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Dr. Paul Welcome to with wind science revealed. My guest today is Dr. Michael gaita. He is a wealth of information in the herbal acupuncture natural medicine world. He's an educator who's educated over 20,000 other professionals. His basic theory is nature first drugs last. But he is giving us so much information. In this episode, you're gonna want pen and paper as you watch it because some of this stuff is really life changing. And very, very important. Didi wraps this up challenging Dr. Gates on what to do with teenagers and they get into a nice in depth discussion of mental health and the difficulties with parenting. Enjoy the show. Dr. Paul, coming to you from the heart, a lot of the time talk to you about connection. And in the context of what you're going to hear in this show. Today. We're talking about connecting with our children, connecting with our loved ones, and connecting with ourselves. And Dr. Gaida brings a wealth of information about how to connect on the herbal, physical, holistic way of being so different than what we get from our mainstream doctors approaches. But we as parents, when it comes to connecting to our kids, it's, it's something that we need to be intentional. And I feel that when I've done that, well, you just have that sense that you've done your job as a parent. And you can't do that well or at least I couldn't when I wasn't connecting with my own soul with my own self. And so we all can start with ourselves and be open. Spend more time listening. Spend more time just hearing that inner special voice and connecting with it. And then we're there we can be there for our children. So, my heart to yours. Dig deep. Allow it listen for it, enjoy it, and then just be there for your children be there for your loved ones. And it's gonna be a great day welcome Dr. Michael gaita to with the wind. It's a pleasure to have you on the show. Dr. Michael Gaeta 2:33 Great to see you again. Paul. Thanks for having me. Dr. Paul 2:35 It's really been my pleasure to get to know you and learn from your expertise uh, you have a purpose to co create a world of vital resilient people who choose a lifestyle of nature first drugs last. I'm going to have you elaborate on that in a little bit. But you're a dietician nutritionist, herbalist, acupuncturist, 34 years and family practice x with experience in Chinese and functional medicine. You've trained well over 20,000 healthcare professionals in your 30 years of teaching. And you've been active nationally promoting medical freedom for 25 years. And you're also available for personal consultations. You do online courses, live events, you have a podcast at Michael gaita.com. You are a heck of a resource for folks, and I can't wait for people to get to know you better. Thanks for joining me. And tell me let's just some of our audience don't know you at all. How did you come into this work of patient care and education? Yeah, Dr. Michael Gaeta 3:32 thank you, Paul. And I yeah, my first careers in music. I was an entertainer at taught piano. I was a church organist, and loved helping people in that way with music, and felt a little incomplete though, I wanted to do more something more specifically to help people. And in 1987, I had my first massage therapy treatment at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York, upstate. And I said, Wow, you can this is like a career. So year and a half later, I was in massage therapy school, and was exposed to Chinese medicine there and just continued my studies for many years after that, in Chinese medicine, and then in functional medicine and nutrition, and have just loved being just working with people over the years. And although I love teaching, I love working with practitioners as well as patients. Because if I can help one practitioner, be a better practitioner for their patients, I'm going to help 1000s of people who I'll never meet through them. So it's a way to scale this philosophy of nature first, drugs last and to be clear, I'm not down on drugs or pharmaceuticals in the medical profession at all. It's just that they're overused. And there's a natural solution at least 95% of the time for anything a person may consider taking a pharmaceutical for. Dr. Paul 4:46 Yeah, probably 99% of the time. Yeah, Dr. Michael Gaeta 4:48 I that would be my opinion, too. I'd been conservative on that. Yeah, Dr. Paul 4:53 so elaborate a little more on natures first, drugs last How did you come to under stand that in what do you specifically mean? Dr. Michael Gaeta 5:03 Yeah, I've just seen patients who are the most hedgerows like kids who are the most heavily vaccinated are the sickest. And now we have the sickest population of children in world history in the United States right now. And with the adults, so the folks who take the most meds and the average older person in the US is taking six to eight medications average some up to 14 or 15. I've seen those two, but they're the sickest folks, they're just not well. And I've just seen that folks who use a natural approach simple, natural, non invasive, non suppressive, supportive approaches with diet, lifestyle, supplementation, herbal medicine, they just do better than better quality life, they don't need to interact with the medical system as much, which is a good way to stay alive. And use the medical system currently for what is good at, which is emergency medicine, acute interventions, Lifesaver intervention, and testing. And then the holistic paradigm lends itself very perfectly. And that's the nature first, to prevention, wellness care, really treatment, and non invasive, benign interventions. And thankfully, I would agree with you 99% of time, that's all you need. And then certainly, we have that great acute emergency care system in place for those rare emergencies. But these days, over 80% of our medical costs in the United States are for chronic disease. So clearly, we have a chronic disease epidemic that nobody wants to talk about, because it would involve messing with pharmaceutical profits, because the interventions or lifestyle interventions are natural, benign, non patentable, non pharmaceutical interventions. So this doesn't get any press. But people are waking up, there are far more visits to natural, complementary holistic practitioners than conventional physicians. And by the way, it's been that way for 30 years. So it's been a massive explosion, just groundswell of interest and desire for a nature first approach, not to exclude the pharmaceutical interventions as needed when necessary. But thankfully, as we agree, it's rarely necessary if you're good at the natural sign, and helping support self healing and self repair. Yeah, Dr. Paul 7:24 regardless of whether you're relatively healthy, and then thinking about our viewers here, yeah. Might be sitting here watching, and I'm one of those adults who does have a list of medications and chronic conditions. Or maybe I've either lucked out or I'm already doing probably a lot of the things you're going to suggest right now. Yeah. But what would you suggest as those key ingredients to wellness and being healthy, that we should all be doing? Yeah. Dr. Michael Gaeta 7:52 Yeah. SS so good, Paul, because the a lot of times the simplest interventions are the most effective. It doesn't have to be fancy. And having taught a lot of practitioners, they often come to all what's the special remedy for this or that. And in our functional medicine program, just last week, one of the doctors was saying, Oh, this patient, they're just tired all the time. And what's the remedy? What's the herb? What's the supplement? Has some so they they may need that? And we'll talk about that. But are they sleeping? How are they sleeping? Are they wait? Are they sleeping? Well? Are they sleeping long enough? Are they waking up refreshed? And they're like, Oh, I hadn't thought about that. So sometimes it's the simple things the rest, sleep making sure you wake up refreshed, exercise, physical activity, relationships, a loved one in connection with loved ones, your diet. Simple thing says Jack Lane was a chiropractor by the way, said famously he said nutrition is King exercises queen and when you have goals, you have a kingdom. And he also famously said if it tastes good, spit it out. And he was very much needs to live not live to eat. And what he also said If man made its own eat it, this sort of natural approach with diet, lifestyle, rest relationships, Stephen Covey said what really matters in life is the quality of our character, our contribution and our relationships. I really think that's those are some very important basics to attend to. I have a little checklists, I asked the patient on intake, how are you sleeping? Do you wake up refreshed? What are your patterns of physical activity and stress? How are things at home? How are things at work? Simple things, but you'd be amazed as you've seen him, we've seen so many 1000s of patients over the years yourself, you know that these are lifestyle factors that can sometimes have the biggest impact? And yes, can we get very sophisticated with natural medicine? For sure. But it's not instead of looking at the basics first. Dr. Paul 9:47 Okay. I know because we've spoken earlier before that the diet or what you might call