PDF:TEXT:Dr. Paul 0:10
Could it be that our health freedom is truly under fire? Is it possible that our public health officials have been lying to us? How do we seek the truth when doctors have been led to believe in the marketing slogan that vaccines are safe and effective? This show will highlight the importance of informed consent. I'm Dr. Paul Thomas, and welcome to against the wind, doctors and science under fire. Duck Paul here, welcome to show six. This is gonna be a really great show for you. I am introducing to dr. john Travis MD, who is fast becoming a friend of mine has he goes by jack, he has a history that started in the wellness world. And he has come to us now this past year dedicating much of his energy into developing a program that allows anyone free access to information about vaccines in a way that's understandable, referenced beautifully, and he's got some really pearls of wisdom that you're not gonna want to miss. We're then hearing from six year old Liliana and her mom share the story about her development of eight m acute disseminated encephalomyelitis This is a brain inflammation that can happen after viral infections, it can happen after vaccines. And it was just a story I thought you should hear and become aware of. I then share with you a couple doctors Dr. Harper and Dr. Sutton, who have undergone the sort of thing I've been undergoing with medical boards. These are doctors who are very focused on individualized care, wellness, integrative medicine, and were then targeted for typically things like providing informed consent, and that this is somehow a threat to the establishment and medical boards who stand to support these abolishment and the status quo. So why don't you hear those stories so that you can start to understand that this is happening across the land. And it's something we need to be aware of, and probably address with our legislatures and our medical boards. And finally, I just wanted to put out there that if you yourself if you're watching this and you have a Vaccine Injury story that you feel the world needs to know about. Please get ahold of us just go to doctors in science COMM And there'll be a link there where you can get in touch with us. We would like to share your story. If you feel like this is something that's really important The world needs to know. Because those are the stories that tend not to get reported, oftentimes to bears and are being overlooked in our science rollout. For example, the COVID-19 vaccines, we just want more information. We want the truth to get out to you. Of course our show always ends with Bernadette pager who brings us what's new in the news that you're not getting on mainstream news. You're not going to want to miss it this week. And of course, enjoy the show. I'm Dr. Paul. Hi folks, Dr. Paul here from against the wind doctors in science under fire you need to know about the members only area. So this is a way you can support the show because this show is not having any sponsorship whatsoever. We are beholden to no one. And the reason we can bring you information that you really aren't getting anywhere else is because it's supported by you, the viewers, what you get. However, in this membership section for the first month, it's absolutely free. And after that for a good cup of coffee for 495. Here's what you get. I've written two amazing ebooks, we will have Q and A's live with me. We have transcripts of every episode, we have full episodes and other well edited episodes that are not in the main show so you get exclusive content. And I will also be posting exclusive videos sort of from the cuff when I have a thought that I just feel like I want the world to know about or if I read an article that it's like wow, this is important people need to know about it. All of this will go in the members only section. So join the team of against the wind be a part of the solution our world needs and sign up as a member and support our work. Dr. Paul here with from the heart to use the words of our guests from today's show, dr. john Travis MD, the currency of wellness, his connection. What I want to share today from the heart is my experience growing up in Africa in a small village from the age of almost five through about age nine. We were in a village with thatched roof huts, no running water, no electricity and probably less than 100 homes probably less than 15 This was a small African village. And what I experienced in those years was what we called in Shona the language that I was dreaming in at that time immersed in that language, and that culture was cool. Moshe commercia is home. And it's more than just the household. But it's the entire village. So if you're traveling through Zimbabwe, as a native person of the land, and somebody was to ask you, where are you going, I need to clear the commercia, meaning I'm going home and you're not talking about your house, but you're talking about your village, the homestead, the people, that community, what we're facing today, in this world, in the world of COVID, in the world of isolated family units, and nothing against our family units, they are so important, but we're lacking community, we're lacking commercia. And it is sorely needed, desperately needed today. My hope for you, as you sort through the chaos that is our world today is that you start building your commercia you start building your village. And that's those people who have a heart for you, those people who understand and love you, to your core unconditionally. I'm learning that when we face stress, when we face hardship, I had my own right back December 3, when the medical board emergently met and took my license, emergency suspended my license. I thought this was a disaster. But it caused me to slow down and reflect and open up my spirit, which has led me to just amazing things, this show being one of those things. So I urge you, if you also are feeling stress, or some that just, you know, hard things have come upon you use that as your opportunity to pivot there is a purpose behind everything. So join our community here at against the wind, doctors in science under fire. We are becoming a community of folks who are open to whatever it is that we're supposed to be open to. Right. We're not here to say this is the only truth or that's the only truth. But let's unite. And let's make something wonderful of our world today. Thanks for your attention. I'm Dr. Paul. Welcome to another episode of against the wind doctors in science under fire. It is a such a privilege to have jack, you go by jack what your legal name is john Travis, MD correct. Dr John (Jack) Travis 7:37 My friends call me jack. Yeah, Dr. Paul 7:38 I'm glad I can call you a friend. And you did a lot of work in wellness and then infant wellness, which I'm a pediatrician, so that just intrigued the heck out of me. And then more recently, you know, you've really gotten involved with the vaccine issue and I thought the work you've done is so