PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:10
Could it be that our health freedom is truly under fire? Is it possible that our public health officials have been lying to us? How do we seek the truth when doctors have been led to believe in the marketing slogan, the vaccines are safe and effective. This show will highlight the importance of informed consent. I'm Dr. Paul Thomas, and welcome to against the wind, doctors and science under fire. Come to against the wind doctors and science under fire. I'm Dr. Paul, your host today is our 10th episode. Hard to believe we're here already at the 10th episode, we've got a blockbuster important show for you, especially if you are a parent and you've got decisions to make about vaccinating your child against COVID. But actually anything COVID related. Our experts today are spot on with the information you absolutely must have. We start off with Dr. Peter McCullough, he's coming back, he is probably the most well known researcher. He's published over 1000 articles, and he's clinically taking care of COVID patients. He really has some important information he's going to cover today. Things like the difference between the immunity you get from a natural infection versus getting a vaccine. He's also covering the role of the spike proteins that are in the vaccine, and we're starting to realize from the research are causing some real problems, he's going to cover the death reports and how really significant they've become for this vaccine. cumulatively, the single vaccine has now caused more harm than all other vaccines since the beginning of time. Impressive, that has actually led him to make some very serious recommendations about what you should do if you are the parent of a child who's being offered one of these vaccines. So please watch become informed. It is an important powerful interview, we then have an amazing interview with a family, Megan and son Oliver Oliver, at nine months after a flu shot went into a severe seizure that almost killed him, because she wanted to share that story. Because too often, we only hear that vaccines are safe and effective. And we don't hear the downsides that are not as rare as you would believe them to be. We then have a report from Dr. Feinstein in Israel. He's another returning reporter with they've just released the Israeli People's Committee report on side effects from COVID-19. Just came out this past month at the end of the month. And he talks about all the things they're finding in Israel, as relates to COVID-19 and his own recommendations about what you should do with regards to the idea of vaccinating children. There's a massive push in our country right now and across the world to vaccinate as many people as possible, regardless of whether it makes total sense given the science. So we present science here, you want to see this show in its entirety. And of course, don't miss in the news with Bernadette, who is actually covering the various reports on deaths and side effects. The most recent report, the fact that we are now seeing heart defects, I mean heart inflammation, side effects from the COVID vaccine and teenagers who are now getting this vaccine, Dr. McCulloh zone report, I can no longer recommend the vaccine to any individual from a previous interview, talking about coercion, the use of mask orders as a technique for coercion. And then of course, reinforcing the data that's been released now that you get very long lasting antibodies from natural infection. This is a great show. I hope you enjoy it. I'm Dr. Paul. Hi, folks, Dr. Paul here from against the wind doctors in science under fire you need to know about the members only area. So this is a way you can support the show because this show is not having any sponsorship whatsoever. We are beholden to no one. And the reason we can bring you information that you really aren't getting anywhere else is because it's supported by you, the viewers. What you get However, in this membership section for the first month, it's absolutely free. And after that for a good cup of coffee for 495. Here's what you get. I've written two amazing ebooks, we will have Q and A's live with me. We have transcripts of every episode, we have full episodes and other well edited episodes that are not in the main show so you get exclusive content. And I will also be posting exclusive videos sort of from the cuff when I have a thought that I just feel like I want the world To know about or if I read an article that it's like, wow, this is important people need to know about it. All of this will go in the members only section. So join the team against the wind be a part of the solution our world needs and sign up as a member and support our work. Dr. Paul here, welcome to from the heart. Today, I have good news. But I also have a little bit of bad news. I'm going to dispense with the bad news right up the front because I like to focus on the positive. So here's the bad news, the International Journal of environmental research and public health, who published our study, relative incidence of office visits and cumulative rates of build diagnoses along the axis of vaccination. This is basically the big vast, unchecked study that got published November 22, of 2020. The data from my practice over an 11 year period of time, the largest real world data study that's ever been published on comparing unvaccinated children to partially vaccinated children was just retracted. Now, the unfortunate thing is this was a rigorously peer reviewed article. We went through extensive peer review, and anonymous single complaint, apparently challenged methodology, which we have explained extensively. But somehow, the journal was under enough pressure that this was enough to not go through the normal channels of their complaints being listed and are having an opportunity to rebuttal to those complaints. And it's been retracted. So there you have it, that was the bad news, not unexpected, it appears the data shows that if you publish anything that shows vaccines in a negative light, you're at a very high likelihood that it gets retracted. This is just the way the system is. So you have that information. Folks, it does not negate the real world importance of this data, and will help to certainly get this read redone, reworked, republished, because this is really important work. But I want to get on to the really exciting news. So many of you know that December 3 2025 days after this article I just mentioned was available online, the Oregon Medical Board revoked my license in an emergency order. Well, this week, just a few days ago, I got noticed that I've been reinstated. They apparently failed to file charges and just yanked my license, which was a huge mistake. Legally, you just don't do that. So they have allowed me to practice once again. You know, when I when that license was revoked, I instantly was unable to see patients. And I lost insurance contracts. I lost my board certifications, I had to pay a $11,000 tail on my insurance, and so much more. Right. This has been an endless issue after issue. Right? So career destroyer, character assassination, if you will, because all they've been printing in the press are basically falsehoods. Nevertheless, I have my license back, folks, I am so so excited. I want to tell you a little bit about the journey, I think really of why I have my license back. So when this first happened, a good friend of mine, who's been, you know, coaching me on some things, said, you're going to get your license back. And I said no way. It'll never happen. Medical boards are accountable to no one. And that's actually the truth. They do not have to abide by anything that the judge might rule. And so it's extraordinarily rare that a medical board ever goes back on their rulings because they're so powerful. Well, this friend comes at me again, a month later, you are going to get your license back, you know, Dr. Pol, again, I said no way. Well, then she said, Well, if you keep that attitude up, you won't. I said, Well, what do I need to do to get my license back? That's what I've been working on for the last six months. And it's actually the reason I'm still to this day, grateful that I lost my license. Because I was taken to my knees. I had to look at who I was how I was coming across. And it was pointed out to me that if I'm shouting from the mountaintops, and you know this I'm so passionate about informed consent and medical freedom and the health of our children that I just Yeah, I was so passionate that it was coming across like shouting and really coming across in a way that maybe wasn't honoring other points of view. So, I've hope you've seen that I've learned to soften a fair bit and try to meet you where you're at. Because I think that's important. I have another example about that meeting people where they're at, you know, my family is, well, we're very diverse. Let's put it that way. My wife's full blooded, Hispanic, I'm white. We have three biological kids who are of course half Hispanic. I have my first daughter is part Native American part Hispanic, part, white part everything. My next adopted daughters white, and then I adopted for Zimbabwean kids, when my African sister passed away, I grew up in Zimbabwe, some of you know that. So we have a very diverse family. When Black Lives Matter, you know, hit the world the way it did, it really took a toll on the dynamics within our family because it challenged us to dig deeper than I think we ever had. And I had failed to recognize and I'm still working on this, I don't have it all worked out. Our family is not in total harmony yet. But I so I grew up with the civil rights movement, the Nelson Mandela in South Africa, Desmond Tutu Bishop was around in Zimbabwe Rhodesia at the time where I was MLK Martin Luther King here in the US. And the message I got as a kid growing up was not to see color. And so when a couple of my kids came to me and said, if you don't see color, you don't see me. I just didn't get it. I truly was baffled. I didn't get it. I've been on the journey of trying to understand this. But I have come to understand that we've got to meet people where they're at. And as one of my kids said, If you can't see me, as a black woman, or as a black man, then you don't see me you can't know me. And that was I was hurt at the time. But now I realized how they were hurt that