nutrition, Let food be your medicine. Yes, there are specific recommendations you make And I'm wondering if you might just go ahead and elaborate right now. Kids particularly Dr. Michael Gaeta 10:04 or anybody, anywhere, yeah, a couple of things, we now have a true epidemic, not a fake scam demic, but a true epidemic of chronic disease. And what we call metabolic syndrome, which is basically mitochondrial dysfunction caused by a nutrient a micronutrient deficient, but sugar heavy diet, and this is now we have 80% of adults in the US have some version of this. We have at the moment, about half of the adult population in the United States, at least is overweight or obese. About half the country is diabetic or pre diabetic. And these are very terrifying things because this leads to more everything cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, which is now understood as type three diabetes, let's sugar damage to the brain will be called glycation damage. All of these things are very significant. So a low sugar diet is very simple, but it's really important. We now lead the world. And sugar consumption, Paul, from two pounds per person per year in the year 1800 to 102 pounds today, per person per year. That's four and a half ounces of sugar per day. And many of my patients and students they're like I don't even eat sugar. So that means other people are eating a lot more than again, their share. So they're eating half a pound of sugar a day, Dr. Paul 11:28 or more. Maybe high fructose corn syrup or short. Yes, Dr. Michael Gaeta 11:32 exactly. That makes up about 40% of the sweeteners is this up to 55% synthetic glucose, paired with this GMO fructose from corn. So it says very dangerous stuff. So a low sugar full fat, high protein based on physical activity, but a full fat diet, plenty of fruits and vegetables, preferably local, organic, Know Your Farmer as much as he can. And if budget is a huge concern, at least eat more fats and vegetables, and you'll be in good shape. So grass fed beef and olive oil and eggs at least a dozen a week. All these things are very simple and very health promoting. So we start with the basics, getting three or four hours of exercise a week, getting outside every day, getting in the sun, fresh air, attend to the the relationships, especially those closest to you just cherish those who are right next to you in life. And that allows us to be effective and serving a larger circle, but don't neglect those closest to you calls and it takes work to have those healthy relationships. But it's a Stephen Covey said it's one of the things that really matter in life has character contribution and relationships, simple things. So diet, exercise, sleep, rest, relationships, social health, connection with others, really important basic things. And they and now the evidence is all coming out. Now in recent years in the published literature, of how important these things are, for example, study came out that to folks who participate in some type of group, I was in a men's group for 10 years, twice a month. And folks who do that just twice a month, reduce their cardiovascular risk by 40%. A lot better than any stand never could. There's just simple things that social relational health. And even Dean Ornish, who tragically recommended this low fat diet in the 90s, is now acknowledging that cardiovascular disease is primarily disease of isolation, not fat consumption was the nonsense that came out of Harvard in the 1960s. These are simple things. And yes, I can get very, very sophisticated in terms of natural medicine. But it's always on a foundation of these lifestyle factors that are the foundation for good health and just a good life of good relationships, good contribution, and, and just a life of vitality. Dr. Paul 13:47 Yeah, thank you for outlining all that. It is simple in the sense that these are things that we all can do and should do. But are we doing it right, on a consistent basis? And if you're struggling, and I think we all do to some extent with some health challenge here and get back to those basics. I want us to pivot now to something that I know you teach on and that's detox detoxification. Yes, our world is crazy toxic to the point where I don't think it's possible to completely avoid toxins. Yeah, maybe you could touch on some of the worst exposures that we're all experiencing. And then just the very quick overview of what can we do to start at least getting these toxins out of our body? Yeah, Dr. Michael Gaeta 14:33 for sure, Paul, and yeah, a colleague of mine, who is an environment who is a behavioral toxicologist now considers toxicity to be the primary driver of disease, where a century ago it may have been pandemics, and which had nothing to the elimination of which had nothing to do with vaccines. But these days toxicity is one of the main drivers of disease and we live in the most toxic environment that any human being Any group of human beings has ever lived it. People can read about this in the book, the 100 year lie by a science writer Randall Fitzgerald, a classic book on chemical exposure. There's many books about this now. But this is affecting us in enormous ways in terms of our Hormonal Health, our chronic disease or chronic inflammation, often driven by this chemical exposure. And so the statistics are pretty intense. We have even the world homicide organization that WHO estimates that 4.6 million people die each year, from causes directly attributable to air pollution. That's just one example. There are over 140 contaminants in our drinking water. 100 of those are carcinogenic, has some environmental working group and July 2017, published in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry A few years ago, they're finding pharmaceuticals in 24 of the 28 US metropolitan areas they tested. So it's just everywhere, it's in the air, it's in the water, it's in the food. It's in what we voluntarily put in our bodies in terms of overuse of pharmaceuticals, and synthetic vitamins, which are nutraceuticals. These are all synthetic chemical isolates, that have very deleterious effects on the body. So what to do about that is a simple principle one part of it is NPC which doesn't mean a non player combat and and video games, but no purchase chemicals. So be aware of what you buy, and what you put on your body. Whether it's body care products, cosmetics soaps shampoo, for China buy plant based things I really love Vermont soap company, Vermont soap.com, they pump they put out natural organic type of products that are very safe and non toxic to use for everything. More companies like that produce non toxic stuff that you put on your body. And that you also are foods avoiding GMO and glyphosate, and packaged foods and sugars and things like that are really important. And honestly, we just can't do it anymore. Paul, without spending some time at least once a year doing a cleanse, we're starting Rs Rs at the clinic and we're doing it for the month of May, folks can jump in and join us. We're doing a group cleanse online, as our annual cleanse together and the which lasts 21 days. So something like that is very important for everybody to do. We just need some housecleaning a springtime, my daughter and I are going to go out and hit the garage and clean it out and sweep it out and organize it. We need the same thing for our bodies pulling in an annual cleanse, a purification and detoxification, a mind body cleanse again clearing our minds of toxins as well, which just is mostly the mainstream media is really important. Just as it's important to just clean your kitchen and to your laundry and all those other things that we do to maintain our homes and environments. We need to do that with our internal environment, because of the amount of toxicity and we're seeing the effects of this all over the health outcomes and diseases. The chronic diseases that we're seeing, thankfully, is preventable and reversible. Dr. Paul 18:13 Yeah. So you mentioned about going organic and avoiding as many toxins as you can in your food. I'm sure that includes if you are gonna eat meat, it's free range. It's not Yes. K fo Yes. What about eating specifically address water? I feel like there's a lot of toxins coming through water even as you mentioned municipal water, people think it's good. It's horrendous? And what are the range of ways that people can get better water? And then suddenly, is there anything we can do about the air we breathe other than moving to a wilderness area? Dr. Michael Gaeta 18:51 It's a good question. Yeah, I'll just say what I do. And by start out with local spring water, so that's from a local spring, which is regularly tested, I'm in Boulder, Colorado and don't have a well of my own or something like that, or natural spring that have my own. So I get like a spring water from a local spring and then I run it through a Berkey filter. I'm not an expert on water filtration. That's just what I use. I know there's a ton of filtration systems available. I really can't comment on the the nuances and the differences of each one but some type of gravity fed filtration system, starting out with as clean water as you can get. And then passing it through a filter is very important to filter out some of that stuff and also shower filters, that that's half water that you