PDF:Text:Dr. Paul 0:00
Could it be that our health freedom is truly under fire? Is it possible that our public health officials have been lying to us? Dr. Paul 0:10 How do we seek the truth when doctors have been led to believe in the marketing slogan that vaccines are safe and effective? This show we'll highlight the importance of informed consent. I'm Dr. Paul Thomas and welcome to against the wind, doctors and science under fire. Dr. Paul 0:31 To our fourth show of against the wind, doctors in science under fire. Today you're going to hear from Dr. Christiane Northrup, this will be an interview you will want to see she is a visionary pioneer and leading authority in women's health and women's wellness including the unity of Mind Body, emotions and spirit. We're also going to interview Tanner and his mom Rachel Tanner had vaccines that may have led to challenges, seizures, learning issues that he had to overcome. I also had a powerhouse interview with Dr. Ben Lynch. Ben Lynch is a naturopath. He's the author of the book, dirty jeans, the president of seeking health and a pioneer in epigenetics, he will give us really sound information on the genetic piece of what's going on. And both Dr. Northrup and Dr. Ben Lynch are focused on pregnancy and the issues that are particular for families who want to have a healthy child. And lastly, you won't want to miss the interview with Bernadette pager of informed choice Washington, who covers what's in the news that you're probably not getting on mainstream media. Dr. Paul 1:42 Dr. Paul with Episode Four from the heart, I'm tackling today love, passion, vaccines, informed consent, and medical freedom. I've discovered that no matter what age you are, or how much experience you have at any profession, but there will always be a time and a space and the necessity to learn and grow. The board suspending my license, it's given me the opportunity to see how other people may perceive me. When you have a passion for something, and you see it on a day to day basis, and I'm referring to seeing health outcomes for children who are highly vaccinated, and vaccinated by the CDC schedule, I did the research I did in order to prove and to show that something is happening. Because it doesn't seem to be mainstream information. Dr. Paul 2:34 But the people within my practice and those who choose not to vaccinate their children, yes, they're taking a risk. But I saw that the risk of getting vaccines was higher the risk of having an injury or having a child that may be unhealthy, or developing severe health conditions for the rest of their life. I saw that was important. Dr. Paul 2:59 What I missed was the opportunity to communicate this in a more calm and loving way. Versus I felt like I had to shout it and yell it so somebody would hear me. I'm seeing that this came off in a way that didn't allow people to completely understand where I was coming from. I've chosen to be a pediatrician. And I still want to be a pediatrician. And I'm praying and hoping that they lift the suspension that I'm able to get back to practicing. I do understand there are people who want to be vaccinated, and I'm not anti vaccine. Dr. Paul 3:33 I am however, pro healthy vaccines. I want to see that what goes into these vaccines is changed. I want to see that what we put into our infants and our children when they are born. Well, I want to see those things proven to be necessary. Dr. Paul 3:53 I do not agree that most infants needs certain vaccines the moment they're born. This is not a personal belief, because I've vaccinated my own children completely according to the recommended schedules. But this is an understanding I've reached based on what I've seen. And what I share is based on my experience, and based on actual research now. Dr. Paul 4:18 But I need to be able to share this in a way that everyone gets it. I want the Oregon medical board to understand that I am not putting people at risk and that I'm actually doing my best to help others. That's my passion. That's what I want to do. Being a pediatrician isn't just about vaccines. It's also about helping those who have had vaccine injuries. Those whose bodies whose past whose genetics might affect how their bodies deal with the vaccines. Deal with the toxins that are coming in. There are so many things in our world that can affect health. Dr. Paul 5:00 My goal in my hope is to educate my patients and my patients families, on how to live the healthiest they can possibly be. That's my passion. And I'm learning now that communicating that in a more loving and kind way, it's a better way to get the point across. So when you're watching my show, or reviewing any of the information I put out there, know that when I get so fired up, it's just that deep passion. I'm not telling you or someone else what to do for your child. I absolutely believe. And I'm passionate about informed consent. And I'm passionate about medical freedom. Dr. Paul 5:40 That what we choose to do to our bodies should be about us. a pediatrician shouldn't decide what a parent should do for their child. I understand that there's a passion and so much information that vaccines help and abuse belief that the risk of harm from vaccines is worth it. Due to the benefits of vaccines. I just don't know that this is truth for every child. And I believe that every parent should have the option to make that decision about vaccines for their child, after they've been given all the information, the pros of vaccines, the cons of vaccines, the pros of not vaccinating your child, and the cons of not vaccinating your child. And what could possibly happen if you don't vaccinate your child. That should be up to the parent. Dr. Paul 6:33 So again, I'm coming from a place of love. If in any way I've come across telling you what to do for your child, or I've come across as so busy that I don't have time to pay attention to exactly what might be happening for you. Well, that passion can be overwhelming. And I just want to let each of you know how much I care about the job that I do as a pediatrician and moving forward. That's going to be the most important thing that I communicate every single person that I see. Dr. Paul 7:12 Well welcome Dr. Christiane Northrup, you have been a hero of mine for such a long time and it's such a delight to have you on the show. Dr. Christiane Northrup 7:20 Oh, I feel the same about you. It's time that we talked you know, we both went to Dartmouth Medical School where one could cross country ski in between lectures. Dr. Paul 7:29 Yeah, well for our viewers, Dr. Christiane Northrup, she is a visionary pioneer in women's health. She's board certified in ob gyn has more than 30 years of clinical experience. She is the former assistant professor of ob gyn at the University of Vermont College of Medicine. She's a three time New York side New York Times best selling author, the books, women's bodies, women's wisdom, the wisdom of menopause, and goddesses never age. I love those titles. In 2013 Reader's Digest named you one of the 100 most trusted people in America. And in 2016, named one of Oprah Winfrey's super soul 100. Today's show is actually focused on pregnancy, the things that really matter. Maybe we just kick that off. Dr. Christiane Northrup 8:16 Okay, so I had a slide that said, the time to start feeding your baby, right is, is two years before it's born. Yep. Pre conception, nutrition. When they got the zinc levels where they needed to be in vitamin D and you grounded you know, like you're literally standing on the ground and you've got sunshine and fresh air. People who were unable to conceive, were able to conceive conception is interesting to me, because the other thing that any ob will tell you is there are these women who never get pregnant and then they divorced that guy and get the right guy, and they get pregnant right away. You know, what do they say in Shakespeare? There are more things in your universe and you can possibly understand and I also liked the quantum physics thing. And I think this was Eddington that reality is stranger than you think it's stranger than we can think. Well, how much did we study the placenta? in medical school? Like None? How much did we study vaccines in medical school? None. All you got was the download the brainwashing download, okay, which I saw when I testified against the vaccine mandates in our state in March of 2020. And I couldn't believe what I was seeing. We had three overflow rooms of parents with vaccine injured children, you couldn't even find