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00:00:40:28 - 00:01:05:39 Dr. Paul VAX facts this book hits bookstores December 10th. You can get a copy now by going to VAX Facts book.com, where you can get a signed author's copy, where you can order an e-book, or you can also preorder the book if you are seeing this message before December 10th. You can also order this book at any bookseller, any bookstore, wherever books are sold, and preorder your copy. 00:01:05:53 - 00:01:16:16 Dr. Paul Get this book for your loved ones, for your family, for yourself, and let's get healthy. 00:01:35:06 - 00:02:01:33 Dr. Paul Good morning. CHC, welcome to Pediatric Perspectives, where we are looking at children's health challenges with a different perspective, one that includes critical thinking. One that's not afraid to give you the honest truth. And today we are covering childbirth and I have a special guest, gyn Scott Hankinson. And we're going to dive into how to safely get a baby into this world. 00:02:01:33 - 00:02:07:33 Dr. Paul And there's nobody better than Scott. I am so, so thankful that we have you on the show today. 00:02:07:38 - 00:02:10:30 Dr. Scott Hankinson Wow, thanks. Glad to be here. 00:02:10:35 - 00:02:25:10 Dr. Paul I am curious, right before the show, I found out you're almost the same age as I am. I was like, man, that's. You just don't look that old. But you have a lot of experience. How did you go straight into medicine? Right out of college. 00:02:25:15 - 00:02:33:34 Dr. Scott Hankinson Basically, yeah. Took a couple extra years of traveling, but basically, it was a six year plan in college and then straight to med school. 00:02:33:39 - 00:02:43:18 Dr. Paul Gotcha. I did the six year plan getting a master's before I got in. So that was my six year plan. You were obviously smart enough. You could go play for two years. That's the. 00:02:43:18 - 00:02:46:46 Dr. Scott Hankinson Way. Actually, I started a master's in public health program. 00:02:46:51 - 00:02:47:20 Dr. Paul Okay? 00:02:47:20 - 00:02:58:06 Dr. Scott Hankinson And I was kind of disillusioned after the first semester. So that's when I decided to, take my new wife. And we spent, six, basically eight weeks touring through Europe. 00:02:58:11 - 00:03:05:26 Dr. Paul Wow, what an adventure. So you've been other than that, you've been doing ob gyn work your whole career. 00:03:05:30 - 00:03:31:17 Dr. Scott Hankinson Trained. Trained from 90 to 94. Actually started private, independent private practice six months before graduation. So I was actually seeing patients evenings and Saturdays because there was another physician who was going to go do a fellowship. So literally, July 1st, the first day I wasn't attending, I had like three deliveries and a couple operations. So it was really hitting the hitting the road running. 00:03:31:22 - 00:03:49:01 Dr. Paul Wow. So then just to kind of give our audience a sense of what it's been like for you. Talk about the changes you've seen in your career. If there have been any, in terms of the process of bringing babies into the world. 00:03:49:06 - 00:04:24:50 Dr. Scott Hankinson Well, that particular process hasn't changed much. Still the basic concepts, but the I would say definitely the environment around the patient has changed a lot. I mean, I I'm a little unique, in that I was in private practice for about 20 years. Then I started doing this thing called locum tandems, which meant I traveled around. So for since 2015 until recently, I was doing that type of work, which meant I was in places for six months to a year, year and a half all around the country. 00:04:24:55 - 00:04:55:30 Dr. Scott Hankinson So my perspective is, is, developed or created by this concept that I've been in the smallest of the small hospitals and the biggest of the big I mean, literally, the hospital I am now is my 39th hospital in my career. And I think that encompasses probably about ten states all the way from I'm currently in Florida. We were in Hawaii for a year and a half all the way up to Maine, and I started Covid outside of Seattle. 