PDF:Text:Dr. Paul 0:00
Could it be our health freedom is truly under fire? Is it possible that our public health officials have been lying to us? And maybe just maybe we're not aware that vaccines are causing harm? How do we seek the truth when doctors have been led to believe in the marketing slogan that vaccines are safe and effective? This show will highlight the importance of informed consent. My name is Dr. Paul, and welcome to our show against the width doctors and science under fire. Welcome to my new show. What do you think of that view, Sunrise over Portland, the town I work in? We're on fire folks. I'm your host, Dr. Paul. Together, we stand united for health freedom. This show will focus on medical freedom, your right to informed consent. And that means you get to choose what happens to you and your body and what happens to your children. Whether it's vaccines, pharmaceuticals or procedures, informed consent should always be your right as an individual. And this is what this show will focus on. You don't need the government, public health officials or even your doctor in most cases to be healthy. We certainly don't need pharma and their toxic profit money making products. You should definitely be wary of vaccines which carry no liability whatsoever. Have you noticed that there's some fear mongering going on? Fear is the tool of the oppressor. Remember that who's pushing the fear? the antidote to fear is knowledge. So again, welcome to against the wind, this will be your resource for the information you absolutely need. We're going to highlight stories of doctors who've been under fire for standing up for their patients rights for standing up for informed consent for giving information that well, frankly, the establishment doesn't want us to give you we're going to highlight articles that have been shadow banned not getting the attention they need or outright removed from the literature, just because they have the message that mainstream media doesn't want. The science is there and you need to know it. This will be your source for this. And we're absolutely going to bring to you information about Vaccine Injury. That's what woke me up folks. I mean, I'm a mainstream trained doctor from Dartmouth, went through residency in UC California and taught residents and medical students for years. But it wasn't until I saw with my own eyes, kids regressed into autism when I saw Vaccine Injury over and over to the point where it was undeniable. That's what woke me up. And I want you to have the same opportunity to see with your own eyes, hear the stories for yourself, of families that are undergoing immense tragedies due to Vaccine Injury. But it wasn't until I saw for myself time and time again, Vaccine Injury before my own eyes that I woke up. And the understanding that vaccines can cause harm went from my head to my heart. This week, will feature this is our first episode. So we're going to feature my story. There's some interesting things that have happened to me. So Libby, who is going to be a co host will be actually interviewing me about Hey, Dr. Paul, what's been going on with you. So that's going to be fascinating, you're not going to want to miss it. We're then going to talk with Janet Preston. She is an RN who has a son Rob, who is vaccine injured, and she's passionate to share with you so you can know more about the kinds of things that can happen. She also has a story of her own advocacy and the challenges she's had in just trying to share the truth in the town that she lives in. I'll be having a forthright discussion with my co author Jacqueline's Wheeler about our study that was just published the very study that led the Oregon medical board to emergency suspend my license. And then I'm going to have Bernadette share burden his works with informed choice Washington, and she's going to actually also share with you on a weekly basis important updates so you don't miss important information you need. I'm actually going to be asking her about her open letter to the medical board, which was something she just did on her own. That was amazing. You're going to want to learn more about that. So let's move on now to the interview that Libby is going to have with me. Libby Mitcham 4:18 Hi there. I'm Libby. I'm gonna be your co host today for Dr. Paul's new show against the wind. I've known Dr. Paul for a few years now through other physicians in the community as well as being a member of his great practice integrative pediatrics. So I'd like Dr. Paul to give you a little bit of a background on his interesting place that he grew up. Dr. Paul 4:42 Thanks, Libby for co hosting this show with me. You know, guys, I can't question myself. So Libby has been kind enough to say she'll be the co host when yours truly needs to be questioned. So I really appreciate you being here. I did have an interest Childhood I grew up in Zimbabwe Rhodesia when I was there. My parents were missionaries dragged me kicking and screaming over it. No, I'm just kidding. At age four, and I actually finished high school over there. So my first five years or so were in an African village learning school in Shona, the African language I used to dream and Shona. I truly was a part of that culture. I mean, it's a it's a big part of who I am. As you imagine, wherever you grow up, I mean, all the way through high school, that just becomes a big part of who you are. So I was going through the civil rights movement that was happening here in the United States. I was there in Africa going through that same thing. Yeah. Libby Mitcham 5:40 Wow. Okay. So from there, you ended up going into medicine, specifically pediatrics, tell us a little bit about that? Dr. Paul 5:49 Well, I always smile, when I think about how I ended up in medicine. My dad was a minister, theologian, and little boys want to be like their dads. So I thought I was going to be a minister. And in high school, I realized I like girls. Oh dear. And in a weird adolescent way, I couldn't wrap my head around being a minister and liking girls. So I decided I'm gonna have to do something else abandon that career choice. So I looked at Madison as a great way, I always loved people, I loved doing things that would help the community. And so I chose Madison, I went to Dartmouth Medical School, to kind of get to the point. And in that environment, I fell in love with pediatrics. It's interesting how it happened. I just come off of my internal medicine rotation at the VA hospital where the veterans were smoking, drinking, and then coming in for you to patch them up. And I'm thinking this just as futile. And then I go to pediatrics. And you know, moms are amazing. They really care for their kids, your mom, you know, I see you in that practice. And it's just, I love working with moms and parents who care about their kids, because they really want to do the best they can for them. And I happen to love kids. So it was a perfect fit for me. Libby Mitcham 6:54 Great. So I know as you've become more adept at working with children, you really started to focus in on vaccines. I know you've published several books, one of them specifically focused on vaccines, though, just a little bit more about that. Dr. Paul 7:09 Absolutely. So starting teaching residents, medical students for five years, I then went into private practice, and I've been in private practice for 26 years. I've been 35 years as a doctor. But it was in the early 2000s, I was starting to question the wisdom of our CDC and aap vaccine schedule. I was starting to see actually four years in a row 2000 456 and seven I had a normal kid at one becomes severely autistic by two. It was like, This isn't right. I mean, when I grew up, I didn't see a single case of autism. And in general, kids just seem to be getting sicker and sicker. More asthma, more X amount more ATD ADHD, more neurodevelopmental problems, autoimmune problems, diabetes, what is going on? So as a pediatrician, my thought is, well, I'm the guy that's supposed to have the answers, and I didn't. And so the more I studied this, the more I started realizing. Interesting, my unvaccinated patients are the healthiest. And I would tell people this and they were just like, yeah, right? Don't you know, vaccines are safe and effective. Which by the way, is a marketing slogan that affect all pharmaceutical products have risk and vaccines have risks, but they also have benefit. So the book you're referring to was published in 2016, the vaccine friendly plan? My mom told me did you have to put a big bull's eye on yourself? So that book outlines what I consider a reasonable alternative way of vaccinating. Because I was having more and more parents coming and saying, isn't there a safer way or a different way or a better way to vaccinate? We're not comfortable with the CDC schedule, this one size fits all concept. And so using the best science that was available, that book was written with peer reviewed literature as references, and it outlines a different way. Right. So the the powers that be like the CDC, for example, I don't think we're real happy about somebody challenging their system. Libby Mitcham 9:15 Well, I think that goes back to what you spoke about now being a bull's eye, because I know that you really have been focusing on things. And so you started into a formal study to track this. Maybe you could elaborate a little bit more on that. And when that was published, Dr. Paul 9:28 absolutely. So prior to writing the book, I had actually written up an entire