a place to park at the statehouse. my testimony had some major street cred and so then the doctors would get up there. They do the programming vaccines are safe and effective. They are the most important public health thing ever done. And the adverse reaction is less than one in a million. Right? And it's like, then we'd have other people come on to scientists, they give all the science with a, you know, wonderful area dite approach that was so sane, nobody could refute it. And then the mandates would pass anyway. Dr. Paul 10:24 Yep. They'd already decided behind closed doors, Dr. Christiane Northrup 10:27 and all of that thinking like we do. Oh, if they're just educated, they know, they'll get it, he'll see that this is so reasonable. I have all the science, then you find out wrong. By the way, you want to go vaccinate your kid go for it. I don't absolutely. I just don't want you to force me and you know, and it needs to be individualized and all of that stuff. The hatred that came toward me after that, I mean, the Facebook bashing this, the stuff that they're putting out there on Facebook of how horrible I was, someone says, Well, that's canceled culture. And I'm thinking, What's canceled culture? Well, I did not know that I was having my Baptism by fire. Culture. Something happened in, I'd say, the early 2000s, late 1990s, where they began to inject pregnant women with flu shots and DPT. Mm hmm. And I heard about this, and I said, This is insane. Dr. Paul 11:33 When I first learned about the DPT for pregnancy with all the aluminum within that vaccine and knowing what that does to immune activation and direct toxicity. I had a night where I couldn't sleep. I was so horrified. Prior to that, those years, we wouldn't have dreamed of injecting anything like that right Dr. Christiane Northrup 11:50 women, okay. Think about it, Paul. They are afraid to eat fish. They're afraid to eat fish. I've seen these people in their yoga pants and they're so woke. And you know, and then they got the number of mercury in Canada tuna, but they're going in for the DPT and the flu shot because this is this is what we do. Yeah. Dr. Christiane Northrup 12:11 Don't get me started on Gardasil. I had at the Hartford Connecticut rally for vaccine choice of beautiful 18 year old woman comes up to me and she said, I'm menopausal as a result of Gardasil, I'm sterile. Can you help me? And it's just like, Oh, God, I mean, ah, I mean, those of us who go into medicine, generally speaking, in because we thought it was a good way to help people. Yeah, no, it's a good way to check off a box on an iPad and not make eye contact with anybody. Didn't you talk about somebody in your practice. Her mother didn't know that she'd had the Gardasil shot. Yeah. Talk about that for a minute. Dr. Paul 12:56 Yeah, twice teenagers 15 or 16 years of age, came in in the same year. This was a few years back with difficulty walking. I mean, these were former athletes, top students, and they were having clear neurological issues with gait. And I mean, we did the full workup, including, you know, Lyme disease, you name it. Every specialist. Nobody could figure it out. It was a couple to three months into the first time I saw this. So mom sitting there, this young lady is up on the exam table. I said, you didn't get any vaccines in the past year, have you? The mom immediately says, Oh, no, she hasn't gotten any vaccines and the girl goes, Well, no, Mom, I got that one at school and the mom looks here, like what are you talking about? She had gotten the Gardasil at school in Oregon at age 15. You don't have to have any parental consent. You don't have to notify the parents. This is happening all over the country. Dr. Christiane Northrup 13:49 Perhaps we need to talk about the COVID vaccine. Oh, this is not a vaccine. We can talk about this. My friend Kevin Jenkins of the urban Global Health Alliance. Pretty much calls it a murder weapon. Well, nothing happened to me. I'm fine. You get a sore arm. Meanwhile, the 39 year old mother from Utah goes into total organ failure and dies four days later. But you and I both know, because we're trained medical professionals. Those are all coincidences. Like your baby dying of SIDS The day after they got six shots, right? That's a coincidence. Yeah, the one in 32 cases of autism now, total coincidence, all coincidences? It's all coincidence. So here's the thing. Don't let yourself get trampled by the lemmings heading for the cliff. But think about what's happened to both of us. Right? Our credibility no matter how decorated you were like Linus Pauling, he wins Nobel prizes, but then he gets into vitamin C and he's a demented old man. So they go to the trusted sources that they have been brainwashed into thinking are the trusted sources, right and EDC in the FDA. Dr. Christiane Northrup 15:00 Do you have any news? Oh, well, that, you know, she's she's a nutbag. Yeah. I mean, how clever. Yeah, incredibly clever of them. Dr. Paul 15:12 I was at, I was asking a wise professor at Duke University. We were working on a project together, and I was frustrated. This was a few years ago. Why can't I get people to listen? And I mean, the science is so sound, the Vaccine Injury science, that it's real, right? Yeah, he got any goes, Paul, you're you're only going to be able to help those who are willing to listen. And the rest of them are going to have to suffer the consequences of their ignorance and their inability or unwillingness to listen. Dr. Christiane Northrup 15:42 Yeah, point. I don't think you and I could ever have imagined that we would get to 69 to 72 mandated vaccines by the age of 18. Yeah, that's just the standard ones. This new thing is not a vaccine. It does not decrease transmission, it does not decrease hospitalization, it doesn't, you still have to wear a mask. All it does is make people think that they're going to be safe. This thing has a it has a Trojan horse aspect to it, where on the first round, you might be okay. And then your body's pumping out the antibody to the spike protein, right? Which cross reacts with 22 different human tissues. So your body's pumping this out. So you get all this cross reaction. So she said then the next time you see a Coronavirus, and they're all over there's hundreds of them. The first type of macrophage, macrophage, a we'll call it comes in creates cytokines and inflammation and all of that, and then the second tier, the macrophage is supposed to come in and clean it up. Well, this particular shot disables the second kind of macrophage, so they will not come in and in the ferret experiments. Yeah, the ferrets got a good antibody response. And then next time they saw the Corona, or whatever it was, they all got this cytokine storms called pathogenic priming, or antibody dependent inflammation. What we're creating here is the situation where not right now, but later, you're going to see a lot of people getting into a total body inflammation. And here's the thing, here's what they're going to say at that time. I have a new virus, they're gonna say it's a new virus, new virus arion. What industry Do you know of where you can get 500 deaths and 10,000 adverse reactions in the first month that the thing is out there? But let's continue. Right? What if you were a carseat? manufacturer? Come on? Dr. Paul 17:56 Yeah, it is absolute insanity. We already know this vaccine is so dangerous. This is different. Once it's in, it's in every cell of your body. You can't You can't take it out. Dr. Christiane Northrup 18:07 It's the same people who brought you Ebola Zika, AIDS, same people, they're doing it again, and again. And again. But I believe I absolutely know, this is when humanity wakes up. I feel the same thing. There's something big going on here. To me, it's about truly understanding that your health is a birthright that comes from your connection with the earth herself. It we don't buy health in a needle, this COVID thing is not a vaccine. It's gene manipulation. It's terrifying. So now you've got the mRNA. And what it does, and it's artificial, by the way, it's artificial mRNA. Now, that way, they can patent it. You got it. So where are we? Oh, GMO crops. Dr. Paul 18:59 Yep. I was listening to all of this. I might be thinking we're doomed. And yet on the other hand, you and I have a sense of real peace and calm in the midst of this storm. Yes, but but how can we help the the viewers who are in fear? What would you tell these folks? How can we give them some hope Dr. Christiane Northrup 19:19 The news is