powerful. tell our audience a little bit about your background. Dr John (Jack) Travis 7:58 Well, a picture's worth 1000 words my dad who was a small town GP surgeon ophthalmologist obstetrician, he did it all dispense his own meds. His patients would ask me when they come by the house, are you going to be a doctor like your daddy when you grow up? And it wasn't hard to figure out the right answer to that. I was a nerd. In high school. This is my science project. When I came out the other end of Tufts Medical in 1969 and did my internship in San Francisco. I discovered I just couldn't write prescriptions for drugs, I couldn't remember the doses I couldn't remember the names. It just felt wrong to be drugging symptoms. And I instead discovered that I could change behavior by teaching people what we call biblio therapy. I did a residency at Hopkins and preventive medicine. Though I also stumbled on this little book for $2 on the clearance table, he connected health with mental, emotional, physical and spiritual at blew my mind. I thought wellness was a silly word to never catch on. But the ideas were amazing. I realized there's many degrees of wellness as there are of illness with awareness, education and growth being the steps along the way. And that led to the wellness inventory, which had three paper versions and then the computerized version that's now used worldwide online and colleges and universities and even the US Army's using. And then, just a year ago, I was plunged into my fourth career, when I realized that vaccinations are being weaponized and the misuse and so forth, which led to what I'm going to be describing with the web tool that is so pivotal to what's going on in our world today. Right with COVID and lockdowns and masks and we are not being connected and it is just so devastating to our health. So walk us through what you've done this past year to help folks who are you know, needing easy to access a place to Gotta be educated about vaccines. My biggest concern when I got into this is I think we're preaching to the choir. Amen to that. Some reasons for that are that we have a watershed of divide here of the conventional worldview that we live in a democracy compared to the alternative of it's really a corporatocracy, that farmers are ethical versus their serial felons with about $3 billion a year they pay in fines, they don't lock up the executives anymore. They used to write the cost of doing business. And the belief that vaccines have been proven safe when they actually haven't been proven unsafe. The belief that they're effective when it's quite very questionable how much actual disease they prevented versus public health measures. And the belief that these regulatory organizations are, are independent and not corrupted, whereas it's clear that they've been captured by Big Pharma, yes. And that the media are objective, when clearly they've been bought, and they're the largest sponsor other than an election years as Big Pharma. Correct. And then the belief that we need to censor people to protect them, the canceled culture and all of the censorship that's been going on our voice, that there's no dialogue. And, you know, when people like Robert Kennedy gets censored, it's like, What? Dr. Paul 11:35 Do you got a problem? Dr John (Jack) Travis 11:39 Yeah, yeah. And so just to point out the comparison of lobby spending by Big Pharma, it's the top one there, and the others don't even come close to it. So the conclusions of this are the conventional worldview, people think we have axes are evil, whereas we're aware that the research doesn't support the conventional narrative that led to to this tool. So now let's get into it. I explored it and it's really simple and beautiful. So let's, let's take people through it. Okay. Well, because we don't really know much about the oncoming vaccines of for COVID. It's the same companies have brought us the CDC schedule. And all of the traditional vaccines, we can learn a lot and extrapolate by studying them with simple quiz of 10 statements, and you judge them true or false. And here they are, won't be time to read them all. But you can get an idea, the kind of questions they're all provocative after you answer the 10 questions, and you'll get a score and it gives you a little introduction. And then you can see right at the very bottom right, it says read why. And if you click that, then you can see the document documentation of why the statement is true or false. And I hope you can see that a lot of blue text links in there. So you click on any one of those, and it will take you to the sources. Dr. Paul 13:07 So this is really well done. Thank you so much for this tool. I had a lot of fun clicking through it, it's and it's quick, folks, just just get in there, see where you might be missing some key information, click on those resources. It's amazing. Dr John (Jack) Travis 13:20 So after you've been through the statements and explored what you want to summarize them with links back to the different statements that describe them, you can click on then parentheses, other actions that you can do I love this quote of George Orwell's in a time of universal deceit, telling this truth is a revolutionary act. I'd like to share this recent pronouncement of Bobby Kennedy's itself, so sums it up, you're on the frontlines of the most important battle in history. And it's the battle to save democracy and freedom and human liberty and human dignity from this totalitarian cartel that is trying to rob us simultaneously, in every nation in the world, of the rights that every human being is born with. Thank you, Bobby. Yes, heard this expression, and it rang true to me. I wish I knew came up with it. It led to my belief that how we counter it is that with connection, yeah. And the type of connection that we see today is not what we really need because we're mammals. And we've been through the most disconnection of the century in this past year and we need to reconnect. Just a reminder in closing that our mammalian needs are crucial, that is amazing. A gem that will be hopefully enjoyed by many, many people. I really like the connection piece because We've got to get back to being connected folks. Dr. Paul 15:01 Get outside, get your masks off, especially when you're outside and connect with people again. I'm wondering just for fun as we wrap this up, let's talk about the psychology of the conspiracy denier. So folks, we're about to look at a writing by Tim foils on the psychology of the conspiracy denier. And he opens up with a really nice little statement there that I'll let you go ahead and read that jack. Dr John (Jack) Travis 15:29 He says, Why is it that otherwise perfectly intelligent, thoughtful and rationally minded people balk at the suggestion that sociopaths are conspiring to manipulate and deceive them? And why will they defend this ill founded position was such VMAs, he finally says, I think I know what causes it. It's that as infants were