PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:00
Could it be that our health freedom is truly under fire? Is it possible that our public health officials have been lying to us? How do we seek the truth when doctors have been led to believe in the marketing slogan that vaccines are safe and effective? This show will highlight the importance of informed consent. I'm Dr. Paul Thomas, and welcome to against the wind, doctors and science under fire. The show 11 against the wind doctors in science under fire, I'm Dr. Paul, your host, what do you do to really understand whether a given intervention in this case a vaccine is helping or harming, you need to have a population, a control group that is unvaccinated that ideally is given a saline total placebo. In other words, you're injecting something that is known to be harmless, which is rarely done. But I'm highlighting for you in this show, an incredible study. So joy Garner is bringing to you in detail what they found with the study called the control group. And it's been published, it's available online, and it has such powerful statistical significance that you, you're going to be on the edge of your seat, you've got to look at these graphs, you've got to look at these numbers. And I think it's gonna just amaze you. It amazed me, the data is out there, folks. And she's going to bring that to you in so much detail. But it's undeniable. We then have a patient interview with Courtney and brinly. And they are going to just share a story. That's a story I've heard hundreds of times of Vaccine Injury. And I think people are led to believe it's so rare, it's a one in a million thing. Don't worry about it. That's not been my experience as a busy pediatrician. And you just need to hear these stories. So you can kind of put on your radar, what sorts of things might be vaccine related? I think you're going to be blown away at the things that we now are understanding chronic conditions that we're understanding, wow, these are actually vaccine related side effects or bad effects, right. It's not even a side effect. It's just a big factor in causing chronic disease. We then get my co author Jacqueline's Wheeler, who took the data from my practice, probably the largest data set of vaccine and Vax that's ever been published in peer reviewed literature of real world data. It was de identified, so he was just looking at raw data. And we brought that article into peer reviewed literature for you to have just published this past year. So again, you will see which conditions that we've never previously realized were related to vaccines are actually potentially or almost certainly vaccine related. This is powerful stuff. And we end of course, with Bernadette pager, who brings to you what's in the news that you're not getting in the mainstream news, the fact that we've had almost 6000 deaths from COVID vaccines in the United States, more than all other vaccines combined in the last 30 years, and she's gonna list for you some of the symptoms we're now starting to see in vaccinated individuals, some bizarre things that we've never seen before. Why do I share this, I don't want to be the messenger of doom and gloom, I want to actually bring you hope. The hope is that if you become aware, you have children in your world who are yet to be vaccinated, but they are in the crosshairs of pharma, who want to absolutely maximize profits, and get everybody on the planet. You the parents are absolutely the last stop if you don't protect your children. Now, you can't take these things out once they're in. So listen with care. I hope you enjoy the show. This is going to be one of the most powerful shows highlighting the importance of looking at a real control group looking at real data that's not been manipulated by its analysis. And understand maybe for the first time really get it that Oh, my gosh, I think we have a problem here. So enjoy the show. I'm Dr. Paul. Hi, folks, Dr. Paul here from against the wind doctors in science under fire you need to know about the members only area. So this is a way you can support the show because this show is not having any sponsorship whatsoever. We are beholden to no one. And the reason we can bring you information that you really aren't getting anywhere else is because it's supported by you, the viewers. What you get, however, in this membership section for the first month that's absolutely free. And after that for a good cup of coffee for 495. Here's what you get. I've written two amazing ebooks, we will have Q and A's live with me. We have transcripts of every episode, we have full episodes and other well edited episodes that are not in the main show so you get exclusive content. And I will also be posting exclusive videos sort of from the cuff when I have a thought that I just feel like I want the world to know about. Or if I read an article that it's like, wow, this is important people need to know about it. All of this will go in the members only section. So join the team against the wind be a part of the solution our world needs and sign up as a member and support our work. Dr. Pol here, welcome to another episode of from the heart. Today, I'm going to chat with you about my father's day. That was absolutely amazing. But before I get to that, let me give you a little update on what's happened with my license. I know I've shared this before, but some of you are new, perhaps to the show, and a little history. So in 2016, I wrote this book, the vaccine friendly plan, that sort of set the course for everything that's happened in my life since by 2018, February of 2018. The Oregon Medical Board sent me a letter. This was not the first thing from the board, by the way, sent me a letter asking me to prove that the vaccine friendly plan was as safe as the CDC vaccine schedule, which is a recommended schedule. I remember reading that letter and thinking, wow, how do you do that? I mean, how do you prove safety of something of that magnitude? The CDC had never proven the safety of their schedule, compared to unvaccinated children. For example, it has never been done. But I thought, you know what? I'm going to take a stab at it. So indeed I did. I set up a quality assurance project, I hired an outside independent doctor to come in and look at every child born into my practice, look at every diagnosis, every intervention, whether they were vaccinated, how vaccinated if they were unvaccinated, we just look at the data. Well, it was de identified and then published. So some of you are aware of this publication. So basically, what you're seeing on these graphs are vaccinated children in orange, unvaccinated children in blue, and we matched the most vaccinated in my practice, to the less or sorry the unvaccinated of which we had 561. And this was published last November 23 of 2020. It wasn't available online till 28th. And five days later, on December 4, the Oregon medical board had an emergency meeting and suspended my license. I'm guessing they didn't like the results that they asked for. Because they were dramatic, dramatically improved outcomes for those who are unvaccinated. And in my practice, most of the vaccinated children, these most vaccinated children have had about roughly half of the vaccines that the CDC schedule would have had them get at that point, because we honor informed consent, patients get to learn the risks, the benefits, the alternatives, of which of course, one is always doing nothing when a medical procedure is elective, and it's being offered to you. And needless to say, that's what happened. So I just wanted you to remind you all that we do have published data. This was in response to what was needed. This isn't the only study that's looking at the comparison between health outcomes for vaccinated unvaccinated. And that's not what I wanted to talk to about today. But before I get to Father's Day, I just wanted to share the good news, the Oregon Medical Board has reinstated my license. This was due to a legal mistake really on their part where they yanked my license without filing charges. And that is still actually illegal in the United States. You've got to file some charges at least. It's an interesting time. And while I'm allowed to practice, I can't practice yet because I don't have malpractice insurance. When I lost my license, I lost malpractice insurance, all insurance contracts, even my medical boards, the Academy of Pediatrics, the Board of Addiction Medicine, removed my board certification, hospitals dropped me from having privileges. I mean, everything goes away when you lose your license, even if it's taken illegally. That's just the world I'm living in, folks. I'm not bitter about it. Because as a result of this, I've shared this before, I've gotten more in touch with me and what's important. And that's what I want to share about Father's Day. Have you in your life or in your family had stress this past year or two? I know most people I talked to are feeling incredibly stressed. Whether it's the COVID illness itself, or more than likely the response to the COVID illness. People are being stressed to their maximum. You have folks being polarized, whether it's over politics or over the response to COVID whether you should get the vaccine or not get the vaccine, whether it was related to Black Lives Matters movement, which certainly touched on our family. We have a very diverse family. There are lots of reasons that people are not able to really reach out to each other and just embrace one another in love. But here's what happened for Father's Day. So I was going to the coast to be with those kids who wanted to be with me for Father's Day. We are We had a place picked out where we're going to meet. And so I arrive. Now remember, I have nine children, three biological and six adopted. And I'm thinking a handful are going to show up. The first person to arrive was my daughter, my adopted daughter, who's 37, who's in medical school, and lives right now is studying in Georgia. She had to take a Greyhound bus to airport, change planes to make it to Portland, take a shuttle from Portland to the coast and hitchhike to this destination. beat everybody there and not a soul knew she was coming. Talk about joy and happiness, not just for me when I realized who it is totally unexpected. But each child who came, it was like a celebration. And we had a celebration, weekend of love and old hurts evaporated. Unbelievable what happens when you just reach out from the heart, and you act with forgiveness and love and kindness. And so I urge you to consider that for your loved ones in this world. Just give them love, give them forgiveness, give them acceptance, reach out, so many are hurting these days. And with that, from my heart to yours, thank you for our for supporting our show. Thank you for your love. And we're sharing our love with you. I'm Dr. Paul. Welcome Joy Garner. It is such a privilege and honor to have you on our show you are the founder of the control group, and lead plaintiff in the federal lawsuit to stop discrimination with regards to everything related to vaccines. I know you've now pretty much dedicated your life to this issue. And we need you thank you for what you are doing. What I'm really excited to hear from you is more about the control group. Basically, how you came about to do this, what it is and what you found. Joy Garner 12:03 The control group just means a true control group, which means people that are not exposed to the substance in question at all. And so that's where the name of the group came from. It ended up being a nationwide study, I didn't know how well we were going to do with the sampling rates are what I didn't know what this was going to produce, other than I wanted the truth. I wanted to know, because I'd heard all these regional studies being criticized for not being nationwide, and that what can that really tell us because it's just your patients, or it's just the Amish people. And so there might be something else that they have in common. That's explaining why they have superior health outcomes. So it was really important for me to document the long term health data, outcome data of all ages of entirely unvaccinated people, which meant I also needed to do some calibrations to determine how many exists still in the United States. And after a lot of work. And a lot of studying and calibrations. The baseline of this data that was calibrated came from the CDC, there were certain years where they actually collected data on who was unvaccinated or refuse vaccines and infants. And so that was kind of a baseline. There were a lot of other factors, regression models and progression models based upon the increase of vaccine avoidance. And also based upon older numbers that showed basically that of the adult population United States, there's less than point 04 2% that are entirely unexposed to vaccines. So altogether, all ages, it's 832,000. Approximately, that's as close as we could get to an accurate number, the million people and they have superior health, dramatically superior health. For for people over the age of 18. This is where it's incredibly staggering the difference because in the United States, the 99.74% vaccine exposed adult population has a 60% rate of chronic illness. Now, Dr. Paul 14:29 I just have to highlight what you just said, for our viewers, when we call the control group, which is the name of your study. This is the essential group of people who have had no vaccines. And they are the true control group and they are so rare. And rate basically have not been adequately Unknown Speaker 14:48 studied in every 400 to 425 people, right. So living in the United States and there's first geographically they're very diverse, in terms of their other like their religion. A lot of them know religion or maybe they're that religion or that religion. Some of them believe cell phones are dangerous, some of them don't. Right? I, you know, there's there's all these different things I remember seeing at an in person survey site that I did, where some of the people whose kids were entirely unvaccinated. The parents weren't afraid to feed them sugar. They're like my kids healthy as a horse pseudo, like, their kid was healthy. Not that sugar is gonna help their health. But their health was apparently so robust that these parents so so when you consider that there was this broad spectrum of other habits? Yeah. You know, it's just there's one thing this control group all have in common. They don't take vaccines. Yeah, that was the only Dr. Paul 15:52 thing. And this has never been studied in this massive way before. So now your your study is so so important. fact, I think you have a legal team that's taking this to the Supreme Court at this point. And basically, I think I've read that this evidence is so powerful that it's irrefutable. And it basically is proving that the vaccine programs are decimating the American population. Joy Garner 16:14 Yeah, it's it's, so some people would say, if you I do this type of study, it's showing a correlation, right? Right. No, no, no, no, no. When you, when you run it through the mass, the statistical evaluations, and the risk, the risk value, evaluations based on the size of our sample, like let's, let's say, you grab, in a country where 48% of adults are, over the age of 18, are suffering some form of heart disease. And that's for the vaccine exposed population. 