What if there were 100 articles that showed no link between tobacco and lung cancer? There were – paid for by the tobacco companies. The challenge with much of the research being published to disprove the link between vaccines and autism or vaccines and health problems, is that they are setting up the studies to look at outcomes that won’t matter. By design the studies will not show anything and are relatively meaningless. What we need when it comes to vaccines and autism or other long-term damage are long term studies comparing fully vaccinated or partially vaccinated children to unvaccinated children.
Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan is a place to start researching your decision on whether or not to vaccinate according to the CDC recommendations.
The Vaccine-Friendly Plan
Dr. Paul's book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, may not align with his latest findings on the Vaxxed-Unvaxxed data. However, it still serves as a valuable tool for those who follow the CDC schedule. The book offers peer-reviewed information encouraging parents and guardians to think critically about vaccine decisions. While Dr. Paul cautions against following the Vaccine-Friendly Plan, it can still be a helpful resource for those seeking a starting point for their vaccine journey.
Dr. Paul's research: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674/pdf, though wrongfully retracted as shown in this study: Revisiting Excess Diagnoses of Illnesses and Conditions in Children Whose Parents Provided Informed Permission to Vaccinate clearly shows that those children who were not vaccinated were much healthier than those who followed the Vaccine-Friendly Plan. |
The Addiction Spectrum
Opiate addiction is the single most significant public health crisis facing Americans—it affects over 2 million people and kills 115 of them every day.
I just heard about your new show on Vaxism. I am thankful that you are bringing this information to the public!
I found you from the series "The Truth About Vaccines." Thank you for speaking up. I have tried to follow you ever since and I am appalled that the medical board in Oregon has suspended your medical license. That is an outrage.
I have worked in the patient care arena (radiology) for over 40 years. I am currently retired and have time on my hands. I would love to help you in any way I can. Please let me know what I can do.
I enjoyed these first episodes. I am interested in researching this further and would like to know if theres a list of references for some of the statistics and studies. I’m especially interested on the study on lipids. I am finding many of my friends & family are marching blindly to be vaccinated & they view my reluctance as strange. I need some hard facts!
Dr. Paul,
Congratulations on your new show! I'm already a fan of your work and signed up to donate as soon as I heard about your new project. I became aware of your unorthodox medical practice initially through your contributions to "The Truth About Vaccines," and your occasional appearances on Del Bigtree's "The Highwire." I want to applaud your courage and your dedication YOU ARE A HERO --> KEEP IT GOING!
Love your show and the info you bring. I wanted to point out something you mentioned when you were discussing vaccines - the covid vaccine does not have a strain of the disease. Since later you discuss it as gene therapy, which it is, hopefully that was just a slip of the tongue.
I’ve tried to listen! After re registering multiple times & sharing with two friends. This is too stressful, sorry
Thank you so much Dr Paul. Priceless information for parents. Excellent first episode. Looking forward to many more. Well done!
dr Paul you are a modern day SUPERHERO!!!!!!
you are standing up for MEDICAL TYRANNY of the highest proportions.
thank you!
Your courage in attacking the most important paradigm in medicine, that of the vaccine, has elevated you as one of the greatest doctors in my lifetime. Many don't realize the sacrifices that are being made by taking this stance for truth and unbiased research. Keep up the fight and I will be following you closely.
I really hope the Oregon Medical Board gets out of the way of the people they supposedly represent because I would love to take advantage of your expertise as a pediatrician for our family. I just found you a few weeks ago but I am very impressed. Thank you so much for doing what you do.
Very informative and hopeful this news will spread good information to all. My concern is if my current pediatrician is not willing work with me on how I chose to vaccinate, how do I go about finding a pediatrician in my area that will? Is there a website you can recommend based on State or zip code to locate doctors that don’t use a one size fits all vaccination schedule?
I know you said long-term studies, but didn’t you recently do a vaxxed/unvaxxed study? Are those participants remaining for a long term study?
I am a fan of Dr. Paul's YouTube channel, and really appreciate his clear explanations of each procedure shown. You can see his compassion and enthusiasm. I also am impressed that Dr. Paul has decided to review his years of clinical data so as to generate knowledge about his patient population and health outcomes. It also appears that he has connected with a PhD-level researcher to assist with the analytical workload.