born into the world to trust, because we're helpless, and we trust our parents, and it's largely justified in most cases, and we're taken care of. But what happens is that we never outgrow that belief in a giant authority in the sky. If Big Pharma has captured us, it's no longer doctors, you know, the values of my country doctor father had are gone out so Dr. Paul 16:19 on the protocol, and the protocol is based on the symptoms, and we've got a drug for you. So for some closing remarks for our viewers, do you have anything on your heart you just like to share to the world, Dr John (Jack) Travis 16:29 I'm learning how to disagree without being disagreeable? And you're a role model for that? I Dr. Paul 16:35 don't know. Dr John (Jack) Travis 16:37 To be able to love them, even if they're, I think nuts, they think I'm nuts. To to not get into the polarization that is separating us all. So Dr. Paul 16:51 yeah, yeah, thank you for thank you for that reflection, I think I'm reaching that same conclusion that, you know, once you go down the rabbit hole of this research, as you've done, and I've done, you can't deny the massive amount of information that you're sitting on. And you can't turn back and just do business as usual. But but then how do you reach people who haven't even started the journey of becoming informed? And that's what I'm hoping we can all work together to not shame or looked down on anybody because of where they are in their journey. And, and even acknowledged the fact that I mean, some vaccines have benefits, and some people want to use them, and that is their choice. But we want it to be an option, not a mandate. Exactly. Very important link the website, which is vaccine facts dot info. Well, Dr John (Jack) Travis 17:49 thank you. It's been great to get to express this to a willing audience. Well, Dr. Paul 17:55 thank you for joining the forces and linking arms with those of us who are trying to really wake people up, provided you've provided an awesome resource. I look forward to meeting you in person hopefully soon. Okay. Bye, jack. So we're actually smiling underneath these masks. And I am so privileged to have Lily and Brianna right here to share a little bit about your story. So I think Lily boy like your mask with that on your mask. Kiki, like a kitty. That's cool. And I like your leggings. Those are great. So I was gonna ask your mom a few questions, because when you were younger, you had something happened that she she wanted to share with the world so that other people can know how, hopefully to avoid that. Right? That'd be all right. Okay, so tell tell me the story of kind of her journey with health and what happened. Brianna 18:58 When we moved to Portland about six years ago, I had always spaced out my children's vaccines. I only wanted them to have one at a time. Yeah, I'm not anti vaccine. I just try to be more careful because so much in the system at one time seems to me just common sense that it's too much. Okay. And so we were on the waitlist to be patients here. Sorry about that. It's okay. And but she still had to go to the doctor for checkups and we were at a different clinic. And they kind of I you know, they wanted to give her two vaccines at once. And I said no, I don't do that. And they kind of started they're just were pushy and pressured me and yeah. Dr. Paul 19:43 And I go to is she at that point, Brianna 19:45 she was two, okay. Um, it was February. She's three and she was would have been three in May. Okay, so they were pushy. And I ended up doing it. Yeah. But over the next few months, she started just low grade fever started like under 100 but you know, just she was always saying she wasn't feeling good. I mean, she could have already walk it two years old, very well. And I started noticing her walking started looking, she started to look like she was wobbling. And then it got worse. And she looked like she was just had just learned to walk. Dr. Paul 20:17 Wow, very unsteady. Brianna 20:18 Yeah. And so I brought her in here. And I think we saw you, I think that day, and you did a bunch of blood fingerprick blood tests. And then I remember you telling me I don't want you to be concerned. But I mean, get scared, but I have to send you down to the ER because there's more tests that they can do. And so we went to the ER, and they did ultrasounds on her legs. And they kept overnight. And then the doctor at the in the hospital basically said, if she can walk across the floor, I'm going to discharge you. And she's still walked across the room, but it was still wobbly. And I'm like, this doesn't really solve my problem. And then that was like, I think on a Tuesday that week, and then later that week, she was getting worse. So I brought her back in, I was just thinking of everything. I'm like, give her a Lyme disease test. We're both kind of brainstorming like, what can we do? And then she told me, it's a Friday. So you know, we won't get these back till about Monday or Tuesday. And then that Sunday, she woke up and she was limp. Her body was like a rag doll and her eyes were pointing in different directions. So we went to the emergency room at the Children's Hospital, we went to a randles. And they immediately got neuro and lit involved. And they immediately did a CAT scan. And that's when they found there were lesions on the white matter of her brain and spine. Wow. And it's something called a dam that it's acute disseminated. encephalomyelitis buffalo myelitis Yeah, Dr. Paul 21:51 very good. So a progressive neurological deterioration, very scary. It must. Yeah, Brianna 21:57 it was very scary. They couldn't tell us if she would recover everything or not. Yeah. And she was in the hospital for two and a half weeks straight. Yeah. And then she got out and she started to her walking started to get wobbly again. So I called the doctor at the hospital. And he said, No, bring her back in. And they had to do another round of stairs of intravenous steroids, and that she had Dr. Paul 22:19 other health problems. Did you ever have any seizures? Brianna 22:22 Yeah, about a year later, she had a couple of seizures. And the neurologists that she got assigned at the hospital just wasn't very open until like, you know, when I brought up that it might be a vaccine, she kind of just brushed me off and was like, What are you gonna do not vaccinate your kids? And like I was stupid or something? Yeah. Dr. Paul 22:42 It's it's unfortunate folks that the connections between some of the health things we see and am would be one of those. doctors don't necessarily make a connection that it might be vaccine related. Right. So so so parents when you're experiencing some and I'm not saying it always is but we have to consider Association doesn't mean causation. But it could be Yeah, it's one of those very rare things, folks that we actually are seeing more and more. And this is true of so many autoimmune conditions, things that are triggered by toxins, and things that seem to