PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:04
Fall Welcome to with the wind science revealed. Today's show I interviewed Josh gets go he's no stranger to this show. But he is going to talk about Pfizer bio and Tex vaccine trial bait and switch. Wait till you hear how he explains what they did. And then did he Hoover interviews Yours Truly Me about the vaccine friendly plan? What does Dr. Paul still think? Is it okay, we're gonna cover that enjoy the show Dr. Paul, coming to you from the heart. My thought today is challenges, loss struggles. I've been through a few I've shared before the story of losing my license. At the same time that the practice was struggling to the point I wasn't sure we were gonna make it. At the same time I was basically having my marriage fall apart. I hit a really, really hard bottom there. For a guy who's usually very optimistic. I was even talking negative. I really didn't know what I was going to do. And perhaps you may have had a time in your life or maybe now you might be going through a time of struggle, a time of loss, a time of pain. What I wanted to reassure you, because I, I've been there, and from our deepest struggles come the most amazing opportunities for growth. In fact, I don't think we really grow well or quickly without struggle. So when challenged, how do we respond? What I used to do, and it got me nowhere, was responding from my head. I was a thinker. I didn't even know I was in ego. It was all about. Yeah, me keeping my look good. How do I work through this. When you can let that go cut that down, break it down. Listen to that inner soft voice. Listen to your heart and soul rather than that head and that ego, you start getting direction, opportunities open up, things you never even knew existed start appearing. It's about putting faith forward and rejecting fear. I'm far less fearful today, far less than I was three years ago, or the entire 20 years before that. And I had to get to a really rough spot to get there. So if you're still struggling, please just be patient. Don't give up. If you've got if you've got people who are giving you good input and guiding you to your heart and soul, go there, do the self care you need to get there and realize that it is out of the struggle that the best changes and the most impressive opportunity will appear. I just want to end with thanking all of you so many of you have been there for me with me with your love with your support. And it does take a community. And you've been my community. So thank you welcome back, Josh gets gow it's so great to have you back on the show. Joshua Guetzkow 3:37 Great to be back. Oh, are you? Dr. Paul 3:39 Oh I'm well thank you. You're a senior lecturer there at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. And I know you have gotten a lot of education training degrees in sociology and criminology. But what I've really come to respect is your investigative journalism, you write extensively and really detailed pieces. Some of its at your substack Jack canapes.substack.com. So folks want to really dive in deeply to some of these topics. That's a good place to go. But we're going to talk about something that you brought to my attention and that is this Pfizer bio Entech vaccine clinical trial bait and switch and I think I'm just gonna hand it over to you describe what a bait and switch is and then in the context of what you're going to share. Joshua Guetzkow 4:28 Okay, so bait and switch is a sales tactic where it's where they'll they'll advertise some item as being very attractive at a good price. You come into the store Oh, we don't have it but here's something just like it's better Oh is more expensive and and all that. So that's the idea of a bait and switch you got you advertise one thing and then you get something else. Dr. Paul 4:54 And so how does that apply to what Pfizer bio in tech did? Joshua Guetzkow 4:58 Okay, so won't basically there were, when they started out with the vaccine trial, they were making the vaccines using one type of manufacturing process. They called it process one. But during the trials they were developing, it was a very expensive way of generating the mRNA that was needed for the vaccine. So during the trials, they were busy trying to upscale this manufacturing process. So they could sell billions and billions of doses of their. And so come like October, they've got a new manufacturing process down. I mean, they had it kind of developed before that, but at the beginning of October, they changed the protocol. And they said, Okay, well, 2021, May, October, October 6 2020 2020, before they're done with the trial, so they're, they started the trial late July. And they were making all basically everybody in the trial got doses from this process one, okay. Except, they said no, in the protocol in October, they said, We're going to start testing people with this new process, we're going to test 250 people per lot of this process one, or process of the process is to what we're now finding out about what's in these vials that are made with the process to is really shocking. Okay, but before I get to that, let me just let me just put a pin on this. They said, We're going to test process every process to lot on 250 people and compare them to 250 people who got the, the old, the old, the original recipe, the original recipe. So that's kind of leaves it vague. But if you look, we have all these documents, and we're going through and what we found is that they only ever used one process too wide, which means they only tested 200 of people. And we can we can we can identify when they started testing it and which testing sites, okay, they don't actually have a record of who got which lot. But basically, it could fit, you know, you can triangulate the information. And then look, there were 250 people starting on such and such a date at these sites. Until the end of the trial 250 people recruited got dosed, they were the ones that got the process to lot. And guess what their adverse event reporting rate was 2.7 times as high as the other people that got in the treatment group. So Dr. Paul 7:47 70% or 270%, more adverse events? Yes. I wonder why they stopped testing product phase two. Joshua Guetzkow 8:00 Right? Well, they did it, it was like at the very tail end, you know, they just had to get it in there because because basically the regulatory agents that the the EMA was coming back, you're basically doing a trial on a totally different product, you need to show us something. So they snuck in this idea, or we have we're gonna test it on Twitter and 50 people. Dr. Paul 8:21 So which was which product was rolled out to the world. Joshua Guetzkow 8:26 Process to everybody in the world that process to this wait a minute, that was only tested on 250 people, there was only test that I took. And by the way, we've never seen any reports from them about about those 250 people, they said they were going to