study with a data set from 2015. I couldn't get it published. If you're trying to publish something that shows vaccines in a negative light, it is extremely difficult. So fast forward to this past year. Actually, in January of 2019. The Oregon Medical Board has been after me for about three, four years ever since publishing that book. They just keep coming with some bizarre complaints that aren't really patient driven complaints. They're just sort of Fishing anyhow, in January of 2019, they had a complaint saying, I needed to prove to them that the vaccine friendly plan that's outlined in my book was as safe as the CDC schedule. I thought to myself, this is weird. The CDC is never proven that their schedule is safer than doing nothing, right? But I thought, Okay, I'm going to take you at your request, I'm going to gather the data. So I hired an independent guy to come in, pull the data for every patient born in my practice since the day I opened, so June 1 2008, till January 27th 2019. When I pulled the data set, that data set was then de identified, and we got that published in a very good peer reviewed journal. So that article, which could really be called the vast, unbacked study, the first real world data study that's actually been published in the world came out November 23, was the publication date, but it actually wasn't released till A week later. Libby Mitcham 11:00 And what happens the next day? Dr. Paul 11:03 Well, four to five days later, I get a call from my attorney who's been representing me with the board and he says, Paul, the news isn't good. I got a call from Warren foot. He's the prosecutor for Oregon. He said the medical board had an emergency meeting. And at 5:30pm. on a Thursday afternoon, they released an emergency suspension of my license because I was a threat to public health. So even though just two weeks earlier, they had had a request asking for how much profits I'd made from the sales of my book and what relationships I had with supplement companies like what does that have to do with anything? Okay, we're gathering that data for them. Boom, all of a sudden, I'm an emergency because I published this article, that sorry, folks, this article, lays it out for you. So we'll have a link in the show, you're gonna have to get a hold of this article, and we'll be talking about it more at another date. But the unvaccinated kids are hands down significantly less ill less, add less eczema, less respiratory infections, less skin problems, eye infections, ear infections, pain, just about anything we looked at, was significantly reduced in the unvaccinated patients. Now this is real world data, folks. So what can I say? It's what I was seeing, but it's now published in a peer reviewed journal. Libby Mitcham 12:23 Right? So taking all that into consideration. Can you let us know what's next for Dr. Paul? Dr. Paul 12:28 Well, folks, this show is a big piece of what's next against the wind with Dr. Paul, it's doctors in science under fire, our focus is to bring to the world the information that they're not getting in the mainstream pharmaceutically sponsored media, right, because if you're sponsoring me, and you have a particular message you want, you're not going to allow a message that goes against that. And that's partly why you need a show like against the wind, so we can bring to you the science that you should know about, that's not getting press, the science that's being actively suppressed, and also the stories from doctors from scientists and from families themselves, who are vaccine injured. You know, it was the Vaccine Injury that took it for me, I was starting to realize we got problems we have problems with mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, too many vaccines too soon activating the immune system too much creating autoimmunity and allergy. But how do you get that from here to here, you need to hear and see the stories for yourself. This show is going to do that for you. So that's what I'm excited. I'm also I have a few other projects I'm working on but for for the moment, I'll just say let's focus on against the wind. Libby Mitcham 13:36 Perfect. Well, thank Libby Mitcham 13:37 you, everybody, for joining us today. Thank you, Dr. Paul. We look forward to seeing you guys in some future episodes. Dr. Paul 13:49 Hi, Rob. How you doing, buddy? I'm glad you were able to come see me today. I don't think we've met before. I'm Dr. Paul. Unknown Speaker 13:58 Hi. Hi. Dr. Paul 14:01 So Rob, what do you like to do for fun? Janet Presson 14:04 Do you like to do you like to swim? And you'd like to ride horses? Dr. Paul 14:10 You ride horses? Yeah. is great. That's great. Janet Presson 14:15 He's great, but he really is. Dr. Paul 14:17 I can't I think the last time I rode a horse I was like younger than you are. Rob. Do you have any pets at your house? Rob? Janet Presson 14:30 We do. We've got a little dog. It's a named Charlie. Dr. Paul 14:33 Okay. Do you like to play with Charlie? Janet Presson 14:36 Rob? No, he does not. He's never been interested in our dog but he actually is living in a not in a care home but with a gal that works with him and they're actually next door neighbors now. That's perfect. Janet Presson 14:50 They've got a couple of lads and a cat. He loves the well he loves labs when they're puppies and then he loves their cat. Dr. Paul 14:56 There you go. All that's great. I think Thank you, Rob, for coming on the show. That's that's really, really nice, really great. I really appreciate you. And then, Janet, thank you for coming on the show. I'm gonna introduce you to our audience, you and Rob. Janet is an Air Force veteran registered nurse of 25 plus years. And the mother of Rob, who's I think you're 29 now, right? Janet Presson 15:24 There'll be 29. Tomorrow, tomorrow. Dr. Paul 15:27 Whoa, you turn 29 on my 30th anniversary. How's that? Yeah. So, anyhow, there was some vaccine issue at 15 months. And at some point, we'll chat about that. But you you just you've founded and run for 18 years, an agency that provides one on one services for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. And now you spend most of your time advocating for health freedom, and against medical mandates, hey, we have a real connection there. You're particularly concerned about the vaccine safety and the lack of informed consent as EMI and with the COVID vaccines in particular, but basically all vaccines given in this country, that seems to be the basic approach, right? Unknown Speaker 16:13 Yes, absolutely. Dr. Paul 16:15 So thank you for coming on the show. And thank you for Rob for being willing to come on the show as well. That's really, really, really, really nice to have you. I have. I'm a pediatrician. So Robbie, I took care of I would have been like the kind of guy that would take care of you when you were a little kid. And now you're almost grown up. He's like, going, I don't know if I like being here. Mom, do I have to be here? Janet Presson 16:43 Whenever you're done with him, I think he's ready to bolt out of here. Dr. Paul 16:46 Yeah, Rob, you can take off if you want. Thank you for being thank you for just so I could meet you. I wanted to just kind of know that. That's Rob. And now I know, when I hear your mom talk about you. I know. I can put a face with the name. So thank you so much. Janet Presson 17:02 Say bye. Janet Presson 17:04 It says suspicious right now. Okay. Yeah, you can leave. You don't have to stay, go, go. That's what Dr. Paul 17:13 we deal with. No, no, no, that's good. And thank you, Janet, for letting the world just at least get a glimpse of, you know, what, what you're dealing with and what it's like. So yeah, so many, if you don't mind, let's go way back to the beginning. So, you know, this was like some years ago and Rob was born. And if you are you willing to go that far back? Janet Presson 17:40 Oh, absolutely. Dr. Paul 17:41 Okay. Let's Let's start. You know, as a pediatrician, you know, we haven't actually talked so about your story. So this is what I would do. If you were in my office, I would want to hear about, you know, how was the pregnancy? How was the birth? And then let's start there. Janet Presson 17:56 Okay, well, my husband and I were both active duty Air Force at the time, he was an air crew and I was intelligence analyst. So there was no drugs. No, I mean, very little drinking and certainly none while pregnant. But we were both fully vaccinated in a worldwide deployable, so I had had a lot of vaccines, and so did he. I had never had any bad reactions or any problems. I got pregnant right after he came back from the Gulf War. Completely uneventful pregnancy, no problems at all. Like ate healthy, he continued to exercise. And now my water broke when he was about 36 weeks, and I had Rob and he was fine. He was six pounds six ounces at gars of nine proms. I got zero Mads during the labor and delivery they had said the the I had got no ultrasounds because the radiologists were still in the golf. And I got no Anastasia because anesthesiologists were still in the Gulf. So you might basically the base clinic where I had him Yeah. And but again, it was uncomplicated, no problems. We went home after like two days, I think and met all his developmental milestones at every well baby appointment. And till he got his vaccines at 15 months and that day, he got his MMR Yeah, he got him off this influenza vaccine and a polio, okay. And he never again met his milestones. And when you go back and look at pictures