be potentially triggered by vaccines. So I think you've obviously made amazing progress. Yes. She is walking well, and talking well, and learning. Yeah, that's awesome. I'm so happy for you and proud of you. You've done some good work, haven't you? Yeah, that's great. What have you what do you do now for as far as management? Brianna 23:43 She takes CBD daily. We started that one. The seizure started what we were giving her that post 8am but kind of tapered it off. And then she has been doing it daily since the seizures. Yeah. And then we give her an immune boosting vitamins. Dr. Paul 23:58 Okay. How long has it been since her last seizure? Brianna 24:02 It was they were both about a year after her. Mm hmm. Dr. Paul 24:06 Okay, so it's been at least a couple years. Yeah, she Brianna 24:08 hasn't. Yeah. She hasn't had any wonderful, Dr. Paul 24:12 wonderful. Well, I'm so glad you came and shared your story with us. You being shy. Yeah. Do you have any parting words of wisdom having gone through a very scary situation as a parent advice for other parents, perhaps, Brianna 24:30 if you don't like what one doctor is telling you, like, get a second opinion or do your own research. And reach out to like, I know I'm on a Facebook forum of other people who have had a dem and that's really helpful especially for something that's so rare, right? That's so I feel lucky from what it sounds like. She got a very mild case. And getting it so young. The brain does recoveries, but yeah, the recovery a lot better people. Think about it, as adults have really hard, long lasting effects. Dr. Paul 25:04 And I always tell parents follow your gut instinct, right? If you've got something that might be harmful, perhaps use what we call the precautionary principle. Right? If you're not sure, then don't do it. Right. And but there's always a risk benefit analysis. And that's something we're trying to honor on this show is just to bring information to the world but let people make their own decisions. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I Brianna 25:27 don't. My plan is to never have her get any kind of vaccine ever again. But I think so far every we've evaluated her on her yearly checkups. And so far, we've decided, you know, not her an asthma doctor decided not to do it. So, yeah. Okay. But her. I think that this would be four years post Aiden would be coming up on her birthdays in May. Yeah. And so we'll have to make that decision Dr. Paul 25:53 again. Absolutely. Okay. Well, thank you for coming and sharing your story. Lily. You did a good job. And if you want to go grab a snack, that would be okay. Play on mom's phone. Want to do that? as you'd like. Yes, please. Thank you so much for coming on our show. Yeah. So welcome. Dr. Dan Harper. You are a family practice physician, integrative medicine. Doctor. The whole point of our talk today is what's been happening for you with regards to medical boards. Dr. Dan Harper 26:27 I went to Abilene Christian College, premed, graduated with honors went to Baylor College of Medicine, graduate with honors University of Oregon family practice residency, have about 35,000 hours of er work and guidance interested in holistic medicine, studied or biology got a doctorate homeopathy started doing, become boarded in Environmental Medicine, also boarded in integrative and holistic medicine have been certified in clinical epidemiology because a lot of my patients have elevated cholesterol and didn't want to get put on Staton. So I had to justify what I could do to help them naturally on functional medicine, certified practitioner, nutritional certifications. I've been doing integrative medicine here in San Diego since 2003. Dr. Paul 27:18 My goodness, so that spans your career of how many years now? Dr. Dan Harper 27:23 45 years in medicine, sir, Dr. Paul 27:25 I think you should be my doctor. I imagine you've blessed so many lives feels to me like we're kindred spirits in this one thing when we went to medical school you know, the basic science was solid and then we get into clinical medicine and we really got trained on how to diagnose and treat got frustrated that that wasn't really getting our patients well, so started pursuing these other avenues Is that accurate to say? Dr. Dan Harper 27:46 I learned from grandmother's what seemed to work. Grandma came in said her grandchild had just been stung by a bee on a picnic. She took the hamburger Bahnhof slapped the eye on the bottom of the foot and the pain went away. The kid went running and having fun, instantly, no more pain or swelling. And I learned that the hyaluronic acid and the bee venom was neutralized by the hieronder days in the onion. And so I began to listen to the wives tales and the grandmas and mom would come in the merchant room and she would say something from my child, there was something wrong, and it was my job to find it. Right. I don't care what anybody else says. If a mom says something, you better pursue it until you find it. Dr. Paul 28:26 Amen. Brother. So through your career, when did when did you start running into medical boards? Dr. Dan Harper 28:33 My current wife warned me that I moved down to California since she didn't want to move to Cole Montana, that I would come under the microscope with the medical board and they hated holistic medicine. Right. And so for a while I kind of skirted under the radar. We worked with an independent contractor who we had to dismiss and terminate our agreement with for malfeasance. And she wrote a bunch of accusations to the medical board, no patient complaints, just her accusations. Then they finally were able to rattle the board's cage enough to get me investigated. Oh, welcome Dr. Paul 29:07 back to Kelly satin. Dr. Kelly satin currently provides telehealth from her home in North Providence, Rhode Island. She keeps an active medical license in California and Massachusetts. She received her medical degree from the University of Missouri School of Medicine, and has been certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine and the Board of anthroposophic medicine. She's had additional training in pediatrics, and has been practicing for almost 50 years. Welcome. Dr. Kelly Sutton, thank you for joining this segment of against the wind where we are highlighting the experience of those who like me, have been under fire from medical boards. Tell me what that what that was like for you. Dr. Dan Harper 29:50 very traumatic to think that a California Medical Board wouldn't investigate a complaint involving magic testing where I did. Can you physiology muscle testing and magic touch, were doing cranial sacral and able to do the pain drain and take out inflammation. So the state started investigating me, there were about 10 phases of things that I were doing that they tried to discredit until I could prove the science behind it, what things were taking place. Dr. Paul 30:18 So you basically were under the microscope to prove almost any modality that's