PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:00
Hey Paul, welcome to with the winds science revealed. Today I speak with Dr. Shannon kroner. She has a doctorate in clinical psychology, a master's in special education and we discuss her new children's book. I'm unvaccinated and that's okay. This book tells the story of an unvaccinated boy who has an older vaccine injured sibling, and what life has been like for him navigating the world. With all these pressures to vaccinate. We cover that journey one takes when trying to understand vaccine effects and vaccine risks. Enjoy the show. My from the heart today is about being present for each other. Yesterday was my mom's would have been my mom's 91st birthday. And that her celebration of life. The underlying theme that came up over and over again was how she was present for others throughout her life. My mom's name was Winnie and she loved Winnie the Pooh. So I wanted to share this story that really exemplifies what being present is all about. Today was a difficult day said Who do you want to talk about it? Asked piglet know who said after a bit now? I don't think so. That's okay said Piglet and he came and sat beside his friend. What are you doing? Asked poo. Nothing really said piglet. I know what difficult days are like I quite often don't feel like talking about it on my difficult days either. But goodness continued piglet difficult days are so much easier when you know you've got someone there for you. And I'll always be here for you prove as Pusat they're working through in his head his difficult day. While solid reliable piglet sat next to him quietly swinging his little legs. Who thought that his best friend had never been more right. Thank you, mom, for being there for so many throughout your life. And thank you to all of you who've been there for me and for others. Welcome Dr. Shannon kronor. It was so much fun being with you in Austin, Texas for the pandemic three, the Great Awakening inaugural movie. Dr. Shannon Kroner 2:55 That was awesome. It really it was a great movie. And a great event. Dr. Paul 3:00 Yeah, it sure was, and I got to sit next to you for dinner before that event. So got to learn a whole lot more about you. And wow, I just love what you've done with your life and your career. You. You have a doctorate in clinical psychology, Master's in special education. You've worked with special needs kids since 2001. You're the founder and director of freedom of religion United solutions. You've built a coalition their faith leaders of many faiths to stand united for the religious freedom of vaccine choice. Yes. And then your latest caution. What really got me interested in getting you on the show here is your amazing children's book, titled I'm unvaccinated and that's okay. And it's an easy read. It's done with you know, beautiful cartoon illustrations, but it's really an important read for parents and kids. It's you tell the story of an unvaccinated unvaccinated boy who has an older vaccine injured sibling, what a common scenario, right? We'll talk about that some more. And what life is like for him navigating the world with so many pressures to vaccinate. So, welcome to the show. Dr. Shannon Kroner 4:07 Thank you. Thank you. Dr. Paul 4:09 If you wouldn't mind starting with really your youth and young adulthood and then career sort of what led you to this place? Dr. Shannon Kroner 4:20 Okay. Um, well, in my youth, I was vaccinated. And and actually, you know, I I was a, I would say I was a pretty healthy kid up until about five years old. No one's ever asked me about my youth. So that's really interesting. In an interview, so I was allergic to our dog. And my pediatrician suggested that I go get allergy shots. And my mom, I nobody talks about allergy shots in the vaccine world, you know, um, But my mom would take me to get allergy shots. And she actually, to this day, she still regrets it because it was after getting allergy shots shots that I developed asthma. So I'm not, you know, I've never really taken the time to look into what the preservatives and stuff are in allergy shots. But, um, but there was definitely a correlation between me getting those allergy shots and then ending up with asthma because it was all within the same time period. So interesting. Dr. Paul 5:31 I mean, I could just add from my own research and findings that asthma is a very common condition that develops in the highly vaccinated. And so, you know, your allergies to dogs was also perhaps, in some part triggered by the shifts that happened to the immune system, because you were highly vaccinated. Dr. Shannon Kroner 5:52 Yeah, probably, I mean, you know, back, when I was a kid, there weren't as many as there are today. So, I actually, I don't know, you know, my mom followed whatever the schedule was back in the early, late 70s, early 80s. So, um, so I got what I was meant to get, right. Um, but then, um, so, you know, I went through life with asthma, allergies, whatever. And then, and then in the early 2000s, I started working with kids with special needs. And, um, you know, that was when I got my first understanding of what autism is, I, I actually started working as what is called a floor time therapist. And so and I was trained as a floor time therapist to work with the littlest kids that have autism or other other kind of disabilities that I was working with. And it was really like play therapy, showing them like, instead of lining up the cars that many little kids do with autism, where they line up the cars and like, focus on the wheels going turning, I was meant to show