do some kind of comparison. Dr. Paul 8:45 So, so boy, let me get this straight. This is mind boggling. The all the stuff we've been reading since the get go of these 40,000 people in the trial, and all the information which was actually pretty damning in in itself. Joshua Guetzkow 9:01 But that's not to say we're hiding information, Dr. Paul 9:04 right. But that's not the vaccine that was rolled out to the world. No, these are like totally different beasts. I don't see how that's legal, that you're gonna bring shouldn't be illegal and experimental product to market that you only test on 250 people and then you recommend to inject the entire world? Yes, yes. It's hard to believe. So what was hard to believe? What were them and Joshua Guetzkow 9:31 they don't do this? I mean, this isn't done, you know, this is a total breach of the regulatory process. Dr. Paul 9:40 So what were the major differences? Kind of in a simple guide way for Joshua Guetzkow 9:45 where things start to get shocking, okay, okay, basically, what do you I mean, the key here is that you need to make a lot of RNA, right? ribonucleic acids to generate the spike protein, right? That's what the Vaccines are this, this mRNA that's wrapped in the lipid nanoparticles goes into ourselves. Okay? So how do you grow that? How do you make those mRNA. So originally, they were just using PCR replication, and they were just replicating lots of mRNA. And then what they did is they started using bacteria, E. coli bacteria. And they were basically they basically genetically engineered the E. coli bacteria to produce this mRNA, the specific spike protein mRNA in their plasmids, so they basically, you're just like, duplicating, you know, letting ecoli bacteria grow and grow and grow and create all of these things. And then you take it, you put it, and you're splitting, but the thing, the key thing is that you're supposed to clean it out, you're supposed to filter it out, because there's, there's DNA from the bacteria and the plasmids, and there's DNA, and there's endotoxin, from the bacteria, this is a very toxic proinflammatory membrane of the of the bacteria, okay, so they're supposed to filter all this out and clean all this up. Now, a couple of months ago, sort of by accident, I won't get into the details. Kevin mckernon, he's a geneticist involved in the human genome project is very well published, very well respected, he discovered he was doing some sequencing on the vials for different reasons, he discovered high amounts of DNA that remained from the bacteria, and also high amounts of endotoxin. And so then, not just high amounts are way higher than the regulatory limits in terms of the DNA anyway. So you know, sort of what are the implications of that way, you don't want to be injecting DNA into people. Okay, especially not in these ridiculously high amounts. And they're, they're, you know, right now, it's just speculation like, what, what different types of damage could this cause? So for example, the DNA of these bacterias is genetically engineered to be anti biotic resistant. So what is it? Yeah, so what if it integrates into the bacteria that you have in your gut? Right, and then suddenly, Dr. Paul 12:30 the E. coli is the major organism in the gut. And there are strains of E. coli, right, that are very dangerous for health, but most E. coli is is friendly. Yeah, now you're introducing ecoli, that's going to cause mischief. Joshua Guetzkow 12:48 Right. And we don't know, you know, there's also theories that it could integrate with our own, you know, genetic material. So that's a huge concern. And, and, and very troubling, but the other thing is this endotoxin this, these lipo polysaccharides, maybe I'm not saying it, right. Lippo polysaccharides. Basically, they're highly inflammatory. There's a researchers chemist as a chemistry background in Australia. His name is Jeff Payne. And he's been doing a lot of research on this. And you can see that a lot of you can link a lot of the adverse events that people are seeing in the from the jabs to endotoxin, no known established, sort of side effects of endotoxin toxicity and, and he's also found papers showing that when you combine a spike protein with endotoxin, it sort of multiplies their effects. The toxic effect of the endotoxin Wow. So so this is like very troubling, right. We again, this bait and switch, they told us, we were getting product, one thing. And we got something totally different that they haven't, you know, and there was really not a lot of clarity. I don't think they told anybody about this publicly. So we've seen documents, the the regulatory agencies, the EMA in particular, also, the FDA was was known they knew about this issue, and they were asking Pfizer to give them all these results, several things that they never really followed up on. And the most concerning one is they never followed up on the safety and the efficacy that this new totally new formulation has in actual people, right. They didn't have to redo all of their clinical studies on rats and toxicity and Geno toxicity. None of that. Dr. Paul 14:54 Wow. It's yeah, it's unbelievable. I know you've shared on one One of your sub stacks, European clinical Journal of Clinical Investigation, this graph batch dependent safety of the bn t COVID-19 vaccine, it's got the blue line that goes up through the ceiling, and then a green line line. Right? Right. I don't know if that one adds anything to this discussion, because it definitely Joshua Guetzkow 15:22 adds to this discussion. All right, Dr. Paul 15:25 Josh, explain this. Explain this diagram where you got it and what it means. Joshua Guetzkow 15:32 So this was a paper or a letter published in by some Danish researchers, in the journal journal, European Journal of Clinical Investigation. Basically, what it shows is all of the different lots that were marketed in Denmark that was sold in Denmark, how many adverse event reports were there for these different locks. And so basically, what it shows you is that you can kind of break the three, the all of the different locks into sort of three different trajectories. The yellow had very first event reports, the green had more, but you know, still not as much. And then the blue are these lots, these hotlines that had extremely high numbers of adverse event rates. And so and, you know, they're controlling by the number of doses per batch and all that good stuff. So it's, it's highly concerning, because it's a just wide variability between the toxicity of the vaccines. And, you know, I'm sure your, your viewers have have been have heard about, you know, this idea of bad batches and things like that. And this is sort of visual evidence Dr. Paul 16:51 of Yeah, I mean, it's my Joshua Guetzkow 16:54 wife, you know, yeah. The magnitude and help explain why some people seem to have no problem after vaccination, and some people have their lives ruined. Dr. Paul 17:08 Right, you