PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:00
Could it be that our health freedom is truly under fire? Is it possible that our public health officials have been lying to us? How do we seek the truth when doctors have been led to believe in the marketing slogan that vaccines are safe and effective? This show will highlight the importance of informed consent. I'm Dr. Paul Thomas, and welcome to against the wind, doctors and science under fire. Paul here Welcome to show 12 against the wind doctors in science under fire. Our first guest, Dr. Richard Fleming is a PhD MD and attorney who has been researching everything that has to do with COVID-19 SARS COVID, to from way before this ever became a known thing, he is going to share information that speaks to the importance of understanding the gain of function research that has been going on prior to the development of this illness, the SARS Coby, to virus and the vaccine response. So that research has been going on actually, for years and years, transferred from the US over to Wuhan. And he has the evidence, he can follow the money for you. And even is concerned that this is actually part of a bio weapon type of situation. That's over my head, but he is absolutely the person to bring you this information so you can understand it. Fleming method calm is his website, you can go and learn more about man himself and the work he's been doing. But this is a episode you're not going to want to miss. We then have Katie and her son Chris, sharing their story of possible Vaccine Injury. And I bring you highlights from a recent freedom vigil in Salem, Oregon, where I participated with a lot of other amazing speakers celebrating health freedom, and highlighting the importance of maintaining our freedom in this episode that comes around the time of July 4, and the freedom that our country has, and would like to keep. Finally, Bernadette brings to you a different sort of segment today in our in the new segment, where she's highlighting some of the statements being made out of the CDC, and showing you how completely detached such statements are from the data and the information we now have. That way you understand propaganda when you hear it, and you understand that you are actually being spoken to by an industry insider who wants to sell you something really. So don't take my word for it. Watch this show. Enjoy. We're gonna dig deep into freedom. And those things that challenge our freedom. I'm Dr. Paul. Hi, folks, Dr. Paul here from against the wind doctors in science under fire, you need to know about the members only area. So this is a way you can support the show because this show is not having any sponsorship whatsoever. We are beholden to no one. And the reason we can bring you information that you really aren't getting anywhere else is because it's supported by you, the viewers, what you get. However, in this membership section, for the first month, it's absolutely free. And after that for a good cup of coffee for 495. Here's what you get. I've written two amazing ebooks, we will have Q and A's live with me, we have transcripts of every episode, we have full episodes and other well edited episodes that are not in the main show. So you get exclusive content. And I will also be posting exclusive videos sort of from the cuff, when I have a thought that I just feel like I want the world to know about or if I read an article that it's like, wow, this is important people need to know about it. All of this will go in the members only section. So join the team against the wind be a part of the solution our world needs and sign up as a member and support our work. Dr. Paul here with from the heart since I saw you last The United States has celebrated Independence Day. This was a time when there was a declaration right of independence, determination to live free. And I've had a little sadness around the Fourth of July of this year because I've realized that our freedoms are really under challenge. There is a real big threat to true freedom going on in our country today and around the world In fact, so how do we address the most important freedom that I've been fighting for, or trying to help people understand and that's health freedom, the freedom of bodily integrity. So don't you think that you should have that freedom to determine what you put in your mouth? What surgical procedure you might have from a medical institution, what might be injected into your body, whether it be a medication or an vaccine. And if you're a parent, of course, you would want to represent your children. I'm a pediatrician first. And so I feel as though I should speak as a voice of those children who depend on you, the parents to make good choices for them, as relates to bodily integrity, and health freedom. So we have a real opportunity here. And it's one that in the chaos of COVID, it's felt like we're not making clear the choices that you really have as an individual. And I don't want you to lose that freedom, that freedom is yours, you were granted this body, you were granted this heart in this mind and this spirit, to be able to make good choices for yourself and for your children. So what's the answer? In the midst of all this chaos, I struggle with it? And I was reading this morning, an analogy that just rang true and made sense. The answer is love. Okay, that sounds sort of like Yeah, yeah, Doc. But here's the thing. We mostly understand love, like when you love your child, or you love your partner, or you love a certain person, and you just want to show them kindness and do for them and be there for them. That's that personal love that most of us have had the awesome privilege to experience and live with. But the solution comes in the deeper love that universal love. How do we embody that and tap into that, because that's the truth that's going to set us truly free, on an individual level, and as a society and as a human race. So if I'm a lightbulb of love, that's my personal love. And maybe I come into the room and you feel better. I hope. That's beautiful. But what's that universal love that we all have access to think of that as the sun, the source of all light, energy, love. That's the kind of energy we can all tap into, that's available to each of us. And as we try to reach out to each other and understand differences, because it seems like differences are being highlighted all the time. And we're being polarized and pushed to different places where we can't come together, and really be together in that space. Deep within each of us, is that source of love. And that's what I'm excited to share with you because our freedom will come when we unite in that space. So I leave you with that thought, let's not give up our freedoms, let's fight for them. Let's pivot and become a part of the process of opening up to love and energy and light. And thank you for your attention. I hope you enjoy the show. I'm Dr. Paul. Welcome Dr. Richard Fleming, two against the wind doctors in science under fire. You have an MD PhD, and I believe you're an attorney as well. Yeah, for sure. You are very, very qualified. I am fascinated. I went to Fleming method calm. I think that's your main website. And what a immense amount of information that I hope our viewers will visit and dive into that. But I'm most interested in talking with you about your experience with COVID-19. Because I think you're a cardiologist by background. Is that right? Dr Richard M Fleming 8:46 That's That's correct. That's what allowed me to come up with the original theory in 1994 on this inflammable, thrombotic response to a variety of factors where we were first mentioned at American Heart that viruses and bacteria will produce these inflammatory states, which is what COVID-19 is where inflammation and blood clotting occurs and primarily in people that have comorbidities but with the vaccines, people that don't have comorbidities but have a greater antigenic load from the vaccines are seeing the same types of health problems. Dr. Paul 9:21 That's fascinating. I'm really curious if you could take us through your understanding of the origins of the SARS covi. To virus because when I go out in nature, the animals and the birds are all absolutely fine. And it just is a little unsettling to me what's going on with the human race. Why are we so uniquely vulnerable to this Coronavirus? That doesn't quite seem to play nice. Dr Richard M Fleming 9:50 To put it mildly. Sure, good questions. Um, well, I think most people back in 2020 at the very beginning when I started with the research protocol to get To investigate using not only that theory that I talked about 94, but a patented method that I have that measures tissue changes so that we could every three days determine what effect treatments are having. During that same time, I began looking more deeply into this virus and what makes it different or unique compared to others. And the farther Of course, you dig into that information. The more material you find about the development of this virus and a year ago, a lot of people use the term quote, you know, conspiracy, when you would discuss something like gain of function, even though that's a real term that's kind mirik is is kind of scientifically how it's set up. Where you combine a climber is more than one animal combined together, you know, we have that way back to Greek mythology. But gain of function is something that has been funded by the US government for three decades, probably a little bit more, were the original goals sound very, very good and very noble upfront, which is to try to stay a step ahead, or two ahead of potential infections so that we would have a good handle on how to treat them. But you know, one thing I think led to another with all sorts of funding available and people with other interests, simply doing research where they started modifying these viruses. Many of the players are out of the United States and China, although not all of them are. And the United States has been very generous with our federal funding