them the functions of a car so that like it can drive, you know, over a hill and under a tunnel and stuff like that, and, and help them learn appropriate play. And so that was my job as a full time therapist, and I also have to do the intake with new families. Whenever I would do an intake with new family members or with new families, then the parents would always say the same thing over and over again about how their child was healthy, born fine. Pregnancy was usually normal. And then after a round of shots around, you know, one to two years old, something changed within their child, they lost speech, they lost eye contact, different behaviors developed. And it was, I kept hearing the same story over and over again about how their child changed after vaccination. And, you know, this was in my early 20s, I was not yet a parent. So it was interesting to me, but it wasn't of concern, because I wasn't vaccinating my own kids. I didn't have kids to vaccinate or not vaccinate. So, but it was something that was concerning to me that I kind of had on my radar. So that when I did have my first child, which I was pregnant in 2009, and that was during the swine flu. I knew that I wanted to approach vaccination differently. And, and not do you know, during that time, my concern, I thought it was the CDC recommended schedule. That was what I thought was the problem. I didn't really think that it was the individual vaccines. I thought it's too many at at one time. Dr. Paul 9:11 And receptive of you. That is one of the challenges for sure. Dr. Shannon Kroner 9:15 Yeah. And so, you know, that's how in my mind that here I was, I was pregnant. And I was, that's what I was going to do was like one at a time or two at a time, and not five at a time. And then it was the fall. And it was this. We had the swine flu, and I was still working with children. And so my doctor encouraged me to get the flu shot and the swine flu shot. And so I had known enough about vaccines to decline the swine flu shot because I felt that it was too new and there wasn't enough studies and I didn't want to risk that. And then I was convinced to get the flu shot because I was told it was preservative free. And in my mind, I thought, well, if If it's preservative free, that means that it's safe, and that there are no toxins in it. And so there shouldn't be an issue. Well, I got the preservative free flu shot, I was only 11 weeks pregnant. And it landed me in the ER, because I ended up shortly after receiving the flu shot. I ended up profusely leaking amniotic fluid, it was as if my water broke, and here I was only 11 weeks pregnant. And when I went to the ER, they told me that I had lost, you know, all of my amniotic fluid and that I lost the baby. And then the next day, I went to my, my OB, who told me, Well, I've lost 95% of my amniotic fluid. But the good news is, is that my baby had a strong heartbeat, so I had not lost him. And but he had said that there's no chance for survival without amniotic fluid. And so, you know, I then went and saw got another opinion, who told me the exact same thing that and really, that doctor encouraged me to end the pregnancy. And I said to him, I was like, you know, I don't have it in me to stop a heartbeat. And if it's God's will for me to have this child, then I will. And if it's God's will, for me not to have this child that it's not meant to be, then naturally, I will lose the child. And so I kind of had that mindset. Everyone around me thought I was insane. Family and friends, Dr. Paul 11:46 I totally understand what your what you went through the mom of my biological sons, we had the same experience. Really, ours was triggered by back then they were doing for we were elderly parents. And back then they were doing chorionic villus sampling, they really don't do that anymore. They kind of pinch a little bit off of the tissue. And in our case, and I guess it's a fairly common complication that created a big leak. So we were in right in that boat. 95% of the fluid was gone, we were told to abort. And there was like, maybe a one to 3% chance of survival, I think, is what they quoted us. And we couldn't terminate a pregnancy. It just it just feels far along. What was your Gosh, when we were a little further along than you were, I think, but not much. And our outcome wasn't as good as yours. We ultimately lost that pregnancy at 23 weeks, which was rough. However, sorry. I know exactly what you went through. And it's it's a huge thing. You know, you can have all sorts of philosophical ideas, but when it's you and your baby, and you're being asked to end their life, even if there's the tiniest chance that they would be okay. How do you end life? It was difficult, it just brought up another whole way of looking at things. Dr. Shannon Kroner 13:04 Yeah. And I went to several different doctors to get several different opinions. And each one said, the same thing is that, you know, I was being stupid for not having not having an abortion. And I knew that within myself, I could not live with myself, if I was the one to stop the heartbeat. Yeah, that would have changed, that literally would have changed me forever. I would have had regret for the rest of my life. And I don't know that I could have lived with myself having made some kind of a decision like that. And so I just left it up to God. And I left it up to myself to do the research. And so I actually did the research on how to replenish the amniotic fluid. Not a single doctor told me that I could do that. But I found some studies out of India of women who had low amniotic fluid and what