PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:06
Welcome to with the wind science revealed. I have Dr. Alan Palmer back for today's show. He's the author of 1200 studies on vaccines. And we're doing a deep dive into COVID. What happened, the documentation and how we can avoid this happening again, enjoy the show. Dr. Paul, coming to you from the heart, my topic for today is getting out of your own way. And I'm gonna use myself as an example. So for a few years now, I've known there was a book I needed to write. But I just couldn't make it happen. You see the last two big books that I wrote, I was sitting in Maui in this particular spot, looking out over the ocean. And that's when I got my inspiration. And I needed that same feeling. At least that was the excuse I gave myself. Well, guess what? I found an ocean. I live in Oregon, it's just an hour away. And with some support, I was able to sit there have that ocean experience for inspiration, and knockout a rough draft of my next book. I think we just have to get out of our own way sometimes to make the important things happen. So from my heart to everybody out there, remember this if you have faith, and just put one foot in front of the other, and follow the direction towards what you're meant to do your purpose. You can get it done. Welcome, Dr. Alan Palmer, it's so great to have you back on the show with the winds. Dr. Alan Palmer 1:48 Good morning. Thanks for having me again. I really appreciate it. Dr. Paul 1:52 You are even a chiropractor. For those who don't know you for over 30 years. I was reading some of your background. Oh my gosh, doctor for the Arizona Coyotes National Hockey League, and then the Arizona Diamondbacks Major League Baseball team and the San Francisco Giants. I know you're very well versed in functional medicine, complementary alternative medicine. You're a great educator, I was first excited of just because you had put together this massive compilation of all these studies that dealt with childhood vaccines and vaccine risks, benefits, injuries, what have you, which is what we talked about last time. But now we're going to delve into COVID. Tell me Look, there's a good reason. So our listeners to know, tell me about your journey and writing on COVID and the chronology. And you've got a book coming out what got you into this. Tell us more about it? Dr. Alan Palmer 2:42 Certainly. So when the pandemics yet I started looking at some of the data coming in from different countries. One of the first ones was Italy, of course. And I started looking at who was really impacted by the virus, and it was very elderly. And typically they have two or more comorbidities, most of them have three or four serious comorbidities. I noticed from that data that young people weren't really affected. And so when I saw the public health response, to be just basically a one size fits all response. And it was just overwhelmingly, contrary to what I was seeing, from some of the stories that were coming out some of the data and results from around the world. I started really questioning the veracity of their response to this virus and what was going on. And then of course, seeing the suppression of early treatment meds and all these different things, I decided to start writing a newsletter starting in May of 2020. I started writing a monthly newsletter where I would basically as like an as an investigative reporter, I went and I looked at all the different studies and the data and the research that was coming out on the virus on treatments on various aspects of it on the infection fatality rates. And I started putting together this newsletter every month, and he grew and grew. And so I just released my 40th monthly newsletter. I never thought he would still be doing this three and a half years plus later. But I got into that journey. And as we went along, and as they started talking about producing the vaccines and the vaccines began to be produced and rolled out. I started covering all of that in my monthly newsletter. So every single month, I have a classical story in your newsletters. Yeah. So what happened was that every single month, I have segments in there about all the latest news and the data and the science about the vaccines. And I started accumulating that into a document and currently that document is about 2000 pages long. And I do call it a chronology of the COVID-19 vaccines From their inception, critical review from their inceptions to the epic failure. And so I have this living document if you will, that is this chronology or story or history of the whole COVID 19 vaccines saga that I have released now on my website. And so I know that's a little bit about what we're going to talk about today, which was challenging because there is so much in there. There's so much to cover, that hopefully we can distill it down into some interesting points for the viewers and talk about a little bit more. Dr. Paul 5:20 Yeah, now, and some of our viewers are exhausted with COVID. Right. But the thing is, it hasn't gone away. And so we have to stay vigilant. Just today, as we're interviewing, I know that the CDC hcip committee is meeting to probably rubber stamp approval of the latest booster that they'll then roll out probably in a day or two. But folks, yeah, you can go to wellness doc.com. And that's where your all your information is. But why do you think or why do you feel that this vaccine only option? was the only thing they put on the table? Right from the beginning? What was that all about? Dr. Alan Palmer 5:55 One of the things that really stuck out to me and was obvious was and let me share a slide with you here. If I may. Yeah, please do. Yeah. So this is, this is a document that was sent out that was put out by the National Vital Statistics System NCHS. And they basically, this was March 24 2020. So this is where they told doctors how they should begin to write the death certificates, or COVID-19. And this changed a, a system or a procedure that had been in place for my understanding is 17 years for coding for death. And so they all of a sudden, they come out with this completely new way of coding for COVID-19 decimal, just because that's hard to read. I'm going to I'm going to just click down here. And so if you can see this section here, it says, Will COVID-19 be the underlying clause? It says the underlying clause depends on what and where conditions are reported on the death certificate. However, the rules for coding