from NIH, from NIH D from the Department of Defense from health and human services from a variety of federal agencies, a lot of that money, but not all of that a lot of it has gone to a Pieter de zek at eco health, who then funneled that money to Ralph Berek at the University of North Carolina and choosing Lee in Wuhan at the Wuhan Institute of Neurology. And over the course of time, you can see many papers that they've published as a result of their research. The original work really kind of reflects back more to berec re reverse transcribing, taking the genetics and developing a Coronavirus code urbani you are ba and I am restoring that genetically. And then she's mainly working with some very similar coronaviruses with different types of spike proteins, one called hkcu for in her original work, she admits to inserting HIV glycoprotein 120 into those viruses to help make them infective. And it worked. Obviously, humans are more susceptible because these coronaviruses there's there's many of them, seven of which infect people, including service COBie one from 2002 MERS back in the 2007 era, and then SARS COBie two which was actually first described by the Chinese in 2006, when they put together a combination or a climber virus that included HIV, hepatitis C virus, sirs, COBie one answers, COBie two. So we know that they were working back in that era on it, there's very good data from one of the patents that I talked about that barrack has for Comerica viruses, changing the spike protein of coronaviruses. So when Dr. falchi, and other people say that, you know, the US says, had no gain of function research with this virus, all you have to do is go find the patent where the NIH actually gets money from the patent. And it's specifically for changing the spike protein of coronaviruses. Now, patents very, very interesting, because they just very clearly talk about all these different components of different viruses that they've merged together, you can't get a patent for a good idea, you have to demonstrate that it actually works. So they have adjusted that. It's very clear that if you look at actually, so I guess back up if you if you think about PCR testing, which many people have heard about, but they've heard basically bad things about a very, very good test Kary mullis, designed that test to basically look for genetic information. Now that only tells you have the genetic material is there. So you know, a lot of people have ever referred to things that Kary mullis, who patented that test, that he said, it's not useful for diagnostics. And if that's true in the sense that it doesn't tell you if you're going to be sick or ill, it merely tells you if the genetic material is there. And Moses was very clear that you stop this test at 20 cycles. And of course, the United States and other people decided that they I guess were more intelligent than The man who'd patented the test, and ran it into the 30s and 40s, which is a substantial uptick in what you're doing to look for information. But done properly, that test is ceased at 20. And if you go read his patent, he was very clear that this gives you everything that you need to know. And anything more than that doesn't doesn't help you. And it doesn't tell you if what you're looking at is alive or dead or anything else. It just identifies it. So that is, that's a brilliant piece of work that he did a brain patent that was used and abused by an awful lot of people. But the point for bringing that up is at the Chinese back in 2006. Use PCR to prove that in fact, they had put together these four different viruses quite effectively. So we know it dated back then. We know that Ralph barix patent that was issued to him, beginning back in 2015, included the chi Amharic or Vina function viruses. We also know if you read through that patent, which is a lengthy patent that it actually says that the treatment the antidote for the virus is the spike protein, which is what the vaccines are doing, we look at them. But in understanding these vaccines, these drug vaccines, you one thing that I think has been said is that these vaccines can contain the genetic sequence of the spike protein. And I will guarantee you that I've looked at the analysis of the genetics of Pfizer and majorna. And they do not match the spike protein genetics. The proteins are more similar. And what is intriguingly similar and consistent is the prion like domain region at the top of the spike protein that they did not mess with. They have kept that in there. So it's interesting that they they first off their statements that it's exactly what the spike protein is, is false. I've got the data to show that. Secondly, what they didn't bother to change was the prion domain. And for your listeners who may or may not know, a prion is an abnormally coded protein. And when abnormally bloated protein comes into contact with normal proteins, it will change those proteins and make them abnormal. And one of the so in the brain, if you look at the brain of somebody exposed to prions, they It looks like a sponge. So in medicine, in science, we call that spongiform encephalopathy or sponge like brain, in general public speak, that's referred to as mad cow disease. And so this by this bio weapon is literally you know what everybody thinks of it as a virus. The virus is the delivery mechanism. And the weapon is a prion disease, which is extremely effective. It's why the the humanized mice and the rhesus macaque models that were used to study the effects of this spike protein, show brain damage, show mad cow disease in the humanized mice, it shows Lewy bodies equivalent to Alzheimer's and other neurologic diseases in in the rhesus macaque primate models. Now before the listeners get too stressed out with that, because it doesn't sound very good for all of you. Our research showed that we were successful at treating COVID patients 99.83% of the time with a treatment regimen that we used outside of the United States in seven different countries. And I've proposed treatments for people who've been vaccinated who are symptomatic and concern as well as people who are concerned about having become ill with what's called shedding which we don't know exactly what's being shed. But we certainly see people responding as if they had a vaccine, even though they haven't, because they come into contact with other people. So we've seen some success outside of the United States already. And inside the United States, although this is another people taking this on using these approaches, actually, successfully helping people with these problems. It's also interesting to note, and I know I'm going a little over the top here that a good old fashioned drug called heparin, which is something that we had all of our hospitalized patients on because remember, my original theory talks about inflammation and thrombosis or blood clotting. And if you put somebody in the hospital and you don't let them move very much, though, tend to form blood clots, so it seemed to me likely that any intelligent physician would automatically put you on something to reduce the blood clotting. That heparin itself interferes with the ability of the spec protein to to attach itself to human cells. So a lot of work to develop a bio weapon that is, you know, the goal was not, I think, to kill people, because a good weapon doesn't kill your enemy, it destroys them, and disheartens them at their very core. So they basically give up fine, if you have something that causes damage to the brain or damage to the heart, you have a pretty successful weapon, Dr. Paul 20:30 you talk about two different ways this vaccine or the virus itself can harm us the inflammatory, the thrombotic, but also this entry into the brain by the nanoparticles. And do those two or three mechanisms pretty much cover all the mischief that's happening? And is the vaccine worse than the natural disease? What do you think about that? Dr Richard M Fleming 20:51 You know, there is some very good research that's been shown that people probably have some natural immunity already, based on a couple of other infections that have gone on the the attitude that we have to keep vaccinating people because they their antibody titers go down, antibody titers go down on everything. If you had antibodies floating through your bloodstream of everything you've been exposed to your blood wouldn't be able to flow, it would just be one thick, gelatinous mass from all the proteins. What is critical are memory cells, T cells and B cells, which are two different components of our immune system that are critical for dealing with anything that's not supposed to be in your body. So those are those are the keys not whether you have antibody titers flitting around some of the antibodies to this virus, by the way, to one part of the spike protein called the N terminal domain. In 2020, a socket Japan physician showed that one of the reasons why people who didn't get better who had antibodies were because they had more of these n terminal domain antibodies, which opens up the spike protein to make it more infectious. So also why sometimes people don't do better with convalescent titer is because you may be getting titers through blood from somebody who has too much of the N terminal domain antibody. The You know, one of the one of the vaccines that I think is that you are beginning to hear about is something called Nova Vax and Nova Novavax when you use the term nano nanotechnology is probably the one you should be thinking about. Because as I tell people, this is my 53rd year of research and in my mind, I can't imagine what nightmare somebody woke up with for for this particular drug design. Because what what Novavax is, is it takes a virus that cannot infect humans, it can only infect MOS mot HS, it takes that virus, and it inserts the DNA that matches this service goobie to inside that virus, and then mas mot HS get infected by this virus. And they make bits and pieces of spike protein that are then harvested from the MAS. And they have