PDF: TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:10
Could it be that our health freedom is truly under fire? Is it possible that our public health officials have been lying to us? How do we seek the truth when doctors have been led to believe in the marketing slogan, the vaccines are safe and effective. This show will highlight the importance of informed consent. I'm Dr. Paul Thomas, and welcome to against the wind doctors and science under fire. Here Welcome to against the wind doctors in science under fire. This is Episode Seven. We've got a gem for you today, we're featuring Dr. Gary Coles. He has been promoting this program that will significantly reduce your side effects and keep you out of dangerous way. Secondly, I feature Dr. McCulloh, he's probably the most published individual on the treatment aspects of COVID-19. You absolutely can treat yourself at home, and probably prevent the need to even ever end up in the hospital. And of course, if you are hospitalized, he shares about all those protocols both mainstream and alternative approaches that will significantly reduce the likelihood of you succumbing to this disease or having severe complications. We have an interview with a parent who for me, this was probably the most important most powerful interview of my entire career. Sheila Lewis eally. You may have seen her in fact, the movie where she shares about her son's tragic regression into severe autism immediately after some vaccines, but she also shares about a couple family members who have died from the COVID-19 vaccine. Honestly, she has the most powerful call to action for freedom loving people around the world. You're not going to want to miss this interview. We end within the news with Bernadette pager who brings to us that information that we're just not getting in the mainstream news. You're going to enjoy this show. Thanks for watching. I'm Dr. Paul. Hi, folks, Dr. Paul here from against the wind doctors in science under fire, you need to know about the members only area. So this is a way you can support the show because this show is not having any sponsorship whatsoever. We are beholden to no one. And the reason we can bring you information that you really aren't getting anywhere else is because it's supported by you, the viewers, what you get, however, in this membership section for the first month that's absolutely free. And after that for a good cup of coffee for 495. Here's what you get. I've written two amazing ebooks, we will have Q and A's live with me. We have transcripts of every episode, we have full episodes and other well edited episodes that are not in the main show. So you get exclusive content. And I will also be posting exclusive videos sort of from the cuff, when I have a thought that I just feel like I want the world to know about or if I read an article that it's like, wow, this is important people need to know about it. All of this will go in the members only section. So join the team against the wind be a part of the solution our world needs and sign up as a member and support our work. Dr. Paul here, welcome to my segment from the heart. Last episode I shared with you the concept of Kumu Shah. I grew up in Zimbabwe, and commercia represents your village, that place from which you came. And it's more than just your nuclear family or your compound. It's actually the entire village young adults and even older adults who leave the village and go off to the city to you know make a living let's say always fondly remember and return commercia This is the place you are always loved. This is the place you are nurtured. You are safe, and you are always welcome. And this is the concept I wanted for against the wind and our growing community. I remembered a couple things though that were really important from my childhood from my village experience from cool Moshe, that I wanted to share because it has value in our growing community today. at dinnertime, we often would sit in the kitchen hut, and the dinner would have been prepared in a fire in the middle of that hut and the entire family would sit around on mats and we would eat the dinner that was prepared for us. If a stranger it could be a complete stranger or maybe an acquaintance or another villager happens to walk by during a meal time. It is unheard of. I mean literally it never would happen, that that person would be allowed to pass without being greeted and welcomed in to eat to share the meal. And it was such a bonding experience because you now sit, eat, share Stories talk about past talking about what's going on in your life today and what your future hopes are. What an amazing thing to have happened, often to a complete stranger, the other pieces that when that meal was done, and when that stranger who's no longer a stranger, they're now a part of your world was ready to leave, we would do something called better kids. And that meant they never left alone. It wasn't a hug, and goodbye, and we'll see you later. It was I'm going to better kids, are you right? I'm going to walk with you halfway to their destination. And I was a part of this many times. And there's something uniquely bonding about going halfway to their destination, you've still got to return home. But it's a beautiful thing. And it represents what I want for us here at against the wind, we meet you halfway we walk with you halfway. That's our commercia. That's the message I wanted to share today. So to expand on that we want to bring in anyone that's on the outside and feeling like they want in, we want to listen and share stories. And we want to go halfway with you. I've learned that I'm so passionate about wanting kids to be safe, and concerned about vaccine safety that I'm perceived as shouting from the mountaintops. And that's not always the best way to communicate. What we really need is to create this strong, healthy village on this beautiful earth of ours where we can come together, be kind with one another and understand each other's truth. We may not always agree with one another. But we can certainly come together with love and kindness. Because I know we all want the same thing. We all want health, we want wellness, we want safety, we want community. And so we can do this by listening to one another, and engaging each other in this journey to get more information so we can make good healthy decisions for ourselves. Going forward, it's my hope that we do develop vaccines that are very safe, well tested for safety vaccines that work, and that our governing bodies, public health officials, the CDC, look at the current schedule, and let's focus on those vaccines that are really necessary to keep our children safe, and really rethink what we're doing. So it's all about safety and efficacy, and truly not doing any harm. So it's not about what's right or wrong. It's more about accepting what has been. And then looking forward with courage about what we need to do. as individuals and as a community. Welcome to against the wind. I hope you'll subscribe and join us on this journey as we create a commercia a village where everyone is accepted. And everyone's opinion is valued, so that we can work together to make this world a beautiful place. Dr. Paul, here it is my pleasure and honor to introduce to you Dr. Gary Cole. So it is really my privilege to have you on this show. I'm really privileged to be on it. So thank you for the invitation. Absolutely. Could you share with our viewers your background in medicine, sort of your journey? your credentials? Sure, yeah. So what are your thoughts on college I majored in science, biochemistry and biology. So I got out of Apple schools did okay. And I wanted to go back to the rural Minnesota to practice medicine. And Minnesota have exemptions for doctors who wanted to go into small town area to be exempt from the draft. So it's perfect, you know, so I wound up not having to go to Vietnam and having a lot of other psychological impacts on my brain and practice in small town, Minnesota for the rest of my career. Dr Gary Kohls 8:58 The last 10 years of my career, I spent practicing my called preventive psychiatry and I wound up mainly taking people off to the psychiatric meds. And I was in was in that era, where I realized how toxic the pharmaceutical industry was and promoting and are very actively promoting these toxic substances. without revealing the toxicity to the victims, and aggression. They were able to convince psychiatrists to prescribe them and us physicians to prescribe their Prozac and their site practices and you name it, there's 100 different highly toxic brain damaging substances that are often