used in alternative integrative complimentary medicine. Yes, sir. That's a tall task since the medical boards in my experience don't really have any understanding or knowledge of that type of medicine. Dr. Dan Harper 30:35 That is correct. They didn't even know that homeopathy was FDA approved to treat symptoms here in the United States. And this started when 2012 I've been ill Wow. And inquisitions. The first one regarding the holistic things involved 42 hours of interviews and the interviewer with a retired college cardiologist in his 80s he slept through 90% of the interview with only the Deputy Attorney General and the exact one of the secretaries for the medical board asking all these questions. The next interview was down in San Diego and I had a really good interviewer very intelligent man Dr. Murray cardiologists, what are you doing taking medicine back into the 1800s? Do you call yourself a voodoo doctor or witch doctor? Are you trying to force your religion on patients because they say that you pray with some of your patients when they request it, you know, are your religious zealot He insulted me time after time after time, calling me these names or making these accusations. But when I did not respond negatively, and gave him the science behind it pretty soon. By the fifth interview, he was saying I hope we don't have to do this, again, have they pulled your license, they revoked my license and gave it back to me as part of the settlement. I was not aware of that when they revoke your license, and then give it back to you on probation. All your prescriptions that are outstanding for refills are cancelled. And when patients go to get their medicines, they're told by the pharmacist that you've lost your license, the doctor has lost his license. And many of them would say I looked into it. And it says that he recklessly and dangered patients Dr. Paul 32:18 will they love that terminology. Dr. Dan Harper 32:21 Oh, and so I would have to go and rewrite all the prescriptions or refund and all the prescriptions and reorder all the tests, not realizing that the insurance companies would not pay for these drugs. Because I'd lost my license. They wouldn't pay for the test for the studies, the laboratory tests had been run. So we had to file appeals and the paperwork and the hours you spent trying to get something done that should have been covered. But because I lost my license I was practicing without a license type during that time that they had the test run. Suddenly the patients get saddled with this undue burden, financial burden. Dr. Paul 32:56 Yeah, I went through the same thing with the emergency suspension of my license after I published that article, vaccine vaccine article. I had a number I also an addiction specialist board certified in Addiction Medicine and and so those poor folks who had buprenorphine prescriptions outstanding. They were getting challenged at the pharmacy, the DEA agent was calling me and what are you doing? And we got it all worked out. But yeah, it's it's tough stuff. And now, how much do you think you've spent over the last almost 10 years of defending yourself? Because I know from my experience your malpractice, as far as covering board type of things, it's a limited amount. And once that's gone, you're on your own Dr. Dan Harper 33:37 $10,000 max in policies and then once that's maxed out, the malpractice company drops you. So you have to go try to find another malpractice company. Dr. Paul 33:46 Were you able to find one? Dr. Dan Harper 33:48 After about 10 or 12 tries, we were able to locate somebody that went from 3500 a year to 20,000 plus a year. Yep, we probably lost about $500,000 in revenue of patients who cancelled new patients who were going to come in didn't come in people who quit coming in because they didn't want to be harassed by their insurance companies for seeing us or their family would say no, we're not gonna allow you to see this quack. I made quack watch after 40 years and holist made the wall of shame on their watch. I Dr. Paul 34:21 mean, honor that those of us who know that that is an honor, because that's just a bogus site to try to take down ethical doctors who just start practicing medicine that mainstream doesn't want practiced when doctors get attacked like this, who are practicing, you know, complementary or alternative approaches that are oftentimes the only thing left for patients that we're helping. It's not just the money it takes to defend yourself that that's an issue here is the loss of income and the destruction of your practice. Dr. Dan Harper 34:54 Our volume is about a third of what we used to be in 2012 Dr. Paul 34:57 Did I hear that you had to sell your home As part of your defense strategy Dr. Dan Harper 35:01 gotten long from the family and friends, and there was nobody else to get loans from and he had to sell our home and get the equity to pay for this batch of medical, legal fees are coming because of the vaccine exemptions. Dr. Paul 35:15 I'm so sorry, you're going through all this. It just sounds beyond horrendous. I'm working behind the scenes with with a team that's trying to set up a mechanism to raise funds for doctors who are in distress like this like yourself. So as soon as we get that up, I think we're about two to four weeks out. So we'll we'll reach out to you to pivot a little bit back to Kelly Sutton, you're you joined us, perhaps you could did you want to share your own story? Or might you just share a little bit of your understanding of the extent of the problem there in California with regards to doctors who are under fire, for example, for writing medical exemptions, and this sort of thing, Kelly Sutton 35:53 I have since moved to Rhode Island because I was planning to do that anyhow, to be grandma. So I'm just doing telehealth from my home in Rhode Island. And I keep a California license as well as a Massachusetts license. things settle down a lot when 276714 passed because it made the waters clear. It let us know that AC IP guidelines were all there was for medical exemptions. And that was all that was needed. Really from the beginning. I'm fortunate that I have kept malpractice insurance, which does include holistic coverage, it has about 25,000 coverage for medical board things. So I'm still not exhausted with that. And they're specifically targeting your written vaccine exemption letters. It is. And it's because I didn't do a physical exam on every patient, because it seemed to me that was increasing the patient's cost. And that the real crux of the judgment I had to make was in the history. I don't know how it fits, because senator pans new law has said that we should charge nothing for medical exemptions. And yet we should do complete physical exams have all the medical records. And it's just becomes an enormous undertaking. If that's really done. It seems kind of contradictory. Dr. Paul 37:20 Yeah, he's putting it into law that you can't charge. Yes. That's insane. I mean, it's