to be coalesce together around nano particles, which just simply means small particle and and then with edge events are things that will irritate your your immune system to cause it to gira then is injected into people. So you have to say at what point in time were you did you wake up and think, I think it would be a great idea to use a virus that only infects mas to to insert the DNA of an RNA virus. So it takes more work to make it into MMA so that we can make bits and pieces so we can attach it to something with other chemicals to inject energy. Oh, that's a bloody brilliant idea. Clearly, they didn't wake up on day one thinking of that, that means that they've been doing something like that for some time. You don't wake up, nobody wakes up. But I don't know what type of drug induced hallucinogenic you would have to be on to do that. Dr. Paul 24:03 Yeah. So you've given us a lot to think about. I'm just curious to you and I are about the same age because I was in medical school in the early 80s, as well. So we're in we're entering the risks zone for this particular virus. We're supposed to go out and get vaccinated. Have you done that? No, no. Are you going to know? Why not? They say it's safe and effective. Dr Richard M Fleming 24:26 Right. So if you actually want as you probably worked on several videos on the emergencies, authorizations, many of those have been taken down from me too. But but the documents are still on the website. And if you actually read through the EIA documents, what you see is that if you if you do the math, and the data is there, amazingly, if you go in and you look at it, it is clear that people who got the vaccines, there were fewer cases of COVID in that group compared with people who did not. However, if you do what I do as a research Scientists and you statistically analyze, you know, you do that math to determine whether these differences are real or not. It turns out that they're not statistically different. Dr. Paul 25:09 How do we reach our colleagues and the masses who are fed an endless stream of fear? Nonsense? I would call it. Do you have suggestions of how we can help people wake up to the data? I mean, it's, it's right in front of us. Dr Richard M Fleming 25:23 Right? Well, you know, I think there's a lot of people that are talking about it that really are are not talking about the data, they're talking about themselves. They're they're trying to, I think, be seen as important and be recognized by people watching, this isn't about me. This is about the people, and sharing the truth and the information. So I think for all of us to focus on just doing as much as we can to get the evidence out, the reason why plumbing method was set up, even though that's the nuclear imaging approach that allowed me to measure all this and heart disease and cancers, the goal, much of it is focused on this virus, and none of it is charged to anybody. I've gone to great effort, along with many other people to help put it together to make these materials available for people to download. We've had some very good people team up with this to make events go live around the world, so people can share it. But there are some very good people out there that are getting the word out. And I think the truth is much more powerful than the lies and misinformation that have been disseminated. There are a lot of people who want to believe. And I understand this, it's that sense of security that they have that they want to believe that the the political system and the judicial system and the medical system, and and all of that are above reproach, and they're always doing the right thing. But history is full of lessons showing us how governments and groups have abused their power. Part of what we need to do is provide the information to people. When I first started presenting some of this in February in Dallas, there were some people who said, Oh, that's way over our head. But I had other people that said, Do not dumb this down. And it doesn't matter whether you can regurgitate the words that I'm saying, or have a complete knowledge of what I'm talking about. I think what's important for people is the common sense. And they know when people are telling them the truth, and they know when people are lying to them. And I am arguing right now that I think 30% of the United States population, I know other people around the world that I communicate with are waking up. And that type of waking up, that real awareness is coalescing into larger and larger groups of people. So part of what we're going to be doing is working with the young people in secondary school and in colleges, to encourage them, we're going to talk with them, and be airing some things in the next month about what is true and what misinformation they have been given. And I think the kids are going to be a major part of turning this around. And I want the college that I want that secondary school kids, the middle school and high school kids to to join together to coalesce and to say, we're not going to be vaccinated, we're not going to be masked, and we're not going to be told we can't come to school. I want the college students to say the same thing. And if your university is taking money from the people that have been providing the money for this skein of functional research, and blocking the medications and the vaccines, which are the federal government, the Gates Foundation that helps the foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, if your university is more focused on getting money from these foundations and allowing students to be students and behave intelligently, I think it's time for the students to say, Look, I'm going to find another university to go to, because no University is unreplaceable. Nobody cares whether you went to a particular University in the end, they care about the knowledge base that you obtained. And today, no University has a leverage that's greater than anybody else because of the availability and knowledge. And I think the students need to say, you know what, I'm actually paying to go here. I am not paying to be abused. And I think it's time for the physicians and we're going to be doing one for physicians stand up and say, I took an oath to practice medicine, not politics, or law or something else, but to take care of my patients and that's my obligation. I think it's time that they take a look at their oath. Yes, it is extremely painful. And so last but not least in the messaging out there is to not only emphasize how important I consider these things are and to drive this message as I'm doing it, but to drive the accountability for these people to be held legally accountable. So I hate to sound like an advertisement. And you know, I understand that we're coming out with a book on September 7 called is COVID-19, a bio weapon, a scientific and forensic investigation, where I'm exposing where the documents came from, where the money's came from, what gain of function research this is, the goal is to make a difference for my children, my grandchildren, and everybody else gets the benefit from that, because I can't see myself leaving a worse world for them than was given to them by my parents. Dr. Paul 30:53 Wow, I'm sure looking forward to that book. And folks, you can go to Fleming method calm, right, that would be their resource for now. Yes. And I know the event 2021 is on there. I've I've watched your intro video, folks, you will get a nice overview of this powerful information that Dr. Fleming is bringing to us and sort of makes it all makes sense. So turn off the news, get the real information. And what would you like to tell people in your parting comments? Dr Richard M Fleming 31:21 Well, I think it's time for people to have a serious talk with their kids and their loved ones about what's what's being done to them, I think it's time for them to have a serious conversation with their doctors, their physicians and say, I expect you to be my physician, not the physician of the federal government. And I think it's time for people to contact their senators and representatives and even the president united states and demand accountability for the people that have put this gain of function weapon together. I know other people have said it. And I've been saying it that I'm calling for a second Nuremberg Trial, to hold these people accountable. I'm working with people in Europe, I'm working on some cases that are coming before the International Criminal Court. I'm working with people in here in the courts in the United States, and some in Canada and Australia as well. And the goal is to spread real information and to quit being told who you can talk to what you can say, if what you're saying is true, it will bear the course of time. That's why these documents were put on funding method calm because you can read them, you can determine whether they're scientifically valid or not. If you can't, you can hand them over to somebody who can who can who can look at it and go wow, I did not know that. Amazing. Dr. Paul 32:36 Thank you so much. Looking forward to your book, maybe we'll get you on after that books out. talk again, because we just touched on so many things. I know you have so much more you could share. Maybe we'll get into treatment at that point. But thank you for your information that you've shared with the world. And for your impressive work. You're really doing important work. Thank you. Thank you. Bye. Hi, folks. Welcome to another segment. And we've got an amazing episode section here. You got some water. That's water. You like water? Cool. Cool. You brought your puppy with you. You're going to be a service dog, aren't you? good service dog. You're just a puppy. Okay, so thank you for coming on our segment today. against the wind. Thank you for coming. Absolutely. This is amazing that you're here and you've got a an incredible story to share. And I'm just in gratitude that you were willing to come share with share with the world. What, what this journey was like for you? I think you can probably go right back to birth. Katie and Chris 33:52 We can actually we can go to eight months. in utero Dr. Paul 33:58 in utero. Katie and Chris 33:58 Yes. So um, I came from Illinois, eight months and year drive. It's January. This is huge when she 14 Dr. Paul 34:10 Uh huh. Katie and Chris 34:11 And, um, my ob was like, hey, you're due for your T gap shot. And I'm like, Hey, I'm pregnant. Well, it'll protect your baby in the womb from Dr. Paul 34:25 2014. That was around the time they started doing that. Katie and Chris 34:29 Right. And so I'm like, well, will it prevent him from getting vaccinated so early? And he's like, yeah, it'll be fine. hymen skin. So good. Yeah. And at 30 seconds after the injection, I had a huge wealth, the size of a quarter of $1. Right. And I immediately went into labor and options. Yeah, Dr. Paul 34:57 I would call that folks. a clue. Katie and Chris 35:00 Yeah, big clue didn't have any clue before we have the clue, right? But Dr. Paul 35:05 we couldn't reverse it. And you said something I have to repeat. We couldn't reverse it. Folks, when you get a vaccine, you can't take it back. Katie and Chris 35:16 And so I proceeded with contractions for the next month. And then he was pulled out at 39 weeks because he was showing he was an extremely large baby. I was showing 48 weeks, he was showing 44 weeks on the ultrasound or like, he was gonna do a C section. And so they placed him on me, he was fine. He was perfect. He was nine pounds, six ounces. 