of him, he was uh, he was talking, you know, wasn't like complete sentences or paragraphs or whatever. That's not normal for a baby that age, but he had plenty of words. And like I said, he had walked on time did everything on time or a little bit ahead of schedule. But if you look at pictures of him at 14 months, bright, you know, great eye contact, really smart, really interested in things. And then his pictures at 16 months, he kind of had that kind of that mask where his Based on it, you know, you see that where the, you know, there was something wrong with that kid. I mean, I hate to put it like that, but it's the truth. And you know, one side of his face drooped a little bit. And you would notice that being his mom and being busy and like I said, you know, busy working and taking care of her baby. And that kind of thing. We were at this point, we were over in Hawaii, so we didn't have any family support or family around or whatever. But he was doing fine until those vaccines and after that never again met his milestones, he stopped talking, he lost every bit of eye contact. And by two years old, he was diagnosed with autism. You know, first we thought it was was hearing loss, but it was not it was much worse than that. So Oh, Dr. Paul 20:43 my goodness, I'm so sorry. That story that you just shared is the same story I hear, literally hundreds of times. Yeah. And so you know, when I first saw something like this, it was 2004. And it was my first time witnessing a kid who was fine at one and regress into, you know, severe, full, nonverbal autism. And I thought, Oh, that's a coincidence, right? I mean, one case, hundreds of cases that I've personally heard that sound so close to exactly what you're saying. It's not always just the MMR. But that's a frequent culprit, it appears in many cases. You know, we now have some ideas of the mechanisms, of course of how and why this is happening to some people. Too many, right? Way too many, which is why you and I are both so passionate about sharing these stories. So people understand that vaccines are not what safe and effective, like we're being told, you know, my your son's the same age as my youngest. And yeah, he didn't. He wasn't affected as severely, but there was definitely the lights went out. And Janet Presson 22:02 never questioned vaccines again, my you know, his dad and I both had plenty of vaccines had no problems. It just, I just had never seen anything like it. But interestingly, okay, and this was back, you know, years and years ago. And when it when Rob was diagnosed, it was five to 15 per 10,000. And now is like 150 something, but it's really much closer, probably one and 20. Something I think is really what it is. Yeah. But when he was diagnosed, we were living in Hawaii on the military base. And we lived in a courtyard. And there was like, I think six families, six families and six families in this little courtyard was like little apartments almost. And he was the third child in our courtyard that was diagnosed on the spectrum. So I was and again, I've been hearing for years and years that military children have always been more susceptible. And because of, you know, the previous whatever, that their parents have received the vaccines and maybe priming them, you know, with some chromosomal? I don't know. But yeah, I've been reading the science for a lot of years. And there is some, you know, precedents for that, that really needs to be looked at. Dr. Paul 23:13 Okay, I have one or two patients who have had no vaccines, and ended up with a child on the spectrum, right. But I have 1000s more than 1000 patients who have a DD or ADHD, or really severe to where that inattention is so severe, it almost looks spectrum, like, what do you think from what you've been studying about? The possibility that ATD ADHD is all part of the spectrum? Janet Presson 23:40 I believe it is because so many times a child can have not, you know, they can call it Vaccine Injury, they can call it autism, they can call it whatever they want to, but I think it's toxic overload. And then when we damage that methylation pathway, either, you know, and I think some families are just more susceptible to that than others. But I really believe that if you put enough toxins in anybody, you can cause damage. I mean, it's the same with cancer. I mean, it's not the exact same thing. But we all know families that everybody in that family gets cancer. I mean, they don't have to smoke or whatever. My parents smoked both of them for 50 something years, nobody ever waited, no cancer, there was no lung cancer, there was no throat cancer, there was no esophageal cancer, there was no cancer. So, you know, some families are more resistant than others, but there's no doubt in my mind that if you, you know, inject enough carcinogens expose enough carcinogens in the environment, and I think that you're talking about some of these kids that were not immunized that end up on the spectrum or you know, somewhere with this, this brain injury, it's toxins, it's toxins, you can get them from, you know, the cleaning supplies, mom putting all kinds of lotions on the baby and on herself and you know, and then the fluoride toothpaste and the you know, the fabric softener sheets that you're absorbing that stuff right through the skin. I truly, you know, like I said, I think some people are more genetically resistant to those things than others. But if you put enough stuff on somebody or in somebody or injected into somebody, you can cause problems. And I do think, you know, some families are just genetically more susceptible. But the methylation pathway we know is so important. You know, the doctors back when Rob was a baby, oh, you can give Tylenol, Tylenol, if they're having any problems with the vaccines are uncomfortable, or they're a little bit of a fever give Tylenol, you can even give Tylenol before they show up. So they'll have less discomfort. Well, we know that's one of the things that breaks that methylation pathway. That's the last thing you need to do that stuff should not even be on the market anymore with. You know, when I was in nursing school, I was I mean, I was a student. And one of the patients that we had, this gal had taken some Tylenol for a hangover. And she went into sudden liver failure to the point where they had to put her on the liver transplant list. Now she got better over time, and ended up not needing a transplant plant. But I mean, she just took it for a hangover. It wasn't like she was taking it chronically or you know, addicted to it or whatever. So, you know, again, people don't understand even the doctors and the nurses don't understand there's some things that we have not been taught. We've not been told we've not been we don't know until it happens to us or somebody we love. I never questioned vaccines again, I'd had plenty. And I never questioned them. Until you know, I grew up in a military family, you didn't question things that you know, my dad was an officer and you just Yes, sir. Yes, sir. That's what you did. And and as you I went into that, and I didn't question until it happened to my child. And then I started looking hard. And then it was like, what Dr. Paul 26:47 you basically talked about the first chapter in my book, I wrote the book, the vaccine friendly plan. And the first chapter is toxins, toxins, toxins. So that is key folks. And acetaminophen, Tylenol, as you just mentioned, Janet, it blocks glutathione, the major detox molecule, so whatever toxins you already have in your body, or you get injected with a vaccine, now it's magnified because of that Tylenol, that acetaminophen. And you're absolutely right. I used to give my kids Tylenol all the time here. I was a pediatrician supposed to know better. I didn't, right. I mean, back when you and I had our kids, it was like candy, you just gave it out. And it was, it was ridiculous. So folks, we can actually absolutely do better. When we know better. We do better, right? I mean, I I know for myself, if I had to do it over again, I would do it different. How do you feel about that? Janet Presson 27:37 Oh, my God, if I could change one thing in my life, of all the mistakes I've ever made all the things I've ever done wrong. That is the one thing I would do. I would not have immunized Rob, I would not have done that. I just you know, I is just yeah, it's just so sad. What happened to him. I know, you saw him and he's a sweet young man. He doesn't have a lot of behaviors. He's, he's happy. He's got quality of life. But okay, he's gonna be 29 years old tomorrow. He doesn't drive, he could not get his GED. So he really can't get a meaningful job. He's a burden to society. I mean, I hate to put it like that. But he gets a disability check every month, he gets some services seven days a week, 365 days of the year that the taxpayers are paying for he is not paying taxes back into the system, he is not going to be in the military, he's not going to go to college, he's not going to be able to take care of me when I'm old. He's not I mean, it just, he's never going to get married, I'm not going to go to his wedding, I can't go to a graduation. He's not going to I'm never gonna have any grandchildren. So if I could take one thing back, he would not have gotten those vaccinations, he would have gotten none. I would have worked on making sure his immune system was healthy. And he would have gotten measles, he would have gotten chickenpox. He would have gotten these other mild communicable diseases, and