PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:06
Welcome to with the winds science revealed. My guest today is Dr. Brian hook er he is the co author of a very important new book Vax unvaccinated, we cover the importance of looking at those vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated to get to the true results of vaccination, what it's actually doing to our children, Didi wraps this one up with an incredible get to know you, personal Mom, Dad conversation, enjoy the show. Dr. Paul, coming to you from the heart. I want to talk about division. This has been really heavy on my heart, how we are all so divided. What is going to bring us together? What's going to bring families together? You know, with the division we're experiencing, we need to find the things we can all agree on. So we can get united again. We have this stress of whether you're vaccinate or not. Whether you're red, blue, or some other party. You know, some people believe it's okay to even tell you what you should do with your own body as far as getting a shot or not that somehow it's for the greater good. But if that's the case, then I'm not free to make my own decision. So what can we all agree upon? You know, it rings true to me. We can all agree on love. We can agree to disagree on certain things. But we're all united in that one thing that we all want. We all need. And that's love. So let's agree to disagree. But link arms and love one another. Welcome Dr. Brian Hooker. It's so great to have you back on the show. Dr. Paul, Dr. Brian Hooker 2:03 it's so good to be here is always good to see you and DD as well. And I've been excited for this interview for a long time. Just as as soon as you reached out to me, I thought this is going to be fun. Dr. Paul 2:15 Yeah, you're one of my favorite people. One of my heroes. You just wrote a book, right there, Vax, on Vax, we're gonna get to that. But just not everybody may know who you are and how you got to be someone who could write that book. That's such an important but you have a PhD or the chief scientific officer at Children's Health defense. I knew you back when you were a professor of biology at Simpson University. You did that for a very long time in Redding, California. And of course, now you've co authored this very important book Vax, on Vax, let the science speak. You've got a doctorates you were Biochemical Engineering, multiple awards over the years 70 Plus Science Engineering papers. You've been active in vaccine science and safety since 2001. You have a son, I think, is he 25. Now, Dr. Brian Hooker 3:04 he is 25. Now does it it just goes by so fast. Dr. Paul 3:09 Wow. And I imagine that sort of launched you into this world of autism. Is that true? Yes, absolutely. Dr. Brian Hooker 3:17 I had never prior to my son's vaccine injury, and he was injured when he was 15 months old, when he received three vaccines while having an active ear infection. And prior to that, I was very pro vaccine. If you look at my wife and I, she was the one asking questions. She was the one really perusing the Vaccine Information Sheet, which, as I was very inadequate, but and I was the one that was like, Oh, these are great. This is the best thing since sliced bread. He'll never have the chicken pox. That's so convenient. And so I very quickly when I saw what happened before my eyes, didn't about face and that really launched my investigation into why aren't there studies? Why aren't there vaccine safety studies? Why is this the most under studied? And the studies that are produced by federal officials are very, very dubious in nature. Dr. Paul 4:16 Yeah. And I how quickly so? What if people might try to accuse you actually of being one of those anti vaxxers but as you stated, you were all in on vaccines? That is correct. And then something happened maybe just briefly, what did happen to your son? Dr. Brian Hooker 4:36 What's interesting when my son was born, most of the vaccines on the schedule contain thimerosal the mercury containing preservative I had about depending on the Hepatitis B dose that was 12 and a half micrograms of mercury. The rest were 25 micrograms of mercury. And so he was actually developing slowly and from the very beginning It was odd, he was slow normal, we would always sort of get him up to normal on his Denver developmental protocol when we would go to the well baby visit. And I remember thinking, this is not normal. Something is really off here. But it wasn't Intel, his 15 month appointment. He was fussy. He had an ear infection because we saw an Ear, Nose Throat doctor that same day and he was diagnosed with an ear infection. And then being the dutiful parents that we were we brought him in the same day for his 15 month well baby visits so he could get his vaccines. And we asked the nurse practitioner, is it okay to vaccinate a sick child? And she said, Oh, yeah, we do it all the time. He's not really that sick. And let's just an errand just, you know, inflammation happening already in in his overtax system. And so that was really cataclysmic for my son. He was weird. He ran a low grade for about 18 days, and then his fever spiked to 103. And then as soon as that spike happened, and that there was so much neuro inflammation, I believe that was going on at that time. Then he lost his language up to that point, he had about 10 words. He lost that for a while he stopped walking, he would not walk unassisted and became wobbly and lost all eye contact was very much change very quickly. And then he received his diagnosis of autism at his next well baby checkup at 18 months. Wow. Dr. Paul 6:35 So that happened pretty fast starting around the T and you really noticed something correct must have gotten the MMR because that one will give you that long lasting inflammation. Probably that with some other things. Is that what he got? Dr. Brian Hooker 6:47 He actually got the MMR at 12 months. Were a little early on that he that day, and I'll tell you what really concerned me was it was the oral polio. Interestingly, he received the oral that was back when they were giving the oral polio virus vaccine. And then the got the head which contains the Marisol and the detail, which contains Marisol. So those three vaccines and aluminum Absolutely, and that was really, I've thought of MMR. We didn't really notice a change after MMR. But it was so difficult because we were literally my wife and I did this he was an only child. So we weren't cramming for his Denver development. I remember teaching him how to crawl. And I thought don't babies just do this normally. Dr. Paul 7:35 That's fun cramming for your Denver developmental Dr. Brian Hooker 7:37 we were Yeah, yeah, we would cram for the dimmed or development and devise ways so something was really troubling. Even before 15 months. Dr. Paul 7:45 Yeah, yeah. Wow. And then of course, wow, when I really got to know a view was around 20 1314. With you got involved with CDC whistleblower William Thompson. Yes. So in our