identified very accurately and importantly, as toxic and potentially dangerous. We're bathing in that, that's really helpful to put either a whole house filter or at least showerhead filters on because you're bathing your body and that stuff. And everything that goes on the body goes in the body through the permeable membrane of the skin. And so you have to be attentive to that as well. So I think starting out with just clean filter Add water and not assuming your municipal water supply is safe is very wise because at scale, it's very difficult. I understand I've had students in seminars whose spouses and friends who are in the municipal water filtration industry, they're very proud of what they do. And appropriately so I'm sure they do take out some bad stuff. But at scale, for an entire town or city, you can't possibly hope to filter out all this stuff, you really want to filter out, meaning I'd rather not have that in my body. And so all of the testing that's been done on these sorts of things show very concerning levels of toxins, including the Forever chemicals, the P, FAS PFA s, pharmaceuticals, it's very difficult to remove these things at scale. So I'm not blaming the municipalities, they do what they can, we've got to take responsibility for our own water supply. And just in terms of emergency preparedness, you need to have systems on hand that you can dump anything into rainwater, lake water, pond, water, rainwater anything and come out with drinkable water, you've got to have something that's robust enough to dump anything in, and it'll come out drinkable. And that's just basic common sense. Because we don't know nobody knows the future, we don't have a crystal ball. So in addition to having some storage food, preferably about a year, it's important to have stored water and waste to filter water as well, your rain catchment systems, things like that. Because you just got to take care of your family. Dr. Paul 21:36 You touched on something I wasn't gonna go there. But let's do it. Preparedness. So we've got the water, how the heck do you get a year's worth of food stored safely? Dr. Michael Gaeta 21:45 Yeah, it's tricky. I haven't gotten there yet. Paul's still stocked. But Eileen, I maybe have two to three months. So I've got a ways to go some of my prepper friends, they've got two to three years. And it just fills up their basement, like I have a storage room and a closet, but I don't have a whole home my whole my my basement is my clinic, and my teen hangout room for my kids, and I can't fill the base, it depends on the person's individual situation. But it's good to have a target and you get as close to that as you can just like food, it's good to have a target a local organic grant, yeah. But doesn't mean you're gonna get there just means you have a clear high aim, it's important to have a healthy, high clear aim. And then you get there as best you can, I'm happy to if my patients eat nine, 90%, clean 10%, whatever, because we're going out to eat, we're going to parties, we're going to take a cruise, you're gonna be on vacation, life happens. So you're gonna need some crap. But if you have enough of the right thing, you're going to handle well, some of the wrong thing. So same thing with preparedness, you do what you can, the easiest way to do it, Paul, and this is what I try to do is just add a little to your weekly buy, right? Everybody buys food every week, and use Add a little too little can this little dehydrated that and that's one part of it. And the other part is just long term storage foods that will have a shelf life of 25 years or so freeze dried stuff that is gonna go the distance and you just mark your calendar. So you eat all that stuff before it expires. or rotate it out. It's done. You know, long cycle storage is part of it. So again, I'm not an expert on this. I'm just doing what I can to make sure I can take care of myself and the kids. Dr. Paul 23:23 Yeah. So you've been practicing holistic family practice for 34 years. What are what advice do you give to parents to be? How do you have healthy kids today? Dr. Michael Gaeta 23:33 Oh, boy, you're also a world expert on that, Paul. But the first thing is to understand what causes kids to get sick. And again, we have 40% of our kids now are overweight or obese. And one in five kids have been prescribed psychotropic drugs. And one in five kids have under untreated dental, over 10% of kids have asthma. Kids are on screen media, they spend a lot more time on screen media than with their parents. So they're subjected to whatever's coming through that screen on social media or whatever. So it's over seven and a half hours a day of screen exposure for kids is very serious, bad stuff. So if we look at the what I've identified as the seven main causes of childhood illness, the first is the diet. So high sugar, low fat, bad stuff, highly processed chemical ice foods. So the most highest sugar consumption population in the world are American adolescents. So basically teenagers, where the latest stat from just a few months ago is 16.4% of total calories are from sugar. That's insane. And so even more than the American average of four and a half ounces of sugar per day, which is astronomical. kids, teenagers eat even more in the US. Lack of exercise is a big thing. Kids are more likely to be in front of a screen than running around outside in many cases, and they're just not like when I grew up. I got over school went outside until mom called us in. And that's a pretty decent approach. Get outside, be with your friends get on fresh air, run around, run hard, play hard. Kids need that. So a lack of physical activity that's important. And screen media, the latest neuro psychology research, and these are not holistic Sciences at all. They're just pure data, neuro psychology these neuro psychology researchers. They don't have a they don't have an agenda. That's not Joe Mercola right. The wonderful holistic osteopath, right? This these are straight up conventional neuro psychology researchers, they are saying that kids should not be exposed to screens until puberty, which is pretty crazy. I mean, you know, compare that to the American culture of the eye potty, which is a potty see with an iPad older, and the little baby is sitting in front of an iPad while they're having a poops. That's insane. So the neuro psychologist or even telling us kids dude should not be exposed to screen media until adolescence or puberty, so 1314 years old, but at least 10. So parents just have to be parents like I'm the parent, I don't negotiate with kids. Here's your food. Here's you're not getting the phone that you're not getting, you're just staying off screens, you're going to read a book, be with your family, be outside with your friends, draw, do something creative play an instrument, but kids are massively overexposed to media and screens and therefore EMF, which is another big thing. So a simple thing people can do pause unplugged their Wi Fi at nine in the house, just turn it off. If it has a power button, turn it off. If it doesn't have power button, unplug it from the wall, you don't need Wi Fi while you're asleep. It's a simple way to just reduce EMF exposure in a simple way, in addition to not having a microwave oven, and then we have all the chemical toxicity. We have endocrine disruptors that are messing with kids they're having. We have Xeno estrogens that are in you've seen this and when you're practicing, and younger and younger girls are having men arc or the onset of menstruation. younger and younger. We have 1910 year olds having their periods now these are Xeno estrogens environmental chemicals that interact with the same measurements major sources of those are wet plastics and aluminum cans. Those are big ones, conventional cosmetics, and I and just conventional foods, but I say the big offenders are body care products and anything stored in plastic is not a good idea. The lining of aluminum cans and those plastics is by phenol A which is a very strong endocrine disruptor and estrogen agonist. So it's a key that plugs into the same lock that our bodies estrogens, the endogenous estrogens like estradiol, they plug into the same receptor sites and activate an estrogen response. That would normally not happen if it was just the body's own estrogens on its own. So these endocrine disruptors are everywhere, and that we really need to be careful with that in terms of food and water. And you mentioned air, the only thing we really can do, and I have a bunch of plants in my in my sunroom is my office. So I'm surrounded by about 20 plants. So plants are good and some sort of certain sort of filtration system in the house, either by room or a whole house system, something like that can really help. And new house construction tends to be pretty tight and have more advanced filtration. So but we got to reduce that chemical exposure for adults as well as kids, and then a vaccines the easily the greatest cause of childhood disease, now a major cause of adult disease with the horrible catastrophic genocide jam. So the COVID murder weapons is a massive issue. Steve Kershaw's research suggesting a 70% of all chronic disease comes from the vaccine schedule, including covered shots. And then just over medication, we're taking too many drugs we have 4% of