and selection of the underlying clause of death are expected to result in COVID-19 being the underlying clause more often than not. So yeah, right out of the gates, they decided, if yours that they that they would roll it out so that the the COVID-19 diagnosis would be more often than not the diagnosis. And yeah, so that was problematic to begin with. Yeah. And then later down in the document, they also show that what happens if the terms reported on the death strip get indicate uncertainty. It says if the death certificate reports terms, such as probable COVID-19, or likely COVID-19, these terms would be assigned the new ICD code. In other words, that would be the cause of death, whether even if it was uncertain, and then this sentence is very interesting in there it says, it is not likely that in C H. S will follow up on these cases. Okay, so you really don't have to worry about as Dr. Paul 7:56 you can call it COVID, even when it might not be in there won't be any follow up. Dr. Alan Palmer 8:00 Yeah. What are you not worried about is checking your work? Wow. Dr. Paul 8:04 So right from the get go, they set the stage for there to be a massive recategorize thing of deaths from everything else that was causing death to that call it COVID? Dr. Alan Palmer 8:17 Yes, absolutely. And then we had the PCR debacle. I call it the PCR testing debacle. But PCR test was never designed to be a diagnostic test. And as a physician, a diagnosis can only be determined. After you have an exam with a patient, you take a history, you look at their their different factors. And regarding their health, you do some lab work, you check several different things out symptomatology, all these different things to create a diagnosis. But PCR became the diagnostic criteria. And even Michael Mina, who is a Harvard trained and Harvard, professor in epidemiology, infectious diseases and so forth, said that he believed that the PCR tests were about 70% false positives. And so even Kary Mullis, the inventor of the test, said that you can derive anything from a PCR test because as you amplify it more and more through what's called the cycle thresholds. Eventually, you're going to find a molecule in there that matches what you're looking for, essentially, is what Kary Mullis said. And so the CDC had labs testing for the virus at 40 to 45 cycle thresholds. And essentially, when I go back and I shared in my monthly newsletter, some of the different studies from like the clinic, Journal of infectious clinical diseases, and so forth, you know, they found that you cannot even culture the virus over about 25 to 27 cycles. And these labs were reimposing and continuing to amplify. So so many people were out there walking around, well, actually, once they were found to be positive, they were quarantined initially for two weeks. Most of the time those people never could have spread the disease anyway. So I think that was another thing that really He really had the alarm bells going off for me. And then of course, it was the suppression of the early treatment mats. And I mentioned that earlier Dr. Paul 10:07 than when this thing rolled out. This was a case Demick. Right? And they were just positive PCRs meant you had COVID. And look at all the COVID cases, the more you tested, the more aces you had, which yes, yeah, when there are false positives, and there's a high rate of false positivity, that created the fear, right. And I think they needed the fear, to get the population to cooperate with their plans Dr. Alan Palmer 10:32 to lose weight. And so that those three things really it was the changing of the death certificates to ramp up the death numbers that stoke fear. Then the PCR testing ramped up the case numbers that Stokes the ear, and then eliminating any of the options for early treatment medications. And so we're in this whole thing about ivermectin being horse paste, and they have FDA tweeting, come on, folks, you're not a horse. It's ridiculous. I, there's just so many, there's hundreds and hundreds of studies now showing strong efficacy. And if I could just share a couple little slides really quick here. Because I just, I would just like to make that point that when you look at the studies, and many of these were coming out early on to so they absolutely knew that it was efficacious. In fact, after SARS, one Chloroquine, like hydroxychloroquine, Chloroquine was one of the things that they tested and found to be effective. So Anthony Fauci knew because he NIH was involved with some of that research, they knew that hydroxychloroquine was going to be effective. So if you look at this, ordered nine studies or around the world from 58 different countries, and when you look at the graph on the right hand side, anything left those little diamonds, anything left at that vertical Gray, vertical lines, savers, hydroxychloroquine. So we're looking at mortality and hospital, hospitalization, early late treatment, everything, you can see that everything is to the left of that gray line, nothing favors the control. Right that. And so I want to just show you real quick, the ivermectin one because it's very much the same story. Yet, it was strongly in favor of the positivity for ivermectin, same thing. Look at this, look at the results there. Wow. 85% for prophylaxis 62%. For early treatment, 41%. Just for late treatment, again, very strong evidence that showed that these early treatment drugs would have tipped people out of the hospitals and there's your next wave of fear mongering is because they didn't allow early treatment, the hospitalization rates were spiking, right because people they were just told to go home and sequester let the virus incubate. And by the time they got to the hospital, they were in more of an advanced stage in the disease, whereas they could have been treated early, kept those hospitalization rates down, and once again, kept the fear at a lower level. So all of these things to your point, were in my opinion, they were caused, they are determined or a part of the scheme, if you will, to get people to accept the vaccine when it came out. Dr. Paul 13:05 Yeah, the tragedy was so many people lost their lives unnecessarily because ivermectin works incredible for this particular virus. So just people I know of people personally who were on their way to the ER, and were able to give their hands on some ivermectin and turn the car around by the next day, they were fine. And they were having oxygenation problems where they would