literature, as a pediatrician, there was that famous article in gringos 2004 I in our journal called pediatrics, where they claimed that there was no link between MMR and autism science is settled. We never need to look at this, again, vaccines don't cause autism as if you can settle science. But it took a while what just briefly tell us about William Thompson, because I think that's so important for people to understand that the science was there was a lot of fraud involves. Absolutely Dr. Brian Hooker 8:35 there, there was a tremendous amount of fraud in the shell game. Really, if you look at the original paper, there are results that show there's a statistically significant relationship between the timing of the MMR vaccine and, and and then more specifically in male children. And the author's explained it away. They said, Oh, it wasn't autism. It was vaccines not causing autism was autism causing vaccines because these children were diagnosed early and they had to get their vaccines early to get in special ed programs made absolutely no sense because if that were the case, you would see that in boys and girls both. And when you looked at girls, only that relationship disappeared. It was specific to boys. Then Thompson comes along and he contacts me in 2013 and starts really confessing regarding the fraud around autism and vaccines in the CDC. And we were talking about the Marisol and the MMR vaccine, and he encouraged me he helped me go through the front door of the CDC get the public use datasets for that study. And he encouraged me is that he got he actually got me data for three different studies. And he said, do this one first. And I thought that's interesting, where what are you guiding me to do? And I did the research and I found that in African American males, the rate of odds his own was 3.86 Compared to 3.86 times higher for those that got the MMR on time, versus those that just delayed the MMR until after three years of age. And so it was it had been buried there were actually false results in the original paper, this sort of indemnify the vaccine, especially from race effects, and then different race categories. And so he guided me through that process. And ultimately on we shared many phone calls hundreds of emails, he shared about 10,000 pages of documents to really document the fraud that was going on in the CDC that involved primarily Coleen Boyle, who was the director for the National Center for birth defects and developmental disabilities. And then Frank De Stefano, who was the director of the immunization Safety Office, they were really thick in this fraud. And we went public with a statement in August of 2014. And then the whistleblower story came out, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, produced a series of videos that were released the same week, I published a paper based on the results, that paper than because of the fear around the CDC whistleblower story, that paper was ultimately retracted by the journal in October of 2014. And you sir, you've gone through a retraction. It's a weird sort of gut punch experience, Dr. Paul 11:37 is you do all this good work, you get something through peer review published and then for bogus reasons, I'm sure it gets just bone, take it down, you discredit the author, discredit the journal discredit the paper, and therefore, those findings are no longer important. We, you know, there's the findings are still the findings. And there's valid as they were the first day but people Dr. Brian Hooker 12:01 won't pay attention to them. No, they won't. They won't pay attention to the results. And it was you can still access I think the first page of the paper online, but it has this big scarlet letter retracted watermark on it. And and the journal never really gave me a good reason for the retraction. They, there were there was a few hand-waving comments that I should have used multiple data sets to come to my conclusions. Even though the CDC always uses a single data set for their papers, I had to deal with multiple data sets. And so it was so dubious, that when I've never really found out who was behind that particular retraction, but it happened very swiftly. And then the I republished the results and also talked about a phenomenon called isolated autism, which we know more as regressive autism, where the CDC also found a relationship and hid it. And that paper was published in 2018. Dr. Paul 13:00 Yeah. So what happened to Boyle and de Stefano and William Thompson, they're are they still at the CDC? Dr. Brian Hooker 13:07 Dr. Thompson is still at the CDC. I do not have direct contact with Dr. Thompson. He is really underground. I think I every now and they hear rumblings that he's friendly to our movement. I saw an Instagram post that that he actually commented on a book children's book about vaccines by Shannon kroner, and I was I was heartened by that. But he's still tucked within the CDC, in a place where I feel unfortunately, the wrong voices speak to him every day. And he is getting the voice of denial and deception. Dr. Frank De Stefano recently retired. Dr. DE Stefano has a child with autism, he has reached out to our community in the past to find out how to keylight mercury out of assists. So it's very odd sort of this contradiction of terms what he does publicly and privately. And then Dr. Boyle retired a few years Dr. Paul 14:06 ago. Yeah, fascinating. And those 10,000 pages I remember reading, they were given the Congress, but nothing happened with it. Dr. Brian Hooker 14:15 Nothing really happened with our big advocate in Congress. It has been for a long time Representative Bill Posey, and he even asked for Dr. Thompson to be subpoenaed. He said it on the House floor in 2015. In crickets, nothing ever happened. This needed a federal investigation. And what happened was that I filed a formal complaint. It went to the Office of Research Integrity of the Department of Health and Human Services. And then they said, Oh, we're going to have the CDC do a self review on this. So you can imagine what happened. Every time I reveal Myself I really come out smelling like a rose, Dr. Paul 14:55 either. Yeah. Okay, so it's fear that our government agencies, the CDC, etc, they're not going to do for us what we need to do. So you embarked now on this incredible journey to come up with a book vaccine on vaccines, because that's what we've needed, right? We've needed. And I know you've written already at least two really stellar papers with vaccine vaccine data. Walk us through this, coming to the creation of this amazing, amazing book. Dr. Brian Hooker 15:27 It really started with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. And he had a meeting in 2017. With He was accompanied by del Bigtree, Aaron Siri and Lynn, redwood, all personal heroes of mine amazing, amazing cohort of people who met with Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins, basically to say, Where are the studies? We need studies where you compare vaccinated