PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:04
Dr. Paul, welcome to with the wind science revealed. This show today will reveal a whole lot of science. We have Dr. Peter McCullough back on set. This man I learned spends hours every morning, going over the world literature. He has a mind that misses nothing and a memory that captures everything. So when he speaks, he'll also give you the author, the study and the key points in that study. And he is a wealth of knowledge, we cover SARS, cov to like never before the role of the US in gain of function research, everything COVID-19 from safety to adverse events, efficacy, early treatments, and he covers natural immunity, and even what he's discovered between the childhood vaccine schedule and autism. This is a Information Science packed episode. Enjoy the show. Dr. Paul, coming to you from the heart. My topic today is freedom. Freedom is what drives me it's my passion. I am passionate about medical freedom, but all freedom. This country was founded on a desire I believe, for freedom. And so many have lost their lives in various wars, fighting for our ability to have freedom. When I lost my license, it actually removed the shackles of bondage that I was feeling because I couldn't express myself without being at risk for losing my license. I'm now free. So I'm free to educate, to inform to talk to you here on with the wind in my blogs on substack. And then of course it kids first forever where we can educate, inform and coach. You know, no one can make you do anything. So we all we need to all remember that we are free people. Let us be ourselves. That's how we win. So here's the freedom. Welcome Dr. Peter McCullough, it's so great to have you back on with the wind. Well, thanks for having me back on Paul. For those who don't know, this gentleman, he is my absolute top hero in the world of medicine. You've been a cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough 2:26 previously been Chief of Cardiology at the UMC Missouri Kansas City, I had moved up the academic ranks, so sure I was, you know, as replete with academic credentials as anybody out there. Dr. Paul 2:38 Yeah. And now you're one of the most published if not the most published in the world of COVID. So you have stayed very active academically, and you see patients. Dr. Peter McCullough 2:47 Yeah, I have I, you know, I've always been active academically and the way things work. Now we work in collaborative groups, we don't have to be in a brick and mortar medical school anymore, to publish. In fact, we just submitted a paper today to the New England Journal of Medicine, the largest autopsy paper in patients who have died after COVID 19 vaccines really stunning results. But I have over 70 Peer Reviewed papers in COVID. Despite the headwinds, I've had an initial letter was published in Lancet before that, the bias is starting to sweep in two editorial offices. But having said that, what I've always done, Paul is I've always cited the data as I will on this interview. And, you know, I've done it on national TV and of all the experts who brought on and discuss COVID. I'm the only expert that gives the first author and the content so people can look up the papers themselves. I've done it on, you know, ABC and Fox Newsmax one American news, real America voice all of them. Yeah, and everyone's become used to it. I think that's what set all the records on the Joe Rogan podcast, I told the Spotify producers, I'm gonna cite the data. And it pays off. I mean, that's the discipline that doctors should have in the media. Yeah. Dr. Paul 4:00 Well, I've shared a stage with you before I've heard you speak multiple times. I don't know anybody in the world that can cite the you know, the first author, the name of the article, what journal was published, and, and the key findings of the article, like, you just you have an amazing mind. So thank you for Ha, being persistent in in spite of the forces that are out there that are trying to keep us silent. Dr. Peter McCullough 4:27 Paul, the reason why it's, I think, is so critical, especially today is these unqualified, anonymous fact checkers who make false counterclaims. Yeah. And you know, every time that Yeah, I think they just they've given up on doing this for me anymore. But when they did it, I would just say, Well, here's the paper. This is, you know, what we're reviewing. There is no such thing as misinformation in our field. I've never taken a board question on this. It's never come up seeing a patient in the office. There's simply scientific data and You know, two or more interpretive points of view, as we discussed some papers today will have different viewpoints. That's what the scientific inquiry process is supposed to be. No one holds agency over the truth. No one holds information and therefore someone else is spreading misinformation. Those are propaganda techniques, propaganda terms. And I'll tell you another thing that doesn't exist as another weaponized term is called anti science, that some people are pro science and anti science. Science is a process we use it in medicine. Medicine is both an art and a science. So we actually use both as we take care of patients. So I think it's important to make sure we have a good command over the terms, not use any weaponized terms, and simply just discuss the issues at hand. Dr. Paul 5:44 Yeah, thank you. Well, before we dive into the science, and we will in a moment, just so folks have a sense of what you've gone through, and you don't have to go through the whole long list. But, you know, doctors who speak the truth, especially about vaccines, or COVID, are under fire. And are you able to speak at all about what you've had to endure? Dr. Peter McCullough 6:05 Yeah, I really don't want to make it about me. But briefly, I've been dismissed from two jobs with a perfect track record for no reason. Released from two editors ships by certified mail or email, again, no reason. stripped of all my NIH committees, various day safety monitoring board positions, any any external pharmaceutical consulting is gone. A stripped of two professorships with no Faculty Senate, no due process. And now the American Board of Internal Medicine is attempting to strip me off my medicine residency, my cardiology fellowship, again, of for non clinical reasons. ABIM is most egregious they, they launched a COVID misinformation policy in the fall of 2019. And then they went back to March of 2019, to my Texas Senate testimony. And they accused me of COVID misinformation. And then they convicted me in a closed meeting that I couldn't attend the people on the panel, none of whom had any publications and COVID. They'd had no experience in public testimony. They weren't competent, in my view to even judge the data when I