the population, consuming at least 50% of the world's total pharmaceuticals. With that just 4% of population. That's overmedication, and we're getting terrible outcomes for the greatest expense, worst outcomes, and a lot of collateral damage. So these are some things that are just very simple. And we can get fancy with supplements and herbs. But these are the basic foundations that really make a difference. Dr. Paul 29:16 Awesome. So I had an interview with you recently, where you taught me something I don't know how I missed it. But I think we were discussing what should you have as your basic supplement system starting with vitamin D? And then you were you were talking about a form of calcium? I believe it was that Yeah, sounds like everybody should have maybe if you could just work through went through COVID. And people were ill prepared on what they could do themselves. Yes. And just in case so these masters of the universe who seemed to like to bring new pandemics Yes, I have a sense that you can comment on this but they made so much money and they gave so much power. With this COVID operation, I've asked why public health systems intoxicated by the power and the pharmaceutical industry's pockets are lined with billion? Yep. They'll try it again. Dr. Michael Gaeta 30:12 Oh, it's just a matter of when Paul. Dr. Paul 30:15 Yep. So what is your advice for people on overall being prepared for whatever might come at us? And then some specifics on what, what things you should have in your home? Yeah, Dr. Michael Gaeta 30:25 great question, Paul. Again, prevention is better than treatment, right. It's better to prevent and treat an ounce of prevention still worth a pound of cure, even with a bite inflation. Prevention is the most important. And when folks who attend to that tend not to get sick at all, and if they do is very mild, and non serious and self limiting, and no biggie. This specific federal lifestyle things we talked about supplementation wise, for kids, especially, it's less important for adults, but critically important for kids is calcium. There is a reason why the calcium channels in the gutter the widest open in childhood, compared to adulthood, about 10 times more open for calcium absorption now the gut into the blood. And so kids are constantly division, calcium and fever is an indication of that not the only one is not the only reason for fever, but a lot of the fuzziness and red cheeks and low grade fever and just feeling hot that kids who are not sick, get when they're teething. That's just calcium deficiency. If you give that kid and what I use, I've used this countless times in my practice is calcium lactate, which came out in 1935. And is just some calcium lactate powder is a very simple preventative for kids and adults to but less important for adults, but especially important for kids, especially when they're sick, or just to maintain good health. My foundation is which is basically a good food base. I try to avoid synthetic vitamins. I used a lot of those in my early years of practice to synthetic chemical, chemical, isolette, nutraceutical type of formulas and focus more food based supplements, which are safer, better, cheaper, more effective. And I think that's important. And just use like a multi type of formula. But again, a food based multi nada synthetic, I use triple cattle and for kids, regular cattle and for adults, and then some type of fish oil. I love cod liver oil, because it's nutritionally broad. And liver is one of the most nutrient dense foods in the world in general. So cod liver oil is great, too, as a daily Omega three, that also contains some D, and F. And a vitamin F is the companion to D to balance calcium metabolism. So you get the three fat soluble immune vitamins in the cod liver oil, a F and D, you have adults Dr. Paul 32:45 and kids take cod liver oil and salts Dr. Michael Gaeta 32:47 in cans for sure. You know for sure it's wonderful. And so that's good thing. And then some type of multi mineral because of soil depletion or foods just don't have the mineral content. He's nitrogen based fertilizers drive production at the expense of soil health. So if you're eating organic foods, it's going to be less of an issue. But a lot of folks are just deficient and trace elements or trace minerals. Where I am in the Rocky Mountain region, there's no iodine in the soils. So basically everybody in the Rocky Mountain region typically is low or deficient in iodine. However you do that I use trace minerals, B 12, as a basic mineral supplement, but there are others that are available. It's just what I do, and assess a good foundation. And then we can add specifics to that. Check that vitamin D, that 25 hydroxy, D up to at least 50. Mercola recommends 60. And found make sure you also check not just their D reserve which is a 25 hydroxy D but the active D which is the 125 D which is the calcitriol target of about 40. for that. So vitamin D is very good preventative. And folks to correct the deficiency, at least in my practice. I'll give them about 4800 to 5000 units a day with a balanced amount of vitamin F cataplexy, if at the same in the same day, so you don't have excess D, it's a common functional medicine mistake to give D without F. And there's some debate about is f the same as K two and might be I'm not exactly sure about something like that to balance out the D you don't want to give on an unbalanced D or D alone. Then once you've got that sorted out, I think it's really important to an incident a huge issue with the COVID scam demic was zinc was a big issue. And the virus the the lab bio weapon to plead in people's zinc by using their zinc reserves to copy itself inside the cell. And so it induced a zinc deficiency, which then led to a loss of taste and smell, which is a cardinal sign of Zen one of the cardinal signs of seeing deficiency, I would refer your listeners to Michael gated.com/zinc. So into this mineral as a nutritionist that I made a whole educational page about it. I recorded a one hour video just going through one study that came out in the fall on sink and cancer, which is amazing. And it's just a simple tutorial. Here's how you test, here's how you replenish, here's how you maintain and foods and supplements and all that. So zinc is very important. And making sure your zinc sufficient, which we do with an RBC zinc one test for the hair analysis. And when the zinc taste test, then there's lots of other on the herbal realm, probably the most important preventative, and but also the most misunderstood herb in the world as akinesia. This originally was just used as needed when you're sick. That's how it was used about 150 years ago. Now we understand what the last 30 years so actually 40 years this point of research, that this is a preventative daily healthy aging herb, the best in the world comes out of Australia. It's called akinesia premium. And that's just I've been saying that every day for 20 was a 23 years. And it's a daily preventative that you can increase the dose of if you feel yourself getting sick, but it works best when it's in your system already at the time you're exposed to something that might make you sick. Current research also shows that it reduces anxiety and encourages fat loss and weight loss and can even improve sleep. Very important herbs you had to pick one preventative verb, that would be the one and then there's a ton of herbs that are great to have on hand as needed, as well as other preventative herbs and you can use black cumin seed every day, and not so much the oil that's a an isolated fraction, but a full spectrum. black cumin seed is very helpful. And I really recommend people have for preparedness, some Chinese worm when I'm writing a book on the subject now I'm in into Chapter Three on trains Wormwood Artemisia Annua, that's been used for 1000s of years, literally 1000s of years, one of the oldest herbs in the world for Chinese medicine, won the Nobel Prize for the first time for an urn in 2015, along with ivermectin and and it's a very important herb that you can use preventatively, but also is great to have around in case he gets sick with something more on the serious side, viral, parasitic, even bacterial, that's a really good one to have on hand. And what's nice is you just take it for four days on 10 days off, four days on 10 days off, and you can repeat that as often as you like. So the best product in the world that I've seen is artemisinin forte, which has eight grams of this leaf per tablet. So it's a very concentrated full spectrum product. Any of these products are available on our store at Michael gaita.com/store, along with a lot of other great resources on testing, foods and lab tests and things like that. So those are a few I could talk about herbs for hours. But those are a few things I would suggest. Dr. Paul 37:52 Thank you. That is a super introduction. I'm headed off to your website, when we get off of this call. Get sure myself some of these things that I didn't have already. So I really appreciate that. Just to wrap it up. And then Didi is going to have a little fun with you just on a personal note here to close out the show your parting message for our audience, people who I think too many of us, I don't do this much anymore. But too many are watching the news and thinking that