children to unvaccinated children? Why is this never been done? Even the Institute of Medicine in 2013 said this needed to be done. And of course, Dr. Fauci with much bravado said yes, these studies exist. He wheeled in this sort of file card with folders of papers, he rifled through these papers, and he could not find one that was a vaccinated versus unvaccinated study or that had a true placebo control. And so he said, exasperated, I'll get you these I know they exist, I'll email them to you. And of course, they never heard from him again after the meeting. And Bobby Kennedy was undeterred. He said to me, Kant reached out to me in 2019, and he said, We need to find these studies. I know they're out there, and they're hiding in plain sight. And in 2019, he and I both started searching PubMed. And whenever we found a study with an unvaccinated cohort, then I would take it converted into graphics and to summaries that were easily digestible, easily understandable, easily easy take home messages, and then he would post them on his Instagram account. And so I thought, oh, we'll find a few studies in this will be fine. We can post a few things on Instagram 60 studies later in two years later, and we had continued to do this, he continued to post on Instagram. And his Instagram site, Dan was taken down as long with his C was D platform from Instagram and Facebook in 2021. And we looked at each other and said, This is a book we need to get this out in some way, shape, or form. So we continued our research through the COVID-19 era, and found 30 more studies on COVID-19 plus 10 additional studies on Vax that we had not seen before. And so now we have this compilation vaccine Vax let the science speak. And it's really a compendium almost a guidebook to guide you through these 100 studies that we've found where there were vaccinated individuals compared to unvaccinated individuals. Dr. Paul 18:00 So folks, there is now a book that is guiding you through data that can be sometimes difficult to pull out of the studies because they weren't. A lot of these weren't really set up as vaccine Vax. But you were able to find datasets within studies, right? Dr. Brian Hooker 18:16 Absolutely. Some of them were some of them were really very straightforward. vaccin vac studies. The leader in this is Dr. Anthony Matson, and he produced a study in 2007 vet study it six about 660 homeschool students that were surveyed through a homeschool organization. And that was really the first study that came out in the Journal of translational science. And then I followed you followed with with Dr. James Lyons, Wyler, I followed with Neil Miller. But then the rest of the studies are almost hiding in plain sight. They weren't specifically done with the intent to compare the outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children or adults. But we went through these studies with a fine tooth comb. And when we would see that sort of opening where, yes, this cohort is unvaccinated, and there was a comparison done, then we decided to include it in the book. Dr. Paul 19:13 Yeah. Before we're done here, I'll have you summarize some of the biggest findings that you have uncovered. Talk a little bit about the vaccine safety data link. What it is and if you've accessed that data, tell us more about that. Dr. Brian Hooker 19:27 The Vaccine Safety Data Link is CDC its own private database, based on the medical records from 10 HMOs. Across the United States, it includes the Kaisers it includes Group Health Northwest it includes Harvard Pilgrim Medical Group in these large HMOs and they aggregate these records of about 10 million individuals including over 2 million children, and it's all their medical records. It's not just related to vaccine It's all of their medical records. And so I, I went into, I was blessed to work with Dr. Mark and David Guyer, who are really the only independent researchers who have ever been granted access into that database. I went in in 2012, and 13 as their programmer. And so we were able to actually go into the belly of the beast, they put us in a room at a CDC satellite office in Rockville, Maryland. With no air conditioning, we were not allowed to bring cell phones. The computers were standalone isolated, no internet access, and all of our output. While we were there was censored. All of it was they had to read Mark any output that we came up with. And from my estimation, there are at least 10,000 individuals in that database who are completely unvaccinated. They exist. Wow. So it was a really strong take home message that CDC could do this study any day. Now. It's not for lack of information, it's just lack of willingness to do it. They really do not want to know what will happen with these unvaccinated individuals. The gyres were kicked out of the VSD. Soon thereafter, I think in 2015, or 16. So I was summarily kicked out of the DSD. And now it's the standalone CDC database, by the way that cost 30 million taxpayer dollars to maintain every year, and we don't have access to it. Now we don't have access to it, we need access to it right away. I've tried to FOIA it using the Freedom of Information Act. They always say patient privacy concerns, and then there's this way that you can apply for access. But really, it's a 20 year road to nowhere. It really is it's a ruse, you cannot get access to the vaccine safety data link, period, end of sentence, but it's this large repository of information. And if we had access, oh, what we can find out right about vaccinated versus unvaccinated individuals. Dr. Paul 22:05 Yeah, you and I have both done these studies. And yes, well, they've got a larger group there than what we've had access to. So my hunch is they know, but they cannot let that information out because it will destroy the vaccine program. And they care more about the program than the health of children. Dr. Brian Hooker 22:24 They do care more about the program. They're incentivized to care about the program. As federal government employees, if they get a patent on a vaccine, then they can make upwards to $150,000 a year of royalties on top of their CDC salary. And so there's a very strong conflict of interest, including then a revolving door between the CDC and industry. And that's true for really lots of federal officials, especially in the HH H complex. We know, of course, historically. Dr. Julie Gerberding, who was the CDC director, I think through 2008, then became the vice president of Merck, and the President of the vaccine division of Merck in 2009, with a $4 million signing bonus, and so there's lots of money to be had if you tell the line regarding vaccines. Dr. Paul 23:15 Wow. Fascinating. So what control groups are done for these vaccine safety studies? Dr. Brian Hooker 23:24 That the CDC completes? Yeah, yep. The CDC will do things like for example, rather than doing is say so to Marisol, the main Mercury containing preservatives, rather than looking at individuals that have had the Marisol