addictive and therefore produce permanent patients out to have to come every month or three months to get their toxic drugs and addictive drugs renewed. So that's it That was kind of the process. But all the while I was getting increasingly uncomfortable with the role of Big Pharma, how did you become aware that vaccines might be an issue? When I was, in practice, we only were giving three vaccines to the infants. So I wasn't even really ordering a lot of vaccines. So I never saw any autistic spectrum disorder and patients are Yeah, I don't think much of it I so I wasn't even really aware of the dangers of vaccines during the bulk of my practice career. So I was kind of innocent of being a victimizer of my patients. Yeah. What years did you practice? I'm guessing you're retired now. I'm retired. I've been retired for 12 years now. One of the incentives for me to retire I was thinking about it for a long time. got a message from them State Medical Board question, practice of taking people off of their sacred. So I probably was going to be in trouble with the medical licensure board. And instead of spending the how, you know how many hours it takes? Yeah. defense against anonymous ecozoic accusers? Yep. So I just threw out a towel. Yeah. Dr. Paul 11:14 Well, that that's happened a lot to a lot of doctors. And I don't think people are aware of that. In my own practice. I've had two physicians leave because of the assault on me. So they're like going, Oh, I don't want this rolling down towards me. And, you know, physicians are running scared of their medical boards, who really do the job of making sure the pharmaceutical agenda is what we stick to, by calling it standard of care. Yeah. And the best doctors are the ones that are leaving. I mean, right, right. Yeah, you're 15 years ahead of me. So you definitely started when there was no autism to be found virtually anywhere. That's right, zero. Yeah. Okay, I didn't have any when I started either back in the 85, when I graduate from medical school, basically, right into the 90s is when we started to have a few cases. And then by the 2000s. It's just exploded. Yeah, yeah. And it was in lockstep with the escalation of the low aluminum and the frequency of vaccines and the early ages of these vulnerable babies started with a Hepatitis B shot at one day of age. Yes, that that one was what woke me up. It was like, No, this, this does, MIT does not make any medical or scientific sense. And so when something doesn't make sense, folks, you have to start thinking, what's driving this. And it had to be money and conflicted agendas. Absolutely. So I think what I really wanted to have you on for today is you have such a great understanding of what's going on with things like relative risk, absolute risk numbers needed to treat. But before we get into that, can you you've been doing some research on your own about COVID. And what's going on, because you're retired, you have time. What what are your thoughts about PCR testing? Because that's what's driving this pandemic? I think as far as the numbers, go, share with us your thoughts about that? Okay, yeah, what we have is a PCR pandemic, and not a COVID pandemic. Because Dr Gary Kohls 13:21 the PCR test is totally flawed. It has no basis in making a diagnosis of COVID. And the inventor who got a Nobel Peace Prize, the Nobel Prize for it said that he can't use it to make a diagnosis of anything, the number of cycles that are that each test kit publishes in its product information sheet, varies a lot. And beyond that, you can't trust the results. Right. Dr. Paul 13:53 So that study showed, as I recall, the graph, you know, once you get to 33, 34 cycles, the chance of there being actual growth growable virus, a virus that can survive was zero. Exactly. I think that correlated with a false positive rate around 96 97%. Right, exactly. Yeah. And that's probably what your viewers need to know. So folks, this all sounds complicated. PCR stands for polymerase chain reaction. And it's this multiplication system that makes a fragment of a protein detectable is intended for scientific research, as you were saying, Gary, so, you know, really, we're misusing this test completely and creating a pandemic of positive tests. That has, I mean, a little tiny bit of relevance to clinical illness. I don't think either of us are saying there's no COVID that's not what we're saying, is just of a magnitude, a tiny fraction of what's actually being portrayed as going on is in our society, our society and the world at large has just sort of just fallen into this fear mode. And it becomes reality right when that's all you see on television. So Gary, let's get you into something I really was most interested in having you share. And that is you have a deep understanding of the difference between the relative risk and the absolute risk. And then when it comes to pharmaceutical products, the numbers to treat, but if you could maybe start with the COVID example of relative risk and absolute risk, if you can, and then take it wherever you need to go to make it clear to our viewers, Dr Gary Kohls 15:32 basically, relative risk reduction are is in a percentage number that compares one test group with another test group. And then comes up with certain. And medicine, it comes up with certain symptoms that occur with a vaccine, for instance, a group that's vaccinated in a group that's not vaccinated, and supposedly the unvaccinated group is supposed to be injected with a total placebo and just sailin. The truth is, of course, that the cutting scientists that are employed by Big Pharma will often include some toxin in the placebo group to make them have symptoms. And then the final analysis will look like the symptoms of both groups are about the same. In the case of the Pfizer group, for instance, they cumulated, the 44,000 volunteers, supposedly that were paid in dozens of sites all around the world, that they never really tell us where they were from. So some of the people who are getting the Pfizer experimental vaccine are from Pakistan probably are from India, or from China. No, probably not China, but South Africa and Brazil and South America. Yeah, absolutely. So of the sort of half of more in a placebo group, and half of them were in that treatment group. And they both nearly get the two shots, but month apart. And then they're so what they found, they decided the they could make draw conclusions from the results. When they got to about 150 people in both groups that develops symptoms, 150 out of 40 150, I don't think people realize that, that 95% of the 150, were in the they had symptoms where the placebo group and 5% were in the the active treatment group. And so they did that calculation and that tiny number 100 more people, as an example got symptoms in the placebo group than in the treatment group. So therefore, they figured they could report 95% effectiveness rate, relative risk rate, right? Yeah, yeah. So the comparison the contrast was relative to the other group. Yeah, rather than the same? Well, 100 out of 22,000. AD, were treated with a vaccine, and five out of 22,000. We didn't get it. So in what the actual risk reduction looks at is how many people didn't have symptoms in both groups. In the in the placebo group, hardly anybody developed at all, or had any symptoms of COVID. at all, right? Close to 100%. In both groups didn't have any symptoms at all. Dr. Paul 18:49 So when you look at absolute risk, what you're saying is, there's no difference statistically, there's no difference between placebo and the vaccine. Right. But they don't report that they don't report that Pfizer vaccine is is about point 8% effective versus what's advertised with a 95%. effectiveness. This is crazy, Gary, what they're saying on the news that this thing is 95% effective, and you'll hear different numbers. One of them I've heard recently 100% effective at preventing death and hospitalizations. That's like, Okay, first of all, it's only based on a few months at if that of testing. Secondly, the actual risk reduction is less than 1%. Yeah, absolutely. It the extent to which this vaccine might help you folks is less than 1%. They're using a statistical analysis trick of quoting relative risk as if that was actual risk reduction. Dr Gary Kohls 19:50 Functions claim that you could, if you had a Vaccine Injury, you could sue the pharmaceutical industry. No, you can't. idea that you is illegal to sue the farmers. Dr. Paul 20:03 So if you bring up a point that I don't think I've emphasized yet on this show, and that is, folks, if you take a COVID vaccine, or if you're a child and you