intent on keeping you in fear. Because then you'll buy whatever they're selling. Because I've been on all those news shows, NBC, Oprah CBS I've been all over their PBS all of it. Yeah, I know how they operate. So I've sent to people for years. Turn off the mainstream media. Yep. Turn it off, folks. That's the first thing the second thing is you must be around people like us. And and what what have they done? solitary confinement. That's what you do to prisoners. There. I was just listening Tucker Carlson talked about Dr. Christiane Northrup 20:00 An experiment where prisoners would rather have the death penalty than solitary confinement. Dr. Paul 20:06 I couldn't hug my mom for a year where she was she was too afraid I had to wear a mask and stay six feet apart. Dr. Christiane Northrup 20:14 That's when I'm like, What? So what is the most radical thing you can do? Get together with friends in person, and what that does our sense of safety and security and therefore our immunity in wired, and by being around other people and knowing it's going to be okay, Dr. Paul 20:35 yeah, not being in fear Dr. Christiane Northrup 20:37 with other people instantly, you have an immunity booster. Remember those studies they did at University of Pittsburgh on cold viruses, so they'd spray cold viruses into everybody's nose and throat, and then they would follow them, according to how many different social interactions they had. And the people with the most social interactions like contango Group, a church group, the family group, had the least were the least likely to actually catch cold, even though everyone had been universally exposed. They spray stuff in everybody's nose. We're an interesting species. Sometimes we need to be put under heat and pressure to turn carbon into a diamond. And that's what's happening. I've finally met you, I've wanted to meet you forever. Oh, that's so Dr. Paul 21:32 sweet of you. Dr. Christiane Northrup 21:33 But it's true. Because there were there have been very few of us willing to step out and risk our careers and our reputation. And so we have been in the crucible for decades for that big movable middle. Dr. Paul 21:51 The the folks who, maybe they don't totally get it, but they're, you know, they're starting to wonder things don't feel right, something's wrong here. What would be your best advice for that large group of our population? Dr. Christiane Northrup 22:05 What I want you to do is get educated, that's the first thing, get some information, go to mamm.org look at some of the things that we've all created a whole bunch of us volunteers so that you're fully informed. And then if you decide to go ahead, that's fine, but don't do it. Just because you're afraid. Please understand, there's nothing to be afraid of look up the protocol of the frontline doctors Simone gold, they have a telemedicine situation you can call they will send hydroxychloroquine to you if you want to take it as a preventive, but you don't really need that. quercetin is a zinc Ayana for 200 to 500 milligrams a day vitamin D, vitamin C. Dr. Paul 22:49 So I'm on the spiritual side of things. How maybe some parting words to give someone who's watching this a little bit of peace. Dr. Christiane Northrup 22:57 Find your group, find your high vibe soul tribe, because we're everywhere. And look for the person in the grocery store without a mask. Go over to them. That's your that's your group. We are rising like yeast all over the planet. The light is getting lighter. So if you have stuff, we're getting embodied, we're in our bodies. So we're healing our past. We're healing our childhood trauma, it's coming up. When that happens. You say you're doing great. You congratulate yourself. Thank you. I'm feeling horrible. I'm feeling like I can't go on and maybe I don't want to go on and go, Oh, my God, you're doing so well. That's alkalizing the darkness into light. That's what this time is. It's dark into light. And we're almost I think by Easter, let us celebrate that we're going to be coming toward the end of this this tunnel. Dr. Paul 23:54 That's beautiful. I got goosebumps again. Thank you twice already in one interview. Dr. Christiane Northrup 23:59 Folks, you know, the healing is is there for you. It's there for all of us. We're all connected. And you do need to find someone to help you on that journey. And I like your idea of finding those people wear without wearing masks. But sometimes your energy will just be drawn to the right person to trust your own immunity. And then each and every person who does this changes the morphogenic field. Remember Rupert Sheldrake that that we learn because there's a morphogenic field around us of those who have come before and the one person who breaks through it changes it for everyone like Roger Bannister running the four minute mile. The minute he did that, and they thought it was impossible. Suddenly everyone's breaking the record. So the more you transform your fear, and another way to do it is just with your breath. You take a deep breath in through your nose, all the way down to the lower lobes of the lungs and the vagus nerve goes through the diaphragm and then out through the nose. You do find Though slowly, you'll be instantly back in parasympathetic, rest, digest, restore, then you can hear some information. If you're in fear, you won't be able to hear a thing. Dr. Paul 25:11 Absolutely, folks, when you breathe in that deep breath, just breathe in love. An Excelsior and do that deep and slow five breaths. You will feel it. I'm just so so happy you came on this show. Christianne. Thank you so much. You've really blessed me and I'm sure your blessing. countless people who are going to watch this show. Dr. Christiane Northrup 25:34 Beautiful. Thank you. Thank Dr. Paul 25:35 you so much. It was my pleasure. Hopefully, we'll do this again sometime. Good. So welcome to this segment, I have the opportunity and the pleasure of introducing you to a wonderful mother son combo, Rachel and Tanner, thank you for being on our show. Thank you. It's really a special moment to be able to talk to you about what you've been through. But I already got Tanner's permission to do this in front of him. He's He's, he's brave. He's got a strong fortitude. We've had a little chat. So Rachel, why don't you share with us take us back to his infancy and how he was as a young baby. And then what happened? Rachel Scrivner 26:21 So he was perfect. He slept through the night was, you know, I would say any mother's dream of an infant, I could still actually feel like because I work from home, so I could feel like I could still do my work and he wasn't screaming fesi super, super good infant, and no eating issues, you know, no colloquy. Nothing. And then when we did go in for his shot at the, I believe it was 1415 months, and he had a grand mal seizure. That's when everything changed. And it was almost like somebody flipped a switch and he just became a different child. Dr. Paul 26:57 How soon after that series of shots. Did the seizure happen? Rachel Scrivner 27:01 It will it was that night? Oh, the same day? Oh, yeah. Yeah, he had the shot in the morning. And by that night, Dr. Paul 27:06 he was in the hospital with a grandma. Interesting. Coincidence? Of course. Not No, Rachel Scrivner 27:13 I beg to differ. Dr. Paul 27:14 You have another son, I believe, older who had a similar experience, correct. Rachel Scrivner 27:18 He same thing where he had a shot in the morning and then ended up with a seizure. And he didn't have a grandma and went by ambulance to the hospital. And they just chalked it up to a febrile febrile seizure from a fever, which he didn't have a fever to begin with ever, never taken a shot. Dr. Paul 27:38 Wow. So folks, it's a known side effect, the MMR in particular, causing a fairly high rate of seizures and the MMR V, which is when you add the varicella vaccine to the MMR, the seizure rate goes even higher. But back to Tanner story. How did it go for him in preschool, early school years, Rachel Scrivner 27:59 he It was very difficult, very challenging. Kindergarten was one of the worst years getting him getting him to focus every day, we got a call from the teacher, she eventually, you know, it's that child that, you know, won't sit still that's constantly going to the bathroom or, you know, disruptive he was that child and I never thought I was going to have that child here. And every day when I would see the phone number from a school come up. It was it was awful. It was horrible. I felt bad for him. Dr. Paul 