I'd have taken time off for more and taking care of him. And and he would very likely be fine today. Dr. Paul 29:03 Yeah, I'm sorry to ask that question. I know it's a hard thing to go back on. But you know, we didn't know different. And it's like, we're sharing this story folks with you. So that you can do different, right, you can make a different decision. What it takes to be healthy as you were just mentioning, Janet is a healthy immune system. And people think well vaccinating is how you have a healthy immune system is the exact opposite vaccines, overstimulate just one little part of the immune system, and then shift you into autoimmunity and allergy. And then you have all these problems that are just, I mean, the magnitude and scope of the problems related to vaccines, folks, it is beyond your belief. That's what we're going to highlight on this show and make you aware of the fact that vaccines are not safe and effective and you as a parent, it's your duty to protect right now with COVID vaccines rolling out and I know you and I are equally concerned about this because there is no safety testing whatsoever. As far as long term safety. It's a brand new technology, they skipped animal trials. And every human being on this planet who's taking those vaccines is part of a grand experiment. And then unfortunate thing is they're not enrolled in an experiment. So they're never going to gather the data, the harm will get swept under the carpet, we're already starting to see reports coming through, right? And unless you have your eyes open, you're just not going to realize that there's a connection. Janet Presson 30:30 Right? Yes. And well. And when you look back at the vaccines that have been on the schedule for years for children, they, you know, they can almost all of them contain neurotoxins, most of them contain carcinogens. You know, you wonder why oh, my God, we've got we have all these children's hospitals for you know, children with cancer, and everybody knows a child, or two, or three or four with cancer, everybody, I mean, it's almost like that's kind of it's, well, you're gonna get old, you're gonna have cancer, everybody's gonna have cancer. And it doesn't have to be like that. It did not use that as like that when Dr. Paul 31:02 we were growing up, Janet Presson 31:04 right. But again, if you inject everybody with known carcinogens, what do you think's gonna happen? What do you really I mean, are you going to be surprised when, you know, again, when you start a baby when they're less than 24 hours old, and then two months and four months and six months, injecting them with carcinogens, injecting them with neurotoxins. And then you're surprised when you've got a seizure disorder, or another neurologic problem, or learning disorder, or cancer, or all of the above, because I've seen that again, you know, with working with with the disability population. I saw, when I talked to these families, I used to know every family that we serve, until we got so large that we start hundreds and hundreds of families, I mean, really 1000s over over the course of 18 years. And so I don't know every single family now, but I did to start with, and I knew their stories, and I knew these kids siblings, and I say kids, but you know, kids and adults, children and adults, but you know, and I'd see the whole family history, I'd talk to these moms, and I'd hear the same stories and idea, some that were much much worse. So Dr. Paul 32:10 yeah, well, you've been a blessing to so many. And I really want to thank you for coming on our show here. This is how we can one by one reach people's hearts. And in closing, what message would you give to our audience that maybe might resonate, Janet Presson 32:28 people are responsible for their own health, the government is not going to give you how your pediatrician or your doctor is not going to give you how you've got to understand that you've got to eat right? Make sure you're taking the supplements, you need to you know, get vitamin D in particular right now, because the COVID but that's a great one to take all the time. Anyway, we've, I've taken it for 20 something years, you know, I just upped it a little bit with this COVID stuff, because I've not worn a mask, I've been all over the place. And you know, so again, we've got to exercise and eat right? You know, protect your immune system, that is the most important thing you own. If you damage it, just wait and see what the rest of your life is, like, you know, it really it really matters is Once COVID is gone, when it disappears or when we all you know, whatever, it's going to be something else and something else and something else. And and like I pointed out even if you get into a car accident, if you've got a healthy immune system, if you're eating right, and you're not 150 pounds overweight, and you exercise, right, you're going to do better, you're going to recover easier than if you're, you know, unhealthy smoke 150 pounds overweight, it really does matter. You know, protect your health. And don't wait on the government to give it to you because they never will. They cannot and they won't. Dr. Paul 33:42 So thank you, Janet, I'm gonna end on that. That is beautiful. That's how I like to end its lifestyle folks, and you are in control of your own health. So I hope you will grab hold of that. Right. That's yours. Thank you so much for coming on my show. Appreciate you. God bless you. Janet Presson 33:58 Thanks, you too. Bye. Dr. Paul 34:06 It's my pleasure today to welcome to James Lyon-Weiler, good friend of mine who has been instrumental in helping me get the data from my practice out to the world in a very important Vax and vac study that we're going to be talking about in just a moment. But to set things up a little bit for you, he wrote a very important book, the environmental causes of autism. And that was sort of when I realized, wow, I mean, the science that went into that was amazing. He's extremely well published in peer reviewed literature, and was able to help me do something I couldn't do, which was to assure the data that I had through the process of peer review. So just to sort of set up how we went about this. I'd like to mention that the most important study he helped me publish initially, and a lot of heavy lifting on his part was the aluminum study where he compared in a theoretical model, the amount of aluminum the child would experience in their first two, three years of life. Following the CDC schedule, compared to the vaccine friendly plan, which is outlined in my book. So in that particular study, we were able to show that in the first seven months of life, a child on the CDC schedule will spend 30 to 70% of those seven months above the toxic line for aluminum 30 to 70%. Folks, that's nuts. On the vaccine friendly plan, it's still 6% above toxic levels. So what I say to people is even the vaccine friendly plan is not friendly enough. But jack, let's get into the real study. The reason I wanted you on today, the facts on vac study, set that up for us, if you will. James Lyon-Weiler 35:42 Yeah, absolutely. So as many people know, but not everyone knows. So the CDC and its contractors have refused to do a study of people who children who are fully vaccinated versus fully unvaccinated or partially vaccinated, they just won't look at the unvaccinated kids. And Paul's practice, by the way that he follows the rule of law in the state of Oregon, to, you know, respect parental consent, provide informed consent, provide information. of risk, you actually will talk about family history and things like that actually developed into a study, it produced 10 and a half years of data that were ripe for analysis. Because there we had, not just people who were vaccinated and unvaccinated, we also had people that were variably vaccinated. And that's why the title of the papers along the axis of vaccination, but the number of health outcomes that we were able to get data for was outstanding. So, you know, when you came to me and said, Hey, listen, I think we have a study here. I jumped on it. It was a perfect setup for objective study. Dr. Paul 37:03 I might just let our viewers know it was January of 2019. The Medical Board actually in Oregon said prove that your vaccine friendly plan is as safe as the CDC schedule. And I thought to myself, well, this is weird. There's never been any proof that the CDC schedule is safer than doing nothing. But oh, well, let's do it. So I commissioned the quality assurance analysis of my data. And it was that data set that was every baby born into my practice, from the day I opened in June 2008. To the day, we closed the data set January 27 2019, representing 10 and a half years of data we had at de identified. And then basically, I handed this data set to this gentleman here that we're talking with to do the deep, heavy dive heavy lifting, because we were both blinded completely to everything. It was just raw data. So take it from there, jack, how did you go about sorting through this massive amount of data to getting to a final paper and publishable information? James Lyon-Weiler 38:09 Well, first of all, I want to take you back to the conversation that we had, I think it was by telephone, when I said, you know, Paul AIPAC was established to do independent and objective research. And if I find that the kids who are vaccinated are less healthy, or more healthy than the kids that don't vaccinate, I, if I'm going to be involved in this, we have to be able to