99.74% of Americans have some exposure to vaccines. So 48% of those adults are suffering heart disease. And you get a sample from across the entire country, of even 200 entirely unvaccinated adults, which we actually got a bit more than that. They're rare. The adult population is very rare to find someone who's never been exposed to vaccines. But so you grab 200 over 200 people, and then you run this statistical models on that. What is the what what are the odds that vaccines are not the cause of heart disease, when you've got a because we should have had, if that seems are not causing heart disease, which we now know is an immune disorder. They've known for 30 years, and they're only just now starting to admit it. But heart disease isn't immune disorder. It's it's not because you ate a steak. They were not telling us the truth, whether they knew it or not, they were not telling us the truth. So you end up with a mathematical, we should have had at least 100 people or so in the adult population of entirely unvaccinated with some form of heart disease if vaccines are not the cause. And that's why we had 00 adults, zero, we had people up in their 70s. This was not just you know, 18 year olds, this was the majority of our adults were actually over 30. Well, none of them had any form of heart disease. Same with diabetes, Dr. Paul 18:29 joy, your data is so powerful, why don't you walk us quickly through some of the key findings. Joy Garner 18:35 So now on the children's health chart, we've got a national average rate of chronic illnesses in the 99. Is that sharing? Yes, it's good. So as you can see, it's 27%. Now, because we were using these graphs in these models, for federal court, we just went with the stale numbers, because they were irrefutable in terms of how many children are suffering chronic illness, and we didn't include obesity. Now, if you include obesity, it's over 50% correct. Come people are saying that the numbers proving it's like 54% of children with chronic conditions and, and realistically, obesity probably should have been added to this because obesity is increases the risk of everything else, diabetes, heart disease, all these other problems into adulthood. Right. But we very conservatively, it was not necessary to go any higher than this because difference was so dramatic. So if you look over here, where it's green with a little slice of blue under it for the unvaccinated, less than 6% of children that are entirely unexposed, and by children, I mean, anyone under the age of 18, less than 6% of them that are entirely unvaccinated have any health problems at all and, and I need to stress this, none of them had diabetes. A lot of them were serious problems that you see in that 20%. So now, if Look at this little blue slice. It's the percentage of unvaccinated children who did not get the vitamin K shot who had any health problems. So you go from 2.25% risk, maybe some kind of illness if you're unvaccinated. But if you get exposed to the vitamin K shot at birth, which we know has aluminum adjuvant in it, which is a common vaccine ingredient that triggers the immune system. So when a baby is exposed to that, it's going to increase their risk, up to close to 6%. of I'm sorry, it's that's actually the 5.97% is actually the total risk, right? for blacks, if you average them over here, subsets of chronic conditions, second paragraph down, and you'll see that within the group with the case shots exposure, even though they're unvaccinated, the risk actually shoots up to 32.32%, of having at least one chronic condition. Now, what was interesting about the children is we did have a very large sample on the children, a larger percentage of children under the age of 18, are entirely unexposed to vaccines than in the adult population. For children, it's much higher percentage that are unexposed, so we ended up with a larger sample for a week just because of that. So when you're looking at this, this vaccine exposure versus k shot exposure, what was really interesting about the results that we got was that there was zero autism, zero autism. In the unvaccinated who had never been exposed to the case shot, we have a total of two cases of autism. In this entire sample. If it was based on the national averages, we should have had about 50. But we ended up with only two and those two autistic children were found in the group that had exposure to the aluminum vaccine Agilent in the case shot, Dr. Paul 22:14 that's fascinating. Not all case shots have aluminum, or at least there are some that don't listed as an ingredient. But it is it is out there. Joy Garner 22:22 So on the second paragraph here, when you look risk factor in the total population of entirely unvaccinated under the age of 18. With or without the K shot, it's going to come in at 5.9%, nine 7%. So if you look at the ratio here, the odds ratio, you're looking at an exponential number that's up in this sex till a billion. It's a number nobody ever uses, because it's like 82 digits, it is such an astronomical number. Next one up is we were talking about the adult. So 60% of vaccine exposed Americans over the age of 18 have at least one chronic condition. And 42% of vaccine exposed Americans have at least two chronic conditions. And 12% of vaccine exposed Americans have at least five chronic conditions each. And these are not small things I mean, out of this 60% you're looking at to 10% or more of diabetes now. And you're looking at a 48% risk of heart disease. And if you remain free of vaccines, this is dropping, well below 6% risk of any health problems. So you know, pick these comorbidities like I love that argument where they say yeah, but the vaccine maybe saved your life. So that's why you're alive to enjoy all these magnificent side effects, right? That also include death, right? So this is what you're looking at. If you want to inject your children with vaccines, you are looking at a number here that you are dooming them to at least a 60% risk of serious health problems into adulthood. Life Changing, And oh, by the way, deadly. health conditions. Yeah. You know, maybe measles looks a little prettier. Maybe chickenpox? It's a little prettier? Oh, absolutely. We're working at a 48% risk that your kids gonna end up with heart disease as a result of your choice. Dr. Paul 24:37 Yeah, vaccinate them are dying from diabetes or asthma or any of the other host of things. Joy Garner 24:42 Yeah, I mean, I can't stress this enough that when you open up a vaccine insert, or you listen to a pro vaccine, pediatrician explain the risks of vaccines. And this is the way pharma and the FDA describe it to they always Say, rare kids die, but it's rare rare, it's Dr. Paul 25:03 one of the million. Joy Garner 25:05 First off, they don't actually have any numbers at all. Dr. Paul 25:09 Correct. Joy Garner 25:10 Because they're relying upon the vaccine adverse event reporting system, there's for their numbers. So they'll say, well, we gave a million shots, and only this many kids died. Well, according to the Harvard study that was done in 2011, the their system reports less than 1% of the actual injuries and deaths and joy. Dr. Paul 25:32 The other big thing that people need to realize here is almost everything you're going to show us here that you found as highly correlated in the vaccinated group, or these things are not recognized by physicians or anybody else for that matter. They're not recognized as being related to vaccines. So they will never get reported. Because Joy Garner 25:51 you know, and that's what's really interesting is because when you open a vaccine insert, it actually says from the manufacturer, this can cause immune disorders. And what is at the root of all of these chronic conditions, immune disorders, and it's, it's like the perfect weapon, because it can express itself in so many different ways. It depends on the person, and maybe even what they got injected with the various things that they might use in that injection, or the levels of each ingredient. And everything's going to be different. And you never know, like, it's a delayed incendiary device. Because when you get in it when you trigger the immune system, and it starts misbehaving and attacking your own tissues. First off, there's no part of your body that's immune to that. It's the enemy from when within this is our most powerful defense mechanism as a human being our immune system, and it's now been reprogrammed. Dr. Paul 26:58 Vaccines are engineered to permanently alter the human immune system, run us through some of the graphs, because when people see these folks just pay attention to the difference between orange which is vaccinated and green, which is unvaccinated and look at these host of conditions that they discovered and have determined with extreme precision to be directly related to vaccines. Walk us through a few more. Joy Garner 27:23 So here's what we found out about adults who are vaccine exposed in America, they have a 48% rate of heart disease now. And in the entirely unvaccinated population, we found no heart disease was reported. Dr. Paul 27:40 Wow, that's just simply shocking. Joy Garner 27:43 I same with diabetes. And now this was believe. Yeah, this was for all population all ages. 10% versus 00. So same with digestive disorders. Now, again, I want to make sure people understand that our study did not set out to prove nor did it prove that the only possible cause for things like heart disease or diabetes, are is vaccines. What we set out to prove is, well, this is what it looks like for people who wouldn't we wanted a numerical risk factor, because it's subjective adjective like rare, was not adequate. We wanted actual numbers. So if you read the reports, you'll see that there's a way you can work out the sample size that we've got. And realize that the rate of diabetes say in the entirely unvaccinated may not actually be zero, because vaccines are not the only possible cause of diabetes. It's just that your risk of diabetes clearly is well below 0.01%. If you avoid vaccines, yep. Good point. So this goes for digestive order disorders. Now mind you, if you go to this 0.4% of unvaccinated who ended up with a reporting a digestive disorder. Move over here to the subsets and you'll see that the majority of those were in the very few people in the adult population, at least that reported they had been exposed to vitamin K shot. Aluminum adjutants, we can probably assume. And if you were unvaccinated, but had never been exposed to the vitamin K shot, your risk was 0.12% of having a digestive disorder. So when you're looking at the 0.4% even within that group, the majority of those digestive disorders were found in the people with exposure to the vitamin K shot of course people over the age of 18 Very few of them had been exposed to vitamin K shot, it appears that within the past couple of decades, the insistence that every baby be injected with this stuff has gone through the roof. Dr. Paul 30:13 Powerful information, you're sharing joy, because I don't think this anybody else has done this with regards to vitamin K. I mean, to actually separate it out and look at the chronic disease effect of just the vitamin K shot from wonderful study carry on. Joy Garner 30:26 Okay, so eczema, same thing we know, we know, this is an immune disorder, the immune system is attacking the skin, we know that's what x men is. Yep. And there it is, okay, you want your risk. You want your child's risk to be somewhere around 10, you know, close to 11% of that they're gonna have as awful condition of their skin, and maybe it's going to be on their face, and they're going to be miserable. Or do you want it to be somewhere around 1.49%? Or better yet? Would you like their risk of eczema? to actually be 0.36% if you avoid the K shot, because that's what it is, for the kids who don't get the K shot. Dr. Paul 31:13 That's just fascinating about the case shot. I'm so glad you did Joy Garner 31:16 that kind of you know, when the numbers started coming in, it was just, it told this story for me. So much of this was shocking to me. I knew that it was going to be a big difference. And I wanted to document and I wanted the truth. I wanted numbers, right. But I really didn't expect it to be so dramatic. Dr. Paul 31:34 It's so impressive. I mean