28:31 Sure. Do you remember those days, though? Yeah. Sounds like you had a lot of trouble with impulsivity and being super hyper hard to sit still. And probably learning was a challenge. Don't you think? going forward? Tanner Scrivner 28:43 Yeah. Cuz I couldn't like sit still and focus on that one thing without going to another? Rachel Scrivner 28:47 Yeah. And I think also, I mean, the seizures didn't stop at that point, either. I mean, they kept going. So it wasn't just like a temporary thing. It was permanent. And when you you know, self employed, you have a business and you constantly are having to stop to come back to get him from school, you know, and you're torn because there wasn't enough enough stuff out there. You didn't have the internet like to research stuff and and I think as you start digging and start realizing the toxicity that you are putting in your body, and you have all these professionals telling you to do this. That's what you're supposed to do, like I heard. Yeah. And I mean, he hasn't been had a shot sense just because of that. Okay. Dr. Paul 29:31 Well, folks, that is one option if you feel like your child may have been vaccine injured. In this situation, it was a very close association vaccine that day seizures. One option is to stop doing further vaccines, my practice where I've been for the last 13 years integrated pediatrics we've sort of used that approach. If there appears to be a problem, let's hold off and the results have been good. Beyond good right? So, you're lucky your mom was in tune with that one, what have you done since that early seizure years? You're clearly doing well now. Right? You seem relatively calm and Rachel Scrivner 30:10 visible struggles, though you have I mean, there are, you know, struggles that you may not see on the outside that I think changed him as a person from that point. And I saw that with both kids such as well, one of the things is the inability to focus that has men and you know, we talked about it, but it's something that you work on. And I and I think it's super important. I think for society, when you look at the struggles that you can physically see, it's easier to deal with it. But when there's inside struggles, and you you don't know what you don't know, because you didn't you did that you thought that that was the best thing to do is give them the shot. So you try your best to be proactive about doing things, you know, so whether what we talked about earlier about the ping pong balls, discipline, you know, writing sentences getting him what, okay, Dr. Paul 31:01 what's the ping pong ball thing? Rachel Scrivner 31:03 Do you want to expand on the ping pong? Yeah, go ahead and explain it. Tanner Scrivner 31:07 Basically, I like video games, Xbox. And I would do anything to play it. Okay. So the way of her getting me to like act good, is to take basically two things that ping pong or two containers and put ping pong balls on them. And she'd write like, an hour of Xbox or whatever. And then another one would be like write sentences, I will respect my mother or read a book for 20 minute like, stuff like that. So Dr. Paul 31:35 how many sentences I will respect my mother did you write? Tanner Scrivner 31:41 Probably 2000. Tanner Scrivner 31:44 I'm not I still, Rachel Scrivner 31:46 I still have the books in his memory. At that point, you have to get them, like kind of put something in front of them as a goal and set small baby steps. You know, Dr. Paul 31:57 I'm really proud of you for working hard. Okay, my youngest son, who had a very similar story to yours, has just graduated from college this past year. And he couldn't, he couldn't learn his alphabet in first grade. He was that challenged with the ability to focus with what you were talking about that inside thing. The good thing is we heal over time. And it feels it seems like you have to what are your plans going forward at this point? Dr. Paul 32:19 I'm applying to colleges right now. Fantastic. Dr. Paul 32:23 I also want to play basketball. Okay, Tanner Scrivner 32:26 whatever happens happens, I'm fine, with whatever. Dr. Paul 32:29 Good for you. Good for you. I mean, folks to be able to overcome you know, seizures that were just taking you out. And then all the that inside thing you've alluded to, some people call a DD or ADHD, right, just to give it a label. I don't like labels in general, we're just I'm probably ADHD, but I don't go through the world with that on my forehead, you wouldn't know I wouldn't know sitting here talking to you, you're calm and capable and articulate. And obviously, you're very, very bright, you're gonna be able to go to college, that for you. That's awesome. But in the data that we did, in my research that just got published this past couple months, ADHD was non existent in the unvaccinated kids. It just wasn't there. I believe that and so interesting, right? There may be a link, right? So obviously, we'll need further studies. But in the meantime, the beautiful thing is here is the body heals. And with overtime, you provided the nutrients, you minimize toxins, what you have done, which was not to carry on with more and more vaccines was probably a good move for him. Right? I'm not making medical recommendations here. We're just talking about data and talking about information. What other things have you done, perhaps since he was an infant to now that you think might have helped either healing the gut or or what what things Rachel Scrivner 33:46 I did reach out to a therapist had, you know, did the hour and a half, you know, I can't even think of the word when they you know, go through the questionnaire and evaluations are kind of an evaluation. And she said, of course, you know, ADHD, let's put them on some medication. Of course, I'm like, I just needed you to say, you know, just to validate my feelings, and then that's when I did all the eliminations, you know, read Jenny McCarthy's book felt like, vindicated because I wasn't crazy for thinking that all of this was caused by the immunisation, you know, focused really on small timeframes, like to do tasks. And and I would say, you know, go upstairs, grab a chair. Yeah. And then go upstairs, grab a chair and a book, you know, so it kept it was little victories, but that was a huge struggle with him was remembering and focusing and settling down. But the diet, no immunisations really making sure that I felt comfortable with whatever choices I was making for him and not listened to, you know, the physicians that you know, again, that follow in herds, and that's kind of where we're at today. And I still, you know, I'm huge about diet, I think that a lot of it can be controlled From that as well, and being knowledgeable is super important. Dr. Paul 35:02 Absolutely. For a fairly significant number of people, figuring out the foods that are causing inflammation, and getting those out of the diet, oftentimes, it's gluten and dairy. But it can be other things can be really helpful to actual brain function and focus on those things. Rachel Scrivner 35:20 So either of you have any kind of parting words of wisdom for our viewers, I would say just make sure you're knowledgeable about things before doing them. I think that's super important. As a parent, you know, what's best for your child. And you can't let or be pressured. And I hate using the word bully, but you cannot be bullied by things that you know that are, you know, in your soul that are wrong. And that's why I took a stance for him. No more immunizations, no flu shot, no COVID No, nothing. Yeah. And I just don't want the toxins in his body. And you just take one day by day by day, you know? Dr. Paul 35:57 And how do you feel about those choices? Tanner? Tanner Scrivner 36:00 Glad you're not that crazy anymore. Rachel Scrivner 36:04 You're never crazy. Just out of control. You're a maniac. Dr. Paul 36:09 That's crazy. People sometimes get like, crazed when they hear you're not doing vaccines, right. But what they miss is the fact that what it takes to be healthy is a healthy immune system. Vaccines just target one thing, right? So there's only 14 childhood vaccines, I guess, when we add COVID, soon, it'll be 15. But there's hundreds of things that can cause infections. And if you have a robust immune system, you're not only going to do better against those 1415 diseases for which there are vaccines, but you're going to do better against everything else. And that's my data shows that as well. The proactive, the unvaccinated are healthy, they don't get sick, they