publish whatever we find. You started laughing. Well, so Dr. Paul 38:36 I have to say, James Lyon-Weiler 38:37 laughing, because you said, Yeah, I think we know what we're going to find. But that wasn't based on a survey of all of the data that was based on your, what I was seeing empirical experience called right. Dr. Paul 38:52 observation, observation, right? Yeah. And we'll bring up Yeah, you bring up a really good point. So I've been doing pediatrics for over 30 years. And the last 1015 years, I'm just seeing in my day to day work. I mean, I have a practice with over 15,000 active patients most of the time, and we just kept seeing the unbox kids are just so incredibly healthy. But when I would say that to somebody that Oh, sure, you know, show me the data. And that was my dilemma. I didn't have the data. And so actually, even the the gut doctor who came in and did my quality analysis, he had that same concept that you presented jaggus as well, I don't know what we're going to find. He kinda was We'll see. And the first day comes out it goes, Oh, my gosh, it just jumps out at you. So what are you talking about? This, you're on Vax patients just don't get sick. So anyway, so you're you're digging into the data? James Lyon-Weiler 39:44 boat, right? So what he's talking about is just the patterns of the ones and zeros, right? So all you have to do in the in the data set. And there was no statistical analysis done by this guy. He simply produced a spreadsheet. That said, here's the vaccinated It appears the unvaccinated on there, and you could just see where the where the with the with the numbers where it where the word there were blacks, it was just a pattern of recognition by his brain. And it is shocking. And it is that, you know, robust. That's how robust these results are. So you want me to discuss the deep dive, right? Dr. Paul 40:21 Yeah, take us through the paper real quick. James Lyon-Weiler 40:23 Absolutely. So like any other, you know, observational study where you have case control study, or you have different health outcomes, right? If I'm studying cancer, and I'm going to look at the people that responded to chemotherapy or not use you structure the data so that you have, you know, Group A versus Group B. Right. So just like, just like our friend did, who did the data poll, right, I put the data into Group A and Group B in the spreadsheet. And then I realized what one of the data columns had the I was able to cut, I was able to calculate, and just count the number of vaccines that each patient had. And when I looked at those numbers, they vary so much, that the very first thing that I did was I said, Okay, I'm going to rank these patients, both of the groups, right, I've vaccinated, we're not gonna rank it all zero, they're all zero. But in the vaccinated, I'm going to rank them from highest to lowest vaccination. And what that does is it provides us with the opportunity anyway to look at vaccine uptake. Right. So in designing the analysis, it's very straightforward then to say, Okay, now we have this, this coordinate of vaccine uptake, that you got the most vaccinated over here and the least vaccinated over here, what health outcomes are associated along that axis, we can certainly do vaccine vaccine here, but I was really interested in let's see effective total vaccine uptake. So the first round of analysis, we looked at it, we said, okay, and you if you look at the paper, there's a couple of rounds of analysis, I want to say, every piece of analysis that we did, we published, it's this isn't a cherry picked set of results, we published everything, I realized that we could look at it not just in terms of health outcomes with incidence, we can actually look at the cost to the patient in terms of the number of times that they have to come to the doctor's office for care associated with, say asthma. And knowing that, that those are billable, I called you up and I said, Hey, Paul, are these numbers of office visits? Are those actual build visits? Do we have the actual evidence if we get audited that each one of these data points? Oh, yes, you said that there's a provenance of data passed with flying colors. So yeah, it's backed up redundantly. There's evidence if there's an audit on the data at Paul's office, not a problem, point for 100% is Dr. Paul 42:48 billable, you cannot cheat on billable information. So yeah, so what you did there was so clever in the sense of just showing people the magnitude of the severity of a condition, you know, asthma is a good example. ATD, ADHD is another, if it's very mild, you know, you're slightly in attentive, but you really don't need much help from a doctor, we may not see you again, you know, they it's a mild case, or you've got a child who's coming in multiple times a year for multiple adjustments of their medications, or in the case of asthma, you know, a lot of visits for severity. So this was a, an approach that allowed us to see the severity of the condition, not just a yes, no, James Lyon-Weiler 43:29 that's right. And when you have that measure like that, it has what's called the technical term, it has a larger dynamic range, right? So if you have a measure, that's just yes or no, yes or no, it'd be great to be able to say, yes, medium, intermediate, high, you know, low, intermediate, high, even that would be more sensitive. And so we've really done as we've said, okay, there's the severity of it, that's in there, we're actually looking at the disease burden, as well as the incidence, all these past studies that didn't look at this statistic this way, they didn't measure the incidence of office visit. They kind of were fighting the asking the question with one hand tied behind their back, they're kind of blinded to the severity. So if there is no, it could have gone either way, right? We have to say this. It could have gone either way where the vaccinated kids were most vaccinated had fewer office visits, they only came in for the wheelchair visit that Oh, by the way, he has time for your asthma uptake. Right. It's time to update your this or let's check him for this other condition. But these were built visits that were specifically for that condition. Dr. Paul 44:40 Right. Right. So James Lyon-Weiler 44:41 just looking at it that way. The question that became All right, yeah, look at that. We see the kids that are getting more vaccines, the more vaccines that they take, the higher more often they have to go to the doctors for allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, Dr. Paul 44:58 right. Right. And so, so jack, how Did you control for the possibility that maybe my unfixed patients just don't come in for care? James Lyon-Weiler 45:06 Well, the first thing was I asked you whether or not your patients by a particular brand of magic reasons, right, that they just feed their kids magic raisins. And that's a joke. But seriously, there's a serious question here, where there's a potential confounder, that the parents who don't vaccinate might also just issue or avoid coming to the doctor whatsoever. And that makes sense if you're not a pediatrician in whose name is Paul Thomas, and you have patients that love you, and you have patients parents that love you, and parents that came to your practice, specifically because they trust you. Right? Right came to your practice to make a relationship with you. They trust you. They were, they were booted out, or they were refused care by other doctors. And of course, they're going to trust you and the other physicians there. So you know, what we have is the possibility of a confounder. But the thing of it is, in observational studies, you can always think of a confounder. In fact, for any observational study, this is one of the conundrums of doing observational studies only, and why CDC really, really, really should have done of accident vaccinated randomized clinical trial for four or five years, and just randomly not vaccinated. Anybody matching for all these conditions and all these other variables. is because, you know, we can't infer causality from correlation. it no matter how strong the correlation, you can find a confounder that, okay. Anybody can think of a confounder? I call them imaginary confounders. Well, what about this? What about the maybe at least maybe these people eat burnt toast. And that's why product management reasons right? joint is, if you have 100, people searching for confounders and an observational study, someone's gonna find one. So I'm just gonna find something look at all these people try tend to try blue or yellow cars, all of these people, you know, tend to write. And so just because you can think of a potential confounder does not mean that that confounder invalidates the finding of the study. And this is something that I've carried through hundreds of research studies that I've done, that so many of which were observational, this is not new. I'm not just some guy that fell off the back of the turnip truck. You know, you've Dr. Paul 47:26 done a lot of studies. So in our study, jack, you looked at fever, compared to well visits I believe, as a as a way of sort of answering that question, what did you find? James Lyon-Weiler 47:36 Yeah, so in addition to the argumentation, which is very important, because that's really, you know, got to take the take that one on by the horns. The expectation is that if there is this kind of an effect, then pick it people who take except a low amount of vaccines save 5% vaccinated according to the schedule, you