finally got their decision. Now I'm appealing based on both substantive and procedural grounds. So this has been a huge administrative grind for you. This is not new to you, I know you've been through worse. But, you know, this has been years grinding away, I've been sued by a major health system for allegations of bringing them into the media, which I didn't. And then finally, after 18 months, the judge dismissed the case. But this is the type of thing that's going on. Now, for doctors who don't go along with the false government narrative. Dr. Paul 7:51 Yeah. Despite that massive amount of energy and effort it takes to you know, stand up for yourself and fight for your rights. You have been prolific at publishing 70 articles testifying, and then speaking, would you hazard a guess? How many times have you testified in the last three years? Dr. Peter McCullough 8:11 I've testified dozens of times, Paul, I've had probably 1000s of media clips out there I was. I've been on ABC and Fox Newsmax one American news. Been a frequent contributor by invitation to the hill in the first year of the pandemic, I have my own podcasts like you do America out loud talk radio, McCullough report, three years running weekly podcasts, I haven't missed a single week, and I have the top Doctor account on Twitter, of doctors who see patients that move my practice twice. And patients are, you know, coming in from all over the country to see me many times they simply just want to say thanks for me standing up for the truth. And, you know, I was the first doctor to publish a treatment approach to outpatient, COVID 19, and many others were working on it in France, elsewhere. So I'm gonna give credit to all the other doctors and then I was persistent in bringing that message to the world. And I was the first doctor Paul, the only doctor who's a public figure who question the COVID-19 vaccines in writing before they came out. And I published an op ed in the hill, August 7 of 2020. And the title of the Op Ed was the great gamble of the COVID-19 vaccine development program. And, you know, that's all for the lawmakers in Washington in the White House. They saw it all. And we're gonna go back I asked the question, Who else made the call? In Washington? Nobody did. Yeah. Ah, Dr. Paul 9:38 thank you for standing strong. Let's dive into some data. You I think, better than anybody are qualified to help us understand this whole COVID saga. Let's start with the origins of the SARS cov two virus and did the US have a role in it? Was there a gain of function? activities going on behind this Dr. Peter McCullough 10:00 We've learned a lot from the House Select Committee for investigation into the origins of the novel Coronavirus, led by Representative comer and assisted by Chip Roy and I've talked to chip Roy Texas representative multiple times. This is what we've learned that indeed, SARS cov. Two was engineered in the Wuhan Institute of virology. Now the blueprints for this from the DRC in North Carolina Chapel Hill. Ralph Barrick is senior author was beneath minute Sherry, the NGO eco Health Alliance and Peter designate were the ones who shut up the plans to the Chinese. All this was funded by the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease, Anthony Fauci is division. And this was going on years before COVID berec published two papers 2015 declaring that they had created the chimeric virus, the artificial virus that could invade the humanized respiratory epithelial tract. They were also working on monoclonal antibodies and killed vaccines in those papers. So that all fits together. I think the bombshell came out that we learned that, you know, the government had three years of a narrative that said the vaccine came out of nature or came out of a fish market. And we learned that that was intentional. Anthony Fauci, former nya director and Francis Collins, head of the NIH, they actually had a meeting with Jeremy Farrar, the Wellcome Trust, Peter Datsik, eco Health Alliance, multiple Christian Andersen at Scripps, I went homes in Sydney. And they actually came up with an intentional academic deception plan. And they published 12 fraudulent papers and high level journals, saying that the virus arose out of nature when they knew it came out of the lab in Wuhan, China. Actually, it was their project. So they intentionally deceived America. And then the most, I think the most telling testimony was by former CDC director Redfield, who said, Listen, you in 2019, there was a series of irregularities in the lab, they had trouble with the ventilation system, they started to erase certain codes that were on file from the institute. And probably somebody got sick in the Wuhan Institute of virology, and they you know, the virus was out. By the time event 201 happened in the fall of 2019. The virus is already on the move. And that explains when they called certain leaders together, they had some US Senators Anthony Fauci all the pandemic response leaders that event to a one, they actually had George Gao, who's the Chinese CDC director, he flew over to the United States. So event 201 was not a planning meeting. That was an operational meeting. They knew COVID had come out they and they said what their plan was, was to actually railroad the population into mass vaccination. Dr. Paul 12:58 Yeah. Criminal, it seems to me. Unbelievable. Well, let's, I know some of our viewers are going, huh. Like if you've never heard that before, it's like no way. The people we had put our trust in actually intentionally created something that would harm the population. And then Dr. Peter McCullough 13:17 well, let's talk about that. Paul, you know, in 2005, the Health and Human Services and the UN our Congress wrote the prep act. And they said, we are going to be in the business of developing biological threats and countermeasures, you know, things so offense and defense, and they said that we're going to do this and they named them SARS, Anthrax, smallpox, monkey pox Marburg, and they said, Listen, if this ever happens, we're gonna pull the trigger on the prep act. And we're gonna basically release countermeasures. Countermeasures were things that in a sense, like we'd be under attack, and these countermeasures would be immune from any liability. vaccines were obviously prominent countermeasures. This was all in the prep act in 2005. So you know, we don't hear about ballistic missiles anymore, or, you know, anti missile radar shields and stuff. It's all now about Biola. Dr. Paul 14:12 Yeah, yeah. It Dr. Peter McCullough 14:16 warfare. This is the new normal. So the US has been in the business of making biological threats and coming up with countermeasures. It's big business. We found out on the DARPA website, DARPA, the research part of the military, that