in their vaccines versus those that have had none. The CDC will look at those that have had a high level of the Marisol in their vaccines versus those that have had a little less. Okay, so their control group is just maybe this delta have a few micrograms of mercury difference between the two means, and they say we don't want to include those who got zero thimerosal because they're on vaccinated and unvaccinated people are weird, and they have different health care seeking behavior. And so they have all these weasel words why they can't do that. So they've never done and predictably, when you do that type of study, you don't find a relationship. It's overmatched. The controls and the n the vaccinated group or the exposure group are so closely matched that there's no way you would find a difference. Dr. Paul 24:31 Yeah, it's the old tobacco science trick. You smoke two packs a day I'll smoke one pack a day. We'll see who dies in a week. Oh, we both lives tobacco is safe. Dr. Brian Hooker 24:41 Absolutely. Same thing. Same Dr. Paul 24:43 100 studies for your book share with us what are some of the key findings? What are the things that just stood out? Dr. Brian Hooker 24:51 The key findings for the vaccination schedule are encompassed in chapter two of the book. And of course that feeds Here's Dr. Marston study my studies with Neil Miller your study with James Lyons Weiler. And then Jack's follow up study in the International Journal of vaccine theory, practice and research. I wanted to highlight that as well. And then other studies that some are published, some were actually done independently and not published in peer reviewed journals, like by the control group or the Dutch association of conscientious vaccinations. And then another series of studies in that chapter. Were accidentally they looked at fully unvaccinated versus fully vaccinated children. And what you find is that the rate of chronic illnesses, especially in vaccinated children, are, the rate is much, much higher. When you look at things like autism five times higher in fully vaccinated children versus unvaccinated children. In your study, you looked at office visit the number of office visits for vaccinated children for specific disorders, which I think is a genius way to do it, because you look not only at the frequency, but the severity of the disorder, the it's a wonderful paper. And but you see, again, more and more asthma, more and more AD D ADHD, speech and language problems, developmental delays in general, gastrointestinal issues, allergies, nasal allergies in the Mawson study were 30 times higher in the vaccinated group, compared to the unvaccinated group. And it's not only that, but infectious diseases, respiratory infections and ear infections, typically were four times higher incidence in the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated control. So vaccines aren't even protecting against infectious disease. It's a one two punch. Dr. Paul 26:53 And you found that with several studies, I'm sorry. You find that in several studies, Dr. Brian Hooker 26:58 that was affirmed by several studies that was not just a one off that was several studies, and then asthma and allergies. There was a study done in 2005 by Rachel and Rica's and her co authors, and that was an accidental the unvaccinated work called vaccine resistant paper, which I really, I thought that's an interesting term. But she found that asthma was 11 times higher in the vaccinated group, and allergies were 10 times higher in the vaccinated group. And these are being affirmed over and over again, by different studies by independent researchers and independent authors. It's not just the same club of individuals that are doing these Dr. Paul 27:42 studies. Yeah. I was fascinated to read in your book about the studies group of them actually, that came out of Africa when they were looking at the DPT. Yes, they're a tetanus Pertussis vaccine. Now that's the old whole cell DPT That was horrible. And I was practicing when that was still available. Before the US introduced the a cellular. And yeah, kids universally had high fevers. It was a rough vaccine. But you found some interesting things, didn't you about mortality and the share a little bit of Oh, you found from those and that's been known since about what 2004 Or five, something like that? Dr. Brian Hooker 28:19 Correct. There were there was a group of researchers in Denmark who focused on Sub Saharan Africa. And in that the primary investigator was a Dr. Peter ab. And he looked at mortality of infants all cause mortality of infants receiving the PT the wholesale Pertussis vaccine, which is still distributed in many nations in the developing world. It's not a acellular pertussis everywhere, the DPT is still being manufactured and distributed. But he found that girls had a five times higher mortality rate if they received the DPT versus those that did not receive the DPT vaccine. They also saw other effects in terms of the sequencing of vaccines and the DPT was seemed to be the really common factor the equation, if they gave the DPT following a live virus vaccine, then the mortality rates in some instances went up by 10 times. Okay. And so it was difficult the temporal sequence of they would give like a live measles vaccine, just the MV and then they would follow it up with a DPT vaccine and and it just was a sort of a mortality producer on steroids. Dr. Paul 29:40 So they've got this data that their vaccine program is killing children. Yes, at much higher rates than if they had done nothing. What was their response to this data as far as the health programs that they were rolling out in Africa? Dr. Brian Hooker 29:57 It's is too interesting. The US Assad because some of this was commissioned by the World Health Organization. Some of this study was, I believe Dr. AB started independently. And then by 2011 12, then there was a committee or a subcommittee of the World Health Organization that will looked into this phenomenon. But the studies have been produced in in released crickets. There has been no response. They've been ghosted by the World Health Organization. Of course, we've seen that with different studies in the United States with the CDC, where all of a sudden, the famous Harvard Pilgrim study by Ross Lazarus, all of a sudden CDC didn't return their phone calls or their emails. Dr. Paul 30:41 Yeah, that was the one where they figured out that only less than 1% folks of the adverse events were actually reported in bears. And that's what we're left with is looking at various because there's nothing else to look at vaccine safety. And as little as 1% is getting reported. And I know that's true. So I was a pediatrician who was fairly aware of the fact that vaccines carried risks. I didn't report to theirs, because I have made the connection, all these things. We're talking about the allergies, the asthma, the add the other infections, I wouldn't have ever reported any of that as vaccine related because I