what they're seeing and hearing is real. And on social media and you get all these messages get reinforced from your friends and acquaintances because they're watching the news and social media and it puts people into a state of fear. And I think they are no longer really connecting with their soul and their purpose. And they're losing their health as a consequence. So what would be your parting message to our viewers about how to navigate this crazy time we seem to be Dr. Michael Gaeta 38:56 Cray crushing PA and I think your first few words are the most important mainstream watching mainstream news. So the first thing is just to disconnect from that we're starting to, we're doing a group cleanse with people around the country this month. And part of it is immediate, fast, where they're just taking in. They're doing a conscious detox, a media detox, no mainstream media, no newspapers, internet news, anything like that. And you're just connecting with people reading inspirational literature, whatever that means for you, and just unplugging from this propaganda machine, which very effectively caused put all of us into severe systemic, population wide societal fear. And as you know how the body works as well as I do, Paul, when you're in a state of fear, you're not thinking thought ends because you're in a you're in a survival mode. I'm afraid my life is in danger. Something like that. Or that guy not wearing a mask is the enemy. All this nonsense. The unvaccinated are the enemy, all this nonsense and put up puts people in a state of fear this virus will kill you. If you don't, if you don't get a vaccine, all this fear, literally you can't engage in rational thought, or a healthy social relational connection when you're in that state of constant fear, and that is how this societal psyop psychological destruction really happened was keeping people in a state of high fear all the time. Now it's the bird flu, right? Because COVID People are thinking about it as much going back to No no killing, you get back to normal, gotta be afraid, some new year some monkey pox to be afraid of, here's some bird flu to be afraid of. Here's some whatever to be afraid of us climate change to be afraid of carbon dioxide to be afraid of all this crap? Well, this is absolute nonsense, is just designed to keep people in constant fear, where they're very easily manipulated, because then you can just tell them who the enemy is, which are the people who don't agree with official government narratives. So there's creating divisions. So we're fighting each other instead of realizing the real threat or the globalists technocrats who want to enslave the population in a surveillance state. And and we think that we each other is the enemy, right? It was very clever, and very effective that planner for a long time. And it worked. I think this unplugging like just disconnecting from mainstream media is very important if you want to live a healthy, effective life. Dr. Paul 41:27 Amen to that brother. Dr. Michael Gaeta 41:28 Yeah, we've published a book on this is called a fast media fast by a professor at Emerson College, Dr. Tom Cooper, one of the leaders in media ethics worldwide. And we published his book, which you can find anywhere fast media fast talk from Dr. Tom Cooper, he talks about the talks about this from a societal perspective, and practical things you can do to have immediate diet or immediate fast. Wow. Dr. Paul 41:54 Thank you, Dr. gaita. I really appreciate your time. And I'm going to have the Hoover wrap it up with you. And I look forward to talking to you again soon. Oh, Dr. Michael Gaeta 42:03 you can count on our whole thing is I so I appreciate you and and our connection and our many wonderful, fruitful conversation. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 42:10 So I'm gonna dive in deep to some of the things that you talked about with Dr. Paul and play a little bit of devil's advocate because of a lot of the families that I work with. And I hear so many things that you know, I want to get your answers to so first of all, are you married? Dr. Michael Gaeta 42:29 I am not I am divorced to seven years now. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 42:32 Okay, so you're single so brilliant women pay attention. And are you have kids because I heard you say something about cleaning a garage with a daughter? Dr. Michael Gaeta 42:41 Yeah. My daughter is 15. And my son is 19. Oh, wonderful, wonderful kids. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 42:47 Good ages. And then did you go to massage school in Colorado? Dr. Michael Gaeta 42:52 No, I grew up my first 40 years. I grew up in New York City. I grew up in Queens and New York and moved to Colorado. 14 years of Swift actually, this was 15 years ago. Wow. I love Colorado. We I live there. Yeah, it was a big upgrade. I wanted to get the kids out of New York City while they were little so they can have a different experience. But they we still enjoy going back to visit family. That's DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 43:14 awesome. And I asked that because I went to massage school in 1990. Dr. Michael Gaeta 43:18 Oh, me 289. You know, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 43:21 I'm a body worker still. Alright, so what made you in 1987? When doing the massage therapy? you when you were talking to Dr. Paul, I know that when again, I know why you dove into that. Like you said you were doing music. I was in the restaurant industry and then dove into massage because I wanted to do something more, but I needed some free and paid the bills. So for you, you then said oriental medicine? Did you do a jump right into acupuncture? Or did you do massage as a business first? Dr. Michael Gaeta 43:49 That's a great question. DDN in New York is interesting with massage therapy because I got I received my first massage treatment in 1987 when I was 18. And I'm like, Well, you can do this for a living. I'm like, This is great. I love to use my hands as a pianists. And I wanted to help people so I could use my hands and help people and make a living. Sign me up. So in 1989 I was ended up in school for massage therapy. And New York State is interesting. You have to learn a little bit of Chinese medicine. When you go to massage school. Quite a state mandated it's in the statute, you have to learn a little bit of Asian bodywork and that exposed me to Chinese medicine and East Asian medicine and that philosophy. And it was actually thankfully the focus of the school I selected near college health professions was a massage school, but their focus is actually on the Asian bodywork. So they went much more than was required into Chinese medicine. And then I was like I'm home like I love this. It's a whole worldview that has a spiritual foundation and an ever a personal and evolution and collective evolution and it has this whole spiritual component to it and philosophy worldview that I found very appealing, and studying course miracles at the time. And it all just fits together. And so that's when I kept going instead advanced Asian bodywork therapy called amo therapy, which is a Korean system, and then kept going and went to acupuncture school, after I'd been practicing for a few years, and then started practicing acupuncture in 1996. So I went to school in 89, practice and 90. So acupuncture, advanced and upper body work, and then acupuncture school 93 started practicing and 96 and then was exposed in acupuncture school to nutrition and functional medicine, and was like, wow, this is pretty cool. And so, go went did a pretty deep dive on that through sort of independent study, with some of the greats in the field like Jeffrey bland and other folks. Yeah, so it's been a it's been a wonderful journey. And then when I moved to Colorado, I switched from full time practice and part time teaching to full time teaching part time practice. So that's what I've been doing the last 15 years, is focusing on practitioner education. It's a way for me to leverage benefit in the world. If I can help one practitioner, be a better practitioner, I'll help 1000s of people, I'll never meet through them. And that's very satisfying, because we have a culture shift that we're co creating together to nature first drugs last. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 46:22 So with vaccination, did you vaccinate your kids? Sounds like you are already in deep in that you wouldn't have but did you know? Dr. Michael Gaeta 46:30 No, I didn't. And it's good question, didi. Because I really didn't have any I was fully vaccinated as a kid. And what that meant was six shots, not 79. Today, sorry, nine vaccines today. And even with that small vaccine schedule, I was born at the May of 69. So I'll be my birthday is at the end of this month. And the money even then I had chronic ear infections are the most common side vaccine side effects, which is media, and tons of antibiotics and had all these health issues as a teenager that resulted from those antibiotics. And so I didn't realize that till later, but the light bulb went on, when 32 years ago, maybe 33 years ago, at this point, a mom brought her two and a half year old in with all these problems, asthma, eczema, ear infections, neurodevelopmental regression. And I didn't think anything about vaccines in particular, I got vaccinated, hey, I'm sure they're great. And I just asked her just curious, I was just doing an intake and just the thought popped into my head to ask a question. When do the symptoms start related to a vaccine visit? And her face when she said that I She's like, I knew that's what it was? I'm like, What do you mean? And she told the story of how his symptoms started within days of his two year vaccine visit. And she called the pediatrician he saw it's a coincidence had nothing to do with it. So it's gonna happen anyway, the usual stock responses. And I said, that's interesting. I never heard of that before. And then a couple of weeks later, a month later, another kid came in, I asked the same question, same answer. And this has happened now for the last 32 years, every time a kid comes in, what was the relationship of the onset of symptoms to vaccine visits, they're very closely related to those 244246 months, one year, two year, six year shots, and bad things happen. So I was like, Wow, that's crazy. And that's when I went started to go deeper into the literature, reading the research, or what's been published about vaccine side effects and was appalled. And then when my wife at the time was pregnant with our son, this is 20 years ago. So I want to get this right. I know when I saw I doubled my efforts, I was already horrified. But then I was like, we gotta get this right. She's a very smart attorney, great legal research, great researching, reading, finding stuff. So we both dug in hard into the medical literature. And we were like, as no way. We're putting our kids through this. And DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 48:58 keep for that later. Oh, Dr. Michael Gaeta 49:00 well, I think there's three things that because they see all their friends are so sick, and they see firsthand, there's some of the healthiest kids in their class. And I've just seen this over and over again. And now a lot of unvaccinated kids come to see me and they're easily the healthiest kids in the country, especially when they get some natural health care and some of the lifestyle things we talked about with Paul. So yeah, I'm very thankful, just super thankful, endlessly every day that their mom is still on board. I've heard so many horror stories post divorce, where one of the spouse or one of the former spouses is like, Alright, great. Now I can get the kids vaccinated. And then bad things happen and it's just strife and illness and injury, sometimes death. All kinds of bad things happen as well as like relational conflict. So I'm very appreciative, very thankful that their mom has stayed on board with keeping them unvaccinated. Despite having her own most of her family are physicians and pediatricians. and pharmaceutical, medical doctors and all of this neurosurgeon, radiologist. So she's had all this influence of good now get the and now that wacko weirdo acupuncturist is out of the way, go get your kids all their vaccines to catch up. I don't know if that's what happened, I'm guessing. But she has stood firm with that. And I'll never stop being thankful for that because I can just imagine kids getting a catch up schedule with 79 shots, or 79 vaccines put into some combinations. I'm just very thankful for that. Yeah, DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 50:31 that's awesome. So diving in here, you first of all, vitamin F. Let's hack. So I'm sitting on the other side of the screen. I'm hearing you mentioned vitamin F. So I went straight on Google. And on our was good idea. Vitamin F. And you mentioned the k two, but even what I just looked at just the last few minutes ago, it it didn't show like the link or it's one or the other. It just there are there is vitamin F. And so what I want to dive in more to is, you know, lots of verbs, you gave a lots of information. So I already take a lot of supplements. Sure. And so my and with these families that I coach that kids are having issues, I talk about organic food, I talk about everything you do we go through everything rationally, all the supplements to help with anxiety, all those things pack so many of these families cannot afford it. Sure. Oh, I, I, again, constantly I'm in this battle of what do you say to a mom that struggling, especially a single mom who's rarely making ends meet. And to feed three, four kids sometimes that cannot afford organic, she's doing her best her kids don't even they're going to eat with they're gonna eat, especially in the teenage years. All the supplements that you're talking about the vitamin F that I saw was like 60 bucks. So what do you say to that parent that just says I can't afford to do that. I want my child to be healthy. I love my child. But I can't do what you're saying to do. Dr. Michael Gaeta 52:08 For sure. Yeah. And I always tell an every new patient, I just had a new patient on Tuesday. So when I see patients is on Tuesdays, and the same conversation came up, I said, Look, my promise to you is I'll always find a way to work within your budget, whatever that is, I've treated single moms with two jobs and three kids and put them on a sliding scale where they just paid $5 for their visit. And with the supplements, we'll figure it out. I always, I don't guess what a family or an individual can afford. I always recommend what I would do, if it was me. Or if it was my kid. Or if it was a family member, I always start with what I think is optimal. And then I'll say this has to be doable for you like pill count. And it has to be sustainable in terms of cost. Because it's not something you do for two weeks, right? It takes one to three months of treatment for every year a condition has been there. So typically, my care plans are six to 12, six or 12 months. And we need to come up with a supplement schedule that you can manage, in terms of he'll count in twice a day, and what you can afford. And so my job, if they're not able to, here's the best, this is what I would do. If it was me or my kid, then it's okay, I can't do that. They'll give me a number, here's my monthly budget for supplements. Then my thinking cap goes on. And I prioritize. And I figure out okay, what's the best use of for example, I had a, I recommended a protocol for a child and parents like we love to we just can't afford it. That's okay, tell me what you can afford. I'll figure it out. And they told me the budget, whatever it was $50 100 hours, whatever it was a month, sometimes less, sometimes more. And I just prioritize, okay, this is the best use of that. And we'll rotate formulas every month or two. So you're getting everything over time. Right? Just like with sometimes kids and eating, sometimes it takes a week to get that balanced meal and they're spread out among their different meals. I always find a way to work within a person's budget and food first foods the foundation always and if 100% organic local diet isn't in the budget, okay, that's fine. At least reduce the sugar, increase the healthy fats, simple thing to do, and many times increase the healthy protein. If that doesn't have to be very expensive. And if it's not organic, if you're just eating more eggs, right? If you're just eating more vegetables, if you're eating more foods like that, nuts, seeds, meats, vegetables, fruits, simple things like that, even if it's not organic, that's better than what they were doing before. And we've and there's been a lot of research done on that exact subject that you're bringing up DD where they've looked at populations where they are They just switched from conventional crap to convention You're no good. And right is not organic is not local. It's not from Whole Foods or whatever. And it makes a big difference. Because you're attending to macronutrients, right? The big blocks, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and even if it's conventional foods, there are much improved outcomes. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 55:18 There are, there's lots of options out there, too. It sounds like we coach a lot. Similarly, which I love. That means I'm on the right track, you know what you're doing. So one of the things that I would like you to speak to, too, that I share with families who again, say I can't afford all those things, I, I struggle with my kids to get them to do certain things. And I work with that my biggest population is teenagers, and young people with anxiety and stress and so forth, back when Dr. Paul came up with a COVID protocol. And he had all of his little meds and supplements and different things. I added what I thought was three, and now I have four. That's really important in a regime. These are vitamins and nutrients, they're probably not on your list, but they should be. And that is love, joy and humor, folk to love. And I've added kindness. And so I'll share with parents, even if there's a lot of outside things that affect us. And like you said, screens and different things that I'll take them out of that afford because they can't afford to play games at home. They can't afford to go outside and throw a ball, they can't afford to laugh to watch video, they're gonna, their kids gonna be on a screen like I've got a kiddo that he wants to use his half an hour of screen time for gaming. And I talked mom into doing funny cat videos with him. He said that