know, your recommendations, and people are up to 95th percentile in vaccine uptake, should have the same amount of office visits for fever if there's no causality of fever from vaccines. Now, we know that there's causality we know fevers cause fever, vaccines cause fever, and therefore we know that that's a positive control. If we see an increase in the incidence of office visits related to fever, then those parents have to be billed for fever, hey, my kid has a fever. Those parents are coming there because of the vaccine. That's not controversial. That's universally accepted. And so we had a positive control. And then Dr. Paul 48:41 we found data. James Lyon-Weiler 48:42 Yeah. And we found that that's the first result that we found, boom, Okay, no problem. The second result that we found provided a negative control on this. And we found that the people they're just taking low amounts of vaccines have the same amount of health care visits, you know, billed for relative to the vaccinated as the most vaccinated. And so that's a flatline. So whereas fever increases, health care visits for well child visits, those are called those are those are flatline. And so there is not an effect of increased vaccine uptake on the utilization of your health care services. No way. That's not there. Dr. Paul 49:20 Yeah, that was it was good that you helped show that because that was what my sense. I mean, my patients, as you pointed out, they trust us. They're coming in for all their care. And, you know, we proved that was the case. So so let's get maybe right to the meat of the findings. And just roll through for our listeners here, which medical conditions were found more frequently in greater severity, in which population? James Lyon-Weiler 49:49 Okay, so, looking at the vaccine uptake, the first thing that we had to do was we had to say we have two groups of different sizes, we had two by 2768 For the people that were vaccinated, we had 561 who were unvaccinated. So for counting the number of office visits, we have to adjust for the group size. So we did that. So all the comparisons that we did account for group size, there's no, there's no problem with that. What we found was once we accommodated for group size was almost everything that we looked at it seemed the more vaccines they had received, the more office visits that they required for asthma, allergy, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis. Dr. Paul 50:38 naevia, ad ADHD, anemia was a big one, eye infections, ear pain, just about anything that James Lyon-Weiler 50:48 robs the rest of patients. Yeah, that one was huge respiratory infections really surprised me. Right. So what's going on with respiratory infections? It's an unknown, but we know that vaccines alter the immune system. And we're seeing evidence now with Coronavirus that there may be a problem. And we've we've seen it with other with viral viral interference or pathogen interference where the immune system is busy dealing with the virus are the pathogen in the vaccine, perhaps they become more susceptible to pathogens that are not targeted by that. Now there are people that will say, Oh, it's no problem. We see millions of pathogens, every day, yada yada, though, at least we don't see millions of new pathogens every day, you see millions of pathogens for which we're already I mean, if we saw millions of paths of new pathogens every day of our life, we constantly having, you know, fever, you know. So. Dr. Paul 51:40 So that was an interesting finding, jack, because that's been my observation, even in my staff. So I have a couple nurses who never get the flu shot, and they never get sick. It's like what you mean, we're around all the sickest kids. So we're clearly getting exposed. And I think we now know some of the mechanisms whereby vaccines are causing challenges to our immune system. It's, you know, pushing it towards allergy and auto immunity. And like you said, You wonder whether if you're busy fighting, let's just use COVID, as an example, and a particular strain that's in that vaccine. And now you're hearing in the news, new strains, new strains, new strains, will you maybe be less able to fight new strains than the unvaccinated person based on this data that we have, you could extrapolate and guess you might be in worse shape by getting the COVID vaccine. Now, that's just a theory. Obviously, we didn't study that. But back to this paper. How far we go. I James Lyon-Weiler 52:34 wanted to mention that there are published studies that show like Ben calling out of Hong Kong, his team showed that if you get the flu shot, you're more likely to get non influenza, respiratory virus infections for the next two years. And so there are independent studies that show that and I traced that to the Marisol in the flu shot. in that study, they used a femoral cell containing vaccine. The Marisol inhibits a protein that we use in our immune system to fold the proteins that make us immune to other pathogens. So it doesn't even have to be a new pathogen, it's possible that the flu shot actually wipes out your ability to create the proteins, you still have the adaptive memory, you still are trying to produce the proteins. But the Marisol in that last dose of the flu could knock it out for a couple years where you're more susceptible to things that you already had. So that's not good. Dr. Paul 53:22 Now, if you're going to get a flu shot, folks, make sure it's thimerosal free. Right now in the world. 80% of flu shots have by Marisol they're the multi dose files. It's just horrendous idea to be injecting mercury thimerosal is mercury in this day and age. But back to our study to wrap it up jack? What level of significance would you give to this data? Because, you know, that's always something people are going to ask. James Lyon-Weiler 53:46 Right? So if you look at the data, we found zero ADHD in the unvaccinated You don't have to be a statistician to put a level of significance on you as are. It's bizarre because it's subjectively collected data. Yeah, if it were biased data, you know. And sure, I believe I trust it. I mean, I understand the people that would say there's got to be something wrong with that. It's shocking is really shocking. But you can't get zero ADHD from manipulating the data. Right? The data came to me, the cows were there, I did not change the data, nothing, nothing like that. Nothing funny went, what went on in my analysis. And then anemia popped out. And that's a new finding. And I think a lot of people that are concerned or say even involved in vaccine research or in childhood illnesses, these mysterious childhood illnesses that we're finding, I can't imagine if kits are made anemic by aluminum, which we know that they could be because aluminum binds to transfer and transfer and is the molecule that's supposed to be the protein that's supposed to be there waiting for the dietary iron to go make your red blood cells that if you've got a three month old infant They've been infected with doses of aluminum. And they're anemic and you don't know it. There's every possibility that that child is not going to be able to power the brain development power the immune system development in an appropriate way, because those programs need oxygen. Dr. Paul 55:19 Yeah. JACK, this anemia finding is so important, as you pointed out, you know, for 30 years as a pediatrician, we're taught to screen for anemia at nine months in because it's a fairly common thing. We were not taught the why of it. All right, it was just that you screen for it. And the interesting thing was, when you find anemia, which is fairly common in a vaccinated population, very rare and are unboxed as we showed, we give higher because we just know that it's an iron deficiency. Well, we've now shown that no, it's probably an aluminum binding to the transferring molecules. So you can't bind that iron and and eat it is very difficult to get anemia, to respond, even though it looks like iron deficiency anemia when you do all the parameters. James Lyon-Weiler 56:08 Right, so so it may be just a tipping point in terms of hypoxia and the brain, right? There are certain particular programs that kick in during the fetal development and during brain development of infants that have to be properly nourished. That's why nutrition is so important. And they have to be powered by oxygen. And without the oxygen, it's quite possible. We're literally starving our children's brains for oxygen. So oxygen levels, blood oxygen levels are very important. You know, I'm thinking about the cases in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program where these poor parents and the family members and siblings had to lose a baby, the baby died in their sleep, SIDS, and so on. Well, how do we know that the reason why kids don't die is because they're not oxygens, you know, starved that way in the brain, they just go to sleep, and do seizures, what happens when you if you have low, low oxygen, you're going to go into seizures. So we really don't know everything that we should know. And that's the nature of science gives us indications that say, hey, you want to look over here? This is weird. This is strange you want to this is there's something interesting here, follow up on it. So I really hope that the rest of pediatric science takes a good close look, parent, iron, you know, high iron, paradoxical anemia is really a thing. But actually looking at the effects on brain development. And what do we do about it? If a kid