they were doing, and it was something so simple, it was just being hydrated. And so no one told me that if I was drinking a lot of water, I would make more amniotic fluid. And so I I put myself on bed rest, and I drank water, like it was going out of style. It was all I drank all day long. And miraculously by week 20, my amniotic fluid was 100%. And the doctors they thought, this is a miracle. They said, I have never seen anything like this before in our entire practice. And and really, it's because they encourage women to you know, get end the pregnancy and I was one of those people who said no, and you know, I thankfully I'm really happy that I listened to my heart and followed, you know, my own path. Because today my son, he's 13 years old. He's happy he's healthy. He He's smart. He's funny. He's everything I've ever wanted in a child. And so, Dr. Paul 15:06 you know, what you just shared there just hit me. So doctors today do not have a clue about what it's like to have a unvaccinated child, because they universally vaccinate everybody, right? So they have this one size fits all CDC follow CDC schedule approach. And unlike, you know, folks like yourself who just figured this out, largely, I think probably because of your career of working with all those autistic kids, you went through exactly what I went through, in fact. I mean, it was the same period. I was it was in the early 2000s. Onward, that I was hearing all those stories. And I mean, how many times do you have to hear, you know, my child was doing great. They were smiling, making good eye contact, they were vocalizing they were doing this that a normal kid, and sometimes within days, sometimes weeks, sometimes months, they lost their kid in terms of no eye contact, sometimes no social often no language, and the spinning and the flapping and the pain. I mean, you know, you dealt with it right? How many times do you think you've heard that story? Dr. Shannon Kroner 16:14 Oh, I couldn't even tell you how many. I mean, it's it's like 1000s. Actually, I've been doing this work since 2001. And I've, and I know people personally, I have friends who have had that story. I've had clients who've had that story. I I've it it's common, actually, unfortunately, it's common. And I'll tell you, right now, I just saw a study where the rates in California are one in 22 kids with autism. I mean, one and 22 is that's like that number is, is crazy. That's scary number Dr. Paul 16:51 is and and when we know what we know, you and I because we've done the research, we've looked into the data that's out there, and folks, it's out there if you if you if this is new news to you, you're watching and going wait a minute, vaccines are triggering autism, or unvaccinated kids are not getting autism. And that's news to you. Do your research. Don't take our word for it. But you and I both had that same experience, right? Dr. Shannon Kroner 17:17 Oh, yeah. I mean, I've I've heard, not only have I heard stories, but I've seen stories, I've had parents show me videos, or show me pictures of, for instance, like first birthday parties, where the child is excited and will blow out a candle on the cake or will open a present or saying a couple words. And then by the second birthday, or the third birthday is just like a completely different child where they don't know to blow out a candle on a cake. Yeah. And they don't know to get excited about opening a present. And so I've seen those home videos. And there's no convincing me, I'm convinced. And I I've seen it firsthand. I've seen it for myself. Dr. Paul 18:02 Yeah, as have I in my practice. I mean, I've seen I had hundreds, probably a little less than 1000 of those stories that you've seen in the 1000s. But you know, you when you hear those stories, and especially like you had you were taking intakes, and you're hearing those parents for the first time? Well, maybe not the first time, but they're having to tell you the whole story. And so they have to go through the heart wrenching emotional telling of losing their kid. I mean, how often were they in tears? You can't Yeah, you can't ignore that. Dr. Shannon Kroner 18:36 No, and not only that, but it doesn't only affect the mother and the father. But it's also affecting siblings too. Because, you know, I remember some of my earlier clients that I kids that I worked with, you know, autism, for whatever reason, right now, there's a lot of people who are high on the spectrum that are trying to glorify, glorify autism. But I've really I've seen firsthand the struggle that it is, and it's not fun, and my heart breaks for so many of these families that followed along with what their doctor instructed them to do, and ended up with a child that, you know, is not able to communicate. And, you know, and so I feel bad for i I've heard those stories, I've seen those stories. I know those stories and, and actually, my book talks about exactly that. And and it's actually have like a small like, dedication at the beginning that talks about how this is dedicated to the you know, the parents who have seen vaccine injury and then also the kids that are dealing with vaccine injury. And that I see that because often they are ignored or they are dismissed. They're told these are parents parents are telling people their stories, and they are told that they're crazy. Or that the stories are untrue. And can you I can't even imagine what that must be like for a parent who has to go through the pain and suffering and trying to find the right therapies and having adult children that are still in diapers and things like that, and