have been put in the intensive care unit and probably not made it had they gone on to the hospital. But the other tragedy here is you showed those two slides on the hydroxychloroquine in the ivermectin clearly effective, that should have nullified the ability to have an emergency use authorization for the vaccine, because you can only have emergency use if there's no other treatments Dr. Alan Palmer 13:51 available. Absolutely, absolutely. Great point. And I believe that is the main reason they suppressed any early treatments. Yeah. Dr. Paul 13:59 So what we've seen here, it feels like a crime. Dr. Alan Palmer 14:03 Yeah, it does. It's just I'd like to just pull it up if I can just the most current VAERS reports. So looking at Dr. Paul 14:11 adverse event reports. Let's talk about that data. Yeah. How do you feel about the accuracy of these numbers? Dr. Alan Palmer 14:18 I think if anything, these numbers would be underreported for several reasons. One of the main reasons is it's been shown that the various system is severely underreported. And so in between 2007 and 2010, the CDC health and human services they commissioned Harvard Medical School through HMO on the east coast there in Massachusetts called Harvard Pilgrim health to track all the vaccine reactions very carefully for three years. And at the end in that report, they went back and they summarize that less than 1% of the vaccine adverse reactions or events were ever recorded in theirs And so that showed that if you're only capturing 1% There no, let's say these numbers you're looking at right there. Let's say we only let's say we chose not 1%. Let's say we only captured 10%. We looked at those astronomical numbers there, in the other reason I believe that they're underreported is there was so much pressure on doctors to not report reactions, because it would be discouraging people from taking the vaccine and in the medical community's mind based on the CDC recommendations and the FDA, that they didn't want to promote vaccine hesitancy. So I think a lot of reactions went unreported. The vast majority, if you look at the the European Union's reporting of adverse reactions, the vast majority of reactions are reported by physicians, it was about 60%. And a lot of times doctors, plus it's very cumbersome Dockage to report a vaccine adverse event, as a physician, you gotta probably take 30 to maybe 45 minutes or more, to sit down and go through the lengthy process of doing that in an in busy physicians life to do it's very difficult to do that. And in patients are discouraged to believe that their symptoms could have been caused by the vaccine for all these different reasons that I've just mentioned. So I really think that these numbers are just a small percentage of the true casualty count, when the system Dr. Paul 16:23 and we've seen through that there's reporting, there are more COVID related deaths, whatever metric you pick, then all other vaccines combined since 1990, when they started the various program, 30 years of data, put all the vaccines combined, just this one shot, I don't even like to call it a vaccine has created more deaths more harm than all of them combined. Dr. Alan Palmer 16:47 Yes. nauseous? Dr. Paul 16:48 What other metrics, by the way, have you looked at because I'd be curious to know what's been the experience in other countries. Dr. Alan Palmer 16:54 Let's let me just rewind for a second here to the V safe system, the CDC zone V safe system that they created with an app, people who got the vaccine download onto their phone, and then they can self report vaccine injuries into the app. And with just over 10 million reports, the rate of serious adverse reactions was about 8%. And serious, meaning they needed go for medical help. So even in their own system. And then of course, once all that was being discovered, and um, part of this is that, due to lawsuits by the informed consent Action Network, the a re they forced them to reveal this data. So they weren't letting this data out willingly, they had to be forced to reveal this data. But once the data was out and everything, then they stopped taking these out, calculating Yeah, they stopped calculating the house. And some of the other things we could look at here. Let me just share with you some on the disability front. This is from Edward Douds. website. And if your viewers aren't following Edward doubt, I would recommend you do that they have a website where they've been really looking at the different disability rates and so forth around the world. And since the shot has occurred, if you look down at the bottom of that graph to the far right there, you can see January 4, is right, where we really start to see these disability rates going up. So this is employed people 16 to 64 with recording a disability and this goes all the way back to 2008. It might be a little difficult for the viewers to see. But this goes back all the way to 2008. Yeah, Dr. Paul 18:33 yeah. And I think the important thing there is in 2020, when we had the Wuhan strain, and then the Delta the worst, deadliest strains of this SARS cov. Two virus, you don't see the disability spike up yet only after the shots get introduced in 2021. Dr. Alan Palmer 18:49 Right. Absolutely. Absolutely. So here, here's another one, maybe we can share too, that will help underscore this point. And another thing is following the excess deaths around the world, excess deaths in all of the highly vaccinated countries are running somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 to 30%, for the most part, sometimes higher. And this is a chart by he calls himself as the ethical skeptic. And I've been following him on Twitter and this person is really on top of things. But what he does is he looks at the different coding the different coding it from the government and how things are how desperate code and so forth. So this is ages zero or birth to 24. So this is very young people. And if you look at 2018 and 2019, and even through the pandemic year, the excess deaths were really pretty level there. But right about within the first quarter or so of 2021 you can see a trajectory upward and again, even in young people for which the virus was a was very mild and not severe and typically not was high morbidity or mortality. You can see once the vaccine were rolled out the young people, how these excess deaths are continuing to escalate all the way to present day and look the worst the highest point, hobbled probably