has low oxygen, and we don't, and we can discover that clinically, what do you do about it? What do you tell the parent to do? So how do you how do you take care of it? And if it's attributed to aluminum, of course, let's get aluminum out of vaccines. There are other ways to approach this. Absolutely. Dr. Paul 57:44 So So in closing, jack, one last thought I wanted to run by you. I'm gonna play naysayer here. So you're not saying that we should just stop vaccinating? What would happen? Surely you must realize that Dr. Pol is putting his patients in danger if he lets them not vaccinate. What did you find about that these diseases for which we have vaccines? James Lyon-Weiler 58:06 Well, there were there were a small number of conditions where the data showed that the kids that were not getting the vaccines had a couple of ticks higher, right then. I don't recall all of them. But I think varicella was one chicken. Dr. Paul 58:24 We had a we had a few cases of chickenpox, which is a harmless condition. And then we had a few cases of pertussis whooping cough. Nobody gotten any trouble with these diseases. Yeah, yeah. They did. Just if you had James Lyon-Weiler 58:38 a you had a rotavirus case, that was not what that was. That was that was Yeah, Dr. Paul 58:43 we've had like, I think three wrote to a twins and one other case of rotavirus. Although if you think about a practice the size of mine, to have had only three cases of rotavirus that ended up in the hospital. That's probably better than the norm for a vaccinated population, to be honest. James Lyon-Weiler 59:00 Right. And so while the study was only 3400 or so patients, your study was 15,000 over 10 1010 and a half years. I mean, your practice my practice. Yeah. And that means that there are other unvaccinated families around there are some families that started vaccinated but quit. Maybe a kid had one or two vaccines and then they quit, you know, somewhere else, and then they came to see you. So but by far and large, all of the vaccine preventable diagnoses, which is what I like to call them, right here, zero in the unvaccinated and zero in the vaccinated current. How's it the counter argument to that is going to be? Well, yeah, that's because of herd immunity because he the rest of the population is kind of vaccinated. Right? And then the answer to that is, show us that that's the case. Right? Show us that the Suzanne Humphreys book, right contains so many figures the CDC website contains so many figures that show the actual reduction in mortality due to these conditions dropped plummeted way before the Dr. Paul 1:00:05 vaccines James Lyon-Weiler 1:00:06 to practically nothing before the vaccines for them were induced. Yeah. So there is no evidence in this study of increased risk of harm from vaccine preventable diagnoses. Dr. Paul 1:00:18 Correct. And we shall end with that, folks, we're gonna have a link to this paper in this show for you. And jack, I want to thank you for taking your time to go over the study so carefully with our audience. And we're gonna have you back on to go in detail on the aluminum issue, which I know you've written and published a lot about, and so much more, James Lyon-Weiler 1:00:38 you'll be well yeah, we've got we've got more studies coming. We've we're not done with the data, there's still more studies coming. So watch for that. Dr. Paul 1:00:45 More information coming, folks. So again, share this study with everybody, you can print it off and take it to your doctors for you, especially a pediatrician who is trying to get you to follow the CDC schedule and just at least have them look at the data, because this data is mind blowing, and you are not hearing it on the local news. James Lyon-Weiler 1:01:04 That's right. Yeah. Dr. Paul 1:01:06 Thanks, jack. James Lyon-Weiler 1:01:07 Thank you, Paul. Dr. Paul 1:01:14 Welcome to the part of this show, where I get to introduce to you Bernadette pager, she is the Public Policy Director of informed choice Washington, a nonprofit dedicated to the scientific integrity of public health policy, medical freedom and informed consent on our show against the wind, doctors in science under fire. She's our expert, or at least has stepped up to the plate to play the role of bringing you what's latest in the news. Bernadette Pajer 1:01:38 Hi, well, yeah, thank you for having me on. And I just want to say that I'm uncomfortable with the word expert in regards to what I know and what I can do. But I consider myself a very informed citizen. And that's what we all need to be COVID 19 vaccine concerns and then also COVID-19 vaccine treatments are what I would like to discuss, there's three sort of main categories that people are looking at for the vaccine concerns, we've got p eg, and polysorbate, which are two of the ingredients, lipid nanoparticles and the mRNA. itself. Peg, polyethylene glycol is in many things, it's in many cosmetics, it's in many, many, many medications. And because it is so common, the exposure so common, that also means that there's an awful lot of people in the population that have sensitivities to it. That's just how it works. But people may not know how sensitive they are. Because if the only place they're being exposed to say a cosmetic, and they know I can't buy that brand of lipstick, because it gives me a rash. They don't realize that they are, you know, have this severe potential allergy. Dr. Paul 1:02:56 And then of course, if you inject it becomes very serious, potentially. Bernadette Pajer 1:02:59 Yeah, it certainly does. We've got this brand new novel vaccine with these lipid nanoparticles delivering peg and polysorbate in a way the immune system hasn't seen before. And there is a major concern that it's going to induce allergies to these if they weren't allergic before they may be allergic after, Dr. Paul 1:03:25 right, you know, so you know, so many people have allergies, and they may not be making the connection. If your symptoms are runny nose, itchy eyes or gi distress or obviously eczema, dry skin hives, any kind of skin rash, you might know that or suspect you're allergic or sensitive to something, you don't likely know that it's polyethylene glycol peg or polysorbate, when it might be and unfortunately, nobody's doing pre testing before you get your COVID vaccine to see whether or not you are at increased risk. And that's just a problem with is the way this is being rolled out on such an emergency basis. Bernadette Pajer 1:04:01 Yeah, exactly. And, you know, one fact that gets absolutely ignored in vaccine communication. And that's the fact that in 1913, Charles vishay, won a Nobel Prize winner for his research and for coining the term anaphylaxis. What he discovered was a certain percentage of the population, if they are injected with anything, may have a hyper sensitivity reaction or develop an allergy or the most severe form would be anaphylaxis. They only discovered this with the invention of the hypodermic needle. And all vaccine researchers, all medical researchers who are trying to administer drugs and medication through injection are aware of this. The other ingredient, you know is the lipid nanoparticles. You know this too is a fairly new tech knology it's been used in some experimental products. It's been used in some, I believe drug cancer therapies. But there is an awful lot of concern. I can inquires with the FDA about the safety of lipid nanoparticles used in Pfizer's and modernise COVID-19 vaccines. A concern arose when I can was alerted to a study published in 2018, titled lipid nanoparticles a novel approach for brain targeting. The steady states lipid nanoparticles are taken up readily by the brain because of their lipophilic nature, the bio acceptable and bio degradable nature of lipid nanoparticles and makes them suited for brain targeting. The article also states these nano structures need to be investigated intensively to successfully reach the clinical trials stage. Well, that was in 2018. And that say that science has not yet been done. And so animal models have shown that when you inject an animal with a lipid nanoparticle with its cargo of mRNA, it will travel everywhere in the body, it will end up in the brain in the spleen and the kidneys in the liver. And what happens when it sets up a spike protein factory in those locations, we just don't know. Dr. Paul 1:06:22 Yeah, it's it's super high risk, and it hasn't been studied. Every cell in your body basically has a lipid membrane. That's what keeps the cell together. And you have the ability now to get into every cell with this technology. And well, what if your immune system goes Wait a minute, you don't belong here. And now you've got an immune reaction against whatever part of your body that I mean, potentially, right? So the possibility for autoimmunity alone is just humongous, Bernadette Pajer 1:06:51 your immune system that's always there, the first time you encounter something, your immune system has some some general things it general soldiers that kicks into gear no matter what it sees. And one of those is inflammation. Right? Yep. And it's known that when you inject somebody with a lipid nanoparticle, it creates an inflammation reaction and a cytokine reaction it something's wrong here, I'm under attack, and it pulls up those general salt foot soldiers and off they go. It's immunologic memory that appears to be playing a role here. It's an augmented response to the second exposure. It's not known how often you can be injected with a lipid