I I should have been able to see that that's their life. Everyone in society or so many people see you and make a judgement. And it's hurtful. And and if you're in that category, that is your reality. You know, I was I was shopping a couple days ago. And as I was getting out of my car to go into the store, there was a young man who was he was probably in his 20s stocky guy wearing really clean jeans and a regular plaid shirt. It was a sunny day but but cool and crisp. And each step he took was just painfully difficult. You could see it took everything he had to take that step. And I just for a split microsecond ice, I thought you poor thing. And then I went right to see in his soul and I felt this overwhelming presence of purpose. He was there to show me that while the world might see him as handicapped or challenged, he had real purpose in his life. You know, I bought my drink and my my groceries in drove out the next traffic light that I got to which was less than 100 yards where he had been, he was painstakingly going across that crosswalk with real purpose. He had hundreds of yards to go to get to his destination the way I could see it, because there was nothing close by as he was going through this crosswalk. And it just humbled me so much that we should not be judging anyone, anyone, and we should come to people humbly with Sure, bring your truth, but be open to everyone's truth. And I've needed that message in this vaccine dilemma we have. So that takes me to the show today. Today's show is real heavy about COVID vaccines. And it's real heavy about side effects and what to do for children. And folks, if you are a parent, or you're in contact with parents who have to make this decision for their children, I hope you'll listen really carefully to the experts we have on today. It is really really a powerful show. Dr. McCulloh was on once before he's so mainstream, he's published over 1000 articles and humbly presents to you the information you need. Now I was at the zoo yesterday with my grandson, he's 15. The Oregon Zoo requires a mask when you enter and it requires a mask if you're in an indoor place, but it does not require a mask if you're just out and about because it's open right? It's an open space type zoo. So if you've got your social distancing, you don't have to wear a mask that's in line with the current orders from the governor of or When I would say 90 to 95% of the people there wore their masks everywhere. My grandson said, Well, you know, this is a very serious pandemic. And I just thought to myself, wow, this is, this is the unfortunate reality that those who are getting their information strictly from mainstream from the television from the news anchors, who are reading reports that are just sent to them from the CDC, and pharma funded ventures. If that's all you have is your news. And you're not getting the rest of the news, like you will hear on against the wind. It's a fearful world out there. So yes, I want to meet people where they're at. But I also want to have the opportunity for you to get the rest of the story. The other side of the story, if you will, you will learn that for children. COVID is relatively harmless, like, certainly not any different than a regular flu. You're going to learn that today. You're also going to learn that unfortunately, this vaccine, which has been approved only for emergency use, they cannot mandate a vaccine that has only emergency use approval, it does not have FDA approval, they can't mandate it. So they're using all these coercive tactics to get people to feel like they need to get this vaccine. I call it fear, right? It's the driving force behind this whole thing. Well get the facts. And then you can make your own decision. Remember, we don't give medical advice on this show. This is an informational show a platform for you to get information that's hard to get out there in the mainstream news. So anyway, that's what I wanted to share with you today. I want to I want you to know that we appreciate your time here and against the wind and enjoy the show. Well welcome Dr. McCulloh. It is such a privilege and honor to have you on against the wind. And once again, you are an internist cardiologist, a Master's of Public Health, a professor of medicine at Texas a&m, you are the vice chief of medicine at Baylor University, internationally recognized for your authority and role in chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular risk. You've published over 1000 publications, over 500 citations in the National Library of Medicine, on and on, you are perhaps one of our world's premier experts. In this area of COVID-19. You're very mainstream, although I understand you have come under a little bit of fire, have you not what's going on with your career? Well, no Dr Peter McCullough 17:45 doctor should really come under fire for just holding strong to the scientific principles, Paul, thanks for having me on. Just as an update, I have stepped down as the vice chair of medicine at Baylor, but I see patients every day in my practice there. And, you know, I've seen COVID patients and handled them. And I've seen post COVID patients. And while we were all busy with COVID, six to nine months ago, now we're busy with actually COVID vaccine issues. Dr. Paul 18:13 Yes, absolutely. Maybe you can speak to that. I know you've done a lot of research, and you're up to date more so than anyone I know, with regards to the susceptibility for to co COVID. disease. What's the difference between the immunity one gets from infection versus vaccination? Dr Peter McCullough 18:32 Well, susceptibility is an interesting concept. The estimates are of course, it varies from population to population. But it's estimated that 15% of people just can't get COVID, because they have cross reactivity from other coronaviruses. And you'll know this, and your viewers will know this. because there'll be a family, let's say six people in a household and like one or two people won't get it and everyone else would get it. People have seen this over and over again. So we know that not everyone's susceptible, once someone has COVID if they have the characteristic fever, and the nasal congestion and the other symptoms, and they have a positive test and nasal PCR or antigen test. That's it That's called COVID-19. From that point forward, that person has robust, complete and durable immunity. And all science supports that it is unbreakable immunity, we now know that the T cells, for instance, have about 1200 different changes they have in order to defend against the next time they see the virus. We know the library of antibodies that the body makes is hundreds of antibodies thought to maybe be 1000s. The antibodies are against the spike protein, all the different what's called epitopes or binding points, the spike protein, as well as a nucleocapsid. And there's even defense mechanisms against some of the viral enzymes that's very different than the vaccine. Dr. Paul 19:53 And so that's that's awesome. That is really good news. Folks. If you've had co And you have the symptoms. You are you're safe, right? But what's it What's that? It's Dr Peter McCullough 20:05 a very important point. I've come on national TV Now a couple times and told that to America, because there's been some confusion, the the FDA, CDC, Pfizer, materna, Johnson and Johnson, they knew that they knew that COVID-19 recovered and suspected COVID-19 recovered. They knew that they actually couldn't benefit from the vaccine, they knew probably they were going to be harmed. And so it really was, I think, a mistake for the CDC to tell COVID recovered, yeah, just go ahead and get vaccinated. Now we have three studies, we're sure enough 25 to 30% of people getting vaccinated, you know, don't need it because they are COVID recovered, they have already have immunity. And they have higher rates of side effects including fever, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, and some even getting hospitalized. So I've told America COVID recovered is strictly contraindicated now. So a doctor's judgment overrules the CDC and the NIH and the FDA. I think, you know, people ought to know that the doctors, judgment overrules those recommending bodies. And we now recommend no vaccine for COVID recovered. The issue is what if your suspected cover recovered what remember early on, you couldn't get a test and you are so right, you're not really sure those individuals they should get testing and what we know there is if the antibodies and there's 100 antibody essays on the market, I recommend one that your doctor would order at your lab, the big essays like Abbott quest, Roche, ortho clinical diagnostics, they are very accurate when those antibody tests are positive, then that indicates that again, a patient is immune, that indicates that you know, T cell immunity is behind that they're perfectly fine, the antibodies will fade. And everybody if they're not re exposed, even if we gotten the vaccine, the antibodies are going to fade. So there's another test that's come on the market, it's very useful. It's called the T detect test. T detect, you go online, you sign on you enter your information, the medical director online approves it. And then you go to labcorp office in the blood drawn No, no personal doctor is needed. And the T detect test is very accurate. It looks for a minor, minor epigenetic chromosomal changes in it in the T cells, they guarantee that you have lifelong immunity. There's never been a second case of COVID-19, there's been some confusion on whether or not you can get it again, I've looked at all the cases, it's only because the nasal PCR test can be falsely positive. And so now when again, you'll have somebody say, Oh, I was positive on two occasions. But it's not two separate cases of COVID. Just you just get the illness once. That is super important folks to know that contrast that what would you with what happens with the vaccinated individuals? Dr. Paul 22:49 You know, we started off by talking about the immunity you get from infection, versus that which you get from vaccination, because I think we're hearing a lot of reports of vaccinated people coming down with COVID 19 disease. Dr Peter McCullough 23:00 Okay, well, you know, all doctors, like you and I and others. We use vaccines in our office. Every day, we're required to have vaccines to be in the hospital