in recorded history at 44.8%. This is the thing that frustrates me, Doc is theirs. Do you hear any kind of discussion, public discussion by our health agencies about these excess deaths with those kinds of rates, that there would be a major and they everything else should grinds to a halt? And we should figure out what's causing these excess deaths. And the fact that they're not tilt that speaks volumes, right. Dr. Paul 20:39 I remember reading one report the insurance companies, right, they'll do their actuarial and I remember reading that if you have a 10% year to year increase, that is a one and 200 year event. Yes locking 30 40% unheard of. There is so much harm being created by these shots. It's a dumb question. But what's going on? Why is how's the CDC doing with regards to giving us accurate information and statistics? Dr. Alan Palmer 21:08 It's interesting, because as I've been following this over the course of time, it seems that it's very difficult for us to find accurate information from our government, at least compared to several other governments in the world. The United Kingdom has been quite transparent with their vaccine data, they were already showing through their surveillance reports they were already showing as of April in May of 2021. So about five months after the rollout, that the vaccine efficacy was dropping significantly. So they they were very out front about it. At the same time in the United States. Here. Everything that was being pushed through the media was saying that the vaccine has continued to be protective. And so they held on to that narrative forever. Even much longer than evidence now shows from the disclosed emails from the email tranches that once again, the informed consent Action Network was able to obtain that the CDC knew that the vaccines did not stop infection or transmission far before they related to the public. In fact, all the mandates in the fall of 2021 came after evidence shows that they knew this was a fact yet they continued to push those mandates. And maybe I heard again, and they're about to do it again. And maybe I'll just show you a graph here that exemplifies one of the things that really came out pretty early on. Now, this is the end of 2021. This is from the UK. And this shows weeks 49 through 52. So December of 2021, so about a year after the vaccines rolled out, and as you can see for the different age groups along the bottom, and it's a little bit distorted, because I had to magnify this to be for your viewers to be able to see it pretty well. But it's about 123% Negative efficacy. So originally, they sold vaccines as 94%. Effective that would that line would be way up 100%, right. So you can see within the course of a year for all these age groups, how how far that vaccine effect, effectiveness had dropped. Now negative of effectiveness actually means that you're more likely to get infected, much more likely. And that's what we've seen as people have gotten more and more boosters, is that they're actually more likely to be infected, not less likely. And so here's another one that Dr. Paul 23:35 just shows sharing that information, right? There's still there's their narrative is still that it's this is a disease of the advanced, which is the Dr. Alan Palmer 23:42 Yes, absolutely. And and after the third booster came out over in the UK, you can see how this negative efficacy dropped even further for some groups. And this is within the first part of February 2022. So not much longer. Look at that 40 to 49% age group or 4049 year age group, minus 171.51%. These are the kinds of statistics we've been seeing out of certain countries. Israel has been pretty good on their stats. I would love to share one there if I Dr. Paul 24:14 could. Oh, please do. Yeah, I think it's so important for people to see data that's been suppressed for us the countries that are actually doing a better job of getting the data out there. We need to see it. Dr. Alan Palmer 24:26 Yes, and I think this is a pretty good one. This shows deaths in Israel again in young people from birth to 19. From 2017 to 2021. So you can see the red color is 2017 on the left of each of these months, and then 2021 is the blue. Reason I think it's important on this point is to when you seek and can see as of March 2021. That blue line were a hit spikes up to 80 there that is after young people in Israel started to get the vaccines and then you look at April May In June, June, this was an incomplete month at the point that the data was released. But you can see a very unusual trend here with young people dying, once again as compared to all of the other years prior at a much higher rate as after the vaccine rollout. Yeah. Wow. I mean Dr. Paul 25:23 that. So if you're a thinking person, and you see this information, the data you showed from Britain, and this other one now, from Israel, and, of course, our CDC and public health departments, and your doctor is likely to tell you, Oh, you should probably consider the fall booster COVID, blah, blah, blah. What would you say to that? Dr. Alan Palmer 25:45 I think everyone has to do their own risk reward analysis, as I say, but there are many countries in Europe and so forth now that are not recommending any worse shots and people under 50, I think you need to consider all different things and make your own decision, I would never tell somebody what they should do. I've always taken the position that people should be allowed to see information on both sides of the argument and then make up their own decision. But certainly, for me, if it were me or my family, I think but you're in relatively good health. Once again, more shots, you get more likely, you're probably going to get infected, as the data shows clearly, that I believe that it's not a good idea to continue to push these shots. And then the other thing, and maybe I can share a slide that since we're on this topic here that I think is relevant. This slide right here is right off of the CDC website, and it looks at it's called the variant tracker, the vaccine that's coming out the booster that they're making the decision on right now is based on if you look at the highlighted spot, lower left there, that highlighted bar with red star, it's based on the XB b dot 1.5 variant. And if we look back in May, on the very left of that upper part of the graphs there, that is represented by that darker blue color, where I have bisected it with a red arrow, I've drawn that arrow through