take any vaccine, the vaccine manufacturers, we the doctors, any pharmacist or anyone involved in administering that vaccine has zero liability. I'm talking zero. It's all written in in the law in this country in the United States. The prep act, I believe, is the one that was used to kind of usher in the the COVID liability protections. It's absolutely insane if you get injured, so I care for so many patients who have had clear Vaccine Injury, and you are villainized, as are the doctors who bring this information to you that hey, Vaccine Injury is real, you are immediately marginalized, you're one of those anti vaxxers, which I'm not anti Vax, I bet you were never anti Vax, you just would have loved to have a nice, safe, truly effective vaccine that was properly tested against Real placebos with long term health outcomes, which none of that's ever happened. That's hard not to be a total anti vaxxer. Dr Gary Kohls 21:14 Because wherever it totally tested, the hepatitis B shot that babies are good at one day, it had mercury in it now it's got still got aluminum toxins to the brain, right? We're only tested for five days. And that and that was in adults that were prone to the sexually transmitted disease, which is what Hepatitis B is a sexually transmitted, they're the ones who should be getting the vaccine, not infants. Yeah. And we're getting. So yeah, Dr. Paul 21:44 this issue of the vaccine risk when we're talking about COVID, for those who've already been infected, Dr Gary Kohls 21:50 unless you know for sure about some of the outcomes, the pros and cons of some experimental treatment drug or vaccine treatment, or surgical treatment, we should not proceed with endorsing it. And so we're violating the industry is violating the precautionary principle. So we'll be proceeding with these vaccines until we know that they're safe and effective, not just short term. But long term and right, none of these vaccines have been tested for more than a couple of months. So we don't know anything about the long term efficacy. Right. So therefore, we should be hesitant in vaccine hesitancy makes sense when you when you consider the precautionary principle or the Hippocratic Oath for that matter. Dr. Paul 22:43 For sure, yeah, it's almost common sense. But I think common sense perhaps is, is not uncommon now. Dr Gary Kohls 22:51 When there's money involved, and we got greedy, sociopathic corporations, and that's what the Big Pharma corporations meet the definition of sociopaths, because they're they don't have any conscience. Their only dedication is to their shareholders that ensure Sure, yeah, so you trying to tell me that we shouldn't trust pharmaceutical companies? What happened to you? And I happened to Andy Wakefield, you know, absolutely. Yeah. That's a classic example of how the Big Pharma, big corporations, powerful corporations, have suppressed the ad very good science, it to their advantage to their economic advantage. Yeah. Dr. Paul 23:40 And they designed studies to show I call it tobacco science, where you predetermine the duration of the study, make sure it's really short, so you can't find any differences. And then you say, See, it's safe. And so like, if you smoked two packs a day, I'll smoke one pack a day. And then in a week, we'll see which one of us dies. Oh, neither one of us died. So tobacco is safe, smoking is safe. That's just like exactly what they've done with vaccine research. I think they have all sorts of pharmaceutical products. You have examples, I believe of pharmaceutical misbehavior, shall we say? where they've been found to basically be criminally negligent or if not intentionally harming the public for profit? Dr Gary Kohls 24:28 Yeah, yeah. There's tons of examples. Good back in 2012. That published the number needed to vaccinate for group three meningococcal vaccine, which is on the schedule, I guess, and if you don't have that shot, when you're going into college, most colleges, some colleges will not let you enroll. You can't. And yet, if it takes over 33,000 people have to be vaccinated with meningococcal The vaccine for one person did not get the meningococcal. Dr. Paul 25:05 Well, so we're going to inject 33,000 people. And I wonder how many of those 33,000 people injected with a very high dose of aluminum, which we know to be toxic, we know to trigger auto immunity? What percentage of those 33,000 they're going to have significant health outcomes that are terrible? Yeah, absolutely. No, it's not a miniscule number there. When you when you balance that risk benefit ratio, which is what we're as physicians, we're supposed to help our patients make a, you know, an educated, informed decision. It's hard to justify, you know, toxic injections to 33,000, to perhaps save one life. But of course, what we're told and even physicians, I used to say this, and I'm ashamed to admit it. But what if you're that one person, you know, it's devastating for you. So you want to get this vaccine? Because I mean, even one life lost is one too many. Have you heard that before? Of course you have. But what about the other 1000s of children's lives who are damaged, destroyed, go to an early death, a miserable, lifelong chronic condition that's created by that one vaccine? See, it doesn't, you have to weigh both sides? Dr Gary Kohls 26:27 Yeah. Yeah, that's right. And good. Science requires that both sides be heard. Right. So Donnie fire chief is an example isn't willing to debate Bobby Kennedy, or, you know, you're only going to hear one side of the picture. And that's bad science. Yeah, this propaganda propaganda only gives one side of the story, Dr. Paul 26:48 What's in it for the doctors who are in the public health arena? Why could Why don't they see both sides of this equation? This this relative risk versus absolute risk? This numbers needed to treat? This is good science. How is it that these supposedly, you know, pillars of knowledge and wisdom? How can that be it puzzles? Me? Dr Gary Kohls 27:12 Yeah, I thought about that a lot, too. I think epidemiologists don't get much respect not. They get respect when there's a crisis. And so they try to make a crisis out of something so that they can take charge, and then have the limelight for a while and feel good about themselves, et cetera. I think it's partly a procedures thing. I'm sure they get, you know, they ensure their careers, by adventure Fauci has enhanced his career many, many times with during the various crises, the HIV crisis, etc, the money is there subsidizing these folks. And then they have the spotlight faultiness conflicts of interest, and you can't trust somebody that is being paid to not look at both sides. Dr. Paul 28:03 Yeah, I think you highlighted something I hadn't put quite enough focus on. And that is, you know, the power corrupts. And, you know, I mean, these folks are governors across the country, the public health officials, they have more power, really than the president of the united states that how can that not be intoxicating, to be able to change? I mean, I'm in Oregon, and our governor, I mean, on practically a daily basis is making some new ruling that's either oppressing the population or taking them out of oppression with all these mandates. And I mean, you know, it's just amazing. And, and science, true. real science has been just thrown out the window. But you hear on the media, we follow the science. And it's like, I just shake my head, because the public has Not a chance. If you really believe that what you're seeing on television is science. You know, Gary, what you should what you shared about relative risk and absolute risk, right there. Boom, drop the mic, that that should wake everybody up to the fact that everything you're hearing on television, well, a tiny percentage is true. And here's the thing, folks, let me tell you, some of you watching have lost a loved one from COVID, or from something else. It may have been called COVID, when it was something else, but losing a loved one is is just heartbreaking. So we're not trying to make a little of that whatsoever. But we're also trying to help you understand that you don't need to live in fear. Because you can walk outside without a mask, you can walk in the forest, and you will know that you're okay. Now, with regards to the COVID vaccine, you understand that the older you are there's definitely an increased risk. And based on when you graduated from medical school, I know you're considerably older than I am have you that would put you in a fairly high risk category according to the data? Have you taken the COVID vaccine yourself? Dr Gary Kohls 30:08 Nope, never