would almost think that that yellow line that just shows basically no, no adverse events is probably sailing. The blue one, the blue one is astronomical. I mean, yeah. With less than 100,000 doses, you've got 8000 adverse reactions. That's, that's crazy. You know, I'll Joshua Guetzkow 17:29 tell you something. There's another interesting piece of evidence from the clinical trial. And this is in a report that Pfizer submitted to the FDA, where so basically, you know, the people that were in the placebo group started getting vaccinated in mid December 2020. And by and by the mid March, about 90% of them had been vaccinated, their adverse event reporting rate was much higher than the original vaccine group. Depending on what exact statistic you're looking at it, you know, between 50% or higher, to three times higher, just overall, are adverse events related to the vaccine? So was this Dr. Paul 18:15 crossover placebo group for the original Pfizer trials? Yes, yeah, exactly. And I was worse, I was horrified that they chose basically to destroy the placebo group. I mean, we should have had a placebo group that lasted for five or 10 years. I mean, it's a brand new product, we don't know what it's doing. And within three months there, they're vaccinating all the placebo, almost all the placebo folks, right? It's, it was insane. Absurd. And then those people fared worse. Do you think just did that? Did that have anything to do with the batch to Joshua Guetzkow 18:53 approach the process? Yeah, so Dr. Paul 18:57 because those original trial 40,000 People probably got processed one maybe Joshua Guetzkow 19:02 they definitely got processed one except for those 250 Right. And then by the time December rolls around, what what do they have on hand so we have some information that's suggests that it was actually processed one batches but there are some differences in the lot numbers that make us wonder what what is there seems to be something different about those and we're not sure what it is it could be that they were just sitting sitting on a shelf for five six months. And it's interesting because at that point, Pfizer hadn't done a study of how stable process to was beyond three months of sitting on the shelf or sitting in storage. So they even though they didn't know and hadn't done a study yet to to see if their process two doses last that long sitting in the refrigerator, they any they anyway gave it You know, to all of these crossover placebo people, or at least that's what the documents apply. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if there was some something there that they did end up giving them process to. But at this point, we have no way of demonstrating to Dr. Paul 20:15 know. So process one, if I'm trying to remember back, it was the Pfizer product that needed this extraordinarily cold storage. I mean, you had to have special units. Correct? Yeah. Joshua Guetzkow 20:28 What process to needed even if to be even colder? Oh, Dr. Paul 20:32 really? Yeah. Well, how did they pull that off? Worldwide? There's there's not enough freezers that Kobe. Joshua Guetzkow 20:38 Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, if you look at the number of people held that we're gonna see removed, they were basically disqualified because there was something wrong with the way the the vaccine was stored or, or transported or prepared, they were getting had to get rid of hundreds of people have taken them out of the efficacy analysis, exclude them from the efficacy analysis, because they had properly and improperly dealt with the vaccine. That's like a highly controlled trial where everybody's very well trained, and that sort of thing. Imagine rolling that out, you know, to the world, it was Dr. Paul 21:20 Yeah. And those people that were excluded, have you looked at side effect profile for those folks, Joshua Guetzkow 21:27 when you're excluded that, when they when they call you, I mean, is that you're excluded from the efficacy analysis, you're not excluded from the safety analysis? So really, they just like remove you completely from the study? They just don't count you for efficacy. Dr. Paul 21:40 Okay, because I understand. I know you I read a sub stack you wrote about the people with real problems, side effects being somehow excluded. Joshua Guetzkow 22:00 No, I don't recall writing about that. Dr. Paul 22:05 Maybe I'm mistaken. I thought there were several 100, several 100 participants who Joshua Guetzkow 22:12 they were. So there were several 100. There are so when you when you know, they do the trial, they when you get into the trial, they give you a number, okay, and the numbers are supposed to be handed out consecutively. And so when we look at the people in the trial, we should see consecutive numbers within each trial site, like 1001 1002 1003 1004. But what we see is a 311. Just missing numbers. Sometimes there's only one number gets skipped, sometimes to up to I don't remember what nine, I think was the maximum. Okay? So, and there's we don't know if this is a computer error, or if this is human error, or if these people were removed because their information was damaging. To the trial, perhaps they had severe adverse events, and they didn't want them recorded. We don't know that we haven't been able to get any answers. But what's really interesting is that the Argentina site, which was the biggest site has more, is it Argentina was the ZIL. No, Argentina was the big Dr. Paul 23:19 season. Okay. Joshua Guetzkow 23:21 And they and they had, they had far more people missing than they should have, you know, they're like 20% of the trial they had, or they had, like, 12% of the trial, they had, I don't know, 30% of the missing IDs. So why is that? And what we found is that the most number that are missing on any given day, is people who were recruited to the trial on the same day as our friend of Gousto Roo. Now the interesting booster rule was the guy who had a very serious adverse event after his second dose, just the same day, those people who at some point went missing would have gotten their second dose as well. So you wonder if they got their second Yeah, maybe there was a hot batch and they had to get rid of some of these people's information, how Gousto room, you know, he's the guy who had pericarditis and other complications. They, they changed how they read, they miss recorded the adverse event, and then they changed it again to the suspected COVID-19 All kinds of shenanigans with him. So, you know, I would have put it past them to just erase people from the trial. It's very suspicious. Dr. Paul 24:38 Yeah. So you're, you're a criminologist in background. You've been looking into this really a deep dive that you know, and I've read some of your stuff and go, Oh, man, there's so many numbers here. It's mind boggling, but you're detail oriented. And, you know, sum it up, what's your conclusion that that people need to know regarding