and clinic. So in a sense, we're pro vaccine or 70 vaccines on the market, and we're taking them off. When the COVID-19 vaccines came along, they were pushed through development very rapidly. Normally, there's 24 months of development time, it got shortened to two months. And when they came out of the gate, they look pretty good from the studies, they look pretty good. And so I can tell you as an internist and cardiologist, I see patients every day, but I'm also doing a lot of research and scholarship. I had about 70% of my patients get vaccinated in December, January and February. But as the safety information started to come in, and the CDC kept telling us go to the VA ers system and look at the data. That's what our job was even in the consent form. When someone signs up for the vaccine, they're told to review the data. These numbers that have come in and they are alarming. Paul, we have over 4400 deaths reported over 14,000 hospitalizations. These are thought to be underreported by tenfold. Because it's very hard to report. I've done it. It takes about half an hour for a doctor to do it, have to put all our medical license information in there and the strict warnings that if we falsify reports, that's a federal offense. So believe me, these 4400 I think are really solid 40% of them occur on days one, two, and three after the vaccine, and they look like they're tightly related. it exceeds all prior vaccines for all years in the history of medicine. So the COVID-19 vaccine program is going to take the cake in terms of serious side effects. So the good news is my patients got through the vaccines. I didn't lose any patients but I had family members of them that died after the vaccine. And at this point in time, I don't generally recommend it anymore. I'm not going to go on TV and say generally recommend it we will look at case by case there may be a patient where the benefits outweigh the risks, but we don't generally recommend it. And we've had some data come in that are fairly clear. The US FDA and may 10, by letter without any, any safety data disclosed, approve the Pfizer vaccine for ages 12 to 15. And they approved it based on the antibody response. And then shockingly, on May 19, they put out an advisory don't trust the antibodies, and they just approved it based on antibodies. And then may 27, the Pfizer, aged 12 to 15 data came out in the New England Journal of Medicine. And the synopsis is they vaccinated 2300 kids in the program, and it turned out the vaccine only presented prevented 18 cases of the sniffles It was no severe effects. No severe cases prevented just very mild COVID vaccine prevented 18 cases of the sniffles no mention of family spread even though they were checking on that. So we anticipate didn't influence families at all. And then sure enough, 60 to 80% of the kids got sick now kids get more side effects with the vaccine than adults because they have a a more robust immune system. And that included fever, nausea, vomiting, chills, muscle aches, body aches, fevers up to 40 degrees, which is shocking, but a third of the mothers were trying to give a Tylenol and other medications and so my interpretation is pediatric vaccination is a bust. It doesn't work. Parents should not rush out and have their kids vaccinated is contraindicated again, doctor's judgment overrules the CDC and FDA contraindicated don't do it. There's no benefit for children. And there's only harm. Dr. Paul 26:36 Well, there you have it, folks. I'm a pediatrician, I cannot give medical advice. But and we don't generally do medical advice on shows. But you just got the synopsis there on this huge issue as they roll this out for children. We don't have data that supports that, in fact, the data is actually clear that that is danger to those children with almost no benefit. Would you agree? Dr Peter McCullough 26:58 Yeah, Paul, you're not alone. There are multiple children's groups in the United States and Canada, who are filing already with the agencies not to roll it out and children. There's already been illegal temporary restraining order filed at the day that the FDA tried to push this through. And it's not going to go forward that childhood vaccination is not going to go forward. This week, the Los Angeles universal school system dropped any mention of vaccine requirements, we anticipate that the college vaccination programs will be dropped to the estimates are if 20 million college kids are forced to get vaccinated, we'll lose about 80 college kids to the vaccine and 1000 to be hospitalized. It's unacceptable. Many of these colleges don't even have a policy yet or an exemption form. They're just kind of threatening this on their student population. And many of them are not having the professors get vaccinated. It also, you know, realize that the CDC, FDA and NIH are not they themselves are not taking the vaccine. So I think the American public ought to be looking at this and saying, Wait a minute, we've got a problem here. We had an alarming situation come up this weekend, a lot of information has come through. We now know that on the first injection of the messenger RNA vaccines Pfizer materna, that the spike protein circulates for two weeks, we thought it stayed locally. But now paper from Harvard shows that it circulates for two weeks. The spike protein is the dangerous protein that was modified through gain of function research to become super strong, and allow it to basically damage blood vessels caused blood clotting kind of rip through the body. That's actually what's produced in response to these vaccines. They circulate for two weeks on the first shot, the second shot, the body then quells that down, it doesn't circulate. So that first two weeks, that's the danger period. were wondering why are women reporting menstrual irregularities? Why have we seen cases of blood clots with these vaccines? So that circulating spike protein for two weeks explains it. But then we had a call from a major medical center that a patient had a transfusion reaction. And then someone asked the question, are they screening people to make sure they don't donate blood within the first two weeks of the vaccine and we made a bunch of calls and they're not Paul. So now the American Association of blood banking is probably going to have to go check all the units of blood figure out who donated blood, what's bloods got spike protein in it, the spike protein is dangerous. And we've really gone out of bounds here. So for instance, I can tell you as a doctor, I do see an examine in console take care of pregnant women. I can tell you I do not believe any pregnant woman should get any COVID-19 vaccine. Why, again, NIH Pfizer maternal j&j strictly excluded them from clinical trials, they excluded women of childbearing age, they knew they were going to be harmed, they knew it could be harmful. And now We have a situation where we understand that the spike protein circulates for two weeks is damaging, we never inject a damaging biologic agent in a pregnant woman's body ever. We only allow inactivated influenza, tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis. So injecting something that's biologically dangerous and active in a pregnant woman's body investigation really crosses all boundaries of medical ethics, crosses all boundaries of medical jurisprudence. And at this point in time, it needs to cease immediately, there shouldn't be another pregnant woman who gets a needle jab in the arm. Dr. Paul 30:38 I concur. And same goes for children. There just is no logic whatsoever. Tell me something about the spike protein. I know it's a problem in the vaccines. What about natural infection? Can you have problems there? Dr Peter McCullough 30:53 It's the same spread protein. So the spike protein is the little spine that looks that sits on the ball the virus so your viewers can think about that ball and what it looks like. It has a hinge to it. It's called the fearing cleavage joint. And the body is a natural enzyme called fear. And so used to clip that off, and the virus wouldn't cause much of a problem. The gain of function research, which we're learning looks like it was actually partially funded by the US FDA, us, NIH, and investigators. So we're going to have to sort through investigative journalists have to figure out who was working with the Chinese. But they made that hinge joint completely solid, so we cannot be broken by the natural human enzyme. So now the spike prone to a set of being broken off and being harmless. Now that spike protein carries the virus into the body makes it more infectious and rips through the body rips up blood vessels causes blood clotting, high fever, inflammatory factors, it's really the spike protein. That is, in a sense, the pathogenic bio weapon if it was designed to be bioterrorism, it's the spike protein. So if you got the natural infection, in a sense, you got a dose of bioterrorism. And now, if you're getting the vaccine, in a sense, you're getting an intentional dose of bioterrorism. I think that is my everybody starting to back off and say, wait a minute, what's going on here? Why is there such a thirst to vaccinate children who don't have any problem with COVID? Like why are we vaccinate pregnant women where the FDA and the pharmaceutical companies thought I was dangerous to begin with? Why would we ever allow that? So I think Americans now need to take matters into their own hands. Doctors overrule the FDA, CDC and NIH number one, and patients overrule everybody. The principle of autonomy is that the patients decide what gets injected into their body period. They can take advice from people, but they may not be pressured or coerced, or have threats of reprisal. So already we're hearing about employees getting fired because they won't take the vaccine. Go ahead, these liability lawsuits are going to win them of fortune. And they're being filed left and right you're going to see the legal community is going to absolutely scorch these plaintiffs they have no grounds to mandate an investigational vaccine that does not have a favorable favorable safety profile. And in fact, it doesn't work in everybody. Up until May where the CDC just stopped. They had already reported 10,000 verified breakthrough cases, people fully vaccinated, they got COVID anyway, and because they had to use a really cumbersome phone system to call people and nobody picks