hadn't made the connection. Not exactly not to speak of how incredibly difficult it actually is to walk through a report. But I was horrified to read in your book, correct me if I'm wrong, I think this is where I read it. That in Africa, where they have this data that that wholesale DPT is killing kids. That's the metric being used for how well a country is vaccinating? Dr. Brian Hooker 31:50 That is correct. Unfortunately, yes. That is what they're looking at. And there's it's a trumped up risk benefit ratio, because there's there is indeterminate information on what would happen if they suspended the vaccination program. And so of course, there's always these horror stories of diphtheria, tetanus, or whooping cough, ravaging the population. Even though tetanus is preventable, it is it is treatable by antibiotics, pertussis, there are treatments for these particular diseases, but they always factor in the worst case scenario because these do such a good job at protecting against infectious disease, and you gotta crack some eggs to make an omelet. Yeah. And there they go. And so this is the metric that they use that, yes, vaccine uptake is good in these sub Saharan African countries. And it's really unfortunate. Dr. Paul 32:50 So unfortunate, it almost reminds me of the works doing the same thing in the United States about hepatitis B for newborns, hospitals get graded on quality measures, and they all want to be Baby Friendly hospitals. And I think it's crept in, I'm not 100% Sure. But there is so much pressure in the hospitals to give the hat beater on day one, that I know it's got to be a quality measure, because otherwise there wouldn't be that pressure. And so you're measured as a good hospital. If you inject 250 micrograms of aluminum to a newborn who that's way over there safe dose. It's insane. Dr. Brian Hooker 33:28 Absolutely insane. And you look at that in and the metrics for aluminum are really highly unknown. I've seen a limit for premature infants of five micrograms, five micrograms. Oh, and I know that it is the exception, not the rule that premies skip the Hepatitis B shot, there are certain weight limits, and there's a protocol, I believe that's associated with that, and specifically in hospitals, but premature infants that are not extremely low birth weight, are still getting the Hepatitis B shot. And so it's very, it's stunning. The level of financial incentivization around vaccinations has always been astounding to me. And it's nothing It seems to have nothing to do with public health. Dr. Paul 34:19 Yeah. With that statement, financial incentivization let's pivot to COVID. I imagine you address I know you're dressed because I read your book. What did you find out with regards to the COVID shots? The COVID shots Dr. Brian Hooker 34:34 are ground zero for vaccine adverse events. They really are. One of the things that we did very, very quickly was if there's comparison of the data and various although it is woefully inadequate in terms of capture, you can still do relative studies, we looked at the number of various reports for the COVID-19 vaccine versus the entire 32 year History of bears. And what we found was that currently, there are just under a million adverse events reports for COVID 19 vaccines in various in the United States. That's just us only. And then you look at the rest of the history of EHRs. There's only 800,000 reports. When you look at deaths, there are 18,000 deaths associated with a COVID-19 shot on bears. There are 5000 deaths for the rest of the vaccination schedule, over the 32 year history of EHRs. And I could go on and on. So folks, 30 years of all vaccines, side effects added together got 1820 Different many more brands, but huge amounts of vaccination, over 30 years and one illness one shot basically Maderna and Maderna, Pfizer and a little bit of j&j in the US, it does have now killed more people with those vaccines than all other vaccines combined. War hospitalizations more. And we know from that Lazarus pilgrims, hybrid pills pilgrims group that, at least for the general side effects, they're probably picking up less than 1%. So if you talk about a million side effects, that's 100 million. It's this is devastating. It really is absolutely crazy. And finding vaccin vac studies at first looking at COVID. I thought this is very new, I will probably find very few studies, we found over 30 studies to on COVID-19 alone, and many of them, if not most were for cardiac adverse events, things like myocarditis, especially in adolescent and young adult males, pericarditis, Bell's Palsy, especially in females aged 65 or over was another one that really jumped out at five times increased incidence in shingles after receiving the COVID-19 shot. And so we saw this whole this Yeah, there were there was this body of literature that unfolded very quickly, showing significant adverse events, and a significant rate of adverse events. Let's not in the book, but I've heard Peter McCullough say that the rate of cardiac injury around for myocarditis, he estimates his over 2% of all the individuals that got the vaccine, that is huge. Yeah, it was such a significant portion of the population. Yeah, Dr. Paul 37:38 it's absolutely crazy. So I'm just gonna ask you to speculate on something because this is your wheelhouse of research. In the past, there was a pattern, at least it felt like there was and I'm thinking back to rotavirus, and we had the Rotarix that had a number of interceptions and deaths, and they pulled it from the market. Of course, they ended up putting two others on the market that still had similar side effects. But that's another story. But at least they made an attempt to say, Whoa, we've got something that right here, we need to pause. Why are they not pausing with this COVID program, the side effects are through the roof. That is such? That's such a good question. And it's so ingrained from the start of the pandemic, when the virus hit the shores of the United States. The first thing that we heard about was a vaccine that didn't exist. Vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate, and so we were all waiting for this vaccine Messiah to pop up on the horizon, which it did, and December 10 2020, and people started to get the vaccine and droves immediately. In Dr. Brian Hooker 38:53 Pfizer's own database. They recorded 1223 deaths associated with their vaccine alone, which was one of three that was being distributed in the United States. And but crickets, absolute crickets, you remember, and you've cited other evidence of pulling vaccines. They pulled the swine flu vaccine in 1976 for 25 deaths. Okay. And but yet Pfizer themselves were attributing over 1000 deaths to the vaccine, but it seems the powers that be and the operation warp speed which connotes to the images of Star Trek and Captain Kirk and Picard and all those it was this patriotic duty in order to get vaccinated so you could protect your country and you could protect grandma and you