one of the most time consuming things you can do in medicine is to take a thorough enough history to understand what's going on that may or may not be pertinent to a medical exemption for a vaccine. I mean, we're extra thorough in that in that situation. I think so. I completely agree with the the exam part. That's Yeah, that's come up so many times with the board. You know, psychiatrists who are talking to their patients don't do an exam, that's something a primary care person would do if they're doing their routine physicals or there's an acute illness. But this is more of a consultation, and the board doesn't seem to understand that. Kelly Sutton 38:03 And the other thing to think about with the physical exam question is, I don't think telehealth would have really happened. If it was a true statement that physical examinations are foundational to the practice of medicine, because telehealth has taken off. Dr. Paul 38:19 Yep, we're not doing physical exams hardly ever now. Kelly Sutton 38:23 Because I've done holistic medicine, people have sought me out specifically for an alternative treatment to a diagnosis they already have. So they've had a physical exam, they call to expand their treatment options, what can I do naturally? And that's easier to do if you've had a few decades of experience, because you can know the right questions to ask. In the process of talking with someone on the phone or by telehealth, how many other physicians Dr. Paul 38:51 are you aware of in California or around the country who are under this board microscope? Kelly Sutton 38:58 I understand it's 120 that are being investigated in California. We're all in this together. And one thing that shocked me a little bit was to realize that it is an ongoing thing. It's like Dr. Dan said every month, three more charts, because it could just be an on going process where we just continuously are receiving subpoenas for charts. Dr. Paul 39:20 Yeah, there ought to be some way to charge them for harassment and for harm. I mean, they're literally harming great physicians who are just trying to take extra care with their patients advice you would have for other physicians around this issue and any information you'd like to share with patients Dr. Dan Harper 39:41 in the ethics course, that I was required to take by the state of California, since I'm an unethical person doing holistic medicine. The reviewers are the teachers of the course or actually doctors who had gone through this persecution themselves and they were kind of giving you this To warn for and they said, there were five groups of doctors in California who had books eyes or the scope put upon their chest. Listed medicine, weight loss, medical marijuana, pain medications are pain management, and cosmetic surgery. The sixth one that I would say that we need to add, and that is doctors to give vaccination exemptions, what we need to do is have pro safe vaccines, we need to redo the CDC vaccine base period the dies around up to age. Why is that in there? It doesn't need to be and the toxicity of the aluminum and mercury. It's there. I mean, if you took all those shots and gave it to a 35 year old at once, it would be enough heavy metals in there to kill a 35 year old man. And so why are we doing this to our children thinking they can hold they'll get detoxify it? Dr. Paul 40:54 Good point, Kelly Sutton 40:55 I think parents need to think about moving out of California if they're serious about protecting their children against vaccines, or homeschool, and that we all as a body have to consider what is medicine, because it's really changed from being a profession to an industry. And the medical board states in its purpose that it protects consumers. But Dr. Dan, and I don't. And Dr. Pol, don't treat consumers we treat patients. So that signifies a real shift in what medicine is all about. And Dr. Sen. Pan stated the doctor is an agent of the state, much like the non elected Medical Board is. So we're all under the rulership of a state instead of an ideal of a profession, which is helping and humanitarian. And I think the other thing we have to kind of work on together is how do we reform public health, which is the changes in CDC vaccine testing has to have a sailing placebo. It should be the responsibility of the vaccine company's liability. And we should have informed consent. So we've got some big work ahead. Dr. Paul 42:17 Yes, we do. Thank you for that lovely summary, Dr. Kelly satin that was spot on. I couldn't agree more were united in a cause for health, for freedom for informed consent, bodily integrity. And if you're watching this show, and this resonates, you know, please become a member because we're gonna put so many more resources into that membership part of against the wind doctors in science under fire. I want to thank both of you for being on my show today. You guys were amazing. And I'm sorry, you're going through what you're going through. I know what it's like because I am too and you know we fight on you know, the truth eventually has to come out and and be victorious. But do take care of yourselves. Good self care and talking again soon. Blessings, many blessings. Welcome to our in the new segment of against the wind. It is always a privilege to welcome back Bernadette pager, Public Policy Director of informed choice Washington and the host of an informed life radio. Welcome back, Bernadette. Bernadette Pajer 43:23 Hi, Dr. Paul, good to see you. Dr. Paul 43:25 It's always good to see you. I understand you're going to have a little bit of news, bad news for us today. And of course you're bringing to us sort of the news or the information that often isn't well covered in mainstream media. Bernadette Pajer 43:36 Okay. Well, first of all, I'm going to flip things around for you, Dr. Paul, I'm going to start with bad news and go to goodness, I'm going to start with a quote from a long time ago. filicudi, a musician and activist. And the quote is this. He seemed to have seen what was coming. My people are scared of the air around them. They always have an excuse not to fight for freedom. So that was sort of the bad news. And when we get to the end here today, I will give you some good news from this wonderful musician. So the bad news here is that Yeah, there another 10 billion is being thrown at vaccine confidence and access. And the Sunday NBC is airing especial with President Biden and Obama and a slew of sports and movie stars and musicians all trying to tell everybody roll up your sleeves get this vaccine, it's safe and effective. Dr. Paul 44:31 So a big marketing campaign. Yeah, sure. And when I when I think of marketing campaigns, honestly, I'm just thinking, Okay, this is a product and they want to sell more of their product. It really has nothing to do with safety or efficacy, which is what we're trying to bring to you the fact that this is still an experimental vaccine. What By the way, what percentage of the US population is refusing