watched our local politics here. People been in the positions a long time. I had to trust in everybody because they've been doing it a long time. I figured they they're going to uphold the Constitution. That wasn't the case. Then it was like just trust, trust of just trust and it's not. A shunning is what brings trust in we should be able to ask why. And get those answers and we weren't getting. Yep, Dr. Paul 9:58 there were no hands. Here's just recommendations from above. Yeah. So how did you do with the shot? Did you sail through it? No, no problems Brandon Weiberg 10:08 for the first 15 minutes, and then they let me leave, I was sick. And I was not that. And when I got home, it was two or three hours. I was just all of a sudden it became lethargic, pains going through both of my legs. So I sat in our recliner in our living room. And in Jolene Weiberg 10:25 that chair for about three days. Brandon Weiberg 10:29 Yeah, it was strange. I got a fever that night. That lasted about six, seven hours, but the pain in my legs didn't leave for at least three days. And then I started developing a rash on the on the side of the body, that that I got on the right side where I got the shot. From my feet all the way up into my shoulder area, I developed this horrible rash. And I developed arthritis symptoms. And it was just, I'd never had this problem before. I'm active. I do a lot of sports. I have kids that I coach, Jolene Weiberg 11:01 for everybody that doesn't know him. He has a very driven, self driven person that is always full steam ahead. And this brought him to a screeching halt. When he he came when he sat on that couch or the recliner. And he took he said he was tired. He was going to take a nap. And he woke up a completely different person that I did not recognize. Dr. Paul 11:25 What were you seeing that was different, just Jolene Weiberg 11:27 fatigue, pain. And I knew something was wrong. I was against the vaccinations from the get go. So it was this was I was so angry at this point that this was happening because I didn't want anything to do with it. But he just, he never came out of the fatigue. He was just, I guess a zombie is a good way to put it. And to see him go almost backwards to where I was the one pushing him to do things was though a lot of character for him. And me too. I'm always holding him back. And he was now I was pushing him forward. Oh, Dr. Paul 12:08 interesting. You'll have pretty young Brandon, how can I ask how old you are? Yeah, I'm 4242. Yeah. So 42 fit, active lifestyle. And that changed at that point as it remains? Did you ever recover completely? Yeah, Jolene Weiberg 12:25 he was 30 just had turned 39. Prior to his shot, his fatigue level is better. Hands down. He's still I would say gets tired a little more fast. But as far as his the energy in his drive is back, have just go by his pain is there? Yeah, golf, swing baseball, just simple things that he did fine before. He doesn't do it fine anymore. Dr. Paul 12:53 Did your employer end up mandating it? Brandon Weiberg 12:56 For a while they Dr. Paul 12:57 did have a mandate, but you you are going to be forced to take it or lose your job. We had Brandon Weiberg 13:03 the mandate, you either had to get it. And we had a date that was given to get our cards to them copy or let them know that we did or we have the opportunity to get either a religious exemption or a medical exemption. I did really fall in with either the exemptions unfortunately at the time. But yeah, and they were following the CDC guidelines. Basically, as soon as the CDC said, Nope, we're not going to do those anymore. It got lifted. Unfortunately, it was about two weeks after three weeks apps after I got my answer. Dr. Paul 13:36 And what steps have you taken to heal your body? Brandon Weiberg 13:40 You for a while for a while I would I went to my normal practitioner and I was just saying this isn't right. I'm having all these pains. Welcome to 40. That was pretty much what I got to 39. But you get to go. Dr. Paul 13:53 You're almost 40 It's normal for you to have pain and fatigue. Brandon Weiberg 13:57 Yep. In soil develop the lung. Now, I developed some different things going on. I had a little lump that showed up. They didn't want to look into it. And it is what it is I questioned it a lot. And I got a lot of pushback. And so it was like I can't come back here anymore. Because the values aren't the same. If I don't basically if I wouldn't get the booster. They weren't gonna help me anymore. Oh, wow. Dr. Paul 14:22 So your doctor's office was insisting on you getting a booster? Brandon Weiberg 14:26 Yes. Yep. And I was like, why would I get a booster if you can't? Tell me what's going on. Now? Why would I do more? We've Jolene Weiberg 14:33 got a reaction. So more of what we've had a reaction to it. Brandon Weiberg 14:37 It's it. It made me open my eyes to find there are a lot more medical practices out there that do things holistically, and also listen to each patient's story and come up with a care plan for that patient. And I didn't know that was out there. I just every year went in and did what I was told. And so I found a wonder foot clinic here in Minnesota that was against the mandates all along in the vaccines. And they were wonderful. They listened to me, we got some answers on some of my problems. Some of the others they it was, you got it from the shot. We don't know how to