it folks, if you're listening to this and you have loved ones who still have the chance to to remain in the control group, the more vaccines you have, the greater the health problems, it's almost a direct correlation. So are there any other conditions you want to highlight before we get to a kind of a closing thoughts? Joy Garner 31:53 Um, yeah, asthma, same thing of food allergies, same differences, developmental disabilities, birth defects, autism, you know, 2.5%. Actually, we're pretty clear. it's higher than that now for vaccine exposed population. But right now, the only entirely unvaccinated that we had with any autism, we're the ones that got the vitamin K shot. So a D, we saw the same pattern, all of these diseases, same patterns, and disorders to act. Now I'll just kind of go through these error fluid. Once again, you can go to the control group.org your fluid was particularly stunning, since 0% of the unvaccinated had any your fluid or ear problems, and the only one unvaccinated child we found that had any ear problems was in the group that got the exposure to the vitamin K shot. And again, same thing besides sinusitis, and mismas. That's like an eye problem. Personally neurological. Same with SIDS. We're not having unvaccinated babies crying. Yeah, so same with cancer. We've got zero cancer and the unvaccinated folks. Now again, that doesn't mean you're completely immune to cancer. If you don't get vaccinated. What it means is your risk of cancer drops down to probably what it was 100 years ago. So same with arthritis, the entirely unvaccinated or not having arthritis. Dr. Paul 33:32 I'm curious about where this whole process is for the control group. I know you're taking a legal action, all the way to the Supreme Court. Tell us what's happened so far and where you're going. Joy Garner 33:44 Okay, so so far, it's a desperate attempt to avoid seeing this evidence get in front of a jury, which we have an absolute right to. And so far, we're having to appeal the lower court's decision not to allow this to get to an evidentiary stage. Because the evidence is so damning, and they're all petrified at what this is going to do. But we are going to exhaust every possible legal civil remedy that is available. We are now headed up to the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court on this writ is going to see the evidence they're going to know Dr. Paul 34:23 Yeah, you're not seeing this study advertised on national TV and it should be your there's no time left. We're running out of time. We are running out of time and they're pushing the COVID vaccine to get children vaccinated, which is just horrendous children do not have serious disease from coronaviruses. They're mostly already immune naturally. They they should absolutely remain unvaccinated, especially the COVID vaccines. That's another little takeaway that hasn't even been tested in this control group study. I want to wish you the absolute best in your pursuit of getting this information to the highest court And so we can put an end to this. So if you're watching folks, this is probably shocking. If you've stayed with us this long to sort of see this with your own eyes. I, most of us who came through the system grew up in America. We were educated, the vaccines were wonderful, and we believed it. And so you know, you got vaccines, I got vaccines, I thought it was the thing to do early on in my career. But as we start if you're opening your eyes, and if you're looking around, and you're paying attention, pay attention to this report. It's never been more graphically and statistically powerfully presented, that folks, we have a massive problem with our vaccine program, starting with the vitamin K shot at birth, and then just going on from that well, starting with vaccines and pregnancy, which should never have happened. So your parting advice for our viewers joy? What do you suggest people do? How can they support your work? And what else would you suggest they do? Joy Garner 35:59 Go to informed consent defense.org, where you can see all the legal pleadings and our entire evidence package, and follow and track what's going on with our court proceedings. You can you can help there, if you want. We've been mostly just taking this out of our own pockets, almost all of it was funded by me, I did end up with some donations that help defray some of those costs. And I'm so grateful for those people they did. But for us to continue on, it would be nice to have a little more help. But you know, maybe the more valuable thing people can do is spread the word and spread this evidence, like show it to people. Dr. Paul 36:34 So that's our call to action folks, the control group.org go get this information printed up in color, share it with your friends, with your doctors, anybody you can. This is just so powerful. And so important. God, I can't thank you enough for dedicating your life at this point to this critical mission that will save our nation and the world In fact, and certainly our children. So what a powerful show. Gosh, Joy Garner. Yeah, such a privilege. I just had no idea this was going to be as wonderful as it is. It's wonderful because it's powerful. And it's powerful, because it's data. And it's just the raw, unadulterated facts that are indisputable. You've done a massive piece of work here for humankind. And God bless you have a wonderful rest of your day. I hope you can jump in that pool behind you. I think I will. You deserve a swim. I bless you. Bye. Bye. Welcome to against the wind doctors and signs under fire. I'm Dr. Paul. And this is our segment where we get to talk to a family who have experienced what probably was a vaccine injury. Thank you, Courtney, for coming on the show. Yeah, I understand you have three children. I do. And your firstborn is I think 10 Yes. And fully vaccinated and no problems. Courtney & Brinley 38:01 Yeah, she she had all of her shots until she was four years old. She hasn't had any since then. But that's considered back fully vaccinated for here for kindergarten. Dr. Paul 38:11 Yeah, pretty much. And then your second child is five, I believe Courtney & Brinley 38:16 brinly. She's five years old. And she's the reason I have drastically studied all vaccines for four and a half years. Dr. Paul 38:25 Yeah. And you have a younger child who I believe has no vaccines is about to his to his nerve, or anything. So he's, he's what we call the perfect control group. He's never had vaccines, his house himself. Courtney & Brinley 38:41 He's great. He's perfect. I mean, we flew to Colorado when he was nine months old, and he was a little congested and got an ear infection. But other than that, he's never been sick, and he still nursing and he's just the healthiest kid. He's so smart. I mean, he's amazing. Fantastic. Everything about him coming into the world was all natural. Like he was totally different from my other two birds. He was a VBAC. He was he was unmedicated it was just, it was like everything I could dream of. Dr. Paul 39:17 Wonderful. So I think you have a situation that confuses some parents, or people who are not really aware that vaccines can be related to health problems, because they'll say Well, look, you had a child fully vaccinated and they were fine. So see vaccines are safe. Maybe after you're done sharing the story of what happened for Brinley, you can answer the question for people who don't quite get it as to Well, what about that thing that was just because one kids affected? You know, what do you think about that? Courtney & Brinley 39:51 Okay, so, um, I'm in the medical field. I mean, I'm not a nurse, but I do physical therapy. I do home health. I've always followed Like, you know all the rules even at work getting the flu shots. Back in the day, I haven't had one in a very long time. So with my firstborn, we lived in Colorado. I had never heard of people not vaccinating because it just, you know, never really thought of it. It's just, you do what you're told and don't ask questions. So my firstborn was very healthy. I mean, she had a fever here and there, but she didn't really have any reactions, like my second born. And with the second one it took, so just a backtrack. It took us a long time to get pregnant. First one was three years and then it happened naturally. Our second one, we went through three more years, and turn to iu eyes and fertility doctors. And then finally, we did a mini idea to get our baby girl friendly, her next child. And everything about her coming into the world was just hard. It was difficult. She had her hubby and her vitamin K and she was calling me up for the first two weeks of life. It was just I don't even I prayed for this child for so long. And she was just, it was it was a really hard time. So she was like having her backyard. She had colic and reflux. This is my girl. We Dr. Paul 41:37 might as well meet them. I hear that I hear the voices. Hey, you want to show your sign you made for him? Oh, look at that. Hi, Dr. Paul Thomas. Thank you. This is Bradley. Right? This is really my five year old. Hi, Bradley. Thanks to could be on the show. This is Kendall This is my 10 year old. Hi, Kendall. Thank you guys for coming on the show. Yeah, we're happy to be here. That's great. So what town of Texas? Are you in? brinly. Do you know? Where do you live Really? Good. Are you kids going to school? Are you homeschooled? Or are you going to school? Courtney & Brinley 42:25 Yeah, we're out for this summer. They their last day was two weeks ago so they're out. Well, I'm Dr. Paul 42:31 so glad you girls were able to join us on the show. That's great. Okay, cut that away. Let's go. Thank you girls go can go back. So let's maybe take us through walk us through brynlee story. You were sort of getting into what was going on initially right after birth. She got the hep B shot the vitamin K shot. And and then she was a real colicky fussy baby to begin with. Courtney & Brinley 42:58 Yes. colicky fussy. I had mentioned to her pediatrician that, um, you know, I didn't know what to do. I came in just exhausted. I was worn out. Just what can I do? So she said, Well hire a lactation consultant, or do the elimination diet unless you don't unless you want to give her formula. And I was like, No, I've never done formula with any of my kids. They all nurse for two years. And you know, that's just the way I did it. And so I did the elimination diet, took all the allergen foods out of my diet, added probiotics and did like, you know all the good things. You can do juice and just everything and nothing was helping her. She was just for five months colloquy. And so at the two month, well visit Chuck, she got her six vaccines and that night, we had 103.8 fever. So I called the nurse line and I had already given her I knew not to give Tylenol, but I gave her Motrin I put her in a lukewarm bath with me, skin to skin nurser and nothing was breaking her temperature. So I got very concerned we call the nurse line she said go to the ER right away, went to the ER and it just seemed like within minutes they whisked my baby away in took her for a spinal tap and it just it scared. It scared me. You know, I'm still traumatized. I'm like, I mean, I must have signed some kind of consent. They gave me a stack of papers to fill out but I don't remember the whole thing. And so we stay in the hospital for three days waiting on these meningitis reports that never happened. pumped her full of antibiotics and other fluids via IV. Actually they couldn't get a vein. Um, it took five to six tries. They were you know, arms and legs and head she got she was tiny, you know her veins were so Small, and she was getting dehydrated. So I just kept nursing her and they finally got a vein and gave her fluids and I guess they gave her antibiotics. And I just feel like that right there was like the start of her gut issues. First, I felt like she was injured by the vaccines with the two month old shots, and then she's pumped full of antibiotics for three days. And then I walked out of there ama on day number three, because they couldn't give me an answer. And I said, Look, she just had her shots this morning. This has to be related. She was healthy before this, what's going on? You know, and nobody, everybody was denying me that this was the problem. So follow up visit with our doctor, that next Monday, because of course, it's happened on a Friday night. And kid goes to the doctor on the weekend, and then you know, kind of go to the ER, follow up on Monday. She's like, No, I don't think that that was what happened. And I'm just, you know, your gut, you know, this is not something that you just, she was fine that morning. That night, she was not fine. We spent the whole weekend in the hospital, it was very hard on all of us. And to just be denied that I know in my gut that something you know, was wrong with her was from the vaccine. So I talked to her and I say, Look, I'm not really comfortable doing shots anymore. So she talked me into one at a time from the next couple of visits. So that four month old was supposedly one one shot than the six month and then at 12 months, I said, I don't want to do these anymore. And she said, just do one. And I said okay, there's the MMR. There's the chickenpox, which one do I pick? She said, you need to pick the MMR. I said, Fine. Isn't that like three shots in one? And she said yes. But you just need to get it in. She'll be fine, I promise. Well, I did not find out until she was three that she put the chickenpox in there with the MMR shot. So my child had four in one day. And I didn't know that. When I went to enroll her for preschool. I filled out her paperwork and I had to get her vaccines shot record. So I, you know, went out there and requested it. And they said, Oh, okay, here it is. So I looked them I go, No, she's never had a chickenpox shot. Oh, yes, you