00:04:55:35 - 00:05:00:03 Dr. Scott Hankinson So, you know, it's it that makes it a unique perspective for sure. 00:05:00:08 - 00:05:24:27 Dr. Paul I really want to tap into that perspective because I have my mom was a nurse midwife, so I was I think you remember, I was a missionary kid and we were teasing. You wanted to be a missionary kid, but, I did have an incredible life. And she delivered babies as an RNN, not trained for delivering babies, but the demand was so high for help and infant mortality where we were in Africa was very high. 00:05:24:32 - 00:05:40:40 Dr. Paul So she was bringing a benefit. Right. And so I grew up knowing that there's home births is a real legitimate option. And then as a pediatrician, it's all hospital based medicine. And I imagine most of your experience was hospital based also. 00:05:40:40 - 00:05:48:09 Dr. Scott Hankinson Right, right. I mean, I have gone overseas a few times, but as far as in the US, it's always been hospital based. Yeah. 00:05:48:14 - 00:06:09:16 Dr. Paul So what's your thoughts about, you know, the difference between a major teaching hospital versus a small community hospital since you've been around, our certain environment having better outcomes, shall we say. And what how do you what are the metrics for a better outcome? 00:06:09:21 - 00:06:30:18 Dr. Scott Hankinson Yeah. Well the metrics are, are probably self, you know, are obvious in that a healthy baby and a healthy mom I mean outcomes within that. You know, people like to look at things like C-section rates or other minor procedures that, that they focus on. But ultimately, you know, obviously the bottom line is a healthy baby and a healthy mom. 00:06:30:23 - 00:06:51:57 Dr. Scott Hankinson And I haven't seen that much difference in all the different places, to be honest with you. I just think, you know, people ask me all the time about this hospital or that hospital and honestly, I think it really comes down to the people that are there at the time and the perspectives of the patients, you know, when they come in as far as their expectations. 00:06:52:02 - 00:07:20:04 Dr. Scott Hankinson You know, my emphasis has always been to really put myself in the place of patients. So obviously I'm not going to have a baby. But, you know, my wives, my children, friends, etc.. So, you know, I really just try to see it through their perspectives. And as far as things like, losing control when they get in the hospital, that's a common theme, you know, especially now since Covid, that comes up quite often. 00:07:20:09 - 00:07:43:42 Dr. Scott Hankinson And to just reassure them that their autonomy doesn't change when they come in. And at least for me, my goal is whenever I'm going to do something. And again, in obstetrics, it's usually doing a C-section when it's not scheduled that they are clearly part of that. They they, meaning the patient and not the father of the baby are clearly part of the decision making process. 00:07:43:42 - 00:07:51:23 Dr. Scott Hankinson And and I don't want anybody guessing after the fact like why x, y, z happened. 00:07:51:28 - 00:08:13:10 Dr. Paul So, walk us through that. I'm coming in to the hospital to have my baby. I'm in contractions. And you, as my doctor sent me, and you're going to meet me at the hospital, I presume at some point? I, I do get the sense that we lose a lot of control when we walk into the hospital. It's like we become part of, protocols. 00:08:13:15 - 00:08:32:10 Dr. Paul Right? And I know in pediatrics, there's protocols that I had to fight because they were, for example, and I know this is in some circles is controversial, but, hepatitis B and vitamin K were automatic. They were standing orders and they would happen the first hour of life beforehand. 00:08:32:13 - 00:08:33:28 Dr. Scott Hankinson Within the first minutes. 00:08:33:38 - 00:08:48:07 Dr. Paul Right before I'm there. Right. I haven't even gotten the call that that baby's born and it's happened. Are there protocols in the OB delivery process that sort of sometimes take over? 00:08:48:12 - 00:09:13:45 Dr. Scott Hankinson Not so much along those lines. Although again, that is one of the conversations I have with all my pregnant patients. So they know especially what's going to be kind of the default mode for the baby unless they're, you know, specifically, you know, I'm really a promoter of a birth plan. And, you know, I never used to be that encouraging of that because, again, from my perspective, it didn't change anything. 00:09:13:45 - 00:09:47:40 Dr. Scott Hankinson I mean, I was going to honor the patient's wishes whether she did or didn't want an epidural or, you know, wanted to wait longer if it looked like we were heading for a C-section as long as the baby was doing fine. So again, I always have really focused on patient autonomy, but especially since Covid as I have become more aware of the issues around the baby, I just really encourage them to start educating themselves about what the default things are going to be for the baby, like the antibiotic ointment, the vitamin K, the happy. 