nanoparticle. Is this going to if would like a third dose? Like if the next season you get another one of these things? Oh, Dr. Paul 1:07:42 no, we don't know. So there's a lot of experimentation going on, folks. And you may not be aware that's the case, these COVID vaccines this go around, skip to the animal trials. And that's the tragic, fatal mistake, I believe, because this whole thing of immune memory and pathogenic priming would have been picked up in animal trials, as happened in the past when they tried to make vaccines for SARS, and MERS, the other coronaviruses that were most similar to the COVID. Two. So we're just gonna have to watch for what might happen. And so when you see things happening, folks know that it's related, it's not just a coincidence that you're having all these horrible side effects from people who are getting these vaccines, they just weren't studied properly, and they were rushed to market way too fast. Bernadette Pajer 1:08:32 And I do want to state just to be as clear as possible of my understanding is, they didn't completely skip animal models. They did some animal model testing, in parallel with human testing. So the humans and the mice were being treated at the same time. But people who have scientists have done a deep dive and looked carefully at the animal models that they did. They were not designed in a way to tell if this immune memory reaction or the enhanced disease I get to that in just a bit here would happen. So the biggest question leading into this was not answered in the in the animal models that were done in parallel with the humans. And that's where we get to this next one. So we get to the Mr. Knight mRNA and spike protein concerns. So for 20 years, they've been trying to make a Coronavirus vaccine. They would love to do this because it would be everybody in the planet. There's so many coronaviruses and everybody gets them. But they've never had luck because it has always caused something called disease enhancement, or what Dr. James Lyons Wyler called and it sounds it's much more accurate, pathogenic priming. So when they did animal models as you were saying, the animals seem to be protected until they expose them to the wild infection or even a cousin of the wild infection they were targeting. And then they had a much worse case a very severe to fatal case because it primed them to have an over exaggerated response, Dr. Tony Fauci said himself, way back in March that he was aware of this is a path of possibility, and we're gonna have to watch for it. And this was their list of unknowns. On the day they gave it emergency use. They didn't know duration of immunity, they didn't know effectiveness and safety and kids and pregnant women. They didn't know subgroup variability and effectiveness or safety. They didn't know long term vaccine adverse events. They didn't know the effect on aces in asymptomatic infection. infectiousness, they didn't know the effect in previously infected patients. Dr. Paul 1:10:51 This whole idea of vaccinating people who've already had a natural infection flies against any common sense we've had in the past when it comes to vaccines, natural infections, and what our immune system does in response to a natural infection versus a vaccine. We've always had a more robust immune response and more lasting immunity from natural infections, we have to wait and get that information. Because if you start just vaccinating everybody, then you wipe out basically the data that we would need to show that natural infections The Way to go, folks, this is it's it's like we understand that unvaccinated people are actually having better health outcomes. And there's going to be no question people who get natural COVID infection and natural immunity will do much better when they see different variations which are coming. Yeah, because this is a virus that mutates very easily. So instead of going to a new flu shot a new COVID shot every year, which is going to be disastrous, most likely, you get natural infection, cross protection at a much greater rate. Bernadette Pajer 1:11:58 So then we move into what they consider their moderate concerns, which is really almost laughable that they put at the top of their moderate, not high priority, enhanced respiratory disease. What they did not determine prior to emergency use authorization, whether or not sort of the chief concern of these Coronavirus vaccines is whether or not they're going to cause enhanced respiratory disease or pathogenic priming, that it's just bizarre to me. And here we have state public health departments putting out messaging that was partially paid for by the Gates Foundation saying these vaccines have been proven safe and effective. You need to get it do your bit for your community. It's It's so appalling. And all you have to do is actually go pay attention to the meetings and read the information instead of listening to the commercials, right? Yeah, they don't know the rest of this protection against long term COVID risks. They don't know the efficacy with viral changes. They don't even know if it's going to impact mortality, whether it's gonna Dr. Paul 1:13:00 reduce more, we don't know anything. But just let's just take it anyway. I'm sure it'll be good for you. Oh, my word. Bernadette Pajer 1:13:10 I want to just briefly go over nutrients. They're all important. I do want to point out that, you know, vitamin D rises to the top. I'll talk about that a bit. There's so much evidence now. So many studies showing that there is a direct correlation between vitamin D status and disease severity and fatality. What are your thoughts on vitamin D, Dr. Paul 1:13:34 this is the one supplement folks you don't want to go without. And here's the problem with a lot of studies, I'll just point out two things. The dose matters, right? If you give a study where they're taking 200 or 400 international units a day when really an adult needs 5000 international units. Of course, the vitamin D didn't do anything they weren't doing using an adequate dose. Secondly, it's best to take vitamin D with K two. And I'll tell you why. Because without it, it may actually cause some mischief in of itself. One of the things vitamin D does is it helps you absorb calcium, well, if you absorb a massive amount of calcium, and that's circulating in your veins and you're building plaques, atherosclerotic plaques, let's say that might actually cause some long term increased mortality. But if you take it with K two, the job of K two is to get that added calcium that you absorbed into your bones where it belongs. Bones is your bank account for calcium. So take your d3 with K to take an adequate dose and check your level. So you know, you want your vitamin D levels in the optimal range, which is usually 50 to 80 on the units we use here in the United States. Just look at the normal range and aim for the top third of that range. That's what you want for your vitamin D levels. If the studies are robust, and there's so many of them, we know it helps you prevent cancer. We know it reduces infection boosts your immune system. It's the one supplement you should absolutely will not leave home without. Bernadette Pajer 1:15:01 And then so our final thing is coming down to ivermectin, which has been in the news quite a bit. What do you know about this product? Dr. Paul 1:15:11 It's originally used for treating parasites, but they've found it to really be helpful in this situation. ivermectin has now been added to this list of things that you should consider that seem to be making a huge difference. Bernadette Pajer 1:15:23 But it's interesting, he talks about mechanism of action, and they believe that it works at the preventive level by binding with a spike protein so it will prevent infection, but it also addresses inflammation if you are sick and at later stages. So unlike hydroxychloroquine, which has to be given very early, you know, with zinc in order to be effective, it appears that ivermectin even at late stage, because it addresses that inflammation seems to be helpful at that stage too. Dr. Paul 1:15:54 And here are some websites. Thank you for putting these together. These are the top resources for the information that you need that you're not getting when you're watching mainstream media, pharma funded news, etc. Thank you, Bernadette for bringing this all to our attention. Children's Health defense, they're incredible. The highwire is another great resource, and of course, and IVC. So you did a wonderful service to our viewers, and I thank you so much for this segment of our show. Thanks for that. Bernadette Pajer 1:16:28 Oh, you're welcome. We'll see you next week. Dr. Paul 1:16:30 See you next week. Dr. Paul 1:16:36 Thanks for watching. I pledged you to bring to you honest and vital content that's going to help you first do no harm to yourself or to your children. help me spread the truth and share this on social media and with your friends at doctors in science Comm. This is going to be a show every other week. And as soon as we get adequate funding. We're going to bring this to you weekly. We stand together for medical freedom and informed consent, only you should decide what's injected into your body. So I look forward to running with you against the wind. Go to our website doctors and science comm sign up. Donate if you can. Let's make this the weekly show the nation's been waiting for. I'm Doctor Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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