they had an a program in 2012, called the ADEPT p3 program. And they said, we will use messenger RNA to end pandemics for in 60 days. So this was, you know, on the books and 2012 that, that indeed, this was the plan. But But what's happened is there is in a sense of syndicate and a complex this is in our book, courage to face COVID-19 You're going to be astounded with this. It turns out that you know, in 2007 now CEO of Maderna, stiff and benzyl. He was a pharmaceutical rep for one of the companies and he became the kind of the country lead in the Belgium. And then he became CEO of biomar. You. And between 22,007 and 2011. Ballmer, you actually got the contract to design and build the biosecurity lab in Wuhan, China, this BSL four annex and train the personnel. So you know Baines L who still never has been asked about this is what was his involved in China involvement in China before he comes to a one one person company in Cambridge Maderna. And how did how did Maderna write patents before the COVID-19 was even known about and file them with the US government? So Maderna filed it with the NIH. So the US government's involved and now we bring it forward. We find there's all kinds of people are involved. Recently, Peter Hotez vaccine developer at Baylor in Houston. He's been called out because, you know, he had research grants in 2015 and 2016, with the Chinese Fudan University, developing receptor binding domain antigen vaccines as biological defense products. So he was in this bio defense area, you know, he's been out telling Americans to take vaccines, people are saying, wait a minute here. This is looking like an entanglement in our book. We call it the biopharmaceutical complex, so let me define it. The biopharmaceutical complex, we believe is a World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, the Wellcome Trust Rockefeller Foundation Gates Foundation, the vaccine incubator they formed Sepi that's gates and WF formed it a coalition of epidemic partners preparedness and innovation. GAVI UNITAID, the other vaccine, NGOs, eco Health Alliance, and then the regulatory agencies, in this case is actually HHS, CDC, NIH, FDA TGA, MHRA, Afra, Ema there's a lot of acronyms. But it looks like they're all together and the central coordinating center policy world economic forum. So if you ever have a question about who's in the complex in the Syndicate, just check them out to see their profile and the World Economic Forum. They've been going to Davos for meetings for years. Yeah. So I can tell you Governor Abbott in Texas, he's got a W E. F. profile. So does Justin Trudeau. So does the key regulators in Australia and through Europe, it's pretty obvious to to figure this out. Yeah. Dr. Paul 17:42 So I'm very worried about mRNA technology in general. My recollection, and you can speak to this from the science is in the past when they tried to make mRNA vaccines for RSV when they tried to make it for SARS and MERS. I don't think it went very well in the animal studies. But it seems like now they're just going to disregard all that and just move forward. It seems like it's coming like a freight train. Dr. Peter McCullough 18:11 messenger RNA has been an absolute disaster. This is what we know. A paper from Lolani and colleagues published in the British Medical Journal indicates that the US has had billions and billions of dollars of investment in this government dollars. And messenger RNA since 1985 1985. hasn't gone anywhere. I told you about the DARPA adept p3 program 2012 That was a bust and the messenger RNA that's used in fires and Maderna. This is terrible. They've replaced your normal uracil, which is a parameter in with a synthetic molecule called pseudo your ad that makes the messenger RNA essentially indestructible. And so now it gets into the body the body can't break it down with Rob a nucleus is the protein that encodes for is expressed on the cell surface, the body attacks it instantaneously. To make matters worse, they've loaded into on the lipid nanoparticle lipid nanoparticles go into the brain, the adrenal glands, the heart, the ovaries. Now we have papers, Paul, you'd be amazed Kasturi udah and colleagues has found messenger RNA circulating in blood at high levels for 28 days. And that's as long as they have looked. Rogen and colleagues from Stanford showed that the messenger RNA is stuck in lymph nodes for at least two months, the spike protein that it's produced and we get full length spike protein from the vaccine shown by Bruce Patterson and sell the X, you know, at least nine months maybe longer each shot. And you know, if people are following the program, Paul, this summer, they're coming up on their seventh shot, their seventh shot, they are loaded with messenger RNA Pfizer and moderna brand. And then super loaded with the SARS cov two Wuzhen spike protein, and this can be fatal in some people. Dr. Paul 20:04 Yeah. So can you speak to the difference in the perhaps the load of Spike protein, or the load of messenger RNA that's in the body from a natural hair? It's hard to call it natural when he had a bio engineered virus, if you will. But there is there a big difference if you get a natural exposure versus get the vaccine exposure. Dr. Peter McCullough 20:30 There's a huge difference now. So let me update you for the respiratory infection. Virtually all the Americans have had it now. It's already done. It's gone through the population. We have several prevalence data from the Framingham database as well as from your see a Texas at Houston School of Public Health, showing it virtually everybody has antibodies against the virus. Now we've all had it paper from Harvard, class and and colleagues did really good modeling 94% of people having clinical infections, probably know that 3% asymptomatic, so we've all had it. So what we know is that if we get the respiratory infection and we treated aggressively with virus, Seidel nasal sprays and washes, what's called the McCullough protocol, all the drugs used in combination, virtually none invades the body. So we don't get the installation of the spike protein in the body. What happens with the vaccine is a large dose of genetic materials is installed. And then it circulates in the body for a long period of time continuing to be deposited used deposited us, and we infer that the body is super loaded with Spike protein after the vaccine. We know that because the antibodies now which there's an extended range, LabCorp just extend the range are through the roof against the spike protein and someone's taking the vaccine. That's a proxy for how much spike protein they got exposed to. And also there's a weak correlate that we use called D dimer D dimer. But what we really need is just to measure the spike protein directly, labs companies are working on that right now. Dr. Paul 22:01 Okay. And so folks who've had the COVID shots, and they have this massive amount of of Spike protein, is it is it true that the natural infection exposes a person to the entire sequence whereas the vaccine vaccinated person, you their antibodies are responding to the narrow spike protein? Why is there a difference there? Dr. Peter McCullough 22:30 Well, it's true, the natural infection exposes, you know, probably 29 proteins in a paper by hikkim. And colleagues, they can measure antibodies against 15 of them. So the natural infection we get a much broader immunity plus we activate T cells, natural killer cells, B cells, so we get both cellular and antibody based immunity and it is protective. I mean, this is the natural infection. There's a paper by key metalli showing 97% protection against severe outcomes with any prior COVID. And then a key paper by chin and colleagues in the New England Journal medicine October of 2022. US prison system, this is amazing. 