being told that they're crazy, or lying about their own stories. Dr. Paul 20:33 Yeah. So that gaslighting that's going on, it's like, you know, you do the right thing, the right thing, you follow your doctor's instructions, orders, if you will, and you get all the vaccines, and then you end up with a damaged child. Not always, of course, but it's happening way too much. And then when you go and say, look what happened. They they tell you Oh, no, that that wasn't the vaccines total, total denial. It's it's absolutely insane. Absolutely insane. So one of the things you did was created, tell tell me a little bit about your religious Coalition for vaccine choice? How what brought you to the to the even How'd you even get that thought? I mean, it's, I love that the concept? Dr. Shannon Kroner 21:14 Yeah. So you know, so I live in California, where we have the strictest vaccine laws in the nation. And in 2015, we lost our religious exemptions for children in order for them to go to school. And then in 2019, we lost our medical exemptions for children to go to school. And so when that happened, and I had known back in 2015, adult mandates were coming, I knew it, I knew was going to happen. I did not know how I never foresaw that we would have a pandemic of this kind of nature and craziness. But I, I didn't know that somehow, adults were next. And so when SB 276, passed in 2019, removing the medical exemptions. I thought to myself, you know, and not only that it happened in California, and California was kind of sets the stage for the rest of the country. So I knew that it was going to be, you know, the removal of exemptions was gonna be happening throughout the country in different states, which it has. It's happened now in Connecticut and Maine, and New York. It almost happened in New Jersey. And so I decided to start a faith coalition in 2019. So pre pandemic, I started a faith coalition where I was literally like cold calling faith leaders, and of all different faiths. So I work with I have a coalition of faith leaders that are pastors, priests, rabbis, there's a couple Imams, there's a monk, who are all have united to protect the religious freedom of vaccine choice. And prior to the pandemic, we had our legal team write up exemptions for childhood vaccines, so that kids could file a religious exemption in the states where they were allowed. They weren't allowed in California. So my hands were kind of tied there. And then the pandemic hit. And the moment that that happened, I knew, Okay, adult mandates are coming. And I had my, our lawyers write up exemptions for adults for the COVID vaccine. And so, so we were ready to go when the pandemic happened. And since the pandemic to date, we've helped 1000s it's somewhere around 50,000 people that we've actually helped keep their jobs stay in school. You know, they weren't, we weren't. We have exemptions on our website that are for first responders, medical care professionals, teachers, we've helped a lot of teachers throughout the country keep their jobs. You know, they're also for the average person who has any job. And then we also our organization, it was also the voice for in the very beginning. We were the first voice for our military, because the military was being mandated to get the COVID vaccine and I actually I was at a church where there was someone high ranking guy from the Navy who was speaking and, and I was so he and I were both speaking and he was speaking about how he's not sure what kind of what decision to make because he didn't want he has a family to feed and take care of. And he didn't want to get the COVID vaccine, but he also didn't want to lose his job. And he was speaking on the same stage as I was and I He said to him, you know, I want to help let me help you. So he and I formed a team with another high ranking Marine, and a couple other guys in the military to really fight the mandates for our military. And so we were the first organization, as a group, we went to DC, and met with, it was something like 17 Members of Congress and Senate to talk about, and we brought all the data, the guy who was working with in the Navy, he's like a big time stats guy. And so he put together all the data. And we brought that we met with, we met with people like Jim Jordan, and Rand Paul, and Lauren Buber, and all different and Daryl Eisah. And we, you know, shared the data of what this was, what these mandates were going to do to our military, and how we're kicking out some of our best people, and that it's causing safety issues with our country, and that it could potentially be a serious safety crisis, if we, you know, kick out half of our military, which started to happen. And, you know, and thankfully, last year, the exemptions were dropped. But towards the end of last year, I think it was like maybe November or something like that. But we were, we were fighting from like the very beginning and sharing that information with them in Congress and in Senate, in DC. And so, I've really been in this for for a long time, in the trenches fighting for freedom. Dr. Paul 26:48 Thank you for that. What's the website? I imagine it's still active and a place people can go for as Oh, yeah. Dr. Shannon Kroner 26:53 So people can get I mean, right now, they're not they've kind of dropped all the mandates. So while most of the mandates have been dropped, but if people ever need an exemption even for you know, college exemptions, right, or school exemptions, it's four, United solutions.org, fo r United solutions.org. And our exemptions are free. But we are a nonprofit organization. So