don't get infections. Wow. I thought vaccines prevented infections. It's a it's the opposite. When you actually look at the data. I'm not saying vaccines are worthless, don't get me wrong. That's not what I'm saying at all, that vaccines work for the for what they're targeting, most of the time, but it's to some extent, but there are massive side effects that are being not being looked at. Rachel Scrivner 37:10 And when it outweighs that's the thing when that when the side effects. I mean, it makes no sense that's Dr. Paul 37:16 weighing risk and benefit is something that's not really happening with good information. So what we're missing is information. And it's starting to come out. And I think your thank you so much for being on our show. I think it's important for people to hear from parents and from the actual child who's lived this experience, right? I mean, you've overcome a an infancy of seizures, and, you know, severe ADHD, I think when you were younger, and now you're headed off to college in a year. So that's exciting. That's exciting. So thank you so much for being on the show for having you guys. Thanks for watching. And we'll see you next time. Dr. Paul 38:00 Dr. Paul here, it is a pleasure and a privilege to introduce to you Dr. Ben Lynch. He is a great friend of mine, a mentor in the area of genetics, and genetic testing, and so many things natural medicine, etc. Thanks for joining the show against the wind doctors in science on fire. How are you doing today, Ben? Dr. Ben Lynch 38:18 Awesome to be here. Dr. Paul, I love the name of your podcast too. That's that's really cool. Dr. Paul 38:22 Fantastic. Maybe this is your first time on this show. share with our viewers your background. Yeah, Dr. Ben Lynch 38:29 I was probably that annoying kid to all parents why why why why Mom, why Dad Why? And so I, I don't settle for when professors or teachers or what have you, we just say, you know, you got to learn this. And here's how it works. If you don't understand the why behind things, memorizing a bunch of facts isn't useful. So I love to dig I love to understand the mechanisms of why quote unquote disease exists, and then be able to re kind of reverse engineer it because if disease accumulates, you know, meaning that there's some triggers which, you know, predispose us to disease then what are the things which we can do to reverse that and improve our health. So, you know, when I got my son molecular biology degree from University of Washington decide to become a naturopathic physician went to bass to university. From there, I just started learning more about Environmental Medicine and now genetics. And Dr. Paul 39:23 we have that one thing in common of asking why really honored to have you on the show, I thought we might dive into something that's really near and dear to my heart. Let's start with just that question about vaccines and pregnancy and why might that not be a good idea? Dr. Ben Lynch 39:38 Well, I mean, even the CDC acknowledges right that there's not enough research and oftentimes pregnancy is a time for reduced immune activity. And any type of vaccine is designed to do the absolute opposite is designed to amplify the immune response massively. Right. So You know, it's why would you do something counter to what the body is actually trying to do? And I'm looking at a paper right here published in Science daily, titled calling the immune system halt premature birth. So I mean that that is kind of opposite of what vaccines do. I've got a article here, as published in Oxford academic, maternal sere levels, levels of interferon gamma and irel to predict the outcome of early IVF pregnancies, okay. And what they found is chronic activation. And increased interferon gamma production has been noted in decidual cells and preeclampsia. If you look at the flu vaccine, the flu vaccine specifically increases the frequency of interferon gamma producing cells was observed in many subjects post vaccination, Dr. Paul 41:03 when you activate the immune system to an inflammatory state, which is exactly what happens with vaccines, it can happen with the disease as well, of course, but vaccines in particular do this. We have ample evidence now that this is potentially harmful to that unborn child and can actually cause a miscarriage and and your pregnancy. Dr. Ben Lynch 41:21 You know, pregnancy is a time for a calm immune system, right? So people can challenge that and say, Well, if that's the case, then you need to improve their immune system response, in case they do get an infection, because they are more at risk, because during pregnancy, there is a natural quote unquote, immunosuppression. Dr. Paul 41:42 Right? Well, I beg to differ. Because, you know, if a woman has sufficient vitamin D levels, and their health is generally healthy, then you know, you cannot have higher levels of these inflammatory compounds. Because as I just read from research here, they're associated with preeclampsia and early termination of the fetus, your common sense gut might tell you be cautious about intentionally activating the immune system comes to mind, you know, with the flu shot, for example, each year, we get a rate published by the CDC of how effective they are, right, and it can add anywhere from a single digit number to maybe in a really good year 2030 40% it's really, really low, because when we treat the flu, in actual fact, most cases identified as influenza are not influenza. So so when you actively over activate the immune system with a flu shot, you're 100% if you're doing this for pregnant women, 100% of the time you're creating these inflammatory markers, versus the natural rate of getting the flu might be 510 percent. Yeah, that's Dr. Ben Lynch 42:50 that's a great point. Because if you are 100%, increasing inflammation in a pregnant woman, and she's not supposed to have any inflammation at all, right, that's 100% of the cases. And then it's a crapshoot anyway, if that flu vaccine is even gonna work. And then if as you were educating me that the multi dose flu vaccine contains by Marisol or aluminum, what is it Dr. Paul 43:17 the Marisol mercury Yeah, yeah, it's it's horrendous that should that should be outlawed. Yeah. Let's pivot briefly to COVID-19 vaccinations because I know you've had a, I think you've written a piece on that with, especially with regards to pregnancy. What's your thought about pregnant moms getting a COVID-19 vaccine? Dr. Ben Lynch 43:38 Well, I believe everything is a choice, first of all, so if a pregnant woman wants to get one, then you know, do your your research and your due diligence, discuss with the healthcare professional. And if you you know, deliberate, and you've determined that you want to get it, then go for it. Vaccines are designed to amplify the immune system, Dr. Paul 43:58 period, because against that specific thing that you're against, right. Dr. Ben Lynch 44:02 So if that's the situation, then we got to be really careful with that. And we are seeing from COVID vaccines, the side effects of these of these, which are indicative of, you know, inflammatory responses, we do not have data to demonstrate that it is safe for pregnant women to get a COVID-19 vaccine. I made a post stating it was unethical to vaccinate pregnant women with anything that is that is not researched, including the COVID-19 vaccine. Dr. Paul 44:38 Yeah, the ethics around experimenting on pregnant women. I mean, that should just be outlawed period. We have plenty of data that indicates this inflammatory response can be very detrimental. I mean, you could lose your child. It's Yeah, dangerous if you're pregnant and contemplating getting a vaccine of any kind, but then put tickler, the COVID-19 vaccine that just has basically no long term research at all. I'm not telling you what to do, but just be aware, you are subjecting yourself to an experiment that we have no idea really about long term implications. I mean, the COVID-19 vaccines, the mRNA ones that are the ones that have hit the market, so far, have an added risk that is so unknown, because we've never used this technology in humans before Dr. Ben Lynch 45:26 that MRI is coming into our body. And then our own machinery will use that MRI to print proteins. Yes, and when does it stop? Dr. Paul 45:37 Yeah, and our body will incorporate it into its own genetics sometimes, where potentially it could become a permanent part of your DNA, Dr. Ben Lynch 45:45 you know, I would not be putting any type of foreign material in my body that my own body uses to, you