59,000 prisoners 17,000 staff huge study, if someone's been through the Omicron or delta waves, and they get another Omicron infection, zero risk of hospitalization and death zero. So that's the reason why the hospitals are empty. There's no emergency I had somebody today in my office get COVID It's not a big deal. We just use the nasal sprays few elements of the McCullough protocol, so natural immunity basically wins. What happened with the vaccine is it only exposes the patient to the spike protein. And it is the original spike protein that's been extinct a long time ago. So the body's immune system has been mis directed. And there's something called IgG subclass for switching, which basically means the body's immune system is misdirected and weakened and so a can't handle an infection very well when they when they get it and we know this now with a paper from Cleveland Clinic by Shrestha and colleagues showed every single shot there's a higher and higher risk of recurrent Omicron infections. The best health care workers are the unvaccinated. Yeah. Dr. Paul 24:13 So you and I know this and thank you for all those references to prove that point. However, many in America are hearing an opposite story on the news, right? All along. They were saying oh, this is the disease of the unvaccinated. The hospitals are full of people who are unvaccinated. I have a sense of why that was but can you explain it? Dr. Peter McCullough 24:36 It looks like it was a propaganda campaign ever. One day in around June of 2021. Like every single public figure, every single media person said it was a crisis on the unvaccinated. The the the efficacy of the vaccines can only be assessed in clinical trials. And what we know is the clinical trials never demonstrated a reduction in hospitalization and death. I've never, never. And now in emails that recently were released through FOIA, we know that CDC director walensky, was emailing other CDC officers in January of 2021, saying the vaccine was failing, and that fully vaccinated people were getting sick. And she said she's having calls with Anthony Fauci and with Francis Collins at the NIH. Yet they turned around and told America the vaccines worked and reduced acquisition of the virus transmission and reduced severe outcomes. It was a complete lie from the beginning. These are astounding numbers. What well, SK was referring to was a limited network of centers that that were reporting to the CDC during early 2021. They ultimately published their findings in the mm WR in May of 2021. But listen to this, the CDC had recorded 10,262 fully vaccinated, breakthrough infections, 10%, hospitalized 2% died, it was failing quick. And what we learned is it didn't stop transmission didn't reduce severe outcomes. And the studies were biased that made that claim most of the studies were done by investigators, you know, whose institutions received COVID Community core funding so they were getting money to promote the vaccines. But they never really ascertain the vaccine status. They as the electronic medical record assumes are unvaccinated. So if they did a quick data analysis from the EMR, they would say everybody in the hospitals unvaccinated because they never checked the CDC database not available to them. And people on the on the ventilator can't produce their vaccine cards. So that was a fraudulent play, that cases weren't adjudicated for whether or not they had COVID. Or if they were just coming in with something else and testing positive. And as time went on, we found out that people test positive for many months afterwards. The other thing that happened is that the virus mutated and became more mild. So people started to say, well, the vaccines working because hospitalizations are down. It's No, it's because the virus mutated. So, you know, because we didn't have a series of good randomized trial program. Any claims on vaccine efficacy at this point in time are invalid. There's no theoretical benefit. And actually, the FDA met this week and told the companies Well, why don't you make a booster for the X PB 1.5 variant? I just checked the Nowcast system. We're at 40% X, BB 1.5. And shrinking rapidly. Can you imagine by the fall, there's not going to be any 1.5 left. And the companies will have yet another useless vaccine Dr. Paul 27:53 chasing their tail. And you've looked at the data carefully in some of these studies. I'm puzzled I read that to be considered vaccinated, you had to have had your initial primary series and two weeks after that second dose, or two weeks after a booster for you to be considered vaccinated, meaning that a lot of vaccinated people were actually in these studies being classified as unboxed. Is that true? Dr. Peter McCullough 28:18 That's true. Remember, they should have used intent to treat principles, meaning once you intend to do it, everything counts. They were discounting all the infections between shot one and shot two, and there's an explosive number of infections. And they were not counting everything within two weeks of the second shot. So they were markedly overestimating efficacy because they were discounting all these infections the vaccinated were having, Dr. Paul 28:43 right. And when we look at the various data, we see there's a clustering of side effects and adverse events right after the vaccines are given and all those would be classified as unboxed people. Dr. Peter McCullough 28:57 That's true. In fact, that was in the the regulatory dossiers for Pfizer, Pfizer, under court order was forced to release their dossier Maderna, by the way, and Janssen is now off the market. novec still hasn't released their data. But Pfizer is an unqualified disaster. The FDA did not want to release this to Americans for over 55 years. And what we learned