00:09:47:45 - 00:10:11:54 Dr. Scott Hankinson And so they have already been aware of it and made a decision because, you know, a lot of times, especially when it comes to hepatitis B, the consent is in this stack of papers that the husband signs when they're coming in. And, you know, at that point, especially if it's first baby, she's in pain, she's maybe anxious, he's clearly anxious, and he's just going to typically sign that stack of papers without looking at them. 00:10:11:54 - 00:10:21:27 Dr. Scott Hankinson So I just want to make sure that they know what to what to think about and talk about and make a decision about ahead of time before that moment comes. 00:10:21:32 - 00:10:28:03 Dr. Paul Yeah. Are your peers doing the same, do you think, are they preparing them for those decisions? 00:10:28:08 - 00:10:29:27 Dr. Scott Hankinson Probably not. 00:10:29:32 - 00:10:36:32 Dr. Paul Yeah. That's what makes you special. So. So right now, are you still in Florida? I am where in Florida? 00:10:36:37 - 00:10:41:24 Dr. Scott Hankinson Southwest. Just north of Fort Myers. A smaller town called Port Charlotte. 00:10:41:29 - 00:11:02:44 Dr. Paul Okay. Well, if you can have your baby there, folks, you look up Scott Hankinson. I'm telling you, he's he's going to help you be informed. For those who can't see you, are you able to be a little bit specific? I understand that, you know, Acog and the AARP, my Academy of Pediatrics. They have their guidelines, right. 00:11:02:48 - 00:11:27:57 Dr. Paul And and sometimes, however, in individualized medicine, when we're having conversations with parents, we don't want to go against our academies as far as that goes, just because it's risky for our careers. But I think we're obligated ethically and morally to at least share what we would do. Maybe like if, if a, if a new couple asked you, I don't know if you're able to share what you would do if you were in their shoes. 00:11:28:02 - 00:11:52:53 Dr. Scott Hankinson Well, I think the the way that I would answer that is, again, I really resist any kind of idea that I'm, telling them what to do. And I'm sure you would agree with that as well. You know, I, I see my job more of educating and especially pointing them and especially I'm not a pediatrician. So, you know, it's important, especially these days, to kind of stay in your lane a little bit. 00:11:52:58 - 00:12:13:51 Dr. Scott Hankinson But I do emphasize, again, during the prenatal visits, I mean, I refer every one of my patients to you, for instance. And by the way, I'll just plug facts, backs, facts. I can't wait till it comes out. Yeah, I probably will buy a few boxes and just hand them out. All my patients. So, you know, that's that's my approach. 00:12:13:51 - 00:12:38:58 Dr. Scott Hankinson And and right now I have a handout that I give to every patient. And it covers a lot of things that it sends them to my YouTube channel where I've posted some unsolicited videos of, of what I think is important because I am so enthusiastic about these issues that I literally will spend all day talking to a patient, and then I'll go to the next room and spend another day talking to that patient. 00:12:39:03 - 00:13:03:27 Dr. Scott Hankinson And that doesn't work well if I have more than two patients scheduled, right? Right, right. So so what I've done is I've created this YouTube channel, and I have the important things on there about nutrition and about epigenetics. I'm sure we'll get into it. But my real focus in all of health is the microbiome. And you know, my knowledge of the microbiome has just exploded over the past. 00:13:03:32 - 00:13:15:02 Dr. Scott Hankinson Basically four years, kind of simultaneously with the beginning of Covid. And, and that's where everything in the future of medicine that it's the microbiome in my opinion. And it's epigenetics. 00:13:15:06 - 00:13:15:22 Dr. Paul Yeah. 00:13:15:22 - 00:13:33:59 Dr. Scott Hankinson And and you know, I, I intellectually had heard of those things before, but but now, I mean, it's just amazing the difference that you can make in a pregnancy and your children and even your grandchildren, based upon what you do or don't put in your body. 00:13:34:04 - 00:13:58:23 Dr. Paul Wow. We're going to have you back for an episode that really focuses on pre-pregnancy and pregnancy and what to do to optimize your microbiome and, and, you know, really, really optimize health outcomes. So folks, don't miss episode two because we're going to get into those topics. But as far as the delivery itself, I get the sense it's a good idea to avoid C-section if you can. 00:13:58:27 - 00:13:58:45 Dr. Scott Hankinson Right. 00:13:58:51 - 00:14:11:15 Dr. Paul So how do you what do you advise young couples? Or, you know, obviously sometimes we have older couples now having babies. But what's your advice? How how do they reduce that risk of ending up in a C-section? 