we just asked that, you know, if someone uses one of our exemptions to donate if if they are able to, yeah, and, and then if you go to the website for United solutions.org, you can actually see all the faith leaders that we work with, some of them are very recognizable, they've been big voices throughout the pandemic. And that's an important Dr. Paul 27:43 issue. You know, I mean, they've put the COVID vaccine on the childhood schedule, the CDC recommended schedule, which is insanity, because kids don't get sick in a major way from COVID. It's not a dangerous disease for kids. But it's now on that schedule. So I think parents around the country will perhaps benefit from your resource, when they go in to their pediatrician for that six month visit, you can now get it as young as six months. Go prepared, go go with your it's a legal document, correct? Dr. Shannon Kroner 28:17 Yeah, well, our lawyers, they wrote it. And you know, our exemptions are constitutionally based, right, we have our First Amendment, which says that we have religious freedom. And that is what our exemptions are based off of, based off of our First Amendment, and parents need to know their rights, and they cannot be discriminated against if their religious beliefs, you know, say that in and they don't have to actually be part of a specific religion, either. And that's what our constitution says. So you don't have to be Christian or you don't have to be Jewish to say that you don't want a vaccine. However, on our website, it does. We do list all the reasons per religion, why someone may not want to get vaccinated. However, you know, and I've actually spoken at length with faith leaders about this, people can literally, you know, believe that the clouds are telling them not to vaccinate, and that could be their religion and or their guidance from God. And, and that's all you need is that, you know, a higher power is instructed me not to get a vaccine. And that's it. That's your religious belief. So, you know, people don't have to actually attend church or temple on a regular basis to have a working religious exemption. Dr. Paul 29:48 Right. So I think you were talking about the military and how it was really decimating our military. I mean, we saw this in the medical field so doctors and nurses who weren't Be willing to get that job, lost their jobs, firefighters and law enforcement, teachers, as you mentioned, you know, in all walks of life, I mean, college aged kids having to roll up their sleeves or not be able to go to college. I know nurses who had to drop out of nursing school because they couldn't do their clinicals your website and information, it's powerful. And folks, don't ever again, feel forced to do something that you just know, in your gut, your intuition tells you this is not the right place, or time to be doing what you're doing. We are losing bodily integrity with all the rollout of all the laws. How can a government or a pharmaceutical industry or big business force you to take a medical procedure? It just doesn't even make sense. So thank you for the work you've done. Thank you so much. Thank you. Now I want to pivot to the whole reason I got you want to show your children's book, I'm unvaccinated. And that's okay. Tell me a little bit about how that evolved and maybe share the story that's, that's in this book, or at least some of the powerful pieces in this book? Dr. Shannon Kroner 31:10 Well, you know, the thing is, is that I firmly believe that every parent needs to be doing their own research. And we are in a time where there is a whole new generation of unvaccinated kids that, you know, the the kids who are not have not receive the COVID vaccine. You know, they're being shunned. They're being shunned by friends, family, teachers. And so I had them in mind when I wrote this book, because, you know, I felt that kids right now, like, they need to know that they're not alone. And I know that kids also have questions about well, you know, why is why are all my friends vaccinated? And I'm not and parents may not have the correct answer, they may not know what to say in that situation. And so, so I decided to write a children's book, because there's really no resources out there directed towards children. And a lot of people when I say, you know, you need to do the research. Well, look, I, I've been doing the research for a really long time. And I dive very deep into the research, but this book was made to kind of be a springboard into the deeper research, this is just, it's the start, and it's at the simplest level of why people should be questioning vaccines. And, and how, like, when I had when I wrote the book, what I had in mind is kind of parent and child reading together, so that a parent can answer their children's questions. And, and so the story, it's a beautifully illustrated book, Sharon, and then yes, you got to read it, because and I thank you so much. I have a quote from you on the back of the book, which I'm really excited to have included. And we also I have a quote, also from Dell, big tree and a quote from Robert Kennedy Jr. On the back, and who all three of you guys have really been very supportive. So I appreciate that. And so the book is really it's about it's from a young boys perspective, who has an older sibling who was vaccine injured. And the young boy is not vaccinated because his family has already gone through a vaccine injury and, and it's been detrimental to his family of, you know, all the different things that go on with his older sibling. And so he shares from his perspective, what life is like, especially