PDF:Text:Dr. Paul 0:05
Dr. Paul, welcome to with the wind science revealed. This one's not exactly science. This is an important episode. It's Valentine's Day DeeDee and I are going to share from our heart and from our souls about love. We're also going to update you on some history with the show and where it's going in the future. Enjoy the show Dr. Paul coming to you from the heart, you're going to hear in this Valentine episode Deedee. And I share a lot about love. I recently read a book by Gladys McGarry a life well lived, she wrote it at the age of 102. And the concept that I got from that that I had just never thought of that I wanted to share with you is about self love. But what to do when you don't feel like you can love yourself, or there's something holding you back. And you don't have somebody like a DD as you're going to see in this episode to reach out to can work with you and guide you and, and coach you to self love. And her approach was just amazing and simple. Basically, it was to visualize close your eyes and visualize what it is that's holding you back. And then put that out there and release it. And after you release it, you give yourself a hug. And she actually describes it, you put your arms around yourself and you just hug yourself as as firmly as you would like to be hugged for the situation of this release of whatever's holding you back. And I think we can do this as many times as we need to. And really love ourselves, forgive ourselves for whatever might be holding us back, forgive the people who may have harmed us or done things that made it very difficult for us to love ourselves. Because when we can forgive them as well forgive ourselves for whatever may have happened or in ability to get beyond it. We can start a new, we can love ourselves. And from there mazing transformations are possible. Dr. Paul here welcome to with the wind science revealed. I have a guest today who you all know pretty well. This is DD she's been by my side for so much of what's happened with this show. We want to start off by saying a big Happy Valentine's Day. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 2:52 Happy Valentine's Day. Dr. Paul 2:53 Yep, this is airing on Valentine's Day. So we thought we've got to have a Valentine's show. And we're gonna get into that. And obviously, when we talk about Valentine's, we're going to talk about love. You have a love heart pillow, we have some Valentine's flowers. But before we get to that, and I think that's going to be kind of a fun, we are completely non scripted. So this is just from the heart and from the soul, if you will, we will skip from the heart. It'll just all right from the heart. Let me tell you a little update on our show. I've been asked by children's health defense to do a show for them in the morning. Good morning. CHD pediatric perspectives. So once a week that's going to air and the focus is all pediatrics. And they just notified me this recently that's kicking off. Probably one or two shows may have happened by the time you're seeing this on Valentine's Day. So check that out. But we're gonna continue this show. We're gonna go back to every other week as we used to when we started. Should we give a little history on how we started? Yes. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 3:55 lit in case yeah, there's probably a lot of people that didn't see those first wonderful episodes, y'all. You miss some crazy stuff. Dr. Paul 4:04 I think that would be a good place to start. So it all started after I lost my license, which happened after I published a paper in the International Journal of Public Health that showed unvaccinated children in my practice, were far healthier than the vaccinated. I mean, we're talking four to eight times 400 to 800%. It was the information the medical board had asked for. We did it right. We published it. And within a few days after that was available online boom. I was without a license. It came as a shock. My practice had already been struggling due to intense pressure from the Medical Board, the Oregon Health Authority, some health insurance plans all over the vaccine issue. So what was I going to do? I thought I was actually I was driving some of you heard this story. I'm driving down the highway listening to against the wind by Bob Seger. I'm going yeah, that's the name of my show. We're gonna go against the when I felt like I was fighting a giant, you know, when you lose your license to a medical board that seems all powerful and in effect they are. It's like David and Goliath and, and I was running against the wind and I wasn't gonna roll over, I was gonna fight. So you were working with me at the time. And so you got to watch me film these episodes, the very early ones. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 5:27 Actually, I didn't want to film them. I watched them. I joined I'm $1.99 member probably shouldn't say. Dr. Paul 5:35 Yeah, those of you who are members, thank you so much your support, actually, is the only reason we're able to continue this show. Yeah, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 5:42 it really is. Yeah. So I just was watching shows, and we were coaching at the same time. At that time, I was just Dr. Paul's body worker, and wellness coach. And now you can take over. Dr. Paul 5:58 So I remember she was trying to coach me and say, you know, you're never gonna get your license back, if you have this attitude. Because I was like, I could never get it back. They're all powerful. It's a kangaroo court. And you came at me a couple, two, three times with that same loving message. And it's Valentine's Day, and this woman is very loving. And she said, well, with an attitude like that you're never gonna get your license back. And you know that when the truth is just there, it hit me like, she's right. I've known about being positive, I've generally been a positive person all my life, but I was down. I was that took me down the whole combo of my practice dying, it didn't die completely. It's still up and running with a whole new group of the same team that was there took it over. Thank goodness, thank you to that team, if you happen to see this episode. But it was a lot. And in honor of Valentine's Day, I'm just going to tell you that this wellness coach, who was coaching me, had a way of just guiding me through the process in a very loving way. But but she wasn't making any decisions for me, and I am so forever grateful for that. You had to ask me at least 100 plus times, well, what do you want, Paul? Because she never told me what to do or how to do it. But was just there, in a sense as a wellness coach, allowing me to love myself because I had drifted. I think from that I was pretty beat down and negative, which is not how I like to be or wanted to be. Well, there was another piece. I had become incredibly egotistical, but I wasn't aware of it. And so I'm like this spinning top in my old clinic going from room to room to room, nurse practitioners working with me for me. And I mean, I own the clinic, they work for me, and we work together as a team. But I would go in anytime they had a question. And I was like, boom, I had an answer. In retrospect, not always necessarily the perfect right answer, but I was. Yeah, I was all that. And you were able to help me see that things weren't all as I thought they were. And that process of waking me up and opening me up. That was a deep personal journey of my own. And I remember also, many times where I felt just take the some body work and I had some CrossFit injuries, and I would get some body work and just feel like Wow, you really you fixed me. And you hated that. Why did you hate that? DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 8:58 Because I'm not fixing you. And it's the same thing with a wellness coaching. It's the only one that can make any changes. The only one that can make any changes for ourselves is us. We have to want to and what I saw in him, and again, I was working on a lot of his patients, I had a lot of the referrals from the clinic. So I do pediatric bodywork and I saw what he how he was being and I just thought to myself, I don't see a soul. And again, just being who I was, I couldn't really say anything. But then the opportunity opened up when he was thinking he was going to lose everything. And you don't have to when things happen to you, it's you got to go down deep and that's when I realized wow, he can connect with his soul. And sometimes we need wellness coaches for that. Sometimes we see things that it's all we're going to do is go against the wind. And so when kind of stepping back when I watch the first episodes We had already done some wellness coaching on to not sound like you know more than everybody else, or to not be in this kind of an ego centered way of telling somebody what to do and that he knew better. It needs to be up to people to make their own decisions. So I'm watching these first shows. And I'm like, wow, or did you listen to any other coaching? So what happened though, was, as we're doing the coaching, he actually came in for a session and I said, you know, why don't we let people see all these changes you're making and your soul? And what about speaking from your heart? And so that's how, Dr. Paul 10:45 yeah, that's how I from the heart started. And then ultimately, we shifted pivoted to with the wind. Because when you're fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, you're losing the power of everything that's behind you that that's uplifting and pushing you forward, which you all the viewers of this show are a big piece of that. And had you asked me back at the very beginning, what's your soul? Paul? I wouldn't have had an answer. I was that lost. It's like, oh, my gosh, I mean, I grew up in the church, not that the church is necessarily where you're gonna find your soul, by the way, but I was, I had loving parents. I mean, they parented in a in their own way, which, which had its own immense benefits. very goal oriented, I could say it was it was demonstrated for me, and I was really good at that. But somehow, I never got the kind of guidance or nurture that I needed. I'm not saying they weren't nurturing, they were amazing parents, but to get in touch with my soul. So that's been the joy and the gift of this journey for me, and some of you may have seen there's, there is a change in this whole guy. I certainly feel it, I know it, I love it. And that's part of what the show now is, is to be able to do everything we can to allow others, you, the viewers, the opportunity to take that journey of healing and getting in touch with your own soul. It's a beautiful thing. And in a sense, with that approach to life. Doesn't really matter what life throws at us. I mean, sure, it's nice when it's not all terrible, right, but how we respond if we're responding with love and responding soulfully it's a good life. It will DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 12:47 and you talked about when you're in the fight, you know, your fight, fight, fight, what happens. And if you remember that generally fight or flight is based on fear. We