00:14:11:20 - 00:14:34:26 Dr. Scott Hankinson You know, I'm not sure there is a way to reduce that risk. You know, one of the, one of the variables that that is debated, whether it does is whether to be induced or not. You know, I have found that a lot of times when patients are induced and sometimes, I mean, there are medical inductions and then there are elective inductions. 00:14:34:31 - 00:15:02:36 Dr. Scott Hankinson So if the if there's an indication for an induction for the health of the baby, usually then that's different. You know, then you have to do it. I mean or at least you recommend to do it. But a lot of inductions are elective. And I have found through the years, and especially over the last year, that I've been here, that a lot of times elective induction babies end up coming in facing the wrong direction, which really increases their risk for the need of a C-section. 00:15:02:36 - 00:15:32:14 Dr. Scott Hankinson So, you know, most babies come facing down. So I'm not talking about breech, I'm talking about head first. But most babies come facing down. And, you know, the late term is sunny side up. So when the baby comes in facing up we call it op or occiput posterior position. And that greatly increases. In fact, I would say the 8 or 9 months that I've been here, every C-section I've done that was unplanned and unexpected was because of an OP baby. 00:15:32:14 - 00:15:56:11 Dr. Scott Hankinson So sometimes I think inductions might increase the risk for that. But not always. I mean, it happens in spontaneous labor, and it's also true that people can deliver an OP baby. You know, that happens to happen the other day for me, actually. But it's a lot harder. And sometimes you have to use things like vacuums or some of the other guys would use forceps, but definitely that's one issue. 00:15:56:16 - 00:16:25:13 Dr. Scott Hankinson But then the other issue is, is probably unavoidable. I mean, depending on the shape of the woman's pelvis, depending on the size of the baby. You know, if it's a, if, if this is the pelvis and this is the head, it doesn't matter how long you wait, it's not coming out. Plan planning. And of course, the obvious is that, we live in a world where plan B is is safe and effective, as opposed to some of my experiences in Africa. 00:16:25:13 - 00:16:28:17 Dr. Scott Hankinson And I'm sure your experiences in Africa as well. 00:16:28:21 - 00:16:29:13 Dr. Paul Yeah. 00:16:29:18 - 00:16:50:27 Dr. Scott Hankinson You know, I'll just throw in one thing, though, that that I'm thinking of as I'm mentioning the C-section thing, and this is really I don't think any ob gyn in the country has ever heard this. So you can you can report this as breaking news. Okay. But I'm about to interview a guy named Michael Hollick, who is a, senior physician out of Boston University. 00:16:50:32 - 00:17:07:50 Dr. Scott Hankinson And he's been doing vitamin D research since the 70s. And I'm ashamed to say that I've really only been aware of his stuff again for about the last four years, but he actually has a paper showing decreased C-section rate based on vitamin D level, which, is not really intuitive, is it? 00:17:07:54 - 00:17:10:53 Dr. Paul No. Do you have a sense of what that mechanism might be? 00:17:10:58 - 00:17:27:30 Dr. Scott Hankinson Well, he ki his sense of it. And again, I haven't interviewed him yet because I'm definitely going to talk about this is the, pushing ability of the mom now interesting adequate vitamin D, you have better, muscle strength and able to push stronger. 00:17:27:35 - 00:17:40:18 Dr. Paul Interesting I don't know. Well, I am a huge, huge proponent for vitamin D, and at levels that will bring your, body tissue levels to a dose a range of 50 to 80. 00:17:40:23 - 00:17:41:27 Dr. Scott Hankinson Yeah, absolutely. Yep. 00:17:41:30 - 00:17:46:23 Dr. Paul And most people are living in the teens, or sometimes I've had patients who are in single digits. 00:17:46:27 - 00:17:56:37 Dr. Scott Hankinson I see it every day. I check all my patients here. And I can't tell you how many single digit high teens, low 20 people I've seen in the six months. 00:17:56:38 - 00:17:59:02 Dr. Paul Yeah, I was checking out. 00:17:59:07 - 00:18:00:54 Dr. Scott Hankinson Right. This is in Florida too. 00:18:00:59 - 00:18:16:24 Dr. Paul Okay, so I have a thought for how much vitamin D a pregnant mom should take. But what's your recommendation? Because if you're testing, you're also making some recommendations, right? You're retesting later and you're seeing that it's actually getting them to where you want them to be. I'm guessing. 