know, to read and replicate uncontrolled replication is a problem. And, and where you want this to reproduce itself could also be a problem. I mean, it isn't gonna happen in the brain, it's gonna happen in the heart and your lungs. I don't know it just gets injected in your arm. And it's, it's a free for all you don't know where it's gonna go. Dr. Paul 46:11 And I think the potential for autoimmunity here is is pretty scary. Dr. Ben Lynch 46:16 Yeah, it's it's a, it's just too unknown. It's just too unknown and unknown. Dr. Paul 46:21 Let's pivot. What would your recommendations be if if somebody is about to get pregnant or they are pregnant? What can they do? Dr. Ben Lynch 46:28 Number one would be vitamin D levels. And I was floored, and I wish I had the paper in front of me. The paper demonstrated that the risk of even catching COVID-19 even becoming tested positive was reduced twofold if your vitamin D levels were greater than 30 or so. Dr. Paul 46:55 Yeah, so and 30 is relatively low, normally. Dr. Ben Lynch 46:59 Definitely low. Yeah. And so if your your risk of even acquiring COVID is reduced twofold, by having your vitamin D levels at a very moderate, lower level, not lower level, but a moderate level. That should be all over the news. Yep. all over the news. Dr. Paul 47:20 Absolutely agree. Vitamin D is probably the nutrient I promote most most of my patients have not just normal, but optimal levels in the 50 to 80 range. And I've said on a previous show out of 10,000 plus patients, we've had four cases that I know of mild COVID illness, not a single one walk through my door in the past year of COVID. throughout this entire pandemic, that alone is probably a better quote vaccine if you want to use that term. I mean, you want to protect yourself against infection. I couldn't agree more Dr. Ben, optimize vitamin D get your level checked. Take adequate dosages of d3 with kaitou. Right? Yes, yeah. And and then what else can they do? Dr. Ben Lynch 48:05 But I would say another one too is is happiness. Haha word we're in a time right now of fear and and attacking each other. And, and it's it's not conducive towards a good pregnancy. If you are in a fear driven mode, or you're irritable. It doesn't matter that you're taking the best supplements in the world or what your vitamin D levels are. They're, you know, they're perfect. You know, or you eat the perfect food. You're not going to be delivering any of those nutrients to the baby turn off the damn news yet Oh, watch that thing. Don't think that you're being you're not being informed you're probably less you're gonna be more informed by turning off the news. Dr. Paul 48:46 I always tell people this little gadget turn off all your alerts. Yeah, stay off screen. So get out in nature walk in the woods and you will realize everything is absolutely fine. It's just when you watch that news that you get this false reality that is absolutely has nothing to do with your reality. If you're taking care of yourself like Dr. Ben is pointing out, you know, just de stress. Surround yourself with loving people environment and get the masks off when you're outside. We need air to what how about math? Oh boy. See, what's your thought that Dr. Ben Lynch 49:21 I do not wear masks if I'm outside. Yeah, you got to breathe fresh air in you got to and we have to understand that exhalation is waste. Yes, it's waste product. Dr. Paul 49:33 You're trapping it with your mask. Yeah, Dr. Ben Lynch 49:35 it's probably fact check on that. But okay, I think so. Dr. Paul 49:38 All right. So folks, we're gonna end with that eat real food. Remember your vitamin D and if you can all do do whatever you can to reduce stress. It will absolutely protect your baby. Protect your own brain and health. Now, just to wrap it up, I want you to share with our viewers the information you have about genetic testing. I know you have a a ton of knowledge in this area? Well, in fact, you wrote a book, dirty jeans that sort of simplified this whole world, right? Yes, you get your testing. And it's not that it's good or bad. There's just there are ways to optimize your health, based on the information you have. Dr. Ben Lynch 50:16 Yeah, and you're different. Look, our eyes look outward, we see the world from, you know, our own eyes, and we hear it and we touch it, and we smell it, we taste it, we do not have the ability to look inward, in our own how we're built. So by doing genetic testing, you are actually going to figure out how you're built. How can we access that kind of testing? What what what do we need to do? Well, you can go to strategy.me. And you can click the link in your your video show notes there, Paul to access, it stands for strategic genetic analysis. And what's cool about strategy is we provide you how an A map a literal map of very important parts of your body, and how a group of genes work together. Because if you do genetic testing, and you only test genes in isolation, that's like looking at a soccer team. And looking at only the goalie or the striker, and that's it. But you have a team. So you have to know how genes work together. Because if one gene does one job, and so you know, then it's going to put burden on the next gene down the line. And then you also have to know which what things impact genetic expression like inflammation. So we show you right there on the report what inflammation does to a particular gene, what organophosphates can do to a gene with Wow, what mercury so Dr. Paul 51:44 well, that report come with specific recommendations. Dr. Ben Lynch 51:47 It comes with general recommendations, okay. For the genes, which we provide in the report, and we inform you like in the book, dirty jeans, we inform you, what makes a gene not perform at its best. And then we also inform you how to support that particular gene in four different areas, five different areas, environment food, and we talk about supplements and medications. lifestyle, Dr. Paul 52:15 lifestyle. Yes, yeah, folks, if you want to be empowered to look under the hood of your engine, and see what your team is doing, or perhaps where you could fine tune your team so that your health is optimized. Take a look at strategy. It's absolutely, probably the best out there. So thank you, Dr. Ben, for bringing that information to us. I'm going to give you the last word here, what would you like our viewers to take from you as sort of parting advice Dr. Ben Lynch 52:45 with all the censorship that is going on with all the nonsense that's going on, you still have access to loads of information, I want you to be empowered, I want you to trust that you have the ability to take care of yourself. And there's so much that you can do your next bite can improve your health. I had comments saying What do you mean? And I was like the next choice that you do right after you this podcast ends. You can either support your own health or you can hinder it, just know that health is a choice, and you have the ability to make that choice. Dr. Paul 53:22 Absolutely. And the power is in your hands because almost all real health comes from the choices we make. Thanks for your attention. Dr. Ben, thank you so much for being on this show. I really appreciate your mentorship in this area. And I know our fans and viewers are going to be so glad you were on this show. Dr. Ben Lynch 53:42 Fantastic. Well, thank you for having me. Dr. Paul. Oh, you're Dr. Paul 53:44 so welcome. Welcome Bernadette Pajer. You are the Public Policy Director of informed choice Washington, a nonprofit dedicated to the scientific integrity and public health policy, medical freedom and informed consent. And you host an informed life radio where you interview doctors, scientists, attorneys, bringing information about vaccination concerns and healthy immunity to the public. So it's just an honor to have you as a regular guest here on against the wind. And you cover for us the segment we're calling in the news. I thought I might have you start off with the kind of big overview picture of who's actually being vaccinated now in the United States. Bernadette Pajer 54:27 So what we're seeing and it differs for every state but pretty much ages are dropping the ages of being eligible to get your vaccine and that pronoun is a marketing pronoun that was introduced several years ago your vaccine there is no vaccine with Bernadette's name on it. Um, teachers have been bumped up Biden really pushed for that. really frightening pregnant women bumped up makes zero sense Dr. Pol. Another appalling group is