there. And you can see the prevalence of that variant in May, it was quite high. And so there's where they're developing a vaccine to be effective against. And you can see as it goes from June to July to August, the present day, right now. And you can see that in that bar on the lower left, that variant only represents about 3% of the infections that are out there right now. It's actually you can see other variants that have like the EEG dot five is 21.5%. That's the orange one at the top. So that one is becoming more predominant. So the shots are coming out at a time when that it's designed for a variant that isn't even really around anymore. It's almost on its way out. And since. Dr. Paul 27:55 So the vaccine I'm trying to remember you may know it's gonna have this X BBB 1.5. That's almost gone. And then I think, is it still are they still putting the Wuhan strain? That's completely gone? Dr. Alan Palmer 28:06 I don't know. 100%. I believe I have heard that they are doing that still. But I'm I don't want to speak. Yeah, on a turn. I'm not 100% Sure. But I do know that there been, they say 30 different mutations along the spike protein just between two of the more recent variants. And so there's been so many the viruses mutating so rapidly in comparison to the shots that are coming out that they're I believe that their effectiveness is going to be minimal, if anything at all. Dr. Paul 28:36 So yeah, it's like you're getting folks, if you're gonna go get this fall booster, you're getting a vaccine for a strain that's actually already gone. Dr. Alan Palmer 28:45 Yes, that essentially it's gone. When there are people like bandhan VandenBosch, who believes that the vaccine program when you're vaccinating in the middle of a pandemic has Riven, the the mutations in the virus is going to survive at any cost. By throwing vaccines in the mix, you're in the middle of a pandemic, it's forcing the virus to adapt at a much higher rate. Viruses will always in your familiar dock with viral evolution, they typically will evolve so that they will become more effective, but less lethal, less, less deadly. And that's what we've seen. But we've seen that the rate of mutations so fast, so we're never going to keep up with it with technology or with these gene therapy tools in this kind of circles all the way back to early treatment, right. circles back to things we've never heard from our public health agencies. Optimize your vitamin D levels, somewhere between 60 and 80. Keep it in that range, get tested and make sure you're in that range. take vitamin C take zinc, for signs of illness, take quercetin, zinc, selenium, vitamin C, all the different things that have been shown to be effective. In fact, in my newsletter every month, I've had a nutrient of the month for the last 14 months and I've covered things that have peer reviewed research are showing not only their effectiveness against the SARS cov two virus, which is the virus that causes COVID 19, but also other kinds of respiratory illnesses and viruses. So there are so many tools that people can have including exercise, and fresh air and good sleep and stress reduction, all these things that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention should be talking about, but they're not. Dr. Paul 30:23 They're not. So the CDC in their wisdom, or lack of it, I would say, added the COVID shot to the childhood immunization schedule starting at six months of age. And I am hearing local pediatric offices patting themselves on the back for having a high rate of vaccination against COVID for young children and infants, knowing what you've just presented here, and maybe you can speak a little about natural immunity and how and why it's superior. Therefore, why children have not needed this shot anyway. What do you have to say about what do we do for kids, Dr. Alan Palmer 31:05 children have compared to adults have a much stronger innate immune system, the innate immune system is like the first line of defense when our bodies are exposed to a pathogen. The innate immune system doesn't require previous recognition of a virus, like the adaptive immune system and antibodies and so forth. So this very strong innate immune system they produce interferon it much higher levels and adults. So they're very well suited in part of it a child's development of their immune system. I shouldn't even be talking about this doc, because this is your area of expertise. But I would love to share my viewpoints. Part of it is being exposed to germs when we had the lockdowns from COVID and everything was sterilized countertops, hand sanitizers, all these different things. They were kept away from other children. And from being exposed. I think that's one of the reasons we're seeing increased rates of viral infections and some viruses that really hadn't been very predominant in on the scene from for years or ever making a resurgence is the fact that children need this training, if you will, of their their innate or natural immune systems. And then I believe I shared a paper with you that I would love to get your take on doc, which is a recent paper, it was just published August 26. So less than a month in frontiers in immunology, where they talk about the vaccines, these COVID vaccine shots in children, it actually sabotages their innate immune system. And in this study, they found that children who got the COVID shots were more likely to get other kinds of respiratory and other kinds of bacterial and viral infections. So yeah, I would love to, I would love to just get your take on that. Dr. Paul 32:50 Thank you for bringing that up. That is a very important point, folks, if you're listening, if you have kids, if you're contemplating giving your child a COVID shot, it's not a vaccine, but whatever you want to call it, we now have a paper in the peer reviewed literature that's showing it will actually increase your child's risks everything else, other viruses, other bacteria. Now, it's interesting, that fits exactly with what I learned from my practice. When I published the data of comparing the vaccinated variably vaccinated kids to unvaccinated kids. The more vaccinated you are, the more infections you get, okay, and it's speaking to exactly what you were sharing about the natural innate immune system kids are, they're exercising their immune system all the time being exposed from the moment of birth, you're just being exposed to viruses, bacteria, you name it. And they're identifying self