up their phone. We think that 10,000 isn't under estimate, probably by tenfold. I bet there's 100,000 people sitting out there who actually got the vaccine, and they got COVID. Anyway, we do know, after the Pfizer, Madonna, there's an increased risk after the first injection, because of the body's trying to adapt. So that's actually a high risk period that was shown in the Pfizer application to the FDA and in Israel and France. So we can happen there. But the CDC was only counting patients who were fully vaccinated. So they were walking around, thinking they're fine, and they got COVID. Anyway, so this week alone, there's so much breaking news, the United Kingdom and Israel dropped their passport system that was gonna be based on the vaccine. They're seeing these failure cases. And I think we'll see things settle down, people are going to realize the vaccine doesn't protect people 100% and it doesn't have a favorable safety profile. Dr. Paul 34:24 Well, I think we can wrap it up with that, folks, thank you so much for your time. I know you've got a live television event you need to get to. Folks you have heard right here from Dr. mercola. It's time to stop. We've seen enough damage we know enough now. And parents if you're contemplating vaccinating your children, please at least pause. And because things are going to change and you can't take it back. Once it's given. It's given any last words you'd like to share with the world. Dr Peter McCullough 34:54 Paul, I think that was well stated and I want the listeners To know that Dr. Thomas and myself, we are not being critical. We've been through a very difficult period in America, many of us lost lost loved ones due to COVID-19. I know I did. I know I personally had the virus and it's a rough virus. And so I recognize the efforts of trying to bring a vaccine forward. It just as it turns out, this one is just not working out, people worried that it was rushed. And in fact, it was rushed. And it's come forward. And it turns out, it doesn't protect people 100%. And it's not sufficiently safe. So I agree with Dr. Thomas, it's time to wind down the program. And then now pick up the pieces and figure out where things went wrong, and try to come up with a safer program. I don't think anybody is going to take a booster shot at this point. Dr. Paul 35:44 Thanks again, for all your hard work on behalf of all of us. Have a great day and good luck with your next interview and everything you're doing. Okay, thank you. Thank you. Bye. Hi, folks. Welcome to against the wind where we've got a family willing to talk to you about a story I want you to hear. So thank you for being on our show. And we can keep names anonymous. That's fine, because we just have an interesting story. And this young man has bunnies. How many bunnies Do you have one? to two bunnies. So Oliver, how old are you? Do you know how old you are? I think he's two right? Yeah, almost three, Almost. Almost. Thank you. That's great to hear. So you have a story to tell. I think you are not with my practice initially, not when when Oliver was born. Yeah. And tell me sort of what happened in his journey of health. Um, Oliver and Family 36:45 he was nine months old. And we had been vaccinating him up until he was nine months. And he he got his flu shot. And then within two days, we noticed he had a fever. We just gave him some ibuprofen that would just go away. And he I looked down at him one day, that day. And he he was listless, like he wasn't moving. He wasn't responding. So I picked him up. And he just went limp in my hand in my arms. And I thought he was dying. And he just wasn't responding. So we call 911. And come to find out he was having a seizure. I don't want came to your house. Yeah. Dr. Paul 37:32 Was he still seizing at that point? Yeah. Was it jerking? Kind of Cesar was just limp. Um, he was just limp. Literally like he was foaming at the mouth. He turned blue at all. Yes. Okay. And so, so paramedics come there. He's limp, blue, foaming at the mouth. Oliver and Family 37:48 I'm screaming, hysterical. It was really scary. Then they my husband went with him in the ambulance. And then they did a bunch of tests on him. And yeah, they they took them to the ER and as he was on his way to the hospital, even at the hospital, where those seizures at all jerking or stiffness. I think it was more he wasn't responding, wasn't responding was wasn't breathing wasn't responding to any stimulus. And it was enough that they were trying to determine they had thought about yet innovating because he wasn't breathing in the paramedics themselves went from looking like we have this under control to looking a little bit concerned. They have Dr. Paul 38:36 like oxygen in a bag on him. They did. Absolutely. paramedic had him in his arm. Okay. Yes, absolutely. So yeah, if he's not breathing, and he's turning blue. If you can't intubate to get airway, you're gonna just do the bag and mass. So with kids, fortunately, because actually, he's looking pretty good today. Yeah, thank goodness. Yeah. With kids. If you manage their airway, they do fine. So that was fortunate that they were there in time to manage his airway. So he gets to the hospital, they're still working on his airway. How long did all that last? Um, you know, we Oliver and Family 39:09 were very fortunate that the the paramedics showed up probably less than three minutes after we call 911. They just happen to be in the neighborhood when they showed up. Wow. And I would say from the time that the ambulance showed up to the time he got to the hospital, and they had him stabilized was probably Dr. Paul 39:28 45 minutes. I remember as a doctor in training my first seizure that I witnessed it for new doctors. It's scary. I can't imagine for parents. You must have thought you were losing your kid. Yeah, I did. Yeah, we Oliver and Family 39:39 were terrified. Absolutely, absolutely wrecked in you know, credit where credit is due the paramedics showed up were very good at what they were doing and it really calmed us down. But still, it was scary. It's really scary. Dr. Paul 39:51 Yeah, clearly, how's as he had any other seizures Oliver and Family 39:56 actually about a year later, same month. I noticed that something wasn't right. So I was holding him. And all of a sudden his eyes just got all glossy and he stared off into space and he got limp again and again. And he I just started screaming and I knew I wasn't you know, he was having another one because I thought we were in the clear, I thought it was like one and done. Dr. Paul 40:23 As I recall, you knew what to do this time. Yeah, we had to do a session they had given us Oliver and Family 40:31 Yeah, he, we had been prescribed what we call a crash kit. And it's just a essentially a pre dosed, anti seizure medication. Dr. Paul 40:41 Yeah. wrecked as a Pam probably. That's, Oliver and Family 40:44 that's it. That's exactly what it was. Yeah. And so, you know, we have been restricted on what to do if we noticed this we call 911. And we told them what they what we had, and they were like, go ahead and administer it. And we did. And it worked really quickly. brought him back down. And we started the paramedics come we still, he still went to the doctor was the second time he was turning really blue. Yeah, okay. He was really losing a lot of air. Wow. And so that's why we I mean, we were going to give him the medication anyways. But that brought the blueness down. And by the time they took him. He was well, I went within the second ambulance and we weren't there as long because it was during like it was last year. Right? March. Right? Yeah. Dr. Paul 41:30 So folks for for seizures in children who are six months to six years, if it's associated with a fever, and it's less than 10 to 15 minutes, and it's what they call generalized. Both sides of the body are the same, it might be called a febrile seizure. But the duration of that first one was way too long for that to be classified a febrile seizure. And actually, nobody really knows what causes febrile seizures other than the fact we have a fever, and we have a seizure. In your story, you've got a vaccine at nine months, within two days, you've got this massive seizure that just about could have killed him if you weren't fortunate enough to have paramedics nearby. You know, how have any of the doctors imagine you were wondering if it was related to the vaccines? What did the doctors tell you about that? Oliver and Family 42:12 Well, I would ask everybody. You know, is this due to he just had his flu shot? Do you think it's from that? Nobody ever said nobody wanted to say yes. Nobody wanted to admit anything. Except for the Yeah, we the the doctor that was in the emergency room. I had asked him because status, what medications he was on? Has he been taking anything? virtually anything? And then I told him that we had he'd been vaccinated two days prior, right. And I asked the doctor straight up if this would have anything to do with the vaccination. Yeah. And he said, essentially, give me a very firm, maybe, probably, but probably not. Yeah. So as we progressed over the next couple of days, we had a chance to talk to his pediatrician, pediatrician was very adamant that the vaccination would have nothing to do with it. And then because this was his first seizure, he had an E, Eg, and I had a chance to talk to the neurologist that read everything through Yeah. And she essentially gave me the line that officially no vaccination would not do it. But based on what she was seeing, and her experience that probably was a reaction to the vaccination. And as we discussed earlier, was very much off the record conversation with her. Just because, you know, I don't know if you're towing the healthcare systems line, or whatever you want to call it, but we definitely got a firm Yes, no. And maybe, Dr. Paul 43:38 yeah. So folks, I've been a pediatrician for 35 years. Well, doctor for 35 years and board certified pediatrician for a few years less than that. And that is what we're told and taught to say, Oh, it's just a coincidence. And so these seizures that happened after vaccines, even if it's right after the don't get reported as being a vaccine related event, but this is just one of the problems with our system of trying to really look at what, what are vaccines doing, we know they have benefits, so we're not anti vaccine here on