do anything about that. But we can do going forward, we'll help you. And I was out of town back at work and my wife went into a chiropractic office, that Jolene Weiberg 15:24 church to write in there. And I got to the point where I was so upset at that just the the appointments from mainstream doctors that we had gotten, it was just a dead end. And I felt like this had opened up the door for us to look for more options. But I was still upset because the answers were not good enough to what I wanted. I wanted more. And I picked up my daughter from school and I had been researching, I knew exactly what I was looking for. And I found this clinic and I picked her up, we drove there, I merged right in and I said I have a few questions. The first one was, could I buy supplements without being a patient here? And can I talk openly about vaccines and vaccine entry? And if I can't, then I will leave. And they were wonderful. She said, some of them back. And they had finished up with another patient in I was brought back and I was told everything you wanted to hear. Dr. Paul 16:25 So you aren't doing essentially research for Brandon at that point. Jolene Weiberg 16:28 Yeah. And we had done so many protocols. And I think that's where I'm at frustrated is because we did settlement chapter supplement. And we've followed just about every protocol from every different avenue we have the lingo yet I felt ACC we had Macola, the world counselor ProHealth. And it just got to be so much to where I felt like I was just throwing everything at him. And I wanted to fine tune to him at that point. Because it it was just getting way out of control. And I said, Okay, here's what we need. And that's, that was a good find, and a smart move to make. And I'm glad I forced him to go. I said you're going I mean, Dr. Paul 17:08 it's going to happen. And that really was a turning point in the recovery. huge turning point. I've been right that is phenomenal. And it's a great point to just point out to our viewers, holistic integrative alternative, whatever you want to call it, protocols, they all can have value. But sometimes you need a skilled clinical person who's in this field to guide you and personalize you or your situation. And then literally is what you got. So that's great. So let's pivot a little bit to the thing that just fascinated me the most when I heard your story. You you went into politics, let's talk about had you been interested in politics. And then what did you end up doing and why? Brandon Weiberg 17:52 I've always been like wanting to watch. And I've always enjoyed a good public speaker and somebody that can command a room, maybe you're bringing everybody together. And what I was seeing was that was no more bringing anybody together. It was telling people what to do. Even at a local level of was cookie cutter. This is how it's been done. This is how we're going to do it. Nobody has a say. And I just said you know what? Terms are coming up. It's time to run. And so I announced that I was going to run and our towns holiday festival. We ran for mayor right. I ran for mayor. We're Taylor's falls and we were unopposed. So I want to throw that out. I did not campaign against anybody. The existing mayor did not wish to continue and run against me. And that's fine. I think everything happens for a reason. And so and 2023 January, I became the mayor Taylor's balls. And we got to work right away. It's changing things, making sure the voice is back and people and not just one side of politics. But everybody. That's what was lost in all this. So Dr. Paul 18:57 educate us. This is I'm not politically inclined. As a mayor, what were you able to do? Brandon Weiberg 19:04 My first thing that I tackled after we got the ship up and running, so to say is we did a resolution, a health freedom resolution here in March. And it was a ride. It was wonderful to see everybody come out for it against it. But we all got into one room. And we talked about it. And we listen to everybody and everybody could share their pains and their frustrations. And I would say for the most part, everybody was very nice to each other even though they might say thanks, tone wise, not so nice. But everybody listen, and I think that was huge to see some of these people when I was campaigning, and I knew the hatred they had towards one another and a small town of ours was so sad because it were a little over 1000 people. And a lot of these people been here for 3040 years and they know each other and their neighbors they shouldn't hate each other might have differences and that's okay. And I think that's really what started this Dr. Paul 20:00 Where are those differences? Pretty much along political lines, Democrat? Republican? Yeah, Brandon Weiberg 20:05 I would say 5050. I try, I really, my biggest thing is, is I want to be in the middle and bring them together. I don't talk about my national politics, they do. They can have their thoughts and think, but then it's really about, we all should be in the middle, looking at both sides that come in together. Yeah, um, Dr. Paul 20:24 things like health, you would think should be regardless of party. We want our kids to grow up healthy, for example. Everybody wants that, whether you're one political party or another. And so why not look at everything with eyes wide open, and have a real honest discussion about what's going on and what's best for our