generally enter that state and our nervous system because we become fearful of something, become fearful of losing our license, we become fearful of losing somebody in our world. And that takes over. And it's, I think that's the thing we talk a lot about is that's a human response. And it's more than okay. But it's the soul that leads with love. It's the soul that comes forward, and allows you to not have fear. Because no matter what you believe in when you have faith, and for us, it's God, that that's what our souls connecting with. That's who we are. And when that leads forward, there's no fear. I'm not saying it's easy on sometimes that's why you need a wellness coach. But I don't do it for anybody. That's the thing I think to remember is and that's something you did, you would he would say to me, you know, thanks for, you know, fixing me Or, Wow, you did this and I'd have people say that and that's not okay, because it takes the power away from you. He did the work, he pushed himself, he connected with his soul, he allowed God to work through him, not me. Dr. Paul 14:01 She had to drill that in many times, because I just wasn't getting it. But it really hit me. If you have a doctor or a coach or a loved one who empowers you then you know what to do next time you're in trouble. Right if if you the way I used to doctor, you needed me right because I was the one fixing you i was the solution. I was providing the solutions. And you did it a whole different way your coaching and wellness approach it yes, you know, you can feel the love. This woman knows how to love but she's real clear. I'm not doing anything you're doing it. And that's so empowering. When you realize that that's actually true. It is actually true. We can heal ourselves. And it is actually for us to do and you you mentioned it or alluded to do it and that is self love that that is, I think that is the biggest struggle a lot of us had I, I, as successful as I was, I mean, here, I'm, you know, pediatrician run my office author, you know, I've had accolades and awards, blah, blah, blah. I didn't think I was all that great. Other than pretending. Right? And so even even people who you might think I've got it all going on, a lot of us struggle with self love, really, at the core, loving who you are. So, tell us a little more about that. How do we? DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 15:39 Well, working with kids, a lot of it is self confidence, right? And we always talk about how do we become confident in ourselves and believe in ourselves? Wow. It's love. If you don't love yourself, and how can you have confidence or believe in yourself? Right. And I think that was part of it with working with you is, here's this, you know, amazing pediatrician that everybody loves anytime we go anywhere, people will like plow me down to get. And it's everything you've done is so amazing. But it's that inner part of you and how loving you are. And people have said that so many times. Since then, is Wow, Dr. Paul has changed. Wow, he's just all those all those pieces about you. Everybody sees and notices and and what you do now for people is incredible, because it's coming from that place of love, can go a little off track. If you want to be self confident, and you want to believe in yourself, you have to start with loving yourself. If we don't love ourselves, then we cannot heal anything within ourselves. I believe that we have everything within us that we need to do and be anything we want to be. There's going to be circumstances in life that will stop you from certain things, there's going to be limitations to certain things. But as long as you love who you are, you will never lose that competence in yourself. You might have to backup change tracks, whatever it might be. But if you don't love yourself, there's really no way for anybody else to fully love you. Dr. Paul 17:21 That's how I feel. That was powerful. Thank you. You're welcome. You see, folks, this woman's amazing, she actually does wellness coaching kids first forever. So that is something you can you can tap into that as well I have sometimes witnessed from a distance will be in the office, and she's coaching in the other room. And I just overhear a little bit of her side of the coaching. And it's, I can tell it's transformative. And this could be with teenagers who are suicidal, struggling with whatever issues teenagers and even younger than teenagers, even a three year old three years old, oh my lord, there was a three year old who was so afraid so fearful, called herself baby, and would not leave her mother's side for a second. This poor child was was overwhelmed with anxiety 24/7. And in in one session, she's out playing on the pavement on the sidewalk coloring with Didi and and she comes in and says I'm a big girl. Oh my goodness. So it doesn't matter how old you are doesn't matter what your credentials she is working with, you know, other physicians, she's working, it doesn't matter. It's a gift you bring to the world. And on Valentine's Day, I certainly have to honor that ability of you to love at that level, your your openness to just hear you hear so well. When you're when you're working with people you hear and understand at a level I almost can't believe. But that's how you reach and connect in such a powerful way. So that's my Valentine's gift to all of you is this woman that you too can access her coaching. I'm great at talking about, you know, vaccines, pediatric topics that's in my wheelhouse. I coach on that as well. But if you've got deep emotional, psychological, mental, spiritual issues that maybe are holding you back, or maybe this self love thing is just, you can't seem to break from some bondages that maybe go back to early childhood or sometime in your childhood. Many of us weren't raised or had experiences that really rocked us to our core and we we went inside and we hid and we and we can't seem to break free. There's a solution for you. I'm looking at her. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 19:51 And you do too. So what do you love most about kids first forever and should we explain what that is? I think we've said it a few times, but why don't we bring it because that's our big love and passion. And with the win with the wind is, is the show that really got going right. And we interviewed doctors and other people, but the together, we co founded kids first forever. And the point of that was to allow others to reach their highest expectation, their fullest growth, and putting kids first and whether that's the little girl inside of you, or raising our own children, it's something that's really, I'm really passionate about, how about you tell you what it means to you, you Dr. Paul 20:34 know, my entire career, it's been about kids. And I didn't even know that I was coaching parents coaching kids in the office a lot. And so now I'm, I've transitioned, I'm retired from the traditional medical practice, I'm not licensed, but I can coach I can still help parents help children move towards. And we talked about four things. This, this became really important. I as an MD, in my pediatric practice, I was mostly focused on physical. So you've got an ailment, you've got a physical problem, I'm going to do the assessment, diagnose and treat, right, the old way I was trained, although I must say over the decade or so towards the end, when I'm dealing with children with behavioral issues, ATD, ADHD, autism, anxiety, depression, I was taking a whole different stance on that it wasn't just diagnose and treat, you're really trying to get down to the core, but what you've helped introduce into my life and into the whole assessment program, and what we're doing with kids first, is the mental and spiritual, right, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. And you might have a challenge that seems physical, let's say you're stressed, but its basis is in the mental, emotional or spiritual. And until that, that is sorted out, is the physical just doesn't get better, you can throw meds at it, you can throw almost anything at it. And if you haven't addressed that root cause, and oftentimes it goes back to that self love. So here on Valentine's Day, that is a focus to remind you that you are loved, you are lovable. And once you love yourself, you're going to be so free to love others. And if you're a parent, and you're struggling with this, don't wait. Get a hold of DD, get a hold of me, but I get older, if that's the struggle, because you're gonna free yourself to love your children in such a more beautiful, deeper way. So they grow up with self love, and freedom that comes from that, to be able to love the world, change the world. So on a small scale kids first forever is about changing the world, we do it one person at a time, we're going to do everything we can to make it more available to larger groups of people. But at this point, it's it's very individual, it's a resource. Well, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 23:09 and I think healing is individual. So I think that's part of it. But there are lots of things that have lots and lots coming up. We're gonna work on all kinds of things. But how about we talk about my favorite kind of love? Dr. Paul 23:23 What's that? Unconditional? DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 23:25 Do you want to tell me what unconditional love is? Dr. Paul 23:29 Well it's what the Word says. But doing it in real life is a whole different thing. So, you know, parents, you know, your children will do things that you wish they wouldn't do. When you have real unconditional love, you make it very clear always that your child is completely love. There's nothing wrong with them. There may be a behavior that needs to be addressed. And then even that there are ways to address it. I kids, my kids, if you're watching, I didn't do a really good job with this. I had there were too many of you know, I was oh my gosh, that was a little slip back into the old slip into the old power. You know, egotistically I'm good. You're the problem. No, you were never the problem. The we just, you know, we muddled through with 10 kids in the house. Well, we had one year with eight kids in the house. So there was 10 of us in the house. But it was it was awesome chaos. And at times not so awesome for you, my kids, and unconditional love. I think had I been in touch with my soul would have looked very different. So I think as as adults and as parents we really owe it to our children and to those in our world to love ourselves so completely and and conditionally and let go of the baggage and forgive ourselves for our past that we are free and fully available to all the people in our lives. But expand on unconditional love for us. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 25:12 Okay? Well, it means that we don't put any conditions on how we love somebody. And if we love somebody, when we love somebody, and I think that's the piece is there's a lot of things like people think well, wait a second, though I'm supposed to love somebody, even if they're being mean to me. i We still always have to love ourselves. And yes, you can still love them, even if they're being mean to you. Do you let them continue to be mean to you know, there are things that are reasons that we aren't able to have somebody close in our life. There's reasons that parents and adults get divorced. There's reasons that relationships have to end or stop. But it doesn't stop us from loving that person. And I get that that's hard. And, and there are people that we may not, like, show love to all the time, if someone like somebody asked me one time, oh, so you unconditionally love everybody in your life, even the people that hurt you and I do. And someone and so the person asked me, so if somebody this is pretty extreme, y'all, this is like PG 17 stuff. If somebody murdered your child, you would still love them. I'm like, well, that's kind of crazy. But yes, I would. Would there be hate and anger and all those things that come with it? Would there be a lot of hurt. But I think the thing sometimes that we don't remember, like, what I go bring that person something when I go visit them in jail? No. But I would want to love them because something happened that allowed them to do something that was so awful. And I think we forget that sometimes. But out of most people's reactions that aren't loving and kind, there's something else there that happened to them that they weren't able to heal from. So if we allow ourselves to heal, and just to love. And what that really means is putting love forward, never letting love leave you internally, never letting your soul be anything but leading with love. We don't always have the greatest reactions. And it's known that I'm pretty bossy. And I boss a lot of people around, is that loving? Yes. Okay. I don't really have a problem with it. But the bottom line is there are behaviors and things we're going to do. And we don't have to love those behaviors. Like sometimes I'll say, I don't love you right now. But I like you. We tell our kids. But the bottom line is that's the thing is we may not like what's happening. But we'll always and always should love ourselves, love our children and everyone around us. If everybody in this world could come from that place, you know, it'd be a whole different world, a different world. Yeah, there wouldn't be worse and things. Yeah, but it's not that way. But the way we stop ourselves from being in pain, with everything that's happening around us, is to do our best to leave with love forward. One thing I'd like to add, if you don't mind, Dr. Paul 28:18 go for it is that DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 28:21 with the four areas that kids first forever focuses on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. I've heard people say, you know, we should have, we should try and have all those areas in balance. The bottom line is, balance is one of those weird things that I hear of is that not sometimes we're, we're really physically sick, and you need to just rest and that's what you take care of. So maybe, you know, in other areas a little out of balance, I think what happens is as long as we're connected, and we have those areas living harmoniously. Dr. Paul 28:56 I set it right, that was good. And DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 28:59 within. Within that harmony comes maybe the balance that people want to see, but I hear that all the time. Anything in moderation is good. Well, I'm allergic to gluten and so there's no moderation with that. So I think that's the point I'm trying to get at is that we need to understand that we're not maybe always imbalanced, but we can always be loving and kind to ourselves. Dr. Paul 29:26 That's amazing, isn't it? So I've always admired some of the amazing individuals historically, Jesus Gandhi, there are others who seemed to be able to do that unconditional love completely. And in fact, I had one of my adopted sisters who at the end, when I was in her presence, it was like, wow, goosebumps just overcome with it was love. It was God it was spirit. It was amazing. I thought I must be sitting With Jesus, and she passed away two weeks later and and had basically left her children to me who became my children. They were my nephews and nieces. Prior to that, that was a time you know, Uncle Paul became dad sort of pops all sorts of names. But anyway, the point was, she loved as did Jesus from everything I can tell, as did Gandhi from people who knew him towards the end. Completely didn't matter if you were a murderer, or whatever, as you pointed out, you don't condone the behavior, you may not even like the person that wouldn't be somebody would choose to hang out with what you love. And when you can come from that place. Boy, that's, that's a dream and hope of mine. I'll probably be working on it for at least this lifetime, if not a whole bunch more. But it's certainly something that we on Valentine's Day, can wish for all the world and for you. And so DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 31:02 from just Valentine's Day, well, Today's Dr. Paul 31:05 Valentine's Day, but every day, every moment, if we're leading and coming from that place, what a glorious life it is, what a beautiful place where I want to thank you for being in my life, because you also most of the time, exude this incredible love. And oh, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 31:28 I always have love. I just like I said, I'm Bossy, Bossy sometimes. So I want to kind of add something to that. If you don't mind, please. Um, first of all, can I have the flowers after the shows? Absolutely. Okay. Second