this program. But there isn't a good system for finding out what are the long term effects. Right. And and it is, are there problems, we're not picking up? So this is just an opportunity to highlight to you a couple things. It appears we know there's increased seizures with the MMR vaccine, this was at nine months was not an MMR. So this was just a flu shot. Right, that first that first seizure. And, you know, we just have to be aware that there are potential other risks that really aren't being picked up adequately with vaccination. That was one of the things my study looked at was all health outcomes in vaccinated or highly vaccinated compared to unvaccinated and the whole spectrum of vaccination and health effects. So you know, you'll have A link to the study that was published in a peer reviewed journal to look at a lot of people do fine with vaccines, I think I get labeled anti vaccine, and I absolutely am not. There are benefits to vaccines, what we know now are there there's a subset of kids who are at higher risk for injury from vaccines. How do we identify who those kids are, so we can vaccinate those who can safely get the vaccine. Obviously, if we can have a safer vaccine product, even better, yeah. Which is another thing I'm really hoping will happen as we sort of wake up to the fact that Vaccine Injury is real. But so now you had a second child who did have a an apparent reaction to a vaccine that scary could take in his life. What did you choose to do about ongoing vaccines? Once you had that experience? Oliver and Family 45:44 Well, we went back to the doctor, that same doctor and we wanted to not I said, I don't want anymore. I'm done for a while. Dr. Paul 45:53 Yeah. I don't know what this mom intuition. Oliver and Family 45:56 Yeah. And she said, No, I think it's best that you get this one. This is so important. It's the MMR. At the time, I didn't know how risky it can be at that age. I do not now. But I said, No, I want to leave. And she left the room and I was gonna walk away. But she sent in two nurses and I felt kind of ganged up on a little bit. And there was a lot of pressure because there was a lot of pressure, because I had been taking him all his life. And she only sent one nurse in every time, right? This is the first time she sent to it. So I knew she meant business. And I ended up getting it for him because I felt kind of like a bad mom, if I did it. Like Dr. Paul 46:39 definitely pressured. Yes, almost bullied, maybe. Yep. Yeah. So I said, I'm not going there anymore. Oliver and Family 46:45 I was surprised how much pressure or healthcare provider which we love their pediatrician before we really do it and still have respect for but I shouldn't be getting a call from my wife who's in tears, about being pressured in to getting vaccinations for our kids. I mean, yeah, I think that's something to really consider is to realize that, you know, if your child is a patient of a doctor, you have every right to refuse anything. And as long as life threatening, right, you have the right to refuse anything. And to feel that type of pressure from someone that we entrusted to take care of our children is wholly not acceptable. And so that's, that was probably the biggest thing that I would say is just make sure that you realize you're in control of your kids. And no one can tell you what you can and can't do. Yeah, and, you know, you got to stand up for your kids. And, you know, that was just it was tough when when your wife and your work and you're trying to take care of business and you get a call from your wife who's in, like I said, literally in tears, because there was that much pressure applied Wow, to vaccinate our youngest who'd already been through a set of seizures that were not, you know that there was no conclusive conclusive reason why, and we had that type of pressure. So it's tough. Dr. Paul 47:54 Folks, informed consent should allow a parent or a patient to decide after they've been given the pros and the cons of the alternatives. One of the alternatives always needs to be that you can refuse the medical procedure. And this bullying that's going on in pediatric practices and practices around the country that you have to vaccinate, or else needs to stop. And so if you're a physician watching this, you know, I hope you you got that, that this really is not okay. And it has nothing to do whether vaccines are safe or not, or it's just the ethical principle of informed consent must be a keystone of medicine today. I mean, especially when you're talking about vaccines that are experimental, like the COVID vaccine, but really any vaccine or any medical procedure, that's not life saving emergency, right? I mean, in that case, you have to bypass informed consent to save a person's life. But thank you for sharing that story. I hear this story hundreds of times. In fact, you know, we have almost 10,000 patients in the practice right now, at one point, we were over 15,000. And 1000s of our patients come because of that very story. They were kicked out of the other practice, which is a form of bullying, you do it my way or you're gone. Or they actually were bullying you and you just felt, you know, cornered. Yeah. And so I'm sorry, you had to go through that. I'm so proud of you for being brave and following your intuition. And that's what you know, if you're watching this folks, and you're a parent, and your your mama or daddy gut tells, you know, listen to that, you know, we we get our messages in many different ways. And on this show, we're just trying to share information that will be helpful to you as you make difficult decisions. Yeah. Well, thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you, Your, your heart in this and your journey. Thankfully, we have a delightful young man and a good great big brother. So thank you for being on the show. Appreciate you guys. Take care, right Welcome, Dr. Feinstein, it is a privilege to have you back on our show against the wind. Dr. Feinstein, you are a psychiatry, and you are very instrumental in the Israeli People's Committee work that I think you have done a lot of work in issuing a recent report just a week or two ago on the findings on adverse events related to the COVID vaccine. Is that correct? Yes, it is. to share with our audience, your background, as far as what got you interested in what's going on with the COVID vaccine. You recall, I'm a pediatrician. And the thing that concerns me the most right now in the world is the push now to massively vaccinate children. And that we just have so much information now about the adverse events that that needs to be halted. I'd be interested in your input about that. But start off with just letting our audience remember why you're interested in the COVID vaccine and what's happening in Israel and around the world. Dr Pinki Feinstein 51:09 Well, interestingly, you know, I've always been some kind of alien, I wasn't really a part of any system. After I finished my residency in psychiatry, psychiatry, I created my own system of working my own creative, spiritual emotional system, in which I help my clients, especially through empowerment, I created many tools, many platforms, if it's books or online courses. And my main objective always was to empower my patients so they can find the force within them, how to heal themselves. And then, when the corona drama began, I had this inner calling that I have to be involved more profoundly as a public figure, I felt emotionally and intuitively, that the human kind are being under attack. And that it is my job to step up and defend them. This is what I felt it was just an intuitive feeling. And it was stronger than me. And it still four months later, stronger than me, I mean, this is, currently This is my main job. And I'm fully dedicated to it, and I don't have much choice, it is really stronger than me. And I have to do this work, especially when the number of doctors all speak up to confront the authorities, so few. So, I cannot leave the space neglected, when I have so many things to say, and I am not afraid to say, because I believe that there are many criminal activities currently, from authorities all over the world against people, and unfortunately, soon against children. So once I realized that these kinds of attack, which is psychological, biological attack is taking place, I got very involved as if it is coming to my own house. And I need to take every creativity, every resilience, everything in me to fight back. And you know, to encourage people also to fight back, because I cannot do it alone. But I can lead people to resistance, struggle, and through empowerment like I used to do before but now for this cause. Dr. Paul 53:51 Thank you for that. You are blessing the world with your bravery. And I share your vision and that feeling of calling because we have no financial gain. In fact, we have nothing but financial loss when we go up against the system. I imagine you've faced some challenges yourself. Have you had any pushback? Dr Pinki Feinstein 54:15 Many of my friends are being threatened to be fired from job. And sadly, the threads are so effective, although not productive. I mean, they don't really fire anyone, they just threat. So many of my colleagues are afraid. But I believe that if they dare to speak up, no one will fire them. But you know, many times the threat is bigger than the real plan to harm you. But if it works, that's it. You can you can do it with the threat. So the only problem for me as far as financial is concerned is that I don't have enough time to work because I'm so busy. Yesterday, I posted something on Facebook asking for people to distribute it to parents, because there is a plan to begin children vaccination in a few days in Israel. So it was urgent. And they also put my personal phone number. I told them, You can call me. And since then, guess what? They have been calling me. I need I need to stop every activity. Because so many parents have been calling puzzled, confused, surprised to hear a new approach or no opinion that it's dangerous, that it's risky that it is maybe irresponsible hasty. Dr. Paul 55:44 So let's let's use that as our segue into what are you finding there in Israel? You've been monitoring adverse events from the COVID vaccine. I think the one is it almost exclusively the Pfizer vaccine being used in Israel? It's no, it's totally