is people were explosively getting COVID after the first shot, it wasn't working. Pfizer recorded 1223 deaths within 90 days and released their vaccine, some on the same day they take the shot, and our government was trying to cover that up. Dr. Paul 29:34 Wow. How come it's still on the market? Dr. Peter McCullough 29:37 It shouldn't be. You know, I've called on December 2 20 December 7 2022. For all the vaccines to be pulled off the market. I made that call in the US Senate. The Association of American Physicians surgeons made the same call in March of 2023. And then ahead of that the World Council for health care started in the UK made the call June of June 11 of 2022. Subsequently, we've had calls in the UK Parliament, the EU parliament, Australian Parliament pulled the vaccines off the market, not safe for human use. Dr. Paul 30:15 But nothing happens. Even the Dr. Peter McCullough 30:17 emergency has been dropped or President Biden has dropped the COVID Emergency but the emergency use authorized vaccines continue. So it no one is following any of the regulatory laws. They're not following good guidance. This seems to be a test of wills. Will the population of the world decline these vaccines and let them die? Or will people still take them? Our CDC is still reporting 15% of people are taking boosters you know, I don't buy it right now because they're not updating the data the numbers seems frozen forever. The US military has completely dropped the vaccines I got firsthand knowledge from Lieutenant Colonel retired Green Beret Pete chambers, who told me that the most recent Defense Authorization Act finally got vaccines out of the new recruits the reservist and the currently enlisted and officer so it's gone. On the no college mandates group has done a great job where fewer than 100 colleges mandating the vaccines. Companies are dropping them, but they never apologized for it. And they never stayed who is responsible for it to begin with. Dr. Paul 31:26 So here's my biggest concern. I'm a retired pediatrician. My peers in pediatrics have been the biggest promoters of vaccines for the past several decades. And the hcip ACEP, the CDC arm that makes recommendations has put COVID on the child immunization schedule. And I know how my peers think they think, Oh, the CDC is recommending it and they are pushing it. i What do you think? I mean, what are the adverse events that parents should look out for? And obviously, I'm saying and I imagine you are also absolutely not kids are not at risk from COVID at all. Dr. Peter McCullough 32:09 No, at this point in time, they've all had it all there's there are no residual pockets of risk. Remember, there was never any school outbreaks, no kindergarten outbreaks. It was characteristically a very mild disease and children very manageable by the way, modifications to the McCullough protocol and others always handled and only people ever hospitalized. Were those who got no early treatment. And so we it's always a manageable infection. And when a SIP put the vaccines on the routine schedule, and these are emergency use temporary vaccines, when they put them on the permanent a SIP pill, I think that was the straw that broke the camel's back. People said listen, if this group is using their judgment, and if they really believe this, we need to take a look at the whole schedule. And that's what I've done is take a look at the whole schedule and figure out what in the world was going on with these. These vaccine enthusiast and boy, the news is not good. What parents need to look out for is horrendous outcomes. Paper by who she that and colleagues from Japan. Listen to this 14 year old girl takes shot one of Pfizer gets a little sick shot too. Few weeks later, it gets a little more sick, gets a booster six months later, has some trouble breathing that night. She tells her sister that the next morning dead in bed. Family is horrified. They get an autopsy. Every organ in the body is rotting out with inflammation COVID 19 vaccine multi system inflammatory disorder. Yeah, I mean, this is horrendous. This is autopsy proven it's peer reviewed literature. One case of this back, you know, early in 2021 should have been pulled off the market. Yeah, off the market. So yeah, so parents should look for even horrific things, including death. We see now broad side effects in the cardiovascular category myocarditis, 90% of boys 10% and girls, blood clots, intracranial hemorrhage and stroke like Haley Bieber, who's the wife of Justin Bieber, Guillaume Bray syndrome in in young people, hundreds of cases been reported as a neurologic paralysis. And then sadly, these immune system disorders mis C and V ITT of blood disorder, but it's an it's just basically a nightmare for children. They have no possibility of benefit, and it's all harm. Dr. Paul 34:33 Yeah. All harm folks. You hear that? It's, it's an insane proposition to be even having that on the schedule. I think it's time to disband the CDC. It's they've gone insane. I mean, they're just too conflicted apparently. Dr. Peter McCullough 34:49 What while it's clear that they've turned a blind eye to safety, they could care less if we lose children with the vaccine program and we simply can't have agencies and committees Making decisions if they don't care about the health of our children. Dr. Paul 35:03 Yeah. So I've been looking at vaccines for the last 20 years, the childhood schedule, and I'm so excited to see you're writing about this stuff. I your recent substack courageous discourse on HIV was just brilliant. I mean, you've got all the data and it's so nice to have a real scientist with a fresh look at this stuff. What are you finding as you sort of dive into this area? Is there a link between vaccines and autism? Dr. Peter McCullough 35:29 I gotta tell you, I've been astounded with what I found out. Now, first off, let me say I looked at my own vaccine schedule. I was born in 1962. And believe it or not, my mom took me in at two weeks and I started getting vaccinated. And I started getting vaccines. Back in the day, we took the oral oral polio vaccine, and then I was determined it didn't work. So then I was revaccinated with the shots, and it kept going, I was vaccinated and revaccinated over again. So I'm I'm very heavily vaccinated, my kids took all the vaccines to I didn't look at it critically when they were born. So let me tell you, just because, you know, I wasn't injured by the vaccine, so it doesn't make it okay. Yeah, I think it's very important for people to hear this just because they did fine with the vaccines doesn't mean it's okay. This is what we've learned. When I was a child, the rate of autism was one in 10,000. Now, that rate today, the CDC says is an emergency. It's 136. It's an epidemic. And there's an