00:18:16:29 - 00:18:35:45 Dr. Scott Hankinson Yes. With the caveat that it takes a very long time to get levels, as I'm sure you know. So the half life is very long. So, you know, you really talk and probably a couple of months at the minimum. Yeah, to even get them up and that, you know, my goal is 50. So my goal is to have every patient over 50. 00:18:35:50 - 00:18:58:35 Dr. Scott Hankinson And I haven't seen one yet at term. I actually I just saw one for the first time get in the 40s. But usually I'll bring them from the teens up into the 30s or something. And that's where that preconception appointment is so important. And then, you know, again, I've kind of become a vitamin D nerd because I'm going to interview this guy and I want to sound good. 00:18:58:40 - 00:19:04:26 Dr. Scott Hankinson And I tell you, the more you look into vitamin D, the more benefits there are. I mean, it it is remarkable. 00:19:04:26 - 00:19:07:44 Dr. Paul So and what doses are you comfortable with from pregnancy. 00:19:07:44 - 00:19:41:58 Dr. Scott Hankinson But yeah. So, you know, I, I kind of, as an official recommendation of patients, you know, for 4 to 5000 a day is kind of I mean, honestly, if it were someone in my family, I'd probably go higher because I'm, you know, we talked so much about vitamin D toxicity and again, not referencing myself, but this guy like Doctor Holick, he'll he'll just say that that is I mean, the one case that this guy had vitamin D toxicity, the sample was sent to his laboratory and he was taking over a million units a day. 00:19:42:03 - 00:19:45:01 Dr. Paul I have a story to share on that. So it's. 00:19:45:01 - 00:19:51:14 Dr. Scott Hankinson Not intentionally. It was because his supplement was was, poorly manufactured. 00:19:51:19 - 00:20:15:50 Dr. Paul So I carry the supplement in my office when I was in practice. I'm retired now. That was a thousand I use per drop. So not per drop per, but per drop. And the instruction for newborns was one drop a day, a thousand I use a day. Well, this family misunderstood and they were giving a dropper full. So I checked there were 17 drops in a dropper full. 00:20:15:55 - 00:20:24:54 Dr. Paul So this newborn was getting 17,000. I use a day for 3 or 4 months before we figured out that's what they were doing. 00:20:24:59 - 00:20:25:18 Dr. Scott Hankinson Yeah. 00:20:25:27 - 00:20:31:37 Dr. Paul And the level they had was a little over 100. Absolutely no symptoms. Right. 00:20:31:42 - 00:20:40:35 Dr. Scott Hankinson So what family are over 100? You know, I come from a family that has member that hla b 27. Do you remember that? Yeah. 00:20:40:40 - 00:20:42:36 Dr. Paul Yeah. For all and stuff. 00:20:42:41 - 00:21:05:31 Dr. Scott Hankinson All six of us have that. So we all technically have this alkalosis and spondylitis and we were all on Humira or Enbrel before cold. Once we got our vitamin DS up, everybody went off those biologics because as I found out again, it's it hits so many different areas. It's actually a tumor necrosis factor inhibitor just like humerus. 00:21:05:36 - 00:21:07:51 Dr. Scott Hankinson So again another testimony. 00:21:07:56 - 00:21:32:30 Dr. Paul Yeah. Vitamin D is absolutely essential. And when we get into the next episode with you we'll cover all the diet nutrition, biome and those sorts of things. So to wrap up the the delivery experience and how to really maximize the health for your newborn, I do want to touch a little bit on hat be just it's kind of more in my wheelhouse in the sense of I'm a pediatrician, right? 00:21:32:32 - 00:21:56:11 Dr. Paul But I don't get to see these babies until they're sometimes they've already gotten the hep B shot. But what I recall, and this is what I want to double check with you. OB GYNs have always done a masterful job of during pregnancy screening moms. You know, the mom who's about to deliver a baby for their hepatitis B status and that's still true. 00:21:56:16 - 00:22:18:29 Dr. Scott Hankinson Everybody gets screened at least once and now because like I said, I've been traveling around until recently. You know, every practice kind of did things a little bit differently. But in the last five years, I'd say at least 90% of the practices are screening twice. So there's screening at the initial visit and then their re screening at their 28 week labs. 00:22:18:33 - 00:22:26:58 Dr. Paul And since you've had an experience in multiple states and hundreds of hospitals, or at least over 100, 00:22:27:03 - 00:22:30:23 Dr. Scott Hankinson There's a lot. But, you know, it's like hundreds. 