and non self. And this is dangerous. And this isn't and developing both arms of the immune system, really. But when you vaccinate, you're just pushing that adaptive that antibody response. And what that seems to do my data shows it this article shows that you're shifting the immune system to just focus on one thing, to the exclusion of everything else. And I think therein lies the harm. And I think he brought up a really good point also about all the over sanitation and so the distancing and the masking just, we should have done what Sweden did. They let their kids go to school with no masks throughout the whole thing. They might have paused for a month or something when they were trying to figure out what the heck was going on. But their public health officials wisely realized kids need to be exposed. And by doing that, those children and Sweden became, in a way the protective barrier, right? We were said this line where you've got to protect Grandma, you don't want to go till grandma, if we had let our kids get whatever was coming. They would have been protecting grandma because they couldn't infect grandma. They already got sick and have immunity. Dr. Alan Palmer 34:55 Absolutely, absolutely. Yes, I followed sweet and very close. slowly throughout the pandemic, I highlighted them with a lot of stories on the results of their, because they became the control group. So the world really, they're the only country that stuck to the original pandemic preparedness plan that the World Health Organization had happened. You know, that's another thing, we changed all of that just for COVID. And in this concept of giving a vaccine and causing someone to become more susceptible to other viruses is not anything new. Throughout my wealth 100 studies ebook, I've got a lot of studies in there and information about that, in one of the interesting studies came out, ironically enough, I believe it was published in January 2020, where the government commissioned a study in the military, and they followed military personnel who had gotten a flu shot. And they looked at the other kinds of viruses that those people got, as compared to the ones that did not get the flu shot. And the ones that got the flu shot, interestingly enough, had were infected, about 20, I believe, was about 24%, more likely to be infected by Corona viruses, which again, then ended up being what was rolled out just shortly thereafter, as as part of this pandemic. There's dad I got when my putting my newsletters to showing that countries that had very high flu rates, also looking at very high deaths in their elderly, from our flu shot rates per shot had very, very high deaths and their elderly from COVID to so many studies, going back years show this phenomenon of viral interference. And I would say yeah, with two parents who are considering having their children vaccinated, I would, if it were me and my kids, I can't speak to what you should do. But if it were me, I would push back against that with everything I have. Some of the data that came out of the UK, which was very revealing to is, is they found that the mortality rate for children was somewhere in about two per million. And the ones that did die typically did have, it's always tragic, but had comorbidities even Marty Makary, from Johns Hopkins University and his team looked at over 40,000 cases. And they found that they couldn't find a single healthy child that died from COVID. Within their study that they published in healthy children, they're built for this, they're built to defeat these kinds of viruses. Yep, Dr. Paul 37:18 I can second that with the experience. In my practice, I was I'm retired now, but I was still practicing through the first two years of COVID, we had not a single child and up in the hospital. And of course, some parents would get fairly sick or grandparents, but not the kids, if they got a cold. Within a few days, they were fine. And a lot of them never even got sick at all. Dr. Alan Palmer 37:37 And that's part of it. A lot of children, they were exposed to the virus, they had the virus, but they never even developed symptoms, because they had such a robust, innate immune system. Yeah. And then one other thing, maybe if I could just share for everybody, all ages. And this is the most, this is one of the latest as of August 30, from World World of meters COVID data, showing the daily deaths in the United States. And on this graph, you can see that at the peak was about January 27 2021, up there at the top, the seven day moving average of daily deaths was almost 15,000 people a day, at that very peak right there. And right now we're down at 77 as of August 30. So against entire country, right? They have entire country and all ages, and every death is tragic, but people die all the time, from influenza and from other kinds of viruses and different things, as well, especially very elderly and frail people. So when you look at that, and you consider they want you didn't take it was still an experimental shot. And this new shot has not been tested in humans. It's in the track record the old shot has is so bad, right? Do you really want to roll the dice when we see that the pandemic and the severity of these cases are at all time lows? Yeah. Dr. Paul 38:54 From your earlier data, those red box, there's data, you take that shot, you've got a one in 10 chance of something serious happening, there's real probability that it's gonna hurt your heart or kill you. That's not just a remote possibilities. It's happening all the time, and not to speak of it, creating havoc with your immune system. So you can't fight other infections, you are less able to fight cancer. It's it makes no sense. You got it going away, like your data just showed, we know that as viruses mutate, they're less deadly. So it's becoming less and less scary, but they're going to continue on with a dangerous product. It just doesn't make sense to me. Dr. Alan Palmer 39:35 We haven't really touched on the myocarditis or the sudden cardiac deaths. But it's just crazy the number of stories and results, things that you see with athletes and so forth dropping dead on the field. In fact, this morning I spoke with an old gymnastics coach and weightlifting coach that was a mentor in that area for me when I was a Very young boy when I was 1819 years old today, he's in his 80s Now, but he has he's been a weight weightlifting coach for years and he still coaches. He had two former students both he said were 38 