in today's world, where there are so many pressures to get vaccinated, what life is like for him as an unvaccinated boy, and how he should be accepted as anyone else should be. And that his parents choice to not vaccinate him is okay. And that. And these are the reasons why. And these are the reasons why his parents chose not to vaccinate him and the book talks about how there's no liability for vaccines, and how the current vaccine schedule for children is extremely overwhelming, and how, how he's expected to get almost 100 vaccines by the time he turns 18. And the book also it touches on the one size fits all vaccine schedule about how like, every child is different. Every person has their own genetic makeup and yet the vaccine program is, is a one size fits all program where differences in genetics and differences in family history are not considered. And so really that's an and it talks about, you know, how does society treat him as an unvaccinated child. So for instance, he's not allowed to go to school. And so that's pretty much the basis of what the book is about. It's a, it's really simple, it's really easy to understand. And I think one of my favorite parts about the book is I have included a glossary of all the vaccine related terms that anyone really needs to know and understand in the most basic way. So I've included, you know, terms such as encephalitis, but at at a really easy way to understand what encephalitis is or why monkey cells are used in vaccines and what the purpose of using them is for. So that, you know, people can understand that they're actually vaccines actually are made with monkey cells. And you know, why there are antibodies and why antibiotics are used to make the vaccines, or what autism is in, you know, really simple terms. So it's got a really great glossary. And then I've also included a resource like a recommended resource page. And on that page, it has all of my you know, favorite books, and movies and websites, as well as it actually starts with my some of my favorite my personal favorite resources of where I do my research. And it starts with the CDC pink book, because I think that so many parents don't know where to go to Research vaccines. And I say, just start, start at the top with the CDC pink book, which actually goes through every single vaccine. And then it also has, and what's in it, and it also has the vaccine schedule, like get to know what is expected of you and your children. And, and I also have a resource from Johns Hopkins about regarding the excipients, and all the different ingredients that are in vaccines. And, and, and then all of our favorite I'm sure my favorite books are some of your favorite books and things like that. And same with movies, you know, it recommends things like Vax and Vax, too, but it's a really great resource page for parents who are really kind of just starting out on this journey. I've gotten a lot of feedback from people saying they want to gift this, this book to new parents or you know, in for baby showers and things like that. For parents, for people who haven't had children yet, or they're just starting out and they want to get to know more about vaccines. This is that book because sure is it's so simple. Dr. Paul 38:12 It's easy to read. It's packed with information, folks and that resource page. I think that's the biggest frustration parents have. When people say well just do your research. Well, if you Google vaccine stuff, all you get is a bunch of curated CDC, pharma industry, curate, you know, the real, the real meat of research is so buried if not totally excluded from a Google search. That's true. Dr. Shannon Kroner 38:37 Yeah. So I made it really simple. And not only that, but I included a QR code, so that so people don't have to even type up all the different websites. All they have to do is scan the QR code, and it brings them to a page on my own website, which is my website is Dr. Shannon kroehner.com. But it brings them to a resource page where all they have to do is click the links and it will take them to where they need to go. Dr. Paul 39:03 Yeah, it's a it's a beautiful resource. Thank you so much for providing that. Now. Your book is almost out right. It's available for preorder, if I'm not mistaken, it's available Dr. Shannon Kroner 39:13 for preorder, and it starts to ship July 18. So and I will say that, if it's an it's available on Amazon, it's available on Barnes and Noble people can go to directly to the Skyhorse website. Skyhorse is the publisher of the book, and the imprint is I can which is informed consent Action Network, that's still big trees organization. They can buy it through the ICANN website as well. I will say that on Amazon, I think as of today, I've actually gotten the problem taken care of but there were people making pirated books, and wow already All right, it happened actually, within the first few days of my announcement that the book was available for pre sale. Somebody, someone took a screenshot or like a photo copy of the cover of the page, because that's really the only thing that's on Amazon. So they took a cover photocopy of the cover the page with my name, and my illustrators name. And they copied it, and then created their own book with just blank pages in it and sold it as if it was mine. And so I had friends who they were, they wanted to see what actually got delivered. So they ordered it to see and it's literally it's just a book with, it's just like a journal, blank pages inside with my cover. And I've had to fight Amazon several times, I've had to fill out a copyright infringement