could protect democracy somehow by having this experimental gene therapy, but it generated so much revenue. Nia and it was on the rails from the absolute very beginning in and I don't want to ascribe nothing areas forces if there aren't nefarious forces, but why would you take an untested technology? This mRNA vaccine technology never used an approved vaccine before and incorporated around the most toxic part of the virus to spike protein to spike protein is causes coagulopathy. And it's a known fact and knowns. It induces platelets to activate. And so you will get micro clotting if you're exposed to the spike protein. So Let's inject it into everybody. Our bodies make more of it. Exactly, exactly. So we can be called spike protein production factories. In Dr. Pol, the technology that they use in these vaccines are the same is very similar to the technology I've used in the past to transfect cells to actually genetically modified cells. But they told us no, they will not jump into our genomes, that genetic code will not jump into our genomes. Not so it's just it is so ludicrous. Looking at it and looking at the assertions that they made. It's magical thinking but you think all the sudden Tinkerbell is going to come on horizon and just pour pixie dust over Fauci and Birx and colons and all those minions. Fauci was the puppet keeper, the other rest of her minions, but, but it was such magical thinking, and but again, $56 billion to Pfizer, $34 billion to Maderna, lots and lots of money associated with this whole thing, people voting themselves rich over the pandemic, including Anthony Fauci, whose net worth doubled more than doubled over the period of the pandemic. Dr. Paul 41:44 Yeah, so obscene amounts of money, maybe it's just that in itself is enough to corrupt at such a level that you're willing to tinker with possibly destroying humanity, and you start fixing our genetic ability to make spike protein that can kill you, it seems. So we have a task at hand, you and our community and all of us who care about humanity, we've got to get people to wake up. Because the government's likely going to come to our rescue. We've even I've figured that out. As have a lot of other people, more and more people, maybe that's the blessing of COVID is going to wake some people up. So we need to get your book in the hands of as many people as possible. What other strategies do you have for helping wake people up? Because I still feel like too many like, way over 50% of the country is still sleepwalking. What are your thoughts on that? How do we reach people? Dr. Brian Hooker 42:44 I really think that the federal government, Mr. This pharmaceutical Industrial Complex has OVERPLAYED THEIR hand with the COVID 19 vaccine. And so I'm like opening a question why I think it starts at the grassroots level at the personal level. My wife has a saying that if she spends three minutes within three feet of a stranger, she's going to talk to them about vaccines. I'm not so sure the three minute three foot three minute rule. And she makes incredible friends. In the line in the grocery store, they're like, she's Oh, I was talking to this lady about vaccines. Now we're going to have coffee and everything. I'm like, How do you do that? Oh, my goodness. It's just amazing. My wife is very charming. But I think that getting it out at the grassroots level, and then making sure that during this opportunity, where people are starting to question now they're pushing mask mandates again, and they're saying, Oh, we're going to have a vaccine, and this time it will actually work. I think that this is the time to capture the opportunity. And I am fortunate to work with children's health defense, we're doing a lot in terms of working with key members of Congress. There's so much going on in litigation, but really, it's just being able to spread the word. Unfortunately, we're blacked out on the mainstream media and you know that very well. In the mainstream media. I get a paper retracted. That's the story. You are in trouble with a medical board of Portland, Oregon. That's the story not not the fact that you were just with the paper you were actually addressing what they had asked for in the first place. That's not the story. But still, you're like the Energizer Bunny. You keep on pushing and you keep on getting the word out. But Dr. Paul 44:32 I'm amazed at your tenacity and sticking to it. So thank you for that. Dr. Brian Hooker 44:38 Thank you but I think this is an opportunity we have to capitalize on I really do and I think it's every person involvement. It's everybody that is is going to their part and really sharing somebody my my my hope is that this gets in the hands of people who are making vaccine decisions Bobby and I I've worked very hard in order to make this an accessible book. And so I really want people to read this book, who are in the crux of making vaccination decisions. Dr. Paul 45:12 Yeah, I would say this book right here vaccine vaccine. It's good for you, the viewers, even if you're a parent, because the graphs are easy to understand. So I like the color graphs throughout the book that must cost a fortune to do but I'm glad you did. Because they just pop out at you. And you can see it's a, it's so visually easy to understand. And so you don't have to be a scientist. But then like you said, this is well referenced. And folks, you can get a copy of this and give it to your congress person, give it to the school board, if they're trying to bring in mandates of any kind. We've got to get this information out. So I'm really grateful for that. Yeah, thank you. And I look forward to sharing the stage with you in Savannah, Georgia in November. Absolutely, that Dr. Brian Hooker 45:57 is going to be a hoot. That's going to be like a three day party. Dr. Paul 46:04 A lot of important people coming together to speak the truth about what's going on and what we know. I am going to Oh, before I leave, I'm gonna come and get personal with you maybe play devil's advocate put you on the hot seat. Before we do that, though, I like to get Have you have a final word to our viewers. Dr. Brian Hooker 46:24 Wow, a final word. I want this book. And I believe I speak for Mr. Kennedy, to to inspire conversations with your medical practitioners, about vaccines, I really want to I'm a PhD and an MD, I don't get medical advice. But I really, I see. Taking this book into your practitioner, having your practitioner read that book. And if your practitioner blows you off, then maybe it's time to vote with your feet. But I hope that this really inspires frank conversations for those people who are providing medical care, and that we can impact them in a way that will be meaningful. I think that I think it's every person involvement. I think that the groundswell of the health freedom movement, we can really affect DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 47:23 change. A man, amen. Thank you. Thank you, Dr. Brian hugger for joining me for being