exclusive. Okay, so for that particular vaccine, as as a way of helping parents because you're getting these phone calls, I'm sure now they're probably more than you can handle. You would be telling them some information. And we're not giving medical advice on this show. But just sharing information. And the information you would share, I believe is exactly what our audience needs. And that is, you know, what are your findings? As you your organization, has looked at the side effects? Well, Dr Pinki Feinstein 56:33 so I think we can address two issues. One is just to share with the audience about the side effects. And the second is, how do we consider children's involvement in light of these findings? Exactly. When before I give you the numbers, we do know that we are the people committee in Israel, we made some, we got help from some people, Mathematics and Statistics. And they, they figure out that we have reached something like 100,000 people more or less, no more than they so only 100,000 people already know about us, the media doesn't show that we exist, the Israeli people committee. So all of our findings are related only to a small fraction of the population. It is assumed that our finding reflects only 3% of the real picture. So when I'm telling you that we received 330 reports of death in proximity to vaccination, the real number is much bigger. It is more frequent in males than in female death after the vaccination, we found an increase in overall mortality in Israel, compared not only to last year to 10 years. Before, if you look at January through March, the overall mortality, the three months average is bigger than many years in the past. And it is the deadliest year as far as these three months in the last decade. Okay, so we say overall mortality, and we address it to the time after they began the vaccination campaign. So it may be from side effects or a bizarre increase in Corona death after vaccination. Dr. Paul 58:41 Yeah, when was the vaccination campaign started in Israel? Dr Pinki Feinstein 58:46 I believe it began on December and later when it was done in other countries, we saw the same similar identical pattern, you have increase in vaccination and you have an identical increase in mortality. We also see a very significant increase in mortality in young age group 20 to 29 were 30 to 50% increase in overall mortality. And then we started having, you know, special reports coming from families. The latest was 21 year old men completely healthy after the army service. And then weeks after vaccination. He didn't wake up in the morning, and they found no medical reason for this yet. The media didn't cover it. Also we have found that side effects you can find it in almost every every organ, every system in the body. neurological gynecology, cardiac in the brain You name it in the kidneys on new onset diabetes increase in cancer, you name it, almost every system or almost many kinds of new pathologies. So you understand that something very bizarre is taking place kind of attacking the body. Also we get reports from hospitals, neurology wards have too many patients in relation to the past new kinds of pneumonias that are not related to the season, many cases of myocarditis in young people. Surprisingly, the government is saying that myocarditis is the only side effect, currently to be worried about yet we know about so many other things, and it's totally, totally hidden by the government. Yeah, Dr. Paul 1:00:57 I'm curious, what systems has the Israeli government put in place to monitor and track side effects, because I know, in the United States, there's very little being done other than the passive there's, you know, capture system, which only picks up we think about 1%. Dr Pinki Feinstein 1:01:15 So what they did here is they created a system in the Ministry of Health website in which you can be bought, but here's the deal, you have something like three to find options of minor side effects, you can choose only one of them. And if you have something else, you can type it and then, but you can write only about two, three words. And that's it. So what happened in there is that most adverse events couldn't be reported there. And moreover, the government doesn't reflect anything to the public. And also, it's very important to note that in Israel, the vaccination campaign was like, you know, marketing campaign, very aggressive. Many people show them in commercials, encouraging people, but none of them encouraged people to come and report about side effects. And then heard from clinics, from hospitals, from private people, about many cases in which side effects are not reported, are blocked from reporting. So if someone is making here an experiment, this is a false experiment, because the real information about safety is either hidden, or buried, or not given It's all right. This is if the system is afraid of showing that there are problems with with this. I won't say even vaccination, genetic experimentation, etc. This is where we are. Dr. Paul 1:02:59 Yeah, well, given all of that, and your findings, let's pivot to what you would tell parents who are wondering what they should do for their children, because that's coming now to you in Israel, it's coming here in the United States right away in the near future. Dr Pinki Feinstein 1:03:16 In Israel. The general announcement is that the pandemic is over, that we kind of conquered Corona. And what they are bragging is that we conquer the Corona, thanks to the vaccination, which I'm not sure it is the real mechanism, because in other countries without the vaccination, same pattern, the various is gone. Yet, despite this, they say we need to vaccinate the children, but they give no medical explanation for this. Children are not in danger of Corona, there is no pandemic in Islam. Even the previous assumption that they may be, you know, contact the elderly, they mean, also, it's proven that it is wrong. So, I find no logical reason or explanation for this. So I'm telling the parents that there is no real reason for this. There is no medical explanation for this. Your children don't need it, and you endanger them. And it may be reversible. So you need to think twice. If you agree to this. Even if you were vaccinated. You may think twice it may harm the reproductive system, their hearts, then it may cripple them. We don't know it's a genetic experimentation, maybe two or three years something happens to them. And you cannot control it, you cannot reverse it. So I'm telling parents, be careful and my advice to you as far as Children do not do it. If a child is in a high risk group, it's another discussion. But most children are not. If your child is healthy, why should you put your child in such a risk? There is no reason for this. And interestingly, people are surprised to hear this. Yeah, Dr. Paul 1:05:23 I mean, I here in the US, I just read this week that the American Academy of Pediatrics, which was the organization that, you know, our professional organization of most pediatricians in this country, night, I think it was 97% came out in favor of the vaccine. It just is mind boggling. It absolutely makes no sense. From all the data that we have to be vaccinating children. Children are not at risk of death. It's it's almost zero, basically. And the risk of harm is rather substantial. And the unknowns are still out there. I mean, this is still a very new technology. And what we're finding is horrifying. So parents, this is not medical advice. This is just common sense. Do your do your due diligence, do your research. Please listen to what Dr. Feinstein is saying here. He's not alone in saying this. And we are as parents, called to protect, protect your children until we have a better sense of what's going on. This vaccine should have been pulled off the market long time ago. What What do you say to that? I mean, if we have we have enough information, I think Dr Pinki Feinstein 1:06:35 the fact that the FDA doesn't stop this raises many questions, as far as their interest, because when you hear about 1000s of people dying in proximity 1000s, you know, only in the US, usually the FDA stops, takes out our medications from the market, when there's only a suspicion of harm, or even at least shares a great warning about this. And now we see massive numbers of injuries, death, more than a million reports of adverse events in device, which we know it's only a fraction of the real picture, we're talking about a product or something that you inject to people and causes many, many problems, many injuries, yet, the one who is responsible to stop it or to monitor it, the FDA doesn't do the work. And we cannot say that they they are not aware of this, they are more aware than you and I, they know all the information. This is the job. And as far as I'm concerned, they they are committing a crime. This is crime against humanity. They're supposed to live these kinds of campaigns. And it's going wild. It's like there is no you cannot have someone who is responsible that you can rely on you can say or at least come to the public and say yes, we have a problem. We see the problem yet we decide to continue but to realize it's problematic. Now they just say continue, continue. We need to continue. Everything's okay. But not everything is not okay. Yeah. Dr. Paul 1:08:27 I, in closing, I wanted you to touch on perhaps this issue of using fear to control the population, because my sense has been, it was first a fear campaign about how completely devastating this was going to be to the world. And then they use that to roll this out. And of course, initially we didn't know what we were dealing with. But now we do. What are your closing thoughts for our viewers on? How do we go forward and get away from fear and move into a positive healing? empowerment as as you started the show with Dr Pinki Feinstein 1:09:03 you? No, I think you're right. It's a kind of a trap. People were put in a state of anxiety, chronic anxiety for about a year. Just imagine the damages in one year of anxiety. It's like they were tortured. People are put in a year of anxiety and they feel helpless and they lose faith in in their body's ability to cope with facts. you cultivate helplessness in them, which is also a crime. So you put people in stress in continuous anxiety, lockdowns fear, you make them lose their faith in their body, lose hope. And then you