will, the doctor put it in there with her MMR. And that's what, that's what the nurse said. And I was like, No, I was fuming and furious. And so, um, she after that MMR shot, she didn't have a huge reaction. But her I kind of started drifting laterally. It wasn't a big notice. I really didn't even realize how she was watching TV kind of to the side like this. I was like, Okay, well, at the three year old child visit, they check their vision. So we checked the vision, and she was almost legally blind. And I had no idea. But I did know that after that shot, her vision kind of started drifting in that in that right eye. And I was like, and so I started doing some research and I not making a statement that the MMR shot did this, but I feel like it caused some visual deficits. In my opinion. Dr. Paul 48:37 Yeah. Well, that that is one of the viruses, whether you get actual measles, mumps, rubella, or you get the vaccine, it's reported that it can cause encephalitis, inflammation of the brain. And if you hit the visual centers, sure, theoretically, I don't see why it couldn't be related to the vaccine. Us doctors were trained and are trained to say that vaccines are safe and effective. And now it's probably not the vaccine. It couldn't be there. Yeah. So but you're a parent, your your your mommy intuition going with your heart and your your gut instinct is look at a healthy kid. But these vaccines, and then this happened, and in your case, it's feels like it happened over and over again. You know, you must have felt this pressure to have to vaccinate. And then each time you're getting something happening that's going wow, I'm not sure I like this. Courtney & Brinley 49:28 Exactly. So when she was three, I got pregnant with my son. And I asked the same pediatrician. This was before I fired her. I said my son is not going to get any of these vaccines. I just want to know right here in advance. Are you going to take him this is before I knew that she had snuck that other vaccine and when I came into her office, crying and just full of anxiety and emotion that I didn't feel right about giving her any shots. anymore, but she convinced me to do one more, which ended up being four. And she said she would see my son but then I found out and we switched doctors. And I actually had her tested for mthfr. And she is a right here, she has both both hobbies. And she has compact, the compound heterozygous for both a one to nine, eight C and C six 770 variants. So she is a sensitive to a lot of things. She is not albino. But they they did write that in her chart, which I thought was unusual because she has pigmentation. But she's got the visual deficit. She's very fair skinned did. She's sensitive to everything. And I don't know, it's a lot. I just supplement her as much as I can. She has a lot of issues that she has anxiety pretty bad for a five year old, she has an eating disorder, that's not diagnosed. But in my opinion, it's c. a. r ID is avoidant food disorder where she only will eat certain foods every day, it's the same thing. We just supplement her I mean, I've been to so many doctors, you know, it's like, something happens to your kid in the vaccine people, they have no liability. So it just keeps piling up on what doctor we see next. And it's all on me. You know, I pay the bill. And, um, but yeah, so going back to her, her gut issues. When she was two months old, she would only sleep about 20 minutes. That was her limit for six months. 20 minutes. 20 minutes. That's it. I was exhausted. And I was a working mom. And I just, it was hard. So she had green diarrhea, she had so many gut issues. It was just it was hard. But I sensibly stopped. She's been a lot better. But we still have that anxiety and some OCD stuff in the eating disorder. And Dr. Paul 52:25 I don't know. You got plenty going on? Yes, we do. Well, God bless you for what you're going through. And for being a ferocious Mom, you're, you're pursuing solutions, you're helping your daughter, and you listened and paid attention to what happened to her because, you know, with the mthfr risk factor as just one of many. Your son, your subsequent child, boys seem to be at much higher risk for injury. So thank goodness in a sense that, you know, you were able to figure this out? Courtney & Brinley 53:00 Yeah. Oh, yeah. I studied so much. I mean, because I because I found that I was having a son. I was like, No way, because I knew they were at higher risk for all kinds of issues, and autism and all that. And knowing that I had mthfr from my first pregnancy, they told me that and they never told me what it was. And so I said, Okay, well, you know, I went to the high risk doctor because of that. And that was it. So I just didn't know anything about it. And I wasn't educated at the time. Yeah, my firstborn. She probably has it, but I didn't test her because she's already vaccinated. My other two I have I have exemptions for all of them here in Texas, you can have three exemption forms. And I do have a medical one for both my two younger ones that don't have, you know, all the vaccines or any So, Dr. Paul 53:53 yeah, well, it's an important story for our listeners to pay attention to the fact that we have familial risk factors. Oftentimes, you don't realize it, right? We go into this, you didn't know you had an mthfr defect. It's not a guarantee that you're gonna have problems, but you are at increased risk. And then we now have so much more information folks, those who've been watching my show, you've seen we've presented the vaccine back studies. The control group we put recently presented, that it's quite clear that the unvaccinated individuals are just doing amazingly well as far as avoiding chronic health problems, even acute infections. The most vaccines are our sickest. So we need more research, not less. This issue is not resolved, but the evidence is becoming more and more clear to where it's almost, you just can't deny it anymore. If you will truly look at all the information and compare Vax to unboxed in your journey of trying to find solutions for your daughter. What things would you recommend people consider that you found to be most helpful? Courtney & Brinley 55:00 Definitely do a lot of research, be open minded, I think it was playing a seed was planted in me from a friend in Colorado that didn't vaccinate her child. And I thought she was wildly crazy. And I said, Okay, well, you know, I'm not close minded to anything. Um, and so that was the first time I'd ever heard that. So then whenever my second child had issues, I mean, it was almost like, I have to, like, look into this, this has got to be connected, you know. And it, people tell you, you're crazy for thinking it's not. But it's like when you listen to yourself and listen to your gut instinct, and go out and find another doctor who's willing to be be on your side and understand that this can happen. And argue darker is wonderful. She's a family practitioner, and she does do vaccines if you want them and she doesn't, if you don't, and it's just you, you know, she's happy to cater to the families who want to have it their way. And she does the she does the max Gen lab tests for for mthfr. She does a lot of different tests. And she's just, she's great, she listens, and she doesn't push anything. In shares, I give really good advice on how to supplement your kids, if they're sick, you know, like high doses of this and this and this. So I appreciate things for a more holistic approach. Dr. Paul 56:34 Fantastic. I think that tip you just gave our viewers to have an open mind, folks, I don't do this show necessarily for the three to 5% of people who are already vaccine risk aware. We're trying to reach those of you who this is a new idea, right? vaccines can cause problems? Absolutely. I didn't know that in medical school. I was taught vaccines were wonderful. Just do it. And we were taught how to do it, but not what was in the vaccines. We were never taught about vaccine side effects. And we were clearly told it's one in a million that you have a rare thing like a seizure, and no mention of deaths. This awareness that's growing about the basically virtually any chronic disease you look at is likely affected by how vaccinated you are. And the only way you're going to get that data is if you look at the Vax versus on vast, what we call the control group, your son who's two is unvaccinated. He is part of point two 5%. One quarter of 1% of Americans are completely unvaccinated. That's 99.74% of Americans are vaccinated have had at least one vaccine. So it's a tiny, tiny segment of the population who are extraordinarily healthy. According to the control group study. There's no cancer at all. In the unvaccinated. There's no heart disease in adults who are unvaccinated. It's mind boggling. The top leading killers just go away. But you're not hearing this on the news, folks, this is why we're here to against the wind, we're bringing you these stories, so you can at least have a chance to open your mind. Consider it do your own research. And thank you for your time and attention. Courtney, do you have any last words you'd like to share with our audience? Courtney & Brinley 58:19 Now I'm just happy to help and it's kind of it's kind of in a passion of mine. I'm like really digging into this and researching and it's it's like one good thing leads to another for me. And I found a community here that I have a little Facebook group and we're always teaching each other and you know, it's never for me, it's it's it's been a blessing in disguise of all the other things we've had to go through. But it's just one of those, you know, trials and tribulations. So I'm very thankful we stopped vaccinating her when we did because we could have had a really damaged child. So Dr. Paul 58:58 yeah. Well, God bless. Thank you so much for being on the show and for sharing your story. And, Sadie, all those kids for me. Thank you so much. Thank you. Bye bye, bye. Welcome to another episode of against the wind doctors in science under fire. I've got today my favorite scientist, Dr. Jacqueline's Weiler. And he's becoming a regular on our show for very good reason. But today, what we're bringing to you is, first of all, a little summary about the work we've done together. JACK, why don't you share with our audience just a little bit about your background? What makes you the scientist we all should be listening to. James Lyon-Weiler 59:40 Right? Absolutely. So I started as a biologist as an undergraduate in upstate New York, my genetics Professor actually saw something in me and he gave me the advice to never specialize. He told me to take as many different courses and in many different disciplines as possible. But PhD was in Fila genetics and molecular Evolution, my postdoc was in molecular evolution, right when the new technology was coming out microarray gene expression, technology. So we could measure gene expression and 20,000 genes at a time, I knew that I had sufficient broad and depth in my breadth and depth in my training to be able to get into the high dimensional data analysis area. And I helped create the field of bioinformatics. I feel very fortunate to have landed a job at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute because my mom died of breast cancer. And I saw my task there, as helping clinicians do better clinical research. And, you know, success is measured in many ways, I, you know, have a very robust publication record. But I probably have 27 and a half million dollars in collaborative funding at upci. in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the direction of Ronald Herberman has since passed in, in two and a half years. This is collaborative funding, and that's the kind of guy I am I like to help other people I like to get under the hood and, you know, try to make things go and, and I like to be used and useful. And anybody that knows me, I do take a service relative to science. So yeah, I feel very fortunate with the background that I have to be in the place and the time that I'm at, because it seems like the world needs objective science by people that could do a lot of different kinds of studies, you know, Dr. Paul 1:01:30 yeah. Well, you've certainly come to my aid. I'm a clinician, not a researcher in background. And so when we met, and you said, Paul, I can help you. I was like, Alright, finally. And wow, have you been helpful? I thought maybe let's just share with our audience the work we've done together. And so we started off actually with a study on aluminum, right, comparing the CDC schedule with the vaccine friendly plan schedule, maybe explain a little bit about what we did with that article. James Lyon-Weiler 1:02:01 Sure. So this was actually, from my perspective, the third article that AIPAC had done on aluminum. The question was, alright, since we had previously published that the CDC schedule, apparently puts kids in harm's way of having acute toxicity due to high doses of aluminum, beyond what we had calculated to be a reasonable estimate of a pediatric dose limit. That is age dependent, because it's body size dependent, which the seed which the FDA never did, the CDC never did, then the very next natural question was Okay, is there a schedule out there that might actually reduce the amount of aluminum exposure and of course with your book, the vaccine friendly plan, and knowing about and hearing about it, knowing john marble is becoming very natural synergistic collaboration to do the calculations, comparing the CDC schedule, to your schedule with respect to the long term accumulation of aluminum, and your schedule just blows the CDC out of the water, we go from 100% of days being at aluminum toxicity. So it's not just acute, it's also chronic exposure. We go down to 5% of the time, you know, a kid is in aluminum toxicity given past work and