of all, um, I think that's the thing is, we, Valentine's Day, a lot of people will say, is a Hallmark holiday. And I've had people in my life before, it's like, I don't need a date and tell you when I love you or give you gifts or things. And I used to think well then pick a day. It doesn't have to be February 14, I'll take any day. But I think that's the thing is that we, we need to be that way all the time. We don't need to bring all of equal to get roses all the time. But no, I think the point is that, that love that's inside of you. That's an every day, every moment thing. But we don't ever want to negate what's happening that doesn't allow us to act lovingly all the time. There are things that hurt and are painful. But it's taking those steps back and giving ourselves time, emotionally and mentally and spiritually, to absorb what we need to do in that moment to get back to being loving. But yes, I love Valentine's Day. I just think it's really cool. Dr. Paul 32:55 We were we were talking before we got on, on camera about what were our Valentine's Day experiences. Like because I grew up in Africa as a missionary kid, there was no Valentine's Day, there was no Hallmark store. There were a lot of celebrations that just didn't happen there just life was what it was day to day. Then, of course, as I grew up, then moved to the states for college and beyond you, you realize that this is an opportunity. And we were reflecting how it's different for guys and girls a little bit. I at least I learned it was the time if you have somebody you care about this would be a really good day to get a card and some flowers probably be a really bad move not to so you know if you're watching this and you forgot somebody, it's not too late. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 33:45 Depends on if they are if they're seeing the show on February 18 Dr. Paul 33:48 Oh, true if you're seeing that as it comes out live, share Yeah. But DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 33:54 you said something is that and I want to make sure that people understand too. It's not always a male female thing. But generally in a relationship there's one person that's more loving, and seems to be the responsible person for doing the sweet things right the one that is generally maybe a more outside the home that's doing the work that thinks the person at home taking care of the kids no matter whether they're male or female, none of that matters. But I think that's the thing is it's not putting your pressure putting pressure on yourself like for me well written beautiful cards that tell someone how much you love. Love them that's just as important although I gotta tell you the roses are really pretty he brought them in for this set but I think I'm gonna take them home. Dr. Paul 34:40 Yes you are DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 34:41 yeah go ahead. Well know back when he was talking about was the experiences that we that we had, like mine was different. I grew up you know, in school, we brought little Valentine's to each other. We had school party for Valentine's Day and everyone was supposed to give gifts. Yeah, Dr. Paul 35:07 actually that that was true for my kids. I raised my kids here in the States and Valentine's Day, the parents would have to make sure you had a Valentine for each kid in the class. But that was nice. That was fair. You told me a story about when you were in high school, it was pretty brutal. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 35:22 It was only brutal. If you were me. There are a few people I won't mention any names, but it wasn't so brutal. Dr. Paul 35:27 Brutal for So describe it. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 35:31 So a lot of the high schools and it's it's not even just Valentine's Day, but especially on Valentine's Day, for a fundraiser for the student body, they would sell valid grams. And you know, our holograms all the different things for all the different holidays. And for Valentine's Day, you could buy a rose or a chocolate or a card. Because we didn't in in homeroom you didn't in high school, you didn't have to buy one for everyone, right? So at lunchtime, or after school, you could go and you could buy these for about a month before. Wow. It may have maybe only been two weeks, it seemed like forever to me. And then on homeroom. On Valentine's Day, they would deliver him to those kids, because you you knew where they all will Dr. Paul 36:16 see where this is going. didn't get any problems being proud. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 36:23 Yeah, so my sophomore year is brutal. Dr. Paul 36:28 That's brutal point where I did figure out how to stop. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 36:32 By our soft fire junior year, a bunch of us were just waiting for each other so that we would all get some. But I think the point of that was that we we need to be very, very loving to everybody. But again, the world's not fair. There are people that are going to just get more love than others, I guess or at least more valid Graham's. Oh, we should call all the high schools and tell him not to do it anymore. Dr. Paul 36:59 That's an idea. What you just shared reminded me of one of my youngest son be befriended a child in his class. This was around fourth, fifth grade, maybe six, who had no friends at all. I mean, this was a child on the spectrum. He was a little quirky, a little odd, and was bullied and tormented in early middle school. Yeah, it was early middle school. And he just became