this? Pfizer biontech vaccine their trials, you know, what have you? What have you found? What can you what can you say with reasonable confidence? Joshua Guetzkow 25:11 What can I say? I can say with reasonable confidence that they're simply not to be trusted. And our regulatory agencies are also not to be trusted to protect us from, you know, whatever schemes, whatever bait and switch and any other type of scheme is people want to want to play on us. And I don't think your your readers or your viewers will be particularly surprised by that message. Dr. Paul 25:39 Yeah, there just seems to be fraud on so many levels. Joshua Guetzkow 25:44 I mean, I thought this was bad. And I mean, look, I'm not the first person that's brought, it's brought attention to this process. One process too, we were able to put some numbers on it and show that there really were only 250 people, you know, who were tested on it. We publish something I was working with Professor Reza flevy at MIT on this, we publish something rapid response in the British Medical Journal about this. But I was astounded and I any of this is the type of thing that I think people can get, you know, you can go to your neighbors and your relatives and say, did you know, you know, because people like, really, they it was a bait and switch? Like, how could it How could they not test this radically different product on? You know, and all these people because we were told 40,000? Dr. Paul 26:33 Yeah, where's the best place people can go to get that information? You know, if people want to do a little deep dive of their own, what's their best place to start? Joshua Guetzkow 26:44 Okay, well, I haven't substack this particular issue yet. There will be a sub site. There will be a post it for too long. I have a Twitter thread that's pinned to the top of my Twitter profile. I'm not sure how did they reach you? At Josh G nine, nine on Twitter. Dr. Paul 27:06 Okay. Josh, G nine, nine. Yeah. All right. Well, this is this is big. As we wrap it up. What's on your horizon next year? I know you're always digging deep and exposing incredible things. What's the update in Israel? You're in Israel right now? What's going on there? Are they still doing pass overs? Joshua Guetzkow 27:34 Oh, no, things have calmed down quite a bit. But actually, there was a big thing that just happened. They were sort of mainstream news reporter just announced today. He said that there were some number of months. You didn't say exactly when when basically, all the journalists in Israel were told, don't say anything bad about the vaccines and and don't start denying COVID or anything like that. Like they got orders. Right. And they were like, they knew that if they they didn't toe the toe the line? They might, you know, be out of a job. He hasn't said yet. Who was the who gave them the orders or whatever. But this was kind of a big. Dr. Paul 28:16 Yeah, let's get that exposed. I mean, we have witnessed it here in the US. I mean, the the news outlets, mainstream news outlets, they're all saying the exact same thing. Like they're reading from a script, which we know they are. And they've pulled this off pretty much worldwide. So we're left with, you know, shows like mine and your independent work, you know, real journalism, that's, you know, high wire with Dell, big tree children's health defense. There's there's several out there. So thank you for the work you're doing. It's so important, especially when journalism, what the heck happened to journalism? Yeah, yeah. Joshua Guetzkow 28:59 Seriously, it's it's a shame whether I think the more I'm realized, the more I learned about it, the more I'm realizing that. It's always kind of been like that. Just it's more in your face now. But, Dr. Paul 29:11 yeah, it's really hard to go out there and do independent investigative journalism. Yeah, yeah. If you're going against the narrative, you're putting yourself at risk. So thank you for being willing to put yourself at risk and bringing this important information to us. Your closing thoughts and words for the viewers? Joshua Guetzkow 29:32 Ah, yes. I think we're I you know, I think Dell likes to say we're winning. I really I really think we are in nobody's getting vaccinated with COVID vaccines anymore, hardly at all. And more and more is coming out this earning to feel the tide is turning. And I think, you know, once once it blows open, I think it's going to, it's going to it's going to have a dominant effect on a lot of things. So just you know, working hard and hoping waiting for it to happen. Dr. Paul 30:08 Yeah. Do you have friends? Family members? who still don't get it? They're definitely they're still plugged into the mainstream narrative. Yes, definitely. Yeah. That part of it to me is the that's the biggest heartbreak. Right? And, and as a pediatrician, I'm retired now but knowing that they they pulled off putting the COVID Jab on the childhood schedule. And most of my peers, pediatricians are going to recommend it because it's recommended by the CDC, and they still have total faith and trust in the CDC. I just like, Ah, I get so frustrated, I don't know what to do. How, how do we reach people who seem unable or unwilling to learn anymore? Joshua Guetzkow 31:06 I finally answer that question. To them instead of the well, there's a really nice, there's a really, really nice resource for this actually, it's called reaching people.net. So this is the site reaching people.net. And it's created by this guy, David charalambous, who is an amazing communicator, and he understands all this stuff about you know, NLP and and he's basically been spending most of the pandemic trying to understand how do we how do we connect with people who don't kind of agree, agree with us. And he's got, they've got all kinds of resources here on the site, little videos within yaks, and they have regular zoom meetings. And he's a great guy, and they're just doing fabulous work. And I And I've tried some of the stuff and I can tell you that it works. At least to some degree. I mean, I was able to convince my, my parents and my siblings to stop getting the COVID jobs, in part thanks to some of the tips that I got from him and, and in other situations I've been able to, to benefit from this. So I really recommend people check this out. Dr. Paul 32:30 Fantastic. Well, there you have it, folks reaching people.net. And Jack canapes.substack.com. For your substack. It's data packed, always good information. Thanks once again for reaching out to us. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 32:56 Hey, everybody, it's me DD Hoover. Guess what? I have Dr. Paul with me today. Hi, Dr. Ball. Dr. Paul 33:03 No kidding. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 33:06 I decided, you know, it's time I get so many emails, we've been doing wellness coaching, we've had a lot going on. So Dr. Paul 33:15 you are on the receiving end of all the communications, compliments insults at all, and you have some questions, I understand. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 33:23 Do you recommend the vaccine friendly plan anymore? Dr. Paul 33:27 So the short answer is no. But let me explain in a little more detail. Some of you know I wrote that book in 2016. When you write a book, it's a work of about two to three years minimum, you get your research done, you write a draft, you get multiple edits, that takes about a year with the publisher, and then you publish. So Jennifer and I, my co author and I were thinking to ourselves, by the time that was actually released. We weren't so sure it was exactly what we would recommend even back then. And the main reason is, there's a couple of factors that are huge. Aluminum toxicity is a very big issue. And we've learned so much more since that book was published, that there's just massively too much aluminum. It's insane how much aluminum we're injecting into babies. I mean, just the Hepatitis B alone, which I don't recommend in that book for newborns anyway, it's more like wait till later. That's never been recommended. Correct? What's never been recommended hep B at birth? Yes, it's on the CDC schedule. No by you not by me, right. But the total cumulative aluminum even in the vaccine friendly plan is too much. And Jack Lyons we learned I published a study that showed that it's about three to 6% of infants are above safe levels for their first seven months. Contrast that with 30 to 70% of infants are above safe levels with the CDC schedule. But nobody should be injecting a known neurotoxin like that. Aluminum that keeps kids above safe levels. So the vaccine friendly plan is not safe, period. It's it's our should DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 35:08 we burn the book? Dr. Paul 35:10 No. Let me explain why it still has a role. But it's a limited role. We all, most of us, some of us were raised with parents who absolutely knew so much about vaccines and vaccine risk that they didn't vaccinate their kids period. They knew from the get go, this was not a place they were going, well, those individuals, if that's your thinking, you don't need that book. Right? Because that books only gonna raise questions and make you wonder whether you should vaccinate, and I don't think you should. I'm now in a position knowing what I know, that while there's no one size fits all, and there will be situations where it makes sense to give a certain vaccine to a certain person. For the most part, most people will be far better off if they don't vaccinate at all. Whoa, right? I mean, that a pediatrician saying don't vaccinate that that just doesn't seem to add up? Well, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 36:04 I've retired pediatrician, by the way, Dr. Paul 36:06 they can't take my license now. No, no joking aside, no joking on this issue. This is a matter of life and death for so many kids. So the reason it really does make sense not to vaccinate is you're weighing risks and benefits. And so when I'm coaching parents who are trying to figure this out, that's where we start, you know, if they're not exactly sure what to do. First of all, I'll talk to the parents and say, you know, are you on the same page and see if we can reach an understanding of vaccine by vaccine, because here's the issue. With every single decision you make, you need to weigh risks and benefits. Most pediatricians will tell you, Oh, vaccines are safe and effective. So the risks are almost narrow. It's one in a million that you'll be harmed. And they'll tell you the benefits are up here. The truth of the matter is, it's exactly the opposite. How do I know that? Well, my own data I've shared with you all on in the past, when the board emergency took my license in 2020. I got busy. Well, actually, right before that, what caused them to take my license, I believe, is the publication of the vaccine vac study that they asked for? DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 37:22 Well, it was gonna say so let's backtrack a little bit to help people really understand when you wrote the vaccine friendly plan based on all of your years as a pediatrician and seeing the harm that had had and the studies on aluminum, so forth, right? So you write this book? Because it is safer than the CDC schedule? Correct. You write the book, and then of course, the medical board is coming after you and saying we'll prove it. So then the study happened. Correct. So then you yourself amongst the millions of the rest of us see, because you do not have a huge population in your practice at that time. That were CDC schedule. So most of the most men, right, so the children in this study were vaccine friendly plan compared to unvaccinated. Yes. So those Dr. Paul 38:05 of you who haven't seen that study, we'll we'll put up an image for you. That'll kind of like, whoa, the orange line or the vaccinated but their vaccine friendly plan vaccinated? I think people get confused. And they think, oh, that's the CDC schedule. And the green line for unwaxed. Oh, wow. Obviously, it's safer to be unvaccinated compared to what what's compared to the vaccine friendly plan. And when I got that data was like, Oh, my gosh, it's way worse than I thought. I did not realize the extent to which the vaccine friendly plan is causing harm. I mean, the CDC schedule way worse, but it's an unacceptable level of medical chronic medical conditions, acute infections, allergies, asthma, ATD, ADHD, almost anything we looked at, the kids on the vaccine friendly plan had four times 400%, sometimes more of those issues compared to the unvaccinated. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 39:02 But I do think it's still important, and I'm, trust me, you know, me, I'm not a fan of the CDC schedule whatsoever. And I also have doubts with the vaccine friendly plan. But the vaccine friendly plan is safer than the CDC schedule way. So I feel like that is very important to point out Absolutely. For those that struggle and there are people who will, they will vaccinate their child, so yes, spreading them out. And I think your book has opened up a lot for a lot of people that don't even come to you other practices are in a few in this area in Portland, Oregon. And I've heard of some more and more we're hearing of some across the United States that are are allowing people to spread them out. You can stay in our practice, if you're going to vaccinate even if you vaccinate slowly, but yes, the unvaccinated children are healthier than those that are vaccinated by both Dr. Paul 39:53 Yeah. Now the data in that book is real. It was from my practice for those first seven eight years if you've read the book or seen the table In the back, it shows no autism in my practice, that was true to some extent. There were actually three kids who were looking autistic, but they they regained normality, if you will. They their symptoms went