associated group of disorders that the Europeans are publishing on. It's called essence, this is important, I want to make sure we get these this right cluster, its attention deficit disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Developmental Coordination, disability, intellectual language, and intellectual and language disabilities, and Tourette syndrome. And then in some cases, febrile seizures and epilepsy. So let me review the data, some contemporary studies, just the MMR alone, in a paper by Habib and colleagues, where they compared the GlaxoSmithKline versus the mark. So they were looking at both of them, but they had good quality data, the rate of febrile seizures 0.4%. They're solid on this, so it's real 0.4%. And then in a paper by Nielsen and colleagues, looking at all the febrile seizures in Sweden, it turns out 41% of them go on to develop one of these essence disorders, including autism spectrum disorders. So there's the linkage, and then what we're finding out is that as the vaccines are bundled into more intensive bundles, so you have MMR, which is measles, mumps rubella, a DTaP, which is diptheria, tetanus, pertussis, influenza, and now the Haemophilus Influenza zero type B, and then we would add COVID into it. It's the adding up of these at single administration, the bundling of this, which looks like it's pretty clearly related to autism, a paper by D long and D long, which is a brilliant analysis. children up to eight years old data from 2001 to 2007. Carefully put this all together, and it was clear once the vaccines were given in these multiples and the bundles that the P value for the development of autism is is you know, less than point o one, so it's highly statistically significant. So so we don't know people have said well it's it's it's a it's a preservative in one like Final Marisol mercury or it's aluminum in another. But you know, my analysis is it over time, there's been some adjustment in these in these adjuvants. And by the way, aluminum is used in allergy testing injections in our desensitization with allergies to I'm thinking now, certainly the adjuvants could play a role. But I'm thinking now that it's actually the immune system, that in some kids, the immune system is activated. In fact, there's about 200 papers on immune system dysregulation and the development of autism and these essences about 200 papers. So hyper vaccination leads to immune system is regulation. There are factors cytokines that are neurotropic cytokines, they go into the brain, just like they would with a measles encephalitis case or with rubella. Sarah, brightest case or with you know, other illnesses, you know, some of the viruses were vaccinated against, the virus itself may not cost too much brain damage, but the inflammation does when we give the vaccine we're causing that same inflammation, inflammation. So what I've determined is that, you know, while while other hypotheses are in play, like the ascendancy of the use of glyco, Speights, or potentially hypervitaminosis, D are other things in the baby formula. We know that older parents, siblings with autism, and then premature infants, you know, those are risk factors. But when you factor in these risk factors, hyper vaccination, and then the vignette of a febrile seizure, and the mother and father witnesses, and from that point forward, the child is never the same. I think we're building a pretty strong case that you know, that Andy Wakefield years ago, yourself and other pioneers, that you were right, all along, that hyper vaccination is a determinant of autism. Dr. Paul 40:55 Yeah, it's huge. This makes it very, you know, in medicine, we have this thing called informed consent. And I'm sure you've done this, all your career, when you're talking to a patient about some procedure that maybe they're needing to undergo, or some medication, and here's the potential benefits, here's the potential risks, you weigh it out, and then they get to decide. My peers still believe that vaccines are safe and effective. So they're still just a blanket statement. They're safe and effective. They hear this from the CDC. So then when you when you put that side of the equation against, while these diseases can kill you, which, you know, I mean, some of them can. That's the extent of their informed consent, which is so inadequate, when you know as much as you and I know, you have to if you're gonna give informed consent, you've got to give the full story. And now it looks like vaccinating doesn't make much sense when you balance out the risks. No, I Dr. Peter McCullough 41:59 mean, there's many 10s of 1000s of cases of autism. And it ranges in a spectrum. Some of the children, you know, are homebound. They're 24 by seven full care, screaming 24 by seven year. I know some colleagues with children like this than others. They're relatively you know, mainstreamed intelligence, by the way, is quite variable. It's not a form of mental retardation. It's quite variable. But you know, compared to, you know, these very rare outcomes, for instance, over 15 years of cases of measles in the United States that were 34 deaths, and it was largely just in you know, cases is just supportive cares like any other viral encephalitis, by the way, a decent proportion of the measles hospitalizations and deaths. They're fully vaccinated. So measles doesn't stop severe disease. Same thing is true with mumps, diphtheria and pertussis now, diphtheria and pertussis they're treated with azithromycin just a Z Pak nowadays. So we have methods to easily treat a lot of these conditions. We have modern ICU care. I was on Twitter spaces recently and and a doctor who worked for one of the big pharmaceutical companies said there's, you know, there's hundreds of 1000s of measles deaths per year and we have to keep up on measles vaccination. You know, it's not true in the United States. That's certainly not true in the United States. It's, it's very rare to have measles, it's easily treated. We can treat the other illnesses, deep tissue wounds we treat, you know, for tetanus if there and so, you know, we have a situation where most of the vaccines are not medically necessary, not clinically indicated. And the risks to the child may far outweigh the benefits in most cases. Now, people could say, well, wait a minute, you know, we still have some severe things to talk about, like Polio. Well, polio was going down was considerably before the vaccines even came. And the first ones, the ones I got, for instance, they didn't even work anyway. So then we had to be revaccinated And actually, the oral polio vaccines just contributed more polio in the water supply. So it just it was just it was a terrible development. So you know, the polio vaccines didn't end polio. We could conceivably smallpox