theorizing by Russell Blaylock. That's still too much. Right. So the acute exposures are still there. Yeah, can lead to kind of chronic microglial activation in the brain. So as you'll recall, I think you came into this aluminum research with us right at the time after we had already kind of worked all the kinks the wrinkles out of how to do it. Right, that that our reviewers were just in love with what we did they falling all over themselves about, you know, while you're taking on the FDA, I can't believe you know, it's very important to see, you know, you've got the audacity to do that, but they did not find flaws in what we're doing. Sale through peer review. There are three independent reviewers to the journal, the trace elements of medicine, biology, and I stand by those results, and I stand by all the other results that we've ever published. Specifically, it's very, very important that people understand that you and I or neither of us are anti vaccine. Both of us are just willing to say the word risk of vaccine in the same sentence. Dr. Paul 1:04:21 And we'd like to see safer vaccines, that vaccines do have a place and they are effective in varying degrees depending on what you're working on. So I think the one graph that will certainly put up for our viewers was the one where we looked at, you have one line, which is the toxic level for kids, you've got a red line much higher the toxic level for adults, and then you'll see spikes of how much aluminum is in the body for each of the vaccine days. And because aluminum once in the body has a fairly long half life. We showed that on the vaccine friendly plan. It's about 6% of their first seven months of an infant's life. You are about toxicity which folks, that's not good, you should not be above toxicity any percent of your life with with a known toxin like aluminum, which we know as you already mentioned, the immune activation microglial activation, direct toxicity, some of the problems with it. Well, with the CDC schedule, it was 30 to 70% of the first seven months, they would be above that toxicity level. I mean, that's just horrendous. And yet this paper, it's been out now for I think, a little over a year. And have you heard about it? Right? It should be every news channel should be saying, look, we've got a problem here. You know, the CDC and the AAP, back in around 2000, they figured out the same issue with mercury. And they actually made a decision to get mercury out of almost all the vaccines, but they have yet to do it for aluminum. So anyway, that's the tragedy that exists. That's why I'm so passionate about in the vaccine friendly plan, if you are going to vaccinate only one alone attending vaccine at a time, so that you can at least minimize the toxicity. And obviously, the older the child, the less toxic it'll be because they have better functioning kidneys and their bigger body weight to handle that aluminum. James Lyon-Weiler 1:06:11 Absolutely. So you said a key thing there, Paul, where the CDC actually trusts the mercury issue. And to they will these people that were involved in it will go to their grave saying we never admitted mercury was a problem. No, I never did. We did it out of abundance of caution. Correct. Right. That's their, that's their phrase. But the problem is that the FDA did publish a dose limit for aluminum. For adults, it's 850 micrograms. And so it was very simple, straightforward for us to say, Well, if we assume that a person's about 150 pounds, and adult persons about 150 pounds, what's out there that we can use to scale it and there's a dose symmetric scaling function that considers body weight volume. And then the rest of the mathematics was to use an established model of clearance. So it's actually based on adults receiving radioactive aluminum hydroxide. And so they cleared it out of their body over a certain period of days, like 70% of it, but it's that long term 30% that gets into the bones and gets into the brain. Hackett's and other parts, that that does the harm. Yeah. And then of course, we know that the scientists routinely use aluminum hydroxide, the same form of aluminum that's in the majority of vaccines that have aluminum to induce autoimmunity in animals so that it can develop drugs to treat what they're causing with aluminum hydroxide. It's Dr. Paul 1:07:42 Yeah, so the very compound that that we use to trigger autoimmunity is in vaccines. Is there any surprise that there might be a link with autoimmune conditions? And then of course, Schoenfeld book, right. Aluminum in vaccines, autoimmunity, and vaccines just sort of spells that all out with lots of peer reviewed references. James Lyon-Weiler 1:08:03 Yeah, absolutely. So part of it part of the feedback that that our scientific community, if you will, the objective scientific community gets is, oh, wait a minute, those aluminum doses, they're far larger when you do it in a mouse 10 to 20,000 times the dose you'd ever see in a vaccine. So I actually did the math, that's one of the things that I can do is calculate. And I can say, Well, wait a minute. A mouse is this big and has this body weight, the child has this big and has this body weight, and the child gets multiple doses. And when you look, consider the multiple doses to correct for body weight. It turns out that they, for some of the studies, if you use a normal mouse, right off the shelf, if you can take an average run of the mill experimental mouse, and even checked with aluminum hydroxide and ovalbumin, or whatever else they put in there, you don't get autoimmunity. It doesn't happen. You have to use huge, huge doses. But if you have a mouse that has the genetic risk of their own entity, then the dose overlaps with the human schedule. And that's why not everybody gets autoimmunity with aluminum hydroxide vaccines. Yeah. Not everybody has the same genetic constituency. And so Paul, that's why, you know, I have such great respect for you. In that, you know, you figured it out, you figured that family history of autoimmunity means genetic risk, genetic risk means you don't want to be exposed to the environmental risk. And so maybe we should think again about using aluminum containing vaccines have autoimmunity in their family through that brilliant deduction. Dr. Paul 1:09:34 And that's a take home point, folks, if you're watching this and you're sort of this is new to you, if you have a family history of a lot of allergies, autoimmunity, chronic neurodevelopmental problems, you are probably at higher risk for harm from vaccines, especially aluminum containing vaccines, or too many too soon. JACK, let's pivot to our next study because we sort of went from all right, we were pretty clear that aluminum is a problem here, but what kind of Problems is it causing So you and I, I had the good fortune you might call it to have the board challenge me to provide data as to whether or not the vaccine friendly plan was as safe as the CDC schedule. So we did a quality assurance project the identify the data, which I handed over to you. And you were blinded to all of this data, which was I don't know how you did it, but you did. And tell our audience what you found. James Lyon-Weiler 1:10:26 Well, what we found because your collaborator on it, actually was that, you know, we see very robust signature of the one of the most robust signatures gastroenteritis, increased gastroenteritis, and in in patients that receive vaccines, whether the lumen continued or not, compared to the 560 would run vaccinated. And I say that that's most robust because that's the one that was robust to our attempts to correct for, or control for variation and how long patients been in the practice of age matching and all the rest. But condition after condition, we saw asthma which is got a huge autoimmune component. There's a huge literature on autoimmunity and asthma. In fact, there's a cadre of scientists and doctors that want to rename asthma, autoimmune diseases of the airway. Okay? So not a lot of doctors know that you might want to have your doctor look up autoimmune diseases of the airway. Not all asthma. That is autoimmune, some of it's allergenic, but there's a fine line between having an allergy which involves an immune response to antigen from hay fever, you know, ragweed or whatever. Excuse me and the body becoming confused and and attacking your own antigen your self antigens, but we found allergic rhinitis and Sinai's sinusitis, we found zero ADHD. So that you know, people bite No, I wrote the book, the environmental the genetic causes of autism. But before that, I wrote the book, cures versus profits. And the biggest chapter in that book, Paul, is the chapter on ADHD I was so ticked off that the pharmaceutical key speakers, the key thought leaders and pharmacists are speaking for pharmaceuticals, they were actually on the circuit going around telling parents if your kid has ADHD, there's nothing you could do about it. There's no diet that will help. There's there's no environmental change that you could do. It's genetic, genetic, genetic, but we have drugs for it. So that's a shell game, if you have drugs for it, it must be environmental in some way. Because you can change the physiology of the body by changing the environment through through with you're taking it through diet effectively. But the I was so ticked off that I hadn't titled The chapter ADHD it's their brain, not yours. Right. So a person who's got ADHD can be very severe. It can be very traumatic to be constantly you know, fixing the frill on your carpet before you leave the house. It has to be just so right at the very end, there's seems to be this this this gradient of developmental disorders that includes ADHD and autism, but OCD and tics and things like this, that was not in the prevalence that it is now and the kids lining up outside of the nurse's office all the way around the hallway, you know, in the schools to get their methamphetamine pills basically, so that they can calm down. Ironically, that tells us that these kids their brains are wired in a different way. So ADHD, zero ADHD and 561 unvaccinated kids over the 10 and a half year period, compared to so much more ADHD in the vaccinated tells us something that doesn't take a sophisticated data analysis guy or cop complex statistics to say oops, yep, so there's a there. What it does say is it takes a compassionate human beings will look at the data and say, either lions while there's a fraud, Paul Thomas is a fraud, or ADHD is somehow related to vaccination. Dr. Paul 1:14:09 Right? So you're a scientist. And of course, we always hear when whenever you say there's a problem with vaccines causing health problems, you'll hear Association doesn't mean causation. And I'd be interested in your take on that since you did a deep dive into this data. Specifically, it's not that we're proving causation. But sometimes the signal is so strong, and you've got a mechanism that explains it. That, you know, in time you have enough data and enough studies like this, you've basically proven causation, but but what's your take on that, given the data that we published? James Lyon-Weiler 1:14:44 So causality is very interesting and complex thing if there's actually people think that okay, if you do randomized clinical trial, prospective, double blind, placebo, you know, in our placebo that you automatically can infer causality causality is actually fairly complex. There have been books written on it and a lot philosophical treatises on why is it so difficult for us to people to say, A causes B. And what attracts down to Paul is, is in my mind, after decades of studying the philosophy of science and studying statistics and start studying the logic of causality is that we're really, really bad at indirect causes. We don't know how to place liability on indirect causes, right? So if you say stack your house full of dynamite, and and you douse it with gasoline, and then you walk away, okay, so are you storing dynamite in gasoline in a very hazardous manner, right, but that you're a core cause you the person who stacked your house with those incendiary devices, the person who lights the match is another cause. And so you can have multiple causes that interact. And you know, so working out the causality pathway diagram here is we have the temporal Association, in that we know that these kids are, in fact vaccinated throughout the course of their life. And we looked at the cumulative vaccination, right, we looked at the total number of vaccines that a person had relative to the total number of office visits that they had to have seeking medical care for that diagnosis. And that's really key. Because if we just looked at, you know, Association, if we just looked at, you know, odds ratio, which we also calculated odds ratio, and relative risk, if we just looked at that you're stuck with an observational study, where you're not controlling for factors. And yeah, you might have found a spurious association or two. Here's the deal. Your kids are coming to the doctor's office because they feel sick, right? They're coming to you, your patients trust you. They're saying, Dr. Paul, I have tried this treatment on asthma or I have tried this for asthma, it hasn't worked. We need medical help. That's why it's a billable office visit. Right. And so some of our detractors, or one of our detractors is trying to say, Well, wait a minute, how do you know, these aren't just you know, granola crunching moms that are out there feeding the magical reasons, you know, that they're there, there's so much healthier that they don't have to come to the doctor's office, or they're trying essential oils for treatment, or these ad hoc kind of after the studies done, I'm going to make up some potential confounder. And the key word there is potential, right? If you take any observational study, whether it's a vaccine study