friends with him. And actually, you have a writer story like that too. And I think, you know, if you've raised kids who have that kind of a heart to realize that it isn't fair for some of our children that they are bullied and that can be really destructive. And these are the kids who sometimes end up suicidal, they just don't have a way out. And as parents we have to be very vigilant to protect our kids. I mean, sometimes you move schools you do whatever it takes, but if we can raise our kids to be that kind and loving that goes a long way to just spreading love in the world DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 38:09 well and in sharing with sharing with our kids that are bullied like right or wise or sharing with our kids that you know some of these kids is remind reminding them that it's just as important to be as loving to those kids because again, there's a reason we don't just you know come out of the womb going well I'm just going to be a bully for the rest of my life. That's not what happens and that lack of love that so many kids get does affect them some some come out okay, so I'm do fine. Others like you said, they're suicidal or, even worse, we have that the chaos and the devastation in our schools. I believe that's what school shootings are. And I think that's the thing is, I think, I think Valentine's Day really is an important day to remember that there is a lack of love in our world, there is a lack of depth of understanding and compassion. And so raising our children that's kids first forever is if we notice something's happening with our kid, let's help them Let's heal them. Let's allow them to learn to be loving to everybody. Yep. Dr. Paul 39:16 Well, folks want to thank you again for if you're still watching this. You've made it through a long series of love lessons. And from our hearts to yours. We wish you a Happy Valentine's Day and may the whole year be filled with love. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 39:32 Agreed. Hey, everyone, it's me DD coming to you from my soul. You just saw a wonderful episode with myself and Dr. Paul on love for Valentine's Day. So I want to talk about love. We talked about unconditional love. Love is I love love People always say what do you love most about the world? I love love. I love that because we've been when we say the words I love, what we're saying is that there's a part inside of us that's happy and joyful, right? And sometimes I'll hear someone say, Well, you know, I'm not loving love right now love hurts. Made me think. So I stepped back, I went into my soul. And I thought, why would love hurt? Well, I realize that when you love something, especially unconditionally, and wholeheartedly, and with everything that you are, and maybe that love isn't returned, or, for instance, this person that you've loved, that's loved you, and they die. Yeah, that hurts. It's not the love that hurts, though. It's the loss. And I think when we can see that and see that love is nothing but healing and powerful and forward moving. That if we get into our soul, and we go to that place, and know that, yeah, maybe we lost that person. And even if they just simply left our lives, and a relationship that's ended, the love is still powerful. I don't believe that it's the love that it's hurting. I believe that it's the relationship and the circumstances around it. Because in my soul, love is powerful. Why is it powerful, it's because of my connection to a higher power. It's because my soul is so connected to God. And just like so many people out there, no matter what your belief is, it still comes from a place of love. And I hear that all the time that God is love. Children, when they're born, they're nothing but love. There's little bitty souls in there. That that love is so powerful. Sometimes when I'm working with infants, I can feel it, I feel the love, I feel that perfection, that joy, that connection. They can't talk yet. But I feel it. And I think that's the thing that's most important to me today. And even with our our Valentine's Day special and talking about love, every day and everything we do, if we allow our soul to lead and be loving, it really does change things. It heals things. It brings down walls. I believe it can end wars, I believe it can allow people to be everything they want to be when they lead from their soul, and they lead from love. My wish for everybody is that you get to feel that, that you get to connect enough within yourself, that you feel your own self love. That it's becomes overwhelming. Sometimes I'll sit and I'll think about all the people I love and how much the people in my life mean to me. Because their interactions with me touches my soul. Love touches my soul and being able to love unconditional, I love it. I love being able to love people for just who they are. Yeah, I'm not perfect measure today, I can be bossy. That's not my soul though. Those are those human things that happen. But I love it when my soul leads. And when I allow everyone around me to feel loved. That comes back. Thank you for watching. Dr. Paul 43:58 I look forward to running together with the wind at our backs, revealing the science that gives clarity in our world that's full of propaganda and misinformation. Visit our website, doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. Your support makes a difference. And let's make this the weekly show the world has been waiting for. Thanks for watching. I'm Dr. Paul. Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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