In this week’s From the Heart segment, Dr. Paul recites the Serenity Prayer: “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” He urges us to step into Spring by embracing the joy and new life this season brings, even while confronting all the struggles that surround us. We can bring transformation to our world by moving forward in peace, standing for justice, embracing joy, and letting love and kindness be our guide.
This week, Dr. Paul interviews businessman and founder of the PMA Team, Mike Columb. Mike is pioneering the rollout of Private Membership Associations (PMA), a constitutionally protected way of doing business in the private domain that presents huge opportunity for the medical freedom community. He discusses what PMAs are, how they work and why they are important. To learn more, visit Next, we meet nurse Rachel Byers, who has started and implemented a PMA here in the Northwest called Pro Medical Freedom, with a mission to empower, educate and treat patients and their families. Rachel’s incredible story inspires us to take our power back and to never give up fighting for our freedom. Visit to learn more! In closing, Bernadette Pajer, Public Policy Director of Informed Choice, WA, talks about the recent White House press release announcing an upcoming Covid summit. She also exposes some of the powerful interests behind the event that you will want to know about! #MedicalFreedom #InformedConsent #ProScience #ProImmunity
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We believe and stand for #Medical Freedom, #InformedConsent, #ProImmunity, and #ProScience
In this week’s From the Heart segment, Dr. Paul shared a heartfelt letter from a mother of one of his vaccine-injured patients who has been suffering from severe autism. She describes the current societal “woke” narrative that refuses to acknowledge or see the disability component of autism, especially as it pertains to severe cases. The danger, she says, is that if society refuses to see or acknowledge something, then it will never seek treatments, cures, or funding. Dr. Paul reminds us to hold space for those living with such realities. Rather than reacting out of fear and defensiveness, choose to respond with compassion, understanding and love.
This week’s show, we feature an interview with Amy Bohn, a mother, wife, advocate for children, and president of PERK (Protection of the Educational Rights of Kids). Amy discusses several California bills currently in play, highlighting specific PERK lawsuits, the issue of vaccine passports, and what people can do to take action. To learn more, visit Next, our very own DeeDee Hoover interviews Annie, Ellie, and Lauren, three sisters from Wisconsin who share their experiences navigating the social pressures at school while being unvaxxed and unmasked. In closing, Bernadette Pajer, Public Policy Director of Informed Choice, WA, adds a punctuation mark to the mask issue, warning that while we are getting a reprieve, we must be prepared to resist when it inevitably comes back.
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We believe and stand for #Medical Freedom, #InformedConsent, #ProImmunity, and #ProScience
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We believe and stand for #Medical Freedom, #InformedConsent, #ProImmunity, and #ProScience LISTEN Share with Friends & Family! Please bookmark and share this with your friends and family.
We believe and stand for #Medical Freedom, #InformedConsent, #ProImmunity, and #ProScience |
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February 2025