Now, however, is when I put on my science hat. Having a PhD, like an MD/DO, does not confer all wisdom for everything science. Different disciplines have their own methodological tools for which they have adapted specific assumptions that are held as truths. This means in plain English that one fields standard operating procedure may be held in the lowest esteem in another field. But unlike Medical Doctors, PhD's can essentially self-label themselves just about anything they want, except for clinical professions like psychology and education. That means that virtually anybody can call themselves a statistician or having a research program of advancing statistical methods. I have a master's degree in biostats from the Harvard School of Public Health, and undergraduate degrees from MIT in applied mathematics and economics, concentrations in data science and computer science applications. I have held positions at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Pfizer, and now one of the largest non-profit data analytics firm (Kingfish Statistics + Data Analytics) in the clinical trial, health economic and outcome research (HEOR) space. I offer this detail not to brag or to pull educational rank, but rather to provide some context around my training and experience.
I think it is important to recognize that even though the data presented from this clinic represent what would seem to be at first pass, the truth of the effect of vaccines over time. There are population selection effects into this particular health clinic that are not considered. Put differently, patients with different types of health preferences and backgrounds were selectively more likely to choose Dr. Thomas relative to another clinic. Following this logic, there are patients who also self select into the vaccine/non-vaccine group. This is a level of confounding that is typically not present in clinical trials, which instead randomize as a method to eliminate potential imbalances between the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups. The author with Dr. Paul in their latest peer reviewed paper discuss a method (matching) as a way to account for the differences in methodology between retrospective nonrandomized (Dr. Paul's study) and prospective randomized studies (Clinical trial data). There is a mis-conception that matching and therefore fixing the random variability in exposures (vaccine/nonvaccine) can eliminate confounding. However, there are very tight tolerances for this process to work, including the selection of the number of cases to controls (e.g., 1:4 rather than 1:1) and also further stratifying on key demographic and familial backgrounds. For example, it would have been interesting to do a sub analysis whereby biologically linked siblings with discordant vaccination records were examined. Genetic epidemiologists use forms of this ACE models to isolate variation into the genetic and environmental variation. The environmental variation however, is the variability that is not accounted for by genes---which is kind of stacking the deck! Nonetheless, economists and statisticians use principled procedures such as Heckman selection models, or propensity scoring/matching to further strengthen causal inferences. So, to prove that the vaccine has negative short or long term health impact, a researcher must satisfy three conditions: temporal priority (the vaccine of first observation time is given before the onset of the first symptom, confounders such as counterveiling or counterfactual explanations are adjusted through randomization or statistical control, and finally, there is a statistical relationship net of the first two. The study published by Dr. Paul and colleague did make some attempts, but did not use industry-accepted tools that could have been used to offer greater confidence in their findings. Taken together, there may have been differences in heath outcomes between the vaccinated and non-vaccinated, but only through well-controlled experiments and validated analytic methods should be used to support any claims of causal influence that vaccines are indeed bad or generate negative health outcomes. Respectively, JW Chan, MSc.
Hello Dr. Thomas! I was sorry to hear about the backlash towards you for the paper you published regarding vaccinated vs non vaccinated children. I’m however so glad to know the truth is available. Is there a link to the paper or citation available?
Thank you, thank you, thank you Dr. Paul for speaking the truth!!! You have research and FACTS to support your comments. I'm so tired of the American people just blindly following big corporations, the media, and societies pressures.
My family has personally experienced the awful side effects of vaccines. People should be allowed to make an informed and educated decision about vaccinating their child or themselves!
The idea of "must be fully vaccinated" to participate in my community is beyond ridiculous! My whole family had COVID, and while it was not pleasant by any means, we are all fine now. And, if you are vaccinated which you believe will prevent you from getting COVID why are you afraid of unvaccinated people??!
Again, thank you for this channel. I will share with everyone.
Where did you find the paper he published? Can you post a link here please? I try to keep an open mind and look at evidence but I can’t find any on this site, just ads for supplements, appeals for donations, and disclaimers saying this is not medical advice see your doctor.
As of currently, September 2022, does Dr Thomas still believe some childhood vaccines are still worth it or is he now 100% antivax? I have his VCP book, but would like to know his current thoughts on vaccines. Thank you
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Vaccinated Vs. Unvaccinated
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