kids. Absolutely. Brandon Weiberg 20:46 And I think that's where we're heading, we're, that the whole process was quite interesting with the health freedom it. And I just, I think eventually everybody kind of the light bulb went on and said, You know what, it's not Mayor Brandon telling everybody to close your business or mayor Brandon saying, we're not going to follow it saying, we're going to put the voice and the authority back into the business owners if they want to stay open, stay open, if they want to close, close if they want to mandate masks. That's their job. That's their business. And you don't have to shop there. But we're not going to ever force somebody to follow what St. Paul tells us to do, or what Washington tells us to do. We're going to follow the Constitution. And we're going to make sure that everybody knows that. Yeah. Dr. Paul 21:32 That's awesome. So what would you tell other moms and dads who I'm sure there are so many listening right now who are probably equally frustrated, but don't know what to do? Maybe in a small town, you had a unique opportunity? I don't know. But what would be a recommendation and both of you can take a stab at this. I know Joey, you probably have thoughts too. Brandon Weiberg 21:52 I'm, I'll go I have a little one. I know she is. This is Mama Bear Harris, I would say that. It really starts at the local level. And don't be scared, just attend the meetings. If you can't personally be there. Most of them all are recorded, or they're live now. But start going to the meetings, start meeting your neighbors. There's a lot of groups out there of people in your neighborhoods getting together and talking about what scares them, and what they want to see changed. And you're going to learn it all. And it's okay to listen to your neighbor that might be on a different party level or aisle, that's okay. It doesn't have to, you shouldn't know it. And you should accept it. And they're going to do the same to you. But get involved, go to meetings, make sure that you pay attention to your school board. This is it's detrimental for our kids. It really is. I can't say enough about watching and learning and making sure that you let them know your feelings. And it's okay. They're gonna tell you there's and then you come to an agreement. And if you don't like it, and enough people don't like it. That's why we vote. Dr. Paul 22:55 Yeah. So school board meetings, for sure. For anybody who's a parent, that means you've got a kid in school, probably somewhere get involved. Brandon Weiberg 23:03 Yes. Absolutely. Yeah. Dr. Paul 23:07 What do you want to add, Joey? Jolene Weiberg 23:08 I think though, I think everything about it is so uncomfortable. The whole road has been uncomfortable. But I feel that it's more, it has been so rewarding. i One, I'm a very quiet person, I don't like to stand up or speak out. So this has been the exact opposite of who I am. But you just get to that point where you gotta push back. Because when you're being forced to do something, you might have a beer comes out. Brandon Weiberg 23:39 And I think like some of the stories you hear Dr. Paul, some of the people I've met through this journey, so far, the tears that we've shed together, I have had citizens come up and say I wish this mandate or this health freedom, resolution. And it's just, it's a statement. It's no legal power whatsoever. But some companies out there look at if your area had a resolution saying that we're not going to make you do anything and you do what's right for you. They took that into consideration when they had mandates. And this one lady, I'll never forget her and she still be with our town and she comes and helps out a lot. She cried and said, if this was here, I wouldn't have had to get her shot. She wouldn't have had to. And she works from home. I've worked. I don't know. So it's just that it makes me realize even the people that I might not politically agree with. I've shed tears with them because of the sorrow and the pain. They had dollars. And I think it brings a sense of community back into what we really made. It is all about me. Dr. Paul 24:38 Thank you, Brandon and Joey for doing that. And I'm gonna bring DD on to wrap things up with you guys. But I just have to tell you, you've set a great example for those of us who are politically inclined to just yeah, get involved. And I think as mayor you do have the ability to enforce was the direction of thinking or at least, as you've done, create that freedom movement. You're not telling people they can or can't do anything. You're just providing an opportunity for the ability to have choice. Absolutely. And that's that was being taken away from us. All over. Yeah. Fantastic. Do you have thoughts about future politics? Are we going to see you running for president? Brandon Weiberg 25:23 I would be quite the challenge there. I think. For now, I'm going to keep on taking care of Taylor's halls, and I'm going to pay attention to what St. Paul is doing. And if they need rescue, I'll be on my way down there, possibly. But for now, I gotta concentrate on my little town. Dr. Paul 25:40 Very good. And well, you said St. Paul, I grew up in the church. So I'm thinking, wow, he's giving local references and it just occurred to me, you're talking about a town St. Paul, Minnesota, Minneapolis? Yes. Brandon Weiberg 25:50 That's where our capital is. Let's, that's, you gotta