21 and a half inches long. He was a big Viking, Dr. Paul 35:48 Viking, Viking. Katie and Chris 35:52 So everything was great. He came out. My milk never came in. And I had a really hard time accepting that. Yeah. So he was bottle fed. 40 ounces is what he was drinking his two months. Dr. Paul 36:11 He's big kid. So I usually see kids will take up to 3036 at most 40. That's like a record 40 Katie and Chris 36:17 Yeah, 40 ounces, he was 12 pounds 12 and a half pounds, two months. And the pediatrician, so gently put it So when are we getting vaccinated? I recommend doing that. Right. There's the standard, the T dab to polio. And that when you get up the news, and I'm like, Well, wait a second, I just had a really bad reaction with the two dogs. And I went into labor with them essentially, for fun. I am not comfortable with getting the data for right now and the others. And he's like, oh, it'll be fine. You know, we're just preventing him from getting sick, blah, blah, blah. Well, he doesn't have your breast milk. So you might as well give him extra protection. And I'm taking right give him Well, I mean, he's got a good point. Unknown Speaker 37:13 Yeah, sure. Does he? Because I had a really horrible reaction, the clue, right? So clue then every Dr. Paul 37:23 two months. So he got the full day five or six vaccines, Katie and Chris 37:28 right? Immediately, he stopped eye contact. And he went from big, healthy, beautiful boy to we're not going to eat now. And I call my pediatrician frantic. He's only eating 12 ounces a day. What do I do? Dr. Paul 37:55 for him? That's a huge change. Katie and Chris 37:57 So 14 to 12. not okay. He starts losing weight. Yes, this this little this, I'll ask him Oh, kiss I remember hearing Dr. Paul 38:07 your story that he was failing to thrive. I mean, he just wasn't gaining weight. So that went on for months. Katie and Chris 38:15 The four months I think you need to take him to a speech language pathologist and show you know, he obviously is having trouble eating. We need to fortify the formula. And you need to send him to children's to nutritionist up in Milwaukee. So we fortify the formula. He starts constipation. He starts screaming for months vaccine got all the format vaccine. He got all yo Yes, oh, they're safe. doing okay with them. We were instructed to wake up every three hours in the middle of the night and offer him by bonuses of food. And if he doesn't take it, well offer it in another three hours but do not offer it more than every three hours. Right? So if he goes six hours without eating, that's fine. Right? Because we have to make his fight and flight mode kick in so that he actually gets hungry. Oh, that didn't work. He went from eating. He would eat oatmeal versus drink his formula. I didn't have a clue what was going on. I was horrified. January 7. It gives him this nightly you know it's midnight. Hey, Chris. Time to train. chris chris, he was totally not responsive. And I'm like it didn't know if it was because he was exhausted or what was going on? And so, okay, we got to get him to the ER. So he popped him in the car in his car, see Rustom drove 100 miles an hour to the walking children's and they're like, Okay, well, he's hydrated. He's not eating. Let's give him the energy tube. He had four mg tubes in six weeks. Dr. Paul 40:29 Yeah, because eating was the biggest issue. How was he doing with development at that point? I contact Oh, nothing. Nothing. You said he had lost eye contact. He totally lost icon. Two months. It sounds like yeah, I think you ended up getting a chiropractic evaluation, Katie and Chris 40:44 the fourth and G tube. And I'm like, he is regurgitating and just complete. Like the exorcism vomit, right? Anytime anything more than three ounces, hits his stomach, he just brings it right back up. And I'm like, he's going to die. That was my fear is he's going to die. So I'm a massage therapist. I do massage therapy, real therapy, massage therapy, myofascial release via john Barnes, which changes lucky. Dr. Paul 41:15 Imagine you have given him a few massages. Katie and Chris 41:18 Yes, lots. And so I took him to like I had to quit but my boss was like, how many acts he's a chiropractor. He'll tell you what to do. Because at that point, we were looking at a JPEG to over looking at major surgery. Because he wasn't tolerating the CNC to like weak path to get nutrition and it was going to die or so. I'm like, I am at my button. I've lost Okay, chiropractor who ever come so it takes five calls to get a chiropractor to see him because he's so sick, nobody wants to touch him. And this one chiropractor in Gurnee, Illinois. It's like, I normally don't see patients and like new patients every Wednesday. He needs help. Going to see him now. Bring him in. She didn't even have time for him. She made time. So he went from not eating. Or he would eat just in his sleep to not eating at all. And I brought him in. She did this little spinal thermographic roller that tested how hot the spine was. She got some palpating and she said has he cried? He said no. He doesn't cry. He hasn't cried in four months. That first shot. He stopped crying. She said something so key. She's like his see one is so out of alignment. It's twisted, flipped and rotated. He can't possibly get to such slow motion down. I said How does one see one come that far out of alignment that it almost kills the child. Your see one? anytime something enters the body or you smell something that could old have olfactory and you're allergic to it, your see one comes out. That's when I learned those vaccines causing his c one. His nervous system was strapped up. He could not produce the hunger signal. He could not cry. So she's adjusting him. We're giving him suppositories because he wouldn't poop his alpha was out of a lineman, right? So she just he, immediately she's like, okay, you're gonna see the cranial sacral therapist. I'm like, okay, whatever she's like, in the meantime, sit down and feed your son. I like, well, you don't know. He hasn't eaten in a while. He's been awakened for months. So I sat down really nervously and I gave him a battle. No, this is this is not gonna work. He took nine out of formula right there. Just immediately after, yeah. Dr. Paul 44:38 Take us through what's happened since you know we've had this opportunity to interact with him and he's, he's moving now he's grown. Way move right. can move anything he wants to right. How's he doing with with sort of the residual, you know, learning is still challenging. It looks like probably Katie and Chris 45:00 So he is 100% there. Yeah, he just doesn't stop. And he's nonverbal. But he's starting to talk. And he's got a really bad they call it the sensory processing disorder. Very happy voice. Yeah, he is happy. He is very, he does not know strange Dr. Paul 45:20 experience with the, you know, kids like this is the intelligence is all there. The wiring is all there. We've just got some a number of things that are preventing him to have access to it. Katie and Chris 45:35 Yeah. And his Temple Grandin said, she said some of the most powerful the most fearful thing I've ever heard her say, an autistic brain receives more information information than a neurotypical and that is why they shut down. Yeah, Dr. Paul 45:51 it's overwhelming. Right. It is, is developmental trajectory. I mean, you had shots at two months up until then he was fine. Happy Baby. Yeah, making eye contact. Absolutely. That you lost that? Yeah. Katie and Chris 46:06 Until he was three. And all the while he was still low muscle tone failure to thrive. He was in early intervention until three when he aged out. But all the time, his whole right side was contracted, he would only use his right leg to go up and down the stairs. Because that was his strong side. Dr. Paul 46:36 He had motor skill issues, probably gross motor, obviously the walking upstairs and then the fine motor. How was that his ability to Oh, to do the pincer grasp was horrible. Yeah, so pretty much every every neurological aspect of development was affected? Oh, absolutely. Well, what would you like to share with the world as far as what you've been able to do? that's made a difference for him. Katie and Chris 47:02 cranial sacral therapy, as I'm growing in my own practice, and as I'm growing as a mom, I'm researching and you know, one thing and he used to have two hour meltdowns every single day. He was not, Dr. Paul 47:27 he's probably not doing that anymore. No, he's not. That's huge. So many families with you know, are more