the COVID vaccine? Bernadette Pajer 44:55 Well, the numbers change with depending on the poll that you're looking at but approx. Submit only a third of the US military, half of us healthcare workers, a third of black Americans and about a half a first responders are have been refusing. You know, I believe that a lot of them have been paying attention. The people in health care have been seeing injuries before their eyes. And, you know, in black America has is, is wise to be skeptical of what is being forced upon them. And they more than anything, have been really paying attention to things like we are saying to some of the other sources of information and doing some studying and figuring out what's going on. Dr. Paul 45:41 Yeah, speaking to problems of vaccines. I know there's Johnson and Johnson's vaccines been in the news just this past couple days, what's going on with that? Bernadette Pajer 45:50 Well, because of six, they're saying just six events of blood clotting with the Janssen Johnson and Johnson vaccine. The FDA has paused it. And there was a meeting yesterday, the ACP and they they didn't come to a decision about what to do. So the pause remains as they do some more studies into it. But of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg. It's really frustrating. Because the major marketing messaging out there has been Look how great veirs works, we caught six rare events, and now we're pausing, aren't we wonderful. But the truth is that when you go look at how many other injuries have been reported to not only this vaccine, but all the others, and how many, you know, everybody knows somebody who knows somebody who has been injured by one of these vaccines. It's been very frustrating. So they have paused, at least that. Dr. Paul 46:44 Yeah, well, I'm glad they're paying attention, finally, to some of the injuries, for sure. You have a report that's sort of on the good news side of an opportunity for people to get informed and educated from one of our leading doctors who's really vaccine risk aware, Dr. tenpenny, with what's going on with with what she's offering? Bernadette Pajer 47:04 Yes, the wonderful Dr. tenpenny. So you know, as as billions are spent on vaccine confidence, our community, our wonderful medical doctors, and researchers, they've been diving in looking at the actual science, and Dr. tenpenny has is putting together a paper which is going to get published. And it's going to be a webinar on May 8, Mark your calendars for May 8 20 mechanisms of injury by the COVID-19 vaccines and the science behind it, the medicine behind it. So hopefully, that's going to be leading us to how to treat these injuries. And and hopefully, it'll be enough that we will be able to say, Whoa, stop pause on all of the vaccines. Let's not injure any more people, because here we've got the science showing what's going wrong. Dr. Paul 47:54 Yeah. I think, folks, if you're watching this, and you're you're wondering what the heck are we talking about? It's simply this I mean, vaccines aren't, by in and of themselves evil, they can have benefits, but they also have tremendous potential for dangerous side effects, even death. And so it has to be an informed consent situation, which is what this show is all about where you get to really understand, in this case, the mechanisms by which injury is happening so that you can even recognize that, Oh, this is related to the vaccine, as opposed to Oh, it's just a coincidence. So we're just trying to inform you so you can make your own decisions about this. Now, the Attorney General's apparently are weighing in on what they're calling vaccine disinformation. So this show, for example, could easily be labeled disinformation, even though we're bringing new science that's, you know, very solid peer reviewed. What are the ages doing what's going on there? Bernadette Pajer 48:50 You know, I don't understand they have written a letter. You know, trying to get the I think this one in particular was to Facebook to Zuckerberg saying that you have got to stop all this disinformation, misinformation, and saying that that the end of the pandemic depends on people believing, accepting that these vaccines are safe and effective that these investigational vaccines with no long term safety data with red flags bigger than we've ever seen with any vaccines in history, why our attorney generals weighing in on a political discussion, and their entire letter is so full of misinformation. Who gets to decide what is truth? What is fact and what is not? And I don't understand why they are weighing in this is not their role in in the balance of powers in this country. Dr. Paul 49:43 Yeah, it certainly feels political right when politicians are weighing in on science and picking out just certain aspects of the science and acting like that's all there is, Bernadette Pajer 49:53 right? Well, these aren't even politicians. These are attorneys that are just supposed to be defending the law and looking closely At the law not not creating law not Dr. Paul 50:04 swaying. Good point. Good point. So I'm on the good news side of maybe law and politics and government. What's going on with Kentucky. I think they're having an example of exemptions. Bernadette Pajer 50:16 Oh, wonderful Kentucky, so proud of all the hard working people in Kentucky medical freedom working hard, they passed a law and everybody, every child, every adult, it's the first adult exemption, I believe in the nation. I don't know that anybody else has it, but it and it covers all vaccines, not just COVID. vaccines, medical, religious, and in in times of pandemic, when there's a pandemic vaccine, it gives them conscious, conscientious objection, exemptions. So they're now protected with fully informed consent rights and and the ability to exercise it because of these exemptions. It's so exciting, Dr. Paul 50:57 that that is really good news. This is what needs to happen around the country. And unfortunately, it has to be state by state, just the way vaccines are sort of dealt with in healthcare and in law. But you know, bodily autonomy, medical freedom, informed consent should be a right that should be guaranteed to every citizen. And Kentucky has been the first to put that into law. And it's mostly about this declaration of a emergency that has allowed states to get around this whole issue of you know, forcing something on the population and removing their freedom. So good job, Kentucky. On the sort of sad news side of things, if you will, your bad news analogy. We're starting to see break through COVID infections in vaccinated people, are we not? Bernadette Pajer 51:48 Yeah, there's been a lot of news on that. Well, I guess it's hard to deny. So they're just sort of trying to say, well, we expected this all vaccines have breakthrough cases. But have you ever in the news heard about a breakthrough case before we knew that it happened that vaccine failure is is fairly common. But yeah, so there's an article with