showing that a works, or a vaccine study that shows a trend that whether you're safe or not, when you take a drug study, if you take literally any study looking at A versus B, is there a difference? And you look at 1000 different variables, you will always find something that looks like a confounder. You're just measuring way too many things, right? So you can come in and you can say, Well, I imagine that there's moms out there that are not bringing the robot vaccinating and they tend not to seek medical care. Well, first of all, in our study, we looked at the demographic variables that we had, the baby's birth weights are not different. Right. So in terms of total health care of the mom and what she does for herself, whatever that leads to in terms of the birth weight of the baby. They're the same breastfeeding rates between breaths, not vaccinating people in vaccinating families. They're the same, exactly the same, right? There's statistically and other variables like that. So we're having Dr. Paul 1:18:25 that number of wild child visits. James Lyon-Weiler 1:18:28 Right, right. And the key one there is whether or not there's the same number of well child visits. And so we did see a small difference between the unvaccinated and the vaccinated, well, child visits, but the key variable that we looked at was that the if you look at the least vaccinated in the population, and you look at the well child visits in the least vaccinated that are vaccinating compared to the most vaccinating those two numbers relative to the well child visits in the unvaccinated. There's no difference. Right. And that's the important calculation there. And I think the the critics don't really understand the value of the fact that we also looked at the look at the same statistic with fever, which is known to be causal, caused by vaccines, we see this increase in fevers associated with vaccinating. Dr. Paul 1:19:18 Right? Yeah, more vaccines are visits for fever. Yeah, James Lyon-Weiler 1:19:22 yeah, that's causal. So we have we have established causality for fever. So any other variable of data that does the same thing is arguably also causal. Now, you can't get to causality very easily from observation studies. But with enough observation studies, and this is why we should replicate and do more studies like this, you can start to see a pattern that makes a very strong case, right? That we would not have seen this by chance alone. And the argument then becomes what what's the factor is the factor something that we're not measuring? Well, then you should measure a lot of things, but you should not and I add them at least That you should not automatically adjust for variables that the CDC wants us to adjust for. They want us narrowed studies HS for Mother's age, in the same study, mother's age, mother's income, the gestational age of the baby, the birth weight of the baby. And all these things are correlated, because low income moms are going to have low birth weight babies, and they're going to be born earlier. Okay, because of poor nutrition. Those are called multi colinear factors or multiple linear variables. Will CDC when they do observational studies, they adjust various variables and change the study design until they get the result that they want. And one of the key facts about the study design that I implemented the design of analysis, or I should say properly, is I did it once. I designed it once, and I executed it once on the data set that was published. And that's it. I didn't go say, oh, foot, Paul, you know, we can't find that Association. We can't find I'm gonna have to do it again. I never did that to you. I just said, I'm gonna analyze it one shot, here it is. And the CDC actually has emails from Thomas for straighten the vaccine and autism question where he's begging them and pleading with them. And he says, In the name of objectivity and science, at some point in time, we're going to have to accept a set of results that I've analyzed every way that I can possibly think of and I, the the topic, line, the subject line of the email was it just won't go away, meaning this association just as a smoking gun, well, doctor for straighten, came out with a letter that says, Well, that's not exactly what I meant. How is that not exactly what you meant? When it says in there, I'm begging you please accept these results in the name of objectivity. At some point in time, we have to be scientists. Right? So yeah, we did it. Right, Paul, and thanks for having the faith and confidence. So let me execute that and counting on me for that. Yeah, Dr. Paul 1:21:56 well, you did a masterful job. And we'll put up a slide for you all to see all the various conditions that had a very clear linear graph of unvaccinated almost no increase in these conditions, medical conditions, and the more vaccines you had, the higher the incidence of these conditions that we looked at, and you you rattled off a whole bunch of them, but quite powerful data. Now, I want to take us to our most recent publication, because this is something that I don't think most people even realize is going on. And that is financial incentives to give vaccines. I'm a pediatrician. I've been vaccinating children my entire career. My office is still vaccinating even though I can't anymore, they took my license, temporarily suspended, or emergency suspended, I should state largely because of the study we just talked about five days after that became available online, they had an emergency meeting and yanked my license. But let's move on to this next study, which I think is so important. It's got a long title, you love long titles, you help me with my titles, vaccine practice payment schedules, create perverse incentives for unnecessary medical procedures, at what cost to patients. So just go ahead and take a stab at sharing with our audience. What we did what we found. James Lyon-Weiler 1:23:16 Well, immediately what we're looking at as if you take the data that we analyzed in the previous study we just talked about and you look at the ratio of vaccinated unvaccinated, we had what 2400 who were vaccinated and 500, that were not vaccinating 561, that's a huge chunk of revenue is a huge percentage of the revenue. Right? So what does that actually work out to? What we did was we looked at the 812, sorry, insurance companies, which were de identified. So we're regulatory compliance. We haven't broken any violated anything they are in turn, right. In the publication, you don't know which insurance companies doing what I didn't even ever look at an insurance company name throughout this whole thing. So we're doing it by the book. I think there's 12 insurance companies, how much revenue in terms of reimbursement for vaccination goes to administration fee, it goes to the clinic, the practice for the actual vaccination to billable service and the cost recovery for vaccines. And it was stunning. Every every patient that goes in that's given informed choice informed consent that says no, a toy and a totality. The total cost, costs your practice a million dollars a year in lost access to revenue. Right. Well, what would your practice look like if you had another million dollars on top of the revenue that you have right now, Paul? Dr. Paul 1:24:37 Yeah, it would be amazing. I'd be a wealthy man. And people think I do what I do informed consent because I'm somehow trying to get rich or something. It is the it is the absolute worst business decision ever. So what we do is every single well child visit and vaccine visits, we go over the CDC schedule with our patients. These are the vaccines you're supposed to take according to The CDC, we then have an informed consent decision discussion about each of the vaccines, your initial your family history, risk factors, how your child's doing. Sometimes we're talking about the prevalence of the disease in the community, because that might factor in. And then the patient makes a decision what they want to do when they refuse a CDC recommended vaccine, they sign check those off, they refuse them, they sign that vaccine refusal form. So we had actual specific recommended vaccines, vaccines refused, and vaccines given. So we could look at here's the profits made from vaccines given by insurance company actual reimbursements. And here are the losses, actual losses based on the insurance company and the reimbursement rates. So this is real world data, we built out just over $3 million. While it's less now that I've had my license suspended, we've had a shrinkage. Of course, there's a huge income loss to physicians who get targeted by medical boards. But at 3 million losing a million is one quarter of your overhead of your revenue, and overhead and pediatrics run 60 to 80%. It's over 80%. In my practice, because of all the time we spend doing real informed consent, which is time consuming. And it's basically almost impossible to to survive economically, if you're going to do proper informed consent, and accept all these patients. Here's the other dynamic in Portland, Oregon, where I practice, almost every other pediatric office, and there's hundreds of pediatricians in this town. They actually kick out families who won't follow the CDC schedule. Sometimes they just tell him to come to my office, and I just take all comers, I'm just doing my job to take care of patients. So they're basically skimming the profits, so to speak. And I know they're not doing that intentionally. I don't think my peers are evil. They just believe so wholeheartedly in the benefits of vaccines. They feel like that they're actually doing the right thing. Of course, from the last study we just shared with you. We now know that's not the case. The highly vaccinated are having the worst health outcomes. But I don't think people know that they haven't read that article. They they're resistant to learning this information, because it once it sinks in, you have to change what you're doing. And you have to then say, whoo, I've maybe been causing harm and physicians were supposed to what first do no harm. Yeah, that James Lyon-Weiler 1:27:17 paper that we're talking about, that's published now. There's table one is actually very, very, very important. Table one actually shows the amount of coverage that's necessary in a population to achieve herd immunity for each of the pathogens that are on the CDC schedule, and I threw in some other ones there. So Ebola is in there Coronavirus is in there. And you know if you have legislators that are funded by pharma being funded by pharma through donations to their to their What is it a campaign or donations to the mother office? So it's party politics. And they're saying you we have to have 95% vaccination period, refer to this table, specifically, rubella. I think it's like 83%. And it goes down from there. He's you know, you got diesel's around 90 93%. You don't have to have massive amounts of coverage. So why don't they leave though two or 3% of people that are that have found vaccines unsuitable to their families alike. Right already the app, if you're already at 95%, or 94 90%, leave these families alone, right? You're just doing harm to your own reputation as a legitimate politician, as a legitimate pharmaceutical company, as a legitimate practitioner by haranguing and harassing these people to get that two or 3%. More. So if it's about income, right, and reputation, then join the fights for rational informed consent. Let's not be idiots here. Dr. Paul 1:28:46 Sure, sure. There's one other point I want we made in this paper that I think is really important for people to understand. physicians are under a lot of pressure to fall in line with the norms that are established and maintained by the medical board. Really, that's the kind of the the stick right to keep you in line. And it's called standard of care. So they sort of take the CDC schedule is the standard of care. And it's just wrong knowing what we know what we've presented for you right here. But the way they get around this, it's pretty sneaky. And in a lot of sense, many of you remember the opioid crisis. Well, it's still ongoing. But there was a medication called Oxycontin. And that company was very clever in their marketing, and they made pain is a vital sign was a campaign that was rolled out, I was taught this, nurses and hospitals were taught this it still goes on to this day. And if you don't manage the pain, then you are a bad doctor. Right? So we were told Oh oxy cotton is not addictive, which it is. And we created a devastating opioid epidemic that was triggered by the practice of over prescribing opiates for pain now The standard of care becomes how well you manage opiates. I mean pain with opiates. Now we've done the same thing with vaccines, the standard of care is how well do you follow the CDC schedule that becomes the quality measure, rather than how well are your patients doing? So we've shared with you health outcomes, they're doing so much better when they have fewer vaccines? Well, we're looking at the wrong outcomes, because what we're doing in quality for pediatrics is how well are you vaccinating? How well can you follow a protocol, rather than how well are your children doing? So if you're watching this show, and you're a parent, you don't care about protocols you want your child to do well. And so the beautiful thing about it this, everything we've shared with you today is that you can be empowered with this knowledge to take your destiny that for your children into your own hands, because it is absolutely controllable, what food you put into your child, what toxins you're exposing them to and what vaccines you choose to do or not do. And we're just asking you to look at the science and make a really informed decision. James Lyon-Weiler 1:31:11 Absolutely. So I would take I take issue with the idea that the standard of care not that not that