form, and send it to Amazon. And then it takes them about a day or two to get the book removed. And then as soon as the book is removed, another one pops up of these fake books. So I had to Dr. Paul 41:11 direct direct people to Skyhorse to get this direct from the publisher. Dr. Shannon Kroner 41:15 Yeah, so Skyhorse has all the correct links on their website, and I have the correct links on my website as well. So that there is no confusion. But um, but what's happening is, so if you buy it from Amazon know that because the fake one says that it will be delivered in a couple of days, which it was because it's just a fake book. And whereas mine is just, it's a pre sale, you won't get it until you could order it now, but you won't get it until about July 19. Dr. Paul 41:46 Yeah, and I can verify that, folks, I've pre ordered my copy, even though you sent me a digital copy, and I've read it word for word. It's a beautiful book, well worth the investment. And you will once you read this, anybody you know who's thinking of having kids who's pregnant, who's just had a kid, or even if they're down the road of doing vaccines, you can, you can learn and do different starting at any time. So it's not like, oh, my gosh, it's too late. It's never too late to get informed, and really do what your kids need for you to do. Thank you, Shannon, for making this masterpiece, a reality. It's been sorely needed. Dr. Shannon Kroner 42:30 Actually, I have a really exciting announcement about my book. I am actually making another copy in Spanish. So we are working on that right now. The Spanish version should come out probably just a few weeks, or about a month after the English version. Because, you know, I felt that, you know, there's there's no, there's literally no resources in Spanish. And so this was a really simple book to recreate in Spanish. So we are working on that now. It's, it will be available very soon after the English version. So I'm really excited about that as well. Dr. Paul 43:14 That is excellent news. And you're so right, it is so difficult to get a book translated into other languages. As an author, I know that to be true. Well, it Dr. Shannon Kroner 43:23 turns out that my my illustrator is from Costa Rica. And so so I had asked him, Can you translate the book and so he gladly did. Dr. Paul 43:34 Wonderful. Well, of course, he understands exactly the message you're trying to get across. So that is awesome. Just in closing, I'm gonna have you do two things. One is tie it all together for somebody who's listening who's maybe still on the fence about vaccinating? What's your message to them? And then remind people how they can get your book. Dr. Shannon Kroner 43:57 Yeah, I mean, my message to all parents who are maybe considering vaccines or for their children, or their questioning vaccines. I I'm a firm believer in doing your own research and coming up with your own conclusions. I don't think that anybody should be forced by their pediatricians or by their doctors, or made to feel bad for not getting vaccinated. But I really do think that the decision to vaccinate or to not vaccinate must come from within it has to be someone someone's personal decision, and they should not be coerced. Or forced by anyone or especially even like family members. I think that it needs to be a well researched decision. And so that would be my message really, to anyone that and why it's so important to protect vaccine choice because right now, as we just recently saw with the pandemic is that our government It is really trying to force vaccines on people and make life more difficult for those who choose not to vaccinate. And so, you know, that's another message in the book is about choice and, and the importance of choice. So, so that would be my message is do your own research and then come up with with your decisions. And this book is will provide all you need in order to get you started on that journey into researching vaccines. And then, as for where anybody can find me, my website is Dr. Shannon croner.com. So DRSH, a nn, o n k, r o n e r.com. And you can email me there, you can click on the links to find the book. You can also I have a link on that website that will link you to my religious exemption website. So So yeah, so that's also, thank you so much for having me on today. Dr. Paul 46:04 Thank you, Shannon, Dr. kronor, you are an angel to have brought this to the world at this time. It is so needed folks get this book, get on the preorder. And I think if if you like I said, if you know anybody that's having a baby bout to have a baby thinking about having a baby or already has kids, and they're not grown and out of the home yet. They need this book. It's a nice read. You could sit down with a preschooler a school aged kid or even your teenager and just go through it. Dr. Shannon Kroner 46:33 And it's only I think it's only like 32 pages. So it's really easy to get through and, you know, Dr. Paul 46:39 lots of pictures, easy read and you will be so informed you will never regret it. So thanks once again. Dr. Shannon Kroner 46:46 Thank you so much. Dr. Paul 46:52 I look forward to running together with the wind at our backs, revealing the science that gives clarity in our world. It's full of propaganda and misinformation. Visit our website, doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. Your support makes a difference. And let's make this the weekly show the world has been waiting for. Thanks for watching. I'm Dr. Paul. Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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