with NPR, they did a story and they said, you know, so far more than 74 million people have gotten fully vaccinated in the United States. It's unclear how many have later gotten infected with a Coronavirus anyway. But Michigan, Washington and edit other states have reported hundreds of cases, most people have gotten only mildly ill. But some have gotten very sick and some have died. Well, that sounds exactly like your normal experience with COVID, whether you're vaccinated or not that many people get it. Most have mild symptoms, a few serious and some die. To me it calls for treatments. It's like these things. You know, you still even with the rollout of this, we have got to move to treatment. So that's the bad news. But no, I Dr. Paul 52:51 absolutely agree. And and I would use this as an opportunity just to remind our listeners, the 96% effectiveness of the vaccines that purported with one vaccine and 90% effective for another. Those are relative risk reductions, not absolute risk reductions. So it's a play on statistics. What we're seeing now is just the obvious fact that no, they're not that effective in an absolute world. In an absolute world, you would take those 20,000 unvaccinated and 20,000 fully vaccinated in the study and track them for two years or three years, which is what they're still supposedly doing. And then you collect the data, and you'll see that the effectiveness is nowhere near those 90s or whatever they were saying. So this is just to be expected if you really understand how the data is collected than what we're looking at. So it's it's important just to be aware of that. I'm interested in, you know, we've talked on this show last time about vaccine passports in Israel, and I know they're they're sort of being rolled out state by state here in the US. You have something to report about that. Bernadette Pajer 54:01 Yeah. So we get on to some more good news. So many states are saying no to vaccine passports and these are either coming from the governors who are issuing executive orders or and or legislators saying passing legislation very rapidly saying no and others are weighing in. So we've got Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Idaho, Iowa, Florida, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Wyoming is the list that I found looking around. And there might be more coming. I'm surprised that California is in the list. I haven't looked to see exactly what that means for California. I'm not sure what they've done there. But it's very exciting and everybody's got bills. We've got a bill here in Washington State's a little late in the session. It might not go through till next year. But I'm really proud of Americans and our elected officials for stepping up and at least drawing the line here. It's like no. Dr. Paul 55:03 It's the passport thing to me just having grown up in southern Africa at a time where there was apartheid in South Africa. And it just feels like big overreach by government to you have to have papers, so to speak, to be able to move about and go about your daily lives, it just seems way too intrusive by big government. Let's wrap it up with the treatment side of things because I know you have some good news or bad news. Good news on that. I'll let you wrap it up. Bernadette Pajer 55:30 The bad news is the FDA The World Health Organization, and Merck, who makes ivermectin although luckily other people do, too, because it's off patent. They're all continuing to bash it or say, No, I don't think we should use it. Except in clinical trials. There's not enough evidence. And that's just so absurd. There are so many published studies and more coming. It's very, very political. It's corporate driven. We're seeing the corporate capture of public health agencies right here, because Mark wants to sell their product. But in the good news here, we've got I love this quote from Joyce came in and she's with the the COVID-19, Critical Care Alliance. She says in this post, no, no, no, Mark, you're not going to do this. You're not going to make all of humanity wait for your brand spanking new antiviral drug that you have touted is the answer to the world's prayers for COVID-19. No one has to wait not even for a minute because we have such a drug right now. It's called ivermectin. And it's preventing the disease and saving lives from COVID-19. In every country and region where it's being used. I mean, the data is so amazing. And you just go to the F lccc.org. And you can find it. And you know, here's a map of ivermectin use around the world. So when you see a gray area, that just means there's no COVID disease happening there. So they're not kind of included in the figures, where there's a light green, it's being discouraged, like in the United States, but look, it's being has isolated us individuals are choosing it, individual doctors are choosing it, even if hospitals are not. So that's very exciting. In the in the dark green, you've got country wide. And if you go to this website, I ve m status.com, you get the full list of all the countries and what they're doing. And you get all of the all of the excellent science that you can go read to see. You know, that backs it up. It's It's It's very exciting, but we have to keep pushing, because political forces are trying to shut this down. And people need this. They need it now. Dr. Paul 57:48 Yeah, absolutely. Folks, I've known since this broke over a year ago, that there are things you can do that increase your immune capabilities so that you don't get as sick or you don't get sick at all. For example, children rarely get sick from this illness. And there are reasons for that some of those I've put in my book, but this frontline doctors link that we have for you is also extremely helpful and more up to date. So take advantage of these resources and stay healthy stay. Well. Any closing comments, Bernadette? I think you had the good news on the on the quote you wanted to end with Bernadette Pajer 58:25 I did so that wonderful musician Fela Kuti and I apologize if I'm saying it wrong. But he said the human spirit is stronger than any government or institution. Amen to that. Dr. Paul 58:38 Absolutely. Stay well stay healthy. Until next time, I'm Dr. Paul. Thank you, Bernadette. Thanks for watching. I pledged you to bring to you honest and vital content that's going to help you first do no harm to yourself or to your children. help me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors in science Comm. This is going to be a show every other week. And as soon as we get adequate funding. We're going to bring this to you weekly. We stand together for medical freedom and informed consent, only you should decide what's injected into your body. So I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors in science comm sign up, donate if you can. Let's make this the weekly show the nation has been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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