can one day you say I have the magic solution. Once you take it, you say of course and I also want to give it to my child. So we are all saved. This way you create dependency. So they feel dependent on this vaccination. You help them you make them feel that they cannot heal themselves, that they are not responsible for their health, that the only thing that can save them is this injection. After you put people in one year of this crazy stress, you may understand why so many of them even doctors, just a craving for giving a solution to get rid of this once and for all. I don't want to return to this trauma. So many people fail in this track, and they're still there. And only realizing the adverse effect may help them realize the real price for this. Dr. Paul 1:10:46 Absolutely. So takeaway message, folks, if you have a child, and you can spare them this potential disaster, please do. So we have enough information. Now this fear campaign ends when you turn off the television when you disconnect from social media that is fear mongering, and go back to your natural immunity, your inner love, peace, joy, happiness, energy, where all life comes from, and you will be absolutely fine. I think you could agree with that. What other closing remarks Would you like to make? Dr Pinki Feinstein 1:11:19 Well, the times in which you make decisions that you don't want to regret them later. So even even if things are uncertain, we can be certain that Corona does not threaten children. And you don't want to make a decision now that you will regret in a few years and you won't be able to explain your children why you took this bizarre decision to give them injection for something that they're not in danger about. All the thing that we asked you for now is wait. There is no rush. Only the government is pressured you you're supposed to be paid only to say no, because you don't know. No one of us knows. There are many signs of problems with this material. And don't make a decision that you won't be able to fix and it will determine your life, your children's quality of life, extent of life, the reproductive life, etc. So don't make a decision that you may regret later. Dr. Paul 1:12:22 Yeah, we're gonna close on that note, thank you so much for your time and your work. And continue your hard work. Let's let's talk again. Okay, thank you very much. Thank you. Bye bye. Welcome to against the wind. This is our segment with Bernadette pager. It's in the news. And Bernadette is a instrumental part of this show because she is getting us the latest information that you aren't typically hearing on mainstream news, brand deaths, the Public Policy Director of informed choice Washington, she hosts an informed life radio. And of course, she's a regular here on against the wind. Welcome, Bernadette. Hi, Dr. Paul, Bernadette Pajer 1:13:05 good to see you. Dr. Paul 1:13:07 It's good to see you too. So I'm gonna let you grab the screen because I know you've presented a brief presentation, it's just simple for our viewers to take a look at the information you have for us. I know we're gonna start off with the COVID vaccine. What are the adverse events being reported by bears? Bernadette Pajer 1:13:27 So yeah, here's the most recent, there's data that's been released. And I always remind people that what we're seeing here is just what they've managed to get on their website. Thus far, they are way behind in uploading. And of course, we also know that the viewer suffers from severe under reporting, that's always important to keep in mind. Even so these numbers are staggering through June 4, you know, 5888 deaths, 19,000 hospitalizations, 43,000 urgent care visits, and we're seeing really high numbers of like 1087 mile carditis and pericarditis, the heart inflammation, 652, miscarriages, almost 6000 life threatening events. This is appalling. It's just doesn't make sense that what we're seeing then at the CDC, you go visit their web page, and what do they say? The results from the safety monitoring efforts are reassuring. COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. It's like what the heck are you guys talking about? Everybody knows somebody who had a really bad reaction, or suspect a loved one, you know, didn't survive the shot. So I don't understand how they can be saying this. And then they go through safe for public awareness and in the interest of transparency, they talk about, you know, a few things being reported, but then they rely upon the unreliable various data. I mean, in one hand, they say, Oh, it's not reliable. We can't use this to indicate anything. And then they try to reinsure reassure us that the numbers are low and rare, because this is what's reported. And there's, I mean, you can't have it both ways. Dr. Paul 1:15:15 Yeah, no, it's so true. And the other thing that I don't know if our viewers, some of you may have heard this, because I think it's been stated before, but for the COVID vaccines, we now have more deaths, just from this very recent program of just, you know, less than a year basically, of data, exceeding all deaths combined for the last 30 years from all vaccines combined. Is that correct? From your analysis? Bernadette Pajer 1:15:41 Yeah, that's correct. And of course, those past years were also under reported, especially because they were in babies and little children. And the doctors just shrug to say, well, it's a coincidence that happened after vaccination. Right. So the underreporting is just crazy. But yeah, nothing has been seen like this before. And for them to just continue on merrily on their way. And, and playing their games. It's just it's criminal. It really shows everything that was wrong with the system before COVID. Dr. Paul 1:16:10 Yeah, I might interject one of the things I learned from doing my own data in my practice, and we looked at all health outcomes was that a staggering number of chronic health conditions were related to vaccines in a very significant manner. But that's not recognized by doctors in general, it's not looked for by the CDC, or the NIH, or anybody. And so all I would say to you, as a person who's watching this show, you have loved ones who we know now that more than 50%, I believe, of Americans have had the vaccine, in some states, the numbers are much higher. So you will have a loved one who will develop symptoms, and they will be something new, something they had never had before. Think about the fact that it's probably related to the vaccine, because your doctors won't. And so we have to have our eyes wide open to the fact that there's something going on here that is very sinister, it's this is not good for our health, folks, there are lots of mainstream doctors who are now really coming out and saying, we got to stop this. Sorry, I interrupted carry on. Bernadette Pajer 1:17:17 And not at all. In fact, one thing I don't have on my slides is, is a new filing petition with the FDA from 27 of, you know, top global scientists and doctors saying, whoa, slow down. And please do not license these products until you meet really important safety study, you know, criteria. So, you know, it's, there is a lot of formal pushback that is happening. And it's really good to see that. And yet, and so. So here we have the CDC saying there's nothing to see here. But we were getting the actual mechanisms of injury being discovered and reported. And we're hearing that the spike protein itself is probably what's responsible for most of the severe COVID disease. And yet, that's exactly what they're having our bodies produce. And in hindsight, a lot of scientists are saying, we made a huge mistake to have your body produce the spike protein, because whatever it did, when you got COVID, naturally, it's able to do, and I dare say it's able to do more. So because we just told you, your cells produce spike protein. So our own bodies, our little cellular factories, making the spike protein. And we were told by Madonna and Pfizer that the spike protein would just stay at the injection site. Well, we knew that couldn't possibly be true. And now we have evidence it's not with for so now there's a study showing that from day one until up to two weeks after the spike protein is actually getting in the blood. And that explains so many of the reported injuries happening because that spike protein can can circulate and get into every organ of the body. And then here I show this district biodistribution study that came out of Japan through a Freedom of Information Act request. Japan makes vaccine makers go through more rigorous trials than the United States does. And here the the mRNA vaccine product ends up in every organ and an very high amounts in ovaries and in the spleen and you get you get these spike proteins setting up house in these organs. It's going to lead to exactly what we're saying. And to ignore the science by the federal authorities. It's just so wrong. Dr. Paul 1:19:50 Yeah. before you move on from that point, yeah, I've read that in Japan, it's less than 2% of the population is vaccinated. Can you vary Verify that Do you know I didn't prep you for this question? So I'm sorry. Oh, Bernadette Pajer 1:20:04 I'll have to look that up maybe for next time. But yeah, you know, maybe I don't know if they're, you know, the mainstream likes to call it vaccine hesitant. I call it doing your medical due diligence, right. Dr. Paul 1:20:14 The Japanese have always been ahead of the US on on vaccine safety. As you pointed out, I remember back when we had the wholesale DPT, which was when I got out of medical school, causing so many deaths and high fevers and seizures. and Japan was seven years ahead of the United States and switching to the a cellular, which is a lot safer. Bernadette Pajer 1:20:33 It was and as you know, there is no safer but comparatively, yes, and I hope Japan gets a hold of your study, Dr. Paul, and decides that they need to do even more work on their schedule to keep their kids safe. Yeah, Dr. Paul 1:20:49 that was that would be incredible. Bernadette Pajer 1:20:51 It would be Yeah. So Excuse me. I want to introduce to your viewers, a woman named test Lowery, PhD. She's with the evidence based medicine consultancy of limited and they've done work in the past for like the World Health Organization. They'll they do systemic reviews of the literature on various topics and they present them to Cochrane. They do really