it was humor, and there's laughter and they're doing it together. And I think that's how I tend to coach on that. So can you talk about too on some of the way you mentioned it with Dr. Paul, with relationships and people and how those affect us, especially our children are picking up on our stress? Dr. Michael Gaeta 57:01 Huge? Yeah, for sure. It's great question the and just, I didn't completely answer your question. Vitamin F was discovered in the 1930s. Now had been the 1920. So it goes back at least a century. And it's an unsaturated fatty acid complex found in liver as well and kidney as well as flax seeds, and other food sources. And it helps with calcium delivery into the tissue, which complements vitamin D, loading the blood with calcium. So you think of a Freightcar the vitamin D loads the Freightcar vitamin F and which is the blood vitamin F on loads the freight car as the destination which is the cells and tissues. And yeah, and that $60 bottle cataplexy F large, it's going to last two to four months. So sometimes that'll fit for a budget. Sometimes it won't. But but it's not like that per week. So anyway, yeah, so DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 57:58 they're explaining that. Yeah, Dr. Michael Gaeta 57:59 it's important because these are conversations I have all the time patient. Yeah, so the non physical factors, again, we're dealing with our societal malaise, a lot of it, or what we're calling now diseases of despair, diseases of isolation. And for teens and having to teens, I can attest to this directly. That's a very common experience. They're finding their way in the world. Sometimes they feel alone. Sometimes they feel isolated, sometimes they feel disconnected. And what they will gravitate towards is the shiny new object, which is their scroll on Instagram, or what's happening on Snapchat or something like that, I understand that. And it's really important for parents to be parents, the kids need us to guide them, they don't know what's best for them. And we can't expect them to know what's best for them. I was doing all kinds of weird stuff when I was a teenager. And and it's important to have that positive parental influence and authority actually, right. We're not asking kids, honey, what would you like to ask him a three year old? What would you like to eat today? No, the kid doesn't know what they should eat, you know, when we're not negotiating with kids, so be the parent and provide that loving surround, which also includes firm guidance. Kids do not need us to be their friend, that kids need us to be their parents, then I encourage both my kids to spend time with their friends, to pay attention to having good friends, I have kids who are a positive influence, because we become who we associate with in this significant degree. So good friend choice is important. And to prioritize that every single time because oh, I CAN I HAVE SO and SO over the answer is always yes. And then who else you want to bring out so just encouraging these positive connections, and the more kids are connected with their parents and with each other, the less they're connected to the social media and video games and all have that. And again, I've had the old same challenges. My son loves his fortnight and whatever. He's 19. And I hope I've given him enough of a foundation. I think he's making good choices now that he's in college. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 1:00:11 And that's so really staying on that too. Yes, I know, we're the parent. And again, some of the parents and people that I'm working with, there's a fine line there with, like you just said is, yes, you want to be loving, and you want to provide support, but especially with working with the vaccine injured population. Yeah, these kids, and I'm going to speak about my son personally know, the, the connection he had with gaming and his friends online and all those things, if he didn't get something done, or if he mouthed us or whatever. It's like, Nope, we're limiting your gaming, sometimes that itself, coming down on them, for him especially created more stress and more chaos. And as a mom, my heart was, I don't want to see my child suffer. And if this is what allows him to feel connected and better and on track, or whatever the case is, and mine is now 24. And he still games all the time, and doing well. He came out fine. But I think that's the struggle is we do as parents here. No, no screen time after this time, no gaming at this time, none this time, and that you're the parent, so you can make it happen. That's not always that easy. So what do you say for Dr. Paul 1:01:24 sure? It's Dr. Michael Gaeta 1:01:26 completely agree. Yeah, for sure. And part of it is, especially as kids, so there's a certain of there's a little bit of like when they're young, like 123456 years old, even up to nine, where there's a significant transition into a different level of awareness. And my kids were both went to a Waldorf school for 12 to 14 years. And so there's, they have some useful perspectives that Steiner taught. But so when they're in early childhood, kids need structure, and boundaries and guidance. And that, and just because I said so is all they need to know, Mom said. So dad said. So that's how it is. And they relax into that, actually, they need to know that there's an adult authority figure that's holding them as they get older, is a very important word for me that I found was to add be cause, give them a reason, give them an explanation. Here's why. And then the older they get they looking for that Why are in the way that we both been through the whys. Why? And that's a good thing. Like we want to encourage them to ask questions. We want them to learn to question authority, right? Particularly when we see what the government is doing to our kids, and what government schools public schools are doing to our kids, we want them to challenge and ask questions always. That's very important. Yeah, can be annoying when they ask why 37 times, but give them a reason. Here, Honey, we're going to just like you says, Great suggestion, we're not going to do screens after a 30 or nine, whatever it is, and here's why. You'll sleep better and you'll have a better next day and whatever you want to say about it. So adding because can be very helpful, especially as they emerge out of early childhood, and into adolescence and tweens and all that and teenage years. So that's important. And yeah, you've got everybody's got to find their own path, do what works for you. As I tell every patient, I suggest you decide on who is making suggestions, it's your choice to what you want your aim, because I've had parents who like decided to vaccinate their kids. And I was like, It's your choice. It's your I respect it. My job is to give you information, tell you what I've done with my kids and why. And then you make your own decision, it's here, you've got to find your own way. So I try I used to be I've been doing this for a while in my early years, I was a little more rigid and high horse and I will tell you and what's best for you. Now let's you know what I suggest you decide I'm going to make very clear suggestions when to give you clear reason why, and then make your decision to what makes sense to you. So I'm a little less rigid, I think that I did in my early years and appreciate all the patients that kind of had to suffer through that. pontificating a bit. Because I really believed in natural health and holistic health and this sort of thing. And now I just have an I suggest you decide. And I respect your individual choices and sovereignty with what you want to do with yourself and your kids. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 1:04:28 And that's really important. It's the same thing that we also do that with coaching too. So I'm going to step back just a hair. Yeah. You mentioned that with kids, you know, to explain things and you had said when they're really young, the young ages, you're the parent you make the rules, and that you can say because I said so. So of the W because I said so. For me growing up was a huge trigger. I had made a decision that I would never tell a child at any age because I said so. And I hear that and so I I started, I just want your thoughts on even with little kids, I think it's really important. I coached a three year old, just recently who was going through some things. And mom, they were doing the rules. And it's because I said to do this, because this is the reason because this is the rule, or whatever. And I learned by working with her and my own child we did that we always explain, even though the brain is not fully developed, and we have to remember, even as a teenager, it's still not fully developed. I was really sure my child was going to be a lawyer, because the kid could argue me Yeah, insane. And so I think that's the thing is, you are very much correct. We have to be there for them. Love them explain. And I always say instead of saying, because I said, so I'll always say, because I love you and I care about you. Dr. Michael Gaeta 1:05:47 Wow, that's great. That's paying for you. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 1:05:51 always throw in that dig. Parents use those and they're like, Wow, that actually worked with my child. Dr. Michael Gaeta 1:05:57 Yeah, that's an option too. And I have to say I, because I said so I think can be useful. But I didn't use it a lot. I didn't write to like, it wasn't like I said that all day. Right? It was only DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 1:06:10 like you needed to for your kids, though. Pretty easy. Dr. Gay yet? Dr. Michael Gaeta 1:06:14 No, I know. So I get it. I've worked with enough families that like sometimes it's really hard. And I get that. I think of it as a funnel. Parents think they can let kids do whatever they want. And then there and then oh, yeah, when they get older, they'll narrow down into a no not at all, it's the you have to flip the funnel around. If you keep them in a with clear boundaries and guidelines and guidance when they're little, then they're in a place where you can open things up and let them be a little more and they need to become more responsible for themselves. Right? My son isn't is away in college like he's not I'm not picking his foods, right? I send him his supplements and he knows what you know, now at this point has some idea of what to eat. He's responsible for himself on the day to day and and all we can do is give them the best foundation we can. And I get it. We don't want to be authoritarian but we do want to be authoritative, like positive discipline, positive authority positive, because kids get very unstable and because I see most parents swing all the way into do whatever you want, honey, this permissiveness makes kids very unstable, and makes them very, like, they're not sure what's OIC what what they they have no foundation to stand on. Because they have no adult who's holding them in a loving guidance and positive parental authority. They feel very insecure. They need that security. Somebody's got this, right. So not asking my kid me just five, what do you want to eat? Here's your breakfast, man. And I was a little I messed this up with my son. And I was like, Oh, the first can you make a lot of mistakes. And the first kid and I went a little bit like, Oh, if you don't really eat, that's okay. What would you like to eat? Big mistake. So now it's you know, honestly, the nutrition is son doesn't eat vegetables or fruits. And it's my son. He loves a seaweed and you know, I give him his green drink to try to compensate. And he takes a supplements, but I gave him a little too much leeway. And I think that's the more common mistake. I don't see a lot of parents hyper authoritarian these days, I see parents more on the other side of do whatever you want, honey, whenever you want to eat whatever you want to wear, wherever you want to go, if you don't want to go, it's okay. Everything's okay. You, the kid runs the house. So that's more of a problem. I find them parents like super ultra rigid, which I never was. But I don't see a lot of that I see more of the opposite problem. And it makes kids insecure. They need that they need that they need to know somebody is holding them. And yeah, you're DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 1:08:53 right. And then the other thing that I'm sure you agree with is that there's a combination. And it also depends on who your child is and what your child needs, and really cry out for that. So what will you we've got to wrap this up. It's been amazing talking to you. So tell me again or tell everyone again? How can people find you? And you had just mentioned something to me earlier? About how you help people? Dr. Michael Gaeta 1:09:18 Yes, yeah, but two things. My life professionally is in two areas. I still play the piano and just about every day. So it's a nourishing part of my life. And I play a lot on Facebook Live for people. The two main things that we have as a school. So we have an online school, we have students, we have 28, close to 3000 students now all over the world who want to learn about holistic health and health freedom. Those are the two things we're devoted to at the school. So holistic health care. So there's a lot of Quiff, 34 courses 30 faculty, and says a lot of education, Michael gaita.com. Just click on courses. And then the other thing we have is the clinic which is my clinical practice and I work with patients on Tuesdays Most of my practice is remote and virtual by phone or video patients all over the world. And some folks come into the clinic here in Boulder, and sometimes fly in for an intensive set of work. But yeah, if you go to Michael data.com, go to clinic, then patients, you'll find our clinical practice, I'm happy to extend that for folks who want to see which education or think about becoming a patient, we can do a free consultation for them just to see what's a good fit for them, and to see if it is a good fit for me to help them, or what education that we provide that might be helpful. And then as clinical practice, if folks can do any initial evaluation, come up with a care plan that works for them. And yeah, treated just many 1000s of patients with everything that you could just about anything even named over 34 years, there isn't a lot I haven't seen, but emphasizing the kind of the great functional medicine stuff of diet and lifestyle functional lab testing, with nutritional and herbal supplementation, more food and plant based rather than synthetic. And, and then just homecare things, diet, lifestyle, home care, medical devices with PMF and light therapy, things people can treat themselves with every day. All that's Michael gated.com. And we've got a great I do a weekly podcast at 1pm. Eastern time in the US and Canada. Every Monday, we just had show number 208. Paul was on recently, of course, he was amazing. He always says, and I hope to have him back some time. And DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 1:11:30 before I come on, I get to come on net. Oh, we'll schedule Dr. Michael Gaeta 1:11:33 it. I would love that TD it'll be I would really enjoy having a conversation on the show with you. But we do that every Monday. And so we've got a lot of great resources, courses, podcasts, a lot of free resources there, the clinic and the school. Yay. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 1:11:49 Thank you so much. And Dr. Poloz. Right, you are amazing. I can't wait to learn more from you myself. And keep up the great work you Dr. Michael Gaeta 1:11:59 tuned at. So I so appreciate what you two are doing together is so needed. And I'm glad you guys have gotten out of the medical paradigm, which is very confining a lot of my functional medicine students in our certification program, we have a practitioner certification program and natural functional medicine. And we have a lot of physicians who come into the program, who do want to make the transition that Paul did out of allopathic medical practice, and so more of a holistic paradigm. And so we teach them how to do that. And it's really amazing what happened in that DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 1:12:35 world healthy. I think you said thriving was a word you use humans. Thank you. Dr. Michael Gaeta 1:12:42 You bet. DeeDee Hoover LMT, PMT, CCT 1:12:48 Hey, everybody, it's me DD Hoover, and I'm here today talking to with you from my soul. I want to talk about some nutrients, some my supplements, my vitamins that I use, that I mentioned with the interview with Dr. Guyana today. So it's love, kindness, joy, and humor. These are all things that I keep in my medicine cabinet. And for me, I realized today talking to him, that medicine cabinet is my soul. It is who I am. What I am what I want to be what I'm reaching for everything. And those things are so important. Yes, supplements are important. Yes, diet, exercise, sleep, you got it all. For my soul. I need those things in my human life. I need to thrive on love. And there's all different kinds of love. Bibi, we'll get into that sometime. There's unconditional love. There's there's so much to talk about with love. Kindness, our world is so divided. So divided. And if we're not kind, we can't accept each other for where we where they are. We need to have compassion and understanding and that is all part of kindness, joy, go have some fun. I love having fun when your soul loves having fun. In fact, that's what I have my most fun is when I'm doing my spiritual work and engaging in again, who I really am and what I'm meant to do here on Earth. And last, but not least, Humor. Humor is so important. I love to laugh. And sometimes no matter how hard things get, if we can laugh, if we can find the humorous side, the joyful side, the loving side, and continue to embrace those things and who we are. It's very powerful. Thanks for watching. Dr. Paul 1:14:44 I look forward to running together with the wind at our backs, revealing the science that gives clarity in our world that's full of propaganda and misinformation. Visit our website, doctors and science.com Sign up donate if you can Your support makes a difference and let's make this the weekly show the world has been waiting for thanks for watching I'm Dr Paul Transcribed by https://otter.ai Support Dr. Paul:TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DR PAUL'S 25% PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT APPLIED AT CHECKOUT
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
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