those who are already immune Dr. Paul 55:00 Oh my goodness, I've got a guest coming on our next show, folks, you will not want to miss this. He's a mainstream immunologist, and he is trying to champion a program of test before vaccinating. Because if you're already immune, if you've already been infected, your risk goes way up of adverse events and death. We have a high risk population, just like pregnancy and children are a different risk population. It shouldn't just be Oh, well, we tested this vaccine and healthy adults. So now we can just give it to everybody. Yeah, now that's huge concern. Bernadette Pajer 55:32 And then all adults eligible no later than may 1 per Biden's so he's pushing it for everything to speed up so that everybody will be 18 and older will be eligible by May 1. And and then you asked, you know who's giving the vaccines so everyone previously allowed to vaccinate is vaccinating and pharmacists, many pharmacists were already allowed in many states, including Washington to vaccinate, but that's now across the country. And the Biden administration recently added a wider array of medical workers, including dentists. Dr. Paul 56:10 I saw that Bernadette Pajer 56:11 veterinarians, Dr. Paul 56:13 veterinarians go get your COVID vaccine from your vet Bernadette Pajer 56:16 EMTs and medical students? Dr. Paul 56:20 Well, it's good practice for them. So I was once one, Bernadette Pajer 56:24 it, it. Again, it defies common sense, you know, all aspects of fully informed consent, every aspect of the Geneva Convention Nuremberg Code, every code that has to do with informed consent, all the clinical trial regulations thrown out the window. Just whatever, just line them up, shoot them up, and, and no proper follow up. Dr. Paul 56:48 Yeah, Matt, you know, folks, this is one of the main pushes of this show is to have you wake up to the fact that informed consent is your right. I mean, it is absolutely the most important ethical practice of medicine principle, that you should be informed of the risks and the benefits and the alternatives for any medical procedure. And a new experimental vaccine is absolutely a medical procedure. And there there are risks. In fact, I do CrossFit, and I was working out last night and one of the strongest young man he's in his late 20s. In our gym, looked pale and just weak. And I thought what is going on? I saw I've been sick with the strap and then the flu for the last two weeks. I said, I've never seen you sick before. Are you a sickly person? He's I've never been sick in 13 years. I said, Did you get the COVID vaccine? Yeah, I got my second one two weeks ago. Wow. He has his you can clearly see he's got chronic headaches, chronic fatigue, he's losing weight, he looks pale. He doesn't look well. And you know, that's just one case of so many that I'm hearing about and that I know, personally. So I'm curious, what do you see as the social engineering messages because they just seem to be everywhere, anytime you turn on the television. Bernadette Pajer 58:08 So we're being told that the vaccines are safe and effective. Nothing to see here. Everything's been checked out. We're all good to go at a recent Board of Health meeting. They were presenting their community outreach, they're trying to overcome vaccine hesitancy make people completely trust it. And the amount of money is staggering. Dr. Paul, in Washington State alone, just for this one outreach program, $500,000 is being spread into the community. And I have one example here where $50,000 was used in a group called the Black lens of Spokane in order to encourage the black community in Spokane to get vaccinated. And you can see just a short list of all the places the messaging is being piled. We are being inundated with messaging, Dr. Paul 59:01 absolutely bombarded. I was watching a basketball game last evening, and one of the great basketball players of all time was doing a pro get your COVID vaccine be a part of the solution. And I was thinking about it. And I thought why I know he can't know what I know what you know, Bernadette. So this is a commercial, and I'm sure he is paid handsomely to do that commercial, but it comes across so genuine, you know, he cares in his heart. And then the sad thing we hear of course, his stories after stories of people who did that, and then died or had severe, horrible side effects clearly directly related to the vaccine, at least temporarily. It's hard to deny it was related. Unknown Speaker 59:42 Okay, so I'm just gonna play this for you. It's very short Unknown 59:45 concern is that we're not going to reach herd immunity because of vaccine hesitancy. And I know that's hard for a lot of people to believe, who desperately want the vaccine right now. And they're thinking, Oh, well, it's just a small percentage of people who are actually anti vaxxers. And that's just There is the anti science anti vaxxer contingent. But I think that there are many more people, millions of people who, for whatever reason, have concerns about the vaccine who just don't know what's in it for them. And we need to make it clear to them that the vaccine is the ticket back to pre pandemic life. And the window to do that is really narrowing. I mean, you were mentioning is about how all these states are reopening. They're reopening at 100%. And we have a very narrow window to tie reopening policy to vaccination status. Because otherwise, if everything is reopened, then what's the carrot going to be? How are we going to incentivize people to actually get the vaccine. So that's why I think the CDC and the binder ministration needs to come out a lot bolder and say, if you're vaccinated, you can do all these things here, all these freedoms that you have, because otherwise, people are going to go out and enjoy these freedoms anyway. And I fear a situation of coming into the form where we never reach herd immunity. And then we get hit by the next surge of COVID-19. In the fall, Bernadette Pajer 1:01:00 you know, you can see there, it's tying your freedom to your vaccination status. Not a single word is being said anywhere about natural immunity if you're already immune, but hold brace yourself, Dr. Paul, because the Biden administration is spending $1.5 billion to convince you to vaccinate. Yeah, it's gonna be a television radio digital advertising Blitz. Yeah, Dr. Paul 1:01:30 folks, it'll be the messages are gonna be on the highway freeway signposts, you'll read them they, they did that already about staying home wear masks, you know, stay safe, you're going to see it everywhere. Honestly, if you want to get in touch with your own self, and your own health and your natural health, I think it's time to turn off all media, you just have to realize we're being sold a vaccine that's experimental, that does not have long term testing, that now has more damage from death and disability than any other vaccine ever rolled out in the planet. And yet, they won't put a halt to it. There's just too much money already invested. This is another another one of these situations too big to fail. What do you see in the news or in the media in the literature about the death and disability from COVID vaccination, Bernadette Pajer 1:02:24 you're not seeing any of that in the news in nothing in social media, or major media, they're being silent, you have to go find it yourself. It's easy to find if you know where to look. And the numbers are staggering. As of March fifth, we have 1500 24 deaths reported 30 477 hospitalizations. And what the 31,079 reports altogether, we've got 66 miscarriages, and you know, this represents just a small percentage of the adverse reactions actually happening because public health is telling people, you know, whatever you're experiencing, that just means your immune system is working. Oh, vaccine is working. Dr. Paul 1:03:08 And there's a lot Bernadette Pajer 1:03:10 and a lot in the medical community are afraid if it happened to them to speak out and report because they have to be part of the system that pushes the vaccine. So it's Dr. Paul 1:03:21 under reporting. Yeah, under reporting is is incredibly significant. So so there's for those who aren't familiar, a vaccine adverse events reporting system, it's a government or CDC. site, right. For post vaccine surveillance? Yeah. Yeah. And it, it under reports to a magnitude of, you know, probably they're capturing 1%. And I can say that with all honesty, I mean, there are studies that have shown this to be the case. People don't report for a number of reasons. In the