years old. That right after they got the shots that died exercising the it was determined that they had myocarditis. And Peter McCullough is all over this, I really encourage those of your viewers who aren't familiar with Dr. Peter McCullough, to really, he's probably the most published or second most published cardiologist in the world, I believe he's with over 700 papers if I'm not mistaken. But some of the studies I've featured in my newsletter recently show that the spike protein from the shots actually infiltrates into the cardiac muscle. And when you have this electrical impulse going through the cardiac muscle, it's like a chain reaction through the muscle as the electrical field or impulse goes through for the heartbeat. And when you have the spike proteins lodged in a muscle is way Dr. McCullough describes it. My understanding from the way he describes it anyway is that it interrupts that signal, it interferes with that signal or that conductivity of the electrical impulse and can cause a sudden, very rapid fibrillation of the heart muscle like tachycardia, the word the heart cannot contract because it's watching or listening to so fast. Yeah, it's again, it's just so tragic. What we're seeing and again, just crickets from the media and from our public health officials about this. They've had to acknowledge the myocarditis carditis rates because it's just, it's, there's been so many papers on it and everything to that they've had to acknowledge that. So that's a small win. But is it really a win win, they're continuing to push the products on people that to your point from a age six on up and recommending these continued shops. It's not much of a win Dr. Paul 41:48 on the infants having heart attacks, folks, it's insane. So, I want you to give me your final word for our viewers. And then I'm gonna have Didi come in interview and she's gonna play devil's advocate with you. Okay. Your final message to our viewers fall is coming. They're rolling out a new campaign. What do you recommend? Dr. Alan Palmer 42:08 Yeah, I'd say do your homework. Follow people like Dr. Paul, follow up the high wire on Thursdays follow children's health defense, look at the articles, look at these organizations that put out the science they put out the peer reviewed science published science. And they ask the hard questions, they really challenge the status quo, they challenge the narrative, you deserve to do that for yourself and for your children, is to really educate yourself. I've got some great resources. Again, it's wellness doc.com. And under my educational portal tab at the top, you can see my 1200 studies ebook, my COVID have accepted a lot of great books, I've just ordered a few of them various things, and my newsletter you can subscribe to and everything. If you want to really stay up to date on a monthly basis with all these kinds of things that are happening my newsletters, typically about 160 to 200 pages long. index with hyperlinks from the table of contents, so it's very easy to peruse and find things as a PDF. So Dr. Paul 43:08 stalking farmer you are a science nerd, but we need people who nerd Yes, thank you for all your hard work. And back on the show appreciate you Dr. Alan Palmer 43:17 like yourself, I have a passion for helping people Dr. Pol. And and so thank you for having me. First of all, Dr. Palmer, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 43:23 thank you for being willing to do this. And so I'm gonna shift into my, my main stream, will you? So I just listened to everything you said with Dr. Paul. I need to know, why should I listen to what you're saying? When EHRs like all these big doctors, media, the news jitter of doctors who are practicing medicine, medical doctors are disagreeing with pretty much everything you said, the government's wares that they care about us, right? So why are all those people wrong than you are right? Dr. Alan Palmer 44:09 First of all, I want to be clear, none of my opinions are my own. I do not have opinions on these things. All I've been doing is investigating and reporting what people a lot smarter than me. researchers, physicians, people who have really dug into this and done the science. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 44:26 Yeah, but Dr. Palmer, those people are part of misinformation. These are people these people have lost their licenses. So why are you listening to them? These they're being censored because they don't know anything and you're listening to them? Dr. Alan Palmer 44:42 Yeah, I think I would. I think I asked everybody to be a healthy skeptic. And what I call a healthy skeptic is somebody who's willing to have an open mind and look at both sides of the equation. One of the other premises I think are principles that I always tell people to do is follow the money trail. I think when you're Getting opinions by people and you're listening to the talking heads on TV? Do they have an ulterior motive? Are they financially incentivized to be able to tell you something that's in their best interest or going to make them money? Most of the researchers that are doing the studies that are disagreeing are not financed by pharma, or they're coming from universities and so forth, where they're not being financed by Pfizer and Merck, and so forth. If you do see some studies, they're typically have authors and people and come from deep roots with pharma, we look at the connections between our government health agencies and the capture of those agencies by industry, not just the pharmaceutical industry, although that is a huge one, you can just see the amount of money that changes hands, you can look at the revolving door between the CDC and the FDA and health and human services in the pharmaceutical industry. There's a report just have obtained that is a more recent study looking at that. And the percentages that it shows the percentage of people that before they, they got a job within Health and Human Services, or one of those agencies, they were working for the pharmaceutical industry, a high percentage, and then once they leave those agencies, they get very lucrative jobs into the pharmaceutical industry. For instance, Scott Gottlieb, who was a former FDA commissioner, when he left the FDA, now he sits on Pfizer's board and gets paid hundreds of 1000s of dollars a year on Pfizer's board, but yet they still had him out there throughout the vaccine rollout, talking about how great Pfizer's vaccine is, you have to think