willing to have me put you through some fire here. So a lot of people who when we talk about autism, I constantly hear and the pushback when someone signs up for you can't blame vaccines for that. Autism is a neuro diversity issue. That's what this is. This is a brain thing, if you will, what do you say to those people? Frankly, Dr. Brian Hooker 47:57 when my son was first diagnosed with autism, we did a full laboratory grown up of him. And it was like an atom bomb was dropped in his system. It was a multiple system failure that happened. Autism has a gut axis associated with that. Even the most leading mainstream researchers, Simon Baron Cohen, who has been the hallmark of autism research, never talks about vaccines completely dismisses the vaccine hypothesis, but yet he will talk about the gut brain access ends when you look at this as neurodiversity. Is it neuro diverse for my son to suffer symptoms of that are like Crohn's disease? Is that a neurodiversity issue? Because when you look at that, in when you look at the presentation of autism, and of course, dd, you know, that if you've met one person with autism, you've met one person with autism, they present much differently ends, but there is a phenotype and there's a very strong, prevalent phenotype. Where do you have the gut brain axis where you have neurological pain, where you have gut dysbiosis, where you have Frank gut pain as well and one swelling, then distension. And there's so many different things, mitochondrial dysfunction, which is also then been shown to ramify in over 40% of children with autism diagnoses. So you can't dismiss the medical aspect of this. You're really you're cutting off all systems at the knees just to say blanket Oh, they're neurodiverse DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 49:33 Do you think that's just because some people believe that and I've heard this and it just kills me when I hear one parent, say to a parent, the vaccine injured child. Oh, you're just blaming it on that or an autistic child? Excuse me? Oh, you're just blaming it on the vaccine because you just don't know how to raise a child so you blame me on the vaccines but you don't have to feel guilty about what you're doing at home. That Now that I can't wait for that to be set in front of me again, I'm gonna handle that situation. But what do you say to that? What if were you just blaming it on a vaccine or Dr. Hooker because you didn't want to face the facts? No, I Dr. Brian Hooker 50:14 actually tested the science. We've been told trust the science, it's actually wrong. It's test to science. And so I tested the science on my son and looked mechanistically looked biochemically looked genetically at was he predisposed for vaccine injury. I'm sorry. We did the hard work. We sweated in this instance, in order to give vaccines every benefit of the doubt, and I'm sorry, they did come up wanting and if you've done that assessment, and you've come you support Bruno Bettelheim, that it's really just bad parenting or whatever nuts to you. But we have, and I think I speak for so many people that have autistic children that have attributed it to vaccine injury. We've done the hard work, we've done the heavy lifting, we've done the analysis, and we are using that causation. And we're using that information now to build a better future medically, Dr. Paul 51:17 for wonderful special children. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 51:19 Right. Exactly. That's Thank you for saying that, because that is what's important. So let's talk a little bit of personally with your life. So your son is 25. Correct. I'm guessing he still lives at home. Dr. Brian Hooker 51:31 He does live in home with my wife and I you have other children? No, I don't. Okay, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 51:36 so what type of therapies have you done yourself? Like when you got this autism diagnosis? Did you What did you do? First of all, I like what you just said you make you decided to see what the cause was. So for vaccine injury, knowing it was that what do you do? We detoxify Dr. Brian Hooker 51:55 my son first and foremost, and we culated mercury out of them because he got so much mercury from the Marisol from his infant vaccines. He was also hyper accumulating other toxins from this environment like antimony fire retardant materials. It was in his baby clothes it was in so we threw out all of his nice Carter's baby clothes, and we got the cheap stuff at Walmart that didn't have a fire retardant on it, because he was excreting animality from wood from antimony trioxide fire retardant. And so we had to detoxify him of antimony of mercury of aluminum, of uranium, which was high in the soil and the community where we live just naturally occurring uranium, arsenic in the water. And so there was a lot of detoxification and then a lot of support because we did genetic testing on him. And we knew that his pathways that were associated with detoxification, basically methylation and sulfation, were deficient, so we supported them as much as we could, with glutathione. We even did glutathione and N acetyl, cysteine IVs. We supported that those systems with vitamin B 12, injectable methyl b 12, not cyano cobalamin, but methyl cobalamin, and then also methylene, folate, and then continued on if he was diagnosed then in 2010, with a mitochondrial dysfunction. So we support his mitochondria with things like creatine carnitine, CO, q 10. We've continued with these protocols. And you just really don't stop with autism being medical, we work on healing as God we have a GI specialist that works with him in a combination of some pharmaceutical interventions, as well as supplements in order to heal his GI tract. And he gets scoped every four years, endoscopy and colonoscopy and pill cam to make sure that we're progressing in healing as God when we first got him diagnosed with gut dysbiosis it started his esophagus and went all the way down to his colon. Oh, wow. So there was a lot to do medically, to be able to give my son the best future. And then most recently, if I can continue, I this is a real long answer. Most recently, he's become a speller. And DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 54:24 that's gonna be my next question. Okay, go for it. Yeah, before you say too much. So I want to backtrack a little bit. So you do medical things. Was that like a yearly thing you've done because he's 25. Now you started back then was the gut thing. I just want to help people that are out there that are now dealing with us diagnosis. So you did the gut thing. We did the medical thing. So then the next step is what other kinds of therapies and communication is huge. That's the blocker is we finally figured out, which I have always known that these kids are in there and they can communicate with suggest the difficulty in that. So tell me about spellers for your son. Dr. Brian Hooker 55:05 We have known how smart my son is internally and known that it