COVID situation. Their doctors are discouraged from reporting. People don't know that these symptoms they're having are vaccine related. I mean, my my friend at the gym that I was talking about, he hadn't made the connection at all, and he's in the health field. And it was like, you know, because the messaging is, oh, it just means the vaccines working. That's not how vaccines work. It's your immune system in hyperdrive, overdrive. Now, autoimmune events, attacking your own body causing all these symptoms, or it's an inflammatory explosion in a certain part of your body or all over your body. That's not the vaccine working folks. That is an overreaction of your immune system causing damage and sometimes death. Bernadette Pajer 1:04:41 Yes, exactly. And we entered this whole COVID chaos at a state of public health and medicine in full denial that Vaccine Injury occurs right other than what they would say one in a million f lactic reactions. And so the science isn't even there. Nobody except for independent scientists has And following up to see what sort of damage these vaccines can and will do. Why is this happening? Well, the ultimate goal of the drug industry, with the full support and cooperation of the captured regulatory agencies is to vaccinate everyone on the planet and eliminate vaccine hesitancy. Am I exaggerating? Of course not. Biden said that Bill Gates said that everybody in public health has said this, that they want everybody vaccinated, and they want to eliminate vaccine hesitancy. So this is not conspiracy theory. This is what they're telling us. Yeah. But in order to achieve this goal, there are three things that are really important, but they have to deny they have to deny natural immunity, it can't be acknowledged as either a valid choice for you to make like, I'm going to just choose to be vulnerable to get it to have natural immunity. And it cannot be used as a contradiction contraindication to vaccination, because if you've got already going to people who already have natural infection, you're not going to be able to sell them a vaccine. Right? Yep. And then the second thing is low susceptibility to poor outcome and low transmission risk, you cannot say that those are valid reasons that this vaccine is not medically indicated for you. This is where we really get into the ethical, slippery slope. This is how they are getting away with saying that children need to be vaccinated even though they're not at risk of severe disease. And they are not even pushing transmission. All of the studies show that and this is how they're getting away with vaccinating pregnant women. Yeah, it's, it's, it's really absurd. And then the third thing is they have to deny that the reported injuries and deaths are related. If they don't do these things, they'll never get the general public to go for it. Dr. Paul 1:06:53 Yep. Well, folks, right here on against the wind, doctors and science under fire, we're trying to wake you up to the fact that Vaccine Injury is real, we're reporting on it. But perhaps even more important than that is just understanding that there are people who should not get this vaccine, it does not make sense to have a one size fits all experimental vaccine first time ever introduced into the human population, these messenger RNA technology vaccines, without long term testing it is it is the most reckless thing I've ever seen in medical history. And we will probably regret it like nothing we've ever done before. I'm a pediatrician, I absolutely stand firmly. And you know, the establishment probably will will not want me to say this. But I stand firmly on the side of the precautionary principle. You know, you don't do something until it's very sure you're it's been tested, scientifically proven, you've got the long term safety data before you do something to pregnant women or children. I mean, please, and and and be cautious if you've had COVID. You can test get the antibody test to see if you've you've got evidence of prior exposure, get the darn PCR even if it's positive, don't take the vaccine. You're going to get that that information coming soon. But what about those folks who are sick with COVID? Bernadette? what suggestions do you have from what you've been hearing and seeing in the in the news? Bernadette Pajer 1:08:20 So a great resource is well, you wrote a book COVID-19 life saving strategies, the news media will never tell you that's available on Smashwords. There's a website healthy immunity now.org that lists a whole bunch of effective treatment protocols where you can click on and go right to the science, the published science on how and why they work. And of course, the COVID-19 critical care group, the FL CCC Alliance is an excellent place to go find information. Dr. Paul 1:08:52 Fantastic. So folks, parting words. arm yourself with information. And don't live in fear. Turn off your TV, eat healthy, get outside, take your mask off when you're outside for sure. And do all those normal self care things that will bring you that sense of peace? Do you have any parting words Bernadette for this week, Bernadette Pajer 1:09:14 there's a point I really wanted to make. And that's that all of this denial of the injury and all the issues having to do with the vaccine and now the testing on babies and children. All of its deep being done so that it can be licensed for children so that it can be put on the pediatric schedule. And once it's on the schedule, it gets covered by the National childhood Vaccine Injury act. And it gets shielded by that the vaccine industry wants it to move from the prep act to the 1986 Act and remain shielded. That's the only reason they are moving this product into children because children absolutely do not need it? Dr. Paul 1:10:00 Yeah, I couldn't agree more. This is a vaccine You do not need in childhood. It's a vaccine that probably should not be given in childhood, but they're not going to do the testing in time to see the horrors of what doing that could do. So it'll probably, as you pointed out, get added to the childhood schedule. And once again, we start a whole new round of experimentation, because as my data showed, that was published. Unless you look at real world, all health outcomes, comparing unvaccinated to fully vaccinated, you really don't know what's going on. So we would need to actually look and of course, they never do that when they add a new vaccine to the childhood schedule. It's just added, we and there's no attempt to look at what's the long term effects of that change. And so be forewarned, folks, if you're a parent, do you know start educating yourself informing yourself and check with your gut your intuition? If this really makes sense for you? Because sadly, there are massive conflicts of interest. I mean, you have to feel that you just have to know it in your being that something's not right. set yourself free. We send you love. And thanks for watching the show. And thanks, Bernadette for being on on another great segment of in the news. Bernadette Pajer 1:11:22 Thank you, Dr. Paul. Dr. Paul 1:11:28 Well show for is done, folks, thank you to all my wonderful guests. If you've made it this far, you are definitely one of our main supporters. And I hope you will share this video with all your loved ones, and get the word out about against the wind doctors in science under fire. We are excited about next week's show, you're not gonna want to miss the lineup I've set up for you. I have interviewed a couple doctors who blew my mind with the content that's coming your way. So stay tuned. That show comes in two weeks. And of course, we'll have a highlight reel that you can share with friends maybe who won't take the time to watch the whole thing coming up next week. Thanks for your time. Dr. Paul 1:12:11 Thanks for watching. I pledged you to bring to you honest and vital content that's going to help you first do no harm to yourself or to your children. help me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors in science comm This is going to be a show every other week. And as soon as we get adequate funding. We're going to bring this to you weekly. We stand together for medical freedom and informed consent, only you should decide what's injected into your body. So I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors in science comm sign up. Donate if you can. Let's make this the weekly show the nation's been waiting for. I'm Dr. Paul Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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