severely affected kids have these issues of these massive meltdowns, these anger, pain, aggression, whatever you want to call it. But it's really hard to manage. Especially imagine when kids get older and they're teenagers and it's nightmarish. Do you think it's the cranial sacral and massage type work? Maybe that's his nervous system? I do. Yeah, I do. Have you done other things that we should share with people that have, you know, helped you along this journey of, you know, his recovering? Katie and Chris 48:05 So I've done a lot of my faster release, which is Dr. Paul 48:09 trauma bodywork. Yep. Right. And so CBD I've tried to I've had a lot of people tell me that makes a huge difference for anxiety. Katie and Chris 48:15 So his meltdowns went from about two hours every day to about 45 minutes every day when we give him the CBD oil. And it was under the direction of a doctor Charlotte's Web made a huge impact on it's a hemp oil. Yeah. And how about Dr. Paul 48:34 any dietary things you've done that have made a difference? Unknown Speaker 48:37 Okay, so the keto friendly diet, and Dr. Paul 48:41 what did you see with implementing that? Katie and Chris 48:45 So we took sugar out of his diet, and he actually legitimately he went through detox, which, for me, as a mom, if he cries, I like I shut down. I cannot hear I cannot stand to hear my child crying. And he's screaming, and he's not sleeping, and Dr. Paul 49:04 they wanted that last and then after that, what happened? I lasted about two weeks. Wow. Yeah, it was you stuck with it? I did. That's brave to go two weeks. But after you've gone through that, what was on the other end of that? Katie and Chris 49:18 Oh, he was calmer. Okay. He could focus more. Yeah, one of his doctors that he had seen recommended oils. So he's still there has the chronic constipation issues. I hate miralax refused to give it to him. And yeah, he's concentrated. And so I'm like, Doctor, what can I do to get this loose? She's like, coconut oil is great for the brain, especially we're for us constipation, two, four. They asked a sick friend it does. Coconut oil is great. It gets absorbed into the bloodstream, though. It does not leave the Right, the digestive tract. So she says, almond oil, avocado oil. And so every day that he's with me and I have them five days out of the week, and he gets one to two ounces of either EV o or avocado oil. I like the avocado coconut oil mix because you've got a lot of your omega, isn't it? We started giving him a vitamin by nutrilite, which m y sells in a vitamin by for tandem, which LifeVantage creates, that removes oxidative stress from the body. And we started him on that. And it's got tumeric in it, which there's a huge and then finally branzi about tumeric he started functioning normally. And what way he started mastering things he started building learning much better started. If I went out to reach your hand, he would reach my hands on reciprocal favor would imagine a Tory play. He would that's huge. Just hours when he was in a world Dr. Paul 51:20 locked up in a world of his own before, wasn't he? Yeah, oh, he was completely non functional. Well, God bless you you're you're helping others understand there are things that can be done. And then I think for for new parents who don't know what to say or think about the vaccine issue. Your story is a maybe a word of caution. It is a writ of question. Yeah. Do you have any parting thoughts or wisdom to share with the world? Katie and Chris 51:50 autistic children are completely there. And stop comparing? There is such an evil to comparing my child this this What do you mean, your child doesn't do that? What do you have in your child's system talk? Well, my child talked when he was one. Dr. Paul 52:09 You guys are the heroes? Right? If vaccines are the main weapon we have against if you're going to use the war analogy of infectious disease, because I mean, they have benefits, then those kids who are damaged are heroes and the parents who have to bear that burden, right of caring for and loving. And I mean, you can't work really right. This is a full time job. Thank you for for being so vulnerable and honest with us. It's not easy. Pediatricians have the same problem to acknowledge that maybe I was part of the problem, right? I gave vaccines according to the CDC schedule for most of my career until I became aware that it Oh, my goodness, there's there's appears to be a connection. Of course, I've now published the data that it certainly is connected to chronic health problems, the autism data is there, but it's not as robust just because there have hardly the autistic kids in my practice the data for my practice. But it's you hero moms and dads who are, you know, living with this reality. And you know what happened and I've heard this story hundreds of times your stories is it just breaks my heart. And and we need to let the world know that this Vaccine Injury is real. And until we wake up to that and figure out who can safely get vaccines and who cannot or just make the vaccine safer. I mean, your your story is especially important for everybody watching in that your first clue was in the womb. I mean, when they moved to vaccinating pregnant moms, I was horrified. There's just no no medical common sense reason to inject that much aluminum while you're carrying a child, your immune systems already lowered because you're pregnant, which is what happens. It's just, it's tragic. And you've got a real world example of look what happened. So obviously, lots of people get the vaccines and appear to be fine. But it's appear is the key word there. When you start looking long term. It's not always so fine as you think. Katie and Chris 54:17 Right. And there's you know, there's a lot of things that I learned. As you know, I asked my chiropractor directly back in Grenada when he was treated. She was treating my son I said, What do I do if we ever get the vaccines again, she says, only do one at a time. get adjusted the day before the day after because chiropractic adjustment not only boosts the immune system by 400% it will remove the aluminum from the brain and prevent aluminum toxic buildup which is essentially a causes neurological disorders and Be it's got the huge tie to Dr. Paul 55:03 Alzheimers. Yeah. The immune system awesome. Yeah. Over activates the immune system to allergy and autoimmunity. Right? Yeah. So Well, yeah. That's your audience right there. If you want to tell them anything in closing, you go right ahead. Katie and Chris 55:19 Thanks for listening to the story. Um, I would say, a don't judge. Don't judge because my story is different than everybody else's story. Your story is, you've got your own story. And don't judge and don't condemn, it's not your job to, and you take care of your child and your spouse or partner the best that you know how to, and do what's right for you, and listen to your body and listen to your children's body. Because if you listen to your children's body, and you listen to your body, and your spouse is right, you'll never go wrong, and you'll be healthy, and you'll be happy. And it doesn't matter what vaccine you get and what vaccine you don't get. You have to listen to your body and not judge anybody else. Dr. Paul 56:17 Thank you. Thank you. Precious. No, it's important. Do you know, parents, moms, especially if you're pregnant or about to be or you've got a newborn, you're in your intuition. Listen, just listen to it. Right? That's all we're asking. Yeah, absolutely. Thank you, thank you. But everybody that's lining up to get this vaccine is thinking, Oh, 9095 97% protection against death and hospitalizations. That's the assumption I make when I hear those reports on the news, when in reality, you have a 1% chance of reducing mild symptoms. Just let that sink in. I hope the folks in there can get that. I'm just gonna throw away my notes and say something from the heart here. Look, when they took my license, I thought that was devastating. And it was, but it was actually the best thing that happened to me. Because I was literally forced to look at my life and what I was doing and what I was going to do in the future, and what is effective? How many of you have a family member that's gotten the COVID vaccine? Okay, most of us, my parents have gotten that a couple of my siblings have gotten to the, what? We're not winning the battle of convincing people on what they should do. The data is here, right? I've shown you data. If you do your own research, it's, it's there. So we've got to win hearts and minds and souls. And we've got to do this with love. We've got to do this with tenderness and caring. And I would always be up here, you've seen me before. I'm shouting from the mountaintops, so to speak, and we're pissed, right? I mean, we should be, because it's so horrendous, but we're not reaching people that way, we've got to talk to people and take meet them where they're at. Because otherwise, they just turn us off. So I'm just as as you go from this place, I just ask that you just be tender, loving, caring, meet people where they're at, guide them to the data, and then just support them. And for those who get injured, we can help them. Right. And my last parting words are pleased if you are in the control group, stay there if you can. Unknown Speaker 58:42 Never live your life one moment, fear. What matters to me is that millions of people died scared and alone. And I can't abide with that. Not ever again. And anyone who sanctions that kind of nonsense out of fear needs to resign from the offices that they have taken. Unknown Speaker 59:13 Why do I fight and fight with love? Because my mother taught me to do what's right. And I promise you I'm not going to dishonor her one moment in my life by pretending I don't know, right from wrong. How many of you here know right from wrong? Unknown Speaker 59:34 It's a truly powerful story. And it's even got a little interest from other people in other states. And he's a very special young man. And he's an example. And his story