you're advocating it. But I take issue with the general idea that the CDC defines the standard of care. In reality, no one could ever convince me that the standard of care for any physician in any practice does not include staying up to date on the scientific medical literature, of their own accord. And in fact, in reality due to the great work of Dell, big tree, and Aaron Siri and other people that I can.org the I can decide network, we have a concession from the CDC from HHS saying, Yeah, under the law, we're supposed to keep up on the vaccine safety science for pediatric vaccines. But we're supposed to file a report every two years, but we haven't been doing it. So how can the CDC be held up as the standard of care when science marches on, in spite of the fact that CDC itself is is guilty of scientific malfeasance? After they were given an order by Congress, thou shalt do this? And they just, you know, kind of forgot to do it? I don't know. So where's the pediatrician supposed to go? if they have questions, and they're looking in their heart? And they're saying, Yeah, this doesn't match up with the CDC saying really doesn't match up with something that I read in a pediatrics journal or something that I read in a vaccine journal, something I read to the journals trace elements of medicine, biology, they have to go to their local physician group and say, What have you guys seen this? And which one of the things you taught me, Paul is that standard of care comes from the ground up, it's much better to have a ground up standard of care, because conditions differ on the ground, there should be a mass distributed intelligencia of medical experts on the ground, figuring out what's really happening to the population, and then the information should flow up. We have to invert that process. Right now. We have the CDC, which is under regulatory capture, every single member of ASAP has a financial conflict of interest with pharma except for one, the military guy. Okay, so we're looking at this completely right, Paul, everything you're doing right now is completely right. And anybody that's criticizing you, is not a physician, in my view, there's something else other than a physician. Dr. Paul 1:33:20 Well, jack, thank you, your parting message to parents to sort of sum it all up? You might have already done that, but I'm give you one last crack at your kind of key message for our viewers. James Lyon-Weiler 1:33:33 Well, whatever percentage of American citizens and citizens and every country around the world that you know, that will not vaccinate, and already vaccine risk aware and or partially vaccinate, make your kids a scientist. We have all these families, became scientists and doctors and took over science and took over the medical industry, right? Wow, what a great thing that would happen, right? If we had actually, you know, bonafide health oriented people going into science of medicine. And if you want to learn science, I'm going to pitch IPA, dash edu.org AIPAC edu.org. I've just finished up teaching a course how to read and interpret a scientific study. The students just critique their own studies, they went out and found a study and critiqued it. And this is the best experience I have when I teach this course at the end of the semester. It's a 1515 week long semester, it's a full level college experience. They can actually get into a scientific study, find out what's right about it, find out what's wrong about it and critique it in a very intelligent way. So that I pack.edu.org, and I'll help you create a scientist and you find the scientist in you. Dr. Paul 1:34:45 Fantastic. Thanks, jack, once again, for being our most important scientist on this show. And we're gonna have you back again soon to go over your entire thought process and the various studies you've published on aluminum because it's in so many vaccines, and it's such an important topic. So stay tuned, folks. And we'll see you next time. Dr. Paul here with another episode of against the wind doctors and science under fire. This is our news segment. And thanks once again, Bernadette pager for being the steering this ship of how to navigate the news. And you're going to do something different today. And I'm really excited to have you do that. We want empowered viewers, and I know this is something you do. You're the Public Policy Director of informed choice, Washington, this is a nonprofit dedicated to scientific integrity. You're the host of informed life radio, you interviewed Dr. Scientists and attorneys all about vaccines, healthy immunity, and sort of this whole issue of what's the public getting and our awareness, I know you and I share this that people aren't really getting the news in a way that they can really think for themselves. So I'm looking forward for you go ahead and take the reins here. Okay, I guess on this journey. Bernadette Pajer 1:36:05 Alrighty, and just keep me updated what you're seeing. So I'm no, I'm clicking over. So I'm going to start the journey today. You know, I apologize for it being informed was Washington's own website. But this is what I know best. So I want to show some people, you know, this is a good source as a jumping off point to learn what we are saying, um, a couple of really good things I want to tell people about for empowerment. So there's this, put kids first campaign that's being done by Stan for health, freedom, and informed with Washington is now partnering with Stanford health freedom, we're really excited about this partnership. They're pretty awesome. And so parents who are wanting their kids to go back to school in the fall, with just everything normal, no distancing, no tack, testing, no masks, just happy, healthy children, right, which the science supports they should be. Yeah, we've got an action plan going here. And it's going to be evolving. As parents figure this out, figure out what to do, we're going to keep updating our guidance and information we provide. And so stand for health freedom, we've got a link right to the main page. So I've got one that's kind of targeted for Washington state with our laws and our Constitution. And if you go to Stanford health, freedom calm, and then click on the put kids first tab, you're going to be able to follow the information gathered with people in the state where you are in your local community to take action to to restore normalcy for our children, which very much needs to happen. Absolutely, yeah. And so then I'm going to go back to the homepage of informed choice Washington here and show you another resource that I try to keep up to date. There's always so much information. But I'd like to bring you each week Dr. Pol, the information about the current vaccine adverse event reporting numbers. So I've got this fast facts COVID-19 vaccine concerns here, talk talks about them being liability free, not necessary, because we have natural immunity, and we have treatments. questionable safety. But here I've got the most recent data that I just plugged into the page. So we're up to you know, we're getting close to 400,000 adverse events reported and and this number represents what they've uploaded and made available, we know there are hundreds of 1000s backlogged that have not gone up there. And we know that typically less than 1% of all adverse events are reported. So we know this, this is a really underreporting. You cannot use vaers for causality, or frequency of events, but you can use various data for red flags and safety signals. And I have never seen such loud safe. This is the nuclear bomb of safety signals right Dr. Paul 1:39:04 here. It is alarming. Brandon, I'm actually going to take a moment here. I think in my previous show, I made a error in reporting that the number of deaths reported in various from the vaccine exceeds all deaths from all other vaccines for the 30 years that the CDC has been tracking with theirs. And it was brought to my attention that was not correct. We're still probably a few months out till the COVID alone deaths exceed all other deaths. Okay, I just wanted to make that clear that that was in air. Bernadette Pajer 1:39:36 It was getting close those getting pierced and how that would end. And there were some people who are just looking at numbers from a later date forward where it was exceeding so. Yeah, it's, I can see how that happened. But thank you for that clarification that but look at these numbers for one type of vaccine. It's just it's really it's really appalling. Dr. Paul 1:39:58 Yeah. It's It's truly a farming, I just spent some time with my sister who's a nurse in Boston on postpartum. So she takes care of babies. And I was talking to my two sisters, there one's a teacher. And I was telling them about some of the side effects we're seeing that are just unheard of like bleeding problems, for example. And my nurse, my sister's, a nurse said, Well, you know, we're having this incredible increase in postpartum hemorrhage now that moms are getting vaccinated while pregnant. I said, Really? How different is it? Yeah, I wanted her to quantify it. And she said, Well, they haven't reported the numbers. But those of us who've worked there, she's worked there for over 20 years, we would see a postpartum hemorrhage once a month, if in the past, we're now seeing one or two a week. Bernadette Pajer 1:40:44 Good heavens, that is really scary. Is that like one of the most risky things that can happen following pregnancy is to have this excessive bleeding going on? Dr. Paul 1:40:52 Well, delivery is a time where you know, you're separating the uterus from your body. And yeah, there's there's certainly risk for bleeding. And then it's becoming apparent that some of the mischief this vaccine is causing has to do with platelets and red blood cells and clotting. And so it's not a surprise, we're starting to understand the mechanisms. But that's just one little tiny bit of this tsunami of side effects that we're now starting to recognize. So I know when you're talking about the side effects, we're, we're, we're recognizing new things all the time. Bernadette Pajer 1:41:27 Exactly. And so and then I want to give your viewers a couple of sources, if they want to go read about Vaccine Injury from you know, legitimate sources, we've got this C 19 vaccine reactions.com. And then here, you're going to find some videos, some q&a, some people telling their own story. It's a it's a really good site to refer people to who just have never even heard yet because they've been watching mainstream news, although most people know somebody now injured or not doing well if not know somebody who knows somebody killed by one of these vaccines. So it's, it's really alarming. And another really good side if you're following along here with me is circle of Mama's Do you see that circle of mamas has some really good information. They're looking at miscarriages after the COVID vaccine. They've got an article of the 13 year old Jacob Klein, Nick, who died less than three days after his Pfizer vaccine. People hospitalized and having autoimmune issues. Just you know what, there's just so much heart problems. So those are just two of the the good sources of information that you can go to to try to see what is happening and pass it along to others. Okay, so then I wanted to update you on the COVID-19. There's a website people can go to if you just search CDC COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough, you will get to this page where CDC is reporting, they stopped recording all case breakthrough cases. After they hit 10,000. Several months ago, they stopped reporting, the numbers are just ridiculous. These vaccines are failing to protect. And they try to minimize it and say, Oh, it's no big deal. But we've had reported and we know there's more because they even admit under reporting is happening. 4115 people hospitalized or killed 750 of them by COVID-19, even though they were fully vaccinated. Right? When if you get COVID if you natural immunity is very strong and long lasting, there's never been a single report of anybody who had who had COVID experienced it recovered, and then have to be at catch COVID. Again, I've been hospitalized or killed. It's not happening, because natural immunity is beautifully strong and long lasting. These DNA and RNA vaccines are are not the protection is not. So you know, you got to follow that along and they're trying to minimize what this means. It just means that these vaccines are failing to protect as we were promised. Okay, so the next thing I wanted to move you to Dr. Pol, is this new website that I just discovered called ground news, ground news. or ground dot news, okay? And it's not perfect, but what it's really interesting is it attempts to give you headline news from all sides so you can pick one topic and look to see how it's being reported. Left, right center. And so let's just First of all, you can tell that I'm not crazy about this little image here where it says fake news because most of the news out They're, I don't like calling it fake news. It's biased. It has deep perspective. It's manipulative. Some of it is reporting bad information like bad science, but it's not like fake, most of it is not fake. It's just really skewed to push you in a particular direction. I think we need to keep that in mind. Okay, so but it's really fun to explore. So what I ended up doing, let's go to the Alzheimers one. So recently, a drug came out a new Alzheimers drug that the FDA approved. And, and so when you go at ground news, there's this headline, Alzheimers drugs, there's hope for patients worry for doctors. And then you can see over here 50% of the articles were on the left only 20% on the right. And they say center 30%. I don't quite agree with what they call center. But that's okay. This is just for opening your mind and just seeing how the news is presented all over the place. And you will see that the the highlight the headlines are identical I Alzheimers drugstores hope for patients worry for doctors identical all the way down the line. What this means is that this story was grabbed off the press of the Newswire and look at this image. I mean, they're wearing the shirts for the product. For goodness sake. This is really a press release from the drug company that everybody ran with as news. And this happens way too often. a press release is not news. But it there it goes it goes out there. But I knew I knew there was more to this story. So I wanted to find headlines that had to do with. With this with and I found this on the left three experts have resigned from an FDA committee over Alzheimers drugs approval. And I believe I found and I might have lost it. Let's see if it's here. No, I found it. So on ground news, I looked it up to see who is reporting mostly on the FDA committee matters quitting over this. And ground news says mostly it was 67% on the right. 