over 70 years reduce smallpox infections, but human hygiene improved. I got the smallpox vaccine too. I checked out my vaccine card. And and so now we're down to some things that come off plus influenza B. Do you know over about 10 years of data, there were 4000 cases of Haemophilus Influenza only 77 were serotype B, right, meaning we get hung up but there's only this one stereotype. And you know, the large fraction of them were either partially or fully vaccinated. Dr. Paul 44:56 Anyway, so is against the wrong strain. Dr. Peter McCullough 44:59 Yeah, so were vaccinated against a pretty rare strain and it doesn't even work anyway. So none of these vaccines look pretty good. I gotta say probably the one that's most compelling, would be rubella. Now, rubella didn't exist. When I was a kid, I remember they started a rubella campaign. And before they started, there was about 20,000 cases of congenital rubella syndrome, German measles. Yeah, it was Dr. Paul 45:24 devastating when you acquire it while pregnant, Dr. Peter McCullough 45:26 right? It was just like Zika virus is terrible when you get it when you're pregnant. And it turns out of the kids who survived pause, interesting of the kids who survived to birth, about 10% had autism back in the 60s. So the congenital rubella syndrome, believe it or not, did result in some autism. Yeah. And then the rubella vaccines came in and you know, the number of congenital rubella cases plummeted from 20,000 to two, it really worked. Now, who needs the vaccine? It's women as they approach the reproductive years, what happened? You know, it was the decision of the CDC ASAP. And I think at the time was a public health service, to say that everybody has to take care, you know, young boys don't get significant German measles. It's like, actually, we over vaccinated the boys, myself included, and it simply wasn't needed. But the rubella vaccine looks compelling. And I have to say another vaccine, I think that looks I think prudent, and that would be Hepatitis B in two circumstances, one, in babies who are born to mothers with active hepatitis B, where we want to get them some immunity, that's pretty rare, like an active IV, drug abusing mother. It's more frequent in Asia, where they do have more endemic hepatitis B. And then I'd say healthcare workers, people with working with blood and body fluids as they approach healthcare. But that's it. You can see the over reaction here, every baby now has been vaccinated in the first day of life with hepatitis B, all these normal babies, they're not, you know, them all the mothers in America are not IV drug abusers. So I think we could basically do what you've proposed in your manuscripts and Hooker and Miller, and that is go natural. And so the outcomes are going natural, no vaccines at all are spectacular. Amazed, as you've reported, lower rates of asthma, atopic dermatitis, knee for tympanostomy tubes, attention deficit disorder, autism, other neuro psychiatric disorders, it's absolutely stunning, going natural, far better than following the vaccine schedule. Yep. Dr. Paul 47:32 And it's not that dangerous. You know, I when I coach people today, because I don't practice medicine anymore. I'm retired. That was another whole story. But when I coach people today, you know, I say, Well, you know, you've got to weigh it out, and what are you most afraid of? And really the, the logical decision now, knowing what we now know, is, let nature protect you. natural immunity is amazing. So thank you for Wow, you're a fast study. I know that about you. You're just prolific in your ability to analyze studies and figure stuff out. So we've needed you in this realm as well. I wanted to ask you one of the questions, we get close to winding it down. I feel like scientific integrity has really taken a hit with COVID. It's like so much science anymore, because it's so pharma dominated with conflicts of interest. It almost feels like tobacco science where, you know, you have good science showing one thing, but the pharmaceutical industry wants to bury that with a bunch of junk studies. So then things well, okay, you got one study that may be but we have 10 studies that prove the opposite. How do we get how do we recover the integrity of medicine? How do we recover the the integrity of science itself? Dr. Peter McCullough 48:54 We're in dark times right now, Paulie, what we've learned is, is things went off the rail. With vaccines decades ago, there's been about 150 years of vaccine ideology where no one could challenge the vaccines. They were assumed safe, and no one could actually review them. And in fact, fraudulent papers were published, there was one published around 2,001st author is Madson, a separate one from the same database by having these studies claimed there was no relation between the MMR vaccine and autism. And well, how did they do this? They looked at automated sources of data. And they assumed that when the MMR didn't show up in a billing code that they didn't take the MMR so they had a group of vaccinated in the Medicine study, they came up with 82% of the kids vaccinated. But 18% on vaccinated This was published in the Journal of Medicine. I said, Wait a minute. During that time period, there was only about 2.5% Have Americans unvaccinated? What about this 18.2. So I immediately thought that they didn't have the right classification of who was vaccinated not and sure enough, I found a paper published at that time showing that in in Denmark, the, the automated data system was not getting complete capture of vaccination and easily, I think it was 55% of those quote, who were unvaccinated. In fact, were vaccinated. So the Madson paper is actually flooded, because both groups are vaccinated. And of course, when both groups are vaccinated, you're not going to see any relative difference in autism rates. So Matt Madson and then the associated paper Hedvig, an animal's internal medicine really can just be tossed out based on their invalid. So in the vaccine world, when it came to declarations that the vaccines didn't cause autism, I think every one of those studies is flawed. And, and they are quickly trying to dismiss any concerns to keep the vaccine ideology going. We've seen the same thing now with COVID, that we see papers all the time, that say, Well, this is pretty rare. And then they get into it now is interested if they, if they describe the rarity enough, sometimes the editors let it get in, let me give an example paper published in a very high level cardiology journal by showing colleagues from Korea, you know, do a calculation based on spontaneous reporting of myocarditis being rare in young people? Well, we don't use spontaneously important safety data and divide it by the entire population, because we never know of cases that aren't reported, because they may have died at home or doctors don't recognize it. So they use this invalid technique to get to a low incidence. And they may make that the play of the paper, but I looked in detail, believe it or not, in Korea, they are reporting 480 cases of myocarditis severe enough to be hospitalized. 