is a product of the things that can be accomplished when a school system is oriented towards serving the people and not asking the people to serve it like we just heard in the in the prior speaker. So I'm gonna This is Sam. Give We have a really warm welcome. He's not used to speaking. Samuel Pearson 1:00:09 Hello, everyone. My name is Samuel Pearson. I'm a senior at LSE High School. And last year 365 days away from today, I was working, I school shut down from my school district in Cottage Grove. And we were all sitting at home twiddling our thumbs and being depressed teenagers. I didn't like that. And so I got to work. And I was trying to just not think about the world. I was trying to work myself, and then come home and be sad, but it's okay. It was only a few hours. Well, those few hours started to build up in my brain. And I started thinking about horrible negative thoughts that all parents don't want their kids to think about. I was thinking about self harm, and suicide. It was very dark for me. And I know so many other teenagers in my situation that have felt that way. Also, closing schools, closing down friendships. gatekeeping, just being a child has hurt so many teenagers. And I was lucky enough to know someone who would stand up for it and do something. And so a great man came over and started talking to me, and asked me if I would like to join him and his school at alsi. I said, What's that? And he said, Well, it's a town and I was like, never heard of it. And it's a tiny little town. And I didn't know how to properly spell it, or say it. And I was like, interesting. Let's look it up on Google. And so I looked it up on Google. And there's like, you know, about 100 people in that town. I was like, this is interesting, a little bit of a change from Cottage Grove. And so after a little debating with my parents, I said, Sure, I'll go. And so he was kind enough to drive me from my house, two hours to alsi every single day, and then two hours back, just so I could go to school. Unknown Speaker 1:02:00 But I think it's time for us to get serious about our future. I think it's time for us to rise up and say enough, because what I find about all of us is that we still believe somewhere in the middle of our heart, that those people we put in that building really care about us. And they do not care about us. They care about Big Pharma. They care about big tech, they care about getting back in that seat to continue to take your power away from you. But there's something happening in America. See when you go in the middle of America, and you start to talk to people about where they are and what they're concerned about, and what they're thinking about, because they understand encroachment. As a black American, I'm learning so much. I'm in the hallway, Arkansas, they are talking to them. Right, Texas, I'm writing on your farms, right where they live in. And they come up to me to say, Well, Kevin, what do you think we should do? I said the number one thing we should do is stop separating ourselves based on race. Or, you know, I'm telling you, the black man I know who's doing what to me. In my black community right now you have pastors that zoomed in Jesus, and now they open it up their church in southern democratic. You want a black legislature to look like me that I'm working every day to take my religious freedoms away from take my freedom away from black legislators. They've worked for them. They don't work for us. No telling that story because that's an ongoing narrative. We have been confused. They're the enemy, not us. We turn on our kids to the money and destroying them every day. You know why? Because we just want to rush to put himself into those schools. When I say Guess what, if they're not educating our children, and when we want to take them out in school, they're telling us that they're telling us a deaf telling us I can't travel. But we do is we build a new whalers, that's what we do. When they tell me, I can't live a certain place. Well, it's real simple. I'm developing a company to go build new housing for people like us. Because I refuse I will not be denied, I will always want to stay free because I understand what it means to not be free. I'm standing my ancestors fought for this country. Even though we came to the dark times. We fought for this country. Every war so when I look at that flag, I'm looking at that flag because I knew somebody in this country for for me. See, that's my flag that they see you always talk about the majesty of it. That's my flag. Okay, awesome. Thomas. I gotta go on and so forth. I can't, I can't redeem those anymore. I wanted to read emails about how we fight back building strategies around the country to do that. Now to the slave passport. Any elected official, black or white, any elected official, or any church or minister that's promoting any of this? Anyone? Anyone on earth promoting this their modern day slavery? Now I'm a black person say we're gonna write about me. And it's time to rebuild this country based on the principles. And the number one principle is what? Freedom seven. You understand what freedom is, because I know somebody who wants to be free, like freedom from their desk, come to my daugher. If you screw with my kids, if you screw up where I stand, if you screw up my neighborhood, I'm gonna fight you to the end. That's right. If you comply, you will die. If you can, you will. So Mr. Luther King said, we have to make a decision. Unknown Speaker 1:06:01 Is it about are we going to accept community or chaos, chaos or community? Now we have to make a decision. All of these people die for us. All of these great Americans died for us. All of these beautiful people sacrificed their lives for us. That's why I give veterans the support that I do. But I want you to stand up. Because I want you to demonstrate to the world that's looking at this, that we are human, that we are free to breathe, we are free to love. We are free to travel, we are free to build the world that we want to where they want for us. I want you to take the series, close your eyes, I want you to inhale God right now. And exhale, feet. Now see now the power, you have the power, you see that? you inhale God. So that was how to to find your God courage, and your exhale, feet. We're not afraid. And if you don't do anything else, if you've seen that you can't find it. Do me a favor. Look at those kids. Look at these kids. Look at your kid, what's your name? Coffee, Johnson hang out with me. If this isn't enough to fight for Shame on you. Unknown Speaker 1:07:14 The issue of mandatory vaccination has little to do with being pro vaccine, or anti vaccine. At its core, this is about bodily autonomy and informed consent. Unknown Speaker 1:07:31 This is, in essence, a human rights issue. And if people are discriminated against based on their vaccination status, then it's a civil rights issue as well. And let's face it, people intuitively know that good medicine does not need to be forced down their throats or coerced into their arms. Unknown Speaker 1:07:55 What about the kids? Does anybody care about the kids? The kids are, are going through just absolute crazy, crazy emotions. Because, you know, luckily for me, I come from a strong family. I have five kids of my own. I have a four year old up to a 22 year old. And so I see all the way through that. through that whole thing. And it's just to me, I would rather have my kids have the freedom to not wear masks when they go to school because I have we had athletes come up here and I'm standing there on the side. I wasn't going to speak today but when I heard that athlete story about passing out, I've got two kids that that play really competitive sports. And where do I have to take them so they can play mask three, I got to go drive them to Idaho. I've been to Idaho seven times. Because we have these beautiful gems that your tax affairs your tax money has built and we can't even use them. So they've rested on but all believer community we're trying to get together we're trying we are very anti back Saturday. Oh, and we have been like that. All our lives since we moved here. We love America. We love America, America. America has the freedoms like nobody's ever seen before. But we all can see it. It's all going away. It's all going away so we all have to stand up and fight. Dr. Paul 1:09:49 Welcome to against the wind. This is our segment with Bernadette pager. She is the Public Policy Director of informed choice Washington, a nonprofit dedicated to scientific integrity and public health policy. Medical freedom and informed consent. And she hosts an informed life radio. So, Bernadette, thank you for always being willing and able to come on the show and give us important information that we're probably not getting in our mainstream sources, whether it be the television or social media. I understand you've got a couple clips you want to share with us today. And then we'll kind of pivot from those what's what's sort of hitting you this past couple of weeks since we talked last? Bernadette Pajer 1:10:30 Well, you know, Dr. Paul, it's always difficult to choose what to pick because we are just in an avalanche of information out there. And actually, what I chose today is out there, directly aimed at the public hoping to influence the public. And and it's two clips I want to discuss with you that are with Dr. Rochelle Wollensky, the director of the CDC, who as you recall, in the past, we played something where she was pleading with Americans because she was terrified of COVID pleading with them to get vaccinated. So I'm going to play for you here. The the first one, and as you have something to say, just speak up. And I'll pause. Joining us right now exclusively is director of the CDC, Dr. Rochelle olinsky. Dr. olinsky, thank you so much for being with us. This morning, I want to get right into it with that new warning that there's likely an association between these two vaccines and an increased risk of a rare heart condition for young people. So to any