33% in the middle, they actually didn't have anything on the left, they said reported about the FDA people quitting. But I this is not a perfect system. So I didn't want to completely believe that the left left it out. And in fact, I did find you know, the NPR article, but they did cover it as well. So take everything with a grain of salt. You know, it's like looking at bears, you're looking at trends, but you're not getting everything. Okay. Yeah, I think that's really important to know. Dr. Paul 1:47:50 Now this, this is good for you to bring to people's attention. Most of you who follow the elections, the last two rounds, if you went to Fox, which is tend to tends to be a Republican, you know, platform or most of the others. It was like you were on different planets reporting the same news as related to the elections. Well, most people are not aware of the degree to which almost all outlets are actually paid for by big business dollars and pharma leading the way because of all the drugs they roll out. But they will censor information that goes against the products they're trying to sell. In the case of vaccines, they will censor information that might make you aware that there are problems. So this is exactly Bernadette, what you're doing is trying to give folks a way to get to the information, because you won't get it on mainstream news. It's what we're trying to do here at against the wind is to give you the other side of the story. I was with my sisters, as I mentioned earlier, and my school teacher sister, when I told her, you know, there's censorship going on on even the biggest platforms like Google, she goes, Oh, no, I teach with Google all the time. It is the most reliable source, you can get all. And I said, Well, that's probably true for most things, but for controversial topics, I can assure you censorship is going on. She still refused to admit it to acknowledge that. So I said, well, let's do an experiment. I actually had not done this experiment. So I was potentially going to get mud on my face. But I said, Look, sister, you know, I published that article is the biggest vaccin vac study that's ever been published, perhaps in the world using real world data. Let's see what Google has to say. Let's see if we can find this. We just typed in Vax to invest. The first thing was debunking Brian hooker study. The second one was an article debunking my study that I did with Jacqueline's Wheeler, just totally misrepresenting the work and nowhere to be found. After that. It was just CDC stuff, nowhere to be found was this article that is so important, and that and she was saying, Well, no, it's just the algorithm. So obviously, this article that was written about your study was more important or Or viewed more times. And you know, all I can say to that is, I don't know how they control their algorithms. But if you look at anything else that's non controversial, you can find all the important information. But if you look at something that is controversial, that might impact somebodies profits, then in when that somebody is a big business, you will find they have means of blocking and censoring. So, I just thought I'd share that and that's why you're here, Bernadette is to help people have these resources. So thank you so much. Bernadette Pajer 1:50:33 Yeah, you're welcome. You're welcome. And I'm thank you for having that conversation with your sister, trying to have really good civil conversations with family members and keep still keeping the love between family members. That's one of our biggest challenges today. So are you seeing this does it say Coronavirus? Okay, so this is back to ground news. And so I looked up, you know, Coronavirus, what's going on here? What are they talking about? Because obviously, we're very aware of that. And there was this interesting thing here about blind spots. So they're telling people on the left, that you might want to pay attention to believe it or not ivermectin, Bill Maher talking about ivermectin. And then for people on the right. They're saying you might want to start talking about the Delta variant. And I'll kind of show you why There's, they're saying the sides need to look at what the other is saying. Because when you look at this bill, Maher headline, you'll see nobody really on the, on the the left is talking about ivermectin here, but all of the sources are on the right. And ivermectin is, of course, probably the best repurposed drug, cheap, effective, extremely safe, binds with a spike protein of COVID. 83%. Right now is the current from a meta analysis 83%, protective against even catching COVID drastically reduces hospitalizations and deaths anyway, only the right is talking about this treatment and not the left. So it's really interesting. And then you go over to the Delta variant. And you see that the left you know, 58% are talking about it, and on the right or center 37%. But we this stuff isn't even showing that anybody on the right is talking about it. And I find this really interesting. And this is where I would really want to go explore more to see if there are headlines that this whatever their algorithm is what they were missing. But for me, this matches the fear narrative. The fear narrative is really being driven on the left side of things, right. So you've got your democratic state still locked down, like yours and mine. And and we're being threatened with more locked down from this delta variant in the fall. But the people on the right are saying, Wait a minute, if you look at the actual data, yeah, most people are testing for delta variant, but the deaths have plummeted. Because it's more contagious, but it's less lethal. And that's how viruses evolve. So there's nothing to fear. So the fear is all being pushed more in the news toward that side. And again, take all this with a grain of salt. But, you know, I found that really, really fascinating. Who was talking about? What, Dr. Paul 1:53:33 yeah, this fear narrative, Bernadette, it's so important that people understand there is very little to fear, especially for children, as they try to roll this out to give this vaccine to kids. Kids don't get seriously ill. I mean, there's a few case reports that hit the news, of course, because they want to make you afraid. That's true, the flu. That's true of anything. There'll be rare cases. But overall, there's no risk for kids. And just to highlight, I guess, to reinforce what you just said, so I just took a trip with my sisters and my mom, to Eastern Oregon. And we went into really remote parts. I mean, French Glen is a town with 13 residents. We stayed in a little hotel in this town. Nobody all through Central Oregon is wearing masks. I mean, nobody. And yet, I bet get back to Portland and people are wearing masks in their car. They're driving around alone in their car wearing a mask that speaks to the just ridiculous level of fear for this is a virus that's a winter virus to begin with. So right now, I mean, Bernadette Pajer 1:54:38 yeah, and you know, I think it speaks well, I at this point, I'm not quite sure it's fear. I think that so many people, especially in these cities, where the fear was highest, have gotten so used to the mask, they forget they're even wearing it. I think it's just become part of their face at this point. I just can't figure out why else they would leave it on. Dr. Paul 1:55:00 Yeah, I mean, we do have reduces your oxygen. And so you are, you're going around in a compromised state, you are capturing because of the moisture of our breath, you are capturing lots more bacteria and viruses. So studies, lots of studies showing that it's actually a danger to yourself. Yes, that's a topic for another show. But yeah, certainly right now, when the danger is miniscule, anywhere in the country, folks take your masks off. And, yeah, you get yourself free. Bernadette Pajer 1:55:32 Yeah. And so I'm almost done here with taking us kind of on this journey. I just wanted to show you this one more article that popped up on ground news for you to see. And it was about Senator Ron Johnson, under fire for holding event on adverse reactions to COVID vaccines. And, you know, I went and looked outside of this to see what was going on. And there were a lot more articles than ground news found. But most all the ones on the left, were attacking Senator Johnson, for talking about adverse events. And then there were a few on the right that were giving him a little bit of praise for for talking about it. But what I found really interesting is what what did pop up. So we've got this one on the left, just saying how, you know, kind of with that negative spin of him doing this, but that is interesting. I don't even know what the bl comm is. So I clicked on that it's not giving it a left, right or center rating. And it's interesting, it popped up. And and it brings us to UK Government releases 21st update on adverse reactions. And it's all about the doctor test, Laurie, who is actually calling for these vaccines to be halted. Just she said they are not safe for humans of any age. When you look at what they call their yellow card data, that's that's the equivalent of our bears. Yeah, in the UK, they have the the the yellow card system passive system suffers from the same things that we have. Yes, so yeah, so that's, that's pretty much um, you know, what I wanted to share with your viewers, empower them, you know, go to this ground news and, and play around with it know that there's more outside of it, it's not perfect. But when people begin to have that real awareness of how information is control and being used, and you begin to see at the end, you know, there's propaganda on both sides, right. And it's, most of the time there's a there's a grain of truth. And then it's spun in a direction somebody wants it to go and yeah, Dr. Paul 1:57:43 yeah, I'd I would just encourage folks, viewers, think about conflicts of interest. If somebody is trying to coerce you into purchasing their product, which will be a topic for our next show. You ought to think twice, why are they pushing so hard for me to get buy their product? Or actually they're giving it away for free? What's in it for them? Come on? This is just big business. There's something in it for somebody that has a conflict of interest. And so you had a pause? And absolutely, when it comes to your children, protect them until we have more information. There are mainstream doctors in the US in the UK around the world, Japan, hardly anybody's taking this vaccine. Their doctors are, I guess, free from all the propaganda because they can think independently. Almost no Japanese have taken this vaccine. I think it's one to 3% I still got it look into that. But I've seen multiple sources about this. So yeah, protect your kids for now. And stay plugged in with against the wind, Bernadette with all these resources you shared today. Thank you so much. Bernadette Pajer 1:58:49 You're welcome. And you made one last point here. What you made me think of is at the beginning of all this when people realized it was a virus, Amazon and all the other online resources rapidly began running out of vitamin C and vitamin D and zinc and and all these nutrients that people knew they needed in order to have a strong resilient immune system and to easily overcome a virus. People were spending money to purchase things that they knew would help them. And yet with these COVID shots, our governments are offering million dollar lotteries free Big Macs, free joints, a free free beer, they are begging people, and about half the country is saying now. So right there, you know I really I'm proud of Americans, you know, and I kind of ache for the ones who are really saturated in in the news that has so much bias that they're not getting the fall I'm trying to keep a lot of hope out there that minds will continue to open so thank you for this opportunity. Dr. Pol to to help people learn and be informed. Dr. Paul 1:59:58 And thank you again. Bernadette. You You've covered important information and so eloquently, so really appreciate your participation on our show. Thanks for watching. I'm Dr. Paul. Thanks for watching. I pledged you to bring to you honest and vital content that's going to help you first do no harm to yourself or to your children. help me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors in science.com. This is going to be a show every other week. And as soon as we get adequate funding, we're going to bring this to you weekly. We stand together for medical freedom and informed consent, only you should decide what's injected into your body. So I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors in science comm sign up, donate if you can. Let's make this the weekly show the nation's been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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