21 of them went on ECMO, which is a very serious level of life support, and they died, they died 21 Young people died, despite full ICU report. So the chill report is an indictment. For instance, that is a disaster. But the only reason why it's published is because the authors are trying to feign that this is rare. So it takes a critical reader, we are now relying on the preprint service system a lot, which is fair, I just reviewed some CVC papers, they're referencing 50% or more preprint server papers. So we can use a preprint service system. And actually take a look at the data ourselves. independent medical journals are coming forward, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons is now a popular Independent Medical Journal, The Journal of Science, Technology, public health and law by the Institute of Applied Technology, that's another one. And you'll see that truth will ring true. We have a situation with COVID that 25% of the population didn't take the vaccine, and the doctors are still telling some of the patients to take the vaccine, they are running and changing doctors, to doctors who are being honest about the vaccines. And I tell you, the medical community better figure this out, because there's going to be a big shift in patient preference. Dr. Paul 53:14 Yeah. You just gave me an idea of a question to ask you that. I've never thought of asking somebody of your caliber. How do you and I really want to know the answer for myself. I like to find good studies. And I don't like missing good studies, because I didn't know they were there. What is your approach? Now you speak to other physicians and scientists out there? What is the best approach to make sure you don't miss good science? Like how do you how do you get a hold of all the articles you need to get a hold of? Dr. Peter McCullough 53:44 Well, you know, I work personally, I work very hard at it. I get up very early in the morning, I dedicate hours of scholarship and I'm still in practice. So I go to the office, I'm seeing patients taking patient phone calls. But I certainly work hard at it. Now I've published more than anybody in my field. So I'm quick with the data. I just understand how to interpret papers. I use the National Library of Medicine every day. But I rely on communication systems. I started one for COVID called C 19 D And every day, there's periodic updates. And you know, I'm always been alerted to papers. I started the substack courageous discourse, where I make the graphical abstract, quick commentary, voiceover sometimes key videos and we get this out. And we just create dialogue. And I'm really focusing now on COVID 19 vaccines in general, autism and actually transgenderism. transgenderism politics, a topic for another day. I'd like to take it up with you, but there is a connection between it all Dr. Paul 54:50 fascinating. Yeah, well, we'll definitely take that up on another time. It's it's happening. I have a grandson who's 17 and he said it All over his school. It's just like, you know, five years ago, it was almost unheard of. And now it's it's the thing, a lot of social pressure involved, but we'll talk about that some more for sure. So as we wrap it up two things first. What's coming next? You know, we've seen these huge organizations that you were able to connect, who are up to no good and in one sense. What do you think's coming next, and should we be afraid? Dr. Peter McCullough 55:33 While this biopharmaceutical complex is giving us all the overt signaling? Bill Gates Tadros to the who? Anthony Fauci, former nya director, Peter Hotez in Houston, controversial vaccine developer, they are all stating with great enthusiasm, that there will be another pandemic, and that'll be far worse than COVID. But why are they saying this? And why are they so happy about it? I think we should take them seriously. There could be another pandemic, could be another respiratory virus we need to be ready principles of the McCullough protocol virus Seidel nasal washes and sprays, key over the counter nutraceuticals and supplements everybody ought to go to my website, Peter McCullough md.com and get armed because there could be another pandemic. I personally don't think it's going to happen. Because it's very hard for a virus to infect the entire world, we may see little, little sputtering outbreaks like monkey pox. And by the way, the complex tried to pull the trigger on monkey pox. Even today, the CDC is telling people to get both monkey pox and COVID shots today, the CDC to me. I think the other thing to watch now is this transgenderism. And this convergence with autism is going to be explosive, explosive. The Autism Advocacy Network has come out fully in support of transgender medicine, and they're trying to fight all the legislation to shut it down. The American Civil Liberties Union has come out fully in support of transgenderism, trying to block any state regulations on this. All the academic medical centers are going wild with surgical and hormonal programs, targeting the children largely with autism, The Endocrine Society, the American College of Pediatrics and the American College of Sciences and gynecology, all fully supporting transgender medicine. I think this is going to be a really dark time in medicine similar to the days of frontal lobotomy. Frontal lobotomy went on for years, Paul, you know, it basically took people with minor psychiatric problems and made them vegetables. And it took Peter Breggin, who's, you know, still alive today, a modern day hero to stand up to it and say, No, it's got to stop. Joe, the guy who's promoting frontal lobotomy, he got a Nobel Prize. He got it. So listen, medicine goes in bad directions. Right now. We're at a time where that's happening. I'm Dr. Peter McCullough. Paul, I'm gonna have to sign off and jump on another show. Thank you so much for having me. Dr. Paul 58:06 Thanks for coming on the show. God bless. I look forward to running together with the wind at our backs, revealing the science that gives clarity in our world that's full of propaganda and misinformation. Visit our website, doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. Your support makes a difference. And let's make this the weekly show the world has been waiting for. Thanks for watching. I'm Dr. Paul. 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Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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