keep an eye on that too. Because there you go next influencers? Dr. Paul 25:58 That's true. Again, thank you so much. Here's Diddy. Jolene Weiberg 26:02 Hi, Brandon. And Joey, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 26:04 thank you so much for joining us and being willing to let me dive into your personal lives. So I want to start with I was listening to Dr. Paul. And I don't know if I heard but I would like for you, Joey to explain a little bit more when you went into that doctor's office? And did you get the information at that point that you needed? And then brought that home? And then either one of you can just answer as to where what did that do for you? What did you end up finding that's helped you the most? And where is your health now? Jolene Weiberg 26:33 I'll start you can finish. Yes, he gave me everything that I wanted to hear very open discussion on vaccines, which I was very hesitant. Because there for obvious reasons. You either can't or you can't have that conversation. And he was wonderful, absolutely amazing. Did he booked that appointment, I think I booked the appointment for him and said you're going. And this was how it's gonna be from until we get you to where I wanted him to be to work, how I remember his just energy level. And it's been beautiful. It's been a hard journey, but a beautiful one. A DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 27:13 brand new did that help. Brandon Weiberg 27:15 It's ongoing. I still go once a month. Now at first I went every week for about three months. And part of the journey is a lot of nutrition. And my vitamin regimen changes on a monthly basis. Now I get tested sure where my certain levels are, we also take a look at my magnetic field through this office as well. And that's really helped my I still have arthritic problems. If I go throw a football with my son for about 15 minutes, I can really feel it on my shoulder. We went bowling to two days ago with them and the next morning, I my wrist will swell up my elbow is really hurt. So I it takes me a few days to recover. I push through that because I gotta be Dad and I gotta do sports with my kids. I don't want to stop. I've noticed a huge difference in my energy is almost all back to where it was. I sleep well again. And it. It's amazing what it's done. It really has I never thought taking that with some other medical adult that I've had, but they've been the primary one of just supplements and making sure that my levels are right. Okay, and they have some supplements that's supposed to combat the injury I got from Johnson and it's been amazing. It really is. And yeah, I do feel a lot better. I don't know if I'll ever get 100% again, but I'm able to do the things that I did before. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 28:36 Good. And you have to have the thought that you will be 100% better. I always tell doc if you have the attitude that you're not going to then suddenly you're not going to so it's time to buck up and have the attitude that you will return. I like it and after the show I have some suggestions for you for the arthritic pain. So back to the show did so one of my curiosities is one are your children vaccinated? And I want to know if it's okay if that's too personal let me know but what it is with them and has this whole experience made you question anything? Jolene Weiberg 29:10 Yes all of it No, they did not take the COVID-19 vaccine but they are vaccinated and they vaccinated CBC schedule or Yep. Is regimen as it comes I regret everything all of them. This has been just like every other person who's in the same boat that I am when you start looking into things it's really disturbing. How much it opening up that door has been so hard for me to accept what no I have not looked into before and I look at everybody else differently now people shop more on Amazon more than they will read a package insert nobody reads package inserts just right. Simple things like that, that I'm I'm angry at myself for not looking into things more. So yeah, it has changed everything completely for For us, it's already already kids. They escape any allergies, asthma, or oldest have allergies. And it's so interesting looking back at everything because I there's so many clues along the way. When I look back now it's like why was I not listening to that instinct? Now when they were all born, I did question that heavy shot. But of course your mom, you're fatigued, you're tired, after labor and delivery. You question it, they vilify you. And you know what? I am crazy. I'm tired. I'm hormonal, you're right. And that's where we left that. But our oldest did have allergies from a very young age. And every time we took them in, the answer was keep giving him allergy medicine. And then when that stopped working, it was just switch brands and keep giving him a different brand. And we did this for years. And I got to the point where I was so angry about shoving a allergy pill down his throat. morning and night, sometimes it was morning and night. Some days, it was just once I was I got so angry. And that kind of opened up a little more of my understanding of I'm tired of slapping band aids on everything, but stop. But just recently, our second son Noah has been recognized for a vaccine adverse reaction of aluminum overload. So we're on the detox plan, parasite cleanse, and it's tough. It's really tough when you know that you did that DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 31:32 was probably more of a Dr. Pol question. But can you explain you just said an adverse reaction and the aluminum? How did you find that out? How did you know? But explain that to me, Jolene Weiberg 31:43 he had been having some issues quite a while back, and I can almost pinpoint it to one of his routine appointments. And he had a really high fever. I ended up taking him in and it was like 105, and it was just again, give him Tylenol and ibuprofen. But ever since then, he has had issues. He's had GI issues. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 32:04 I will I'm gonna interrupt you. How old was he at the time? Brandon Weiberg 32:10 Right here? No, Jolene Weiberg 32:11 he's younger than he was two. I would I think it was Mrs. The middle child, our middle son, Brandon Weiberg 32:17 he just turned eight. Jolene Weiberg 32:18 So he had issues by he had some bleeding issues where there was a bloody nose problems. And it wasn't just oh, we're having really bad bloody noses. It was going on for such a duration of time that I had to start charting everything because it was like, what nostril? How long was it lasting? Sometimes it was both nostrils. Sometimes it was twice a day. Sometimes. It was just over the top bleeding. This way went in and they did lots of different blood work and end up going on the children's for more blood work and nothing came back. Well, so in the meantime, we have fired our previous pediatrician and previous everything and found our new one. And I started talking just the questions that were being asked as a parent of what are your kids experiencing what is happening? And it just, we kept going back to our middle son like this has been an issue. And right away, it was like he has had an adverse reaction from probably aluminum overload. And the reason why it hasn't been diagnosed is because people don't know how to recognize when there is an DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 33:25 overload. Okay, so something so obviously, you're smarter than normal doctor. Jolene Weiberg 33:30 So at that point, did you stop vaccinating? Oh, yes. Yep. Okay. Just yeah. Wanted to make sure. Oh, yeah. And that's all the kids. Yes. Yeah. Okay. No. And we're very open. I'm very open with discussion, because I want them to know what I know. Know. And I can see that in confidence because I was on the other side of, oh, we'd have to merge or attend and get our vaccines. And so I've been there. I thought I was doing the right thing. But I never looked. I never asked a question. I can think of every single visit. They don't say anything. The only question is, are you vaccinating today? Yeah, and it's a yes or no? I always said yes. And then I'm surprised they asked you though, because that's actually very unusual. Oh, well, that's more elitist. Okay, I'm gonna send the nurses and now for vaccinations, we've got them all lined up. Here they go. Yes. And I even think about there was no discussion of just the pros and cons. I've never asked either, and they would just hand you your paperwork as you were leaving the office and in a way we would go and when you DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 34:37 that's the thing though joy when you know better you do better. And I've I have my own guilt with that. And we just have to let it go and move on. Brandon, did you? Where were you in this process? Because that's one thing I tell parents now. You go together. You don't go to these events alone. Brandon Weiberg 34:53 But we've always what? I apologize. I didn't mean interrupted I was I was gonna say we've always went together to all our kids visits, and less I was out of town, but most of the time we'd scheduled around so we can both. And that and working from home that's really helped. I have a flexible schedule. So I've never missed any of that. I can tell you, it took me longer to say, why are we changing the way we were taken care of, but seeing the reactions, so my middle son, and my oldest son has allergies, and all of a sudden things are getting better, because we're doing things the correct way or the correct way for us. makes me wish I could go back. I should have questioned that. Because I'm a type of person that isn't scared to question anybody. But why I didn't, I don't know. I get the visuals of them. Four or five shots in those little legs at one time, and it's just I know, Jolene Weiberg 35:53 our hearts go What the hell are we thinking? DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 35:56 But we didn't know to question it. That's the thing is we have to understand and now that we are so does that mean your six year old is pretty much unvaccinated? Jolene Weiberg 36:09 No, he's got he hands ology or a six year old? I'm sorry? No, I'm DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 36:14 looking at nodes that I don't know if I'm right. I have a girl that Jolene Weiberg 36:18 is six is what I see. Yep, she has her initial ones. And at that point was when we had fire in our old pediatrician. And I took her in and I said I'm done. Can I be done? Am I doing more harm than good at this point, because I have started and then stopped. I just, I was trying to find my ground of where what I was going to be doing because I knew what I wanted to do at that point. And I think the other thing that was