critically. Number one, you have to be a critical thinker. You've got to look at some of these entanglements of government and industry and pharma, and who finances what, and then ask yourself, what is the motive for these other researchers to come up with a different opinion. So I think in the end, you're going to have I remember Robert F. Kennedy saying, when he would litigate against these big polluting companies, we would bring in all our experts from Harvard, and Yale, and Stanford, and they'd bring in their experts from Harvard and Yale and Stanford. And they'd have conflicting data, conflicting studies. But at the end of the day, someone has to decide what the truth is. And I think each person has to come to their own truth, they are all conclusion. But what I would say to that is, make sure that you spend adequate time looking at these old sources of information in looking at the studies and reading and thinking critically, and then make up your own decisions. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 47:33 So I hear you're still playing devil's advocate here. So you don't think the money thing is just an excuse? Because I hear that all the time. It's hard on media people. It's I just I find it hard to believe that money is the reasons aren't, don't they think they're doing the right thing? Dr. Alan Palmer 47:51 I believe a lot of times people do think they're being they're doing the right thing. But I think they can be jaded look at the media, the media is definitely financed in part by Pharma. A lot of these shows are brought to you by Pfizer now, and so forth. So I think that's an important consideration. So let's talk about the results in the United States with regard to the mortality rates and COVID, at least their perceived mortality rate, or their stated mortality rate of over 100, or over a million people dead from the virus, the United States has, by far the worst mortality rate per 100,000 people in the world, we have failed in every category possible compared to most of the world. If you look at the most highly vaccinated or injected people in the world, or countries, they have done terrible with regard to health, and with regard to the outcomes from this pandemic. And so I think if you look at the results of what they've told us, and the ins and results of that with excess mortality with excess disabilities, with all these different things, they've failed miserably on all counts, you look at the countries that are a lot more low vaccinated countries in the world, they have far lower mortality rates from from the virus and from the pandemic. And DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 49:10 I'm gonna interrupt you, because we don't have much time. This is my point, though. It's, it's, it goes back to again, we're always gonna say it's about the money because if those facts were real, and they're right, and they're true, then why isn't this information has rewear? Why? Dr. Alan Palmer 49:28 Let me ask you, Didi, do you feel there's been any censorship of information throughout the pandemic? Do you feel that there's that there people have been Oh, I just watched the news, banned and censored and I think they're DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 49:42 gonna stop playing devil's advocate because it's hurting my heart. If so, I'm not personal now because I know you're a dad and your grandfather to correct yes. Why are you working so hard on this? What is your personal hope for everybody? Because they're such an amazing man. And I see Dr. Paul checking out everything and watch. We really follow you. I've we just I heard him somebody else who I've been talking to that we coach that knows you. There's always such positive when people talk about you and everything you're doing. So you're, I gotta know Dr. Alan Palmer 50:18 what? Sure well, you're, you're so kind. I think my hope is the tagline from my 1200 studies ebook. Well, if 100 studies truth will prevail, and I believe in the end truth will prevail. I think we're seeing that already. I think we're seeing people questioning that regular vaccine paradigm now, because of the overreach and overplaying their hands so bad. With these COVID injections, they're starting to question why are they pushing it so hard? They're starting. So I think that some very good things are coming out of that. And I believe that some momentum is being gained. And but I do believe that the truth will prevail, it just takes people like you like Dr. Pol, like some of the other people I've mentioned in this podcast, and people who are just working hard and diligently because they have a passion and a love for helping people. And they believe they have a heartfelt belief based on their truth of what they've seen the evidence that they've seen. Now the other side has their evidence to there's some butting heads, there's a clash of two, two paradigms, really two different paradigms there. But I believe in the end that, that people will learn to think critically, will make their own decisions and are allowed with the censorship are allowed to see both sides of the argument, just like in a courtroom, and then make up their decision as if they were a juror. That's the way science should be done. Not opposing, eliminating one voice on one side of the courtroom. And so that's my hope that we will get back to that day when that those discussions can be brought forward. And then decisions can be made based on both sides of the equation. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 51:57 Okay, yeah, it's so keep working really hard. Dr. Alan Palmer 52:02 I will thank you so much, and thanks for your support. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 52:05 You're willing to play my game but the personal hope thing I think that's the most important thing. I think we all weren't that we weren't truth or at least we need the freedom to choose what we want to do with ourselves. Dr. Alan Palmer 52:19 Thank you, God bless. Dr. Paul 52:25 I look forward to running together with the wind at our backs, revealing the science that gives clarity in our world that's full of propaganda and misinformation. Visit our website, doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. Your support makes a difference. And let's make this the weekly show the world has been waiting for. Thanks for watching. I'm Dr. Paul. Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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