good work, you know, in the public interest, their non bias not funded by pharma or anything. And I first heard about her because of this group that she put together bird British ivermectin recommendation development. So, her organization reviewed all of the information on ivermectin, which we've talked about on this show before, it's that 40 year old Nobel Prize winning very safe drug that turns out to be antiviral binds with the spike protein, it prevents infection, and it treats infection because it's also highly anti inflammatory. It's just a fabulous drug. And their, their study showed that we should be using it. And they have done had several conferences, where they pull people together, all the experts, they review it, they've made recommendations to the UK to the government saying, Please adopt this. We need this early treatment to end, you know, the pandemic and they're getting crickets. They either get crickets, or they get worse than crickets, they get pushback that Oh, it might not be safe or effective. It's it's really criminal, what is happening to favor vaccination ahead of early effective, inexpensive, safe treatments. Yeah. And so yeah, Dr. Paul 1:22:41 the one of the Sorry to interrupt one of the things we became aware of fairly, fairly early in this pandemic, you know, at first, nobody knew what we were dealing with. But the messaging that was just shutting down any form of treatment that was coming out of, you know, Fauci and the government and the CDC, it became real clear, they did not want any effective treatments, because if they got those, they wouldn't get their emergency use authorization approved for the vaccines. And so that just became, no matter what we're shutting down any kind of treatment natural or our pharmaceutical. And that was really frustrating for those of us who know that, you know, physicians can use medications off label for other indications. I mean, that's why we went and got all our trainings. So we could take whatever tools were available to us to help you the patient. But we've really had our hands tied behind our backs by all sorts of regulation and nonsense, I would call it sorry, carry on. Bernadette Pajer 1:23:39 No, that's excellent input. It's exactly where we are. It's very concerning. And, and so Dr. Lowery and her team reviewed the UK system, they have what's called a yellow card scheme. And it's like our bears. It's a it's a voluntary passive reporting system. It can show signals just like ours can but you know, it suffers from under reporting saying things so they looked at bleeding, clotting and ischemic ADR is the adverse drug reaction is how they describe it in UK. They looked at the immune system, pain, neurological, and adverse reactions involving loss of sight, hearing, speech, or smell, and then pregnancy. And what they found was so alarming within their system, just like within our system, the things that are popping up, and I just want to read to you. This is so important. So using those search terms, they found 13,766 bleeding, clotting and ischemic adverse reactions. 856 of them were fatal. The government reports have highlighted the occurrence of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. And the US government has acknowledged those as well, apparently accounting for 24 fatalities, and 226 of the adverse reactions, but their analysis indicates that thrombo embolic adverse reactions have been reported in almost every vein and artery, including large vessels like the aorta, in every organ, including other parts of the brain, lungs, heart, spleen, kidneys, ovaries and liver with life threatening and life changing consequences. So, you know, the studies I showed a little bit earlier, showing that this spike protein gets into the blood and gets into every organ of the body. So we know there's biological mechanisms for these injuries being reported to their yellow card system. And the most common categories were the nervous system with 152 fatalities, mainly from brain bleeds and clots, respiratory fatalities, and cardiac fatalities. It's similar to everything going on here. And so this is what she concluded. The MH ra now has more than enough evidence on the yellow card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans. Boom. Wow. Dr. Paul 1:26:18 So Dr. McCulloh is basically is one of our USA doctors I've had on the show twice. And he's saying the same thing effectively. We have enough information folks that this program needs to stop. Exactly this is so overwhelmingly clear. But the sand, Bernadette Pajer 1:26:39 right, you know, and it's it's not that we're in denial that for some people COVID can be very, very serious and fatal. We're not denying that, oh, it's early treatments, we have ivermectin, we have h CQ. You need to start day one of diagnosis. And, you know, ignoring that, yeah. So Dr. Laurie goes on to say that preparation should be made to scale up humanitarian efforts to assist those harmed by the COVID-19 vaccines, and to anticipate and ameliorate medium to longer term effects, as the mechanisms for harms from the vaccine appears to be similar to COVID-19. itself. This includes engaging with numerous international doctors and scientists with expertise in successfully treating COVID-19. So she's answering, she is the only person I have heard, nobody in the government is saying, how are we going to help people that are injured at all? There's no money being put there just like report your injury, and then you're abandoned with the with the medical costs? Yeah, even if your insurance is covering some of it, it's all out of pocket. Nobody's gonna gonna help you some people's bills are mounting into the millions. Trying to Oh, sorry, this is a very messy slide here. But there was an article in lifesite news about yet another study that showed natural immunity is very vigorous and strong. And then Dr. Marty makary, professor at Johns Hopkins Hopkins School of Medicine, he said he believes that probably half of the United States have American population has natural immunity. And you add the 41% of people who are fully vaccinated. We've got herd immunity, you know, and we have ivermectin, we've got treatments. He goes on to say that, you know, the US CDC is moving way too slow. This is ridiculous, and that people need to just go on and live their lives. If you have natural immunity, if you're vaccinated, go on and live your life. If you're still susceptible. It's your choice, we need to stop. He says demonizing anybody who's not choosing to get, you know, the vaccine. Basically, just self responsibility. You know, if you're susceptible, you know what to do to protect yourself. You know, if you're, you're concerned that you won't handle it well. And but yeah, so more and more these studies are, or voices are coming forward to say enough, and yet in, we've got some states that are wide open and free. People are just going about their lives. In fact, their governors are punishing anyone asking for vaccine identification. And yet the states you and I live in is completely segregated. Yeah, our major sporting events, you have to sit in the vaccinated section or the not vaccinate Oh Dr. Paul 1:29:41 my goodness. So this vaccine passport concept just takes me right back to apartheid system in South Africa, where I grew up in southern Africa. It is a it's a means of slavery basically and saying to one subset of the population, you're not a full citizen, you don't have the rights to move about freely, you don't have the rights to do this or that, because of some status that really is very arbitrary and misguided. Bernadette Pajer 1:30:14 Yeah, it really is well, or it arbitrary misguided is being very kind. Dr. Paul 1:30:21 I tried to be kind. Bernadette Pajer 1:30:23 Yeah, but you know, we can't we can't look at the very strong evidence that treatments exist excellent treatments exist, that natural immunity is vigorous and strong and likely, lifelong. And, and not understand that something nefarious is happening to make all of this continue. And it has to stop, it really has to stop it. And it's going to have to come from the people joining together to just say we're done. And here it is. And we we've known this since probably march of 2020. early treatment, approach equals safe and effective natural immunity. That's it, that's all we need. That's all we've ever needed. And yet, trillions of dollars are being spent to try to push this whole other narrative. And I'll leave you with, you know, as I did last time for the most amazing organizations and there are more, but you go visit these groups, you can get information, you need to stay safe information to take action to try to and what's what's going on here because this cannot be the new normal, we cannot have the pharmaceutical industry. Take over our lives and our government and our government agencies as they have done. There's a lot of work that needs to be done here. Yeah, Dr. Paul 1:31:51 absolutely. Well, thank you, Bernadette. As usual, amazing presentation, I would just remind you based on what Bernadette shared with us that there's a little pearl hidden in there. And that is so many of our loved ones are getting the vaccine and we'll be coming down with problems. What do they do because as we love them, and you treat them the same way you treat a new COVID infection. Go to those four organizations, get all the information, be prepared for your loved ones, because they won't they won't even make the connection. But you can still help them when they get in trouble if they get in trouble. From our family to yours. God bless. Thanks, Bernadette. And we'll see you next show. I'm Dr. Paul. Thanks for watching. I pledged you to bring to you honest and vital content that's going to help you first do no harm to yourself or to your children. help me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors in science comm this is gonna be a show every other week. And as soon as we get adequate funding, we're going to bring this to you weekly. We stand together for medical freedom and informed consent, only you should decide what's injected into your body. So I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website, doctors in science comm sign up, donate if you can. Let's make this the weekly show the nation's been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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