00:22:30:28 - 00:22:37:50 Dr. Paul Okay, what percentage of the moms that you've cared for were high risk for pregnancy for been. 00:22:37:54 - 00:22:41:11 Dr. Scott Hankinson Oh, wow. I was about to say I can't remember one. 00:22:41:16 - 00:22:41:56 Dr. Paul Okay. 00:22:42:01 - 00:22:42:50 Dr. Scott Hankinson That's how rare. 00:22:42:59 - 00:22:45:18 Dr. Paul And how many have you screened? Would you guess? 00:22:45:23 - 00:22:46:08 Dr. Scott Hankinson Oh, thousands. 00:22:46:20 - 00:23:09:14 Dr. Paul Thousands. Okay. That's what I have experienced as well I had in my career. One mom who has hep be positive. And in that situation I think you would probably agree, but I want to have your input on it. At that point, it makes total sense to give that baby the hepatitis B vaccine, the H big. I mean, that's probably standard protocol in the hospitals, right? 00:23:09:19 - 00:23:37:53 Dr. Scott Hankinson Well, yes. But you did bring up a good issue. Is that and I don't know the data on this. So I mean, to answer your question, yes, I would probably recommended it for that particular, baby or, you know, again, I don't recommend for babies, but I would in, in the counseling of the mom. I mean, it's what I do today in the counseling the mom, I tell them hepatitis B for the baby used to be indicated for moms who had hepatitis B during pregnancy. 00:23:37:58 - 00:23:59:42 Dr. Scott Hankinson And, you know, again, almost always, I mean, again, I think I can remember 3 or 4 cases in my entire career where moms had to speak. Now, certainly if you're in an inner city clinic and there's a lot of IV drug use, then those numbers are going to be different. But in the general suburban populations that I've always been in practice, very, very rare. 00:23:59:47 - 00:24:19:05 Dr. Scott Hankinson But yeah, I would say in that situation it probably makes sense. Although I would refer defer to the pediatrician and say if you give H big to the baby, then then is one better than the other? Do they work synergistically? You know, that would be the question that I would ask the PDL pediatrician. 00:24:19:09 - 00:24:32:56 Dr. Paul Yeah, yeah. And for the other 99.9% of moms who do not have any active hep B situation, and we know they don't, because you guys do such a masterful job of screening and testing. 00:24:33:01 - 00:24:52:48 Dr. Scott Hankinson If a patient comes into the hospital now in labor, I think they have a rapid test. They'll even test the the mom right then and there, you know, so you'll have a day maybe a day or two sometimes before the baby comes out. So it's it's extremely rare to have a delivery where you do not know the hepatitis status of the mom. 00:24:52:53 - 00:25:19:39 Dr. Paul Yeah. So there you go, folks. This would be a very, very important issue to have in your birthing plan is, you know, if you are very, very low risk, which is you don't have hepatitis B, do you put in your birthing plan that you don't want the hepatitis B shot for your newborn? That shot has 250 micrograms of aluminum, a way toxic dose for that little sized body. 00:25:19:44 - 00:25:46:23 Dr. Paul You're not supposed to exceed 3 to 5 micrograms per kilo, and baby only weighs, what, 4 or 5 kilos at most. So 15 micrograms at most. You're injecting 250. Okay, that's my plug. I want you to have the last word. What's your parting special message to expecting couples as they anticipate getting into a hospital? Most likely. 00:25:46:27 - 00:25:52:23 Dr. Paul And how how should they best prepare to have the optimal outcome for their delivery? 00:25:52:27 - 00:26:15:37 Dr. Scott Hankinson Well, again, depending on where they are on, on this discussion, you know, nutrition, nutrition. I mean, my byline is organic green beans and vitamin D. So that's pretty much summarizes everything. And that's why I could never write a book on it, because the whole book would be that one, you know, line. But as far as labor and delivery, you know, I do encourage a birth plan. 00:26:15:37 - 00:26:35:45 Dr. Scott Hankinson I do encourage do your homework now because again, especially first deliveries, you're going to be overwhelmed. That would be normal and you're going to be super excited. And you're going to see things. You're going to see literally a human come out of your wife, which, you know, I've done thousands of them, and I still have fun every time. 00:26:35:45 - 00:27:06:30 Dr. Scott Hankinson I still think, isn't this incredible? Here's this little person literally coming out of you. So the point is, you know, you're going to be told that the hospital does certain things based on national recommendations, and you're going to be asked if you want those things. And so now is the time when during the pregnancy or even, you know, if you're not pregnant yet, now's the time to learn about it so that you can make an educated decision and, you know, truly have informed consent. 