away. So the at the time of looking at that data, there was no autism in the vaccine friendly plan group, lots of it in the CDC vaccinated folks in my practice. So, yes, it's way safer than the CDC schedule. But as that data and my research showed, doing nothing is leaps and bounds safer as well. So the book has value, especially for those people who are going to vaccinate, they just can't wrap their head around not doing anything, right. Well, then where do you start? That's one place. If you're listening to this, and you're wondering, that would be a perfect opportunity to get a coaching session with me because I can walk you through the finer points, the reasons to rethink each of the vaccines one by one by one. And maybe your biggest concern is tetanus, or maybe it's measles. Well, then we go into the exact information on those conditions. It's not that there's no risk, not vaccinating. I mean, if you don't vaccinate, there's a risk, but it's teeny, weeny. These diseases are largely gone. And so I plugin you, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 41:21 sorry, yeah, you walk people through that. I mean, I listened to your coaching, and it's phenomenal. But I think the other thing is, you're getting history, too. I think that people also need to know and understand that part of it is our own background, our own medical conditions, our own past history, so forth absolute and when we didn't know things, a it's hard to know better now that we're learning that there's things that affect and make someone more susceptible to having an issue with a vaccine, right? You get that history. So I think that's what's really important to point out is that that's where that coaching comes in that personal touch. And same thing with when people who've had vaccine injured children, or kids who are going through something, the wellness coaching offers an opportunity to learn your history, and you do that so well. And find out what's going to be best for that child. There is no one thing fits everybody. Dr. Paul 42:15 There's no one size fits all. That's what I was in the CDC schedule, and nor is it on the vaccine friendly plan. The only size that fits all, it's doing nothing, trusting your God given natural immune system to take care of you. But you're absolutely right. When we discuss vaccines, we're also discussing, as you pointed out, family history, what's going on in your community. I mean, if you're in the midst of a massive measles outbreak, you know, you might want to think about getting an MMR especially if your child is over three years of age, for example. I mean, you might so we go through all the variables of what makes sense for you. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 42:55 And that's I do want to point that out is that the I think the greatest part about the way that you coach is he listens. He's listening, he's hearing and he's given the education and 35 years of working with kids and seeing. The other thing I want to point out is in your practice, the someone said What is he didn't have any kids that were CDC, you know, fully vet, you did, those were the kids that ended up when they stopped vaccinating because of pretty severe effects and injuries. were kicked out of that other practices, because those doctors were like, oh, that's just normal. So you're gonna stop vaccinating now. And they turned to integrated pediatrics at that time. And though, so you did have those kids? Absolutely. Families learned and you saw all the things they weren't part of that study because they weren't born into your practice. But I think that's a big piece is to know that there's vaccine injury, there's vaccine effects, and there's things you can do about it. Dr. Paul 43:53 Absolutely. So the data from my book included CDC vaccinated individuals, because, like you pointed out, families would get kicked out of other practices or they just wanted to do things differently and their doctors weren't cooperating. They were being feeling bullied. So they ended up in integrative peds. I personally have listened to hundreds of stories, where I've got the couple sitting across from me, usually one or both are just bawling their eyes out telling me their story about they took their child into the pediatrician. They were following doctor's advice. They got the vaccines, and they lost their kid to autism. They watched a regression either fairly quickly or over a few weeks or months. And it's tragic. I mean, how can you not be sensitive to what's going on for these families and then their doctors are trying to say, Oh, it was a coincidence and they want you to vaccinate your next child the same way while or keep vaccinating your child who's already injured. I mean, the reason kids did better at integrative peds even with the vaccine friendly plan that was not fun. only enough, as I now know is that when we did see problems, we stopped. We didn't keep hammering them with vaccines when their body is telling you. So like parents, this is one of my biggest recommendations. If you are vaccinating, and you see anything, any change that's negative, it could be in the area of language, your language progression stops or regresses, or it could be eye contact that used to be there and now your kids like avoiding eye contact, or maybe they're just getting a little clumsier than usual either gross motor fine motor, those are less common, but the social and the language are first to go usually, or at least give you a clue, right that something's going on severe allergies. Absolutely. So the biggest finding from my data and Miller and hooker have published two different articles. Same findings. Vaccines are triggering enormous increases in allergies and autoimmune. asthma, eczema, allergic rhinitis, urticaria, which is itchiness, these are all triggered by vaccines. This is the thing, regular doctors, my peers are completely unaware that almost all these medical conditions that they're treating, they don't know why they're happening. They're just treating, oh, you have a problem, I've got a pill or I've got a shot or I've got an inhaler. If you weren't vaccinating those problems wouldn't be there to begin with. Now, that's not 100%. But largely, that's the truth. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 46:35 And not that severe. I have seen a couple of the impact recently with all the pollen around year, couple of kiddos that have had reactions to even food sensitivities, or reactions to pollen are outside things that are unvaccinated. It doesn't mean because our world is still toxic, there's still things that are happening, that our immune system has to, you know, come up and fight. And so yes, those things are still there. It's just that the, again, whether it's the aluminum, the other ingredients, I don't know, I'm not a doctor. But like you said, it's having an effect. So if you stop that at least stop it until the issue isn't there anymore, right? And do the things to help the child be healthier? Dr. Paul 47:21 Absolutely. So this is the other thing we discuss when we're coaching is what can you do? Right? Right. If your child is affected, we're not diagnosing, we're not prescribing, we're not treating, we're coaching on wellness factors that believe it or not, folks, probably 90 to 95% of what is happening for your life or your child's life is lifestyle related. There are things you can do. And we can coach on that. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 47:49 And that's the thing is it's whether it's nutritional, getting more exercise, no matter what it is. It's education. And I think that's what's important is we do the work. We do the research, we're constantly learning. And you do that, and you have lots of years of experience. And again, it's not one size fits all. So it's getting the history learning what's happening. And I always call it trial and error, trying different things trying with you. Dr. Paul is the number one Trier that I've ever known. We hear about something new, and it's ordered. And it he tries it on himself first. I don't know that there's a supplement that I have tried, you haven't tried. Dr. Paul 48:30 Oh my gosh. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 48:31 So I think that's what's important, though. I love that I let him try on everything. And if it's something that seems like it makes sense and no reaction, then I take it. Dr. Paul 48:39 Yeah, my poor kids did the same back then as I was learning. I'm not going to give anything to a patient of mine that I haven't tried myself. And so when I was I was a pediatrician, of course. So all these things for kids. Let's try them out. So I did they survived. They survived. I should mention that this amazing woman sitting with me who's grilling me on all of this. Didi Hoover is an amazing wellness coach. And I've seen you help people while in the vaccine world you help them with advocacy, how to advocate for yourself and your child with attitude. And with attitude doesn't mean you're going in guns blazing, if there's a way to do it, because people need to be prepared. Most pediatric offices will I would just plain and simple call it bully you. They will try to make you feel like a bad parent for not vaccinating. Like how could you dare put your child's at risk and put others at risk? Which, by the way, that's a false narrative. Once you have my data in your hands and you realize Wow, the unvaccinated almost never get sick. They're so far so healthy. They're the ones who are protecting everybody else because they're not there. wringing sickness to the community. So, but you've got to go into those visits, if you have a standard pediatric practice where they don't really understand these issues. Armed with how you're going to advocate, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 50:15 right, and that that positive attitude, that's what I call it, advocating with attitude, but it's a positive loving kind attitude. Because if you go in and you know, ready to fight, then of course, then the walls go up, and there's defensiveness. And so working with families and even kids, I love coaching teens, because it's not just doctors, where the bullying is taking place. And I probably hear more of this than you do. But it's kids at college kids that go to school, there's a, I work with parents, where the kids are even saying, I have to get vaccinated, I need to get vaccinated, I need to, I need to get the shot because everyone else is getting the shot. And I don't want to be the only one it doesn't get a shot. And then if I get sick, I mean, I've heard every story. And that's the thing is the world is bowing us, those that are of us that are unvaccinated. I mean, I as a therapist had been mistreated, because I'm not vaccinated. How can I put all these kids at risk? Same thing I know. And so it's the same. It's it's the same piece is helping people understand about when they've made a decision that's good for them and owning that decision and being willing to live with that decision, and how to share with others in a way that that they can hear. And maybe you'll maybe they'll hear something that they need to hear i I'll share something real quick. I had a mom the other day who is really concerned about another child that's in her little boys music class. And she knows that what's happened is vaccine injury, but she can't say anything. And she was I don't even want to talk about I don't want to tell her the people. And I said but you know, don't you want to share that? Oh, that's not my job. They'll just they just they say something negative to me, and I can't handle it. And so I told her I said that's the thing is, the more people that are willing to talk about the decisions they've made, and how healthy their children are. He's never been sick. He's this healthy. And the mom, even the other moms said, Wow, your child's never been sick. And he's doing so well. So say Yeah, and if she says, you know, well, what's the secret? How are you keeping him? So? Well? We didn't vaccinate him. Dr. Paul 52:16 Share it. If you can get her to ask that question, then you're golden. The hard part is you've got this incredible knowledge and information. It's almost like a secret. Unbox kids are really, really healthy. It's amazing. What I've got here is amazing. You want them to ask, well, what is it that you've got there that you're holding as Ah, let me let us know. Now I can share it. If I go. Which was my mistake for so long. I'm just passionate. Boom, boom, boom, I want you to know what I know. The walls go up. Right? Yeah. And that's DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 52:51 the piece is because there is, like you said, there's that small risk of not vaccinating. And so other people are gonna, yeah, they're gonna have their concerns. And even, even if you're quiet and careful about it, you don't, that's the thing is you don't know what you're gonna get back at you. So if you are not armed and ready, and feel good about your own decisions, you're not going to be able to share help with anyone else. And so, yeah, Peter committed that part out, too. So. So, now that we have discussed the vaccine friendly plan, do you feel like you've covered all that? Dr. Paul 53:31 So I DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 53:33 have a question. Okay. So if you don't recommend it anymore, and I know what you recommend now getting the coaching and things. So why don't you read another book? Dr. Paul 53:42 Uh huh. Ah, so I really wanted to go back to my publisher, and say, we need to do a revised vaccine friendly plan. I got a big no, from my agent, my co author and the publisher. What happens in publishing books is they take a huge risk with every major publisher who accepts a manuscript and writes a contract, because they pay you up front to write the book. Right. And they paid us fairly well. Well, it was written and published in 2016. Just this last quarter, we got our first royalty check, which means we finally paid them back, though, what they paid to what they paid us. So they are only now starting to make a little bit of money. And they don't want to stop that flow. Right. Right. Because they're fine. I mean, we get a single digit percentage that we share, right? They get the rest, right. So they're now able to make some real money and then they won't they will. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 54:44 And I understand that there will be a notebook right? And we know some people who are like that should just that book should be pulled off because it's not safe. It serves a purpose. Right there are people does has that book called caused harm. Yeah, we know of a few children that followed that. plan and they have had some of those issues from being vaccinated. Dr. Paul 55:04 Yep. But we know DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 55:07 vaping follows right. But had they followed CDC, it could have even been worse. Right. So I think that, yes, I encourage you, I think there should be another book. But I think the thing that's important is that there's more to it than just the vaccines. And so that's where the kids first forever program that we've been passionately sharing is all four of those areas have to be considered. Yeah. So when you write the next book, let me know, Dr. Paul 55:33 I will. Let me point out the following. If if you are trying to reach a family member, a loved one or friend, who is all in on the CDC schedule, the vaccine friendly plan is a great place to start. But I would urge you to include in it, at least the one page graph from our vaccine vac study, because as you share, this is an amazing book, because it's not just about vaccines, by the way, I put that in the title because that was an emphasis of the book. But it's a good what to do as a pediatrician. And it goes chronologically from pregnancy to birth to the too weak to the former pediatrician or as a Yeah, for as a parent, what what things are important for raising a child sorry, I misspoke. You said pediatricians, yeah, they should probably pay attention to but it's the parent, right. But if you don't include the study that shows the outcomes of the vaccine friendly plan, compared to unvaccinated, you haven't done them a full service of getting them really informed. So they can read the vaccine friendly plan as they start to understand the issues involved, then look at that graph and go, Oh, wow, even the vaccine friendly plan is not safe enough. Maybe I had to rethink whether I want to do vaccines at all. It's a book to get you to start thinking. So please, if you're sharing it, and please do if you've got somebody that's stuck on the CDC schedule, I think once you you get the mind opened. And that book does it well. It's very well peer reviewed, referenced. And you got to start somewhere. We weren't all born vaccine risk aware. I mean, we believe in the CDC, or I used to, I don't anymore. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 57:15 Well, and we're supposed to trust, we should be able to trust those agencies. We're supposed Dr. Paul 57:18 to be able to trust the National Institute of Health. It sounds amazing. The Center for Disease Control sounds amazing. Public health officials sounds like they have our interest at the top of their list. Turns out after COVID, we learned something kind of shocking. That that's not true. Our interests are almost not in the equation. Right? It's all about money, and promoting vaccines and the profits for the pharmaceutical industry. I was literally shocked to figure to realize it was that bad. I knew it wasn't right. But I had no idea it was that bad. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 57:57 Yeah. And don't you think just the whole medical industry period has changed? It's like you said, I've heard you say it sick care versus welfare. And that's the thing. I'm hearing more and more people that are, they're not even going to a pediatrician anymore. They're going to naturopathic doctors and chiropractics for the care of their children or some of the midwives are seeing seeing these babies just because the parents don't want things pushed on their child. Dr. Paul 58:25 Yeah. You know, who had it right from the get go? God? Yes. And the Amish. Oh, yeah. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 58:32 Yeah, Dr. Paul's real big into that. Dr. Paul 58:35 I was just I was reading something this morning, in fact, and it was like, they I didn't know this. But in April of 2020, they just allowed Coronavirus to run through their community. They had natural immunity way before there was a vaccine. And to my knowledge, nobody has shown that there was a single death in the unvaccinated Amish and most are unvaccinated. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 58:58 I'm so glad of how you feel about the vaccine friendly plan. And thank you for coaching. Dr. Paul 59:04 Thank you, didi. Now, just to throw a twist to this, so you're a new mom, you've just had a baby. What's the most important thing that you think other moms need to know? DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 59:15 Thank you for asking that. Working with so many newborns and babies. The thing I'm noticing and realizing is you know, as mama and even as dad, we know what's best for our children, hold them love them. And as soon as they're born, nothing happens to these babies. They don't need that thing. All they need is Mama's milk. And they need love. And if they're really tight, they might need some body work. But all they need is us. They need love. They need care. They need compassion. They don't need anything else yet. Let everything that God gives them gave them. Let it grow. Let it become everything they need to survive. Dr. Paul 59:58 Yep, So folks, new parents trust that silent inner voice, that intuition that gut feeling whatever it is, you have to quiet the noise. And you'll know. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 1:00:15 So thanks for letting me ask you a million questions today. Thank you, Dan. Keep sending in all of the wonderful questions that everybody has. I do read them. And again, go to kids first number four ever.com. If you would like to learn more about coaching and how to access either one of us and learn more, Dr. Paul 1:00:35 thank you for watching. I look forward to running together with the wind at our backs, revealing the science that gives clarity in our world that's full of propaganda and misinformation. Visit our website, doctors and science.com Sign up. Donate if you can. Your support makes a difference. And let's make this the weekly show the world has been waiting for. Thanks for watching. I'm Dr. Paul. Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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