that just made me feel so good was she said this community is huge. And it is I would have never in a million years after opening that door know how big and I hate to see liberty, anti Vaxxer because every almost everybody is vaccinated and have had a farm done in some way, shape or form. And now here they are looking at what we should have looked at before. And I was called that community. It's a pro health community we've made we've figured out that way and people who are completely unvaccinated, they just figured it out faster. So it's I never say anti Vax, it's pro health or just an unboxing County and trying to get more people to not use that DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 37:26 word. I'm I'm so floored how big it is. That was the biggest eye opener to me. Because we would all be for vaccines if you could get an antigen for disease that could kill you, but not cause any other risks or issues or even deaths from vaccines. So right that part answered. So let's talk about the just briefly and Brandon let me know because this has happened to you. What did people were reaching out for you to do programs like Team humanity? Like how did you get involved with that? Brandon Weiberg 37:56 I got I got involved with it. Through Jolene, she brought me to some health freedom rallies down at the Capitol in Minnesota. Good job doing it right after pretty much I started going right after I was elected. And I got to meet a lot of senators in our states that were saying we shouldn't have done this or we never we weren't proud of this. And then I got to meet him humanity through Jolene because she did the triathlon. And she reached out to them because she saw them speaking about some serious injuries that have really hurt one of the people that put it together. And she said, I'm going to do this. And so I want to support them all. And I got to meet them all. And so I'm trying to be as involved as I can. And hopefully we can open doors together because it really is a community. Without them I would have gotten to meet you both. And so it just would keep on growing the community and make sure that our voices heard is huge. Jolene Weiberg 38:50 That's awesome. So DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 38:51 Joey, did you was team humanity part of the unbox community that you now found and was part of it? Or did you how did you find them Jolene Weiberg 38:59 lifts with all when we started going to these rallies? Suzanna has spoke at the Capitol. And she has spoken at multiple rallies. And I felt like I knew her and she didn't know me. And the more I saw her, I know her story. And there was just something in me that was like, I'm going to meet her someday. And there was one evening where I was scrolling through Facebook and there she was with Laurie and may it was a picture of the two of them crossing the finish line of the triathlon. Oh, wow. So I immediately signed up and I reached out to her I sent her a message and she said, give me a call and we talked for a little over an hour. And the rest is kind of history. She said, have you met Lori, we're going to put you on the team. We're going to do this and it's everybody. Everybody has came together from all different walks of life because they have been affected. This one is for the COVID-19 vaccines in particular is how this group was formed. But it's a beautiful group of people who are just wonderful. and they help each other, whether it's bringing food, or just writing a thank you card or a feel better card. It's everybody does what they can where they can do it. That's DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 40:12 incredible. So those are kind of things that we'll put up the links and things for our show. So if our viewers of people out there watching want to know more about those kinds of programs, so, Brandon, if all these viewers were sitting out there, and they want to be mayor in their city, and they want to make change, how do they do it? Brandon Weiberg 40:30 First steps is, go to your meetings, get to know the people that are currently running the city, get to know the city office staff as well. Because you're going to be working with them when you become mayor or council member, and really start to go and see if these questions are being answered or asked so many times I went and it was this is what we're going to pass no questions asked, asked, and then we're out 15 minutes, and I'm like meetings need you. There should be questions on most things. Everybody should have questions. And so you got to ask the questions. So go ask the questions. If they're not asking them, learn that way. And then put your name and the hat like for myself, it's every two years. And then the council members mostly or four years terms, but go that's you and you can get on committees, if you don't have time to do a mayor role or council member will make sure you get on the committees, whatever committees they have, there's plenty of openings, usually. And that'll get you involved to see really what's going on. And you'll have a say, because that's what the committee's, do they report back to council. And then you can make an informed decision like we do now. And we will always do I hope even whenever I'm done, I hope people come by me see what we've done. And continue that. And I think it's addictive. It really is basketball shoes. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 41:51 And if you're getting a lot of support, my guess is that yes, it would continue no matter what. So does that mean you're going to run again till you're old and decrepit? Brandon Weiberg 42:01 I had been asked that my term is coming up here at the end of this year. I have to make my final decision on August. But I don't think my work is quite done yet. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 42:08 It's not Brandon, you need to let them know you're rerunning. Right. I Brandon Weiberg 42:12 will. Okay, I think they know I just keep running. And I think I one thing I gotta say is, I made it very clear when I did run is it's not a 20 year person. And I'm not picking on the person that was before me, in case he watches us. Because he had nobody else paying attention. Nobody else wanted to help. And now we're getting more involvement with that involvement that learning from people will Hi, and they'll eventually take over and continue what we started. Yeah. So I'll still be mayor for another two years. And then Joey will you never know. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 42:44 Your children? I've heard that kids can be mayors. My other question is just for my own personal, wanting to know, do you make money as a mayor? Brandon Weiberg 42:52 There is a small salary if anybody wants to watch we give the money back they can or Mr. YouTube jail, but I said I would never take any pay. It's very small in our town. Each town is a little different. So I made $2,100 for the year. So on the salaries? Yeah, the salaries 1800. And then I get $10, a meeting or 50, and something like that. But I just gave it all back to some other organizations within the city, fire departments and other festivals. So DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 43:20 So do you still have your job then? Because I didn't hear that with Dr. Pop? Maybe you said it. So your job is Brandon Weiberg 43:25 still working and plugging away. And then look, most of the mayoral duties happen after hours. Most of the meetings are six, seven o'clock at night. And during the weekends I meet with people that want to talk and tell me their frustrations and or I call them and we talked on the phone. So DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 43:41 Joey, it looks like you have your husband back. I don't Yes. Ouch. Yeah. I don't see a vaccine injured individual. And I think that's what's really important for people to hear and see. And yeah, normally I would come on and ask what were the emotion is what was it like, but you already really talked about it. But what just ending here? What do you want to say to to wives or to husband is or support people partners that see what's happening to the person that they love, and you can't change it? Jolene Weiberg 44:11 You can not always but you can there's always add to me, it did matter. I was going to find a way to change it. And we did. I think that there are people out there that will find that whether it's medically emotionally or however, people need to be there for one another. It is always a way DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 44:33 there is an IP when I say that somebody might be thinking they can't change it is you can't make the brand and do anything brand and doesn't want to do. And I think that's what we see sometimes in this is that you didn't give up. You weren't going to accept this fact. And you were going to be the motivation and you would be pulling him and not everybody has that ability. And so I think that's the thing that you just said is just to not give up but Obviously, you both have a wonderful relationship and you have three children that's very important to you that you raise in a healthy way. What do you want your children to know? As they get older? About this time this struggle? Really? Jolene Weiberg 45:15 That's a really good question. Brandon Weiberg 45:17 I want them to always ask questions. And it's okay to ask questions. And it's okay to have your values. And no matter what you learn in school, you keep your values from what you're learning at home and the way you grow up. And if somebody tries to tell you that those values are wrong, that's not the case. And to never stop asking those questions. Because if you do, then we're going to be right back to 2020. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 45:47 Exactly, do you. They're pretty young at that time, especially your little girl. But my thought is, did the kids pick up on anything going on? Did y'all have open conversations? Because I hear a lot of families saying we kept our kids out of it. And for me, I would have wanted my child to understand and know all along what was happening. My guess is y'all did but can you explain that how involved the kids were with what was happening to Brandon. Brandon Weiberg 46:15 I've been very protective on them and saying that anything serious happened, I think they knew because of the amount of doctor visits I was going to and the people I was going to see. And they did come a few times with me one of them, because I was on with him. But they know I was hurt. They know that I am making rebounds. And I think I use that is not to be embarrassed and not to be ashamed. And that's one thing that I think anybody that has had injuries, it's okay to talk about them. Because the more we talk about them, we're not