will. Dr. Paul 30:10 Alright folks, almost 80 years old, his risk is probably around 5% was what the data would show or it might even be as high as 20%. And yet, here is an educated, informed MD medical doctor who totally understands this disease, and the testing, and the treatments and the options, the vaccines, and he's not going to get this vaccine that should give you pause, like I have so many friends, my own parents have gotten the vaccine, despite what I've tried to share with them. And so many of my closest friends are lining up and rolling up their sleeves for an experimental vaccine that never had any long term testing that we now know is quite dangerous from the reports that are coming out. And here's an educated man, doctor who totally gets it. And you'd have to hold him down to get him to take this vaccine at gunpoint. Mind you, Gary, I join you in that there is no way. Absolutely no way. Now, let's fast forward to three years. And it turns out that it was amazing. I'll give them a little longer rope to see what happens. I am not anti science, I am absolutely not anti vaccine, if we can get one that's actually safe and highly effective, and is going to do so much good compared to harm. We know children in particular, have a much more robust, innate immune system. This is why I mean, otherwise you would be born and you would die. Because you come from a sterile environment into a world that's just teeming with viruses and bacteria. Why do infants not die while they they're just designed to have a robust, innate immune system that kicks in right away, and kids are, they're so unaffected by this COVID-19 disease, the SARS COVID, to virus that the idea of vaccinating children, given what we now know, given the science folks the real science, it would be insane. I have got a huge practice over 10,000 patients for cases of mild COVID that with some of the might be false positives. In 10,000 people's and a year of having my practice open, we never closed our doors, and nobody was sick. Nobody in the ER nobody in the hospital clearly no deaths. Now, let's pit that population of 10,000 against you give me 10,000 kids who get the vaccine, and let's follow their health long term. Just give us some thought I would put those 10,000 patients up against any other 10,000 vaccinated kids. And there's no question Who's going to do better? I mean, you have my data from my most recently published paper, the highly vaccinated are just having so many chronic conditions when compared to the unvaccinated. Maybe in closing, Gary, Doctor calls, if you could share with our audience, what would be your top few tips of what you think people should do today Dr Gary Kohls 33:11 Educate themselves about about the real science, not corporate sciences, pseudoscience, you're hearing what the corporate pharmaceutical world is endorsing and demanding. And we're following the money. And we are realizing there's conflicts of interest. We need to doubt that information because we know the source of information is conflicted. Dr. Paul 33:40 So you don't realize that when you're watching television, or you're watching the news, you're actually simply partaking in a propaganda machine. It is so pervasive that it's overwhelming. And I would just say to you turn off the TV, turn off the mainstream news. start plugging into shows like this one against the wind, doctors in science under fire, Dell, big trees, high wire, the children's health defense, Bobby Kennedy, Jr. I mean people who are actually putting their neck out there to get you the real information. Yeah, well, we'll try to put in the in the description at the end of the show, a couple of these links that will research it and see where we can get you get the best access to you. I can't thank you enough for being on this show for sharing your heart and your wisdom. And I hope we do this again sometime. Dr Gary Kohls 34:32 Yes, I'd appreciate it and I and my kudos to you for you know, being so resilient and not giving up. Keep up the good work. Dr. Paul 34:39 Thank you, Gary, you have a lovely day out here too. Dr Gary Kohls 34:41 So thanks. All right. Bye bye. Dr. Paul 34:48 Welcome folks to against the wind doctors in science under fire. I am delighted to have Dr. Peter McCullough. He's an internist cardiologist, professor of medicine at Texas a&m and He has been very involved in the response to COVID-19, both academically and treating patients. So welcome to our show. Dr. Peter McCullough 35:08 Thank you, Dr. Thomas. Great to be here. Dr. Paul 35:11 Yes, you're I first became aware of you when I watched your testimony to the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services. You were stressing how treatable COVID-19 is. I think at that point, you were rather frustrated. Things are turning around, I understand. And then you you also have expressed some concern about vaccines. Maybe you could kick off a little bit right there elaborate on how treatable COVID-19 is now and your concerns there about that. And with regards to vaccines? Well, we've learned a lot about SARS, CO. B to infection and the covid 19 pandemic were more than a year. Dr. Peter McCullough 35:49 But and it's been rewarding to learn that early treatment approaches are clearly safe and effective, and have resulted in reductions in hospitalizations and deaths of 85%. And treating the infection early in high risk patients at the time of diagnosis at home is really important because it shortens the duration of viral shedding so each person is less contagious for a shorter period of time. Because patients can stay at home, they don't go out and spread it to others. They don't end up with a super spreader event. Keep in mind that every person hospitalized that comes from home with COVID-19 in the process of getting to the hospital calls relatives, paramedics, Uber drivers, taxi drivers, and creates a super spreader event. So all these millions of hospitalizations we've had have further to amplify the spread of infection. So clearly the best way to handle it is with early multi drug treatment at home, which is safe and effective, reduces the risks of hospitalization and death by 85%. and delete off treatment is actually a treatment we can give by infusion under the emergency use authorization. And that's a very specific antiviral antibody. Dr. Paul 37:04 That is something we don't do at home though, right the the antibody treatment Dr. Peter McCullough 37:10 While we given urgent care centers or emergency departments in in senior homes, and there are efforts right now to make this available by home infusion. So these infusions are very powerful, they're fully ua approved by the FDA, and high risk patients over age 50. Well worth multiple medical problems should really demand this form of treatment as an initial upfront step. Now it can be followed by additional medications to manage viral replication and bacterial superinfection cytokine storm and thrombosis so we put it into a program of about four to six drugs. This is fully endorsed by the Association of American physicians and surgeons who publish as a home treatment guide on this. And Americans really understand that COVID-19 is a treatable illness. early treatment really kicked in in the third and fourth quarters of 2020. It was responsible for the clearing out of the hospitals, and the simultaneous reductions in hospitalizations and deaths. So that we saw before the towards the end of December of 2020, early January 2021. And this is before the first person was fully vaccinated. So America has really been a success story on early treatment. I think you were a pioneer in a sense. You published an article August 8 and the issue of American Journal of Medicine titled The pathophysiologic basis and rationale for early outpatient treatment of SARS, COVID to COVID-19 infection, which I think you've been since updated in a more recent publication. Is that accessible to viewers how maybe you can summarize you've already kind of kicked that off. But if this was your family member who was at high risk or was coming down with symptoms that might be COVID-19. related. SARS, COVID, two related, what would you do for your family member? Well, the breakthrough was the understanding that we could operate initially off of empiric treatment based on pathophysiologic rationale and supportive information, small randomised trials, observational data that showed a signal of benefit with acceptable safety. I think that was the first important step. Others had said we should wait for large prospective randomized trials and guidelines. And I can tell you as a clinical trial, this is someone