parent who hears this news and might be weighing the risk between a vaccine and vaccinating their team right now, what do you say to them? Unknown Speaker 1:11:36 Good morning, Cecilia, thanks so much for having me. You know, we heard a lot of these data. And we've been following this very carefully, as we have had reports of this rare but mild myocarditis come in. And we heard about this yesterday at the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices yesterday. But what we do when we do this is we look at the risks and we look at the benefits. And to just put this in perspective, if we have a group of 12 to 17 year olds who were working to vaccinate over the next four months, and we can vaccinate a million of them, which would be great strides. Over the next four months, we could expect 30 to 40 of these mild self limited cases of myocarditis. And for that, if we were to vaccinate all 1 million, we would avert 8000 cases of COVID, 200 hospitalizations, 50 ICU stays, and one death. Bernadette Pajer 1:12:29 Okay, so I'm gonna pause right there to say thank you. Yeah, she said, if, if they vaccinate a million kids 12 to 17, they would expect 34 cases of what she's calling mile, mile carditis. What are your thoughts on that part of? Dr. Paul 1:12:44 Well, the the insanity of how this is being presented, defies common sense. Let me let me put something in perspective here. I have 10,000 patients, I have had only a handful of mild. And I'm talking really mild, nobody ended up in the ER, nobody ended up in the hospital, nobody died. So COVID for children, and my children in my practice, are from birth till age 22. For sure, through ajt. I'll keep more complex cases longer as they need our care. So there's been zero problems from COVID. It is not and I have a lot of high risk patients. Okay, so it's not, it's not Oh, we'll use he's got a unique practice, no, if anything is unique in the numbers of high risk patients that I have under my care, and not a single, not a single through the entire since the onset of COVID. And we had a single problem from the illness itself. Imagine if we were to vaccinate these 10,000 children, sort of what they're proposing here, and what would happen, you could almost count on it, there's going to be a death, there's going to be really, really severe mild carditis heart problems. on and on. Right, the autoimmune problems we see. So this minimization of the risk of using this vaccine in the face of now a blackbox warning that this is actually causing problems with the heart. Yeah, it defies logic. Bernadette Pajer 1:14:22 Yes, exactly. And she she doesn't give how, where she gets her numbers from saying that it would prevent one death. Who is she talking about? A death among the entire population or just in that age group, because there have been less than 300 deaths of from COVID in this age, great team, you know, zero to 18. So what is she talking about there? And, you know, we just have the defendant reported on a while ago, a Michigan boy died three days after getting the Pfizer COVID vaccine. So we've already seen deaths in children due to vaccination. So we're already upside down here, she's willing to risk 30 to 40, heart inflammation. And we know that myocarditis leads to, you know, potentially heart issues down the road, long term, Dr. Paul 1:15:18 right? If not actual death. So Right, right. No, this is this is, this is the insanity. I was driving. I had a week off, and I was at the Oregon coast, and there are billboards that are just saying, Get your COVID vaccine safe and effective. Bernadette Pajer 1:15:34 Yeah, Dr. Paul 1:15:35 I mean, come on, folks, we now know, we have this information. Anyway, let's hear the rest of her. Unknown Speaker 1:15:41 But we Ray the risks, as well as the benefits these extraordinary benefits of vaccines as we make these recommendations, and it is why we at CDC have made the recommendations to vaccinate and had co signers from so many other medical organizations, including the American Heart Association, that the Bernadette Pajer 1:15:58 benefits overwhelmingly outweigh the risks of that missing vaccine. Why do you think that this is affecting males more than young women? Unknown Speaker 1:16:07 Yeah, it's a really great question. You know, myocarditis itself is more predominant in males than it is in, in females. So we're seeing the same trends as we see with the disease itself. Bernadette Pajer 1:16:18 So okay, first of all, is Myo carditis. a disease Dr. Paul 1:16:24 in itis is inflammation, Myo card is the heart. So inflammation of the heart is a symptom, really, Bernadette Pajer 1:16:33 it's a symptom with with many causes? Absolutely. It's not a disease you don't catch. Dr. Paul 1:16:39 My heart is not an infection in this instance, it's an inflammatory process, that I suspect is autoimmune mediated, but the spike proteins are specifically problematic and how they're triggering inflammation. So you know, it gets really complicated with COVID. Because we're introducing a technology that's, you know, never been tested in animals even. Certainly no long term follow up. So we're starting now to see some long term consequences of vaccinating with a product that's completely experimental. Unknown Speaker 1:17:15 Yes, maybe something associated with the hormones in in men that may make them more prone to have myocarditis. Bernadette Pajer 1:17:25 I want to talk to you about the or ask you about the Delta variant. It's now in nearly every state, we know it is spreading so rapidly. Do you? Are you bracing for a surge in new cases now? Unknown Speaker 1:17:37 Um, so here's what we know about the Delta variant. And we've been following this very carefully and really watching people across the world in the UK, certainly, they've been seeing a surge. Here's what we know, about a month ago, we had about 2.7% of all of our cases here in the United States, our delta variants. About two weeks ago, that was 9.9%. Now it's up to 20.6%. We've seen a doubling in just the two weeks. Generally, when viruses mutate, they do so with some advantage to the virus and in this case, the Delta variant is mutated so that the virus is more transmissible. So yes, I worry that we will see more cases of delta variants here and it is likely to become the predominant strain here in the United States are vaccines against the delt work against the Delta variant, you get those two shots of the vaccine, and it works. We've seen that in the UK. But what I really do worry about is those pockets of places around the country that haven't been well vaccinated. And those are the places where this virus is going to be an opportunist, and could potentially take hold in individuals and communities, Bernadette Pajer 1:18:44 Dr. Alinsky. We're seeing more and more employers now requiring employees to be vaccinated before they can return to work. Morgan Stanley overnight, the city and county of San Francisco just mandated this. Do you believe that this is the right step? And is this where we're headed? Unknown Speaker 1:19:00 You know, I think those decisions have to be made at an organizational level. Clearly, they're hard decisions. What I think needs to be balanced here is individual safety and community safety. We know that these vaccines protect individuals, but they also protect communities. And so given that every single one, nearly every single one of these hospitalizations and deaths are currently preventable. I really do understand the motivation to try and prevent disease and death in the workplace. Bernadette Pajer 1:19:28 So I think that's all we need to hear from that video on her. So your thoughts? Dr. Paul 1:19:31 If the vaccine is not preventing, it's actually putting people at greater risk? There's been a study published to that effect. These variants are more transmissible but less dangerous. So you know, we've known there have been seven different strains of Coronavirus circulating you know, up to this point where we got the SARS covi to mostly these were harmless you know winter cold viruses here in Oregon, and you're up in Washington, I think both of our states were sort of almost the last to relax, you know, wearing masks, for example, we're finally set free right with conditions and all these sort of Bernadette Pajer 1:20:12 bow. Yeah, here in Washington only for the vaccinated basically. Oh, Dr. Paul 1:20:18 my goodness. So yeah, there's a little bit of a little bit. It feels to me like this is all posturing and public health policy with there's only one goal, and that is to vaccinate as many people as possible. There appears to be a disconnect at the CDC, for sure. With regards to actually protecting the health of the public, our whole public health system has been captured, I would say, by this paradigm of vaccines are safe and effective. That's just understood. But now in the face of overwhelming data that the COVID vaccines are not safe, and their effectiveness is in question. But they still just drumbeat safe and effective. And then therefore, we should just vaccinate it. It. It's a disconnect from data. Bernadette Pajer 1:21:15 It's a disconnect from reality. It's marketing messages. It's not if the goal was protection, they would be fully celebrating natural immunity, which does prevent infection is transmission. Unlike the vaccination, I've got the new breakthrough numbers from as of June 28, the CDC who's not reporting total breakthrough cases, because there's too many. But the number of people who are fully vaccinated, who were still hospitalized, or died from COVID is 4686. And the number of deaths is 879. You know, it's just, it's just mind blowing. We should not have people in positions of power, saying public statements that are that are false. These are just outright false, lying to the public statements. And, you know, how do we stop this? This has always been the problem of what sort of power do you have to when your public health agencies are speaking falsehoods, this one is really concerning. It's much shorter. Hi, Unknown Speaker 1:22:23 