00:27:06:30 - 00:27:57:10 Dr. Scott Hankinson Because, you know, the sad part is, I would argue that you don't really get informed consent these days on un, agency recommendations because and and, you know, in full disclosure, it's only been the last four years that I think I have given good informed consent. So, you know, there's there's some some, sadness in me that for the previous years, I was just parroting what I had been told with my education and with my residency and with national organizations, so, so well-meaning clinicians, whether it's, OB or a nurse midwife, they think they are recommend and the nurses and the hospital and the pediatricians, they think they're recommending the best thing for you and 00:27:57:10 - 00:28:20:38 Dr. Scott Hankinson your baby. And they think that because they trust the organizations that are telling them what to say. And again, I did the same thing. But now I know that it's important for the parents to do their own homework and come to their own conclusions, before that time arrives. That would be my parting comment. 00:28:20:43 - 00:28:30:24 Dr. Paul I would add to that that parents go check out Doctor Hankins YouTube, because I think you really spill the beans very nicely there. As far as being. 00:28:30:35 - 00:28:31:33 Dr. Scott Hankinson I get the pun. 00:28:31:38 - 00:28:33:02 Dr. Paul Yeah, yeah. 00:28:33:06 - 00:28:37:22 Dr. Scott Hankinson Green beans. No, it's greens and beans. 00:28:37:24 - 00:28:38:09 Dr. Paul Okay, good. 00:28:38:23 - 00:28:42:33 Dr. Scott Hankinson I thought you said green beans. Beans. But the key there is organic. 00:28:42:46 - 00:28:43:26 Dr. Paul Organic? 00:28:43:26 - 00:28:47:08 Dr. Scott Hankinson And what is the whole idea is help build. 00:28:47:12 - 00:28:47:36 Dr. Paul Okay. 00:28:47:36 - 00:28:48:41 Dr. Scott Hankinson Talking about that more later. 00:28:48:41 - 00:28:55:15 Dr. Paul I guess we're going to get you right back for another episode. For sure. What's the your YouTube channel? How do people find you. 00:28:55:20 - 00:28:59:27 Dr. Scott Hankinson At so at Sign Whole Foods Health. 00:28:59:32 - 00:29:02:38 Dr. Paul Okay, YouTube at Whole Foods Health. 00:29:02:43 - 00:29:03:23 Dr. Scott Hankinson Yep. 00:29:03:28 - 00:29:07:28 Dr. Paul Fantastic. Scott. Doctor Hankinson, thank you so much. 00:29:07:33 - 00:29:26:33 Dr. Scott Hankinson Thank you. And you know, I didn't I didn't get a chance to say it. But you are you know what's funny is that who would have thought that a physician would have thought of another physician as, like, a rock star and actually had like, what's that phrase when you get star struck, right? When you get star struck? 00:29:26:38 - 00:29:49:50 Dr. Scott Hankinson Well, in case people are watching this for whatever reason and they don't know there are about, I think it's honest to say, maybe ten super generals that have come to the surface over the past four years, and maybe it's only five. But Paul, you are definitely one of those. And and I know you're a reluctant general. 00:29:49:54 - 00:29:51:32 Dr. Scott Hankinson But, 00:29:51:37 - 00:29:53:26 Dr. Paul I'm not reluctant anymore. 00:29:53:30 - 00:30:15:50 Dr. Scott Hankinson Yeah. Well, again, I mean, whether it's God's design or whatever you want to call it, but you took the events that that happened to you, and you have even a bigger, ability to, change people's health now than I think that even when you were seeing patients one on one. Oh, it's a great honor to be here. 00:30:16:04 - 00:30:34:12 Dr. Paul Well, thank you. And it's, it's a privilege to have you on the show, and we're going to get you right back on this show for sure, folks. Thanks for watching. You can check out my other show With the Wind at Doctors and science.com. And you can also take, coaching session with myself if you wish. Kids first forever.com. 00:30:34:17 - 00:30:40:12 Dr. Paul Those links are in the show notes. Thank you for your time today. And I look forward to seeing you next week. 00:30:45:31 - 00:31:11:25 Dr. Paul I look forward to running together with the wind at our backs, revealing the science that gives clarity in our world that's full of propaganda and misinformation. Visit our website Doctors in Science Rt.com. Sign up, donate if you can. Your support makes a difference. And let's make this the weekly show the world has been waiting for. Thanks for watching. 00:31:11:31 - 00:31:18:47 Dr. Paul I'm Dr. Paul. Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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