who's led large randomized trials, I've chaired data safety monitoring board for dozens of clinical trials, I can tell you that takes two to four or five years of time to quote wait for large randomized trials, we know that this is a fatal viral infection. So it's going to take at least four to six drugs to treat so single drugs are not gonna have a measurable impact. And so I think the big leap was the understanding and the publication in the American Journal of Medicine, which is now the most frequently downloaded paper for all of 2025 The American Journal of Medicine, and the update in reviews in cardiovascular medicine in a dedicated issue in December 2020, which is also the most frequently cited and downloaded paper in that issue. So these are probably the two most important papers in the COVID-19 literature because they teach doctors, how to work with drugs and regimens to treat patients early at home, not everybody, but high risk patients to reduce hospitalizations and death. Dr. Paul 40:26 We will provide links for those articles for sure. I understand that as part of your effort to try to get this important information out because I mean, when you first wrote this, got this published mean, people were just being told to go home and wait until they got sick enough to need to be hospitalized. It was just a disaster in a sense, because that's not how you treat a potentially fatal illnesses. Wait at home till the last minute, right. Dr. Peter McCullough 40:52 So before the American Journal of Medicine paper, there were early innovators. Dr. Vladimir's malenko in New York City gets a lot of credit. He stood toe to toe with a virus he was treating the Orthodox Jewish community in New York, he worked with different regimens, and Dr. Yvette Lozano in Dallas, had literally hundreds of patients lining up on the sidewalk outside of the clinic, she again empirically worked with a variety of different drugs. She put oxygen concentrators in all the rooms and treated an enormous amount of high risk patients, Brian Proctor, doctors all came together really shared ideas through an internet group called C 19. And advanced the field and and I think many Americans really breathed a sigh of relief when they understood that in fact, early treatment was available. The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons has a home treatment Guide, which can help guide doctors in their assistance of patients with these drugs. And for instance, you monoclonal antibodies takes a phone call by a doctor to a local er that stocks the monoclonal antibodies to administer them that they're in the treatment guide. And then if doctors are uncomfortable, a patient simply can't get through to their doctors on a weekend or off hours, they can use the telemedicine services in the back of the guide. And then there are 24 hour mail order pharmacies and others and patients can get important drugs. Fortunately, most of them are generic, their oral and when they're put into a treatment regimen, just like we would for acute HIV, or hepatitis C. These drugs reduce the duration of viral replication, reduce the duration intensity of symptoms, and markedly drop the risk of hospitalization and death. Treating sick people in it for a medical problem, which is a fatal medical emergency crisis is where the benefit, of course is going to be massive. So we've published recent paper on this about what's the public health impact, far and away the largest public health impact is to treat acutely sick patients and avoid hospitalization and death and bring them to the other side of natural immunity much lower in terms of public health impact would be any efforts on contagion control. vaccination in low risk patients there is just going to be a low impact in terms of the pandemic. So if we want to keep hospitalizations down and keep deaths down, we need to keep up the pressure on early treatment, keep up the message in early treatment, every American ought to be activated when they get COVID-19. Whether they get it naturally, or they get it after vaccination. So now we're seeing the cases of post vaccination COVID-19 come in, they look to be about the same severity. The recently, CDC has reported on 5800 cases 7% required hospitalization so it looks like the same COVID-19 infection. The CDC has recently reported now that in the United States, we have about 14 circulating variants, the most common variant we currently have is the United Kingdom variant. And we have relatively little of the original SARS Coby to woo hand wild type virus. So it we're in the world of a blend of mutant strains, early treatment using multiple drugs handles all the strains of infection. Dr. Paul 44:13 That's good news, folks, because you hear on the news all the time these new strains they're not perhaps not covered by the vaccine early treatment is key. Thank you for highlighting that for us. Welcome to the against the wind doctors and science under fire. This is our episode where my goodness I get to talk with one of my living heroes, Sheila Lewis le, we've met before in person and I have to say your story has touched me probably more than any other ever. And this is what I want listeners to realize when parents share stories of Vaccine Injury. They're doing it for you as a as an opportunity for you just to learn from their experience, so that perhaps it might guide you Sheila Louis-Ealey 45:00 And just having clear thinking about the decisions you may have to make. So welcome to the show. Sheila. I'm so glad you're here today. Thank you, Dr. Thomas. I'm glad to be here. I remember when we met It was 2016. In Washington DC at dinner. Dr. Paul 45:17 Yep. We sat together at dinner and I felt like I was sitting with a celebrity. You're to me you are, because you are so articulate in in telling the story of what happened to your your son, temple. maybe just maybe you could start there just for our listeners to be updated on kind of how that sort of set you on the journey, I think of where you are now. Sheila Louis-Ealey 45:45 It did 20 years ago. Actually, on my birthday, my 12 month old son was injured by vaccines. Now he had been injured at five months, but I didn't really understand what was going on. He developed this really high fever, and he was lethargic. I kept taking him back and forth to Andrews Air Force Base this emergency room because my husband was active duty coast guard at the time. And all they told me to do was give him Tylenol as what could it be the vaccines? And he said, Oh no, this is a natural reaction to his vaccines. So I brought him home, nurse them back to health and because he had had such a bad reaction, I didn't take him or his twin sister back for vaccines. And Matter of fact, I gave him his five month vaccine, but she didn't get hers because the doctor had emergency. So we left it wasn't because I wasn't going to get hers well baby clinic which was on a naval base calling and called and called called every two months to bring the babies in for a visit. And I just wouldn't do it. Reluctantly, I thought could this have been a reaction from these vaccines? But everyone I asked 20 years ago said no. So 12 months, I take both of the babies in and I've got another daughter. She's only 14 months older than the twins. So I put them all in the triple stroller. We walk the mile and a half to the clinic. I take him out first and the shots were lined up the hip, the D tap and the MMR for both babies three for age. As he's getting his shots, his twin just started. She was well, she was crying so profusely. And then she tilted herself over now 20 years ago, the type of stroller that I had had these bars on the side. So even though she was strapped in, she managed to wiggle her way out and tilt her body over. So I didn't want to hit her head. I picked her up to comfort her. And finally I got to quiet. And when I looked around, see what was going on with him because he was screaming. I noticed one of the shots was missing. So I asked the Physician Assistant, what happened to the other shot? And she said what are the shots that you had three lined up for each one of these babies? Where's the shot? She said, Oh my goodness, I think I gave it to him. I said Well, which one was it? And it was the MMR. He got a double dose of MMR. So I told her to call a doctor and the doctor comes in. She says, Well, we can get another shot ready for your daughter. I said, Oh, she's not getting shots today. I was furious. And I left. The minute we get back to our apartment. The doctor calls and said she called Merck. And she wrote it in the file actually. And they said he won't need the booster