I'm Dr. Michelle Wollensky. I'm the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and I'm going to answer some questions about the COVID-19 vaccine pregnancy and fertility. There's a lot of misinformation out there. And this is a very common question. We have no reason to suspect that these vaccines results in any infertility now or in the future. And in fact, it Unknown Speaker 1:22:49 is possible. Dr. Paul 1:22:50 Okay, stop. Oh, my gosh. So, you know, that it was just published in wasn't a New England Journal of Medicine. The article where there was an 80% miscarriage rate in the first trimester for women who got the vaccine. I mean, well, and rounding numbers. Bernadette Pajer 1:23:10 Yeah. And, you know, and I, I have difficulty figuring out exactly how to use those terms, because we're, we're talking about the number of pregnancy losses in those who reported to vaers. So I'm not quite sure how that, you know, how that works is, you know, compared to the background levels, and all that, you need a data person, but we can definitely say there are red flags and bears for the miscarriage what's happening, especially when it's like, okay, they got the vaccine, the next day, they miscarried. They got the vaccine, two hours later, they're bleeding and then they miscarried. Yeah, you know, those? Dr. Paul 1:23:50 Yeah, this bleeding phenomenon. When you talk about pregnancy, it's a high risk situation with regards to the fact that you're carrying this, you know, other being within your body, right? I have a sister who works postpartum in Boston. And we were together recently, and she's all about the vaccine. You know, she's, she hears all the information that most people hear, right? And so she's thinking this is the right thing to do. And as we're talking, I said, Well, have you seen any change in bleeding? For example, because I've been hearing reports of this, right? She says, she was actually sort of taken aback and she goes, Oh, my gosh, that's we're seeing so much more postpartum hemorrhage than we ever saw before. In those who got the vaccine. Yeah. So I said, well, give me a sense of how different it is. She's Well, we used to see maybe one a month and now we're seeing two or three a week. Wow. And not everyone's getting the vaccine. So imagine that this is they're not giving us the true story. It will come out folks, it will come out if you are thinking about having a If you are pregnant and have not yet taken this vaccine, please understand it is extraordinarily experimental. It your go with your mama instincts and ask yourself just meditate. Is this the right thing to do? I'm carrying this precious cargo, should I be injecting an experimental biological product whose purpose is not exactly clear because it's not exactly a vaccine in the usual sense. It's actually a way of modifying your genetics so that your body is starting to make something called spike proteins, which are extraordinarily dangerous. all sort of clouded in this, we're going to protect against this SARS COVID virus. Don't get me wrong. People have died from SARS COVID, too, but what we're now clearly seeing is a massive amount of harm coming from this biological product that they're calling the COVID-19 vaccines. Bernadette Pajer 1:26:00 And, you know, there are other tools. So the CDC is trying to make it between deaths from COVID. or, or, you know, take the vaccine and those risks that we are telling you about, or not telling you about. But what's Plan B Plan B is okay, let's address underlying susceptibilities. Let's get them vitamin D. Let's do the ivermectin pregnant women, hydroxychloroquine is safe. So you know, they're not doing any plan B, and it's Yeah, and they're just ignoring what really should not be ignored. So I'll continue with this. They would. Unknown Speaker 1:26:40 getting vaccinated during pregnancy or before pregnancy is a really personal decision. If a woman is pregnant and gets COVID, we do know that they have an increased risk of ending up in an ICU or on a ventilator and an increased risk to their baby as well. Bernadette Pajer 1:26:55 I just want to say quickly, they're that give us the data, give us the numbers. Because when you look really closely and you look at some of these studies, you know, it's a, it's so small, but they put it out in these general terms to Unknown Speaker 1:27:11 add fear. Talk with your physician, talk with your gynecologist and obstetrician work towards that decision with regard to your own risks and comfort in mind. We have no reason to believe that getting vaccinated should change your menstrual cycle or make your periods any heavier. Bernadette Pajer 1:27:30 Any comment there? Dr. Paul 1:27:33 You probably have the data better than I on that one. I'm hearing reports. But that, you know, yeah, there there are definite problems with definite problems Bernadette Pajer 1:27:40 1000s and 1000s of reports to various from the vaccine. And of course, the whole thing of transmission. There have Unknown Speaker 1:27:48 been decades and decades of research in mRNA technology that have led to the science that allowed us to meet this moment to create the life saving vaccines. in clinical trials. These vaccines were studied in 10s of 1000s of people and we have administered over 250 million doses without any concerns for safety. Dr. Paul 1:28:15 Oh, wow. Without any concerns for safety, safety and Bernadette Pajer 1:28:21 steady for decades and decades, really how old is mRNA technology and sanity? And the clinical trials are 1000s. Okay, you paused and you've looked at like 170 of those 40,000 rifle and gave us interim results, claiming 95% relative Dr. Paul 1:28:44 risk reduction will actual risk reduction less than 1% less than one Bernadette Pajer 1:28:50 in absolute terms. And and now we're getting interviews from people who were in the clinical trials who were injured by the vaccines like that heartbreaking one of the little girl, the 12 year old girl was in the Pfizer trial that that Senator Johnson was in that press conference that he did. And she's still not well, she still has very serious injuries that she's dealing with. So yeah, Dr. Paul 1:29:17 yeah. Well, so what are your parting words for today for our audience? I think it is worth seeing that the head of the CDC is leading the charge in disseminating misinformation, disinformation. I don't know how you can call it anything but a bold faced lie to say that there's been no harm but the amount of harm is, is greater than anything we've ever seen before in the world of vaccination ever before. This thing should have been pulled stopped long ago. Bernadette Pajer 1:29:56 Yeah, I would say contact you legislators tell them we need congressional investigation into seats into CDC fraud and malfeasance. There is a campaign that's going and you can get that I'll put the link, we'll give you the link Dr. Paul to the if you want to jump on that. But you can just pick up the phone and call, you can email just said, you know, we can't have this going on and tell your friends and neighbors help them see. Because once you see once your eyes are open, and you're like, wait a minute, that doesn't match the data, or match what I'm seeing, then they can see it for themselves. But we have to take charge here. We cannot be bullied, right like this by our own taxpayer funded I don't know where they got this woman. But from the get go, she has been just spouting misinformation, and it's just so appalling. This is the United States of America. We're supposed to be leading the way. Now, Dr. Paul 1:30:56 yeah. Have you had a chance to research whether the vaccination uptake in Japan is truly as low as I've been led to believe it is? Bernadette Pajer 1:31:05 When I checked after our last talk? And yes, it was low, it was a little higher than you would thought but I'm thinking it's maybe 12 to 15% is what I'm recalling. It was still fairly low, right? Yeah. Yeah, I, Dr. Paul 1:31:18 I still remember when I was fresh out of training in 1988, we were still using the old wholesale DPT vaccine in the United States, Japan was already using the a cellular and having amazing results, it took us seven years to switch over to the safer vaccine that was already available. We're just so captured by the pharmacy industry, in this country. And so doctors, for the most part, are no longer able really to think independently. That's a harsh assessment to my peers who if you hear this, you're probably going to hate my guts. But you know what I, I know how you feel because that's how I felt, I felt like I was at the top of my game. I'm a pediatrician, I know everything there is to know about vaccines. Although I couldn't tell you what ingredients were in them. I couldn't tell you that I had personally individually done some really deep diving into the data and the research that is out there. And once you do, I encourage you to do so if you're finding difficulty with what we're sharing, it just means you haven't had the opportunity to do your own research. So we're here to give you some of that information, share you some of those resources. And I want to thank you for watching. Follow your heart, follow your gut. Do what you're led to do, by your own sense of love and spirit and self preservation. And God bless. Thanks for watching. I pledged you to bring to you honest and vital content that's going to help you first do no harm to yourself or to your children. help me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors in science comm This is going to be a show every other week. And as soon as we get adequate funding. We're going to bring this to you weekly. We stand together for medical freedom and informed consent, only you should decide what's injected into your body. So I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors in science comm sign up. Donate if you can. Let's make this the weekly show the nation's been waiting for it. I'm Dr. Paul Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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