was just the the roadblocks in communicating and being able to put that forward. And this spellers method really breaks down the differences in terms of of motor planning, motor coordination, this dyspraxia and and a practice. Yeah. And we have worked so so hard on that my son started spelling about two and a half years ago. And you start out with three letter boards, and you ask them, he read stories to them. And then they're answering oral comprehension questions by pointing at the letters. Okay, and then ultimately, they work their way up to a single stencil letter board that has the 26 letters of the alphabet, and then the questions as they progress as their motor coordination. And we've actually also worked with a developmental optometrists for visual motor, as well, in conjunction with the spellers program and the spellers program actually contacted and helped us reach out to this developmental optometrist to do this, and so my son has worked his way up to a 26 letter board. And with his practitioner, he can openly communicate now it's difficult because change is difficult. And so my son can go further with his practitioner right down in San Diego than he can with my wife and I, he still struggles to communicate openly with my wife and I, but he can communicate openly and we're practicing we practice. Every day we spell for an hour a day with my son and two half hour segments. And the thing is that he's related, that things are life changing. We having my son, wish his mom, a Happy Mother's Day today, her this year was just it was such a treat. We were in tears, these things that have you that have been unlocked, are so vital in as he's continuously improving. Then we look at other spellers who have moved from a letter board to a keyboard, they're using iPads. People like JB Handley and his son, Jamie Cade Larson and his mom, Jen, are so inspirational to us. We've met with Caden, Jen, personally, directly, my son has met Cade, and been able to interact with him. And so the sky's the limit, we're so happy with this, and we really feel like we're unlocking our son, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 57:42 then I'm guessing your advices never give up. Because the more whether it's technology or medical interventions, or whatever, they're, the more they're coming out. One last question about him personally, is, where's he at socially? And what kind of development have you seen there as far as, like, when I work with some of the children that I do, but first, there's no eye contact, there's, they don't want me to touch them. There's a lot of different and that's why they work with me is to be able to talk to me to use eye contact, or even if they're nonverbal, to be able to let them touch them and work on them, and help them with some of the physical pain they have. Where's your son in that aspect? Dr. Brian Hooker 58:23 My son is the ultimate charmer. He works diligently at his spelling, and I used to teach I'm now retired at a university that had a very prolific nursing program. And so we would go take him down to the coffee shop, and he's nonverbal, but he could still use his Wiles to charm all all the nursing students. He is he's quite a charmer. And interestingly enough that you don't think that they pick up on social cues. You don't think that they understand social cues. But this recently happened. We were having a spelling session, and my son was in incredible pain. So we had a meltdown. But he had the presence of mind. And it was frustrating to me and my wife was there. We were both in the room with him. We were spelling. And it was very frustrating to him. It was frustrating to me. And then the next interaction he calmed down, we were able to get him some relief for his pain. The next interaction that he had with me as I walked into his room, he came over he gave me a big hug. And he kissed me on the cheek. Oh my goodness, it was like, I don't know if he was apologizing or what was going on. But it was affirming to me and it was exactly what he knew exactly what I needed emotionally to cannot get discouraged to keep on pressing on Sunday spelling goes well, some days it doesn't. There's a lot of pain that's involved in my son system. And so we have to monitor to that pain. And it's a breakthrough because now he can tell us where the pain is. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 59:58 Right exactly. I'm so happy for you. I look forward to seeing you. Lots of times, I'm gonna like you, they're just gonna get to hang out and be great friends. And I absolutely love your son. Yeah, I'm a huge fan of yours. So thank you for taking time to talk to me Doc always asks for that last word to everybody out there. What do you use? Just personally to some of these dads, a lot of the work for autism for children, when parents need to stay home when someone needs to be there. It's normally put on the mom, generally, that's changing a lot now, but what do you say to the dads? How can these dads even though they're working and doing these other things? How can they really be a part of their children's lives, even though they may feel like they don't even understand them? Dr. Brian Hooker 1:00:47 It is an emotional struggle as a dad, there's a different type of emotional struggle that I think that goes through. There's a lot of pain, there's a lot of guilt. I wish I was independently wealthy and I could spend 24/7 with my son and just work on him and spell and do therapies and all this. That's not tenable. That's not possible. But you really dad need to be able to get it's worth the effort to get to know and really know and understand your wonderful special child, adult son or daughter, it is so worth it. And the other thing is that you never give up neuroplasticity is not for babies, neuroplasticity is for a lifetime. And they've shown that with patients that have recovered from major ailments like strokes and things like that. We are recovering our son from a brain dysfunction, a brain injury that has other things associated with it. And so therefore, we will never, ever stop on that. And I want to encourage dads not to stop not to give up. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 1:01:54 No, no matter how hard it gets. I think that's the thing. And that's that Father's love that I see in you. It's so special. Thank you very much, doctor for talking to me. Dr. Brian Hooker 1:02:04 Thank you so much, didi. It's always a pleasure. I'm so glad that I'm able to be on the show. Dr. Paul 1:02:14 I look forward to running together with the wind at our backs, revealing the science that gives clarity in our world. It's full of propaganda and misinformation. Visit our website, doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. Your support makes a difference. And let's make this the weekly show the world has been waiting for. Thanks for watching. I'm Dr. Paul. Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
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