f4 but he should be okay. Well, I lost him that night. The next morning I go into his room, this little happy baby who was always bouncing on his crib and shaking, reaching for me to pick him up. He was lethargic. He was looking staring out into space. He could not even attach anymore. His body went limp. And I put them on the floor. He had learned to walk because his birth their birthdays was July 12 sister walked a month earlier. He walked exactly day after his birthday. So he had been walking, couldn't walk anymore. And he could even crawl for it. He was a good crawler. And I took him to see a developmental pediatrician at Bethesda. And he told me he's just baby be he's gonna be slow. I said no. He may have been slow with his language coming in. But he was making sounds he was mimicking eye contact was good. There's something wrong with my baby. So I immediately told my husband, I've got to go back to New Orleans and see the Doctor with that I'm accustomed to seeing who was a personal friend of mine, I need for her to help me with this. Now, nowhere in my thought pattern was the word autism, because I had never seen it. I never saw it growing up, I don't understand how they can even say better diagnosis. Because I would have recognized that diagnosis. There was no one I went to school with who had it, no one I grew up with who had it, no child that I'd seen previously, that looked the way my son looked. So the first step was taken to my friend who's a pediatrician. And she said, I believe this is autism. I said, What? What is that? She said, let me not even get into it right now. Let's get your referral as your neurologist. I said, Okay, fine. So I go in my husband and myself, we bring the baby. And the attending nurse comes on, she says, he doesn't just give this diagnosis, because it's rare. fill out this form, about what your child is doing. He's going to want to see your child, and then he's going to refer you out for therapies. And then to come back, as in, I'm thinking to myself, okay, that's a good thing. Because I looked up the word. So we go in to see him. And I went in first, because my husband had to go change Temple's diaper. And he's telling me the same thing, the nurse had told me what to expect. And he was very, very stern. He couldn't even believe I was there. So he, he said, I don't understand why you referred for this, because this is a really rare diagnosis. I said, Well, I personally don't want to be here. But these behaviors that I'm seeing and what's happened to my son, there's something more going on. So when my husband came in, he had already told me where we're going to take about an hour. At this appointment, we set aside that time to look at his motor skills to look at how his reflection and the different things that he's doing. When my husband came in, he told my husband put him on the floor. And he said, I don't even need five minutes with this child. This child, obviously has classic, Kara's autism. I said, What's that? He said he was born with it. I said, No, he was not. He says, Well, he's severely autistic. I said, Are you telling me My son has condition like that movie Rain Man, because that's the first time I'd ever seen anyone with autism. And honestly, when I watched that movie, I thought it was a Hollywood lie. I thought it was something that made up how long she was sorry to interrupt how long after that those vaccines were given. Were you having that evaluation where they're telling you it's classic autism, two months, in two months, and then two months, because I traveled home. And it took that long to get the first I took him to the developmental pediatrician in at Bethesda. And after that. Nothing of a diagnosis, right? Yes. Whoa, he's baby. I took him home. Dr. Paul 53:19 Yeah, so but you notice the change was immediately that same night that next day, he is walking, what how his eye contact at that point was that everything was gone. Sheila Louis-Ealey 53:30 Everything was gone. My child was gone. And you know, what's really tragic about that diagnosis is a ruse. It's a lie. It is a diagnosis given for brain injury, mitochondrial injury, because he started to make once I got back to New Orleans, and I stayed, and I arranged to have therapy and everything for him because by 18 months, I'd seen six physicians, all specialists in their field. And by the last one, my husband told me, we're done. How many times you've got to hear that this child is going to need to be institutionalized, and he's severely autistic. He says, that's a wrap on that. So I advocated for ABA therapy for my son through this clinic that I'd gone to because I was furious. When I left the neurologist. And I told him, I'm not leaving this office until you give me some satisfaction. So he gave me the personal number of a child psychologist who had just opened a clinic in New Orleans. And I called him immediately from my truck. And he answered the phone. He told me, I'm out of town. He says we're setting up an autism clinic because we're seeing more children, like your son. He said, I can. I'm going to call and get you in within two weeks. I said no. I mean, seriously. That's not going to work for me. And also furious and I'm gonna cry baby, it takes a lot to make me cry. He said, Okay, let me see what I can do. So I saw him within two days. And when I saw the pediatrician that he used the first question he asked me, How did you get this diagnosis? This is an a condition for black children. I said, he please read like everyone else. He says, We don't see black children with this condition. This is 20 years ago. And in my advocacy work, that's what I started advocating and tell the truth, because what I realized that that moment, what happened to me happened out of ignorance, because I trusted a system that did not protect my son. I didn't care that he was different. And then all of our bodies were not the same. So I started singing like a canary. I mean, I was talking to everybody I wanted to every doctor, I knew I started going to conferences. I wanted to learn more, and more and more about this condition. And what I discovered was, I was right on the cusp of the avalanche of these children. Yeah, I was there when Dan was started. I was there when all of the doctors got together and and we're trying to figure out exactly what was going on. But what I didn't know at that time, he had more, those vaccines actually damaged his mitochondrial cells. And that's why he was so floppy. So we, we had just the amount of tragedies during that time. I mean, we got washed out for Katrina, we were displaced, a call refugees. And in Texas, for nearly two years, we were homeless. And then we came back to New Orleans. And it was just a nightmare. I mean, I was sleeping on the floor with rats, because it couldn't get a feed material. So by the time we got everything back established again, he started morphing. And I started noticing there's something else wrong with him. So I had become personally involved with a lot of the dam doctors, I was taking them everywhere. And a prominent one told me one day, she said, Sheila, I've taken him as far as I can take him. He's a hard nut to crack. There's something else wrong with him. But I don't know exactly what. So I go back home, I get involved with the Autism Society of Greater New Orleans. And the President of the society calls me one day she said, Sheila, that's the geneticists in town. And he wants a seminar. I said, for what we've all been through genetics, because back then they were only doing a few rats, and a few others. I said, Okay, well, I'll talk to him. So he called me a talk to him. And I said, Listen, we've all been through genetics, what good is that going to do us? We're not interested. He says, Well, I want to tell you something. There, we now know that there are 77 genetic conditions that are primary and autism is secondary. And when he told me that I said, Okay, let me give you seminar. So I gave him a seminar, we had about 150 parents who showed up to the seminar. He comes in, and I'm listening. And he shows this child with mitochondrial disease. And he goes through the whole slide presentation. And I couldn't believe what I was seeing. After that, I said, Listen, here's a picture of my son. I believe he has that condition. He told me, he said, I can see something different in him. He says, you'll be he'll be my first patient. So tilbyr was his first patient. And back then we had to do the whole genome sequence, which was about 30 grand. You know, we didn't have these small 23 me's and just a simple blood test to see if you had a condition like mitochondrial