bad mouthing those that want to continue that lifestyle. But it's good to talk about it because it relieves the stress. We're not holding it in. And it also opens eyes to saying, you know, what if it didn't work for them? And I bet maybe I should ask questions. And that's, I see my kids asking questions. Now, during COVID. For the first few months, we were Lemmings, I hate to use that term, but we put the masks on went to Walmart when we could stay it out between certain times. And after a few months of that it was like no, this is not. And so then we started questioning and so did our kids. And it's okay to stand alone. And they still do at school and and are proud of Dandong. Yep. So DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 47:29 they don't So are they in public school? No. And are they wearing masks? No. Yeah, Brandon Weiberg 47:36 we're very fortunate in the area. We're a very small town, we have a small elementary school. And after we got through the first year of AFF going back and Miss goofy stuff they were doing. And when they went fully back, they didn't make that mandatory. And so I would say majority of the people were not wearing. There's a few. But now I don't see that at all right now at least. That's DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 47:57 good. So thanks for joining me and Dr. Ball. It was wonderful to meet you. And obviously keep up all of the great work that you're doing. One thing I just want to point out, and I'm sure you know this, that you're being mayor and everything that you've gone through with the injury, I think it's important to know that this is mostly about medical freedom and our own personal rights, correct. It's not that the vaccine issue or the COVID issue or any of that, I'm getting that you realize what was happening that you were being told to do something you weren't comfortable. So you stood up to it. And you're hoping to have other people stand up for their rights for medical freedom. And I think that's what a lot of people are gonna get out of this. So I have feeling people are gonna reach out to you and want to know more. Do you feel that same way that it's about medical freedom? Brandon Weiberg 48:45 I do. I do. It didn't. It started out contentious. And I think after numerous conversations, people realize that it's okay to make your own decisions. I'd never going to tell somebody to not go or to wear one or not to wear well. That was never what it was about. It was about a nobody should be controlled on how to live their life. They should be able to do what they feel is best for them, their family, their kids, and we should all just accept it and not treat each other terribly over their decision. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 49:18 That's exactly it. Thanks again for joining me and Joey good work. Keep up on it. Thank you, thank Brandon Weiberg 49:25 you much. If we don't do anything for you guys, let us know. Jolene Weiberg 49:28 Thank you. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 49:33 Hey, everybody, it's me, Edie coming to you from my soul as a little little different one today in the interview. And after watching it you'll see we interviewed a couple right so so the husband and wife and I'm I'm listening and Joey was so passionate about helping her husband to the point where she's telling him what to do. I get criticized I lot for being bossy myself. But I realized sometimes within our souls when we have so much passion and compassion and love, and there's a time where sometimes I think we think we know what's best for everybody else. While I'm listening to them and talking to them, I realized that a lot of that just comes from this place of deep love from a wife, who doesn't want to lose her husband, who sees her husband second affected in our soul. We want to always do what's best. Sometimes we say things and do things that somebody else receives. And they don't receive it the same way that we intended it. But that's the thing is when we make sure that we step back, and we communicate really from a place of love, and understand that people may not always hear what we have to say or get what we have to say. But it's important to know that at least if we're presented from a place of love, they're gonna get something. And it's the same thing when we receive what other people tell us about that comes from a place of love. We may not like what it sounds and it may be uncomfortable or even hurtful or seem hurtful. That's not the intent. But if we feel that way, we have to remember to step back and go wow, is there something that I'm doing or saying, what is it within myself that I need to change? Is there something I can change or want to change that comes from our soul, and when we use our soul to help to come from a loving place, it's truly easier to make those changes and not let it affect who we are personally. Thanks for watching. Dr. Paul 51:44 I look forward to running together with the wind at our backs, revealing the science that gives clarity in our world that's full of propaganda and misinformation. Visit our website, doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. Your support makes a difference. And let's make this the weekly show the world has been waiting for. Thanks for watching. I'm Dr. Paul. Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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