disease. So temple had to go in as an outpatient to do a muscle biopsy. Along with the blood work, all of that went off to Baylor and then it went to the UK to the Genome Institute, took eight months for it to come back. And imagine my surprise, when he told me he had primary mitochondrial disease complex one, I said, What is that? And when he explained it to me, I asked him, I said, so I want you to look at me and tell me that that double dose of the MMR with those other vaccines didn't do this. He said, I cannot. Yes, this is a child that never should have been vaccinated. Dr. Paul 59:53 That's That's the important message right? There are so many people walking around having children should not be vaccinated. And we're not doing anything about it to personalize medicine. We're just using this one size fits all approach. With Now, of course mandates. It's eliminating informed consent. I believe you've had within your family actual tragedy with COVID vaccine. Sheila Louis-Ealey 1:00:20 Yeah. I've had family members who have taken the vaccine and to have passed away. Dr. Paul 1:00:25 Wow. How soon after the vaccines did they pass away? Sheila Louis-Ealey 1:00:30 One was in three weeks, and the other one was in two Dr. Paul 1:00:34 My goodness. And, of course, you know, you have this mitochondrial family history, I would say, Yeah. Which I'm sure puts your family members at greater risk for Vaccine Injury, I imagine. Sheila Louis-Ealey 1:00:48 Well, the thing about genetics, it loads the good. But vaccines pull the trigger? Yeah, I have so many genetic abnormalities myself, that I passed on to my son, Eddie, I had no idea about, I have two rare snip panels to the most dangerous. So a mother always passes it on to the Son, and every other daughter, my middle daughter has it in temple has it. Now, this is only by the grace of God that temple lives. Because when he was born, the vitamin K wasn't mandatory. Had he had the vitamin K, he would have been a sense, baby. And yet, every thing that mothers, millions of mothers around the world have said or researched is being debunked. When in the history. Can we ever look back and say, mothers were so devalued in looking to see what was going on with their child. Yet before this avalanche of autism, the Vaccine Injury called autism, you would take your child into anywhere an emergency room, a pediatricians office, a specialist, and the first thing they want to know, what's your observation of your child, except for this? Dr. Paul 1:02:16 You are a true leader in this movement to help set people free and to save our country. And to save the world. I hope the world is listening. And I hope we mobilize behind this effort. Do you have any particular resources where you would say people should go here to get their information because you know, the information that's out there on the mainstream channels is is just close to worthless. Sheila Louis-Ealey 1:02:42 It is children's health defense has a news article that they put out daily called the defender, every thing that's happening worldwide, they're already talking about it. Please subscribe, it's free. You can donate if you want to. But you don't have to subscribe to the defender. read those articles. Learn how you can get involved, because this is what it's going to take. This is a grassroots effort. This country was thought and won on grassroots efforts, and nothing is going to come easy for us. So stop looking for the easy way out. There is no such thing as I'm just going to sit back and wait and see what happens. We all have a part to play. And we all have to get involved. It is your life. But it's not just your life. It is the lives of the next seven generations. And you have to ask yourself, your children, your children's children and their on how do you want them to be able to live in this world? There are shackles with no bomb. I'm not bounded up here in a shackle. But yet we've been under house arrest all of us for over a year now. So you tell me if there's not a form of enslavement? Dr. Paul 1:04:10 Folks children's health defense is absolutely the most amazing resource I've been able to find. And you can ask any question on their website search. And you will find the answers if it has anything to do with vaccines. It has anything to do with medical freedom, informed consent, or what's actually going on in the world today. That is important. That is vital. I hope you will visit and sign up for that newsletter. Read it get your research there because they are beholden to no one. They are not in anybody's pocket. They are simply telling the truth and sharing the information that you're not getting. Through all the mainstream channels. The censorship that's going on and most of the mainstream outlets is so massive that the truth cannot even come through So check this out and join us. Thank you, Sheila. I am just so I think we're just going to put this up as is there's no edit needed. This is amazing. That's my baby. It's just its own show. You are so articulate. Thank you for gracing us with your wisdom and your knowledge and your passion. Sheila Louis-Ealey 1:05:20 I thank you for having me. Dr. Thomas, I appreciate it. And it's so good to see you again. Dr. Paul 1:05:25 Oh, it's delightful to see you I given everything you've gone through. I can't imagine how you just are radiance of light and hope and truth. You bless us all. Thank you. You're welcome. God bless you. God bless you too Dr. Paul here with our final segment for this show. In the news with Bernadette pager. She is the Public Policy Director of informed choice Washington and the host of an informed life radio. Brenda, it was so great to see you down at the immunity conference in Ashland this last weekend. Bernadette Pajer 1:06:04 Wasn't it great to see people in person, it was so fabulous, you know, I love I love our people I was so inspired. They brought both very alarming information about what's going on. But also a lot of hope a lot of that we can make Dr. Paul 1:06:20 it truly was the best conference I think I've ever attended. There was this harmony of this understanding that we're going to reach people with heart, and not necessarily with facts. But of course, it was loaded with important information. We had three different pediatricians, myself being one of them. And what was amazing was that each of our practices where we honor informed consent, we were having the same experience of our unvaccinated patients being so incredibly healthy. And to have that just repeated over and over again, in our various practices was was very, I don't know how to put it, but it's powerful, Bernadette Pajer 1:06:56 very powerful. And all three of you are facing various levels of pushback from medical boards and such because you do get informed consent. So you know, how are things going with you Dr. Paul, in Oregon, with her medical board meeting of the medical board? Dr. Paul 1:07:14 Well, I'm really good today. So I hope people can see I'm happy. And Heck, I can take my glasses off. I don't need to read anything. Today's a good day. But I had a couple of rough days this week, to different letters from the medical board. Just to remind people who might not know the story in December December 3, I was served in emergency suspension, because I was a threat to public health. That came after five days after my publication of the data from my practice that showed, you know, the unbox patients being very, very healthy. I've gotten that data at the request of the board actually, which is sort of interesting that they didn't like what they found, I guess. Then we had the hearing with the investigative committee, which was in March, a little month and a half ago. And I had heard nothing until this week. So this week, I get another massive 24 page document from the board. That is the suspension of my license, you know, sort of the culmination of their investigation. And we have set a trial date for January of 2021. That's the soonest that that could take place. 2022. Okay, I'm sorry. 2022. Yes. So it will have been a year and a half a year and a month since I was able to see a patient before I even get my chance in court. So that was, yeah, I had a rough day because in addition to that fact, was this wording in the document that you can be fined $10,000 per incident. And I recalled from the previous document that one of the things we do in our practice is patients who do the MMR and would like to avoid a second one. In Oregon, you're allowed to prove immunity with titers. So we would do a lot of MMR titers to prove immunity and in most cases, kids are very immune after one vaccine. Well, they had written in that this was a violation of ethics. And so I have, you know, hundreds of patients who've had titers, and there were at some in their initial complaint, and I'm just doing the math, you know, 10,000 times hundreds and we're talking millions. So I kind of had a panic attack almost like oh my gosh, Bernadette Pajer 1:09:20 there but there's an actual law and I forget which state it is back east a Holly's law, which is in New Jersey, I forget what state it is. But Holly's law actually states that parents have to be told of their right to titer test before the second dose. So how can it be a law that the parents have to be told and be given this option? And for Oregon be saying you're breaking the law by exercising by doing that very thing that there's no way they're gonna win on that point. Dr. Paul 1:09:51 It makes no sense as you know, Oregon by law, it's on the website from the Oregon Health Authority accepts titers as adequate proof of them immunity. So I was following the law. It's not a logical thing. It's just an emotional thing. This possibility this huge, fine. So long story short, I'm okay. Now I've realized that, you know, I'm not going to concede to charges that are blatantly false. So, so if I have to go battle it, I will. Yeah, that's where we're at. So those of you who want to, it does look like I'm going to need to raise another $100,000. So we do have the ftc.dpapproved.com website for fundraising for the legal fund. But otherwise, no, I'm now Well, I just went through a couple rough days of my life, my life's gonna be over kind of thing. No, I'm back this money. Yeah, true, right. I mean, so anyway, you have some very information, very important information for our viewers. And that is resources. So if you wouldn't mind just taking us through some of the most important resources that you feel we should be aware of? Bernadette Pajer 1:11:00 We'll do can you see that? Okay, Dr. Paulus, I do. All right, here we go. So I just want to inspire all of your viewers learn share act, you know, we're going to come through this better than ever, and we're going to give you the resources, some you probably know, but I don't know if you know them as well, as you think you do. You got to visit these places a couple of times a week, if not every single day. So of course, we've got children's health defense, it's, you know, so much information, articles, resources, links to science and action campaigns. So you don't have to feel powerless, you can take action. And along with children's health defense, they now have this online magazine called the defender app, you know, if it was if it just happened 12 hours later, they've got a brilliant article on it. I often republish, they allow you under certain, you know, just make sure you give him copyright, they allow you to republish their excellent work. And of course, we know the high wire with a Dell big tree. Fantastic every Thursday, just top notch interviews today was heartbreaking. He has seen injured women on today that I encourage you to go back and watch just again, great information. And they are part of ICANN, the informed consent Action Network, which is also a nonprofit, and you got it, you can go look at the white papers, the legal filings they're doing, they're looking at the long game of just completely changing the whole system here. You know, the fraud and the regulatory agencies and everything going wrong. They're just chipping away, getting the answers they need, so they can move toward the action, the legal civil action that will ultimately be taken. And then we have National Vaccine Information Center, Barbara loe Fisher founded this years ago, still a fabulous mainstay, you can join, they'll send you action alerts, things you can do at your own state things you can do at the federal level. This is where you're going to find a place if you go to, I think vaccines in the drop down menu, you can go to med alerts calm and go search for bears, and get great information that way. And then they too have an online magazine that is just so professionally done the vaccine reaction, excellent articles up to date, on from all sorts of angles, the political, the industry, and of course, the science, it's a great place to tune into every week. And then if you really want to have hope and healing and action, I recommend green med info se or G is the you know, the head guy there great information to give you hope that we're going to get through this, that you can heal your body, you can heal your children, we can heal the planet, we can build a better world. And so I encourage you to go there, the Dr. Henry ealy. And the researchers who are looking really closely at the fraud and corruption happening at the CDC. You'll find some great information on that as well at Green med info, organic consumers, they're kind of aligned with all of us and everybody another great place where a lot of action and campaigns to sign up for great information and articles encourage you to go there. There's a lesser known Alliance for human research protection, advancing voluntary informed consent to medical intervention. Just some stellar people are on the board of this and belong to this. In fact, Jennifer Margulis, who's down in Ashland, Oregon, a PhD, fabulous writer, science writer and your partner in crime and some wonderful books you've written. I encourage you to go there some great articles and action to be taken. And then a lot of people aren't aware of BBC age, which is called building bridges and children's health. That the title of this organization they've kind of stepped slightly different away. From their their origins, and but it has become this fantastic learning experience. It's led by the PhD immunologist, Dr Tatiana opaca haddish. And I apologize if I still do not pronounce her name correctly, I consider her a dear friend. When you join this, you get access to high level classes, but they're very understandable for the lay person about natural immunity. And you get to join study groups, and you get regular zoom meetings where Tatiana will take a very timely subject like thrombocytopenia following vaccination, and, and dive into the science and bring it to you in these in these zoom meetings. And I apologize, I don't know why my I'm making noises here. And then you get to have conversation it is it is really fantastic. It's $100 a year. But that rounds down to less than $10 a month. And I highly recommend it for somebody who really wants to understand the science of what's going on. And then of course, we've got great state groups. So I've got the one that I'm associated with informed choice why.org. Just so much information or radio show all kinds of things you can click on and explore. We've got the or Oregonians for medical freedom in your own state. They're doing great work, join them support, what they're doing. Health choice national, they have a lot of friends and affiliates and fortress Washington is one of their affiliates, you can go there and look up your region and see if you can find a medical freedom informed consent group through them. And there's more I mean, I could go on and on. And I was so happy that I was overwhelmed with excellent resources. And and I didn't know where to stop. Right. So but I'll stop here. Well, yeah, just you know, I'll just say when one man stands up 50 more girl backbone. And I tell you there everybody's getting to their feet right now. It's very exciting. Dr. Paul 1:17:05 Thank you, Bernadette for one of the being one of the people that does stand up for medical freedom and freedom in general. You are really a huge blessing to, you know, against the wind doctors and science under fire. Thank you for hosting the news segment. And we'll see you again soon. Bernadette Pajer 1:17:23 Yeah, you bet. Take care of Dr. Paul. Dr. Paul 1:17:25 All right. Take care. Thanks for watching. I pledged you to bring to you honest and vital content that's going to help you first do no harm to yourself or to your children. help me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors in science comm This is going to be a show every other week. And as soon as we get adequate funding. We're going to bring this to you weekly. We stand together for medical freedom and informed consent, only you should decide what's injected into your body. So I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors in science.com sign up, donate if you can. Let's make this the weekly show the nation's been waiting for it. I'm Dr. Paul. Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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